Survivor 47 Cast Assessment & Podcasters Draft

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 01:57:17 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] [Music] what is up everybody Welcome to the Survivor Now podcast season 47 cast assessment SL draft we have a super fun evening for you guys my name is Rand and it just feels it just feels good to be back I know you guys all saw the cast that got released earlier today CBS finally released the cast around 1M eastern time something that we've been waiting for for weeks now and now at this very moment we are two weeks it's weird to say at this very moment we are two weeks away from the premiere of Survivor 47 in little bit of an hour this is when we would be filming the pre-show some of you would be getting ready to go to brys and present in New York City some of you might be getting ready to go to Fair plays event I believe that's in Connecticut there's so much stuff happening with Survivor and it's it's getting time I'm getting excited you guys can join us in the chat we like to call it ancient voices we've already got some people here Jay is in the chat hey welcome back Jay welcome back Amy's also here hey everybody missed you all and hope you had a great summer we're going to be checking in with a lot of our podcasters to see how the summer went um and once again we're just here to have an incredible night don't forget to like the video subscribe to the channel check out all of our content uh on Survivor now and I think it's time to get started for everybody who is returning to her Channel welcome back hope you guys enjoyed your summer and we have so many new features planned out for you guys on Survivor now and for everyone who's new to Survivor now welcome to the channel we are a podcast for the fans created by fans and we pride ourselves and just enjoying the best game on earth and sharing it with other fans all across the globe so we are very excited to be back covering another season of Survivor with a new logo a new layout and a couple new podcasters which you will meet tonight as well so without further Ado let's get this thing started I can't do the show alone I'm actually super proud of myself I got all that said in like less than three minutes and if you guys know me I like to talk a lot so that's already a successful start to the season but the first person I'm going to introduce is a person who's been with me since season 42 he's a former Castaway himself everybody welcome my running mate Abraham is back in the draft Abraham hello how has your summer been how are you doing how are we feeling today look Su was fabulous enjoy myself did a lot of traveling matter of fact just came back this weekend but man it's to for Survivor now I know you're ready you get so competitive you get so competitive with these events so I know you're ready to go what are we drinking what's the drink of troice Abraham I gotta stay I gotta stay focused tonight so I just got some water gotta stay focused we got a couple new podcasters so I don't want to get too far out the box early and I'm looking to put together the Dream Team for this season 47 winners well yeah we we gotta see if you can return to the pedestal of being the winner because you finished second place last season so let let let's see if if you've got what it what it takes to return to the top of the mountain by the way I'm drinking I spiced it up a little bit I'm drinking orange juice but I only had enough orange juice to uh to fill half the mug so you know we do what we do we got a couple more comments here cat is here welcome Cat hello hello Jimmy is here B oh I love that I love that um all right next up joining us she is an analyst on the weekly show Survivor social she is back to try to improve on her third place finish in our first season doing the draft it is Cara hello hello Cara car what are we drinking what are we drinking here good old Coca-Cola see last season you were the only one actually drinking drinking so I I wanted to see like caught you with another drink in your hand um so tell us really quickly how your summer how has your summer been and then what can we expect uh going into your second season on surv social which is a a show that happens on Thursdays for us which kind of dives into the social standpoint of the game what can we expect second season for you yeah I'm so excited for the SEC my second season of Survivor social to get back talking with teg with each week it's going to be so much fun talking to Survivor players it's been a great summer a lot of traveling a lot of Survivor have been lucky enough to be on the game changers rewatch and I just watched the finale today so that really like set the like a finale like that is something like that got me excited for this so I'm I'm so excited to talk about everything Survivor now all this yeah you're you're fully in the Survivor mood now I can feel it we still got people pouring in my brother's even in the chat howdy everyone uh don't forget you guys can chat along with us the entire time in our ancient voices chat next up uh we have a new brand new podcaster joined us over the summer this is his first podcast actually so I'm sure he's excited he's done these drafts before so I feel like he should know a little thing about who to pick I'm interested to see who he thinks is going to do well this season he's going to be joining myself and Abraham on the Survivor 47 after show everybody please welcome the new podcaster Josh Josh hello welcome to Survivor now like welcome to the team hey thank you so much for having me I'm really excited to be here you already know what I'm going to ask you Josh do you have something good or to drink yeah I'm also keeping it simple going with just sparkling water today um you know it's my very first one I don't want to you know spice it up too much so I'm just keeping it easy I was gonna say that kind of is spicing it up you got sparkling water going a little Fancy on us now yeah it's non-alcoholic sparkling water so you know minimal well you told me going into this draft that you've done drafts before obviously you're new to the Survivor team you're going to be joining us on the after show very excited to have you kind of break down these episodes week to week uh really quickly just tell us your Survivor knowledge and how confident are are you heading into this Survivor draft oh man I have been watching the show since I was like 13 years old so all the way long time ago almost 20 years now and this has been the thing I know more about Survivor than pretty much anything else in life so it's been fun as I've had friends in the last few years like get into it I feel like it can finally put that knowledge to use so I feel pretty good about this drafts knowledge of the show doesn't translate to draft wins though um as I've been been doing drafts for the whole new era and this is only my first last season was my first time winning so um but I feel pretty good about this one I feel like I've find tuning some things well you've already got a fan base coming in with the sparkling water is crazy so this is why like asking what is everyone drinking now like how are we feeling tonight um well welcome to the team Josh than glad to be here she is the Survivor Queen that's what I call her she's probably going to tell me to stop calling her that you guys probably know her on Tik Tok at Survivor simulation everyone knows her at this point but it's the first time she's ever done a draft with us she is the the lead analyst of Survivor social everybody Welcome teg with she is here what's up everybody I'll I'll take surviv queen I'm okay with that me and Sandra can duke it out oh my gosh that would be I conic can that be a theme of A Survivor season uh Tik Tok Survivor queen versus Survivor Queen like I think we need that season immediately Twi how has your summer been and I know you are pumped for Survivor 47 it's it's finally like like here I'm so stoked summer has been great I'm actually watching Big Brother and really enjoying it if you're not watching the season of Big Brother you definitely should it's crazy and very fun um but I'm so so excited for season 47 there are some people that am biased towards because I love them and I just can't wait to see them on the show and I just I can't wait to talk about it with you guys and talk about with Cara and I'm just so excited yeah it's it's gonna be H I'm expecting big things now that you're in the Survivor draft your first time ever in the draft because you know Survivor like not saying all of us don't know Survivor but like that's a lot of your coverage is Survivor based if not all of it is so I'm interested to see if you know are you going to be better at drafting now because you've said in the past you're not that great I'm I honestly never gotten a winner right I was pretty close last season um I got I originally did Tiffany I almost did Kenzie so you know I'm not horrible but I'm also not great um and I think maybe this might be the season I turn it around or I crash and burn and you know everyone who is here watching live will definitely be able to have a front row seat to that oh love that and what are we drinking t with what are we drinking oh I am so glad you asked so I made myself a a little cocktail right here it's a Mescal chai espresso Martini okay I'll be right back that draft I think Twi should automatically pick first I'm just I'm just saying that we got a couple I'm not gonna say but no pressure everybody absolutely no pressure uh Ty yeah I I can't confirm but I'm just going to leave it at that and then uh big brother is wild this season I have been hearing I need I need to check it out we got a couple big brother fans next up he is a two-time two time two time Survivor uh cast cast away he also won individual immunity to two times as well he is also a new podcaster for Survivor now this season much like a we are lucky and honored to have him because of his Survivor experience everybody Welcome Bruce to the show what's up peeps Bruce what are I have to ask you what are we drinking how do you follow up T with well um I was hoping to God I wasn't the only one drinking tonight so I'm very happy that you are um inside of my Yeti cup I have some Jin um little Jin and soda you know had to keep it classy for today and then we'll see what happens after that came came professionally ready I I love that and and and Bruce how do we feel I didn't ask Abraham this cuz I've asked him this in the past how do we feel with you being a former Survivor castleway does this give you like the a little Advantage when it comes to being able to tell who's gonna be good who might not Excel does it give you any type of Advantage here well I'm G tell you this I literally I'm sitting there I watched the videos that came out today and I was reading on it and I'm just I'm I'm flashing back to everything that I've gone through and up until this point in time of the experience and I'm just like okay so now I can get a little bit of an idea um about a couple of players that I think that are going to do really well really well I can't wait to see who you pick and I mean everyone's excited here Ty says Bruce and also Amy yay Jen I need to get some wine now yes go get some drink go get some popcorn it's gonna be a fun night um and then Amy also said wow te with great drink so keep those chats coming in guys uh we love hearing from you and finally I feel like this guy's going to go over the top with his entrance he de throned Abraham last season at the very last second he is one of the hosts of got something for you which airs on Saturdays coming internationally coming live from the UK it is our champion Oli I had you needed a winner so I brought my crown I heard everyone this week saying they're here to take the crown and I just wanted to show everyone who looks the best in a c wow Abraham what are you GNA say to that look Ali has his own entrance man I can't take nothing from that he's the winner you gotta you gotta sit back when you're number two you gotta sit back and wait I mean right here minow's got something for you stands rise so I feel like minnow is kind of cheering for some someone in particular olly what is the king that's the only time I'm going to call you the king what is the king drinking today um the king is drinking this lovely concoction of juice oh hey juice buddies we got a couple like we got water and sparkling water we got a couple Drinkers and then we have the juice buddies yeah and then Cara has her Coke so she's she's on her own today with a soda I like it um but yes I think it is time guys we got everybody oh sorry I almost forgot olly I had one more question for you what can we expect from got something for you this season obviously it's a a very fun show what can our fans our audience expect from that I mean it's going to be me Matthew and Phil just talking all day long we're just going to talk each other's ears off we will be recapping the show as per usual but we will also as per usual be delving into the social medias so we will keep be keeping a close eye on those social medias so be careful because I will see something and we will have something for you oh you better watch what you been posting cuz that's always a fun segment when you guys get to the tribe has posted