Oasis Reunion 2025 Livestream!

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 01:40:52 Category: Music

Trending searches: oasis 2025 tour
nobody knows where I to be Stand By Me nobody knows where it's going to be yo yo yo yo how you doing wild wolf how you doing my friend what's the matter with you sing me something you [Music] just getting the stream set up my friend Stand By Me nobody knows where it's going to be stand by is that a vape yes it is a vape my friend meall Vape by me cuz nobody knows where it's going to be how you doing wild wolf tonight how you doing my friend we we ker did you say where it's going to be knows [Music] see just setting up the stream my friend sorry I'm not ignoring anyone can you listen to Under the Influence by Eminem Not Tonight Tonight is an indie night indie rock and roll only my friend any requests on the Indie side Indie side Brit pop Oasis blue anything like that anything from the blit Brit pop era but uh no rap tonight no metal no anything else maybe another night we'll do we'll do uh another night but not not tonight we're honoring Oasis and the Brit pop era know [Music] way it's be can you actually can you actually hear the stream tonight is is it on is it on are we good are we good okay I think I'm all set up we're all set up [Music] slip inside the eye of my mind you might find better yeah just chatting tonight just chatting tonight there's nothing significant on I don't think that's take that look from off your face and to burn my heart out knows it's you know by but don't look back in anger I heard you say you just say it's an indie song what's an indie song what what what you requesting my friend what about runaway Run Away by you I swallow you nearly got me there you nearly got me yeah no you swallow come hello welcome welcome welcome welcome Oasis are back remember tickets go on sale Saturday yeah you nearly got me there sardine gg gg yeah no Nick Nick's not here today man Nick's not here you can you can jog on come on guys you got try harder than that the the ni the Nick one's old news I tell you what though I I that that was a good one sardan that was a good one it was just a bit too obvious they want it it was a bit too obvious like too late she walking on by so away but don't look back in anger I heard you say right Mike come do something about it then you little PL what you the only n is you coming on the internet calling someone else a n Mike just just just don't you're embarrassing yourself you're embarrassing yourself you've come on the internet look at you bit embarrassing bit embarrassing God damn mik go get mirror and take a good OD long look at yourself I think you're projecting mate I think you're projecting yes boy junor OAS is back together man OAS is back together Mike I shut the [ __ ] up or come do something about it but you're not going to do anything about it are you so shut the [ __ ] up or or we just we just keep doing this we just keep doing this so we're just going to wind you up there you go Mike J on what are you going to do you going to do nothing these little internet Warriors coming here there you go you got 10 seconds let's see if you stick around and do something about it you're going to do nothing Run Away by uh Whit Ry let's take a look it's not coming up let me check no I'm not I'm not Brad unfortunately I'm not for you or for Mike no you see you see a guy with glasses and you're like are you gay you know what is gay asking another man if the gay on the internet that is pretty [ __ ] gay [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell H what whatever man whatever shout out no we're not shouting out [ __ ] nones and you know R Transformer people former people are nonis no they don't they don't get shout outs bro became Conor McGregor I know talking [ __ ] um Run Away by wh Whit Ro it's not coming up man it's not yeah that's not come up I can only play whatever is on YouTube music it's not coming up in my in my little list is this a dance stream I mean we're listening to Oasis it's not exactly a dance stream is it K I'm no I I'm not I'm not but you can keep wishing boys you can keep [ __ ] wishing question uh not all people are warriors I'm ex Royal Marine of 22 years 9 years SPS I assume you are from Liverpool I'm not from Liverpool no not not even close to Liverpool just shut it out to me what the hell no there's no tweaking I have a wife I have a wife actually H you're not catching me with that uh wild wolf you're not catching me with that Manchester do I I haven't got Manny accent I haven't got a Manny accent not Yorkshire either not Yorkshire we do get often confused with scouters because we talk fast where if I say he up me duck does that does that give it away he up me duck got to go fam no worries wild wolf no worries I'm not from St Newton either you cheeky [ __ ] uh been married about 2019 we got married in Vegas um 2019 yeah five five years [ __ ] hell five years yeah see you later wildwolf noin though yeah I'm definitely novin well anything above like Noth Hampton's technically noin if you look at the old like noin South divide I'm pretty sure like anything from Northampton up is technically nor and it slides across and angle on it's like all the all the West is practically North I feel like you're lying no I did get to I do get told a lot I'm I'm punching I'm punching even she tells me I'm punching I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't settle for anything less to me anywhere north of London nor technically yeah I think in the modern year anything north of London is is Northern I think you could class R in Milton ke places like that Watford that there South the the surrounding areas of London I'm not a you can you can you can all wish if you want but like you're not you're not g anything yeah should have actually stuck on [ __ ] gone for the Oasis Vibe um I'm got my shades though the shades aren't here I thought they were I've got some like no Gaga Shades they aren't here so we we'll [ __ ] stick with the c stay alive I'll get Guru to ra I mean yeah K man if if he wants to I mean there's not there's not much going on here apart from everyone [ __ ] calling me gay which is weird nice one musical appreciate that yeah Watford is the limit yeah what Watford um I didn't realize that's where KSI and that Dei pricker from aren't they they from Watford feel sorry for anyone who's from Watford you've got Anthony Joshua KSI and Dei Jameson I I can tell you're gay by calling other people gay on the internet that's how I can tell you're gay I just can't keep still yeah dick ads you [ __ ] dick ass you little [ __ ] ball everyone's calling Guru gay too because of his haircut what why is it what why is it with that weird tonight not once has this ever happened and then everyone's on it's cuz aasis are back everyone's feeling like they've got big balls I quite like guru's haircuts he looks like a Jew which I think it would offend him actually if but he is looking more and more Jewish he looks like a modern day a modern day [ __ ] Seth what's his name [ __ ] not SEF green who's the other one I can't think of his name it looks like a cross between Jon re and Seth Rogan that's the one Guru is looking like a cross between Seth Rogan and jonil like old jonil though not like jonil now old jonil when he had the [ __ ] p who has gay mannerism you're talking about me still everyone's calling yeah yeah I'm calling him gay because he talks and has gay mannerism he does have game mm he looks better now Guru raid oh [ __ ] no is this just more people just get [Music] in appreciate it Guru appreciate it man [ __ ] off Abe [ __ ] you yeah I mean today is a good day oases are back anyway we at least we've got something look forward to on the weekend with no MMA I'll I'll be looking for oh [ __ ] hell I wanted to marry grasser and TR while but when I found out she post cringe foot FIS videos I realized she wasn't my you dirty you dirty bastard [ __ ] lovely ah cheers G appreciate it man I've got [ __ ] I don't know how slow the chat down I've you always know a you can do one who the [ __ ] is this guy I'm a [ __ ] geizer acknowledge the guru raid appreciate it Guru nice one uh Guru Army in in the house although I I I went down and get the CCTV footage from the fight on Friday but they they said they didn't have the footage if anyone doesn't know I had a bit of a full full out on Friday went out ended up getting in into it when when get the I was going to go make a video on it but the CCTV footage the guy won't give it me there's