‘Survivor 47’ Preseason Extravaganza | The Pod Has Spoken

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 01:03:38 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome back to the Pod has spoken it has been far far too long very very happy to be back to be talking about Survivor and we have some very exciting things and guests in the works but for now until those exciting guests are here we have my co-host Riley thanks man uh it's like it hasn't been long at all we're right we're right back in the swing of it you still got your fast ball this is great good I haven't lost my touch yet no no no that was I just went on a that was like mid form yes thank you I just went on a midlife crisis trip to Norway so I was like maybe I've lost a step but I haven't I saw that you you have been all over you were in Norway you were in B what's going on yeah yeah uh just yeah midlife crisis no it wasn't it wasn't a midli crisis was no not really but like I was just like I should take some trips for my like once my kids were born I just like quit doing stuff because I wanted to watch them grow up so it wasn't like oh I'm getting like handcuffed to this it was like I want to be here for the moments and now there's part of me that's like teaching my kids to go out and have adventures and do other things and be dependent is also like showing them that I'm doing stuff and that Rachel's doing stuff is also probably a lesson in itself so I was like I've got to take care of myself and you know take care of number one how how old are your kids now nine and six so that's when they get boring no they're not boring yet it sounds like it you're like I need a break gota go to Norway no uh I I have a friend that I had done adventures with for a long time before I had kids and he still goes on these adventures all the time and I was promised him at the beginning of this year I was like it's been too long I will go do something with you this year that's cool so he like called me a couple weeks ago was like want to go to Norway and I was like it's not a great time but I guess it never probably will be so let's do it so I just dropped everything and did it so it was cool uhome Riley yeah very very happy to have you back and uh you have some news I don't know if you're sharing the news publicly yet or not uh I mean it's it's not a big deal yeah I uh I've been at home uh doing some construction projects and some things because we have a baby on the way so we uh I'm going to have to ditch you once again I'm sure there'll be people who give me Flack for that but like when you went to Sweden yeah yeah like when I went to Sweden but this time uh you know we're not going to Sweden we'll be we'll be here but I'll be on Parental leave obviously so where are you right now in my office at home so then when you're but you'll be at your house once the baby's there too like the same place right I will be taking care of my child on on leave that I've earned from work uh and yeah I don't I don't think I I anticipate making podcast appearances during that stretch I'm gonna do uh full attention on the kid you know it's first kid for us so we don't really know you want to be there for all the moments we just went over all of that yeah so that'll be great until until they're nine or six and then I'll I'll be like a whatever I got this pot like can you just go you know color in the corner or whatever yeah yeah then it's will be well mine are at school right now uh so yeah Riley's gonna be here until the moment where he's on Parental leave uh for the season or for part of the Season uh but we will have our always always reliable uh never absent producer and co-host Ashley Smith hi wait are you planning an absence too like I said that your face oh my god dude what's going on here like next week where are you going I'm going to Greece for how long two weeks so I'll be gone for two episodes and then but Riley doesn't know how to produce I don't know how to produce I have a really nice guy coming on he's Donnie Donnie beachman and that's his real name yep or as we like to call him a sweet booty Donnie um sweet booty Don sweet booty Don this is crazy because what if this happens like this is fully hypothetical Ashley Riley's gone no first Ashley's gone and then sweet booty Dawn comes in he all of a sudden just like takes us to the next level yeah and Ashley is like where should I go from here Riley leaves Ashley jumps in as the co-host and that UPS us another level and now we're just go then Riley takes over for me and I'm out yeah just a game of musical Che well well I mean I guess I I always try to plan vacation like did you see how I planned all my stuff to be done before started working yeah yeah so that was smart but I mean to each their own yeah to each their own whatever so uh Ashley uh has never never missed a podcast this will be the first time very first and uh yeah I'm interested how you'll probably be so stressed you won't even enjoy grease at all I'll be worried about you guys I'll be like are you guys alive is is Donnie being nice to you did Donnie cut it properly how do you feel about the YouTube video that's another big news thing is we are now on YouTube we've had so many requests to watch this thing see our faces see Riley's face for the first time see Ashley's face the behind the scenes master and now you can drink in all our faces as much as you want on the YouTube channel what is the YouTube channel I set up this background specifically for YouTube I got my plants here Tyson you're you're in I don't know what you got behind you like like some uh packaging on the floor or something over there wait you can see the packaging on the floor I don't know there's something on the floor I can see like a that blue thing what are you seeing what side I there's like a random frame just like leaned up against the wall yeah that's my old professional cycling Team poster right there but I am we're in a new house we've been in a new house since last season my wife didn't want to design any of it herself so we've hired interior designers to