Boy Green Daily: Reacting to DJ Reed's Comments on Jets Contract, What's Next?

Published: Jun 23, 2024 Duration: 00:47:11 Category: Sports

Trending searches: dj reed
we got a new setup here baby boy Green Daily has entered a new era and I'm glad that you're here with us we need to react to DJ Reed's latest comments on his Jet's contract situation and what's next Let's Roll zo it is unequivocally the Super Bowl for New York Jet fans field Gates baby field gastar let's bring him on the show come on people Conor Rogers is Joy the show what's up Conor but Trevor gastar Sia baby for me personally my favorite New York Jet of all time wow it's great to be on what an intro that was right there Paul you nobody does an intro like you man Paul you you give the best intro of literally any podcast that I'm I've ever I'm going to lose my gosh darn Bas hey what's popping everybody Paul Asen Jr AKA boy green I'm the New York Jets digital reporter for welcome to boy Green Daily I said a new era for those who listen to the show it probably sounds exactly the same as it did before so nothing really changed from an audio perspective but what changed is the VIS visual baby we got a brand new office set up in a different location it's phenomenal I hope you enjoy all the views and all the wonderful things I have here all the Jets memorabilia some interesting items we could get into uh perhaps at a different time and yes I see that I was indeed late to my own show that's uh that's kind of weird fashionably late to my own program yes that is a little bit weird and uh you guys will understand I'm sure soon enough both with the location and of course uh with our subject matter today I wanted to make sure that you guys could hear exactly what I wanted you to hear and that is this uh the topic of conversation on today's show is regarding DJ Reed the New York Jets cornerback and I feel like we've all kind of reached a point I don't know the best way to say it but perhaps we've all kind of reached a point here where we've just accepted the fact that DJ Reid is going to be somewhere else next year that he's just going to play out his three-year deal and then he's just going to be a free agent and it kind of just is what it is that's what I feel like a lot of us have just kind of accepted and like I said that's kind of sad because DJ Reed has been spectacular he's an easy guy to root for he's been easily one of the best Jets free agent acquisitions we've ever had in the team history now on one side of the coin that's not saying much because the list is short but on the other side of the coin it speaks to just how special DJ Reed has been here through his first two years with the New York Jets and he's an exciting player and one that I'm happy uh is a member of this team and and willing and able uh to represent so uh the reason why excuse me I was late to my own show is I wanted to make sure that we had the audio now and the video for those that are watching so what we plan to do here over the coming weeks of course react to any latest Jets news that comes in we do have a column about this DJ Reed subject matter uh down in the YouTube description down below if you'd like to read some additional details on this but one of the things uh that DJ re did before they broke for this gap before we get to Camp which by the way we're a month away from Jets training camp first practice a baby so uh let's get a proper one of these [Applause] baby one month until training camp so mark your calendars appropriately baby but one of the things that happened before we broke on this massive gap before we reach a training camp is DJ Reed spoke to the media and I clipped together several of his answers and you'll hear the questions that are involved in there too and why I think that we should maybe think twice about DJ Reed playing his three years out and then just leaving so why don't we do this before we go any further let's roll the footage this is DJ Reed several Q&A back back and forth talking about his contract situation the ball being in the Jets court and uh why he chose not to hold out during voluntary OTAs or M or Mand mini camp despite the fact he's in the last year of his deal let's roll did you have any talk to J at all about um with the Jets this offseason about the potential to get a new contract anything like that Conor going to ask them questions you going ask them questions um no man it's just been Chill Vibes so you know I signed a three-year deal so you know I expect to play three years here and going into free agency so yeah but you know I do love New York you know I love playing here love the coaches love the organization you know Wy took care of me last time um and yeah I love my teammates so you hoping something gets done before uh quite honestly uh you know the ball is in you know the Jets Court like like I said I love being here um but I'm not really stressing about it like like you said I'm here here um I'm going to be here in training camp um I signed a three-year deal here so I expect to play my three years out and then just go from there there's a lot of people DJ that are in your position final year of a contract that pulled out for a new deal don't come to OTAs don't come to mini camp you're here what does that say about you and and why did you decide to show up well Connor you know every situation is different you know what I mean like you know some guys that aren't here you know they probably feel like they should you know know have a contract regarding you know every situation is different quite honestly like I said for me personally financially I'm doing well um my family is doing well and you know I love football so like I chose to be here that's my decision you know everybody has different decisions different ways they want to move about you know guys feel that you know they should