no need to say you're sorry goodbye I'm good yeah so on Friday I went out went up town my mate was getting a kebab as as you do at the end of the night and this Geyer Falls over well these two Geyers these fat Meads yeah these two fat Meads they fall over and I start laughing because it was funny it was funny as [ __ ] Two Fat Guys just falling over each other and I'm like just stood there laughing laughing me ass off at them they get up and they're like what you laughing at and I think right there's no way these guys are going swing normally most people in a fight they push you they push you first cuz everyone's full of [ __ ] when when you fight especially when you're out in town so I was expecting these guys [ __ ] push me and I miss Ed it completely he swings his big fat meat hand his big sausage fingers clocks me on the back of the ear and then the other one comes charging at me the other fatty and and then my glass I can't see [ __ ] cuz my glasses get knocked off I'm like what the [ __ ] do you do and I'm like because I'm primarily a [ __ ] my my skills are not great with my fists I think right I can take a punch but I can't [ __ ] take him to the ground because the other one's going stomp on me head and then this other guy comes flying down this kickboxer called Jamie he goes off his head he he starts like me me and this guy are going Toe totoe with these two fat guys one of them Falls over and Jamie just clocks him one and he goes out I was trying to get the footage for it but yeah there's no CCTV footage unfortunately I I've requested the street footage I'm not I'm not a professional fighter I'm not even a semi-professional fighter but I train and fight for fun Kip shut up shut up Kip you're just you're just a [ __ ] weirdo mate new viewers yeah I mean my [ __ ] day streams aren't really anything but yeah come come on a night out and you'll see you'll see where it's at you you have had an MMA fight there right yeah I have fought once it was only amateur I fought once amateur U I should have won but it ended in a draw just my luck I'll probably have one more fight and then that'll be it I don't I don't have that go back I'm 38 now go back 10 years ago I I was full of [ __ ] rage now I like I get hit in the street and I'm like whatever I don't care like hit me you're not going to knock me out the guy with the glasses once yeah I have once for on oscar versus Ben Davis bkfc well I don't you you dislike Oscar Willies more than I do I think he's a bit he's a bit of an idiot but I I don't dislike the guy I dislike Ben Davis I hope I hope Ben Davis gets knocked out not clean out he stole he stole one of my thumbnails didn't he like he steals content from people and he's a bit of a knob yeah so I I hope Ben Davis gets knocked out but I don't know why any of them fight I don't know why Ben Davis gets cleared to fight anyone to be fair have you seen how he fights he looks ridiculous for on the bug head freak claiming that having a force him with is noral if you haven't your reclusive well it depends where y I guess depends where y uh both are Muppets yeah the both Muppets I just dislike Ben Davis that little bit more than Oscar just because at least Ben at least Oscar Willis is is creating his own content Ben just steals it and I don't know how he's he's worming his way into all these positions I really don't know how he's worming his way into all these positions where he's getting um [ __ ] fights on what what's that Miss [ __ ] or whatever it's called he's he's on Miss shits and he's on what what was the karate combat he did I don't get why all these promotions thinks a Wy of him wait which thumbnail did he steal just one of my generic ones I was running like I was I was testing some thumbnail patterns out and he he literally stole it like the exact same style as me and it was clear that he'd seen one of my videos cuz it was right after I'm making a B Davis Oscar will ammunition for press conference video I might need your Al on ammo for Ben Davis did I make I think I made a video on Ben Davis didn't I why can't I remember if I made I'm sure I made a video on Ben Davis I I start making a lot of videos and I don't know if I even post off of them let me check can you DM me the thumbnail he stole and draw one yeah sure I'll do that I'll do that I'm just having a look see if I swear I made a video on Ben Davis maybe I didn't I thought I did oh yeah I did it's called is it time time to cancel the MMA Guru it's actually about Ben Davis but it was basically Ben Davis was telling everyone that the MMA Guru should be cancelled and he he was being a little a little [ __ ] about it so I made a video and I probably should have titled it Ben Davis or something um but I ended up calling it is it time to cancel Ben is it time to cancel the MMA Guru and that was uh his thoughts on it yeah that was after the chanler video I I personally I I I don't think it was that bad I don't think it was that bad what do you think about drias dupi versus Israel arisna um it was it was a it was a messy fight want it it was a messy fight glad drias won but yeah it wasn't it wasn't a it was a messy fight he said he was gay lik drias it's his favorite fighter yeah we know it's his favorite fighter Ben Davis is big on Twitter and he's a complete soy I hate Ben Davis I I don't know how he's he's around how anyone's how he's getting all these opportunities when he hasn't got the followers he hasn't got the fan base he steals content I just don't get how he keeps getting opportunity after opportunity whose dick is that guy sucking because he's sucking someone's dick I'm from olland welcome from olland Christian yeah that was after guru's Chan yeah yeah not my business drus is a beast he has South African blood I like South Africans I like the South African boys I agree with Ben Davis the the homosexual you agree with him why what did he do uh by the way I'm not I'm not [ __ ] gay Ben Davis might be worse than [ __ ] Smasher Oscar Ben Davis is in my opinion I really I I really don't like Ben Davis I really dis like the guy I don't like his takes I don't like that he steals content I don't like that he he does a lot of dodgy [ __ ] you wish you rri coach after he fights no I don't no I don't fights often or messy yeah but it just didn't feel it didn't feel like it didn't feel like a main event you know like KO versus caner on Saturday that that felt like a professional [ __ ] fire like a yeah DDP it was a good it was a good fight it just F more like a [ __ ] street fight than anything uh would you k no why maybe he's Jewish no I'm not Jewish uh thank you brother much appreciated we built Defence around here definitely respectful people but you do get your bad bunch I yeah I'd like to visit South Africa one of the places I'd like Vis South South Africa I had a friend who worked out there for a bit he liked it he enjoyed it um and I know a few Lads out there as well so one one place I I I definitely want to go and it's cheap as [ __ ] so if I was ever leaving the UK I think I I'd end up in South Africa CU it's cheap as [ __ ] apart from your why is it your shed loading or what it [ __ ] is where your electric goes out what what's it called over overloading shed loading or something sounds like sounds pretty sus Shad loading into it load load chatting that's it load chatting uh Guru sent people after his live were you watching I didn't see Guru because I just went live previous to Guru I appreciate Guru very much he's he's shouting me out before and he's uh just done this raid so I appreciate that um Ben Davis dude oh May oh Ben Davis might be Jewish is he he's definitely a [ __ ] anyway gur is am that out again I he there was rumors on it wer there but that that's all it was was rumors I think someone said that he was he was all right you never knew with Amit though he's he's IMM immune system might give up on him like on the night of the fight who has the most punchable face though definitely Ben Davis man definitely the thing is with Oscar as much as is he's a [ __ ] at least is a bit of a a you know you could you could have a drink with him you could have a P with him I don't think you could have a pint with Ben Davis I I reckon he drinks juice or water or some something [ __ ] like that at one point at one point when I first started cuz I had the daggy be and everything someone actually called me Slim Guru I appreciate that musical nice one would you casually have a forum with four black since it's a normal thing um no I'm married what was his name who name well