Perfect Match Season 2 - Finale Discussion | NETFLIX

Published: Jun 21, 2024 Duration: 00:35:42 Category: Entertainment

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that confused me it confused Holly it confused Micah I mean I think you're the biggest scammer sitting here [Music] [Music] today hey guys welcome to another episode of the gunk and today we are talking series finale of the perfect match yeah maybe you guys won't catch so much [ __ ] this time we all got killed and we have Ashley of course back for her expert analysis yeah sure we'll call it expert I don't think people agree with that but that's fine we got her here because we need women representation of course the woman that hates other women represent oh man yeah apparently I'm a I'm a woman hater and um that's right you know after some self-reflection they're not wrong they're not wrong and I don't think but the thing is I don't think I hate women I think I'm just really gullible for men yeah there there you go that works that works okay so it starts off and Jessica is talking to Harry yeah it starts off right where we left remember last episode we were but we were like man I don't think they made a decision on that one and they didn't right we're about to find that out yeah so what did you think of this convers here I thought it was fine man I mean I think she made she definitely made the right freaking call right I mean but again at the same time it's still about winning the competition right so I mean I mean she could have just stuck it out with him and whatever tried to win the competition but you know so either way it was like at this point man with everything that's been going on in this show just really did I didn't give a [ __ ] either way what was gonna happen here but but she I mean she did make the right call I agree I agree she made the right call I mean you say it's about the competition and it it's like I'm torn on all these people I don't know who's there to win this game versus who's there to actually find their perfect match at this point in time they've all got me fooled in some kind of way so um she knew that she couldn't keep going on with that relationship and trusting him and I was fine with them walking away from each other now at this point Harry's saying one thing Melinda's told him there's something different but something isn't quite sitting right with her oh with who with Jessica yeah no she she knows for I mean she's flat out like look dude I got to be with somebody I can trust and right now I sure as hell can't trust you you're not being trustworthy and and right cuz he wouldn't now let's not forget they were telling each other they loved each other not too Longo that was such [ __ ] yeah that was just stupid so they decide to unmatch and this because they're not matched they got to go home well they didn't decide she decided right and yeah bounced both of them out of the house yeah and again we see they're not gone for very long but one of them is not yeah but they end up leaving so they're out and now Kristen Brighton and Izzy are all in mhm your thoughts in any of them hooking up yeah I mean you know like I said at this point man it's just you know it's everybody kind of making a last stash effort to stay in the house to try to be in it to win you know the the grand prize of this nice little vacation at the end so Ian I don't blame any of them for doing what they're doing trying to stay in the house and trying to find somebody to match up with I mean you know is there a good chance wait you know coming in last minute and real having a strong match with somebody hell no you know but I mean you got I guess you got to try your best now Christine is with Cass and Christine finally gets her kiss Cass is like yeah we can kiss now CU we're a thing right exactly yeah you know I I don't like how the whole Cass Christine thing went down just because I don't like that how it ended with Micah I feel I don't know God I'm just so I'm so like burned at this point by these men so I really want belief C and everything he says but then he kisses Christine and I guess he's embracing that sure whatever they kiss yeah well I mean I mean at this point right at this point you know he chose her for the night like you know he's trying to fill her out see how the connection will be with her so whatever well let's not forget Micah and C were not into each other initially and it's been kind of Rocky this whole time like they suspect each other of doing Shady things and it seems like after any like moment they're talking and having this tough conversation and Cass I guess is kind of fed up with it yeah and rightfully so man cuz I Mike is letting other people you know get in their inner head too much and we said it last episode right I mean there's just too too many other people get involved in their in their relationship and just screwing stuff up for him and Cass finally was fed up with it that's why he chose Christine so I I didn't freaking have any heartache about it I was like good for him because you know he needed to kind of pull himself out of that for a minute I thought so yeah I don't know it's I kind of agree with that but like I mean he is kind of going like from Woman to Woman to Woman here like he's making out with uh Holly and I guess there's nothing there but there seems like there could be something there that was a game that was a game remember that there was no he didn't get a game that involved a very very passionate kid yeah but he didn't get tingles man so it didn't matter he's good at the game that's right so then there's Christine and then there's Micah and it's just too much I think mhm yeah and then you know but you know