Grey Knights vs Death Guard Battle Report 10th Edition 2000pts Pariah Nexus

hey guys it's v m b reports to we're playing the 2,000 points game between my GRE night led by the new cder Drago model which we've converted from abon the spoiler and Anna's death guard Anna please say hi hi and we'll see you in the game [Music] [Music] [Music] now playing P NEX Mission a and Tipping Point deployment which you'll see in a moment on the tabletop so first let's talk about my 2,000 points of Grey nights we actually have been generously given Opportunity by one of our clients to play with the models that we've just completed as a commission that's the new Drago model and the 10 Terminators with nuro basis as you can see very cool looking and of course this guy is a very cool one because I'll just show you now in a sec you can see he used to be abidon but then he turned to the side of the light and now he is Calder Drago so it's a model that was completely redone converted with all the new cool bits and obviously some pieces from the original Drago model like the banner over here and I think the Bolter as well so yeah it was a one of the most interesting conversion we've ever done for clients and we're going to ship this one out as well as the 10 Terminators as soon as the battle report ends in terms of other things I have in the list obviously three dread Knights I love these guys even though they are a bit more costly now than they were before obviously 10 Terminators led by Drago two Librarians both of these are outside of a squad and I also have a third librarian inside a fiveman unit and in the back over there we have two fiveman strike marine teams because for points purposes I could not afford the Interceptor so we had to use the strikes as our small cheap mobile units to go hold objectives use sticky objectives and sucha please tell us about your death guard you have something new today for us yeah I decided to change some things up in the list okay so what did you change uh so we have three crawlers as usual for shooting we have three drones for fighting mhm the usual combination yeah and we have three uh blight holers uhhuh um like they're like drones babies yeah the smaller versions of the phed blow drones uh and you have them remind me in one unit of three yeah one unit of three three okay we have uh Maran of course yeah as always yeah we have plague Marines but they don't have telon okay so yeah okay lost the telon I guess for points purposes yeah because he didn't fit it's a shame well I I think that is not going to be big problem for you because you usually have one card to discard in your turn anyways so probably you will not not notice it but we'll see okay uh so we have death shrouds as usual they are led by tyus number two um what's his name Lord of um viruses no almost almost of it's viral viral yeah pretty much okay Lord of V Lord of virence thank you and we have tyus tyus and we oh my God and we have uh pox Walkers pox Walkers okay so it's a it's a 20 man unit right mhm okay so 20 man unit led by typhus uh so cool okay interesting change to your list we'll see how more shooting can impact that against grey Knights as you've seen we have the three dread Knights so the plus one to wound that the Mythic BL hillers have may actually be quite helpful actually the drones as well are quite dangerous against Green nights yeah it should be a cool one on the volcanic world of vth Primus secret forge has been desecrated by the foul touch of nural the once glorious factorum of the mechanicum responsible for producing relics of great power now turns out nothing but death and Decay this corrupted Forge belching noxious fumes and molten slag into the air has become a beacon of pulin that threatens to engulf the entire sector Grandmaster cter Drago sensing the warp DED corruption leads his Elite greenit to cleanse the forge and reclaim the world but Drago's mission is not merely one of Duty it is deeply personal L ago in a battle of Titanic proportions Drago carved the name of his Fallen Manor Supreme Grandmaster jonan onto maran's heart marking the demon Primark with a symbol of his eternal Defiance Maran has never forgiven this insult and the two have clashed many times since as tro and his Force descend into the fiery depth of the forge they are met with a nightmarish sight the death guard led by meruan himself rising from the molten Rivers like specters of disease the air is thick with a stench of rot and though it seems impossible to Mar something as an inherently cleansing as flames the lord of the death guard proves up to the challenge the ground trembles under the weight of the corrupted machinery and merar in his massive form silhouetted against the glowing lava is ready to meet his old foe once more out of the smoke draco's Brotherhood Terminators their pinons glowing with Holy Light merging alongside the Towering nemeses dread Knights their dread fists crackling with energy as they march to confront the play Green for forces from the depth of the corrupted Forge the bloated forms of FedEd blow drones hover ominously their flash mowers spinning with sickening Force while the myphitic blight hollers skull through the Shadows their multi Prime to unleash Devastation the stage is set for a battle of apocalyptic proportions where the fate of the forge and perhaps the sector will be decided so know let's discuss how we deployed shall we yeah are you ready yes so here's my deployments I have put all my three dread knights in deep strike reason for that is I have learned from extensive experience playing with grey Knights that very often especially on boards that are not as closed well nowadays in paranics it's a bit easier but still they are so huge their bases are so huge and wide that almost always especially against armies that have shooting you will be you will have a situation where at least one of your dread Knights is visible and I've learned that I often tend to miss or lose sorry one because of the shooting so I'm trying to put them all in deep strike to see how they perform when they come turn two because I feel that in most cases I have enough resources to start like start the ball rolling and then support the action with them coming in so that's why they're there I have 10 units of 10 man unit of Terminators and drao over here behind this massive building and a fiveman unit of strike Marines ready to scout six onto this objective and probably stay there until the next turn where I will most likely leave because I don't really worry about Anna's one deep striking unit which is the dash roud if she deep strikes and stays on this objective that at least she needs to stay there one turn for her to stick it and then she can leave and it will be a very expensive unit control in this one so I'll probably have my strikes jumping around almost immediately as soon as they sticky that objective they will be leaving that and I have a fan unit of Terminators plus two Librarians which are separate so this one and this one over here in the closest ruin because I want to be able to react to whatever happens in the center of the board and this objective over here depending on what Anna does in her turn one so that's my reasoning for deployment Anna please tell us what is your deployment so my plague Marines are on my home objective Sher right so we have Pock Walker po pox pox Walkers pox Walkers yeah Fox Walkers sorry no worries no worries Fox Walkers like I decided to use them as a like a human shield but they are not really humans so it's actually interesting that you decided to do that because box workers as far as I know from the lore they actually are used by death guard as human like body meat could yeah they they send them out in front of them so that they catch all the bullets and then the plague Marines stumble forward whilst The Defenders of whatever place they're attacking already preoccupied with zombies attacking them so you are keeping it low accurate cool I didn't know that yeah um so my death shrouds are in the reserves uh-huh uh merian is standing here ready to give all the Buffs to crawlers and crawlers are crawling a little bit at the back of the bo deployment okay um uh why is that drone over there yeah so I decided to use drones as you know like like flank no no I wanted to say like pieces of Aid you know uhhuh ah Aid in units that that can help in whichever place there needs there is help required and also they are good for controlling objective markers so yeah they're very cheap this one will probably go into this objective marker and this one let me guess this one on this one how did you know that and actually I wanted to ask you I I've been looking at that whilst we're deploying why is tyus over here in this spot instead of like in the back of the unit where you usually keep him is there some reason for that because he moves he he has 5 in move so ah so so you're going to use that for what yes because I want to I want to go want go to the so you're thinking of advancing position myself like that and you always position yourself like that how how did gendal say um Gandalf yeah you shall not pass you shall not pass yeah yeah you shall not pass so yeah that's going to be them okay uh and we also have this little little babies uhhuh little drone babies as you call meic bolers yeah and they are kind of hiding behind the ruin M but at the same time they are ready to run and not really run but to move and Sho you can you can move through this part of the ruin easily with these you cannot move like past the half of this but this half is easily passable so you can move oh really I'm pretty sure you can move it yeah I I think that's what they mean by this I thought that we should treat it like this part yeah this that's why there's this thing through this thing you cannot move but through this part you can okay yeah that's convenient like that's super convenient because I'm hiding but at the same time I can pass through it so yeah that's perfect okay that's what the the same on this side so this one is just slightly bigger we obviously the ruins that we're using we're not using that MDF terrain that is very flat and not as pretty voluminous but the this terrain unfortunately is not perfect size unlike the MDF terrain so that's why some of these are slightly bigger than what you would would see on like tournaments where they use terrain that is exactly the correct size but obviously maybe less pretty okay so that is very nice I like your deployment I see you have some sort of plan that you want to catch me perhaps I'm I'm still I'm not sure about crawlers because I feel like I use them incorrectly why so I don't know maybe I need to position them like closer to you I I don't know because they actually need to see the target so yeah well as long as they can see at the end of your 10-inch move you've positioned them correctly if you cannot see anything then yeah perhaps that is a mistake I I don't think you you often encounter situations at least in our games where you don't shoot them early enough so don't think you're in that sense wrong okay so let's roll off to see who goes first shall we yes okay so let's roll off and see who goes first and good luck and wishing you a great game luck thank you likewise okay three and a two so that means turn one for gry Knights it's actually very cool that the grey Knights are now fighting Merin because it seems like Drago in his new primary size you could say form it has beef with his old Grudge mortarion he had carved the name of his teacher on his heart oh it was him yeah that was him that's the that's that story I I hope I'm not spoiling it for anyone but there is this element of the lore and it's cool to see that meran and drao are now again on the table yeah that's very Co they're fighting together well I say I should say against each other turn one I've drawn Clans and recover assets and here is Lu you got lucky yeah thank you was a good draw definitely so here is what happened in my movement phase essentially my strike Marines over here they've just Scout moved onto this objective the 10man of Drago with Drago did not move anywhere because there's no point in just running them up the board when I can teleport at the end of Anna's movement phase so that's what I want to do so this unit of strike Marines they have Scout move 6 in up and also move slightly I don't like it you don't like what like come out why are you hiding like why are you hiding I am hiding because I know that death card shooting can be quite devastating against the frail forms of grey kns they have no just don't worry don't worry come close it's going to be it's going to be fine right yeah you promise yeah okay so they moved six in up with Scout a couple of inches more and they are now on this objective so they will be performing cleans on that objective and recover assets will be performed by my fiveman Terminator unit that moved into the ruin they're still hidden by the ruin the two Librarians have stayed behind it so they are even safer in that way and essentially yeah that's all of my moves and that's my turn I'm not going to charge anywhere I'm not going to shoot anyone so yeah we'll see H boring and I taunting me she wants me to play the stupid Hammer which is run at your opponents and pray that everything goes goes according to I like it I like this strategy you like the stupid Hammer strategy yeah it actually works for some armies if you play if you especially if you're lucky if you're lucky and if you play world leaders for example well it's actually a very hard army to play I'm I'm just kidding world leaders don't be angry at me but yeah in some moments it can feel like you're just running up the board trying to kill your opponent okay so that is my turn I will get two points immediately and I'll get three points if Anna does not prevent my recover Assets in that Ru which seems like an impossible task for her for now but we'll see and we'll see you in her turn Anna please tell us about your turn number one and what did you draw yeah I've drawn Marked for Death and no prisoners Marked for Death I'll probably discard okay okay after this turn no prisoners I would not say it's good but uh it's something well you have a potential to kill a unit I think so where did you move what is happening here I don't understand so I'm trying to spread my plague Marines the way that you can okay so you're screening that z n inch me you know 9 in