Boy Green Daily With ESPN's Greeny: Jets vs. 49ers, Aaron Rodgers, Garrett Wilson Meteoric Rise

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 01:31:08 Category: Sports

Trending searches: garrett wilson
I'm going to lose my gas Dar bananas boy Green Daily Starts Now [Music] joint I made it clear that my intention was to play and my intention was to play for the New York Jets [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're all right it's time to bring on a special guest an absolute icon a multi-time Hall of Famer the host of get up the new host of Sunday NFL countown and the pride of Northwestern baby Mike Greenberg greeny here on the show what's up greeny hi doing great that is an outstanding introduction thank you very much for having me well uh Mike I have to start off right off the top uh greeny by telling you that without you my friend I am not in this seat seeing you I do radio here at the station following you on Mike and Mike and of course everything you've done since man you've been the unknowingly of course but the The Legend that's been the statue we're like okay let's try to be like grenny today and get into business so I appreciate you my friend well that's a it's a great compliment thank thank you very much well uh let me start off with uh the new gig Sunday NFL Countdown I mean for goodness sake it might be easier on the resume to list of things that you don't do what an absolute uh humbling uh role man that's one of the best in the business Sunday NFL Countdown what does that mean to you yeah exactly that I when when they called me and offered it to me that was one of the two words I used I said I'm thrilled and I'm honored um it's it's it's as good an assignment as you could ever possibly be offered and people you know make a lot of remarks about how much stuff I'm doing right now and I guess you're right I guess I'm doing a lot of stuff but you don't say no when they offer you that job if they call you up and say do you want to do that um you just say yes and then you ask questions later so I'm really looking forward to it we start this Sunday should be unbelievable I love Rex I love teddy I'm really looking forward to getting to know Randy and Alex Smith a little better working with shefy I've done for 20 years and I love them we have great reporters in the field so I I think we will have have absolutely outstanding NFL coverage um and I'm looking forward to playing my usual role of pass first point guard get the very best out of everyone that we possibly can knock down a wide open three here or there if I'm open for one but my job is primarily to make sure we get the the best out of all of those people and if we do that then we'll have an excellent show and I will have done my job grany what is left on the professional bucket list I kind of just jok there but I mean seriously what else is on there for you to accomplish I I I mean there's nothing I can think of that I haven't done you know like I was just saying this to someone else I was in journalism School in in in at Northwestern as you just mentioned in the 80s and if you could go back in time and tell that kid that this was GNA be his life I mean I mean it he would have wept that that kid would have cried his eyes out um I've I've done things that I would never have even imagined existed when I was growing up and and even growing up early in my days in the business so I don't even think about things I haven't done I'm I'm so thrilled with what I have done and am doing and as we just I haven't even started the football show yet um so um I'm looking forward to that and I'm I'm just you know I'm hoping that I'm nowhere near the end of this I'm I'm having the time of my life and I just hope to do it as long as I can well we're certainly having the time of our lives watching reading listening literally everything you could be doing wor thoroughly enjoying but before we get to any Jets talk which I I'm very much looking forward to you uh with you greeny the the main reason that you're here of course is uh atrial fibrillation awareness month of September we're talk about football in September but it is also uh more commonly known as aib uh and uh almost a decade ago greeny you were diagnosed with aib and last year you underwent an operation and now you're symptom free and I'm curious and uh by the way just right off the top thank you for feeling vulnerable enough to to share this with people because if you could just get one person raising awareness about this I think that makes that makes all of it worth it as far as I'm concern so what is your mission here with what you're doing in terms of that awareness for apib thank you for for putting it that way here's what I will tell you I've been on the other side of this interview a thousand times in my life and I never would have imagined I would be on this side but as you point out this thing happened to me one day I was sitting on my couch I was in my late 40s I was as healthy as at least in my own mind and I was as healthy as a person could possibly be and all of a sudden out of absolutely nowhere my heart was racing at 165 and like I was racing like I was running on a treadmill as fast as I possibly could and I was sure I was having a heart attack I mean I don't know what a heart attack feels like I was sure that's what was happening and the next thing I know I was in an ambulance on my way to the hospital and as it turns out I was not having a heart attack thank God and through some further testing that takes about two weeks I was diagnosed with as you said atrial fibrillation or as people call it AIT and I have subsequently found out that one in four adults over the age of 40 are at risk of having apib which is an arhythmia and my experience with apib progressed as most people do which is for a long time it was very manageable I would have an episode I had a pill that I had with me at all times very simple data blocker easiest drug in the world you know to get in a at a pharmacy and I would just take the pill 10 minutes later the symptoms would die down and I thought okay I don't love this but I can live like this for the rest of my life and then as is frequently the case with people who have apib it got much much worse it got to a point where about four years ago I was having episodes every other day uh every third day and they were very intense and the pill wouldn't make them go away and I would be up all night with my heart racing at 160 beats a minute lying in bed unable to sleep and I'm missing days of work and it was awful so one thing led to another and I wound up going to see a new doctor the doctor that I was seeing basically left me feeling as though this was just what my life was going to be so I went to see a new doctor and that was where I first heard the words catheter ablation which is the procedure that you're talking about it isn't really an operation it is a minimally invasive procedure with a success rate that is well over 90% extremely safe a month and a half later had this procedure that was in March of 2023 in the year and a half since I have had zero episodes zero it has given me my life back I feel 10 years younger today than I felt five years ago so here's the most important thing I want to say I am not a doctor I am not a medical expert I'm not telling anyone what to do with their health however what I would say is if you have apib and tens of thousands of people in this country do and it is having a impact on your life the way it was mine I really recommend asking a doctor about whether or not a cathet or reation would be right for you because it gave me my life back and it might do the same for you we have a website get smart about AP that's all one word getsmart about where you can find all the other information you might need and Grinny this might be an obvious question based on your retelling of uh the last decade or so but why now why why now are you feeling comfortable enough to talk about it because like I said I think it's going to make a tremendous difference for people that either aren't don't have the awareness to to make sure they go through the process of uh you know you you said oh man as far as I'm concerned I'm a healthy as an ox and all of a sudden it happens why now do you feel comfortable enough to discuss all of this well I I had um over the the course of last year as I started to feel so when you first go through the procedure you know you live in some fear of having these episodes you don't know I don't you don't know what you don't know I didn't know it was going to work even though I had been told that the success rate was well over 90% um and then as I have gotten my life back I thought to myself it would seem selfish of me not to share this you know it would seem wrong that there are people who like I have the gift of this platform that I've built over all these decades and if I can help people out and I choose not to then that would seem like a very selfish thing to do so it's not hard for me to talk about I'm not ashamed of it there's nothing to be ashamed of I didn't do anything wrong it's a genetic condition my father had it and so I got it my children are will be at greater risk for it um I didn't I didn't do anything wrong that I got it so I there's nothing to be ashamed of and I thought to myself as you just said if I could help make a bunch of other people's lives a lot better then why on Earth wouldn't I do it and so it was as simple as that again this is a great 100% again atrial fibrillation awareness month is here in September we have more details in the YouTube description down below uh for you guys to make sure you check out but greeny I would be remiss if I don't get some New York Jets conversation in with the legend and icon himself uh in greeny and greeny I see last year your guy hambo you guys had the book got your number you published that last year pretty good book thank you yeah and uh I'm not sure if this stat was in there uh greeny but feel free to use this moving forward uh the Jets are batting a thousand every Super Bowl they go to they win now some people may say it's only one but I would choose to look at the other statistic that every time they go they win so I'm feel pretty good heading into this season greeny that perhaps it's our year to