Dialed In: Ja'Marr Chase Situation. Reds Rhett Lowder. College Football | CBox Streams 08-30-24

[Music] well good morning good morning good morning it's great to have you with us here on dialed in and I mean we're dialed in from points All Over America today thanks for being with us I'm joined of course by Luke brenaman and our producer engineer Mr Casey mccollister uh we come your way twice a week live on Mondays and we're trying to figure out what we're going to do on Fridays I've been talking about that for a while but we'll get to Luke here in a his schedule has changed a little bit at Indiana univerity class allegedly classes are in session there and of course we post on the believe Network you can find us on YouTube that's a chatterbox Sports Page you can download us anytime anywhere just search dialed in with Tom brenaman and you will be dialed in so Luke Casey gentlemen good morning I am in Corvalis Oregon I've never been here before and I got to tell you this is a uh this is a nice little college town and that's exactly what it is I mean Indiana is a lot bigger much bigger school there's only about I think 12 or 14,000 kids that go to school here at Oregon State uh it's hard to get to uh but it is beautiful this about I think seven or eight states that I've never been to before and I surrounded it been to Washington been to California but never been to Oregon and um flew into Eugene yesterday that's where the University of Oregon is and man oh man are they fired up about their football team I mean I ran into people just sitting in line for the rental car and all this stuff I had an Ohio State shirt on they're looking at me like are you going to the game because they're playing in October a lot of people think that's going to be the college football game of the regular season we'll see about that uh but of course Ohio State ranked number two Oregon ranked number three um and they're already talking about that game you jump in a car in Eugene you drive 5 minutes to Coralis uh pretty country here but good morning gentlemen Luke Casey how we doing man good morning I'm doing good I'm fired up I mean we really are all over the place I'm happy that we're keeping this thing going and it's the best time to do a sports podcast college football is back you're back I'm back in school Casey holding it down for us at the studio but to back up off the bench I think this is a great window for us like you said we need to work out a consistent time but there's a lot to talk about today and going to be even more in weeks and months to come you got that right big boy now Casey how you doing today you've been busy you got a crazy day ahead you started of course with Off the Bench now you've got us with dialed in you've got what Miami field hockey High School football what what what's your day crazy right yeah it's it's all over the place um after this show uh I be going to Miami as soon as possible because the game starts at two um Reed is going to go down right now and help set that all up uh I'll be doing hockey for the first time I've never produced a field hockey game let alone really followed the sport so that's going to be a little interesting for me uh navigating those Waters Elliot will be there as a camera operator um that should also be interesting um the other uh game I'm going to be doing today is bayen uh the bayen high school football team and I've never been to bayen either uh out of all the years I've been here at Chatterbox we all know that uh Reed loves doing the baen games but he's not able to do so this Friday so I'm going to be going down there and doing the games for bayen um then this weekend I'm GNA be right back at Miami I think Sunday for more soccer or field hockey I can't remember which one wow and Miami soccer they play South Carolina which is a A ranked opponent and they are a very very good soccer club um very very exciting uh for Miami this weekend so well Luke speaking of uh of covering Sports you are covering the beat you applied for that job and and thank goodness you were one of the four people selected to cover the Indiana football team all year long a lot of excitement around there Kurt Signet the new head coach leaving James Madison coming to Indiana so you got that going on and you're doing volleyball next week is that right yeah it kind of came out of nowhere just trying to do it all um and I've never I'm not a volleyball guy I will be seeing UC see Davis on Monday night so that's Labor Day um for the first game of the year I think it's going to be a good game but I'm more focused on tomorrow for Indiana football there's finally excitement in Bloomington when it comes to football I mean Kurt cetti say what you want about him he's a cocky confident guy but he really does have the track record so far however this is a big job he was at Elon he was at James Madison he's at a couple FCS schools but now you're in the Big 10 and this is not just the Big 10 anymore it's the 18 team Big 10 so we'll see how he hangs in there they play Florida International tomorrow afternoon I'm looking forward to it all right you know you know it's interesting though uh and this is off topic a little bit but you and I have talked about this it really is going to be interesting to see what sigety does here because I have always felt like I would rather have the coach who has been somewhere or somewhere is plural and all he does is win I mean and I always go back to Brian Kelly now Kelly's been Elite level school for so long now of course you know he comes from a small school in Michigan then he goes to UC where he gets into a couple of BCS games um and then he goes of course to Notre Dame all time winning as coach now he's at LSU the one thing Kelly always did was win he won multiple championships at the smaller School level like cetti has done and he is a head football coach because when you're at those lower schools man you gotta coach you got to do everything I think Signet is going to be a very interesting guy guy if I were hiring uh a head coach he would be the kind of guy I would go after rather than say somebody's you know youngstar offensive coordinator at Ohio State or youngstar defensive coordinator at Penn State um that's what I would do I think cetti I'm rooting for the guy I'd love to see Indiana football go well not just because you're covering it but I think it would be great all right we got lots to talk about today so let's start with the Reds just to get them kind of out of the way because they're done uh they just lose two out of three to Oakland they were fortunate to Rally late yesterday and win the final game of that series Wild game yesterday and good for them for coming back they fell behind early in the game they continue to fight you have to at least give them that uh but tonight all the talk is about Rett louder he's rated as their number two Prospect he was their number one pick you may remember a year ago uh and he's going to make his major league debut tonight against the Milwaukee Brewers so even though the season has now become officially a Lost season uh it will be exciting to see louder and and I want to say one thing here and it's not patting myself on the back I'm not doing that but everybody looked at me like I was crazy when I said before this season started the thing that concerned me the most was the number of innings the red starters were going to be allowed to pitch this year this rotation is falling apart completely falling apart now you can say well the guys are injured true they're injured and I hope that hunter green comes back but it's now four trips to the injured list this season for ldo he didn't pitch at all last year and we talked about how much he'd be able to pitch this year I think he's actually pitched more than we thought he would this year Ash crab back into minor leagues Abbot has run out of steam uh he ran out of steam last year and God bless for taking the ball when they were still in the