USA vs Canada live watchalong | USMNT vs CanMNT Friendly Match

[Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone we are back the first Camp the first US Men's National Team Camp ever since Greg burh halter got fired because obviously the Olympics is not really a camp right it's a U23 tournament so that one didn't count bur halter was not going to be in charge of the Olympics anyway it was mitrovic but today we have the very first Camp without bur halter obviously still without the main coach um technically right we're having an interim coach Mikey vadz now maybe pochettino could be behind the scenes he might be talking to Mikey vadz and a few things might be done his way but we have no evidence of that and um pettino is yet to be announced probably announced soon the deal is very likely done we'll talk about that in a second and Pete how we feeling there good I mean it's you know nice to have a a game without burh halter on the sideline but it still feels like a month more than a month after Copa Med no what am I saying yeah a month more than a month after Copa Medica failure almost two almost two J wait June yeah we're in September two months yeah yeah you're right two months after kopa Medica failure we're still in flux right and so it's like all right let's get pettino in but you know look I believe that traditionally Mexico is our rival but in terms of quality right now Canada's a bigger rival they just are they have better players they're definitely doing more to push their players they're sending them to Europe right and they do have a good coach now at least good for them and this should be a fun game even though it's a friendly it's still a rivalry game yeah and the United States will face Canada and bitter Jesse Marsh that look just to make one thing clear everything Jesse has been saying about us soccer it's all true right can we agree on that Pete like everything he's been saying is true he's not wrong but this guy is just extremely bitter right now it's kind of funny to see because well the way that US soccer treated him I think I would be bitter too well but here's the thing all the problems that he's talking about they've always been there oh yeah but and he knew about it he knew about it but he always played it cool and never really spoke out against it because he wanted to be the national team coach for 2026 it was quite clear and then when he didn't get what he wanted now he became outspoken all the sudden right so Props to him it's never too late uh to do so but again keep in mind that Jesse is only doing this because he is bitter it wasn't just he didn't get the job is that they made him run through all of these hoops to interview ridiculous Hoops to interview for the job basically told him he had it and then reneged at the last minute so it's not just that he didn't get the job like I think he has a right to be bitter but you're right he should have been calling out US soccer a long time ago not keeping quiet like the rest of MSM until they get personally burned and then start speaking out well in bitter Jesse uh if you go back I think in the 2022 cycle and guys don't quote me on this one I might be saying something that's not accurate but I'm pretty sure in the 2022 cycle there was a moment where Jess said before the World Cup that bur halter was doing a good job and he was saying people telling people fans to stop criticizing burh halter because it quote doesn't help remember said the negativity doesn't help shut the fu negative now he's Miss negative yes go eat your maple syrup also brother listen Jesse Jesse Marsh Mr bitter Jesse you are the coach of the Canadian Men's National Team if someone asks you about the US Men's National Team internal issues you know you respond in that case you're like no further comments I'm coaching the Canada team the US can deal with their own problems and you just let it go cuz that's your focus right wasn't he even saying that he's gonna sing the Canadian anthem and not sing the American one it's like and because he feels half Canadian now stupid idiotic thing sing the Canadian anthem if you want to you're I guess you're representing their country but you are still American like well also he went on that shill podcast I forget the name and talked about how he's focused on Canada right now and he doesn't want to talk about about the US and he's focused on Canada and then for the rest of the podcast he talked about the US appar it's like dude pick your poison like pick a lane bitter Jesse you gotta stop man just focus on Canada you had a great coper with Canada focus on that do something special there the best revenge Jesse Marsh can have with us soccer is his success that's the best revenge he can do now today I hope he loses but again just stop being bitter man it's looking ridiculous you're looking like a child you're looking like tactical manager on Twitter and that's not a good look that is not a good look no one wants to be tactical manager from Twitter no one wants to do that don't do it Jesse Jeff Cary some people try true that is true I don't know why but they Jeff KY saying PTAC welcome back to my spicy World Jeff thank you uh this is definitely not your spicy world he pretty much claims the chat to be his he's gonna open up a franchise in Orlando Orlando called Jeff's spicy world oh my God I would not enter whatever that is I maybe in West Hollywood that might be a good spot you're opening up that kind of a franchise um but here's the starting 11 Pete based on the roster we have we don't have Des we don't have Tyler Adams we don't have McKenna we don't have Gio Raina uh we don't have Tim WEA there's so many players missing Anthony Robinson so with this roster that we have this is more or less the best lineup you can maybe switch arenson fji I yeah I think that's it could have an impact it could also be six for half a dozen there's there's different elements to it but overall this is more or less the best lineup the one thing I think we could have tested out since this is a friendly window is McKenzie is playing League gun right now maybe give him a shot over Tim re see what he can we already know what Tim re can do um and we know he's on the decline right yes exactly so I would probably give trusty or McKenzie a shot next to Richard see how they play let them build chry uh not going to nitpick on that too much but I I guess those are the things but overall I think the Midfield is quite interesting when we look at Johnny cardoso Unice Musa probably in a double pivot and then Malik tomman as the 10 Malik tomman has yet to deliver for the United States has not played well for the us but he plays well in the year divis for PSV Gio Rena is out this Camp so Tilman will probably start both games this is his opportunity to show that he can't play for the national team at a high level and again me and Pete have said this multiple times we firmly believe Gio Rena is better than Tilman but if Tillman's playing better than GI we have no issue benching Gio and alternating but Tillman has yet to show that to us yeah he's been great for his Club he needs to show that for the national team and he's getting the opportunity today so here you go yep and again if if he plays well against Canada plays well against New Zealand and Gio's not playing for Dortmund I'd be okay with us rotating them and seeing who can outplay each other but as of now I still think gioa is the better player uh that is injured by the way gioa and and it hasn't been confirmed but there's some news with Gio that's a bit iffy they were saying he could be out for four to six weeks well that's not good that means he misses the October Camp too yeah well you see this news there were that was like the initial thoughts that I think a few like journalists were talking about in Germany based on what they heard maybe they're assuming it's a pulled muscle not a strain only if it's a pulled there's also the the thing with Gio that I I wouldn't be surprised if Dortmund is like extra cautious with it right they've rushed him back before and that was a big problem so maybe they're just like dude you might be healed in two weeks but you'll be back in four let's strengthen that who knows but yeah if he's out want to play him even when he is healthy so why would you rush him back yeah I mean since they don't want to play him anyway might as well not rush him back I would hope uh so we'll see uh if he's out if he's out for four to six weeks it's not good that means he'll miss the October camp and we only have one Camp after that this year which is in November uh it's not good news but enough of Gio the front three we talked about it Christian pisc balagan to me they have to start their locks and then the other argument is like Brendan Aronson or or [ __ ] and then if you play [ __ ] you put pulk on the right wing which he can play both fairly well right or left the defense Joe scall obviously the the immediate backup of sergino Des that's fine Richard should start oh Patrick schy to me is a POS posi I know he wasn't great in the Olympics but we talked about how we need to we need to move on from Matt Turner at some point and you have to give shots to players that are projected to improve the next few years schy coachin Gaga sonina these are all goalkeepers that are young and every single year they should look a bit better so I'm fine with Chelsey starting this is probably the best option and right now he's also coaching was probably called in to be more of like a recruitment I don't know if he'll start any gam so I'm cool with this yeah no I agree and it's I don't think coaching has not played a single professional minute in his career so you don't start starting him right away um I think you know of the four options they brought it probably makes sense to give Shelty a shot and just see how he does um wi okay saying as a I believe it's Venezuelan American right Venezuela I'm mad that Bolivia changed their Stadium what did Bolivia they changed their Stadium they're not playing laaz I I honestly didn't follow through what Bolivia did I know they won in the World Cup qualifying but I only watched the Brazil game and Brazil was horrendous yesterday against Ecuador uh at home they won yes one zero but I think for the first time in my life I saw Ecuador completely outplayed Brazil in the second half in Brazil how long story last no idea no I mean he got the win so they might just go he got the win uh I I don't know like I don't think Brazil qualifying to the World Cup is in danger I mean seven teams in K ball can qualify right out of 10 they're gonna qualify stat man mossi who tweeted that out this morning yeah he tweeted that and I said look the odds of Brazil missing the World Cup is zero the problem is the way they're playing right now the odds of winning are pretty close to zero as well it's close to that so also when you spend a lot of time with Alexi Lis it can impact your thinking skills yes um what's the name um what's that that Pro we learned it in science is it osmosis um where you can just kind of lose it just because someone doesn't have enough of it so he doesn't have enough of a brain so just kind of drains it from you a little bit and you lose part of it I've never heard that well it's not with brain right it's technically with water right if if something is there's a lot of water and another one's dry like your finger that's why your fingers also get all wrinkled up when you're in water for so long because the water sucks it out the moisture out of your fingers well your finger it doesn't suck the moisture right look I think maybe I was probably not paying attention in science class yeah I I did engineering but I did mechanical engineering so the whole science chemistry all that crap I skipped all of that it was more like Dynamics Statics thermodynamics things like that so probably not the right guy William thank you for the Super Chat William and flip silvar saying s Paulo pack the NFL game yeah people asked me yesterday about that game I I I think it's fine if NFL is essentially the only actual um American Football League in the world if they want to play a game in Brazil and there's demand and clearly there there is it was sold out why not go play there uh I think as a novelty there's demand do you think they would care long term I don't know uh maybe if they play one game a year people would go if it's just one game like the NFL goes to London and from what when I was there because they play at Spurs Stadium when I was there I talked to the people there and they were like yeah the problem is we fill the stadium up but half of the half of the crowd is American they fly over and watch this game so it's not like English fans are getting into NFL just Americans are traveling the world so I don't know if that was the same in Brazil I heard there were a lot of Brazilians um because also traveling to England is far more comfortable and easy for Americans same language no Visa needed um culture from a cultural standpoint England is far more similar to the US than Brazil is to the US so it's much easier to travel to England so I can see that but apparently there are a lot of Brazilians in the game I think if it's once every year Brazilians would go it's a different event they like to party and have fun and it's in a soccer stadium if it's once but yes if they put a American football game every month there it probably would get old it would get old very quickly once a year it probably won't um and they're saying Bolivia moved a stadium that's higher than laaz holy crap so there so Bolivia was like we suck we only win in the altitude but we're so bad that we can't even win that much in the altitude anymore so let's get it even higher that's why I think who did Bolivia actually defeat um two days ago they actually got a big win uh Bolivia took it to the oh they beat Venezuela that did well in the cop America but they couldn't beat Greg Balter that's the real his real success Bolivia beat Venezuela 4- Zer at home crazy I didn't have tactical Master Class Greg berhalter that's the problem yes yes burter has been awfully quiet awfully quiet yeah I would be too after that disgrace they they should have had him have a interview of shame that should have happened yeah they should have forced him right to like come out and like you have to do an exit interview once you get fired that's part of your contract otherwise you don't get the rest of your money no knowing what a coward he is though he might give up the rest of his money to not have to yeah how much am I losing two million's like um two million you can keep the two million you can keep it and doesn't even sof softball questions by Tom Boger being saying thank you for the first minute of the interview yeah Tom Boger will go for like two minutes saying thank you Greg for all the work you've done in changeing culture and then now explain to us how the players were the reason you lost yeah well did you see Tom bogert's latest saying that Miles Robinson is a roster lock for 2026 well you need to say that for a few MLS players so he can continue to get information and access so yeah it's all Shilling it's how it works we we've we've heard this um we've experienced that me and you at this point uh but everyone listen up this will be a live watch long for United States vers Canada the starting 11 in the formation of the