Carabao Cup 3rd round draw live watch along | Hammers to face Liverpool away in next round

right then welcome to the calibar Cup live watch along for the third round of the draw or the draw for the third round rather West Ham just beaten Bournemouth 1 nil about half an hour ago we'll talk about that in just a second Newcastle United have just eliminated not Forest on penalties and they're giving it lar they're enjoying this the Newcastle players and you know what good on them so it should be I think sometimes in this day and age you get told you're not allowed to do that these days and I think people sometimes don't take it as seriously as they should do anyway the draw will be happening very soon on Sky Sports following newcastle's celebrations West Ham are ball number 31 in the draw bit of a a different draw um this time around because of the Champions League teams in the eura league so historically it's at this point of the draw it's just all the balls all 32 balls in the heart and flip them out one by one and you get who you get kind of thing but in regards to tonight's one I was reading about it earlier and because there's a couple of extra games for each team to play in the Champions League group stage in eura League they've been kept apart and I don't get it so the reason they've given so basically Man City man united Arsenal Liverpool ason Villa and Spurs are all being kept apart in the third round so they're going to get drawn first and they're going to get drawn whether to determine their home or away but they won't be playing each other so the other 26 teams go in and obviously six of us will get drawn against those six and then it's a case of who plays each other and the reason for that is to avoid fixture clashes with the champions league and EUR League because they've got that two extra games but what I don't get is well they're still going to have to play the game at some point let's just say Man City get drawn against Newcastle United who aren't in European football that man city is still going to have to play that cbel cup game so why does it make a difference where it's against Newcastle or Liverpool for example I I generally don't get it I don't like why they can't to play each other I just think it's strange I'm not buying it anyway um let's get your thoughts in then into the live chat about the West Ham game as well as the cup we'll talk about the Cup draw in just a second but about the West Ham game we've obviously just beating Bourn with one nil it could be about the performance a player's performance whatever you want to talk about get into live chat and let's have a discussion while we wait for the the balls be warmed up and ready to rock and roll um esimo saying the European games are played over two weeks um I I don't know truth to be told I don't know know enough about it I just don't like it I just don't like the fact they're being drawn apart Carl says James Ward Price's performance was po no creativity at all and there some rusty ones too from tedo and some of I thought tedo was a bit iffy to be told um wasn't overly impressed by him I'm trying to it's only his first start so it's it's you know not the end of the world kind of thing but I thought he looked a little bit ropey at the back today and he looked tired or injured and also went off halftime so I'm assuming he picked up a knock at some point in the first half um which is a bit of a shame for him obviously but I think MAV Panos is position in the first team safe for now wave say it's going to be it's clear it's going to take time for us to imp to implement what ly wants Nathan doesn't like the fact that the champions league and eura League teams aart um it's not the conference League teams they don't count Chelsea's in the conference league and they are not being kept apart from the don't know I don't know enough about European football this season truth be told because of the um because we're not in it I've not paid too much attention to the proceeds of the new Swiss format and the way it's working kind of thing Jordan says in a weird way didn't feel like a win but Dodge bullet too looks like he needs pre-season and Peter saying he's impressed I'm staying to do this on my birthday Peter I'm not one for birthday is I guess it's not it's just Wednesday to me ter says Somerville made loads of great runs was hard picked out I was at the game and the intensity was very low Jeff is hoping for a home draw robot say I think a bit of corruption this draw League Cup should not include European teams with the winner getting the conference League ensures teams like ourselves Palace and fulam have a fair crack Mike say I think some of those clubs would want to play one another in the carabal cup earlier instead of later maybe jnan says we look worrying still not jelling and don't have a plan I don't like the 4141 with suuch not working Todd thans kilman Juan bazak and Alvarez were impressive yeah I do as well and happy birthday Adin happy birthday myself Adan and lki all have the same birthday Sam says Midfield needs sorting ASAP Jimmy's asking who want in the cup dra we'll get to that in just a second Jimmy um sham Rock saying that the