I wouldn't say it's too much I would just say you know Cass was trying to pull himself out of that situation try something new to see if it would work for Christine see if there was something there and you know and as we find out you know you know there wasn't but yeah and we say it's a game but that's actually what cused the issue with Micah here where they're arguing and that's what drove him to Christine yeah partially yeah yeah but the other thing they drove her there was everybody else getting in her freaking ear yeah so we have the final comp compatibility challenge I thought this one was kind kind of cool yeah this one was all right this one's better than the other ones cuz at least you get to learn something from these guys right and this one at least about them yeah and this one actually like no kidding you know have you guys talked about this sort of stuff you know do you know this about each other so this is totally a decent C compatibility you know challenge because they're actually asking direct questions about their you know the other person so yeah they get over it they got a match they get more planks so I thought this was funny when they asked start asking these questions I'm like Izzy and Micah I was like they're not going to know anything and then I thought wait a second Izzy's gonna know everything about Micah but mic's not gonna know anything about Izzy right right turns out that really wasn't the case but we learned some interesting things from this challenge like these women want to have sex all the time every single one of them yeah no kid dude they were all like multiple times a day pretty much damn every one of these chicks I like wow toou doesn't know greater than or less than son so you think she cheated or do you think she really didn't know that really didn't she really just did it wrong because she said I don't yeah cuz she said more you know she said more so she she yeah she just did the symbol wrong that was all more than two hours that's a greater than sign that's the opposite that's actually less than two hours yeah and at leise does not like dirty talk yeah unless it's the right moment everyone else is all about it yeah well no no no no no no Elise thought that freaking uh Brighton didn't like it unless it was the right moment Brighton's like what he's like what the hell you talking about he's like I'll I'll do dirty talk anytime so she was thinking that Brighton you know only like dirty talk at the right moment why would you think that about Brighton yeah exactly I have no idea and that's that was Brighton's response too right and then we also learn about the number of times some of these people have had sex oh yeah yeah and the number is pretty extreme for a few of them and I'm not sure that's surprising with this cast no not necessary but 100 plus but is he being 100 plus what I think Iz full of [ __ ] Brighton Ste yeah yeah I mean yeah most of the cast didn't surpris me when Izzy said that I was like think Izzy was lying I think Izzy was lying man Iz was lying well judging by how he's doing on the show exactly Izzy is not a ladies man what's up Ashley someone seemed to bring up in our comments at some point in time that don't forget that Izzy was the guy who kept like the Little Treasures from every like trist he ever had so was that drawer really really full I don't really remember that no it would kep a little token from every event right right from his dates so toou and Chris win this thing so good on them yeah oh yeah no they did good yeah and they're having to talk afterwards and uh Chris tells her you don't have to worry about cheating with me he's like believe that hell no well she was like she was what funny is she's like let me ask you a question you ever cheated anybody he's like well not in my three main relationships so that means yeah many times probably except for the on I think count right exactly yeah I've cheated on Plenty of chicks before it's not three of the Maines with like my three serious committed relationships no I would never cheat I was always loyal I was like come on bro then you then you're a cheater period yeah and she was surprised by his number I think it was like 50 plus and then she like count on less B less one hand yeah she's like I wouldn't even use all my fingers on one hand yeah so I mean that's really cool of her yeah and remember she she didn't come from a dating show get on this no exactly I mean tou this whole SE this whole show like I said tou man she she seemed kind of sneaky in the trust right I didn't like her in the trust but in this show I love her man she's she's been a complete sweetheart the whole time I mean out of the people that are there for whatever reason she seems like one of the few that's probably there for the right reason right she was legitim me trying to find somebody you know that she loved and was looking for that and then when she said especially when she said her numbers you know I was like yeah she's I mean you know good for her man yeah I think the people from like you know that show obviously love is blind they're a little bit more serious especially than the two a handle CR no doubt what I like about what I like about t is that like like exactly what you said she was a little sneaky and everything on the trust and kind of like shady a little bit but on this show she's not just like genuine to herself and like what she's looking for here she's really genuine to everybody else in the house she's kind of looking out for the other girls and like she's I don't know I I really like her on the show like I see this whole other side of her and I really really do like her I'm just so skeptical on Chris likeable wanting to