OTF Today - August 27 | GAME WEEK! | Big Recruiting Weekend | Texas Longhorns Football

[Music] good morning everybody and welcome to coffee and football right here on on Texas football I'm your host Blake Monroe where I'm joined each and every morning by Bobby Burton and Jerry Hamilton it is game week we are four days away from kickoff man I remember when we were like 104 days so it's crazy to think about but tell us who your favorite number four is tell us where you're checking in from obviously we love to see that and then get your questions in a very very big show today guys but first I want to start with some number fours here oh boy it's long list we're gonna start yes a huge list uh with the guy that's gonna be on the show here in just a little bit Roy Williams there we go baby he was legit we'll get into the conversation he was all district four Sports in high school people forget the fourth four days all right here we go Roy Williams Aaron Williams been on the show lius swed that catch against Ohio State Kenny vicaro Detonator Jordan Whittington of course Drew Kelson a good friend D Johnson LJ Humphrey uh LJ Humphrey why do I remember him in the 80s more at that number Deshawn Elliot Phil Dawson I've got one for you Tony Jones uh former wide receiver for the University of Texas caught a gamewinner against Arkansas also held the 200 meter dash uh record for the University of Texas I think for 20 25 years Tony Jones from a tiny tiny town called Grapeland Texas and then Bobby you nailed the next one L swed of course his big play being that Ohio State catch yeah we got him there and then I love this photo he was just on the show here recently Aaron Williams as a very moment captured by on fi that's awesome that's awesome full full layout going up against the Sooners hated enemy love it and then Jerry one of your favorites you love those special Team guys so we're gonna jump over to this one how about this go ahead Jerry tell them all about it that was the game winner against Virginia what I remember being a 15 20 mile hour win Bobby so that was a I believe it was a 4950 Y into a 15 to 20 mile our win at the buzzer to beat Virginia that was one of the big kicks in or the toughest kicks in Texas history I've got to tell a story so um a lot of you guys know I used to help run Rivals and some other media Enterprises Etc um I actually uh hired uh a beat writer for the University of Virginia and he was a student at Virginia working for the the paper in Virginia or at the University of Virginia uh later and he told me this story he goes we all went out on the field uh and we're waiting to go into the Press Box you know the last couple of minutes the Riders go on the field he goes everybody started laughing when Texas tried to kick a 50 yard field goal they thought John Movic was nuts that Phil Dawson was gonna try a 50 yard field goal into that wind and he said they were literally um down the goal line from the uh uh from the goal poost where Dawson's kick went in and he literally said the ball started moving backwards after it got over the upright he said the ball literally started looking like it was pushing Back Against The Wind but uh it narrowly nipped over that and uh Virginia then uh got really pissed off and took it out on the Longhorns the next year in by the way which led to was one of the games that led to John M mik's uh ultimate demise in in Austin Phil Dawson went on to have a great maybe Hall of Fame career Justin Tucker I I until so Russell irk slaven was the best kicker ever at the University of Texas I had the strongest leg in my opinion but uh Phil Dawson was then the most accurate and then Justin Tucker came along Jerry and he's re he's just rewriting every record book I think think Phil Dawson would tell you that Justin Tucker's rewriting every record book Phil's a Phil was a coach in the Austin area by the way high school football coach uh for quite a bit of time not sure if he's still doing that uh but uh really appreciate him and uh how well he kicked the ball against Virginia that day and we got two more guys Kenny Vio right here that's a high quality picture I love the oh sport Turf there's your sport Turf that looks like see you can see the pellets Rising through the air that looks like some good things for kids to ingest in sports their whole life doesn't it no lawsuits coming on that in 2040 one other one here little Jord Humphrey with the catch over West Virginia that's number 84d oh crap gra the picture look it's four four times two we're right we're still we're still kind of that's right Jerry knows what I what I'm talking about but he wore for as well so I did grab the wrong one hey you get a mistake one slip up out of 10 15 days of doing it and five pictures a day or so I say that's a pretty good we're good we're all good well there was a four in the photo so exactly thank you thank you Jerry all right guys yesterday s met with the media after practice what were your takeaways got a new punter Michael Kar is the is the punter it sounds like to me that's number one number two uh you know I think that sark's gonna play a lot of players I mean he's dedicated to it he mentioned uh that he played 32 players on defense last year in the first half alone against rice middle of the day hot as and humid Etc he's going to play a lot of players um and I think as part of that what I really liked about it and continue to like about Steve S sarkeesian and um rod says this a lot Sark runs a meritocracy you produce you play and it's real simple and what I what I mean by that is Sark said that yeah he's got a depth chart of sorts but depth chart to him means very little until they actually get out there and do it on the field against an opponent um and so I'm I'm excited about that uh going to play a lot of young players going to try to keep them fresh uh I I do think that uh they're you know he mentioned a little bit about what uh Colorado state does on offense that can give them some problems he said Tory Horton they're a big wide receiver that's a potential first round draft pick is really good at the top of his routes and selling the Deep post so Texas is going to be tested there which is something that they've had problems with in the past so Michael Taff Derek Williams Andrew mcba gonna have to be ready for that they've got a experienced quarterback back as well uh so a lot of a lot of things we can discuss but probably the thing that I like the most uh Blake is a is a clip that we're gonna talk about here because it's uh it's indicative of how we all feel about college football Saturdays as well uh and why Steve saresia likes it h so much here's the clip I love Saturdays they from the moment we get up we have breakfast together to the walkth through to putting on our suits to coming down BVO Boulevard to taking the field for pregame to watching the fans kind of sprinkle into the stands the smell of the popcorn the band coming in the music's playing the other teams on the other sideline coming out of the tunnel like all of that you know singing the eyes at the end the smoke the cannon the bivo like everything like that's all part of this game that's going on on the field that that we're so fortunate to be part of and so we work way too hard not to take a minute just to take it in and and and to breathe in the smell of the popcorn um to to to see the student section and the orange smoke going off or the drones at the night games like we we try to embrace all that because all that's going on because we play football here at the University of Texas and so we don't take that stuff lightly and I think for our team I think if you ask them all they're excited for all of it you know Saturdays are the greatest days you know in the fall it's the greatest days of the year they're incredible I love it you want your head coach to be fired up about the pageantry of college football that's it I mean that's that's good stuff