Intro [Music] hi I'm Sarah and I'm Shantel and he we're here again to talk about Survivor 47 doing some astrological and Tarot prediction of the second half of our cast we've got the ladies today with the ladies but first if you're new to this Channel please click subscribe and give this video a thumbs up thumbs up for Kendra back I'm so excited I I'm just here for the ladies so I'm to get in today ladies from ladies so I'm just really stoked about this season's women right let's go I'm stoked so let's see what the cards have in store for them absolutely and I'm exced because we have I think three uh rising signs for our ladies we were given some excuse me getting birday all over here wonderful uh so we are gonna keep them by tribe so we're going to start with are we GNA say G yellow is G I'm assuming I got a good feeling about that I don't know yes ma'am Anika there we go Ana she is starting us off we have her ascendant she is a Scorpio Rising Sun and Libra moon in cancer M she's a Virgo Mercury and then she's got Scorpio Mars and Venus whoa yes ma'am see what she wants and do what she wants and get what she wants if those if the Mars and the Venus are on her Scorpio ascendant or even just in the first house Aries and that Martian energy behind all of that Scorpio it's like she sees something she wants it she gets it so love anakah I'm so excited about watching her this season because Libra hi hi Libra Li girly um is it me or did has she been on something else before because she actually looks very familiar to me I was like I feel like I've known her I know her I've seen her before I don't actually know her I don't think right but um familiar to me has but she has a very I feel the same way about her I'm like I feel like I know you from somewhere maybe it's SC eyes maybe I don't know but something about her it's like mostly her eyes that I would find to be familiar to me but yeah and sometimes find with people who have cancer moons they like are very like REM reminiscent of people that we know in our lives like feels like family yeah feels like home there's like something like nostalgic or reminiscent about people with cancer moon sometimes especially like a Li Sun like the familiarity I don't know or maybe we do know her from somewhere yeah she didn't mention it in her interview that I read but um maybe that'll come up later that she was on love island or something it was not at love Island like who knows it's something maybe will be love Island for her ooh well Libra Sun she wouldn't mind it mind it she don't hate it uh I would say a rising Scorpio and a cancer Moon she's extremely intuitive I hope I mean she's still pretty young but I hope that she has learned to tap into that especially when you're stranded on an island that would be super helpful uh but yeah a good chunk of things in your first house means you do have a path you know to take care of yourself and putting yourself out there so even though she has a decent uh desire for balance and partnership looking out for herself is important so it'll be interesting to watch I also oh go ahead sh I was just going to say just like with having all that Mars energy in the first house I just think that um it depends on what who else is on her tribe right because she might be out in front she might be a little bit too much you know like always want to take action always want to move forward like that that kind of combative energy might uh it might rub be the wrong way but if she has people that it balances out with it could be really beneficial to them so I'm I'm interested in looking at how all that Mars influence in the first house is going to affect her game I will say that the gentlemen on her tribe uh that we've already discussed this was the the heavy fire tribe oh so this is good unless you know I don't know men and women are not going to like they might not want to listen to her because they all have all their Mars energy as well oh goodness yeah because they had the Sam the John and the um Andy and two Aries and a Leo oh boy cancer moon it's like that's a lot I do like alls energy what I was seeing with this is with all that Scorpio and then the Virgo Mercury is somebody and with like the social Libra Sun cancer moon is somebody who's very resourceful I find Scorpio placements to be extremely resourceful and that Virgo Mercury um Mercury being at home in Virgo is going to be able to not only like use the resources but like social resources and be able to like Implement and like kind of like plan things ahead so I'm hoping that like she can be a little bit of a strategizer actually I'm seeing with like the Scorpio and the Virgo for sure yeah that Virgo Mercury is super super useful yeah for sure and she can see the details of a plan exactly maybe her intuition will tune her in on what take and what side to go with I wonder if she'll Vibe with John or completely the opposite right because John has the Leo Sun so fire fire or fire um um air sun is a good combination and then both of them having Virgo Mercury so I wonder if they'll have the same idea on how to addess strategy of the tribe like they might be able because like I think pretty good besties like Libra and and Leo can be pretty good friends so um I wonder if they will come together it's my my guess or maybe it's love no he's he's I don't think he's straight but I feel like I like a Libra Aries combination like opposition yeah so we'll see if she likes Andy nighter King Knight Knight of cup KN of Cups all that water yeah definitely water here I we call that card um our John maror card yes like the Romantic right you know it's John mayor card I mean I don't know in his real life if John Mayer is that like that night and Sh armor but like the songs that he sings about the women and K he is a Libra son oh there you go to he is a little ladies man yeah I was about to be like what sleeps with everyone what man body is Wonderland like you know he's just so romantic about like uh yeah so I would say you know a knight is not a king or queen like it's not really in charge or you know rising to the top but um all of that cuts yeah well it's kind of a teenager right out of all like their Court cards and so um I'm wondering if she's going to kind of be taking action but like maybe coming up to some walls like not being able to execute is that six or seven we got the eight of Pentacles oh eight eight of Pentacles you say is love no I love the eight of Pentacles oh you love it I was um this is really for me showing her Virgo Mercury kind of like that strategy that we're talking about being able to like just do the thing that she needs to do when I get nervous with this about being like tunnel tunnel vision about um the way to execute a plan or um yeah I don't know the eight of Pentacles is just like I'm doing the work I'm here putting my head down and like I'm just so maybe she will be able to take that little bit of a back backseat with her little bit more passive Libra Sun cancer Moon and Let the Fire Burn yeah and be like okay I'm still here I think of that that card is The Apprentice and so I'm wondering if she will be like because I'm mentioning now maybe John and her might be able to work together maybe John will take a little bit more of the lead being the lion being out in front and maybe she'll be more of The Apprentice so they'll be strategizing together but he will be maybe the showman and she might be you know this this side piece I didn't mean it that way but you know The Apprentice literally yeah and I got another Pentacle here but it's a page so this is all these cards are kind of showing youthful energy in in her approach to the game and so or like a naivity or something like that um Pages Messengers um also New Beginnings it doesn't necessarily say longevity to me these combination of cards it seems like she's like not coming out in front um so true I mean it could be longevity in the fact that if she takes these steps back this like newer position apprenticeship learning from someone else like maybe she's not first boot but yeah these are not sort of taking charge of the game cards yeah it's interesting because all these like water placements that she has I hope she can kind of like be a little bit under the surface and like maybe we're going to get a lot of her strategy in confessionals but like like we said about John like maybe he's not going to be seen like perceived the same way but she's going to be like learning as she goes definitely with these cards um with the Knight of Cups I'm nervous that she's going to be like emotionally like um I want to like manipulate it or like somebody's gonna be like whispering to her like sweet nothings and like really appeal to her emotional nature maybe that's what's going to get her is like maybe a little bit too much like just yeah people whispering sweet nothings to her you have a flirt Dan with somebody yeah maybe I don't know I guess we'll I guess we'll see here but definitely um yeah interested to see how this plays out for Anica and also with Pages um anytime like in in real life when I've pulled the page of Pentacles it's usually like a new job opportunity or a new like some financial gain that's coming to them so I'm wondering if she's gonna find an idol or something or find something that's um advantageous and so that could literally be her digging to find an idol that you know and then maybe actually finding one or finding a clue or finding a beware of bandage so steps to take I can definitely see her being involved with like an advantage with these cards here for sure yeah right uh I just I remembered we pulled an eight of Pentacles last year so I wanted to see who it was it was Ben oh been good to the end right he had a very end lesson learning yeah um a lot of like learning aspects to his journey so right yeah even in his final tribal um no disrespect but he wasn't in the Forefront there like I don't think that many people were leaning towards him being uh the representative of the season um with his gameplay I think he was a little more of an apprentice for sure for sure cool good to note there with the eight of Pentacles I'm interested are you getting to the end oh right I mean she might but she just isn't leading it interesting all right who's next Rachel is also on this G yellow Rachel tribe we've got a Pisces son Leo moon though Pisces Mercury as well Mars and Capricorn Aquarius Venus she'll love you uh Shantel get a hopefully yeah so Pisces very kind nurturing