US are on screen after the game we're going to go to 11 Yanks for the postgame we're going to be talking about obviously poatina will probably be a topic of the postgame uh in one way shape or form how the players perform he could be announced at halftime I'll give you guys a quick update here I know people said that the trip to Spain was canceled some people are saying that it was never going to happen whatever this is what I will say that I factually know about the whole pochettino thing one the deal is done now by that does it mean they signed I don't know I heard it was done officially so probably signed the players were told to expect to meet poino in Cincinnati okay this was told to the players um was there a change in plans did pochettino maybe freak out that he was gonna have to go to Cincinnati and he's like nah man I'm not going there could it be could you imagine poach you know what we're GNA the fans say call them we are the FC the FC um Pete imagine they went to portino like portino maricio so we're going to bring you to the United States um so you can meet the players and then he's just like yes I really like the United States Leo Messi told me that Miami is beautiful I was like yeah yeah but not Miami man we're going to take you to to Ohio I like oh is that like Miami similar clo they're like yes it's like pretty much the same as Miami Cincinnati the University of Miami has an Ohio campus exactly it's essentially the same like if everything Messi told you about the about Miami that beautiful place they have it there it's like oh do they have P coladas they P coladas in in Miami there's cocaine and in Ohio it's meth so different drugs but similar drugs similar enough yeah it's similar enough um so there's a lot of similarities and and you can just go like Cincinnati is like Miami but better there's no Florida man it's better no and then poino looks up Cincinnati and like in like a five minute Google search and he's like cancel the trip he's like Manchester United is interested I'm I'm going to Manchester just with that poor weather terrible weather in Manchester like man um so that's what I'm what I'm saying the players were told to expect to meet pochettino in Cincinnati so that's the update that I have I'm not gonna speculate that is literally what I know okay that's all Williams also saying hey Tac I'm an athletic trainer and just for your information a p or strain is the same thing I didn't know that I thought strain was like like minor and pulled was like really bad recovery will depend on the strain pole grade uh this is the first set Super Chat and I accidentally sent it twice oh thank thank you William for the Super Chat and information so I guess pulled and strain is the same thing it just matters like the grade or how how like severe it is and that Gio probably needs like an MRI I'm assuming um Stanley saying has anyone checked on Greg berhalter is he doing all right I look I'll just say one thing I it's not that I want him to do bad or do well I just don't care how he's doing considering he has millions of dollars in the bank a nice house and in Chicago right in Chicago and pretty much any job he wants in MLS I'd argue he's doing just fine and doesn't really need our sympathy he's fine guys he'll get a coaching job in MLS whenever he wants he's living in Chicago with a lot of money he's doing just fine okay Dwight is saying are you going to take a shot every time Aronson flops like like yeah I'm not gonna do that I'm I'm not trying to end up in the hospital by the Endust stream I'm not trying to get alcohol poison so no I won't take a shot maybe I'll take a shot of water every time you flops but then I could still drown so um probably not ideal yeah as far as like things to look for from the game how does arenson do on the wing right like this might be with poch watching if if you're look with we out with d out with Gio out there's like okay you got this opportunity also Kevin Paredes is out right we also didn't call up Griffin Yao there are there's competition for that spot on the right so Aronson needs to deliver today right if he wants to still be in the conversation if he performs poorly then it's like okay bud we might have seen enough from you so I want to see that I want to see Ken Tilman be a Creator in Midfield right um can cardoso and Musa just play that double PIV pivot together reliably I think they can but this is a good test yeah there's a lot to look forward to and and I I think what's interesting it's also a game unlike many others I know it's a friendly but we can judge the performances of players because one the opponent is not a scrub opponent two this is very personal for Jesse Marsh I'm pretty sure he he's been talking to the players about it he wants Canada to go for the win yeah so it's not going to be an easy game Canada's not going to go easy why don't I I put two things here on screen let's go through the Canadians starting 11 because they are missing some players like Ismael K is not available that's a very important Midfield now keep in mind this foot mob here they messed it up Cornelius is the center back and Ahmed is the right midfielder right winger and it's a 442 for Canada with lren and David up top that's how they played in the cop America mainly a 442 so alisar Johnson that plays for Celtic will be the right back Cornelius is a right back is a center back for Marseilles bombo moved to ni now right bombo's playing for nce um Creo you guys probably know him from Major League Soccer good goalkeeper is also in the French league by the way they're two center backs yeah cornos is in Marseilles and bomo with n and they're both starting by the way uh fonso Davies obviously Bayern Munich left back everyone knows Alonso Davies then you have usako and um wait who the heck is that Shier se he plays for grasshoppers sorry I can't take you seriously if you play for a team named grasshoppers like that that sorry that's like a team that a u8 team in America's like what do you want to be called then the kid's like grasshoppers and then the soccer dad's like one two three grasshoppers no I'm sorry you can't be taken seriously if you play for grasshoppers who does Ahmed play for is he MLS plays in MLS right yeah he's MLS guy know he plays for the Vancouver White Caps yeah he plays in MLS um schafberg that played well in the cup of America from Nashville in MLS and then Jonathan David from Leo and Kyle where's Kyle Aaron playing La Liga now not mayorca um NOA yeah mayca I thought he left mayorca but he's still there no he left the other team to go to mayorca who was he with before was that Las palas I think he was with like valad and they got like relegated or something Alia Alia no valad right and they got relegated I think oh valad that's right valad yeah yeah yeah uh GMO saying if Marsh takes the game seriously can Canada 3-0 guys he will take this game very seriously now Canada beating us 30-0 that would be a disgraceful result if we got 3-0 cuz because if you look on paper we're at home we're at home also we're at home on paper we have better players overall than Canada even though they have some they have a much better team than they ever had right there they finally have center backs dude that was a big issue with Canada last cycle uh but no no it's it's do you want to know an interesting stat about today's game yes since the Qatar 2022 World Cup the US has not scored without Gio Reno on the field at all not one goal so they need to prove now that they can score without Gio I mean besides the 2023 Gold Cup you mean yeah yeah obviously I'm talking about the US the first team not the C team for anyone wondering where to watch this game it's on screen right now take a screenshot uh do not ask me during the game I will get pissed off at you if you do that um it'll be on TBS tundo Universal Max and peacock dude I'm sorry look HBO has some good shows some good movies HBO but Max is just a stupid name for a streaming Ser yeah it was HBO Max before like what was wrong with that yeah they changed it to Max I know and they had some really good shows that's what's crazy that's like the name of an accountant yeah by the way I get it free with my AT&T phone so if anybody has AT&T and you don't own Max reach out to them and you should get a free account yeah so get a free account on Ma oh there you go so if you have have AT&T you can watch the game for free at Max so you got TBS tundo Universal Max and peacock please do not ask me during the game I already provided you with the information and let me see here Lawrence is saying that's how I felt at UMass were the minute man I don't know what he was referring to University of Massachusetts they were the the musket men in the Revolutionary War they were called Minute Men because they were part of the militia and the idea was that they could be ready to fight in one minute so if they said like with Paul rier rides through your town and says the British are coming all the Minute Men in that town could be ready to fight in one minute that no but I mean what what is he referring to in the sense of like what we were saying I don't I don't know what he's referring to yeah but guys Lawrence creger did a really good article on uh the failure of the leagues cup if anybody wants to go check that out on Twitter tell them your Twitter handle Lawrence so that they can go find it because it was a very well researched article and use stats to show how drastically bad the League's cup was this year I don't think this is the Lawrence that did it I'll pull up the Lawrence that did it here oh no that's Lawrence doery yeah sorry my bad I got it mixed up but Lawrence do still did a good one yeah I'll find the article here and I'll put it one second I'll put it up uh William saying to answer your question yes MRI will let you know the grade gray one for the muscle strain on Geo is minor grade three surgery is very likely I doubt it's grade three then because something would have leaked something would have come out come out about it so I doubt it's grade three hopefully it's grade one but maybe it could be something like grade I'm assuming there's a grade two right they don't just skip grade two they go like grade one and then grade three they're like m m Michael Scott with the fool me once strike one fool me twice strike three strike three or George Bush Fool me once shame on me fool me twice oh fool me once you ain't gonna fool me again that's an actual quote yeah not the brightest not the brightest sounds like most of our politicians Stanley saying Wei says lafc owns grasshopper do they I don't know about that have they played each other but everyone make sure to drop a like um in the Stream let's try to get it to 500 likes but the the Lawrence doery article that I can't find right now guys I'm sorry I'm going to find it here he did a good article on the leagues cup yeah maybe we can bring it up at half time I have it here no I found it okay I found it so guys it's this one here so you guys can look up the Tweet itself or maybe I can put it on on there put it on things people can go see his Twitter handle yeah it's this one here I'm gonna so you guys can see his Twitter handle uh it's a good article go give it a read I'm putting the link there in the chat about the failure of the leagues cup which it was ultimately a failure um oh it's really bad isn't it funny that like the last time we played a US MNT game was also in Kansas and we're back yeah it's weird that we always keep playing similar locations right I don't know it's always the same Diamond it goes Austin Orlando Kansas Cincinnati Columbus and back that's like the little usmt Diamond dude this game is empty I think there's more people in this chat than in the stadium yeah but can you blame people like the US MNT has no coach okay thank you US soccer the last time they were in Kansas they treated the fans to a miserable performance they've been a failure for six years under Greg burh halter like no wonder nobody shows up like I'm sorry are we surprised yeah what is your estimate there's probably like a thousand people no no there's more than that are they at uh Sporting KC Stadium yeah it's a small one so you know that's a 20,000 Cedar right now it looks like somewhere between five and 10 it's all thanks to US soccer Inc competence if there's an announcement of pochettino if they connected well with the fan base it's funny because this game is meant to be the fan appreciation match they should just given tickets out for free at this point yeah how about some actual fan appreciation not we stuck Greg berhalter on you for six years and we still can't announce pettino but don't worry fan appreciation everybody gets a free bottle of water and we might throw a t-shirt at you at halftime what is even like the fan appreciation BS it sounds like some dorky thing that some dorky marketing major in US soccer probably you and I know who uh who I'm talking about decided oh we should it's probably Neil it's probably Neil probably Neil uh fan appreciation what what does that mean Neil I don't know but if we call it that it sounds like we're excited about the [Music] fans yeah so now they're playing the national anthems is Jesse Marsh singing O Canada was he singing Pete did you see I didn't see it I'm still on Alonso Davies they're they're hanging on Davies for a long time for this Anthem usually they go down the line yeah they just wanted to show off funs of dude this is so embarrassing yeah so now the national anthem for the United States is playing here dude the stadium is so empty it's also during a Saturday which would be Peak if it was during the week there would be no one here yeah yeah congratulations to the US soccer Federation okay back here to the chat guys I'm going to go through the chat before we start the game here let me put the starting 11 on screen once again so you can check it out this will be a live watch along here obviously um it is a game that is interesting but obviously not enough people care about about it um and Forest is saying I went to Miami University in Oxford Ohio it was founded in the 19 uh in the 1800s before Miami Florida existed at all very beautiful college so maybe that's what they were trying to tell poach like it's yeah you're gonna go to Miami in Ohio Miami University it wasn't called Miami University before Miami existed are you sure it wasn't how could you call it Miami it's the Miami University of Ohio they maybe they bought them maybe it was called something else and the Miami University bought them was the name Miami of the city of Miami the first Miami it's a great question we're getting into a lot of good history here today yeah can anyone history and science class with Pete and T did you teach science I'll teach history yeah I just wanted to know that it's like did was the city of Miami in in South Florida was that the first Miami because again we have a lot of like towns in the US that are just names from England right y there's a Miami River in Ohio I stand corrected so the name Miami was around for a long time so I stand corrected then uh Jeff K saying by the way Canada is a country and England is not England's not a country Jeff Jeff where are you going with this man we talked about this Wales is not a country England is right I don't know Jonathan Hernandez is saying stadium is empty it it really is there's like 