keep that thousand in batting average well look I mean from your mouth to God's ears is pretty much the only thing I can say here's what I will say I think as Jet fans and I'm a lot older than you are we are conditioned to expect the worst but I have to believe that last year was the worst it was unfair what happened to us last year was not fair if Rogers had gotten hurt week 10 if he just hadn't been as good as we hoped if if if um you know we we we won nine games but missed out on the playoffs all those things would have been disappointing but reasonable outcomes for him to tear as Achilles 10 minutes in real time after he ran out onto that field carrying that flag four plays into the season was unfair whatever Penance it is that we have been paying since Super Bowl 3 we are now clear of that debt we have paid our debt we deserve forgiveness and we deserve good things to happen and the truth is if you took the Jets off of those uniforms and put any other team's name on them everyone in the league would look at that roster and say if the quarterback is okay that's a Super Bowl caliber team I'm not sitting here telling you they're going to the Super Bowl a million things have to break right for for that to happen for anybody including Kansas City but they have a chance the Jets defense should be I think the Jets defense could be the best in the league if if they stay largely healthy this is a defense that has been exceptional and has never played with the lead never these guys never have the lead Rogers should be able to get them the lead with Garrett Wilson and Bree Hall and Mike Williams if he is healthy and Alan Lazard and I already consider Devonte Adams a jet I believe we will trade for him at sometime before the trade deadline um and a rebuilt offensive line that is both better and deeper than it has been at any point in recent years if Rogers at the age of 40 coming off up uh in Achilles is 80% what he was at his best then the Jets are absolutely a Super Bowl Contender and then it just becomes a question of whether you know you get a bounce here a bounce there a break here a break there um I I genuinely believe that so uh do I do I think it could happen the God's Hest truth is the answer is yes yeah baby I I you love to hear it and you just mentioned that with the Jets roster uh and when you look at roster rankings by a variety of media Outlets this offseason the Jets have been consistently either in the top 10 or top five but my question to you is who is the player that's on this Jets roster because I've seen a lot of fans see that go the Jets unbelie who who put this in how ridiculous is this but who are players on the Jets that we both know are really good but the rest of the NFL world is about to find out this season just how good they are who would you name who are those I mean who are those people uh it would be my question I I I don't know who it is those people don't know anything about football I me the Jets are loaded at pretty much every position the absence of Hassan reik obviously at this moment um is uh a detriment but they have legitimate stars on all three levels of the defense beginning with Quinn and Williams who I have said forever I think is the best player on the team other people will argue for S Gardner other people will argue for Garrett Wilson other people will argue for if he ever stays healthy Elijah ver Tucker and and and and God bless us for having that many options correct but I think Quinn and Williams is the best player on the team and I think he is as impactful as just about any defensive lineman in the entire NFL s Gardner is that rarest of Commodities which is a true shutdown Corner the linebackers um are excellent obviously led by CJ Mosley and Quinn's brother Quincy so the Jets are have difference making players on all three levels of the defense the offensive line look I'm old enough to remember when Olu fashu was going to be one of the top two with three picks in that draft and then you know the the the the the pre-draft process goes on and people do this or they do that and they do the other as a as a backup swing tackle he is the best in the entire league no nonstarter in the NFL is better than him Tyron Williams God bless him let him stay healthy he's he's a great left tackle he's just injury-prone um Elijah veriter who I mentioned before versatility spectacular so I mean difference making players and depth now on that offensive line if I had the first pick in a fantasy draft I would take Breeze Hall that's how good a year I think he has set up to be Garrett Wilson I think is a top five NFL wide receiver and that is not hyperbole Mike Williams if he is healthy as a difference making player Allan lard will be much better than he was a year ago because of his connection with Rogers and again if if if we should be touched by the heavens and we actually do get Devonte Adams I think we'll have the best offense in the AFC so uh I I don't know who these people are that don't buy into the depth or or quality of the roster of the Jets but I would respectfully say they don't know what the hell they're talking about I love that from greeny here greny I saw the video from your uh your beautiful wife of you dapping it up with Garrett Wilson at the US Open uh my question is we were too far away we were not you were not miked up unfortunately for that segment what did you tell Garrett Wilson when you adapt him up uh there at the US Open when I lost you for just a second there could you I'm so sorry would you repeat the question yeah of course so yeah like I said I saw the video from your beautiful wife on social media if you dapping it up with Garrett Wilson at the US Open you were not miked up for that segment unfortunately so clue Us in what did you tell New York Jet Superstar wide receiver Garrett Wilson so so I met Garrett at a Nick game last year and he was in the ESPN suite and and uh watching the game and I was there so I sat with him and we had a really nice conversation he was a a terrific kid I don't know if you ever had a chance to talk to him and I say kid respectfully he's the same age as my daughter um so I think I'm allowed to call him a kid um he is terrific what a terrific young man he is so I went over and you know we he we remembered the conversation and we were chatting I introduced him to my son Stevie and then at the end of the video when you see me sort of pumping my fist that's me saying and I don't I can't use the language that I use um but I I was me saying let's go get these guys next Monday come on we got to do this thing and and he you know was fired up as well and um Stevie was telling him that you know he's his favorite player which he is Stevie traded up in his Fantasy Draft to get Garrett Wilson um and gave up he was like that I will give up whatever it is I have to to give up I'm getting Garrett Wilson in the draft so um we love him in our household and uh you know it was he was he's a terrific kid and it was very nice to chat with him for a minute um we missed an entire set of tennis strategizing how we were going to get over to where he was sitting because he was pretty far from us but it was well worth it okay let's end here so we have Jets 49ers uh you know on Monday Night Football coming up here last year greeny from the greeny stronghold you hosted a little shindig you had some of your ESPN buddies there friends family are we hosting another shind dig for Monday Night Football what's the set can't do it that was the worst experience of my life I mean I was that was my daughter I'm sitting there in a State of Shock and my daughter Nikki says to me dad you're trending and I said what now she said you're trending I mean America was worried about me and I appreciate America's concern um but I cannot live through that again no I think I will be in my apartment watching that game the way I watch horror movies with with my hands like really close to my eyes so that I could easily not see what happens look here here's the reality of the start of the jet season yes we open Monday night in San Francisco Cross Country flight home early home Sunday game Tennessee Thursday night game New England so Monday Sunday Thursday brutal stretch if the Jets come out of that stretch two- one and no one significant injured injured then that's a win that's great candidly the least important of those wins is the San Francisco game it is a non-conference road game against maybe the best team in the NFC so if if you're not going to go 17 and0 that's probably one of the games you're going to lose it's not going to feel that way because it's the opener but that's the reality of it if the Jets look good and just get the hell out of San Francisco healthy then come home and beat Tennessee and New England I will feel great about the way the season has started again it will not feel that way Monday night if we lose but I think the the best place to take stock of where the Jets are will be on that Friday morning after they've played those three games um if the Jets are two if the Jets are three and0 then forget it I mean then then all bets are off if the Jets are two- one in any configuration I'll feel you don't want to lose the New England game of course but I'll feel good if the Jets are less than two- one then then there's cause for concern so that that's that's really I think the best way to view the and judge the start of this season all right beautiful well greany it was an absolute pleasure to get to speak with you like I said you're a legend an icon and certainly someone that I've been trying to model my career after so it means a lot but the reason that you're here is for the campaign again get smart about apib we've talking a lot about it there's details in the YouTube description down below give us the website one more time and again any other details that we could share with all of our viewers and listeners no that's it get getsmart about you said it exactly right if you have apib and no one has suggested a cathet ablation to you and you feel as though the the the episodes that you are having are impacting your life in a meaningful way it is worth at least asking the question no doubt about it greeny thank you so much for taking the time we appreciate it oh I enjoyed this thank you for having me I think we're about