compassionate people typically um also maybe not grounded in reality we love that we love that for real TV Great TV I love the like I said with um Kyle I love the Pisces Sun Leo moon combo so maybe Kyle will link up down the road right I mean that Leo moon gives her that fun outgoing you know they're usually very entertaining uh willing to be extroverted and adventurous now what was Jess do you remember Jess's makeup because I know she was a Pisces son and I we didn't get a chance to really get to know her I think cuz her tribe continuously went to tribal season mhm yeah she was a Pisces wasn't she yes I just remember remember this being like I wanted to see more because like I was excited to see like the dreamy element and like I we learned that in her intro package that she has an identical twin sister and I'm obsessed with twins and so like I wanted to learn more about her we didn't get a chance yeah I know she had a Capricorn Moon Capricorn that's what I thought yeah yeah yeah Capricorn and oh she was a right Taurus we had her asem um with Rachel here um I believe her she's 1990 so her Saturn is going to be around her Mars and Capricorn um and I love that combo for this game the Mars with the Saturn even though Saturn could be a little restrictive I'm hoping that that Mars will like take a little bit more of that energy there and give her that like plan and like energy to execute something for long longevity not just that like shortterm moment I I hope that she has like a little bit of like a longer perspective um she s her interview that she doesn't think people play Idols I'm reading these little comments um I'll be playing anything she finds go off Rachel do it Rachel please do not say hold a secret oh no I mean keep it a secret but yeah didn't play it they only saw like half that season right they didn't see the full season to see all the idols that were not played and people went away with them right yeah I don't think they saw the end but they definitely did because there was mentioned in some interviews I read that like they did see people going out with their Idols I think was it Andy who mentioned that uh so they are aware of that yeah I mean Rachel's D I mean she let's see she's the only water son uh but we do have some water like we just Ana has all that Scorpio definitely her and Ana have opposite um mercuries which I think could actually work really well together actually like oppositions there maybe or or perhaps they will not see eye to eye at all when it comes to like communication maybe they'll have a hard time communicating but I think that her Virgo Mercury could really lend a hand to that Pisces Mercury um as far as you know me just being an optimist and wanting the girlies to work together like I don't know I mean will definitely depend on Rachel's Rising side to see where her house distribution goes towards works well with Ana because I just I just don't know if like just like I I tend to like Virgo um Pisces like that opposition usually but I don't know about the Pisces Libra Vibe and then all that Scorpio energy coming in I just absolutely not I'm not sure giving me a little bit softer Vibes than anakah I think anakah is a little bit more intense intense yeah um yeah I mean just looking at signs here I'm interested for cards because I'm worried that Rachel's just going to get railroaded with this group yeah so far she doesn't really have anyone and a Leo needs you know they need to be validated and if she's not because everyone else is so fiery her Pisces is just going to be devastated yeah but you know what Andy and John both have Leo moons as well right it's a Al they're all be competing for to be the king of the jungle but she might be docile in her um yeah she's just gonna like sit to the side I think and be in her Fields is what I'm worried about I know that Aquarius Venus too it just wants to like be with everyone he wants to be part of group so bad um so I guess we'll see but I do have hope for that Capricorn Mars it really right that's such a good worker like so good at getting it done and being really grounded about it a little nervous about Queen of talk about that Mars Capricorn Mars right there I'm a little nervous about her um what was I gonna say um oh dang it I lost my kind of thought no no you're good you're good um well we love a queen and that is very grounded so she might be getting uh oh what's happening ohud judment again I mean that could be jury judging her at the end I don't know oh Pentacles I I mean no okay these are great cards yeah I just I just don't know if I see that like I mean from the cards if I'm looking at the cards it looks great but I'm not sure if I see that though well maybe the rest of the fire signs just like battle each other and she like Rises to the top like she ends up being like the and like always jump around from side to side maybe CU yeah sometimes don't make decisions necessarily and so maybe she plays the middle for a long time that's true that's true what was your against Queen of Pentacles I mean this is getting [ __ ] done this this is looking like longevity a little bit um I'm wondering if like especially with all the fire that's on her tribe if they're just going to burn out and eat each other you know and maybe she's like the last one standing or maybe it's like um I don't know yeah Rachel Rachel Rachel Rachel I feel like she's going to be very surprising to us yes I feel like we have a lot of major Arcana on this yellow tribe so far that they may just not go to tribal early on and so the majority of them are going to make it to merge I mean judgment can be on the jury or being judged by the jury I feel like yes um but all of these Pentacles seem pretty pretty important or impressive or a part of the game yeah definitely um and she has remind me the guys that are on is Andy John and Sam okay andyn okay Aries and Leo I feel like she's yeah I'm nervous about her feeling like a little isolated maybe um just with that like Pisces Moon if she I mean Pisces sun and Pisces Mercury if she's not she could feel Jud right feel judged um but also on the other hand it's like Pisces can tend especially with that Leo moon like being so charismatic whatever they can be a bit of chameleons sometimes so we'll see the way that Rachel plays I'm really this is like giving me I don't know I'm just not seeing the matchup with the cards in the chart here but yeah exactly really excited um I know yeah this is this is exciting we were all worried and now we're like What but I'm like okay how could I see these cards maybe differently is also what I'm think in my head because like same so we have the T of Pentacles here so like you know that's a new beginning with Lessons Learned you know tens it could also be having an abundance of um Hardware right uh abundance of Hardware but also to tribal and it's abundance of winds yeah may they get food rewards like I'm thinking like security stability um through like Lessons Learned of having to go through the trials and tribulations of getting there but um also judgment could be a journey sometimes they have to make certain decisions and um you know decide on certain things or who's going to say what or you know there's different games that they play in those Journeys so maybe it has to do with that as opposed to maybe final tribal or being on the jury yeah it would be a game affecting though right if it's a major Arana judgment yeah okay Rachel we love it I'm confused by this match me too I kind of don't really know where to to go with this oh Sierra I love her I haven't seen Sierra bir yet so I don't know her very well Sierra I whoa I originally had the wrong birthday and I I loved her makeup before we changed her birthday cuz it was like all sag and Capricorn like me I was like oh my God she's amazing WR birthday here we go we do have an ascendant though we have a Gemini son another Leo moon yes we're long on Leo moons go and a Virgo Rising Gemini sun and Mercury Virgo Rising this is a very communicative persono Mars great vibes from her like I like this chart for her actually in this game cuz woo that Virgo Mars on the ascendant yep in her first house so she is competitive out way go for it yep but a Virgo a Virgo also knows the perfect way to do something typically no one else's plan is as good as theirs so she's going to have an idea of how to get something done and um but with the Gemini like might be willing to go with someone else's plan but she's not going to really to yeah can yeah she might have to and I do know she worked in the service industry for a long time so she probably is really good at you know I go ahead whatever you know that's something that she was talking about in her interviews um and once I learned that she was in the service industry for a long time I was like we're so good at just letting people sure yeah ahead even if we know the right way after and I'll fix it but like whatever you want to do Absol say it with a smile sure um but you don't want any salts on that that's fine that's great all that Mercurial Yes Energy ideas she makes it the final tribal like talking about knowing how to do something perfectly she's gonna really know how to talk to these people I think and I think with the Leo moon energy I think that people are going to like just be gravitate towards her like look towards her I think that if there's any single men on the tribe or in the game like I feel like they're just going to be flirting with her like want to be around her I just feel like she kind of will be like the center of of certain things um I agree so I agree I like that's why I feel like her her makeup especially even with the tribe it seems it fits better than what it looks like Rachel's does you know what I mean yeah I think so she's not going to be too fiery to compete with all the fire but she's got enough to like get along and go along I think she's gonna get along well yeah yeah does likeability all all over her sure with she's she's a nurse now which really makes all the Virgo and Cancer stand out there like that's great to see like she clearly wants to be of service and take care which is beautiful for Virgo and Cancer energy for sure that's be really helpful especially if somebody like hurts themselves and she makes like you know suture or something you know she like I can see her well as soon as you say you're a nurse it's like oh I feel like I can trust you like there is that like element of trust um because it's just