Cincinnati Bengals Ja'Marr Chase WTH MAN... Reds Rhett Lowder Called Up | CBox Streams 08-29-24

e e e e e the Browns they're putrid they're the worst team in the NFL the season the 2024 season is over Lamar Jackson can't win the playoffs he'll win a third MVP though so that's great Drew sample is the most important piece of the Bengals offense next year go Joe burrow he deserves to be MVP I wish he was the Browns quarterback kind of mean that if you're looking for the most reactionary silly and unserious show on the internet then your home live from Hamilton Ohio it's Off the Bench by chatar box sports on 1410 ESPN Radio all right good morning Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers we are off and rolling here on a Thursday Justin Kenner Casey mccollister Elliott rearing Jacob tissit Let's Get Off the Bench today shall we oh let's do it Elliot good morning how are you guys did you get that cuz that was the name of the show that was the name of the show I like that uh yeah I'm doing good how are you doing rip it right like you know yeah that's right I'm doing great I'm doing great it was a special day we went out to Great American Ballpark oh you were one of the five people that were there nice well for a little bit and then we left early so so we beat the rain that's correct it didn't really come um yeah it was it was we we were filming a v a video with Caleb 513 very fun to see how that whole operation works I'm my mind's blown it's crazier than one could ever think it's unbelievable uh I I won't spoil too much of the video but it's legitimately insane did you guys get a ball huh did you get a ball I got two yeah so it works I got I got one honestly Wait no that's I was that's what I was supposed to say Elliot might be a better Ball Hawk than nice dude I might be business card I I I we're [ __ ] strictly in air baseballs no spoilers there was one poor guy with a big bug on his face I think he might have killed the bug he I think he might have killed the bug and it was right here it was massive and it was really big and none of us none of us had the the manhood to tell him that there was bug on his face it was disgusting but God bless him he gave me a ball so right I can't be too upset with him other than that yeah it was great it was great got to see the Reds uh lose so it definitely takes for you to be a ball hwk you have to be an athlete it's the most I've worked out in some time yeah and and if anyone in this office as an athlete we all know especially the members would know it's Elliott because he wins every single challenge we do so that's right well so like there's an actual like strategy strategy to this it's not just buy a seat in the Outfield and just hope the ball comes your way kener doesn't even know what Easter egges are we learned we learned we learned very early on that a there's so much running so much running might and you might say what do you mean there's so much running there's more running than one could ever fathom when you're a b Hawk so that was an interesting learn I also learned that uh there are Easter eggs Easter eggs are baseballs that have been hit out into the seats before you get there so like we're talking like at noon or something GR we got there pretty early but like at noon they'll do batting practice and they'll be like lose Space Balls in the seats so you have to go and fight for him very nice I did not know this at all oh yeah it's it's it's a wild there even more to learn there's more to learn and like a lot of these balls are historic from a great team one of the most historic teams in the history Sacramento so I I don't want to spoil too much of the video but we're it sounds like the first segment is spoiling the video yeah we'll spoil the whole video the red didn't hit any home runs yesterday during their batting practice they were saving him right I guess um they they did not hit any home runs and then the Athletics elected to not do batting practice they wereing home runs for the game Saw no home run baseballs you you know you dribble and you shoot you hope the best uh as far as that goes well we're going to talk some Reds coming up in a bit because they're going to debut they we're going to see the debut of their number two Prospect coming up on Friday night and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing so we'll get to that coming up around the corner got some college football coming up here shortly as well uh but I want to open up with of course I think what we figured we'd open up with today Jamar Chase um We've joked Jacob you've joked before that he's probably this is probably the worst hold in hold out we've ever seen in the history of hold in hold outs right like um yesterday took a weird little turn uh it's been a weird off or not offseason a weird camp for Jamar Chase because it started out with this magical plan that Zack Taylor uh had kind of you know talked about with the media initially that him and Jamar Chase have been in constant communication and that they have a plan and that there's no need to worry very confident that you know it's all going to get resolved and worked out and a lot of Bengals fans are pretty optimistic about that I mean I'm not a Bengals fan but I was optimistic about it as well like these things happen I I don't mind that a player is going after their money I didn't like the idea that a player is doing it two years early but Jamar Chase is a different kind of talent it's not just any player going I mean he's a a top wide receiver in football it's not just any wide receiver you know if T was doing this I think there'd be way more push back uh and there was some push back for T doing what he was you know trying to go after his money the bottom line is this whole Jamar Chase thing has just been one weird situation after another you don't you know there no one had anticipated that he was going to be doing this hold inh holdout coming into the season so he holds in cool it dies down and gets quiet final practice before they head to Chicago for the joint practice with the Bears he doesn't he doesn't arrive at that practice of course that gets the attention of Adam schfer and others who then shifted it from a sit in to a sit out that Ral de Bengals because of course Adam Sher is not highlighting anything positive throughout Bengals camp but my gosh Jamar Chase who the hold in turns into a potential hold out it's all over the place he gets on the plane he goes to Chicago he's there he's on the sidelines he's being supportive uh for the Bengals against the Bears and their pre-season game of course after the joint uh practice not a whole lot there right so everyone feels good okay cool you know he must have just had some errands to run the final practice before they they flew to Chicago cool no big deal uh then it kind of dies down a bit you know he's still ding to practice uh he's not participating but he's there but then the number leaks last week right it's like things get a little quiet now the number is leaked now we know what the the the contract um looks like that he's kind of going for with the 140 uh over four years which technically you know the uh you know the average price of the contract goes down to about 36 whatever it was so you know it's still in the ballpark of still surpassing Justin Jefferson him still being the highest paid wide receiver cool not a whole lot of push back there then this past Sunday arrives at practice and actually participates in practice all is right in the world everything is golden everything is great Bengals fantasy I told you it was all going to work out I told you it's all going to be fine all right cool couple days go by practice hits yesterday of course Bengals beat reporters they push it out there Adam schfer right on it ESPN's Ben baby right off the bat uh of course tweets out that Jamar Chase is not uh at practice um and is in just you know shorts and a t-shirt off to the side not participating I shouldn't say not at practice not participating uh in practice and then that's when everything kind of exploded from a reactionary standpoint there's a lot of different takeaways on this you could be for him negotiating for his money you could be against the Bengals saying what the hell are you doing just pay the man you you said you were going to bend over backwards to get him the money you you know that that you know you you're going to pay him so why not just pay him now you said you're going to bend over backwards this doesn't look like you're bending over backwards you could be looking at Jamar Chase saying why don't you just wait till next year when everyone else does like why are you doing this two years early you could pick sides but I did notice a shift in Direction in the view of how Jamar Chase is handling this yesterday because well a guy that I really like I really like your coach I really like Zack Taylor not thought Zack Taylor has handled this perfectly uh he has not let anything slip he has had Jamar Chase his back he has NE at any point never once made it appear as if Jamar Chase's pursuit of a contract has had any negative impact on the chemistry of this team throughout Camp Zack Taylor has has handled this perfectly from a head coach standpoint from a PR standpoint to the Bengals credit I think they've handled it pretty well as well I mean it's been airtight I think there's a reason you're watching Adam shefer kind of throw little mini temper tantrums because he's used to people within organizations kind of slipping him some leads and giving him little nuggets here and there so that he could do his job of being the NFL Insider right that's the reality of it but he made Zack Taylor look really bad yesterday Zack Taylor came out two days ago and and said that you could expect to see Jamar chase at practice the rest of the way you could expect to see him play in week one and although playing week one still isn't off the table yet it's kind of hard to take anything serious at this point because he's such a wild card at this point of course talking about Jamar Chase I think Casey has the uh the media response or the media scrum from yesterday here is Zack Taylor being questioned about well what the hell's going on with Jamar Chase take a look all away has something changed between yesterday when you said that you expected Jamar to practice and today him not showing up um did I say that yesterday I think every day is a new day we'll keep working through it not going to make predictions on what tomorrow brings um at the end of the day Jamar is a great dude that means a lot to this team and we'll just continue to take it today when does this become a distraction it's not I mean it's just it's a it's a one-off situation that you got to deal with and um again we'll just continue to take a dayto day you still expect them to play in the opener this is all part of that plan that we've talked about you know this is just the later stages of that plan um but I I think it's wise for me just to say we're going to take a day today and see what tomorrow brings as part of the plan Zach did you build in in your own mind the fact that this could happen you know things could change he could maybe not practice I I think you learn enough to not let anything catch you off guard you know and it's just again the smartest thing for us to do is just keep working through it keep taking it dayto day um again he's a he's a huge member of our team and and uh appreciate him and and look forward to getting him back hopefully at some point soon is is it fair to say when you talked to us yesterday that it was your expectation that he would be he would goild the rest of I I think I probably put my foot in my mouth speaking too quickly and it's just again this is a day-to-day situation we'll just keep seea does that how often do you talk to Jamar um I'll just keep that between he and I is there a point where you feel like this is going to impact the offensive ability to no I think we always we we've got really good players and that that's what's good about us is we have really good depth and in the skill position spot on offense so um a lot of guys work in at practice and get those reps and so of course we'd love for him to be practicing and get those reps but at the same time it does give other guys an opportunity to to continue to step up in that role and show us why they're here and so um again you got to find the positives in the situation and there there's a lot of positives to getting other guys work is he is he fully healthy yes I had to fully ask for clarification again but just to so I think the safest way to say it is that right now it's just day to day it's day to day that's the best way to say it yeah are you confident that if Jamar doesn't not practice this week he would still be able to go in the first game yeah he'd be able to go what are the conditioning like let's say he doesn't practice up between now and then conditioning he does a really good job staying his shape so there's no like if he right as of right now like I trust he he does a good job he's he's taking that upon himself he does a nice job there couple takeaways there one Zack Taylor having to say yeah I probably spoke too early put my foot in my mouth I don't think he spoke too early I think he spoke based on what he was privy to as far as understanding of the situation and the situation obviously changed the situation clearly changed uh my my problem with this is Jamar Chase I don't think a lot of people were against you pursuing this money but now I heard one reporter ask is this a distraction I think now it is I don't think it was a distraction before I think that you know any fan that thinks anytime a player is is negotiating money that it's a distraction I don't think that's a distraction I mean I've talked NFL players that just in the past that have just said yeah this is this is part of the business this is just normal but I think now that you've made your coach look bad and I don't think Zack Taylor has any animosity towards Jamar Chase I don't think it's going to snowball but this does make Jamar look bad I I don't think Jamar looks good in this particular situation I I don't like the fact that he's not talking you know when Joe Burrow's contract stuff was going on Jamar Chase kept talking talking about his contract and there's there's that rule in the league you don't talk about other people's money he kept coming out saying Joe burrow knows what he needs to do to keep us here he you know he doesn't all he cares about is winning he doesn't care about money he knows what he has to do to keep this core together and then Joe burrow who did nothing wrong by the way became the highest paid quarterback in the NFL took every dime that he had coming to him and he deserved every dime that you know came to him and what you risked there was making Joe burrow look bad you know critics could say well I thought Joe burrow cared about you know I I thought he cared about winning he clearly doesn't care about winning now that's what Jamar Chase said constantly talking about other players money constantly talking about t Higgins money but when it comes time to talking about your contract and your money you're you zipped up you have nothing to say you're the most talkative guy out there I think he had the right to at least come out yesterday and have Zack Taylor's back and say you know what we thought we were kind of trending in the right direction something changed I'm going back to not participating in practice I'm still going to be here supporting my teammates I appreciate the support from my teammates and my head coach Zack Taylor and then again it's squashed I don't think there's as much noise maybe the the negative direction or the negative looks are being looked at towards the Bengals but right now I think Jamar Chase looks really bad in this situation not a fan of how he's handling it I thought he made Zack Taylor look bad yesterday did not think it was a distraction before I do think we are officially at distraction mode doesn't