yeah sorry I thought it was like a common term in Warhammer no no there's no term like 9 in in someone it's really yeah no I I thought I heard it somewhere maybe I don't think it was the Warhammer was some it was some other website yeah probably sorry I can't help it but it's a good phrase yeah actually it is very me yeah yeah it's it's very logical right yeah okay so you've N9 inched yourself yes exactly uh what else so this drone moved forward the objective marker it looks like it's not the objective marker but it is no actually from this side you can definitely see he's on the objective marker okay he looks so funny with that fat fat backside he bloated yeah it's a bloated room yeah he eats too much pizza yeah so box box workers yeah box Walkers they moved slightly forward because just advaned I yeah I Advanced I rolled three and it wasn't enough so to get on the objective yeah that's why I didn't move to the closer to the center and I moved this drone to CER so it it can be like a screen okay so you actually have one screen two screens there's a drone over there so you and there's a screen over there so I think because I don't want you to kill my little babies yeah my little babies yeah they are protected the by horse from that I can actually see them so keep that in mind I can see them down this line so technically I can drop like here and draw a line of sight to them but at least I'm not going to charge in them not going to charge them with yeah I want you to charge them yeah that makes sense cool so I'm ready to shoot okay let's do that so first light haer sorry first what's his name crawler yeah those names I hate them they're cool but I hate them me too where are you going to shoot the first crawler is going to shoot your librarian you are a very bad person Anna do you know that yeah the one that has this nasty oh actually yeah I forgot to tell the viewers that I have the guy that has the orange count orange uh base around him so this Library over here has the enhancement called Sigil of exgen so it allows my me to whenever I am targeted with shooting once per game I can essentially remove him from the board and Anna can then redesignate the targets for shooting so Anna tries to bait me to use this thing are you going to use this thing I'm not going to use this thing I'm sorry because there's no point to do that because you anyways you just do the do the same thing to the other guy Okay cool so by the way you have two CPS right yes okay so and I also have two CPS yeah you also have two CPS yeah I did not discard It Card yeah so I have two CPS okay D6 plus three D6 plus three one that's a great start thank you Anna I appreciate it so much thank you um so four shots hitting on fours so and that's one little hit already oh yeah and you have chosen roll on to wound right for okay so just roll one to wound it wounds okay so I have two saves to make let's hope that I can make those two plus saves because if I can just keep rolling let's not because I lost previous game in to win this one you need to to win this one okay okay it's two passes for now that's a good start okay next one next one okay four shots which is actually seven shots better that's better My Librarian this this guy he is slowly turning into a pile of goo behind the ruin so there's just a pile of crap growing around him he can suffocate at some point well hopefully not this turn okay I am aiming for Force you have only hit me once well that's because GW doesn't want you to fire indirect that accurately and I'm glad like how well that's yeah that was a bad rooll actually you should have hit with two more or three more depending on which side of the 50% are you on I'm sorry I think I will never recover from that psychologically yeah we need to find your therapist now yeah okay that's so 3 hours later and a few cried tears that's actually cocked it's cocked yes but it would not be a wound so it's a good thing for you yeah it's a wound it's a pass for up sorry for the glare on the dice but I really wanted for this special battle Report with this special m Mr color Drago over there I wanted to use the GRE night dice instead of the V Min ones okay next last FL D6 you need a good roll here please oh oh yeah that was the good roll I was talking about actually it's funny thing funny thing is you only need three fails for I need to make three fails to lose the librarian so it's possible that you kill him unlikely but possible let's roll here okay for these dice they are weird they are weird yes they they often give you incredible results but then they take that back yes it's either all of them are sixes or this yeah I'm sorry only two hits which means the librarian survives this turn and just for you grait fans out there if you like me talking about Theory I've been Theory crafting this list for a while and sorry Anna for it's okay so essentially my idea is that I really want to have long range Firepower in the list I hate using Alli so that's why the obvious choice which is canister Rex is not something I really want to run especially in tournaments I try to keep it correct and vanilla and I don't like running allies especially when it's like a whole night so I wanted to find longrange Shoon which essentially exists only in the form of the dread knights in the grey kns list and that's why I'm now running three dread Knights problem is then when you have three dread Knights and you have three Librarians and you have Dro plus Terminators you don't have enough Terminators or points left to buy Terminators to Le The Librarians so only one labaran will actually be protected the second will have the temporary protection of s job exence the third one just doesn't have any protection at all and that this game is where I'm testing how actually vulnerable those Librarians are those two Librarians are when they're alone thank you for waiting on I please continue actually it's a real okay one it's a pass I'm sorry so the task of killing librarian is uh has been failed you have failed in that and The Librarian Is Now standing in a pile of [ __ ] you will have to scrape that away whilst we are counting and as victory points which yeah I did absolutely nothing yeah absolutely nothing no prisoners and Mark for death both this will I will discard what about no prisoners do you want to keep it or do you want to discard it you can discard them both but it not will not give you more CPS obviously I mean what are the pros if I pron if I well you would want to keep the no prisoners in your hand if you think that perhaps in my turn or in your next turn there will be a possibility for you to kill multiple units at the same time which can be for example if you have just almost finished a unit but did not and they are like a couple of units that are almost dead you want to keep no prisoners in this Cas start them both yeah yeah okay thank you for this turn and we'll see what I can do in mine when Anna is so Cy and she pretty much stayed where she was just keeping the screens up so Yuri what did you draw I've drawn defense stronghold and secure lman land I promise guys I'm Shuffling these before the game I also let Hana do the cut of the my of my deck but this game for now at least I'm very lucky with the cards so defend is very easy secure no man's land is also quite easy well yeah almost it is yeah it's almost automatic if these guys are not not dead I feel like you're insulting me right now why so it's it's just it's not fair I'm sorry yeah I'm sure luck will turn on on you well turn to you I should say soon so I've gotten three points for battle line for raise the BS actually which is just get your battle line on an objective and that's essentially what I've done and I'm now on this one I've touched that one and I've touched that one with battle line so that's why three points Anna has one point for raising the banners because of her play R on that home objective in terms of cards secure is going to be easy if I can still keep objective number one meaning that these guys have just walked out of the ruins and they'll charge the Drone hopefully they kill them and they going to keep that objective to themselves I have deployed all of my three dread Knights they are now ready to shoot theic blers and hopefully dwindle them to some manageable size I have deployed two of my Librarians they've deep stuck well teleported with the teleport strike so because I could not advance that far out of the ruin and they are now in line of sight of the Drone inside the ruin hopefully they'll be able to just warp warp Smite him out of the existence because I don't like him being here it's a very awkward position to deal with I have tried to position anything in this area but it was too obscured by Anna's malefic I should say wisdom so she protected this area as well as the other Corner over there with the plague Marin so I could not really deploy anywhere in the back I could probably squeeze like a one model unit like librarian over here but I didn't want them to be so exposed so that's why there's nothing here and that's why Drago Squad is all the way over there so they are ready to pounds on the box walkers in the ruin it's not the best unit that I would hope to charge with a 10 Terminators and drao of course it's a bit of an Overkill and it's an awkward place to be not as close to the action as I would like them to but and I screened me well so that's the best thing I can charge for now yeah so that's my movement phas let's now see what I can do in the shooting and how much damage I can do also I've gotten 10 points for taking hold because one point here and one objective over there oh wow 10 oh wow well you are also on Two on Two well I actually three objectives you did control three before I moved out of the ruin so I don't know why you laughing like this so first I'll shoot this thread Knight into the Mythic B floor over there so I think you can turn on minus one to hit if you want to for one CP yeah would you want to do that mhm uh just keep in mind that one of my guns on this is a flamer so be automatically hdden but it's not the most powerful gun so you probably should do it anyway okay sure okay so you're down to three command points again I'm up to three in this turn so six shots this time hitting on fours look at that five hits and and I will hate me after this game I promise you these dice are original GW dice they're not waited yeah okay so actually only one one so yeah pretty much it came back to the norm in the second roll so one wound each it's AP minus 2 in ignoring cover so you need a five up damage three it is so you failed oh don't worry it's your five up in vable save it can fail sometimes I think Anna wants to succeed in every role right yeah D6 shots with the flamer bless you six shots six hits actually and wounding on fives three wounds AP minus one ignoring cover so your four plus saves three fails okay okay no I need to switch these di switch these dies okay we're going to come back in a second oh and I has switched the dice and I show them the dice please you're now playing with the boy dice that was the girl dice pink Dice and now the boy dice okay so you have four ones left on that my BL holder a reason why guys I'm starting over here is because this guy can only see one drone where the second one can actually see the side of the second drone holler in the third one can definitely see two or one if I kill the front one so that's why I'm doing it from this side to that one just a little piece of advice for the beginners out there so let's continue this dread Knight will shoot again his S Cannon heavy s Canon I should say so I need Force to hit which I hit twice and as minus one hit helped wi two instances and wounding on well that definitely works sixes so 8 tus 2 in damage okay so what is happening why good thing is that you can you only lose one guy because it's still like a normal multimod unit so you you take six damage but because you had four wounds remaining and all those six damage are absorbed by one model so you lose one guy wow thank you yeah that's very comforting so does it explode roll the6 no okay so it does not explode let's find out what I have on the flamer six shots again six six hits and that's two wounds AP minus one damage one AP minus one ignoring cover where are you where this guy no I mean what are you shooting at oh the the same unit everything in that unit oh okay what did you wait I thought I was not shooting at the Drone I was shooting at the the holler this one oh sorry keep the Drone no I'm not shooting the Drone I'm charging the Drone okay sorry guys a little technical technical issue okay so we're back to normal this drone is still alive and that holler was has been removed and he has all the wounds uh yeah he has full wounds yeah I've not touched him yet so so it was two wounds two wounds yeah AP minus one so you fail both I guess it's just not my day today keep believing in yourself I'm sure it'll come back to no I won't no and last Red Knight shooting into the same unit of hollers and that one is on eight wounds remaining maybe we can get lucky and kill another one but not with this roll so just slightly above sorry below average and but I wound actually twice so you are T9 I'm pretty sure so yeah it wounds on the three plus you have succeeded in one case so that's three damage and the flamer now five hits I wish I roll like that all the time two wounds 8us one so we did not kill second holler but we managed to scratch the paint deeply what's the range of your 18 in yeah so are you sure yeah yeah okay uh is it cocked yeah it is yeah definitely it's not flat okay so all both are good that's nice so you're still what Five Wounds remaining yeah okay cool now we can proceed to Librarians over there in the corner so they will be shooting at their target obscured by the ruin but it's not actually obscured they can both see the Drone so first librarian and these guys prone to exploding their heads as any know are you wishing them that no no no oh you're kind they're they're kind of cute cute the lians you like them they're alone they try to be a Warrior without an army yeah okay so first one succeeds Tod three more Ts five more Ts into the I have nothing no no protection from that to protect me from that oh my God the best protection is for me to roll once and the second it was five ws right yeah and actually before I do the second librarian let's shoot the actual guns on the librarian