Newcastle through after beting Newcastle on pens said fansy had to have the most touches the amount of times the ball got played back so much James thank you for the two Super Chat very kind of you James says happy birthday thank you thank you very much lar in confence League only have six games and the Champions League you yes that's that's the reason you are correct they've got additional two games Ryan says Alvarez a ball winner War PR a deep simple passer Su poor passing B man where's a ball car midfielder no wonder who to completely agree with that Ryan Kimbo said we were Dreadful tonight lucky to scrip through but a win is a win Westwoods worried about F K don't know hopefully he isn't a yeno well saying we're gonna get Man City away we do have a bad history of getting tough draws don't we Rick said going to start pressing how football hoofball feel a bit sorry for B but not too much yeah that that's those words haven't come out of my mouth the the pressent thing I've seen enough of ly at wolves to be concerned about us going after him but I'm not judging him yet I am I'm judging him game by game but my overall picture of ly if you like is foring as we speak um I'm not going to judge him off tonight but likewise I keep saying this even if we won 4-0 and the football was fantastic I'm not going to suddenly think W you know what this is the right man for the job I need to see more um and I'm gonna I'm GNA use that with both so when we play good I'm still going to be hesitating when we play bad I'm still going to be hesitant I want I don't know 15 20 games before I I started properly judging him kind of thing just me anyway you do what you want I think like I said judge him game by game I think that's important you can certain ADV valuate every game but in terms of my opinion on LY I think it's because I already had one sort of pre West Ham I think that's maybe played its part usual suspect said for a minute felt sorry for bour then he didn't Matthew said I feel like Su should have been subbed over award par I understand what Su brings but when he's not bringing it he's still not getting subbed I feel like we'll never play the thing is it wasn't really like such's game today I didn't think I didn't really feel like we utilizing him at all at least with Aston Villa I felt like we were putting in plenty crosses he was in the area I didn't feel like we were crossing it much tonight and I didn't really feel like he was that high up the pitch compared to the Christal Palace game I just didn't think it was Thomas such's game and that's going to happen but this is where when it is such's game play him but when it ain't don't play him and I just felt like we stuck with it just purely out of Hope of him baing us out Jules says been tuned in for few a few years appreciate the content finally ad doy decision in our favor birth GI thank you Jes I appreciate that um very kind of you Melbourne says a crap Advantage for Champions League teams if we said we could only be join against te who finish below us last season it would been up Ain said seen a lot of negativity towards F crew today personally thought he did all right considering I thought he was okay I thought his whole do play was okay his built his involvement was all right he just fed on scraps Anuj says that it's embarrassing with such a talented team we still have the check boys playing in fairness he wasn't going to play suou he only came on because of cell's injury in um in the warm-up when did it start it's supposed to be after the game I'm hoping it's going to be I'm on the right channel I've got on my phone so I can do this I'm hoping that I'm on the right channel on the main Sky Sports channel at the minute I'm I'm assuming that's the right one I'd imagine it is and La same where we're watching I'm watching on Sky Sports it must be possible to view in America I don't know what it's broadcast on there tonight but it will be and night on T says we love to watch along but please s the ads out during the game veryy I can I'm sorry we need the money um our live videos don't earn much money for obvious reasons um and I know it's our fault because we choose to do this as a job but we have a lot of like commitments in terms of people in terms of financially giving people money to contribute towards Hammer chat and stuff like that so unfortunately cutting the adverts out of the watch along isn't it's not viable it doesn't earn loads of money but it all adds up if we took the adverts out the watch Along on a Saturday effectively we possibly we would we' earn like 20 quid dir quid for the whole day and I'm doing and when it's my job we can't we can't be doing that unfortunately especially like in September we've only got three games for example so I appreciate the the frustration I do but it's just not something we could um we can do hopefully I don't mind explaining things by the way Sam thank you so much for the 4 pound Super Chat very kind um I can't see the sticker because of software but thank you very much red says can care while we're grinding out results I don't mind either to some extent in the Cup's always about results ultimately the cup is the what matters but you