2,000 people there maybe three and Ryan is saying Miami is a native term in Ohio oh holy crap we made a joke about that could you imagine if it's like there's literally a Miami in Ohio there I guess there is it's a tribe or some kind my apologies to the people of the Miami Tribe imagine they tell portino poach we're going to Miami and then he arrives in Ohio he's like where is South Beach yeah oh my goodness no um Stanley saying look it up it is legit lafc owns majority stake in grasshoppers oh so you're saying they literally own it I guess the United Kingdom is not a country though the United Kingdom is a country it's a series of countries I guess weird oh wait wait wait wait yes the United Kingdom is a country the United Kingdom is an island passport a UK passport so England is not a country it's weird right because it is a country in its own right but there's no such thing as an English passport right okay so England is not really a country it says yes England is a country that is part of the UK but the UK is a country how can you be a country in a country but it's weird because like doesn't Scotland have their own Parliament too what is going on with the Brits man what are they doing years of uh years of colonization they don't even understand what they're doing there Wales is part of the UK Northern Ireland is part of the UK Scot Wales is not a country there's no way I'm sorry part of the UK it's like a province it's like a province in the UK yeah but England the UK being a country means England is probably just a state in the UK not a country Texas yeah it's like Texas there I don't get it so maybe Jeff Carrey was right it's just you never know what direction Jeff carre's going in Jeff is usually right he just goes a little bit too far sometimes and the game just started for me what about you um they're about to kick off Stephen spot saying England hasn't beaten us in a World Cup therefore their country card is revoked I think their country card is revoked simply due to the fact that the UK is a country again in the olymp Olympics they send the UK not England there's no such thing as an English passport cleared and then butt picker saying I was hoping they would have pochettino come in with a parachute followed by the B guys you're US soccer would never be able to do a legitimate like marketing yeah a creative idea coming out of US soccer you're dreaming if you have seen the people that work with Marketing in that Federation if you seen the people that work in Communications with that Federation you would change your mind about that we'll get lucky to get a tweet about pochettino that's about it like a tweet in an article that's about it and it might actually leak first with someone else so don't don't don't think they'll ever do something like that they're not capable of it the people working there we don't have our best there are the best people that work with marketing and Sports in this country are working with the NFL NBA Major League Baseball definitely not with us soccer bone 6000 is saying those us kits are horrible um I don't think they're horrible they're not my favorite I don't think they're horrible no the horrible ones are the white ones yeah they're not horrible uh but here it is United States and Patrick schy with his feet we'll see how that goes there's no pressure on him right now early in the game Canada's just letting him have the ball Tim R out wide to Christopher Lun is an interesting one to see how he performs yeah all right T I'm going to be uh in and out okay all right see you soon and here comes balagan he might be through balagan versus Cornelius or is it bombo no balagan dispossessed balagan is dispossessed TB is saying when you decide to have soccer game or college football on Saturday how many non-ir generation Yanks will tune in into a f friendly versus Drake and Justin Bieber land I mean I would hope more than two 3,000 I would hope more um but I don't think that all US soccer right because it's also the FIFA window when it happens and they have to play it and don't we have NFL and college football during the entire weekend unless US soccer put this game on a Friday night but we also had NFL games um during the Friday night we also had NFL games right uh GMO saying playing at home with Thea in ugly Jersey yeah maybe they're just trying to promote the Thea Jers I don't think this jersey do you guys really think this jersey is that ugly the blue one I don't think it's that ugly it's not beautiful but it's not hideous win cake saying why not switch MLS to a regular calendar at this point the league is already active February to December uh just take January off and put the leagues cup at that time I I don't know Wings cake like MLS does what MLS wants that's how it operates and it's a bit complicated for me to judge Johnny with a bad pass and then Here Comes Canada this could be dangerous this could be dangerous Jonathan d o schy with the save and Musa clears Big Time save from Patrick schy right there Johnny with a very bad pass by the way in the Midfield can the shrikes Cy Len with a good pass to John today he just strikes it without even letting it drop and Patrick schy with the sa Patrick schy was actually going to hold on to that but then udis Musa just blasted it out of bounds Jeff kre is saying I've been creating images of TAC with a I that's that's freaky that's very freaky corner kick for Canada here four minutes into the game corner kick for Canada and z z quam is saying I've been saying this for years England is not a country yet Wikipedia says it is Corner goes in schy safe hands I've asked English people and they don't know either so the the English people don't know if England's a country I mean look listen I'm okay with England being a country but if England's a country the United Kingdom is not a country you can't have a country in a country it doesn't make sense okay schy playing out of the back the United States Tim ream finds Christopher lond drives It Forward okay and then Port pass from lond we've not looked good early in the game step SPID saying US soccer should hold a context to see contest to see who can design the best kit the best gets used well again that would have to be Nike right Nike would would have to do that and then US soccer would have to just approve it but Nike would have to do that they won't do it watch Nike make the most horrendous US Men's National Team kids for the 2026 World Cup I wouldn't put it past them I really wouldn't and here comes Canada Jonathan David um Christopher lond recovers nope London Johnny left back ahed with the Cross Canada once again ball goes through blocked oops and that's going to be a goal kick for Canada Canada's looked a lot better than us that was Alonso Davies that was a funo Davies the thing with this Canadian Men's National Team here is ever since they signed Jesse Marsh they've built an identity and that's something that the US has to build very soon we're trying to build out of the back here again Richards schy to and Canada's pressing very high up the field now and we find it through Brendan Aronson okay we broke the Press good job from Aronson lond Aronson okay dispossessed dispossessed Aronson lost the ball we're not being able to break the Canadian press and here comes Canada ahed ball goes in Kyle lren no Jonathan David we're looking like complete [ __ ] early in the game Canada are looking like the top dogs here of course it's very early and anything can happen but hope holy crap and we have how many likes in the Stream we have 200 what yeah let's try to hit 500 likes and the US will score a goal um I guarantee you I mean I can't promise you but I can promise you that it will happen so just do it just just do it just freaking do it all right Canada trying to play out of the and they are able to connect the pass the Canadian team just looks far better Jonathan David out wide and I believe that is bomo bombo out wide To the Left To Alonso Davies tries to go along to kyen and he can't settle it and Patrick schy will control it Patrick schy will hold the ball for the United States here seven minutes here in the first half and I wouldn't call it complete domination that wouldn't be fair to say not complete domination but i' say a much Superior Canada early in the game Brandon arenson Musa Johnny Johnny Musa Musa ree ree to Malik Tilman let's see Tilman of space Christian pulk now down the left pulk Blows By Alistar Johnson puts a terrible through ball to Christopher Lind we look so disjointed no chemistry we look so unprepared my goodness my goodness not good not good we're at 291 likes we're almost at 500 we're getting there we're getting there we'll get there um guys it's free to hit the like button in the Stream you just do it even if you hate if you hate me hit the dislike button then I don't judge you I don't judge you okay scall finds Johnny Johnny tries to find the ball forward finds Unice Musa a little bit higher up the field Musa goes out wi to Christopher Lund a little bit over eight eight minutes and 30 seconds here Tim re through the middle to Musa Musa oh Musa dispossessed that's the second bad giveaway from our Midfield the first one was Johnny the second one was Musa shaffle BG cross goes in terrible cross from schafberg and that'll be a goal kick for Patrick schy goal kick for the United States yeah it does look like Canada has a coach and it looks like the usman's national team doesn't have one they just really don't don't have one okay Tim R Us Again playing out of the back we're definitely not going Route One football here we're going straight to play out of the back Tim re out white to Christopher Lind lond found balagan balagan tries to drive it forward and Alistair Johnson dispossesses him and that'll be a throw in for the United States we've been very stinky Tim R United States playing out of the back here once again trying to build out but and then we're clearly playing a double pivot with Johnny and Musa Johnny to Musa Musa back to Chris Richards Johnny and Musa have to find a way to get this ball forward Tilman bad pass from Tilman and then Johnny has to foul the Canadian play no no foul thought Johnny fouled him the ref didn't call it foul so we play on aerenson to Joe scall Joe scall with his technical limitations loses the ball and fouls the Canadian player and we lose the ball once again down the Left Flank back to Canada my goodness why is it that American players have no [ __ ] ability in tight spaces can we start developing some footell ballers in this country can we have more kids playing footell in this country to develop technical ability or can we stop playing putting kids in these big ass Fields put them in smaller fields in tight spaces where they have to actually develop technical ability in the ages of 5 to 10 and let them freaking play and be creative why is it that American players just have no ability in tight spaces Tim R every time I've coached kids that's the one thing I preach to them I tell the young kids just go listen I don't care how many times you lose the ball we're going to play in a small field time and space will be compressed try to dribble past your opponent figure it out that's what you need to be incentivizing young players in the United States by Young I mean like u2s obviously older they can still develop technical ability but those ages are more important when it comes to that and that's what we want to incentivize and Christian pulisic this possessed there hasn't been a single American player in this game so far that's playing well I guess maybe Patrick schy right made a good save hasn't made any mistakes of his feet came out of his line well besides that no one on the field is playing well so far no one here comes Canada out wide um is that Ahmed yes Ahmed with the ball down the right Ahmed to lren and that was cleared by that was actually Christian that was Johnny actually out wide I thought it was pulisic for a second tracking back was actually Johnny drifting to the left Kyle lren Orlando City Legend Kyle Len right there okay ball goes in Long throw CLE Le by the Americans and Malik Tilman good cut Tilman Blows By One blows by two good job from Malik Tilman and the pass Works balagan in transition let's see what balagan can do here tries to connect we still have the ball with the United States Malik Tilman to balagan uh balagan then he fouls okay United States at least was a little bit faster in transition right there than during the burh halter era but still not a very effective Counterattack right there good attempt good drive there from Malik Tilman but didn't really lead to a goal scoring opportunity pulisic to Johnny Johnny no options no options out wide Christopher Lar lond good find there Christian PK oh pulk don't humiliate him like that that's someone's son possibly someone's father okay he lost the ball right after but that was a nice move from PK that was a very very sick move right there didn't lead to jack [ __ ] but I appreciate it I appreciate the Canadian humiliation right there that's what I appreciate even though again it didn't lead to anything didn't really lead to anything Johnny back to Chris Richards Johnny again in the middle and gets fouled by lren Johnny got fouled by Kyle larren anyone got the link for the game guys I've talked about where you can watch the game tundo peacock TBS you can watch it on all of those Channel again if you don't need cable I'm pretty sure you have tbs in the antenna and tundo should be in the antenna too Malik Tilman couldn't settle the ball Canada has it back and it goes back all the way to kpo their goalkeeper the the game is so empty that it makes you wonder why didn't US soccer just put the tickets super super cheap by super cheap I mean like five bucks almost free almost free B switches okay ahed for Canada here down the right Ahmed finds Alistair Johnson cross goes in Tim re with a very poor clearance from Tim re that got blocked there by the Canadian player Christian pulk this possessed by ahed Christian PK has been ass today also besides that fancy play ohako oh my good I thought that was going in Canada almost scored was that was that a save no that was out that was straight out straight out of bounds it looked like Patrick schy was on the ball that was a rocket from aako and bad defensive moment there from actually Johnny I know he was trying to step in for the cross but you can't just leave you'll stack you wide open at the edge of the Box Tim re Richards Joe SC y c tries to drive inside and that goes back to Patrick schy Patrick schy settles the ball to Tim and then can at least stop pressing a little bit never mind as soon as we move up a couple yards forward there from the box it triggers the Canadian press as soon as we hit like the 20 yard line I would say that triggers the Canadian press Patrick schy are the American players going to move like you have to pass and someone has to move to create space are we going to move or we just going to invite Canada Johnny with another bad giveaway and here comes Canada goal bad giveaway from Johnny Canada hits the US in transition schafberg scores one Z for Canada my goodness my goodness what a horrendous start from the US Men's National Team Tim ream finds Johnny with a bad pass from Johnny give away and then Canada scores bad giveaway from Johnny and Canada takes the lead I I just get the