Kyle Hendricks Pitched Against The Cardinals And It Went Exactly How You Thought It Would

Published: Jul 12, 2024 Duration: 01:30:12 Category: Sports

Trending searches: kyle hendricks
alrighty let's get going here welcome into the stream Cardinals well they played tonight they did played against the Cubs it went the way that it went and we'll talk about it on this edition of be sha daily live I just need a moment as per usual to pull up the stream so I can see you guys and if there's chat going on so I can see that what's up Drew Curtis Nimbus with the IM Emoji tells me you're locked in I like that like the stream guys if you could if you could put a little likey like on the stream that would be so nice uh it's later than we usually do these so I'm not expecting maybe as much action as usual but that's okay I was going to have to do the podcast anyway and as long as the technology works I am going to do it live we'll do it live as Bill O'Reilly once said Bill O'Reilly is that who said that I think that's right it's been a while since I've thought about that name yeah Bill O'Reilly right we'll do it live and then he said some other stuff that I won't say we're try we'll keep it PG-13 on the stream but you guys might know the reference all righty thank you guys for liking the Stream Dylan that helps as well yeah the the foam finger number one I heard some Cardinal fans were telling arado tonight at Bush you're number one that's what they told him right maybe not welcome into the stream guys as we're coming in here and we'll get going in just a couple of minutes we'll get we'll give everybody a minute to settle in so if you got a question if you have thoughts get them in now we're going to talk about a few different things I'll give the rundown talk about the game obviously and how Kyle Hendrick happened as he always seems to against this Cardinal team and I also want to talk about the Ivon Herrera thing uh the Cardinals announcing today that they were going to option him or or keep him really in in triaa Memphis because it's where he's been rehaab but they're not bringing him back at the time and I'll talk about why I was not really surprised by that but I saw a lot of people on Twitter were either surprised on it or they didn't like it let me know too if you can see me and hear me that's something I usually say at the beginning and I didn't say it this time Brett what's going on Mr intensity is in the house that is a very intense YouTube name let me know if the tech is working Allison hey can you let me know do you see me do you hear me I know the video quality is always pretty poor I'm going to get myself a new camera at some point but as long as you can hear me okay that's really the what I'm waiting for to get started there's anything I need to change I'm happy to do it but just let me know if you can see me and hear me once I get some sort of confirmation from somebody okay there we go thank you Alison one of our great channel members yeah I think people are upset this is going to be a more intimate Gathering I can tell little later at night people are mad about the way the game went really the last three games excuse me and so it might be a little intimate which means your chance to get into the live chat I mean you'll never have a better chance for me to actually see your comment so hit subscribe on the channel if you're a new viewer of the channel in order to comment in the live chat I think I set it up this way you just have to subscribe that's all you got to do Hunter what's going on Daniel's here Justin's here appreciate you guys for commenting okay I'm G to get started here in just a second and like I said if you have comments that's great if not I can carry it tonight because I'm going to talk Kyle Hendrick I'm going to talk Avon Herrera Pedro pz Damen is ready for uh a b sesh uh let the let the hate flow through you I suppose but there's a couple of things I was going to want to talk about anyway so I figured I could just do it live and then it'll keep me honest to not procrastinate and like pause to watch a Tik Tok in the middle of the podcast or something so I figured this is a fine way to do it all right we're just just going to fire this thing off I will be talking you will be sitting there and that will be great let me know though you can comment and if you've got questions this is a night where I'll probably see him because we won't have as many people in here and that's okay all right making sure I have it on or locked and loaded on my local recording I will put this on the bsha daily podcast feed which by the way today new podcast drop with myself and Josh Jacobs if you guys listen to De in the cards podcast we uh we started a new podcast we're going to do on Fridays talking Cardinals but it'll be on my YouTube channel right here and it'll also be on the bsha daily Spotify feed which is great and still growing even though we're doing YouTube I love that people are still listening on Spotify that makes me happy okay so check that out if you haven't but uh we'll get into it now in three 2 one what's going on everyone and welcome in to this edition of be shave daily live Brendan Schaefer here with you evening hours of July 12th 2024 it's a Friday night Cardinals Cubs at Bush they kick off of four games in three days Mega series and you look at that pitching matchup and I said this on the Big Show earlier this afternoon and I believed it when I said it it sounded maybe it sounded bold but to those who have seen Kyle Hendricks pitch against the Cardinals before it shouldn't have sounded bold I said a matchup of the Cardinals number one Sunny gray and a guy who's not really even in the Cubs rotation Kyle Hendrick and his ER is 7 and2 and sunny Gray's ra is like three and pretty much unequivocally you felt like coming in at least I did that the Cubs had the pitching matchup Advantage it sounds heinous it sounds ridiculous it's also true there is no Rhyme or Reason to it the Cardinals can't hit Kyle Hendricks they can't they can't they certainly cannot score against Kyle Hendricks they had a few hits they scatter them they did a nice job of getting to first base and then they kind of stand there look pretty it's uh it was one of those games again Kyle Hendrick had his way and in the Years where he was good it was frustrating but it was understandable because he was good little fun fact did you know Kyle Hendricks has never made an All-Star team found that out this week I guess I realized it this week he had a year where he uh he led the league in ER at 2.13 didn't make an All-Star team that year in 2016 that's just a fun fact if you needed to hold something over Kyle Hendricks on a night like this you could say haha you've never been on an All-Star team but I don't think he much cares he beat the Cardinals tonight as did the Cubs 5 to one at Bush Stadium Kyle Hendricks seven Innings no runs five hits allowed one walk allowed three strikeouts he improves to two and seven on the season lowers his season long ER from 7.53 to 6.78 I mean that is that's pretty heinous 90 pitches through seven he was efficient like you know what it is to face Kyle Hendricks anymore but for some reason while every team in MLB is able to pumble the guy this year you just knew the Cardinals wouldn't be able to and I've got a fun picture loaded up for the the repost of this because I'll put this audio out on YouTube and on Spotify for anybody that might have missed the live stream of Brandon Crawford did you see shot I tweeted it out of Brandon Crawford he's wearing the the fredb bird bandana and sitting there on the Dugout railing just kind of contemplating life and he's just got that look and I thought he's sitting there thinking guys what are you doing Kyle Hendricks has a seven and a half Ur what's going on here like in my head that was what made me chuckle that had to be what Brandon Crawford was sitting there thinking because he's new to this he's a little new here right he's he's been in the Giants organization all those years he doesn't know the hold that Kyle Hendricks has over the Cardinals he's not been around for it until this year and now he got to experience it firsthand Hendricks when he pitched in relief few weeks ago remember that was the game I forget who the starter was forgive me but he he was injured early in the game had to leave the game and you're thinking well that stinks I mean you hate to see a guy get hurt but you're also kind of going all right Cardinals chance to get into that Cub bullpen you know maybe they're going to do some damage here this could be interesting let's see what they can come up with and then it was at Wrigley you remember they opened up the the Ivy the the The Dugout not the Dugout the bullpen and out comes Kyle Hendricks looking unassuming and innocent as can be and you're like oh bleep this is not going to be good because you just know the way it goes and he sted the Cardinals for three four rings of long relief whatever it was and that you know that happened at Wrigley and now you have a four game series in three days so you know all right he's going to have a chance to pitch probably because even though he's maybe not in their regular rotation you know they're going to have to come up with an answer Cardinals thought they were getting away with it by getting to avoid you know Justin steel show to imaga in this series no no no that's not the that's not the way this works it's so funny too because I'm looking at Kyle Hendrick split page on baseball reference and before today he had a lifetime 2.62 erra against the Cardinals and I'm trying to see like he's he's got some good numbers against some other teams too but he hasn't faced those teams as often the teams that he's faced at least 10 times the Dbacks 4 and a half ra against them Braves 7.7 ra against them white socks 475 Reds 4.26 Rockies 4.19 face the Brewers a ton 3.79 and that makes sense like he's been in the central he's been good against divisional opponents Pirates same thing 3.81 that's pretty good numbers Padres pretty good 3.27 R against them the Giants are the only team that he's faced a bunch that he's got better numbers against them than he does the Cardinals 89 Innings against the Giants career 2.33 erra riddle me that but against the Cardinals 172 Innings and he pitched 7 more tonight 179 Innings that's a full season and he's got basically like a 2 and a half ra against the Cardinals in his career he's got a 14-4 record he's a sa young candidate when he faces the Cardinals that's real unbelievable so that's what the Cardinals were dealing with tonight you knew it would be the case though like let's not pretend oh we're shocked we're amazed that how could he how could they let him do no you guys know the rules you know the rules this is just the way it goes I was not surprised it's not like I'm bragging when I say that it's just you knew what was going to happen it to be able to say with confidence like I did on the radio this afternoon that the Cubs have the pitching advantage in game one of this series and sunny gray is on the mound for the Cardinals who their best pitcher and I get it some people might say he didn't pitch great tonight he ran through some traffic but seven Innings three runs that's fine it's not it's not maybe the the peak of what he's capable but it you know he pitched okay I don't have an issue with sunny great T night and got up over 100 pitches more than did his job I'm all right with that outing I'm not going to even have much to say about it because there's just no negative to it's like a probably like a what 3.7 erra for today it's not his best but seven Innings three runs you're going to win a lot