such a profession that we like people have their lives put in there yeah exactly um so yeah I'm really excited to see Sierra play um love another Gemini out here and moons I feel like they're G to have a lot of fun like it's either they're going to be like at each other's necks or it's going to be like just laughing a lot of playful energy on this tribe um until it comes time to go to tribal and it's going to be like yeah I think that they will be the vibe tribe like as a group but once you get them pulled off to their confessionals they're GNA be like uhuh no no yes I'm really excited to watch this tribe um I will say now that because she's the last one of this tribe that we've talked about we have one two three for sure Leo moons and one probable Leo moon that is a lot of competing secretly deep down okay the card that I pulled completely goes against everything we've said so far I love it let's do that have the hermit no oh the oh wait one two three three four five five of of Wands oh well it's not going to be an easy Road like we said like are they playing or are they fighting you know what I mean like I feel like one face is g to be put on while they're together and then the claws are going to come out afterwards but there is going to be conflict um well maybe the conflict is maybe they'll be winning but maybe the confence is all those Leos right like all that Leo moon energy um I I do have the world here great card so even if there are some challenges in a bumpy road she's got options she's got some success oh my gosh okay oh final trial final trial or selfie B well maybe the conflict is good because we saw with Kenzie last season like all of that conflict that she had to go through all of that like suffering in the beginning that she had go through get to the end was her winning like that was what you know part of what won her the game um is having to go through all the stuff that she had to go through so conflict is okay you know um if you can make it I mean you're gonna CS who doesn't have conflict on the Survivor what if like so she's one of the five people like maybe only go to what tribal once before merge and so maybe five of them are going to be battling everybody else at merge or something like that so maybe look it in a more positive way that it's not maybe battle it's like their tribe is being looked at like oh they're so strong and the other two tribes come together to kind of attack them and maybe she's the one that gonna come out on top from her oral tribe I that's I love the way of like reshaping the way we're reading these cards it's so fun um but the world with the 10 of Cups I'm like this is very fun I'm like is this my new winter pick um yeah this is I mean this is world is completion it's like getting to the end that's that whole picture and same with the 10 10 of of cup is also like seeing the light at the the coup of pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that's like that's getting to the end for sure and that is being loved and like I mentioned last stream like I'm really trying to think about being loved equals getting votes at the end like yes that seems valuable and like we were saying it's like she seems very likable like the likability is very like clear in her chart at least um and she's a people person she's a nurse she's been in the service industry she was like Miss Delaware you know what I mean like that's part of her whole thing is being liked so maybe that's just GNA continue on to the game Sierra Sierra oh my gosh this is gonna be fun this it's actually now that I'm thinking about it too it's good to see some conflict in The Journey because we always like for me anyways if I'm declaring a winner I want to see someone that's had a full story I don't want to see someone that's just had an easy walk to the end I don't even really like necessarily somebody you know winning their way to the end but like I like the fact that she's gonna have to go through some stuff before she gets to the end if she's GNA win the game so I think that uh yes yeah that just reminds me of yeah you have to I think for a winner for me as well like I want them to have a little bit of trouble have a hard time getting there you can't just Coast yeah I don't necessar need like the resume move you know like I don't need the resume move I need the I need the story Journey yeah I me and if you can say that at final right like if you can be like look we're started from the bottom now I'm here kind of story that's going to look really good at final uh I'll be interested to see like who she's able to pair up with on her tribe me too I think she's GNA be she's almost like it's so funny because with like this potential conflict that's going to happen all the Leo almost reminds me of bell we were so good at winning challenges but like at TR at Camp we're like a hot mess but Kelly the nurse was in the middle of the hot mess so it's like yeah also being likable isn't always good right it can backfire your ass out for sure yeah all right we are moving on to the blue tribe tuku yay can't wait Caroline for tuku starting with Caroline who said she resonates Emily Flippin oh please give me some Emily please I love it uh she's a Scorpio Sun Sagittarius moon uh Scorpio Mercury oh Virgo Mars Libra Venus yes Miss Caroline Oh I was like oh if this on another tribe like work for her but oh yeah sh tell like I'm nervous for yeah whole new tribe so we will dive into new stuff here but let's see Scorpio sun and Mercury uh they do love to dig deep and figure out the why she she might be sort of investigatory of like what's really going on possibly about getting stuck in a loop um if she feels like out of control y um the SAG Moon love the sagge moon but also that might be a little Saving Grace maybe or that Scorpio with the SAG is just going to be like really blunt um especially if she's comparing herself to Emily Flippin maybe foot in the mouth experience yeah that is a recipe for very blunt of just like especially if you cross her I mean Scorpio is ruled by Mars um yeah they don't me words Mars I'm nervous about her being like nitpicky at camp or something like a little critical about to do things or if we lose why did we do it I I'm getting a little foot in the mouth uh that's kind of what I'm feeling as well um sometimes sag is like the guru um but she's the you know acts as the guru that people don't necessarily want to be following and so I I'm wondering if she like you were both saying might you know be critical or nitpicky or want things to be done a certain way and think her ways the right way not necessarily listening to what everybody else thinks and feels about um certain situations especially to do with camp and Camp life so yeah I am a little worried about her assimilating with she does have the Libra Venus though and I know we have TK on that tribe who's a Libra so maybe she's going to be like excited about him maybe I don't know and he has a sagge moon too so maybe they're going to get maybe they'll have a little connection she has the capability to be extremely intuitive yes going with her gut is important in her daily life so I would love if she were able to tune into to that me tooo there which is hard when you don't have your food and shelter yeah when your gut is empty yeah mhm that's very Tad why could I listen to my gun I'm like oh because it had nothing in it um perfect it's grumbling and it's telling me that I need to eat that's all that's going through uh so she is on the same tribe as Tiana who is a sag son they could oh and a Scorpio Moon so they might pair up really nicely I love that uh she ALS is on a tribe with Sue and Tik who are both air Sons a Libra and a Gemini um and then which maybe connects with her Libra Venus I'm not sure I don't know yeah air and water's tough it is it sure is and Kyle on her tribe is a Pisces son so I don't know if there's a connection there as well let's see Caroline what you got for us let's see let's see oh I have a high priestess I haven't looked yet intuition that is intuitive I can't see it four what is it four of Pentacles four of Pentacles okay make a baby on a horse we got the sun Sun's a good card sun with the high priestess sun in the high priestess I'm really intrigued here especially four of Pentacles where are we going Caroline Caroline I mean the sun being trusted seen ruling running that's running the tribe right maybe maybe she is the guru maybe she is the guru maybe people are gonna actually really tune into what she says but the sun can also burn you and maybe she could be a little too optimistic a little too maybe feeling like she's in control and maybe the high priestess is like this illusion of that maybe she leads them all into the Sun and then everybody the slaughter she well she needs to listen to her intuition we already said that and this card uh so I mean hopefully this card is saying that she is able to but it could mean she just needs to yeah also it's like Le listening to her intuition could lead her into like that's what propels her forward into the game but the four of Pentacles here I feel like is yeah how are you feeling about that Shantel for I'm thinking maybe it's the fixed energy of her Scorpio placements yeah um so maybe not wanting to budge on certain things so maybe I think of Pentacles like the material world so maybe it's about shelter like maybe she has a certain idea on how to build the shelter and it's like G to be how she thinks it should be done or something like that so like this to me my immediate thought is being fixed about her idea of some things in the material world of around Camp so yeah I think that she's gonna have a say about the shelter and it's going to be her way yeah I'm nervous that that four of Pentacles is like because Pentacles I can also do to like our value system um in the way maybe like yes but like methodical like thinging about Capricorn uh Virgo Taurus is just being a little stuck and maybe not listening to her intuition and like stuck on the way she wants to move forward a little bit um or maybe she's stuck and like this is what my gut feeling is even if it doesn't make sense and like that's what leads her forward so we have like two sides of this that we could potentially look out here but I like this I love the Sun for Caroline yeah yeah that's really fun I mean that's gonna find her maybe she's gonna find herself in this a little bit more because we do we can correlate the sun with our identity our ego and