can certainly discuss the performance I think um if you were to dismiss the performance entirely I think that would be a bit sort of naive I think um I'm just switching over to Sky Sports football so for non UK viewers um the Sky Sports YouTube channel has a draw on thank you Al doino but don't go anywhere put that on stay listen to me keep me company we're going to start discussing it in just a second s has YouTube premium someone asked about this the other day we do get part of our so at the end of the month Google will give us a bit of money and when you look at the breakdown of that money there is a bit of it that's from my YouTube premium so if you have a premium account and you watch YouTube you don't see any adverts but we do get a portion of the YouTube premium bucket at the end in month it's not loads of money but all all all helps and D said we're still figing out and learning a new system beat a solid well organized team we won playing well below our potential more than enough to be enthusiastic about love that and C saying can't recommend yoube premium if you're sick of adverts money goes direct to the channel as well um shot Dan say 30 could day that's a plumber minute I I know but it's um and it's because of this that we have to have more adverts so practical Frost has an ad blocker which I understand but because practical Frost will be watching our videos and we get literally zero money all year from practical Frost because he has that ey blocker it means that we have to put more ey VES in because we've obviously got a certain amount we need to earn every month in order to pay our bills just like everybody else does um it's it's a balance thing we do our best we won't please everybody and Paul says couldn't get stream for the game but don't despair my fellow irons if we don't play well and still win in a team that's largely finding its collect defeat then that my book is a huge positive and thank you to melbour hammer for the 15 Aussie do very kind of you sir hope you're all Grand Josh at least another another cleen she has two in her own now is it's nice it feels good Michael S fearful that we eventually revert to relying on Antonio Bowen up top I think we'll see Bowen on Saturday up front against Man City I think I think H West saying it's been a stressful night it has I've still not fixed my problem I found a workaround this is a workaround it's not a permanent solution so that's tomorrow's tomorrow's job but we've got quite a busy one with all the videos to do because of the player ratings and stuff like that um no the draw hasn't started yet Jacob there's still discussing the Newcastle not for this one but it should be on should be on tonight oh sorry Jeff's just asking did I fix my computer no I didn't it's not the computer just the problem it's because I've got to work around I now know where the problem is so I'll try and fix it I don't know tomorrow night or something and Nick saying there's no average on patreon videos there's not but people then give us a monthly subscription to access patreon so we don't there's no there's never any adverts on end and on patreon um not one advert ever and there never will be and in patreon's the same price as it was when we launched over three years ago now we've still not and haven't and won't put the price up um I don't want to just to turn into chitchat about um the channel I don't mind answering questions 50 P we do get paid from YouTube premium don't worry YouTube premium it's good it's good Alvarez was stressed out by the way we played we worked really hard wish he was our captain says W joh says when top teams win but play badly we're told to sign a brilliant team when West Ham wom would play badly we take it badly that be optimistic I think that's a greate professional performance I think is the phrase I tend to use if Man City do something like that h b would I like to a couple of you players tonight no because I want to win this Trophy and our best young players are out on loan um at the moment I think cases maybe the Casey norford are still at the club but we've got an embarrassment of riches at the club at the minute and I I want to see us play our strongest team to try and win this carabal cup thank you Kimble for the 10 pound Super Chat much appreciated very kind of you um Andy just saying Patron's good value for money and great Community thank you grey want to see G me tonight shame you didn't get on I think not many of our attacking players played well F was going to struggle needs a service to get the best out of him I agree I agree Mich said you pay for skyports and still get a Aver at the price you pay for free YouTube content it's not a big ass keep up thank you Michael I'm glad glad you have that mentality um Timmy seeing the draw is now it's not on mine yet but I'm on my phone so I will have a 30 second delay compared to um everybody else yeah they're just heading over to the draw right who do we want get into the live chat let us know who you would like in the third round of the carabal we've got this weird process because the six teams are being kept apart from each other um I selfish when it comes to these things I think everybody