Category: News & Politics
Rolled out a $50 million media by in battleground states. part of it includes a ad targeting trump as a convict it criminal. voters are headed to the polls in virginia and oklahoma for critical primaries. in georgia, primate run elections are underway. all three states have held a presidential... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hi everyone and welcome to a bonus podcast with my friends uh barry friedman and david blatt so i'll let them introduce themselves i'm barry friedman i have a political blog at and a stand-up comedian and jenny's co-host and i'm david black i'm a professor of public administration... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[applause] well it is an honor to be here and i was with jesse last year and we had a lot of fun and it was a little different we had a real panel where you asked questions and everything and we didn't do so much speaking so i'm going to get off here very quickly because i want to hear some questions... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I hope today that we can use this as an opportunity to talk about if not explicitly at least implicitly that's what i'm going to try to do the appropriate balance between representative government and declarative government now in representative government as you well know um people through their elected... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] vice president kla harris and former president donald trump met for the first time face to face at the abc news presidential debate this week flash poll showed that a majority of viewers said harris won the debate and her campaign was quick to call for a second debate moments after the first... Read more
Category: News & Politics
About this nominee and i would note we have talked at length in this committee about the nature of joe biden's judicial nominees he is consistently seeking people who are extreme who are partisans and who are out of the mainstream today we are voting on several judges that whose records quite frankly... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What do you think harris needs to do in terms of the media do you think it's too she needs to come out and do more news conferences one-on-one interviews i'm sure i'm sure that she will do those things right now what she's been doing has been very effective i think you know these these rallies are great... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Senator corin like to go to the video please committee will please come to order judge it's tough day and tough night for you i know let me uh ask do you have anything you'd like to say before we begin i understand that uh your preference is uh which is totally in completely understandable that we go... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] summer is over and both campaigns are full speed ahead to election day 67 days from now we're going to win pennsylvania we're going to defeat comrade kamla harris we are out here running like we are the underdog in this race because we know what we are fighting for vice president harris has... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Uh david m the abc host asked kamla harris about donald trump he he said this was a post from president trump about this upcoming election just weeks away he said when i win those people who cheated and then he lists donors voters election officials he says will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of... Read more
Category: Comedy
(bright music) - it was kamala's night and her opportunity. (audience cheering) hold on one second, hold on. she's not here either. (audience laughing) no beyonce, no kamala. (audience laughing) okay. hey, hey, tickets are free, (bleep). (audience laughing) (audience cheering) it was kamala's night... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Y you the other ones don't ask me another question welcome to episode five of the hot dims hot rings interview with manroe nicholls current state representative yeah yeah i'm excited about this sort of sort of sort of kind of not really it'll be fine the first one is the ignite toortle um it's nice... Read more