FINAL EPISODE Of "In the Huddle": Full Jets 2024 Schedule Prediction and More

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 01:37:21 Category: Sports

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are here we have made it the final episode of in the Huddle all 53 man rosters will be be finalized in really less than 24 hours now as they will be in by 400 p.m. tomorrow the Jets have made a few Cuts not not too to not too many surprising ones what is the Jets season going to look like offensive player of the year defensive player of the year what is their record going to look like how far are they going to make it like I said it is the final episode of in the Huddle and we are live j e j j j let's go Jets wide receiver Wesley Walker Wesley how you doing today ESPN Rider Mr Rich seini Jets reporter for the Athletics Mr Zack rosenblat Hall of Famer and jets Legend Mr Marty Lions your host Conor la oh welcome in everyone we are here and we have made it to the end of the series of in the huddle with boy green and Connor Bittersweet moment this is going to be our last episode of the show however we will still be making appearances on each other's show which is a great thing but boy green how you doing tonight I'm gonna be honest I I love the new open uh and not not the new open the intro is the same but for people that are kind of tuning in beforehand I get like a college football Vibe Syracuse football here locally is back this week and I was just ready to like go team like yes let's go let's rock and roll so that jet X Playbook action oh boy I'm fired up I'm ready to to callson place let's get in the Huddle let's get the marker board out all right we're going to run one of these a cover zero this and man I was fired up man yeah yeah absolutely and you know cut down day all rosters are finalized by 4M tomorrow there you know there are some so there are some surprising names that fans should definitely keep their eyes on before we get into our our scheduled predictions and everything for the year who are those surprising names obviously we saw Izzy aananda show flashes if Fric reports their other their names on the defensive line that could possibly be um in Jeopardy and then also there are a lot of names to look out for that are vested veterans so they could go directly to the practice squad without having to clear waivers some of which include Sam mavin J Hansen Anthony ferer and many more so who who who could you view and possibly be like all right this guy could be a surprising cut yeah I I'll give you a surprising make to start it off right off the top and that's that name you just said I think Sam mavin makes it man I've been kind of coming through the linebackers I put out a 53 man roster prediction this morning and uh when I'm like man who's somebody that we're not thinking of cuz that happens every year we're like whoa who the hell is this Tony Adams was that if you think about him in his first journey when he makes it as an undrafted re agent caught a lot of his off guard because the coaching staff didn't talk a lot about him and one of the reasons they didn't is so they could potentially if he didn't make the 53 they could sneak him through and play roster gymnastics but they said quote unquote I remember that salid presser after cutdown day which they'll speak again after cutdown day he he said the coaching staff would have been quote sick if they lost Tony Adams through that process um so I think Sam mavin's a guy he's a veteran he's not a rookie that Tony Adams was a couple years ago he's sneaky I know everyone says Chad zat I think maybe Sam mavin is linebacker five excuse me as a surprising make in terms of surprising cut again I think the uh it's the end of the road for Jason brownley that's going to make a lot of people sad he was a fun store in Hard Knocks last year two undrafted free agents making the team and Xavier Gibson and Jason brownley brownley just been far too inconsistent man the the flashes are fun that crazy Adam schfer tweeted highlight from last year was cool but again there's just been far too many inconsistencies so he's a surprise guy who doesn't make the cut I think Sam mavin is a surprise guy that could make the cut yeah yeah so they're all like you mentioned a lot of interesting names obviously Izzy's another one fan should keep their eyes on because obviously had that great game but the major question is are the Jets going to want to carry four running backs but boy green we have a very special question in the chat from someone very important in the Jets organization actually he actually negotiated the contract for someone who's on the Jets roster that is no other than Scott Campbell Cole Laval's agent coming in on my chat what do you guys think about Cole Laval before before we get any further Scott I saw you call in on the Jake asmin show where you voiced your opinion and everything if you want to call in and talk to us it's the pin comment in both of our chats if you want to come in talk all things Jets Co lav whatever you like but boy green I'll let you take it away first with lav yeah I gave my as I mentioned earlier I put my 53 man roster prediction out there for as the New York Jets digital reporter for the heavy brand and I had colal making it this morning but I will be honest I've seen 50 I I made a raw draft of what I believe the 53 man is and it wasn't posted in an article yet and then I said you know what let me compare it uh to RIT Sania VN Zack rosenblad of the athletic Rivard your teammate for jets X Factor those were three of the ones I looked at after coming up with my own so I wrote a 53 and said let me look at everybody else to see if I had any obvious myths that I wasn't paying attention to and a theme I saw on the others was they did not have kival making it to me I think he's a guy that's making it quite frankly and I know I'm in a minority apparently according to a lot of these other people that are doing it and I think every year we get a surprise a name that people just aren't familiar with and the thing is is that the reason why people aren't familiar with Cole laal is because he's just doing his job man uh is just plugging away he has played guard exclusively at the quote unquote semi-professional level with the UFL and XFL before he's been playing guard although he has a um a history at all five offensive line positions for the New York Jets or uh for in his football career both college and uh again this professional world not named NFL he has had a history at all five positions but for the Jets he's been playing guard pretty exclusively and that's where Cole Laval told me I did an interview with him uh you know moments after he signed shortly after he signed and he said guard is where he feels most Comfort comfortable because that's where he's gotten the most reps the Jets lack interior offensive line depth I think they're fine at tackle on the interior there's questions you like the starters Simpsons Simpson ABT and Joe Chipman are all fine schwitzer is a fine guy on top of that but you need more depth than that I think Cole laal can provide it he should make this roster and I saw some tweets earlier I retweeted it from some UFL sources uh that believe that he is going to either make the roster or be one of the first guys that inks a deal on the practice squad so I hope he makes it this is his first whack at the NFL level he's bounced around a little bit in a variety of other mediums and I'm glad he got this chance I thought he made the most of it kicking a lot of ass in the preseason excuse my guatam Allen and uh join practices yeah absolutely obviously Laval went undrafted in 20 in 2020 I believe it was no 2021 it was out of Hawaii where he then you know has he's played exper at a very high level in UFL he made all UFL teams several several times I I definitely think it helps tremendously that he has experience playing at all five positions like you mentioned we've seen him at guard we saw him take a couple snaps at Center actually during the Jets final preseason game I think the major thing that it really boils down to is for the Jets nine or nine or 10 I think that's what it comes down to and then obviously injuries are they're going to carry Newman I I think the final spots are really up between Newman lava and Hansen I think those are what the last three spots kind last two excuse me or one boiled down to personally I I did not have Laval making my roster but I could definitely see a way where he sneaks on 1,00% and if not I think he's getting signed to a practice squad right away I think he's either going to be on the Jets practice squad or he's going to be on some active roster this year I don't think there's any sitting around for a player player like Lal he's been one of the highest graded offensive lineman for the Jets but I think it really comes down to what are the Jets looking for are they looking for more experience at the NFL level in which you get someone like Jake Hanson who's a vested veteran or Xavier Newman who also has some EXP experience playing there like I said I think it really come boils down to what do the Jets think out of with their talent at the offensive line position but Laval is definitely a name to keep an eye on yeah the only thing I want to add is I you know you said it's nine or 10 and I agree that's the debate to be had I hope the debate is over very quickly they should keep 10 they need as much depth as possible um I will die on that Hill that the Jets Absol we can argue which are which are the 10 that's fine we can have healthy debates you mentioned it Carter Warren Max Mitchells kaval Jak Hansen Xavier Newman's we can all debate and get in the Octagon roll up our sleeves and go no it's Xavier Newman no it's go no Corner W Max Mitchell like we could get all crazy and hoopla if we want to but where we shouldn't debate is how many it should be 10 no matter what and I hope the Jets invest in that Joe Douglas regretted it last year and uh you know insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results keep 10 guys on the absolute 53 man roster and add a few more to the practice squad if they clear waivers for some of those guys that's what I would Advocate now now BG what happens if you know reic does the unthinkable he reports before the season starts which I don't see happening at all but let's say he does that obviously Bren McGregor stood out Leonard Taylor who I think will pop be the Jets fifth defensive tackle on the roster I think he will make the team could you see maybe something where the Jets choose nine offensive linemen and then roll with 11 defensive linemen because they really like like McGregor and Taylor and T McKinley everyone on that line could you see the Jets doing something like that sure there's always a chance for a roster flexibility and you get a chance to say hey I think I we again it's kind of a game and it's your resources it's your knowledge to say who can we sneak through and do those things again remember last year the Jets cut Thomas morstead we lost our minds for 10 minutes like what in God's green earth is this dumb team doing and then Thomas tweeted out like everything's fine and basically they had a gentleman's agreement that it's all going to work out he he knows he's coming back the Jets tell him he's coming back even though as we saw with Assan Rea handshake agreements don't always work out beautifully but in that particular case a handshake agreement was all gravy baby and they ended up working it out so sure is that possible yes but if Hassan reic does report before week one I believe a minivan is going to pull up to one Jets drive and put a bag over the head of 6'6 260 lb 267b defensive lineman BR McGregor and he's going to go inside the van and they're going to try to kidnap him and put him on the practice squad uh I believe right now I think he's a 53 man roster guy but if redic shows up he's the first guy knocked off which is always important that every team has to get to an initial 53 by four o'clock tomorrow but the initial 53 ain't necessarily going to be the final 53 because we have the waiver wire period and everyone must submit their waivers by noon tomorrow so by 4:00 we should know a lot of the waivers that are coming so it's almost even less uh than the 24 hours so those waivers have to come in and then it's going to kind of spin around for the next day yes Scot comes back in here I think the I think that the Jets will be making calls around the league for one of those bubble offensive linemen they are definitely stacked at all position could you see the Jets doing something especially given you know they because they they have a lot of bubble offensive lineman between Newman Laval glacer Hansen everyone really a lot of a lot of players are on the bubble four out of the possible nine or 10 they're carrying are on the bubble some might even consider Max Mitchell on the bubble so it's like could you see the Jets doing something or they're just like all right we're going to ride with our guys if we don't if we don't get them on our roster we're going to throw them on the practice squad yeah I mean I heard Eric edol I did a piece about it on heavy earlier today he floated out that he believes Max Mitchell could be traded uh that he is again to your point one of those bubble guys and if they want to the Jets want to maximize if they decide okay we would cut Max Mitchell so instead of cutting him and losing him for nothing let's flip him to somebody for a six seventh round pick a player for player swap whatever we can get and try to see if we could do it that way so um I I'll be Jake asmin spoiler alert I'll reveal this to everybody Jake aen will be joining me tomorrow morning on boy Green Daily and that's one of the themes of our conversation will be some of the guys that potentially could get flipped at the back end of this roster reacting to whatever happens overnight here potentially of any other Cuts coming in so sure uh they could flip and the Jets to be honest even if they were comfortable with the 10 offensive lineman that they pick uh they wouldn't be doing their homework if they were just complacent and just said ah now this group's good we don't care who anyone else Cuts it's not going to matter they wouldn't be doing their jobs if they didn't do their due diligence on the subject matter and evaluating a variety of positions quite frankly but to Scott Campbell's Point here this Jets roster is rig and loaded and it's going to be very