is surely and um I would like Stoke City away um because because I live in Stoke and it would be just down the road I'm going to struggle to afford to get to too many games this season because of my personal life and um so if we could get stalk that would be that would be that would be good and Charlie is now in the live chat thank you for joining us Charlie I was going to text you back but I need my phone for the the draw you know what it's like you you're usually there Charlie used to be here in the watch alongs and Andy wants to buy to the final would be nice Al do deino would like Le two um ju says somehow we get man I'm not scared of Manu this season triy to got Manu I would be too bothered I'm all right with man united um Ricky would like at home to orient while fed would like Orient away chippy would like Wimbledon Steve rins will get my new a and Mike says at home to anyone crap so Mike wants Man United at home or Spurs at home um wonderful L Sten that is exactly what I'm wanting Andy wants Wick him away whereas James wants Wimbledon Ultra would like Tottenham at home and as would like to avoid Arsenal I'd like to avoid Arsenal Liverpool Man City I'm okay with the rest of them truth be told I'd like to avoid those three if possible just let me have a look at the teams that's still left in it um not going to read them all out but we've got barnesley Barrow Blackpool Bolton Fleetwood Leon Orient um QPR Preston Stu Wala Watford Wimbledon whoever won out car for sampton I don't know um brenford swans rck again I don't I'm not sure who won that one must be rck if Andy wants them um so I would I would still like Stoke I I still want I want stalk City away please because I'm selfish and I could walk to that ground um Gavin said a northern team a I can make hey Gavin Stu we we'll go to Stu together Matthew wants Watford so we can see a I'm on uh Watford Channel tomorrow actually they've asked me if I'll pop on to discuss I'm looking forward to I'm gonna I'm going on that channel to Big up Angelo unie biging I'm going on there to Big him up and tell them they've got a bang of a signing reunited with Jeremy and gaka is Angelo B at Vicor Road anyway right while you're all here the draw is set to get underway after these adverts I believe so um you know you complain about our adverts at least you can skip them after 10 seconds these ones unskippable four minutes unskippable and I give them I don't know 80 quid a month or something to pay for Sky 7 p a month to pay for Sky 7 qu a month they take for me I still have to watch adverts but while you're here please do drop like on it and please do I'm going to Black meal you it's my birthday so please get your click that thumbs up button and also subscribe if you're new to hammer chat we are live on Friday night by the way Friday night 90000 p.m. till 11: p.m. we say 11 it's always a little bit later we're live from 900 p.m. on Friday night with our deadline Day show and we've got a former West Ham United manager joining us so we've got former gaffer coming on at 900m on Friday to discuss West Ham's transfer window and we've got a couple of faces that you'll recognize as well we like to pull in the special guests for our transfer deadline Day show and we're doing the same again this transfer window so come and join us on Friday night manun there is a player rating show and that will be tomorrow unsure what time um I'll be live at 9:00 a.m. as always and then I will do my Watford video so be about 10 o'l maybe I think we will be live on patre with our player ratings H Paul saying you seen some YouTube ads run for over 90 minutes in a 50-minute video I've never had that one before I had to one the other day it was 30 seconds long I had to watch um it annoys me to be fair the adverts annoy me on YouTube I click on them and it's become a bit of a joke in the house I'm like adverts on YouTube who's got them like here we go like it's coming up now so we got four of the I don't I really don't like this we've got four champions league and eura League teams at home and two of them will be away convenient daring doesn't want us to get paid for our job either um he's got bad blocker so we don't get paid practical Frost make sure we don't get paid as well sad sad face sad to you ice cube soup for my tea tomorrow because of diving in Practical Frost um we get very little Brad and but honestly I don't mind answering question this isn't meant to be like a hammmer chat chat I don't mind it though I feel like we've always been quite transparency we've always been quite transparent here in Hammer chat regard and stuff like that I think we've always been quite open some some people get offended and frustrated but anyway um Hughes thank you very much for $20 said happy birthday give 20 more don't give me 20 more if you're not a patron use your money and go sign up to patreon because at least you get something in return for your pledge but the draw is just a way to get underway at the minute let me just turn up a little bit so oh no I've locked it oh for [ __ ] sake oh [ __ ] I'm sorry swearing and everything now and I'm swearing about swearing I've got to watch more adver oh my God clicked on my