to have another legendary call here I wasn't even aware that this call I'm about to bring on had talents that expanded to this level hap joins us on the show with the guitar hey fellas [Music] okay boy Green Daily we're talking Jess we are the best forget the rest we're up to days we're going there Super Bowl's coming so all be yeah wow good go unbelievable he I didn't even know you could play guitar and a song that's historic we're cutting that up that's that's going out on social media there's no doubt about it that's going on YouTube oh my goodness EP wow you're a talented man even more than we all thought thanks Paul hey I love you guys man I love getting in touch you know what really Embrace this guys because this is our Super Bowl year Embrace each little moment all the little struggles because at the end it's gonna be glorious it's gonna be glor all right I love you guys see you later I love you wow that was so cool he holy fraking crap beautiful uh guys uh I want to shout out to Hep of course he is one of the greatest of all time we're still trying to work on getting um his brand new song which seemed incredibly catchy um from what we heard yesterday but we're still working on some stuff behind the scenes to get that to you at the highest quality possible more on that later I just have to say uh the phone lines are now open so you guys feel free to call into the show we have 400 people in the room make sure you guys like the video Hit subscribe the pins comment on YouTube boygreen25 is how you guys can call to the show if you're watching on heavy on Jets or my Twitter account we love the support no matter where you are but make sure you hop on over to YouTube exclusively uh to make sure you could call into the show but I just want to say off the top um that and I meant that at the beginning I butchered it like an idiot because I was hubba hubba hubba hubba in front of Greenie and and it's hard for me to do that nowadays because you know I've had that I'm very humbled and honored that I've had the great pleasure to talk to so many awesome people uh in my life in this career that it's a very few people that can get me Hub Hub hub and I'm messing up my words but uh a greeny is the reason I'm in this chair I didn't mean that in any hyperbolic way uh Mike and Mike I grew up on Mike and Mike that was such an important part of my life uh greeney being this incredible Jets personality out in the National Spotlight uh made it cool to me like oh wow I could be I could be a Jets fan and be you know kind of out there doing whatever I want to do so he was an inspiration uh I wish I would have said my words better for the one time that I spoke to green my life but it's neither here nor there the thing I will say is the interview was terrific shout out to greeny and for anyone that has a fib which uh you know greeny enlightened all of us saying a lot more people have it than you think uh that is the first link in the YouTube description down below to learn more get smart about aib so I'd highly recommend that if anyone is going through that or just to learn more about it and raising awareness that's the first link down below but I I'd be remiss if right off the top before I get to any college or anything just to say uh to green that that meant the world to me and think about this like okay this is a pinch me moment Jericho katri texts me says hey paulke come on the show I'm like yeah sure Jericho katri you can come on the freaking show for God's sakes and then greeny the same week g h man and then the jet season on Monday for we had Thursday Night Football last night what a freaking game huh we'll get into that I'm sure but like man amazing so God bless shout out to greeny I'll probably have a post on social media about it because it's still I can't believe I spoke with greeny unbelievable absolutely unbelievable before we get to the phone lines you guys can see it with the hat this is a new Splash hat from New Era I put out a video you guys could see it in the video section I'll show you guys this real quick our next car is going to appreciate this he is the master of drip but uh before we get to him just in a second look at this okay it's a brand new hat I didn't have one with a new logo yet so this is sweet this is a brand new have this isn't even out for sale yet until next week that's it so shout out to uh homage baby for setting all that up and then of course I'm wearing the teenage mut Ninja Turtles New York Jets collab shirt look at this got jell baby New York tough oh it's sweet and I love homage baby because the quality is absolutely excellent so guys make sure you check it out I've got a direct link uh on those YouTube videos it's on Twitter it's on Instagram it's on YouTube it's everywhere so you guys can grab that as well if you'd like uh to make sure uh you grab that shirt all right without further Ado let's bring in the master of drip Uncle Tio Graces us with his presence what's up brother that was a excellent and awesome interview with Mike Greenberg greeny um congratulations on that I mean I would have been tripping over my words to talking to talking to him he is the he is the legend you know he is you know one of the sports personalities that actually you know put the Jets on you know wearing the Jets on his sleeve for uh for America to know for the world to know uh just like you um I mentioned this in the Discord you know many uh uh commute listening to Mike and Mike in the morning and um you know I kept asking does he still love Chad Pennington does he still love Chad Pennington in the chat I love that and then I I couldn't remember it for the life of me maybe you will too uh he one of his son Stevie I assume is who he was talking about was the son he wanted to name like every jet name do you remember what that name was I need to I know that's out there in the universe the uh let me see if I could find it real quick for those who don't know uh uh Jet's name son let me see if I can I know there's like a Chadwick in there yeah let me see I want to say jet was brought up at one point maybe as a he is I think we have it here this is what he wanted to name his son he wanted to name him Chadwick lus Santana Greenberg to give proper love to all of his Jets and that's pretty cool again if we had more time with greeny we could go in so many other places which uh which would be awesome but yeah that was again it's so cool so shout out to greeny man and you know uh you know as someone who uh just to share personally with with you and everyone who uh had a heart attack at 42 years of age oh my goodness um you know a apib and you know a lot of the you know things that heart disease and heart trauma and things of that nature is a very serious subject and um the the trend actually is that um these heart conditions are happening earlier and earlier in life than they did you know it's not an old person's disease heart disease and things of that nature it actually has to do with a lot of different factors like DNA and your diet and exercise and things of that nature so you know as as a person who you know turned around his life from after that major event uh medical event in my life um you know I I I I you know for someone Champion championing that cause and being public and really letting us into his life I I really salute you know Mike Greenberg for that because that is really really important you know an important message and as you know you know in my show the 411 on New York Sports we have a strong message and um that just like gives you kind of the the inside you know personal view of that particular person in their life and the transparency of their life and I really appreciate when you know personalities onair personalities and stuff give us that that look into their life and and and come out with these positive messages and that is a really really important and positive message from from Greenie so I want to thank him you know uh publicly on air on your show for for uh putting out that message and and just you know being alongside him championing that message that you need to get yourself checked out you know um and make sure that you're healthy um you know I always say this health is wealth you know so and just to follow up on that it just goes to show though it's not like anyone who has ever dealt with a heart problem uh all of a sudden you have a special Emoji by your name I I have no idea whether UT or Ron P or teren o or random people I'm pulling out of the chat have had it so like for you telling that story even yourself I'm like whoa okay I had no idea uh Tio that that is something that you had gone through uh in your life so that's why just as you know a part of the reason why I think greeny's message is so important because we don't know what people are going through or what they have gone through and how those sorts of things uh can resonate so man same thing I said to greeny about thank him for being so vulnerable to share I appreciate you sharing because like I said I feel like the more we could talk about stuff the more it's just going to be uh better for everyone to make things more socially acceptable to discuss yeah and and you know this is a great community and you put you know this community together and you know through your social media through your post through your show you share your life with us and it makes us comfortable to be vulnerable to share with you and you know I'm sure greeny felt the same way he felt comfortable he's like hey you know this is you know guy that you know I can talk to you know what I mean just kind of like manto man family man to family man that kind of thing so you know you you know kudos to you for putting that environment out there and I just want to say one other thing before I let you go I know I haven't even talk football but one one other thing you know thank you so much for bringing I mean like this was an awesome week between the guests that you brought up this week and I mean like you got to pay this forward man I mean like memberships I mean part of this community let's get people let's make this a glorious Friday for memberships let's throw some me let's throw the gauntlet down let's get these memberships up let's get this mom Emoji uh going for this uh you know for today you know pay it