mean the Bengals aren't winning a Super Bowl because of it doesn't mean that the Bengals aren't going to win week one because of it but that doesn't mean that it's not a distraction I think we are fully we have fully reached the distraction level for this at this point I absolutely agree I I'm honestly a little bit fed up with it I thought it was done at the right time when he decided to come back and practice for about a week and a half before week one but now that it's starting back up again I I I think we're we've crossed the bridge to where you can't really argue that it's not selfish anymore I think at this point you you're focusing on on personal gain instead of what's best for the team and I'm not saying that's wrong a lot of people have a negative conversation with selfish and it's just it's a selfish move to hold out of practice for your own contract and and I don't necessarily blame Jamar for it if this is when he thinks it's best for him to get his money and get paid then I I guess this is the move he should be making but that doesn't make it any less uh any less fun for a Bengals fan to go through this in an offseason where you thought you had tied up all the Loose Ends when when T signed his franchise tag early and came back when Trey Hendrickson's trade request blew over when Trent Brown P out last suit about a day I think everything that that has been worked up about the Bengals this offseason has ended in an extremely timely manner except for this one and I I just really really hope he's back for week one I think I'm down to about a 99.9 % chance he plays in week one a smidge below 100 but I'm still incredibly confident that that by the time that that clock turns um he's going to be back here for week one he's sitting out right now because of money he's if if he misses week one he will lose a lot of money he will be playing on week one I I have no doubt in my mind that that's that that that is his plan going forward I don't like him taking it back I don't like going to practice and then just being like you know what nope no practice anymore clearly again like just said something happened and we don't know what it is my takeaway is that again agreeing with Justin here shout out to Justin Um Zack Taylor looked really good there Zack Taylor has has dealt with this situation flawlessly as well as somebody can handle this situation uh just going through those rapid fire questions with reporters just quick answers left and right too like that he doesn't have that like um yeah I think we'll be it's like yeah I'm confident he'll be ready week one like confident he's still doing and again hate to throw a shot a stray at David Bell here uh but it's but it's it's it's like he's he's answering it the same way David Bell does you know it's coach speak right he's not given too much away there but there's something about him that I'm trusting I I trust Zack Taylor with what he be the winning games well it could be the winning games thing too but it's there's something about Zack Taylor that that's starting to grow on me when it comes to dealing with all this cuz we we've had to deal with a decent amount of distractions uh if you want to use that word over the past couple of Seasons so again this is unfortunate for the Bengals I'm hoping that they can settle something here uh before week or before uh next Sunday we'll see we'll see but I don't know this is a tough look Casey I mean from your perspective too again like I said I don't think this has been a distraction at all and when I say I think it's a distraction now I don't mean that oh the Bengals are going to start at 0 and four I don't think that the Bengals are going to miss the playoffs I'm not saying that they won't win the Super Bowl I I you know not everything has to be such a a reactionary thing I I think it's a distraction I don't know what that means as far as impact on the start of the season but I think we've officially reached distraction mode when it comes to this because we should be talking about man week one all right the Bengals patriots man week one the Bengals a nine and a half Point favorite man the Bengals F like Joe burrow is healthy we haven't talked a whole lot about Joe burrow it's been all about Jamar Chase which isn't always a bad thing I think it's reaching that point now where it's a distraction in an offseason where T Higgins was disgruntled but he put the team first said he didn't want to be a distraction TR Hendrickson not happy with what he's paid but he's like I don't want to be distraction I want to be a part of why we're winning not be a reason why we don't accomplish what we're trying to do we thought everything was fine and then entered Jamar Chase I think we're at that distraction point do you agree uh distraction Point um just thoughts on it in general but yeah I mean it was already a story throughout the season so that alone to me says it's at least dividing your attention a little bit so if we're going to just like get down to what this is it is somewhat of distraction but I don't think it's like something that's going to affect the team moving forward this season I mean it it's to me uh you listen to the guys in the locker room you listen to Ted Carris and it feels like it's just a nothing Burger they all understand the business side of this thing now I will say that it did get me to feel like maybe Jamar it should be taken a little more seriously or something to that degree that that this statement or this this move by Jamar is a statement saying hey I'm serious we need to get a to some sort of agreement we got to get closer to what what I'm trying to get to or else I'm going to start sitting out more um I mean like he's even like he himself looks bad by going back on you know starting to practice and then now he's not practicing anymore it's flip-flopping it's snip snapping and uh as Ellie likes to say snip snap snip snap um that's original that that to me says that Jamar has that possibility in in his cards to start sitting out games I don't know what how many games it would take for him to sit out to where it affects the contract situation to where he can't take a like you know how you have to have a certain amount of games to get that year on like to be able to be counted as a year on your contract I don't know what that number is but I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if he started sitting out games at the beginning of the season now because we've already said it before too their schedule super easy if he He does care about winning but the Bengals could probably win without him the first couple weeks of the season and it wouldn't matter and he would still get his point across and I don't know I I'm starting to I'm trying to be more open-minded to see what other people are seeing and not be so orange colored lenses and I look at Chris Jones last year who set out week one lost to the Chiefs lost to the lions in a close game Lions ended up being a really good football team but then right after that Chris Jones gets a huge deal so I in my mind I think that the possibility of him sitting out is starting to become more of a possibility I didn't think so in the beginning but I'm trying to be more open-minded and take Jamar Chase seriously in this situation if he's really going to start start sitting out practices after returning I think there's a possibility he might start setting out games early on in the season especially when the team still probably has an easy easier chance to win games yeah that Chris Jones situation is what I keep going back to with this because no one thought he was going to miss games either everyone thought his hold out was going to end right before the regular season and it did not he sat out that whole week one and missed the game he watched the game in a sky box and ifar Chas is watching our week one game in a sky box I'm going to be pretty upset so I think it's definitely a possibility case you said it's time to take it a little bit more seriously I think for the Bengals and there you know oh sorry keep going like guys just don't they don't flip-flop like that unless something like you want to be taken seriously like I I don't know like if he felt like he had lost or felt like they were close to a deal or something he would still be out there right the fact that he post a thing on social media and even like Joe Bro which his profile picture of the same thing that inconspicuous look from Joe burrow the the side eye uh it is a statement saying like Hey we're not close you're not taking me seriously you better start taking me seriously is how I feel that how I feel about the statement how I feel about his post um so I I don't know I uh feel like it's time to start taking him seriously so all right well we're gonna pick up with this more I when we come back I know we've been a little long where where we at time wise I know we we went over a little bit yeah we went over by like uh 5 minutes or so oh okay cool all right well we'll pick up with this um I saw you know me and Everett we always you know bumped heads but I actually I saw a message from him into the chat a little bit ago that I actually really agreed with and I wish more fans had that mindset Everett says I think it's okay to be a Bengals fan and still want to support burrow and the boys and still be annoyed at the current state of this situation and I cannot agree more I've always I always get annoyed with fans when they do the the blind loyalty thing that no matter what my team does they are 100% in the right this is one of those where you're not a bad fan it doesn't even mean you hate Jamar Chase it's okay to say Jamar Chase what the hell dude like come on we need you out there I think every Bengals fans and Jamar Chase fan even the ones that are annoyed with him right now uh but yeah Everett you may not like me but I appreciate that take in the chat no doubt all right we'll step away for a few moments we'll pick up with this when we come back it's Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers your friend's back my friend's Back Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers chatter boxs on YouTube 1410 ESPN radio and Dayton uh Hey credit where credit is due ker has been great for the first 23 minutes today but the yeah congratulations I think that's one what you say he needed five nice things yeah I mean the thing is not everything I say is always hateful it's just right away when people disagree is what happened with the Tweet last night I didn't say I there wasn't one hateful thing in the tweet that I had oh tweet let's let's bring it up anyways this is where ever it was fun dude high five all right cool um yeah I look I'm not gonna lie I was annoyed right off the bat when I saw that yesterday with Jamar Chase not going to lie right off the bat I'm like are you kidding like even I had bought into the fact that everything was smooth and cool going into week one B of mind is people think that I'm rooting for the Bengals to fail I'm not my thing is I just I don't think you know what the word best case scenario means oh I do think from a business standpoint this is the best case scenario no one's going to agree the tweet's up on the screen now so I said best case scenario for the Bengals and I I knew I did not expect any Bengals fan to truly agree but again I'm not a Bengals fan so I'm I'm using logic with this now that sounds like I'm taking a shot I'm not fans want the best players on the field at all times the Chiefs wanted Tyreek Hill you couldn't have Tyreek Hill you had to balance that money across uh the the roster of course there's a reason they've won back toback Super Bowls you could say oh it's just because they Travis Kelce no it's cuz some of that money was used to keep some of the weapons on the defensive side of the ball to keep that offensive line bulked up there's reasons to it but I said best case scenario for the Bengals Jamar Chase I don't think is going to miss games I could see Casey I agree with you I think that week one game could be used just to send a message and be like all right I'm sorry I'm back you know kind of like with with Chris Jones I could actually see two weeks that Chiefs game in week two I could see Jamar chase looking at the front office and saying all right go beat the Chiefs without me go show that you know but there's an opportunity there for that to backfire so the reason I put this tweet out was I said best case scenario for the Bengals Jamar Chase sits out games their offense balls out in his absence they realize that they don't need Jamar Chase because you all want Jamar Chase do you need Jamar Chase I I I don't know load up draft picks by treading Jamar they save money by signing T Higgins instead if Joe burrow is as good as you all say he is why does he need Jamar Chase he wants Jamar Chase there's a difference need and want completely two different things the Chiefs have won back toback Super Bowls since Trading Tyreek Hill they wanted Tyreek Hill they clearly didn't need Tyreek hill now I keep getting a lot of the same responses back all right let's not act like Patrick Mahomes doesn't have anybody he has Travis Kelce super Travis Kelce doesn't equal an entire wide receiver core if you go look at Travis Kel's numbers he's an elite W he's an elite tight end his numbers aren't number two wide receiver uh T Higgins numbers you know with the Cincinnati Bengals I love Travis Kelce I know not a lot of you guys do I love Travis Kelce there's no there's no doubt that he is the the the straw that stirs that drink over there but let's be clear bottom line is is the chiefs were able to use that 30 million a year that Tyreek Hill wanted and able to balance that throughout the roster it was a good business decision on the chief's part you pay the tight end the highest amount of money in the league is about 15 16 mil a year that's half of what you would had to pay Tyreek Hill the savings that they Ed for that the draft picks they got they're able to load up the defensive side of the ball and there's obviously levels to it you got to draft you got to develop you know but at the end of the day I'm not saying that this is going to happen but this idea that the Cincinnati Bengals need Jamar ch you need him with Joe burrow that's not true if if Jamar if if Patrick Mahomes can lose Tyreek Hill and win back-to-back Super Bowls I'm pretty sure Joe burrow can lose Jamar Chase might be not the most ideal but Tyreek I'm sorry T Higgins I'm sorry I thought he was a number one wide receiver is that what you guys told me we talk about this wide receiver core this wide receiver core is awesome best receiving core in football now it's not like you guys were willing to crap on your own team just to tell me I'm wrong on this I I don't understand that if Joe burrow is Patrick M level which I I believe that he is let's not sit here and act like he could and get it done without Jamar Chase maybe it wouldn't be ideal Who the hell's coming in is this who I think it is is it oh yes it is hi tell everyone Hi hey guys I don't know they see me but hey guys tell them belated happy aniversary there you go so yeah I got destroyed uh for this tweet and and and I figured that would be the case but I'm here to tell you A lot of people that aren't Bengals fans and not Bengals haters this isn't the craziest idea in the world so this idea that Jamar Chase has all this Leverage he wants to create leverage which is why I could see him missing games one and two especially that Chiefs game go beat the Chiefs without me well they beat the Chiefs without him that could work against them they lose to the Chiefs without him it could be that Chris Jones scenario where oh you do need me give me my damn money we'll see what happens so I that tweet it does it's not a as anti- Bengals as it is just not giving the Chiefs their due because that team is a great team man uh they have the best interior offensive line probably in all football for the last three or four years they have they have a top five defense now that