just in case so two of his comi weapon shots don't hit his one shot which is The Purge Soul hits and I need a five to wound no and let's shoot the actual shooting of the second one before we use the vortex because yeah theoretically I can kill myself before I get to shoot the normal guns so you're best to it's a good idea to use them before you use the vortex so it's a wound and it's a devastating just one devastating so it's one damage poor I'm sorry grey kns are vicious this is the army that I bring to tourament I just really wanted to play them and I wanted to showcase the nice models that we have prepared for Vincent so that's why we're playing TR death card against the grits and second Vortex of Doom oh that was that was intense but it goes off and I need to roll three plus on both Tes to succeed yes okay so it's five more tunes and it finishes off the Drone which actually was quite unlikely because the liberians are on average they four wounds each it didn't explode didn't explode okay so that was lucky on my side to have killed him I should have done only eight wounds to him and we have a bit of shooting from this side over here so Drago can see the the drone over there with his sword with scourging so which one Dro this guy the sword no I mean which drone can you this guy oh okay yeah sure three shots with the scourging I don't think you have the demon keyword unfortunately even though well let's be honest this looks kind of demonic doesn't it I think the huge eye inside of this drone in the center with the bloodshot eye it looks kind of demonic but okay GW knows better in in this case definitely so two hits I hit on twos and I wound on fives that is a six but it's cocked so I'm going to roll it it's a five it wounds AP minus 2 I think ignores cover yeah so five up two damage okay so that was Drago and I'll see how many guys in the unit can actually see the Drone it's not going to be much because most of them are going to be obscured by this container over here but we'll see okay so only five terminators can see the Drone and they are definitely outside of rid fire so it's going to be 10 shots 10 humble shots from the bolters UN likely to do much but maybe we can blink off a wound and make it easier for the actual charge to finish it off so hitting on threes not that great and wounding on sixes one wound and before I ask to roll a save I'm going to shoot drao Bolter which is two sorry two shots and he hits twos that's why we need to roam separately and no wounds okay so one wound only from the squad and that's 3 plus eight good good okay so no problems there and the only thing that is left to shoot I think is the fiveman unit with the librarian that is right in front of that drone and there is a librarian there so we can actually get to see some morals and let's actually do that now so librarian into the Drone it's a six so 2d6 more that's cocked okay so it's seven more uh so it has one remaining one one remaining yes then that is amazing so one it's actually I think it's it's kind it was kind of risky because yes you want to charge it and uh yeah actually considering that it's not it's it's not mandatory for me to use my shooting and it's not a shooting attack so I not didn't really start the shooting yet it was an ability I'm not going to shoot now I'm going to stop it's a good idea yeah because I definitely will do what I wound with my charge and I don't want to miss an opportunity to have a charge yeah because you need to move forward I I don't necessarily need to it's like it's like a free move I want to yeah I want to move forward slightly but again I don't necessarily need to but I want to in this case I think so I'm going to suspend the Char the shooting and proceed to the charge maybe you want to think about it uh yeah give me a sec after a couple of measures I decided and thank you Anna for giving me a chance to think because actually because of the merian over there he's a big threat so if I charge the Drone I'll be significantly closer to him and therefore I will probably be in a very good charge range of meran where I am now I'm pretty safe so I will actually shoot my guns let's try purol first hits and wounds against the Drone AP minus two without ignoring cover but what's that and we don't see four but yeah I don't think it's cocked are you sure yeah okay so it would be a fail God bless this throne yes may he ever be happy in the nuro's realm actually will it exp does it explode it does yeah it does so I suffer air wound from that a moral wound and liberians don't ignore mortal wounds they only ignore psychic attacks okay okay so my squad has lost the wound you've sprayed me with some nasty toxic goo before departing okay so that was my turn I have oh no sorry of course it was not my turn my charge d go against the pox Walkers and sies so let's see what I roll here you need nine I need a nine but I get uh a 9 plus three because I use my once per game ability and I have to declare it before I charge so I would have declared it beforehand because obviously I don't know that I'm going to roll a natural 9 so I have used it up now and I'm going to move in and try to kill as many box Walkers as I can including typhus typhus is just a big box Walker in armor is as far as I'm concerned okay so this is how they moved in the Drago and two of these guys are fighting through these two that are actually in baseo base contact with the Box workers and the other guys are fighting just through the wall one inch because they are close enough the Box workers so we can actually fight like this and the two guys are just out of sight of the combat waiting for their turn and that is going to be four attacks for each Terminator so so 32 attacks my math was off there for a second and of course drao with his attacks I'm actually going to use Precision now which is the Epic challenge because I want to try and snipe out tyus because he before sorry he gets to strike me and I think this is the perfect opportunity so three command points go to two command points I don't think I've ever I've used the CP before no no time okay and this is going to be Drago against Tyas with his six attacks can I do something about it uh with tyus let me see you can spend two CP and make the the attacks damage to for well minus one damage for the entire unit which maybe I should do just that you could yeah because then it would be significantly harder for drao to kill typus and also P Fox workers remember they had five up shrug so now I have two damage against each one so it's very likely that each attack that goes through the same okay I have convince you yeah I like I like how easy it is to convince you in this logical things that's trust you yeah thank you so much okay so Drago now it's going to be harder for him to kill tyos because tyos is now very smelly he becomes he became just all of a sudden very smelly he stinks he hasn't showered in years in thousands of years actually yeah imagine that and yeah he's Drago is over there and tyos is just over there you can see the form of his side so I'm I imagine they're fighting right through this wall and Drago is using his Titan sword to like pierce it right through the concrete okay so six attacks hitting on twos sixes which I rolled four of them are lethal hits and this one is also a six imagine that five sixes oh my God imagine how much drao hates tyers that's that's how much so now you are pretty much safe it's very unlikely for me to kill you because you need to fail three saves for me to kill you and don't fail three saves nothing is impossible nothing is impossible nothing is off the table yeah okay go ahead good luck thank you I think I've just asked you not to fail three but you have a command point and you can roll save I don't think it's going to work you don't but they you'll lose tyos if you don't roll no I mean of course it's worth trying but I'm just I think you're going to fail you think you're going to fail okay I think you're going to okay go ahead try it let's find out I knew it I knew it's not my days spent three CP to protect him yeah yeah I actually have spent three CP to project him now I feel bad because I suggested you to no it was it was a right thing to do but statistically you should have survived yeah because statistically I think like I hit out of six attacks I hit five times well one of them is probably going to be lethal hit out of the four well four other rolls that I have to make they are wounding tyos on threes yeah because he's T6 and I'm strength eight yeah on threes so it's like three wounds should be three wounds out of those four total wounds that Anna needs to roll only two should be fails yeah just statistics and and a CP roll yeah statistics have died today on this table I'm sorry Anna okay I hope there is still some power left in the death card tyus I don't think he explod make him explode roll it roll it because Drago has fil pain against Mortal WS no he doesn't explode he just he just blobs on the on the floor on the concrete floor of this room I'm sorry let's look at this guy just a little fart before I [Laughter] go perfect thank you this is the Ruby tier typees model yeah you fought well yeah he's is actually a very good model just this game he wasn't like yeah I like him yeah he's a very cool model he doesn't cost much he has the Mortal one power okay now the pox Walker so I have 33 attacks to fight against them attacks hitting on threes okay I'll count that so it was six lethal hits and TW no sorry five five little hits oh yeah sorry five little hits and three stuned so uh yeah so this is from the first batch eight wounds and I have 12 more rolls to make more attacks hidden threes unfortunately it's threes because minus one hit from tyus doesn't work anymore so these were hits and wounding on threes again three wounds sorry I cut you off my bad okay uh 10 11 wounds in total from the Terminators not as many as I thought to be honest I was hoping for more but after we kill tyus I'm not going to complain so no saves just the F no pains five UPS essentially five ups are now your saves but yeah damage to right damage two becomes damage one so you have five up Sav you don't have a save I thought I thought you had damage three no no of course not I wish they have damage three uh you lose uh nine oh no sorry eight yeah you lose eight guys to that not bad not bad uh but but of course the tyus was a Blow by the way guys I forgot the tyos had minus one hit I've looked at the recording fortunately I've rolled sixes and a five so the minus one hit did not really help him uh that's why he was so stinky that's why I should have remembered that when I said that but in any case he would not provide that minus one hit now as as far as I understand how the persisting effects works so yeah 24 attacks from the Parx Walkers into my Terminators we are fighting back hitting on five to will count that that was all of these and minus three lethal hits and wounding on fives because of toughness four but the attack of course now when I don't need it thank you you get you get the good rolls so six wounds and they are at 8 minus one because Anna chose rattle joint auu auu Au before the game so minus one safe okay I feel one man that's yeah okay I was not expecting pox workers to do much against Terminators but would be cool to see something at least so one guy lost a wound so we'll put it on this one this is ridiculous okay and we'll see you in Anna's turn because this is the end of mine I have uh performed secure n man's land and I will defend stronghold unless Anna takes it away from me in her turn so we'll see about that and yeah that's that's it and please tell us about what happened in turn two for you so I've drawn established Locus and sabotage okay sabotage sabotage with some French flavor yeah both are bad yeah because you don't have enough units to do actions really but you are positioned to do damage here right ex oh yeah uh so my crawlers crawled forward uh-huh yeah so that they will see your dread Knights okay these ones probably will only see no actually I think this one sees all of them but this one I'm not sure okay you anyways you want to shoot the closest ones first so I I will be shooting the closest one so these guys also moved forward Maran moved forward forward he has 9 in charge he had 9 in charge yeah he had sorry grammar he had 9 in charge into my fiveman Terminator squ yeah and that's why you jumped back yeah I've jumped back using the mist of D ability back into the which which was kind of sad you know it was sad it was sad and that in that moment of time however now I sort of regret that because yeah because I fell back with my fox Walkers mhm and I placed my death how do you call them death rout death rout yeah here and I want to flamer you to the death here so you want to kill as many Terminators as possible with my with your flamers yeah and I moved my bloated drone so that it will be 6 in so your tness minus one and save minus one and save and you'll be charged charging me afterwards I guess and you see this CP yeah one CP yeah I will do like Fair AP thing against you fa M okay cool that's actually a very nasty combo there because these guys with their AP minus two flamers will be able to do a bunch of damage hopefully even yeah I'm going to use armor of contempt definitely on this but still there is great potential in that shooting and finishing it off with the Drone charging in it can be quite devastating uh so we'll see how that goes and now and I guess you want to proceed with your anti let's start with the course okay cool okay so where are you shooting first the central one okay you don't like him the most no I like them all actually oh okay I love green KN I don't know why I just I love them they are a very cool army with great lore I agree that's why I play them so I so starting with the entropic Cannons yeah okay tropicano tropicano cannons so two shots hitting on threes one hit and one lethal hit one lethal hit so you need to roll four up save it's a pass for up cool don't worry you have a lot more D6 plus three D6 plus three6 okay that's not bad shots and now you're hitting on actually you are yeah you're hitting on threes because the Lord of viin cannot see the dread Knights unfortunately but if I can see if you can see you just hit on normal threes oh yeah sure of course I I thought you you were saying that I'm going to heit on for no no no no you can see them so