impression that these American players they just seem like they don't give a crap it just seems like the American players don't [ __ ] care like Canada seems well organized good press there's an identity the players are giving it all the US looks disjointed the team doesn't seem like they give a crap Musa out wide to Brendan Aronson we go all the way back why what are we gonna go back every single time Christian pulk tries a little turn it doesn't work it just it just seems like this team doesn't give a flying crap it really just seems like they don't care pettino is gonna have a lot of work to do with this team a lot of work for pettino man do you guys think um pochettino is maybe like second guessing his decision to coach the US Men's National Team after watching this game Joe SC tries to go along to balagan let's see what balagan can do here loses the ball does this team even care Pete like it seems like the US doesn't care like there's no passion no G out playing us at home it's a it's a disgrace it's a disgrace it seems like Canada Canada has an identity Canada cares you can clearly see where their press goes they're organized they know the game plan all the US it just [ __ ] sucks the whole game yeah I mean we have a youth coach in charge not that that matters the players still need to care but this is [ __ ] Johnny man that's a terrible giveaway John well Johnny had two bad giveaways and Lua had one yeah and then shaly was flat footed on that I don't know why you can't be flat footed on a shot like that dude he could have actually saved that it wasn't a good shot it wasn't a good shot no he could have saved that man shty following up on the Olympics they're like all right let's give him this game see how he does that was really poor well and you know what's what's like abysmal about this team too we're trying to play out of the back and then schy ream and Richard just hold the ball completely clueless of who to pass it to and eventually it triggers the Canadian press as soon as it triggers their press we're completely out it every had a really good pass to Johnny right there and Johnny tried to lay it off to fman no could have turned the goal but all the other plays that's the goal the giveaways from the Midfield and Johnny need to move so the problem is Canada's front three is very narrow and it's all about denying the ball to Johnny and Musa right they're trying to squeeze that space and force us to go wide because they know that scall and Lund aren't exactly attacking threats right so they're trying to funnel the ball wide pulc has been really poor by the way yep every time he gets the ball poor Tillman had one flash of Brilliance really nice one but other than that he also poor Brendan Aronson Anonymous balagan no service yeah balan's just fighting for Scrappy balls that kind of arrived there and just has to like fight for it on his own and man pettino cannot get here soon enough watch him he's like watching this game he's like cancel the he's like never mind I changed my mind like puttina is like watching this game like what do these guys think I am a miracle worker this is Canada guys we're not playing Colombia or Brazil Tillman good ball to balagan set pulik oh he wasted this chance keeps giving the ball away Jesus Christ what minute are you pulk just wasted a great chance 2140 Tillman to pulk pulis to Aronson Tilman picks up the loose ball great ball by Tilman Bagan pisik oh he missed the tar you had to hit the goal on that one yeah that's [ __ ] there was also not that much pressure on that finish also did you see pulik getting like sort of bumped off off ball earlier and he spent five to eight seconds with his hands like this to the referee while play was going on this is the thing that really annoys me about psix sometimes dude the whininess yeah he he does whine quite a bit and he does like every time something doesn't go his way he just frows his arms up and looks very whiny that's very often with him he should hit that first time instead of chesting it away from goal well and even after he chested it it was a finish that he should have at least hit the goal and it probably would have gone in if he hit the goal because there was no one there to stop it yeah it was a wasted chance that was a waste of chance yeah and then you have scrawny youth coach Mikey vars on the touch lines and like she doesn't exactly Inspire confidence you know Stephen aishi saying Christian pull a [ __ ] I wouldn't call him [ __ ] he's a great player he's still been our best player for the last year still our best player Stephen but the problem with is time in time out he's proven that either things go his way and he freaking balls out yeah or he's just like a complete disaster he never has like oh he was okay today he did fine it's like median no he's either he's either like a porola or a NextGen like edin Hazard it's like there's no in between it's like one or another by the way Barak just got an assist for Bosnia against the Netherlands might be better than Brendan Aon very soon but we couldn't bring him to the Olympics because we had to bring Puli oh he just got bodied again like a little kid who put that through ball to pulisi so it's like Aronson I think put a good ball that was a good pass and then pic just can't I think it's Cornelius just took the ball from pulk shielded it out of bounds like as if it was a kid going against him oh my God pul so Alistair Johnson is out I believe he's injured Richie Lara came on Brazilian Fury saying keeping my fingers cross for both of you attack and Pete yeah it's not looking good man and and honestly Brazil yester yesterday yeah it was yesterday also got the win but didn't look good Brazil didn't look good it's interesting because it's not just like the coaching uh because of the way we are playing and how our players are playing it almost seems like Canada has better players in every single position so far that's how it seems like even though it's not true yeah and again the us trying to play again and Tim ring tries to go long to God knows who that pass was to from Tim re dude pochettino has a lot of work to do here man that wasn't Christopher Len guys that was actually I believe it was Tim re with that pass I think it was Tim re it wasn't Christopher Lun even though Christopher Lun that people have been talking about I don't think he's a horrible player but there's a lot of limitations there a lot yeah there's nobody after aob the drop off is steep uhhuh left back isn't he looking more or less like an MLs left back so far L yeah he's still in the stere B guys if he was really that good you think somebody would have maybe brought him especially with the American right the American national team or if Man City would have been like okay he's ready for a step up maybe he goes to hirona you know but no he's still down in palmo yeah honestly watching him play it's looking more or less like another like John tolken like same thing it wouldn't matter yeah token Wy L they're all about the same level so you might as well give Wy a shot because he's just younger yeah the Wy is the youngest of them all at least why good for Wy went pushed himself right got out of MLS got out of the [ __ ] show that is Atlanta right now and is pushing himself we'll see how much he improves but right now I don't have very high hopes for Wy um MC Ryan saying serious question why do our u23s look so much better than our senior team no confidence poor roster selections too I don't know man our u23s look like did you not watch the Olympics yeah we look terrible too 23s we I mean unless you think like we look good against Guinea in and New Zealand New Zealand yeah but as soon as we played France we looked mid against France and then we got torched by Morocco like it it was embarrassing so I don't think our u23s look better no I I'll just say we we we looked equally ass over the the summer we were they were all ass over the summer and I guess summer was ass and we're still dealing with ass with an interim coach it's all ass look we need to stop being ass that that's what it is that's that's the conclusion we've got here let's just stop being ass Canada's coming again and again man we're like defending for our lives against Canada in a low block I think we need to bring on [ __ ] right in the second half I would make some changes for sure this is ass P what are you doing he's just dribbling into like blind alleys there's no cohesion right there's no like receive the ball down the left cut it inside finish your run it's like this feels like old Bolter ball where they would just give the ball to pulk and have him run past players yeah and and just trying to play out of the back without any ideas no off the ball movement no patterns of Play Nothing a 10 that doesn't doesn't touch the ball at all yeah tman has looked okay when you get him in good positions on the ball he had that one pass for balagan he had that other really nice run where he actually ran from box to box yeah when you see that tman more consistently it's like the center backs get the ball we move it one way or another we can't find muso Johnny and then muso Johnny when we find them they lose the ball the ball never gets to Tilman Aronson has been kind of useless pulk loses the just tries to run into like pulk gets the ball and he just runs into like five Canadians like I'm just going to dribble through everyone now yeah it feels like there's no game plan at all no just more it's like just like Balter ball more or less yeah more or less oh balagan why are we using balagan as a hold up Striker this is Balter ball all over again dude we're trying to have balagan play with this back to goal which is one of the dumbest ways to use balagan if you're going to play that way you Sergeant or play the balagan strengths and they're putting here McAn is saying slow passing no movement yeah we're very slow with the ball like we don't move for you to disorganize an opponent with the ball you have to move the ball super quickly so you catch them off guard at some some point but we're super slow there's no moving we can't dribble yeah but but mcryan I agree with you when you say that about the senior team I just think that the u20s were the exact same as bad yeah and the u23s they nothing yeah u23s sorry u23s yeah u23s yeah this is Balter Bal ju this is more Balter ball I mean Mikey vades is a burh halter guy right yeah he was appointed by burh halter yeah it'll be interesting to see in October how much this team will change because then pettino will be in charge in October obviously it's the first Camp he's not going to work miracles but expecting some type of change good ball there from Tilman good turn Tillman like you did say Tillman for whatever he was able to do getting the ball he was fine today so far one of the yeah he has these flashes where you see the talent right there like okay there that's the tman we see at PSV Brandon Aronson and then out to lond and that's where the play kind of dies off and there's like nothing pul ack to tman tman back to Christopher Lund yeah this is what baffles me oh Tim re bad giveaway from ream and here comes Canada oh shoot oh shoot Len goal oh shy oh great save right there that was a bad giveaway from Tim re I think you're about to see it Jesus Tim good save though Richards come on Richards needs to do better there get goals side of him Richards has been a bit slow yeah honestly Richard since Copa America has not looked good dude but hey good sa from schy right there good reflexes yeah better than on the goal MH all right I'll see you at halftime Tech see you soon see you in 15 minutes Pete all right back here to the game cleared I believe it was arenson and then Christian pulk will try to hit K No Bad Touch from pulik and he loses the ball once again this time to Ahmed and Richie laa Bron Aron marking here Here Comes Canada corner kick for Canada Christian P has not been good pettino out fire poino he's the one to blame fire Mao poino all right corner kick here for Canada once again corner kick here for Canada once again shaffle BG not a great delivery Patrick schy comes out and recovers the ball for the US and he can't find anyone there's no Outlet when like you get a corner is there any plan to hit the opponent in transition schy gets the ball and no one freaking shows up switch Joe SC to Christopher Lund oh lond dispossessed take a bit longer Christopher lond take a bit longer how old is even Christopher lond because he's still in the C B Christopher Lund so l is actually dude he's 22 and he's still in the second division of Italy you should be playing the better League by now if you're a good player he's not very young man Richards tries to switch it good ball from Richards to pulk PK drives inside dribbles pass one pulled by Ahmed pulled by Ahmed that would be a free kick for the US not a very dangerous free kick but P was at least Blowing by the opponent for the first time and Christian pulic will actually take that yeah let's just look for the sake of it let's just blame bur Halter I'm joking I'm joking can't really blame Balter for this one pulik with a terrible free kick horrible free kick Joe scall Al White to Musa Lind scall back to Musa okay Musa what are you doing okay okay Tim re rich is already Dr we love going back don't we we just really love going back Johnny back to scall Joe scall dribbles inside where you going SC all the way back to Tim we're not finding Tilman at all we're not finding r10 we're not putting pulk also well pulk we have found him a few times and he lost the ball us tries to go long has balagan even touched the ball I think he touched it like twice guys people are saying poino out as a joke in the chat it's a joke poino is not even in charge of the team right now fonso Davies Here Comes Canada the ball 36 minutes and 30 seconds okay Richie L we're losing to a team that has Richie Lara playing we're losing to a team that has Richie Lara playing [Music] kpo okay John back to Richards Richards to Brendan arenson to Johnny Johnny with the ball back to Chris Richards again can we find Tilman how going to playmake if we literally don't find our playmaker we literally never find our 10 Johnny and Musa have to start finding Malik Tilman somehow Chris Richards back to Patrick schy and here comes the Canadian press and then Patrick schy just has to blast it forward to No One pul ack press press pul ack kpo is able to clear it we're 38 we're hitting minute 38 I would say not a dominant Canadian performance but a much better Canadian side than the US side much more organized better Coach the players look like they care a lot more than our players yakio Al y to Richie Lara yakio Jonathan David to oakio to David oh my goodness what is happening what is happening 38 minutes and 25 seconds Canada 1 United States zero in Kansas city has the US had a shot on target no we have not had a single shot on target so far the US has not had a single shot on target so far we had one play with PK that was close he probably should have hit the shot on target but he didn't Christopher Lund uh if you want to know the stats of this game I can pull up the stats uh we had one shot and was one shot off Target was Christian pul Canada had three shots on target eight shots total a much better Canadian side there's no doubt Johnny opens it ly to Christopher Lund L with the ball Tilman