led them all the way to the Super Bowl for the most part Chris Jones is going to be a Hall of Fame defensive tackle one day uh I don't know man like Travis Kelce you even kind of like alluded to that he's not like this great receiving option either he never said B he borderline or he will be a first B Hall of Famer for one last year was almost an outlier in his entire career he's had over a thousand I would say even 12200 yards every season since momes and he's had just he's been basically the number one option despite when Tyreek Hill was there uh so it's really when you're talking about the Tyreek Hill trade it was really trading away their number two option in my mind rather than trading away their number one option so I couldn't understand that take if it was if we were talking about t Higgins here 100% but this is Jamar chase this is a guy that has that ability like Travis Kelce to be dominant for years I don't know this if I can say the same thing about th Higgins I don't know uh he's not shown that yet to be the most dominant receiver in all football Jamar Chase has you can make an argument that he is the number one receiver in all football you can't say the same thing about t Higgins so that's why I think a lot of people had that disconnect with you in your tweet I don't necessarily disagree with it though in the the concept of like the best case scenario is winning without Jamar Chase because then it's a it's a Winn Forint you don't in all seriousness though this isn't a trolling segment I I swear on a stack of Bibles whatever you want to put in front of me you don't think that the front office would be a little thrilled they go start out 3 And1 4-0 they beat the Chiefs without Jamar Chase like you don't think think that Mike Brown and and Duke Tobin would sit back and say h h like we know from a fantasy booking standpoint LSU fans Bengals fans you want that but you don't you don't think that the front office would really be cheering for them to win without Jamar Chase because that's a double wh you win without Jamar Chase and then you win from a business standpoint I absolutely agree they would be the front office would be excited about Jamar Chase winning without Jamar Chase but I still don't think it's the best case scenario I think the best case scenario is locking up Jamar long term yeah that I don't I don't disagree with your gener with the take of the tweet I think it's a good point that the Bangles would benefit from winning without Jamar would drive his price down that's basically just a fact I don't the holdup is like the first three words the Tweet words as best case scenario because I don't think in any in any way shape or form business-wise whatever any way you spin it the best I could walk that back I'll agree to W to walk that back that's fair I guess with the best case scenario standpoint was in the if you even add for ownership I think I agree yeah so for ownership I guess that was my point was that like they're they're sitting back like see we don't we don't need them uh so yes I'm willing to meet you halfway but I guess this is where I take your side with the whole Guardians thing where it's like sure it would be better to win with a cheaper roster but I also just want Mike Brown to page and Mar CH I don't know if it'd be a cheaper roster it would just be reallocated funds to the like yeah no less big name players fair enough fair enough Casey I'm sorry we cut off no I don't think it necessarily drives down jamar's price because I think he would go get that money for from a different team but but I do think that if they do win without him it is it is a great thing because then when you do sign him your team's even better right so like that's what I'm you're right it's a win-win regardless of how you KN it out of the so like in my mind I I agree with the premise of the tweet that that is best case scenario like if he does decide to sit out games and they win without him that that's great for this season and it's great moving forward I don't think that's a lose lose on anyone's plate except for maybe Jamar but he's GNA get that money regardless so to me I don't disagree it's just that I think the idea of trading him uh is is just you can't compare that to what the Chiefs did with Tyreek Hill in my mind I think that's that's a little disingenuous on how good the Chiefs are in general and uh doesn't necessarily reflect what the where the team is at with the Bengals right now they trade away they trade away Jamar and they're still like there there's no money to be added there right they are already at the cap limit like they're maybe adding 10 million to the cap what what are you going to do with that at this point in the season and then next year you're adding what 15 something like that so you're not really getting a bunch of money to go get other players to get a more well-rounded roster in my mind all right so the next part of this show we're gonna let Elliot talk so we'll step away for a few moments uh I want to pick we're going to wrap up the conversation with this Jamar Chase thing I'm glad see we're all getting to learn we're getting to know one like this would have been a allout fight not even a month ago so uh everybody are so there you go but we're going to let Elliot talk when we come back cuz I'm curious your thoughts on this uh couple more questions regarding this situation as far as how where do we see this uh The Fallout I did not believe he'd be willing to sit out games and I don't think he's going to sit out a season I think there's zero negative 5% chance that that happens the game though I could see maybe a game I don't know he's being very aggressive let's talk about this when we come back we got to get to the Cincinnati Reds we're going to see the debut of their uh number two Prospect in the system is that a smart or a dumb move on behalf of the Cincinnati Reds organization at this point we'll discuss all of that coming up uh more Off the Bench next I I got to get permission from the one guy in the chat to see if we're even allowed to have your headlines this late in the show he must have been a former radio producer back in the day I have no idea but we'll get some more Off the Bench next oh hi we're back should we let Elliot talk that was a quick one do you like how the Stingers have gotten shorter there oh yeah I mean I was not prepared you know but people say that a lot gotten a little bit gotten a little bit shorter yeah I chase your thoughts again was set you up for that I I I agree with the premise of your Tweet in that the Bengals would certainly financially be better off by not having to pay a guy 40 plus million dollar a year with a signing bonus that's a fact the issue is I think you worded it a little bit wrong and I think the comparison's a little off Tyreek Hill and Travis Kelce might be 1A 1 a uh maybe 1 a 1B we have Jamar Chase who's 1A and and it just depends on what you think of T Higgins for me it's 1A and 2A that's that's where I think and you get drastically worse if you get rid of Jamar Chase again I I've made this point before but the Bengals whole offense is Joe burrow to Jamar Chase and maybe that's wrong maybe that maybe it shouldn't be that but their connection is dynamite it's one of the best in the league I'm not willing to to give that up for for picks I'm not willing to do it we extend te can we can we somehow uh replace the the talent of Jamar Chase I don't know he's a top five top 10 wide receiver in today's NFL it's it's incredibly difficult to replace um I I I think that the Bengals should pay attention here because if you don't have Jamar Chase and it's just T Higgins uh you know and Burton or or Andre yosias this season I don't think it's going to go the way we want I I I I really do think the Bengals don't have a good year that which means let me rephrase they don't have the best year they could have had if they had Jamar Chase and I don't think the Bengals are willing to punt a season not that it would be punting a season but it would not be giving your team the best chance to win if Jamar is not available that's a fact that's this season assuming Jamar is not willing to sit out the entire season correct how many games are you willing to let him sit out willing might be the wrong word but if there was ever a time if there was I I'll tell you right now if there was ever a time for Mar Chase to do this it would be during the first six weeks of this Bengals season that's the thing I think the Bengals could go forign to without jar I agree I agree but does that work does that again I'm not denying that they are worse without Jamar Chase but doesn't that go they were three in one last year without Jamar Chase if they start out 4-2 5- one they beat the Chiefs without Jamar Chase I think thats against him but I think it's incredibly important on how that 4- two looks Fair because if you blow out the four bad teams and then you get blown out by the Ravens and the Chiefs then Jamar is sitting there like what is beating the Patriots do for the Bengals long-term goals you have to beat those other teams so if it's a not out there and here we are less than 10 days before kickoff I I truly believe if he's willing to sit out games I think that it's not just week one I I think at Le if he sits out one game I think he at least sits out two and I think that Chiefs game like I said I think it could work against him but I think that's the one he's looking at saying okay go go go beat the Chiefs without me go you know you say I'm not that valuable which I don't think that's what they're saying but uh that that game is is an interesting one as far as that's concerned as we wrap this up go around the room y one to 10 How likely is it that he misses games to start the season to prove a point O um I think we initially Jacob and I I don't I don't know where he is standing at now but I thought he wouldn't miss any games I'm starting to get to the point where I think that there's a 33% chance I know that's just a random number but there there's a there's a a bigger likelihood now than there was before there was like a zero point 1% chance before now I think we should take him a little more seriously I'm gonna give him his his flowers there he's made me he's made me a worried wart about it so a worry wart I like that are you a worry wart Elliott when it comes to to Jamar Chase what's the likelihood that he misses games to start the season it's it's a it's a one I'm not worried at all I I again I you're a worry zit I'm a worry not even a not even that just you're a worry blish I'm there's a natat on my face and I'm just shoo it away right now the bug yeah well that that was disgusting that was crazy man it had like tentacles on it but anyway no I I I think I think I'm a one I I I don't think I could be any less worried about it just because I think he'll be there will he be the best Jamar Chase he can be on week one that's a different story I don't know about that but I I know as of right now this is all about money and he's not going to lose money in week one uh to prove a point I don't I I really don't believe so yeah I'm still at a zero I it it moved significantly for me from 0.0 to 0.4 but signicant that's still rounds up to zero so yeah I'm still at zero I don't think there's any way Jamar Chase misses games this year it just doesn't make sense for him he wants to get his money and sitting out an entire season would push that back and cause him to lose money the whole time so I think it's counterproductive for him to sit out the season like Elliott just said will he be his best version in week one probably not could he be his best version by as soon as week two maybe I really genuinely don't know how much time it takes for Jamar Chase to get up to speed and if there's anyone maybe in the entire league that I trust to get up to speed quickly it might be Jamar Chase because we can debate you know if if he's the best wide receiver or not but I think there's also a debate for whether or not he's the best athlete in the entire league so if anyone can just go out there and kind of have their athleticism overpower some you know a little bit of drag from not you know participating in Camp I think Jamar is that guy and I honestly am not worried about it even if doesn't take a single other practice throughout the preseason I think he'll be ready by the time it matters yeah what a weird move though like I know it was a light it was a light practice Sunday cuz I think we should have paid attention to the wording of that pra it wasn't a full-on practice on it was a very light type of walkthrough practice when you go back to look at the descriptions of the practice I think he knew exactly what he was doing I don't I said I thought maybe something took a left turn I don't think it took a left turn I think he wants it noisy he doesn't want to say anything so he's letting his actions kind of do the talking there's a reason that I think he skipped that practice before they flew out to Chicago even though did he necessarily need to be there I don't I don't know um then he gets on the plane to go to Chicago We're talking about it again and then it starts dying down because oh look Jamar Chase he's he's at practice he's fine he's trying to find that balance of being supportive to his teammates while also using the media leverage against Mike Brown I think there's a reason that that the contract number got leaked last week because last week we were starting to turn the finger at the Bengals and saying that number that's exactly what you I mean you B bent over backwards that's exactly the number we thought that it was going to be what are we waiting on now Sunday he shows up to practice cuz it started quieting down again and then misses yesterday now it's loud but this one might have backfired now I think maybe not backfired because nothing really changes but I i' have noticed more fans have not turned on him but have started to grow more frustrated with them as far as that's concerned yeah my main thing with Jamar and we talked about it a lot with Brandon auk and we couldn't quite figure out what he wants to do I think that's kind of where I'm at with Jamal right now because he's had so many opportunities this off season to make it loud to to make it loud to speak out to not travel to Chicago for a preseason game you're not going to play in so many opportunities to really put a magnifying glass on this situation I mean even CD lamb with three cryptic quote tweets seemingly sped up that process so he could be doing that as well and maybe that that story post of Joe burough is the start of that but um yeah that's that's where the confusion lies for me with with him sitting back out in practice after starting again is even if he does want to make it loud and put pressure on the Bengals I feel like he's not doing the most to to do that I think he's avoided a lot of opportunities to do exactly that but now maybe as it's getting closer he thought it would move faster and that's what's caused him to do so I'm not entirely sure but I've kind of decided with Casey now that I I don't think there's going to be an extension before the start of the season but I still do think he's going to play week one yeah the the chat is off the rails off the rails I was trying not to read it no pun intended yeah there's a lot going on in there uh as far sum going to go crazy what happened here I mean go just take a look yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of train talk there's you've become involved now in this the train I see very funny uh very very very good stuff there uh but uh we're running anything else b as we wrap up the Bengals time anything else um roster wise or anything that changed yesterday I know there was a you know yeah so yesterday the Bengals cut trayon Williams and then about 20 minutes ago the Bengals resigned trayon Williams so if you were expecting a shakeup in the Bengals running back room you don't get it so trayan Williams back with the squad and like we talked about yesterday