Alabama Crimson Tide News | Prolific Offense or Bust!

Alabama Western Kentucky Showdown to start the dbor era Saturday six o'clock the entire coaching staff well at least the main coaches right offensive defensive and head coach all talked to the media yesterday we're going to talk about what they had to say and more as we get you ready for this big Showdown thanks for hanging out with us here on the bellgate YouTube channel like And subscribe give us a thumbs up thanks for being here look we're right at the we're right on the verge of 6,000 of you guys so if you're not a subscriber help us get there that would be just absolutely fantastic let's get this show started thank you [Music] all right what do you say there he is big sexy Elmo I'm Mick Gillespie thanks for hanging out with us don't forget on Facebook at bellgate show and you guys have been listening because I've noticed that a lot of you guys have uh swung over there and subscribed and uh look we need to get to 6,000 subscribers today we need your help to do it so make sure you share the show uh we appreciate you guys we can't tell you you're part of this say of just about us it just ain't about big sexy Elmo it's about you guys you're absolutely right Roll Tide Mick Gillespie it is game week baby let me tell you something the hay in the barn no it is it is it's it's it's it's game week baby it is time you know let's let's stop the talk and let's tea it up yeah let's do it we got it coming coaches Nick Sheridan Kane wck and kayin dbor all got to the podium yesterday I want to play this clip right here because I thought it was interesting we're going to talk about a little bit about each right but kayin deor was asked hey you know what if you had to do to change your style to match this roster and and I loved his answer because it's it makes a lot of sense it's like you got to change your roster your roster changes every year so you always have to change the way you do business but here's what he said yeah I think every year uh it isn't even just about one school to another I think it's the roster you have um in each year that that gets tweaked a little bit you might be uh running back you know with a little more depth or tight ends uh you know is your is your one of your key areas um you know I think we're very balanced across all of the skill positions and then of course you look at your quarterback you look at the strength uh what you can do offensive line wise and so it it's never exactly from one year to the next even if there's a lot of continuity because you're going to lose someone so there's certainly some adjustments that coach shid and our staff has done uh in really working with the Personnel so uh you know that will that will continue to evolve as the season goes along you know you have guys that continue to improve especially younger guys or guys that are that are you know kind of taking those next steps uh they'll they'll make those big steps and you'll really incorporate them and it might be a package at some point that they're Incorporated in then all sudden it's uh something where they're a regular player and maybe even a starter so there you go I I love that man I love this guy I love the way that he conducts business and I agree with that I mean it's an easy answer but it was the perfect answer yeah perfect answer because that's what you have to do every single year yeah you you're gonna have different players things change you got to work with your strengths Mick and he realizes that uh this year the strength may be uh I'm just throw this out there may be uh the wide receiver game and know and then next year it may be the running backs who knows but you you just got to play to your your strengths and and uh he realizes that I mean he's a smart enough coach I'm looking forward to seeing the product on the field coming up on Saturday one thing that they asked about too Kan wck they were like hey you know what do you think about the secondary and and basically he said hey these guys are trending in the right direction he talked about how mature the freshmen were the five-star Trio that were going to have to have because we just don't have that many guys back there these five you know players and maybe Julia Hurley will figure it out but you know really you're hearing Deshawn Jackson and he called him DD um and umh Deshawn Jones and then and then all of a sudden you got you know inak who we love right mincy who's been great Brown who's the probably the best of the group right now as far as figuring this out but it's been cool just listening to him talk about how these guys are kind of you know trending in the right direction and although there's only six of them sounds like those six guys are not going to be a weakness on this team which is good you know something you worry about and Mick you've worried all offseason about that that group and uh I know you've lost a lot of sleep over it I could I could tell there was some bags under your eyes the other day and I said Mick quit worried about the secondary we're going to be okay um and yeah but they're going to get picked on like I mentioned yesterday but hey uh um I like our chances well I mean you gotta have guys in that spot and and the other part of it is that you you want to be able to uh trust that those guys aren't going to be such a weak Link in your chain that everything else falls apart you know I feel good about the defensive line and the pass rush linebackers should be really strong safety he talked about uh Keon sad the transfer from Michigan and was glowing about him um Kane was you know like hey this guy is just really gonna be good and I heard Michigan people tell me that too that he was one player that they were disappointed that left because they thought