forward this man is is grinding for you this man is doing the work this man is is getting the guests you know what I mean if you're enjoying this drop a membership Pay It Forward listen this is a great community commun the coffee Club is forever and uh I just wanted to say that thank you thank you thank you so much for for bringing the heat for bringing the you know the content that that uh you know we may or may not deserve but we get anyway because you do the hard work to do it I salute you well before you sign off too I just uh two or three things here real quick excuse me right off the top first off we're 37 members away and I see we just got one more in which I'll I will highlight in a second so 36 away from that Imam G so yes if you guys can spread the love that means the world to me so thank you so much and again when you but it makes it easy uh for people to do that too because when you have a guest list like Jericho katri greeny and Uncle Tio I I I mean come on what are we talking about here when you put that kind of list together people have no other choice but to open up their wallets and hearts to make it happen and good Lord have mercy okay I got to do the math here to catch up let's do this let's do this oh my God memberships are coming in like nobody's Gard business which is beautiful we just got 11 memberships for the love of everything that's holy too made the call like the back signal perhaps here we go I got to Loop this we're g to play this 11 times baby so it's like you know in the WWE ring we we got to play it to honor it well here we go do my quinnon dance h [Music] put it on repeat there we go and then one more time baby good Lord have mercy rainning from The High Heavens Tio calls for it and it happens 11 memberships shout out I'm going to read them all here in a second shout out to Terrence Hill for gifting a membership Ed Vargas with a five p of five pack combo of memberships Uncle too live on the show multitask there also sprinkling in five gash Dar membership so let's keep this all together here let me read all of the brand new members to the boy green coffee Club delusional Jets Manan okay welcome to the party that's terrific H dick chimney burner I saw him with a jake asmin Rich amini interview very nice we have Donna Minnesota Jets fan okay we're everywhere baby plumpy boy all right Billy movanic AKA bam Collectibles okay representing some business I appreciate that Jason C Enoch Forte Chris k i f Winston Grant Atlanta Jets fan that's so cool I love seeing Jet fans from all over the place we're able to come together for this okay so we were at 37 okay we're at 26 members away we are so close baby and I'm willing to give some memberships too let's try to see whatever we could do to see if we could get this eomi by the end of the show uh it would be wonderful to have another historic program here Tio thanks for greasing the wheels baby absolutely everybody it's Friday Friday have a great day and uh quick plug we have the four yeah I was say please plug before you go make sure you plug yes yeah the 411 on New York Sports if you haven't seen it at 6 PM with myself and Johnny Boy my nephew and to tonight we have a h historic special guest it's none other than Jake asmin from the Jake asmin show and uh you know be there be square man it's going to be a awesome time you know we have segments we talk all sports culture music art I mean like whatever Under the Sun we talk about it and it's a it's a great time we have a lot of fun so if you're not doing anything or you want to hear us on the commute home or you know you get home and you just want to relax a little bit while like uh eating dinner or cooking dinner either way you can listen to us watch us catch us on the rebound if you don't catch the live show either way we appreciate you we we we love you the more the merrier and we have a great time and uh love to see you there so the 411 on New York Sports 6PM tonight can't wait thanks brother for taking the time thank you sir have a great weekend all right we'll do and look at this NC has gifted five memberships baby let's play the Loop played the chims it is boy Green Day apparently here on the show for the fans let's freaking go and see baby getting in on the action this is terrific we're so close baby Ray Perez Joey BME Kevin tattoos Thomas Doyle and 99 jet baby the memberships are absolutely flying and that takes us to 21 away we are 21 away from the next Emoji AKA Imam G okay baby we're we are getting closer and closer we can do this on the show people NC thank you so much uh for being so gifting with your time guys if you want to buy your own membership you could do so like spitting now you can buy your own membership by going to the YouTube description down below join boy green coffee Club here click that it's only $299 a month you help support the show uh so number one you get a loyalty badge so you stand out from everybody else in the comments you get all the cool ass emojis which again I'd love to uh reveal a new one today we have it ready to go but we need the necessary memberships to unlock that level and of course the Discord where the party keeps going people some of the people in the chat already knew that greeny was going to be joining the show well beforehand and we told talked about that in the Discord you guys get all kinds of exclusive benefits me and my father Hop On Pop to our NFL picks in the Discord there's so much great action uh for you guys to check out in there or you can gift the membership if you're watching on YouTube there's a little money sign where you're watching click on that there's a bunch of options that pop up the final option is gifting memberships that's what everyone that just did uh participated in click that you could give one five 10 20 50 memberships if you wanted to We Are 21 away and because this is how these gifted memberships work uh the people that receive memberships pay it forward if you can for some of the people that receive them feel free to either gift others uh memberships if you'd like these memberships are a month trial of the boy green channel for you guys to get a taste but they expire you know sometimes people it expires and they don't renew it so right now is the moment to strike again we are 21 members away from the next eomg so please if you get find it in your hearts to share the love feel free to do so it would mean the world to me on the show again I've seen the imami that snowball put together and I would love absolutely to unlock that here in today's program we are almost there baby again only 21 away let's see if we could get there uh by the end of the show today we still got some time let's see if we can unlock that here today again I've already seen the snowball emo imangi that he made it's ready to go we just have to uh post it but again we need 21 more members to do that plus we're already working on the next emoji and I think FL Phil 98 is going to like that emoji because he is next in line uh to be selected after my mother gets hers here in 21 we'll have uh Phil and I love it that we can honor our great callers and listeners to the show because you guys make this all special all right guys let's go to the phone lines let's go to an individual that is certainly can be described as a needle move someone that when he joins the show there are things that happen and let's bring him in now there was some controversy this week with this caller calling into the show saying all kinds of you know like in Harry Potter we're not supposed to say Voldemort that's like oh don't say that it's a He Who Shall Not Be Named you know when you talk about stuff like that this call I'm about to bring on he said words so we don't want to even talk about sh we want to keep very quiet the words that he said are bad words we don't want those words spread here on a jet show so let's have positive vibes positive energy we have almost 500 people the room by the way the free way to contribute for all of you and that should not be overlooked is liking the video hitting subscribe the YouTube algorithms and subscribing to the channel liking the video hitting subscribe those are free things everyone can do no matter if you're on iPhone computer this phone that phone all of you can subscribe it's the easiest thing to do and again help spread the love and I'm glad so many people resonated with that greeny interview whether it was the Jets content my personal story with it or aib raising that awareness it was all great but let's go to the fun lines let's bring in this individual if Uncle Tio just inspired all those memberships what could this guy possibly do BAC is back on the show BAC welcome back hey uh Paul good morning I just want to uh apologize my uh uh you know I I didn't mean to upset you or a lot of people it seems like in chat the day so yeah yeah well here's the thing bech I'll just tell you this I know that you were a polarizing figure to some in the comment section and uh some people love you some people hate you that's just the honest truth let's just lay it out there EXA exactly I'm sure that's not the only thing you guys have in common you guys regret but what I would say is is that uh I like having you on the show and Allan said as soon as you come on the show he goes to mute the thing I would suggest is too yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on just let me call Alan you know Allan you are not a real jet fan Allan you're not all right you are a f fake Jets Manan all right I gu be true where's your Jet B where's your jets hat why is this put on put on yes of course I want you to put it on obvious please yes when you come on you know what what wait wait I say you know what because at least I have the guts to come on here and I may not be for Jet fan I'm a half jet Packers Fan by the way Packers play tonight uh I got Packers on the way beat Philadelphia okay well at least I have the gut to come on here and to wear a Jets hat every single day Allan you are a coward you hide behind the keyboard all day trolling people right you're not a real jet fan you are the most negative pessimistic fan not just fan but fan I ever seen and I guarantee you if the Jets get blown out against San Francisco for ners he will be right back on Hill showing his face calling in saying follow