difficult for guys outside this building to make this roster absolutely everyone smash that like button make sure you've liked the the stream on both channels of course boy greens at boy green 25 and then make sure you head over to my channel hit subscribe like the button same hit the like button do the same for boy Green's Channel my channel is NY flight jetto boy green boy green2 really appreciate a couple more questions here before we get into the main topic of the day which will be breaking down Jets record offensive player of the year defensive player of the year what Jet fan should really expect out of this Jets team in 2024 Damien coming in are we fed up with the reic soap opera if he turns up will he be a distraction boy green take it away no if he turns up the distraction is is over I I don't think there's a distraction as is I thought Tom pelis did a really nice job about it no one and I this going to come off insulting but like no one knows who the hell he is he showed up on April 1 to do an introductory press conference and none of the Chet players were there yet they didn't report for another three weeks so he he's met none of his teammates outside of maybe some random virtual texting or something of that nature so the majority I I could feel safe saying he hasn't met the majority of his teammates so no distraction whatsoever people don't know him um and he's just removed from the situation the Jets have been playing you know without him so are are we fed up I mean Dam feels like a rhetorical question Farley you have to answer are you sick with it and I would imagine by the frizzing of your question you are sick of it me what I rather not be talking about that on August 26 sure I would not want to talk about one of our best players on the team uh holding out and and a a storyline ahead of jets 49ers which by the way is two weeks from tonight yes would I would I prefer not to be talking about that yes but no I'm not fed up with it yet I will never be fed up with it um where people say ah let's just give up on the guy that's not my DNA I'm never going to do it especially for a guy that's talented and if he turns up again it will not be a distraction if he turns up it'll be Hallelujah you know the an an angel will get his wings his or her wings if he shows up absolutely not a distraction if he shows up it means a hold out is technically over and now it's a hold in Andor he's showing up because it's over like ah my people and the Jets have worked it out let's go puts on the Jets helmet and let's go crazy and win a Super Bowl so no uh not a distraction whatso I don't think it's it's a distraction now now could it be week one Jets get no pressure on Brock py is it a distraction because Hassan reic tweets out like one of these his shoulder strug Emoji in the middle of the Monday Night Football game bo boy yeah all the sudden uh Flames are stoked so there's a chance but to me right now it isn't and if he shows up that that would make it less of a distraction because in theory he'd be reporting with the team now what happens if he did the option where it's like all right my people have worked it out with the Jets I'm ready to put the helmet on let's go Jets obviously I mean we're two weeks away now from the from the Jets pre first first opening game against the San Francisco 49ers obviously doesn't know his teammates does not know the coaching staff does not have a Playbook is he playing week one or if he if he is what does his role look like yeah to me uh I would ease him in because obviously such an important player it's a marathon not a Sprint it's 17 games across 18 weeks plus the playoffs if the Jets are so fortunate and lucky and humble enough to reach uh that stage um I would have him as a third down pass rusher and the good thing about Hassan reck in my opinion as opposed to let's say Trent Williams right so he's holding out from 49ers land is he needs chemistry with his other offensive line teammates there's a you need to get in football shape and those kind of things now you have the football shape thing with with reick but like rdic is a hired mercenary his job is to be a heat seeking missile that hits the quarterback that's the job now I I'm not trying to oversimplify a defensive ends role because I there's there's run gaps and there's uh occasional coverage plays and then you have to call lines and line shifts and this and that or the other and we can get into the morass about all that but the point is is that overall if you send him in on third Downs yeah you see the guy with the different color jersey than you sack him okay Coach all right all of a sudden he can provide 1520 snaps week one without even blinking about it so the good news is is that it's not a quarterback right he has to come in and learn the offensive Playbook he has to learn the defensive playbook no doubt but you can slow him in you could slowly integrate him into the team uh by giving him an assigned role and saying go do it so even if he shows up anywhere here in the next two weeks I think it is realistic that he could step in and have a third down package and then slowly methodically work his way back I do yeah absolutely and Mike Clay of ESPN actually put out his his statistical uh predictions for for sack leaders this season and despite reic not even having having not reported yet he had them listed with 11 sacks that would make it five consecutive Seasons with over double digit sacks do you think that targets reasonable and when do you think you know is a reasonable timetable obviously for reic to return you know personally I could see him doing something where this drags into the season if he doesn't report by week 11 the Jets have his rights I could see him where he reports in week 11 or week 10 just so the like he just plays out the rest of the year and then the Jets don't have his rights for next season yeah I while I uh you know I enjoy when we have conversations Connor and you may be here and I may be there and then we find a way to uh kind of get through things to me I think if that happens Hassan reck and his agent are idiots because team in their right mind would pay a compromise to reic so let's say to your point it shows up week 10 week 11 whatever I I know what you're saying enough to toll enough for the season to count and let's go to freeny next year who in their right mind would pay reic for having I'm making it up six and a half sacks in a seven game span and woo I'm I'm hit free agency I'm 30 years old and I turn 31 in September which would be the following years when I'm but he's 29 now turns 30 in September but next year he would be 30 already turning 31 coming off a season where he played a handful of games but just enough for it to count and say all right give me that big money I've been looking for big money big money he's playing whammy no whammy no whammy stop you know for old Hassan reic to me he'd be an idiot because no team would pay him that and they'd be like oh gez what happened and they're like well you just blew your chance at getting big money as opposed to if he shows up somewhere in the next two weeks and he dominates which by the way you say 11 sacks I say that's a modest number of what he could get to I think he could blow well past that with this scheme the toal around him being in leads with Aaron Rogers oh boy I think Assan reick has a chance to have a 15 plus sack season uh with the New York Jets I think he has a chance to raise eyebrows turn heads and stick things up people's candy asses so to speak excuse my Guatemalan once again uh so yeah I think he has all the potential in the world to make all of those things happen but again if he showed up at that point and I get why he would again your your reasoning makes sense for if he's just trying to get through the season because he wouldn't want the Jets to control him going forward but he would blow the entire Mission which is to get the bag and if he wants to maximize that his best chance just sucking up saying God I hate you Jets and just let the hate flow through him the entire season and just on every sack he can flip the bird to Joe Douglas in the in the Press Box if he wants to and just rack up the sacks baby and then we both shake hands and he goes his own separate ways next offseason after we won the Super Bowl that's the ideal world for everybody and ultimately it behooves be both parties uh to get into the same bed and figure this thing out and uh both Jets and reic being on the same page for 2024 yeah absolutely I you know I I I agree with you there and yeah his career high in sacks was 16 I believe in 2022 he finished fourth in Defensive Player of the Year voting that year he did that with the Eagles no one says he can't do that with the Jets know I think he I think he's going to have a very successful year if he shows up they know number one thing is getting him in Floren Park and it's like it's in like a gridlock stalemate type situation now because it's like Jets have made it clear they're not paying reic till he shows up and reick has made it clear he's not showing up until he gets paid so it's like it's a complete gridlock situation which just makes absolute chaos but a couple more questions before we get into the main topic of today and see coming with the new kickoff rules I think we should keep codrington he could change field position I'll go for first here on this one you know my I I'm very high on codrington I think he's shown enough to make the roster it's a lot of it depends is if they place a player like Isaiah Oliver or JBC jerck Bernard Converse on the injured reserve to start the year because it's a little it's a little crazy to carry seven quarterbacks to start the year but you know they've done it with they did it with ir Charles for a few games last year Where They Carried extra wide receivers for a player like IR Charles if it really boils down to codrington or Charles I'd say codrington I mean he's so electrifying when he has the ball on his hands you know it I I think kick return is a way more electrifying SL important position than Gunner yes Gunner is really important but the Jets have depth there they have a player like Brendan Eckles who has experienced there they have a player like Isaiah Oliver who has plenty of experience there and quite frankly Quant sters could also play there as well you could also say the same about the kick return position but codrington is just such an electrifying player with the ball on his hands I mean he is so elusive the way he could you know just change the field and everything he could do I mean you can't take your eye off the field when Brandon codington has the ball in his hands what do you got there in codrington um I'm gonna say we should probably wait to make Brandon codrington's bust in Canton Ohio uh I'm sorry to the Future Devin Hester that Brandon codrington obviously is it's a little prisoner of the moment he had a wonderful 63 yard kick return against the Panthers he didn't get a chance to have a kick return against the Giants no one on the team did because everyone just the Giants just side we're going to boot every ball through the back of the end zone and krton will have no opportunity uh to return we did get some action on punts um I just don't think there's enough of a sample size quite frankly it'll be up to the Jets it's going to be on the things we can't see so we can all get 53 man roster predictions and give or takes but 90% of a lot of the action is stuff we never get to see media gets an opportunity to see insert am am of practice it's what Brandon codrington it's Integrity I used to talk about it all the time in Taekwondo there are times when my instructor in the front of the room is watching me go through my moves and if I know he's watching me I could give 100% effort and then if I know that he's working with someone else and looking away if I wanted to I could give LAX effort go I could save a little energy he he has no idea I can see in my peripheral he has no idea but Integrity is doing the right things no matter who's watching so I'm kicking ass you know patuki I'm kicking patuki when he's watching I'm kicking patuki when he's not and I just have my own standards so for codrington and how we're kind of operating here I don't know what he's doing when everyone is watching or not watching so if he's been impressing then we're going to get a surprise relatively speaking and he makes the roster maybe in Irv Charles or something doesn't because you want that Return Man so NC I appreciate the thought I appreciate the question uh he has shown an ability in limited sample size to change field position um but we'll see because obviously they have zavier Gibson back there they have Malachi Corley they have Isaiah Davis they have a list of guys that they really like is codrington enough as an exclusive special teamer again I don't know how they feel about him as a straight nickel backup um to Michael Carter II that would be another Factor if they believe he could be a direct backup to him that's an important position as well maybe changes his Fate on the roster but I just say hey whoa whoa whoa whoa you know just kind of rained in there Sally like I said for my daughter one of the things I'm teaching her she just listens to things I do or say and she tries to copy it one thing is the Family Guy Peter Griffin whoa whoa whoa and she does that to me every once in a while on the kri and stuff whoa let's see what happens I'm not quite ready again to uh get his induction speech ready for the Pro Football Hall of Fame the thing is if you place him on waivers though and the Jets expect him to get him on back on the practice squad that's complet it's like you you cannot like rely on that because he if they place a player like codrington on waivers he is going to get picked up so fast and in terms of the the nickel in terms of the nickel Corner thing I'm a big fan of his return game but Brandon codrington is not a serviceable serviceable backup at nickel corner I mean we we saw I mean in the Giants game he jump he lined up off sides for one play and then he had a holding penalty like that's not serviceable in the NFL especially playing against the third team Giants so it's it's again it's a special teams only something similar to what the Jets did with ir Charles last year and the possibility of what they'll do with Earth Charles this year but boy Gren you ready to get in the main topic today predicting the New York Jets 2024 season yes sir let's go so