to Johnny Johnny good switch to scall scall with the ball cross goes into no one and then Richie Lara just kind of blast it up to nowhere and CPO gets the ball 39 minutes and 25 seconds and here comes ahed with Canada once again with Richie laa don't you can't lose to a team with Richie Lara playing man as a national team it's the guy that flopped in the championship balagan pulk dribbles pass one dribble pass two Christian pulk pulled is that a foul no foul no foul is called the Canadian player got the ball according to the ref and considering pic's not really complaining probably got the ball he probably did get the ball Canada tries to go long headed by Jonathan David and Patrick schy Tim re Johnny with the ball do we have any options no we can't ever bypass this Canadian mid block the Midfield can't bypass it ever Patrick schy again the US very slow with the ball we're too slow with the ball Joe scall back to Musa Musa tries to dribble it through and gets fouled kyen F un SMA is Mikey vadz Greg burh halter Jr yeah I mean he is a burh halter um student I guess is the way to put it but still look we can blame the coach all we want here Mikey vadas is not going to be the coach long term there's no point on actually criticizing Mike vas because he's not going to stay the players have to play better too bad giveaways slow in possession not much grit or fight in them there's a lot to criticize of the players Unis Musa finally finds Tilman and the ball goes all the way back to Tim re then back to Christopher lond lond pulk and pulk just gives it away again Christian pulk just gives it away Canada with the ball shaffle BG out wide to Richie Lara here comes the Canadians again schafberg cut inside back to Jonathan David Alfonso Davies down left Canada is moving the ball very well fonso Davis with the cross ball goes in that's a oh schy with a beautiful save pure reflexes Kyle Len with the Low cross well Kyle Len finishes the Low cross from Alonso Davies pretty much in the small box I believe that was Davies against scall Davies gets a dangerous cross lren just wasted a great opportunity right there Patrick schy we can say all we want about that one goal that he probably should have done better but Patrick schy has made some big time saves here TB saying if I'm pettino I'm not signing till Manu decides on ten hag ten hag is staying with Manchester United they're not GNA fire him right now cross goes in header from Canada and schy saves it again MC Ryan says what US Men's National Team started today do you think pochettino Cuts immediately ree arenson scall I'm tired of the tronco players I don't know who he would cut immediately he would not cut Joe scall because we don't have another option until sergino Des is back Tim rine maybe try Mark McKenzie lond hasn't been good Johnny hasn't been good today Musa hasn't been good today Christian PK hasn't been good but you can't really cut Christian PK from the starting 11 who are you going to start and what's happening there why why is balagan and Richie L why are they like hugging each other on the floor like what is happening right there that's some weird kinky [ __ ] that's very weird very very weird Nathan harriel no sorry guys Nathan Harel was not good in the Olympics he had one good game I think it was Guinea or New Zealand he was horrible against he was our worst player he was our worst player against Mar Rocco Johnny Chess is it down to oh good turn from tomman tomman finds I believe Aronson to Joe scall Aronson dispossessed by schelberg that'll be a throw in for the US 44 minutes and 20 seconds Johnny now dropping a bit deeper to help on the buildout and doesn't do anything it goes back to Tim re Tim re to Chris Richards Joe said Jesse said he wants Canadian players to understand the pace mentality physicality tactics and all demands of elite play USA has none of it no we don't we really don't I mean we have the players to do it but just it just doesn't seem like they understand it the Canadian players seem to understand it the the tactics the intensity they have all of that KY Aon Tim re on him back to Davies and this possessed by Tilman I think it was tman yeah it was tman shot blocked by Johnny Canada once again ball goes wide to shaffle BG shaffle BG blocked by Joe scall we have one minute added here so 30 seconds to go here in the first half 30 seconds to go Canada with the ball 30 seconds here it was not a good one not a good first half from the United States and I would say a fairly good first half from Canada they're up one Z they should have been up two- Z three- Z maybe in first half Canada Richie Lara all the way back the ref will probably end the first half here tries to go along the might be the last attack Jonathan David last attack of the first half David with the cross schy saves it okay if there was a deflection there from Len we probably would have been in trouble all right that's it for the first half a horrendous first half from the US Men's National Team a terrible first half from the US Men's National Team with Canada with a one- zero lead if I look through the stat here Canada had 10 shots Five On Target two big chances missed the US had one big chance with Christian psik outside of that we were complete ass and we had more possession than Canada because we just move the ball one way another we don't do [ __ ] with it it it it's very much looks like the bur H halter era so far um Matt Paquin is saying I basically hate watch the US Now Matt hopefully that changes with Mauricio pettino hopefully that changes with mortino because it's not looking good dude it's not looking good look I think coaching matters a lot and we've yet to see this team with a good coach we've yet to see it right poatina will be probably the first not probably the only good coach we have looked good under BJ Callahan we look good under BJ Callahan but once again this team is looking like complete ass today I don't to lose hope because we still haven't really hired the coach that we are supposed to which is micia butino but yeah it's it's a rough watch it's a very rough watch Canada should have been up two-30 they should have been up two-30 yep but can we talk a little about what's happening like tactically on the field right now because nothing changes so what's happening is Jesse Marsh is very smart he understands that neither Joe scall nor Christopher Lund are attacking Outlets so where does he put their three can Canada's attackers they're all in the middle of the field and their job is to deny passing Lanes to Johnny and Musa okay so you know scall is not an attacking Outlet you know Lund is not an attacking Outlet arenson is definitely not a good attacking outlet and so what what options do you have when you're compressing space in Midfield well you have to go over them so now we're trying to use Fuller and Bagan as a holdup player which he is not or we try to find pulic with the long ball there's only things that we are doing right now and it's ridiculous how do you solve it well one option is bring Sergeant on in the second half because he's more of a Target man somebody that can actually hold up the ball you need Malik Tilman to also move between the lines because what they're really doing is they're really moving with mus and Johnny and so tman has to be quicker to find those pockets of space if you can look for him also you pull off arenson and you put an actual attacker and [ __ ] right on that rightwing or a switch pulisic put him on the right put [ __ ] on the left I would probably also bring on sergeant and to be honest it's time to move on from Tim Marine the guy had two mistakes that resulted in shots on goal like at what point are we just going to accept this guy's finished he already went to the retirement League yeah and here's the here's one thing I want to say that we're going to have to start holding these players more and more accountable because it's very tiresome there's no point on actually over criticizing Mikey vadas this guy will be gone very soon he's not gonna be this guy's a puppet placeholder yeah the problem is regardless of the coach these players are slow on the ball there's no passion no care doesn't seem like they give a [ __ ] I'll say just this I thought Tilman actually looked bright when he had the ball in a few occasion yes the only guy who had some impressive moments yes he looks like everybody else has been quite poor everyone else has been mediocre at best and horrendous at worst yeah Aronson needs to get off the field man yes they go to a baseball game in midweek and they had fun throwing peanuts at each other yeah they had that Johnny was terrible re was terrible Aronson was terrible pulik was terrible terrible Moo's terrible Richard slow um yeah shty made two good saves but he was partially at fault for the goal I'm sorry yeah I don't know every I'm saying that probably schy the best rating for him would be like he' been average because he made some good saves but made a mistake two very good saves yeah yeah uh Tilman I thought was good and balagan is just like fighting for loose balls and not really getting anything he's fighting for scraps yeah I can't really rate balagan at all it just hasn't been good Stephen Nishi saying the football IQ the US Men's National Team is super low well Stephen these players play in top teams with top coaches they definitely have the football or soccer IQ to play at a high level it just seems like national team is something that they they don't have a burning passion to play for or the culture in Camp is still very much like the burh halter era and just no one gives a [ __ ] it doesn't seem like they care it's so weird look at Canada playing this is a friendly Canada has clearly an identity a style of play you can clearly see how Canada plays they're very direct they move the ball quick and fast all their players they create dangerous goal scoring opportunities and it looks like the players care and I'm gonna say this once again one Zer was a pretty good result for the US it should have been two3 Canada two three Z easily Charlie um Charlie Vargas is saying some players can't play for the national team starting with ream he's old and done yeah Tim ream is probably a player we should have gone past at this point to a retirement League he also said he's done by moving to a retirement League he said that no as in that's the signal of intent right sure maybe you're not good enough for fulam anymore why not go to the championship right fine Championship is still a good league but if you move to a retirement League you're essentially sending the message out you don't want to fight anymore uh MC Ryan saying vivaa hate watch we really suck team of squad players with maybe two stars pic balagan everyone else is average we have players that can't play dude um you're telling me that we can't play better than Canada they have they have Ahmed from the Vancouver White Cap starting they have Alistair Johnson that's a player that starts for Celtic just like a Cameron Carter Vickers and very soon a Austin trusty they have um who else I'm G to talk Kyle lren is Kyle Len better than balagan they have Christian P we have Christian pul like they have schafberg out wide yeah um and honestly even the Midfield Johnny and Musa should be doing a lot better than what they're doing we have the players to play a lot better it's just a matter of like the players actually one carrying and wanting to play better and two a coach that can get the best out of them it's those two things it's not just the coach these players have been ultimately a disgrace for quite some time yeah and you know like they didn't get that much hate for their failure this summer either right they come back oh it's go they all you know and then oh look they're having fun at a baseball game no one gives a [ __ ] can you show up and perform like we don't give a [ __ ] that PK was throwing peanuts into Aronson's mouth like this is the sort of like content was he doing that actually yeah it was in the it was in the [ __ ] thing that they posted little video of them stupid yeah it's like what guys oh look the boys are having fun we don't give a [ __ ] we want to have fun if I'm ever with you and I throw peanuts into your mouth make sure you slap me in the face very hard well my mouth will not be open anywhere around you that's also a good point but if I try to throw peanuts in slap just slap me in the face and tell me to wake up what's going on here I've never thrown a peanut into any of my friends moue what is going on with this team Larry L is saying I really hope Pino can kick these players asses and turn this recck on he will I hope so too he will because if that doesn't happen we are screwed in the World Cup we're going to probably get out of our group because it's going to be a [ __ ] group and we're gonna lose the first decent team we face that's what's gonna happen well I've been reading Pino's uh biography at Spurs and there was a lot of times at Spurs when they were like second in the league and pettino was mad because he didn't feel like they were giving enough on the field so he was giving them talks being like guys this is not good enough I tell you to play with this higher line you drop it five yards when you get scared of the other team you're supposed to be pressing with a certain level of intensity and you drop it at the 86 minute he did that a lot at Spurs from reading his biography and I think that's what this team needs and they were second in the league for Tottenham that's pretty damn good you would think it would be all fine and dandy he was not happy this guy's about to be stressed out with these players yeah and also can pulic please stop whining every time he falls over there's like eight to 10 seconds of him whining at the referee every time he falls over I'm getting so tired of it yeah I hope pul can stop whining someday he's supposed to be the face of this team and honestly the way we play kind of looks like f very whiny very soft and then we wonder why we can't fill out MLS stadiums like why who would pay to see that yeah it sucks on your stars like that um Alvaro bazan did the US players just walk on expecting a free w no I think they just don't care yeah they're like oh it's a friendly it's an interim coach man didn't Wes mckenny go to a hookah bar after we had it probably the second well the most embarrassing US Men's National Team lost in a competitive game since kuver in 2017 when we missed the World Cup they don't he didn't give a [ __ ] or he also showed up overweight to Copa America so I mean we talked about this before I want to believe these players care but they have to show us they care it doesn't seem like they care all the evidence points the other way around keep in mind all of these guys here also made no effort to play in the Olympics remember that I don't care you don't care but don't worry we've heard about how wonderful the culture is from for how long now the media keeps telling us what a great culture we have not just the media a guy that literally works with us soccer told us that when we were in a game in Austin and that we were wrong and that the culture was wonderful that bur halter brought in and how these players just care so much and they're and they have the power of friendship and they throw peanuts to each other's mouths also Chris Richards is hilarious that's