Rober and Rogers washed up the Jets are going 0 and 17 you know I guarantee mark my words I guarantee you he would would do that so that's probably true before we any goad yeah yeah we just got another membership So Daniel Murphy thank you pal let's do it mury we're now an even 20 away baby we're 20 away from the next Imam G uh from officially dropping so guys Thomas uh sturk you are the lucky member was gifted in membership by Daniel Murphy Daniel uh thank you so much brother so we're 20 away on the show live from getting the next D momg people so make sure uh you open up uh if you can again either gifting a membership uh yourself or buying your own we would appreciate it but no uh I agree with you I'm sure Allen is waiting in the wings there's there's no doubt about it but the thing I would like to say BAC is uh there are two individuals that gave you essentially that hat I I was just a receptacle I did nothing it it's all the others who bought the hat for you I just went through the process of putting in my credit card information but they sent me the money so it's all the same I was just a receptacle but the thing that I want to say is those two bought you that hat that is Uncle Tio and bu bu badsha on the show they bought you that hat and we believed we we thought when that investment was made when you came on this show and other shows apparently you're going to wear the Jets hat in Pride as a Jets guy on these Jets content creator channels so when you slide on in the DMS and you're wearing pin stripes I didn't know this was Yankees daily like come on some Jets and by the way it matches your shirt anyway for Pete's sake so come on man I'm a as Scott says I'm a respectable receptacle for goodness sake so let's let's get some jet hat love when you're on the program I don't think that's too much to ask yeah well um well first of all you know uh well well first of all do you set my apology just you well let me hear the answer to this other question or maybe that'll uh maybe that'll change my opinion well about the Yankees hat yeah yeah we're in jet hat moving forward well I just feelig I just switch it up you know I mean uh you know uh I I just you know just a so you know I just fig and you know Yankees Jets you know weap is it the same you know well do they the jet a jet play in New Jersey uh they don't play in know they think he's actually play in New York but they are the New York Jet oh oh Rogers called the Jets the New Jersey jets that's what he actually he was making a joke he was being funny yeah yeah yeah but then but but then he called the Giants new I mean it's really is in New Jersey I mean that's what the Stadium's at is in New is not in new ter has a problem with this you're saying it's just a hat like CU like what's a big deal guys the Yankees hat this hat that hat that's your representation as far as I know other it's not like I came in Dolphins hat and then have a right to be mad you know right wait so you're saying we don't have a right to be mad is what you're saying oh what so okay you said that we would have a right to be mad if you weren't like a Dolphin hat or something I'm saying you wearing a Yankee hat you don't believe we have a right to be mad about it well it's baseball I mean what baseball and football have to Cory you know I mean I mean it's a different sport I mean it's not like uh like I said if if if I came here with a patriot hat or dolphin or bills then yes you have a right to be outraged you have right to be angry but I would never do that by the way I appreciate that thank but uh like I said retires I'm I'm I'm still gonna you know be a a jet because I apprciate I I love all the jet you know I I love most of the Jet fans most of them I'm not gonna say all of them I love most of them and then I I love you as jet contact Creator or J Gman you know like I said once Watchers you know once I start following y'all and watching y'all you know me then then you know y'all are really you know I became attached to y'all so well so I have someone saying this so the metaland Swamp Thing a member of the boy GRE coffee Club says hey hey hey BM is saying he can't be bought you you got him a hat he wears it when he wants is that how this works no I mean no I mean I just I just fig I this changing I didn't switch up the Hat I didn't have no M of no T to switch up the Hat you mean I didn't know switching up the Hat was gonna upset yall you know I mean I yeah it did to a great level absolutely it did yeah if I would know that then I would have done oh okay well that's good to know so yes I accept your apology B I accept your apology but no more mention of the a word here on the show not Aaron roders uh what I mean let's just keep have a good vibes Good Vibes yeah but uh I got I got uh well first of all let me uh uh just uh say something about Mr Allen real quick okay all right so I guarantee you if the Jets go on a winning streak if they beat the San Francisco 49ers and go on like a 13 winning streak I guarantee you you will not see Allen's face on a camera I would guarantee that guarantee okay wait to the Jets lose you know have one loss in a devastating fashion hell even if this is a close loss that's when you seen Allen's phony F face on camera saying that everybody needs to be fired I will guarantee you that I will guarantee so Alan okay shut your mouth all right uh take you offro look glasses google eyes and go sit your ass down somewhere we're now down to 19 members guys we are 19 members away we are so freaking close Titan you have been now gifted a boy green coffee club membership again we are 19 away from the next imom I just went to my email and I downloaded the Emoji at snowball is already made for my mother the next Imam G and uh yeah so people hopefully we could get to we are so close we're right there on the horizon we just need either one really generous individual or several to kind of band together let's rally and see if we can unlock the Imam G yes go ahead what's on your mind yes I do yes and I do and I I am truly sorry about about you know me bringing up the award you know I didn't mean to I was just I know how I can forgive you 100% I know I said I forgive you but you want to know how I can truly forgive you you become an official member of the boy green coffee Club can you do that can you become a member of the boy green coffee Club if you can then always forgiven yeah you do it right now on the show aren't you you're on YouTube or something here let's let's join the boy green C I'd love to celebrate it well I wanna ask you some questions so still yeah I'll let you ask questions sure and is it a boy green coffee Club member you get all kinds of perks so well can I join after the show after the show we need it during the show that's when we're about to do the Emoji reveal so so how so I just signed up okay yeah yeah so here's how you do it so okay open up a new tab it's okay okay yeah okay go over to my channel oh do I just click out no well you have to still be in stream here it open up a different tab different tab okay hold on yeah sure okay go over to YouTube okay go over to my channel my name is boy green nice to meet you MH y [Music] okay okay go over to my channel go go to the go to this uh video and uh you will see in the YouTube description it says join boy green coffee club by clicking here you click there you fill out the whatever information is required it's only $2.99 a month and booya live on air bch will officially become a member of the boy green coffee club and we will go from 19 away to 18 away you can put your money where your mouth is and become a a a member to the show okay so again YouTube my channel this video for instance or any live video recently in the bio you click that you join the boy green coffee Club okay uh sorry there bear with me here okay that's okay I'm going to put you on hold keep I'll bring you back uh just follow through those instructions we'll get to a few other calls while we're waiting for you again boy green go to any one of his live videos boom Joy boy C boy green coffee club and as soon as you joining it should pop up right here uh on the Channel all right let's go to our next caller here Johnny boy here on the program wowza lot going on yeah first off yeah F the Yankees yeah I'll be the first one to say that everybody knows how I feel in regards to that congrats to your Mets they're in right now if the playoffs started today tie with the Braves I'm like this you know um hoping awesome first of for awesome interview with with greeny Greenie for being able to you know be on the platform the way he is and his truth in regards to the situation that he's going through hey that's that's awesome man so shout him out because I mean it's the truth dude I know a lot of guys that are around 30 40 that have dealt with so much heart issues and them dudes are like super oh Johnny yeah I'm right here my bad okay no no we we lost it for a second all right yeah yeah go ahead finish your point on greeny yes please yeah I mean it was amazing man I was so cool on what he did and everything like that and being able to talk about his truth and just speaking that stuff on a platform like this and um you have other individuals that will talk about that because of a guy you know and what he does was able to do so Kudos s him man an awesome interview dude I when he was talking about and you asked him in regards to the whole like are you gonna have another shindig I already knew the answer was gonna be hell no CA that dud is a true Jet fan what we all went through last year bro none of of us are going to do what we were doing last year I will look after that game I burnt that freaking sweater I was wearing I don't have it I don't know where it's at anymore it's gone burnt would never put it on again bro I'm not gonna sit on the same spot that I sat on before I'm running out of spots guys so yeah dude and I feel that so I just wanted to come up here and and uh give you your flowers bro CU that was awesome dude interview man yeah he was a huge huge huge huge like I remember hearing him every single morning man in regard and talking to that so for you to be able to speak with him and you know I could have only imagined how dope it was like when I met David Wright bro I like G be so cool quickest thing