we're gonna start off we're g to start off with this what do you think the Jets record will be and where do you think they will finish in the AFC East I believe the Jets are going to win the AFC East for the first time since 2002 uh the most wins the Jets have ever had in a single season is 1998 they had 12 wins in that season that's the only year in their entire team history that they've ever had 12 wins in a season I believe they top that as well now you could put the asterisk to say well they have more games to do it now than they ever had that is true with 17 games over the last couple of years but still so put your asterisk if you want on it I have the Jets being 13 and four this season I think this team is loaded I think the roster loaded I think Aaron Rogers is going to play at a top 10 quarterback level and you pair that with everything else that's on this team the Jets are going to win the afcs they're going to have a home playoff game for the first time since 2002 and I think the Jets are going to have a path to the Super Bowl okay yeah and who do those you said they you mentioned the Jets winning 13 games who are those losses coming who do the Jets lose to well as I promised Rich Eisen one of them obviously has to be uh the Arizona Cardinals um uh which is uh which is funny uh as like uh what's the word for it well joke Trap game I do think I'm going to be honest I'm really high on the card year um but yeah I'm really high on the Cardinals this year uh another loss again do the Jets go six and0 in the AFC East that would be difficult I don't know the last time they've did that if they've ever done that in their history so there's got to be a split in there somewhere is the split with Miami let's throw it there as a possibility so that's got to be one of the losses we're already halfway there uh in terms of losses and then the big boy games if you're going to cherry pick the losses boy you want some of them in the NFC and luckily the Jets have a couple of those at the end of the season I'm going to give the Rams another one an exciting offense I'm curious again the defense with know Aaron Donal will be a big question but you could put l number three there and then you sprinkle in trying to find the final one it could be uh in this particular case God I hope it's not this team but I will say it because for some reason it speaks to me in my gut Jacksonville and I hope not because I think Trevor Lawrence and gold El locks is totally overrated and he bothers me to a great deal um but yeah I'll go Jacksonville so those are the four losses a little NFC sprinkling and a surprise loss because again every once in a while the Jets kind of get you know wo we're phenomenal oh boom you get sucker punched the Jacksonville Jaguars game is a sucker punch at the tail end of the season yeah so I'm kind of similar to you not not as optimistic though I'm very optimistic but not to that degree I have the Jets going 12 and five with their losses I I think they'll split with the bills I think they'll split with the dolphins so that's two loss is there I think they'll lose to the Steelers I think they'll lose to the Texans and then that that last game it's you know it's tough I I say five because I can't predict right now I can't cherry pick what that fifth team is going to look like but like teams win games they're not supposed to win and lose games they're not supposed to lose so it's like I have a feeling it's 12 and five or 11 and six I just can't I have those and then I just I can't predict what the rest are Miami I you know I I I have the Jets I have the Jets winning the first match up and then when they play them in week 18 the Jets are going to lose because the Dolphins are still fighting for a wild card spot playing all their starters and the Jets maybe lay back a little and play Maybe Ty Taylor gets the knot or you know maybe they go too far Adrien Martinez or if Mike White's on the Jets at that time they give Mike White a little revenge tour against the against the Dolphins so that is my that is my prediction San Francisco one's tough but I could definitely see the Jets winning that even with Trent and auk out it's still a tough game like they're still a very solid team overall and chrisan mcaffer the calf thing too we don't know about that and green law and uh what's yeah he's definitely out from the Achilles Hua I think is how you say his name yeah huanga huanga that's how it is he's out as well so Jets definitely as Jake ASO would say quote live dogs in this matchup so I would not rule anything out for the for the Jets in that game in terms of where they'll finish in the playoffs I think it's divisional round or AFC Championship I think I think the main thing for the Jets is going to be to get past the Chiefs and the Ravens I think those are the two teams that are really really tough especially the Chiefs I mean we've seen the Ravens make it far these past two years but have never really been able to get past the Chiefs same with the bills but yep Jets win the division 12 and five make it to the make it hopefully win the divisional round and make it to the AFC Championship and hopefully get a Super Bowl victory but that is my that is my prediction Mo moving on to the Team MVP so anyone on the team this year who do you have being the team's Most Valuable Player this is boring but I like being right it's Aaron Rogers I I mean it's been fun when it's been quinnon it's been fun when it's been Quincy and those are all deserving candidates no question about it but Rogers W the most inspirational for his drive and everything else that inspired the team despite all the public criticism that came with that job if Rogers is half the quarterback we think he's going to be it's going to be one of if not the greatest single Seasons we've ever seen from a Jets quarterback it's a quarterback driven League we get back to the playoffs at a bare minimum God knows what else we do we're going to build a statue for Aaron Rodgers and the first brick on that statue will be Team MVP of the New York Jets yeah you know I I'm staying on the offensive side of the ball there but I'm actually GNA go with Bree Hall Bree Hall had the second most yards from scrimmage at any running back just behind Christian mcaffrey while playing with the worst quarterback in football and 13 different offensive line combinations so you give him with the health healthy Aaron roders with eight time all pro Tyron Smith on the left side obviously Morgan Moses AV Joe titman I mean this this offensive line with Bree Hall we saw what he did like I said 13 different combinations one of the worst offensive lines in the league you give Bree Hall healthy surroundings I mean he has a chance to be the best running back in football I don't care what people say about Chris mcaffrey I mean he Bree Hall is Bree the beast that's all I got to say he is my team MVP but keeping it going with the offensive player of the year I'll go I'll go first year I have Garrett Wilson you know I think Garrett Wilson with a healthier Rogers we saw what he did first player to cross a thousand yards in Jets history over his first two years while playing with six different quarterbacks over that span you look at a you look at a player like Wilson I think he has a legit shot to be have a that Brandon Marshall type 2015 year where he Brandon Marshall set those records I think Garrett Wilson has a chance to break those single season records for receptions yards and touchdowns he is going to have a great year with Aaron Rogers and not those six different quarterbacks I mean we are in for historic season out of Garrett Wilson I agree and the thing I was looking for unfortunately I don't think I'll find it is uh for my offensive play of the year I was literally gonna flip a coin and I'm gonna ask you cter heads or tails Boop and then whatever it landed on it would have been the choice between Bree Hall and Garrett Wilson just as it is in the NFL the offensive player of the year is the most outstanding offensive player that is in a quarterback basically is how that award has been do out the last couple years it's you know it's a toss-up between Bree or Garrett because you said Garrett I'll go Bree but it could be either way uh breea the second most prolific receiving season we've ever seen from a Jets running back in history and that was only his second season and apparently his offensive coordinator because we can't get this one out enough only found out he could catch after week eight so like you know quite frankly that's even more impressive that should go down in the annals of History uh when you put that together but Bree is going to run the ball he's going to catch the ball Garrett is going to catch the ball a lot but he's not running the ball he's not going to be doing those crazy jet sweeps and things that's that will be reserved for other players on the team so Bree a chance for 2,000 allpurpose yards I don't know if we're going to get 2006 Lani and thomlinson when Connor was negative 40 years old but uh I will say you know if we could get some of that action running the football catching the football to The Back Field Bree Hall should Garner a lot of that attention absolutely before we keep in moving we have a new the newest member of the boy green coffee Club Mr Johnny boy has bought a membership so boy green you could you could go ahead and give Johnny the the information as to how we could get into the the Discord I just have to say this is a moment we've been waiting for for a long time because I told I told Johnny like hey man let's let's let's get you to be a member on the show and uh you know he had the phone and then the computer and then like you know YouTube does in all fairness YouTube makes it incredibly difficult if you have an iPhone or an Android all this other Jazz to join so I'm so glad that we got Johnny in he's he is an I I can't say this enough and this is dead serious that he is iconic member of the boy green coffee Club it feels amazing to officially have him as a member punching in his own ticket here uh not being gifted this he's punching it in himself he's an important member I can't wait to meet him in person he's going to be at the Jets Patriots tailgate uh which will be September 19th which is going to be awesome like I said Johnny's got a beautiful family I've Lov being on his shows Jets worldwide wide wide game shows and everything else to 411 uh he's he's just been so gracious with this time supporting a lot of our Jets content creators but speaking for me individually uh this is a awesome membership there's just no other way to put it and perhaps Connor you know someone who was immortalized today with his own emoji on my channel Johnny boy has to be on the list of guys that should be Emoji you know Emoji I was yeah I know I was gonna trying to think of some way like Emoji ores but that doesn't make any sense but right like Emoji to death whatever the word is or what do they how do they call it on the Jake asmin show what is it m Joi or something I'm butchering it I know I'm so sorry Jake asmin as Maniac that listen to this but whatever it is it's that like you know so I can't say enough good things it's it's so terrific and uh it's amazing to have him in yeah absolutely and before we before we keep it going obviously like I mentioned earlier on the show make sure you go over on both channels hit the like button make sure you're subscribed we have 450 people watching so make sure you hit the like subscribe on both channels but before we keep it going we have a five spot from Rick hent boy green I have names do you have names I do you want to I do okay yeah you go ahead oh okay sure I'll do it Oscar the Grouch uh Gotham green 0811 uh Daniel janz Jose aler oliv veros uh NY jetsir 11 uh yeah I think that's it so either way Rick Kent thank you so much that's amazing uh gift these memberships out baby Rick himself has been a terrific member uh to the boy green coffee Club so the Army continues to grow and we're not even at the season yet so uh boy green coffee club and I never answered Connor's question which was with Johnny boy I was just drolling all over him the entire time uh for these for the boy green coffee Club of course you get the Loyalty badge as Rick Kent has here on the screen you unlock all the crazy ass emojis that we've been doing uh and making for a lot of our awesome members that we've been enshrining and of course the link to to the Discord channel uh which is basically the party goes well beyond what we already have so Jared B will be dropping that in shortly if not I'll be dropping it in so anyone that is a member and you're just gifted a membership you also get access to our Discord Channel where again the party goes beyond uh just 7:30 in the morning so shout out to Rick Kent thanks brother absolutely keeping it going we're GNA move over to the defensive player of the year you could go in a lot a lot of different directions here a lot of very talented players on the defense personally I'm rolling with Quincy Williams I mean all pro linebacker he did it last year why can't he do it again another year under his belt I'm rolling with Quincy you could go quinnon you could go in a lot of different directions but BG who do you have Hassan reic baby let's speak it into existence uh I just said he could have this crazy season where he has like 15 sacks he's such an important piece of a puzzle but to your point like if I had 12 coins we could flip them for SAS Gardner getting a bunch of picks this year which I Envision especially with him doing some more tring he could have four or five picks and immediate and instantly be this guy Quincy could be this guy quinnon could be this guy um I mean you just go through the list I'm going to miss people so I feel so bad that's how good and great this unit is quite frankly uh but I will say reic that he shows up like Batman and Gotham and we're like you know the Dark Knight you know the dark is I'm GNA butcher the Aaron Rogers quote right like the dark the night is darkest before the dawn I think that's it and that's the same thing right like you know we're right before the season we're like oh what's going to happen and then like the Hanan reic signal goes out in the sky and he shows up in a cape we're like oh my hero and H reic shows up and he ends up being the defensive MVP so yeah I'll speak it into existence baby Assan reck is going to change the dynamic of this team he is just a nasty pass rusher and Jet fans