of games that way but not when you're the Cardinal facing Kyle Hendricks so it's inexplicable but it's a fact of life anymore so were you surprised by it really or were you just does is that just like the meme now that we're going to say we're surprised by it no you can be disappointed by it you could be frustrated by it you should be it's ridiculous it is unfathomable however it is also inevitable so I wasn't surprised but I I said you know it was it's coming and you could be mad about it because it's crazy it's crazy that this is still a thing but something about it I don't know if it's in their heads I don't know if it's their over ancy because he's throwing 88 and so it's like he's below the pitching speed below the hitting speed whatever I don't know the logic behind it I just know that it's true and I didn't why was it going to be any different today it wasn't different three weeks ago or whatever that was at Wrigley why was it going to be different today Cardinals lose the opener the good news is I still think they have the advantage in the series to be able to win the thing because they've got Main Stays in their rotation going the next three games and the Cubs by now they might have announced their rotation for tomorrow but we know they're not pitching steel and we know they're not pitching imanaga because those guys pitched within the last two days before this one so the Cardinals should still have the ability to at a minimum split this series but I thought tonight was going to be tough and I even went back and looked as the game was going along and I I'm not in a position as you know reporter I wouldn't be like betting on this game but I was curious I'm like is are the Cardinals probably favored in this game right you look at the match up Sunny gray Kyle Hendricks Cardinals have the better record this season Cardinals are probably favorite in this game and they shouldn't be right and I looked and sure enough they were and I thought that was nuts like come on you know what it's going to be and that's maybe that sounds kind of you know I'm being kind of Blas about it but it's just been the way it's always been with Hendrick and it's like a funny meme but it's also more than that because it doesn't there's not really ever an exception to the rule he just crushes them every time out so that's what happen tonight let me know your comments your thoughts Below in the live chat you can subscribe to please do subscribe there's only 40 of was here sitting here tonight so I won't bug you about liking the stream um I knew this would be a little more intimate I'll be curious to see how many people actually even want to listen to this in the morning because you think about that Royal Series Cardinals were riding in so hot right after the Washington Nationals they take three of four they had a great road trip it's tough to win on the road no matter no matter where you go but to you know you beat Pittsburgh you beat the Nets they played well they were playing some really good baseball even they're frustrating moments of course but they they bear down and they take what was it five of seven on the trip they're playing really well the Royals thing they lose a couple of games uncharacteristically we're you we're so used to watching this Bullpen just light it up and they didn't on Wednesday and so that's frustrating but it's like you can understand it it just feels gross to lose two in a row and they've only done it now three times since Mother's Day but they hadn't lost three in a row and you're going in with sunny your Ace on Friday against the Cubs against a spot starter effectively feel pretty good about that well we all know how it went so that's the that's where I think right now Cardinal fans are like I'm just gonna I'm GNA have a drink and go to bed like that's I think a lot of people out there credit to you guys for for tuning in and the comment section's still lighting up so appreciate that but I I think are as a Cardinals fan right now are you kind of just like over it and May and tomorrow's they play two games tomorrow all right let's play two it could be a completely different story 4 hours from now keep that in mind it changes quickly but it kind of feels like right now Cardinal SP are like you got to be kidding me and even if it was a self-fulfilling prophecy and you saw Hendrick on the bump and you knew it was coming it just it still is annoying to to see that if you're a Cardinal fan I'm sure so let me know how you guys are feeling out there I imagine though people are just a little bit over it right now and maybe they'll feel completely differently tomorrow and maybe Sunday's podcast is just a a banger but this one feels like a little bit but it's like we're you can't freak out about it but there's got to be a lot of frustration to lose three in a row the way they did where it doesn't really feel like they're playing badly before tonight but the bullpen just slips up a little bit you got to start grao you know it's going to be the way that it is but now you've lost three in a row and it's like quickly this thing could start to spiral on you and that's where it could get a little bit dangerous I mean if the Cubs were to sweep this series they're going into the break at 500 and so are the Cardinals they'd be tied so there's got to be some urgency but at the same time it it doesn't feel yet like it's slipping away and I don't think it is I think the Cardinals are going to be okay but this offense man there's something's got to give some of the ABS from guys like Goldie and Gorman that's what's holding them back as a team and I get it that they're still above 500 they're still technically in a playoff spot but you don't feel great about their their standing right now tonight you had n Bar play a pretty good game go two for four nobody else had multi- hits he had a couple of guys get on base twice conteras had a hit in a walk Donnie had a hit in a walk Goldie was one for four did have the RBI hit but had a strike out had you know fly out there's just not a lot of traction for this team arnado over had a walk back below 700 for the Ops Goldies at 665 Gorman looked he looked rough man he was 0 for three had two two strikeouts and just I mean did not look comfortable Newar I mentioned he had a good game because he went two for four you did have a chance though there at the end to maybe make something of it and he needs to you got you got to get the bat off your shoulders in that spot kind of a weird location but that it was a hanging pitch and it kind of froze him so it's just it was just very typical for what this game felt like for Newar to kind of end the game there with the bat on his shoulders as the only guy who had multiple hits for the team in the game you're like all right it was just a weird game but how many games in a row can you say that for and and not like take it to heart Cardinal fans because they've lost three in a row now this this weekend again is going to have a lot of twists and turns to it there's three more games to be played over the next 36 hours whatever it is so like you're going to you're going to get a lot of baseball in not quite 36 hours more like 42 hours although I guess I should look at the schedule Day game Sunday night game Sunday sometimes on the Cubs are in town it is a night game yeah it is a day game okay I was just making sure so that's all going on at but they're not sound like they're deading out of it it's just you felt so good about the momentum and now that's kind of it has it's been halted and it doesn't really feel like it should be the case because they were in these games not tonight really as it went along but even toward the end I mean Nar Grand Slam ties it so you can't say they weren't in it but it just felt like a little too little a little too late and not enough punch from this offense and from some of the guys they weren't competitive at bats non-competitive at bats is what really frustrates you and Gorman I saw several of those tonight and he's so hot cold man like they need him to be this lineup works best when he is the cleanup batter but like performing is one and you can't realistically put him up at the cleanup spot right now I don't think you can keep goldi there but there aren't a ton of options down below that you feel amazing about for me it would be either Donovan or Newar and you just bite the bullet and move them up they don't feel like cleaning men but you just whoever your best players are the guys that are hitting the best right now seeing the ball well you just have to move those guys up and stack them at the top I would I would bump Goldie down to and honestly arnado looked rough tonight but Goldie or arnado five the other one seven is probably what I would do Gorman stays eight and then you put I'm fine with honestly probably Donovan above Nar but either way like both are going to get on base nar's got better numbers for the season um but by much so one of them four one the other one six if you want to go left right left right which some people don't care about that I know the Cardinals do they don't want to become overly exposed to certain bullpens to be able to mow down their lefties because even the lefties they have you know they don't hit lefties particularly well and so as a team the Cardinals don't hit lefties well so it would make sense to try to not get overly exposed to that I mean you're just kind of you're kind of moving I'm not going to say I'm not going to say rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic because I don't think this team is the tit tank that would be a very alarm thing to say but as far as the lineup goes it feels like you're just grasping its straws because there's not a lot clicking consistently on the bottom half right now when I mean he had an over for day but reached VI awok he scored the run on the the goldie RBI Burleson contras like those are guys that more often than not they're going to come through they're they're swinging the bat well they're seeing the ball well so you're okay with that being your top three Donovan I think generally taking good ABS n bar has done a nice job that's kind of got to be your top five or six and if you want to slide Golder Aron out at five just to separate some lefties I'll GL I I'll be okay with that but otherwise like I think it's just probably time to move some of those guys up and maybe that's not the end I'll be all like lineup talk can be a little bit overrated because at the end of the day they they need more than just Five Guys to hit really they're going to need one through nine or one through eight and you can give a pass to certain guys if their defense first like CI and when pz he'll start one of the games tomorrow at catcher you figure so you know you want to get what you can from him offensively but you kind of understand it comes with the territory so that those are kind of some of my just opening thoughts I'll get into the Herrera stuff let me know though Cal fans with the Herrera move option to Triple A Memphis activated from the iil but they're not bringing him up they're going to retain pz for now as the backup what did you think of that move and did it surprise you because for me I I don't mind the move and I'll explain why as we go and it also didn't surprise me but I may not be the consensus on that a lot of people on Twitter social media were saying I just don't see how you can take the right-handed bat of Herrera and not have it here with the way this offense is performing and like I told people look I disagree with you but I also understand it I'm I think that there is there could be two sides to this coin and you can make a case for either