hey this is going to be one of the you know one of the guys that really helps our team moving forward but he's been one of our best guys you know so I think the safety position is okay I love that Kan wck said hey we're balanced we're pretty balanced team right now now you know it's not like we're just showing up and we we're we're kind of heavy to one one side and weak to the other it's just a pretty balanced team and with the offense and jayen milro who he was really high on I feel like that's where the Alabama's going to win and lose games I mean they're gonna have to score points but I just think they're going to be so menacing on offense yeah that defense will do enough to either Force turnovers or slow down the opposition that they're going to be okay I mean that's my gut feeling yeah especially the start out the season I think that's what you've got to do but uh um yeah I think the offense will be high-powered and uh the defense look remember there's there's GNA be some young guys playing there there's no doubt about that and like we mentioned a few weeks ago they're G to get burned there it's it's inevitable they're go it's going to happen but it's not going to be the end of the world this is just uh you got to grow and learn man and you could you could practice every single day of the week but there's something different about being in that in that game situation in that um in that situation that's going to make the those guys better and um we'll we'll be fine there yeah so it's exciting now you were really really fired up about Western Kentucky and uh the hill Toppers naming their new quarterback yeah the grimaces um they uh of course the the red grimas uh yeah they you know they Nam their starting quarterback it's going to be somebody that that fans are familiar with because the guy played at LSU and at Auburn and it's TJ Finley how about that yeah he's um you know uh G to be the starting quarterback for Western Kentucky coming up on Saturday he's also a very familiar name with wck because it he faced Finley last season when he was starting at Texas State how about that and this will be Finley's third time facing Alabama does that concern you uh no I mean it really doesn't I mean you know Finley's been to four schools in four different seasons right LSU Auburn Texas State and now Western Kentucky that to me uh I I don't wear wouldn't wear that as a badge of honor you know I mean it it just doesn't sit sit like that to me um and I think that Alabama has uh better players at most of the positions and more stability even with the new coaching staff you know mil milro to me is the most important person on the team he he's definitely the lynchpin to success this year uh but with that said I just feel like Alabama's going to be able to run the ball and they'll score points and I just think Western KY is going to score some but I I don't think they'll score enough to keep up with Alabama I'd be surprised if Alabama's offense isn't in m at mid-season form interesting we'll see Saturday night kickoff 605 I'm look the one of the things that I was uh excited about today too is that jayen Jaden Roberts is expected to play this week right same thing with Jam Miller I mean so you're talking about two guys on the uh offensive side of the ball and and who knows how much they're going to play I mean they' both been you know kind of dealing with some injury issues but divorce says Hey expect those guys to play and when you start putting that offensive line together you know Roberts isn't getting a whole lot of love but he's a really good player Booker's the book end I guess or maybe the I mean even though he's not but you know what I mean he's definitely oh yeah the the uh the rock on this offensive line and and arguably one of the best offensive linemen going into a season that Alabama's had maybe the best since uh since Evan Neil and and Evan Neil is great right right but you throw him in there you finally got a center that can snap the ball and Parker braford I think Kaden um Proctor is gonna have a great year I think that this that he might be the unsung hero going into the season I think by the end of the year he may be the the the the guy that we look at and go hey this is the future of the offensive line and I mean he's going to take over for Booker is the guy that you can count on and then whether it's wil and forby who I think it's going to be or Eliza Pritchard they're both really good the right tackle spot I just think this offensive Line's going to be great right could be the best of the country right could be right and then you got guys like Robbie UTS that can go out there and block but also catch you know CJ Dupri I think can make some plays I think he's gonna have an a huge season just because I just you saw flashes of it last year in the tight end spot and uh justice Haynes is to me uh could possibly sneak into the Heisman race if it's not milro if because I just think he can he's oh look the guy is who knows how many touches who knows how healthy he's going be but he is he's got all the ability he's got all the ability to be a star running back a a Mark Ingram a Derk Henry but in his own right you know with his ability to Juke with uh his ability to hit the holes um he's just he's got all the he's smooth man I mean this guy's really good so I I just feel like the wide receivers would be good enough that this offense should be stacked I agree with you so maybe go to Pearl River and put 25 bucks on on the the super Underdog for the Heisman well I mean who knows man I mean yeah I mean why not right I mean think about it you know did anyone think Mark Ingram was gonna win the Heisman you know how many people were talking about Derrick Henry at the beginning of the year or or Devonte