maybe this is just like a personal Journey maybe this turns into a very Journey for her with the high priestess here and the sun that's true it could be I was going to say you know these cards make us think you make it for pretty far in the game right making jury but if it is s just such a huge um journey and Emily had such a huge Journey like literal Transformations that we saw out there she could be going through something similar and like really learning about herself well I'm also wondering though cuz like the high priestess is the two right it's the second one um in the can right so I'm wondering or is it four oh it's four okay two fours so I'm wondering I'm just still thinking if those are kind of still earlier I know the sun is a lot later in the major Arcana but I'm wondering if it's kind of what you said Kendra maybe she Fizzles out maybe she gets the Epiphany but like it's too late or she listens to H you know oh she realized like hey maybe I need to speak to my trib mates a little bit differently but they're voting her out and so maybe she does have that aha moment when her flame is being snuffed so I don't know to me this says even though they're major Arcana which we usually um attribute to longevity in the game I just kind of feel like it seems like it might be an early early exit yeah the maybe the you know she knows the plan with the sun she and high priestess like she can see it but the four is telling us like she just can't make it happen and go yeah feeling like she's like maybe lacking connection maybe she's going to end up like missing her like if we're thinking about Val's missing home a lot or something like that um just with that like I don't have enough um that's that four of um Pentacles for me so I'm really in interested and we have gab on her tribe right yeah okay that would help her help her he had two he had a four of wand and a four of cups yeah he had a lot of fours too I remember so the two of them and they have their Sun signs are compatible they just need to lay low and then they can rise to the top I don't know if she's gonna lay low I'm nervous um I'm gonna say that's a possibility that she just lays low and then she Rises to the top of that sun and that high priestess yeah iin feel like a one or the other for sure all right Caroline yeah okay intrigued yeah this one will be interesting to watch okay who's next Sue Sue oh all right I haven't seen any of Sue's press yet we thought she is sun and Mercury Gemini Moon in Virgo who did we just have that was similar with that no this is Sierra like super Mercurial Sierra had yeah Gemini um sun and Mercury yep but she was a Leo moon I was got worried I copy and paste it or something yeah I was like like but no they're different oh but then the Mars in Virgo as well and the cancer yeah should we double check is that two similar wait are they born on the same day are they both June 6th no June 9th but very close mylexia um um in just a few decades apart but yes decades just a few so sue I love seeing all this mutability in her chart because she in her like press she was like yeah I just I get bored easily I just wanted to do something new so I became a freaking pilot I'm like yes Queen oh that's so Gemini yeah yeah she's like bored super easily I'm like oh my gosh but love a Virgo moon like her entire well most of her is ruled by Mercury so she loves information and she loves information she's going to want to spread information she's want to get get that information very chatty very social can go through with a plan yeah I mean the Virgo is going to want to the Virgo is going to see that plan and want to uh but yeah depends on how she bounces that Gemini because Gemini will be like throw it out the window let's do something else I'm bored here but like luckily for her this game is so fastpaced so I actually think she's going to thrive in this environment so I'm that's interesting so her and Siera who have very similar charts are not on the same tribe so they would have to match you know meet up later I hope so um and then I know that teeny on the blue tribe is TE no teeny is on the red tribe yeah yeah red tribe okay oh yeah because we already we have Tiana on this tribe which um T is a Virgo so I'm like Virgo moono Sun love that link up all the Mercury all the muta so much mutable in this entire cast y' no one is sticking with a plan no one and whoever wants to stick with a plan Ain't Gonna Last yeah unless they get lucky which survivor is a game of luck so ites it's huge luck hel huge luck Kathy are you testing comments I'm just telling you that I see it I don't know if you're testing something else all right to S um I had a couple people I I think I remember somebody talking about her they're like oh who looks a dude they're like oh there's this older woman she seems like a free spirit she's always smiling so that was kind of her vibe at Ponderosa so well look who's here hello Mr Rome hello up so fun yes thank you for stopping by we're very excited to watch you play we pulled your cards on Monday and you had some good ones some interesting what did we pull for Rome again we pulled a 10 of Wands yes judgment and Six of Swords though we're interested to see how thats out is smoother water calmer Waters is a personal Journey or a literal Journey on Survivor We Shall we shall find out right let's see cards yeah Sue's definitely going to be chatty chatty I wonder if like because she's like the older woman if people are going to be like giving her a lot of information like Julie for my season like I literally just told Julie all right I told she was so good I just told her everything we've got a King of Swords chatty chatty I me swords swords are air air sign which she's long on some more air Ace of Swords oh a king and an ace that's an interesting combo Queen of Pentacles wow whoa okay is my Queen of Pentacles I love her queen of pentac what did we call her I think it's Martha Stewart like but it's Rich yes so um I mean a king and a queen and an ace though the ace is what worries me yeah that's a balance like is she trying to run the camp like thinking she's in charge but actually needs to learn what what I don't know Ace of Swords is like I'm nervous that she's going to speak too soon too often um and maybe it's going to be seen as maybe like yeah throw out a name and name too like you gotta be really careful about timing of throwing out somebody's names right right thinking that she's sitting pretty but then her mouth is gonna and maybe she is sitting pretty a couple times but like maybe her mouth will be her Doom or maybe it'll be her help um and yeah I'm this is really interesting so we have the King of Swords which is I mean with the Ace of Swords I am nervous about her just talking a little bit too much saying too like yeah just the mouth and the mind is going to be moving a lot it is I'm hoping that she can just remember why she's there with this Queen of Pentacles like remembering her value standing in her power um because she knows herself she's the oldest person on the season um and like in her game interview she's like I know exactly who I am so if she can like ground down and like take hold of like and oh in her interview I read that every morning she says be where your feet are so she has this like grounding energy that's like her Mantra every morning that she wakes up to just forget what happened yesterday forget what's happening now it's like it's about what's happening right now so I am hoping that this is showing a little bit of longevity in the game for her because I think it feels like it maybe she's on the chopping block for like first round and maybe that she has to have like a new idea on how to play the game right so it's like maybe in the beginning it's she's gonna you know maybe what she says is gonna get her in trouble and she's gonna have to kind of re-evaluate what's going on and then kind of reapo much the game yeah because that's like the Ace of Swords is like new ideas new Communications new whatever so I see a lot of flexibility in her chart and I think that that could be shown in these cards as well there's king of so much flexibility in this chart I so King of Swords though that's such a a ruling card like her ideas would be her thought process would be the way to go kind of thing you think yeah but yeah I feel like the ace and the king is like such a good combo because yes she's coming up with the new ideas constantly that Ace and then this feels like she can make it happen or spread them to the tribe yeah okay definitely maybe she's the queen of the tribe Queen Su you heard her here first yeah I want to say hi to Nicole too from Black by reality podcast thank you for being [Applause] here all right loving loving the air all right who is after s oh finally we get a Tiyana Sagittarius in the mix at least I knowe I'm so sorry Shantel you don't have it but it's I mean I think it partially is because out of all signs there's like the least number of days in February so there's the least amount of aquariuses in general so I get it and let aquariuses are unique they are times you know people but that's what makes them amazing and they should be on television because but um the majority of signs though are viros usually so um maybe that maybe the powers that be are are mostly viros and they just don't care for Aquarius I don't know man I love seeing them on on shows and I we never really get a chance to see that many of them unfortunately Sagittarius Sun Scorpio Moon Capricorn Mercury Virgo Mars Scorpio Venus again we're going to do a little counseling session for all the Scorpi Scorpio Venus love I mean I love it love this chart for this game yeah Sagittarius wants to go be adventurous would be love to go living on the Fiji uh but a Scorpio moon is going to take things you know a bit seriously and don't mess with her well so is that Capricorn Mercury and that Virgo Mars like not only are you is she enthusiastic and has passion and intensity for the game but like that those grounding elements I think are going to be such a great um asset to everything else whove got going on this is our alternate so I have a special place my heart for Tiana and she lives on Hawaii she's from Hawaii First Hawaiian native to play on the the show and I just need her to win December babies I just need her to do well yes me too me too I really so many sag don't have enough grounding like that's the key to Sagittarius energy it's it's competitive it's fun but