and showed the best Tweets of the week it's my favorite segment of the show so excited to have you guys back on for another season we don't have anyone representing Stockwatch but I will give them a shout out as well our analytical show uh does come on on Fridays I believe the time's going to change it says 2m there I believe they're going to go a little bit earlier in the day around noon so I just haven't edited the graphic yet so I wanted to give them a shout out Jack will do a phenomenal job over there they have graphs they go through the edic so definitely check out all of our shows that we're going to have for you guys all season long we're gonna have didn't even mention the pre-show we have loads and loads and loads of content for you guys as we prepare for our coverage of Survivor 47 so there's the introductions we got we got our contestants tonight we are going to be drafting 18 Castaways six teams of three and to explain a little bit more on how scoring works and to figure out the draft order I filmed this little video earlier so let's go ahead and check it out what's up everybody I am over here now so I am here to explain the rules of the draft so this is a snake draft each person will get to pick their tribe of three Castaways and essentially with the snake draft if you're not familiar with how that works the person who gets the first pick will pick last in the second round so it'll go pick one pick two pick three pick four pick five and then pick six and then whoever has that last pick will go immediately the next round so then it just loops around essentially making it a snake it'll go pick six pick six pick five pick four pick three pick two pick one and then pick one again and go one two three four five six that's how a snake draft works there will be three rounds of this uh draft and without further ado we got to figure out the order that people will be drafting in so to do that I am going to spin this wheel here oh and I almost forgot as well the point system we go based off Bracketology point system so if you're interested to see how the points work just head over to Bracketology domcom or their app and you can take a look at how the scoring works for these Castaways so let's figure out first we're going to go in reverse order who is the last pick in the draft oh my gosh that's so fitting I'm so sorry olly you're gonna hate me I know you're gonna be angry about that but you have back-to-back picks last year's Champion Oly will pick last in the draft okay next up with the fifth pick a the champion two seasons ago and finished second place to Allie last season Abraham will pick fifth in the draft all right next up who's picking third fourth sorry fourth Bruce two-time Survivor player who is joining us full-time for coverage of Survivor 47 Bruce will pick fourth right before Abraham he's got the chance to really frustrate in this draft who's gonna pick three they're going to pick in the middle each and every round Josh our new podcaster Josh Green will pick at third each round so I I don't know I personally like that pick because you're always going to have a decent pick in that all right who's gonna pick second it's between the ladies ladies first in this draft Cara is going to pick uh second which means no pressure Twi we know that you don't usually do great in these drafts and we know you usually don't do great picking a winner before you know people but you will have the first pick in the season 47 draft of Survivor all right without further Ado back to you live Randy let's get this thing started gosh that was was so cheesy I'm so sorry there we go so let me put everyone in order here uh olly anything to say in particular n that's what you wanted me to tell you the draft order and that's why I didn't want to say anything to you um let's see we got uh let's see not Randy saying the most about Twi and then she got the first pick guys yes I'm gonna hype her up uh I have to so all right does anyone have anything in particular they want to say about their pick or they overly happy about it are they not happy about it anyone got any uh feelings with where they're picking at I'm stressed oh SW what could be what could be worse than picking jalinski last season going first and picking the jalinski this season not too much on jalinski not is a nice guy all right I think it's time that we get this thing started started Ollie are you ready just to make sure are you ready with the PowerPoint and all that okay we will be flashing the photos on screen for you guys really quickly uh once a cast away is taken so that you can see who these people are taking Twi you are on the clock oh my gosh this is this is incredibly difficult because here's the thing I was really hoping I would go like in the middle because I have two people I am deciding between and I was hoping like the decision we made for me but now I have to ask acely make this decision and I'm not okay with it and you're probably not going to get the second person cuz just remind everyone you're not picking until the end of the second round so Choose Wisely I I would choose the winner personally but I'm I would also I'm gonna try to choose the winner um okay as much oh my gosh um I'm gonna go with tiny I'm sorry I did it I I'm going with tiny I think that tiny is going to do I mean I have had the the pleasure of meeting teeny um and you know they're incredible and just funny and so sociable but incredibly smart as well and I just think there's something about her personality that is just going to thrive and I also think they're going to be really physical so um uh I'm going with tiny I'm sticking with it here's here's my I like the pick I think tiny going into the season is the most talked about Castaway like a lot of people are very excited to watch their Journey play out so I think Tiny's a great pick my my fear is a lot of times the most popular Castaway going in is not the one who wins so that's my my fear with that to push back on that a little Emily reference um hey still fresh um I will say Kenzie was pretty talked about last season as well yeah one of sometimes the most talked about I agree that sometimes people who are very talked about you know lted don't do well but sometimes it works out uh let let's go to I'm gonna go to one of our new podcasters Josh um what do we think about Teeny do you think this was a good pick well worth of the first overall pick like what are you feeling with teeny yeah tiny definitely seemed like someone who was going to go really high I was not planning on Tiny coming back down to me but I don't know I've never met tiny but she seems like a lot of fun everyone who I've seen online talk about tiny has really really positive things to say and she clearly knows survivor really well I love some of the references she had in her bio and then you know her uh hot takes video referencing like you know casting stories about people like nanka and Courtney Yates like I'm like she tiny knows her stuff so I am I great pick really really solid first pick Oli as as the former Champion do you think that is where teega should have went with her first pick with tiny I mean te tiny was not my pick so it's fine um but I think tiny was a great pick for Ted like as as we all know we're allowed to pick no that wasn't shade we're allowed to pick whoever we want um well me and T were saying this it's a Vibe and I understand like tin's got this really good like energy about them am I sure of how they're going to do yet no I think there could be some obstacles but I think once we see the season I think we could kind of see where tiny will come but I do think it's a good pick overall well tiny is now off the board it sounds like everyone the consensus is a great first pet pick so there you go teag with hopefully you didn't pick the third person out because you always say that the people who connect with you the most are always like third out of the show yeah always not a lot a lot of the time and they're all incredible they're incredible people whom I love Yeah fingers crossed for you uh and next up Cara so was Tiny the person you were gonna pick or you still have your person yeah if if Twi didn't pick tiny I was gonna go for tiny because I heard a lot about heard a lot about tetiny and I know that we've played in the same LRG so I feel like that would have been a cool thing to have on my team but it's okay there's other people I have a list of names so SOA we can't see I'm a little conflicted though I'm conflicted because I have people I want but I have someone speaking to me and I feel like I just need to go with my gut we'll see so I'm picking Sierra as my first Pi um going with the girl this year um you know she's from Delaware I like Delaware um um although yes Miss Delaware you know she's 27 Oh my God I'm saying all different things from what your graphic says okay this is what variety says 27 go the variety graphic and she's a nurse which is what you have on the graphics so I feel like nurses are well-rounded they know how to Fort people they know how to talk to people I'm really excited to see Sierra Bruce what what do you think of the Sierra pick because I'll say I love Sierra she's been supporter of the show um very excited to watch her play I know she follows us so thank you for that Sierra um I think a little a little hi for Sierra I was thinking Sierra is someone that I'm not too sure about so how do you feel BR I think someone like Sierra she very well could I'm just thinking head ahead head she could make the merge but be an early boot um I'm thinking that she would do just fine if she kind of because she's got a great outgoing personality and I think that um if she pours it on too strong at the beginning H it's you know and I hate that's what I'm worried about yeah I'm worried about that because like you know you you you take a look at like the personification of like everyone that's there like everybody's little look and then you you have Sierra's look and people are going to Target her because of her look it just is what it is this is a it's a game above and beyond the social construct and they're going to look at that so if she kind of can taper it down a little bit um I think she'll do just fine she'll make at least at least one or two paths to merge I took this into consideration when picking too I looked at the little tribes the colors and I was considering I considered I considered that too so yeah yeah oh but also this is like kind of the Vibe I got when I picked jalinski last time I feel like so I'm like I'm like shaking now good pick are you going for jalinski again did you see Sierra and you're like that's the galinsky even if she goes home we're gonna be hearing about her the entire season yeah surv look at that set look at that matching set she can't not be a legend you know exactly it's she is prepared for Survivor okay so uh tiny Sierra off the board um with Sierra will say that the women did fantastic last year because OE went with the all female strategy and it worked for him so I'm interested to see if he goes with that strategy again Josh oh wait I gotta show this comment um Cara should win if Sierra gets several playso automatic win also minnow says I think Jon and Asia are more talked about I I will say that they're more known I will say that as well uh but will Josh take either of those two Josh is there someone You' circled this is going to be my pick now that you've had time to think on it you know I was really waffling when I saw I had the third pick because uh the Cara actually made the decision easier for me because Sierra was one of the people I was really waffling on partly because she lives currently in Phoenixville Pennsylvania which is my hometown that's where I grew up that's where all my family lives and everything it's like a you know a smallish suburb of Philly um and then in addition to that she like in her bio she gave Stephanie lossa a shout out mentioned how she from El specifically and she's a big pickle ball fan I was like wow I I kind of am contractually obligated to pick her at this point so it's okay you made my decision easier um so with that though I'm kind of shocked that she's fallen down to me already but I think I have to pick Asia um she is I I know I'm familiar with her work on rhap um but she seems like a lot of fun she really knows her stuff um she seems really uh engaging and Lively I Lov in the video her story about how she has like six or seven numbers in her phone just from people that she's met on airplanes um yeah she just seems like really well-rounded and I can't see any really glaring holes in her game or how she can do I mean I won't be surprised at all to see her go really really far or even wi I before I go to Abraham here to hear what he he thinks about Asia there's something that scared me so I was just checking out the rhap kind of preseason thing they had earlier today and Mike Bloom said he's not giving anything away but there are several people on this season who know Asia and that's my only fear with her is being someone who covers you know reality TV if you know rap you know who that is I'm a little worried not saying she can't do great I don't think gets to the point where it's like oh we got to vote her out because she's a podcaster but I I I have a little little fear with