Alabama Crimson Tide News | Bama QB Having Fun & Ready to Win

here we go Alabama Western Kentucky jayen milroe he's the guy leading the charge and it looks like he's having a good time doing it we're going to get into that we're going to talk more about this Alabama football team as they take one step closer to hitting the field Saturday night at 6 o'clock thanks for hanging out with us here on the Bama tailgate YouTube channel like And subscribe give us a thumbs up we appreciate all that but most importantly we appreciate you roll tight everybody [Music] wo all what do you say everybody there's big sexy Elmo you saw him and you guys know that we want you to be a part of what we're doing including our Facebook page at Batel gate show and a lot of you guys have actually swung over there and joined it so thank you so much good to see you Brett and uh it's great to know that Alabama football is right around the corner and uh we uh tell you that we're on the socials as well at broadcaster Mick and at Brett Elmore show all right Brett look we're gonna hi buddy uh hey pal yeah I'm doing fine how are you Meg I'm trying to dig right into this though milro ready to run things ready to run things and uh what I got to tell you is this we got to hear from milro they asked him about what the transition's been like and then having another offensive coordinator Nick Sheridan this year and without an echo we're gonna play this and then we're g to talk about it let's get right into Jaylen milro who's going to be running things for Alabama you ready ready all right let's see what he has to say number one he Believes In Me He Loves Me and I think there's nothing greater than that you know beyond any X's and O's and going over schemes it's the belief system that a coach has in a player and so you want to you're going to want to play for a coach you're going to want to um do your ultimately your best you each and every day because you have a coach that's behind you and that wants the best for you and so that's something I've seen you know from our you know time period of him getting here until now it's been so much fun you know that's that's the best thing about it is that football's been fun and to be around him it's been awesome and I just continues to enjoy our relationship all right there it is right there I I I like a lot about what he just said Brett um and I like the look I mean I like the look I mean what what throw that back up there look look at this guy he looks like a guy that's just went to war on the practice field this he does when did his hair get so long I mean I didn't realize his hair had grown out I like long hair I know I know roing it man come on uh he's ready to run things but you know what's really cool is that they're having fun and and and if you guys you know you can imagine I'm all about having fun I think you can have fun and do a great job at the same time and I think it's important to to have fun in anything you do because I think that it translates into the way that you treat the people around you the experience that you have the memories that you make and it's something that this new regime really has brought you know kayin dbor is about having fun and remember the story bry's you know they they're set he throws a big touchdown pass in practice um heading into the AA game he's standing there and and his whole team celebrating was a great throw and Kay like why aren't you celebrating with your team you know like like it's okay to have fun and it sounds like he's really having fun and and but let me tell you something of all the great coaches and all this EX experience that we've had and all the tradition in Alabama football from coach Bryant to Jean Stallings to Nick Sabin kayin dbor is the one man that has brought an ice cream truck onto the practice field and if if you can't if you can't dig that you you you're you're you're just not my friend I mean Co come on man these guys practicing 105 degree uh heat and everything and then ice cream shows up come on yeah they're having a lot of fun but um I mentioned yesterday and I was talking to you off the air look here it is it's Wednesday the hayze in the B it you know we can talk all day long about this that and the other it's time man I can't wait and I'm I'm G to be there Saturday night I can't wait for the toe to meet leather and see this product on the field because it's it's going to be great man we we've talked all offseason about recruits and you know coach dor and his staff and everything else the talking's over with and and and you know and I saw you know some comments uh yesterday and and thank you for the comments on the cheese part by the way um uh but but ready the comments you know folks are just ready to kick this thing off right I mean we got football coming up tomorrow night Friday night and all Labor Day weekend long baby let's celebrate this is great yeah let's go oh I'm with you man I'm I'm excited Saturday can't get here fast enough uh but you know it's good to hear that these guys are having fun and they're enjoying what's going on and and I think that it's going to I mean look wa look at Washington last year number two overall passing offense they were a team that got to the national championship game with less Talent than any of the other teams there but they did win their league and they belong there they beat Texas they they they played the game the right way dor is a nice guy he likes to have fun but there's also an intensity that he has too man you go back and watch those games that he coached last year and see what he brings to the table you know I don't I don't