from Sark in my opinion and look Sark is uh We've T we talked about last night on the live stream he's a confident coach with this team as I think he should be I think it's you know look you got a lot of talent you you know you've recruited well you've you know you've evaluated well you know you're developing players you've done well in the portal you're a blue blood you should do well in the portal um to be real um but this is a good team to coach uh because they got close last year but they didn't get all the way to the Mountaintop and we're gonna have Shay Holly on later and we're going to talk to her about the same thing with on the women's basketball side and when you get close but you don't get all the way there you know you're you know You' accomplish some really good things but you also have that really bad taste in your mouth that sometimes a worse taste in your mouth than a eight and5 season honestly because you know you're in a game oh man we should have won that game we could have won that game then we're playing for a national championship right I mean so and that's the bond and NY black the same way and then you have the guys coming in with the Trey Moore betting on himself the silus Bold with that chip on his shoulder to again prove I should be here and I'm good enough to be here and I'm going to will myself to a pro career at 58160 I mean so you have those guys Matthew golden coming from Houston to the bigger stage so this is a really really good team uh for Sark the coach he's used the term obsessed uh but it's real easy to get your message through to a team when you've come so close the year before great team the coach for Sark and the staff now they got to go do it do mean you're going undefeated but now you got to go do it you have you have that little bit of that extra motivation all right let's jump over to recruiting obviously Texas high school football starts this week but last week Jerry some other schools including KJ Lacy and Sarah land uh were both in action look H if you didn't see KJ Lacy's highlights from last week um KJ lacy one of the things I've talked about that I think is going to be great for KJ Lacy this season he had a big game I think 19 of 26 for over 300 yards four touchdowns against a good Jackson team but and this is QB country uh video obviously some clips from his game QB country is where he's trained since third grade same place that Arch Manning has trained for a long time uh David Morris a teammate and good F college teammate and good friend of Eli Manning and and Cooper Manning obviously as well he's he's old Miss play at Old Miss but KJ Lacy they have a younger more inexperienced offensive line this year so he's going to play Under Direct more than he did last year I think that's going to give him a tremendous opportunity to show his playmaking skills because he is a point guard quarterback he is a point guard turned full-time quarterback he has got that playmaking he's got that Vision he's got that Moxy and on this Sahan team this year Ryan Williams at Alabama obviously graduated early but that offensive line lost a lot of key guys so especially early in the season playing against a good schedule KJ Lacy will he will play Under duress more than he did last year and that's going to give him the opportunity to show the playmaker he is with his feet which I think because saran's been so good at times maybe he hasn't had a chance to do that as much but now I think Texas fans uh recruiting fans are going to see how good KJ Lacy is Off Script because I think he's a playmaker naturally Jerry they also uh getting a visit from the defensive tackle out of uh Grayson Georgia a high school teammate now of Nick Brooks apparently is that is that accurate yeah Joseph Joseph and bachu George offered him yesterday by the way George is gonna load up on as many D linemen as they can in the state this year with that number going to 105 um but uh yeah he's scheduled to be in on H September 14th 15th weekend uh for unofficial visit Joseph inbaku originally from Cameron um came to came to the states at an early age played soccer basketball he's look he's this his first year playing padded football okay he's a Florida commitment Auburn also just offered who has a lot of ties to Grayson High so something to watch there on that Auburn staff but he's a guy who's new to football paded organized football he's more of a in the rotation for Grayson who's very talented he's 65 280 but his upsides through the roof so uh you're going to see more teams offer him but again I mean Texas I think Texas is on a a real upside player here but again Auburn offered the day before Texas Georgia offered yesterday um so he's scheduled to be in and we'll see where that goes with Georgia before we move on Jerry can you let folks out there know about one of your favorite products in manscapes look man you know I can it's the beard and balls bundle guys fellas do you want your grooming routine to be a oneandone deal don't we all want to be KD here well the days of using the same trimmer for your face and your PR parts are over thanks to our friends landcape play the music they've come up with the ultimate package to keep your hairs trimmed from 12 to 6 introducing the beard and balls bundle featuring the lawnmower 5.0 and the beard hedger a trimmer for the money maker and another for the boys downstairs get 20% off plus free shipping with code on Texas allc caps manscape.com that's 20% off plus free shipping with code on Texas at manscape.com for the premium grooming experience trust man landscape and again I I always say this I want to say this again these are waterproof okay show you can use them in the shower you can drop them in the rain water you're good and now if you're doing that outside you got issues okay but but you could drop your thing in that you can drop this little manscape 5.0 in the rainwater and you're good they're waterproof can be used in the shower can be used anywhere just don't get arrested with it manscape on Texas all caps thank you as always Jerry appre don't get arrested with it that's a great line Jerry just don't get arrested let's let's shoot let's aim high in [Laughter] life hey uh by the way while we while we're on the topic yall are mentioning lius sued couple people are number four Etc we were having a discussion yesterday or the day before Jerry about small Texas towns that have produced a number of great players Brenham Texas would be one of those Towns now it's bigger today than it was back in the day but lius swed obviously from Brenham Malcolm Brown the defensive tackle first round pick Texas way back in the day Roosevelt leaks uh a Texas Legend U from Brenham as well just a number of different guys I think cland Sutton from Brenham as well played up at SMU in the NFL now very successful but Brenham is another one of those towns not unlike Tyler right who's on the screen right there that is just per capita they seem to they seem to produce some good football players I'll just put it that way yeah no no doubt about it and then you know somebody David RS asked what happened to the Brun MC cruit they have a a good young running back over there but maybe not that they had a run there for about five six seven years of tremendous players and you can't you can't keep that up forever it's going to be cycle you'll have they'll have another up cycle at some point but it's hard to keep that up jacobe Dixon there's Arch Mania talking about him um but it's hard to keep that up year year after year um so that's that'll be the uh that'll be the interesting thing is when is their next kind of cycle up where they have two or three backto backto back classes with some highlevel guys in it because you don't you don't have that every year he Ryan Roberson obviously Matt Brown signed four guys from uh Burham high in his time and Glenn West who's one of the heads of the Texas High School coaches association