direction I I kind of tend to understand where the Cardinals are coming from with the direction they chose but let me know how you're feeling out there and I'll be curious to see the comments on that all right I'm gonna dive into the comments though and I'll get through him and uh we'll just kind of Roll Along as we go Curtis says I hate getting Hendrick yeah they got Hendrick tonight Hendrick I think that's how you'd say that rough stuff says Drew um oh you hate yeah they got they got him Dylan uh was wanting to know if just holding up a little foam finger would count as like in the Stream I don't think it does but we got 15 likes maybe we get to 20 you never know uh gray losses last three starts says Justin I don't care about pitcher wins or losses I know it matters because the team's got a win or lose the game and that's really the bottom line but if you go seven and three I think you pitch well enough to win I'm not really worried that he got the L on a day where the Cardinals couldn't hit I just don't really think I put that on him nine hits allowed he scattered some hits I I to me not the end of the world to have an outing like that for sunny but yeah I mean you'd like to see you'd probably like to see him lock it in with some more Elite stuff in the second half like he did in in April and early may but you know it's it's just one of those things that I'm not going to get too worked up about because I thought he P pitched pretty well uh Salvador what's going on he joins the bsha daily gang by the way if you sign up for the membership and this can be true if you're already in the gang if you want to join the bave daily Lounge in our new Discord you get access to a private group chat um all the channels are available to everybody but there is a private Lounge as we call it uh that we kind of shoot the breeze in and that's just a little extra bonus if you are at the uh the second tier of the membership here on YouTube which Salvador signs up for the gang perfectly fine if you just want to have the YouTube benefits uh the Discord benefits come in with the next tier and that is something that uh more than a handful of people have already done and that really helps me out as I'm building this channel so Salvador appreciate you man and appreciate all the members here I'll make sure to get to y'all's comments as well um like Brett and Allison are part of that channel membership appreciate those guys uh Mr intensity says Hendrick can't score well I'm not going to say that we're not going to get into that comment but uh if yall saw it come through on the live chat you know what he said the Cardinals are the Perpetual slump Buster is the point and that is familyfriendly enough for me to say so I will Brett says Kyle Hendrick had a 262 ra 13 and4 before tonight against the Cardinals yep 14 and four Sub sub 2.5 or right around 2.5 he's thrown so many innings and he probably isn't quite sub 2.5 but he might be um how can one guy be so dominant against one team I do not know and it spans like a decade at this point right it's it's not like it's the same players every time just very strange Allison appreciative of the late night stream yeah I'm I'm glad you guys are here and it'll go past midnight and that'll be fine but um I wasn't sure how many people were going to be into it on a Friday night but here we are Daniel says happy Friday everyone uh look at that that's bright and cheery on a night that it didn't go go very well for the Cardinals Billy baseball says bummer game but no matter what happens in this series being at least 500 at the deadline is fine yeah I if they get swept the Cubs are tied with you you're probably not quite in a wild card spot anymore if you lose the next three if you are you're tied with the Cubs that's the best case scenario for the third spot you know I I don't know what that would mean for the Cardinals at the deadline like how does John Lo does he say well we lost six in a row or what would it be five in a row well yeah six because they lost two on Wednesday and then it would be four against the Cubs and I'm not projecting that in fact I think they're more likely to go three of four in this series than they are to get swept likeliest outcome to me is a split because I think the Cardinals will win two with the next three I think they have the pitching Advantage uh tonight they didn't there's no shame in that and it's not a knock on Sunny gray that's not me going Sunny's no you know Sonny's no Ace that's not what I'm saying they just can't hit Kyle Hendricks and it's a fact of life so it's not really even about Sony gray it's a it's a honestly I know that it was his turn and he was overdue because he would have been able to pitch on Wednesday right but they gave him the extra day which meant another extra day because they were off on Thursday I'd have given him one more day because it would have been an advantage against whoever you went tomorrow I know that's ridiculous and silly but it's like you wasted sunny in the Kyle Hendrick game that's kind of how it feels which is preposterous but again I'm a little bit I'm kind of being sardonic about it tonight but it's just because like what can you do at this point other than just make jokes about it there's nothing else to say hunter one of my uh channel members who he he helps me out he's giving me some Discord tips which I appreciate why do you think the Cardinals refus to give Burley a shot in the Four Hole goalie has been atrocious with risp he sure has uh only Orlando Aria has been worse in Major League Baseball with risp than Paul goldmit um but that was as of a couple of days ago and Goldie did have an RBI hit tonight so maybe that changed I guess I should look that stat up and see if Goldie passed anybody but it is a fair point however I I think the two-hole is actually more valuable than Cleanup in Modern Baseball so I'd rather have my best hitters batting second than fourth um so I don't have an issue with it not being Burleson because he gets to bat more often than the person who bats cleanup and he's performing so I want to keep that as a he's like a table setter who can also hit dingers it's a nice spot for excuse me and they got to get Mason going a little bit more he's he's been okay but not not quite where he had been I'm still cool with him betting lead off though but unless it's a lefty going up to the top like n Bar Donovan if they want to switch the leadoff man then you're probably going to have a lefty burles and continue to bat second they could go Newar 2 Burley 4 um because Newar profiles a little bit more as a table setter than he does as an RBI guy in my opinion because he takes walks so well and buron will hit more home runs throughout a given season I think than Nar will so I could see that Hunter however I just think I would still take Burley batting more often than new at this point new's looking okay he's doing all right but I think Burley is still my preferred option for number two but I guess if you're talking more prototypical roles you think about a slugg or bat and cleanup Burley is a good option for that but Bley man he gets bat to ball he's he's not going to strike out that often he gives you a shot every single time that's a good thing to have in the cleanup spot but it's also good to have in the two- hole they just don't have enough n bars and Burley right now on this team and Goldie and arado were supposed to be that and then some and they have just not been up to par this season will go down if it goes down it's going to go down because of and I hate to pin it on just a few people because it's a 26-man roster and a team sport but you can't tell me the Cardinal are going to have success if goldi arado and Gorman are are are all going to be sub 700 Ops it's just not going to work and that's where they are right now Damen says get ready for a b session uh yeah get your get your be done in the comments I try not to curse even if it's like something mild like that sometimes I will but it's one of those where I'm like I don't want YouTube you get mad you know Dylan says Goldie has to go to the bench there's zero reason to be talking about other trades for upgrades when that free upgrade is staring Us in the face I would not bench him he has to be dropped to seven or below in the order in my opinion like I said a minute ago I would put Nar number number four or Donnie the other one six Aron a 5 Goldie seven that's got to happen before you're going to talk about benching him if it gets to be a point where like pass trade deadline you can't even make a move there's nothing to do and if Luke and Baker is still hitting nukes down there I would then hear the argument of Goldie being a more of a part-time player and playing matchups and letting Luke and Baker have a chance you probably still I don't know about DH versus playing first cuz Burley could slide to First space that maybe that's a way to get Jordan Walker back if he shows the Acumen to to to be needed back up here at some point and again maybe you just bring up Walker at some point just to shake the tree loose of you know try to have some some fruit fall out into the basket for this offense and for Jordan Walker because I don't know that the Memphis numbers matter that much it's going to be a mindset thing for for for for Walker in my thought so he's another guy that you could find a way to get back here but it's getting it it's crowded right right now they're going to have to consolidate that bench and that's a tough conversation to to figure out how they're going to do that but we'll see the deadline could inform that a little bit but Dylan I hear you man a lot of people want Goldie bench I don't think that's necessarily where I would start I would start by moving him down though there's no shame in that and of all the guys that that wouldn't care at all on this team to be moved down Goldie is not an ego guy it it would not bother him he says it wouldn't bother him and I happen to believe him he is a straight shooter he doesn't care where he bats in the order so it's it is a little strange to me that Ollie has been resistant to bumping Goldie down when you can isolate I mean he's has had a bad year overall he's got a 665 Ops but in particular you can isolate his struggles in a major way to with risp he has been far worse with Runners and scoring position than he's been just in general you know he's got what a 230 average but with risp it was down I mean it was 159 I'm going to take a look at it now and see if I can find the update number um it's 167 though which is still second worst in baseball of qualifying players and he's had 84 at bats with risp this season that's not the most in the league but it's top top 30 or so I would I would reckon um it's tied for 36 so you figure an MLB team there's 30 of them if you've got a guy in the top 30 that's about average he's on the he's on the higher side of having these opportunities right being 36th in the league with that many bats now maybe he's had some walks so even more plate appearances he has had 11 walks with risp so add that to it he's probably close to pushing top 25 in the league in risp Opportunities this year and he's hitting 167 and that's the problem right if he's a 230 hitter but is is that far below with risp that's not that doesn't profile as a guy that you want to be your Cleanup Man by definition the cleanup man's got to be cleaning up the guys on the bases and Goldie has decidedly not been doing that now again he had an RBI tonight and he's the only guy that did but it was it's something that's prolonged over game after game and I don't feel like it's I don't ever try to unfairly Target a player or say something