believe the man but like I've seen him and how he was earlier on and then I saw him in his previous show I just don't know that he's a committed guy I just I don't know you can do it but for her because she's she's in for him oh yeah she's totally she's totally all about that dude you know all totally all about that dude you see her crying and all that kind of stuff so she seems like she's catching genuine feels for oh big time yeah and and with him I'm with you he he's told I out of the he's definitely the weak one in that relationship I mean the conversation he had with zany you know it was like come on bro you know I mean just you know and then they brought that up you know later on and it's you know and it's it's a legit thing you know and the way he kept having zany come into the conversation like he acted like there was a thing there and zany obviously wouldn't go for it but maybe she would have who knows right yeah who knows but uh but but but I am happy to man to to sweetheart she's awesome yeah well I wouldn't be too happy for her with when she's with Chris but so yeah we'll see but we have the final boardroom um and here's where I'm thinking like they're going to bring somebody new when how's that going to work since they don't have any time but of course they go back to the the old well and and bring people were're already familiar with him uhuh now then now the people they chose though man that was smart like for them to choose Christine and match her up with Nigel I was like boom perfect that's exactly what I would have done I was like that was awesome but Jessica and Izzy what were they on the same Season of Love as blind they're on different seasons of that no okay well I mean they're familiar with each other and I just didn't think they were going to like match up well these two well number one as we saw from his season love is blind is he ain't a rich guy right he does have Financial issues so that would never work anyway because Jessica flat out said she's a gold digger and she's looking for a rich guy yeah so that would never work yeah and and she's just coming off hay like Mr dreambow Right Ashley yeah yeah yeah exactly you know gotta let those feels go so yeah we get Izzy and Jess and they're doing aerial yoga kind and he's sweating all over her oh that was hilarious man D like she's like oh my God he's dripping sweat in my mouth [ __ ] and that's not the person she probably wants sweat in her mouth from so right exactly and then uh Nigel and Christine they do what a sound bath or something yeah yeah that's right they did I mean that was that was I mean well first they're like blindfolded and holding the hands and all that stuff and then they're doing like the chicks hitting the bowls with the sound and all that I me I guess it was cool I mean they were able to talk during that time and connect and stuff so and Christine and and Nigel are kind of hitting it off okay but it's not really hitting on all cylinders but while she's gone Cass starts having second thoughts oh yeah and well and and I'll give Cass the benefit of down this I think he was having second thoughts the whole time and you could tell he really did like Micah you know and even with all the [ __ ] that was going on in the house and like people getting in the way of their relationship and everything you could tell he actually did like her you know so I'll give the benefit of Doubt on that like so when he went back to her he's like look I miss you I've been thinking about it I don't think it was just when Christine left I think he' probably been thinking about it the whole time but you know now do you think like Christine's from too hot to handle she's kind of wild she puts herself out there miche's from Love is Blind so maybe he's thinking like more longterm or does that not factor in at all yeah I don't know I just think he you know because him and had spent so much time together and he developed a genuine connection with her I think that's really just what played into it for him I think he is thinking long term again this may be me being gullible wanting to believe the guy but I do think that he's actually fallen for her you could tell like he was always frustrated when everybody else was butting in their relationship and trying to like put a rift between them he I really do think he has genuine feelings for her and he realized that whatever he was going to have or had with Christine was very superficial and I think he felt bad for hurting Micah but again I could be gullible so you know I don't know it's hard to hard to trust these guys well I mean it's hard to trust a lot of these women too right I mean most of these people here for you know for not for the right reasons anyway but no I'm with you I think he did you know did start to some feelings for Micah and he really did want to kind of feel that out you know and see it through to the end now he's all in on Micah he's team Micah all of a sudden well it ain't all of a sudden now well I mean he was with CHR and let me and Christine brings up an interesting point if Christine doesn't go on that date with Nigel does he get with Mah at this point that's a good question I think he does I think he does I kind of I agree with that I think he probably still does yeah well then and the funny thing is with Christine giving him [ __ ] like she was having a great time on that day and she was even in the one-on-one with the camera like oh Cass has some good points Nigel got some good points now I got to figure out which one I want right so it's like you're sitting here freaking tossing these two figing out which one you want so you're going to get but you're going to get pissed off at him for choosing