was the head coach uh at Brenham back during those time during that time and I went over there a lot man you want to talk about the guy that has some great Matt Brown recruiting stories Glenn West all right before we move on I need to say Lee Burke we have your super chat but nothing was attached to it if you'll send it normal we will take care of that for you and then I want to read the Super Chat here from Mike goell thank you Mike he says celebrating my 31st birthday drinking some Dy and watching my favorite Texas football Morning Show thanks for always keeping this horns fan up north informed happy birthday Mike 31 baby I I barely remember those days those were so long ago for me uh congratulations Micah hey my birthday I get a birthday present this coming Friday I hope Jerry by the way I'm turning Double Nickel I'm turning 55 on Friday and it happens to be the same time as a wide receiver from Jacksonville Florida is going to announce his commitment to the University of Texas we'll just a reminder we'll be on air early uh on Friday morning for that uh and can't wait for that and yes happy birthday to Mike uh I've gotta add this what is that jerly birthday gift Bobby the Alone star showdown hat from cotton I'll give that to you there okay hey speaking of wide receivers and number fours how about we say hello to our next guest here bring him in Blake if you don't mind I hope he's ready but we're bringing him in how you doing Roy I'm good how about yourself good man Roy Williams Odessa peran University of Texas NFL the whole list of what you are and who you are Bud um congratulations on your great career and uh welcome to on Texas football yes sir man appreciate it doing a little work here at R duub and uh taking the time out to talk to my [Laughter] guys hey Roy um I want to ask you this before we get into your your your career which is uh we're going to talk to you about being a four sport all district guy because some people forget about baseball with you in high school but you know Ryan Wingo freshman receiver is going to be playing his first game highly recruited guy very talented uh Bob Bobby and myself you said Bobby's the first say most talented gifted receiver Texas recruited since you came out of Odessa peran but kind of take us back to that before that first game at Texas kind of those thoughts those feelings uh kind of what you what you remember and what what was going through your mind at that time yeah man I was very excited um I know coach Brown didn't believe in freshman playing or starting the first game so I believe I got in the third play of the game and um third play of the game it was just like I've been there before so uh there was no I wasn't nervous no nothing it was just I always took football as just play in the backyard man so uh it was it was fun it was exciting I think it was Louisiana Lafayette is the first game that we played and um and the rest is history Roy you made a juggling catch I think was your first down field catch was it not yes sir yeah I think I think that was a a a sign of things to come I actually wrote about that this morning Jerry talked about this young guy Texas has uh named Ryan Wingo ran 105 in the 100 meter he's 62 200 pounds uh sounds a little familiar does it not uh to somebody that I'm looking at right now on the screen uh in you he he literally his body type is very similar to yours we don't look alike doy as you but he is he is got that kind of speed big guy um and what are you what was your big transition was it the plays was it uh what was the hardest thing for you going from high school to college because I'm telling you the guy's very very very talented just like you were and you were able to make that transition but you know you had some obstacle to overcome that sort of thing what is a guy like Ryan Wingo maybe going through right now that you felt similarly man I have no clue what they're going through these days with the nil and and all this sarks offense which looks like a Rubik's Cube who knows I I have no clue what's what's goes through his mind but through through my mind um coming from Odessa Perman where we ran the ball 99.9% of the time I just had manto man so when there was two safeties when I got to col I what is that guy doing over here right you know get out my space get out of my space yeah yeah what is cover two what is cover four what is this combination coverage of of cover six you know those things that I had to learn that I didn't know from High School uh even the Playbook uh with Coach Davis I love coach Davis he ran that Pro style offense so hearing words that's just not right 18 pitch you know right 236 you know I'm actually hearing R Jack Queen scat 849 flare M like what okay uh let's slow that down one more time so um there's no telling what Mr Ringo is going through and and other receivers but it's definitely different right it's definitely different from high school and playing in front of a 100,000 people it it can affect some people so uh I wish those guys the best it only gets easier right it only gets easier and um you know it's it is college ball it's the best four years of your life that's why I didn't leave if if if College was six years I would stayed six years hey Roy uh for for those that don't know we have a couple thousand people watching this right now your son Jordan Williams is a freshman at Texas State plays tied end talk about you being the father then because some people may not have follow follow they played at Midland Legacy uh I believe for Coach Hartman over there but but being a father having a son coming up that's a division one football player what was that like what's that been like for you watching him kind of grow up in the game yeah I got my uh I got my Texas State hat on right now um but you know I have a HTO so I still got my my my little burnt orange right there at heart right there um but man I'm so proud of my son um getting a schol well he didn't get a scholarship he had a scholarship and I I messed that up I told him to let's see what happens and they ended up giving a scholarship to somewhere else uh but we're we're still there we still made our way and I just I I love his work ethic he's about my size my hands everything he's just he's a spitting image of me just a little slower right I'm so proud of him man um being down there at Texas State he is going to red shirt this year but he's learning the ropes right he's learning how works all this stuff that Dad has told him now he's starting to see how it really is because at first of course when Dad says something we don't know what we're talking about so uh now now he's starting to understand it and man it's it's such a great feeling to to be able to uh put somebody in college let them do something that they love to do and watch them grow up Roy I let I dropped my youngest off at College uh on Saturday afternoon so I I feel you buddy I it's a got to let them fly man man you got to let them spread their wings and fly hey uh I have something for you your performance your senior year at the state track me what did you end up what did you long jump just give people a sense because we talk all about this guy jumped 243 what did you end up what was your best long jump in high school 256 and a half right he remers the half I love it yeah yeah 256 and a half and what was so funny about it is I just ran jumped and I just heard everybody say oh but I didn't feel anything right it was just a normal jump for me I didn't think I did nothing spectacular then they said 25 six and a half I was like oh yeah I'm done for the day there's no nobody's gonna do that I didn't even know I did that so how is somebody else gonna do that and that record stood for that record stood for like 20 something years and then I broke it right and then the next year somebody broke my record and I was like how does that happen yeah well Mark E Goodwin came along too and end up being in in