hunt uh but you know that's the one thing people don't talk about when you're looking at your baseball team moving forward to next year they have a formula and Tom verduchi the writer for sports and you see him on Fox he's a guy that kind of came up with this thing and a lot of teams have bought into it about you don't ask your starters or pitchers to pitch more than 15% of the number of innings they pitched the season before when the Reds go into next season and I'm saying it now in August of this year they're going to have have the same next year that they had this year you're only going to be allowed to pitch hunter green so many innings next year Nick ldo so many innings next year Andrew Abit so many innings next year and so you're going to start the season knowing in September as we said before this season started that if the reds are in the hunt you're going to have to keep an eye on these starting pitchers and how much you going to let pitch it's a big problem because they can't get these guys through an entire season all right on to football Bengals I'm going to ask you guys right now I tell you you start watching the national shows and all that kind of thing this Jamar Chase thing has turned into a big I don't know what to think about it Luke what do you think yeah I really don't know NFL free agency is so tough because nothing is even set in stone even when you sign the contract the guaranteed money can get so weird you can get it spaced out and whatnot I just don't really know what their plan is right now and the fact that it is officially interrupted Zack Taylor from coaching and getting this football team ready to go a week from Sunday this is an issue I heard he's been taking practice reps inside just getting some chemistry with Joe but like at this point it is getting really close to the deadline where you're like are you preparing to play without the best playmaker in the NFL arguably on Sunday it's really weird weird I'm was very high on Jamar Chase and I wasn't panicking and I'm not going to say that I'm panicking yet but worry is starting to creep in for someone who originally was very laxed about it all right well let me ask you this though because I think this is the question and we talked about this a couple of weeks ago now you're starting to creep into that area of where the fans start to get a little upset and it's who they're upset with but the bottom line is the easiest thing in the world to do is to get mad at the owner that's an easy thing anybody can do that but Jamar Chase if you were to go to the fans and say do you love Lamar Chase 99.9% of the fans before this whole thing with Jamar Chase said we love Jamar Chase but now all of a sudden I think it's starting to creep in where fans are saying wait a minute now we know he wants to be we get the business side of football but we root for the Bengals to try and go out and win their first game and to win all 17 of their games and to advance into playoffs and to advance into the Super Bowl and now all of a sudden because of business reasons he could be jeopardizing that Casey are you getting a little South on Chase do you get that feeling people are getting South on Chase I do get the the feeling that fans are starting to get frustrated with him uh I even think before the situation they are already getting frustrated with him um but it definitely uh it definitely kind of extrapolated those feelings it definitely um really brought them to the surface because he practices for a day and we think oh things are all doing fine and then he sends out a a an encrypted tweet kind of suggesting that he's upset with the team and um then all of a sudden he's not practicing again to me I me personally it's a it's a shot at the ownership to try to get them to take Jamar more seriously in these negotiations it feels like to me that people just kind of were like oh see there we all knew that Jamar would eventually practice or eventually play this year that's what the majority of fans here in Cincinnati have said now I'm starting to think that's not the case I think he could easily pull a Chris Jones who last year sat out week one against the Lions where they lost the game by one point so it could easily happen to the Bengals luckily the Bengals play some cupcakes in the first couple weeks of the year you play the Patriots you play well they got Kansas City they got Kansas City week two right that that's a big game but you know the rest of the beginning of the season is pretty easy for them to still win ball games whether or not Chase is out there or not so it could get ugly and I'm starting to to lean more towards that he could miss games here soon um I'm not all the way there yet but it it's definitely getting to a point where fans are getting frustrated I think he's getting frustrated with how people have perceived him holding out this entire time and uh it's gonna get ugly I think are you getting a little yeah I want to hear what you have to say about this yeah I just think that at this point when we're talking about it getting ugly the one thing and the great equalizer in all of free agency when it comes to Superstar players is that cash is King CD lamb that got ugly when you're going back and forth publicly with the owner of the franchise that is ugly we're not there yet but to the point of that the second CD got what he wanted oh he's good he's good to go draft him number two overall in fantasy he's going to score 20 touchdowns he's going to go for 1500 like you see the point at this point I'm in the sense where we are the Cincinnati Bengals we have not been good outside of this Joe burrow era in a really long time like we've been good but not really Super Bowl contenders this team is a Super Bowl Contender and you're going to be looking back whether it's decades from now years from now saying dang that Joe burrow run was fun and you either got a Super Bowl and a Lombardi trophy out of it or you didn't and that's how you're going to look back on it and if you're looking back and saying well we missed the playoffs in 2024 by two games Jamar Chase didn't play until week four he still got paid it doesn't make any sense to me give him the money he wants call it say what you want about Jamar Chase but the Bengals better gear up to win a Super Bowl because this is a nonsense distraction at this point see here you know here's my thing and I think all of us that have follow the Bengals realize going back to the whole Carson Palmer thing years ago uh demanding a trade and the Browns were like the Brown family was like not a chance of course it weeks and weeks went by before he traded to the Raiders but but you know when you when you look at this whole thing I we've talked about the Bengals being so many millions of dollars tens of millions of dollars below the salary cap now if they had spent up to the salary cap or close to it and they said look we're going to give Chase the contract right now because we're close to maxing out on trying to make this a bowl team trying to fill every little hole there is by spending money on players I'd be okay but if they're going to go into the season and uh Luke we've talked about this every year the mangals go into a season 5 10 151 1819 million under the salary recap if you're going to go into it under like they are right now then then why not spend the money on chase that that's my whole point and we can move on from the topic because I think the best way to summarize it is they have reached a point where it's August 30th we're about to start a new month and it's about to be a game week and it's at the point where you either sign him and he plays and he's happy and he's a Cincinnati Bengal for the rest of his career arguably or we're all suddenly freaking out about a season that we're supposed to be extremely confident in you pay the guy get him his money say what you want about him uh he's a hell of a player he deserves the money I know he's kind of being a