yeah thank you to musical then I appreciate musical I think Oscar's improved recently the vid I made on him forced him to look looke SMX he's what what what's the reason that you hate Oscar so much what what's the reason that you [ __ ] really detest Oscar because I know you and it like you really don't like the guy and I know he's a bit of it he he he's an idiot but what's what's the reason do do you dislike him it feels like it feels like you feel how I feel about Ben Davis towards Oscar Willis Ben Davis drinks banana milk you right cadoo shut the [ __ ] up W glasses yeah they they smashed and [ __ ] up though because because of some Mead Ben Davis definitely going to gone to some Pro Palace he's being flying the flag he doesn't know his own [ __ ] nationality does he they a bit confused that's why it is Oscar stories from his past are horrendous Massie EO really creepy that yeah I I I get the sense he might be a bit of a creep I kind of I kind of get the sense but I've got I don't know is there actual stories out there where he's like [ __ ] being a bit of a sex predator like I said he's improved he seemed he he seemed a lot better recently um and I like that he has recently during the media out out of all the the [ __ ] media members he has pressed Dana White a few times a bit recently and I quite like that he's the the only [ __ ] guy that asks you know a bit he doesn't go out there does he he does I'm not I'm not saying he goes out there and he asks [ __ ] ground bre breaking questions but he tries to push it as much as he can compared to everyone else who who just ask the boring questions like how' you feel going into fight nights how do you think how' you think you go fight on Fight Night what you expecting it's going to be different uh no one cares about yeah I don't care about either side bring out the glitter gold Cowboy out for the BS what mine yeah Oscar is definitely one of the better media members currently he's he's pressing he's pressing uh the people that he should be pressing he's not he's not asking anything mad though I'm not going to give him too much credit but compared to all the other [ __ ] on the media at least he's doing some he is like Jon Jones just driving around the streets at nighttime waiting for MCH to snatch I made a video well I was on earlier I'm going I Haven to loaded yeah um see how you can't even say them doesn't that say something say what man I think as soon as McGregor finishes his UFC contract I can see the mat life all getting muted yes I I I can see that happening I was I was just thinking that to be honest I was thinking as the only reason he's got some big balls at the moment is probably because he knows McGregor's still in the company but he might even know that his time's coming to an end he probably Israel and Jews yeah I I is it the thing is I I just don't want I don't know what YouTube is going to [ __ ] censor me out for but yeah Israel Jews Palestinians they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] man um you're watching dwcs today I'll probably watch it in the morning is is it the one with Nathan cury on is Nathan sorry not Nathan cury it's will cury is it is Will Curry fighting on this one or is it next week the the only one I'm really interested in is to see U Will Curry I'll stay up for the Will Curry fight if that's tonight no that's next week will C is NE next week he's is's he the fourth week is he Matt life gets such insane media privilege not for long can't see that happening for long like you say as soon as soon as Conor jogs on they they'll be shifted they'll be removed from the media roster I apply for every every year for the last five years I've applied for because I've got a I've got media credentials like apply for the UK cards and some of the European cards like for G media pass I apply every year I'm not never going get one weirdly though uh MMA UK have got got uh media passes before and they aren't even MMA UK I guess the the more of a professional press entity but they've only got 4,000 subscribers man and at the time when they were getting press passes I swear they only had about 2k when will you hear about the UFC job no idea it was just I I saw it advertised jumped on it for we'll try it out against the fence get media passes too and get zero YouTube tracks [ __ ] off they don't do they do they cuz I saw against Defence when I went to I got CAU block by him when when we I went to USC 304 um I was going do some fan reactions and stuff outside it but they put me off it because I swear to God it looked so [ __ ] gay how they were doing it and I was like that is not how I want Do It um so yeah I ended up not doing it I don't get out against the fence I think they botting or buying subscribers because they've always got like zero zero people in the lives or one person and their videos do like 20 100 people they definitely know people within the scene because I think the um when I saw them a musical a lot they've got professional kit like I'm not talking about like a simple camera and so they have got professional gear their setup the lives everything that they do is very professional so they clearly come from some kind of broadcast back background yeah against defense we're one of the UFC London media members no way I did not know that I did not know that uh boob who's boob who the [ __ ] is boob I can't see his [ __ ] I can't see it Jesse on fire does too Jesse on fire has media media passes why why do he never used them I think against defense are just trust fun kids they look they look that way yeah I do I do know Le Leo Cooper's friends with Ben Davis they did he talked about him and said he was they were doing something together that is the point where I really went off Leo Cooper and I like it's it's a shame because I like Leo Cooper um I like why his his videos they're all right they're not bad he don't he a exactly he's not that knowledgeable on MMA he didn't even know Walter Walter vter [ __ ] uh Walker was Johnny Walker's brother I was like what the [ __ ] um there's a lot of things where he's like oh I didn't know that he's not an hardcore MMA fan I think he's a casual MMA fan who found the niche he's a bit like Lucas Tracy that that's what uh that's the vibe I get he's he's very much like Lucas Tracy Ben Davis stole Leo Cooper's Ian Gary content and didn't even ask him why did has Cooper said that yes I'm boob oh right you're boob you don't stay up for contenders are you casual or brutally mate I [ __ ] I'm doing a cyber I'm I'm doing a course which is worse than my degree I I [ __ ] you not I'm doing this cyber security course because I'm not making enough to live on on YouTube so that it's just a nice Obby for me I love doing it but yeah I I I [ __ ] I do this cyber security course and it is the worst course I have ever done in my entire life I've got a degree in Psychology and that was easier it was easier than this [ __ ] it's it's supposed to be equivalent of an nvq or some [ __ ] and it is the hardest course I've ever had to do you get 18 questions like over and you've got two weeks to do them all 18 questions require a [ __ ] fullon essay yeah I've got psych psychology degree it's wor [ __ ] though like I was originally doing philosophy that I liked I really enjoyed philosophy and then I realized you can't do anything with a Philosophy degree only teach philosophy it's not it's not considered transferable skills so I was like okay I'll I'll switch mfsg to psychology cuz um some the courses crossed over so I switched and again there's nothing you can do with a psychology degree really unless you go on to do like a master's or a PhD and originally before that though like my trade was um video editing so I I worked for the local press for a fair few years I used to interview like footballers and um edit content for the local local press so I'd like to get back in in into that the the cyber security is just a a backup maybe a shrink easy job be right back listen to people Yap and then give them meds you have to you have to have a PhD though for it or you have to even to be a counselor like just to be a a counselor which doesn't make that much money anyway but to be a psychologist a shrink you you have to you have to have a PhD didn't want to be a professor like Frankie nah no no chance man I'm from the [ __ ] streets uh there's no there's no chance I I would have done a PhD I wouldn't have got the funding I guarantee right because because of my background and where I came from there's no way anyone would have funded me to