the Olympics so they all hey what was maybe your favorite memory as a longhorn just take people back to maybe your favorite memory as a longhorn man my it's same as the pros or anywhere else man it's the locker room right it's it's hanging out with those guys being on those airplanes being on the field being in that locker room with BJ Sloan Sims you know Nate vasher all all those guys man just you can't replicate it in real life it it can't be duplicated at all so uh my deal is just the friendships the camaraderie the wins the losses all that good stuff combined with those guys and and these are friends that you will have for life so that those are my biggest memories hey Roy I want to ask you a question I've never asked you before so you were football basketball track and baseball in high school all district and all four like it's like you were to Dave Winfield of Odessa right um so what was your sport growing up was it always football or obvious or did it transition to being football no well I was I was baseball was my favorite sport uh football I just played because it was fun to play and and I was pretty good at it and people were scared of me right I was just this puny puny kid with these big old shoulder pads and big old thigh pads looking like Earl Campbell out there with the dark visor um it was too dark that I couldn't see so I run with my head up looking up under the face mask and uh then when I take the pads off I'm just this little string bean right but um baseball was it and once I got hit with the baseball that was I was done with that I rather get hit by Brian eracer than than a baseball so football Here We Come hey we got a question from the uh from the chat from the listeners uh sorry Zane Petty asks who was the toughest corner at UT you went up against in practice Quinton Jammer yeah Quinton Jammer by far easiest no disrespect to Rob babers who's close second said Griffin was third I'm G give you that Nate vasher story you know Nate was the same class as us 2000 and Nate came in and me BJ and Sloan were just murdering Nate right we were like how did this guy get a scholarship like who this guy is terrible and then you know all Americans later Here Comes Nathan vasher right one of the best DBS to ever come to the University of Texas um so that that's a good story with Nate but Quin Jammer man he was he was Quin Jammer to me got me prepared for the NFL me and him I think he would say the same thing even though I was youngster but I believe he would say the same thing that we battled each other every day to get us ready for the next level to make it easier on Saturdays as well he had speed size and he had strong hands dude when man he latched on to you you got latched on to you ain't lying about that and I'll give you a story y'all can look it up man I scored in the first play of the spring game like 80 yards right on a glance on the on a post uh 12 yard post or whatever scored on Jam he was jamming me up boom boom got it to release stuck in behind was pretty right then I'll go over there talking noise blah blah I didn't catch another ball the rest of the day I was done right so that that was the potential that jam had I think he was the number five pick in the NFL draft had a great career but I I believe he was he was he was special man yeah good stuff hey Roy uh before we let you go what do you think about Texas football right now and what do you see on the field from Sark in This Crew uh that either has you excited concerned whatever you want to say what what are you seeing right now with the this Texas football team man I I I love the way that the kids respond to sarc right they look like they believe and trust in the head coach when you have that you have something special so I believe that you know I've always said that you know Texas got to show me before I can say Texas is back right and and they've shown me now so I'm right there I think Texas is ba but I ain't got to CK yet right show me one more one more time but with that like I said I believe the kids are are they believe in s they believe in the program they believe in what they got going and last year couldn't happen to a better bunch of kids at least from the outside looking in and where irus came back I believe he sees the same thing and that's why he came back and that vision is natural Championship so it's either National Championship or bus and I'm right there with him Roy thank you so much for your time bud you have a good man good luck to your son playing ball too as well and uh good luck to you and your family and uh to our favorite number four officially now Roy we are Roy Williams days away from Texas taking on Colorado State hook sir all right buddy we'll see y'all thank you and thanks from all the fans as well for joining Jerry thank you for setting that interview up buddy good guy it's funny when he was talking about the visor and how he kind of look up like that I remember watching the old recruits and review video stuff right that Craig way kind of did Bobby and I I'm sure that brought back memories for you because you can see that with him on his high school tape when he said that and now it's kind of explains why it it it is also it's very funny because he's right I mean Odessa peran ran the ball 99% of the time Roy's stats were like I don't know 25 yards a catch but he only had like 20 catches right or 30 catches uh and so uh peran at that time they were all about three yards in a cloud of dust out in West Texas but uh you know he got he found his home at the University of Texas went on had a nice career in the NFL now a family man by by the way this is how much recruiting changed if Roy Williams coming for modessa and like he said a team that ran the ball and yes he was at Mojo peran uh we all get it but if he had rolled into a Nike or Under Armour camp and run 435 at 25 pounds before his senior year and vertical 40 I mean his NFL combine numbers around com prod day numbers are off the charts 62 and A2 212 437 39 97 shuttle 5105 that's what Corners do 6.75 lonee 40 vert 11 foot broad jump and guys that was back when you didn't train for the combine like you do today are you heard what he said about the long jump 256 oh I think that'll do it don't think about if you'd have rolled up to a Nike camp or Under Armour Camp before his senior year and tested he would have been a top five recruit in America crazy that's where recruiting change right Bobby I mean guys like that can go just boom blow up in one day and and you know what though here's the deal he should have he should have blown up regardless of where he's located same thing we said about Lance Jackson and what Lance Jackson do he goes down and has a great combine down in Houston all of a sudden people are ranking him as a national recruit when he's no different than the day before when he was sitting up in Tex Arcana yep just the The Way of the World hey I I want to say thank you not only to Roy but also want to mention this something that we talked about briefly yesterday Blake and Jerry uh nil related uh because Roy brought that up at the very outset of his conversation um University of Texas announced yesterday and we said we would be following up on this that now you will be getting loyalty points from the longhorn Foundation if you don't donate to the new initiative with the Texas One Fund so from now on any dollars you give to Texas One Fund which is the organization uh that runs the nil operations for the University of Texas football you receive loyalty points which increase your ability to get better tickets uh both in DKR as well as Road games bowl games which could be particularly important I will add as it relates to any kind of college football playoff a lot of people uh think that that's uh that's going to be a tough ticket uh so anyways in Texas and Chris Del Con making a move to now give loyalty points for people that give nil donations I think five do five