diva about it but at the end of the day this is a business and I think we'll have to leave it at that I just think fans Casey don't want to hear about the business side of of of sports I mean you're a fan Luke's a fan I'm a fan we're no different than else we just get paid to talk about it sometimes but listen I've been Luke brings up a great point I mean if all of a sudden for some reason he decides to sit out a game and for whatever reason the defense is no good anymore like it wasn't last year uh and New England comes in here and wins his first game and assuming for a second the chase doesn't play the contract doesn't get done um I don't think you can talk about this topic enough that the fans and the town are going to go ballistic at both both sides if Chase doesn't play week one like you alluded to Chris Jones last to win the Super Bowl okay fine that's fine and uh and there's something to be said for that but people are going to go crazy I I if he doesn't play and you can blame whatever side you want both sides everybody's right nobody's wrong everybody's wrong nobody's right um they're going to go crazy if this thing doesn't get done and we're starting to simmer on that level now that's why I don't think you can talk about this topic enough yeah I'm I'm with Tom I I do feel that like you said it's simmering right now both sides are getting a lot of heat um we already know that Jamar is going to get that money regardless if it's not with the Bengals he's going to get that money with another team y so you might as well pay him now and it's beneficial for them to pay him now you don't want to wait until next year the cat hits get outrages if you wait a year so it it doesn't make any sense to just kick this can down the Road and I know you've said in the past that they are able to because I mean he signed a deal he's got two years on his deal left but at this point I mean if you're already going to give him that deal say next year you might as well do it now so it's more beneficial for you and I think that's the argument and I I I'm with you 100% Luke the office should just get it done like the both sides just need to get over it and realize that Jamar Chase regardless of however you think of him he is a top NFL receiver in this league he deserves top money because he's next in line to receive that top money so he should just get that money he's gonna get it with another team regardless so I I gotta tell you I gotta tell you um you know everybody know talks about the CD lamb deal and the Justin Jefferson deal and how that plays into the hands of Chase's side and his agent and all this thing I got to tell you after seeing the the deal that IU got yesterday 120 million I think that is more of an impact on Chase's deal than anything he's not even the best receiver on his own team I mean he's a nice player he's a good player and there are games he will be the star of the game but he is not in the same galaxy as Jamar Chase I think that iuk deal is a big deal in relation to to to chase Luke you agree with that or disagree yeah they all are big deals I mean Brandon IU getting that money I think is more in the sense of the Niners are in the same position the Bengals are you know you got go get it now Brock P proved that he can take a team deep in the playoffs and it's more about like if you let Brandon IU go and he goes to like a New York Giants or a team that really needs like a true wide receiver one one of those teams that needed T Higgins this off season it's it's one of those situations where it's like Bren auk's probably gonna have a even more breakout year and turn into a top 10 receiver in the NFL be the best receiver on his team so if you do let him go you're going to look like a fool and if you hold on to him like you said he's going to have games where he goes for 200 yards and two touchdowns but there's also going to be Debo Samuel games and that's the same with Jamar Chase and T Higgins at the end of the day I think that Casey and I are on the same side I think you're taking more of the fans perspective on the thing that's saying dude you're still getting paid a couple million dollars you're still under your rookie contract go play but he is a top three receiver in the National Football League everyone else got their bag this summer and he deserves it the Bengals have the money you give it to him he's produced he's proven it and thing is to note and I want to end the Bengals talk because there's a lot to talk about with college football I had a little buy or sell on Joe burrow and I think we can incorporate this into Jamar chase the Bengals paid Joe burrow that record-breaking just unbelievable contract that everyone knew was coming right I if you don't pay Jamar then what really is your franchise philosophy here because Jamar at least has been consistently healthy he he's played I mean he's beat up hold on now hold on a second he has not played an entire season yet in his career okay okay but I'm saying for a wide receiver that is not outlandish it's not like he's Joe bur has missed significant time he's really only played one complete season and they were able to throw that money at him so from an ownership perspective you have no reason to not pay Jamar Chase well I got to tell you I really like their wide receiver room there are a lot of questions in there but you do still have Higgins who has looked fantastic here in the preseason and the guy's a player when he's healthy he's a hell of a player top 10 receiver in the league but now all of a sudden yosias you know we'll see about Burton um you know I I mean I think they got I we'll see we'll see there's no doubt they're better with Chase I don't want anybody to misunderstand me they're far better with Chase uh but I this topic I think is a fascinating one to uh to talk about and we'll continue to talk about it until it gets done I mean it's all they're talking about on these National NFL shows um I don't know all right we got college football it kicked into high gear last week when Florida State got knocked off by Georgia Tech Florida State preseason rank number 10 I thought that was way too high with who their quarterback is um and they get beat Georgia Tech you know I went down to the ACC meetings they think they're going to be good and they played like it last night you get Dion Sanders who's in the news all the time uh and Dion Sanders Colorado wins against a very good North Dakota State team 31 to 26 and and I got to tell you fellas and I know we're not going to spend a lot of time on this because I'm not so sure how many people care about it although if you look at the ratings numbers from last night people love watching Colorado with Deion Sanders there and I have to tell you as far as a one two punch is concerned and their team is not going to be very good their defense is not very good they're just not that great but I'll tell you one thing between the coach's son shador Sanders at quarterback he throws for 445 and without a doubt the best player in college football and it's not even close is this Travis Hunter kit what he did last night for those of you that don't know he's a two-way player he plays every play in the game last night seven catches 132 yards couple of touchdowns and he plays every play on defense at quarterback I've never seen anybody like this guy in my life he's unbelievable the fact that you got to give credit to shadur and him for doing this I know Hunter was beat up last year and Dion has a lot of transfers and guys like that who arguably deserve credit but like Shar consistently is going for 450 yards he always hits the big ones he's dual threat and Hunter we've never really seen anything like it no outside of just dating back to the legendary guys who were two-way players but the fact that you can do it in today's game and at that high of a level like yeah sure go find some athletic kid that can catch a couple slant passes go on a Jet Sweep and then he plays