don't believe me look up his highlight field absolutely keeping it keeping it going this is a this is a more interesting one you could in a lot of different directions here being more unique the Rookie of the Year for the Jets and Scott Campbell put it in the chat and this is who my rookie of the year is quantz stiggers is my Rookie of the Year candidate ol fashion who you could go obviously he's going to be the most likely the backup swing tackle for the Jets this season Malachi Corley but I mean what stigers has shown throughout the preseason his ability to tackle for a def defensive back I'm a big fan of his game and I think fans should expect big things out of him in 2024 yeah there's a lot of great answers here and shout out to Scott for that one of course we're not rooting for injury but um if it were to happen you could understand quantz diers he just looks so ready man and it's uh sometimes you need time to say wow we can't judge a rookie after inert amount of time damn Quant diers just looks like a man he just looks like an NFL player just looks like the Jets nailed it the story is terrific his Drive is terrific the play has been terrific uh he's just excited I'm going to go br Allen man I just feel like there's going to be enough games where the Jets are up by a billion we can only hope I remember that 2008 season where they pistol whipped the Cardinals Brett Favre threw six touchdown passes they blew out the Rams winning like 47 to3 like there was just games where they just flexed their muscles and smacked around inferior teams and the Jets have a few opportunities this season to do that and I don't believe the Jets are going to run Bree Hall into the ground like if it's the fourth quarter and the Jets are up I don't know 10 they're up 14 and they just need to close out a game they're going to call the Kraken and brayan Allen will be lurking somewhere in underneath the bows of MetLife Stadium and he'll have like a Bane mask and they're going to release him off a leash and he's going to run up onto the field and be this monster for the Jets I I think it's going to be uh brilin Allen man I think he is going to be a freak I think he's going to have a wonderful season now does he live up to Tony Richardson longtime NFL player and former jet who said uh you know he believes you're going have two 1,000 yard rushers with Bree Hall and bran Allen that would be pretty crazy that's never happened in Jet's history before but I think Bran's going to be pretty nasty and I think he's going to be in that Rookie of the Year conversation for the Jets I think he's gonna be solid and I you know I I I think he will amount to a great player in the NFL but a name that has flown under the radar based based off of brayan Allen taking all the the credit there is Isaiah Davis like fans fans need to start recognizing Davis what he what he's done I get it is against people who are not going to be employed anymore after after tomorrow but still what he's shown returning kicks punts and just in the offense training camp preseason everything he's looked great so I definitely think he's name to keep an eye but I I stay with my stickers pick I I have a lot of faith in quantz stickers entering 2024 keeping it going move over to the coaching staff who is your coach of the year Nathaniel Hackett uh he will be my coach of the year and you know I don't know if I'm going hacket stand but I did hear some people mention this it might have been Nick shine actually who said he is going to wait for the hacket apology tour because Hackett had Zack Wilson last year it obviously looked awful and we're were like ah Nathaniel hacket sucks and maybe he does because there is some evidence to lead us to believe that he does suck but maybe he was you know logged with Zack Wilson who sucks and now he's going to get a competent quarterback all of a sudden he's going to look great now if Rogers looks great I imagine very few people are going to be like oh hacket unblocked Rogers I'm sure not a lot of people are going to be saying that but boy hack deserves a lot of love if this Jets thing turns around because to be honest look at that from Scott Campbell hack would be up for a head coach job say I don't know about that that not so sure about that Scott but I appreciate the hutzpah um but I do believe that uh hacket is going to he's going to make some noise man and I think that he will Aaron R is there's obviously a lot of credit for it but hacket was involved with Rogers when he won two of those MVPs in Green Bay I don't know man I think there's something to that and let's be honest I was going back through this obviously here it is right here here's a Shameless plug uh the Aaron Rogers book here that's sitting in front of me Ian o Conor is joining me on Thursday by the way happy early birthday Ian o Conor I'm he's starting off his birthday with me on boy Green Daily on God he turned 60 which he told me I'm like wow and he's like there's nothing I'd rather do than start with green I'm like I we'll see after the interview pal but uh in the book I'm reading it was they went through everything like Rogers initial press conference getting tra and everything and Rogers reiterated to um Ian in the book that hacket was such a big piece of him going to the Jets and to me that's super interesting because obviously they hired him well before Rogers ever became available if we hire Arthur Smith I don't know that doesn't make any sense he was a head coach but like whatever random boob do we ever get Rogers does this book with this green tint of Aaron Rogers ever get written I don't know maybe not so while we all like to bash hacket we should probably thank him because uh he's at least part of the reason why Aaron Rogers is here at One jets Drive absolutely I'm gonna go with the you know a different side of the ball I'm going to go with jets defensive line coach Erin white cotton they just extended him this off season the Jets added some names whether it was Javon kin I think he you know I think if if he could if he could develop Leonard Taylor and Leonard Taylor can find his way into the Jets defensive line I think he's you know he's just going to show okay I could develop another player now obviously Solomon Thomas he kind of resurrected his career last year on the defensive line I'm interested to see what he could do with a player like lucky Fu as well so I'm riding with Aaron white cotton but I like the optimism with hacket there you gotta hope hacket could turn his year round but it's I think it's Aaron Rogers offense that's that's his offense is so I'm riding with none other than Jets defensive line coach Aaron white [ __ ] and moving over to some surprises who do you think is going to be the most surprising player on this New York Jets roster in 2024 it's a good question by the way I just want to answer I see hawen here said wait didn't Thomas Jones and sha green have a, yards absolutely they did not Thomas Jones in 2009 had, 1400 yards what an amazing season 14 touchdowns sha Green in that rookie year only had 540 yards and two touchdowns so nowhere close to a, yards and then obviously the following year the Jets jettison Thomas Jones and they moved on to leanian thinon and LT himself nearly had obviously a thousand yards in that season but they rested him in the final game Shan green 766 yards so no there was never uh two, yard guys on the same team but those were fun attacks LT and Shan green were fun Thomas Jones and Shan green were also fun so I just want to make sure when he said that I'm like did I miss something I'm like I'm pretty sure I didn't see that I'm like oh okay okay I was right I was right you we should just assume that boy green is always right like that that's a probably a pretty safe assumption any go ahead and restate your question Conor I'm sorry who do you think is going to be the most surprising player on this New York Jets roster what a great question thank you most surprising of course of and I love you know what you and Rich Eisen have a lot in common obviously uh Connor one of the things Rich loves when he's doing an interview I don't know if anyone's ever noticed it but like I always do if if he's interviewing someone and then he asks a question they go oh great question he's like thanks like like wink yeah I know I'm rising I just think that's a funny thing every time but like no one else ever says anything I'm like oh that's funny um but I would say the most surprising player what a fun question well let me throw this one out there uh it's one of two of these guys uh I will say this because maybe this guy won't be surprising but I'll start off by saying Chuck Clark uh man because again prior to the injury he had a thousand plus consecutive snaps with the Ravens over a three-year period he was terrific but if you're like Paul that doesn't count like we all know he was good before the injury then I'm going to go Ashton DAV because people are going to say okay he he was lucky the ball kept bouncing his way which by the way if it keeps bouncing his way is it luck or is he just uh you know good team study in the right place right time I think Ashton Davis uh if if Michael Carter I second you know gets hurt which again he's hurt right now but it sounds like according to Richman he's going to be back for week one you could play a lot of big nickel with ashon Davis and I think with this with this construct he's going to eat man I've been an ashon Davis fan since his days at Cal I love that guy and uh you know know I still got to get him on the show we uh you know there something happened there we didn't get him on the show he was supposed to be on the show this offseason but that's okay I understand Ashton Davis a busy guy but I forgive him because I'm such a massive Super Fan of Aston Davis I think he's going to be a big surprise man I think he's going to prove that he is a a very vital Cog to this New York Jets machine so Chuck Clark but if you're like PA that one doesn't count I'm like fine here's this answer Ashton Davis so I have two answers to that question yeah I'm gonna I I I think that's a really interesting answer because safety definitely a position where fans get a little a little concerned I'm going to stay with the defensive side of the ball but go with lb3 Mr Jamie and Sherwood there have been a lot of talks about him taking this big jump he's looked great this year I think this is the year where he really elevates this game to the next level we saw CJ help develop Quincy hope he could do the same with jamen Sherwood and also zier Barnes fifth round pick out of Western Michigan I'm going with Jamie and Shan I'm a big fan of his game and it's so funny he's one of the best he's one of the best linebackers on the team in terms of pass coverage so I I really like Sherwood and I think this is the year where he takes a takes a big leap as lb3 keeping it going we're gonna not we're gonna go in a not so great Direction who do you think is the most disappointing player on this New York Jets team oh boy Lazard probably can't count although in all seriousness I think he's gonna I see all the jokes in the comment section but I think he is going to boun back inevitably he has to be better with Aaron Rogers I I don't know how he could be worse um so him for sure oh I'm going to give an answer people are not going to like this one uh I'm just G to say it because like it's the honest truth like Woody is gonna have my my puki he's gonna have my cheeks tomorrow for this it's Jeremy Rucker man he just doesn't have it it's a fun story Long Island guy New York Jets Die Hard fan it's beautiful pull out the smallest violins in the world he can't stay healthy he can't make an impact they're like well he could catch the ball every once in a while they just don't throw it to him maybe they don't throw it to him because they don't want to okay so that's my thing is that I'm just going to be blunt I know people are going to hate that I'm sure the comments are about to light up about it but it's just the uncomfortable truth I have to say the choir part out loud maybe Jeremy Rucker just isn't that good yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna go with another one that might make people cringe I know you might cringe at it than someone else in the chat but Malachi Corley I'm going with Malachi Corley right here that's what I'm going with GE good Lord he's the only wide receiver on the depth chart who I look at and hasn't made a play throughout the preseason like browny had what about that one play with when Co dropped the ball and he grabbed it he broke like 20 tackles what about okay he did that but he out of the wide receivers on the depth chart I think he was one of like for example he was the one who didn't he didn't gain a ton of attention really throughout the pre throughout the preseason and training camp Salah still said he had a long way to go compared to someone like even Scott Campbell agrees with me on that one I I'm happy you agree with me there Scott so here's the thing you look at the wide receivers every one of them made their good they're made their fair share obviously you have the I'm I'm going to start with um I'm gonna start with I'm gonna start with Alan Lazard there he summer of Lazard that's the nickname he garnered he's he's looked he's looked solid throughout through our training camp and the preseason Brandon Smith is like one of the highest uh catch rates I think he's caught F five out of his six targets so far throughout the throughout the preseason you look at Lance McCutchen Aaron Rogers called him out during his media availab what he Irv Charles obviously the Jets are really high in a MC Gunner I think Malachi Corley he hasn't we we haven't he doesn't seem to be the favorite for that kick SL punt return job I think he's the one who's kind of the odd odd man out obviously he's gonna make the roster don't get me wrong and you got to hope for the best out of someone like Lazard but I see something where it's where it's like it definitely takes him a couple years to develop so I'm gonna go with Alan I'm gonna go with Malachi Corley is my most player it's not it's not that I don't think he's gonna be a good player I just think fans expectations are Skyhigh and he's not it's it's going to take him a little while to to live up to those expectations so that is one of the main reasons I have corly but keeping it going who who do you think is going to be the sa who do you think is gonna lead the Jets in sacks in 2024 well