you don't suffer the indirect penalty Okay cool so three ignore it ignore it just proce I'll just ignore yeah thank you yeah uh for to one two wounds okay AP minus two two two fails actually not AP minus two it's a minus one but still two fails um yeah so it's damage to each look at that yeah so he has nine wons remaining the central dread okay we have something here you've drawn First Blood yes finally so nine wounds remaining on him the next oh sorry three shots or four shots we'll check from the Bolter four shots four shots okay and I remembers that okay one hit no cool next one two shots from the counts uh this one okay two hits cool and wounding on threes two wounds nice so I need four UPS please fail one of them I failed one okay D6 plus one damage I have I I have a CP to roll but give me a second yeah so I'm going to use one on Armor content and yeah you know what I'm going to REO yep I'm sorry I'm down to 1 CP but I think it was worth it because I want you to not kill a dread Knight um yeah okay I have a feeling that I will kill it anyways okay so I I trust your feeling is correct so D6 plus one D6 plus three shots oh see that's amazing yeah it's a winner here I like I like how and is stunting me it's a very good character trait for tournament player yeah she she would be very distracting in that sense cool so H threes great actually two lethal hits one there was a one there oh sorry and wounding on Force oh actually roll yeah mortan roll wow oh wow wow that's impressive seven so you see you see you see seven right uh yeah okay soing sorry saving on threes I've saved five of them which is wait two failed I'll I think I think I might have failed three I'll check the recording I actually failed three saves that means six damage onto my dread Knight who has had nine ones remaining now he has only three remaining okay so he's very close to being dead and now we have the bould shots oh yeah thank you for reminding me four shots okay there just Tracer shots they are there to help you hit better with your mortar that's how we can treat it last one yeah do you want to shoot the last crawler or do you want to maybe spice it up with mortarion because mortarion also has shooting remember no okay three uh okay one but it's a little okay yes sa Okay g six plus you only need a couple of wounds to go through four plus three seven wounding s hdden on threes okay not great my moment I guess I guess here's why the dread Knights are still shimmering from the light of the teleportation flash so it's hard to aim at them okay two ones and I was like okay okay whatever I'm just I'm sad one wound goes through so red Knight is down to one wound remaining that is impressively tough for them yeah so you need to clink off a wound with your Bolter yeah let's hope am I sure that it's two four shots now three okay [Music] whatever uh sixes are not lethal for this gun oh ah it's a shame no wounds okay so let's see what else you can shoot and what are you shooting next meran okay where is he shooting uh everything goes into this so the the one that is almost dead okay where starting Lantern or the rod WI a rot wi okay Rod wi D6 plus three shots wow okay that's impressive 6 plus three nine shots okay so hitting on twos with Leal hits and the devasta ones okay two little HS I'll roll these immediately just so we don't have to yeah I've I've suffered a wound which means that I am dead does it explode it does not so you've successfully removed the dread knight from the tabletop okay and I think it's well you deserve it because you've put three hollers and mortarion into him so I'm not set about that what about your meic B holders where are they going to shoot probably into another this dite cool okay sure let's shoot all their guns we have they have three guns missile launcher melta and also the what's his name B spur so B spur is a three shot sperm well spurt what spurt SP it's like it's like when you spit but it's a different kind of volume of spit oh it's like a lot of spit spit yeah I think that's that's how I interpret SP okay so Mythic BL hores as an a set everything into this guy so first the SP start with the SP the spurt yeah never heard about this word okay three shots hitting on threes two hits I think six is lethal yeah lethal hits and wounding on plus one to wounds so that would be fours you you actually missed with one don't worry oh yeah roll one of these because you actually only had one to roll one hit you you've failed one hit roll I don't understand just roll this one why not this one because you actually failed to hit with this one yeah but I have materan right here here yeah so you can reroll the failed wound roll but not the hit roll oh not the hit roll of course yeah sorry so one one mind one wound and no fail so it was AP zero because I'm not within six Ines of any death guard cool what's next missile launcher missile launcher one shot hitting on threes yep wounding on threes okay okay so does it no six is good it's actually missile launcher wounds on twos because plus one to W against vehicles and multi Mel maybe this one forget it okay uh and the second second you actually could have shot them all together they one unit yeah but okay who cares so two sorry three B SPS wow wow that was you you've spit right into the eye I'm a winner yes that's true I not going to use your dice all good all good okay so we were safe the missile launcher AP AP zero what why it's just a small like an auxiliary gun you're not supposed to do much with it op op I don't know which language is that okay it's AP plus okay op yes mixed in my brain op so AP sorry okay this is missile launcher it was missile launcher but it's a Miss it's a Miss yeah and two shots with the multi melter one hit two hits I I didn't see one okay I did not see the deck and the wounding on twos roll one oh oh oh oh okay four so four up it's good why it's a four up safe sometimes you pass sometimes you don't now the flamers that's the the part I was I'm waiting for the most and you going to use yes okay you're using fic blade so I'm both minus one AP but this is not going to really matter because they are anti-infantry 4 plus anyways and have full re St what matters is extra AP that I get here so I am using armor of contempt meaning that Anna has now will now have effectively AP minus 2 ignoring cover I will this will become back to AP minus one because of armor of contemp so I will be rolling three plus saves instead of two plus saves here yeah 6 D6 7 D6 because Sergeant has extra extra yeah I I always forget yeah I also do I I only remember that because I've assembled these guys 76 uh not bad okay we'll count that up hit what's that 26 26 okay and that is without the leader of the unit hitting on automatic and wounding on fours with full reroll so we'll roll that rerolling this so let's see how many are you going to convert and they are rerolling because Lord of Rin gives his squad for St just for those of you wondering cool so that's only six fails after all this no it's five oh sorry five fails after all this so it's 21 21 save that I need to make now so 21 saves hitting sorry I need two I don't want ones and twos that's not actually bad you killed two three Terminators of the squad actually remind me yeah there was one guy on one won right ah yes someone okay yeah it's over there okay so you actually kill three guys and you wound one so he's on one remain so that would be minus three guys and one will take this one these brave warriors have fallen by the way we've done a little bit of battle damage work on them so you can see the scrapes and bullet holes on the armor very cool I like the good old GRE nights Terminators they are one of my favorite Terminators models probably my favorite ones are Deathwing Knights now the new ones okay so now the lader Ty is number two Ty is number two okay D6 shots okay thank too yeah well there is still a chance that you kill a guy he wounds both times and I have four up save now oh and that's cocked yeah I pass so this guy suffers two wounds but he's still alive that's good okay not a bad result very very actually very decent so is there anything else you need to do in the shooting phase I think you've shot everything right mhm so your charge where are you going to charge with no what are you going to what what are you going to charge so the Drone will be charging obviously and yeah into them as well okay are you are you going to and by the way for those of you observing I did not remove this guy because I didn't want to lose the banner in the charge and also this guy is I think from this one there there's this is still a 9 in it's within 10 so that's why I did not remove this model yeah so please continue so the Drone okay drone rolls a four it's enough for you to just move here and prevent you from blocking yourself okay and now the death sh so actually yeah what could I move no further no that's the Max and the 9 in charge from the death sh there is a chance I don't have any CPS yeah so you just need to roll a bsy n it's a it's a sort of ballsy seven yeah almost ballsy I wish there was a yeah was I wish there was a roll there available for you okay so not bad not bad and yeah we'll see what the Drone can do against the Terminators in the fight phase I don't have any CB so you fight with him first and also it's cool that you're on the side because Drago will not be able to get to you I I don't think I'll try to but I'm not sure there is a chance there so 10 attacks from the Drone into the Terminator this is how the fight looks over here so they are standing looking at the Drone and you can see those eyes on the bases that's again because of the the influence of the nuro's gift and essentially the ground beneath their feet is turning into as I said in the previous battle report a quagmire of Filth okay so 10 attacks hitting on threes and what have you done what is that where is your luck today so when people say like don't don't use pink dice don't use pink dice no it's not about the pink dice it's about yeah it's about just your mojo yes I I you've lost it today yeah I've just I've lost it here okay three h three hits cool one yeah I wanted to ask two ston no it's actually three stone three stone yeah your toughness one one so it's toughness four but your strength seven okay okay so two wounds I fail I think yeah clocked yeah I fail both so you kill a guy and you wound one which it's not bad but I wish it was more than this ah only three guys can respond there after the pile in so that is 12 attacks and no lethal hits because obviously we were charged and we did not charge okay that's a good roll Anna observe this is how how should sorry I hope it does not sound I I just I'm wishing you better rolls that's that's all so that is the wound roll so I need fives to wound you that's four wounds in total yeah four wounds AP minus two so you have two five plus sa great so you only took two damage and that is actually good for you because it means that my squad is again just locked in combat with you I have a marker here oh you have your own okay cool in terms of cards you did not do any of them right yeah I did absolutely nothing again so oh no I'm sorry yeah I I'll probably discard established Locus because do you want to keep sabotage yeah because sabotage is um bit more doable yeah I agree bit more doable and it gives you it gives you three victory points or six you don't need for Four Points you need to be in my deployment Zone which you're not going to get there yeah so it's slightly better how it looks for now and of battle round two 23 points to six for Anna I have three points and five points for cover Ence and secure n man's land 10 points for taking hold in turn two and it has five points for taking hold because she was only on one objective and sabotage is zero for now and the established Locus is discarded okay so in my turn three battle round three I have drawn Mark for death and engage on all fronts and well Mark for death is almost impossible to do because Anna have has decided on what uh death shrouds death shrouds FL Marines and Marines the crawler the crawler in the back so yeah so almost impossible to get there I'm going to just ignore this card for now it's a pretty bad card and you're almost never going to be able to do it unless you draw it in like last two turns of the game where there are just so few units to choose from for your opponent that it's possible they choose the bad one uh in the first three turns almost never possible engage all fronts it could be it will be probably it would be probably possible I should say but I want to use all my resources up on the board so I'm not really going to take the two points there I'm going to just discard those two because I well maybe these two guys will measure but probably no probably they pass the line past the 3 in definitely yeah so we'll see if I can do that or not shooting now so I have positioned most of my stuff to be able to take on meran because I want to do as much damage to him before he gets to oh no not Marian I'm sorry before he gets to do a lot of damage to me that's why that's why we have moved well Advanced both of our dread Knights up 14 in two Librarians over there and one librarian over here are all looking at Morin with not a very nice look they are very angry at him can I protect him from your nasty shooting nasty shooting only m one hit you can do that but you don't have philppine special Phil pain against mores you only have your normal five up and strike Marines over here just moved out of the ru they will try to help the Terminators against the Drone and they will throw a grenade at him as well so yeah just to try and pro try and release the Terminators from the grasp of this unit because now my 400 something points unit is stuck with an 80 Point drone and that's actually a good example of how Anna correctly used them in this game and so the drones are actually bringing her more value than the 80 points she paid for them so yeah that's how the drones are best used now let's see what I can do in the shooting phase I'll start with the dread Knights so first dread Knight everything goes into the mataran do you want to do minus one hit or not because you have one CP two two uh yeah because I discard one card and I G one CP uh I mean you can do well you can do interrupt or you can do minus one damage later so yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure if you want to do minus