you've got to be grounded and she's or have an aquarius to work with man know I know but she can work well with the Gemini energy yes which opposite though so sometimes could be challenging yeah and if there's Libra energy that that works really well too but that Libra oh right I was okay with the sagge moon so I'm like maybe but Caroline is very similar right she had the Scorpio sun and the sagge moon so yeah that could possibly and then she has Gabe which as far as like planning and talking through thoughts he's a Capricorn she's got the Capricorn Mercury y so maybe they'll be able to see eye to eye maybe I don't know if they'll like each other that much but like you don't have to like someone to work with them right and Gabe has a cancer Moon I mean Cancer s Scorpio maybe they might brood over something yeah maybe gonna be fun to watch if they find a common enemy it'll be great yeah right that's what I want I mean if we want anybody to become good friends find a common enemy yep do it this tribe has a lot of fours we've got a four of cups gosh for Tiana which Gabe also had yeah I'm like wondering if they're going to be either each other's demise or like what kind of a whole tribe needing to chill out take a break like what Lind ins side oh or just scrambling how many nine of Swords nine of Swords it's eight is it eight eight of Swords yeah not nine of Swords sorry yeah eight of Swords okay well eight isn't as bad as nine but this is like your own self-imposed prison right yeah yes yes being your worst enemy maybe she's gonna lose a vote from going out and doing too much oh okay this doesn't make sense these cards I don't understand and then a 10 of Cups nine nine nine oh nine of Cups okay of card wishes my command maybe now wait a minute works out for her I feel like she's gonna go for an advantage somehow lose a vote like lose like um autonomy in the game somehow or maybe just be really really filled in on too much information maybe she is the center point she doesn't know where to move and yeah can't make up her mind about which way she wants to go as far as like maybe alliances or voting um I don't know yeah she's this is a really lucky card Super Lucky card so I think actually you started to say that maybe she loses her vote so maybe that's like the self-imposed prison that she might be placing herself in is the fact that like she does a beware Advantage which is lucky for her to find but then she loses like you said her her vote her autonomy her being able to like speak be able to like you know control her game for a little bit um because I can see her really going for things um at least like from her interviews from her chart just really want to go for it out there so yeah maybe she's lucky enough to find an advantage but maybe that ends up being her demise and she can't really have autonomy in the game and and which four did you get Sarah four of cups four of cups so not seeing an opportunity or well maybe she does see it and she takes it so she's going to have a an advantage OPP opportunity in some capacity I would say yeah it really depends on the order here right so like if she has that eight of Swords struggle and then is able to move to the nine of Cups that's beautiful and amazing but if she starts with the nine of Cups which is very possible because of this like fun Sagittarius energy could start with being very very loved but then move into the eight of Swords of just not being ble to see The Blind Side coming [Music] yeah but yeah I do feel like she either loses a vote or just is unable to participate in some way and that unfortunately could lead to her being voted out yikes well also sometimes if people get an advantage they do get in their head about it right they get paranoid they start like so maybe she does find the advantage first like you're saying and uh and then uh she spirals because she doesn't know how to necessarily play it yeah play it cool anyways play it co she's not able to take the gift that she's received and play it because yeah her mind's getting in the way yep I think that this eight of yeah the eight of Swords is just being really really in your head about something so yeah and not seeing it right just literally blindfolded Y and not seeing it oh Tiana we love you we're gonna enjoy that sag energy as long as we can yeah exactly um I do before we move on to our last tribe here the red tribe uh Miss Brown Sugar was asking about uh how we have this information we do reach out to the contestants and get their birthdays we do not need to know the birth time except to have the ascendant like obviously if we have the birth time we can do a whole chart and we can talk about a rising sign talk about a lot more yeah it's it's preferred we'd love to know your birth time but uh if we're not able to get the birth time we won't know the ascendant but we are able to see where the moon was that day and year we do need the year um but we know how old they are so we can figure that out that's how we do it logistically all right who is our red tribe here starting Aysha with uh have we seen this person before have we what someone asked on Monday they were like shantel's connected to a a member every season so who is it oh my knowing everyone um seriously I think I know that's like my it's my superpower like people are just like of course you know them of course you went to school with them for 15 years of course you it's always it's like it's yeah course you're emailing and doing hypnosis with them can't be all of us that's for you right well our girl Asia which a lot of us are excited to watch play is long on Aries she is Sun Moon Mercury Aries she's Mars and Venus Pisces but she gave us her rising sign she is a Libra y that I love that for you definitely see the Libra Rising on her I feel like just so approachable and just like yeah keeps the peace keeps she always you know Devil's Advocate like we'll see both sides like she's definitely very much a peacekeeper I would say and so I think that she'll be very likable but like I know her you know what I mean but 100% but yeah she yeah she's able to you know a great conversationalist of both sides that's such a great skill that a Libra has is to be able to have a conversation about both sides of an issue or um you know that's what makes her such a great uh recapper podcast host but I I just love we know that her Sun Moon and Mercury are in her seventh house yes and that tells us a lot as well loves relationships I remember her pregame she's like if you sit next to me on an airplane where becoming besties I like that is seven house energy MH um her Moon being in that seventh house means she wants to um Rel yeah you know it I wonder you sometimes that can get lost in a relationship right do you put the other person first but that Aries says I would like to be first it's a very interesting balance that I'm sure she's had to work on in her life and I can't wait to see how she uh uses that did you pull up her whole chart by any chance since you have no she she just gave us that info she didn't give us her oh okay um so curious because I remember when we did uh Kevin's we we sth that one as well because he said his first time on the on the live feeds but we remember we saw that like I think it was Jupiter fifth house conjunct something that were like I just was curious if you had if you had a winning combo there from Miss Asia if he had looked at her whole chart yet but yeah I would need her actual chart probably figure it out so we'll we'll work on that this season um but uh you also have to run that was um Perfections were included in his right our prediction for him to win um but yes anyone who wants to give us your full chart please we'll do it y me yeah we want it over like I think that's actually if we if we have time at some point it would be really cool to put in every single Winner's chart and see if we can just see some sort of know it's so good I want it so bad I what' you say I like have that in like my like to-do list but like I'm a Libra I want to do with other people of course like I want to talk about it with other people it's not it's not as fun when I'm alone with my other be like like oh my God you see this like get excited about it well I remember when I was doing Kenzie's chart I saw a winner placement in her chart I think it was um oh I forget what it was but it was I was like oh that's that there we go that makes sense um that you won I did it after the season but yeah really fun to look at retrospectively and we can do it we have we have a ma we have most players totally uh stuff so so fun for an offse thing yeah right so okay guys great ideas we're doing this stuff offseason we'll figure it out um all right Asia girl all right we're all rooting for you we're rooting for you I mean I love Mars and Pisces that's what makes her so kind and we just love her energy is all that Pisces thrown in there yeah definitely Good Vibes she's just like it's so funny because she definitely does does not have that like Venus is exalted in Pisces and so she doesn't have that like Aries like no like off the cuff with the energy and that's because that seventh house is kind of balancing out that energy there we have Venus exalted Libra ascended like was so sweet now she is on the red tribe red I would say if a red tribe was an Aries tribe like you I mean like AR is a red color so I'm wondering if they intuitively knew that you know good luck for her yeah for sure all right Asia what do we got here what do we got for you Asia I have a three of Cups what is that three three of Cups and then I have an Eight of Cups okay that's to says final three but she's gonna have a bit of a journey during the merder I little have chills right now I got chill I got goosebumps right I'm like okay okay okay who is she on a tribe with she's on with Kean Rome and soul who we've already done cancer son Libra son Gemini son okay she and we've also got geneveve and Tini coming up oh okay oh I'm excited about geneveve and Tini um Eight of Cups what is this what is that cups I feel like it's like some like all these cups are full we have the moon in in the uh picture as well but it's like I know this is what I have but I need to move on and like find something else to like fill these cups it's like definitely a journey an emotional Journey um part of yourself like looking for a part of the self so I'm wondering if like there is going to be like maybe her tribe gets knocked down a bit and she's one of