per thousand or so I can't I don't know the exact number but it it's not insignificant it will absolutely help people that need and want better tickets all right guys we got a super chat here from Longhorn football edits thank you Longhorn football edits he says good morning guys four more days hook them and with that said let's uh take a look at the weather yes for Saturday as you can see low 90s precipitation CH chances have actually changed a little bit yesterday but you know 30 to 40% depending on what time of the day obviously it kick off right around 35 40% I don't know how it affect but uh Houston news this morning uh was said eve maybe for the worst of the weather um which will be interesting to see if that kind of rolls through Austin how that affects the A&M Notre Dame game in College Station if it's the worst of weathers at night or in the evening because that would be more end of the Texas game leading into uh the kickoff of that Notre Dame A&M game so that'll be interesting to see how it plays out I gotta say this there is nothing worse than a thunderstorm and then just blazing Heat Austin Texas so I I am hopeful that that storm holds off into the fourth quarter if it comes through Austin uh because that that can be that can make it just absolutely brutal uh by the way we'll be out there uh at the uh uh Flat Creek Wine Garden on Saturday afternoon Jerry myself also down on bivo Boulevard and then we're headed over to a tailgate uh guys uh at the surley horns on Texas football tailgate over on the LBJ law you guys are all welcome to attend uh those tailgates Etc please join us out there we're excited 4 days away man four days away Here Blake can I bring this up real quick yeah go ahead David Keith Williams just think of how far Royal Williams gone in a long jump if he had seriously competed in track and field Texas he did like he said he did compete his freshman year at Texas he ran 1030 by the way guys that was his best time and that was that what's funny about that he ran that 1030 at Texas Tech and at lck at a track meet obviously where uh um where Lloyd Hill his brother played here's a good question from Kyle he says if it rains does that affect Texas or Colorado State more and while that I'm going to go and bring up the point spread has changed the game opened at 35 36 is now down to 32 obviously still in favor of the Longhorns but who does that affect more guys I think it's even I mean you'd like to say Colorado State because they've got to throw the ball around but that could affect the Texas defensive backs right I I I it depends on how heavy the rain is what I mean all of those things it's really hard to say um as far as the point spread that we're looking at here um I'm I'm not surprised by it going down a little bit uh just looking at the col Colorado State offense uh not only do they have uh a veteran quarterback now who can throw the ball around they also have a really good receiver uh they also have a second receiver that can take the top off Armani Winfield Jerry you mentioned this last night he's a starter now uh for Colorado State he actually was committed to Texas uh for a while and then on Signing Day switched to Baylor uh after a couple years at Baylor he transferred up to Colorado State and and is now starting for Jay norell up there I'm I'm look I don't know if Texas is going to cover Texas I don't think covered against rice last year I'm not sure I'll have to go back and check but my point is these these point spreads uh that looks aggressive to me but uh you know I'm hopeful the biggest thing we need to see out of this game though Jerry what are the biggest things you need to see Edge press pressure uh given that they're going to be throwing the ball as much as they will right so you want to see Texas creating pressure and then you want to see who does Quinn mesh well with in the passing game those are the probably the two big takeaways for me yeah so first thing on the weather um if it's raining that makes it harder for the Colorado State tackles to hold because they're gonna have to hold in this game so that's not good for the Colorado State tackles um look I I think Texas is going to cover because because it may be a later cover but I just think Midway through the third quarter and fourth quarter it's going to be a tired football team there's actually the worst thing for the fans is a rainstorm and then the heat the best thing for the Texas team is a rainstorm and then the heat in Colorado state has to play through it that that's like the best scenario um or just a really hot day either one of those uh I just think Colorado State middle of third fourth quarter I could see two three scores late in that game bouncing over that line covering that line I look SAR kind of mentioned it yesterday in the press conference I want a better faster cleaner game better start than we had last season against rice so he's putting emphasis on that um so that to me I was already thinking cover but I think sarc is kind of he wants a cleaner better performance out of his team than rice last year Headed in the mission game uh and I'm guessing he's going to get that now to Bobby's point I do think the most interesting thing for me out of this game will be because it's to totally different teams and schemes obviously schemes than what you're going to face against Michigan so I'm not there's not much you can really take that's gonna lead you to conclusions against Michigan so the thing for me is the wide receiver route recognition are they on the same page with SAR and Quinn in game one the newcomers they're all newcomers except DeAndre Moore and John and they don't have a lot of game experience at obviously so Isaiah Bond first game in the scheme Silas Bal first game in the scheme Matthew golden Ryan Wingo go down the list so who is on the same page with Quinn you'll see I think you'll have a good feel for who Quinn may be trust early on as far as being where they're supposed to be with the right timing that's going to be key for me in the passing game I listen to Jay noll's press conference yesterday and he had on something that I think is is key for for Colorado State to hang in this game they got to figure out a way to run the ball again enough against Texas because he knows that pass rush is going to be an issue they have to find a way to run the ball just well enough and then he said handling the size of the Texas offensive line because they lost three key defensive linemen they're they're very experienced in the secondary very but dline linebacker not as experienced uh their safeties I think their best players on defense on this team one of those kids Hal's probably be NFL player as his uh sister plays pro soccer dad was a star at Colorado State and in the NFL they're really good at safety up the middle what's the rest of that defense going to look like up the middle and how are they going to hold up against Texas size over the course of the game all right Bobby before we move on and don't forget here shortly we will have Shay Holly joining us can you tell folks out there about autograph yeah absolutely this segment is brought to you by the folks at autograph the app that curates the best content tickets and gear to help you fan to your full potential being a full-time fan is a full-time job so autograph does the heavy lifting for you from tickets for Big matchups to breaking news the autograph app has curated content for fans of all things Texas all the podcast articles and game predictions you could ever want including on Texas football the new replay feature let you get the day's news without the noise for when you need the tldr to start your day use code on Texas to download for free on Google Play or the Apple App Store to G again that's autograph the app uh use code on Texas to download for free on Google Play or in the Apple App Store today hey guys I've got one more number four from you I got a uh a