what he said remember he was like Chris Richards is funny guys he's funny can't I can't man Ruben is saying this game is exposing the fundamental Damage Done by rehiring burh halter there is damage there but again these players have to be accountable in one way shape or form Joshua especially like I can understand tactical things not working but I cannot understand a lack of intensity and a lack of hunger and a lack of Desire Joshua W saying Lads just don't care hell higher Marsh he carestino will care poo will be like Marsh in terms of firing up this team and look Canada you got to remember Canada before hiring Marsh they were also kind of lost they failed to make it to the Nations League semi-finals they lost to Jamaica at home and they were out uh they had lost to the US in the Nations league in the in the Gold Cup they were not in a good State and then when they hired Marsh they quickly built an identity and this team team changed completely I'm not gonna say that pochettino is gonna next Camp immediately change this team but I do think within the next two camps we'll probably see some drastic changes in how before he starts with tactics or anything he needs to get this team fired up again and have some accountability for their attitudes might have to get rid of a few players uh Jacob saying schy was decent no could have been three for yeah we talked about how schy could have done better in the goal that they scored but we also said that he made some really good saves so he said he was probably Cable in the goal and then saved our asses a few times I'll say he was like average maybe a little slightly above average um definitely on the better side of our what I like about uh shy is the response right because that was partially on him that goal I don't care what anyone says I'm not saying it's all on him but you look at him when you fall on your butt with your leg wide open for a goal that if you dive you could stretch it is partially on him but his response to that was to make two really good saves so that shows a good mentality um Robin is saying to be fair the best Canadian starting 11 with no injuries isn't far off talent-wise to the United States the Canadians starting 11 with both teams not missing any player yes I would probably say most positions it's kind of close with some advant ages for the US and some advantages for Canada and maybe the US has like a one or two position Advantage yes I agree with that but that's not but Robin that's not an excuse for them to dominate us at home right no no I think I think I think he's just saying that it's like close like we're they're not that big of Underdog but no we we should be out today it's not looking like that today it's looking like they're the much better team right that's that's the issue we're having today it looks like they have nine to 10 players that are better than our starters that's what it's looking like and that is simply not true but it looks like that um B major saying shy had a bad mistake but it is the only reason we're still in this game yeah we we talked about this yeah with schy we're not saying he was [ __ ] schy was not [ __ ] Tilman was also not [ __ ] I thought tman was actually quite good balagan is one player that I can't say he was good but he also wasn't [ __ ] he kind of just like kept fighting for Scrappy balls everyone else was mediocre at best or horrendous everyone else um GMO is saying don't put your peanuts in his mouth he might like it no not putting that's for for what's his name no don't don't don't spicy Jeff is like Beetle Juice if you say his name three times he shows up okay it's like speak Beetle Juice I'm going to watch it after this yeah so anyone that's watched Beetle Juice that's spicy Jeff Moise is saying the first half got me thinking for a minute like did we rehire Greg berhalter for a third time the ball passing so slow no it's not that we rehired berhalter you got to keep in mind we just fired bur halter these players had years and years under bur halter and the interim coach is a bur halter student so it's quite normal that we're still gonna look like burh halter ball more or less um Charles Vargas Charles Vargas is saying what's the update on poino did he work it out with Chelsea already as far as I know yes the whole thing with Chelsea is all set and I said this in the beginning of the stream US soccer told the players to expect to meet pochettino in Cincinnati which is where we play the second game so I'm assuming the deal is done and I'm assuming that pochettino might be on his way to Ohio I don't know if there was any changes in regards to that but it should be good I would hope uh we need pochettino now more than ever um Alexander saying schy looks good his job to lose Go Crew yeah I mean look I as of now I would start him the next game too I Pete said this probably the best way possible shy made a mistake in that first goal but he did immediately bounce back which is what you would want so yeah that's fine Johnston was on the all cop America team as a right back yeah because Canada made a Deep Run there but but let's be real he he he's not the best right back in all the Americas right a Celtic level player like CCV and trusty yeah exactly he had a good Amer sure slum Rob thank you for the Super Chat Dirk s saying these players are soft soft soft and spoiled we need a coach that slams these players they are these players are definitely soft if the coach allows them to be they are yeah ghost card saying could Greg berhalter throat goat win this game what's up TCT and yank um I think we would lose under berhalter too I mean we lost to Panama so there's no reason we wouldn't lose to Canada yeah we only beat the almighty Bolivia in the United States and the second half just started and we're looking the exact same way uh Joe is saying speed of play and physicality is dropping this team's level also stop playing the same cities bring in young players to send a message portino has a lot of work to do with that Joe um we all agree with you there's a lot of changes that need to happen Johnny finds Tilman Tilman tries to find Musa bagan's able to settle it and then we restart once again all right but I'll be in and out see you soon whenever you want to join Pete Joshua W saying why Start center backs in a friendly you have trusty McKenzie give someone else minutes what are friendlies for not yeah well I'm fine with Richard starting next to McKenzie or trusty so they can build chemistry but I agree in terms of Tillman uh sorry in terms of Tim ring probably time to move on from Tim re in these friendlies let the other guys play let the other guys um let the other guys build chemistry and that's a free kick for Canada but Johnny got all ball that was actually all ball Michael saying I'm just joining now ahead of a long car ride I take it we're playing like [ __ ] yeah Michael to oversimplify it we're playing like Kaka like dog poop like Kaka not Kaka the Brazilian player like Kaka like poop we're playing like complete [ __ ] yes ball delivered from Canada cleared by Christopher London Canada has the ball once again how would poao motivate someone like pulc who can even challenge pulk for his starting position maybe not motivate pulk but you can probably get the other players fired up surrounding him you can change the whole code guys it's not just soccer or basketball or any any sport right that we've played or even a work environment right even a work environment you know how when you get a new boss or a new leader the whole atmosphere and culture within the workplace can change for the better or for the worse I'm assuming it'll change for the better of pettino that's what we're talking about it's not about like motivating ptic I think pulk playing for the US he is motivated but this team just doesn't seem to have that grit he needs the the coach needs to have players that want to play for them right we heard the players say they would run through a brick wall for burh halter but I didn't see that I didn't see that that's what I want to see Tim re United States with the ball here Tim re out wide to Christopher ER lend to Unice Musa Tim R finds Johnny Johnny back to Tim R once again oh boy this is so boring Christian pulisic inside back to Unis Musa and back to we're so boring like we literally it almost seems like this team wants Americans to hate soccer I feel like this team just wants Americans to hate soccer Johnny switches to Christian pulk and he has the ball down the left finds Christopher lond lond gets blocked L gets blocked that would be a corner for the United States yeah this team definitely wants Americans to hate soccer I'm pretty sure now E1 is saying if I'm poino I'm taking this film to the board and asking for more money he has a lot of work ahead of him wouldn't be a bad idea from pettino right cross goes in cleared Malik Tilman back heill balagan oh save balagan you got to do better with that finishing man hit it like you mean it what is that weak you8 shot good ball from Tilman but balagan what a weak ass shot almost as weak as Tim WEA punch on the Panamanian player just like I said about Tim way if you're gonna punch a player on the field actually like legitimately do it again not advocating for violence you shouldn't punch anyone on the field but again hit it like you mean it tman oh Tilman terrible pass right there terrible pass um Alazan is saying what do you expect from gated community kids this shows deeper disconnect for our soccer culture you need some people who only know hunger they don't need hunger right but you need some kids that have to like work for things in their life uh but again the whole I guess the way you've soccer Works in this country which I've talked about this extensively it's more of like for the people that can afford to play it rather than the most talented kids or the kids that actually go through struggles and fight for it right it's more about like Mommy and Daddy being able to pay for it and then you get a bunch of like spoiled these this is like the pay to play kids these are the pay to these SE are the players we get with the pay to play kids and I made this clear multiple times I'm not against oh balagan another shot blocked and then a terrible shot from Christopher L I'm not against us having pay to play soccer schools but you need to have a soccer pyramid that incentivizes more professional clubs to have more free acmis more free soccer schools and more scouting to make it more accessible to all in this country all the talented kids instead soccer's mainly accessible to those who can afford it in the United States if you make a soccer pyramid with promotion relegation which I've talked about this many times you incentivize more investment inmy and lower division teams which will have freey and it if you have these freey you also become eligible to FIFA solidarity payments in future transfer fees from the players you develop from ages I believe 15 to 21 there's multiple reasons to have it I've talked about this extensively I am not going to keep talking about it in this stream it's very tiring very tiring now that Alonso Davies is down let me go through the super chats here Ethan is saying F po chatino I'm taking this film to the board and asking for more money I already read that one um MC Ryan is saying Johnny is struggling yeah Johnny hasn't been good Johnny and Musa haven't played well Johnny and Musa have not played well the double pivot I'll say Johnny in the second half has been okay but Johnny was very poor in the first half even though second half has been like five minutes being saying I don't care how good these players are if they continue to show zero character Under Pressure stop calling them that might be the solution I mean look for the first year at least I am going to back pochettino with whatever he does I want to believe he knows what he's doing and I want to believe he's gonna fix this team so I will back him if he decides to bench some of the star players I will back him uh 80s Nostalgia guys saying pulic goes from one extreme to another he either plays like Kaka or Kaka that's a good way to put it um pulk is either Kaka or Kaka he's the extremes he's hot or cold he's like Katy Perry the dude is hot or then cold one or another goal kick for Canada no in between for Christian pisc uh Roco 222 say Sky's useless on the buildout and attack back scall can only defend oh Tilman good header there tman has been good man Tilman has been really good wait yellow card balagan got a yellow card for what what was the yellow card for did he actually hit the rude Canadian so ilako loses the header to Tilman balagan settles the ball and then when he settles the ball he his arm kind of hits the yeah it hits the Canadian player but that's not a yellow card he's running with his arms what is he supposed to do cut his arm off the Canadian player got on the way of his arm that's a stupid ass yellow card dumbass ref it's a stupid ass yellow card yeah he does hit hit the Canadian player but what the oh boy oh boy oh boy okay so free kick for Canada free kick for Canada see if I didn't miss anyone scall in the build out scall ain't it man it's been quite depressive what's crazy is we've actually um we've actually like looked better in the second half somehow we were so bad in the first half that we've actually looked better in the second bring in Josh is Josh in the chat jjd TV I would bring him in but I don't think he's here I think he's working isn't he working with one soccer right now I believe he's working with one soccer I think he is at least um now the players are just like not doing anything I don't really know what's happening but everyone if you just tuned in make sure to drop a like if we could hit if we can hit 10,000 likes the US will tie this game I Pro like I promise you why would I lie to you why would I lie to any of you what do I have to gain from lying a bunch of like virtual likes come on come on but yeah get the likes up it's a great way to support the channel when you hit the like button YouTube pushes this video to more people so if you like the channel if you like the content tomorrow we have the seven things we learn video the best way to support tactical manager TV for free is just to hit the like button you don't have to send super chats you don't have to join our patreon if you're here with us hanging out out having fun which at least that's what I'm having and watching us you're already supporting the channel quite a bit and hitting the like button is the best way to help us for free um so thank you very much everyone that tuned in everyone that hit the like button everyone that's been in the chat hanging out and going through the agonizing pain that is to watch this US Men's National Team Play It's been horrible for years I I I honestly pochettino can't come soon enough man he has to come here to the US like it's very tiring oh boy so now Ahmed is gonna play with um okay they tied up his head because maybe he was actually bleeding maybe he was actually bleeding I'm assuming he was actually bleeding it looks like he was um okay well it's actually that's not Amed is it Cornelius or bombo there might be bombo I don't know I can't see okay ball goes in Richards clears it a we got to get Aronson out of the game too ball goes in ream oh ream with another bad giveaway and oh boy Canada the