come in but interior designers are expensive so now we're just trying to figure out what's cost effective and stuff So eventually I will have the best background of the entire podcast behind me once the interior designers work their magic but until then I will have the work first so then at the end average wise will all be equal okay so that's the plan uh this is the pre-season season 48 wait what is the YouTube channel you're about to plug that and I interrupted you ringer reality the ringer reality YouTube Channel please like And subscribe um share with your friends your buddies we're all having a good time here we're having a great time listen everyone we create this free content free to you you're listening to it you're enjoying it you're loving every second every moment of it you can at least like subscribe rate do all of those things because that's what keeps us here and uh that's it let's get into it season 47 pre-season Extravaganza we're just going to go over the players that stand out to us the tribes the breakdown who we think will win the first challenge who we think will lose who we think will go home from that tribe we've done our research a little bit we saw some videos that uh CBS had put out of the cast and before me I have the cast list we have three tribes again always three tribes uh of six 18 contestants uh we have Gata the yellow tribe we have lavoo which some say orange some say red tribe and we have tuku the blue tribe and uh lots of great characters here uh Riley anything that really stood out while you were watching these videos of uh anything like really really stand out in a either all full season thing or like individuals particularly uh I think I'm just stunned at how many podcasters and sports people that we have it feels like they they cast me without actually casting me I'm casting the aggregate I think there's even a cal Alum on here I went to Cal so if you mashed up like five different people on this season it would be me uh which which is interesting so we've got Gabe who does a podcast on the Baltimore Ravens um we've got Rome who's an Esports commentator we've got Asia who has covered some reality TV for Rob has a podcast our friends over there um we have there's so many it's actually hard to to keep track of all them we've got John love it obviously uh from pod save America he's the the big podcasting star um did you know of him beforehand love it yeah I didn't know of him but s CBS is cramming him down our throats nonstop I think he's like a big name in the I think he's very big like Lial Progressive like kind of democratic politics space heuse a speech writer for Barack Obama um so definitely someone that a lot of people have heard of I have friends who are big fans of Po America who do not watch Survivor and are like well I'm gonna watch this season I'm like great I hope you listen to our podcast as well and yeah hit that like there's more podcasts than just pod save America out there I know there's ones that really cover the issues yeah the Pod has spoken is where we get in the Weeds about a lot of different topics uh got Sam who covers the Titans he's a sports reporter and we have uh there's there's one other man I can't find him on my list now but there yeah help help me out TK is also uh TK is the marketing manager the marketing manager yes who like helps athletes with with their like brand deals and whatnot um so lot of sports stuff lots of uh media podcast stuff a lot of like kind of people who are used to being on mic I guess that's something they're looking for so is that like do you think that that's just like because they're finding people like that or do you think that that is the new Norm for employment creating your own job your own space as an individual rather than working in a cubicle uh somewhere doing something else I don't know I wonder if we need to bring on somebody who's in the casting process and talk about some of that on the Pod uh because I I feel like it's you know we've done some pods on some of the casting stuff but I think it has changed a lot in the new era but just based on who we're getting on the cast and so yeah clearly it feels like there's a shift here this season as far as like where they went to to find these cast members they went for people who they could hear and see before they even submitted a video to CBS yeah that is interesting um Ashley anything jump out to you particularly I mean I I was thinking the same thing that Riley was thinking because when I was looking at or listening to everyone's stories about everything and seeing all their uh their jobs I was wondering how that Dynamic was going to be in the tribes um a a lot of people were talking about how they were going to use their jobs as kind of a jumping jumping off point towards how they're going to socialize with everyone and I was thinking if everyone is going to do that in the exact same way because they're all from the same type of entertainment industry that kind of thing will that be productive or are they gonna like kind of clock it like oh I I recognize that from you know dealing with sports people I recognize that from dealing with this and I kind of wonder how that's going to work with the Dynamics of the tribe is that actually going to work or is it going to sound fake to some people and then they're going to be like that's not working I'm kind of intrigued to see I don't think it's going to work I think that like reading through those they're like this is what prepared me I was in a girl scouts is like none of that like you get out there and you're like oh this is such a different Beast than I envisioned it to be and you gotta got to be on your toes so I I think that's a great like plan like you have to have some sort of like idea of what you're going to do but when you get out there I think a lot of people are going to be flushing those down the toilet pretty quickly uh yeah what also what are the jobs that would actually be like helpful and like intimidating to others on the island like if somebody came in and they were like I'm actually