I mean if I don't say Hanan R they're goingon to be like damn this is going to be a crazy defense with 15 sacks not leading the group um I'll just say in general the candidates or Hassan reic uh we'll see if quinnon ever gets back to double digit maybe he does maybe he doesn't but with the Edge presence maybe he get some more Ops this year um boy Will McDonald man what is he going to be I'm just so fascinated to see uh he's such a he's such a fascinating case study because I trust the Jets defensive coaching staff immensely so if they see it I'm like I'm about to see it because they've just been right seemingly at every step of the way um but I will again I will reside on Hassan reik I think he has the capabilities of having a 15 plus sack season I think he will lead the team in sacks but like I said the good news is there's going to be a lot of players vying for it I think Germaine's going to be in the conversation um I I think Will McDonald I I don't know if he's quite going to be at that level that'd be kind of crazy but there's just a lot of really talented guys here that can be in the mix and that's good news for the Jets defense yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna go with a with a with a interesting one just because I'm not going to go with rck because of his current holdout and everything I want to see if the season started today re didn't report that I am going to go with someone in the name of Germaine Johnson like you mentioned you mentioned him there obviously was a pro bowl alternate last year he had a great year I think he takes this massive jump in year three of his NFL career I think this is this is the year where he really shows all right I deserve to get paid when my contract expires I'm going with dermaine Johnson I really like him and then obviously you could go in a lot of different directions Michael Clem Michael Clemens you could go with you could go with quinnon Quinn's another interesting one on the inside maybe kinlaw I mean there are a lot of different options Solomon Thomas he wouldn't be the leader but I mean I think he had five and a half sacks last year he did career high yeah yeah five career high five and a half sacks for Solomon Thomas so this is that that definitely an interesting one the last one the last question before we get into your calls don't worry I see we have five callers on the line I will get to all five of you guys don't worry just stay on hold final question who is gonna lead the Jets in interceptions this year I think it's going to be S man um you know I I went through guys although Quincy thinks he's a real going to have this crazy season he said he's been hitting the jugs machine and so is CJ for that matter for a couple of drops over the last couple of years uh they both think that they're going to make this massive jump I'm gonna be honest I think it's SAU uh he had two his rookie year he had none last year and now he's going to be shadowing more I think he's going to have Ops I think people are going to test SAU because first off I don't think they're going to have the luxury to sit back forever go SAU maybe DJ re and they're just holding the ball la la I think they're going to have to make business decisions like go so Lord the pocket's collapsing and then just throw it up throw these like little ducks quack quack quack quack intercepted so like I I think we're going to get a lot more forced opportunities which is going to help out sa and like I said they can't just go to the other side of the field I think he's going to be on H Big Boy uh he's going to have his big boy pants on against some of these big boy wide receivers throughout the season you know uh let's have it in that four five range I mean I'd love like a uh Jordan Whitehead week one Brock party three or four picks D'Angelo Hall style that would be I would lose my freaking crap if somehow that happened but yeah I'll go like four five range sasar I think he leads to team of picks yeah that's you know that's an interesting one I think Garner's definitely up there but I'm gonna go with Tony Adams we saw him get a couple interceptions last year he stepping into that starting safety role alongside Chu Clark he's definitely a name to watch I think he's G to have a great year and be in line for to be one of you know what hopefully a premier safety in this league is you know another homegrown talent for the Jets but I think that's what that's what wraps us up so we have callers on the line before we get into that I'm going to say for one final time make sure you hit the like button and you're subscribed to both channels boy greens of course at boy green2 mine at NY flight Jet we have 518 people watching so make sure every single one of you do so but I'm GNA since we have a lot of callers on the line I'm G to give a lineup in which who's been on hold the longest who we're GNA go to so we're gonna start off with Edward then we're gonna go to Daniel then we're gonna go to Charles Johnny and our closer will be BAC that is GNA be that is gonna be our order for tonight so starting us off we have Edward joining the show what's up Edward hey good evening easy baby how you doing Paulie it's good to see you on the in the night show all right easy after dark I like it okay I know I this kid he's he's another uh you know he's he's a smart kid thank you I hope you're doing your math homework you're goingon to need that too you definitely need to go to broadcast casting school thank you I appreciate that appreciate you definitely you got you got a future here you do thank you I appreciate that uh so uh as far as uh who I think is going to have the league lead I mean the the most interceptions on the team this year I think it's mc2 oh that'd be great interesting one and hopefully no plays get stolen from him think about it you had the chief's interception got taken away by a crappy penalty pick six says easy we've talked about a thousand times they used said come home to Papa when you I know I was in section 103 and he was running right at me with that with that home run ball oh and then all of a that was when uh jfm got that penalty that [ __ ] penalty we'd have been up 17 three of the Patriots Yeah and D I can hear the Chariots of Fire song playing as Michael Carter the second's running to in slow motion I think Michael C going to get the most interceptions this year I love that I like and it's nothing against nothing against sauce sure that's not his game though he's still locked down he's still locked down he's the he's the guy to make sure that no one throws him the football and if he could do that he's the guy he's just as happy to put those long 6 fo8 arm I know he's 6'3 but he's got the arms of a guy who's 6'8 his game he's more than happy to just take the ball and SWAT it away he sometimes doesn't even go to try to catch it he's just as happy to swat it he did that in the Chargers game uh they had a go- go ball to Quenton Johnson I'm like oh my God he's got a pick and he just went ha and I went there was also there was also one though that was really close in the in the Cowboys game I think he jumped the gun too fast he he tried running before he caught the ball that should have been a pick six that was oh God that like I said he is a shutdown cover corner but he is not a ball Hawk that's the only part of the game he's Miss is he's not a ball Hawk he doesn't have that mentality like uh DJ Reed's got that ball Hawking mentality yeah I mean here's the thing no I I you know I completely agree what you're saying there easy but um the thing the thing is s Garner I can't I can't even remember who's the last quarterback to earn earning all a spot on the first team All Pro his first two years in the league yeah yeah that that's yeah no no he's amazing he's he's amazing I'm just saying that ball Hawking is not his goto thing he not proven it to be that's correct yeah um I think he's just as happy keeping guys from getting catches and touchdowns that's his game shutting people down and I'm sure if someone throws a you know a nice little you know softball up to him L sure I'm yeah LOL I'm sure he's gonna grab a lollipop I mean he's got a couple of interceptions it's just that's really not his game his game is making sure that ball is on the ground that's his game yeah which is not too shabby again i' prer Pi but you know what I'll take PDS all day long baby give them to me yeah I'll I'll yeah what is that passes defended yeah yeah yes correct yeah sorry I us saw this lingo yeah PD's passes defended 100% And he had what was that his rookie or had 20 which was like a record-breaking number so 100% nothing wrong with those whatsoever if he could get a hand for lollipops that that'd be great to par it but yeah maybe you guys are right his last year at Cincinnati he only gave up like 39 yards crazy he didn't give up a touchdown in all of college football crazy and the only and then his first year he gave up that one touchdown but that was on a blown coverage nobody and that was a confusion and he was a rookie so I mean uh you know the guy's great let's just face it the guy's great I got like four of his jerseys of all different flavors and now and now I just don't want to buy another Jersey right now I don't buy I don't blame you yeah yeah there's so many buy yeah besides I I think I want to get a um I think I want to get a JJ Jersey a that'd be great that's such a great pick yeah he's I I have a JJ Jersey actually I do he's he's awesome he he is such a good person when you listen to him talk he's everybody on that's the thing Joe Douglas put put together a team of good human beings yeah it's the thing is personally I wouldn't I I kind of regret getting my JJ Jersey just because unfortunately I think he's going to be one of the odd men out when it comes to who's getting paid I think oh no no no no no no no no that's Joe Douglas's baby they're gonna pay all of those draft picks Jo jod D's draft picks those are his babies he's going to try to keep all of them going to try that's the key that's realistically I think they keep two of the four that's what I think happens oh no way there's no way that's too light that's too oh no no no no okay if you had to pick though if you had to pick two out of the four who would you take if you had to I don't want to you forcing me to eat veggies eat I will just say this Conor I get what you're saying who you going to get rid of Wilson you're going to get rid of SAU you're going to get rid of uh JJ you're going to get rid of uh Bree come on that's the core that is the core of the team right there the cap that's the that's why the Jets need to the cap goes up every year every year that cap goes up and when they and when they start uh when they finally bully their way into that 18th game they're going to have to raise uh raise up the roster probably to 60 guys I can I can see them just saying okay we'll we'll lower down the um the practice squad but we got to have 60 guys in the active roster 18 games with guys flying around beating the living crap out of each other that's just not going to fly football has a 100% injury rate everyone who plays gets hurt everyone yeah I would just say again I get the Caps a thing but teams keep their guys all the time uh where they're able to keep their superstars and just figure it out and again is it going to be harder to pay top of the money for Corner wide receiver and pass rusher and all these POS again we have to see if Jermaine makes that next leap uh to superstardom Bree has done it Garrett has a chance to do it or Bree has a chance to do it as well in terms of the actual numbers but I'm telling you I think there's a way they could keep all of them it's just going to it's going to make it even harder on Joe Douglas to make up the value in other places but I think he could keep the guys and they shouldn't use as an excuse not to keep them go ahead well I I have always thought that uh that there should be one offensive and one defensive player on every team that's exempt from the cap there's no reason why your best offensive and best defensive players should even be figured into the chemistry of trying to figure out the math with the money yeah it's I I will say this though in regards to to the draft class before we before we get to our next caller the interesting thing that fan should definitely keep their eye on is Breece Hall that's that's that's what I think F because he doesn't have a fifth year option since he was second round pick he doesn't have a fifth year option so that's last year of his deal correct next year's the last year of his deal compared to compared to Sauce Garrett JJ they have fifth year options Bruce doesn't so that's that's a definitely interesting one but easy I appreciate the call you got final they could still they can still franchise them though can't they of course yeah of course yeah for sure and there's one thing before I go and I told this to uh boy green uh I think what was it two three days ago I think they're going to go heavy 22 package two tight ends two running backs I could I would love to see Bree and brillan in that back field at the same time I think that would be oh my God yeah you have the you're talking thunder and lightning right there exactly the explosiveness with Bree hall and then the power with brillin I mean there's nothing there's nothing better than that you have that package with the play action ability of Aaron roders nobody is going to know what the hell's going on they haven't showed any of that the reason I know they're going to do it in the season is they haven't showed any of it in the preseason that's a sign I like the I like the optimism Edward appreciate the call thanks EAS appreciate take care guys appreciate itk have a good night yep I I I definitely think you know the draft class though like I mentioned I think Bree Hall is the main deciding factor there in terms of what they do just because they have the flexibility with s uh s Garrett and Germaine with those fifth year options compared to Bree but I mean that power thunder and lightning is what it is thunder and lightning so the power back scheme with those two guys is definitely going to be really interesting but keeping it going with your calls we have Daniel joining the show Daniel how you doing hey how's it going everyone doing well Dan o'ri Brother Paul whoa okay this is uh my first time having Dan O'Brien here on the show this is terrific man yeah I just had him over uh last Sunday so that's true yeah I was at his