that Twi yes I also had a very similar fear with her specifically um but I do want to say one thing that I kind of push back because I Asia was somebody else that I was thinking about choosing as probably everyone else um but one thing I will say is I think minnow said it um that you know Andy recognized Asia um and I will say if you're a super fan and you recognize Asia it might be better to keep her longer because she's a more obvious Super Fan than you are uh and if you're a super fan and you know who that is it might be better for you to keep her so part of me was thinking that maybe super fans will drag her along because she's the bigger Target and then cut her towards the end because she's a more obvious Super Fan than anybody else so I I thought the exact same thing as you Randy but then I was like but maybe this was Jay's comment here uh sorry I almost missed it love Asia the only worry is that she said that some people on the island seem to recognize her Josh did that go into your thinking at all with that was that something you weren't too concerned about it was a little bit but kind of like Twi said like she is kind of that a shield in that regard but also if you are like oh I know Asia she's a huge threat because she like covers the game on podcast I know all of that you're kind of outing yourself in the process too you know by being like I'm someone who I listen to all these podcasts and everything so I I think that it may be kind of like a a little bit of a cover for her in that regard but I do think that she seems like she's got the social skills to cover uh any any holes in in the game that way well I was gon I was gonna go to Abraham but I think we covered it perfectly so I think we should move forward with man hold on what you got something to add Abraham I do have something to add manad go ahead the floor is yours A's a great person I had a chance to talk to her in person in Houston that's that that's that Texas Family so talked to her before it is right if she meets you her social game is on point so I see her going pretty for in the game because she has the ability to communicate well and to make people feel comfortable enough if you got people phone number off a plane you know and she got pets you know y'all pet lovers out there y'all are fall in love with each other easily but she's a great person when you meet her in person so she's in Houston I met her before in Houston great personality I think she's going to go forward the game because not because she podcasts the game because Bruce can attest to this there's a distinct difference between being on the island and talking about the a I don't think so I think when I go out I'm winning vot you are first in the publicos look Bruce we gonna vote him all he gonna show with us yeah Bruce is already giving me the eyes of like you're not making it to the merge buddy nice C if you didn't pick her I was gonna pick her so that's a good pick ah so Abraham's pick off the board I did not expect Asia to make it through the first round so Josh great pick uh that's kind of where I was expecting her I thought she could have been the first overall pick so obviously a very popular uh Cast Away this season everyone just excited to see her play so she's gonna have a ton of eyes on her uh Bruce it is your pick so far no men taken off the board so far good I I mean I will say out of six new era Seasons Four Women two men so there is a reputation true why fale draft um all right so I'm thinking you know I'm off the hook now with Asia because I I had her tied with someone else I had three people my three that I wanted to just kind of stick close to and one is still two are still there I'm sorry um you know this person she she's been through a lot she's been to Fiji twice already um it was an alternate last year and I remember her from last year I remember her social game from last year the nonverbal social game and that is it's something that you cannot you can't duplicate via a conversation like you know writing stuff down you you can't get to the inner side of something you're looking at someone when they're eating food and they look at you and they make a face and you know that you want to stop laughing but you can't because this person's personality is through the roof um I want to say her name correctly I believe is Tiana um that is who I'm picking for my number one that's my winner pick for this year because this woman is hungry another thing that I took a look at too is that she's a life coach being a life coach I'm I'm assuming that it's her own business I I'll look up and do a little bit more research on that but I'm assuming it's her own business and if if you remember the person that won last year she has her own business so there is a drive that happens with someone um that is that is out there she literally taking six weeks off making money to try to make even more money so I'm gonna I'm gonna throw my vote my number one vote towards uh Tiana so your winner pick too right you said Tiana is your winner pick that's what I'm going with uh I I gotta get to Abraham I was gonna go to Josh first here but Abraham you just said what how do you feel about Bruce's pick Bruce G can't you can't read lips man no matter what I said you and man you and Josh messed me up on the rotation that's okay that's okay was that your pick Abraham it surely was my first pick that was my first pick as well surely was that was your pick Ollie yeah so I was about to swear then but no you know what Bruce there was a reason I didn't root for you in both your Seasons youee be back together again man that dude is crash no no add to add to the point why what was bringing you to Tiana why were you I think everything a said um a sorry Bruce kind of said like there's just this like I again I'm gonna reference t with as well because me and T were like talking about Vibes I even when I saw like her photo like kind of the photos you see that Abe has in his background I immediately was drawn to just without her even talking I was drawn to her and then she spoke and and I was like I love you like she was like how I how I felt with Kenzie last year is how I felt with Tiana so um Bruce not a good not a good start meeting but it's fine uh Josh I wanted to go to you because it seemed like you had a good reaction too to Tiana you you instantly was like good pick so what do we think about Tiana here I I I knew it was slim chances that she'd come back down to me at number 10 but I really really wanted her on my team uh she seems yeah like ton of fun amazing Vibes uh I kind of get like d energy from her a little bit um like if we're looking you know at least like preseason uh someone who's just going to be really solid not you know again someone who does without any really glaring holes in any way she also listed pickle ball as one of her Hobbies so I feel like that you know bumped her up in my book a little bit she seems great um I'm definitely gonna be rooing for her even though she's not uh so yeah she can she can do great but she can't do too great to where Bruce beich you like I I feel what you're saying te before I know you had something to say but I got to show this Jake's in the chat Bruce is such a good addition to the Pod I'm not saying that second part but did you see it BR you don't need see it talk afterwards t with did you have something to add on about Tiana Jake is wild um so add one thing to point out is she is a flight attendant and I think flight attendants famously do well on Survivor we've got um t- bird Ricard and obviously Todd Herzog um you know it is like I think somebody else said Todd in the in the um uh comments too so I think being a flight attendant is a very very good plus it's almost like similar to Kenzie with like a hair stylist you got to do a lot of different things be able to do a lot of things um so I definitely think that that's a big upside too I mean yeah I think I put volleyball coach I had a website that I was looking at I think some of the information is kind of talented yeah I think I think she coaches some volleyball as well so I think there is some truth there all right Abraham your picks off the board still no no man taken which I'm not t every time uh Abraham are we are we staying with the women I mean so far in the new era the women have been great you got to reassess down about four I'm Looking Down my list I'm might have to change it up a little bit so I'm going with somebody that routinely has not done their profession has not translated into the game of Survivor that well it just hasn't I don't know if it's because of what they do for a living or whatever but I love people that have the ability to be able to communicate and talk with folks oh John so you gotta be able to have a conversation with a rock basically to be on Survival because sometimes you are talking to some people that are rocks so at the end of the day I love somebody that can have that ability to make me feel good even though it might be a lie so I don't Mis mispronounce the name I'mma go with Genevie is that correct okay all right but the the lawyers haven't done as well well no I lied laor you did do good last season what I'm talking about my bad and I think that coming in with her background and her background is going to be beneficial to just being a regular person just talking to people enjoying the game I like somebody with that's that's a little laidback I like somebody laidback and I like somebody doesn't take it too seriously so that is going to be my first pick on the board are you ready for this Abraham you ready to hear this geneveve is my winner pick for the season damn I a at first you you just picked it's like it's like um what it's I don't know I'm trying to think of a reference it's like a game you're trying not to pick ry's winner pick geniv is my winner pick I loved her energy um I think I thought it was funny because during our uh it was a patreon exclusive video that myself and Matthew did we did kind of like a really really way too early season 47 predictions and I said there was something about geneveve that was just sticking out and I love that when I was watching her video earlier within the first two seconds she's like yeah I don't think I'll be lucky to still be here on day four or something like that and so I was like oh oh that makes sense there's my winner pick uh early on already saying she's not going to do great but I loved how the video ended she kind of looped it back in and was like I do think I can win this game like I'm not telling anyone I'm a lawyer lawyers tend to do really well on Survivor and recent memory from what I remember uh so yeah that's why I think geneveve I think we're gonna stay on the record of a female winner and I think she's gonna surprise a lot of people I think she's gonna play a quiet game a I think she's gonna play a quiet social game she might not be the most popular winner at the end of the season but I I you know they're not always the most popular they still win a million bucks in six season this is the first time me and Randy actually picked the same person but no no we both we both picked Josh Wilder to win season 44 yeah Josh Josh Josh flame not on but Josh's a good guy but he flamed on is so uh let's go to Cara Cara did you have any feeling with geneveve and what do we think because we had someone in the comments right here geneveve is my top pick too I think her Minds will give her an edge up love that Britney love that you're backing my winner pick I think that's a good pick I I feel like she will be able to connect with people talk to people um but you know sometimes I feel like she'll have a strong personality and I feel like it all depends on the rest of the people if that translates well or not it'll be interesting to see it play out uh we to the last pick of the first round olly take us home in this first round do you still are you still picking who you wanted to pick for my second pick yes I will say Genevie was up there but she wasn't like in the top three for me so I I can at least have two of my top three so that's I guess the thing Bruce feel still some type way um but I'm going to go with someone that again similar to Tiana I just really connected with they I just as soon as I kind of like saw them and heard them speak I just kind of thought they were adorable um so my pick is and I'm really hoping I say their name right kashan I mean LGBT represent I have to do that um and I'm so sorry I know that I had a female all female draft last year and I'm the first one to pick a male don't mind um but yeah I just loved his energy and I feel like he he he seems to have that energy that I think should do well in Survivor so we hope I'm gonna be really disappointed in you if um because you get back-to-back picks here if you end up picking a female and you could have made it a full female first round and you chose not to like that would have been legendary um but twi what did we think of uh kishan I think it's the right way to say it uh as well what do we feel about them great I think it's a great pick um definitely somebody who was up there for me um I think you know I don't know if you read I'm going off of the Entertainment Weekly but basically um he said like what like one of the questions was what is the thing that are you you