about a guy when I just think it's it's just for the the you know the sake of shock value that's not really what I go for I hope that people understand that when they watch my channel and listen to my stuff but if I can look at Goldie's numbers and say all right I mean he's a he's a numbers guy he's the guy that said last year that at the end of the season you know the Cardinals were struggling and he said at the end of the season after you play 162 the numbers are going to be the numbers the records going to be the records and baseball is a fair game there's it's it's fair there's nothing unfair about it because six months you'll either be a good team or you'll be a bad team and that will be reflected in your record that was Paul goldi that basically laid that out about last year's team he said hey we think we have what it takes to come back and be a good team this year they didn't but at the time he said we think we do but if we don't that's going to be showed like there's no hiding from that baseball is a fair game you might get a bad bounce here and there but over six months it's a fair game and last year they weren't a good team but that was Goldie's words that echoed in my mind throughout the season of hey look there's not going to be an excuse at the end of 23 if this goes poorly you know Paul goldmit basically said we're going to be responsible for whatever this record ends up and last year's team had to wear that now I in that same vein I'm looking at Goldie numbers with and you're talking about more than halfway through the year he's the second worst producer with RIS in the in the major leagues I mean that's not your cleanup hitter right now there's no spite in that that's a numbers-based conversation and I I and I get that there might be a reason to defy the numbers for a little while if you're Oly marmal because you're trying to instill something in a guy but I think Paul goldi can handle it and I think it's better for the team not to have him taking these abs and as much as he's a baseball playing robot who I don't think a lot of thing like a lot of outside noise bothers Paul gmit I also think you know sometimes we see a guy drop down in the lineup and their demeanor can change because there is suddenly just inherently less of a pressure factor and I think that could play out for Goldie as well I'm not saying it's going to I don't know but I think at this point it's G on long enough that it's fair to try it's fair to have a willingness to try that and maybe a double header tomorrow is a spot where they could they could see fit to do that but I don't want to overly pick on Goldie either because you can look up and down this lineup today and nobody was hitting Ken Kyle Hendricks right so it's not just Paul Goldman and he only struck out once Gorman I think if anybody you know had had probably the roughest day at the plate wasn't strong for arado either though he did get a walk some of Gorman's ABS were really tough swinging on top of breaking balls that just pretty average breaking balls that are like Landing in the strike zone but he's just out in front on them it wasn't just Goldie tonight and it hasn't just been Goldie all year but if you're talking about Goldie ronado Gorman and you're looking at those guys to be 800 plus Ops or even MVP candidates in some cases and none of them have materialized that that's the that's the way this team ends up winning 82 games and missing the Playoffs instead of winning 8990 I mean if those guys are all zero wins above replacement instead of three four wins above replacement I mean that's a big difference that's the heart of your of your offense that has just underperformed collectively it's been nice to get guys like contras I think overperforming knew he'd be good but he's been great it's been nice to see Mason wi produce the way he has they trust him to be leadoff Burleson has emerged I mean that's been a really quality thing to happen this year but you the big three of Goldie are andado Gorman and then I would even add Jordan Walker to that because he was I mean he was untenable in the lineup so they had to send him down and I didn't think he needed to quite be on that level but he had a 787 Ops last year and he's a non-factor right now playing in the miners so I mean that comb combination is really how the Cardinals have gotten to a spot where we don't really know what to make of them this year ah sorry had to take a sip of water there Allison said after the Royals game and tonight what's your ultimate batting lineup yeah I I think it's what I mentioned a little bit ago if I'm going to keep winning at the top which I'm fine to do it's win burles contras I'm okay with it being Don right now um I could see the argument for new second and then Burley fourth but um what I say win Burley conteras and then take your pick between nbar and Donnie and I'm thinking I'm thinking Nar is actually probably more viable because then when I split up Gorman and arado or pardon me Goldie and arado I'll go arado 5 Donnie six arado seven and that almost decreases some of the pressure because Donnie's going to take good a beats he's not really going to get get beat in the way that sometimes we're seeing Goldie and ronado get beat so having a guy and it's not that Newar won't take good ABS but maybe there's something to go in back to back with uh arnado Newar either way you're doing that if Newar is four so yeah Newar four arnado 5 Donovan 6 Goldie 7 and then Gorman 8 canani n and when pz is in there it obviously changes a little bit but not not terribly so and I think that would be my lineup right now in the positions they work out to where you can figure that you can figure out where everybody goes Brett says losing the last three games all at home really hurts seems to be a trend Cardinal are worse offensively went at home but maybe that's just me but at least kept the no shutout streak alive yeah I guess I didn't realize the Cardinals had one of those going without being shut out but they are probably worse at home because it's a pitcher park that's one of the reasons but um and I'd have to look up the numbers I don't know if I'll be able to grab it on the fly as far as uh run scor at home versus on the road but yeah if that's the case it's not surprising to me somebody can look that up I'm not I'm already kind of behind on the comments but I I hear you another huge game from Bedell tonight seven scoreless well there's your down on the farm I don't think I I don't know if I can play the audio drop while on here but if maybe I could find it no cuz I'm actively recording on Spotify so or on the audacity so it won't let me but yeah Ian Bedell he's interesting man like it's another one of those guys that and I said this before if the Cardinals were out of it at the deadline which they're not going to be and they shouldn't sell there's nobody I'm selling but if they were Bell is a guy that you might want to see get some big league starts before the end of the year just to kind of see what that looks like you got to remember like this guy was pretty good pitcher pretty good arm at missou was was drafted in that 2020 draft which is saying something that was the year that you only had five rounds so that I mean that does mean something he's got some pedigree and then he had injury right he he missed basically two full years and now we're finally seeing like the First full ramp up season of him and he looks pretty good excuse me so yeah that's pretty good I had not seen that yet I had not checked I usually do my down on the farm kind of checkup before starting the Pod but I was like well I'm not going to be able to play the drop tonight anyway so I didn't look but that's pretty good if that's um if that's the truth I'm looking at all right am I seeing this right because I just pulled up the Memphis scoreboard and I was like okay Hunter said seven Innings shut out or one what you say one run shut out for Ian Bedell and then I looked at it and I'm like well they lost 11 to one are you shy pitchell because I've been sitting here talking for two minutes about how he pitched well because you told me he did and the bullpen just got beat up really bad in the in the eighth and Ninth which is which stinks because greno had a unbelievable ra6 and now it's 2.4 cuz he gave up three runs because he walked four guys didn't give up a hit that sucks I was liking to see gano's ra how how low it could get that kind of feels fake how do he walk four guys in a row he had 1K and four walks and three of those guys came around to score Nick Robertson got shelled a bit five runs one inning and bovit got um allowed a couple of runs too so you lose 11 to one Bell didn't have a scoreless but it was an under run that scored against him in the first inning but yeah he's down to a 2.78 er in Triple A I mean that's that's pretty good I think I actually tried to add him in a fantasy league the other day just trying to anticipate that he might be a guy and uh ESPN doesn't even have them in their player pool which is come on ESPN what are we doing what are we doing here so anyway that's cool though that badell is doing that I mean I don't know I don't know what his future is going to hold I I could see him being a guy the Cardinal floating a trade if they don't think necessarily a lot of him just as I say that I shouldn't have even brought it up just as I say that I guess he has been since added into uh into ESPN if you're in a fantasy league with me don't pay attention to what I'm about to do but I got to do something real quick in a couple of leagues because once I say it on a stream I know some of the people that I'm in Leagues with are are probably watching and they're like oh Ian Bedell yeah maybe I'll check on him do I have time to beat if Travis is watching he's going to beat me to it if he wants him I don't even know that he wants him but but otherwise why is Ryan weathers on the 60 day is he coming back soon I know this is like the lamest podcast thing I can drop Bryce Wilson and figure out the rest later I just wanted to get Ian Bedell on a couple fantasy teams get a mou guy I got to do that okay sorry about that everybody um thank you Hunter for the the tip because I literally did I looked last time he pitched I'm like where is he he's not on ESPN he's in tripa a that's weird they added him like within the last week I think okay Scott says crappy night to be a Cardinal fan at least we have your awesome show to Cheers us up well thank you Scott my gosh it's a nice thing to say Allison nice thing to agree with Billy says I unironically think the Cardinals will be a dangerous playoff team if they survive the Wild Card round I believe in the ability of this team to find wins across the best of fives and sevens yeah I honestly don't disagree with that either um it's what would have to happen is just that rotation would have to be on a good spell where like Gibby gives you think about the the best you've seen from Gibby this year the best you've seen from Lance Lynn the best you've seen from michelas obviously the best you've seen from Gray if you're rolling that forsome Cardinals are going to be able to contend if you get like what would I change about the lineup if I just had like a fairy magical wand and could say you know Bippity boity boo I would be like well I would not ask for much I would just say Goldie AR andado Gorman have to Ops 810 to 820 and then suddenly if that's the case I mean this lineup is completely different it's dangerous there aren't holes in it you're looking at cani as maybe a hole but there's a reason he's in there and then you know when pz is in there again there'd be a reason he's in there so I I agree