house we're having a nice little shind dig yeah yeah D guy grew up with a friendly connection here I I'm new yeah we went to high school together oh wow and Connor this is the first time he's ever joined one of my shows and of course it's our show we're doing together so this is historic man wow great I I promised him I was gonna join uh this show so I decided to hop on and a famous streamer yeah he's a big time video game streamer I'm not a Jet fan I'm sorry I'm a Giants fan okay I'm sorry to hear that man yeah sorry about the preseason loss the other night pal hey I I'll take uh two Super Bowls for uh touche I will just say this and I don't know if everyone agrees with this but I was the biggest Giants fan of both those Super Bowls hm who gets the Super Bowl Brady or the Giants yeah you know what the Giants that's not too shabby so uh God I appreciate the support I appreciate the support now Dan what is your realistic record prediction before we before we we we keep going the Jets you're talking no the Giants what yeah what are your thoughts on the giant season I'm just hoping they go positive that's my only hope like yeah last last year was just o was not good not good in my I mean I think I think they're in line for possibly a worse year than that you know I don't think me they got some pieces now with M neighbors you know oh yeah he looks pretty good neighbors good I mean obviously he's a he's a great weapon I I personally see them winning from five to seven games I think it's probably six and 11 or seven and 10 that's what it's going to look like for the Giants a lot of it though depends on first off Dan Daniel Jones quality when he's on the field and if he could stay on the field as well and then obviously we saw the Drew lock injury so Tommy cets is the next man up right now so you just gotta I I don't like that yeah I bet you don't but Dan but I I don't know what else you have but I I see this uh we had a message in here from somebody this is from Johnny boy who's a new member to the boy green coffee club we appreciate you can't pull it up since it's in private chat so I can't yeah that's okay so Danny you must tell us a high school story from boy green let's go sorry boy green oh oh boy so Dan see it is there anything to share oh boy I don't even know what's about to happen it's been a while I I can't remember to be honest oh thank goodness great great great that's been like what almost 11 years or so thank you for making me feel old Dan that's true it's somewhere in the a bit it's been a bit from high school so yeah we've known each other for a while that's true it's a 16 years I moved here in 2008 the summer from South Carolina and I met Dan on the bus I saw him I'm like who's that that big tall lanky bastard sitting back there by himself and all of a sudden boom played some 2K and the rest is history so man this again this is the first time Dan has ever called into any one of my shows this is uh this is historic wow Dan I appreciate I appreciate the call and you and you breaking history it's wow I did not expect this I thought you were a Jet fan who's just never support my boy boy green so absolutely love it we really appreciate call yeah thank you for having me on the show of course of course video famous video game stream he does video games like he does all kind of stuff Beyond Sports he has like his own channel it's crazy so video game streamers man oh yeah I'll have to look Daniel O'Brien up on Twitch YouTube whatever it is where the all that stuff where the Gaming's at but keeping it going with your calls we have Charles joining the show how you doing Char who the legend Charles Gorman wow what's up bro nothing much man I just wait I just came off I was waiting after I did a show with Ryan I did a show on my channel as well um what's your channel Charles Charles called Charles Gman what do you uh what's uh what's what's your situation how often are you doing a show on your channel when I'm able to when I feel like I'm in the mood you know what what are they about just Jets or do they go all over the place what I love my hobbies like sports comic books movies video games that type I love the Superman hat that's amazing man yeah speaking of it before before we get into our Jets talk uh if you haven't seen the trailer they're doing a a documentary movie about Christopher Reed the Superman story oh I haven't heard about that I Haven not seen that I know nothing about superheroes or whatever so this is complete G kind of like wrestling you'll learning time man there you go so Charles Charles yeah as for my disappointing player it's definitely not going to be Malachi Corley nor Jeremy rocker I still have faith in both those guys great great but I think you know I have been a bit disappointed with Michael Clemens I know he keeps himself in great shape but he has done more negative than positive and I actually had this conversation with Addison yesterday we and I thought about said you know what we could possibly I could see I'm not saying it's gonna actually happen but I could see him trading him to the Raiders not saying for Devonte Adams but for like an asset in the future I can see him like cutting him and him or I'm not trading him to the Raiders but cutting him and him going to the Raiders I think he'll fit better there because you know the Raiders have a history I being a bunch of Misfits I love the Raiders Vibe though when you see Michael Clemens you get Raiders from him I could see that okay but ask for my MVP of the team sure it's got to be Aaron roders I mean it's got to be Aaron Rodgers I mean this is the guy we I want say put all our money on we put our Stakes on a lot of the times I mean We R we hired Nathaniel Hackett who stunk up the joint with Russell Wilson who's even though he wasn't great with Blake Bortles their rushing attack was pretty solid and of course you know his greatest success came with Aaron Rogers who won two consecutive MVPs because under his system so we brought him in and of course last year was a fe dump surar don't get me started on that but um you know Team MVP Aaron Rogers offensive player the year for this team it's got to be Bree I mean Bree is such a special football player I had him as my MVP well that's interesting yeah yeah and all good oh priest is such you know we haven't had this type of running back in terms of being able to run and catch the football that was used a lot in both elements since Curtis Martin wow I mean Thomas Jones was great too yeah but in terms of being able to run and catch And even Chris Ivory was able to be used in the passing game to some degree but Curtis was able to run and catch the football out of the back field and that's why he's one of the reasons he's in the Hall of Fame and Brea I mean I I said this last year on I think on Ryan show or on Richie show the way he runs down the field kind of reminds me of when I used to watch Eric Dickerson highlights where he would be gliding down the field it's like he's gliding yeah I like that movement that looked very Eric Dickerson like with the goggles and everything I side of my head and year on this team yeah yeah go ahead that's a good question hopefully h r gets his head out of his ass and joins the team uh I would like to see you know what I'm gonna go Germaine Johnson oh great great choice all right I really like this young man he's got a motor he's got I remember when I was watching the 2022 draft so many analysts including um uh Willie mcginness before he got fired saying that he was the most Pro ready pass rusher out of the mall and we didn't get him to like the 26th pick in the draft and his first year even though he was out there for a cup of coffee he show flashes of Brilliance last year he was a dog y he was a big reason why we beat the [ __ ] Eagles excuse my language Conor there was a big reason why we beat the Eagles his virgin ears uh I mean that play he made on on um don't butcher the name g there we go thank you was amazing I mean he caught the ball and he said you're not getting this ball swapped it out of his hands and and the interception he had against the Browns where he like jumped up tipped it and then coralled it and then took it yeah that was oh he's a phenomenal football player he really is Charles can I ask you a question I see underneath your name current Eagle Scout what what what can you tell us about that some I put on on there I think Jake must put I think Jake put it on during your show the other day and it must have stayed there because I remember Jake put it there during his show the other wait so you're not a current Eagle Scout I am an eagle scout yes but that's not what I had under there what do you have under there yeah [Music] what okay we could change it yeah sure okay but before we change it I just want to ask so current Eagle Scout what does that mean what I been a YouTuber since it's played 2023 okay so you're relatively new to the game well welcome to the party um but my family to achieve that rank what is your rank you said what is your rank four person of my family to achieve that rank the other three are my older brother Edward the eagle scout is the rank yes because I don't understand I've never I've never done it before so I'm just kind of curious okay so you're the four oh you're not familiar with the Boy Scouts no no I just like know that boy scouts are a thing but that's all I know I don't know I don't know the evil Scout is a rank yes it's one of the highest honors not the highest honor in the Boy Scout thing how long do you have to be a Boy Scout to get that the after that you can't reach the rank oh I see so it's not an age thing or like uh like you have to put in five like for instance for me your age is 18 the the the oldest you can be is 18 to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout no I see yeah what I was saying is like for instance Taw one a black belt to get your black belt you have to do window for three years so there's a minimum amount of time no matter how good you are if you came in and you're Bruce Lee from day one that doesn't accelerate the process you still have to go through all the ranks to get to black belt so in the Korean art of taekwon doe there's time chunks that you have to wait before you can test for the other degrees I just wasn't sure if uh for Eagle Scout is if you have a lot of Knowledge and Skills can you kind of accelerate that process and get two Eagles you got to do it year by year baby oh wow okay well we're pleased to be in the presence of a current Eagle Scout that's awesome yeah I'm the fourth person of my family to achieve it my older brother Edward made it my uncle bran made it my cousin Robert made it and my brother oh I'm I'm sorry I'm the fourth um yeah the three that's it my bad okay and do you like so forever like you're gonna die an eagle scout like that's that's anber Scout oh that's who is Stephen Spielberg oh what he's said yeah he is he's an eagle scout no BS who else is an eagle scout do you just know some celebrities that are Eagle Scouts who is an eagle scout let's let's do that who's who has anyone who ever played for the Jets been an eagle scout that's a good trick that'd be cool sure I'm not that I'm aware but I do know this I hope to God the Jets make the damn playoffs they're all they all gonna be fired yeah I think McMahon that's right I think it's honestly I think it's more than making the playoffs though like I I think they need to win at least one playoff game if Sal Douglas want to come back next year oh absolutely I don't want to go one and done you Kidd me oh yeah of course not I mean it's like imagine that if the Jets all that hype oh my God they broke the 13 year playoff drop they made it this big game this big game oh my oh my God and then they go out and lose I mean that would be the worst thing ever that would be the worst thing possible I mean we have Super Bowl aspirations here that's that's what this Jets fan Bas but I mean if this team could make it to the AFC Championship I oriz that as a very solid season i i cize as an amazing season solid wow yeah yeah yeah although that we have Super Bowl aspirations if we make it to that AFC Championship game no matter what happens I'm like all right Douglas and Salah need to come back and this was a great year the Jets need achieved exactly what they were looking for but Charles we have a few more callers on the line we appreciate the call you got any final thoughts yeah hope everyone stays healthy and I just know that g got cut God bless that was that was earlier yes and then yes so yeah okay no I don't think there were any new ones since we started the show but Charles appreciate the call yes valade was cut Xavian valid I'll repeat it I start I did it when we started the show xaven valid Al blades Jr um J Jaylen tman and though that's it there only three there weren't quick question were any of those guys Eagle Scouts I don't think so maybe maybe um let's see maybe Jaylen tman was I don't know oh okay great great maybe Jaylen tman was it was an eagle scout former UFL player is who Jaylen tman is but keeping it going with your calls we have Johnny Boy joining the show what's up Johnny what up guys how's everybody doing BG boy green coffee Club member baby day's go I don't know BG what happened but I was it and then I had the Discord but I never read the instructions so I say this what Edward zff was saying School drools don't go it's lame I'm just kidding go to school get straight that's the worst that anybody could ever give you um so I'm coming at you Connor bro Malachi Corley dog I knew Johnny was in the chat somewh I said I didn't see you make a comment but I'm like oh if he's on the phone lines he's about to get the business I'm just gonna sit back go ahead so that dude's gonna score third of the actual year watch wait that you got cut out yeah you cut out say that again so he's going to score number three on San Fran this upcoming first game of the season itself right so not three touchdowns garr's gonna score it Bree is gonna score one and then we're gonna see the oh I see what you're saying I could see some game out of Corley where it's like it's so funny like I one game where it's like he's like he gets he gets one reception and that's a touchdown that's his that's his game it's like one reception for for 12 yards in a touchdown I I could see Malachi Corley having some games like that and I think that would be a good year I think he's he's an interesting Red Zone Target to keep an eye on I