Category: Sports
Man i almost don't even know where to begin to be honest with you man like i i was not expecting that i was not expecting that i mean you want to talk about getting out coached kyle shanahan was running circles around robert sol and jeff alri he was toying with that defense toying with it and keep in... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in so the new york j just released their first uh unofficial depth chart for the nfl season and let's break it down right because i i think there are some surprises here in this uh in this setup so let's first take a look at the offense so taking a look... Read more
Category: Sports
Let's go so the new york jets are signing safety lewis scene former georgia bulldog former minnesota viking former back in first- round pick here now this move gets me far this is like the type of move that i love to see you know my favorite teams make right where they're taking a chance on a highly... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in so i'm just getting home now and on the way back i was listening to the solid pressor and there's still no update with s reic now solid didn't really sound too pressed about it he you know he didn't sound too too worried you know he's focus on the guys... Read more
Category: Sports
All right guys so the 53 minute roster for the new york jets finally came out right an hour and a half after the uh 4:00 deadline but let's dive into this thing right so first things first and by the way this is uh according to the new york jets website here they put out a long list of players that... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in so i'm just getting home now and i see that there's two reports surrounding the new york jets assan reic situation right and this is obviously a pretty amplified talking point after what we witnessed uh or uh the lack of what we witnessed on... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in so in this one i wanted to really go over some of the latest news and notes surounding the new york jets uh there's so much happening right we had the joe douglas press conference 53 man roster practice squad uh we had douglas and salah's comments on... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in football's back jets football's back feels so good right i got the bears game on in the background here let's freaking go right let's freaking go the first preseason game between the washington commanders and the new york jets just wrapped up so much... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro all right guys what's going on welcome in so jets training camp practice is just about to kick off here in about like 5 10 minutes but we have breaking jets news the team went out and signed adrien martinez really late last night uh former nebraska corn husker former kansas adrian martinez... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro all right guys what's going on welcome in so different style of video here but this is something that i've been wanting to talk about really since they introduced the new rule and it's this whole special teams kickoff shift that we're going to have to uh adapt and adjust with uh in 2024 and the... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in so in this one i wanted to ask the question is the pressure on the new york jets but joe douglas specifically to get hassan reic under contract right based off of what we saw granted one week against a stacked wellcoach team in their house on... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in so first things first happy labor day hope you had a great labor day weekend had some nice time off with your friends your family but because it's labor day that means that one week from today is the first jets game of the season right monday night football... Read more