be making x amount of money despite the contract they signed um and you know that's justifiable so you know every situation is different every situation is different and I wanted to make sure we included the back end of that answer because he said when DJ Reed was explaining his own decision on why he didn't hold out uh from uh you know OTAs or mandatory mini camp he said he loves football he's in a great financial position he's not begging on uh the streets for loose change for his family his family's doing okay and he's just as NC says DJ just happy with life he's very happy where things are he's an exceptional football player he's taking care of financially his family's taken care of so he's good he's all good but I want to include that back into the answer because some people may may have interpreted that as a shot when he said you know I'm good financially and you know I love football so I wanted to make sure that no one thought that that was a shot at Hassan re because that's not what he was doing he said every Situation's different and every man's got to uh do his own thing but specifically on DJ Reid this is a guy that universally among the fan base at least in the majority that I've heard from fans have accepted the fact that DJ Reed is gone after this year oh well yes he's gone the contract talks by the way have been non-existent between the team RIT seini confirmed that and said that they have not spoken DJ Reed confirmed that himself that they have not discussed uh any part of a contract also during you should watch the whole interview he talks about how badly he wants to win a Super Bowl here for Jet fans and he gave a shout out to Jet fans and said he and he wants to be here the ball is in the Jets Court of course if they want to retain him and keep him but hey he's going to play out the deal that he signed and by the way DJ re uh has proven to be like I said one of the best free agent acquisition Acquisitions in team history and it seemed at first some people were giving the Jets crap they're like a three years 33 million for DJ Reid and it went from some people thinking an initial overpay to a steel of all steals DJ Reed has played like a top 10 Corner in football uh during his only two years of the Jets it feels longer but he's only played his two years with the Jets and during that span of time time he has recorded two interceptions two Force fumbles 21 pass deflections and he's been available he's started in 32 out of 34 possible games the only two games he missed were this past season due to the concussion protocol which obviously is more strict than it's ever been in the past but outside of that he's been healthy he's been available he's been a leader he's been a guy that is easy to root for he's got a great story about being a forgotten about you know fifth round draft choice out of Kansas State goes to San Francisco they're like ah you're too short you're too small they cut him when he gets injured picked up by Seattle kind of Curry some interest like oh okay what's going on with him comes to the Jets get paid 33 million and all of a sudden booya now he is set to get a significant pay raise and and for good reason his $ 11 million annual salary which is what he's being paid at right now is number 13 in the NFL among the highest paid Corners according to over the cap so he is due for a large pay raise and while a lot of us have accepted the fact that he's just probably gone and hey quantz stigers time and all these other Corners uh that the Jets are are set to potentially let hit freey Brandon Eckles DJ Reed Michael Carter II you could go on and on down the list that maybe we should think twice maybe we should be like oh wait a second here DJ Reed's a great person it's hard in free agency because there are so many free agent busts the nature of the business of free agency is you overpay guys um by virtue whether they're good bad or anything right like NC says it beautifully DJ's the anti- traine Johnson think about this trumaine Johnson signed a $72 million contract DJ read signed a $33 million deal now it wasn't as many years but the point remains man there is always going to be those trumaine Johnson out the trumaine Johnson's out there that you bring in and they suck but DJ re is a perfect Locker room guy he immediately took s under his wing and helped him out he also gave him the number one Jersey remember that's what DJ Reed was when he first came here boy I would try to do everything in my power to find a way to keep him I I don't think we should just shrug our shoulders and say ah well we enjoyed that three-year run we got a great value because he immediately returned the favor in terms of the contractual situation we should find a way man we should find a way this is arguably it may not be arguably may just be it just may be a matter of fact that this is the best Trio of Corners in the National Football League with sasna First Team all proo the first two years he's the first corner to do it in the modern era to be that guy First Team all proo in his first two seasons DJ Reed's been a top 10 Corner according to PFF and allytics look at that however you'd like it Michael Carter II has been arguably the best slot guy and if not the best he's top three that's the backbone of this defense people say the defensive line the defensive Line's pretty important but those units have been spectacular so again I just I just want to I I just want to say out loud that we love DJ Reid and I I'll speak for myself but DJ Reid is spectacular and he deserves to be here he's a great player really great player great person even more importantly and man he is a key cog in this machine he is a great representative of the New York Jets he's a great representative of this organization and uh I am proud as a Jet fan to have him representing the team those are the