Natalie Portman look-alike in video game

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:41:53 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: natalie portman
things are not getting better although it seems they figured the critters out already others did before and died anyway it's too late we must go but it's not just about this island anymore Hugo we need to leave or we'll Doom everything careful with the drop here all right oh he's dead no choice sorry yes sorry come we'll [Music] cross good now we do things safe and slow no taking stupid risks Hugo if you feel funny tell us right away I will can't wait to leave this rock all right the harbor come hey my lady what is it now you're the countess's guests aren't you are you hurt no we have orders to escort you safely to the Palace actually we were about to leave you have guests guests who your mother and a boy of course you think she's going to scold us I don't know I we should go see her it's been a long time yes we can't run away from this I guess wow look at the two of you only a mom can have such power over someone all right you know what I'll head to the harbor and prepare the boat you join me as soon as you can take this whatever happens keep this flame alive all right yes be careful don't worry I've learned from both of you lead the way then what will we tell her the truth we found what we came for and I'm the one to blame I'll offend you my hero hurry move before they come back it's the is going to hold sir for now the count opened the gates to the people but there's so many dead and wounded we've seen [Music] that they're coming careful stay back it's like the one we saw the broken one sh yes where did they get it you're safe as long as you stay inside this line but outside without light yes over here we know anyway safe [Music] now are you not planning to evacuate not yet not until we've got everybody regrouped get to the bridge Hold the Line we need more fires on the main road pick up the pace keep these Flames for even help here it looks like a war come give me a hand with this the rats are pushing on our e flank we need torches there they should evacuate yes no one can win against them stay here lady we'll need it to carry the wounded and my belongings and Cat you can bring them inside all right I understand good luck dig trenches along the ramp parts and fill them with tar keep them burning any breach could make the palace fall and if the rats enter the palace then you're dead keep them burning have you fixed the Piston yet we need this car on the road and parts fast another one get off my back this thing's so old it might just explode we've got wounded up here it's not [Music] the uh child may want to look away I know blood still try not to [Music] look there are more my arm it's burning there the ones who have been bitten yes it will soon spread [Music] no he's not dead he can't it's over let him go no no come to your senses we've got more wounded coming please hurry we don't have much time the r from the Press go I tell you so it means the child is coming the child is supposed to lead us to brighter days not this Carnage quiet this is not the time to argue children blessed be the count for this food it's not much but we have to mind our supplies let's pray this nightmare ends soon this is my fault shh [Music] please this is but a test the child senses you must not lose Faith are the rats really announcing his coming through there why is he killing us safe steal your hearts pray to him just pray Mommy you're here my God you're alive mother come here please come here mother how are you your head it's fine don't worry how did you find us you left quite a trail behind you but tell me is it the one this island the one from your dream there was another carrier like me another carrier yes back in the 6th centur Tre A Child Called basilius we found him chained in an order prison designed especially for him what I think they panicked when he reached his last threshold they took him away from his protector locked him in there to contain what would happen next a new plague in the sixth Century that's the Justinian plague we knew it was connected to the mecula but so it started here with this basilius but it was not his fault he was just all alone and scared yes mother maest vodan said Hugo is condemned but this is what the order believes based on their mistake in the past with basilius if he'd had his protector like Hugo has us I'm almost sure nothing would have happened think about it during the last month on the road the times when it was quiet everything was just fine he was fine that's true something tells me that if we settle down somewhere safe and live there as a family maybe the plague would stop with time it it would stop getting worse fear really clouded our minds didn't it except yours protector yes remember that house we have in the mountain we'll be great there we'll be big and tall sorry to interrupt the count wants to see you me now but we were about to leave here's the count of provance my lady yes we'll wait for you for now we're safer here than outside anyway fine take me to him follow me best not to keep the count waiting do you know what the count wants with me no I thought he would be attending to more urgent matters seeing you must be an urgent matter act with dignity in his presence these are dark times he's touched like any of us all right I will the main gate is secure enough for now but the Western Rampart is still weak if the rats enter through there we won't be able to evacuate the wounded now I want to know where those rats come from send Scouts if we can find a way to slow them stop them or send them to Hell it'll be worth the risk s she's here good this is a war unlike any other but it is still a war dismissed and have faith it's not over yet yes sir sir come I need you very well count so you survived those beasts barely I'm sorry for your land a lord should know that no peace lasts forever but I confess that after years of war I had dared to hope that this one wood I understand the scars are still so vivid they fill the mind when you want only rest sorry I no no that's exactly it it's only human I think you're right but it doesn't stop you from being there when battle calls yes I beg you brothers and sisters do not be afraid the rats are the herald of the child of ERS he will return to us soon is the child really coming all the signs are here you mean the rats not only the rats come you'll see for yourself yes [Music] [Music] Emily wants the boy Amia I'm sorry but she is sure now sure about what that your brother is the child of Embers she must have him so you must die no no listen you are all completely wrong about this your cult everything you're probably right because I invented most of it and I did it for her what Emily her bloody parents broke her mind until she tried to take her own life poisoned her own body so I