with you Billy I think it's possible but that's also probably the the the sunshine pumping that happens after a three- game losing skid but I'm just I'm answering honestly not going to be a prisoner of the moment to this last couple of games I do think there is there are qualities of this team that could portend success in a in a longer series but we'll see if they get that far the positive note Cardinal pitchers didn't walk anyone there you go Justin's looking for the bright side well done uh Space Magic storm said had PTSD from Kyle Hendricks need to trade for him and send him to single a yeah I was thinking about you know like the companies that and like it's kind of a an annoying and and a bad thing that happens in in media especially today but there'll be companies you know Venture Capital they'll buy the media Corporation or the newspaper and they'll gut it they and they'll be Shameless about it and it's pathetic that this happens this is kind of like a an offshoot conversation but I thought that's so sad when that happens they they let these people go the people are laid off they lose their jobs they do good work at those places and these people that just don't really care about him come in and buy him and that's just a shame when that happens the cardinal should do that to Kyle Hendricks was my point they should they should give him a contract and just pay him not to play like dude you can do whatever you want given like the Bobby Bon deal you know the the the Mets are paying him a million bucks on my birthday July 1st every year until like 2035 or whatever it is just pay him like a million bucks a year until he's reasonably too old to be able to pitch and and then but you just P play him pay him to not play you know what I mean million bucks he's probably making a little more than a million this year but that's it's not a bad idea Mo I mean I think you got to think about it at least because it's happened twice this year that he's that he's come back to bite him how many more times is it going to take tonight MO is making a a Godfather offer for Kyle Hendrickson trade he's like do you want Mason win because I don't ever want to have this happen again no that would be ridiculous obviously but it's like I said the only way you can get through something like this guys you I I recommend you all joke about it because it is kind of funny if you think about it Damien why in the heck does Alli still um hit the horrible batter with risp in the four spot well I did talk about it a little bit Daman I understand your frustration but like you're also frustrating with Gorman rightfully so there's been frustration with arado rightfully so part of it is you know who do you put up in that spot but like I just detailed a little bit ago for me it would be one of the lefties and are those guys prototype clean up B no but who cares anymore it's not really about does your lineup feel good does it feel like you've got a a big Boer bat and forth who cares do you have a guy that's going to take tough abs and and turn you know reverse the curse right now on risp now it's again Goldie did have the only risp hit today or I guess the only run scoring hit today for the Cardinals I guess it could have been the only RIS hit because they didn't have anybody in risp before that did the Cardinal bat a thousand with RIS I guess not because eventually Newar had the had the out so that had to end the game somewhere but yeah I mean I would move him down I already said I'd move him down I think people understand where I'm coming from there one for three with risp today it did seem like for the early Innings though they'd get somebody on First and they'd pop out they strike out they like there was no motion to this offense to move the runners over and to try and manufacture anything which is rather typical for baseball nowadays but you know what I mean Sean one of our wonderful channel members no matter how bad a season Hendrick has when he pitches against the Cardinals he kills them yeah he does 2.6 ER before today probably down to 2.5 uh Tyler says first timer on the score app he he is listed as injured who's injured Bedell I don't know who that was regarding I hope not but uh Tyler if you're a first- timer here welcome appreciate you man daddy Padre is also sick of watching Hendrick's deal yeah I'm sure a lot of people are Bradley says gray did okay I agree yeah graay was okay you we expect so much of him because of how good he was for the like month when he started off we're like oh this is Sai Young this is unbelievable he's had some slips but he pitched fine today you get through seven and three like gray is not an Innings eater historically Sunny gray has not been that guy to eat up Innings throughout his career but you look lately I mean go back the last month or so seven Innings seven and 2/3 seven and then had a couple of of rough ones four and a third and five and then seven again tonight he's gone moderately deep and has gotten up to what is it 100 Innings pitched on the season I mean he's tracking to get 170 180 and and again I've said this before on the show he Sunny gray has not had back-to-back 140 inning seasons in like a decade and he's coming off one where he threw 184 so for him to be low three erra giving him 180 Innings this year I know that that might not just be what everybody was hoping for from like the way it looked at the beginning but remember this guy missed a couple of starts to begin the year and is still tracking to be something that he's not really been typically as an Innings eater again in consecutive Seasons he did it last year for Minnesota but then historically when when he follows up a season like that there are some injuries there are some concerns yeah he had the hammy but he's overcome that and he's he's he's been pretty darn solid he's not going to be great in every game but nobody is Right Paul SK will but he's I don't he's got like I don't know something in his blood that makes him amazing I don't know what it is but he's the best pitcher in baseball so Brett says the reason the Cardinals lost tonight was the small offensive mistakes weak production like the strikeout throwout or Wilson not making it to Second yeah like I don't know I should Wilson have made it I don't know should he tried to make it you just got to not make those mistakes is the bottom line especially with Hendricks on the mound like you get a hit in the first inning against Hendricks just chill man you can't be making mistakes like that and then the strike him out throw him out Burleson wasn't even close but I think that's something I pin on Goldie if I had to guess that's probably a hit and run just trying to spark something with two strikes put the ball in play make a little magic get the field fielders scrambling he couldn't put the ball in play and it was middle middle middle middle middle slider you have to hit it Goldie can't back clean up right now for this Cardinal team I think it's time I think it's time to move him down and that's not I'm not saying like bury him I'm saying put him at seven I think it's just a small change that they really do need to make Seth wants to know my prediction for who the Cardinals are going to draft in the first round they got the seventh pick on Sunday night uh if Burns is there or Hagen Smith is there I think they're going to take one of them and I think they'll probably pick Hagen Smith over over Burns but I don't know I have no reason to believe that I've Just Seen more people mock hag and Smith to the Cardinals um he's Arkansas so that's my only concern not that he's going to be bad I think he's a stud I just will have to hear it from Arkansas fans I'm a missou guy so that's all uh I got my misso hat behind me and that's from University traditions and uh those guys made a new maizo hat that is sick I got to see if I can get me one of those from them but yeah that the Hat behind me on the bed came from them I also have the um you can see it probably back there I move my head out of the way that that mint green Sunny gray hat that he wore one time I did buy one of those and they sold out in like hours I don't wear it like I tell people I'm not I don't wear Cardinals gear I'm a reporter cover you know writer cover the Cardinal but I was like that's just a cool hat I just want to have that in my collection so I had to buy it and it sold out like the next morning they they were all sold out so probably a pretty good business decision if I do say so myself uh BC says go Dodgers one against scoble uh all right Dodgers fan in the house what's up BC J KY says J call Cal Sunny gray did good enough the Cardinal to win but you got to get hits and runs or you can't win I agree with that my one of my favorite sayings that I've had over the years can't win if you don't score can't win if you don't score and that is that is the fact hopefully the Cardinal turning around soon said J call I gotta scroll up John Owens said what's up be shafe and I appreciate that I got to scroll up I so far behind on these come outs I'm so sorry guys very sorry uh Brian says Brian welcome to the bave Daily gang all right Brian joining the channel membership and again the lounge tier if you want the private chat on Discord that's lounged here no big deal but um I I just love seeing the the support on the channel is unbelievable the fact that we're up over 30 channel members now um and like you know it's like five bucks for the base membership 10 for the the bigger one that you get for the Discord and it's like people are spending hard earn money to support the channel I don't take that lightly at all I try to be here every day to put content out but the fact that people are supporting it and like valuing it to where they're like you get it for free like let's be honest but because you identify enough with the community that we're building to say I want to be a member I'm like I don't I do not take that lightly at all so I appreciate you Brian thank you for hopping on my man um let's see okay I was reading J Call's comment I just got to find it again uh here he goes hopefully we he said hopefully we turn this around soon don't spiral down need to win some games because the wild card spot is going to be close yeah it is it is there's no you know I don't think anybody's in that mix is given up just yet even the teams below 500 which most of them are I don't think they're mailing it in at this point it's going to be an interesting deadline because some of these teams to to have the gumption to sell you know they're that's going to be a big decision and don't look now but here come the Dbacks I mean the Padres thank goodness for the Cardinals and other teams have dropped five in a row but Ariz ion is now won three straight and they're a game back of the Cardinals Cardinals and Mets are tied for the second and third wild card right now Mets have won four in a row so here it is I mean Cubs have won five straight all the teams that are that were kind of down and out are on winning streaks right now Giants Reds Cubs Pirates all won today Pirates are two games below Cubs Reds three games below 500 same with the Giants the Nationals I think I'm ready to count them out though they're six back and there're they're 16 back of a wild card spot but man it's I what did I say about a month ago when everybody was like oh look the Cardinal are in up it wasn't quite a month ago because that was well maybe it was when they got into a wild card spot but they were below 500 that was when I was like yeah that's not going to last all these Wild Card spots are going to be above 500 teams there's going to be a a push somebody's making a charge and and that's exactly