defense this kid is dominating on both sides of the ball and if he can stay healthy I think he's going to have just unbelievable numbers on both sides of the ball this entire season yeah I mean you know I I I sit there and I think to myself in a day and age where I mean look no further to than the reds or look no further than some of these other teams and play players around Sports whatever Travis Hunter does in terms of the physical conditioning for his body I think every a he ought to write a book because I I I sat there and watched it in his hotel room last night I I I just couldn't believe it you say well he's playing against you know okay F I don't care he does it when he plays against Texas he does it when he plays against anybody else in Colorado plays he's out there for the entire game he's not one of these cornerbacks that shies away from hitting somebody he's coming up in the Run game and Blasting guys two yards behind the line of scrimmage oh and then when they punt ball back he's still standing on the field and and he's catching everything and not just good catches that one touchdown in the corner last night that's a pro catch great Player Pro catch uh Casey did you get a chance to watch him much at all last night uh I did watch some of the highlights um specifically Travis Hunter because I just know that he's a phenomenal uh football player phenomenal Talent um I personally think you know he he is oneof a kind special type player I wish that he wouldn't play Both Sides because then he would last all season um for sure he did he did get banged up last year and he probably will be in the NFL this upcoming season so I'd like for him to maybe slow down on the amount of reps that he gets but hey I mean kudos to him he's able to do both sides very very well very efficiently I talked to Jacob he's our college football expert uh many people have him as a NFL receiver he he thinks he could be an NFL cornerback and be a star and it's hard to it's hard to argue because he puts up the numbers when he's out there he gets the the pass deflections the interceptions he's shutting down guys he's able to catch like you said make NFL type catches it's phenomenal there's no one like him and it's probably been since Deion Sanders to be honest with you and that's probably where he's able to learn all these things is from Dion so what a phenomenal guy yeah and if you look at the ratings last year they break him down at the end of the year about National games uh of of the most watched teams and over the course of a season Ohio State in Michigan dominate everybody uh as far as National TV ratings are concerned uh it used to be Notre Dame was part of that group not anymore um and they still do well but they don't do anything like Ohio State Michigan uh Oregon never will because of where they're located Alabama and Georgia they'll get big time but I'm telling you right now Colorado last year I think was sixth or seventh uh if they can find a way to win games with that duo of Sanders and uh Hunter they're going to be in the top five this year of most watched college football teams and they're not any good their team's not any good um crazy yeah when they play Bad teams I mean good teams they're going to get drilled um but we'll see we'll see uh it was unfortunate last night North Carolina did beat Minnesota 19- 17 but Max Johnson the quarterback at North Carolina he's the son of former NFL Super Bowl winning quarterback Brad Johnson uh gets hurt it's a hip injury it appears to be very serious this is a kid who was a star at LSU before he got hurt he transferred to A&M played there last year got hurt now he comes to Carolina his third year very talented dude uh but now he's hurt it was hard to watch his mom and dad in the stands last night uh and I think any Mom and Dad um who had their kids play sports like I did with you Luke and you're back there in the goal and Lacrosse and guys are shooting the ball at 100 miles an hour I mean you just sit there and your body you're just going oh my God and then when you see him get hurt it was painful to watch his mom and dad in the stands last night because his mom and dad both both knew this was this was an injury injury they had to send him to the hospital so our thoughts and prayers are with him um one other college note and I'm curious ious what you guys think about this because this happens in the college game all the time um Greg shano is a head coach at ruter and he he's a great coach I mean the guy's a great football coach um they played Howard in their season opener last night um and you know this is in the who cares department but it gets to a broader topic before we get into all our college football stuff and that is you know when you put your backup players in the game this game was a was a blowout game game last night Ruckers hammering Howard who is a very good team Howard for their level of college football they won three conference championships but you get back to the old adage about you know do you continue to try and score and last night on the final play of the game ruer scored on an 11 yard run um and and you know the coach from Howard was upset were they running it up uh all that kind of thing so uh that was that okay Luke you are going to take over now the College Football segment we got 30 minutes left in the show we've covered a lot of things I'm going to hand it over to you to Now take us through college football full of force kicks off tomorrow let's take it away young man what are we up to well we're back is what we are college football is the best it's going to be an amazing first Saturday of the season and you could say Dublin game last week yeah it was certainly exciting but I don't really count that as week one I count this as week one we have Clemson Georgia um Miami vers University of Florida Ohio State's playing at night Notre Dame goes to A&M but before we get into this week's matchup I want to talk about just opening week talk I'll start with you you're doing a game this week so for everyone listening including myself where can we watch who's doing it how do you feel about it are you nervous are you excited so let's just start with you I guess well I'm very very excited I mean I'm very grateful and I continue to say it over and over but it's a truth to have a chance to get back here and the people at the CW Network our game is on the CW Network nationally 100% of the homes in America um and it will be Idaho State against Oregon State the whole storyline of course with Oregon State and Washington State they were left out in the cold uh when everybody else took off to the Big 10 and the Big 12 uh and so CW has signed to get the rights to their home games uh this season both of those teams and they play a lot of good teams I mean Oregon State plays Oregon Purdue Illinois on the schedule of both of these teams so you know a lot of these games the first week like this one FCS team uh it should be you know Oregon State should should Hammer this team tomorrow but uh it's going to be really cool to get back in the booth and I can't wait for tomorrow all right well we're fired up for you when we look at college football as a landscape and especially the show being Cincinnati or at least Ohio area Ori oriented what do we think about Lane kein I I mean I'm asking this in the sense of Ohio State get it off get the point out there are they National Championship or bus this year I think it's for sure in a no-brainer but more to the point with kein did you see him retweet that article about Ohio State's $20 million roster I did I mean you know look Elaine kein is out there man and I mean it's one of the things I love about him you know we sit around all the time and we talk about uh players or coaches who are vanilla they never say anything you know it's just all the same it's the process you know all that nonsense um look I give it up to kein uh I'm not necessarily a big fan of the way he's handled things through