text message uh via the on texasfootball.com webbsite a guy writes in and says Johnny Mojo says don't forget about Joe Bob bazelle a 145 pound defensive back that played in the 1974 cotton balll out of Odessa peran same school as uh um Roy Williams had nine tackles and one interception in the 1974 Cotton Bowl he apparently wore number four as well that's Joe Bob bazelle thanks for sending that in Johnny Mojo and it looks like our second special guest of the day is here Jerry I'm going to let you do this introduction while I bring her in yeah we've been uh wan to get Shay Holly on Texas Women's Basketball player coming back for her fifth year on for a while to talk about uh her experience at Texas lifelong time Longhorn obviously father was a a tremendous player at Texas Shay thanks for joining the show this morning yeah of course thanks for having me hey I gotta ask you shay what's it like in the Holly household you been a longhorn your entire life with the uh your dad Eric play for the long horns what's it like uh when football season comes around with your dad it's the best time of year obviously always laugh there's like a drought of nothing on TV my dad doesn't know what to do with himself and then football season comes around and all is right in the world again hey what what would have happened if you just said dad I'm going A&M um I don't know if I would I don't can't imagine that conversation honestly hey Shay you guys have been so good and we want to give you guys some props Women's Basketball team a year ago Vic Schaefer uh your coach seems to really be uh heading the taking that program in the right direction you guys had a a really nice run into the Elite 8 a year ago uh talk about why and you decided to come back uh for a final year at Texas and your relationship with Coach big yeah I think going into year five obviously three out of the four years I've been to the elite eight which I think is just really special and just always makes you want more it's probably the hardest game to win in the tournament in my opinion um it just really separates the you know the next four teams and so I just want more and I think this next team is capable of that um you know we had a really good summer and just seeing all that coach Schaefer pours into our program and like seeing it pay off like I know it just what he does works and um I'm just really excited we had our first day back today we started with 6 am. workouts so already got one in um but yeah I'm just super excited I think just the way he coaches our team and like we're all really bought in and um it just feels good this year it really does obviously I wanted to play in the SEC too so hey Shay I've kind of compared you in a way to Royal Ivy from when he when he played at Texas right that tough hard-nosed player that brings it every day and kind of the effect that has on a team because look like your career highs against Oklahoma congrats on that by the way and scoring but talk about kind of what you bring to that team and and that the practice the day-to-day you played 40 minutes in 12 games last year all 40 minutes didn't foul out of a game which I thought was amazing last year but kind of talk about that kind of your role what you bring as the person the defensive stopper and what coach Vic asked you to do and how that kind of can help push your teammates and in the team and the program in general yeah I think my biggest Focus every day is really just consistency like I want my teammates and my coaches to know what they're going to get out of me every single day so that is and that's going 100% all the time and I just like don't give myself the option not to because I know that that's what's expected of me and that's what I bring to the team we have so many Playmakers so many scores um on the team and like our team is just loaded and stacked and I know that like what they need from me is to be consistent and to be like versatile also though like whatever they need that game like do I need to be the defensive stoer that game or do I you know you know what my main focus is and being able to kind of be like shifted around um especially with obviously Rory getting hurt last season like she's our number one Defender and so kind of having to step into that role a little bit but being prepared to do so because I had pushed myself and because um I you know I'm just consistent in practice I think that's what I really focus on um you know just going 100% 110% every day and showing the younger ones that you always have a little bit more to give I think than you know you're even aware of Shay we have a question here from uh from the chat uh Zan zaye Petty asks uh who's the most difficult player on the UT team to play against in practice I think I know the answer but go ahead um I'm gonna say Madison probably from a scoring aspect um obviously Rory's back and looking great she's not fully cleared but she's on the way um and she's always you know in the past that's that's a hard one too um but yeah I mean Madison is like so skilled and just like her like calm and composure like her change of speed just kind of like can get you on your toes a little bit and she's just really skilled so hey talk about so there's three high school signes and you've had a chance to kind of start playing uh with working out with the newcomers Brianna Preston Jordan Le and really shoot it and Justice Carlton what have you seen from them what can they add to a deep in Talent team this year that's going to be ranked top five preseason yeah um this incoming class I think they came in and didn't miss a beat we really they just fit with this team so perfectly which made me really excited for what's to come um Bri is so fast so quick and she's actually she's still like long though she's like 5'9 which is a pretty tall point guard like that's a good size to have guarding especially and her lateral speed is just next level and then Justice again so skilled very composed um and at the four position I think that's really our offense runs through the four a lot so to have a composed person that's really skilled and can handle the ball there is really nice and then Jordan she is just I mean she can shoot she's you know her endurance is insane her motor is just Next Level so I think across the board we're we're really good with where the freshmen are at um had really great workouts they've stacked days so um and I know they're going to keep doing that so you mentioned something wanting to play in the SEC your final year that's thing that's something we hear from football players more than anything but kind kex is that the playing against Kim M mean old Kim mky South Carolina I mean what what is it about the SEC for you um I think for women's basketball the SEC is pretty dominant um across the board and I think to be able to you look at our conference schedule and you're like wow like every game is is legit and like really NE like I mean you're gonna have to be prepared and you're going to be tested pretty early on in the season um and we play South Carolina home and away that's the one team we played twice so I think just like the preparation in like being put in those types of games before you even get to the tournament I think is going to be really valuable um and just really really like a good to see where you're at like a good reference point for sure CU obviously Big 12 had some really good teams especially this past year um but it it is just a I think SEC just brings a different culture the fans I know they're going to travel well um and just the environments you're going into like soldout crowds um is it's different it's and it's exciting for sure Shay what do you think of the Moody center it's amazing have you been yes that's what I'm saying I mean because that's a that's a that's a big Advantage whereas the drum could be kind of cavness you know what I mean now the fans are almost on top of you a little bit at