do a a mass a a re a research degree in P like my PhD CU you have to apply for like funding um and get sponsorships for do a PhD there's no way I would I would have got any it goes through all the [ __ ] snobs man as a tits I'm an ass guy although I don't mind both you want you want the double package really don't you uh I work as a Nigerian prince it's pretty pretty [Music] good scamming people basically you can get a marketing job with a psychology yeah I didn't want I didn't want go into marketing I did I tried marketing I wasn't much for it to be fair the first marketing job I went I went for um they didn't I didn't get it that was with um a sort of like a Betting Company an online betting company and I never got that job I applied for another Betting Company recently and I got te down but I've got a new job coming up in a week so I'm I'm good I'm good good you ever did an interview with P yeah no no I I did interviews with Stoke City and Portville uh players like RoR Rory deap ER so I interviewed RoR Rory deap when he came back from injury and stuff like that um Fuller record Fuller if you grass and bits then you must like Tai to iasa what if you grass and bits [ __ ] you on about what about what about Jewish people I don't care man like I really don't [ __ ] care I know some people have really strong opinions on on politics but I really don't [ __ ] care uh sup good morning it's morning over here where where's there where's here where the [ __ ] is he well I can't even play music now because my my [ __ ] stream has crashed and it just keeps playing the the [ __ ] wedgets and I don't know how turn them off let's just try delete it oh there we go perfect Bingo you can turn the music up now about to scand some fried chicken and pin what the [ __ ] is p what the [ __ ] is that it's a dish of French French fries and cheese with brown gravy why why' you call it that why don't you just call it loaded fries like everyone else hey why you take off the United Jersey I had a shower that's why I thought that was just called loaded fries man have I never had that it's our only Canadian Putin oh Putin what the [ __ ] it looks good looks good poutine never had it is it good have you had it musical it's morning in the Philippines if you like asent TI you must like oh [ __ ] off I don't like tattoo Dicker why is it with the gay [ __ ] tonight man [ __ ] It's banging especially with bacon and green onions it look it looks good looks solid I want some now okay sensor vid of an old man [ __ ] and pissing on some fries mixing it up and eating it classic Canadians you know I saw a guy when when I went to Bristol I went I went to pu I had a drink came out the pub I saw a guy this is in the middle of the day in Bristol I saw a guy take a a a plastic bag a carrier bag the flil ones as well not the the stey ones them them them ones you get from a news agents or a chip shop you know the really thin or Market plastic bags he got one of them pulled pulled his ass out sucked it to his ass and started [ __ ] in a plastic bag as you do in the middle of the day good old Bristol give it a shop one day I like it better than chili cheese fries I'll try it I'll try it I think it would be better with Cy sauce not gravy was it an in no it was a it was just a a no it wasn't an Indian dude what what the [ __ ] is going on in Bristol I don't know I don't know what what what's the sign why do the Indian people [ __ ] in bags often or something don't know what the connection is I'm wondering that is that is that like a a thing no it was just a a sweaty old white man with a beard do I I don't know where anyone never heard of Indian Street [ __ ] no I've never heard of Indian Street [ __ ] have you chin me I've never Indian Street I like how both of you went straight away thought thought about that in Str never heard that before ml okay look up bar ston on Twitter you'll understand okay right H I think I got you know what the [ __ ] can we hear the intro song why do you you you don't even like the intro song so why why do you want to hear it happens here in Canada and so people here just record it and don't say or do anything because don't want to be called racist I've NE I've oh you I swear you [ __ ] hated it I swear you [ __ ] hated it I don't know a lot of people say they don't like it I know musical doesn't like it I I'll I I can't even play it right now cuz I'm Haven got on my setup profess world we live in now just letting people come into your country and [ __ ] on their beautiful beaches I'm going to write you a banging intro well I um I I've got high expectations now I've got high expectations especially since I've been hearing some bangers come out from you musical recently the the the was it the maev one you did the other day that was [ __ ] great I keep meaning what stream was it on because I need to listen back to it cuz I enjoyed that that was 599 that said that I'm a different person [ __ ] off you know I know you said that now you just you're [ __ ] with my mind you proper [ __ ] with my mind do you have any ideas on a new theme tune your most recent stream at the very end I swear it wasn't on cuz I I was in last night did you do it last night as well oh right it got blocked oh yeah I wanted to ask you about that right you know when you um when you when you play music on YouTube live will you ever is there possibility of getting Community bands or does it just block the stream and then that's it or is there a risk of getting your channel deleted or having Comm uh strikes cuz so far YouTube's been pretty nice and they've only they've only just removed the stream so I'm I'm I don't know if I'm pushing it if I keep playing music brutally if someone had uh gone to your Dome and said Rolling Stones are The Beatles you picking that's a tough one because Rolling Stones have one of my favorite songs ever and the Beatles but the Beatles have a lot more great songs for me that are like um a day in the life is one of my favorite songs as well that that's yeah I'd probably pick the Beatles I Am the wolver cuckoo Choo Cho um and I like a lot of the OB obscurer songs well it's not so obscure now but here comes the song I know it's technically George Harrison not the Beatles even though they do list it list it under the Beatles now but I think it was a George Harrison song want it I'm pretty musical M now he he's more up to date but I'm sure the ear comes of s was a George arrison song but then the Beatles I'm pretty sure played it anyone who uses a ukar needs to meet a cricket back I didn't I didn't make the song so technically I'm I'm good I would like to do a world tour at some point I'd like to go around like the world I'd like to do South America um Asia Africa Europe I'm not so bored about Europe I'd like to do do some countries in Europe but I'd like to do a world tour stream it as well now you won't get stri it most of the stream will get blocked fair enough I I'll keep doing it then cuz I've always been a bit thingy about playing music live on stream uh but if you really if you play really big stuff like Beatles or Ros it's likely they'll take the stream down weirdly I played loads of Oasis earlier and they haven't blocked that still up um May maybe it'll come on later when I thought it it would have been finished processing by now surely it's usually after it's processed I I prived it just in case usually they just take the monetizer a from it and stream stats and stream stats okay nice I'm getting play more music then cuz usually Chris all good man how much did you pay for that intro song I don't even know I wish I could get a refund though cuz I need that [ __ ] money right now um Europe has has the most beautiful architecture in the world easily I think it was about 120 I think I paid for the intro song it was around that I can't remember if it was in Euros or Pounds though Europe has the most beautiful architecture in the world easily I I I do agree with that but I don't think it's always about architecture I think there's a lot about about um atmosphere and culture I guess that I want to experience oh yeah good choice yeah yeah M here comes the son as George singing same as While My Guitar Gently Weeps and happy to dance with you yeah I like to Here Comes the S is my what what was my dad's favorite song so that's why that's one of mine and then uh A Day in the Life Is it a day in the life pretty sure it's a day in the life the one where it switches up yeah it's a day in the life it's it starts one way and then it switches up Don't It the song does