like I was a CIA agent for 20 years I'd probably like we should vote that person off you think no you think you'd be like this is fine yeah I I don't think any of that matters I think no job is intimidating no because there's stupid people in every profession like it's like there's there's smart people in a lot of professions but every profession also has that person where you're like and if they've made it on Survivor whether it's a positive H or a negative H it's one of the two and if it's a positive one you'll be able to pick up on it pretty quick so I don't think a job title in and of itself is uh is necessarily too too intimidating like I went to law school I was like oh my gosh eight years of school gross like that's that's my read on it but like I commend you for sticking it out for sure but also like it's not and maybe that's just me maybe uh is there a job that is perfect for your buildup to play Survivor that's the other thing is there is there one pro cyclist oh I honestly don't think it's bad because it's a team sport no because it's a team Dynamic but the individual is who gets rewarded and survivors first part of the game is like that like you need to position yourself to be great but you also need to boost this team and do your part of the work so I do think there are some but like and there's that's what these people are saying about their jobs too honestly is like here's this aspect of my job that would help me in Survivor so I do agree with that I think the thing that stood out to me the most and it does stand out every season is like every single person you're like so who are you going to play like and they're like I don't know like a mix of Boston Rob Tony uh poverty s uh and uh who others like just like a mashup of all of their positive qualities combined that's me and then the one guy's like I'm gonna play like myself and you're like okay that's a gross answer too like there's no there's no good answer there except for you know how self-aware you'd have to be to be like I'm gonna play like Zayn remember that guy who got voted out first that'd be great Z like the strategy of like hey he was like Hey vote for me was for some reason his strategy and then he got voted out yeah yeah so I think I would love that I would love nothing more than to be like there is one person I forget who it was that kind of named somebody that was like I'm G to play like uh so and so and I was like I don't even know who that is but for the most part uh all of them are just listing like five or six greats but then also being like I'm a mashup of them but also I'm the first this type of this person and they name their name and you're like yep already over it uh so one or two of them is going to do that and the other 16 are going to look like idiots comparing themselves to the greatest games that have ever been played yeah we had Ana and Tiana were the two who compared themselves to parvity there there are parvity girls for this season you never get through a through a season without at least one a poverty girl yeah it's like there's only ever been one parvy it's been a lot of Seasons now and there has never been a second parvy but uh good luck yeah who's the second Tyson we had one Tyson uh yeah and it's this guy uh Saul who yeah who mentioned Tyson he said he hopes to win people over with charm that's specifically the comparison he made with you my quality yeah I read that too over and over and over again yeah I don't think there's been a second Tyson so I don't think so either I think some have tried some have claimed but uh to get to this level of really not giving a [ __ ] it's you know one in eight billion yeah one of one one of one the rarest thing you can be is one of one but I mean we're all oneof one uh just in what capacity uh let's get into it uh we have the blue tribe tuku we have Caroline Gabe Kyle Sue TK and Tiana uh and a couple things here sue the oldest on the cast and this really stood out to me is she was planning on lying about her age she's 59 she is a flight school owner and a pilot and uh awesome it's uh not a lot of females in that industry as Pilots uh she said I think in her video there's like less than 10% Like 5% or something which is yeah 6% 3% 6% something like that yeah but they asked her what she was going to lie about she said her age and I was like I don't think you can like I love you Sue like you seem great you want to be the oldest winner ever of the show uh but you look your age and that's not like that's okay to I look my age people sometimes think I'm older than I am that's fine I'm not trying to lie about being uh under 45 uh so I yeah like I think that that's going to come back to bite her uh so looking at this tribe Dynamic Riley who's gonna have a hard time right off the bat here who's gonna have a hard time that that we're we don't want to focus on who would be successful and and great okay who's going to be success uccessful we're going to do both like you want you want Ashley to answer who's going to have a hard time you're going to answer who has a okay who's going to be successful here Riley well you've got youve got the strategy consultant the radio show host the construction worker the flight school owner the athlete marketing manager and the flight attendant I liked uh I like Gabe a lot on this tribe because you do yes because in his video he was just completely like I'm not here to make friends I don't care about these people they don't mean anything to me going into the show so if I leave the show with them meaning nothing to me it's no loss I just want a million dollars and this is what I want Kyle said that too though Kyle said that too there's a few people this season who said I'm sick of the new era friends like happy go-lucky Kumbaya experience let's go yeah I want I want to see some contestants that want to rack up some skulls man uh Gabe seemed like this guy for me so I don't know if that I do not know if this means he will be successful I it may mean that he is actually unsuccessful but I liked it and and I'm excited to watch him okay Ashley