one hit now yeah minus one damage and interrupt sounds better so you're not going to use it yeah good luck thank you no I would say good luck but actually you don't need it because and now my my R are going to luck including mine so this game yeah I'm sorry sometimes you roll very well but not this game for now so five hits and wounding you this is what I'm talking about they wounding you on fives one wound so AP minus 2 damage three F fail okay uh that's three damage so you need five up five up fil pains against that oh can you show us the dice don't think you roll two sixes and a three right yeah okay so only one damage it's a good start flamer five hits and two wounds no wait it's not two wounds it's zero wounds because you are toughness 12 and I'm strength six okay next Red Knight same shooting so okay that's amazing and wounding on fives and sixes so three wounds against same uh you need for UPS good actually good so one fail three damage okay three damage same Canon so you need to roll three oh actually yeah sorry and I got TI there you failed no wait five is a pass oh five plus F yeah I I just I confused because I yeah forget it next piece of shooting so how many wounds did that next piece of shooting how many wounds oh yeah how many wounds did I do to you three okay flamer four hits no wounds unfortunately yeah flamer Is Not Great against the meran because of the toughness bracket okay so let's do the shooting from My Librarian let's start with the guys that can explode their brains um first the orange guy so see D6 Mor what is it what is it uh it's cocked five it was a five it was cocked you sure yeah pretty sure I'm going to check so I've checked the recording and it was a five it was a flat five so oh my God the librarian killed himself that's not great the second Li at least someone killed someone the second Lian rolls a six okay I guess this brain splatter the brain Splatter from the second guy just released so much psychic energy that he has that he has now much more to spare and he roll the double one what did you say about my luck and there before okay good luck from now on okay thank you so two feel no pains to five UPS oh and yeah this guy is not here anymore yeah I should have shot his main guns I recommended before okay I you took one yeah I took one so the last librarian in this in the squad the one that can actually survive yeah okay good and he does four wounds four more tones cool okay I took two yeah took two okay I should go on the other side of the table because dice are invisible from this distance okay now the actual shooting of this sline perge soul hit hits doesn't wound I wish it was the other way around and yeah no hits with the comi weapon now the shooting from the unit over here so three shots from the S Cannon no hits Librarians purch Soul no hits librarian comi weapon thing it's twice and doesn't wound and I think the bolters are the only thing that's left so okay so we need threes yeah bolters against morian with tness 12 and two plus save we're going to do probably nothing one wound AP zero all good okay for cool so like yeah Maran was really lucky there because from all of my shooting he only took what six damage yeah yeah okay so we have a one grenade to throw here into the Drone I'll check I'm pretty sure I can throw a grenade into the into the unit that is in combat Ely grenades is restricted to not within engagement range of my units because it's not a shooting attack so it does the the fact that it's a monster does not really mean anything that's a shame because I wanted to do extra wounds to him hopefully the charge will be enough but I'll save the CP I have one left okay now the charge roll so I really want to make it into combat with Morin with my dread Knight so let's wish him luck so first dread Knight over here in Tarina I need good luck to roll yeah six is enough I'll move him in and then we'll see how much space I have for the second guy so he moved in and now the second Red Knight Will declare both the mytic BL poers and meran and he needs a five to succeed it's a nine so he goes in pretty well and I have the Terminators left to probably charge into the blight poers just them the Terminators need a five to get into combat with the holler so I roll seven good the charges were successful I also Will Roll for strikes over there yeah five is good enough for them and I think that's all of the oh wait wait wait there's one more I forgot almost forgot these five guys that teleport to the teleport strike I need a nine for them obviously it's not a nine it's a three so they stay where they are stay put and we'll move everyone in cool so everyone is in combat now Anna has two CP so I have to now fight with my dread Knights first because if I don't she will just interrupt and I don't really care about well actually I do care kind of do care about interrupting over there with a drone because that's damage too against my strike Marines ah yeah but Marian can I just ask you not to interrupt is that an option no I'm sorry can I maybe I can buy you some food and then you'll say yes okay oh that was too easy I cannot do that okay so I decided because the Drone is actually very like likely to kill the entire unit over here and mortarion is unlikely to kill a dread Knight completely he's very likely to wound it severely but not kill it so I decided to start over here with the Drone so there's no point for interrupt to interrupt there if she interrupts that's going to be mortaring and as I said should not be that scary I hope I'm not going to regret that so 15 attacks with my strike Marines against the Drone trying to save Dro from the trap threes to hit very good roll 13 hits and wounding on fives how much that's Five Wounds yeah Five Wounds a minus two so you need five UPS okay good luck thank you that's three fails you are still here but only two ones remaining I'm damage two Dam okay so would you like to interrupt now yes okay against which dread Knight are you going to fight uh the one that is in combat with the blight h and the mortarion or the one that is just the mortarion probably have cut and off which one this one okay so the one in the center cool uh you have five attacks five pathetic attacks yeah that's absolutely obnoxious I think merian should have at least seven attacks not more because then you be too powerful lethal Heats yes of course so all hit and three Leal hits and roll once because of yourself thank you love the s still still you needed to fail one the dice so four UPS I oh you failed to three wow and that is bad because that's a dead no it's not a dead Red Knight it's 12 damage it's yeah it's 12 damage so I would be on one W remaining yeah I guess I'm fine with that because yeah I think I'm fine because do you degrade I do I'll suffer minus hit but I think I think I do actually now that you asked I'm not sure in any case if I roll it's a 50/50 chance to get four more wounds back I'll think about that okay so I've decided to roll the failed safe one of the failed saves just because the dread Knight and I chose is now in combat with hollers and yes I will be able to fight with these Terminators before the holers can fight but it's very likely that I'm not going to kill the holers and she can then fight against the dread Knight and finish that one off but and where I am actually going to benefit from The Dread Knight surviving a lot because then she needs to dedicate resources in her turn to kill long story short for up save I fail so yeah so I just waste my last CP yeah going to go here and yeah that is all of the fighting from Marin now we'll go back to the normal sequence of events and I'm going to fight with the dread Knights actually let's fight with the dread Knight that just survived the merian side he hits two times because ofus hit and he wounds once because he's toughness sorry strength 14 yeah so he wounds once AP minus three so four up eight cool okay and the second Red Knight does he do anything or is he unsuccessful cocked okay two hits no wounds yeah the the meley of the dread Knights deserves an upgrade even more than the one they receed probably you should have you should have Target my no I want to do damage to Maran that's why I've started on him this turn but not very successful for now now the Terminator so it's 20 attacks from the squad and four more attacks from the librarian 20 hits sorry 20 attacks I hope it's many hits sixes are lethal cuz we charged and we miss on ones and two okay not a bad roll that's a one okay and wounding on fives so yeah so it's just Five Wounds onto the holers from the squad apus two okay that's three fails so the one hleer I'm in contact with is dead now it doesn't explode let's see no okay that's good because it would have killed my dread name if you did and My Librarian Is four attacks hitting on twos wow that's three lethal hits and one hit he doesn't WN the last one it would be amazing three wounds now AP minus one so one fail actually this time so two damage taken by the last huler and now happens what I was fearing which is you fight with your H actually no you can you probably should fight now with your drone I guess yeah because you are the defender it doesn't really matter it it does because then I would fight against actually yeah it does with the Terminators yeah so well you know what let's do this no let's do it in the in the cor sequence so drone 10 attacks okay hitting on threes does does it degrade it does not however do you want to fight against Terminators or against the strikes strikes are the perfect Target because they're softer than Terminators they are you won strikes I like how quickly you are to agree quick you are to agree okay that's much better so you've only missed twice and you have one little hit oh yeah and the wounding on twos awesome how many is that eight uh four and yeah eight uh you need four UPS oh wow you kill one two three you kill the squad yeah the Drone the drones are brutal against the strikes that's why I wanted to fight against them first okay so the entire Squad of strikes wiped out by the absolutely nasty Mo mower I should say on the front of this thing okay now you fight there yeah now I fight there but I just really want to see how the holler does Against The Dread Knight so do that first I don't remember um it's four attack okay four four attack hitting on threes with little H yeah all hit and wounding on H it's a string six so it's wounding on FES oh okay that's bad and one roll yeah all of them wowow yeah I'm pretty sure he's angry oh no you failed one failed one no it's actually I failed two yeah so it doesn't matter does it explode no I'm not sure they do explode actually they probably don't so no doesn't matter okay so unfortunately wasted that CP to try and protect the dread Knight and what I feared happened which is a dead dread Knight on your turn meaning that you'll get to allocate more resources to the other one in your next turn but alas that's that's how it happened now I'll try to do as much damage as I can to this drone because it just killed five of our brothers six Terminators will be able to fight against the Drone one second I've positioned Rego incorrectly so he he should be over there I've just moved him out of the way for a second okay so 24 attacks against the Drone from the six termin that are in com no no I'm fine and these two okay so I'll count that up so all these are hits and sixes are lethal and I have four more attacks okay so another lethal and three misses cool so I need to roll these two wounds so fives oh wait wait wait sixes are not lethal one did not charge what I'm what am I saying yeah so all of these are wounds so four five five ones in total and minus oneus 28 so five UPS okay drone is dead does explode he does not okay so the Drone is no more and we are happy about that because he killed so many grey Knights that he should not have he killed but he fought one wonderful wonderful yeah the Drone it it cost like 80 points or something like that he killed a union that is 120 I think and he capped he also killed I think one or two maybe Terminators and he kept them for a whole turn so very very not cool from my perspective so what did you do yes my cards I did not do Mark for death that is going to trash and engage front I I will see now yeah we'll now measure right because I think I'm not in this quarter with anyone yeah unfortunately there's no there are no models that are in these two quarters so yeah I'm going to discard both cards I'm going to get SCP so so in Anna's turn I'm going to get two in total and yeah these two go into discard pile and we'll see what Anna does in her turn he Anna so what do you have for us in store I'm actually quite scared about this C coming turn what do you have so yeah I've drawn assassination and sabotage you still have sabotage yeah I still have what's your plan uh my plan is to kill librarian with what uh with probably this crawler okay I will probably shoot everything cool the librarian my plan is to well actually my plan was to charge this squad with my death trouts but you jumped back but it's not a problem because I will just charge them into them so you want to tie me up with the I yeah I want to hold you it's actually not a bad plan because if you shoot the whole shroud unit into me again because these two are okay five of the yeah okay 70% of the squad into me you're going to kill two more Terminators and then the remainder of the squad might not actually kill 12 boxw walkers in return which means that they're going to be tarped again for the entire turn again being very efficient so I really like that unit with tyus even though there's no tyus there yeah actually if there was tyos there it would be a really nasty unit now and not excuse me not a lot of characters can snipe out tyus like like Drago just did Drago's really powerful in that role so Ty is pretty hard to get to whilst he's with the pox workers so yeah in terms of shooting everything else will go into dread Knight except for the rot wind rot rot wind yeah yeah R it's it will go into this squad because get blast yeah okay cool cool so where did you start I'll probably start with the obvious choice here the flamers so that's five D6 shots no it's not yeah it's five yeah because Sergeant is over here so five D yeah yeah 1 2 3 you said two of these guys are out of range yeah so it's 1 2 3 four yeah five excluding the leader yes leader is separate so 5d6 good luck