and I like how the the song just takes a completely different tone good song he remembers that time Justin Bieber got on stage naked with weed in his hand and a bit and bit bat Ed off on stage I don't remember that but I remember when Aussie osbor did that and and my dad knew oie was born around before he moved to America my dad was he lived next to him and my dad he tried to sell my dad the he his his mom's his mom's wedding ring and uh my dad refused and my dad gave him the money so he could get over to America and then that's when he met Sharon he end up I think he was back and forward to be fair but I know you're taking the piss you're always taking the piss yeah having music helps with engagement wow I'd have done it for a [Music] ten hey if you knew me back then I had a lot it's back when I had filo money do you remember F Foo and stuff [ __ ] hell had F money life was good had food boxes from the [Music] government that was a good life [ __ ] not So Much Anymore yeah a day in life was that that is probably what my my favorite Beetle song Tori no I don't and that that guarantee that's one of the [ __ ] people who were an aliot on an Al account and Ne never got a single penny of fer did did did you get any help I it's did you get any help from the government during that time and I love it and my favorite Beetle song by far CH by far since a kid even though it's just pinging okay [ __ ] hell no way that is proper wank man yeah that that time was it was um it was [ __ ] it felt like typical T government I guess though like the Alps They al the the people they wanted to help didn't they like the main people who got Al were [ __ ] uh business owners business owners got [ __ ] loads of help and then um self-employed people self people rinse that system dad sounds like a legend my dad was a legend he was a [ __ ] Legend sadly not with us anymore though I was on Pho for eight months man I was on I wasn't I was on from Pho from April to August and then they said come back in the office or or you gone and I I just decided leave take a risk I didn't want to go in office and [ __ ] catch AIDS at the time that's what I'm going to do for Halloween costume party yeah dressing as Aussie would be pretty good to be fair vampire I like that that would be a pretty pretty pretty good costume at to and my mate shared for six weeks sorry make the joke I need make the joke was it Guru um but no that is sad man that that's sad to you that so many so many people got [ __ ] over during covid was very dangerous to be a Chinese person in England around that time I mean you'd think that but like we we act to social distance we didn't see anyone for like four months did we after though when when we were coming out of Co I I guess yeah oh yeah Chris Chris said the same was it g no wasn't old bad mate smell like famili [ __ ] it's good to see you on your feet now though but I think this like this is why I I've I I always consider most self working class I feel like anyone or most most people who what I consider working class and and is the fact it's it's a weird one because the the working class is split and divided into like they call it the deserving poor and the undeserving poor and there's this sense of [ __ ] that some some people deserve more than others and all this [ __ ] but I think I don't even know what I'm talking about I'm just talking absolute [ __ ] I don't don't know I had a point and I I forgot it there's no social security here in India freaking it taxes and no social security only old ads would get it though and I'm only 22 for 22 you've got a very good [ __ ] music taste listening to good music The Vampire Suarez costume is is legendary that's good yeah and the the the subs the subs are doing all right but that's only because that stupid short I I put out I need to stop doing shorts because shorts are R going to ruin my channel and I haven't made a proper video for ages yet and my last streams aren't I need I need I need to um I need find a way to to offer better value I work 12 hours a day in at hotel live with my mom who also worked in at hotel we split the living cost cuz London is expenses and we live in on a council state I live on a council estate I I am looky enough that we we have um we we do own it we do have a mortgage but I feel like any what I was going to say is anyone who's one way like I I describe workingclass people as anyone who's one or two wages away from being homeless I'm I'm one wage away from being homeless if if like I lost my job I was lucky enough I got a payout made redundance but if I lost my my new job suddenly I don't have savings to like support myself and because like social welfare and uh doll money doll money is nothing as it 90 doesn't doesn't [ __ ] save you 90 a week doesn't save you from being on the streets no worries Crest meanwhile you have a do do a neighbor who hasn't worked since before Labor with lasting power and gets money more money than us deserving poort and undeserving poort is a real thing yeah I know it is but this the undeserving pool there's there's a section of it it's I class that as vulnerable people I know not all vulnerable people um are rinsing the there's some that are rinsing the system and the Su that on I I know we knew someone who's getting near enough free like two and a half Grand nearly two and a half grand um a month in disability payments and doll money and stuff like that I don't even know how that's possible like I I tried to claim because I'm all kind of [ __ ] up I I I tried to make a claim once and they just rejected it you're not [ __ ] up enough disability apparently though he's fine playing footy in the park with his weed and beer as his rent paid for by the council see if this is the weird thing like like you say people like that get get get away with it but like if if I lost my job and I couldn't pay the bills I'd get dll money because my wife works we wouldn't be entitled to any benefits we wouldn't be entitled to with any any house towards housing payments anything like that we' just get n 90 quid 90 quid and we we couldn't sustain like I don't know how anyone affords to live on their own in this this economy it's mad absolutely [ __ ] mad latest iPhone games conso is life is sweet I'm a type one diabetic and I don't even qualify for it what the [ __ ] yeah you type one so you have to you have to like proper be on it then mental health and a bad laggy claims how how how are they claiming how are they claiming and getting everything paid for it's [ __ ] mad I I get certain people who probably deserve it man like but some people are just rinsing the system I waited at an ad agency in malborne Australian and couldn't make my rent for a while do you get help I have to inject insulin six times a day so yeah type ones don't don't aren't fat you know type ones it's type type twos uh fat I I I I knew someone who was type one diabetic and they have to check the blard quite regularly even from what I know type one even exercise affects your blood sugar levels stoon smack a lot of people call it sto on smack or stoon that that's the full name stok on Trent we we we do call it just Stoke we do call it just Stoke but there's another Stoke there's Stoke new inton um so sometimes people guys confused with that stoke yeah yeah I've heard that it does because you can go into like ketosis can't you I know quite a bit about it you can go into ketosis if it get is ketosis when it's too low or too high I can't remember but like basically if it's too high you can get [ __ ] up and if it's too low you can get [ __ ] up and if you stay in one of them too long you go into ketosis says it or something like that and it can damage like your blood vessels in your eyes and everything yeah yeah I know I know a lot about Titan one I see that that's fair enough is it uh is it worth visiting when I come down solid pubs um no no Stoke is a [ __ ] night like you'll probably end up in a fight the people the people of stoke are good some of them some of them if if you know the right people you'll have a [ __ ] blast um but you'll end up in a fight guaranteed because it's Stoke and there's there's better places go go Manchester Birmingham Sheffield no not Sheffield York York is a good night out yeah com's too low Kos is too high that's it yeah that was it all right Lads 1:00 a.m. here I'd better crash now see you in B in mate nice one for joining if my Sugar's too low everything gets slow I start sweating loads and get so we literally Todd could knock me over [ __ ] man what what age did