the The Moody Center is that is that something that you as a basketball player actually feel a little bit yeah and I think that was actually intentional I think they really wanted to give us that homecourt feel because I got to play in the last year at the drum and you could have 12,000 people in there and it still doesn't really feel like 12,000 people but when you get 12,000 in Moody like you hear all of them and you feel it and it's just really exciting and then obviously just all of the like graphics and projectors and music and everything just kind of makes it like a whole a whole show um which I think is really fun for the fans too which is why we're having such great turnout because not just our game but like they make it a whole experience which is just awesome hey Shay where does your you know the way you play that toughness uh on the court you had two two older sisters that played at Texas State obviously I mean were were you pushed around growing up I mean is that where it comes from or is it just the inside competitiveness that also comes from running on the track um yeah so actually I'm the youngest of five so I have four older sisters um and so I think always trying to keep up with them definitely plays a part of it um and then yeah I think just like playing mul Sports growing up that would be like my biggest advice is always just like stay in a lot of sports and like get to be competitive where like in different like situations and I think it's like really good for just like that kind of competitive Spirit um I loved running track and I played soccer and volleyball and basketball and I think all of that just kind of added to like you just want to give it your all all the time um but yeah trying to keep up with the older sisters I would say probably was the biggest F Eric hly for those old time Longhorn fans out there Eric hly has a new title he's officially girl dad five girls yeah Shan thank you so much for joining us today h congratulations on a great year last year uh do even better this year good luck to you in the basketball women's basketball team guys go out and support uh those ladies as they try to get in to the final four bring we got Vic on the mar what's something we should ask him oh wow give us something to ask him ask him like his favorite saying I always like to hear what that is we'll do it hey hey Blake do you have the picture of her and Vic yesterday from first day it's just like your last first day of class right last first day ever there you go there he is walked me into class and everything y'all take care Shay take care of yourself we appreciate you joining us good Lu you and your family okay thanks y good stuff Blake and Jerry just another fine representative the University of Texas no doubt like Roy yeah I compare to Roy Al iy Bobby it because um look there Royale came to Texas without maybe the Fanfare that wasn't the highest ranked player Shay was a top Hunter recruit in the country on ESPN she's ranked I think 95 96 but obviously there were people ranked ahead of her but that toughness that daytoday I mean playing 40 minutes and 12 games last year she played 40 38 and 40 in the last three NCA tournament games what she had to take on defensively after Rory got hurt um last season and just that real toughness you bring on a day-to-day basis to a program and that competitiveness and we'll get more from Vic on that tomorrow but that that stuff it really truly imp impacts winning on a day-to-day basis in the offseason when games aren't being played and players such as that are always underappreciated for me and we wanted to have her on give her opportunity to talk about that obviously growing up UT how about how about her her description of her dad it's like a drought and then all of a sudden football's back just kind of what you think of that man just what you think of that en horns has a question we need to we should have asked uh but it wasn't here yet serious question who has better hops women's basketball or volleyball players I don't know if anybody's got more hops than mattye Skinner yeah I I would say that that volleyball actually is a primary focus of of jumping whereas basketball's kind of a byproduct in wi in women's I I think uh women's basketball uh they MADD Skinner by the way I mean I don't know if you all saw this but uh women's volley is going to be great again this year uh preseason ranked number one they play at Wisconsin on Sunday I believe that Sunday in Milwaukee you know that's going to be one hell of an event um so Texas plays Wisconsin the begin the season on Sunday in Milwaukee Wisconsin R three in the country I think yeah yeah nationally nationally televised match up it'll be on Fox The Big Time game for sure uh we got a couple of super chats we need to knock out uh this first one here from Christian thank you Christian he says hook home great interviews we need a happy hour in new Bron Falls horn roll 52-13 this weekend that's all he said well Christian does a uh Astros podcast um that is actually pretty good uh he's a he's a good good Longhorn out in NE bronal he's the one that actually helped me get that Texas one hat uh by the way that I was wearing yesterday and the day before good stuff thanks Christian hey by the way uh Christian just let Blake know and he'll come on your podcast anytime anytime you want we can talk about whatever you want Jack here thank you Jack as always Jerry how many of the current 18 commits are early in roll leads do you know the exact number Jerry right now I believe they all are trying to be oh wow every single one of them KJ Lacy I I need to ask Ricky Stewart KJ Lacy James Simon khik Lockett yeah I think all these guys are try are working to be um Nick Townsen emry Winston I'm not sure I think Nick Townsen is I'm not 100% sure on that I'll ask him today um but yeah I mean offensive line wise I think the majority of majority of those guys are trying to but let's I I'll I'll double check on some of those guys question Jack Lance Jackson's been baseball but again will he do will he do what uh Jonah Williams Jonah Williams planning to enroll early that's a great question we'll look we'll look at at least 13 Lance Jackson told us in our interview that he was going to try to be a midterm he accomplish that or not yeah it's TBD maybe we need to check back in good question Jack good question 17 of the 20 or 21 or 18 of the 20 this past year uh and when we were talking uh who was it was it yesterday that we were talking to someone that said their number one advice for a football player right now would be to ENT school early 100% get there as early as you can and that would be their uh advice to any young recruit because it allows you to get acclimated before everybody else uh or at least on schedule with everyone else yeah and look you get a you get spring practice which look that's big obviously but it's the work with if you're GNA it's the work with Tory beckon in the spring leading up to Spring practice then the work with Tory beckon in the summer so you get two different really I call them sessions uh with Tory beckon that's huge the other thing is with the portal now man those who sit and wait around they to disadvantage get get get out of high school early I will say I I want to add this the other thing to to keep in mind and I always thought was tough you show up and your first semester in school you're also trying to play on the football team work in practice and all this other stuff man that's hard that's harder academically yeah you know what I mean it's it just you know you're trying to learn the Playbook while trying to figure things I mean I I I would give myself that time if I could do it you know that that also means the kids have to be in good academic standing in high school en able to be able to uh to get uh graduated early and get on campus all right guys we got time for just a couple more questions here so let's take a