thank you great is that what's that 10 15 18 and 20 okay not I I thought I saw five it's okay okay automatically and wounding on fours with full reels cool rolling okay okay okay that's amazing oh yeah wow yeah and it's obvious I'm using armor of contemp 19 19 okay so three plus saves again that is 20 dice so I just need to remove one you have big hands I wish I had even bigger because I often feel like I don't have enough space to pick up all the dice so three four five fails in total five fails and that means one and a half terminat is dead yeah yeah thre three yeah okay so this no this guy is going to no wait wait wait which one which one yeah this guy is going to go down even though it's a very pretty looking Sergeant look at that with AIT a little bit of an O cell effect and a dead demon is this for your client yeah this one is yeah so and the other guy suffers two ones so there's a good chance Your Leader is going to kill him okay five hit cool and wounding on twos with rolls roll okay five saves and that is actually Four wounds taken so you kill two more Terminators oh wow yeah that's impressive so this one and this one no this one I want to leave a second in okay so yeah that's only four Terminators left in this unit now I'm really not sure they're going to be able to kill all the 12 box Walkers way I forgot that I can heal a guy in into the squad so Apothecary actually revives the GU so there's five guys in the squad I forgot to do it in my turn okay let's shoot martan martan into the six-man Squad uh yeah do6 plus three plus one for blast okay two plus or it's it's now three plus to hit because my actually you don't no no I have 10 wounds no no it's not that you are shooting out of combat so you would suffer minus one but Marian ignores modifier so you actually hit on twos and six is are lethal and two these three two okay so four wounds four up saves you kill a guy in the union nice so yeah this guy and the pistol pistol Lantern into them as well oh into them into the hits and on not that roll roll yes yes definitely that is it D or anything like that oh it's actually sustain Heats D3 yeah but you did not we need to remember about that I failed the safe so it's three damage into the dread knite he has 10 remaining so is the crawler this one into the librarian can he see me yeah because you said that this one is no no no you can pass through it but you cannot see through it unless you can actually see see through the line we'll check uhhuh actually crawler doesn't see librarian yeah we we REM measured that because of this corner that was hidden by the Mythic blight H holder we both thought that you can draw a line there but you can't yeah that's why I moving to the blight huler yeah first you're going to shoot him yeah everything into the librarian okay so you have three shots three shots BL B Spirit hits all of them and you it's round three now so you are minus one tness and minus one strength so you're wound me on threes okay two wounds at AB minus one uh one fail so uh yeah four WS remaining uh then missile luncher yeah Miss actually one shot your toughness uh I'm toughness four now and I have strength four no no no you are you you have frag profile but you should use the Mel profile the the crack profile should say oh okay yeah you're right okay so one shot kit and W on TW wounds I need a three plus yeah good and two melter shots two hits great and W on twos good so and this one doesn't do anything right no one fail I have a CP yeah I will R rolling okay that's cocked that's ah I'm sorry y I'm I'm for myself that's that's a shame so one wound taken by librarian what is your next move okay my next move is this one not actually this one it should in the mortar no no the tropican Canon yeah tropican Canon into the librarian okay no wait no indirect fire is mortar right okay mortar into the librarian and androp canons yes into the dread Knight okay dread Knight cool so D6 plus three yeah first oh oh oh oh I have a chance I have don't say oh because last time you said that you missed with everything okay plus it's a shame you don't ignore the modifier for the because it's not a modifier for the indirect because of weing not bad that's yeah that's actually substantial so three lethal H are lethal yes and these are hit and you will be on twos with rols wow it's cocked yeah okay how many is that uh it's seven 78 AP minus minus one because of cover and the minus one safe so AP minus one is just one fail yeah because you are within N9 Ines of me but I do get cover from that because you're Sho damage two right damage two yeah so I have two ones remaining these are mine sorry mine this is one is mine yeah I don't ever use the dice that look the same it's always a bad idea cool so so he has he has two ones two ones remaining okay entropy cannons and the Bolter maybe maybe I should have you know shot the no the bolters uh into the Terminators into no into the librarian you cannot shoot the B because I can see him okay my brain is melting right now two shots hits on threes roll that's not a roll that's a [ __ ] dice [ __ ] dice again that's why I don't like this things yeah we're probably going to turn to the what's that whole facing side so if it's stuck like this whatever side is up is the result I should do that uh so two wounds four UPS one fail D6 plus one M it's seven so I have three wounds remaining I feel that pain that lens shooting through the back of my Noble dread Knight and four shots with a boulder and that's into the red KN as well right yes okay hits on threes wounds yeah those are not lethals wounds on four fives it's a heavy Slugger right yeah something like that AP minus one it's okay okay is it apus one base it's yes apus one base so I fail actually because it's AP minus 2 and I don't have cover here so so okay cool next one yep uh everything yeah the same like uh you cannot shoot into the dread Knight I think because you don't you cannot see through this part of the ruin you need to be holy on it so to see it okay this one then okay into the dread Knight dread Knight and Li are you sure you want to shoot the dread Knight because mortarion can finish him off in combat I don't want to risk it you know you sure yeah because you will be fighting first yeah but remember what I did in last turn which means I did I know I know that you potentially can do something okay it's your choice it's your choice okay okay so Anna's stuck with her decision yes and now shooting all of the all of the guns or just the no the entropy cannons yeah the mortar goes into the librarian sorry sorry s go ahead mortar yeah you were trying to get the highest this is actually your guys but you didn't five poor Anna she's over heating I need to attach a heat sink to her brain yes so this one is not it uh yeah in all of them Miss what that was such a pure reaction yeah I'm sorry and it's you hit on force with in direct I'll roll one of them no no don't do it not for a CP no just shoot the other mortar into him as well you have a third one don't stop it stupid don't don't you've gotten this the stupid you've inhaled the stupid molecule don't come any closer why I have a die CP die here and you're not afraid to use it yes and I'm not afraid to use it okay so yeah you've missed now the entropy cannons into the the guy into the dread KN both hit and one is lethal and the second one is Mo I fail I don't have a CP you automatically kill me oh because of damage again I'm not sure if he Expos at all but yeah he he's dead that's actually great because you now can charge with a mortarion and all of my dread kns are dead so this one will be shooting mortar into the guys into the the guy and the anthropy glands into the guys I guess yes it's the only target you have so yeah I'm not guessing it's the only thing start with the mor yeah T6 plus 3 good luck in oh that's great that's that's nice five and three okay yeah fours these are have fours yeah one hit but that's all you need that's all you need okay you wound yes yes it's his Stu is four now because of my okay I just need to roll one or a two no it's a four I'm sorry Anna I'm sorry but you still have a chance to kill the character if you are really lucky on the charge okay so two shots wow that's ENT G yeah so both wounds and both pass cool the Terminators have why do they have like four yeah all Terminators have problem this is like a powerful weapon they should have like I don't know six that's how inable saves work they don't care about your power they just are annoying and the boulders now four shot yep and wounding on threes are you actually yeah I I you kill a guy imagine that because AP minus 2 what do you mean yeah because apus 2 and I don't have cover so apus 2 no cover is four ups and I failed all wow yeah the Bolter is the weapon of Victory that's as always it always is like that okay wait you shot these guys yes no yes you did yes I did you sure yes oh okay yeah that's why yeah sorry sorry I was my brain was not here okay but just for a moment do I have anything else that can kill librarian no no no you sure about you cannot you cannot charge you well technically you could charge the actually you can go through this part of the ruin if you roll high enough on the crawler you can charge into libr yeah like you need like 10 at least 10 at least 10 do you remember what it was with mataran yeah that epic charge in our battle report of death guard against Dark Angels when you roll an 11 yeah I remember that okay so maybe maybe this time actually do you have a CP one yes okay so you need that for the for the tank shock that's what I meant you can tank shock the librarian so I was unlucky yeah until now yeah and maybe now my luck you know come back it will concentrate yes yes that's what I meant thank you so go ahead roll good luck well there's no point in rrolling this because you need the tank shock to kill the course I won't roll that it's yeah okay Librarian Is Alive for now but not for long you'll finish him off next turn that's the it's nothing it was wounds from the dead rad KN okay now you need to charge the holler first because is block yes so okay he goes around the squad cool he goes around and the mer now I needs like a four okay good so do you want to charge the tanks into them as well because then you can actually tank shock them H yeah why not uh yeah I I pretty sure you cannot tank shock with Maran because it's tank shock not yeah monster shock this would be a fancy way to die and you will have 10 dice to roll fives on so it's not a bad idea yeah cool okay so first let's use one CP for the tank shock let's first let's think do you need the CP anywhere else oh actually you need to charge with the Terminators first 9 in charge remember yeah but I don't think I will roll that because I have my box Walkers okay but you need to roll it first yeah you did not roll it yet so okay let's imagine that I didn't charge here yeah yeah first you you do this ah I don't think that it's a good idea to roll that well well if you did roll a successful nine then you would probably wi sure it's nine because I remember yeah so it's it's within 10 in so you need a nine and you can roll it do you want to do you want to do this honestly yeah no I don't want to do this but because if you if you now charge the pox workers into me you'll probably tarpet this unit for another turn and then next turn you will be definitely able to charge but not sure because then I can jump back again with the with the mist of damos it's a hard one because here what do I mean jump back again well if you if you tarpet me with the Box workers and then I kill them back then you are screwed because then I walk and kill you back like all of them we don't know I'm not sure because if if I stay in combat with them then I cannot jump back and then in your next turn you can come and finish them off so probably you're fine with keeping them as is probably but if if I actually manage to kill all the Box workers then you're in bad situation because then Drago and the guys they come and they will probably clean clear out this un okay um so nine if you roll the nine it would be amazing for you that's that's what I'm trying to get on the other hand yeah why like what do I need this CP for uh tank shock as I said so you can you can you will charge you will have charged the the unit and then when 10 dice you would probably do like three or four more tunes yeah but I feel like mataran and this little well morian and the guy will probably kill two guys and then will be two left so you would not but two guys won't do anything I think they will not do anything back yeah it's true but here if you if you manage to charge here and Moran kills two guys I'm in a really bad situation but again we are banking on a 9 in charge so 9 in charges yeah 9 in charge you you want to do the bsy thing yeah I will N 9 in you now okay good luck Eric let's see that well said well said said I agree okay so you did not charge me and you cannot tank Shar me now but at least you can like do a couple of ATT but I I won't charge you with ah yes yes yes remember I said yeah you said that you'll do it later okay yeah you don't really need to charge the thing cool so now essentially the fight phase over here do you have two CPS I don't I have one I have one yeah I I've spent one for something okay okay I feel safe yeah you you are safe so marinum black where are you starting uh let's start with the small thing the small thing okay metic Boler mhm one day you will you'll remember his name uh uh four attacks or four attacks yes four okay hitting on threes yeah that's it okay hits once wounds fail oh ring five attacks into the squad M okay now bad all hit and M on all wound great was not expecting less from him he's very reliable but his maximum damage is not that great I said that but he actually killed three Terminators oh wow yeah so the squad essentially now only has the the librarian so yeah he's actually a very vicious turn you've uh removed a lot of my Army oh did you want to charge with okay we'll move them in that's how it looks Dro is now surrounded by the shambling group of the PX Walkers they're hitting on fives with their 24 attacks 12 of them in the squad Li rain cool that's how many hits we've got and no yeah they're lethal hits oh check six sixes six lethal hits and uh wounding on fives with the remainder oh wow that's impressive how many uh four six yeah nine wow and there AP minus one