right here when I make David right yeah I had uh I had no idea in regards to what to say to David right and all I know is I said this bro you're still the captain in my heart like the most weirdest thing ever have a good day in school kid you know so just imagine that bro two grown men looking at each other and have a dude saying hey you're still the captain of my heart like so so bad well you know at least you said something like you know it's better than nothing because there's a lot of people all hear stories like they saw their favorite insert in the airport but they were too scared to say anything and said nothing uh again I I'd rather tell the story of even if they told me hey insert guy you want to take a picture like again like for instance for any UFC fans out there Chuck the Iceman Liddell me and my father ran into at a Baltimore Airport and uh we we were school girls we were walking up a ramp he was walking down a ramp in Baltimore and then we went what's up Iceman and he just kind of like looked at us like CU like and we kind of like giggled like oh Iceman it's chuckling out right there he just kind of looked at us like he was going to punch both me and my father in my in our throats and then uh and I'm like ah man that's too bad and then we're on the same flight and we're sitting next across from each other awesome waiting to board the plane we found out we were together and I said ah hey Dad I'll I'll take a picture of him because like I I don't want to go up and ask him I don't want to be embarrassing I'll just take a picture from my seat no will ever know and so I I'm sitting across from him he's sitting there I'm sitting there we're in the terminal waiting and I take a picture freaking flash was on so it goes and he goes and looks at me I'm like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh I was trying to do a selfie sorry I uh wrong way I was such an idiot and I'm just thankful he was with his family I'm just thankful he did not in front of everybody uh do a new uh version of some sort of a UFC and ripped my throat out but I I took a picture and I as an idiot I left flash on and it caught his a attention he immediately looked at me and made eye contact and I'm pretty sure I pissed myself yes uh question with that right if he would have got pissed off would you have let him put you in a choke cold oh for sure I'm like someone take a picture exactly and as I pass out he lays me you know Softly on the ground someone someone get a picture of this someone someone get a video right now i' been like you ever gotten uh you know knocked out by a freaking UFC star cuz I have yeah yeah what a story huh what a cver at the party you know what I mean hey hey BG but I I did want to say some football stuff right oh yeah okay sure one Garrett Wilson are people really not thinking that he might not have a chance to be offensive player of the year again like style and all that because he C he could and then the second one the Chiefs bro last night that's too much firing power over there bro holy moly man them dudes were running I think like 150 miles per hour every single person they had on there thanks Buffalo you bastards remember the bills traded Xavier worthy to the Kansas City Chiefs at the end of that draft what the hell were they thinking what the I know I know man crazy bro but I just wanted to you know a ask you those two questions in regards to that you know yes Garrett Wilson and then the chief Chiefs man the Chiefs look scary bro the Chiefs look SC dude I mean they had freaking Lamar Jackson running for his life last night just put out there but BG I appreciate you man can't wait to have this Sunday he's gonna go out and uh you know scout out his freaking uh Challenger who's gonna try to knock out the throne I don't think anybody can because I mean it's BG let it be known and uh the 411 tonight baby let's go we got this hey can't wait that'll be beautiful thank you Johnny for joining us on the show we have had the memberships raining in baby as we've been waiting for this thing let's start off first with Boba jet with this let's get him five piece combo beautiful Boba jet getting in on all the action I'll give you an update on our membership count here in a minute because everyone is is getting frisky David Hall Jr uh gifting a membership beautiful okay okay in James Cafe Vero baby with a five pack of gas jarn memberships we're getting close baby I mean absolutely terrific so let me read all of those memberships thank you guys uh for pouring out your hearts here this is awesome uh let's try to get everybody here so Boba jet gifted five we've got a Shenron 018 b40 b40 Christian moano xbow boy azwin nataran Anthony all gifted boy green coffee Club memberships and here's also a few more from James uh the badger Trio green and white IA Cincy Matt who that dude and me mow KV as well all being gifted memberships and let's go back because I am a man of my word we had another person gift a membership and officially uh indoctrinate himself as a part of the club here we are now seven memberships away from unlocking imom G baby so guys either punch in your own ticket if you can or give memberships we are so close we're on The Horizon we're about to push this over the top shout out to Uncle Tio for making it happen look at this let's bring him back on real quick BC Look At You Look At You Bernard Dixon a man of my worldy accepted you are a man of your word look you are officially a boy green coffee Club member we love to have you and to be honest with you bmac you know there we talk about all the time my radio job that it is a small minority of the people that call into the show and choose interact the 99% of people just watch the show and never say anything every once in a while I get an Instagram message hey man love the show I don't call in but I love the show but there are very few people who are willing to put themselves out there on the line and be Mac Bernard next in this wonderful picture of you uh you know you are a guy that is been willing to put yourself out there and I respect that thanks man uh like I say you know still love you you know I me uh and uh I'm glad you finally set my apy I won't bring up no negativity again you know okay um okay which again we can have good conversations if there's good points to be had again if the Jets lose against the Jets 49ers I'm sure there will be negative things potential to say about things that happen in the game but so I'm all for that but let's try to keep positive vibes for a lot of the energy so go ahead uh what do we what's on your mind B football but I I I do want to ask you this and again okay don't be mad you know I mean but there's a lot of people have been saying it I'm just telling you what people have been saying okay let me know what people are saying yeah yeah like what you response that people are saying that like and they're saying this stupidly too like they're like I don't know it's a joke like I don't know they trolling or they don't okay you know I mean like oh but they're saying that Rogers is Gonna Last like like like this time he's gonna last five snaps instead of full I I think he has handled it well uh Aaron Rogers made a joke he's going to smirk when he gets to the fifth play solid joke yesterday he's going to Exhale uh yeah I'm going to Exhale like when it happens I think we all are to be honest with you because like it's just getting through and going okay we're all good in the hood I I think that's what's going to happen so I think everyone's been handling it right and again a very moving message and I mean this in all seriousness a very moving message Aaron Rogers gave to Leonard Floyd and I'm sure I'll try to play that either on the show today or some show over the weekend he said Leonard I hope you don't feel responsible for what happened that's a cool thing to do Leonard Floyd apparently received death threats after he sack Aon Rogers and he Tores a kill on that play so uh again a massive massive shout out to Aaron Rogers I thought that was very very well said randomly here another new member Daniel Murphy we are now six away baby from the next eom G Daniel Murphy welcome to the show and thank you so much for supporting brother we appreciate you yes okay we're six away baby we're going to we're going to get there I can feel it I can feel it in my plums we're 100% going to get there and I'm excited about it and uh and but what you response and why do you think people do things like that like like like people people Patrol the Jets like I said uh to answer the question I would just say I think the team has handled it well I think Rogers has handled it well again it's going to be a story line so it's not once he completes that first game I think it'll quite a lot of the noise oh what happens if he goes out there and and he throws his first touchdown pass on first play then all that would be terrific that'd be awesome I've heard people say on the fifth play throw the touchdown I've heard people say on the first play anyway I I'm just excited to see what we saw from training camp translate where we where we go goooo Gaga for the Garrett Wilson hey hey G go run a go ball and we're gonna throw a bomb on his ass like let's roll like that to me is Awesome by the way another membership here Jared B baby we now down I believe if my math is right to five okay Jared B getting in on all the fun for uh forgive green which is kind of a funny name to come up right now forgive green we absolutely do forgive him uh thank you so much so yeah I believe we are five members away and I will confirm that as soon as we get the final five here I will attempt to put in the Imam and that should unlock it and be ready to roll beautiful but yeah long story short a question real quick real quick uh but uh uh you think that he's gonna make it past P five right you think yes I do yes yes yes and now the other thing um and I just got just ignore the trolls and stuff all right but go ahead the other thing is I watched the game last night against the Chiefs and the Ravens yeah and great game the Chiefs SW down but it was a running touchdown like a flip pass to who yeah was Xavier worthy the uh the first round draft choice I think it was one of those two but it was Xavier worthy I saw it it was him yep