brought her here offered her this child of Ember story and not only did she believe it she turned it into hope for the people you f her Al lie what are you trying to do accept your fate damn you you go run how dare you come back get back to them go I won't lose her not for you go to hell where are you going you won't have him move to the right come on quick you can't imagine what's at stake go to hell you bastard I tried to be patient no no you won't get him I'll find you and you will die like a dog hey what's going on I need help please how do I get out of here who are you where is she behind that shut up everybody out keep out of sight you and me now need to move there you are where is she behind that TR shut up everybody El keep out of sight you and me come on let's finish this I know it seems unfair but you don't know what it takes to rule War it's so easy I could destroy everything but she showed me another way she has a light about her you've seen it I heard you stay right where you are a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no there's no point running Amia no you won't get me hiding is pointless you have nowhere to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what's going on stay back no you're trespassing where are you running There Is No Escape mother Lucas oh he's touched them it's too late now she knows he exists bastard bastard people believe in her as much as in the child stay away from me don't you get it this is bigger than you give up surrender your brother we can't do this the easy way you're crazy you'll all die if you take him away from us don't be so dramatic you'll simply disappear and the world won't care just let's go you've lived alive for so long you can't see the truth anymore the truth is everything that's rotten but her she's the only reason this world is not bur we will protect your brother from that rock we have the power to please please shelter anything [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah I'm good at this game you're go to hell you pick I need to find the others quick must be a way to get back upstairs you ruined my shoulder for good [Music] No Way Out [Music] [Music] [Music] noisy you chose the hard way no time quick move I hear you makes you sloppy that cover won't save you from me lose him [Music] quick where could you be [Music] are you hiding you know you can't go anywhere don't stop you can do it maybe lock him inside those cells hiding are we come here come on you're trapped you're stuck here you won't be a to hide forever it hurts apparently doesn't it but I can ease the pain TR shut the hell up here you are where have you gone damn it Amia come to me not survival I admire I've been through a lot I can tell it makes this even more exciting hiding are [Music] we come on keep going you go mother Lucas they all that matters through here quiet the door got to look him inside it's been a while since I hunted since I met Emily you are a one way I'll kill you as soon as I can you got Foster come on come on but you're too much of a threat for us for the child enough games come here go go why is the exit give me a godamn exit running again you are TIR if only my men have your determination [Music] you can't fight for me behind hiding is Pro you have nowhere to go [Music] shut the hell up [Music] you remind me of Old Times of myself now where your blood flow please stop this [Music] madness I can't don't faint now you go they'll take him away mother Lucas get them out of here even if it hurts [Music] B it's all you have you know it m so use it use it against them Don't Be Afraid yes you failed but this child was never truly yours I feel so full of him Hugo won't heal the wounds of your past he will fill no void in you you'll die everybody will no he will be loved he will shine like a bright son repel this darkness and I I'll just be a mother watching the first steps of a god shut up you have no claim to this family Amia how are you still alive where's Hugo inside go run at last sorry my love but this one's a hell of a [Music] fighter now [Music] this this is an invitation I can't refuse you called me by surprise I'm impressed you're quite something you know you face me thinking with all your soul that you can defeat me I can you won't have my brother such [Music] dedication you have a burning fire inside you but a flame without discipline doesn't make a soldier it consumes them from within I'm not a soldier oh I know you fight because you don't have the choice I chose this life this is why you'll fail you talk a lot [Music] cowards steady your stance stand your Crow grip that sword proper you're a disgrace to it you never fights to defend yourself fight to kill to conquer whatever you're still a coward who do you think you are to defy me I'm Amia Dar shut up I kneel to no one shut Amia you see you kneel just fine no no please stop please stop from one mother to another enough games Victor this is not what we're here for I'm sorry War took its toll on my husband he gets carried away sometimes I admire you your children are strong your bonds are strong when I was her age I could only wish for this kind of love but it's not just about us for love is meant to be shared to be turned into light sha over the whole world such is the fate of the child of Embers [Music] love can kill Emily by the time you realize that it will be too [Music] late for now it will be quick I'm so proud of you Amia Mommy I feel funny Amia mommy Amia Lucas where are you where is everyone oh my head is this a dream no it's not it's real oh there's people [Music] what are you [Music] doing Emily oh my baby boy you should get back to bed Hugo you killed her no no I'll take you back to bed Victor take him back will [Music] you [Music] what s we can't stay here we'll get her from inside it's you it's you I knew it he I'll come get you no what are you doing please please I'll be a better mother I'll be a better mother you need more rats please she's stuck take her down Co more they'll come for blood there's your blood Rock eat them what are you doing we're making you pay keep going Hugo whoa what what is that stop H it's HT shut up you all die no youo this is a mistake kill that damn girl whatever the cost yes come to me give us your blood too close they far too close [Applause] keep working keep going more rats are coming shees the to alive he won't hold theia good let him St you you're almost there wait what no yes 10 my yes that's it you did it it's your turn Emily we'll spill your blood now no Emily quick Emily no no s we need to evacuate s it's too late let me go let me go s your people need you s you will never leave this island I'll finish this [Music] Amia Amia where are you I'm I'm here oh oh no you go youo you go no answer me say something Hugo no oh thank you thank you we're all right you were right we're all right [Music]

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