and any Su what's who's gonna be successful right off the bat here who's going to be able to connect with the tribe and uh position themselves for the merge um so I was going between Gabe and Kyle because they kind of said the same thing but in different ways so they're both like I'm coming into this and like I'm not trying to make any friends I did feel like Kyle said it a little more more casually in comparison to Gabe just because Gabe seems like he seems like those type of people who care you know like when they say I don't care I don't care about anything but then you know that they care I feel like he cares a little bit and I wonder how that's going to work for him um at the beginning when he's kind of going through that and then he accidentally makes like a really good friend on the on the tribe and then suddenly he cares um for Kyle I think I think he's gonna be he's gonna do pretty good he seems to be very um resourceful I think he said something about how he was building house or something and um and I wonder if that's going to help him with like the tribe itself when they're actually just hanging out and doing nothing if he's able to show that he's resourceful then I think people are going to really like that um in comparison to like uh I don't think anyone else knows how to do a lot of stuff like outside I'm looking at like the athlete marketing manager guy I don't know he scared of the stuff and I was like I don't think he's going to do well outside so if Kyle does it right then he might be able to be like oh guys I can build this I can build that please don't send me home yet don't send me home yet I can keep you alive please yeah yeah I I like Kyle initially I I read his bio and stuff I was like ah but then while watching his video and seeing a little bit more about him I was like okay yeah he could be a good balance because he seems very personable and but then he's like I don't care about people in this game I'm not here to make any friends same as Gabe uh one of them will end up caring about someone a little too much here that's like the way it goes because every old school maybe they'll care about each other they might be that be hilarious that would be so good they their writer dies and they're like I won't vote you out I I for some reason am drawn to TK yeah yeah like he seems athletic he has this uh struggle of disease growing up uh this rare uh disease that he had or something with his liver or kidneys or something and uh he seems like he's a good mix of like athleticism and personality and maybe because even with the bugs he was like kind of laughing about it and stuff and I think that like that's important to laugh about like all the [ __ ] you're going to be going through like if you can laugh in a rainstorm after it's been him for 3 days and just be like ah misery isn't this hilarious like that goes the long way so I think uh uh for me he's yeah he's he's my guy there and I think he's a good mix of like caring about people but able to hopefully play the game um I also like Tiana I think I think she's the first contestant we've had from Hawaii I mean Cody lives in Hawaii but she is Hawaiian and uh uh and yeah we'll see how how she goes she's D1 volleyball player um who is going to be voted out first of that tribe Riley I think it might be Sue I think it comes back to uh her not kind of owning you know her role as the the older woman necessarily if she's thinking about lying about her age uh and then I always love looking at these comparisons to the Past Survivor players and she said she's going to be Tony combined with Siri and that's just tough yeah it's so good uh Ashley same answer different answer um I'm thinking between Sue and Caroline because for Sue it matters how she plays the whole I know she said she wants to lie about her age which is kind of weird yeah but it matters how she plays into whatever role that they give her in the tribe are they going to look at her and think Mom mom are they going to look at her and and try like is she going to act like the mom type if she doesn't then how does that react so I'm trying to I'm kind of intrigued to see how that's gonna happen especially if she's goingon to lie about her age I'm not really sure but also with Caroline I was thinking about when she was talking about how she's like a a wolf in sheep's clothing and all that stuff and I'm I'm kind of worried that she might overplay that a little bit and so that might her her downfall that's actually my exact read is Caroline is anxious to Slit some throats yeah and if she comes out playing too hard as the strategy consultant she could you know do some damage uh to herself otherwise I think Sue is going to have an uphill battle but it's like if Sue can hold her own in the challenges play into that like role of like motherly and unaware of the game swirling around her she's probably going to be okay uh Carol Caroline if she can just like you know also like not have to be at the Forefront immediately then she's fine but I think it's I think it's between those two let's move to the yellow tribe which is got we have Andy the AI research assistant uh who I think was cut a couple years ago he had made it deep into casting and didn't end up making it we have anakah the marketing manager John love it uh podcast host uh Rachel the graphic designer Sam the sports reporter and Sierra the nurse uh my gut says get rid of Sierra immediately dude that was what my gut too actually I I got a weird just because of the name and the Sierra versus Tyson's of the past oh I see where you're going for now no I just got a weird vibe but uh that's good yeah no I don't mind Sierra but you could probably let her go uh can't trust Sierra can't trust Sierra uh who out of there is uh going to come to the Forefront or rise to the Top early Riley well I think a lot of attention will be on John LoveIt early do you think these people are gonna you think as a story or you think from the even the contestants I I think that he they they will recognize him somebody will recognize him for sure um and so