Smith you know you look for guys that have just amazing talent you're right and and a bit and a great offensive line you know the offensive line is such a big part of it Mark Ingram won the Heisman but you know what line it was guys like Mike Johnson that were out there blocking for him they don't get they don't get near the credit they deserve that's it that's it man I mean a whole great offensive line and the center that snaps the ball and and a team that's able to do things on Rhythm it's exciting because Alabama has the most talented running back that they've had since I mean look jir Gibbs was talented but they never really utilized him that much um Nai Harris is the last running back in 2020 that Alabama really utilized and and took advantage of his talent and I think that Justice Haynes in some aspects is actually more talented so we'll we'll find out on the football field but you talked about Pearl River Resort right before you bounced out of here and I'll tell you this uh that Pearl River is hopping right now and you can go over there and put $50 down at the sports book at Gold Moon Casino Cino and for $40 take that receipt go play Dancing Rabbit golf course it's the Augusta that you can play and Brett I just spent some time there middle of last week it is fantastic and I love the Dancing Rabbit in right there where all the golf takes place including great bre breakfast biscuits that they have uh at the uh do you like bre do you like biscuits breakfast biscuits uh look at me Mick I like I've had I've had a biscuit or two in my life do you like sausage and egg or do you like bacon and egg either or oh both okay well you can get them both there they're fantastic also you got uh table Games and Slots at Silver Star and Golden Moon you got Geyser Falls which is their amazing water park they got a spa they got it all it's really great hour and a half from Tuscaloosa not too far from anywhere in the state of Alabama or here in the South it's like going to Vegas without having to go across the country and the price are just fantastic I mean you can get a beer you know for $6 out in Vegas we we we couldn't get anything for $6 as a matter of fact nothing just those $14 beers were awful I know how hey how much were the beers in the spear like 18 bucks yeah yeah easily because I think uh I think I bought two and it was like 50 bucks or something I don't know very very expensive uh the other thing I want to tell you guys is this is that right now at uh with the promo code bamama tailgate newlife promo code bamama tailgate as we make the push for National Championship number 19 what are we doing for you well we're doing this we're GNA give you 19% off at your favorite place honestly one of my favorite places too newlife yeah you got to pimp out the man cave take advantage of it right now drive for 19 now until kickoff if Bama wins Saturday I'm going to extend that through Labor day but um drive for 19 19% off when you use that promo code Bama tailgate so as you pimp out the man cave use that use it man take advantage of it it's a discount and everybody likes discounts all right when we come back it'll be all about Brett Elmore big sexy Elmo is he ready to go I think so [Music] [Music] [Applause] Escape CH River Resort they call him big [Music] sexy coming at you from the W the County Jasper is his homeown he's no forgiv free now B out those Alabama thoughts sing out your's window without getting caught n giv you the ex but big was in a be it's [Music] the ah yes the 27th day of August is here and let's take a look at the calendar right now uh for this August 27th take a look at celebrity birthdays um huh tell you what ET who ET the Extraterrestrial from the movie ET celebrating a burnthday today yeah yeah he turned 438 really well happy birthday to ET um country singer Colt Ford is 55 today Colt Ford he's the rapping country singer yeah yeah not not a fan but I I'm not a fan either not really but uh anyway let's see I'm two like American brands like you know my grandfather would have liked both of those Colt 45 and Ford trucks and you put them together there you go Colt Ford yeah then he's rapping country music yeah yeah yeah let's see that good Yolanda Adams cut the gospel singer she's got an incredible voice she's 63 today okay not not familiar but cool uh very very famous gospel singer uh like I say it's it's not a very good day for celebrity birthday oh here's one what it is 1,365 day years old Alf Alf hey Willie H remember him anybody got a cat yeah he ate cats on he ate cats that was great something to celebrate today oh wait here's another one oh who uh this guy's uh 465 years old Mor from Mor and Mindy Mor and Mindy wow there's a lot of uh extraterrestrial uh beings celebrating birthday today you must be getting off that um that uh uh exclusive Facebook page where they only they only uh invite certain people and and it's about the aliens and stuff okay I made them all up I'm sorry I I figured you none of their birthdays e Al or Mor right uh um if you're looking for something to celebrate today is Kiss Me day okay I I can celebrate that yeah Pro I could probably get in a lot of trouble doing that just walking up and down the street to Jasper saying hey it's kiss me day after I just lay one right on her face I like hey cut black it's kiss me day um also um today is uh National Banana lovers day are you a banana lover got them in the house the little guy loves them take I think he takes them to school I I like bananas I it's not I don't eat them a lot but they're good for you yeah they're good I like them um uh National Petroleum day I I love when we pump up petroleum whether we frack it or we drill for it because it keeps my gas prices down and I drive a lot I mean you know that I'm constantly