are most proud of a lot of people said getting on Survivor very proud thing you should definitely be proud of that but kesan said something become Kean said becoming an ER doctor because he always wanted to take care of the vulnerable and underserved community that raised him and I think that like having being you know being able to be an ER doctor which is an incredibly hard job but also having that kind of empathy uh a and being able to reach out to other people and and wanting to serve other people and not just doing it kind of because I know people who want to be doctors for the ego of it you know being able to do something and I think that him saying this kind of shows that he's a very well-rounded person um and I'm really excited to see how that translates onto the show and I think that typically people who have are multifaceted like this or who have different things like like they they're you know proud of and and and things that they have accomplished I think typically do well on the show so I'm super excited to see uh where he goes and I think it's a great pick olly uh if anything and like getting a lot of screen time gets you a lot of points and he just he has just such an incredible personality not saying that all these Castaways don't like they all have like interesting personalities fun personalities but I could definitely see kesan being a fan favorite like like for sure and that's definitely going to bring a lot of points so starting the second round olly you have the next pick and don't don't make me mad olly we were so close to history don't you do it who is your second pick see do you know what I I am tempted now but here's the thing there are four people that I don't want and I'm really scared I'm going to get one of them so that's going to be really funny this is your last pick we haven't even talked about this this is your final pick I yeah basically I get two people I love and possibly someone that is going to be there do I want see there's someone that I think okay so I have two options someone who I think is going to be a great personality and someone who I think could do like just get far so it's kind of that tossup I'm going to go with the person I vibed with more um and I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with Sam that's who my pick is that's who my pick is I love this pick I love and I feel like it's he he's very different from my personality um but for some bizarre reason I just I feel like he he gives me Kan um no Jake he gives me Jake vibes from 45 that is very much the vibe he gives me um and think he's going to be a very cool CH dude who is going to be able to know the mechanics of the game so that's why I'm picking him and he's a Michelle Fitzgerald fan like how that's yes exactly why Jay says love Sam he is one of my top picks uh let's go to Josh back to or yeah back to Josh for this one what do we think about Sam because I was I'm super excited I think if he makes it to the merge I could see him winning Challen like I could see him being sort of a challenged beast and I think he's that type of person yes I am scared is he going to be like the Joe or like the aie or the Jonathan of the Season where you keep him around for challenges and then you ditch him early on in the merge I am a little bit scared of that but at the same time I feel like that Sam's gonna have a little bit more strategic um perspectives than some of the players like all Aussie and stuff so what what are we thinking Josh about Sam here yeah I really like Sam so far I he I separated my people into tiers and he was tier one for me I thought I might get him for my second pick but he seems like a lot of fun I was really impressed with his interviews all the way through talking about how he's like 24 and needs to you know do a lot of like ego stroking and um making people comfortable to get the right information out of them and his job all the time I think being a beat reporter for an NFL team is not easy and I think he you know he probably has a lot of grit that he shows in his day-to-day life um I loved yeah that he referenced being a Michelle Fan and uh you know being liking Devon too and his uh people that he wanted to play like yeah I don't know I really liked him really impressed with him um and bumped and get him yeah I think that's a great pick Bruce I wanted to go to you before Abraham's next pick um you agreed with the Jake perspective that Alli said you you were vocal with saying I agree being someone who played with Jake what do you see in Sam that kind of uh mirrors Jake in in a sense and yeah there we go I want to say if he's gonna mirror anything with Jake it's just like his from what I saw in the video uh earlier today is just his his kind of his tenacity and he knows the game maybe a little bit too well but what I loved about playing with Jake is that you can have a good conversation with Jake and this is the kind of guy you can have a conversation with and when Jake finally let every know that he was he's an attorney I was like oh okay so now that makes more sense to me and then when I finally found out what actually what Jake did then that made even more sense to me so now knowing that he's you know an NFL reporter I'm peeking over my screen so I can I have it on my television yeah but he's an NFL reporter and you have to be able to to grab the spotlight as quickly as possible get all your information out gra GA gather as much as you possibly can in a very short period of time because you only have a little bit and that's that's how it works with Survivor like you only have a small amount of time to be able to get that impression out and then talk and and kind of gather it all and go from there so that's that's what I love about him I love that about Jake so that's what made that especially with the new fast-paced game you got to be able to go right away so Oli just has his two picks going a completely different route than the way he did last year when he won so we're gonna see if that carries over Abraham are you ready for for your next pick always ready all right who who are we taking with your because much like I mean you'll get another pick but you're only going to have two people to choose from when we get back around to you we even need that here this how it goes I like so we don't know what tribe they're gonna be so that's the first thing so we do know we do know those those are the colors oh who's it oh well missed that part for the day don't even worry about that we're gonna still roll with it because I'm playing for after the merge I'm not playing before the merge this is after the merge because he's gonna get to the merge good I like this player here because one he's a poker player I like that because if you got them skills set to play poker I just took home $80 a couple of weeks ago for some folks they know my name so at the end of the day poker player but a good genuine personality of course he's in sales because you know I like people that can talk to people so I like that background he's Korean on so we we we go back a little bit so at the end of the day I think that being able to have that difference work in a technical field be able to communicate in poker thank you that's my God right there I I stole your thunder a little bit but I think we all knew who you did such a great job of explaining who he is um I I don't know how I feel about Solomon so I'm gonna go to uh Cara here car are we a fan of this pick was this someone that you had on your draft boards or is there something scaring you uh from taking them no I was actually like kind of relieved that this wasn't one of the other people I had on my list I I didn't I also didn't really know how to feel about him um I I didn't get to watch the full video but um from what I saw I was like I was kind of hesitant so yeah I'm not I'm not sure te with I I thought I saw a big reaction coming from you but I couldn't tell if that was darn I was looking at him or just kind of shocked he went at this point no it was darn I was looking at him um I think that number one he's one of the two people like over the age I think there are like three people sorry three people over the age of 40 um who are on this uh uh on this season and I definitely think that's actually a good thing like I think some people think like I saw a lot of people saying that um what's her name the the old the woman who's um Sue yeah Su they were like oh she's the first one out and I'm like I don't think that this is that kind of Survivor anymore I think it's a much more social game and so and 43 is not that old um so like I definitely think that like being kind of older is actually could be a benefit um I also really thought that there were some on his like bio that I resonate with you know you know and I so I was kind of looking for him being one of my my picks it was more of a darn he was one somebody I was thinking about now let me just also say I don't come in here with a list I I'm I'm a completely off the cuff kind of person so so there there's nobody that I've got a cross off but I was definitely thinking of him as one of my you know ones that I was kind of leaning towards possible next pick and also just want to rightfully shout you out thank you minnow for doing this is an update of how the draft has gone so far so thank you really appreciate that Bruce you're up buddy uh and you took Tiana in the first round do you have another person that you wanted like did it get back to you or or are you kind of having to look somewhere else now I had no no my I have a couple of above um Saul you know it was that was I had the same feeling at you know watching the video and kind of getting a a little bit of a vibe from him like you know I'm here oh like that's kind of what I got but I also respect the fact that he's a poker player and I love to play poker I didn't win 80 last weekend um but um I I I can understand the game I love the game of poker and you know it's um it's very you know you have to know we have to read people and stuff like that oh well before you pick Bruce there's a comment Sue is right there so they're imploring you to take Sue I don't know if you're going to take that but but I wanted to show you you know not for nothing I thought about Sue because you know the way the new era is now is that you know you have this I'm looking at the board right now 26 29 uh 27 the 23 the people are gonna gravitate toward depending on the tribe that she's in they're gonna gravitate towards her and she's gonna stick around at least make the merch um because Mom Vibe that's what happens um yeah but anyway so that's that's good for that um I'm tossing up between two right now because they I have them set in my mind and I just can't get away from them I'm just you don't want to make someone else mad you already made Abraham mad now you have Josh waiting for someone I know I said it wasn't gonna piss anybody off but you know what it's okay um ah you know what I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to stick kind of with the same Vibe as Sam and I'm gonna have to go TK I'm gonna have to go TK um you know that's athlete marketing that's huge just the simple fact is again you have to get out there you gotta you got to sell sell sell you got to get in front of people you gotta pitch your product you gotta pitch all that stuff you're the middleman between you know the athlete and the you know the company and um one false you know move will get you and if you do it all right then you're like a shiny penny so um yeah I'm just gonna go TK well Jay likes this pick I think TK has one of the coolest stories going into the season I love the story about how I can't remember the name of what he had but he had a situation where his kidney was pretty much failing super young and he had multiple doctors say look kid I don't know if you're going to live past you know this age or whatever and so now he's finally reached that point where he said you know what every adversity that I face in life it's it's not death and the fact that I'm even here getting to enjoy is is something in itself I love that attitude going in uh for TK um tag with what do you before we go any further than that I'm sorry I just wanted to put this on it as well like when when you know Season 44 I I got to actually chill with Josh for about a day and a half because he was one of the last people out before we got shipped out of Fiji and to hear his story and what he went through um and to hear TK's story as well it's like okay so that kind of pulls in my heartstrings a little bit because those kind of stories um that's real life you know if someone's gonna talk about you know I I lost a puppy at the age of five well you know what everybody's lost a puppy at some point in time like this is like life stuff and to be able to go go through that and I'll play a game that is gonna be Rous to your body um I think that this is a testament to him so that's one of the reasons why I got AB chance to talk to Josh if you get a chance to talk to Josh in person I gotta Echo with Bruce say man his story is amazing amaz and him to be able to come out there and there's a part of Survivor that you don't see that's behind the scenes that Josh was still had to do because he still was on medication for Survivor I don't know how we get