like we talked about when they cut him I was surprised by that move because I think he provides a lot of what uh what you want out of a third running back in the in the Special Teams game being able to contribute in other ways other than just the back field so glad they brought him back I think it makes sense he tweeted uh shortly after the roster move was announced that it was just roster gymnastics and that turns out to be exactly what it was so uh yeah basically it for the Bengals yesterday the 53 man roster seems to be set um unless there's another surprise coming in in the next week or so all right we're going to see the Cincinnati Reds debut their number two Prospect coming up tomorrow night in game two uh we'll get to that around the corner Elliott's going to get us caught up on uh some of the top headlines around sports with permission of course this late in the show I mean we might as well just scrap it I mean I know uh but no we'll get to all of that coming up more Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers next did you that's big news I gotta send a picture to all right and we are back off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers and uh was there a lot going on in sports Elliot is there a lot uh there's more going on in sports than there has been uh in in you know prior weeks but still I wouldn't say there's a ton you know why tomorrow's a great day because tomorrow you're going to get to do baseball updates along with college football updates really yes there's some college football tonight Colorado plays tonight right Colorado does play tonight 70 over 70% of the money on North Dakota State seriously yeah so that means be Colorado yeah but I hate them enough that I'd rather just lose money okay well that's fair I who are you putting money on North Dakota State oh you're going that rout yeah Casey I'm sending you this thing it's more just I hope um on Twitter I just I want Colorado to be relevant at least somewhat into the season I I'm not pulling for him the whole way but uh you know I kind of want to see Colorado look like look like the biggest show in in college football for a few weeks at least uh nonetheless but all right let's set it up we have Elliot's headlines Elliot loves three things Joey VTO David Bell and leading Off the Bench with top headlines we should change that to like hitting third and off eventually top hitting third yeah you're always like the third or fourth segment you don't lead off anymore well he's but he's leading the show I'm leading off segment yeah yeah I don't know but I'm not leading off really every Craig is that okay is that the permission to do that and we good just making sure headlines the Reds won six to5 last night until the eighth inning where the Athletics took a 9 to6 lead and won the game Seth Brown homered twice as the Reds Bullpen is struggling to pitch every inning in a three-game series 27 Innings of Bullpen work they're not getting it done really Fernando crw settled in after giving up a home run to the leadoff batter Santiago espanol had another multi-hit game he's now hitting 266 on the season he was hitting 183 on July 7th since then he has hit safely in 27 of his last 30 baseball games he is on a 10 game hitting streak as well Tyler Stevenson went one for four with a double and is on a 12 game hitting streak will Benson hit a three-run home run to give the Reds a big lead it was probably the most clutch hit I've seen this season outside of the CES walk-off and the Benson tying home run which set it up in that very first series against the Nationals uh but nonetheless the Reds Bullpen has to go nine innings every night so unable to finish when CES hit that walk-off against the Nationals in the first series sure where did you think that was going to rank at the end of the season in best moments because it's pretty clearly a one I think yeah I I would say I would say that I didn't have it in my top 10 hopefully no I I I thought it was going to be up there just for you know for the sake of uh enjoying it it was it's cool to see a tying home run and then a walkoff right after but saying that I would have liked to see some other good wins and I haven't um we have the Reds and the Athletics taking back or starting night at 510 JT gin will take on Julian agar uh JT gin is a 245 ra agar has a 3.6 ra 510 Thomas Rhett will be performing after the game I will be going to Thomas Rett after the game uh probably maybe won't even go to the Reds game we'll see uh around League it was sh Otani bobblehead night he caught the first pitch from his dog fans were there before 11:00 a.m. to get the sh Otani bobblehead he who caught the first pitch sh Otani caught the first pitch from his dog what how does the dog threw it I just saw the headline I had to write it down is this an airbud situation I'm thinking what happened is the dog started at home plate and then sh said come here dog and then the dog ran to sh oh that would stink I think we need to investigate this Casey we need to investigate this I don't think we I don't want to look it up I don't want to look it up I want to believe the dog stood up on a TI legs and threw the ball and if we see a video I'm not going to be able to believe that anymore uh he said he carried it from the mound to home plate that's correct um there you go Craig uh Shi did hit another home run and added two more stolen bases 42 home 42 home runs 42 stolen Bas the year's he's going to do the 50/50 thing isn't he really quick I think I think Midway through September I think he'll have it that's going to be cool uh Diamondbacks went 8 to5 over the Mets Corbin Carroll hit two home runs including a go-ahead grand slam Rockies destroyed the Marlins in the toilet bowl finale 8 to2 tigers have won six games in a rows they beat the Angels yet again 3 to2 the Rangers beat the white socks 3 to one in the first game and four to3 in the second game of the double header but in the second game and I don't know if anybody saw this Travis Janikowski robbed former red Travis Janikowski robbed the white socks of the game-winning three-run home run it was probably one of the coolest catches I've seen he was his his body was halfway over the fence when he caught this thing there were 14 people in that Stadium oh there was nobody not a s nobody but that's okay that's just what it is being a white sock fan um good for them uh but nonetheless very very cool for former red Travis Janikowski Brewers take care of the Giants 5-3 Cardinals walk off the Padres 4 to3 on an Aeron single Braves win another game this time 5 to1 over the twins s gets his 15th win of the year to complete the sweep Nationals take the series against the Yankees winning last night 5-2 uh Astros shut out the Phillies 10- nothing Spencer arti had a no hitter into the eighth inning I think the Astros have had five no hitters this season going into that ninth inning so we'll see if they're able to get a couple more Guardians avoid a four game sweep take one back against the Royals Cubs win 14-10 over the Pirates to complete the three- game sweep they scored 41 runs in three games 41 runs yikes that's a lot of damage WNBA the red scored 18 and three and four uh WNBA Angel ree scored seven points on three of 10 shooting adding 14 rebounds and the skies lost to the mystics she was what from the field she was three of 10 that probably brought the shooting percentage up I think it did significantly uh the fever they beat one of the team the the best teams in the league 8480 Caitlyn Clark scored 19 points and broke the rookie three-point record in the win so now she's got the rookie assist record the rookie three-point record uh we'll see if she how many more records she can break and let's take a peek and see if you can still bet on a rookie of the year let's see what do you think what take your guess minus 10,000 you think so cuz the answer is unavailable really damn uh check out in re's new podcast yeah that looks interesting uh unapologetically Angel unap Kenner will be subscribing subscribing to unapologetically Angel the podcast oh absolutely I can't wait to be honest uh that's not sarcasm I will be listening I will be you'll hate listening to every we might have an angel re segment every single day just podcast huh you think you get her on the show I'll reach out I'll have my people I'll have my people contact her people K just decimates Angel re for a 15minute interview yeah but to be fair to now to be fair I'm going to take a shot at Caitlyn Clark now oh whoa whoa whoa whoa you saw the rules in the handbook she did have seven turnovers again she's the turnover Merchant I think Caitlyn Clark is a is the Josh Allen of the WNBA just look the turnover numbers she plays at such a high level that you know the other women have a hard time you know making basketball plays that she sets them up for you know that's what it is I want to know what her touchdown to turnover ratio is exactly you're right that's that's actually really smart uh NFL news jacobe brassette he is starting in New England the team announced good for brette the Giants are this is an interesting one the Giants are unretired ing Ray Flare's number one to give to Malik neighbors hate it he received permission from the family of the late flarity I don't know if I like that one I hate it first number ever retired in football and they're un retiring it for not even the number one receiver in his draft I'm going to be honest I don't I don't know I I I I shouldn't speak too much on this but it's like it feels to me like you have to have just the biggest ego of all time to ask the the family of somebody who's no longer here to unretire their Jersey well at first he asked Graham GNA if he could wear number nine and Graham GNA said no so that's how it started I don't know man I think that's I think that's pretty crazy um and insensitive I I I if you I wish this came out before fantasy drafts because I have a couple ofik neighbors shares and I would not if you if you if you take the jersey of somebody who has their jersey retired I think that's pretty lame but do whatever you want I guess there's some there's some push back in the chat of me saying Malik neighbors isn't the best receiver in his draft class really are people forgetting Marvin Harrison plays football because I I understand Malik neighbors does the dances and has the shooting sleeve and the social Clips are fun that's right go watch a Marvin Harrison football game he's unbelievable he's unbelievable there's no one like Marvin Harrison he'll remind everyone this year he will remind everyone this year um shout out to Ohio State by the way that's right go the Browns we kind of we' kind of touched on this a little bit but I'm sure we'll touch on it some more the Browns restructured deshan Watson's contract they converted over $44 million of his $46 million salary this season to a signing bonus so the Browns now have 60 million plus in cap space which is by far the most in the 62 do you want to guess what deshaun's cap hit is next year what is that 81 million which is a third of the cap do you want to guess what it is the year after what's that 83 million which is also a third of the cap yikes but I remember last year and two years ago when the Browns did this I'm sure Jacob was sitting somewhere saying you know what his his cap hits going to be in 2024 and here we are what happens next year when you buy him out and you double it the year after and then you just can't sign players in who going to buy him out if he stays healthy buying them out I yeah true guys are going towards the negative right away there will be some point where this backfires but as long as we we'll get to this coming up in a bit but uh they have the they have the money to to to do they have they're the only team in football with 10 guys making 10 mil or more um and then you're going to have fans of a team that can't afford to pay their players taking shots at the Browns for pay in theirs so it's it's it's a funny world we live in but continue with Elliott's headlines well I just have one more Russell Wilson has been named the starting quarterback in Pittsburgh and I think ww ww one more after that uh Jacob brette was named the starter in New England so he's who will see week one Des oh did you that's did sorry I read that one good nothing gets past you uh we have one more Jacob sent me this yesterday and I sent I sent it toy uh not really a headline but I think it's the biggest headline oh thank you thank you so much for this I yes this is BL this the biggest headline I grew up I grew up drinking Capri Sun and and Capri Sun has the little the little pouches and you squeeze the pouch to the last drop uh my favorite flavor was the lemonade one whenever they had the lemonade Capri Sun it was great they have now shifted to bottles I don't know how I feel about it part of the thrill of apre sun was trying to get the straw in there without poking it out the back end and spilling the whole thing correct I this is this is disgusting work now you just twist off the cap I I don't I don't think I'm a fan I will be searching far and wide for these this weekend I will find these and I will try them and I'll let you guys know if it's different it has it has to be different that strawberry kiwi one looks just absolutely fantastic though oh I'm not but it will taste totally different not coming through a foil pouch should be be a little yellow straw comes with each one yeah absolutely it may not make it through the bottle but at least it would you know yeah yeah just hold it just or just put the straw you know something but uh yeah what a wild time how big will they be too because the whole point of Capri Suns were that they were like a little tiny bit lunch all I've ever wanted is like a 24 hour Sun could you imag you ever see the ber ker bit where he's drinking just a whole like the Kool-Aid whole dude have you ever made a big giy son we made him in during take a freezer size ziplock bag and just empty Capri Sun into it poke a straw through and it's just this huge incredible work so we'll see we'll see if we maybe we can get sponsored by Capri Sun maybe we'll try that that would be incredible that would be great from the bottle then Mr who Mr son so his first name is Capri well who else started the company that's that's fair that's it for I'll drink from the I've never shied away from the bottle before so you know I'll drink from the bottle you know just say we we cut you off earlier no I mean I was just going to say isn't the purpose of having the pouches so it's more kid-friendly to like Sip and not have to drink a bottle because it'll spill the bottle Yep they're marketing to a new audience thanks a lot I guess they're moving on moving on for it's a great New World all right there you go that was Elliot's headlines Elliot headlines everybody all right uh Drew Garrison said a little bit ago something about oh it stinks when when fans attack your team and go towards the negatives I don't what what what's a negative that I went after the Bengals for what's a positive thing that I turned into a negative for the Bengals saying it's the best case scenario for Jamar Chase not to be out there this week week one is a negative spin from a business standpoint that wasn't a not say that but if you read that that's what the whole premise of the treee was you save money yeah but I still think calling it the best case scenario is crazy okay that's fine the was it the I mean that's the worst take I've ever heard n n the worst take ever was this guy right here he totally took that and ran for I was so proud of you that day I was so happy to not have the worst take in the history of chatter box you know go bear cats yeah know that's right maybe Mouse cop was right Kenner makes the show hate the Bengals Jacob makes the show hate Xavier we all hate or I order a couple I order UC and then we all make fun of FC Cincinnati maybe we're just too anti- Cincinnati hat yeah I ordered a couple Xavier shirts so I'm going to be a big Xavier fan