think there's going to be a letup when it comes to schemes and style and and intensity it it really feels like um that this football team's going to contend with anybody out there and uh and they're going to have a good time doing it and I think when you're going out to try to get recruits to come and play for you having fun and winning I they do go hand inand but just to say like like seeing milro and he's like hey you know what I'm having a great time you know like this um he he's like you know talking about the boy he he's a coach you want to play for right um you know somebody that you want to be around every day you know you you hear Nick Sheridan and and and Kane wck and they're like hey he's the same guy at the pool as he is at the at the football field you know like a great guy he's got a scheme he's a hard worker I think there's a lot of big things happening here look we have a lot to be excited about as Alabama football fans Jaylen milroe you know he he gets you know some naysayers and everything and we know what link means I believe and I've said it throughout the offseason I think this this guy's going to play with a chip on his shoulder I think he's going to play really well finally I I I I'll be so happy to see him catch a snap between here and his waist okay I mean I'll be glad to see that we have a lot to be excited about as Alabama football fans because we got talent all over the field and let me tell you something Saturday it's going to show up we're going to dominate and what's the line right now what 30 points 31 points something like that yeah t to the bank yeah I want to see the offensive line dominate I want to see the Run game come through I want to see milro not just hit deep balls but also attack the mid-range pass with more crispness I want to see more of a Michael penck type style where he's I don't think that penx has the the Deep ball ability that milro has I mean when you talk about like somebody that can you know totally stretch the field although he's a really good passer but what penx does is he can make the passes anywhere on the field milr has got to improve in that area I can't wait to see what that looks like the wide receiver spot I mean there's so many exciting things about this game I I there's I couldn't sit here and talk about it me it'd be like 20 minute show right yeah and the thing is too look at the work that milro has put in during the offseason we've heard so much about his work ethic this guy he's so in uh and and and and we hear about you know Ty Simpson a lot and let me tell you something Ty Simpson I think is going to be a very good quarterback uh and if something God forbid happens and and milro has to miss a game or two uh I feel like you know Ty Simpson could step in there I really do because it's uh I think he's worked equally as hard and um can't wait for Saturday night yeah it's exciting man you know milroe last year you you forget probably about the year that he had right I mean he can run the ball you know he had like over 500 yards rushing um and and like 12 touchdowns I mean can you believe that 12 touchdowns and did that on like over 150 carries he threw for uh 2800 plus yards with 23 touchdowns and six interceptions and that was there was a learning curve there I mean there were there were times where I said he looked like a deer in the headlights but he just kept getting better and better as the season progressed and so I'm I'm just confident man I think that you go through the the season like he did you go through the off season you got a a coach now that is basically geared to work with wide with quarterbacks and wide receivers I think he's just going to do nothing but get better yeah I mean he showed a lot of flashes of Brilliance last year and a lot of the miscues really were not his fault I mean you you take a look at some of those miscues um and and you're right he got better and better throughout the season looking forward to it um like I say you know Saturday night cannot get here fast enough yeah no doubt there's there's a touchdown for you um when do you want to predict your score when are you gonna when are you g to tell me what you think the score is going to be they going to cover 31 um yeah I think so yeah I'm I'm I'm definitely curious to see how they look uh as far as the defense is concerned I think the off I I just really feel confident in the offense man I think they're gonna be you know we used to open up with like a some sort of ridiculous number like 55 yeah yeah you know and I'm like you know I 31 yeah I think we'll cover what do you think uh uh I think I I think we're going to cover man I think I think that that like Vegas just isn't really sure what to expect with these guys and and that's a good thing because it's it's the secondary I mean they lose a couple of really good players but I just think there's a new energy I think that there's stability with the assistant coaches I think that you got a whole staff of people that want to be there and that aren't looking for their next job but are looking to do good with this job and I feel like Nick SA kind of got taken advantage of with some of these assistant coaches over the last five you know six seven years where these guys were showing up and it was all about just bouncing to the next thing you know hey you know what can what can this school do for me and I feel like these guys are seeing what can they do for our school I think what do they can do for the players and not I agree with you and and and and I tell you what Mick you better jump on that 31 because when Pearl River Resort hears about big Elmo's