they will understand that he is you know like a fairly famous podcaster very successful um he's got he's one of the most uh like last name coded guys ever like he's definitely going to be love it and not John on the show like propes is gonna call him love it uh you think I think propes is gonna call him his full name John love it John love it every time every time no he'll call him John he'll call him John what do they call him on the podcast what do they call him in they call him love it I think they call him love it oh they do yeah okay if they call him love it on the podcast then they're gonna call him love it his own podcast is called love it or leave it so I think I think he basically goes by love it um okay which just feels like it fits his personality uh yeah and I don't know he's he's just got like a big personality he's like a funny guy he's you know very outgoing and whatnot and so it's impossible for him to not stand out and I he's very articulate I don't know I think he trained himself to be an extrovert right I don't know if he trained himself to be an extrovert or if he just he just is an extrovert Oh I thought I signed one of the videos that did he say that had a hard time coming out of his shell when he was younger but as we all did yeah yeah yeah we all went through that a I want to meet the person on Survivor who's like I had 100% like confidence in myself at AG 13 J High knew who I was it was great I had the biggest bde in sixth grade anybody that had ever like yeah it is that is true so uh yeah okay so does that is that bode well for for our for love it here is he going to I think it B it gonna be bad I think it bodess well for him to actually go a bit deeper in the game but doesn't bode well for him to win it's a bit of like the kind of like Mike White That season he was on where it's like okay why you know why kind of get rid of this guy when you can sort of take him to the end and it's like John love it is like very successful you know there's a good chance that people won't want to vote to give him a million dollars at the end which is what I think kind of happened to Mike White so that's that's how I kind of feel like is the Baseline for love it is it's like let's bring him to the end but uh and he's not like respect to love it he's not the most like intimidating guy on this island I'm not like oh man he's he's who shots fir shots fire Riley maybe he'll be wrong maybe he'll be out there you know backstabbing people that'd be awesome throwing rocks over his head I think I think he will enjoy backstabbing people I think that's why part of the reason he came out here was to do that uh I think he could be the weak length in chall early I could see that more shots fired here I mean he might be yeah he could be I mean there's other people there that could be like anakah could also be one that like like is you know either not holding her own in challenges somehow or or grading people the WR wrong way a little bit but I think that I think you're right about Jon though I think I think he he's very he's very articulate he's very entertaining from the short little Clips we've seen of him talking and uh I think that that's a powerful tool if you can utilize words uh with your fellow contestants uh but if he's well known and people are like this is what he does he's a word Smith that could be dangerous for him as well and if he's not able to hold his own in the challenges then that's a problem so uh y yeah it could go either way uh how about you Ashley who you think is uh G to come not necessarily the sigma of the group but uh you know who's uh who's going to be okay early on here um I'm thinking Sam uh he was talking about how he's athletic uh he was in theater uh he did a bunch of things so it makes me think that he is able to kind of sneak through a bunch of different types of groups um if he he did mention that he could cry on command which I think would be very helpful with connecting with certain people um and so I think he'll be good to just kind of be like that guy who kind of sneaks through and then suddenly he made it to the merge and you're like hey remember that guy so uh that's gonna be my fingers crossed guy I do like that actually because he is uh he that stood out to me too when he was like I'm a sports guy sports reporter always want to be in sports but I was also in theater and did all of this and it's like having those Life Experiences and being able to cross different uh age and hobby demographics I guess you would say is is a powerful tool in Survivor so I think him being able to like connect with the sportsy guys but then also being like I'm also in theater and this is I love musicals or whatever that goes a long way to be able to have a few different things where you can really connect with people um so yeah I don't hate that either uh he had a good he had a good mix of uh Survivor Inspirations he had Michelle and Devin which is you know it's not Boston Robin and uh tell two zero vote finalists no Devon got some votes Michelle won the game oh yeah I was thinking winners at War yeah sure sure sure no but Michelle's never been voted out ever so uh yeah I yeah I saw that too and I did like both of them and we'll see how he goes from there uh yeah so who's in trouble who's in big trouble Riley who is in big trouble on this tribe uh I think anakah a bit a lot of this is just like who I vibed with or not and as you know I have a terrible track record with picking people in the preseason but so she's gonna win she could win she she uh she puts surv this is the the girl who uh puts that she's a huge Survivor fan on dating apps yeah and then gets off-put when guys like try to flirt with her about that was how I how I read that whole sequence going unless she me unless they mentioned parv or Boston Rob then they're automatically level three relationship yeah which is funny because it's like those aren't like deep Cuts you know it's not like wow you're like a true fan like you know par and Boston Rob you might have watch the show first Google when you Google [Laughter] some