kinds of guys you want to Rally around and he is that guy so I love how he explained Woody Johnson taking care of him before in his mindset and his contract and of course he wants to get paid every player wants to get paid but he's like you know what I'm cool I signed the deal I'll be a man of my word and I I'll live out through the contract and it's just uh how can you not respect that so again I hope uh that they find a way and there you go we just have a former teammate that just he just tweeted in our boy let me go go to Twitter I just got a retweet on the DJ Reed clip I just sent out there into the universe our boy Philly will our former jet safety said he will be an allpro this year I love it I'll give him the quick repost retweet on that he's right I hope D J is an allo it's hard for two corners to be first team allpro or second team allpro whatever he just said all pro so it could be first or second team but it's hard for two corners on the same team to be an allpro but I I just I just know because we've talked about it before it wasn't a full show dedicated to it we've opened up the phone lines before and we were like ah well obviously DJ Reed's going to be gone Quant stickers moves up and we just kind of like I said accepted it but I I I want us to whoa like let's take a step back and think about this before we let a really good player and person out of the building and just move on I'm excited about Quant diers as much as the next guy he's been an exciting story we had Jo Epstein on the show to talk about it phenomenal he he checks off a lot of boxes he's a great guy to root for and his time will come inevitably he's got to work his way up he's got to earn his keep he's got to earn his place in this National Football League DJ re is already earned his keep in the National Football League a Pros Pro and he's not just a good person he's a good player too th that combination is rare and to let that walk out of the building with well well I guess that's going to happen I don't know man I would double check and I get it because there's going to be push back from a lot of the fans and say Paul you can't pay everybody I know I know but Jet fans have not had this first world problem like ever so we don't know we don't know like oh boy we got to pay like 20 guys at the same time that's a first world problem that we are now dealing with here but I just Advocate to fellow Jet fans I advocate uh to um the organization to please consider this before we just let him walk out the door wow okay let's get some commentary here is this Tanda better than Rivas and karti you'd have to compare production and things of that nature revas is so good SAS is really good too and cromar had at least and I know this because um I just did this for the Nick shine show that cromar had at least three picks in all of his years with the Jets and then one year he had four picks so wildly productive and I love karti so maybe not to that level yet but but pretty gosh darn good it's pretty gosh darn good uh tinstar says you can't pay everyone and we have core players who need to be kept you don't have to pay all the core players next year so I'm going to be honest uh I push back on that we do have the core players to pay no doubt I I love the core 4 and we have to do that but you can split it all up you don't have to pay just because all core 4 are open next year doesn't mean you have to pay them all at the same time can split it up that's Joe Douglas's job man you got to manage the cap and try to find ways to pay people so 10 star what I say to this is okay uh pay the pay them over a course of a couple of years explain the plan be very transparent say okay we're going to pay this guy then this guy then this guy and if you set it up appropriately pay two of the core four next year maybe pay one of the core four and then pay another one the following year because resols on a four-year deal so you probably have to pay him either this upcoming offseason the offseason after that one of the two you could jump on one of the guys like SAS Gardner because that contract is very simple because he's the highest paid corner in football so just making the highest paid corner in football next year and he's taken care of before the number gets any higher that would be a really reasonable thing to do so SAU is probably the first one I pay because just easy there's no there's no real negotiating happening boom highest paid corner in football done next check off and let's go so sauce is one I'd pay next year Breeze is one you could get on top of that but they probably want to maximize the value of if we're being honest and they'll get him another cheap year in 2025 and then they can figure out franchise tag or give them that like three-year deal Jonathan Taylor got they keep him inside like the top three top four highest paid running backs in football and then you could go from there so that's uh that's kind of my take but I just push back on ah like we all just say ah well everyone can't get paid like okay everyone can't get paid but you can make decisions you can figure it out man like let's according to both ritam and DJ they' talked zero about contract so they don't even know what he wants zero idea now I'm not saying he's going to sign for the same gash darn thing but come on man let's roll uh David ask what sauce is g to average per year going to be the highest right now in football is hovering around 21 mil that's around a Jer Alexander no it's not 30 no no it's not 30 um he's not going to reset the market by $9 million I uh I don't think so my gut probably says so right now the highest pay is 21 mil you still got PS2 coming up and a couple other Corners so maybe they reset it before SAU is eligible which again he's not even eligible until next offseason my gut would be somewhere in the 23 to 25 million