the years Tennessee and you know that kind of thing but but I I I got to tell you the guy's a good football coach uh he's got his players back on everything he's not afraid to step into some topics that some other guys are everybody knows Ohio State spending a fortune on this team they were able to go out and get players who were going to the NFL to come back for a senior year they were to go out in the transfer portal get Judkins away from kein in Mississippi to get will Howard from Kansas State to get the kid Caleb DS from Alabama the safety who many believe might be the best defensive player in the country as a safety um look you know Lane kein is just throwing stuff out there he doesn't mind stirring the pot you have a problem with what he did no I don't I just thought the whole timing of it was weird obviously he just reposts the article he didn't retweeted he took the link and posted it and it it's an interesting article and if they ask him about it I'm sure they already have he's got the classic college football politician answer he's like oh I just thought it was interesting you know but they really did snipe one of the best running backs in the country if not the best just completely away from an old Miss team that you're looking at it and you're saying money was probably 95% of the reason here because Miss is in the preseason top five they have National Championship aspirations and as for someone who's never been there and only heard that it's like heaven on Earth down there on a Mississippi Saturday it seems like a tough place to leave so yeah he probably has reason to be frustrated because the kid was thrown an absolute check um but do what you want I thought it was interesting I like I like when college football coaches are out there there's too many like politi now that say all the right thing I love that you said that um so do your thing Lane kein just like couple days before the season starts kid come back to bite you if you lost to like a low rank team um and you're worried about other teams rosters but I think both squads are in for a great year and I think it'd be awesome if they were to meet in the college football playoff well I I've got I've got uh kein and old two weeks from now playing at Wake Forest and you know Wake Forest won their first game last night but Old Miss will be a huge favorite in that game you know the Ohio State thing um I I I read where a u there have been a number of Scouts NFL Scouts that say they have never seen a college football team with this many pro players on the roster and of course the people who are jealous will go out and say well Ohio State went out and bought all those players look They're all playing by the same rules I mean it's interesting that kein would say that because he's had his as many transfers as anybody in the country this year and they're not coming there just because they like oh miss uh they're coming there for some cash Oregon people up here I mean I just got off the plane yesterday and uh you know they have their lovers and they have their detractors out here in Oregon uh and all people talk about is how much money they spent on their team so look you know that's the that's the rules we play by now so if people want to go out there and be jealous of it that's fine I get it I totally get it but the bottom line is they're not doing anything wrong they're not doing anything illegal and they being every single one of these college football teams that's going out and spend the money the way the Ohio States the Oregons and some of these schools are that's the way the game is played and you better get used to it it changes yeah I I'm just happy that that they're going to kick they're going to lace him up kick off the ball I mean as early as tonight yesterday but especially Saturday and we're finally going to be done having this conversation you know you can make the argument there's going to be more regulations put in in the future i' say they're going to be put in right after this season where you can't spend 20 50 million on a college football roster but hey I could be wrong diving into Saturday let's start the pickup so all right we're gonna do a three-way pick them obviously you and I Casey is full on in we're going against the spread no totals and I'm G to come up with the games we pick every week I don't know if Ohio State and Miami of Ohio will make it in there or you see every week but I'm going to try to have at least one or two local teams and then obviously the best games of the week so okay I say we jump right into it um to start at noon tomorrow could be the game of the day it's Clemson vers Georgia at mercedesbenz stadium in Atlanta the spread is 12 right now obviously with the Bulldogs being favored all right you want to start Casey want start who you want to starting first let's go in order of graphic you KC and then you know um I had a chance to meet with davo Sweeny a couple weeks ago uh at the ACC meetings and I think the key for this Clemson team is going to be the quarterback position look Clemson was I mean three years ago they were what Georgia is now uh they had won a couple of national championships they were playing in the final four every single year davo has come under Fire for for not going all in on the transfer portal thing he's taking a lot of grief uh from his own fan base about it as they're watching the old and the old misses and the Oregons and everybody else and his brother dive full force into that uh the club Nick kid is unbelievably talented I had a chance to to to sit down and talk with him for a while great kid Texas kid um and he has his ups and downs uh but I just I continue to look I me Clemson's team this year I think eventually they're going to be a good team uh but I think Georgia covers this uh in week one I think Georgia just has so much veteran leadership uh including their quarterback and uh and I think they covered Casey yeah I'm I'm kind of with you Tom I uh really just it's hard to bet against Kirby SM Le Georgia Bulldog team um dbos Sweeney had a down year last year uh I I'm just going to wait to see it first before I can really start betting on it and it's gone down it was at 13 and a half and it's only gone down further which would lead me to believe that the books want you to pick Clemson um that being said then I I I uh or not Clemson they want you to pick Georgia but even so I'm still going to be betting on Georgia on this one okay luky yeah I mean I was in my Prime with this a couple years back at the end of the day I just like reading the line Casey said it if the Line opens at 13 and a half and it goes down to 12 within a day of the game I'm not saying it's sure fire I'm just saying if you follow the trends consistently where there's a lot of people that are betting on Georgia already at 13 is the line and the odds makers are moving the line down to 12 to make it more enticing to bet on Georgia say what you want about Dabo and those guys they're going to show up the crowd is going to show up and I think they keep it within two touchdowns so give me plus 12 wow with wow okay all right okay yeah that could be a big swing early in our little because we're gonna do a season long standing by the way um so maybe I lose two to those guys or pick up moving on to the next game Penn State vers West Virginia and I don't think a lot of people have really been talking about this noon kick because of Clemson Georgia there's a couple better games later in the day but this is going to be one that I think everybody could have on their TVs down the stretch West Virginia is an eight-point home Underdog in this game and you know morgantown's going to be rocking however Penn State has been a little sneaky this off season oh miss has got a lot of hype Tennessee from the SEC obviously the powers Alabama Georgia Ohio State but Penn State thinks that this could be their Year too what do you guys think about eight and a half well no team uh arguably