prediction that number's going to go up man we we've got a lot to talk about Man U the a lot of excitement with the bamama tailgate show which we announced today and Brett you're going to be a part of that I'm going to be a part of it we're taking the original bamama tailgate show and we're putting it on classic rock 106.9 there's the picture right there we're adding Jake Coker to the show we'll be in Tuscaloosa to do the uh basically the way that this show works is that we record it Friday and then it airs on Saturday Saturday across the state and so you guys can if you're in Tuscaloosa swing by and hang out with us as we do the show we're going to bounce around from different places you know we were at inisfree a lot the last few years we're going to be back there some this year uh we're going to be at unique on the Strip we're going to be at other places too so be be ready uh you know to hang out with us and come by and help us preview the game but I'm I'm really excited about adding Jake I mean not only does he have you know the pedigree on the football field I think he's really good on the air and I think he's a very fun guy to be around I'm excited to to to start this uh season with you guys looking forward to it and um I just want to say I'm blessed for the opportunity to to to help and join with you guys uh we've got a lot of stations throughout the state um you know 1069 will be our Flagship station but you got live 95 and and Coleman uh let see you got Huntsville right and 977 right of course in Jasper um on on my station W jlx um are we in Pensacola right yeah Pensacola Fox Sports Radio there W NSP Jake and I actually have a show on Mondays from 12: to noon at NSP that's kind of like you know we live in down on in the you know right in there so I'm on one side of the bay he's on the other but that adding that station was was really cool love the guys in Pensacola you know Tom Abraham up north you you own a whole bunch of stations yeah we'll be on in U Haleyville on my other station 927 uh we'll be on in Aniston our friend Walt Williams over there Walt yeah looking forward that and uh my friend Michael Butler down in the taly Montgomery area um will be on U WT LS down there so uh adding more stations and looking forward to it and and I tell you man it's uh it's exciting yeah well you you've been a great partner in all this stuff man and all you guys that are hanging out with us too I mean this started as the tailgate show and then we just started doing a Daily Show just to see if we could do it and you guys started watching it so we were like hey we we do it tomorrow maybe they'll watch it again but everything's built up around the tailgate show which is going to air uh you know obviously uh Saturday across the state you can watch it here on Friday as we do the recording so you're GNA be like hey why are these guys acting like it's Saturday they're saying Tom you know today when it's really tomorrow that's because that's just the way we do it you know so that we can send it out and and and you know the thing about football the magic of radio yeah the haze in the barn I mean you get to Friday and I mean it's pretty much things are pretty much set you know U but we're g to have a good time doing it and and we hope that some of you guys come and hang out and I'm really excited about all the great things that we got going on man we started doing it like this during Co you know where we always used to do it live and then but then you have different stations that want to air it at different times and and it's just turned out to be a really good fit for us so uh that's one thing uh another thing is um use the promo code bamama tailgate right now and you get 19% off uh when you uh buy something there at at at you know New Life Daniel Moore you know get the prince pimp out your man cave like Brett's got I've got my studio covered in Daniel moris I love it everything that he does is fantastic but he's got mugs he's got the small prints the big prints great gifts when people come over and they look at them you know it's like hey whether you were at the game or a memory of a game maybe from the past but um right now the drive for 19 now until kickoff uh 31 uh July August 31st you get 19% off they win the game I'm GNA extend it through Labor Day so uh so join us right here and take advantage of that bamit tailgate when you go to check out at New Life art hit that and you'll get that 19% discount I love that one the other thing is um and this not a small thing I mean the reason that we get to do all this is pro River Resort man they they from the minute that I started doing the tailgate show they've been on board and they are a great partner and they are really fun to hang out with they got dancing rap Golf Course over in Pearl River it's an hour and a half from Tuscaloosa really close anywhere in Alabama and I know some of you guys are telling me you've been over there you're having a good time man do it like get the guys together maybe a guys weekend maybe the ladies are like hey we want to have a weekend over there do it you got the spa you got the water park Geyser Falls Dancing Rabbit Golf Course is amazing go over to uh Golden Moon Casino the sports books just like they had out in Vegas Brett and I hung out at some of the ones in Vegas and I looked at Brett at one point and I was like Hey the the Pearl River resort sports book's better than this like I'm just telling you now I know we're in Vegas but it's just better I mean it's comfortable the the prices are great you got the the you know the kiosk if you want that you got the window if you want to