yeah some guy took like all of 10 seconds to be like what can I say it makes it look like a fan yeah um Ashley I feel the same about anakah uh when she said that I was like that's it didn't seem too deep of a cut for her to tell us this um it didn't feel like we got to know her very well it just kind of seemed like I love Survivor so much that my potential partner needs to know Survivor very well and I was like okay and um she talked about how she was a data analyst kind of person and I feel like I don't know I don't feel like a lot of data people go that far in Survivor and if they do they have to change really quickly to a more social game um so I feel like that's going to hurt her a little bit and then I also feel like um Rachel might fall through the cracks a little bit um I feel like she might be a if she wants to be like a middle person I feel like she might accidentally become a throw off vat where she's just like oh we need to get rid of somebody let's get rid of her and if she stays always in the middle she might accidentally fall into that kind of thing yeah no I don't disagree so with Rachel she described herself as Quirky and neotic and said that she needs a balance like her husband like she she seems like she's aware of this that she can kind of like Spiral if she doesn't have somebody but she needs an anchor to sort of be that anchor yeah exactly so who do we think that could be on this tribe well that's what when I'm looking down this list I think anakah she talks about like coming out of her shell a little bit and being who she is instead of trying to conform to who she thinks she should be or whatever and I think that that's like that can be dangerous if like you're in that moment in your life where you're like I have to go out on Survivor and be me and then you are like hey can you be part of the group she like I can be me and you're like we need a group person right now nope and so like that I think can can rub people the wrong way if it's too aggressive um and Rachel I think I think you're right Ashley like she could get caught like torn between two groups and then just totally fleeced by both groups as they're just like let's just get rid of her she could also so I I really do still feel like it's it's going to come down to if there's not somebody who's Stand Out annoying the entire group it's going to come down to probably who really flubs it in a challenge if it's the the first day and anakah could be that John could be that Rachel could be that uh you know I I think it's probably I think that's like being someone who's strong in a challenge doesn't really matter but being the absolute worst at a challenge on the first immunity challenge can definitely matter and so like if there's nobody in particular it's really just going to be like who either gets caught out playing too hard or who uh is too annoying so yeah um let's go to is it red or orange because I've seen it listed as both red thought I thought red but okay red it is let's go to the red tribe which is Lavo that's easy to remember lava laa red yeah yeah we have is it Asia or I Asia Asia it may be I don't know I'm gonna say Asia Asia Genevie kashan uh Rome Rome Saul Solomon he goes by Saul and Tiny um who's gonna rise to the you love their names you this is based on names alone this is the cool name tribe which name is your favorite um teeny yeah that's badass right that's a cool name yeah I don't think it's a god-given name but uh I think it's a rad like self maybe not self-appointed but nickname that stuck that they're just like I'm G to ride with this so awesome uh Riley uh which name is your favorite dude I've had to do so much thinking about names recently this is uh this is like bringing up a lot of angs I have right now uh I like the name Rome a lot yeah that's a good too Rome and that's short for Jerome I believe I yeah it is it is on his bio yeah yeah so uh I met Rome in person uh he came to when I totally decimated q and Hunter in pickle ball from uh they challenged me and pickle ball I had they came out to Phoenix very gracious of them and I definitely handed it to them uh but Rome came and watched because he is a local Phoenix guy and so I uh I like Rome he was quiet there though because he those contestants before it's announced they come out to these Survivor events and they're like hey I'm on the next season of Survivor you're like are you or you just trying to get in with me like I because we went over this last time I was like if you want to get up close and personal with Survivor contestants at a Survivor event you just go in and tell them you're on the next season yeah and there's no way to fact check it at that point and they just like welcome you with open arms you're in you are in and you just hang out there and have a great time uh so uh Rome was telling the truth he is on the next season so but he wasn't calling your your pickle ball match was he he wasn't calling my pickle ball match but I should have had him do it yeah he's he's our Esports commentator I know and uh yeah I should have I didn't even think of that but I didn't know anything about him I didn't even know he was goingon to be there he rolled in and and I think ker Hunter knew he was going to be there and was like this guy's on the next season because they now when you go on a show you reach out to a bunch of people who have been who are recently on the show and you're like hey I'm going to be on the next season and then you're automatically friends for life that must be such an interesting time as a Survivor contestant that time after the season has filmed but before it's aired and it's like you probably want to be like a part of this community and show up at you know the pickleball events and whatnot but no one knows who you are yet yeah and for some people like you get voted out first and they don't know it you can go to the events and be like I could have won it's like it's like buying a lottery ticket and being like maybe I'm a billionaire yeah you know it's like I don't know maybe I'm a billionaire you know but nobody else