drink sent to us but um okay Bruce um but it's just just a great story and and he overcame a lot to be able just to play but also to be able podiatr other people uh great guy and he's from so he's on a home state yeah I love Josh and and he's joined us on surv now and and I think once again doubling down I think TK is a really strong pick I think he could be great at challenges too obviously that's someone that has a um athletic background so I think that's gonna uh you know farewell for you uh Bruce with your second pick all right before you go Josh I know we're Midway through the second round here Jay I'm shocked no one has chosen Andy as of yet [Laughter] you need to stop talking right now and minnow adds in if I can get to uh my system just locked up there we go maybe okay um Amy do we think TK will keep his adversity on the down low and save it for the final three I I don't think so I think you get out there you're going to share that story uh I could definitely see him uh sharing it and Jay did Apologize te with so I'll see if I'll accept that in about five minutes Josh you could do something very funny here uh you know um I could I'm looking at people who especially you know in the the first two rounds you want to get someone who's just a really good allaround player from from the looks of it at least someone who probably eight or nine times out of 10 are going to make the merge on any given season um um there's two people left for me in that category one of them is Andy but I'm not gonna pick Andy um I am gonna go I'm gonna go with anuka um she also really impressed me with her bio she seems like someone who knows the show pretty well started watching you know like 10 years ago which is probably longer than a lot of these people um she seems like really driven and determined like she's been through a lot herself um I loved the you know which previous player do you want to play like I mean she' mentioned Sandra and parvy but for people to mention them and then in the same breath mentioned Sarah is really interesting to me um you don't see that a whole lot um I love her pet peeve of people who aren't spatially aware in crowded spaces like love that energy um yeah she seems like a lot of fun and like there's not any like huge flaws um that are really apparent right off the Jump so I'm really excited that she came back to me she was tier one for me uh Jay adds in uh it's it's anaka right or an I think it's anuka anuka that's right it is I told myself not to mess it up and I messed it up uh so anuka has such a sweet lovely personality olly oh I'll add this as well uh anuka is my second pick I think she will be well-liked on her tribe Allie I think anuka when I was watching the videos I I'm kind of shocked you didn't take her with one of your two picks because I thought she was screaming all the energy it to be fair it when I was picking between someone and sat it was it was anuka who I was choosing between um yeah I really like her as well I feel like she's got this fiery side I feel like she's got this side that's going to be like try it and see what happens so that's what I'm like intrigued to see if that occurs but yeah know she was definitely a pick for me so yeah I think that was a good pick Abraham do we think it's a good pick anuka here to Josh's team I think for Josh it's a good pick compliment is a whole team for my team no not for your team okay it didn't fit I mean everybody's picking I'm picking off a Dynamics on people I think would mesh together after we started taking our own picks so depending on where you picking at which I'm in fifth now I gotta say okay who would I go to now if I had to because I know I know T is waiting like let's hope somebody don't take Andy I think t with is 100% taking Andy look at her fa look at that face before me you like go ahead let's watch it happen let's watch I did want to say as soon as Josh didn't take Andy car like oh my God Cara immediately went like she's like oh I'm taking them I'm so sorry Twi and they're on a show together you check out the show On th happening anymore Jake adds in Bruce talked about cooking on the island a lot and I have to say he is cooking with his picks right now I mean he's he's got number one fan right here minnows I think yeah I think minnow was gonna say get the spies because it's let's see let's see Cara it's your pick okay so I'm actually between two people are you I am but you know teg with GOI I'm taking Andy I respect that I respect that and if anybody took Andy I would be okay that it's you you know we share a show so I feel like we have joint custody over our teams totally I was actually very scared I'm like sweating like I'm like oh my God she's gonna hate me but no of course not really truly I would if anybody got Andy I'm happy it's you but Jay uh I do not forgive you um I mean were you taking Andy regardless of whether Jay said that in the chat or not is that who you had C if Andy was still here by the time it got back to me I definitely was gonna pick him okay fine all right you're on thin ice Jay so car what draws you to Andy like I need to hear and then I'm gonna go to tag with just to not to rub it in or anything but why what was drawing you to Andy for your pick here he just seems like a really likable guy good personality I know he talked about that he was close to getting on a previous season I think it was maybe last season the season before and I feel like to get that close and then to not make it is going to be like a huge driving force now that you are there you're on the show you made it so yeah I'm excited to see him tag I'm I'm very sorry but what was drawing you to Andy obviously we had someone here baby Andy rhap patreon I do want to show this comment I know moved on from anuka but Sam says anuka would have been my first pick think she has a great calculated Vibe I think she is in a steal in the second round um but Twi uh back to Baby Andy like just tell us about Andy here Andy um I have the great pleasure to consider Andy a friend um I met him in 2021 and I met him actually at a Bryson one of the very first Bryson went events it was in Hoboken um and he just is so fun and so kind and is just a really great overall so smart like a great overall person and this is something that he really wants and like every single time like when when Ryan and I were at the brights and W finale uh and we saw him on TV we both just started crying like we both because we were just so happy for him and like proud of him and proud to know him um and this is like somebody who I he's I know that chose tiny first but like Andy is pretty much my winner pick um and I just I just think that you know he's an incredible person and I think he just has all of the right things for Survivor and and and um and I just he's I think he's gonna do really well and even if he doesn't like he's just incredible and I think you're you're very lucky to have him on your on your team uh I mean Ryan's GNA be so disappointed that you had the first pick and didn't take Andy like I was I thought that maybe Andy I haven't seen Andy so much online like people talking about Andy online and so I kind of thought that maybe I thought tiny was gonna go right away and I was like maybe I could squeak by and Cy on the way back and I was very close so that was my strategy it wasn't because I didn't want to pick Andy in the first round but it was just mainly of a strategy of the picks so I was very close I mean the people in the chat have spoken still love you Twi Jay also say says Andy is playing for a great cause too to show his nephew and niece that there is life after death uh since their mom passed away so got to love that and then minnow that'ss OMG Twi picking teeny over her friend with the first pick this is we're talking about Survivor it's about the game it's not about friendship it's about how we are playing the game and this draft is a game my friends so I was doing what I thought was the best directed G I was so close I was B basically Vindicated let me just say I like to say this is pretty cool when we get a chance to meet uh different people and then became actual players that have applied to the show you get a chance to say well I met that person which is pretty cool we and that t we talked about um Claire and then when they played yep yeah I went to college with two people on 44 so it's kind of crazy so um I think uh what this is saying is that if you become friends with me that you're just going to get on Survivor that's what I'm hearing really I can't wait to see Randy and ter yeah when do I get to go on Survivor I'm not saying I'm gonna get on Survivor I'm like the one movie where you date somebody to marry the person next I'm like become friends with me and you'll be able to get on Survivor not that I'm gonna get on Survivor yeah well I mean that I think that pans well for all of us then I think you're welcome everybody seg with it is your pick the last pick of the the second round well actually you get backtack picks so you get your two picks here not to rub it in a little bit more but you had two chances to take handy if it he made it back to you I have no idea I let me because again I told you guys I didn't come in with a list right so I'm going you know off of actually I do know I do know what I'm doing who am I kidding um I think hold on hold on I think okay so I'm gonna go with this person I um think that they if they're on a winning tribe I think that I could see them going far I don't know if I could see them winning at all I think it depends I didn't watch uh any videos so I think it genuinely depends on how they talk and how they can um really convince travel Council but I do think that I see a world in which they go far and that would be Sue and then don't tell your next pick because we're gonna take an ad before the final round but yeah talk on sue a little bit again it's one of those things where I don't think age is a negative thing now um I think that this is something that could actually benefit her um I you know she's a flight school owner and I don't know if anybody here watches Australian Survivor but we've had another he wasn't a flight school owner but Gary was it Gary was a flight uh he he did he did some teaching but he also did you know like tourism fly flying or whatever um and I definitely think that like being able to like kind of go with the flow a and she said she's badass fearless and an adrenaline junkie and I kind of think that that means that she's really willing to take risks and so if anything I think she will be good TV um and I I don't know I think I think I could see her going kind of further I mean talk about someone right away on on when they showed the preview at the end of last season people went oh her I need more of her I like to call it the Carolyn effect and she kind of had the Carolyn effect a lot of people instantly were like oh my gosh Sue I need to see more of this woman on my screen so I think once again I think you picked two of the most talk yes we know the well-known people and one of them is still on the board with the the podcasters but I think you've picked two of the most popular unknown people going into the game and Tiny and Sue and minnow has a a full run down here I'll leave that up just for a second that's how the draft has been going so far um let me go to olly olly what do we think of of this Sue pick for TWI with I liked Sue Sue was definitely up there for me I think I I just appreciate the fact that she is just there bold and she like is going to say it how it is um so I'm excited for her she was kind of that person as well I think she could definitely be a character she's giving me like big character energy and I'm excited to watch her I feel like she is someone I'm gonna root for Bruce you mentioned earlier the motherly figure of a tribe could sue end up being that motherly figure that Mama Jay that gets taken you know super far in the game and and maybe for her gets taken too far and she steals that prize at the end from him um I think that she'll I think she'll do just fine I think she'll do just fine she just yes she's older um and I think she'll be able to hold her own because just like she looks like she's physically fit so there are sometimes you you think that oh my God someone's older they can't do anything I know Julie kicked ass excuse my French um she'll do the same exact thing Maria last season how three immunities last season come on now like you can't you cannot you know put that age thing on someone that's a little bit older now you're got to start looking at their body of work over the years so we got some some fan supporting tag with good choice tag in 45 and 46 we both had older women make it to the final five uh Britney adds in I can agree with her making it far but not sure on her winning I feel like we have a lot of younger winners lately which has been kind of the the the model here and that uh yeah I don't know if I can root for her but we'll we'll have to see in the and how she how she does well can I'm sorry can I sorry to interrupt so sorry to interrupt but if there's if if I can just think back to the reason why Julie was voted out by the tribe was in in just little insight from my understanding is that yes she had that motherly thing going on so if if she can if Sue