scores Tim r with a bad giveaway Jonathan David scores I can't keep watching this US Men's National Team man I can't keep watching this US Men's National Team I can't do it man I just can't do it two Z two Z Jonathan David and then Tim re just caught in no man land bad tackle there from from Christopher Lund two Z for Canada wait guys are we really gonna blame schy no it was Tim re it was Tim re oh boy two zero for Canada and it could get worse it could get worse it could get worse Tim r with the ball Tim with the bad giveaway that leads to Canada scoring the goal for two lead all right let's see how this plays out now with the United States now um I'm starting to really dislike this team man and I'm just gonna say it I'm just gonna say it it's it's a little bit because of you guys I'm going to blame you guys okay if we had if you all had listened to me and we had hit the 1,000 likes we would we would right now have scored but we didn't so I'm just gonna blame the fans I'm gonna do what the US soccer mainstream media always does and I'm just gonna blame the fans that's what I'm gonna do I'm joking I'm joking okay I am totally joking Patrick schy once again we're gonna just keep playing the same [ __ ] way my goodness I can't do this man if this team I I can't do this for many more years if we keep playing like this Tilman nice turn Tilman and again we have no options he has no options I can't I can't just like okay arenson arenson finds no he doesn't find Bagan horrible pass from Brandon arenson Johnny deep with the ball to Tim re Christian pisk finds up to oh my goodness Christopher Lund you stupid idiotic thing oh my God I am going to vomit if I keep watching this team I can't man this team is going to start giving me explosive diarrhea just out of stress I can't keep doing this it's a friendly so yeah sure who cares about the result but again we're just getting humiliated by Canada at home we're playing like complete crap Good Luck matino Good Luck Good Luck my goodness this guy's going to have to work some miracle so Luca deor is coming on for or Tilman it was like Tilman was like the only decent player we had the whole game oh my God Tillman's coming out for the Lor Johnny no no no no no sorry sorry sorry wait Johnny's coming out okay Johnny for Aiden Morris that's fine Johnny wasn't good today but I I would not take out Malik Tilman he's probably he was like the only decent player we had throughout the game Aiden Morris is a fine sub because he's been playing well in the NFL Championship so it' be nice to see how Aiden Morris does today but tman I just don't know I just don't know Musa dribbles into every single Canadian in the entire planet and loses the ball why do we have players just running into like five Canadians at once you're not going to blow by five Canadians at once Family Guy fan replace US soccer and MLS I mean that that's say that's a like the Federation all that that's a way to fix the long term which is probably what we need but I do want to figure out a way to fix the short term we have a World Cup coming up and these unfortunately are the players that we have David addon is saying instead of doto it's two to zero a yeah Canadian yeah Canadian Jonathan Hernandez saying Johnny Tac I don't know what to tell you it ain't it look Johnny's performance today and the other performances of the US Men's National Team they've been mediocre at best and horrendous at worst today was horrendous today was horrendous I'm not going to defend that and I think Johnny can start for the US men's team but if these are the performances that Johnny cardos is going to put out then he's not going to start for the US Men's National Team you guys can call me biased for Johnny whatever you want if he doesn't perform he should not start and if Johnny plays the way he played today he should not be starting for the US Men's National Team it's pretty simple it's pretty simple there's no bias if he plays like that he shouldn't start he got a chance today and he played like [ __ ] should he get another chance sure Tyler's not available um Maloney is not available next game maybe Johnny comes off the bench and if he plays well he can get another chance but yeah if you play like sh you don't get a chance I have players I like I have players that I'm closer to but if they play like [ __ ] they play like [ __ ] period that's how it works that is how it works Luca deori now with the ball and okay switch there to Joe scell um Roco 222 saying media is going to give credit to Greg like in Vegas give credit to Greg for what for us playing like crap look I don't it's there's nothing to honestly like like I said Greg berhalter is gone this today is on the players yes this does look a lot like burh halter ball and there's a lot of burh halter ball here and there but this is most on the players we can't keep blaming burh halter at this point once he's gone Unice Musa drives inside Aiden Morris with the ball out wide to Joe scall Luca delator to Unis Musa Here Comes Musa with the ball Musa to aerenson Christian pul ack pul ack balagan oh Joe scall the US has the ball scall back oh Aiden Aiden Aiden Aiden what is that it worked it works dor go did it count it counted it counted us scored what just happened there Aiden Morris pulled a zidon right there with the back heel and he got the assist for Luca delor to score what just happened a complete collapse of the Canadian defense cuz they just stopped out of nowhere the Canadians just stopped out of nowhere Christian pul with the cross let me try to understand what the hell happened here um scall found Aiden Morris he scuffed a shot but then he I don't care if that was accidental but that was a brilliant assist from Aiden Morris that was a brilliant assist from Aiden Morris so 2-1 the US gets a goal somehow the US is still in this game somehow we're still in this game um Stephen spot saying chamber under every Stadium where we put our team when they lose the players should share our fear of losing they're they're they're not gonna share the fear they're not also there's like barely any pressure in US soccer we talked about this right like um I don't mind the players should have a life outside of soccer but McKenna going to a hookah bar after we lose to Panama in the Copa CA there there's no pressure there's no pressure um Todd Mullen is saying raina's injuries if he was a horse they would shoot him yeah so apparently like horses when they get in not injured when they break a leg they they have to sacrifice the horse is that is that how it works I've heard that before people that own horses but I'm not a big horse guy I don't know much about horses um Rayman is saying the US Men's National Team looks worse than our local un9 side completely disorganized on both sides of the ball yeah we've looked like that for quite some time and then we scored this weird goal where Canada just kind of like collapsed on defense that was a bit of a weird goal wasn't it yeah weird I'll take it need it at least get a draw man you can't lose to Canada at home yeah it was a weird goal because Aiden Morris like Canada like stop playing defense and then Aiden Morris in an assist that I can't tell if it was accidental or not or just brilliant he finds Luca deor wide open in the Box yeah and then Luca deor finish just like good game you know games change on moments so now we've got that we should have the momentum can we go get at least an equalizer yeah here's the here's the problem about us even tying this game sure in terms of like our honor we can probably put it this way but regardless of what happens here this has been a disgraceful performance no awful awful complacent entitled lackluster tactically naive but not that's not the reason we lost or our losing Rec oh LCA was off sides in the goal yeah it was hard to tell if he was offside onite or not no it just showed here he was off but they there's no V he was off he was like a whole step off like a lot you'll see it you'll see it so we got an offsides goal so but we'll take it we'll take it um and everyone if you can drop a like thank you very much everyone that tuned in yeah no he was off he was off it's hard to tell on the angle though [ __ ] wri is coming oh minute 69 everyone we hit minute 69 it's a ship performance but at least made again nice very nice very nice um why are the Canadian players just dropping left and right they just keep falling everywhere I don't know I'm trying to be politic uh people are saying why doesn't LCA deor start guys Luka he scored but give me a break we overreacted one yeah he scored a goal but he hasn't really done anything calm down like we tend to overreact to things yeah and P got a goal need a goal but again that that's not ultimately the where the decision comes from and I thought he should have come on for Musa he should have come on for Musa and Tilman should have stayed I thought tman was fine now musa's play yeah I don't know why they took off Tilman tman was one of the few bright spots yeah I don't know unless it was like some pre-planned rotation honestly I hope it is opening press conference pettino is like we need to get rid of this entitlement this team like I hope pettino doesn't compliment any of the players I don't want him talking about how we have good players come on come on I want patino to just be like we have a problem and we have a lot of work to do to fix it because this team is terrible honestly like I just want him to come in like scorched Earth just like forget day one anybody who's not giving 100% in training goes home just send them home yeah and and on top of all of that uh pochettino should look at this as a opportunity of a lifetime because if he can accomplish anything with this team in the world cup like a quarterfinals run he's going to get a job wherever he wants after yeah you can't get much worse right like after bur halter and this you can't this team can't drop any lower I mean we got grouped at Copa Meda and we're losing to Canada at home now by the way [ __ ] right for Musa okay so is Aronson gonna move to oh pulk might play a 10 then yeah pul six to 10 so we're still not giving Sergeant a chance huh no and pul six's playing as a 10 now so [ __ ] is on the left Arin Aronson's going to full 90 apparently seems like a guy that Mike like MLS Mikey vars coach would love yep done to stay on the field we pull off tman but but not Aronson yeah I would have even rathered have tman out wide or put pck on the right and and tman could have kept tman was doing fine at the 10 yeah tman was one of the few bright spots in this game I mean he wasn't like amazing I would say he was a solid like six out of 10 this game which compared to the other players it's freaking amazing compared to everyone else oh come on Aronson dude he keeps losing the ball in dangerous places he's not good um Michael saying assistant goal from the sub hire Mikey vadas permanently yeah guys look one it was a fluke goal we haven't it was just like a very weird goal two it was off sides he was off sides so it we take the goal we're down just 2-1 thanks to it but it was a fluke goal like Aiden Morris is not pulling that freaking zenin zidon trick every time no Morris man like there's something there with Morris and he did the right thing by leaving the crew and going to the championship and push himself no and I think obviously it's not enough minutes here and Johnny I want to see Johnny get more minutes but based off Johnny's performance and Aiden's Cameo here so far probably just start Aiden against New Zealand see what he can do there yeah Johnny was really poor man horrible and and I talked about this in the Stream like Johnny based on what he did with his Club he's earned a start an opportunity but if you come into that opportunity and play like [ __ ] and someone else comes in and plays well you get benched doesn't matter where you play that's how it should be you need bench Aronson and R too for the next game probably next game what should be done is probably bench Musa Johnny ream and Aronson and lond too just give Caleb Wy bench Lund yeah I don't know if Wy is much better but it's like what what do we have at this point I mean I don't know if wy's better or wy's it I just know lond ain't it that's all I know no I don't know if lond is better than token dude but looks like it's about the same level yeah the same mediocre player to his credit toen looked better in the Olympics now that's under 23 tournament so let's you know we don't know what L would have looked like there but tolken wasn't amazing at the Olympics but he was better than this 2-1 Canada 74 minutes into the game um after this we're going to go to 11 Yanks for a post game so then we'll go more into details of everything that happened try to discuss the bait and digest this horrible performance and go into individual player performances ratings all of that um but again you guys like it's 21 Canada but that does that is not a good I guess it's not really what the game looked like 2-1 it should have been more like two to three zero Canada at least yes two three Z it's yeah it should have been 41 4 Z shty made three very good saves and now it just this the last like 15 20 minutes it's more or less like those last 15 20 minutes of a friendly there's no sense of urgency no one seems to care too much um even Canada even Canada there doesn't seem to care too you know what Jesse Mars should have done if he wants to be bitter and actually troll he should have gotten the ball and done a bounce pass that would be a great troll if he did that a that'd be hilarious okay Arin and arenson looks like he's gonna go the full 90 man he runs a [Music] lot Christopher Lund with another mediocre cross the thing with Lund too dude he's 22 he's not 18 playing the SI b or the second division of Italy he's not 19 he's 22 at age 22 he smiles T that's I forgot about that yeah he smiles he's like very he's like a very nice guy very nice guy really good for Brotherhood yeah because okay cow for Brendon arenson oh God we're really giving it to the hustle Merchants huh oh he's got good hair got good hair a [ __ ] about that beautiful hair right there beautiful hair very beautiful hair sounds like something Donald Trump would say beautiful hair the best hair gets it for me very American hair very American hair American hair American hair free flowing long beautiful like ianka beautiful hair not as beautiful as Ivanka that's what he wouldd say not as beautiful as Ivanka or mine my hair is the best top three hairs in America Donald Trump one Ivanka 2 kid cow three this hair would stop buet no no it wouldn't that's just Trump's hair somebody said Sergeant has turned into a lieutenant on the bench I think Lieutenant is higher than Sergeant isn't it I think he's turned into a like Lance corporal or Soldier no he's just a soldier just private oh my goodness hey hey at least that Kate cow will provide us with some very nice pictures very very nice pictures watch him also they put Kate cow on the right wing that destroys his best move which is to cut inside and shoot I know he can't do his thing you should put him on the left so he can cut inside and shoot you never know it might work it works from time to time yeah for teams that don't know him it works they might not know he didn't Amal last for years because they don't Scout MC Ryan saying vivaa tronos yeah we