yeah yeah yeah it's like Patrick mahes went and yeah if you flip it backwards it's a yeah if you flip it backwards it's a run if you shovel it forward it's a pass so for Patrick Mahomes fantasy owners they were like gosh darn it that's why but go ahead what's your question i' be interested to see if the Jets offense with hacket do stuff like that on Monday night you know just to take the pressure off Rogers and not make him drop bag and have you know have do as much his first game back so I I think uh and I think hacket I know when Rogers went back to back MVPs with hacket hacket and you know they used you know they have done stuff similar like that so I would like for them to uh to to go and uh to to do some chck plays like that get creative I agree so hopefully they can do that on Monday night but uh what's your respond to then I'm gonna go about the trick about being more okay yeah um I I agree so bmac thanks for the call and thanks for being a member baby we appreciate you yeah I want creativity I want them to put all the stops this 49ers game and team are their hardest opponents on the schedule there's no doubt about it so yeah bring out all the stops if you can if you are there as well again folks I believe we are five members away thank you to everybody that's either punched in their own ticket or gifted memberships it's been terrific let's go back to the phone lines baby and hopefully this can happen here and the next 10 minutes and change before we sign off on the show but let's go to Hep our musical Enthusiast what's up Hep hey Paul um one thing I'm sorry about that mess with the guitar I listened to it back on the thing I was like oh man that sounds like crap you know yeah so worst comes to worst I'll play it live on the show before I figure out the uh the tape and I'll send it in okay great yeah please do because I'd love to have it forever just like we use for our break videos on the on you playing it which sounds great yeah that'd be terrific um now the concern about the Jets is um I'm very confident about the offense very confident about the defense um I'm worried about two things injuries of course that goes without saying but the slow starts on both sides of the ball defense and or offense we just didn't have none but defense too they took a while to get started chief game think about that week four game they went down 17 nothing and the defense was uncharacteristically pushed over Cleveland game was another one where they kind of got pushed around so yeah they've had lapses there's no doubt about it yeah I hope they address that you know you know um looking and say we got to start quick guys we can't you know we can't like always be in a hole digging out you know so anyway um I'll give you a call tomorrow and I'll see if it'll work that out o baby okay a great tease there he is he by the way my father I should probably write this in the notes he'll be joining us on Sunday on Sunday tomorrow I currently don't have a guest there might be a chance a 49ers person joins us I did a 49ers Insider preview on Thursday yesterday with James Woody that interview was terrific if you guys want some great Jets 49ers action Peter uh uh panacy was terrific yesterday I'll try to see if we could get another 49ers guy uh for tomorrow uh that'd be great to even give you guys more coverage uh which would be awesome uh for sure that that would be absolutely uh great no question about it all right uh let's go to another caller here on the show uh let's go oh we got a new person calling in let's go to Devin in the car what's up Devin boy green what's good can you hear me yeah loud and clear baby all right sound check I got a few things first of all I want to say uh congratulations to you on the uh on the interview that you know job well done and um I think that's you know I just I love to see all you guys blowing up you know um um pretty sure I'm a subscribe to you as well but um I'm in the coffee Club I should say yeah here you go baby I do I I appreciate that but like so a couple of things I wanted to say I was looking at that game last night man I was I kept thinking to myself you know I've heard all of these pundits I'm pull over here so I can be more focused on what I'm about to say but um I've heard I've listened repeatedly to all these pents and all these people talk about oh you know the Jets you know we always knew they were a a quarterback away and um all of this that and the third and the and the and the defense is really good and you know and people forget who Aaron Rogers exactly is man I feel feel like they they really have forgotten who this guy is now and and uh you know and they also say like great Jersey by the way look at that than my brother thank you my brother you know what I'm saying I gotta I gotta give some shout outs I get some love to DJ Reed you know I mean I feel like so I got a whole closet full of these and I'm gonna I'm be rocking my jerseys I figure every weekend like I'm gonna be somebody different you know what I mean so uh yeah I love that um yeah man because you know I love DJ Reed I wish we could retain him but I don't feel like we will but I want to express my uh appreciation to him for helping us to get this Championship this year because this is going to happen bro this is going to happen and here's the thing that I think about this is what I this is what I get pissed off about Wy green we won seven games last year right with [ __ ] atrocious quarterback play we don't need to reiterate that right like we we know what that is right and um even with such quarterback play who won this the the Chiefs won the the championship and with our trash quarterback play we almost beat them had the refs we should have beat him hosed us yeah if we didn't get hosed by The Ref twice beat Michael Carter the second pick and the whole he still hasn't found his wallet he was mugged for exactly exactly and so if we weren't hoes with the worst quarterback in the [ __ ] League excuse my as you say excuse y we would have won that game what the hell we gonna do with Aaron Rogers bro like for for people to not understand like I se in these I Flor I floor if we won seven with trash and we not you know people aren thinking that Aaron Rogers is gonna be you know who he was y'all must have [ __ ] forgot like this dude is on a mission he wants to be the he said let's be the dragon he's not like oh let's make the playoffs no he's like I'm gonna win a Super Bowl so he's on that type of mission we not looking to have no letdowns we're not going to have those games where we're up and we beat the 49ers and then next week when we the week after when we play uh Tennessee Aaron Rogers is going to have a sliping nah hell no Aaron Rogers is on a damn Mission bro he is about to stomp a mud hole in the [ __ ] NFL like they're about to catch it so for me this is where I come up with my 20 and 0 scenario like you know what if we won seven with trash we could at least double that with what we know to be good quarterback play if Garrett Wilson could have a [ __ ] thousand yard season with six how many quarterbacks was like like in two years like seven different quarterbacks seven seven quarterbacks and backtack thousand yard season what the hell he gonna do with Aaron Rogers who's they're on the same damn Waveland like Garrett Wilson is cerebral like so I get I get pissed off when I hear this [ __ ] so I wanted to say to the Jet fans you know and all the non-believers to all the nonbelievers y'all best believe we about to have the five time Super Bowl you know we G to have to have two time Super Bowl champion five time NFL MVP because that's what's happening this year and y'all need to get behind that energy because I'm tired of this [ __ ] and I'm putting my name on it I come back on here you know I can't come on every morning but I listen on my way to work I'm happen to be off today but you know boy boy green I love you like I love all you content creators man but some of these dudes be negative man and I just don't understand it like [ __ ] y'all thinking like if we have trash and they all say it oh we had the top five defense and we had trash our offensive line is tremendous way better like I was thinking last night with that Baltimore game like hey um you guys are missing two of those guys that are play for the Jets now aren't you straight yeah like uhhuh they're on our o line so brie is gonna eat Aaron is going to sit back there and say oh let me go do this proje oh I'm glad that the league didn't get to see in preseason what Mike Will is about to do because all he going to do is go up top and just so I'm very hyped very it's not like it's not like I'm a delusional Jet fan bro I've been I've been on this I've been in this pain for a long time you see the gray hairs this has been a long time of me h of holding on to this pain and I'm not delusional I'm like this is reality I'm watching Chris uh uh uh what's his name from the City uh he he was eating last night I was like oh he's eating by himself I'm sorry but Quinton got some help with him on on our line he's got some boyss coming Jermaine is coming and he's not playing I'm like yeah so so boy green I just wanted to get that off my chest you know damn well D I want to make sure I know you can't calling every day because of your life but uh calling as much as you can because this was one of my most fun thrilling calls I've had and I love you just lay it on the line you're just a straight shooter and and the passion is palpable uh Devin that that is terrific man appreciate you brother appreciate you keep doing your thing brother appreciate it there you go let's get one of [Applause] these the game day is just a few days away people just a few days away all right we got more callers but let me just I just want to take a quick Peak ski okay uh pissed off for greatness let me uh play of course we when we get a super chat here Scott Foster jumping in here on this wow that's the other thing I was going to say if you listen to some Aaron Rogers comments yesterday like I said we'll try to get to some of those maybe on the show uh tomorrow because I I'll be back on with Jake asmin in a couple hours um Aaron Rogers said he expects greatness and uh you know or uh I love the will Ferell line from tall kns I piss excellence I'm just