do it that way you can bet on anything over there and then if you spend $50 you can go play Dancing Rabbit Golf Course for $40 so find out for yourself Pearl River Resort also got some great acts coming up Rodney kington at the end of the month and then um you got Gary Allen you got Scotty mccre so some big acts cruising in for the fall celebrating 30 years at Pearl River Resort all right when we come back Brett's going to take over the show this should be interesting except I gotta say uh Brett forgot National crab soup day uh yesterday I'm I'm so ashamed of him for that of all the things that ever happened on this show for him to not know that it was National crab soup day we'll talk about that after this shame on you Brett shame [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] escape to Po River Resort they call him big [Music] sexy coming at you from the walk County Jasper is his homeown he's no forget free down B throwing out those Alabama thoughts sing out your's window without getting caught they giv you the X big ELO in a be they T [Music] the there he is 28th day of August my friend 28th day a you miss National crab soup day I'm sorry and I I wanted to do the replay of the rock paper scissors you cheated you cheater i i i SP all day at it on slowmo and you were like I was like no you get one shot at the champ did you didn't you ever watch Ric Flair wrestle you don't get a bunch of shots at the champ you get that one shot god you kill me man that that's terrible Rolex wearing yeah well okay okay all right the uh birthdays today one of your favorite figure skater Scott Hamilton 66 today yeah yeah okay Jack Black what a funny guy Tenacious D and of course he's in School of Rock and shallow how I love shallow how but he he can't he can't see how big the girl is he's dating and and he holds up the underwear and it's like this big it's great he's 55 today he hasn't aged well though man like he looks have you seen him lately like he looks terrible like it's almost like he went into a time machine and he looks like he's 100 now well I mean you know I like him I mean I like him I'm just saying it's just one of those things uh Jennifer kulage the actress she was in Legally Blonde uh she in um oh she was stiffler's mom in American piie so everybody knows now ah yeah yeah I love her yeah 63 today I saw her I want to say it was on Howard Stern and she was like she kind of lived that character after the movies and she was proud of it like she was like she had a lot of younger guys that she was dating yeah yeah well that mean good for her she was she was a babe I mean you know can you imagine the stories though like hey man I was out LA and I ran yeah she was one I think they call him mils anyway uh Le crimes 42 today dirty comment they're going to be mad have you ever hey hey Mick have you ever had a mil or a Gil Shia Twain is 59 today if speaking of speaking of speaking of and whose boots have who's who's beted if your boots spin under yeah Shai TW mil love come on baby come on over to Bill G Mo's house oh my goodness show you a good time nobody's gonna turn everybody time R's got the blues let's go uh today is National bow tie day you you can rock a bow tie I've seen it h I've done it a few times man I I'm not one of these guys that like I've I know some guys that have like gotten into bow ties like they're like hey man this bow tie thing is caught on I love it I've never been one of those guys but you know if I wear a tuxedo I'll wear a bow tie there my son went through this stage he he used to like this show with a character named stingy and he would take all my bow ties he would like walk around the house with a bow tie on like like every day there's nothing wrong with that man like a red bow tie and then I I I had to go somewhere and go get my bow ties and they're just ruined you know like sleeping in them they're all he had fun you wern't wearing them much come on give me a break today's national red wine day I heard that's good for your heart yeah I'm not a red wine guy but I wouldn't turn a glass down right now I I tell you what um I I've had some whining before in my life and it's a little Stout for me little Stout for me I don't I don't like it I don't believe that I don't believe that uh today is uh uh today's what today's what national thoughtful day be thoughtful h ah yeah be thoughtful man you're you're a thoughtful friend people don't that don't know you they might not know that but Brett's a great guy he he he go he really does go out of his way for his friends uh you know and him and I had a mutual great friend his best friend you know guy was like my big brother always heard about how great Brett is as a friend and and then that we've gotten to know each other and I I agree man I I try to be a lot more like you every day you know because you're the type of person that like you just enjoy doing things for other people man thank you I appreciate that that that means a lot to me do I owe you money or what what's the deal I was being thoughtful the only time he'll be thoughtful on the show um I'm Ser I'm being serious though yeah I appreciate that I do I appreciate your friendship too D the 1907 the US Postal Service found it in Seattle Postal Service man I've got a PO Box because we have a post office in my neighborhood and I just want to support it I don't necessarily know that I need a po. box but I just think it's cool that you know at the end of the street there's our own little PO box and um and and but I gotta tell you man you know it's it's gotten a little expensive but the service is good like I and I'm not always a big fan