because of the rattle joint the goo wow you kill one Terminator and you wound another that's actually cocked okay you kill one Terminator and you wound another so you get a pox Walker back oh no that's so awful you turn F and a servant of the emperor the mighty Terminator into a zombie that is awful okay so now I fight back again I guess 12 attacks with my squad yep they are hitting on threes and wounding you on I think threes so the toughness four so I'm wounding you on threes and that is actually not great because it's only four wounds Anna four wounds so I do not clear the squad it means they're going to be toped there and you you need to roll this six you actually need to roll two dice for each guy because it's damage to okay so you one survives now the second guy he dies another one he survives wow that's amazing and the last one okay so you only lose two guys to my three terminators that's amazing wow and now sorry now Drago fights with his Titan sword he hits five times and he wounds four times that's the power of no rolls uh and they are going to yeah they're going to probably kill you don't have saves oh what's your damage a damage three each so you need to roll three dice for for a guy 12 can I roll no no no no you need to roll three three three three okay one dice two three and four yeah okay so four more well you remove them as you would like wow so 1 2 3 4 5 six seven box workers are remaining and yeah we are stuck again here that was a really bad thing for the grite Terminators to charge the Tas Squad even though he's no longer on the tabletop he's still hunting the Drago unit so what did you accomplish nothing nothing okay yeah really wanted to do assassination but yeah actually My Librarian fight now with three hits and wounding on nothing he does nothing okay but actually an look at the board yeah but look at the scores yeah the score is not nice but it's only around three and that is this was your turn right yeah okay in terms of the current score at the end of around three I am on 36 points and is on 11 points so she has some catching up to do and she kept assassination in her hand in case she can fulfill it on my turn four I've drawn established Locus and bring it down bring it down is probably not possible but established Locus is possible so I have not teleported and I decided before I've drawn cards obviously I'm not teleported the strike marine so they just moved 6 in they're still within the deployment zone so they'll be doing the action and I'm going to get some points for that now my best course of action is going to be to continue getting points in because I'm far above far ahead of Anna in points and I'm far behind in units so the best chance for me is just to make sure that I get as many as possible which hopefully I will be able to so that's another reason why I kept them there because maybe on turn five they can actually get to that objective if they're still alive another thing I'm trying to do is I falling back with My Librarian over here of out of combat he is going to be able to still do the vortex because it's not a shooting attack he can still do it even if he fall backs falls back and that's why he's going to be smiting the Box Walkers trying to free up Drago Squad so that they can charge the dash routs I have actually resurrected the one of the guys closer to the dash shout because this unit will be able to go back 6 in or 5 in anyways depending on what happens in next turn or I can just jump into the reserves if I don't manage to if I no wait if I if I manage to get free completely I will be able to charge them if I don't kill all the Box workers I will definitely kill them in combat and then when Anna decides to charge me next turn I hopefully will be able to come back and or or just remove them from the tabletop I hope that makes sense that's why the second librarian who was over there on that objective he's also over here so he's trying to assist Drago because there are seven pox workers there two Librarians on average do about eight moral wounds if I roll on average and there are seven wounds here with five up fil the paint so stats say I should probably not go through these Seven box walkers but we'll see maybe maybe I somehow manage to do that or maybe I I'll kill another librarian again we we'll see so that is the plan for the turn I hope it works out because I really need this to go well otherwise I'm really low on resources uh the death guard proved to be quite Hardy adversary and yeah we're not in the best shape now so let's see first let's do some shooting uh meaning vortexes so first is the librarian who's just Fallen back please dice don't roll a one it's a six oh wow that's amazing because that's exactly what I need I need to roll slightly above average to get the box workers but I still have five plus yeah yeah definitely yeah so let's see I roll a nine nine mortal WS from one library and that's amazing he just fought morar in and he's already performing like an absolute boss I don't like it had his entire Squad carved out right in front of his eyes he's not terrified okay good luck thank you need fives uh I see only two and they have one wound one wound each that means I kill all of them no yeah because it's seven mortal wounds and it's 1 2 3 4 5 six seven pox can I protect them no and the minus one hitting doesn't work against this ability so unfortunately I was very lucky here so yeah good thing for you is that I've started and should have probably done it otherwise I've started with this librarian so this librarian now is useless because he does not see anyone apart from the box worker so it was my mistake I should have started over here okay so uh are you sure it's 18 from here no from there yeah definitely yeah okay uh this is like 12 and six more inches covers the entire unit of box workers so yeah that's perfect because now I can actually here's another one forgot don't forget your zombies please please take all your zombies home don't leave any zombies laying around that means that I can actually now shoot the Death Shroud Squad and then charge them uh yeah I'm really sorry about making that mistake over there but I should learned from that because I was too happy to roll the dice forgot how to how to do it properly so first shooting scourging from Drago into this unit hitting on two can I do something you can do minus one to hit but it's not very strong shooting so I I would not re recommend to do that what's the cost of minus one damage 2 CP 2 CP okay I don't have two CP and wounding on threes so two wounds AP minus two ignoring cover so your four up saves that's cocked I'm sorry Anna okay yeah okay damage two so one guy's down to one wound S Cannon three hits S Cannon one wound and this oh that's the surgent right what this one is the surgent surgent yeah what's that Sergeant okay so and I put a wound marker on this guy I actually did not wound I remember now because they are minus one to wound whenever my strength is higher than the toughness so three doesn't wound them oh so he's okay no no no this one does go through because I rolled fives for scouring I rolled a three on the psy you mean he has two remaining he has no no he's one remaining I I just I mean my attack that I just done did not do anything bolters lastly so first let's do Drago maybe we can blink off that last wound so drao three hits and no wounds and I have one guy two guys more to shoot so yeah because we already shot the second and I wish the bolters were at least they be minus one it would be so great if they did that it would make sense for all the bolters to be a minus8 one one wound five up good luck you just need you remember that I have minus one what wound minus one to wound it only works against the deack that higher strength than your toughness okay so high strength XS bolters are still five up what's your AP nothing zero okay yeah okay okay so the squad did not do much in the shooting I don't think I'll check because maybe there's 24 in from librarian to these guys but I doubt that so from here to over there was like 29 in so no librarian is not going to shoot anything and that is essentially all of the how about this one can he already he already used his Vortex and he fall he's falling back okay now charges so I need and can you please give us a measure here okay so what is that going to be that's a seven 7 in sorry I mean six and you six it's a seven almost seven in I will OverWatch OverWatch me of course you were smart yeah I have flamers like oh [ __ ] I I honestly I I was so preoccupied by the idea of charging you that I forgot that because I could not move and I could not hide behind the building which is what you would do if you if I was not stuck here sorry not sorry yeah so probably we'll lose some Terminators here yeah so Anna's going to be overwatching she cannot use the fic blite because she has no CP and I think this one is only shoot and face and you probably cannot use shoo and face strats in OverWatch however thing that I was thinking about is using armor of contemp however R joint you modifies your save it does not make guns AP1 so I cannot use armor of content because that's minus one to the AP characteristic not plus one to the save so yeah that means that I will actually have to roll threes anyways which is the same that I rolled last turn 76 76 and good luck thank you I need all all the guys can see my one guy you have you checked just you're one guy yeah I mean I mean the squad can can everyone see the squad buy just a whisker but everyone could see so 7 D6 that's the unit please roll ones and twos no that's a good roll 13 17 21 25 30 29 no ah 30 yes oh wow so the r roll still works in the OverWatch so you would you're hitting automatically and you're wounding me on fours with r rolls okay oh wow I'm heck sorry oh heck that's a lot of wounds so now R rolling all this okay okay is it clocked yes okay for for for this game we're counting everything does not flat [ __ ] how many wounds is that how many fails it was 30 so it's 30 minus 8 so it's 22 right mhm yeah okay 22 saves for me to roll so 22 saves to roll good luck re [ __ ] ohoh one two this is cocked three it was cocked three I mean the failed one and two wounds so you kill three guys m not bad that's amazing you kill three guys my tyus number two yeah actually I need to check the coherency rule because I would not like to remove this guy but I do I have to is the question so correct me if I'm wrong but because the OverWatch happens when I make a charge move the charge move happens after I've already rolled the dice and seen if the was successful or not so technically I think what I can do and again correct me if I'm wrong but I can do this so I can kill these three guys and leave this guy on one wound remaining which he probably will die anyways now that I think of it because the character still has to shoot but if he survives somehow I can then but your charge still will be sucessful yeah I mean I mean I roll now the charge roll so whatever I need it here yeah I rolled a nine so I will have 9 Ines to move but I only move after you have already shot so really yeah so it means that Drago will move 9 in but it will not get him into combat that's weird I think that's that's strange maybe I'm misinterpreting the rules but that's what I've checked in the rule book for now okay so let's see if if you actually kill the last guy D6 shots four I have one CP to roll the save so maybe I'll survive two plus now yeah two plus with roll roll the two mhm okay all four okay four four UPS yeah so I fail one which I'm going to roll for a CP no yeah so you kill the last guy and that makes the situation bad for me because now I cannot really make that charge because nine can you make give me a nine no give me the just the thing over there yeah so as you can see 9 in will not get me anywhere close to engage I think that you roll you roll and you move and then I sh no it says it says when I start the charge move that's when the OverWatch happens I've started it but it did not end the charge move ending charge move would be make me be in your engagement range where you would not be able to fire OverWatch so it makes sense that I actually I actually I guess I can make it here but I in order to start the move you need to really like physically move so I I I no I I think it's starts but I don't actually move any models that's that's how it works okay so it's it's a very convoluted one I don't really know the answer to this particular situation but I in my interpretation I think that I actually don't get to charge you so yeah so you you're just staying I'm going to stay there yeah because because I guess I can move 9 in closer to but it would be weird mean yeah it's it's weird Okay so yeah anyways the charge was the OverWatch was amazing successful and actually I only have these guys are dead I only have one two three models on the table Terminator models and five strikes over there I have a chance I'm pretty sure you're going to destroy me now yes so I've decid I've done the established Locus for four points but I'll discard the bring it down so I get a CP and I was on one CP now so I'll go back to 3 CB and Anna's turn and we'll see now what Anna has drawn so what did you draw uh I've drawn engage in all fronts and I still have assassination okay and in terms of points for now it looks like 50 to 21 because I have 10 points for my turn for taking hold and it has 10 points for her turn for taking hold and I've gotten four points for the established logus so Anna is really behind me on points excuse me but I'm not sure that she can actually make it to the to the final with enough points to win we'll see okay so Anna what is happening in your turn number four yeah so it's a hard one yeah it's a hard one because of the disparity in points yeah so what happened is I moved so I I really want to do engage in all fronts because I need all of the victory points now mhm yeah that's why I moved this guy he was here and now he's here so he's outside of six yeah more than six 6 in away from the center and in this quarter yes in this quarter this guy Advanced I rolled five I like how and a casually C Marian demon Mark of nurgle this guy yeah this guy with wings uh so yeah he's doing this quarter um this guy doing this qu this quarter and obviously flag Marines over there yes so you've already moved the Terminators but oh by the way do you want to advance them because you