what's happened so you're right J call they're going to need to win because this isn't going to fall into their lap like a lot of people thought it might it's not going to take 82 wins it's going to take 85 you know 84 85 maybe more to make the playoffs uh Allison said I thought Sunny did a great job yes rain into trouble but we didn't give him any support either yep that's the key gotta score can't win if you own score Tyler says do you think the card should get another reliever at the deadline I do uh this was something that Josh Jacobs and I talked about on our new podcast philosophical differences which is on the same YouTube channel if you subscribe to the channel uh you'll be able to to find that podcast from a little bit earlier today and bsha daily feed on Spotify if you have Spotify and you want to help me out just go follow the podcast and leave a festar review on b sha daily it's just like be shave like my name is spelled daily because the Spotify follower account has been going up and it's kind of fun to see it's not nearly as big as the YouTube following and that's why I'm like I want to see that get up a little bit higher so if you want to leave a review over there we've got over a 100 reviews left which is awesome and uh I don't know it probably helps us on like Google listings and stuff if people review on Spotify unless you leave a bad review I guess you could if you don't like the show but that would kind of suck anyway anyway let's not go down that path as far as a reliever at the deadline Tyler I posed this today I said Chicago White Socks John breia has had like I didn't check tonight but had like nine scoreless appearances in a row he's got the ra down to like four and a half it was in the sixes so he's lighting it up rebia looks like a like like he used to look with the Cardinals Tommy fam I know people feel the way they feel about Tommy fam he's polarizing Cardinals need guys that can hit lefties Tommy fam has a 690 Ops on the season but it's 788 against lefties and he can play a little bit of center field if you had to I feel like Tommy fam breia would be two solid guys to add they don't move the needle a ton but remember the kby Rasmus trade in 11 did any of those guys that the Cardinals picked up on paper move the needle Edwin Jackson Mark zinsky Cory Patterson Etc not really they were all just kind of journeyman but it worked I think there's a case to be made I'm not saying I do it necessarily but I think I probably would have to consider something of the ilk Dylan Carlson and then a and I was just thinking like a minor league pitcher who's maybe not a top prospect but then I talked to some people it's like you know what Zack Thompson what about Zack Thompson is he coming back what what where is his standing right now in the York I'm not sure myself but I think he's a big league arm so does it almost do him a favor to send him somewhere where no pressure to win right away they can throw him in the rotation and see what happens and same thing for Dylan throw him into the Outfield every day and see what happens happens those two guys for breia fam I think would be fascinating as like just just a way to kind of clear some clutter a little bit because Zack Thompson as much as I am hopeful he's a former first-rounder I'm hopeful that he can figure it out I really like Zach maybe a chance somewhere else is where it needs to be because right now he's again there have been opportunities this year to to go to different guys for starts and they have they started with Zack Thompson and they sent him down event and we haven't seen him since he could go in the White Sox rotation today probably or at least after the deadline if they trade fetty and and Garrett crochet right so I'm kind of wondering about something like that but my point is Tyler a breia type I think could really help one more reliable seventh eighth inning right-hander I think could really help and maybe doesn't cost you a ton because he's got a little contract and I think it's a short-term contract but he's getting some money so the Cardinal say well pay it it's fine so maybe you're able to do something like that I do think they need another reliever it's got to be a needle mover though and breia I think would be would fit within that because of how well he's been pitching lately Brett says let the sub 200 hitters do most of the damage tonight and that also didn't help yeah I I I can I can hear you on that one Brett I just can't get over it's it's a Hendrick's game so that's really my main focus from the way this one went for the Cardinals it's like offense needs to do more but it's Hendrick so they weren't going to didn't have to didn't seem to have much fire or intention intensity sorry that's what Bradley had to say and I agree with him I didn't see that intensity tonight from the Cardinals I was only watching on TV at home I'll be there tomorrow morning to cover the uh the first game of the double header but I I I kind of sense that too from afar J call says I like Gorman and he hits it hard but he drives me crazy when he swings it multiple pitches out of the Zone gets out yeah the discipline has taken a a step back for Gorman in my opinion Allison was not surprised with the Herrera decision enjoy watching P play do you think they will consider Herrera as part of a trade yes I think that he would be they'd be willing to move him if they could get fair value their interpretation of what's fair value for him I think he would be somebody that they would look to move um maybe not look to move that might not be the right way to say it but just going re reposition my my chair here I think they would look to if they're trying to get something done and somebody's interested in him I could see them being amable to it because I think pz is really good defensively and that's what they prior that they have valued and prioritized that as the backup catcher role for a long long time like when yachty was here that was always the priori is like yach's out of the lineup for a day the guy that comes in if he's not yachty at the plate okay but he's got to be and he's not going to be yachty behind the plate but he's got to be able to handle things and I think that's pz Herrera has done a nice job improving behind the plate I think he's a good catcher defensively but the Run game thing people talk about it like oh okay so he allows a few base runners whatever it's more than that three for 44 is glaring it's untenable you can't have a guy back there that does that because people are going to realize it and it's going to be open season every time you give up a walk or a single it's a double that's not tenable so when you have an option as capable as pz I think it makes sense to right now send Herrera down to work on it not to like banish him forever but just to work on it like play every day I hope that Memphis plays him almost daily as as much as he a catcher is going to catch and have that be a priority to work on the arm down there and and improve it and once you do that I think he's a very complete player that should have a lot of value to another team or to this one so yeah I I that's that's why I wasn't surprised by the decision I think there's a very targeted thing that he has to work on right now and it's going to be easier to work on that not when Big League games are won or lost on guys taking the extra base his Bat plays and I get that you'd want that bat Off the Bench to me the only way you could have kept him here is if you also kept pz though and at that point he's just Herrera is just kind of a DH which maybe is fine that's how bad the Cardinals are against left-handed pitching and he he can hit Lefty so I understand the the impetus behind that but I also think for the long-term benefit of him and the Cardinals I think you kind of need him to go down there and play and try to hope that guys are stealing on him every single time they get on first because he needs to work on it he needs those reps and you can't really simulate the Reps either and guys tend to run freely in the miners too to kind of rack up stats so I think I think he'll I think he will get better but he needs a chance to do it slightly above 500 is just how good they are need to have some players start performing or make some trades to make a serious playoff run yeah I mean I think they need both of those things J call and I think um I think they'll I think they'll try to make trades we'll see if they make any whether or not some of these key players perform better is the question of the year we just got to wait and see whether it happens Hunter said frustrating until you look at the big picture realize they were in dead they were dead in the water on Mother's day until they weren't yeah I mean Mother's Day was right around when I was like if they lose another game in this series I don't know if they're going to start firing people on Monday like it was that bad so it's not there anymore which is nice but yeah Tyler asking what about conteras uh what about him I mean he he played tonight too I don't know what do you want to know he was one for three with a walk like he was fine reached base twice I said him and Donovan did so yeah I talked about him uh if Gorman wasn't left-handed he'd be in Memphis yeah I mean I I don't know he might could be in Memphis anyway and for me every time he's come up here has not played well has not hit well so I it's if he was like knocking on the door for playing time I think they might have done the Memphis thing with Gorman by now but since the the Thousand Ops for fine and triple A has not translated it's it's been easier to keep Gorman around but like if G if Jordan Walker was killing it in Triple A Gorman might be sent down because you could then move Donovan to Second and N bar to left and still but I mean they just have they're begging for people to come up and take these spots and guys aren't really doing it Herrera could work better as a DH with contras but P defense is better yes but the problem is like contus is not going to play catcher seven days a week he's not even going to play it five days a week it's going to be like four days for Wilson three for the backup typically and with pz being maybe better defensively than Wilson which is NOT saying Wilson's bad p is just that good it might be sometimes the other way Wilson DH is three and a half to four times and PES might catch on those days so you could DH Herrera you could but what happens on the days that Wilson's not catching I guess you'd need pz here still to catch unless you were just going to roll the dice with Herrera again and think back to the games that Herrera was catching for that stretch it was there was some rough moments there and I just don't think it was a tenable situation which is why they made the move um Allison welcoming Salvador to the party which I appreciate yeah welcome to the be sha daily game gang Salvador appreciate you Ralph says as long as Goldie is hitting forth Cardinals deserve to continue to struggle offensively well maybe they could hit him forth but he could play well but yeah it hasn't happened lately and that's why I would make the move I'd move him down Micah said he was at Bush tonight and it felt like rley yeah I saw the the W flags were flying the the Cubs fans brought their Flags Vibes in the Stadium have been bad these past couple of days among fans I could see that for sure it'll be interesting to see tomorrow what it looks like Ace Rob ask me sir as of right now who is your Rookie of the Year and um I would actually not be supposed to talk about that if there was a chance I would vote for it because I had a real vote for it last year and they