can hold it hold it back a little bit kind of give in spurts then I think that she has all the ability to win you know as compared to someone that's younger than her it's just she that was the biggest fear Mama Jay was gonna get there she's gonna be in the final tribal every was gonna be like oh my God we all love you you're amazing you never did anybody wrong like she's got to piss somebody off and she's still gotta be able to keep that Mom thing going on so if she can balance the two of those um you never know you know what I like to bring up hold on I gotta bring up this challenge as I sat in my living room chair roooting for Bruce on this last endurance challenge I said my man Bruce is going to take us to the promised land hold on Bruce hold on and that joker fell off I was like Bruce I think I text you that night too like Bruce what happened guy but she was there Mama Jay was there competing AER there competing Survivor is a game of strategy Sandra didn't compete in nothing and Sandra is the queen so you got to remember strategy and Survivor is going to win out over Force any day so just because you're not the biggest strongest and the fastest doesn't mean that you can't win Survivor but Bruce still let me down that night and I like to say I cried after work I still can't feel my pinkies knock it off it feel like until you go through it man and with that we have one more round to go there's six Castaways who have not been chosen yet I'm sure some of the people in the chat are kind of shocked that there's some of these Castaways still left on the board we will see who gets picked and how these teams round off when we get right back what's up guys I'm Tod Herzog the winner of Survivor China and I am here with Survivor Now podcast the best source for Survivor information to show off what I do for a living so I make custom Funko Pops if you haven't seen or heard you can check it out on Instagram @ tods poop shop or you can message me Todds popshop to order your own and if you mention this podcast you will get $10 off and a free torch so it's pretty freaking awesome I'm going to show you a few right now we've got Troy in here Phil from The Amazing Race jlp host of Australian Survivor and look little Charlie anybody you could possibly imagine or want yourself playing an LRG or an org or just with your loved one or family or pets or anything like that shoot me a message I'm happy to make it um you also have the chance to win a free custom pop if you sign up for Survivor Now podcast fantasy so it's pretty awesome and it's fun like who doesn't want to be a part of that so yeah hit me up get your custom pops it's great holiday gifts great birthday gifts we got a new season of Survivor right around the corner I'm excited I'm sure you're excited let's get this going this is a big one yes very shocked that my winner pick hasn't been chosen yet all right Twi start us off the final round we got six more picks here who is going to fill fill out your team which so far we have uh tiny and Sue on your team yeah so this is going to be difficult for me because honestly let me just start by saying everybody on the season I'm like vibing with everybody I think it's a really good really strong cast um there were two people that I was going between and I will shut out the person that I'm not going to be choosing I don't know that he's going to do great but I love his podcast John love it um I H really kind of wanted him on my team just to have John love chaos yeah yeah yeah yeah you know I've been listening to postive America for years and I just am like Star Struck that he's on uh my show even though I know survivor's not my show but you know he's in our territory now um but I won't be choosing him because I think he is too recognizable uh but I part of me just wants to do it the person that I am choosing is also a commentator is also kind of a podcaster which there are a bunch of people this season that are kind of commentators podcast is that kind of a thing um I really the three words used to describe themselves are charismatic entertaining and Cutthroat uh and I think those are great words for a Survivor player um and this person is gotta be Rome um I am very excited to see him play you know he's an Esports commentator um and I'm just I just think that like if anything I think he might bring a really exciting vibe to the island um but but I am worried he did say I'm he's someone or sorry I am worried that he's like how far he's going to go just because he do he's a talker and I think that people on Survivor kind of can tell who the talker who can like speak well um and I I worry that you know near the end maybe people will be like I don't want to sit next to him at final trouble Council I did think it was funny that he said that somebody that he values in an alliance partner is somebody who's bad at talking um publicly so that they can beat them at so he can meet them at final Tribal Council um and I just think that that's a great thing um I love how you started as soon as the comment came up you went from saying what you were worried about to what you love about him and I was like that's what comment what comment oh you didn't see it incredible I didn't see that um I thought because it was like mid as soon as I posted the comment you went what I love about him is that I was like that was so I thought that was no no no it wasn't wasn't um but I also just want to say shout out so he also shouted out uh my one of my favorite players of Survivor of all time um and someone who I desperately want on season 50 he shouted out Shawn Rector um I adore Shawn Rector and the fact that he picked Shawn Rector as somebody that he identifies with I'm like yes yes and more yes he'll sit Todd Herzog so like I mean w um uh so yeah and I my only concern is that I'm just worried about how much he knows about Survivor and sometimes that can hinder somebody's game so that's my that's my two cents on Rome I'm super excited about my team guys so Jay says Roma has been built up a fair bit in the preseason promos which is usually a good sign Olie what do we think about Rome because I love his energy like love it I think he's going to be like I was just watching these videos when I got to his I was like this is someone that I think could give us some historic Survivor moments that we go back to like some funny moments some like that's the energy that I'm getting with Rome that do I think he can win not really I think he could make it far and I just think he's going to be such a great person to watch I think he's gonna be a fan favorite going into the season yeah I agree I think he's gonna do really well kind of socially I think he's gonna be able to kind of get himself U like in a good like majority at the start and I think it will kind of be towards merge and like almost that earn the merge if they do kind of that merory which we all love so much um if they were to do that I don't know if he could be the possible collateral we don't know but yeah that's where I think I would worry for him if he's not on the winning tribe of that merory I could see him in danger but I think he has a good chance so twiist team is round it up she gets to sip on her drink and just watch how the chaos unfolds now Cara who are we taking with our last pick for your team okay so I was gonna say your team so far we got Sierra and Andy yes so okay so kind of similar to what tgw said I kind of just want to take John just just because I feel like that would just be a fun addition but I'm I don't think I am I also Rome was right at the top like if you didn't I'm I was between him and one other person I'm kind of conflicted on the person that I think I'm going with but I keep going back to him it's a himm um I guess I'm just gonna go with it just gonna go with it I'm picking Gabe um I'm very conflicted on him though because I don't know I don't know I don't like that reaction got my hey we gota watch hey Al we gota watch who get big man oh I was happy I was happy with that P change too late to change no I'll take John I'm taking John no no um no I'm going with Gabe um he's a radio show host he's like has has his own show whatever I've worked in radio so that really like felt that connection there um I don't know he just really stuck out to me I'm a little nervous that he might maybe come on too strong or maybe people will be like oh he could win competitions like whatever but I don't know go with my gut I on the team I am super worried about Gabe me too I know most people are this is this is a take yes Cara Gabe is my winner pick I'm interested to see how it plays out because when I was watching the videos all love to Gabe when I was watching in it it go down I felt like Gabe was going to be the the last person picked so I'm kind of shocked that that you picked him this early but no you I don't so embarrassing now I don't like this reaction from the rest of you guys I don't know the last time you chose jalinski and he's an icon I think your team means icon no matter what buto Cara remember who your last pick was last season you picked you had Charlie didn't you Char yes that's true but you have gab now so it's fine my fear my fear obviously with Gabe is the fact that what he said when he was just talking about the fact of like hey I'm not here to make friends I'm here to play this game which I loved it's I absolutely love I olly I know you might not be a big fan of that but I love that because that's something that people keep saying they want villains and they want these players that are going to go out and just play this is something we haven't had in a long time because we cast super fans and everyone so nice with each other and and we're clapping for people as they get voted out I'm interested to see how Gabe plays I don't think you know maybe Gabe was meant to be on a Survivor about 10 15 years ago uh I'm interested to see how that play style of I'm not here to make friends I'm here to play the game pans out for him olly you had a strong reaction of like you felt that's who you were GNA get stuck with that's crazy I had someone else in mind that I was like oh alli's definitely gonna get this person I won't say who I'll show some comments here Jay says I know Gabe has a lot of chaotic energy but he's so fun so I'm want to go with him because new a winners have defied logic and I also Vibe with him I like Jay this season has a lot of players with big online and media presences yet they do and Jay adds in don't sleep on Gabe so olly why were you so against Gabe here you were very vocal and I thank you cara thank you yeah I just I he was the do you know what when I was watching all the videos he was really the one I didn't just I couldn't get behind um and that's how I preference it because I have nothing to go off obviously it's all kind of the game sense I feel so bad saying this he gives me um Jacob Darwin from Ghost Island oh maybe I should have watched his video I but it's so sorry I'm so I'm gonna be hated um oh man no it's I it was the I think it was what R I thought like I say one I say something during the the draft that just makes Ry die not the Darwin shout out shout out um but it's it was the whole I'm not there to make friends I feel like he was I feel like it's it's that thing if he goes in with that mentality then I don't see him long for the game because at the end of the day you're playing Survivor you've got to like get to know these people T was very like let me put in my two cents go ahead I just want to I just want to say I kind of didn't watch I didn't watch any videos I always whenever I do these I always just kind of go off I typically go off of like you know the Vibes that I read on a paper I always use the three words to describe I think that's a very uh uh I think it shows a lot about themselves when they are describing themselves and whenever anybody says that they are like blunt or or you know stubborn so Sam I wasn't a big fan of Sam or like in G like for the game because he said the word stubborn in the three so Gabe said the word blunt and I think that blunt typically is very good but I just think in the game of Survivor where it's so social not me shouting out sever social um being blunt I don't know if is you is the best thing all the time um and the only other thing is I have a thing when somebody has poker and I know that this is wrong because I wanted Soul uh earlier but when somebody has poker I typically do not go for them because I think poker players are not great at the game of Survivor typically and that's not always the case but um and so those were my two things with Gabe and it's just the fact that I just think when you're choosing your three words I really think that that shows who you are even without you thinking about it and and I just think blunt is kind of a red flag for me it's still my turn right can care you let's hear Bruce first Bruce had something he wanted to input and then we'll loop back to car to wrap us up on the the Darwin pick I'm gonna just pick you back on what what you said t it's it's if someone says they're blunt I don't remember what Emily's three were from last you know from 45 but if she if H if Hannah did not quit she was gone because she was blunt so Gabe you know hopefully you he takes a look at it a little differently once he