per year range it's above the market creates a new line cassu is unique but I I don't think it gets to 30 23 25 and then maybe a little higher if it kind of comes up a little bit more like if PS2 comes in at let's say 22 and this this this and a couple of guys Edge I think 23 to 25 is the number per year million uh for sasar I do believe all right also this is a heated subject matter and also I showed up late so uh let me open up the phone lines here and also continue to react to your comments again a full story on the DJ re situation is in the comment section below so feel free to join in absolutely H boy and I just love DJ Reed man I just can't say enough he is just such a fun guy to root for Vi link to join the show there we go that is now available in the comment section if You' like to join the show that is how you do so just being in a relatively quiet place and you should pop up on my green screen that is the pinned comment on YouTube feel free to hop in and share your thoughts on this subject the new studio feel free or quite frankly any Gast darn questions you guys may have so feel free to do so again if you're watching on heavy on Jets or Twitter we appreciate that but you'll be on boygreen25 to be able to call into the show all right let's jump onto the phone Lin let's go to our resident Oz here on the program what's up Ed morning Paul how's the wife and kid excellent thank you very much for asking how's the driving uh I'm with a new company oh congratulations okay nice so not good oh not good oh oh jeez I was making $2 an hour more plus overtime this place is only uh is $2 less no overtime and I wasn't given a choice oh I was just about to say you should have you should have Hassan RI it should have held out hold for more money your agent and everything that's that's that's what you should have done yeah wasn't my choice buddy it wasn't my choice I was coming up on getting my medical benefits so cut me loose a week before I was supposed to get medical benefits they Thomas jonesed you we just talked about that on the show yesterday what the hell man yep it h it happens I told my new boss what happened and he goes oh those guys are [ __ ] at least he's on your side yeah oh yeah well everyone knows that this company is they pay good because they have to oh well anyway it's not about me okay um talking about the New York football Jets damn straight and um I I heard I just came into the show about five minutes ago I just heard you starting to talk about some of the uh contract negotiations going on have you heard anything about reic yet uh ZIP and pip uh quite frankly so far so I I I don't know if that's good news or bad news yet but again we are a month away today from the first practice in training camp for the New York Jet report day was a month from yesterday which is the 23rd of July 24th of July is the first practice so nothing yet on that front I have two feelings on that okay if Hassan's Ric's people talk to Joe and try to negotiate in good faith okay that's fine but if they want to play hardball and be real jerks just let him sit out the season and make nothing we y I mean we own his rights we don't own him I'm sorry a person yeah no I no I understand what you're saying and no and to your point with the how the CBA is built now the the teams hold the power in these you know reic can Yip if he's going to be a you know like a you know he could Yip about it and complain and say this that or the other thing but again ultimately the Jets hold the cards if they really want to get down to nitty-gritty they think like reic again to your point is negotiating a bad fate or things are getting a little Saucy like okay play out the deal man we we're pulling back and saying hey man take the deal that is on the table or or not and we'll roll on without you yeah the other thing I wanted to mention was I read an art well I saw an article that I read on YouTube and it was saying that will McDonald if he turns around and well they don't have to turn around if he progresses so we might be able to not even have to worry about reic that's a that's another good point because again hopefully which I think is maybe how the Jets are thinking of it why they don't want to give an ACS and give reic a deal is because if reick blows up and then walks away and goes get paid somewhere else we get a comp pick in the future these starting pass rushers are Germaine Johnson Will McDonald if everything aligns properly they in 2025 and I think that's how the Jets would prefer it quite frankly yeah so you think they're going to sign sauce make him number one paid right and he deserves off season think he will be the highest paid corner in football I think that's an easy negotiation yes so because he's a first rounder we're not even allowed to [ __ ] throw him a bone this year even if we wanted to is that what I understand for the CBA not even just the first round thing so it's first round seventh round any round that they're drafted they have to be three years in of service time before they can negotiate so yeah he's only two years in so him Germaine Greece Garrett any of the even Max Mitchell anyone in that draft class Michael Clemens wouldn't matter none of those guys can even talk to the Jets about a deal or anything of that nature until next year they can't even begin to hold out because they're not allowed to even talk kind of exactly right yeah so it is what it is the the day they're eligible it's funny how this works is actually the end of the regular season so technically the Jets win the playoffs they could do something then I guess because they're eligible as soon as the uh regular season ends and the playoffs begin uh or if you're in the playoffs or not in the playoffs I guess it doesn't really matter that is when they're eligible to discuss all right man just just bear with me