I want to see how they utilize him in the Red Zone obviously he's going to be used as a deep threat and then also in those quick RPO slant plays as he is known as the yak king so I'm just curious how he's gonna find his role in the offense that's what I'm that's and and the reason I have him is most disappointing I think he'll him out to a solid player I just think fans expect him to come in and be a wide receiver two wide receiver three in year one and I don't think that's who Malachi gley is so I just as a jack of old trades them dudes are going to use them in a whole bunch of different that's that's what I just said yeah so I I agree with you on that and I think that dude's gonna do but again he's not gonna have a disappointing year man he's going to be that dude now I don't you're right I don't expect him to be wide receiver one wide receiver two or nothing like that at all I expect him to be the wide receiver of the New York Jets baby because I acknowledge Him as our tribal Chief and anyways um going that with that said I'm disappointed in the fact that you said you don't like wrestling yes that is correct don't like superheroes it's tough but up bro it's not that I it's not that I I don't like it I just don't know anything about it and I've never had interest in it it's like if I actually got into it it would be a different story but I've never gotten to wrestling nor superheroes I I I don't know I'm just I'm not a fan of sports you just don't like having fun you're just you're not a guy for fun that's what you're saying you got well yeah I'm a Jet fan so that's you know what this means so when I do this when we're when we're like acknowledge or tribal Chief when I'm if I come on the show and I say Connor acknowledge me what do you say to that uh yeah I acknowledge you master eston close enough baby the tribal Chief I acknowledge you as my tribal Chief BG okay okay was cl I threw an if you could start doing that moving forward I'd appreciate although I guess this is the last show so it's unfortunately a bad time to start a trend or tradition but it's neither here nor there I suppose but yeah if you could do that moving forward I appreciate it yeah I had to come up here and show you guys a love on the last one I mean I hope this is continues down the road or something you guys are awesome together thank you we'll do something like during the year we'll just pop on each other's shows that's what we'll do it won't be scheduled but we'll definitely pop on each other's shows for sure all right and then this hot take quinnon Williams has more interceptions than soft Gardner pick six baby that would be fun you know because we again I think after having only 18 offensive touchdowns last year we're due for just some stupid ones where like again it sometimes happens in Madden where Conor is spiking his PS5 controller where his quarterback he's running around and then the ball just and it pops up and cor is like and he just runs his fat ass fat puki I know I gotta watch my we're we're late night all of a sudden I get a little more free willly I guess when the Gatorade liquids flowing who knows what's happening but uh yeah where you get like a Quinton Williams Refrigerator Perry touchdown or something I agree we're long overdue and I I know that's a reference from negative 50,000 years5 Bears yeah yeah when were you born again what was your year Conor 2011 good night for God's sakes so you know what I mean so uh yeah I think we're due for some silly touchdowns it would be great qu I mean that's that's a take boy that mean SAS unless quinnon is having the most prolific defensive tackle season of all time that's probably not good news for SAS but uh I I like the take yeah just throwing some crazy hot taks out there last show you know you got to do it up for you guys and whatnot but um yeah I look forward to the season man Connor look forward to all your content BG you already well man hey congrats to both of you guys still doing it still killing it and I mean at the end of the day we got to tell all the other there when they go against us bald eagle finder later guys you got it Johnny we we greatly appreciate the call everyone go check out his channels at Jets worldwide on YouTube and to 411 on New York Sports great stuff over there in terms in regards to my Malachi Corley comment like I said I don't think he's going to be a bad player I just think fans have expectations uh no I don't hate him I just I just think they have expectations for him that are sky and it's going to take a little I mean we heard solah right when training camp started he still has a quote long way to go so that is that is coach salah's verdict done quy hey Never Say Never we've seen crazier things in jetland for sure but wrapping it up our final caller of the show Mr bmac joining the show what's up bmac uh Hey guys Conor boy Paul Green yes it is Oral B not I met your cousin earlier or bromac oh man bro bro he was pretty cool bro yeah yeah yeah bromac uh uh uh you know uh he's a little bit annoying with the whole bro you know stuff so you know got apologize for my cousin no like everyone's different you know what I mean everyone's different I I love your whole family B MAAC CAC bromac I can't wait I hope there's a family reunion because I'd love to meet them all so I hope there's more family members to meet this has been great yeah I I got a grandfather too uh GMAC so GMAC oh that makes sense oh wow GAC so you probably gonna meet him you know he's got a nice long Gray beard you know you're gonna me I don't know when I'm going to meet him because like you know in my experience you know the gmax of the world it's too early they're sleeping it's too late they're sleeping so I don't know what time my Show's maybe the Woody 3:00 show I guess is the proper time unless he's taking an afternoon nap but either way we need to figure it out GMAC that that'd be great shout out to the to GMAC one's up yeah yeah um well I called to to uh to get you know to talk about football un likee Ro did this morning course but yeah yeah but football um sure now I do wanna um but first I do wanna this is a Jet's question and then the one thing and then and then the second one is going be a rant of somebody but the first one yeah but let's get to the Jets now I watched the preseason game and I gotta say man like the Jets dline is is loaded you you know I mean yeah with a bunch of studs a bunch of undrafted guys you know they're out there looking like Pro bowos and know against backups and stuff but I think like look I still think aan reic is still GNA put this defense over the top but you know if if not man like like like like a s retic aside this defense is still loaded and with a s reic this defense gets even even scarier so if if you opposing teams we better hope and playay that pray that uh Hanan reic doesn't show up yeah I I will if he does man then yeah I I will say this about reic the way Jets the Jets need to look at it and I think Jet fans and the Jets have done a good job of looking at it hey this is the group we're rolling with right now we have players like Bren McGregor T McKinley who've been showing out throughout camp in the preseason it's like hey we got to view reck as a bonus like we got to feel comfortable with this defense right now and if reic shows up hey that's a bonus but I think the Jets and the Jets fan base really should feel comfortable with this defense entering the 2024 season well I don't know all I'm going to say is the over under on defense lineman they got bro they got professors they got brohams they got BR chips I I mean they got bro stallions I mean they've got a bro overload and when teams on offense are like a boy how we going to deal with all these Bros here's the answer you don't that spoiler alert it's just going to be bro after bro after bro it's going to be a fight and it's going to be body bro and body bro and body bro and they're gonna be taking all these Bros down man it's going to be it's going to be broasting bmax BX before we before we get back into it wants to know what's on TV yeah what's on the oh uh fear of the walking Undead fear of The Walking Dead I've never seen that show is that good yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's on Netflix kind of like The Walking Dead but it's like his own version of it okay cool yeah we got a couple yeah uh uh uh and then my next uh oh I he is Steely gonna make the roster I believe okay okay I I think it's safe to say that he's gonna do that and then um oh I'm going to quick because know you got you you guys got to go but I'm going to quickly get to my rant yeah bro yeah um Daniel Jones man Daniel Jones he sucks ass man like this QB like this only like like it's a shame that that Rogers is sharing a number with this dude like like this dude is a disgrace like like like like like this guy is a onetick pony like like Giants fans really does he even have a trick I was just about to say what's the trick one trick pony what is the one trick fumbling taking sacks you know I mean throwing touchdowns to the other team stumbling on air when he was walking Turf monster yeah going a pick six and pre season to dur stringers really like like like like yeah like I just don't like giant fans did this is your lord and savior this is your king this is the guy that that that don't want to stick up and talk trash for really and I got the ner to talk about the real eight in Green Bay I mean not Green Bay excuse me in New York the real number eight in New York the one that we green but we got this shitty little piece of dirt mean we're number eight like like like like like did D Jones like a scrawny High School kid man like like the dude this Nick scrawny man like I just want to like like like like like he's like a ping Dynamite like I want to take this kid and and shove him in his locker room like this kid is terrible man and one fluke year one fluke year that he fooled and ConEd and ConEd the Giants and give him $40 million $40 million and people got the nerve to talk about Jordan love getting his contract Jordan love is 10 times better than this little punk spawny do you know what I mean so that's all I got to say love you guys Conor boy Paul buing thank you all and good night BAC wow wow wow wow I don't know I don't know what to say in in regards to that Daniel Jones I was a little surprised by the one trick pony there is you know I asked him what is that trick but wow BG what what do you got uh I just I feel bad for my boy Danny Dan o'ri who called in earlier he's a Giants fan he was subject to listen to that I'm so sorry not that it's wrong to be hon Danel Jones does suck but you know he's a Giants fan for Pete's sake what other choice does he have and yeah the uh the money we're talking about remember it's 160 million it's 40 million per year for old DJ there yikes uh yeah that's terrible again I said it back then the Giants should have franchise tagged um Daniel Jones it gave saquon the long-term deal and then this would be a much different conversation sequan you'd have who's your leader and everything else and Daniel Jones you would have been able to cut exit stage left this past off season and then obviously he would have been able to get into all kinds of other quarterback conversations and obviously they didn't so any that was wild but man there's no better way for in the Huddle to end than with some from uh bromac I I mean there was no bromac here but just the remnants of bromac and Johnny Boy and Dan O'Brien call for the first time ever uh wow wow I wasn't even prepared I know you said all the names that were waiting and like it didn't hit me and then when you just popped him on my screen I'm like Dan whoa you're on the show so that caught me off guard that was a fun little surprise I had no idea he was calling in so that's that's awesome absolutely and you're right it's a perfect way to end this end the series we we passed a minute an hour hour and 30 minutes so great way great way to end the show awesome way to end the show with the BM call and all the legendary callers the series has come to an end BG what was your what was your biggest takeaway um that I was uh embraced by greatness that I got a chance to a part of this rising star that's Conor and obviously I knew it before you know I knew it like I'm taking credit like Connor you were always great and you were always gonna be great no matter what but it's cool that like I knew of Conor before he's blown up now on the Rich Eisen show and everything else like because we all just had a feeling in Jets Community like I'm sure I speak for the Jake asmin and Matt O's and Ryan and and everybody because like I know there's been a lot of people that have uh you know tried to help you a little bit with your your success but it's just been cool uh you know it is what it is in my life and this isn't a complaint this is just a it's reality I'm a busy guy now I've got a beautiful fiance I've got a two and a half year old daughter I've got a son coming in November uh I do all my million shows and articles and there's a new project starting on September 1st which I'm excited to tell people about when it when that arrives uh involving with the New York Jets which I'm really excited about but it's just crazy it's crazy busy but I'm glad that we're able to find it day and we worked with each other uh to make this show happen I know you got school you got to get back to your life but uh it was just awesome and I appreciate I know there's a lot of people that enjoy night show content obviously I'm normally a morning guy uh but hopefully people had some laughs and some good times from this because I really enjoyed doing the show and absolutely absolutely and you mentioned school there it was so funny I was I remember I was I was putting it in sending the link to you for today and I was like how could we squeeze one more episode so I did what is a week from today I searched up what is a week from today and it was literally my first day of school so I was like oh my God if it was just one day if it was just if we did the show every Sunday night we would have been able to get get an extra day in but extra episode and excuse me but I mean yeah series was great like we said we'll we'll both be appearing on each other's shows throughout the year but I mean it's been it's been a great time doing doing a show for you guys one final time in the huddle with boy green and Connor signing off thank you guys for watching and as always JS Jets Jets Jets good