what he wants and I was like come on get out of here with that crap but I think Christine did intend to come back to the house and be with Cass I don't think she did I I think she was legitimately I think she was legitimately like up in the air like who she wanted to be with I think she just got pissed off because she was slighted by Cass and that was the whole reason you know the whole thing I think at the end of the day she' probably still chose Nigel well she wants someone to chase her for once and Cass really hasn't been doing that no I don't think she actually got slided by Cass cuz she wouldn't let Cass slight her like he as soon as he started to speak she like talked over him she wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise she was basically saying dictating how he felt about the situation and that's to me like kind of like I felt like she was a little hurt and like you said she wanted to be chased she wanted to be wanted and he clearly wasn't giving that to her and Nigel was so like I do think she was going to go with Nigel all along and she was just a little hurt that he he rejected her not that he she wanted to choose him anyway yeah well what I mean by slided by Caz is he freaking picked Micah over her he didn't she didn't really even let him say that I don't think well she was upset she didn't want to hear anything he had to say cuz I mean he's kind of making it clear I'm kind of going with M at this point so exactly yeah everyone's going to be pissed off in that situation so yeah exactly okay I can't do this you sound stupid even if she you know even if she planned on going with freaking uh niga which I think she did she still be wanted to be the one to break that off right and be like oh sorry C isn't going with him you know I mean I mean nobody wants to be you know be the one that's getting freaking let down right so so they have the final mixer and it this is like Park talent show it's very weird someone comes up with the idea let's play spin the bottle and then Ste st's like let me grab the bottle Place spin the bottle that's a dare Place spin the bottle and then that and then yeah and then that like shut the whole night down I was like holy [ __ ] and of course this piss is a off she's like yeah let's play spin the bottle you know and and I'll give it to freaking Izzy cuz Izzy's like yo I don't think this is a good idea it's like uhuh he's like too much he's like too much bad can come out of this right and then of course like you said Laur got pissed off freaking walked away so I like oh man yeah and I feel for Izzy cuz he's just being passed around being friended to everybody so I mean this poor guy like can't make a match to save his life on this show I me he was being a good sport about it all but the end of the day man it's like you just you just didn't belong there is he he may not remember any of it cuz he seems drunk the whole time so well so see but early on there he didn't seem that drunk right I mean you know the the night he went with mik he was drunk as [ __ ] no doubt about it but right there when all this was going on I don't think he was drunk yet he seemed pretty coherent still he wasn't slurring and just being like Oh yeah honey wouldn't point a tyal typical drunk iszy yeah and The Usual Suspects match here except now we got Nigel Christine Cass and Micah Izzy and Jessica the next day like Jessica and Izzy seem like they're giving a shot and he's okay with being friends but something is on Jessica's mind yeah she's still H she's like she's like Ashley man she's still hung up on Harry apparently God she just can't get over that she she can't get over that tall buff in British yeah apparently but uh I'm over him now okay I'm over him now Jessica unmatches with Izzy I don't think this is Izzy's idea they make it seem like it's mutual but I think Izzy would have just stayed as things were and be friends why not yeah he totally would have not that you're missing out on too much by going away at this point apparently right exactly so but but hey the way this show turned out they could have had a decent shot of winning it I mean yeah apparently so they go on their final dates and this one man I thought like some of the better ones here was like Chris and tolu like seeing to's emotional response it just it just seemed right at the moment like I'm very leery on Chris but like toou she just seems like happy and in the moment at least for now yeah to was all in man no doubt about it did any of other ones stand out to you yeah well C and Mikey got to go on that catamaran that was cool you know I thought that was a really cool date you know that was a good one but yeah no Chris toou that was that was definitely awesome well then and then the body paint one right they went freaking uh Christina and Nigel went did the body paint and to to is like yeah no thanks she's like you keep that [ __ ] she like I ain't getting that Missy so they bring everyone together well everyone but one person yeah yeah he uh yeah it didn't surprise me that he didn't show up man I was like you know as slighted as he was by at least and the way that went down you it didn't surprise me at all that he would he show I hope it's not something else like some kind of family emergency hopefully he just like said this is a joke I'm out of here yeah yeah I think that's more what it was but maybe his vote could have been the critical one yeah maybe so uh but yeah they bring everyone in then they and then kind of drama ensues here mhm so they start like uh going like person to person they start off I think with Chris and tou and Dominique lets him happen oh yeah she does and then he was like and and everybody's like okay they