the left standing and she comes and finds her people um it's definitely a emotional Journey here um yeah I mean these are all cups this is all emotions which can be loved emotions coming from other people but it's also emotions inside I think of Eight of Cups as like overwhelm right too much which I also align with Aries energy Aries will just do a little too much too fast before they think about it um so is there sort of like a running head first or just overwhelm at the game overwhelm at all of the things coming at her yeah yeah that can definitely happen especially with the Pisces and Aries energy it's like that Pisces is like especially Pisces Mars is like feeling it all especially in her body um with being an Aries ruler um yeah and then maybe being like I need to change it up I need to switch the way I'm doing things maybe I need to take a step back for a minute um okay well I kind of feel like that she gets the end with two having two three of Cups whenever we've seen I think every time we've seen the three of Cups it has been final three or been moving towards the end of the game um but I think I feel like that Eight of Cups is merge by area I think that maybe she's going to maybe feel all alone at merge or feel like she doesn't have her people or you know maybe that's where her biggest journey is and it maybe it's going to be an emotional one because maybe she's not used to being all alone and maybe not having her people supporting her maybe come merge most of her tribe people go and she does have some connections with some people so she stays but maybe that she's gonna feel a little bit alone I would say this is how I felt at merge merge is like so overwhelming and like there is like you're trying to connect with everyone but then you see people you were connected to connect with people and like there is this like sense of like almost isolation even though you're surrounded by so many people it's like a lot it's too much it's like so much so yeah I can definitely see and then I don't know three of cups to me is also like Sisterhood people coming together like having a really freaking good like ride or die people um maybe this is like like actually her journey like she's going to start the game having two other people that she really connects with then she has merge area where she kind of goes through her turmoil and emotional journey and then maybe getting to the end as part of the final Tre love that being able to see this three of Cups expressed two different ways yep I love that yeah I mean three of Cups can be giving birth which is what why this is on there but it is it can be birth of an idea you know birth of a a group a partnership so there could be an alliance of two that comes up with something great or an alliance of three maybe final three absolutely what if it's the three podcasters or actually there's more than three podcasters but I'm just thinking yeah um so talking to a microphone on this she has uh on her tribe kesan also got a three of cups I mean astrologically I don't know that they love each other but they might work together maybe not but like I was saying I feel like Kean doesn't he have a Libra moon or no or something a Gemini Mars and Venus okay well I was like I feel like he's gonna somebody's gonna see that he's like so sweet and a little bit more passive and he needs somebody to come and protect him or somebody's gonna find him and be like oh like you're sweet I just like you for who you are I'm gonna connect with you and like maybe like protect him in a way maybe Asia is that person and maybe they like really like fill each other's cups up with those like water there I'm also thinking because Asia usually does the draft for Survivor and I'm just trying to think of the people that she would choose likely and I think I could see her choosing kishan yeah I could Aries wants to protect like Aries wants to fight for their people Aries is like very much like that Warrior Spirit at least my friends like they are like my AR's girlfriend's ride or dies you know but they always like almost like the underdog they want to pick the underdog they want to like help those people right right true her Pisces exactly and then paired up with Pisces Mars and Venus she's probably drawn to water people and kishan is a cancer son so she might just be drawn to that ner yeah his little lovable energy I agree oh my God Asia I mean we're I think we're biased I think we're all a little biased biased definitely because I mean traditionally there's no major Arcana here I don't think we would usually say this person goes very far except that we have seen three of Cups show up people who do end up in the end so in 41 I pulled um the three of cups for Erica and for was his name deson oh wow so two people that were in the final three both got three of Cups so that's also part of my my uh data yeah and we had I we had cups last year in the final I don't remember if was three but definitely T of cups in the final for yeah two of them see so anyways we're gonna be celebrating with you regardless Asia and also she might be just very celebrated you know and I mean people might see this goes on and like people like the cups being filled like might really connect with her I'm thinking just like people watching are going to really connect with her and like she might be just really championed in this season and like really loved and admired the only I mean I think that uh Andy said that he's wants to work with her no matter what which is great I worry if anybody else recognizes her and wants to get her out because they recognize her you know sometimes people want go after people that are you know maybe known or whatever and so hopefully they'll want to work with her instead hopefully John takes all that uh he might because I didn't we hear that he's the person that won't make eye contact with anybody so I'm like I don't know if he's making any friends here um yeah I hope Andy's able to keep his mouth shut about that because it's going to be a minute they're not on the same tribe I don't know if he's gonna his start ruining her game before they even get on the same tribe together oh he kind of would do something like that though yeah Leo moon Aries man yeah just talking it out yeah all right beautiful geneveve I think she's so Genevieve gorgeous um oh she's gorgeous right uh Gemini Sun she is either Aquarius or Pisces Moon Pisces was in that day uh most of the day so probably Pisces but could be Aquarius corporate lawyer y um maybe Aquarius Taurus Mercury Leo Mars that's competitive Venus yeah okay I haven't looked at the her chart properly yet right now but the one thing about her video that I remember that I'm like please just be saying this for this interview and don't go into the game lying about your profession like I just just she's like I haven't thought about yet like what I should say instead of being a lawyer and I'm like she's like oh you know I used to work in I fawood industry that type of law so she's like I might choose that area as I'm like it will help her be so much less relatable like it'll work against her I think if she's not a little bit more honest or if it's a profession that she's actually done because I just don't want her to become a wooden two two-dimensional personality because she's not able to actually talk about herself yeah out there I love I love coutur like she's one of my closest friends from the season but I felt like I I told her after I go you I didn't know you la but she couldn't talk about herself very often we talked about our values and I talked about our dreams but I felt like I couldn't really get to know her in the beginning phases because you know we're asking questions about each other and like trying to get to know each other but like there wasn't that much she could answer about being an office manager you know what I mean it was just very like service level answers and so yeah it just it makes them less relatable I find um and I think for me just like like my superpower is the fact that like I can relate to people with all the things that I've done in my life and like the careers that I've worked and the places that I've lived and stuff like that and so if you're hiding a whole aspect of yourself it just to me it would just make me not want you to necessarily be around you know what I mean I just like I don't really know them like I don't know I just feel like I just feel like the standoffish or whatever you know and so I hope that she changes her mind and decides to be honest or at least finds somebody to be honest with right because yeah you don't have to tell everyone just tell someone let someone in um because if I knew curo aora would been like you're a freaking badass let's go you know what I mean yes you'd trust her more you'd be like oh my God yeah yeah people you got to make friends you got to make uh you got to help these people want to vote for you right in the endt um yeah it'll be interesting to see if we can tell if she's an Aquarius or Pisces Moon yeah it's so I really can't tell that's a big difference big difference um Genevie I'm really excited about her though this chart is very interesting to me lot of dyamic I love a a Gemini for sure so she's going to be chatty and that's why I'm I'm worried for her that she's not going to have anything to talk about she's just going to not be able to be herself she needs to be able to be chatty that's important part of her oh I have the sun o great I love that card with the hardboiled egg I mean the egg yeah funny so is it a good son or Canadian come on Canadian oh that's right she's our from man [Music] oh well that's another opposition here for me and you Sarah Oh The Hidden she's gonna lie about her damn profession she's gonna lie about it she's she has an aquarius Moon she's made up her mind she's gonna lie about it yeah if she has an Aquarius and moon that's she's like the only person with some fixed energy here Genevie oh Genevie what's happening here these are three major Arcana cards though they're far deep into the genev what is going on my girl wow okaying the death who else did I pull the death card for yeah somebody yesterday let's I'll find it so I mean she could be lying Moon deceiving trying to lie go through some sort of absolute crash transformation with death and then maybe she can go towards the sun yeah or maybe she thinks that it's possible is that she starts off sun energy everyone loves her Mars Le who is this girl