knows and so uh so there's that yeah it is probably interesting time there I remember when I when on the show you come back you're so excited and then nobody's nobody knows and so you're like how I need the world to know that I'm about to be famous and then like when it got announced back then it wasn't like online that mattered it was TV Guide so you rush to the store and buy 10 TV guides you really yourself here I don't think it's I don't think it's a secret I'm 45 years old I'm noton lie the top of the show you're you are living exactly I'm proud I'm [ __ ] old had a midlife crisis trip to Norway all of it it's okay so it's it's okay thank you Ashley thank you for your support and understanding uh thank you for seeing me Ashley hey man I got to get these in where I can after your your introduction for me today you know we love you Riley everybody on the podcast says it's not the same without you and uh you're definitely goingon to get harassed online for missing uh even though it's for Parental purposes uh all right let's get to this red tribe Riley who is in trouble here oh no let's we want to start positive I forgot about that who's rising to the top who's going to steer the ship of the red tribe uh I liked I liked Rome and Saul uh both of those guys I feel like Rome is a Esports commentator I think that someone working in media just kind of like resonated with that immediately and then soul is our our guy who compared himself to you Tyson uh saying that he thinks he can win people over with charm we'll see you know you're one of one but uh that's right I think he's got kind of a level head on him too it didn't it didn't feel like an ego thing for him it um he just came across well to me so I like him okay uh Ashley I think I like Saul the most right now he just gave me the best fives but I think because he said me again like is that why that's definitely probably why oh my goodness we're just team players here on the pot is yeah I really appreciate that thank you but I also like teeny as well not just because of their name but um I was like if everything goes according to plan for teeny they could get pretty far I think that they have that kind of thing where they could switch and I guess code change right for when ever there with different types of people they were talking about how they hang out with like Frat Boys some days and then ay other days I mean that alone is a huge switch um so I'm wondering if everything goes ACC according to plan for Tey they can accidentally become like everyone's favorite person and just kind of sneak their way into different types of alliances and no one will know because they're just code switching between these people so those are my two favorites right now other than everyone else in this team because everyone has cool names cool names that's the top of my kindergarten best friend like qualification cool names yes cool names number one I am wondering are people going to recognize Asia because we've got super fans on the show everybody's pretty much a Super Fan are they going to be our hap super fans and recognize Asia and is that going to be a problem or in this new age of Survivor where everyone's a Super Fan is that not threatening at all that's a good point yeah I don't know I don't know that i' would be too intimidated just because she's on some podcasts talking about like big brother and and whatnot some podcast podcast minimization some podc lots of podcasts many podcast about reality TV I just feel like there's so many super fans on the show it doesn't differentiate her it's it's different it's different for me than like love it where it's like okay this is a a massive podcast you know pod Safe America is is very very uh big and successful and has a huge audience and ASA is not you know not like a podcast star on that level this is like that's apples and oranges for me um yeah okay I did not love that ASA said she's the type of person to talk your you're off on an airplane I am I am like a let me put my headphones on I don't really need to have a conversation with anyone on an airplane so that you asked for my you asked for my phone number on an airplane and I am calling I'm the police whoever's the traffic guy yeah the the under cover agent on the on the flight I'm getting him immediately yeah suspicious yeah it's yeah major suspicion like I have no problem telling you no when you ask for my phone number as someone who's just met me yeah well that might be somebody who like recognizes you too um yeah stalker situation yeah yeah I'm not giv them phone numbers out I've never made I've never made a friend on an airplane I can say that that's good always I'm always like DM me on Instagram and then just ghost them forever uh yeah so uh yeah so she could be a little too much as far as that goes if she's talking people's ears off like there's sometimes when you're on Survivor where you just all want to sit there in silence and uh that's okay to be quiet sometimes I think here people rising to the top like Saul I think could he could be overbearing leadership wise like maybe he like wants to be the leader too much maybe he's okay Gan could be that too uh and jeneveve is our only Canadian this year is that because Canadians have won too much our only lawyer and only Canadian that's too much yeah so Canadians have won a lot of the past season a couple of the past Seasons uh so now they're just like let's bring it back home to America and almost guarantee it we'll just put one on there because Canadians are allowed uh but uh I think that Genevie could be in a great spot I think that she's going to be good at challenges it seems like she's very kind she's 33 so she's in that sweet spot of like life experience and uh wisdom uh so I think I honestly think Genevie is maybe the best position on on that tribe interesting she's gonna I think Rome I think Rome is very loud and he's a lot to handle for some people and he's even said that in some of his stuff is he's like I don't know how if people are going to you know know how to react to me and he said it in