got a lot of troncos that's the United States been talking about this how American players consistently they consistently struggle in tight spaces it's quite remarkable they can't get out of uncomfortable situations in the field very few very few Gio Pik maybe balagan not even probably just Jew and ptic and D Des Des c d yes of course but but then he also does like a rainbow flick after for no reason oh my God yeah a rainbow flick to back pass it yes no there's a random rainbow flick and passes it back to and he put it on his highlight reel for sure yes he's like I don't care if we lost to Canada I don't care I did a rainbow flick oh boy I and here comes Canada again and then Joe Joe SC is a player that kind of bothers me at times Pete because yes defensively he's fine but he offers nothing when we're building out of the back and he offers nothing in the final third there's no he doesn't offer anything in attack he's at best a good one V one Defender at his best yeah but then it's like who else is there yeah that's a bigger problem but isn't MLS like doing a great job of developing players where are all these right backs allegedly um AR saying [ __ ] is necessary for only one way we know how to play Kick and run counterattacks only one who doesn't get bodied you know what we might poino is a smart guy very smart guy with also nice hair he has good hair well not as much anymore he used to have Cade cow hair remember he used to have Kade cow hair but I think he has a good hair for a coach like it's a good hair for an older man he has good hair what he should do is he should just accept the fact that we suck and just go guys you know what we're going to defend for our lives and hit them in transition period That's there's no way he's going to do that that's not pettino he's gonna make them play with a high line and he's gonna have them pressing for their lives and if you don't press he's gonna yell at you well then Houston we might have a problem here might have a big problem Zachary Johnson saying let's face it boys the Euro gobblers have ruined the US Men's National Team who would be the Euro gobblers who would these Euro gobblers and and tell me one thing Zach who's been in charge for the last six years who allowed this culture of entitlement and complacently to thrive who encouraged it and created it well also I mean if it's like MLS players that you want trust me we look worse with MLS players if you think this is bad do we not remember when we were full of MLS players like it was worse yeah look it's bad like this I I I I concede on that it's been freaking bad but trust me if we bring an all MLS roster it's going to look worse yeah these are not all Euro gobblers are created equal there's a big difference between aob and Lund for example or Christian pulk and I don't know Paul arola like or even Brandon Aron Brendan arenson or honestly death than any of our right backs right right there's a big difference between D and scall between pulisi and Aronson and I mean I mean honestly like they keep telling me MLS is doing this amazing job with development where the hell are these players like where are the players somebody said uh at least MLS players would put heart into it Diego do you remember when we had these hearty MLS players Paul arola Sebastian leg Jette Christian Ron Jordan Morris Jesus Ferrera remember when they put their heart in to it we look like [ __ ] well they lost to Panama at home in the gold at home also like this is like uh delusional or rewriting of History here well didn't they didn't also we had mostly MLS players in 2017 when we played against Trinidad and Tobago what happened there worst what happened there where were where was their heart they couldn't even tie Trinidad and Tobago to qualify to the world we just need to tie them we need that what's his name Matt beasler went on after Copa Meda was saying well the problem with most of the guys is they weren't captains and leaders of their team in Europe even though they play in Europe whereas you look at guys like me or Clint or Michael we were captains of our teams I'm like beasler you were part of the generation that failed to qualify for the World Cup I wouldn't say a [ __ ] word if I were you I think what Zachary Johnson what you're probably referring to is the MLS players in the 2000s that's what you're talking about because recently the MLS players have been letting us down just as much if not more than these guys they failed to qualify to a World Cup when they were playing MLS so um I don't agree with that I don't think we look better and and these guys right here from a technical standpoint quality these are our best players but they need to wake the [ __ ] up they need to actually want to play and poino this is probably po atino's biggest challenge not tactics not player selection but shaking up the culture of this team that is probably his biggest challenge the mentality yeah what minute are we in 82 in the game in the past like 15 minutes nothing has happened no one gives a crap anymore it's dull and lifeless Jesus Christ yeah and and guys listen no one's against having MLS players in the national team if they're good enough but if you're a veteran you have to be like a top three player in mls in your position like you have to be probably the best and even so there's still some debates there the thing is like claiming that they would give their give it all they would try we failed to qualify to a world cup with them they also lost the gold cup at home literally last year have we forgotten that yeah ridiculous like the the the revisionist history of what MLS players bring us guys you just stop forget remember what they all brought even under B halter remember his whole first cycle was all msers well what about the Olympics wasn't our roster mostly MLS players M how did we do in the Olympics we we were like people I think people forgot we were legitimately [ __ ] in the Olympics three- Z to France and then we beat New Zealand and guinea which are probably Semi-Pro teams Guinea didn't even look like a team even look good against New Zealand was it 5- zero against um Morocco four or five four- zero against Morocco so I'm sorry like those are the MLS guys yeah they they put an effort good for them I'm not questioning that but sometimes effort alone is not enough if effort is enough put me and Pete to play I give my life for this team and we'll lose and we'll definitely lose Zachary Johnson saying where's Aiden Morris yeah I mean hasn't really done much sense but he hasn't been horrible I can't really criticize Aiden Morris that much I wouldn't say he's been horrible andan here comes [ __ ] R in transition good ball [ __ ] finding Pepe oh Pepe wasted a one see Pepe you got to take care of those chances man [ __ ] right just put Pepe on a one be one at the goalkeeper and he hit the goalkeeper gotta score those Bill's saying we need Steph Curry to start lobbing three this is not basketball Bill Steph Curry cannot help this team but good play from [ __ ] right there did you see Pete I'm seeing now yeah that's a great ball from [ __ ] more than Aon has done this entire game and I I thought Pepe should have done better yeah the touch and the finish all right I will see you guys in the post game see you in five minutes at 11 Yanks in the postgame jakobo saying best MLS players are consistently South American even in Portland we're full of South American players yes the best players in Major League Soccer are foreigners they're not the Americans the foreigners are the best players in MLS um Christian is saying pochettino has a tough job ahead of him oh yes he does yes he does I'm gonna back him and I'm gonna trust him but boy this guy's up for a challenge this guy is up for a very big challenge um let's see here Stephen aishi saying such a bad audition to poino for many of the guys oh no they all failed the test Stephen they all failed it they all failed the test today uh Zachary Johnson saying at least MLS players play sure the play play are in Europe if they want to come back to MLS they'll play they'll play if they come back but whatever that's worth at this point MC Ryan saying MLS has become a South American second division level League um in terms of pressure sure maybe even lower but in quality I think there's a bit more quality on the forwards when it comes to MLS it's just the defending in MLS that's much worse in those leagues but the forwards in MLS I would say they're better second division leagues in South America MLS is actually better than a few leagues in South America if we're being completely honest 88 minutes here the game is almost over Kate cow trying to fight loses it Pepe finds Christian pulk in the middle pulk playing as a 10 and he finds Aiden Morris good play from Aiden Morris out wide to [ __ ] [ __ ] righ cuts inside tries to find Po and is dispossessed here by the Canadian players 88 minutes and 20 seconds we're coming to an end of this game um Christian Asus saying by the way I'm Mr stuff and things oh Christian you are how have you been man because you left Twitter Mr stuff and things you left Twitter or X shall I call it X we still call it Twitter even though they changed the name to X it's still Twitter how have you been doing I hope you're doing great hope you're having honestly it's probably best to leave Twitter it's not really a good app I mean I have fun with it but people can be very disgraceful in that app very disgraceful United States with the ball here Chris Richards finds aen more no Luca theor Luca theor switches it to Joe scall scall cuts inside to God knows who and then he leaves our right side completely exposed and LCA de T has to cover him SC does not offer much going forward man Twitter's the goat app I have fun on Twitter but man people are so dumb in that app if that app had a literacy test most people would get kicked out of it there's a lot of stupid people it sometimes it feels like people don't read the tweets or they don't understand it for some reason Zachary Johnson says MLS is a top eight league in the world I highly disagree with that MLS is not a top eight league in the world I highly disagree with that United States with the ball here and the ref has added six minutes okay and that'll be a Thro in for for Canada why is the ref even adding six minutes this is a friendly this is a friendly yeah Pepe did waste a good goal scoring opportunity Pepe did waste a good goal we have 659 likes if you guys kindly could get those likes up to 700 800 whatever you can I would truly appreciate it thank you very much everyone that tuned in everyone that tuned in ball goes long Kate cow Kate cow with the ball with beautiful hair beautiful hair from Kate cow and he just Runs Out of Bounds on his own he just he just literally didn't give a [ __ ] he just kicked the ball out to the throwin and it's a throw in for Canada just kicked it out tried to play Kick and run and then it didn't work it really didn't it wasn't good at all um two1 Canada 91 minutes and 30 seconds throw in for the rude the very rude Canadians led by bitter Jessie shaffle BG hits a header that'll be now throwing for the US Chris Richards was going to take it but he's like no no no sir Joe SC you're the designated three throw taker not free throw throwin taker he finds Aiden Morris and Aiden Morris just hit a bricked pass right there bricked pass a brick pass to Luca delator Here Comes Canada oh boy this could be number three this could be number three for Canada nope nope NOP nope nope dispossessed there by Tim rean Patrick schy will play out of the back 92 minutes oh my goodness Jesse Marsh got his revenge pettino has a lot of work to do man but he can't work Miracles these players have to step up like if we're going to keep playing like this there's nothing this guy can do Aiden Morris trying to play all the way out of the back there when we have no ideas there's no Off the Ball moving from these players Tim re [ __ ] [ __ ] tries to find Christian pisc that'll be a throwin for the United States 93 minutes 93 minutes why is the game stopping all like the Canadians are so pathetic they're like wasting time in coner cing to get a 2-1 win in a friendly just get the hell out of the field like there's a substitution right now they're literally wasting time why is Jesse Marsh making a sub by sub I don't mean like a like a sandwich like I mean like a substitution in the 94th minute the dude is literally literally just just wasting time uh please rank the top eight leagues well the top five right away ahead of MLS right Bundesliga Premier League siia Liga um La Liga five uh the Brazilian league is better than MLS the air divis is better than MLS you like it or not Lega mchis is better than MLS the Mexican League that's already eight better not necessarily in this order but they are better than MLS um I would even make a case that the efl Championship the second division of England is better than MLS too right there I already have nine leagues better than MLS without thinking much right there I have nine leagues I can probably list a few more the Portuguese league that's another one all right and then Canada with the ball CPO 94 minutes we got a minute 30 left eight pathetic performance from the US Men's National Team today it was pathetic we scored a goal off sides an offside goal in Canada was pretty wasteful all right 95 minutes and 20 seconds the game's about to end here Zachary Johnson saying as another representative of Zachary Johnson's MLS isn't even oh Zach Johnson Now isn't even top 20 League don't tarnish our names so there's a Zachary Johnson and there's a Zach Johnson Zach Johnson doesn't agree with Zachary Johnson Zachary Johnson thinks that MLS a top eight League Zack Johnson doesn't think MLS is even a top 20 League it's the Battle of Zach so we should put them in the octagon and let them fight and see which Zach would stand the Zack that wins picks what ranking MLS stays we should have the both Zack Johnson's fight in my humble opinion that's what I think should happen um Jonathan is saying how much does this loss even matter this seems like a Canadian a squad versus a squad of guys that are auditioning for the USB Team Canada is missing about the same amount of players we are so the result itself doesn't matter but the performance right our performance was abysmo of course losing to Canada in the friendly doesn't matter that much the result the problem is the performance and that is it the game is over Canada 2 Us zero Zachary Johnson said you're wrong about the last three I am not Zack I am definitely not wrong about that in MLS I am definitely not wrong Zack and you and the two Zachs should battle Zachary versus Zack Zack Johnson versus Zachary Johnson Canada two United States won we scored a goal that was offside the Luca dilator goal in Canada should have had three or four goals it was a pathetic performance for the US Men's National Team thank you everyone that tuned in if you haven't already drop a like subscribe tomorrow I will release a video of the seven things that we learned from the this game obviously they're mostly negative but right now we're going to go to 11 Yanks for the post game of Canada 2 United States one all right that's all Jesse Marsh got the win that he wanted see you guys there at 11 Yanks bye [Music]

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