don't want us to like kind of put out our leans on that kind of stuff if we're going to be actually voting on an award because that for obvious reasons um people bet on that kind of stuff and you just don't want to get into that but I voted on it last year so I I'm sure they're not going to have me vote on the same thing again this year Paulk though is kind of obvious right um he's going to run away with it he could win sa young I mean he's starting the All-Star Game and he wasn't even on the roster until May so it's it's Paul SK I don't even think it's a a question at this point that he's going to win rookie of the year if he stays healthy uh the problem is the Pirates did not bring him up soon enough to get the draft pick for it ain't that's some some bleep I mean they they were they thought they were being careful with him but then he has a erra of 0.9 for a month in Triple A and they're like I guess we do have to bring him up but by then they had waited too long to get the draft pick for it if he wins rookie of the year so that kind of stinks he'll get a full year of service time though that's for sure that you can't play the service game anymore because if a service Time game because if a guy wins rookie of the year he just gets the year that that's how it works now uh yep K neilio says how much longer can Mo and gers continue with Gorman at second does he get the remainder of the season is he back next year average OBP K rate Runners left on he's been a hole in the lineup and in 02 counts at the plate screams of a passive plate appearances to me you know he's leading the team in homers that's the other thing and it's not the end all be all look he's got some issues but that's that's what you continue to Chase and try to find a way to get him more consistent I think a Memphis stint would be good for him but I could be an idiot maybe all he needs is the All-Star break and comes back and fixes what's going on I don't know but it's you're right like those that bats have not looked good from him um and jall says biggest thing with Gorman is he's inconsistent that's been true John said what up be sha and so I will say what up John his inconsistency with Gorman kills offensive progression he's not the only one but he is glaring I agree and they've done what they can do as far as they've moved him to eighth and they've not bumped him right back up any day he's good they're not suddenly like oh bump him up they haven't done that so that's good um but yeah as far as getting him going I just don't know man Cardinals have been waiting for it and I know fans have too as bad as Goldie is even if they benched him who the heck they going to replace him with well that would be kind of easy Luke and Baker would be my answer or burles goes to first and then you call up Walker but then as Hunter mentions Walker is hitting 208 or pardon me 206 so far in July that's why why I would just call him up I'd be like hey get get out of your own head CU jaywalk he's in his own head down there he's kind of he's feels like he's toiling a little bit I would call him up and say dude your numbers at Memphis don't matter just go hit I'd call him up just to tell him that and then maybe s him back down I don't know if there was a spot for him I I think they should have him here but there's not really an obvious spot if they're not going to do some benching of a guy like Goldie which I don't think they should I know that's crazy send him down in the lineup first that would be where I would start Mr intensity does mention though the last time that Baker was up Allie did leave him parked on the bench yeah I mean they didn't they didn't think much of Baker I I don't think Olie thought very much of Baker to be honest with you like I just don't think he was on their radar um and is that fair or not like I think you I think as an organization it's a mistake to get into a spot where you're you're almost like too presumptuous that you know like oh yeah this guy's got good minor league numbers but we know he's not really a big League hitter and like you that's kind of a hard kind of hoty attitude to take when you look at this bench and you look at this lineup and guys are underperforming it's like I don't think I don't think you can really afford to be dismissive of a guy with great minor league numbers just because you think it won't translate maybe it's incumbent upon you as the organization to try and see otherwise it's just playing favorites and that's not going to get you anywhere long term I'm not saying that's what they're doing but I I did get a sense that they were very dismissive of Baker last year and just my opinion you know they could challenge me on that but I just feel like they didn't really you know it seemed like anytime he gets brought up it's like yeah okay luk and Baker yeah the guy that hits some home runs yeah home runs are good I know it might not be something he could consistently do at the big league level but think about like luuk and Baker when he had a chance last year in St Louis it was a small chance but it was you know played more toward the end of the year because obviously the Cardinals were out of it and they're like well what do we have to lose and so he got a little bit of run I'm going to go back up go back now and look up his numbers and I think the point I'm going to make is going to be valid he had a 627 Ops hit 209 it's not good but it's 30 30 40 points lower than Goldie's current Ops it's higher than sani's Ops it's higher than P has his Ops it's higher than Crawford it's higher than Carpenters well I don't know about Carpenter he might have better numbers than that let me type it in yeah carp hting 240 I mean I bet he's above 627 for Ops 655 so I was wrong about that but my point is in baker's a defensive proba liability because he can only play first and I don't even know how well he plays it necessarily but there does come a point where you're like who cares he just we need someone that can hit and maybe the Cardinals decide to to do that at some point but I think with the way their benches built karp's there Crawford's there Carlson there you're it's kind of clogged and you know Edmund might be coming maybe anybody see what Tommy Edmond did tonight if he played that's one thing I should probably have looked up I should probably look that up but we're already over an hour on this thing aren't we I always do this to myself don't I hour 13 so the podcast itself is probably at about the hour 7even hour eight Mark I got to roll through these comments and I'm going to do it quickly so we can get out of here and go to bed but first I want to see Tommy Edmond's stats he played tonight 0 for three walked second game in a row dhing though I don't know what's going on there I guess they're really taking this slow but he's going to have to play the field like that's kind of a big part of his value in St Louis so but they they can take all the time they need you get 20 days of a rehab and I am sure they could petition MLB to extend it I'm sure Edmund might be willing to extend it if he had to just to make sure he's good to go so that's what's going on at least he played tonight that's good news because he had that game a couple days ago where he was scratched all right going to try to get through some of these comments now and if I've read your comment already I might not double back to some of your other ones because I want to try to get to everybody um mj50 what does sid in Goldy do for the long run hard to see this team going far without him yeah I agree with that same with arnado and honestly same with Gorman you know if you had fine come up or S JC come up or whoever it would be it's like is it is that guy gonna be a Difference Maker he might be an okay player but Gorman if he finds it is a Difference Maker and I hate that they're Reliant upon a bunch of ifs and buts but if and but I mean that's really what could end up working for them if those guys get hot you cannot match the upside that quman has with anybody down there in Triple A except for maybe Walker and right now he's not performing either Bradley said uh golden a Gorman lacking intensity it's buzzkill love all three of them but where is the fire where's the leadership I don't know if it's a lack of leadership it's a lack of production right I don't think that cuz leadership almost implies like they're they're doing something wrong as teammates as players as men like leading the team I don't think there's a problem with leadership but the performance has stunk and so that's kind of tricky it it can be hard to parse those two things out Andrew said feels like the golden a accelerated aging curve and the Gorman Walker misses are going to syn this team for a while um they could they could if those Trends continue that's for sure Salvador agrees with my goalie take I appreciate that Allison says we got to be more productive on offense seems like struggling to get runs across the plate yeah that's for sure they are definitely struggling to get runs across the plate uh on an night like tonight it's certainly easy to say Royal series like they they took some good ABS had some bad luck but the the bullpen was was struggling but even when they've been a good offensive team their version of that is like kind of top 12 top 15 it's like top half they've not really had a prolonged stretch where they've just dominated for like a twoe period where they just go INF fego most teams maybe don't do that but this team kind of needs to I think that I think that's what they would need and it's what they could do if they had the the guys that are in the middle if they had those guys performing better Brian said I think this offense has been masked by great pitching the winds they've snuck out but still going to stand on the hill offensive approaches need to change if that's a coaching change then do it his team can't find a barrel on the bat at this point I'm completely content with Trading Goldie as much as I love him and put Alec at first and bring up Walker and let him figure it out up here yeah I don't think they'll trade Goldie I've said that a number of times it's not like they're buying I understand your thought of like if you move Goldie out and his 665 Ops like don't think of it as Goldie think of it as his number if you moved his number out the 660 Ops and you brought up somebody that is going to outproduce that then you feel like that's a net gain however like Clubhouse leadership different things that are intangible that people don't see in the Box Score I'm not saying that's a great thing to just have be the end all be all the time but with Paul goldm I don't think you're going to you're not going to let his Cardinal tenure end that way where you're buying but you get rid of him just to like clear the deck I don't think that's happening John says who's going to be the four hitter then well I said Newar or Donovan yeah I've gave that lineup a few times times Mason win burles conteras n or Donnie one of them four one of them six arado 5 gold E7 Gorman 8 can9 that's what I would do and then when pz plays you know you obviously have to sit somebody and maybe it's maybe it is Gorman and play Donovan at second maybe it's and tomorrow we'll see it because they're not going to have the same lineup for both games so maybe it's a day off for Goldie that would be that would be reasonable tomorrow play Burleson at first base for one of the games and see it because you don't need Goldie to play both halves of the double headers since he just did on Wednesday is that reasonable I could see them doing that tomorrow we'll see either way though i' drop him lower in the order personally Neo said that