this this basketball season um yeah there's no way I'm rooting for you seeing anything to be fair I did find out that Bearcat fans might be the softest fan base in the city and I thought it was the Bengals at first but no um I disagree game day reminds us the worst take ever is still the draft take the draft take that's right we got to do take rankings I can't wait till season we just do that take for just give me a week I'm to deliver it with the same passion every year yeah just not having Reed sit across from me just trying to murder me with his eyes like that was a little intimidating not going to lie why um but uh but yeah uh yeah I I'm not allowed to say the name that's in the chat that he's talking about but I so badly want to but is what it is the name that they're talking about is softer than I don't think you should read that chat at all I I can't read that at all no I wouldn't yeah I wouldn't even yeah let's that's it gu stinks end of the segment let's just go to break off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers Chatterbox Sports on YouTube 1410 ESPN radio and Dayton we'll be right back that had to be short so it is that time it's add time it's uh time to pay the bills around here um right here Pony water Pony pouches Mr Pony yeah maybe they should switch over to Pony pouches so then they could take over the marketing from Capri Suns for the kids pwy pouches Pony pouches uh I mean they have the best tasting water in the world so they could certainly do it uh it's made right here in Hamilton Ohio uses natural Limestone filtration unlike the artificial processing that Capri Sun probably uses even though they don't use water uh it's a healthy alkaline water and the best tasting water in the world just trust me on that one uh visit Pony water pahh niw so you can buy that great tasting water Mr ponie I I need I need some more of your beautiful nectar beautiful nectar yes it's it's the second best water in the world if they somehow found a way to make a water better than ponie which I don't think is possible so as of now it's still the best water in the world and and boy oh boy do I need more of it so smooth so smooth no rocks no the first part of the show was brought to you by Encore technology report not not yet Jacob my bad not yet at Encore they deliver cutting IT solutions for a data driven world for mobile Computing and desktop support to Advanced Data Center solutions they help businesses enhance efficiency and productivity productivity that's right jimos visit oncore dote 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tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code OTB for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem code OTB for $20 off your first purchase download game time today what time is it game time what time is it game time what time is it game time game time game time game time that's right guys game time game time game time game time game time game time game time wooting sponsor app download today and other housekeeping items please if you enjoyed the show you enjoyed our conversations we really appreciate you hitting the like button helps us grow helps us reach more viewers like you thank Youk you and uh today is Thursday so no box lunch we did our draft yesterday on box lunch that was fun uh is so good Jacob's team my team is so good guys yeah we had mous cop he he picked uh did he recover did mous cop recover after the first pick Mouse cop picked bucker in the first round and a defense in the top like five rounds and he is not last on the AI rankings I love the but I love the the pickup though I know you were a little salty at first it you no Jacob Wasa you ruined the draft I was very upset did it recover though uh yeah Elliot still s ended up with the worst team so that was pretty cool did you really the season hasn't started yet the season the season has it even started yet that's right it hasn't started yet so no I have not lost I I my my drafts always finish in the bottom half of those AI predictions every single year I think every pick you made you expressed how much you hated it yesterday was really the first one because I I do these drafts and and Jacob and I were talking about it we usually pick like if I like guys I'm going to draft them on multiple teams yesterday I picked a team that had none of my team my other leagues players on them it was it's a brand new team so I didn't like any of them any of them he didn't like any of them who's your what's the what's the best player you have on this whole roster of yours I have mine tonight so I made a lot of notes from yesterday I guess technically all right Jacob you said you're the best who did you finish with the best roster I'm assuming no I finished second in the AI ranking the best but I like my team a lot um I forget who who had the best I think it might have been feds fed picked one1 how about feds good for him he always wins feds always wins he always does he really at everything so you guys have said that for a while but did a random draft order and he won the 100 yard dash simulation like I like there's no there's no he there's nothing he can't win he a big Kino guy like to play some Kino with him he should be have to shoot him a message and say hey pick my numbers for me uh and go from there but there you go AI is coming for kenner's job Elliott and I face off week one so that's right we'll see what happens oh really right off the B that's right that's right best case scenario best case scenario is I win without bejan Robinson Devonte Adams or Mark Andrews that's the best case scenario prove that you could win without them dude just you know just not Checkers there that's right that's right all right we good what we got yeah uh just a few other things we did go film the video with Cale 513 that will be worked on I guess I don't know when you out next week it'll be out next week so be prepared for that it's a really funny video uh it was a good time with Caleb we appreciate him uh helping us out with that video and uh I will be going to Miami later on so if any of you are interested in watching Miami soccer Miami uh field hockey I think we're doing men's swimming and things like that check out C box plus we also have the high school events as well um cover a lot of Harrison Fairfield this uh this uh fall and um many more High School events in the future um so please check out cbox plus uh if you care about any of those teams so other than that I think that's it for me and my housekeeping items so let's go back to the radio I thought for sure you were going to ask me all right we welcome you back off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers Chatterbox Sports on YouTube 1410 ESPN radio and Dayton Chatterbox Bengals tonight right no no no no next week that's next week me lead up lead up to week one we'll be we'll be live on uh on Tuesday and Thursday so Thursday will be live and in person that'll be announced next Tuesday whoop whoop whoop whoop so and we'll have a new and we'll have a new ad read for the show whoop we're have to add time to these SE or we have to take time off the segments to get all these ad reads in I like it I like I like adding more ad reads we're working on that that's a great thing will you be there for the week one thing or no I on Tuesday when I find out where we're going I'll let you know okay um so Cincinnati Red's the most recent draft they had of course they take Chase Burns he's their number one rated Prospect I'd say that's a pretty good draft pick I know there was a little not controversy but there was still you know people split on what direction that the Reds should go but the number two Prospect in the Reds uh system Rett louder Rhett louder just recently got called up to Louisville um Rhett louder is a guy that when we started talking and you know I think it was like last week we were talking about the possibility the fact that the Reds have something cooking to the point to where I don't know how often it's done in baseball where you have a homegrown full rotation you know you if hunter green Nic Lolo and Andrew Abbott pan out the way we anticipate them too and and Chase Burns lives up to the hype and he's the Red's number one Prospect and Rett louder who's been talked about for quite some time you know the future of the Red's rotation looks like that right hunter green Nick Lolo Andrew Abbott Rett louder Chase Burns you know that's ideally what you would think the Red's rotation will look like here over the next couple of years um so Rett Luder was being talked more about as a guy you know from from a future perspective and technically when we talk about tomorrow the future uh technically is tomorrow but Rett louder was announced um yesterday that they are going to call him up after only a few starts at Louisville since being called up to tripa and he's going to be making his Reds debut for the Cincinnati Reds coming up tomorrow night in game two of the Reds double header and I was actually surprised usually when the Reds announce like a a callup like this that's usually met with a lot of excitement on social media and that that seems to be the opposite I know we talked on yesterday's show uh in a bleak way about the Reds like okay you know your entire rotation is beat up you got to go do something about it I think what we were at least what I how I had uh kind of encoded it was go do something about it as far as using money go get go get proven players to come in and stop the bleeding but the reds are going to go ahead after only a few starts in Louisville and bring up Rhett louder I want to be excited the Reds have had success with with the call-ups of rookies in recent years especially during this most recent rebuild but it just seems like the Vibes are so low the team is so poorly constructed right now due to injuries that I feel like there is more potential for harm than good from this callup I don't know why I'm being so negative I don't like to be negative when it comes to the Reds I'm usually pretty positive but when it comes to this particular case I want to be excited about seeing Rett louder be called to the Cincinnati Reds but I was hoping it would be oh man the reds are calling up R louder as they're a couple games out of a wild card spot to you know kind of get that youth movement push that we've seen so much recently over the last you know year and some change I don't know am I the only one that's not and it has nothing to do with Rhett himself I am just concerned that with the makeup of this team and how bad this team has been as of late I'm terrified that he is going to come up and just basically be brought down by the poor product that's around him at this point I am not excited about his call up and I feel like I should be I'm not anti ret louder I'm anti the Reds throwing him to the wolves like this is he ready are you excited about this move Elliott I don't I don't know if he's ready this wasn't the natural timeline of him of him getting here and that's and that's where the issue unfortunately lies he's here because there was such poor roster construction that the reds don't have a starting pitcher available to them so we have to now go to a guy who just got called up to Triple A in response to him probably being forced to be called up to Major League Baseball I I had a I had a feeling we would see him at some point in September maybe for just one start towards the end um and I think that would have been a fun treat for the fans but this isn't a fun treat for the fans this is we know we're really bad we have to do something because we're really really bad at baseball so we're just going to find any pitcher we can and that's in this case Rett louder I it's it's it's a disaster the Reds the Reds unfortunately are a disaster this year you can call it bad luck if that's what we want to say it's bad luck it's bad luck I I'll give you the option for bad luck but here we are in September with zero starting pitchers on the roster and we have to be forced to call up one of our most exciting prospects out of pure necessity that doesn't get that doesn't get me fired up that doesn't get the juices flowing so I as much as I am happy to see Rett louder I'm going to watch him pitch I'm going to have fun watching him pitch I I I I think the circumstances of him getting here are unfortunately dampening this whole experience and that's a real shame because that shouldn't be the that shouldn't be the case I agree with with the bulk of what both you guys said but I'm super excited I I I cannot wait this is the most excited I've been for a Reds game in many many months fair at this point I I cannot wait to for for Friday night um we have to work and I forgot about that and I was looking at tickets on my way down last night after he got caught up so I mean I like I'm unbelievably excited to see Rett louder and I think if you can't get excited about seeing your number two Prospect pitcher regardless of where your team is then what are you allowed to get excited about as as a Red fan anymore so if I'm not going to get excited about this there's really quite literally nothing the rest of the year to get excited about except for Ellie possibly get a a 3030 Milestone is probably the next biggest thing we can root for so I'm super excited to see R outer whether we're out of the playoffs or not whether it's one start or five whether it's just the guys that get healthy and he goes back down to Triple A or whether he burns it down and is here for the rest of the year I'm ecstatic that he's up I can't wait to see what what his jersey number is it feels the same as when they called up Ellie and mlan and all them for me at least the the lead up to the game I'm absolutely over the moon when we drafted red louder and then now to see him in in a a Red's uniform a year after the draft it's it's exactly what you want when you take a pitcher that high a pitcher that's supposedly a polished Prospect whether he deserves it or not he's proven to them at this point that they he at least gives them a chance to be competitive in a baseball game at least to a level that they believe in throwing him out there cuz there aren't starting pitchers on the major league roster there's a lot of that are hurt but there's starting pitchers elsewhere in the organization that they could go to if they didn't think louder was ready if they thought this would stunt his growth in any way I TR truly do believe that they wouldn't have brought him up I think they think he's at least close to ready and he's the best option we have and and I'm I'm going to be excited to watch him pitch so I I guess the reason I'm down on he has nothing to do with Rhett himself like I'm like yeah to your guys Point like I'm going to be like this most intrigued in the Red's game in weeks as far as that's concerned for me because I did I was a sucker I bought into that they swep swt the Cardinals right and they went four straight they swept the Cardinals I bought in then they get swept by the Royals it was just painful and they got swept by quite a few teams in that damn AL Central by the way kind of brutal uh you know the Tigers beating up on the Reds you know but um no like so it's just totally sucked the energy out of me as far as you know my optimism when it comes comes to the Reds I guess the reason it's just comparing his debut the announcement of his debut to others like they called up Reese hin and he provided a spark for them because they were still in the mix right you think back to last year the mlan call up the LA call up the Christian incarna on strand callup like the Andrew Abbott callup a lot of the call-ups were always at times where the Reds were just starting to kind of fall off a bit and then it infused life in them and then they took off and we felt that there was a chance for them to take off from that energy from that you know infusion of life if you will I I think the reason I'm so down on it is because I'm not just not fully invested into I'm fully invested into him and watching him but