unless you need to go to somebody else I'm just backing up I was at this job site last week and we were taking the top soil out and now we're went from another place and we're bringing like the packing dirt in oh okay yeah no worries I'll actually while you're backing up I'll come back to you uh EAS I'm going to jump over to some other callers here uh we got Bobby here on the show what's up Bobby hey how you doing uh boy green how you feeling I'm doing excellent Bobby it's to see place of your house yes yes so I shifted around I've been working on there's actually some new lighting and stuff coming in too so it'll look a little different here soon but nice oh thank you I appreciate it thanks man yeah you all clumped in the yellow room I I was now I got these kind of like these uh these twin tower lord of rings thing happening here with all this action and different stuff and all this action so it looks nice yeah yeah I went to bed early last night because the other stayed up to like 1:30 in the morning oh wow okay oh that night was horrible oh W what happened I went I I wanted to put a like a back screen on my streamyard sure yeah it turned out that I was live so Nick had to call me that night and says everybody's Wai for you to go live and I said okay I'll go live Sarah from um Australia was on that was nice oh from downand yeah down yeah you know her met her I have not met her I've not had the pleasure no you met Craig yet Craig I have not met yet no no yeah he's a nice guy then I took off Nick had a show on they would talk about me uh my show how I put too many I agree with it I think I put too many people on my show I one want at one time yeah yeah the one time I was on there was 10 so I was like whoa that was that was a 10 pack I was like wow a lot of action going on there yeah I know I'm crazy that's okay I respect it keep it down to like four or five at a time yeah you know just because you know it's impossible to kind of moderate everybody because like everyone's talking so all the voices are on top of each other so it can it could be tough but I appreciate the party-like Vibes that are happening on the Bobby midnight Channel though I respect it yeah yeah then you get more viewing time on the other end yeah sure I didn't think about it like that but yeah yeah because if you have 10 people in the chat you're not going to have anybody viewing it well I get well that's another good point I guess I didn't think about that out to me up and smell the coffee yeah there you go but it's nice to you uh yeah that guy better wake up I think he should uh come train the camp he better show up I hope so yeah and let's go Oilers tonight right yeah there you go game seven of the Stanley Cup Final baby or or I'm for the Oilers one of my interns at my radio station is a big Oilers fan so I'm rooting for him I don't like the PS no okay there you go they've never won a Stanley Cup and now screw it hopefully they don't those bastards good yeah I don't like them Ranger fan and is they took out the Rangers yeah I got you yeah that's right okay you beig I like the Bruins too I told you that okay there you go yeah yeah because I moved up here my friend's a big Brewing from we used to get drunk I was young used to get drunk at his house all the time yeah all right so I let you have other people nice talking to you Paul yeah good seeing you Bobby and everyone go check out the Bobby woodruft program no no doubt about it all right let's keep going here nyjets here on the program what's up pal Paul you want you want me to follow Bobby it's a tough task uh there's no question about that tough task Paul congrats on your new setup you look more more you you look less ghostlike let's say that less ghost I appreciate that yeah more lighting to come so that's yeah I appreciate that too uh more lighting to come so that should be here today so hoping for some better action but I appreciate that yeah Bobby Bobby's got to watch that broadcasting cough coming on he he you know when you when you have an international stream yeah and you're on at like 3:00 am that can catch up to you I think yeah that's right yeah I think sound of like some bronchitis action Happ there I'm not really sure what's happening there but yes Bobby go get checked out by your local medical professional yes okay Paul on the Jets yes DJ Reid is all of the above that you stated um he's a great guy he's a great yeah me too more than I hear him con the the one Connor tried to get him and he he gave a very seasoned answer about um you know if you showing up for training camp and you know what do you I thought they asked him what do you think about players not showing up or something to that effect Connor asked that question that was that was the final one so I think what Connor was trying to do I don't know if Connor did it on purpose but he was trying to say hey what does it say that you were here he didn't mention hisan reic by name but it was kind of like a hey like you know you're here he's not well yeah what a dick but like thankfully DJ re did a very good job of circling it all around and saying yeah this is my reasons Bang bang bang but hey man you know every man's got their own thing exactly he I mean if he wasn't such a professional and that kind of could have caught him up you know asking the question that way he could have said something to criticize Ric right but uh Paul I I think I don't know the man but he seems like he may be the kind of guy that would not want to be the highest paid player you know he might take a bit of a want say a discount but maybe just you know not the top of the market yeah that'd be nice because again it seems like they from their interviews I've heard like team building stuff that uh they take a lot of pride in the fact that they're this great cornerback Trio and they team mentality the defense