wi needs that All-Star break rest his glove is still elap but the appearances of the play of looked a bit tired just needs to rest and yep he's going to get that rest I thought he could have been a candidate for All-Star but it's it's it it'll be good for him the one guy that you really thought needed rest would have been Hells and he's going to probably pitch in the game so it is what it is uh Walker still needs time to get it corrected in Memphis still doesn't Elevate the baseball off the barrel down there and he has to be able to hit at a good clip to make it back to St Louis yeah I heard the uh who was it Mark D Roa no it was Greg yinger I believe that was on 101 today I saw the clip on Twitter where he said a lot of the analysts former MLB players over at MLB Network were have been saying they think the Cardinals have ruined Walker I was going to talk about this and maybe it's a video for another day but they're like you know just because he's a big strong dude doesn't mean he has to always lift the ball it's okay if he's a high average hitter at 22 years old let him hit for average don't try to change him and the launch will come kind of like a Matt holiday who was a line drive hitter not a home run hitter and I think like that was his point his premise but I'm like I don't even think like holiday did hit line drives that sometimes turn into homers ER wasn't hitting enough line drives in the big leagues that's why they sent him down I think that characterization is a little bit unfair but of course it was former players that are now analysts that came up in the 80s 90s and they saw the game a different way launch angle's more important now so that's a generational divide that you're dipping into I can see both sides I don't think it's fair to say the Cardinals are ruining Walker but like they're not finding ways to get him going yet and it's partially his responsibility largely his responsibility but you'd like to think that the coaching down there could find a way to tap into something that gets him going you know as soon as Nar comes back immediately three straight losses including two in the the L red jerseys yeah but that's all just random stuff nar's not played poorly I mean that's just that's unfair that's not a good characterization it's like people in my Discord join the Discord by the way I don't think I put that in the link to this video but that sucks because uh the discord's fun we have like 150 people in it now and everybody's blaming me for the Cardinal losing because of the fact that the Discord started and then they immediately lost three games in a row so that's cool Dylan says had to get n back in the lineup we're playing great ball why I mess with it that's so Dylan come on you don't mean that why are we you guys are smarter than this I'm not trying to pick on Dylan but that's a that's a bad take that's a bad take if your take is legitimately oh yeah I just had to get Newar back in there why would you mess with it that's as that's that's almost as silly as saying why' you make a Discord Brendan why'd you do it Cardinals were winning then you had to go and make a Discord Newar was two for four tonight he was two for four with a home run in game two on Wednesday what are I doing with that come on that's not that doesn't make any sense Aaron says versus the Cardinals this season 11 in a third Innings pitch scoreless that's Hendrick against everybody else an 808 ra that's about right yep neilo mentions that they need to manufacture runs and he's right Andrew says woke up this morning and saw Cubs money line at plus 165 and hammered it when I saw Hendrick was bitching I'm glad that somebody out there who is like able to like bet on that game saw what I was thinking and and actually acted upon it good for you Andrew because that just made too much sense like why were the Cubs such a big Underdog like that's if for people who don't know sports betting like a plus 160 5 I don't know how often baseball numbers get that high but for football like if you're plus 165 you're probably like at least a field goal Underdog I would think that's that's normally what I'm looking at so that's I mean that's an underdog for sure and they okay I mean it it's just strictly not understanding that this is a superh human Supernatural thing going on when it comes to Kyle Hendrick and the Cardinals that whoever out in Vegas was making the line didn't know about it that's all there is to it they saw Sunny gray they saw a 70 ra pitcher and they're like oh make the Cardinals big favorites there you go uh Brian said good Bullpen arm number two starter and a right-handed power bat if Walker was doing what we expected he would be the bat yeah that's a good shopping list for the deadline it is Gorman looked great during the NAT series now he looks like he took two steps back yeah I agree I don't know what what happened there and why but uh Brian appreciate you man for joining the uh the B shave daily gang and Allison appreciate you for sticking around for the stream as long as you could don't get the whole farm system thing but that's for another time yeah ask me any questions you want Allison um send me messages if you need anything you need to know there are some things that like may become obvious to me because I've just been involved in this for so long that some fans are like I don't even know what you're talking about and I'll try to explain that sometimes I feel like I I I could simplify things more than I do but but then I always turn around and like oh people already probably know this but maybe people don't and that's okay it's okay not to know a thing and then I would like to be the person that can help you out and help you find out what it's all about that's all Damien said with Lyn pitching tomorrow what are his start splits being at home versus the road thinking if the Cardinal make the playoffs you pitch them at home and not on the road yeah they're much better the splits for Lynn are much better at home than they are on the road I looked it up at one point and I can grab it for you real quick before we get out of here because I think we're about to wrap things up I've gotten to most of the uh most of these questions quick Sip and I'll get that LIN number for you okay pulling this up on baseball reference at home this year Lance Lyn allowing a 627 Ops on the road 859 Ops home 3.66 away ra 5.36 nine games at each home and away so that's a 1.7 erra differential between home and Road yep so he's at home tomorrow that's good news and again pitchers Park and he's a guy that historically has given up a few homers so kind of makes sense that he's been better at Bush and he's given up more homers on the road too this year nine homers allowed in nine games on the road four homers allowed in nine games at home it's almost like the Cardinals knew what they were doing signing him and getting him back to Bush getting it back looks pretty tough to do with 60 or so games remaining in the season after 100 or so games into the year players are kind of what they are maybe something special occurs I agree it's hard to just say a switch is going to flip for Gorman or it's going to flip for ronado or for Goldie I don't know if it is and and their season does kind of hinge on it happening to some extent so we'll see the big three are off says Bradley trying too hard to get back to where they want to be they don't look like they're having fun or enjoying themselves yeah I think they're kind of wearing it a little bit hard that's probably Fair that's probably fair and Hunter said the bullpen for Memphis sold incredibly yeah 11 to one after Bedell went seven Innings no earned it's kind of crazy if it rains tomorrow Lance Lynn is throwing a shut out is it supposed to rain don't tell me this while I'm live I hate and I'm sure the Cardinals hate too all the rain that has just been timed during these home stands craziness yep I see the radar you y'all need a weather report I got the KMOV weather app up it's actually I I I work for them so I I have to say this but it's also true their weather app is awesome I can go 24 hours on the radar this is not an ad or anything but it's great um it looks like the rain could kind of miss us tomorrow Folks at least k o it kind of comes in and maybe just kind of dissipates so I'm going to hold my breath that that we're not talking about any rain delays tomorrow but we'll see Asher asked if arado got booed I was told that he did and it sounded like the whole team got booed at the end of the game they were all going nud because he was batting and then he struck out looking and it was like nud and then the Cubs fans prably sang a song yeah I from what I'm I wasn't there so I can't say for sure but I think arnado from what I understand probably did get booed um bass fish for Life said hey be sha Cardinals seem to finally be dropping where they should be they will finish last place in the central this was never a good team in my opinion um can I say that word I'm so like out on no and slang or if there's a word that I should say is that okay to say fugazi I don't know what it means I don't know the anemology something that has been forged or counterfeited I just learned a word something fake Fon or Beyond repair fugazi it kind of sounds like you have to say it like that is that kind of Italian I don't know anyway I don't necessarily agree with bass bass fish for life on that I think the Cardinals are still going to be a playoff team but I get it Brian wants the rain coming to West Virginia they're in a drought and they need they need the water so his grass doesn't die there you go isn't tomorrow and make up for a delay it would be crazy if it got rained again well yeah I believe if I'm not mistaken Tom tomorrow is the game that they banged the night Joe Buck was supposed to do the game remember that for Bal and he and Chip Cary talked in the booth like they did a rain delay theater and then they hung out for a while and then they all went home they never did play the game so I think that's what this one is I don't think it's going to rain tomorrow let's all do the anti-rain dance because they need to get this thing in Allstar break coming up it just let's just get this let's get those games in no delays that's what we're rooting for tomorrow all right guys it's been a long stream it's been a long pod I appreciate your support check out I'm going to plug everything check out the Discord it's in the link to almost every video besides this one send me a DM I'm bsha for12 on Twitter DM me and say what's the Discord how do I get into it if you want to know more about Channel memberships I'll help you out with that if you're like hey I listen to the Pod but I hate the ads I'll help you out with that Spotify has a way to cancel the ads it is a subscription but it's you don't have to listen to ads on Spotify like it's a thing only a couple people have taken advantage of it but it's real if you like Spotify so we got a lot going on I appreciate all the support we're getting working on some sponsorship stuff if you have a business that you you think wants to sponsor content like this send them my way um but we're trying to do a little bit more of that so we can make this uh make this a thing Andrew says great show with Josh today we should send you a free water bottle yeah the uh the carry and mose water bit that you guys do is very funny Fugazi Italian for fake there you go intensity thank you I learned something new today all right that's going to do it for this edition of the show appreciate you guys for being here on the stream uh talk to you next time on b sha daily live peace

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