we just know that there's nothing that's coming out he's being called up to stop the bleeding he's not being called up to help them make go on a run or or to maybe close the gap on the Wild Card Standings or to make a playoff push I think that's why I'm so down on it which is unfortunate for him we've seen a lot of rookies get called up recently into into high leverage situations if that's what you want to call them where the season still mattered it's just unfortunate he's making his debut at a time where a lot of Reds fans have checked out and they've all shifted their focus and attention towards the Bengals in the NFL at this point I I again we see Craig and Evan are having a difficulty with my usage of roster Construction if the roster doesn't have starting pitchers available any I I think that's on the front office I I I understand that they're all hurt I'm I'm I'm well aware of the situation at hand but it at some point if we're going to roster guys that can't stay healthy for an entire Seasons or at least majority of the seasons uh I'm going to I'm going to start to have problems and again granted Hunter Green's been healthy a majority of the season this is a fluke injury Nick Lolo this is now the third I stand Andrew abbit it's the same thing I towards later on in the year so I I the back-to-back Seasons at some point it's on you if you're going to feeli injured injured pitchers I I know you can't Bank on it it's unfair but at the same time there shouldn't be a situation ever you traded Frankie Montas at the deadline I I'm I'm sorry but we have no starting pitchers right now on the team and I think that's that's a tough place to be yeah and I so they're bringing up the roster construction I I thought the point you brought up is is not a bad all five are on the I all five of the I mean the whole rotation out when you started to lose three guys out of the rotation you needed to be more proactive as far as going even you know signing guy like I I wanted it's not like you're going to go out and get sa young pitchers to come take Johny qu Johnny quo got signed a week ago and like it's it's to me it's experienced pitchers to come in are they coming in with their experience to help you make the playoffs know but stop ruining the momentum that the bullpen I mean like right now we feel bad about everything we feel bad about the bullpen now we feel bad about the rotation uh you know the you know the offense you know the lineup and the run production's been so inconsistent throughout the year but there was always something we could at least shift our optimism towards like well if the bullpen keeps going this way and they get some quality starts so these gu now there's nothing so I know what they're saying but I'm with you Elliot like at a certain point when when three of the five were on the on the iil you got to go start getting some veteran guys Innings eaters you said it yesterday Innings eaters I don't want to go back into the complete negative segment from yesterday but I just am defending the the roster construction take because no it's not like the the team knew two months ago that I'll were going to be on the I but you need to start being a little proactive when two or three of the guys on the on the rotation start to go on the I I think they they just weren't proactive and now that all five are out now every you're starting you're doing how many of these openers your your bull pin's getting you know way too much work and now you're calling up a guy that I don't think this was the desire timetable to bring him up so that's my concern as far as that I'm happy for him I'm pulling for him but again it's a lot of reactionary stuff and not being proactive I know how realistic it is to expect the front offic just go out and sign starting pitchers when guys start getting hurt like these guys aren't the guys on the waiver wire like aren't good pitchers like you're not getting no I want to make something very clear you're not signing them to win games winning games is out of the question at this point in the season and we both said that that's a fact you're you're you're now you're now overusing the bullpen every single night who who are you wanting to call again I I there are aging free agents on there that can eat Innings okay Johnny quo was a name he got signed is Johnny quo good at the age of 38 probably not but Johnny quo can give you five innings that's what I want I want guys that can come in here and give five innings so I don't have to see Fernando Cruz go four Innings to start every game that's what I want yeah I I guess I I don't necessarily want the Reds just going out and signing Johnny quo to pitch one game and then DFA him I don't I don't think that's I that's fine but at the same point we're just the you're optioning somebody off the 40 to get him up yeah I I just I guess I just disagree with that um I saw let me pull this up to so Lance mallister had shared this um I believe yesterday uh spot track uh was just kind of H like the reds are the like we talk so much about how banged up that the Cincinnati Reds are and we like to use that as an excuse but the reds are the 13th most banged up team in baseball and a lot of the teams that are ranked ahead of them are still very I mean Minnesota Twins are ranked ahead of them all right the Mets are ranked ahead of them the Giants ahead of them the Yankees ahead of them the Dodgers ahead of them there's a lot of teams that are ahead of the Houston Astros there's a lot of teams that are that have as many if not more players that are missing time due to injuries in the Cincinnati Reds um and again this just all goes back to the depth thing I I've said before like you know the Dodgers lose mukie bets they have enough war power there to to continue rolling along the Reds Lose a Guy it's a lot more you know devastating when the Reds lose a guy compared to other teams just because of well roster construction and we can argue all day uh about the different approaches to that I I see both sides sides to it's not like there's a tree you just go pull pitches off trees and everything like that but um for just going to throw people out there to throw them out there I been clear it's been clear for a long time Nicko has been either injured or hasn't been good enough to be here uh and that's the past month or so I don't know how long it's been exactly but Nick Nick Nicko has not been himself for quite some time there have been signs that he has not been himself there could have been there could have been moves that that could have been made yeah Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers Chatterbox Sports on YouTube uh 1410 ESPN Radio in Dayton we'll step away uh for a few moments when we come back uh overrated quarterbacks um apparently 101 players I guess uh were were pulled in the NFL recently uh about the most overrated players in the NFL and Josh Allen came up as the number one most overrated quarterback in the National Football League do you guys agree with that we'll discuss who else should be at the top of this list we'll get to all of that coming up more Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers next all right off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers Chatterbox Sports on YouTube 1410 ESPN Radio in Dayton off and rolling we opened up the show today again full reaction Jamar Chase made a lot of noise yesterday um showing up to practice like he has been since Camp began but did not participate this coming of course days after participating in practice for the first time this uh preseason this past Sunday everyone thought everything was all right in the world and then of course the chaos ensued yesterday uh nonetheless but uh we we talked we spent a lot of time on that the Bengals kick off the season a week from Sunday uh when they take on the New England Patriots we found out their starting quarterback of course jacobe brassette little surprised that it was jacobe brasset that they didn't go the rookie route with Drake May I'm not surprised if jacobe Bret was going to be healthy that's what I expected them to do the entire time I think that's the better way to operate with a quarterback that's not ready to go week one I think there were two quarterbacks in this draft class that were ready to go week one and that's Jaden Daniels and and Caleb Williams I think every other quarterback that was drafted would benefit from sitting and I think the Patriots are smart I thought Drake May was going to start simply because the fact that job Bret left their last preseason game with a shoulder injury and I thought that they would use that as the excuse I guess to try Drake May first and then if he doesn't work say oh Jacob's healthy now we can put him in it's not it's not an indictment on Drake May we're going to make the switch whereas if you start with Drake May over a healthy Jacob ver you can never make that switch so that was what I expected but obviously uh whether they don't think Drake May is ready yet or they they think he would just benefit more from a year on the bench either way I think it's a good move for for the Patriots and for Drake May because they don't have a whole lot going for them on offense so ESPN asked 103 I don't know why3 why not 105 why not just 100 why not 102 I mean I don't get it 103 players like uh so so they they asked 103 NFL players who is the most overrated quarterback uh in the National Football League uh and the list that came out the top 10 most overrated quarterbacks that came out on this list Brock pie Kyler Murray DeShaun Watson Trevor Lawrence Justin Herbert Tu a Tung of aloa Jaylen Herz and then coming in at number one the most overrated quarterback in the NFL at least according to these 103 NFL players Josh Allen um and of course Josh Allen's always a polarizing talking point he's a guy that throws for a lot of yards uh statistically one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL he turns the ball over a lot right he he can make plays with his legs they win a lot of football games but of course can't seem to get over the Patrick Mahomes Mountain especially come playoff time Josh Allen's kind of floating in that Abyss right now where it's that like he's looking for that moment in the playoffs he's looking for that Super Bowl appearance we've seen Joe burough get to his Super Bowl we've seen uh obviously Jaylen Herz get to a Super Bowl we we've seen a lot of these younger quarterbacks uh like Josh Allen who have had their moments in the playoffs he's had all the moments in the regular season he has all the regular season stats he has all the wins but the playoff moments we talked about are the the collapses and those final you know big moments in overtime the overtime loss against the Chiefs right the the loss against the Bengals you have the blow up between him and Stefan Diggs these are a lot of things that you know kind of put a damper on the legacy of Josh Allen who I think so many teams would kill to have Josh Allen is their quarterback around the NFL do you guys agree Josh Allen with 103 players that were pulled I always find it interesting with player polls I know that's basically what the NFL top 100 is we we talked about how the Bengals were kind of very well misrepresented in that like the players you expected to be in the top 100 were represented there for the Bengals just not the number you thought so I always find it fascinating when players speak up on stuff but Josh Allen the most overrated quarterback in the NFL agree or disagree maybe I'm part of the problem but I certainly disagree I mean I saw the top three quarterbacks that they ranked in that same poll and it was Mahomes Lamar Jackson and Joe burrow and I was shocked I think Josh Allen for me personally is the second best quarterback in the league but I won't push back if you have him at three with burrow at two Josh Allen gets a a lot of flack for the turnovers that he's had in his career and obviously that's been an issue he turns the ball over a lot I think everyone understands that he's also scored more touchdowns than any quarterback since he entered the league it's unbelievable what he's able to do for that for that Bill's offense and he's the thing that made that made that engine go he he's incredible he he's dragged them to the playoffs every year basically and he only loses to Patrick Mahomes I don't know and Joe burrow once so he doesn't lose to anyone but that top tier and I think that's a huge addition for him in the argument and that's why I have burrow and momes up there as well is because those three seemingly only lose to each other which is why I think they're you know a tier above everyone else and I think Josh Allen's offensive stats speak for themselves even with the turnovers yeah I think Josh Allen's one of the best quarterbacks in in in the NFL I I I have no doubt in my mind I I don't know what the overrated thing stand or is coming from because if they don't have Josh Allen I don't think the Bills win any games ever right so L literally none especially this season this season they're projected to win what 10 10 or 11 games if they don't have Josh Allen they're projected to win three four maybe so I I I don't know what the overrated thing really is is is about there um just based on what he does alone with his legs uh not not accounting for the record number of touchdowns he throws every single year uh he's one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL I'd want him on my team if I didn't already have Joe burrow so I think that's kind of silly and I don't really get it you brought up his legs and everyone always points to Lamar Jackson as the easy answer when you talk about best dual threat quarterback I always say Josh Allen I think Josh Allen's the best dual threat quarterback we've ever seen in the NFL because he's the first of all like Lamar is the better running quarterback of the two no doubt about it but as far as the best complete quarterback that's Josh Allen right like I don't know how many people take Josh Allen over Lamar I think I would if you had to pick a quarterback to lead your team by the way it's not disrespect to Lamar Jackson but you get the playmaking ability with the athleticism and the legs of Josh Allen but you also get a way better arm you know Lamar good thrower but not an elite thrower not the not not the level of thrower that you would expect from a two-time MVP but again he makes plays and there's no doubt about it when he's out there his team wins when his team when he's out there his team's in first place when he goes out injured for the final five six weeks they finish in last like there's a obviously we see the value of Lamar Jackson but from a skill standpoint if you have to pick between Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen who are you picking in these particular situations toad J te yeah I'm taking Josh Allen in quite literally every situation okay between Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen It's Gonna I I I go back and forth because I like slander either it's just pre I know it's it's there are three quarterbacks I would pick over Lamar Jackson let me make that very clear and it was just those three quarterbacks yeah I I I think for me until he until he proves otherwise I'm not because Josh Allen hasn't had a ton of postseason success either in terms of winning uh games that stats he's been phenomenal uh but winning games he just hasn't done it maybe it's because of the fault of his team yada y y he certainly looked better in the post the white jerseys well yeah that true in the snow forget the white jerse his own rule change his own Ru I thought that was lame I'm not going to even I was Lamar Jackson has looked bad in the postseason he's looked good in the postseason but they've both accounted for the same thing which is not a whole lot of wins I think that's a fair point nonetheless I would probably still rather have Lamar Jackson at this very moment um but yeah Josh Allen is is right there with him I think there's a