of government services but this one like I get a email every time something's coming in the mail and it's got a picture of the stuff that's coming in my mailbox so I know what's coming and uh the PO the postmaster you know in the in the post you know the it's a really small post office really he knows everybody which is pretty cool and uh I I and I put a mailbox up at my house they didn't even have one when I got there so I got two places to get mail and they both do a good job and the mail lady you know we we kind of know the mail lady so that's nice I mean you know that's you know what happens when you live in a rich neighborhood I mean you have your own own own little post office there and I have to go downtown and I I just I fight through the traffic and I'm like you know uh but but I but actually I have two Post Office boxes and I don't even know why I have two I had one for years and years and years then I inherited another one and I'm like right how you going to anyway uh let's see here what else is going on uh uh 1929 actress Roxy Roker she was Helen from The Jeffersons and Lenny krait's mother was born she passed away of course at the age of 66 back in 1995 you know who I'm talking about Roxy Roker yeah yeah yeah look man she was like America's mom yeah I mean you know it didn't matter like you'd be white black you could be you Latino The Jeffersons were kind of like your family I mean you'd watch The Jeffersons George was awesome I mean he's like everybody's dad and then and then Wheezy you know like um just always was like just a great TV mom you know and and that show was fantastic I mean I used to watch that show on reruns I don't remember it being live but um and she was on a lot of other stuff she's a good actress but you you she's believable I mean I think that's the most important thing about actresses or you know actors is like they're believable I didn't realize she she died that young but I I love The Jeffersons man there was one of my one of my shows I used to watch the babysitters on reruns and finally we will end on this note because this is a big day in American history 1963 200,000 people participated in a peaceful civil rights rally in Washington DC where Dr Martin Luther King Jr delivered his I Have a Dream speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial that was this day 1963 yeah can you imagine being there for that you know like like to see that and I would have L to man I I I I just wish that you know we we don't really do we're not we don't really do that stuff anymore like they used to you know like I see all these wars and I'm and I'm like man we should figure out a way to get along and not kill each other and I don't care where it is in the world you know that I'm pretty passionate about that and and you know when you see leaders whether it be you know MLK or you know or any of these guys that are able to bring people together with peace and love it's it's an amazing thing um and and his legacy is something that like my kid comes home from school he's got a picture that he's drawn of of Martin Luther King you know there still an impact there you know I'm listening to you too the other day and that song pride comes on and you start about uh the impact that that you know that this guy had and even an Assassin's bullet really couldn't do anything about it you know like um and it's tough you know I say this all the time man it it's to to get up and be a leader and to to go against the popular opinion at the time or to go against the the the the regime that's in charge or whatever right is is tough and a lot of people have been killed doing that you know and so but but the the greats you know he might have been killed but he never died you know I mean he Legends live on and then he's definitely won so that that's that's crazy I didn't realize that was was today now I I do know um just kind of change the subject before we get off here I I do know that yesterday was National crab soup day and um we kind of skipped over that one but I wanted to throw in that I love crab soup uh I I put my crab traps out in Mobile Bay or I go down to uh uh the the you know the Billy Seafood I'll get my crabs there sometimes uh there's another little place Antiga or whatever it's called like right next door get my crabs and then I steam them Maryland style and then the ones that I don't eat I get the meat for them and then we turn those into the crab soup so in the freezer right now I've got three bags of crab soup in there wow I'm willing to share one with you uh it's a I love crab soup and so that was actually yesterday but we forgot to do that one so I'm sorry about that Mick I mean um you know that sounds like a lot of places that you caught crabs from anything else you want to add to that well what there's two different really distinct styles of crab soup there's like the the Chowder style soup you know with the thick white sauce or there's the Maryland style which is kind of like a tomato based and it's like you it's almost vegetable it's vegetable style and then you put o in there and then you you put some wish desire in there and then you hot SAU goes in there there was a place when I when I was down there last I I I dined at in Mobile with like the world famous crab they had some really good crab soup Felix's did you go to Felix yeah Felix yeah yeah yeah it was yeah it was really good but yeah that's a lot of place to catch crabs and I know you you you travel a lot and um I'm glad you found all the good squads to catch him I'll leave you guys yeah roll TI everybody

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