you find out because I know uh some people with type one they they don't they find out like the odd way like they find out they go UND diagnosed and then they they find out like when they like drop into ketosis or when they go into ketosis or something how did you find out did you have is it is it your spleen like you can if you have your spleen removed you I don't know I knew vague information around it did that facial air come with oh mate like come on come off it's one ABS the one and only [ __ ] nons that's why should be what weirdo let let's check out this little [ __ ] weirdos 16 subscribers what a little what a little [ __ ] if I go too high I can't stop pissing I get so fcy and my eyesight goes Super blurry yeah [ __ ] man you found out when you're nine did did you did something happen that you found out when you were nine good to know I will still come down if close by and have a P with you and your budy you did that who was the smelly fight of it yeah no way Chris when when are you over anyway when are you over I lo I lost my off I lost off my body weigh in days and just kept fainting when I when I when I found out I was in auma for 5 yeah I I've he a lot of people find out that way it's [ __ ] dangerous is it like it just happens crazy do you go for you like is it hc1 a test every year is it hc1 a are you up to date with them I think it's hc1 a h HB A1C or something like that H1 BC that's a you go you go regular for try Wasabi I give you a sub get me some Wasabi you donate you donate to me right now Austin if you donate $15 or whever or wherever you're from I'll go to the shop on stream and I'll go buy some Wasabi and I'll [ __ ] try go right now I'll keep the stream running I'll [ __ ] go yeah I have four checkups a year okay that's good four that's good someone I knew they only I swear they must have missed them they must have miss them but she she had to have laser laser eye surgery because she she was terrible at managing it going to come down in about a year maybe two just to check it out before mve in about four to five nice yeah come come over we I'll meet up with you just let me know in advance so we can plan it we'll we'll go for we'll go for a p man come down to stoke well why you going move to the UK what what's your reason for it going to be finishing school this year then save up or why do you want to come to the UK though what what's the reason for it my real name is Jon Jones can I come meet you we can book a h tell room a twin room I promise [ __ ] off if you were actually Jon Jones I'd still tell you the same thing [ __ ] off I know you're full of [ __ ] I'm going to actually go train tomorrow I think I'm trained for ages I might actually get back into training yeah I I kind of gathered the the diabetes thing was true you know too much information about about it it'd be a bit sick if you're lying about diabetes anyway oh Guru was on Sho Mal's podcast w't he lots of reasons I hate this country caner is soy Noy lacrosse country always love the UK and everything about it feel like fit in way better yeah fair enough if you feel like you you [ __ ] I get that man I [ __ ] get that I feel like Canada does seem a bit s I'm not I'm not going to lie it does seem a bit s seems a bit too nice for being a big Bel fan since a that's where it started plus watching [ __ ] off you can jog on if you watch Coronation Street man that's a joke watch Coronation Street at like 10 so fall in love with accent too the the only the only good thing about East Enders was Phil Mitchell when they were like having like [ __ ] fights and bws all the time other than that everything drama a [ __ ] man Jesus Christ Chris how old are you are you 22 are you [ __ ] 49 Jesus man then Manch man man accents are not Posh Manny accents are not Posh Jesus Christ where are you from anise London I can tell you East London is nothing like the [ __ ] that BBC portray it someone like Phil Mitchell Mitchell would being killed [Music] [Laughter] ages the big fat Mead Phil Mitchell you right you right you right love oh man soaps as if you watch soaps [Music] what's this about did anyone watch sewer King's video Phil and Grant the Savages of Albert Square don't tell me you're soap guys while shot gun yeah honestly some random kid would have killed him he walked about thinking he owns the place yes just some random kid it's it's like my great grandma watched it with my grandma then with my mom and I watched it with them and loved it can't lie I'll let you off because it's uh you're bonding with your family but shitty now you'd have been killed by a random run of the mill dealer yes some Street gangster it's a tradition now cry is kind of trash like every every show it is it is pretty trash P Cory era was the Richard ilman murderer ER yes I remember that I I only I I only know about it CU my parents watched it religiously is a Tyrone still in it Tyrone Tyrone is it Tyrone the the the guy who looks like he's got down syndrome are people in Manny really like Shameless no I Shameless wasn't him Manny was it I'm sure there probably is uh places like that oh yeah it was supposed to be uh it was filmed in wyen show F funny you mentioned that um we were talking about the American version I've never seen the American version I was talking about it earlier with someone how many Vision uh how many Shameless us didn't ah yeah William HC Macy William H Macy was in the American one Frank gallager parents seem like Chads they were well my mom's still alive Dad D dad passed away a few years ago super shotgun gets it I say it was the John stap era yes Tyrone is still there no way and Steve Steve [ __ ] gomo Steve the do yeah don't don't want to give anyone big ads stee fell off a building so he's out of his fight with John again N I thought that was [ __ ] want it the Stipe thing it's not true is it no ST Ste P responds to Aspen's claims he has picked up an injury I think it's just aspinal try and cause [ __ ] um stie responded to it and he said he's fine he said fake news or something no worries Chris no worries no it's cuz someone said John stap he tried to kidnap the baby and fall off the roof what the [ __ ] is this I'm I I got told I'm punching quite a bit I'm taking the piss out of the way you say John oh you're taking the piss out of me right now that that kind of makes sense but aren't you always taking the piss out of me like Michael Myers in accept he never came back to lie do you remember oio did any of you little [ __ ] soapies watch that Al was good when you're like 14 can't believe you you guys watch [ __ ] soups though has anyone seing this this weird rant that always gone on um always seems to think everyone's against him at the moment he's talking about how he can't wait uh um he can't wait to regain his throne and a lot of people laughed at him but we'll see who gets the last laugh come October 26 I don't think anyone's everever laughed at hway ever I don't know why he's got that statement from the little deluded [ __ ] everyone lacks all way even when he was fighting gatei people pick gate you but the they always liked H way always always he hasn't got anyone who [ __ ] hates him B Beam was in oio back in the day it's hilarious no don't tell me he was Michael bisy oio I'm going to watch this now Michael bisin has Nathan mallister and o oio l later n Nathan get killed how long was he in there 12 years ago no way remember o Oaks later it it was still still [ __ ] like you expected it to be a bit more juicier h just watching it now he's hanging off a bilding I'm guessing this is how he dies he falls to his death I watched oio up until 2015 it's all about gays now quite literally not in a few but it's literally a program for gays now oh that's sad it used to be a program for young boys who were only as [ __ ] want to see babes oh [ __ ] bin dies he did come back super he stabbed Michelle E bin so after he dies he falls off this building he comes back and kills someone uh we've been together 10 years now 10 years married for four five married for five I mean people were counting all the way out heavily against gatei I know they were counting him out but no no one give Allway [ __ ] they they always knew Allway was game for a fight and I I feel like no one's ever disrespected disrespected all's name he is just trying to put a a chip on his shoulder some fights need to that to stay motivated fair enough yeah to be fair I think that's probably it more than anything self motivation yeah people definitely didn't believe in him for one of his biggest fights yeah