she's awesome we all want to work with her she lies about a profession gets caught yeah yes that's definitely could be a get caught she might get caught I feel like she might get caught and it might not work out for her on the other side of this um with the death card here it's like it is once one door closes another opens maybe very I don't know oh no the other person who got the death card is on her tribe Soul oh oh boy what's this tribe upsale so maybe they are they're both Geminis yes yes oh no and they both get caught in some sort of big I think jevie might tell Saul the truth maybe he exposes her or no and he might expose her wow I don't know feel like she might get exposed for something I feel like there's it's so funny because I feel very different about this death card than I do about Sal death card well right and he his came with a nine of Pentacles and a Three of Wands okay I mean those aren't major Arcana like hers are major Arcana so I'm like this is a big storyline this is something huge line whether you know it's good for her game or bad for her game yeah I mean some some sort of ending I mean this tribe we got two Death Cards maybe this tribe is just a hot mess and falls apart I can't have that for Asia yeah none of us want that none of us none of us want that but like I'm feeling like this tribe might end up getting a little decimated um really I I'm I'm not fully well they have so much fire energy great they don't no oh wait sorry I'm looking at Tiana and and Asia sorry okay yeah Aries no they are water air they are predominantly water in air which we have said is a tough combo and then poor Asia is our our only like fire and te's an earth sign this is not not the best combo of science but they have every every element there but they have it all absolutely they have it all have balance but I don't yeah there's definitely going to be a really big storyline and maybe that's combative maybe that's them working together um May the air signs are gonna kill the water signs the death and Tiny's just gonna be like I'm a Virgo yeah leave me alone my goodness yeah 's just going to be like that's not the way you do it okay yeah wow Genevie Sun Moon death well yeah I F a way in which she thinks she's supposed to be playing this game maybe she's gonna have a big reality check and like things from her subconscious are going to come up to surface that she's G to have like a a moment with herself you know in this game um just like with that Moon card I just think about all this subconscious stuff that comes up while you're out there yeah I'm so curious as to because I see these kind she's a Pisces Moon that that Moon card makes a lot of sense maybe she feels freaking isolated if she's a Pisces Moon um I'm gonna say not living you know in the clarity yeah or what if so since uh Saul had has the same death card here what if they go on some sort of partner journey of some sort and they had to come back with some sort of n nontruth or something like that and like we've seen we've seen that I don't know if we've seen it in America but we' definitely seen an Australian Survivor where two people go off and and do something and they have to come back and tell the tribe a certain thing and so I'm wondering if that's maybe what happens with that well I know they're not doing sweat and Savvy anymore and it's going to be replaced with something else and that is usually two people going off so maybe they're the two people and they have to come back with some type of deception and maybe that leads them into the sun of like alliance with each other wow gem together fasinating yeah uh that's messy I lovey but I love that I can't wait to watch it is Asia on the hot mess tribe we haven't pulled a card for that for sure yet we're about to because this looks like it absolutely all right let's move on to our last Lady here uh Teeny tiny yes who I hope is not offended that I'm saying lady but on in group I think I think tiny goes I looked at Instagram today and it says she they okay she so oh whatever is clever great great hopefully and Tiny message me if you need me to do anything oh yeah I I messaged with tiny as well and um first I actually I was already following so I think 's been in our community like talking about shows yes a lot of people know yeah does that mean she knows Asia do we think uh possibly yeah I think that they watch you know competition reality shows obviously a fan of Survivor so I wouldn't be surprised I'm so excited for teeny I just get really good vibes from her and like I just love Virgos honestly let's just be real colle them honestly I do too I have more Virgos in my life than any other sign so many same wonder what that says about us well I am a rising Capricorn and my so my chart ruler is Saturn and my Saturn's in Virgo oh so I think I feel yeah I feel connected yeah I got a moon Jupiter Virgo conjunction so I just love them they make me feel whole um okay tiny Virgo Sun probably a Leo moon but could be a Virgo Moon Virgo Mercury Virgo Venus long on the Virgo do have a Leo Mars in there as well so if it's a Leo moon Leo Mars definitely what are you gonna do without your to-do list out therego we see Tey like in the in the sand yeah to do first cleaning putting all the PM frons like perfect order right sweeping with a bom wrong y um we have our shelter cleaner um everything's organized everyone put your stuff in your bags every night make sure you to the challenges everything has a place was was Kelly like that at all or no um no no she was too busy coring us um dealing hurting cats she was too busy hurting cats to um actually I I was more kind of Camp mom yeah my Virgo Moon my caner Mars is like in my like Libra I just want everything to be pretty all the time so I was like can we just organize yeah please yeah Virgo uh very detail oriented uh likes things in a in their in their place um but analytical right can be really analyze information and a plan um they can also be stress cases and with if you have a lot of Virgo energy like tiny has that can be overwhelming yes anxiety inducing um but but can also be like great strategy so it just kind of depends hopefully the stress is not so much yeah Leo Mars is super competitive and hopefully just like being like okay yes I'm stressed but I'm having fun I would love to know they're Rising because if it could be a fun a fun one or the Leo moon the Leo moon might be willing to have fun yeah yeah I feel like from I haven't seen that much of tiny but I I feel like she was fun and engaging in the little clips that I've seen so maybe that's the Leo maybe the Leo um energy has got her cast you know what I mean yeah I think Virgos are hilarious I think they're the funniest sign personally so be pretty funny they're like to me I don't know all I that's why I have so many Virgo friends they just make me laugh all the time I've got a Temperance for Tey um which is traditionally the Sagittarius energy But Rising yeah could be um got to got to sort of understand balance with a Temperance card need to not do too much of one thing oh and a four okay so we're seeing a need to chill back off but also like tune in to her another high priestess oh I am feeling good about Teeny this is a cration here like your time will come teeny I thinko meticulousness and ability to be patient um and like see out a plan is going to come into a really good part for her with the temperance and the high priestess like using your intuition balancing out the parts of yourself and what's going on around you because there's celebration in the future it's coming yeah so I could see that that being longevity for sure um I kind of think with like Temperance traditional card she has like one foot placed in the water the other person foot on the ground also you know kind of getting connected with the Divine and like all the energies and so I think that that's kind of what she's going to be drawing into here is like calling in that Divine energy or whatever she believes in if she believes in anything and connecting with like maybe it's even her own higher self and like I think that she's going to have like a like a uh an epiphany of some sort or like she's going to have some sort of realization and I think that's it's going to lead her um to that celebration that you're holding there yeah is gonna have like a big moment moment I think it's yes like the balance between like being rooted in reality like the foot on the ground in the water our intuition our spirituality our belief system and like waiting yeah just waiting for that moment having Temperance having a little bit of just like I trust my path yeah and I think it's easier for her to do that because of um all the like the Earth Energy with the Virgo um because I I can't remember who it was but someone was telling me that Virgo is actually the most um psychic of all signs and so um people attribute it to Pisces because Pisces are kind of uh you know head in the clouds and whatever but it's the groundedness of the Virgo energy that's able to allow for that communication to happen and so I'm wondering if she will have maybe some sort of like calling and she's going to be led in the right direction to some we need to know your rising sign really GM GM all of us yeah that that would really be interesting because yeah we we definitely are seeing a need for intuition a need for allowing things to happen um yeah because this does feel like it can be successful right it feels successful to me if you can kind of release the reins I think yeah I think teeny is I I'm so excited to watch Tey play and like I think this is going to be a good storyline here with these yeah oh what is what what do you got to Bal out what do you gotta yeah maybe it's the tribe yeah well dribe is just gonna be a lot yes so speaking of tribe let's um reshuffle our cards while I uh go over this tribe so we'll stick with red that we just talked about Lavo Red Tribe that's kesan Rome Soul Asia Genevie Tey this was definitely a mix of cards it's predominantly air and water although we have our one Earth that we just talked about and then our one fire fiery Asia so red tribe how you do red tribe what is up with the red tribe Genevie I don't want you to lie okay no please jevie please don't yeah please don't lice jce how I say that you pull the Justice card yeah justice major Arcana some sort of getting getting their d I don't know I can also see things clashing with the Justice card as like who's going to come out top