great uh so let's get some of that action again we are five members away we are so close people from the next Emoji which is quite literally the Imam G so let's continue to spread those Positive Vibes and thank you to Devin for those let's see how many calls we can get to baby let's go to the guy who's after the guy well the girl the woman the my mom I don't know F Phil 98 is next in line in the Emoji line and before we get to fil it just happened baby let's fre freaking go dny y for life let's make it freaking rain baby I believe we just got the necessary membership so let's go oh whoops wrong Sounder sorry here we go booya D yny y4 life thank you for the five memberships I'm going to keep refreshing YouTube to see if it allows me to finally post this puppy uh so thank you let's also read the members real quick that are all Now new members of the boy green coffee Club baby Justin Gray you're a member 1189 Paris Jersey jets Mikey boy Jets Li Jets poly you guys are now members of the boy green coffee Club I believe we did just get there but I will confirm it with the YouTube overlords here shortly all right let's get to him FL Phil 98 baby we're in the Jersey love it hey Paul let me tell you I'm so excited that this turned out to be uh at this moment um congratulations on that great interview U I love greeny man he's one of my all-time favorites um so yeah and Devin great call man he like lifted us back up after some of that negativity earlier that was great that was great um so I was going to do this tomorrow but I wanted to get it in today I got a toast for you okay the weight is over the season is here so stand up and lift up your favorite beer join me in a toast it's as good as it gets J TS jet Jets jet booah I love it and by the way I didn't even know this but I I'll now try to remember this moving forward dny for Life who just called in called into the show and gifted the memberships this is Devon uh this is his YouTube channel and uh thank you so much so first off again every time we get a Super Chat we know our boy ffil 98 low thank you so much for the Super Chat and okay I will keep that in mind every time we we see that moving forward so thank you so much for calling in Devon that was awesome and the poems oh God everybody just come on man The Vibes are high the guest is great shout out to greeny shout out to everybody so far man it's just so freaking cool I just love this freaking Community uh it's excellent it's awesome we've got passionate New York Jet fans which makes all of this special uh and all of this worth it it's just so fraking cool as uh we're doing this thing and apparently I did my math wrong we are five more members away that is incredibly anticlimactic so I'm sorry people I'm actually glad to hear that because when I got off I was gonna do the five to get you over so it's coming brother okay beautiful excellent so I can't wait so thank I told my mother back it's ironic that it's my mother with the Emoji coming up that she used to always I'd bring the report card home and it would always say needs Improvement well in a lot of categories but specifically math so uh mother I apologize that's sort of funny that that's how you're G to get your emoji so God bless I guess but F Phil thank you brother we appreciate you soon as we get off I'm going to the computer brother have a great day JS baby there he is f Phil 98 baby we're about to get those last five uh coming up here on the show to unlock imami which we will show you guys as soon as it's unlocked here in a second now let's go to this guy and this guy I've seen in the chat before but I've never put a face to a name let's go David Hall Jr a fellow Jun let's go what's up man you know to have you on the show this is great nothing much got off at six but I'm ready oh damn oh God what do you do man Warehouse AC Warehouse damn okay damn you're putting in that work man I just got a quick I just got a couple quick poters yes sir yes sir I'm I'm tired of watching all these trash ESPN speak talking about Ann Rogers this that the third I just gotta say we gonna win I believe it 14 and three is coming win the division like and Rog just said you get into the dance Anything Can Happen damn straight 14 three I mean the greatest regular season ever I love it baby yeah because I really don't see 11 and six I don't see 12 and five I if last year I could have seen the last year but I don't see it this year at all I see I can see 14 and three 13 and four I don't see us going no no way under that yeah I don't again I love it who is it some I think that was Devon was the one that said 20 and0 baby and he walked us like who the hell we losen to damn straight to three I'll take 20 to0 I love The Vibes baby that's what I'm talking about too many people are not like I'm hearing all this crap all this criticism of the New York Jets are like hey man uh they stink they this I'm like okay okay bet we're about to see it we're about to see it this season baby we're about to collect some receipts about to cash in you damn right like Robert Sol said all gas no breaks but um Me growing up in South Florida born and raised in South Florida but I hate every Florida team I represent my Jets the Jersey I got all my me all my m abil whatever it's called all that is in there but I just represent my Jets whether I'm in Carolina Kentucky whatever I represent they always say the same thing same old jet y'all garbage y'all ass ain't gonna do nothing I say yeah and I always tell everybody I say stay tuned keep hating and if you ain't got no haters you ain't popping damn straight I'm ready I know you just came off of work but I can't tell based on your energy man but make call back the show brothering we're kicking ass baby we're taking names I love it brother thanks for calling in man yes sir I appreciate you David Junior and FL Phil did it baby here are the final five all of you did it quite frankly thank you so much and he is a man of his word as well let's ring the bell five more times and we will unveil for the first time snowballs imom G that hit us let's go let's freaking go and I'm about to reveal it let's announce all our five new members again shout out to F Phil 98 for doing this Anthony G Ronnie D Jacob benos uh J Perez and wolves 55 you all me members excuse me of the boy green coffee club and here it is here is the big reveal baby here it is now available for all of you to use it is eomg that's how you do it or hit the Emoji and here it is the grand reveal here is my mother M O M baby thank you to snowball for the custom emoji uh is super imposing my mother's face she's uh for those who don't know I'm really proud of my mom she's done a lot uh in my life and and boy let me tell you something real quick I know we're running out of time cuz I got to run to the radio station but I just have to tell you military wife W moms you know uh my father spent 20 years in the United States Navy and uh he he was on he was out to see a lot USS Baltimore USS Georgia you know USS Tennessee where he was gone for eight nine months at a time you know uh serving our country and my mother was serving our household and without my mother it doesn't work so moms don't get enough love military moms don't get anywhere near enough love for everything they have to do they have to play the role of father they have to play the role of mother they have to play judge jury and executioner and uh I would not be where I am today without my beautiful mother and in in her recent days she's gotten into powerlifting and things of that nature where she is a fitness Guru so I love that she can be immortalized forever uh with this Emoji this Imam and welld deserved we've got a lot of wonderful people uh on this program uh that have been unlocked and emojiz and whatever the word is but my mother is very deserving of this honor and she's been supporting the show since day one so uh God bless my mother and thank you and shout out to all the moms out there we celebrate moms you know like on Mother's Days and things of that nature um all the time but it's not enough you know like one day a year of saying like um you know uh you know happy Mother's Day it's not enough we should be doing happy Mother's dayss again to everybody so shout out to my beautiful mother who is now unlocked forever as an emoji and shout out to all the awesome moms out there okay with all that being said everybody that's going to wrap up the show for all the wonderful people that first off contributed to making this possible thank you we have 600 people in the room like the video Hit subscribe I appreciate that so number one thank each and every one of you that unlock memberships people that have become members you may be joining this coffee club and going what the hell's going on here well you get a loyalty badge by your name number one you get that you get access to all the emojis to use during the show which are all custom shout out to snowball for making all of those possible you get access to our Discord Channel which is where the party continues well after uh 7:30 in the morning and uh you could just support the show and help us take us to another level and boy this thing is absolutely exploded this offseason in a way I never anticipated and this is going to be an awesome amazing season there's just no other way to put it and I I wouldn't rather do it with anyone else so guys thank you for your support we love you I'm going to grab all this computer gear because I'm going to be back on with Jake asmin today because we continue our weekly conversations on both his channel and my channel we'll see what other kind of uh you know uh hutzpah and and things that'll be happening later today on the show it should be a doozy that always a lot of fun again thank you everybody that gifted memberships shout out to greeny who is the reason I'm even in this chair right now he was my inspiration to do this uh so many years ago to so shout out to greeny that is a pinnacle moment in my career getting a chance to talk to Greenie thanks everybody we'll see you in a couple hours for Jake asmin God bless and football is back baby let's freaking go what a show what a show another historic show uh in the freaking books let's end on one of these I [Applause]

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