top five a clear top four top five quarterbacks in the NFL and both of them are on that list Casey Josh Allen Lamar Jackson which was you leaning uh I would take I would take Josh Allen every single time um I was trying to think of like how you could possibly overrate him like I guess you think that Josh Allen's a top five quarterback instead of a top three and that makes him overrated I don't know like how do you not have how low do you have him overated yeah how low do you have to have him to feel like he's overrated I just I don't know it it's a little weird to me um but one thing I do know is that uh players they usually get things right because they know they know something so I don't know if it's maybe like he's just got an easy Playbook or something and he just dominates anyways that would still make me feel like he's a great quarterback regardless I I don't know I don't know it just that's a weird weird poll players always get it right Tyreek Hill best player in the league everyone knows that yeah yeah like I um when the Bengals players were like in that NFL top 100 like we were all just shocked at like how low Joe bough was ranked Jamar Chase Trey Hendrick Trey Hendrickson had a he had the best year I mean he had the most dominant season last year just didn't get talked about because the Bengals just didn't have Joe burrow the defense was ranked at the bottom so he didn't get the the respect that he deserved but it was wild because he moved back in that NFL top 100 it didn't make any sense now one Theory I threw out was well sometimes the what you love about the Bengals is what I think teams don't like is how cocky and arrogant and you know how out there that they are that could be represented in that but then it's wild this is another player poll but there's not one you know Joe bur's even close to the you know what I mean like it's it's wild that that's the case is there another quarterback on this list that you're surprised is there I have I'm surprised Des Shan's not higher I'm surprised he's not higher on that list honestly I'm not I don't think people overrate deshan Watson because I don't think they I I don't think they rate high don't yeah I think the first couple years in Cleveland he was absolutely overrated because he wasn't playing up to the Houston form that people expected I think now I'd be shocked if you pulled a general NFL fan and they had DeShawn in your top 15 to 18 quarterbacks number one joking but no you're right no that's a good point so at first I was like yeah I'm surprised he's not higher but to be higher you have to have expectations um no Dak Prescott in the top 10 love it for as much as we talk as much as not really we but media in general you would you would think that Dak is very average like uh the way that people talk about Dak is the way that people talk about Brock pie and they're not even I I don't think and I like Brock Pie by I'm not anti Brock pie but I i' take Dak any day of the week over Brock pie I am surprised dak's not on that list just because of how often he has talked about in that light I love Dak I think Dak is one of the most underrated quarterbacks in the NFL so I'm very very thrilled that he's not on this list I I Dak Prescott's one that gets a lot of slack just because of where he plays uh there's more expectations in Dallas than any other team any other franchise in the NFL and and when you don't succeed in the postseason as frequently as they don't uh he's going to get a lot of the blame but consistently those numbers he has are some of the best in the NFL year after year after year um I see some in the chat someone brought up CJ stoud earlier I how are we putting him in the overrated category I I would wow I would and I love CJ strout and I'm a buckeye fan and I think he's going to be great I would put CJ strad in the overrated category right now he's second in MVP a yeah he's he's the third favorite to lead the league in passing Ys he's played one season in the league and you have people all across the country saying he's a top three top five quarterback they're talking about him over Allen him over burrow can he compete with Mom for the next decade we've seen one year if all that stuff is true awesome that's great we got it right but I still think after 17 games I I think he is overrated I I'm very high on CJ Str it has nothing to do with the Buckey affiliation absolutely none because to be honest I didn't have a whole lot uh I didn't think he was goingon to be bad but I'm not going to sit here and pretend like oh man Ohio State quarterbacks man he's going to kill it but I just thought that he didn't look like a rookie quarterback last year and those numbers I don't think I mean you add Stefan Diggs I actually I don't even think they needed to add Stefan digs I I I I I give the organization credit I always respect when organizations when they have a super talented quarterback on a rookie deal I love the fact that teams get aggressive and say hey we're going all in we're not going to look back after the four years of the rookie deal and say man we wasted our opportunity to be very aggressive with with you know financially when we had the you know the flexibility to do so so I don't mind that they added him uh as far as that's concerned but I thought that the Texans got better on defense so that's going to just help the team as a whole I don't know if I'm picking him to Wi MVP but from what I saw last year I I don't know how I didn't see anything different than what we do see from a Joe burrow or Patrick Mahomes uh and yeah I watched him decimate my my team in the playoffs look people want to discredit Cleveland's defense but they were statistically a top three defense in the NFL last year and he diced them apart in the playoffs and there's rookie had the best rookie season that any quarterback has ever had gets his team to the playoffs worst to first they win a playoff game against the number one defense in the NFL or top three defense in the NFL I'm very high on CJ strad but I will I do understand why people say well it's just one year it's just one year but we've seen so many young quarterbacks come in the league and dominate right away now maybe not to that level but that is a rookie year MVP I mean we saw Joe burrow rookie year lead a team to a Super Bowl year two I don't think it's that unheard of uh in today's NFL Chase Chase Wellman our friend of the chat brings up a great point he says we're a Colts running back catching a ball in the flat away from CJ Stout being in no one's top five yeah so that's just another interesting way to put it I mean remember that that AFC South championship last year came down to the last game of the year wide open running back and they just dropped the ball from that garer mchu put right in his lap that would have sent the Colts to the playoffs so and obviously Trevor Lawrence banged up a ton last year Joe burrow hurt Aaron Rogers hurt I wonder how great not that CJ trout season last year wasn't incredible it was probably the best rookie quarterback not probably it was the best rookie quarterback season we've ever seen how would that season be looked upon if it was put next to a healthy AFC of quarterback statistics because obviously it was one of the best in the League last year and you competing against who you compete against so he should have been in in MVP conversations he deserved that but I just wonder how great that season would have been looked at outside of the rookie context if the AFC and everyone else in the league had had been healthier than they were yeah fair enough fair enough all right uh Off the Bench presented by United dery Farmers chatterb Sports on YouTube 1410 ESPN Radio uh what time we got how much time you one minute one oh one minute one minute for the rest of our lives Casey what are we talking about for the final minute we already talked about the Capri Suns we bringing back the Moll minute the M minute is that what they call it I guess that's what we're calling it to wrap up this show McAllister minute um you know what I haven't heard enough college football talk and I I need a a better preview of the college football landscape so that's what I would like to hear from Jacob because they're playing games tonight right they sure are Casey 30 seconds go ahead 30 seconds well it might take me 30 seconds to pull up tonight's college football schedule that's correct so we'll see how that goes but uh yeah know we do have games tonight Thursday first kickoff at 6 p.m. Howard at ruter I think ruter minus 38 hat and a half this a good play there I will probably bet on every single game tonight if I'm going to be completely honest with you NC state ranks 24th and Missouri 11th Kansas 22nd Utah 12 those are your ranked teams playing tonight Utah minus 39 I like it yeah you got to hunt the big spreads in week one were you shocked at the Bangals were the only team to vote against the private Equity Firm no because that's what the Bengals do man mallus tmina Got Hijacked College s it to yeah I sent it over there and now we're out of time and now we're out of time thank you that was the mallister minute this has been off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers that wraps it up for us on the radio side 1410 ESPN Radio how it would be it's technically 4 it's 65 minute segments which will put us at 11:30 yeah but we did a ad break in the middle of that it wasn't 7 minutes okay all right I trust you we're already back we are back oh hi everybody howdy welcome you back uh yeah uh tomorrow we will get into more college football um especially heading into the weekend again not a whole lot of I mean again we talked about the The Limited top 25 matchups there's still a lot of really good matchups though there's still a lot of really good matchups there's not a lot of really good uh top 25 matchups as far as that's concerned I still hate look I know not a big lot of big uh in Cincinnati not a lot of people give a rip about Ohio State I hate their schedule I absolutely hate Ohio States yeah like I'm excited that college football is here but like and I understand like usually week one now to Ohio State's credit they have never Shi away from playing an elite team in the nonon I mean whether it's Notre Dame whether it's Texas they have USC coming up they have Alabama they have Georgia like play or last play or yeah and uh they they were scheduled to play Washington this year Washington was supposed that they replaced the Washington game with Marshall uh in week three Washington they took off the schedule obviously just because of the fact that it's now Big 10 there's a reason I think Miss and US was it Miss who did no was LSU no which team tried to get a a team knocked off the schedule I think Lane kein tried to get a Old Miss game knocked off the schc did was it Oklahoma are they playing Oklahoma or Texas it doesn't matter either way but there were some schedules that coaches were trying to get off just because of course they were scheduled before the conference reignment uh as far as that's concerned but yeah Ohio don't play anyone worth the damn until October 12th that's right it's like a six we preseason brutal um I'm not going to go quite that far I'm going to go the week before because I think Iowa is a legitimate team and they can always scare you with that defense so I'm I'm saying they don't play a legitimate team till October 5th but Point still stands yeah college football the the schedules are getting better because obviously you know you have Iowa Oregon Penn State and Michigan on the schedule this year Oregon a conference opponent which is probably if not the best game a top five game this year for college football Ohio State Oregon um and you get that in the conference schedule this year so they don't have there's no way teams can avoid those those rank ranked matchups so I I still think at the end of the day the the Ohio State schedule this year is better than it was pre-alignment even with that Washington game at the fear of talking Bearcat football again but uh let's go Bearcats that's why I'm excited I do want I really want Cincinnati to be very very good very very soon because I I do love there's options now look ' always had the option to either go to the shoe or or go obviously to watch Cincinnati now that they're in the Big 12 obviously that's going to present you know better opportunities you're getting better teams uh you know coming during Big 12 play but obviously they're nonc cons not super exciting either what Big 12 teams are coming to Nipper this year what big team 12s are what teams are coming I don't know off the top of my head but I will look I'm just curious how much people how excited people get even when the team's not good again I I I've I'm a barecat basketball fan I've I I haven't really paid attention mentioned to UC football in a long time which is why I try not to speak on it um but nonetheless I can speak con if you'd rather no I think you shouldn't okay Houston Pittsburgh um Arizona State West Virginia TCU and Talsen tson plus 31 and a half plus 31 and a I'm in there already $271 at Colorado if you want to go see the Bearcats take on Colorado in Colorado so I don't know if this makes you feel if you are a beat fan though imagine if your coach has asked about thoughts on this upcoming season this is coach this is Scott sers Scott big sat saterfield was asked about what he would about what he would Define as a as success heading into year two at Cincinnati before I read his quote what what would you consider I know you're not a big Bearcat football fan I'll tell you what I would consider success for the Bearcats a bow game would be success I think it's the bar's lower than that did you read the quote do you already know no okay keep going think the bar lower than than six wins I think if he's competing for a Bull game like if you upset a team ranked higher than you and finished with four wins I think people are like okay this is going the right direction I think so here's the problem with saterfield his quote already he was asked about what he would Define as a success heading into year two hopefully we can win some games ah that's how it starts not really making you feel all warm and fuzzy fingers crossed fingers crossed and that's what they say about the best jobs in the power five man they get a coach that can just really rev up the team and get them ready to go and maybe hopefully maybe someday somewhere long long down the line win a couple games I mean Dion's delusion big sat you but no like I read this quote and I'm like man that doesn't get me all fired up I mean even coaches of bad teams I like our you know this is the same BS like coach speak but hey I really like where we're at right now we're coming off of very good uh you know very good camp uh we're ready to go we're very confident about the guys in that locker room and we're very prepared for this schedule you may call the BS on it but you don't feel but when he starts out with saying hopefully we can win some games obviously that is what everyone looks at and if you're not winning people don't see that as success hopefully we are able to win some games and get back to post season play and I think that is something we are certainly gearing towards okay so so not the bowl game not this year don't focus on this year but they're gearing towards it at some point long long long way down the line you get back to postseason play there you go bigat big sat's got the team fired up I'm not concerned about bigat yet give give I'm gonna give him one more I will say this not winning I will say the schedule's not very good I mean real bad I mean I I I don't mean to be disrespectful but that's it's not exactly a difficult schedule so I I would be pretty disappointed if if they're not fighting for six wins so I'm glad you brought that up because there's more again he was asked about what he would Define as a successful second season hopefully we can win some games he says hopefully were able to win some games to get back