on top I have a of Pentacles AC is not great I mean Aces is the beginning it's new it's not fully developed guing the four of Wands maybe I need to listen to this card for you to get grounded maybe I don't know I feel like I don't see a lot of people going far in this tribe yeah I mean a four of Wands is is not doing right it's some sort of uh laying back taking a beat Justice getting your Justice can be positive or negative Justice can be just Tribal Council council is in the word right council is like right maybe four of them are going to come out maybe four them gonna go home oh four for celebration so maybe four from the original trib so two two go home potentially but uh this does say they will see tribal a lot of tribal council absolutely Ace of Pentacles this just doesn't feel like you're going very far into the so maybe the AC is like they're going to go to the first tribal o oh no that stresses me out if they go to the first tribal what would happen um o oh my God yeah I don't I don't know what would happen I mean H kesan has the three of Cups Two of Pentacles and judgment that could be a first boot I mean honestly Asia has no major Arcana out of that whole tribe she's the only one with no major Arcana I hate to and then we have two Death Cards and then two death cards with soul and geneveve oh Rome has judgment but has a 10 of Wands hard journey like I feel like like he's gonna have a hard journey but I don't know if that means first boot Kean and Rome both had judgment so I don't maybe they're both on the chopping block that first could be first or toward the end hard to say yeah I mean Soul has death with nine of Pentacles Three of Wands the three final three or is going out early yeah I think the nine of Pentacles and the three of cups I feel good about with the death card yeah I feel really good about that I don't know low to low I don't know that's a tough call for tribe red uh let's move to tribe yellow Gata this has this is our fiery tribe Gata Yellow Tribe this is Andy John Sam Ana Rachel Sierra that tribe predominantly fire but we do have so we have a Aries Leo Aries Libra Pisces Rachel Gemini Rachel when I hear it like that I'm just like Pisces just sticks out of like so much but like like I said the chameleon like maybe she's just going to be able to be like I'm just the Pisces leave me Al God Rachel she has a Leo Mo gives me hope okay okay King Of Wands jump out I feel it's a strong tribe I don't this is yeah strong card for sure strength them well yeah you like to get a strength card that means we're winning would you get strength again oh get out of here Kendra Kendra we really need you to meditate on the four of Wands after this uh I putting it on my altar what is going on can you guys give me a reading real quick why do I need to listen to this right now can I pull card this is too much well I'm gonna write both of them down so what the heck I'm Shuffling do you have a do you have a wedding to go to like um maybe [Laughter] this to the YouTube Community I am single maybe that's what it is maybe I'm gonna get my mans who knows yeah and is that wa which one it's the king king oh King Of Wands um we call that Steve Jobs no Kendra stop it did you just out again no it's um no I didn't P it again I'm just keeping it yeah yeah yeah king of w i mean look wands are action activity fire energy which this tribe is strength winning I mean this feels even more wands but also a lot of fiery energy like and they right gonna be a very dramatic tribe yep um didn't we say that like they're probably just G to do well but like really can't stand each other but yeah it won't be until they get to emerge where they can actually like start each other yeah um yeah I see so we're saying what color is that tribe blue that's yell yellow yellow yellow is definitely gonna be successful when it comes to these challenges I think so too and not going to tribal really tall he's like one of the bigger guys out there Sam the right well yeah we were saying that he might be like the Jonathan type yeah y so yes cards confirm all right moving on to tuku Blue our last tribe here blue Tuku Blue Tribe has Gabe Kyle TK Caroline Sue and Tiana that is earth water air water air fire so they're balanced yet it's hard to be balanced when you have it all I will say Capricorn Pisces Libra Scorpio whoa that card definitely came out Gemini it was the Six of Swords I have a different card and it's a sword I got Six of Swords though the two of Swords yikes okay oh I have the king of Wands again H who needs to shuffle well I'm just kidding so we have have the two of Swords Six of Swords and King Of Wands well that makes me think that whoever is fire on here which is Tiana would do well but we were not happy with her cards maybe we were she had a nine of Cups no we were not no she had an eight of Swords yeah nine of Cups and then four cups four cups yeah the two is that's you know that's concerning yeah making a decision having to choose between like her heart and maybe you know what she might want to do or they might want to do so that I think that's that Journey that we think she's GNA go on is like Six of Swords Journey with this having to make a decision also blindfolded again I'm nervous about the blind sides on this tribe right folded y this could definitely be maybe not a completely out of balance One Tribe is just decimated this feels like blue and red maybe are going back and forth to tribal maybe two times each or whatever and then merge or something yeah yeah yellow obviously is the stronger tribe here if we're looking at the cards the you know swords is a lot of air so changing plans stabbing people in the back a lot of stabbing um you know we got the Blindfolded person being stabbed over here a lot of ideas happening like just like I feel like there's going to be a lot of who want to do it their way and talking like I think the blue tribe is gonna get hurt yeah the journey on that tribe yeah the Six of Swords being a journey um maybe another one is the actual Journey but it's it could also be sort of like the tribe swap like you need to separate like we need to move on from this group oo yeah Six of Swords can kind of give me that happening for sure yeah yeah I do feel like it seems like red is hot Express yeah hot mess Express but this tribe is could be pretty close in that yeah might be a different kind of mess but also going to be messy it's not going to be a super like a blowout but it's more of like an internal mess right all this a little nervous um inner demons yeah definitely wow all right well that is the season that is our cast those are Wrap Up the tribes we love oh hi Bruce uh we love to sort of try try to figure things out pre-season and then watch how it actually plays out yeah like what it actually happens wait for the recap so we could be like oh my God we're so SM we're gonna try to read that wrong yeah look hey we were wrong just a couple times we were right more than we were wrong but we love to our wrong is just misinterpreting how the cards Express itself right that's why we're working on it we're like but this isn't real life this is a game a game show so it's you know interpreting for a game show is different but we will definitely try to have uh more frequent Recaps of as people are being eliminated and what their cards and and signs really showed us along the way instead of waiting to the end um that would be do a merge recap for sure right yeah absolutely that's a great idea Kendra uh thank you again Kendra for joining us this season we love having you so fun my joy to share this with y'all our little Astro Survivor coven um I love that you were you were sourcing you know this type of content when before you were going on your season or like your season when airing I think you were telling me that like I just was looking for people that were talking about astrology and stuff like that and then you to us yeah I'm just like I why isn't there a mesh between Survivor and like astrology and her like where are my people and then that's what we're we're here you called us in that's right we're here for that very specific group of people yes who like to little niche group um oh yeah I do love that Andy and Tiny Might so it's good that tin knows who Asia is so hopefully Asia TI wants to work with Asia yes uh Kendra is amazing we love it I love you Brucey uh all right you guys thank you so much to everyone who joined us live in the chat we really appreciate you uh you know joining in and if anyone is watching later please leave us a comment how do you feel about these signs these tribe combos the cards let us know all of your thoughts uh we will be here periodically throughout the season like we said we want to really uh talk about this stuff as we go we can pull more cards as the season goes cuz things certainly change uh throughout the season and we want to talk about the final tribal chart the beginning chart all of it uh so we will be here uh Kendra will you be live Tweeting or something along the season what are you what are your plans you know I would love to be live tweeting um but I'm really bad at being on a schedule um so I'm gonna do my best but um for anyone in the Denver area I will be at a watch party at Sony's next Wednesday for the premiere it's going to be super fun fun um I think I'm going to do like a little couple like fun Colorado Survivor games if you can catch my drift there and yeah I'm just really really excited for this season so um can't wait can't wait to live tweet whatever I don't know who knows what I'm gonna do I don't right we'll never we won't know till it happens with KRA how about Shantel what are we doing for the season I don't know so I was talking with Jojo and we're uh think of doing something I don't want to do an episode recap I don't like I want to do something a little bit different so I haven't I haven't had the Epiphany yet on like what that is but maybe more of like a game or more like a just something different but covering it in some capacity with JoJo that's amazing all right well we'll keep our eyes out for that I will definitely be here weekly with David recapping but like I mentioned I want to do more of this so we're going to fit these uh streams in throughout the season so ladies keep your inboxes so yes I'll be sliding into your DMs shortly yay love that all right everybody have a wonderful Survivor season we will see you bye bye bye

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