and everything else I think you may be on to something and even during that again we didn't we didn't have time to play like the full uh you know whatever however long that presser was but like he crowned not that s probably needed it but he crowned SAU as the you know best corner in football and said he loves having him in the room and that he's not jealous or anything because another question of that nature kind of came up like wow SAS gets all the headlines and you don't thoughts like he could have easily gone off on a tangent on that and he didn't so yeah fingers crossed hoping you're right because he could still get a significant pay raise and still not be in the top five highest paid corners and the Jets could handle their business and figure everything out so yeah you're right there could be something there yeah um also winning winning is everything so there may be unfinished business if we say we make a run and we can't complete that or maybe if we do complete it maybe he'd want to come back R it back right you know so like you said he's the kind of guy that and teammate you want to keep on your team and you know definitely a professional person and player so uh let me just say that and I'll let other callers come on Paul I appreciate your time Paul thanks all right you too yeah again I get and I'm seeing a lot of comments here on social media because I tweeted out that clip that we played the Buffalo Jet fan it's business and there's a lot of people that are saying hey man it is what it is you just have toh let it write out as uh as they are and uh we will see what happens yeah a lot of people are just uh going in that direction on social media but again I want try to figure out a way to keep him I don't just want to accept I refuse to accept the fact even though it's not my money but I refuse to accept the fact just like I guess he's gone like what the hell let's fight for this guy this guy is good people and you want good people on your team if I'm building a roster DJ is someone I want on that roster and I want to figure it out and if it's impossible fine if DJ Reed also wants to be the highest paid corner okay then it's probably impossible to keep sasar or highest paid corner eventually and the DJ Reed highest to second highest B that's probably not realistic from roster construction standpoint but if there's a reasonable place to find I want to find it all right uh let's go to the phone lines back there we got a Tio Uncle VR here joining us on the show what's up brother up you're on mute pal yep there you go you got it sorry that sorry about that no that's okay um good morning and uh you know I'm I'm dragging so I'm not gonna be too long I I think that uh you know the best part of your new setup is I feel like I'm drinking coffee across from you uh yeah that's right shout out to the coffee Club in the in the chat and um you know uh Bobby the reason why there's like so many people that want to call in is because everybody loves Bobby right I mean like everybody wants to be a part of that like you know that whole like Extravaganza locker room you know kind of situation but I did mention to Bobby once if he's listening still okay that that maybe he should invest in like a bell or a horn or something that you know when when he wants to hear a point or he wants to make a point he should like kind of call in and say all right you know like something you know I see what you're say get everyone's attention you know what I mean instead of all the cross talk so you know it's something I brought up to him before maybe he can invest in something or you know like a soundboard or something to that nature smart idea I like that but the the cutest thing about your setup uh Paul is is the video that you show of your kid helping you out pushing the pushing the that was like the most uh adorbs thing that I've seen like all weekend so actually I know some people may not follow me on Instagram which is where so shout out to my fiance for that so let me see if I could pull this up but yeah so people got a sneak peek of the fact that uh I was having a new setup when this happened okay here it is I'm going to throw it up on the screen for you guys for all our people that are watching this my Instagram booy green5 that's my daughter right there and she's she's pushing along go good job D and and it's hard to hear sometimes but she's doing a little grunty on watch too going she trying to like shove that big tower thing but she got a real kick out of that which was super cool so thanks for shouting that out to you I love that that that's so awesome you know and thank you for sharing that you know sharing your your your personal stuff with us is always you know very heartwarming for me because I'm a family man as well the final thing I wanted to mention uh I haven't even talk Jets but the final the final thing I wanted to mention is I got this bad boy in look at that I'll bring it up yeah yeah please do look at that folks that is the boy green coffee mug which again there's two ceramic or the camping which that appears to be the camping if you prefer that yeah that's the C yeah that's the camping one um I I have a lot of the ceramic ones so that uh I needed something like this so thank you for providing that in your store and it's awesome man you know like coffee club for life you know what I mean and I hear there's so you know we might as well talk about it a little bit here too on top of of course anything else you want to discuss uh is the fact of the matter that uh well we we've got a little shind dig with each other I've never met you before so I'm so looking forward to that for jets Patriots and we're working on merch behind the scenes were a cool shirt idea I'm actually I have a phone call about that tomorrow about some of the logos and artist I'm using to try to put