uh is more excited about a 12 team playoff than Penn because when was playing in an eastern and western division they're in the same division with Ohio State and Michigan um and it's mighty tough to try and get to a big 10 championship game if you know they're on your schedule every single year I think Penn State's got a good team but I gotta tell you I mean now look there are a lot of people that think West Virginia might be the best team in the Big 12 remember Texas and Oklahoma aren't in the Big 12 anymore so you start looking around at the rest of that conference there's some good teams Utah is going to be I think the best team when all said and done but a lot of people think West Virginia is going to be really good this year uh and them being at home Luke you point out crowd's going to be going crazy it's an early kick I you know the Aller kid at Penn State last year I talked about how he was going to be a great player and maybe he will it was his first year as a starter um but I got questions about Penn State offensively therefore I'm taking West Virginia to cover at eight and a half oh Tom Tom Tom there I forgot they're your guys are my guys yeah family so you already know I'm going Penn State but I I don't even think that uh despite my bias sees towards Penn State that this is a crazy move by any stretch of the imagination it's only eight and a half uh they beat West Virginia last year 38 to 15 I know every every year is a different year every team's a little bit different than the next but I mean you you are going in with some more consistency with Drew at quarterback now year two starting I I just think there's going to be some development there I think that he's going to take a major step forward he's going to get this team rolling on offense and uh I I believe their two running backs are also there still if I'm not mistaken and and that's a really great du I I like Penn State um in this match up at eight and a half I'll take it okay Luke yeah I think what's gon to come down to is the void that Penn State tried to fill they actually hired Indiana's head coach Tom Allen to become their defensive coordinator and Tom Allen always wanted to be a top coordinator at a top school and he certainly has a resume to be one he knows how a coach it didn't pan out for his head coaching job at IU but how is he going to do week one against Penn State because I think when picking this game against the spread it comes down to is West Virginia being going to be able to score the Big 12 has found its identity in scoring a ton of points and giving up a ton of points when you look at that over under at 51 and a half is where it sits right now the line of this game right now is all the way down to seven and a half I'm going to take the points with West Virginia I really do like it I almost feel like I like it too much in the sense but I'm going to go with the home Underdog early in the season against a new Young team with not too many familiar faces even in that coaching staff especially on defensive side of the ball I think if West Virginia can come out slinging early get you know a 147 lead I'll be sitting pretty with a touchdown of points in my pocket good all right all right let's swing it over it's the Battle of Florida you Miami I know you tu to these guys you're going to be having them a couple times this year dad in the ACC hopefully and then the Gators in Gainesville this line is going to surprise a lot of people it's obviously in Gainesville which has it as a sub three line right now at two and a half but this one has stayed the same all week the odds makers think they're all over it with a two and a half point spread dad kick us off well you know Billy Napier this is he's on the hot seat I mean he's under 500 uh as a head coach in his two years at Florida for the life of me I don't understand and we talked on the show I don't understand what in the world has happened in Florida because they haven't been any good since Urban Meyer left and he left a long time ago after winning two national championships there I mean this is a school that should be a Powerhouse football team every single year Miami is the same thing they should be a Powerhouse team now Miami got the kid from Washington State cam Ward to come be their quarterback they paid him a fortune and narrowed it down to Ohio State and Miami he goes to Miami this kid is it this kid is off the charts good uh Miami is my sleeper team for this season with a college football playoff I think if they give Ward time to throw the football and they have plenty of other weapons around him I think Miami's got a chance to have a monster year so I'm taking them easily to cover two and a half in Gainesville all right uh let's see here did I put up the right team there Tom sorry yes you did yeah okay um I'm kind of with you Tom I've been talking to Jacob a lot about college football landscape because I'm not as uh super in depth with the teams this year U just by being so busy I haven't been able to catch up on everything college football but that being said he really loves uh the U um thinks that they're going to be a really really good football team have a chance to win the ACC which was uh a pretty pretty bold statement and bold claims considering dbos sweene has pretty much run that division for or that conference for a long long time I I have to agree Florida's been kind of abysmal I feel like the last couple Seasons they've been on the downtrend I don't see any more real improvement from that team moving forward and uh I I think two and a half it's a little bit of a misleading number I think the U get it done easily okay yeah I think we've run into our first stock trap line of the Season here I know Florida's at home but it really seems weird that this is a two and 1 half point spread and say trap or not I'm on the Trap side I hate to take three straight underdogs but I think consistently if I'm going to place and do well in our little standings this year you got to take the ugly ones you really do this is probably one of the games that I think goes under I think Florida's crowd and defense can hold Miami enough to the point where they steal a few touchdowns in the second half I'm going to go with the Gators I need prob could win this game outright and just just immediately spoiler on this season the line's two and a half for reason this is about as coin flip as it gets I'm going to go with the home Underdog one more time three underdogs so far for me I don't love it but I'm going to trust the process here boy I tell you I tell you this is a surprise for me you picking them but okay all right I mean you do you do this stuff regularly all right akan Ohio State take it away the spreads 50 I think it's sense moveed down to 47 but we can make this one quick what do you guys think I don't think Ryan day goes out there embarrasses Somebody by 50 the one guy I am the two guys that I'm really well the three I think Ohio state is just such a fascinating team and not because I'm a fan because you just look at different areas of their team and you just think and and the one everybody talks about the offense can Will Howard Do It um people who are watching them regularly uh and covering them are talking about this defense now remains to be seen but I mean they have stars all over the field uh they're not going to give up much and I I but but 50 no chance I'm giving anybody 50 I take a for 50 all right uh let me adjust the thing there the graphic I thought Ohio State didn't you case I did I did I had you slated for Ohio State there so I had to fix that real quick all right um I'm kind of with you I don't know 50 is just a lot in college football but it's it's doable it's not like Ohio State hasn't put up 5050 on teams before uh I think about like their schedule last year um comparable team Western Kentucky they put 63 up on a team giving up 10 I mean that that would cover the spread right then and there um but again they