didn't even know what to say to that like and like he like's like what your point I was like oh man I don't think he could handle that any better you just like yeah whatever I'll it sure and at one point Trevor decides to pipe in like this is like the first we heard from this guy yeah well because Chris is like yeah you know we're we're going to fill this out and try to make it work and Trevor's like well if you're just going to like fill this out if you're like super serious you'd be more than that you know but I think he said we'll keep in touch touch yeah whatever same difference yeah and and Chris I guess is trying to be realistic he's like we're like he's in California she's in Texas so pretty far I me you can make it work if he wanted to like some people are even further but I think that's at least the wrong thing to say here if you're trying to win the show yeah no doubt so yeah yeah no he should he should have spiced that up a hell lot more if he's trying to win the show but Dominique Chris Dominique then fires more shots at Elise and Brighton mhm I feel like I kind of was just like an audience for your like oneman podcast I feel oh yeah well I mean I mean yeah I didn't think those two stood a chance of hell anyway right I mean the way the way it Le we do see Brighton acting more serious with at leas this go around he is yeah but nobody else is really seeing that though right so I me he's like with her and their little oneon-one is at least is and she's the only one that matters I do not trust Brighton as far as I could thr him I didn't trust him on squid game I don't trust him on this he's never fooled me um he and he's usually pretty honest about that to everybody saying I'm here to win a game you know what I mean like oh yeah to think that he's there for a relationship I I don't know and I've never really trusted elely either I don't think she's there for a relationship either so yeah it definitely didn't seem like at this point yeah I mean I I thought it was nice at least Brighton can tone it down and be serious for a little bit at least cuz he he did tell her look you know everybody thinks I was here playing games and stuff and okay maybe at first I was a little screwy or whatever he's like but now I'm being serious I was like right and these two are pretty far away too so oh yeah way far away yeah I doubt this is going to work at all a hell all right and then we got Cass calls out Nigel Christine said to me that she wanted an alha over see she's kind of just gone with the opposite oh he essentially calls him a b he Christine cuz they you know they focus on Christine and Nigel and they're talking and and C's like well she said she wanted an alpha she got like the exact opposite with this dude everybody's like what and now was like surprised to hear Cass say that that was I was rolling that was hilarious I mean Nigel's not a freaking ba right but it was still funny as [ __ ] to hear Cass say that man I was like oh this dude he he say something like don't mistake my kindness for weedness or some [ __ ] and I was like oh man I now why do you think Cass said that is he just taking shots cuz he's with Christine or what I I have no idea man I I don't know why Cass said that but it was good it was funny you know who who's enjoy it is st's really enjo oh yeah st's having the time of his life man he's he's found his girl and he's enjoying all the drama oh yeah yeah Ste st's gold now this is where all the women start turning on Cass and like they start calling him a scammer even Christine has harsher words to say yeah again Christine just pissed off that he went back and chose Mike over her I that's that's all that amounts too you know and you know I don't think C raided all the stuff that got said about him it's like you know you know why a lot of that [ __ ] happens because you people kept freaking getting in between their damn relationship is why a lot of that [ __ ] went down the way it did right so it's like you know he's catching all this Flack where later you know we'll see the Harry doesn't even catch half the Flack that Cass is catching it's like get the hell out of here man all right so my thought on Cass is again I've wanted to support Cass this whole time I still want to support Cass but now I feel like I have to listen to my fellow women who I haven't been listening to and wonder what is it I'm missing because I really like Cass and I really like him with mik and I think he's genuine but I gotta be skeptical because everybody else has seeing something I might not be seeing yeah my feelings on cats like I think he I think he's a good I mean he's he's he's a good-looking dude I think he he means well but he's messing up in the process you know yeah I mean he he I think he did do Christine dirty on this one to an extent yeah but not the way she's not the way she's like yeah you need to be with the devil and all this like come on Christine like yeah it's obviously you're just bitter at this point making comments like that yeah well I mean while she's going on her date he's getting back with M yeah but she's on a date with another dude right so she didn't pick the date no I know she didn't but the fact is you know I don't know I mean she like I said when they were on that date the whole time she's talking one-onone with the camera like wow me and N are hitting off this is great but C was doing the same thing with h i that's how these dates work on this show that is true that is true but like I said I I think I think she gave him way more crap than he deserved on that you know and again because I think she was you know felt slided by and was pissed off I mean look Christine dude she's a freaking knockout man she's a 