to postseason play We're gearing towards that but he goes I know for us we talked all offseason imagine this you're gearing your te for the team for the upcoming season I know for us we talked all off season about our number one goal being to defend the nip oh defend the nip lot of nip talk by allat listen win the home games I think he's right that is absolutely win the game win the games at home that is an extremely big goal of our team so there you go see okay when you're when you're a bottom feeder in the power four you have to focus on winning your home games look at you power four I'm I'm Le I'm a learned man yeah when you're one of the worst jobs in the entire power 4 you have to focus on winning your home games because that's where you can drive up a little bit of the excitement for your fan base cuz Lord knows right now after bringing in big sat the the Bearcat fan base isn't exactly Juiced uh you'd think by my take a couple days ago that that might have cut a little deep because maybe some Bearcat fans think that maybe they are towards the bottom half of the power five power four this this is just unfortunate Bearcat slander and I have to sit here and take it because again I wish I knew more about Bearcat football I wish I did uh unfortunately not I'm a UC I'm a UC I'm I'm a UC basketball lifer that's what I am uh but here's here's the thing give I'm going to give Sat one more year here uh one more year to get get get his own guys see if we can recruit somebody uh I think it'll be a better year than last season which isn't exactly a high bar to climb uh and that's that's all I care about ever says you guys should bring Dan years back be just be just be better than the year before that's all I ask Chase Wellman I already like his message too like so if the bearcat's number one goal is just to defend the nip and they end up losing a home game are we going to call that a nip slip I here's the thing I don't think anybody has high expectations of Bearcats I think everybody's well aware of that saterfield is just trying to say something that's somewhat encouraging if if if he if he's making a sticking point this season to play the home games to the best of their ability then I'll take that message I'll say good job that I I I don't I don't I'm not going to kill the guy so like I said like and the only reason I brought this up is just cuz I thought that the quote was horrible but and then what what happens when you start dissecting people's quotes and responses to stuff you get the whole well what else is he supposed to say very valid uh he he'd get shredded no matter you know what's your goals what would you define as a successful year two you know look any sports journalist I've talked to you know the one a lot of advice I've gotten is always ask Stephen A Smith when I got a chance to meet him he said the one thing that he always does right off the bat anytime he talks to a general manager or a general manager a coach or an owner before the season begins always ask him what's your expectations for the year and then he says all right whatever you say your expectation for the season is that's what I'm going to Define all of my takes on on your team on your Performance Based on the whole season cool so when I see this and he's this team this coach saterfield is being asked about how he would define success heading into year two I mean there you go I guess if they you know don't make a bowl game but they're 500 at home I guess by the coach's standards that's a success successful season you defended the nip if you're 500 at home 500 at home I he's he's he's saying he's saying they're going to play listen I'm not going to put too much into this he everybody is well aware everybody everybody is well aware of what the Bearcats are at this season uh I I I I think everybody has us towards the bottom of the of the Big 12 and that's perfectly fine you're rebuilding a program back up we we lost our head coach he was coaching at Wisconsin halfway through that year allegedly um I don't know if it's alleged I don't know if it's alleged um so I'm going to give him I'm going to give him a little bit more time I'm going to get him the to settle in and we're going to go from there I I I think UC football will be back to relevance soon I'm giving him I'm trying to give time as much as I can at what what week in the season one through 13 do you think Luke fickles sent the um Wisconsin logo PNG to his seamstress to show on a new team vest like week three yeah I mean certainly towards the end it was he had it on for the bowl game which means you had give him like a three-week Runway to print a one of one Wisconsin acronym vest just a lot of UC the UC basketball team's gonna be really good this year really hope they're not West Miller is going to lead that team to a national championship that's my take National that's that y yeah that's my take on UC football West Miller will bring UC basketball tweet tweet tweet tweet twet conversely my basketball team actually has a chance at winning a national championship this year yeah my team I'm just hoping wins The Horizon go in major basketball there we go love it um okay Brett McMurphy you're familiar with Brett McMurphy right that's right college football reporter um he put out an article recently that talked about Clemson Clemson is the nation's only school that has been ranked in the preseason AP assoc in the AP poll uh top 25 in each of the last five years to finish the season ranked lower than its preseason ranking cool so he he went back and he looked at every team from the start of the 2014 to now the college football playoff era um and he went and he he made a a ranking list of the most overrated NCAA teams based on preseason rankings and then the most underrated teams uh as far as where they fall in the preseason rankings and where they end up finishing in the final AP rankings at the end of the season uh Jake who do you think and for everyone who do you think is the most overrated college football team based on preseason rankings from where they initially come in in the preseason ranking and where they finish in the final poll who do you think the most overrated NCAA college football program is in that regard I would think Florida state would have to be close maybe Notre Dame so Florida State comes in at number 10 okay surprisingly Notre Dame is not they come in they come in at number 17 they're always preseason top 10 and finish like eight or nine or 11 so I guess that's fair I guess so the team that they have that he has based on the preseason rankings compared to where they finish in the final poll Auburn USC wicin Texas A&M and LSU LSU wow that that's surprising to me I I guess LSU they're they're the king of the up and down they win a championship and then that burrow year where were they ranked coming in not not because burrow heading into that year he had a second round draft grade that's not like Joe Burrow's year was not anticipated not that not one bit cuz his first year at LSU was just very incredibly average it was just okay they had a game that they went to seven over times he didn't even throw for over 300 yards and seven over like that offense was not that explosive that year and then just for it to take off the way it did in year two but like so that's why I'm saying like they obviously finished number one they end up winning the national championship so that probably puts him you would think that would put him in the underrated category yeah like but you said they're so back and forth LSU is I I think probably just because you you win a you win a National Championship you come back and you 2020 they were probably ranked pretty high and then obviously that team was horrendous yeah so that probably kills that ranking LSU number five so Texas Oregon Oklahoma Miami the hurricanes and Florida State round out the top 10 in there Clemson comes in at number 11 so that he did the underrated team so from and this one's wild but again the teams as we sit here compared to where they finish in the AP from where they started in the AP preseason who do you think the most underrated college football teams are based on preseason rankings TCU because they were unranked and went to three has to be close so they're number three okay they're number three uh so Northwestern comes in at number one wow remember they had a good run with Pat fitzg again top 25 it's not like top 10 coach yeah um and all that stuff but Elliot you ready to guess number two no go Bearcats really the Cincinnati be cats are the most underrated college football team based on preseason rankings during the college football playoff era this goes to your point it's a lot it's a lot of those teams like TCU that surprise Point team you know yeah go Bearcats see the future is bright very underrated I thought I thought you were going to do some gacha journalism on me just then I I would never DOA Journal see how bright that future is what era was that discussing the the the four team College the era of the power five when Luke vickle was the coach at in the American yes yes sir I've said time and time again I think UC was a better job in the American than it is now I think that's I think that's wild but nonetheless uh go Bearcats but yeah I was surprised to see that they came in at number two TCU coming in at three um Missouri and Kentucky come in at four and five both of those schools have have done a phenomenal job with turning around their program so uh again you have when he goes on to write about this even more he goes after Northwestern Cincinnati is the nation's second most underrated team followed by TCU Missouri Kentucky UCF there's a four team Log Jam tied for seventh between Arizona Houston H Louisville and Oklahoma State Arizona is a team this year that I I just don't think people are giving enough credit to Arizona has Noah ffid who's maybe one of the best quarterbacks in the entire country and then tetor Mitchell is if not the number one receiver the number two receiver this year in uh in college football and and they have them ranked I believe outside of the top 20 right now yeah ranked 21 in the first AP rankings and if you know anything about college football at least until you get to the playoff uh if you have a really really good quarterback and a really really good wide receiver you usually win a ton of games regardless of the rest of your schedule so or the rest of your roster so Arizona is a team that I really think this year could a compete for the Pack 12 and B compete for the playoff so in your little arguments of other day you were talking about the big 12 is the Big 12 the worst conf were you saying the Big 12 is the worst conference I think the Big 12 is the worst Power for conference yeah I only bring this up because so he's talking about so six of the nation's 10 most underrated teams since the college football playoff era and 14 started they're all currently in the Big 12 uh and thinks that the Big 12 is very underrated heading in because you had Houston but again but the big they were underrated because they were group of five teams that overperformed I don't think that success is going to translate I understood what you meant about and this is not a slander thing for the barans I understood what you meant about the it was a it was a better job in the American as weird as it sounds it's a better Financial like the program's healthier financially being in the big 12 than in the American but it was a better opportunity I think coaches looked at Cincinnati you had a better opportunity especially once they they broke the threshold of being able to get to the playoff I mean they were the first non power five at the time team to make the college football playoff and it showed that the committee was willing to kind of let a team go through especially after UCF finished undefeated they did not let them in uh that was the big controversy there but I got what you meant like Cincinnati they would build up for that Notre Dame game and then you got to play Tain you just got to get through the Tain you got to get through the east Carol you got to get like at that time yeah it's much easier to come build a program get really good recruits to go there build them up to win that conference and now you're in the playoff conversation it's a lot more difficult when you play the easier teams the first couple weeks of the season and then you got to play Big 12 teams the rest of the way it's way more difficult at this point and I didn't even think that that was up for debate I don't that's why I was confused as to why people weren't following from that perspective when you were going back and forth yeah no I think a lot of people were just mad that I insinuated that it was the worst job in the power five and I I don't necessarily think that's the worst thing to say about UC I think it's a reasonable way to look at a move from the group of five to the power five for the second year you're there with a coach that almost got fired from his other group of or his other power four job yeah I don't know I I really genuinely didn't expect that much push back I thought that was a pretty agreeable take if I was going to be honest I don't think it's I just don't think it's the worst I think that's I didn't say the worst I said one of the worst and I think it has been the bottom tier I think it's I I think it's a middle of the- pack job I think I I stand by that I also think it's still a stepping stone program I don't think that's a crazy thing to say oh I'd agree with that because it's it's coaches don't want to end up at the University of Cincinnati because there's in in college football specifically because there's other jobs the bigger and better jobs of college football all the all the tradition yada y y um I just don't think it's ever going to get there and I don't think any UC fan thinks it is I don't think uh but nonetheless I I think everybody had an issue with just it's one of the worst jobs and you look back at all the success uc's had um and that's the funniest thing to me though is the point for UC being a good job is every coach we've ever had has left which makes it not that good of a job because otherwise you would have kept a couple yeah I don't I I I I I think that's just a thing where it's if you have a good coach there's a better program unless you're Notre Dame Ohio state Alabama Clemson uh there's there's Georgia there's a couple of jobs that are Premier Elite that every coach tries to get to it's just it's just what it is there's more money there they play in uh the SEC and the Big 10 are the two best football conferences there's no question about that um so yeah I I I just think it's it's not a bad argument to say that you can be a good coach here and also want to go somewhere else I don't think that's a bad thing because that's just the nature of the business I don't think bad jobs can't hire good coaches yeah I never said that so you can have a good coach here and then he would bounce quickly I think that's the Crux of it but we'll see we will I think we're out of time big sat might be here for a while so I hope that's tough so much so much smug and pompus we we hope to win some games this year that's right fingers crossed what what more can you do Than Hope David Bell hasn't hoped for enough wins this year I'm sorry Bearcats fans I don't know UC football to debate any of this but that's just hope but hope is all we got Hope's not the best word hope is the best of things what is what was that quote from Sha Shank Redemption anybody you got it hope is the let him drown hope is the best hope is the best of times it was the worst time no that's a different quote break me off a piece of that this reminds me of like let him drown like he Adrian is that the quote you were thinking of yeah that's it okay Adrian well that's it we're out of time have a good day everybody this has been off the bench presented by United dery Farmers Casey have a great afternoon thank you

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