moved them before before this happened so I mean after this happened so you can actually you can actually Advance them if you want to if you want to yeah probably I need to do that yes roll yeah cuz they're not shooting anyone yeah so we'll move them four extra inches reason being that first the holler moved here and I jumped away with Dro with the mist of damos and he's now still on the objective and inside the ruin so he's protected that's why these gu there's no point in them not advancing because they're not shooting anyone anyways okay so these guys are now over here closer to the objective not on it still but closer significantly but they're getting there yeah so essentially he's doing an engage he's doing engage tanks are going to be just going through my stuff yes um the whole actually can see just barely can see my librarian so maybe he can take him out who knows and yeah that's that's it first shooting yeah so this crawler mhm uh Mor is going into this squad into the fivan strikes yes and the Tropicana thing and Tropicana yeah thank you Library cool okay I could not protect him because I needed to jump someone and Drago was the obvious choice uh let's roll Tropicana first yeah one hit one automatic wound it's a fail okay and you don't have a CP I have multiple I have three and okay I will all it's a g di it's a six it's a six okay cool D6 plus three okay that's into the guys and add one to that because it's blast thank you fours three hits I wish they had some sort of R yeah three ones one no no fails because they have two plus save and cover annoying yeah that's the that's the issue with these guys you have one CP right yes you can actually I think there is a boil blight Strat I'll check if you need to see me to get ignore cover yeah so Anna will spend her one CPU on that and those guys we've slightly rotated the tank so they're within 9 in and the boil blight will ignore that cover meaning that one guy will actually die unfortunately heavy part of the Strat will not help and because plus one to hit is going to be just ignored by the indirect fire restriction but ignoring cover will make a difference I'm sure but it's only for this one it's uh right no it's for all the guns that are targeting them oh really yeah so I don't need to be 9 in no no no no one model needs to be with range good good so the next one we'll do the same okay cool Bolter you didn't the B oh yeah four shots okay three hits and wounding on threes two wounds one fail so he's down to four wounds okay two shots from this guy yeah the enty Cannons two hits W on TW and that's when you don't have the rolls from it's a fail and I don't have rolls so yeah good luck you need to roll a three plus thank you yes he's dead The Librarian Is No More unfortunately so he teleports makes an emergency teleportation to the ship to the what's the name of that medical ward where he's going to be treated from losing all of his limbs D six plus three yeah okay that's great you unfortunately don't get extra hit extra shot because of bless mhm and you any more makes sense force force force force force that's great two automatic wounds hits that's cloged oh uh two two does wound oh sorry yeah so four wounds you are AP minus one AP minus 2 because of contagion range so I get cover but you ignore cover so I think this is how it works out yeah I passed three I fail one was a good roll so can you please pass me one guy which one anyone doesn't matter all the same okay so I have three models remaining and I needs a really good roll now on the last one to to finish them off uh yes so Mort goes here yeah the same ENT cans into librarian cool uh I need 24 right yeah there is 24 Ines let's check the visibility though because I'm not sure yeah visibility is good okay is it 24 cool yes so two shots with and canons good and W okay one can you not roll once please can you stop fail D6 plus one you need a four up to kill me Wooh yes okay my Librarians are all killed now and that's good for Anna bad for me D6 plus three five that's again great result you just need now a good hit roll and you should be fine fours wow that's three sixes so just roll these two don't roll ones okay four wounds again so again it's ignoring cover and Aus I'm not wounding your own twos no okay so ignoring cover a minus 2 so okay I've passed them all okay yeah but it was a very good role on my part and two plus armor save is just like this sometimes okay but you did manage to kill two of my Librarians you managed to do engage on all fronts and an assassination yeah as well twice even so let's count our points how it looks now at the end of round four 50 points for me 30 points for Anna in total with the two cards she has been able to perform and we'll see what happens in last turn okay guys so this is this time of the game we have calculated all the points and here is the deal I am now on 60 points to Anna's 35 points so essentially well it's 60 to 30 but she she's going to get 15 points now so it's going to be 60 to 45 I have drawn my cards for this turn which one of them is bad it's area denial I'm not getting area denial no prisoners technically I can kill one thing which is the mic BL hoer if I move out of the ruin which I did I will definitely be in charge range sorry in OverWatch range of the dash rout so four of them can actually shoot me I can technically die so two points are sort of hanging in the air we're not sure but 45 points is Anna's maximum for the primary plus the secondaries without the last turn last turn she can maximum get 11 points this will be 56 points to my already 60 it means that no matter what happens the R Knights will run away with a very very narrow margin I think this is this can be truly called a draw because the difference in points is minuscule and all of my stuff is dead so I think I think we will call it a draw and I do you agree yeah okay thank you very much for the game what do you think about this one I think it was amazing it was very interesting it's a shame it was not a it was not a narrow victory for death guard I would like it more I would be a bit cooler from the lore standpoint but as an Imperium fan myself and for you as a great as Imperial Knights player you should be happy about that yes I am I actually I didn't see it coming I was I was pretty sure that you're going to win and it's going to be like you will wipe me out so yeah I also thought that but ultimately was just four points difference and yeah if we it was unbelievable yeah it it's unbelievable it's unbelievable yeah if it was a game in a team t tournament I think they sometimes they have this like sort of like 10 10 score where you you can actually get a draw even if someone narrowly wins I'm not sure if four points is the best case it would be 10 10 it could have been 10 10 points yeah not 20 Z but 10 10 I don't know how they measure it in on this side of the globe I know how they measured in Europe so yeah but it it was amazing it was it was very cool it was a very cool game yeah every everything in this death card list performed well what do you think about the change that you've made to the to the to the list with the hollers instead of the blight Lords I like this list better uhhuh tell me why uh because I have a feeling that blight Lord Terminators they didn't perform very well why in the previous games just because they died too soon and didn't do anything they're pretty slow yeah but at the same time you're trying to put them in the center of the battlefield so you're trying to move forward and you just die so I I can't I can't hold them at the back of my deployment Zone to control some home objective marker because I have PL Marines for that and it would be stupid I agree yeah yeah so they kind of like on this you know on the edge mhm I you know what I think is is better about the hollers first of all they are a bit cheaper so you have more points for other stuff and as you've seen the pox workers performed amazingly and you have lost tyus right in the beginning of the game yeah I feel like yeah Fox Walkers are great and I really like these little babies because now I feel like I have much more of a shooting to do yeah and I feel more I don't know confident and Powerful uhhuh yeah I I agree the fact that the Hors are 10-in move is also a big difference because BL Lords if I remember correctly they're also 4 in move like the Terminators and 4 in to 10 in is a big difference yeah and now in this game I can say that now sorry yes I agree and now in this game I can say that I like martan yeah he performed very well in this game and I didn't like him before that yeah that's I think that's a be honest yeah that's a good good indicator of a well balanced deathu list is when Maran feels correct because martan he's a he's this sort of anchor unit that you're not supposed to be relying on him to do all your damage or to soak up all of your opponent's Firepower she's pretty fragile and because I was I I I needed to put Firepower into the hollers instead of it usually like in our previous games it was you had a very slow blob of blight Lords that I could deal with at my own pace because they're so slow I'm not worried about them you had the drones which are the only fast thing you have apart from merian and I could kill them EAS need yeah and I needed Maran here with the Crawlers so he would give R rolls yeah and so he stayed back which it's okay for him to stay back eventually but I can use him as a fast unit in my list and you essentially was very easy to play around the death card because you only had three small and relatively easy to kill units the drones to move around the blight Lords are slow mertan is staying back so what do you have forward nothing where here you essentially have layers you had layer of box Walker and tyos you had the layer of drones still you had the then the wave of myphitic BL H holders which is I still needed to dedicate resources too which meant that I put all of my three dread knights in the center and essentially they were exposed next turn because of that I still did manage to charge with two of them which did nothing to mataran because dread Knights need to be a bit more powerful in combat and they don't have the tank shock anymore well they do have it but they cannot use it properly um so yeah I think the hollers are a great addition and I will be interesting to see it would be interesting to see what happens to your list if we manage to squeeze maybe in the future some chaos war glaves war dogs the shooty version the brins they they are this list yeah like change the list and add the brins instead of something you already have maybe the hollers actually I'm not sure about it but it would be definitely interesting to to try it yeah in terms of the grey Knights well my favorite Army for now because my death W was killed by J W so they are the only favorite Army I have that is actually still an army and I do like how they play I'm I'm slightly tired of playing them in the same fashion because I've played them for like since the beginning of 10th edition and they did not really Chang in their play style so I want to try something new the new blood angels codex is amazing I really want to try that out even though they killed my favorite model which is the librarian dreadnut I literally have two of these models I've been waiting to play them for two editions since since eth I've not had the chance and now they're dead what what is your favorite unit of the game My Favorite unit of sorry I went out on attention my favorite unit is Drago Dro his Terminator Squad still it's it's such a versatile thing to deal with something important in the opponent's Army this time around you actually managed to do the best thing you could do against it which is not allow it to charge something really important and then when I drop and when I use up my 3in plus 3in charge ability essentially you've just covered me with stuff that is not important and that's why all of your expensive stuff look at that your holler unit is still alive your shrouds are still alive Maran is alive and there are like all of them alive yeah all of them are alive yeah one guy is on one Moon and three haulers sorry three crawlers are alive still so most of your like the core of your list is still here yes and that's because the Drago could not really punch where he wanted to the Librarians also had to separate or disperse their warp attack Vortex across your units and that's why this is a 56 to 60 draw between the grey Knights and the um and the death guard death guards yes my favorite unit is librarian yeah sorry I should have asked it's okay because he played for my team mhm yeah librarian I feel like I feel like it's my union yeah you know because he just went on the flank said said to his comrades that he secured the flank and then he died immediately yeah but jokes aside I really like death trouts death trouts these guys yeah they they would be in my opinion they would be an MVP for all the all the games if they had one thing assault they could advance and shoot I would give them five in move instead of four yeah or like give them a 5 in move because when they have a 4-in move and they cannot advance and shoot whenever they drop is essentially like imagine that they dropped here and that's where they ended up and the end of the game yeah they were here that's where they ended up it's just it's too slow 4 in 4 Ines of movement for a table that is 60 in wide and 44 in sorry 6 in Long 44 in wide is too slow it's just impossibly slow I think they all Terminators should be 5 in no matter how slow they are maybe like I don't I know subtract one from the advanced moves or something like that but give them a 5 in move uh but yeah they were amazing they've done incredibly well on OverWatch they were just amazing threat and they did not even get to fight yet which and I will you said to me before that you want to experiment with the rapid Ingress in them next games because this could help somewhat with their Mobility not I'm not sure actually but that it's going to work like this with a 4in move but we'll see okay thank you very much for the game thank you guys for watching watching and yeah we will probably see you in our new apartment for the next p report because we're now moving as you can see we have boxes all around so yeah so we have some stuff to do and yeah we'll see you soon bye bye [Music]

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