something together for that so oh yeah baby again J Patriots week three shirts in the M yeah there's a lot of things happening behind the scenes I know we haven't talked about it a lot yet because I don't want to give it to you guys before it's all official and I and I could guide you guys in all the right places but there's a lot of things happening behind the scenes which I'm excited about so Jets Patriots is 100% happening I'm going to be there my old man's going to be there Woody's going to be there there's going to be Nick shine you're going to be there so many people are going to be there and again there are a lot of juicy details to come on shirts and all kinds of cool stuff you guys can all celebrate and hang out with us at the tailgate and everything else that's cooking so I'm excited man I'm yeah definitely you know uh check out the information here you know boy green will have it on his show every day here 7:30 and also his three o'clock show he'll talk about that if you haven't caught our show uh with Nick shine uh Sunday Shenanigans I'm dragging because of that because we went a little late last night um and uh I'll also talk about it on uh the 411 on New York Sports on Friday at 6 PM you know uh because Johnny boy will also be there and you know pretty much a lot of the people that tune into that will will also be there for the Thursday night and it's just gonna be an absolute blast and um definitely is going to be uh you know an honor and a pleasure to meet you uh Paul and I can't wait uh it's gonna be it's gonna be bananas like how you it's damn straight and tia will have to get you here eventually on the boy Green Daily program like you're here now but we got to have you on as a guest here in the near future Nick shine's coming on I had to double check my schedule over here on the side he comes on on Wednesday because okay we should have new information tomorrow after boy green Daily's over so obviously I won't be able to share that officially until Wednesday although I guess I could talk a little bit about it on The Woody Show on Tuesday at 3:00 but yeah Nick shy will be coming on to talk about more details that are supposed to be finalized over the next 24 hours or so so I'm looking forward to that too but we'll get have to get you on as a guest too that'd be a lot of fun I'd be honored that'd be great you know you guys always talk and and have the the best information here that's why everyone Tunes in about the Jets The Insider information the the interviews that are just popping like no other so I definitely have to be on this show and you know I'd be honored uh to to be on it just let me know and I'm there all right beautiful we'll make that happen thanks for calling in Tio all right you have a great day take care and take care everybody and again cheers again all of the coffee club and I will be honest most of the mugs people have gotten have not been the ceramic they've been the Camping World uh or Camping World like the Camping World Bowl the camping mugs that are like metal I believe is uh I I don't drink coffee which is kind of ironic for coffee club and I don't drink coffee I guess eventually I should probably try it at the very least uh but most of the people that have gotten all the mugs off the boy green shop which at link is always in the YouTube description for boy Green Daily uh is uh the metal ones the camping mugs are the ones that most people have gotten they've taken pictures and sent to me which by the way I appreciate so guys if you end up getting anything for the shop by the way it means the world if you do uh you can be a part of the boy green coffee club by of course subscribing to the YouTube channel so feel free uh to do that we appreciate it uh that's a cup of coffee every month and then additionally if you guys buy any merch off the shop just tag me on social media I will show you my love and attention I'd love to see you with it drinking it wearing it anything which I've had before as well so make sure you guys send that over on social media and again easy I'm at boygreen25 everywere so tag me on the Instagram the Facebook the YouTube the Twitter all of it which we appreciate again in closing here uh the the only thing I really uh says try it Paul you'll hate it uh yeah I I love that uh which is great and tea I hate tea and I'm from down south and I've had a lot of tea it's disgusting hot tea cold tea any kind of tea uh tastes disgusting but that's neither here nor there I guess I'm very picky uh but I just want to reiterate to say that again um uh DJ Reid is somebody that I am proud to have on the team I get it's a business I get all the pieces of the puzzle that go together here but I want to find a way to try to retain them if we can and Harvey shout out to you brother I hear you're going to be there for the Jets Patriots game congrats on the tickets from the Jake asmin show there's a very moving video awesome for you pal can't wait to meet you in person um and we will make that happen um but yeah like I said in closing I just want to reiterate the fact DJ re is an awesome human being he's an awesome player and he's a great representative for us Jet fans I just don't think we should so easily brush him aside and throw him out into the streets because someone's gonna pay him let's make that perfectly clear if the Jets don't pay him someone else absolutely will and he will be as Connor Hughes said multiple times both on social media and in video form uh that uh DJ Reed's going to get the bag from somebody who will immediately be one of the top free agents available but before we sign off let's go back to EZ uh here on the show to wrap us up what's up EZ welcome back oh thanks man I had one more point to make please I wish that the NFL would do this one thing and I think this one thing would help teams keep their cores