service I pay for and I've got to watch adverts to watch the service I pay for all right Liverpool first Liverpool will play oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] sake anyway there we go right the Carib cup was fun that's it that's us out right there carabar cup ready um Liverpool away AR with that um honestly I hate this new format [ __ ] that [ __ ] and so there you go Liverpool Liverpool at home to West Ham in the carb Cup every year every year Liverpool Man City oh just literally 31 teams we could be drawing against and we get Liverpool away there's only three I wanted to avoid 28 teams possible I'd have been happy I'd have been happy with 28 teams and we got one of the three that [Laughter] anyway I just looked to the live chat for some reassuring for people say hey don't worry G don't be down we're gonna do it but everybody's just as pissed off and disappointed as I am [ __ ] that [ __ ] Liverpool away I wish I could say they still look a little bit crap under orange slot but they look quite good they look a little bit more professional under iron slot than they did organ Club Salah looks like he's Primal Salah this is bollocks I don't like it anyway I was really excited for the cter cup I was hoping we could get a decent draw maybe even go on and win it challenge for the carabal cup not so much any anymore um so there you go Liverpool away anfield is our next destination in the third round of the carabal cup Michael says you heard it here first we are beating them I'm clicking on it because I need a little bit do you know something like as we build up to the game I'll get more excited and naturally I do it every match day we could be playing Real Madrid and I'll get my hopes up that we're going to beat them it's part of being a fan isn't it and um I'm sure when we get closer to I'll feel GED up for it but right now I'm not going to lie no not happy with that one I don't like it um don't like it whatsoever [ __ ] that [ __ ] Leon says we've got to beat the big teams to win it yeah but you could only you know you can maybe get to the final before you meet a big team couldn't you not the third round of the cabal C as wake says we can do it West h m Liverpool will be hammered by us we're massive everywhere we go um Charlie that's not Charlie Charlie said Liverpool more like loser poool light work easy basically a b to be fair you think Charlie's name word his pun there was bad you should see mine earlier Gonzo messaged me to say that it was L's birthday it's my birthday gonz mess me saying it's L's birthday really he wrote suspicious not suspicious at all my response was geot tagy I renamed myself um I'm never saying that ever again even if he brings up next year I I won't be doing it and Sam saying fixure congestion might make field a weaken side hopefully Brandon says rigged they're not even trying to hide it I think the minute they decided to keep the six teams from the European tournaments apart they might as well have just said we're just doing our best to protect the League cartel um Eric said the scers will be um bad poing European football could be easier for us to start with a strong team I hope so I hope so um Watford have got Manchester City so Aon will be going to the atad K Aon off against earling har I'm you know sum I like cookb pleased he's got a transfer surprised he didn't retire but I'm pleased he's got transfer I hope it works out for him but I'm glad I witness a n borner chasing Harland around at the atti hard in the next round of the carabal cup that's for sure um yeah that's not fun stalk I've got Fleetwood I want it's Stu I want it's stuck a lot every I say every season the last three years I've been sitting hoping we'll get stu um good to see that everybody in the live chat has got this similar reaction to sou which is nah [ __ ] that Liverpool away anyway I'm going to leave it there we're going to go to bed West Ham are in the third round of carabar cup after a hand ball we might need a little bit of luck like that anfield but Liverpool away next up for West Ham in the C power cup wonderful if you've enjoyed this video please do drop a like on it and actually before I go I just want to say a massive thank you to James for the two pound Super Chat Sam U for the four quid in the sticker I cannot see mbour hammer for 15 Aussie dollars and Kim put in two different ones I'm promise you there are two different ones two10 pound stickers that I cannot see but Kimo thank you very much he is put in $20 say happy birthday I missed out because they rigged the draw I missed out another $20 thank you very much Canal cup people and aswi thank you for the 5 P Super Chat and the motivation to say that we're massive and we're going to go to anfield and win thank you very much much appreciate it thank you for tuning in drop a like video to hammer chat 9:00 a.m. tomorrow I'll be live at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday morning discussing the gam more detail people in live chat at 900 pm on Friday night I am live on this channel with a former West Ham United manager discussing the transfer window I'll see you then

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