couple of those and uh this should be an easy one for you Bobby Odin horns is on Texas football doing lives on YouTube this Saturday why don't you give everybody the schedule yeah absolutely on Saturday morning actually Saturday uh we are going to be live from 12:30 to 1:30 at the uh uh new uh Flat Creek estate Wine Garden that they're having uh across from the stadium uh on the North side uh between uh the Hall of honor and the Bass Concert Hall we'll be talking about the Longhorn football from there then we have the watch with us uh with Aaron Hogan he's going to be leading that again we'll have four different guests including Bob Shipley uh Brian Irwin I hope is able to do it uh as well as rod babers and others think Jerry's goingon to do one of those quarters and then we'll have the postgame show myself Rod as well as Brian Robison the former Longhorn is joining us this year for the postgame show can't wait for that to take effect and get going but uh we've got a lot planned for not only Friday Thursday Jerry and I are down in Houston uh doing a meet and greet with everyone uh please come down to Little W little woodr uh from 6:00 to 8 on Thursday night uh in Webster Texas we'll be down there just hang out uh it's sponsored by flight and Yingling uh and they're giving away a free stove pit uh that is Yingling branded that should be fun but just come out hang out with us Friday then we're at the co-op uh from 3: to 4: and Jerry myself Rod babers all talking to you uh from there and then we're going to Victory lap afterwards now Victory lap is a new bar area relatively new I say about a year two years old on West Campus about 200 yards away uh from uh the co-op will be there as well on Friday afternoon we won't be doing a live there we're just going to be hanging out uh talking a little football uh visiting with friends Etc but you're welcome to come Yingling will be sponsoring that as well so happy to happy to be part of that hey Blake I'm going to hit a couple recruiting things before we get out of here Brendan bow Soxs asks is Jonah G to say safety move to inside the box with having Derrick Williams Xavier returning well I think Jonah is gonna play safety that's what he wants to play look I've said this before Jonah if somebody said Jonah you can't play W safety' say okay I'll play wide receiver so because he's really good there too so I I do think he'll play uh safety at Texas um and he is not a guy that really I I don't think has interest in playing linebacker so got to factor that in with his recruiting Ryan Patterson asked this from Kansas City we done with Riley ptis on any Devin Sanchez updates what I'll say is Texas will all they're not backing off those onea guys um Steve sarkeesian will not back off those guys I think Riley Pan's a tough one um but uh Steve sarkeesian you know look anytime they've called Devin Sanchez he's at least picked up the phone but here's what I'll say these guys have to get on campus even the guys who you know we've talked about myON Charles who obviously Texas he almost visited Late July with Josiah Sharma then he didn't make that trip uh people have asked about Javen Hilson from Coco they've asked about some other guys committed elsewhere Texas is gonna stay on all those guys we know this from past Cycles they're not backing off these guys the key is they got to get back on campus again or on campus period I think that's a big part of the next step in this process because remember Josiah Sharma got on campus in Late July without that he doesn't flip so there's a process I think um um that that's going to have to happen here but Texas will you know I spoke with myON Charles briefly yesterday and he's talking about coming to the Georgia game so we'll see if that happens and he Bobby Bobby can you address this heard the spring portal might be going away kind of give your thoughts on that yeah so it's very it's it's very possible that goes away they're waiting for it to be approved um and this is a good topic because it obviously impacts late changes uh so essentially the rules committee uh for the NCAA division one has Port put forth the notion that there will only be one open portal period all year long for uh the regular portal not for grad transfers but for the regular portal and that will be at the end of December into early January uh so it'll eliminate the spring portal which is uh going to be tough because if you think about it Jerry sometimes people given that the the NFL draft declaration doesn't happen until mid January what happens if you have a guy that you think is staying and then all of a sudden he decides to leave uh mid January um so the idea of being able to go back and get someone after the close or after spring practice is going to be uh it sounds like at least right now it is going to be uh no more but they have not made that rule official yet so it still has to go through one more Vote or committee what have you but good good topic because I think that again affects the way you acquire talent and mitigate problems on your current roster all Texas added two defensive tackles in the spring after in the spring portal so it's important by the way the you know silus bold another you know so hey by by the way uh the Conor stallions Netflix specials out so I'm sure all you guys want to go watch that I will be this week ahead of the ahead of the Michigan game yes hey Bobby before we get out of here I know you wanted to give an update I'm trying to pull the Tweet up real quick but I'm going to let you that while I look forward yeah Greg swindell's daughter has been found for those that did not hear the news Greg swind Swindell and his wife's daughter had been missing uh for several days I think since Thursday of last week she has been found uh and is apparently safe there are no further updates than that but we were hoping Greg is is a lifetime Longhorn Not only was a great pitcher at the University of Texas uh and in the Major League Baseball but then did The Telecast broadcast for Longhorn Network with Keith Morland for baseball uh she has been found that's all we have for now thank you to everyone and I mean everyone uh who helped in the process that's a update at 6:13 this morning from Greg and his family uh very happy for him uh this morning okay guys well that's going to do it for today's episode of coffee and football we want to thank both autograph and manscape for sponsoring Today's show thank you all for tuning in for the great questions the great Super Chat as well minus the Astros part of that one be sure head on over to on texasfootball.com if you haven't become a member yet you can use promo code OTF OG and you'll get one year for $ 39.95 you can't beat that at all and then like the the I want to say this the OTF Community is growing every day um and so please join us over there guys it's a lot of fun uh we've got news and notes every day Jerry you and CJ both had Rec recruiting nuggets up late yesterday afternoon Etc seriously give us a try at on texasfootball.com sorry interrupt like you're good by the way for the basketball uh men's basketball fans out there I put up up official visitor this weekend this is when official visit start for basketball start of the football season bring those guys around for Game Day bivo Boulevard everything that UT kind of uh provides the experience during football season so I have an article up on the five of official visitors scheduled to visit for Texas basketball this month coming up in September that's right around the clock Texas Sports coverage not just football over on on Texas foot.com so like Bobby said be sure to check that out and then be sure to hit that like And subscribe button ring the bell so you're notified anytime that we go live or post content and we will be back same time same place tomorrow morning so for Bobby Burt and Jerry Hamilton I'm Blake Monroe and

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