fair enough I did though I wasn't I wasn't laughing all way o later was the more graphic version it was still timid they want it like considering it was on like midnight or some want it on e4 Michael bision is such a [ __ ] actor [ __ ] how good on you mate congrats on that 10 years like off off your life man now people saying toor beats him I'm a bit I'm a bit nervous about the the tore fight to be fair MMA fan base are proper [ __ ] that's why most of the fighters ate the fans worst fan base in the sports you know why though because being being a fight fan it's odd especially in MMA it's hard to back just one guy is it it's hard to be a fan a big fan fan of one guy not many fighters get that kind of fan base where you've got an UND devouted like [ __ ] fan base where UND devouted hardcore fans they back you through Fick and F everyone's very subjective in in in being a fight fan they're very subjective and they will flip-flop because I think a lot of fans don't want commit to because of how MMA is where the guy one guy could be on top and then he can get smacked down quite quickly no one wants to commit to a fighter because I think it's eager like with a lot of guys where they don't want to be seen as oh I'm I'm a big fan of this guy because if they get knocked out then like you'll get people going I told you so I told you so so I think a lot of people end up being on like like one fight they'll they'll back some what someone and then the next fight they won't right par how you doing my man yeah that their big man is that the alar 2000 I see albar what you on about albar [ __ ] is [ __ ] you on about oh you're still talking about that [ __ ] coronation streets par Paradox please tell me you don't watch Coronation streets yeah they actually having a a conversation in chat about Cory Iz he said it perfect after his Jan lost everyone kind of forgot everything he done cuz that one lost then we're back on his meet after he beat vtori but that that's the thing is it I think a lot of people are scared to unconditionally back a fighter you're vaporized a blood I'm never watching Cory G thank [ __ ] yeah I am a vaporizer oh this it's not an oh is that what they called Alpa no it's just a a [ __ ] bargain boo1 pound refillable Frankie is also a Cy fan Jesus Christ oh boy boys we need to get you out the house more and can you down [ __ ] Pub uh he's a Chad Brit I I'm I'm beginning to question some of you now and I had no reason to question any of you and now I'm hearing like you're all [ __ ] Cory Watchers no way is is he really had no idea bargain be's way I'd say vul as an exception he has a lot of support despite being on a two fight scar do you think he'll have the same support going into his next fight whoever he fights and is that because toore is not liked like because he's got a Spanish fan base so the English fan base back vul I know he's likable anyway but do do you think that plays into it the fact that he fought Islam and then he fought um he had the re rematch with Islam and then he fought Toria is you reckon that's why people were backing vul because they disliked a lot of the fan base dislike Islam and they wanted Islam lose or do you think it's just cuz vul's an exception a complete exception it's called a chuffer I like Frank even more get a room the bargain boo in my ends has shut down really I was go strong man stoke's all about that [ __ ] booze and we over a bargain ask him about Cory no I'm not asking him about Cy because he'll probably go on a rant about Cory and I don't want to hear that people are saying Jon Jones is Rusty quite literally the only two people that can possibly beat him in the UFC Alex and Tom what if Stipe ends up knocking out Jon Jones what if that freaking accurance happens we'll definitely ask him cor La is next stream Grace nice one I think vog just planned uh I think vult just really planned the two fights horribly still beats 90 5% of the division think he beat Beats torei in the rematch have you seen musically musically Park on his tenders before what's musically Park and no I haven't I don't even know what that is of course we have an Aon Foods we have an Aon Foods we have a Food Warehouse Iceland yeah a Aon Foods is pretty decent to it is pretty decent Food Warehouse is pretty decent as well I like going Food Warehouse we get um I have a takeaway from uh Food Warehouse every know again you can get some banging like Chinese takeaways and stuff from there don't think Vault beats Toria orway if he somehow meets him again so he's never going to be Champion again I think he beats Toria I don't think he beats hway if if all hway inv vul rematch I don't think uh I don't think he beats hway he just needs he he needs a I don't know who he F but he doesn't need fight anyone that's potentially going [ __ ] beat him take an easier fight I don't know who that would be against probably yah I'd like to see yah Rodriguez versus vul and let him get a win back unless they did cuz obviously in instead of a rematch cuz as he ever for Josh emit cuz I don't want to see vog Los and I think Arnold Allen beats vog I'm gone where wiard where was Giga CH Chi ranked before Arnold Allen beat him where was Giga ranked because I've just noticed I don't know how I've not seen this Arnold Allen's gone above EV and rightly he should be because I believe he would have beat EV if God or [ __ ] it up but when did that happen was was Giger ranked above Evo then he may just struggle but I reckon he washes the rest I say give him EMT as a warm that that I think emt's probably the fight fight to make because evu is fighting stealing Arnold Allen's just forced Rodriguez they've already done that fight orga's fighting Lopez do do Josh em give him a warm-up fight they haven't Force as well so it's not going to be a rematch then again he may get NES against deit he might but then if if he does then that's the way it should [ __ ] be Doc you going live tonight is that even the real Paradox that Chad [ __ ] knows what time crossover on and you got human traffic by Jeff M how are they thinking of not giving a rematch to vul after Max fight is ridiculous I I did I think they might give that though Tyler I think they might but I don't think vog should take a rematch I think H vog should step away and have an easier fight because he's come off um two Islam fights in a Toria fight just yeah don't don't don't take another loss or potential loss let him let him get a win back in his uh in his boots let him go win in his boots and then then for the title or something I'm not Li oh yeah yeah okay Bet sounds good bro Contender Series starts at 12 I'm not going to be on until 12 I say next while to wait fight for Usman should be Leon Usman 4 I hate you I really don't want that I really don't want that we care because we need the Takeover um I think they should freeze Usman out to be fair but they won't I think Usman will probably fight uh balal I don't think they'll do I don't think they'll do shavat versus balam I think they'll give it Usman and they'll they'll try to come up with some excuse why shavkat couldn't fight for the title A lot of people like JDM though don't they I reckon who's going FS JDM next it's all dependent on when jm's back it's all dependent on when jm's back because he's only started training again so I don't know usman's really trying and push for a fight this year that's that's all I know and I think JDM schedule is jdms likely to fight early next year January February hey don't ask me I'm I'm not I'm not the biggest JDM fan I like I don't mind how he fights but yeah personality wise have you ever seen musical scene any standers before brutal no what do you mean musical scene he standers is it musical MMA are you talking about musical MMA in standers and musical is an episode no never seen it never ever seen it not sure I want to to be fair why hi brw you're the best shout me out I'll take that Ryden welcome to the stream Ryden welcome to the stream where from Ryden okay next time we're not on on a vehicle I'll uh I'll probably go to a normal one tomorrow I'd love if the UFC just Mage divisions wh which two divisions it's in playe with the Christmas band I'll probably do a a non thing you want tomorrow Bantam and fly yeah Bantam and fly need to need to it it would make it a lot juicier if they merged them anyway boys I'm going jog on for tonight and I'll catch you tomorrow I I won't do a vehicle tomorrow I'll go back to a normal stream anyway nice one for joining Lads appreciate it as always I'll catch you in a bit