gets out there when he was sitting down with people eating and and suffering eventually with the first couple of days um hopefully he kind of turns that dial a little bit but if not you know it could very well be going Emily stuck around and got me voted out because Hannah ended up doing her thing and leaving so great Point Bruce that's a very good callback I totally yes hell yeah hell yeah hey Q was they make you feel good about decision all over again yeah baby is not always a bad thing I think if you're able to make it to the merge then sometimes it's good but I feel like pre merge it can be it could work against you is my is my thing yeah you know I'm rooting for him I I think he's gonna do great whoever's on my team you know I'm ruing for them no matter what whether your first boot or the winner I'm ruing for you so he just talked about Gabe longer than anyone else so far so he's doing something right already something right Jin team is Iconic he's already the jalinski of this season jalinski um so Josh you have had a minute to think on who you wanted to take so have you zeroed in on who your final pick's gonna be yes and I not to pile on Cara too much for this last pick but I was also glad to not have Gabe on my team because for the last couple years someone hyping up Russell Hance and their draft is a pretty big red flag for me um even like saaya from season 45 she was great um but she like kind of overplayed you know and face right did Gabe hype up Russell Hans when did that happen did oh I'm so glad I didn't Pi him now absolutely not absolutely not yeah and like it ref it was referenced in his bio uh you know I and Rome did too in his hot t one not as much know so I was like why would you betray me like this mov with the thing I will say about Rome is like sea Rector is like excellent taste so like that it kind of offsets a little bit um but yeah someone meant like you know says positive things about Russell in their pre-show stuff like that that's a red flag for me so I'm glad to not have had them that being said um we were just uh speaking about our friend Emily Flippin and so I will pick the person who compared herself to em and that is Caroline um Caroline yeah she you know lives in Chicago so shout out to the Midwest um I think she seems self-aware um I think it's really interesting that she compared herself to Tori from 42 and then Emily from 45 who are I love both of them I love both Tor and Emily um as a fan but both of them are people who like kind of struggled socially in the beginning um so for her to compare herself to them as people who like kind of took a little bit to like get their footing and maybe weren't the most popular right off the Jump um is really interesting but I think I love the awareness she's showing there um she seems really driven and also like fun maybe a little bit quirky um yeah I mean for third round like you know pick number 15 overall of the draft like I think she's she's great for this I'm I'm glad to have her on my team this is probably me looking way too far into this but she was also when we kept when people started revealing who's on this cast They revealed like 14 people at first then they got a couple more names and Carolyn from what I remember is the last person that they confirmed of like is on the cast so I don't know if she was quiet about it if she actually didn't go out and tell I don't I don't know how any of that works but that's where my mind was going of like it sounds like she you could go two way two ways with that a couple seasons ago with Hannah when will took Hannah in the draft I was like I don't think I like that pick because Hannah doesn't have her social media was deleted and all of that and they're like Randy you're looking way too into it and I'm like I don't know I feel like most people going into Survivor you'd want your social media at least on and I'm like I feel like that's a sign that they're not happy with how they played I don't know if it's the same with Caroline but that's what or Caroline but that's what I was saying of like maybe she didn't tell a lot of people because she didn't have the most fun or maybe she is just someone who can keep secrets like that and isn't going out and blurting out hey I'm on Survivor which gets back to different people and stuff like that obviously what did you say Abraham isn't her social media brand new uhuh she got a new one for for Survivor it seems like yeah so like I think all that saying all that I think Carolyn could be a really sneaky pick and I actually love that you're like when you're looking at people in the third round you're coming down to the people that are usually in the third round for a reason I think that's a a sneaky good pick for the third round uh Twi anything to say on on Carolyn that's so funny because I almost brought her up when we were talking about bluntness because that was somebody else I was worried about um because I also think it's really telling when you compare yourself to people um and like one of the another reason why not to pile on Gabe sorry Gabe um but not to file on Gabe but one thing that was like a red flag for me for Gabe was he said I know you can't compare to anybody and I think that that's also kind of like a red flag where you know you got to base your game somewhere um but I thought it was let me just say very interesting combo with the Tori and the Emily but Emily as much as I love Emily you are Bruce is 100% right if Hannah hadn't quit Emily would have been the first one voted out so I think it totally depends on what tribe she ends up on and if she's on a winning tribe I think she might be good uh because you know you're able to build those bonds and you know I as many other people love Emily like a lot we Emily's incredible and I'm not saying she's Caroline is exactly like Emily but it's just like having time to build the bond I think is really important with somebody who might come off just a little bit more blunt or a little bit more harsh in the beginning um and if she is on a winning tribe I think she could go far you know yeah I'm very excited to see how her game plays out Jay added in the in the chat will Carolyn be the new Caroline or yeah you get what I'm saying and I'm like I don't think anyone could be the new the next yeah I don't think you can match that energy um all right Bruce it is your pick um I also just found out uh little birdie in my ear that Josh has an all female team which worked out great for Oli last season so I think someone did their did their research I don't know copycats don't usually win I'm just saying um any we'll see we'll see bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang that sound bite bite of ab going bang bang bang bang get that s that's definitely going on Tik Tok or yeah whatever uh you're gotta do with like yosity Sam because he's from Texas um all right so a little bit of a t um there are three left it's John Kyle and Rachel Rachel gives me a Branny Vibe remember Branny from oh yeah who could forget Branny um we both actually went out at the same time in eth place um but I I she I don't think she has the tenacity that that Franny has um John I think he talk himself into a hole I really do I think he's going to talk himself into a hole because he's smarter than everybody in the room and I don't think that he'll be able to kind of keep in his composure Kyle reminds me of Hunter and Hunter was a challenge Beast um from my conversations with him great conversations that I've had um he he did a lot of things behind the scenes that we don't know about because we all know it's it's tape for 24 hours and they have to be able to 24 hours a day and they have to be able to spew all this stuff out in an hour and a half episode are they do an hour and a half episode again I'm not sure like I don't know what yeah okay good so hopefully they continue that forever and you know have more two-hour episodes um so of the three that are there um I'm gonna go Kyle I'm gonna go Kyle um because I can see how he can help out and if I'm not mistaken Kyle has a child right yes who is like his pride and droy he talked a lot about his child in the video yeah iy was going to do some things because me being a dad out there I had you know in the back of my mind there were certain things I wasn't just there to play I was there on the television show for myself I was there to try to win a million dollars for my family um as we know the previous winner D she did everything for her family so she did whatever she could so as much as I don't have him as my winner pick I have him at least in the in the you know the top four um possibly going to fire winning fire and and becoming top two like that's that's how I see him so Josh how do I mean you're from Wisconsin Josh like how how do these what can we expect by from your fellow uh Statesmen here he's from Michigan but did I did I it's confusing because there is a Shaban Wisconsin too that's on me people no no no I I thought too I thought it must be a Ty too but anyway but he seems yeah I mean like uh you know solid Midwestern dude um I yeah I mean I I'm not sure how um like he seems a lot more like blue collar when a lot of the other people seem a lot more I don't know I mean that's a critique of some of these shows now it seems like everyone's like you know yepy ivy league like kind of and he he's not that Vibe um but I do think that he seems like really resourceful and down to earth um I like his um I think it was in the hot takes video where he said that he wanted like you know quote unquote like strong players to go to the end and not like bring goats to the end and just see like a pile on jury vote so I thought that was cool um but yeah I'm not sure I think this really could go either way I don't know how he's going to get along like socially with everybody I could see him uh being like you know everyone loves him or I could also see him being maybe like not not fing with everybody super well no it's definitely going to be interesting to see how Kyle kind of does this season I got mixed reactions from or mixed feelings with Kyle um some of the things he said in his video I was like I could see him going out super early and then some of the other things that I saw I was like ah maybe no maybe he's gonna be quietly really good in this game so I'm interested to see um how he does also I feel bad next time I make the graphics I'll use like mment weekly or parade I feel there's been typos and stuff and I got it from a website that I've used in the past and I guess just weren't up to up to the code this time so that's that's that's on me um so Abraham two people to choose from you're gonna stick olly with one of them olly do you have I'm not prefer you're not saying a single thing Jak I'm letting the Survivor Gods Jake says he looks aggressively typical Kyle but personality wise seems like an anti-typical Kyle yeah totally agree with you Jake that is EXA literally exactly what I thought who is Jake is Jake somebody's friend what's going on here I've never met a jake heam you're joking right please tell me you're joking I know who that here you go okay so am I okay olly since you wouldn't behind the chat give me an idea who you wanted to pick and I know well answer me this Al one of these picks you don't want it's not like these the last two picks you maybe I said no but I said I had four picks I didn't want who's to say that those four picks haven't already gone Bruce has trashed my picks the entire time Bruce and Josh has trashed every pick I had they taking every oh and T wh she took Sue because I was like you know what it's gonna come down to the end I was gonna take Sue Cas closed so my next pick is based off of Ted wiff taking my pick CU she didn't have to yes thank you I appreciate that good looking out with that being said this y'all can't see the typing stuff that we see um I'm GNA Rachel let me tell you let me tell you let me tell you the last in it in her bio I'll ride the middle to Victory because Survivor is about timing you don't want to overplay yourself you don't want to underplay yourself you just got to find that middle ground that works works for you she plays golf tell you about golf Bruce you can test this 18 hoes of golf every ho you got to recommit you gotta you gotta refocus you gotta be like who that one behind me that was a double bogey I gotta move to the next hole so I know she and yoga so I know she can get peace she can put herself in a peaceful place I think she's GNA be the sleeper of this season I think not g to be able to see her coming and she's gonna be there now Rachel if you see this I don't want you to think I picked you last because you was the last pick because I could have win another Direction but we're looking at videos we're reading bios there's certain words in the bio that I want to see I think she gonna have the social game but I like that last statement ride that middle ground because we've seen people like saai great physical threat great player overplay their hand too soon then she got voted out you know so we you see these players and we think they're going to be the great players of the Season that first couple of episodes we're trying to get used to them I I just think that she's going to be the sleeper this season uh let's go to Cara Cara do you