together okay if they would exempt the quarterback and one player on defense from the salary cap within reason yeah no no I hear what you're saying I'm sure the teams would probably be for that because of their own benefit of taking off if they have a good quarterback if they don't they won't be so like the teams that don't have good quarterbacks want the more like uh who's a good example like the Dallas Cowboys for instance like Dak Prescott's kind of $59 million against the cap the coww would love to wipe that away quote unquote and have that hidden plus take off a Defender M Parson say immediately give him the bag and wipe him off but I think others in that division are like yeah Cowboys you pay him $59 million and restrict your own cap so that would probably be a complicated thing for teams because certain teams would be for it certain teams would be against it but I like the creativity I just I just think it would be a better way to te keep the continuity of teams together remember you know I'm an older guy so I can remember when the Mets you knew every year Bud harlson would be a shortstop and and uh Wayne Garrett would be at third and Tom Siver would be the pitcher and Jerry Grody was the catcher every year you knew that and you knew that namoth was the quarterback and it was just a lot more continuity and you keep your team together it was more fun as a fan that's a pre-f free agency era that you're talking about and that blew up for the Dallas Cowboys there in the mid 90s fry introduced and then their teams off these Super Bowl teams were picked away like vultures on a dead body and all of a sudden things have changed dramatically over the LA last 30 years basically yeah that's what's caused a lot of these general managers to become more like an iic because you gota you know the money is is is more part of the team so it it's it's just sucks else to say it it does I mean I would hate to have to lose d DJ Reed because of you know 15 million over the salary cap or or something silly like that and we could recoup a lot of the money if one guy on offense and one guy on defense could be Exempted yeah 100% I agree it would be awesome we'll see if uh we could get that to the Commissioner's Office easy I'll try to do my part I mean I think it would help the teams and the fan base in that kind of respect I love it thanks thanks for calling back in all right byebye all right we'll see you and I want to answer a couple more of these questions before we get out of here so David says please please pay QB Tua $50 million David let me give you a spoiler alert he's getting much more than $50 million if Trevor Lawrence got 55 million a year two is getting 60 I I I mean come on man Trevor Lawrence has won one playoff game and that was the Chargers chargering they had like a 24 to six lead or something crazy in the first half and they blew they blew it more so than the Jaguars taking it so he's getting I 50 at least like 56 57 million year he's got to be higher than Tua if I'm Tua I'm going in there and saying okay the conversation starts at Trevor that's not where it's ending that's where it's starting I'm getting more than that bastard so two is getting the bag it's going to be easily 56 57 58 Dak might be the first $60 million guy but still like he's getting the bag so don't worry about that and jerb brings up the perfect point to counter EZ's thing right of like I said some teams would be for that thing where you wipe away the quarterback from the cap and and a Defender like Houston is a great Advantage they've got this amazing rookie quarterback on a rookie contract they're able to pay all these other guys like denil Hunter Stefon Diggs go through the list of guys that they gave the bag to uh to lure them over or pay their own guys n Collin's getting a big deal like they are all about the current situation because they haven't advantage over Mahomes they have an advantage over any team that's paying their quarterback they have an advantage over Trevor Lawrence who's paying 55 million per year for Trevor Lawrence but C the Stroud's making peanuts relatively speaking so yeah Houston would not be four it but I think there would be more teams not four it than four because how many franchise quarterbacks are there in the NFL this is a fun game to play I looked at this recently um so it's just it's a of the elite of the elite of the elite quarterbacks it's very few and so they you know the the 1% is the ones that have all these Elite quers rest League like no we're not going to give you a pass to pay for your quarterback hell no so ultimately I think that'd be rejected but like I said I appreciate the creative chatter well everybody thanks for tuning in I know it's a little late hope you guys appreciate the new setup again I'll be probably randomly here during the summer telling me about some of the cool stuff that's up here uh I'm a book Freak so we got all kinds of books over here over my left shoulder got to get used to that plus a Rex Ryan book light there play like you mean it I love that book book my shout out to my grandfather up there in the top right hand corner of the screen over my left shoulder that's why I'm a Jets fan to shout out to my grandfather my little baby there my dad's up there and Captain jet he gave me that cool that is a hat right there that is a hat that goes on my head and its little holsters there's so many cool things I'm looking forward to sharing with you guys and love it thanks everybody for tuning in we'll be back live tomorrow morning at 7:30 this time 7:30 I promise and of course will be on tomorrow afternoon as well at 3:00 thanks everybody for tuning in God bless and uh we'll see you next time take care and make sure you guys like the video Hit subscribe on YouTube before you get out see

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