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Dana White Caught Lying ! Sean O'Malley Roasted Henry Cejudo ! Khamzat Chimaev on Dricus Being GAY !

Category: Sports

नमस्ते गाइज और आज की फाइट वीडियो में सबसे पहले बात करते हैं ufc.com पूरे इवेंट में एक मूवी चलने वाली है जिधर यह जो मूवी है यह चैप्टर्स में डिवाइडेड होगी जहां पर हर एक फाइट से पहले 10 मिनट्स के लिए एक मूवी का चैप्टर चलाया जाएगा और ये चैप्टर की मेन थीम रहेगी जो फाइट होने वाली है यानी कि हर एक चैप्टर एंड होगा एक फाइट से अब ये जो मूवी है ये बेसिकली क्या रहने वाली है तो यहां पर डायना वाइट का कहना था कि ये पूरी मूवी रहने वाली है मेक्सिकन... Read more

Demetrious Johnson Retires…. thumbnail
Demetrious Johnson Retires….

Category: Sports

Demetrius johnson mighty mouse has officially retired from mma mix martial arts crazy didn't expect this i honestly didn't expect this but at the same time i feel like we all kind of did because you know he has been talking about it for like a year now he's been out he's been out mma for a while maybe... Read more

MMA Community CONCERNED for Alex Pereira after DDP CALL OUT! Sean Strickland RECEIVES WARNING! thumbnail
MMA Community CONCERNED for Alex Pereira after DDP CALL OUT! Sean Strickland RECEIVES WARNING!

Category: Sports

Paddy pimblett talks about next fight! what's up everyone and welcome back to the mma zone today let's get started with patty pinet talks about next fight at ufc 304 patty pimblett picked up the biggest win of his career when he submitted king green in the very first round now with a spot on the ufc's... Read more

Valentina Shevchenko vs Alexa Grasso | FULL FIGHT | UFC 306 #ufc #alexagrasso #mma thumbnail
Valentina Shevchenko vs Alexa Grasso | FULL FIGHT | UFC 306 #ufc #alexagrasso #mma

Category: Gaming

All right here's the number one women's bantamweight contender she believes for a while she's been the best at 135 lbs she's making the walk tonight staring down the champion confidence not an issue fear not a factor we'll see if this talented number one contender can shed that label and leave with... Read more

Dana White FIRES UFC Fighter for ALL3GATIONS! Stipe Miocic SHUTS DOWN Injury Rumor! Sean O'Malley thumbnail
Dana White FIRES UFC Fighter for ALL3GATIONS! Stipe Miocic SHUTS DOWN Injury Rumor! Sean O'Malley

Category: Sports

Sean o’malley predicts fight against merab dvalishvili! what's up everyone and welcome back to the mma zone today let's get started with shaun ali predicts fight against morab divish at ufc 306 suugaan ali and morab bash will finally have a chance to share the octagon when they headlined the highly... Read more


Category: Sports

Like there's one way to look at it where they're like oh they're just you know they're just trying to put trump in jail and then there's another where they're trying to set the new rule set where if you push back on election results that you think are dubious will throw you in jail because maybe they're... Read more