agree Rachel being the sleeper this season someone who might fly under the radar a little bit yeah I mean I don't know I kind of didn't really have an opinion she wasn't really someone that stuck out too much to me but I guess that's good that's kind of what you want while you're playing the game to not really be on anyone's radar you know and so I think that was a good pick and now we're down to the final pit what you olly um I'm one couple things here olly let out this massive sigh as soon as abah and then the other thing is I think a lot of people would crucify us for having John love it as the last pick of our draft who would have thought the first person that some podcasts are talking about John love it being on the season and how you know I've heard he's the most famous person we've had in the new era of Survivor so far maybe the most well-known I knew nothing about John love it when I saw him I don't I don't even know who John love it was before seeing you know hearing people say yeah he's a famous podcaster now he used to be on Barack Obama's uh he wrote Obama speeches if I'm correct yeah he was a spe writer for Obama and he has been in politics for a super long time he's also been on the campaign Trail for a bunch of different people um he is like kind of an inspiration he's very interesting and uh posy America is a great podcast hey KY here sorry wasn't he at the Bryson win um in New York no no no no no he was not no he wasn't no no he wasn't he was not there nope so ol think caller yeah and uh Olie go ahead walk us through like what are the benefits of having John love it here because I have a friend at work who just started freaking out about like he doesn't watch Survivor but he's a John love it fan and then he started freaking out and like I'm going to watch this season because John love it is going to run circles around everybody like this man has been in politics he's got the strategy down there's no way he doesn't win the competition so why why were you not a big fan of him falling to you here for the last pick John love it is a Castaway on Survivor 47 that's all you got so sorry do you know what actually because actually I'm quite a man I I really do enjoy American politics and I'm saying this as of the Brit so sorry you I actually really enjoy so actually I probably should actually go watch pods sa America because I he's on your team now so I definitely would support I probably should I probably should subscribe to it um I I'm I'm not sure on him but I think it's just because so I am the type of person that if someone like if if someone or something gets like a lot of hype and a lot of thing I just kind of draw back and that I think has been my issue with John everyone's kind of hyped him hyped him up so I kind of gone what's the hype so I think I kind of need to see like what goes on with him I could be easily pleasantly surprised and he do really well and I'm like look who I picked I didn't but if he's like out early I'm gonna be like well I didn't pick him why you you could have just you could have just hit me with a text and be like hey man this is what I'm picking and I might have went the other way you wouldn't have shut up no I mean you wouldn't and that's why you were first out we all knew you were lying I love don't blame me blame Bruce and Josh because if he wasn't crazy picking ahead of us we would have had our first couple ofs no do you know what when it was because tewi got Rome and I was like okay there's Rachel there's Rachel I kind of want Rachel out of those lot and then Gabe went and then Carolyn went and then car went and I went okay but I'm to be fair I I'm I'm still not sad with John I will say this I am I am intrigued to see how he does and I will subscribe to put Safe America I love that let's see right here olly and that blunt sense of Brit humor oh my and it'll only take one person to recognize him out there uh twith if I'm not mistaken you know probably more about John LoveIt than anyone else here um I much how do you expect Jon to figure this season so first things first Jon is also a comedian so he's very funny so not only does he work in politics he's also a funny person like that's why that that's why Poli of America has done so well is because not only are they talking about politics people in like people who are like in it um they also are pretty funny together so it's an entertaining podcast it's not just kind of all dry all the time um but the thing so I kind of see two sides I could see him if he's on a losing tribe he's out early like again I think Amy you said it if somebody recognizes him because he's on a podcast so I might when I saw the like pictures I was like I know that guy from somewhere and then I heard him talk and I went I know that guy uh you know because it's on a it's a podcast so you hear his voice um but if he is on a winning tribe and he makes it close to the merge I think that because of his humor because of how he knows I mean he doesn't work he doesn't work so much in politics so much that he's like in it anymore but he knows how it works I think if he's able to manipulate and and you know do do the thing he will go so far and also if that man makes it to final Tribal Council just don't even do it and give him a million dollars he is literally a speech writer like that was his job he was a speech writer for Obama like yeah let him get that far if anyone knows that you can't exactly exactly so that's kind of why I think he might be shortlived in the game would in a perfect world John love it goes very far because again he's very funny he knows like if you watch the videos he went like point to camera and then he pointed to camera because he like knows like the funny awkwardness of it um and I think that he'll bring that kind of energy to the show so in a perfect world in my opinion he goes really far but I just think you know if if any knows who that man is it's it's just it's like the opposite of what real life is because usually being well known is like a good thing and like get you in places and opens up doors but on Survivor being well known is like the the the the sentence of death or whatever you know so it's a very interest why this is why the game is interesting but I'm super excited for him I don't know I didn't know who he was but if I saw him out there I would have thought it's Rick Moranis honestly did I say his name right like I I see the such an oldy is literally been on The Late Show talking about going to Survivor before he was on Survivor yeah there's a very funny bit he did where when he was gone they did a thing on positive America about like they were like guess the things that have happened since you were gone and it was just a bunch it was like a quiz and it was very funny um so and it was like he was in the commercial so everyone knews on Survivor but it's a funny bit even if you don't like politics or whatever I would go watch it it's funny well the draft has been completed it's taking a couple of hours but we have our teams we're gonna have update Cara you still look like you're hurt with your last bit you were like awful quiet awful quiet make you feel better I um let's go through the team oh go ahead car no I'm say I got a little I got a little push back for Sierra got a lot about Gabe but we'll see who wins in the end oh you have Andy soy that's a big W uh Ollie let's start with you uh really quick comment on how you feel about your team and who's on your team yeah I have got Khan Sam and John and overall I'm content with my team I cannot wait to root for kashan and Sam all right and John and John Abraham who do you got on your team and quick words on what you think about your team jevie Solomon and Rachel uh first of all I like say hey let them all have a great season and and enjoy this adventure it's a hell of an adventure um we're going to podcast on it you know and we're going to say a lot of different stuff about them but at the end of the day remember their people they're living out an adventure um I love my team I think that they were if they all get together and can work together I think it's gonna be a solid force and just enjoy the season man we on season 47 you know so hey and uh I like to see a shout out welcome Bruce to the podcast welcome Josh to the podcast um we like to have a lot of fun I will be drinking an old fashion next time Olly is always G to be hey next time I get to England you know I'm coming through uh I love that love that uh Bruce who do we got I got Kyle uh TK and Tiana um I'm extremely excited I really am I think they have a very strong team here uh everybody's going to be able to be very social um and I also think that with one thing that we didn't really talk about is just you're a completely different person when you don't eat when you are in the elements all the time like this is this is what changes the game I think that my three will will do very well in those elements so I'm very very proud of my team shout them all out and uh yeah good luck guys you got let me tell a crazy story because this is way crazier than I thought it Go short story one of the reason why I took Tiana was um I was looking at a podcast on Hawaii and she was a stst and she was talking about the place she was going it was a random thing and I was like well let me ask a question what's a good place to eat in Hawaii because I'm going next month and I and I was texting her I was like why in the world did I text this person before she was on this season it I was like what a small world so that's my crazy stories I'm good Josh you picked in the middle uh how do you feel about your team yes I got Asia anuka and Caroline I am really happy with my team really happy with all three of them they seem like a lot of fun I can see any of them winning really um so yeah for my first time doing this with you guys super content with how this went uh Cara you had a fan right here stay hashtag gong Cara I think we need to start that hashtag also you have a fan right here uh Cara and olly Legends uh so Cara are we content with our team are we happy with our team I am you know going into it these are all the people that I picked I had written down on my list so I had them in mind anyway I went with what I thought what you know I went my first gut feeling so I'm content I'm happy I'm happy with it what's gonna happen when Cara Wins this season and then she brings us back to this moment and she Clips us laughing and she's like see guys I told you I knew what I was doing the entire time and then Twi how do we feel about our team you the first pick there's a lot of pressure on you how do we feel um I honestly feel really good I will say I just this is so much fun and I just really truly think this is a very strong cast um and I think that pretty much everyone's team has a lot of like potential um and I really am stoked for the season um but Team tag with hashtag team tag with I couldn't think of a more interesting thing oh my God you have follow me on Tik Tok survation um but seriously I'm super stoked for my team and I can't wait to see what they do uh I think you all did absolutely incredible and thank you for joining us again welcome uh Bruce and Josh to the team uh Twi happy to get you on a draft for once carara can't wait to see how you do this season Abraham we've been together forever and then can anybody take the crown from olly we're going to have to watch all season long you can follow the stand each and every week of our fantasy competition over on our Instagram so make sure to go follow us on Instagram Survivor now [Music] you know how long me to put together that Bruce I blame it on you Bruce if I wouldn't you again I would [Music] clip of the pod that's the clip of the Pod make sure to check us out on on X Survivor now pod um if you're listening on Spotify that deserves a fstar rating I know you don't know what just happened it makes no sense to you but Abraham just thought it was a good idea to pick up a puzzle puzzle and uh and warrant you liking the video and sub subscribing for hour coverage all season long I don't know what does leave t with over here I feel like I gotta end the stream before tea just falls out of her chair or wherever she's sitting right now seriously thank you guys for tuning in we are gearing up for an incredible season of coverage and there's a reason that I've been saying and we've been saying as a podcast as a whole this is going to be the greatest season of coverage yet we are so excited Bruce is over here in tears uh what a way to start this season what a magical way to start the season and next week we've got more Survivor 47 content for you guys with our spark or snuff it's a show that got something for you does where they take a look at every Castaway's uh marooning outfits and they say whether it's a sparker snu we're always joined by a special guest two seasons ago was Claire last year was Jam Jam we got a guess lined up and I can't wait to reveal who it is it's a work in progress but it looks like they're going to be on um so stay tuned for that that's going to take place next week and then after that it's the start of Survivor 47 and we're here every week until the end of the year crazy to think about uh so we will catch you guys next time [Music]

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