in the car you're you're always in the car yeah keep them under if you can keep him around 250 that's that fits my budget there you go Tarzan day is today yeah how about Tarzan having a day I mean when's the last time Tarzan had a movie I mean I didn't even know he anybody still knew who he was oh everybody knows who Tarzan is but when's the last time somebody watched him do something I don't know uh like I say I I I need him I need him here in wer County we got a bear on the loose like wreaking havoc in Carbon Hill this bear uh getting in people's backyards and everything this this is a pretty large black bear uh I I didn't realize that we had them around here but uh we do and um but anyway I just I just wanted to give my blessings to the folks in Carbon Hill Alabama uh having to deal with this monster of a bear um and today is also World rock paper scissors day man I I was at a work staff Retreat and they had this battle it was like I forget what I think it was like they had like uh music trivia but it came but they tied and they did the two out of three rock paper scissor for the win yeah and it was crazy how we all got like into it like there were like hund you know a bunch of people cheering for rock paper scissors and I real all right let's all right let's go all right let's go one it be one two three shoot okay you ready all right you ready one two three shoot you you you saw what I what I I didn't no I didn't it's over not you were laying a rock no I wasn't I was scissors you were you cheater your hand was below the I couldn't even see what you did I had all right one more time no no oh okay that's fine you cheater sorry oh me let's see on the calender uh today uh the Guinness Book of World Records is first published this day night 1955 yeah I was part of that for a while I was in the largest um um Macarena for a while yeah and then somebody else beat us but my my buddy's mom took us to her work and they they set the record for the largest the largest Macarena oh man that's pretty cool it was cool we were in there for like I don't know six months um somebody then another group came along they're like we're g to break that record yeah um very sad day in in music uh Steve rayon and three members of Eric Clapton's band killed in a helicopter crash at Wisconsin this day I didn't even know that you know and I knew a lot about music I didn't I didn't even know um that Stevie Rayvon was dead I just hear him like ripping on the guitar man like I you didn't know that Steve Rayvon was dead no and I I didn't even know that he died in a plane crash yeah ter when was that uh back in 1990 I remember my dad was a a huge St rayon fan and Eric Clapton fan um and I remember I remember when it happened man it was a it was a sad day that's terrible in music um also this same very day in 1990 no fences album by gu Brooks is released G was man that the 90s the the 90s were ruled by G Brooks man I can still see like he he would have these shirts that were like checkerboard shirts you know he had like the the white and the black checkers and then he had the red and the black checkers and people would try to wear those same shirts like hey G Brook's wearing this shirt I'm wearing this shirt best song he ever did though was on his first album called the dance but his albums are good man and you know you can't go to Apple music could get his music like he doesn't have it released on there which is crazy yeah it is kind of weird um we talked about this song Yesterday 2012 Thrift Shop is uh released by m lore and Ryan Lewis yeah pretty cool song what what what what what what what what what see that was my part in the song that didn't give me credit for it do you think do you think um that Thrift Shop buying went up after that may have uh and finally in 2018 former Spice Girl Mel B announces she's entering rehab for alcohol and sex addiction oh following her bitter divorce um would you announce after you know if you had a catastrophic event like a divorce or anything like that and say hey I'm going into rehab I'm a sex addict no I mean I don't like to I wouldn't want to tell anybody anything I mean no offense but you know you try to keep your personal life personal you know there's a reason for that you know and and I'm always shocked at people that are like ah you know what I'm I'm a public person I'm just going to tell everybody you know it's like okay yeah I mean you know but alcohol or drug abuse MH uh they'll go in for alcohol or drug abuse or whatever uh but rarely do hear that they're um addicted to sex yeah I haven't heard that one before I mean I mean what does that mean I don't know I mean I mean I think I know what that means but I don't know know what that means I guess is there there is there like a definition I mean does it have to is someone going to have to have sex like they want it like six times a day or something I mean help me figure this out Mick I'm trying to be open and honest with you I don't know you know in our friendship we've always uh we've talked about a lot of things and and you're a wealth of knowledge and I was just wanting to know you know uh if you knew what a sex addict really was well I mean I'm guessing that maybe like you know doing crazy stuff I mean that's I'm I'm thinking oh you're talking about like uh yeah I know what you're talking about like a Charleston steamer or something right right the safe word is is cheese that's a history if anybody made it this far they're like oh boy yeah here we go turn it down at the work computer hey have a great day guys help us get the six th000 subscribers so and comment the safe word comment the safe word I want to see it to know to know that you made it to the end roll tide roll tide

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