Category: Gaming
[music] well hey everybody and welcome back to the dojo right here on rage select i'm jeff jeff is that me in the driver's seat ah i'm a man to get the [ __ ] out of my way like the colored hair the septum piercing the glasses y i don't know i don't know this is called dust born this is like a a new... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fußballfans willkommen zu diesem spiel ich darf sie ganz herzlich begrüßen ich bin auch heute wieder von fuß und neben mir hatte kollege frank buschmann platz genommen und heute geht es bei uns um ein spiel aus der bundesliga vfl bochum gegen borussia dortmund also ich freue mich wirklich auf dieses... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] a city on the verge of greatness a new type of city based not on the man but on the automobile the car the symbol of freedom and [music] vitality where every man can own his own home and have room to breathe and not be overlooked by his neighbors a city where a man's home is his castle a quarter... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso trazendo mais um vídeo aqui para o nosso canal neste vídeo vou mostrar aí a forma de você fazer um triunfo secreto que vai lhe conceder um emblema secreto exclusivo aqui no jogo beleza bora lá deixa eu mostrar aqui para você e aqui trajetórias episódio eos se você tá fazendo... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] rolling out onto the track now it's vendetta time that was a perfect backflip h perfect execution of a sky wheelie oh it just keeps getting better ooh good truck awareness biger holy [music] go only 30 seconds to go oh anybody got a fire extinguisher this driver is on [music] fire insane... Read more
Category: Gaming
Josh brown the playstation 5 pro has been shown off and the reception at least in the few seconds i've seen we're literally recording seconds after the um stream finished is a bit negative in the old live chat h lots of l's doing the rounds but we're going to break various features down as we have the... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] o let in the moment come back morning oh my world when not so long for o la la la la la let's live in the lest come back sunday morning that's so sell when you're come and by long oh Read more
Category: Gaming
Esse vídeo é um oferecimento da global cards na global cards você vai encontrar o seu game pass sua live go de jogos xbox com preço simplesmente incríveis quero o game b ultimate com o melhor preço do mercado a global carts tem qualquer jogo de xbox a global cart dá 5% de desconto em cima então cara... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso hoje é quinta-feira tem tweed da band atualizações aqui no site da band duas notícias importantes que eu vou falar com você principalmente sobre a nova masmorra e também a destaque aqui da missão exótica primeira parte ele vai repetir aquilo que nós falamos sobre é o futuro... Read more
Category: Sports
The playstation 5 pro is rumored to be an upgraded version of sony's highly successful playstation 5 ps5 console while there is no official confirmation from sony yet numerous reports suggest that a midcycle upgrade is in development much like the playstation 4 pro released in 2016 the ps5 pro is expected... Read more
Category: Gaming
[音楽] あ [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] プレイステーション Read more
Category: Gaming
Bonjour ! pour cette nouvelle vidéo aujourd'hui on va faire l'emplacement euh des cartes au trésor les espèces d'origami à simulanka il il y en a 33 sur la map donc on va les faire ensemble c'est pas je pense pas que ça va être si vilain que ça à faire on verra euh la vidéo peut prendre un peu de temps... Read more