they played Youngstown State and only put up 35 and gave up seven so it's like it's a it's definitely a flip of the coin I feel like I'm going to personally go with akan uh I know all the Ohio State fans in our chat hate that but 50 is just a lot it's a lot to bet on y yep 50s a ton these super high spreads are tricky because unlike um Miami versus UF those guys are putting their bodies on the line on Fourth and goal third and one the entire second half to win that game come the second half of this game it's going to be a 25 35 Point game in the sense where is Ohio State really trying are they playing their backups this is the thing I'm going to say about Ohio State I'm going to take Ohio State at minus 50 and it's because if there's any team that's ranked in the top five this season who wants to go make a statement or if there's any head coach it's Ryan day and he needs to make a statement there's a lot of question marks around this offense obviously the running backs and wide receivers look great but you're snagging a fifth year guy in will Howard from a big 12 school who knows how to score I think that they go out there on the Horseshoe on Saturday and Ryan Day might have this offense score 50 in the first half and the defense is about as good as it gets people are saying it could be the best all of college football on paper so far so I'm going to trust with the better team I think Ohio State just runs it up on them and covers 50 okay all right and you know one what you make a great Point Luke because you know the thing is is Ohio State uh they've got to get this thing against Lester competition which they have the first four games they've got to rev this thing up to get ready for that Oregon game they have got to make and they may leave their starters in longer than you normally would when you're blowing somebody out but they've got to find out about this offensive line they've got to find out about this quarterback you're right about the running backs it's the best running back room in the country it's the best wide receiver room in the country but you got to be able to block for him Howard's brand new I you know I if I had to do it over again I might change my mind but but I'm gonna stick with it go ahead all right he's sticking with it all right third uh we have three games left got 10 minutes left in the show I think that this is going to be a sneaky fun game to watch I doubt a lot of you won't be tuned in dad you would be if you were on the couch on Saturday Ohio University verse the Syracuse Orange Syracuse is a team that in the ACC they're a real sleeper and not many people are talking about them I did a couple weeks of research coming to the season just trying to find teams that could surprise people and Syracuse really stood out to me if you guys don't know they have Ohio State's quarterback from last season Kyle mcord and say what you want about Kyle McCord he was a hell of a recruit he didn't do great at Ohio State but that is a thankless job if you don't win the national championship or make the college football playoff he still LED them to one of the greatest two-minute drills of all time in Ohio State history against Notre Dame last year in that opening week game I like the orange at minus 17 I'll go first but I have a feeling we're going to have somebody taking the Bobcats here well you know look nobody got hit harder from transfers than Ohio University uh this season and it's a testament to their coach who has done an incredible job recruiting I mean you're talking about a school now that has had multiple years consecutively of winning 10 or more games this is a really good college football program the guy at Miami is going to build the same thing uh if he stays there very long um but but they have so many questions marks mcord you point out Luke I mean this kid lost one game last year he lost one game he did not play in the bowl game he had already declared a transfer and you lose one game that one game was Michigan he's out and they didn't run him off he decided to leave I mean the pressure is mindboggling quarterbacking uh at some of these schools but I'm going to take Ohio University I still think that that that Saku yes McCord is there uh but I think U despite all these newcomers I think they're going to show up and cover Tom I can't follow you in this journey I'm going to take Syracuse in this one I I love U I love them last year it was devastating to lose Rocky like they did um Midway through their season that was just devastating they were they were for sure on the on the track to win the Mac if you ask me um but I just with so many question marks I don't know hardly anyone on Ohio University's roster anymore like you said they had a lot of transfers I'm going to be keeping track of them obviously because I'm covering a lot of Miami sports I'll be cover uh keeping track of a lot of the Mac schools um I'll look forward to it but I just can't bet on them week one okay and I know what I get with Kyle McCord so okay fair enough fair enough all right time to go a little more local here and I think this is going to be a really good game when it comes to maybe not very high powerered offensively or entertaining but this is going to be a gritty in the trenches football game Miami of Ohio verse Northwestern in Chicago Northwestern a three-point home favorite and I know a lot of people in Oxford are excited about this team they return their quarterback they really are excited and they think Miami has a chance to make a run in the Mac this year dad kick us off well I'm a huge fan of the coach I think coach Martin is not going to be there long I think he's going to get swooped up by some major power for Conference team I just think he is an outstanding coach I hope he stays at Miami but I don't think it's going to going to happen but I think they're going to cover uh being an underdog I think they've got a good team uh and they go up to Notre Dame in a couple of weeks uh I think teams when they play Miami if you know their question's going to be Dept with a Mid-American Conference school you can't have guys getting nicked up and hurt but I think they show up and cover I take the Miami Red Hawks yeah uh I'm with you Tom all the way Northwestern stinks they stink really bad I I love Miami's roster I love them in the Mac right now uh they're on the upswing I I think this is going to be one of those games that we pencil in as a we we marked it as an upset but really Miami should have probably been favored in all honesty so uh yeah I love this game love Miami in this matchup all right love and honor it is boys put the MS across the board I'm goingon to go with Miami I think it's one of those games where if you're Northwestern yeah it's week one who's not excited for week one you're still undefeated at the end of the day when you're lacing them up however this Miami of Ohio team is playing for a lot this year they think this is their year Northwestern on the other hand they don't even have a stadium to play in they're playing on a field it's a practice F this is not their year I don't think they're going to be confident and Miami is going to be coming out head hunting trying to beat a big 10 School in week one I love the Red Hawks not only with three points but I think they win this game outright there's our first Trifecta if you will hopefully all of us um finally down to the final minutes and this is a heck of a game Notre Dame versus amm Notre Dame's a top 10 team in the country A&M is still ranked but A&M getting or excuse me favored by three at home you have to account for how rockus that atmosphere is going to be in College Station dad what do you think about ND vers A&M well you know the one thing I didn't realize Luke until this week and starting to read a little bit about this game is is you got the new quarterback who came from duke and Riley Leonard who's now the quarterback at Notre Dame his coach at Duke Mike Elco is now the head