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Top 5 Takeaways From Jets Depth Chart Ahead of Commanders Game

Category: Sports

The unofficial depth chart has been released so of course we got to give our super official reactions see who stock is rising and whose stock is falling anybody stay the same who knows only one way to find out boy green me roody zo it is unequivocally the super bowl for new york jet fans field gates... Read more

Boy Green Daily: Reacting to DJ Reed's Comments on Jets Contract, What's Next? thumbnail
Boy Green Daily: Reacting to DJ Reed's Comments on Jets Contract, What's Next?

Category: Sports

We got a new setup here baby boy green daily has entered a new era and i'm glad that you're here with us we need to react to dj reed's latest comments on his jet's contract situation and what's next let's roll zo it is unequivocally the super bowl for new york jet fans field gates baby field gastar... Read more

Boy Green Daily, Hop on Pop: Jets 2024 Final Quarter Schedule Prediction thumbnail
Boy Green Daily, Hop on Pop: Jets 2024 Final Quarter Schedule Prediction

Category: Sports

This has been a fun way to get us through the rest of the summer of these quarter breakdowns of the jet schedule we reach the final plateau here before next week giving playing the win loss game with the new york jets we'll give a final schedule prediction but before we get there we got to dive deep... Read more

Boy Green Daily With ESPN's Greeny: Jets vs. 49ers, Aaron Rodgers, Garrett Wilson Meteoric Rise thumbnail
Boy Green Daily With ESPN's Greeny: Jets vs. 49ers, Aaron Rodgers, Garrett Wilson Meteoric Rise

Category: Sports

I'm going to lose my gas dar bananas boy green daily starts now [music] joint i made it clear that my intention was to play and my intention was to play for the new york jets [music] [applause] [music] you're all right it's time to bring on a special guest an absolute icon a multi-time hall of famer... Read more

Haason Reddick Is Out; Another NY JETS Edge Rusher Can Help Fill The Gap/New York Jets News thumbnail
Haason Reddick Is Out; Another NY JETS Edge Rusher Can Help Fill The Gap/New York Jets News

Category: Sports

With hanan reic not coming the jets have another trick up their sleeve what's up jets fans this is green bean hanging out down here in miami no i did not feel the need to uh do my hair as they say i'm just going at it freedom today's the day of freedom but so here we are it is opening nfl weekend we... Read more

Jim Rome Rips Quinnen Williams After Bizarre Interview/New York Jets News thumbnail
Jim Rome Rips Quinnen Williams After Bizarre Interview/New York Jets News

Category: Sports

This video is brought to you by bet us sportsbook and casino quinnon williams does not have a good appearance on the gym roome show well what's up jets fans this is green bean and we are going to talk about a weird one i think today i never saw something like this coming from such a wonderful human... Read more

Reigning UFL MVP & Ex-Nebraska Football Quarterback Adrian Martinez Signs with New York Jets thumbnail
Reigning UFL MVP & Ex-Nebraska Football Quarterback Adrian Martinez Signs with New York Jets

Category: Sports

Do it do it do it do it do it do it come on sweeti do it do it would not recommend the nework airport i'll tell you that the place is nuts it sounds terrible horrible can you tell the listeners why you're in new york right now newk yeah so i am i'm here working out for the jets um got a call maybe wednesday... Read more