10 out of 10 gorgeous woman so it's like you know Gord woman like that like how dare this dude freaking pick somebody else over me right so yeah she was just pissed off man I like how Micah stood like every she let everybody talk and like basically drag him through the mud and then she says I stand by him yeah she said she's gonna stand by her man and I do like that well is he like that you know right yeah is he getting props did he look has I think you know I think you handled this maturely you kind of came through all this difficulty and you know you figured out what you want it's so good on you so yeah I trust Izzy a little bit like I mean he's like a fan and he's the closest one there for this thing so but uh and then we get to Harry oh boy do we get to Harry and I thought I was worried they're going to skip over this I'm like are they not going to address the hairy thing at all let me say this as much [ __ ] as the two of you caught y'all were wrong right like Harry absolutely said all that stuff they caught on camera but they got it but Melinda is nowhere at all innocent in this [ __ ] because if you heard she was the one telling Harry to kiss her you could hear her whispering to him hey hey there's no cameras around go ahead and do it go ahead and kiss me so she was just as dirty in that as he was so you know I mean I don't know if she was as dirty because was with someone Melinda yeah but but I'm saying as far as the whole kiss situation right the whole kiss thing was totally it was definitely two-way cuz she was the one asking for now but Harry definitely said hey I want to F you and all this stuff like I said I mean Melinda was right about everything so oh yeah no I beli Melinda the whole time and you guys are like I don't know but you know I was like hell yeah here you hell yeah Harry probably said all that stuff but at the same time the kiss thing that was definitely more Mutual than it kind of seemed to be because she was the one telling him hey kiss me I don't blame Melinda for doing any of that that her her job at that point in time was to get on the show and try to break some she even said to the camera I'm here to mess stuff up like here I am let's let's mess it up so she was doing what she was trying to do get on the show break up Harry she figured Harry was the weakest link and she was right she was right yeah and that's part of why maybe I didn't believe her fully because I know she was coming in here with ill intentions to split people up so maybe she'd do whatever but bottom line is I mean she's right about everything and Harry said what she to well but but at the end of the day all the new people that are coming in on dates are all coming in with the same intention right they're all coming in trying to split people up because they want to be in the damn house so you know I mean it's I mean at the end of at the end of the day as much as they call it to get a dating show and you know Harry said a best him and Don both in their recent podcast this is a damn game show right we're all here to win a prize at the end we're all trying to win win this nice vacation whatever and really at the end of the day that's what it is now I don't think Harry gets enough crap on this show after they even show what they just showed [ __ ] is cascot and yeah I mean I think Ashley got more [ __ ] than he both you guys both y'all got a [Laughter] [ __ ] yeah I did I did I caught a lot of heat I tell you we we had one comment that like sum this [ __ ] up in freaking like three words [ __ ] them all karen Sanchez that comment was cl man I was like out of all the comments that summed up this show that was the best one right there I was like holy cow man yeah I I don't think Harry caught enough and and then Jessica's like I kind of forgive him and ready to move I was like what yeah oh yeah that was n man and then they have to pick a winner and now I'm thinking at this point oh God St and allore got this thing in the bag they've had it in the bag for weeks this is even a contest they've been together the whole freaking SE the whole damn season it's like of course they've got in the bag but this is a and what I didn't see is who actually won dude both them had been in that house for Less in 48 hours and they won and I was like what the [ __ ] I was like what the hell just happened these two just got in the house and then they get voted the winners I was like hell no I don't how does that happen dude people are stupid I guess I don't know man I don't know how does that happen I have no idea like how the hell do two brand new people to the house both of them a like just one of them was new to the house both of them are new to the house and and they win I was like this is [ __ ] ridiculous is there something we're not seeing here with st and allora is this a fake relationship and people saw it what is going on no cuz Melinda was like I love you guys together everybody's like I love you guys together andora's crying over to spin the bottle all this stuff dude no man those two were so Rock Solid Rock Solid I cannot believe the way that turned and and then the crazy thing is it's like you won by one vote I was like huh well maybe Chris and tou probably got some they got votes yeah but I was like you gotta be [ __ ] me man like how how all these people in these houses a bunch of [ __ ] idiots man do you think like they're like oh I'm not going to vote for them because they got in the back so I want to throw a Pity vote and like the pity votes add it up or something but the bottom line is you should vote based on who has had the strongest relationship the whole time yeah and Nigel and Christine don't seem like they're even a strong couple to