coach at Texas A&M this presents a very interesting Dynamic I'm told I've never been there I'm told that maybe the best college football atmosphere in the country for a big game is in College Station as you talked about but I think Notre Dame's good they they got an out running game they've got a good offensive line they return a lot of guys from defense I think Notre Dame's got a good team and I think they easily easily not only cover I think they win the game all right fellas um this is you know Notre Dame is one of my sleeper teams that I love to follow I wouldn't say they're my number one fandom in the world but I do uh root for them on occasion and this game in particular is very important for Notre Dame I mean if they lose this one you could pretty much just like forget about them well I guess now you can still consider them in playoffs cuz they can lose games uh because they they would be the the out ofc Conference team but I feel like this is an important game for them to to to to say that they're here that they're legitimate team uh that you should be worried about them I'm gonna take Notre Dameon this one I don't know much about Texas A&M to be honest with you um but I just know that if Notre Dame were to lose this one people would just think they're a laughing stock yeah and I mean their schedule this year you know normally they play one of the toughest schedules in the country that is not the case this year this is a huge game for Notre Dame they've got Florida State at home later in the year Florida State's already lost a game I mean maybe by them they'll be great and they got USC on the road and we we'll see what SC is all about but uh Luke your mom my wife Notre Dame Alum you better make her happy in case she's watching yeah the hell with that give me the Aggies at home they beat Notre Dame you can't say that about your mother well well okay nothing against my mom but at the end of the day a home favorite is a home favorite in a huge game it is going to be beautiful that 7:30 scene under the lights Notre Dame absolutely gets dominated in this game in the trenches I think that their new quarterback Notre Dame is finding this new philosophy where they're getting these older quarterbacks now from the ACC they got Sam Hartman from Wake Forest now they're going to Riley Leonard who was like the next big emerger in the ACC quarterback competition I think he's going to do really good for Notre Dame but something that Marcus Freeman has not necessarily done is win the big one this is not the huge one but for Notre Dame schedule they know how much this means the competition to get in the playoff with the criteria that it is Conference champions get into the playoff and Notre Dame not playing in a conference they have to be one of those last six teams and winning this game is going to do wonders for them however they don't win the game the agies win the game at home and I'm going with Texas A&M here I'm really confident about that pick I think that this home atmosphere ESP especially an opening night of college football goes even longer when it comes to a four-point swing in this game I would say that Notre Dame if this game was in Southbend they're probably upwards of a four to five point maybe even a touchdown favorite but you have to give respect to agie land and I'm going to take the agies at home boy oh boy I thought your mom and I raised a different young man Luke I mean I don't get worked up about it you picking against Notre Dame but now I got to hear it from your mom probably in a text in the next matter of minutes well she's in the chat right now actually yeah she uh she had this to say you will not be going to South Bend with me again that is good stuff Pauls that is good stuff I miss you all right fellas we got to get rolling uh we got a lot going on today and uh this has been a fun fun show I think we're going to have a great time during college football and pro football of course next week uh we will not be here on Monday because of the holiday but we will be back next Friday with pixs in college and the pro Luke anything you want to get off your chest before we get out of here no we'll do a little recap for half the show next Friday stay tuned and stay dialed in with all of our social medias you guys know them because there's going to be time changes I'm now in Bloomington in college you are wherever the heck you are in Oregon and Casey holding it down in the great hand Hilton Ohio so the timings may be weird we're in different time zones but we will continue to do dialed in and I'm really excited about this football season and especially come the National Football League next Sunday I I I'm glad you're running the show now Luke that's what I'm glad it's your time now to run dialed in because you are dialed in much more than I'm dialed in Casey anything you want to get off your chest here before we get out no you guys uh wrapped it up just nicely but wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute the one thing we we didn't do today we got oh yeah I mean Luke I thought that you would remember this uh please make us older people a little more hip could be the move yes want in the weekend it's Friday it's a long weekend so this is actually one of the bigger could be the moves of the year if you will yeah this segment just to clarify quickly it's what are you doing this weekend that is your move what's the play what's the plan what's going to be fun Casey you go first what do you got for us oh man uh I already kind of um leaked it a little bit earlier uh I'm going to be working this weekend however the days I'm not working um my wife has been sending me updates on this dog that we looked at about a week ago go get it it might be time to go get this dog I think that that's a sign that if it's not been adopted yet um it it's time it's time Casey you got to go do that a every dog and cat and animal needs a great home and lots of love you got to go do it absolutely it's a boxer hound mix there you go go do I mean those are great dogs oh God bless you and your wife for being on this ly um I don't know there's a lot going on in Bloomington it's a beautiful Friday however I gotta work this weekend I'm calling the volleyball game on Monday which has a lot of prep that I need to do including learn the entire sport um I'm working on the beat tomorrow for the football team so that's going to be an exciting kickoff but I think Friday apparently kappa's coming over to our house for a slip and slide in the backyard I think that's my move of the weekend so slip and the again I'm gonna have a good Friday oh my God Casey can you imagine a slip and slide I also have a little 2v2 um I'm I'm in a nine-hole golf league against Theta Kai today we're going to the local dog track we have a 2v2 like a fall wide points game so I'm paired up with my man Jacob torren we play at 1:30 or actually I think 145 now but I gotta go get ready to tee him up in a big time match up are you kidding me I mean the life of the college student oh my Lord God bless you enjoy every single second of it uh the move for me is right here working again and I'm just so dog on excited man I'm getting nervous really nervous it's been uh 2019 since I did a football game so I'm getting ready to go over and meet with the coaches at Oregon State about an hour uh and I the move is is do the game and uh let's go get them so fellas uh thanks for everything Casey thank you for all your hard work safe travels going up to Oxford and all points Beyond back to baen luky have a great Friday in the slip and slide and to all of you who are kind enough to join us we thank so much and uh and we'll look forward to seeing you next Friday everybody please be careful this weekend okay please be careful be smart make good decisions to Long Weekend family friends have a great time God bless and we'll see you next week thanks for joining us on dialed in

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