begin with no they're brand new yeah there's there's nothing strong about those two other than the fact that they're brand new couple you know and then they spent like one night together I mean they like one night together in a freaking house so I was like what the hell man that [ __ ] killed me they look good together oh they look great together yeah I mean but I mean I and I could have seen perfect had Chris not been such a freaking douche him and tou could have won it right like I could I could have totally seen Chris and toou went you know so for me it was between you know St and allur and Chris and tou and had Chris had Chris been as into it as toou was the whole time that have been a very strong competitition between those two couple but these two coming out of the out of nowhere and just freaking taking it I was like what here's the thing like no one even questions St and allur when they're up there no one throwing drama them cuz there is none really right so it's like that's the obvious one yeah oh yeah that was crazy man that that just made me lose all faith in all these I mean it's like it's like I said like like Karen Sanchez said [ __ ] them all they a bunch of idiots and if that wasn't bad enough we get an update on Harry oh that was hilarious Dude shows him and him and Jessica hanging out in the car together chilling and I'm like after all this and all this talk that Jessica does about like her wanting to be respected blah blah blah blah blah she gets back with har he's Rich cuz he's rich man and then and then they're and then they're having that's exactly what it was cuz that dude's got money that dude made 100K in one freaking day on only fans that dude's loaded you know all his you know all the [ __ ] he does and uh so but then it's like one week later they broke up I mean that was funny and I'm glad to see that cuz if they left us hanging with maybe they're still together then that would have been I me the day Jessica's a freaking gold digger man there's no doubt in my mind about it she admitted it on the show so whatever man that sh was just hilarious it wasn't just cuz he's Rich he's tall right like all the comment that said the only reason like we would believe him is a six' five guy like in accent he's tall and he's got money I guess I don't know yeah oh man I was just like dude you got I'm over though yeah I'm sure you are that's what Jessica said multiple times we just saw but uh I something tells me this ain't the last we probably seen a Jessica maybe this I mean I don't know I'm kind of kind of over her cuz I'm tired of hearing the my kid and I'm so righteous and blah blah blah yeah her self-righteous [ __ ] let get out of here with that crap Jessica like you know it's like come on now you know that dude obviously proved that he is not an example for any child and then right after the show you go and date him again anyway say come on man you just you just lost all credibility shock her that that wasn't going to last the heart wants what the heart wants guys I don't know what to tell you yeah yeah or the pocket ones so Christine and Nigel are our winners no but I did like you know like last season it was cool seeing them like in Thailand and get to do all the cool [ __ ] together and all I I like how they show that at the end and the clips of all that stuff L they're having a great time there and I've been to thaan tha's fun you know it's definitely a good time well you want to pay for my vacation I'll show you some fun too ex I know right but yeah man it was so I mean I'm frustrated with this whole show one the the level of people on this show not really looking to make a match to begin with and then like on top of all that you make a joke of this show by not even choosing the strongest match oh yeah absolutely yeah that that right there just completely made the show lose all credibility it's like get the hell out of here like what am I watching for yeah exactly the drama I guess D yeah that's exactly what we're watching that's why everybody's watching this crap because it ain't real like oh man oh yeah oh so any final thoughts on the perfect match season to after this one is there going to be a season three I don't know yeah because there'll always be Netflix rejects one place I will say this I've watched several of these I've watched several of these fools talk after this I watched Melinda talk in I've watched Dom and freaking Harry talk in and all of them are like Melinda's like nope no more love shows for me she's like hell yeah I'm gonna go do some more reality shows I might host some more stuff no more love shows Harry and Dom are both like yep no more love shows for us this I'd be I I would high it's not going to surprise me at all if all three of them end up on love shows again at some point I'm sure if they're presented with an offer they'll take it oh yeah for enough money they're going to go on any show you know so just oh man it's just funny well there you have it folks a drama filed season of some perfect match man a lot of drama on our show too here we kind a lot these two got a lot of [ __ ] last episode such a perfect match they probably will never have a matching couple yeah exactly yeah we'll see how long any of these people last probably they're probably all split up by now but anyway hey as always we love doing this uh you know it was been a great time love doing with you guys and uh talk hit us up on our chat uh that was definitely fun talking a lot of you hey hey uh my girl wise black Al great conversation that was awesome like to have some more cool conversations with people and uh hey we'll check you guys at our next review

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