like a way that was positive but if if you're saying that then there's people that are going to probably react negatively to you as well yeah so it'll be interesting to see like I think if if he can be loud and exuberant and whatever and everybody loves it that's going to be very powerful but if he's rubbing people the wrong way by being overly uh positive in negative times then that could be an issue I think Genevie is uh positioned well there uh Ashley who's uh who's got an uphill battle who's going to go first if uh things go south for red tribe here uh probably Rome uh just because I remember you mentioning of like last season what it would be like to be around someone who is constantly talking when you guys have had a really bad day and you've lost the challenge it's raining for whatever reason maybe something's like not put together and on the tribe and you haven't been sleeping and then Rome comes around he starts talking a bunch people are gonna and then maybe he's talking to this person talking to that person then you're wondering oh is he talking about my plans to that person so I feel like if if he actually is a loud talker um as much as he said he is then he's going to be a little bit in trouble because people are going to be wondering oh this is too much oh this is too much yeah that's too much to tell them yeah so yeah yeah yeah I think that that could get him caught out uh Riley I feel like I'm on the the exact opposite wavelength as you guys for this tribe I I don't think Genevie is set up oh she's a lawyer who immediately admitted that she has no passion for the law so not great yeah and then she's most lawyers don't have passion for the law they just are there because they didn't know whatever profession to choose uh yeah as somebody who has occasionally considered law school I can confirm that it's sometimes just like well what else uh it's gonna be a pretty good job Payton wise but miserable otherwise but uh but uh she's also going to lie about being a lawyer she's one of our our lawyer Liars that for some reason they think that their job is is you know so intimidating and so scary I just don't I don't know I don't think that that has a history of success I you're coming in you know already feeling like oh who I am is so intimidating that's fair I don't I don't like that mindset to enter the game I feel like you need to have like a different kind of way of looking at it yeah yeah I think you know we haven't talked a lot about kashen the the ER doctor but I think he's in one of those positions where he could be the perfect leader of a group like this like if he can not be too overbearing alphawise like I think people would really respect his input and go to him for leadership and uh so I think he could be set up well as well uh on the downside I think I think Asia if it comes to like uh really losing a challenge I think uh she could be the weak Link in a challenge uh I know that I've seen she's been working out and doing that stuff but uh you know it's still like Survivor challenges are a different Beast than just uh getting in shape over the last couple months I also like I love Saul because he said me and I want him to do well but I could also see him being too overbearing of a leader wanting to be the leader wanting to make sure his opinion is the one that people are are uh listening to maybe not hopefully not but that I I could see that happening for him yeah so uh so yeah I think those two are going to I mean and for Saul it's just like for both of them like Asia could be great at challenges or fit right in in the challenges and be totally fine Saul could take a backseat and let someone else steer the ship and have no problem with it and then I'm totally wrong but my initial takes are that those are going to be the issues for the those two um so we've got our three tribes we've got who we like and we like everybody but we've got who we think is going to thrive initially and who is going to have an uphill battle which of these tribes is going to tribal counsil first Riley uh I'm going to say the yellow tribe Gata this is the one Andy anakah love it I'm calling him love it I think that's what he'll be on the show Rachel Sam and Sierra should they call him love it or leave it that's a lot that's big that's a mouthful yeah still okay he'll probably say something about love it or leave it as his torch is getting snuffed out yeah like I guess you guys love it now I'm Gonna Leave it we're all gonna grow R yeah yeah are we going to get brutal and full honesty from love it about himself self or are we going to is he going to mask it with words and humor I think we'll get get some I think we're gonna get some some some honesty yeah he's some honesty and self-awareness yeah I feel like okay from what we've seen I think Survivor kind of like rips everything away so it seems like they try yeah so I think but he's also a professional also a professional and he's been in politics and stuff so that is as annoying as it can can be so he might be able to save base we'll see yeah so Riley who's going to who's who's gonna exit first if they do go to Tribal Council uh I think anakah I feel like it's uh it's kind of the scenario you laid out where it could be a challenge loss and maybe she was the weak link and so she goes home okay uh Ashley which tribe is uh losing here um I'm thinking the yellow tribe as well they didn't have as many um I hate to say this but physically strong players on their side which I think can be a hindrance to a lot of things um which is such a bummer but yeah it just feels like they would be better if they were kind of split up into the other groups instead of on their own I'm not really sure how they're going to do well in the challenges yeah I okay and who's uh who's exiting the game uh it's between anakah and Andy for me so for anakah I just worry about how she's going to do on the challenges but for Andy I think it's more of how he's going to be around the other contestants um from the get-go he's just telling us that he's going to be Charming like a snake and I'm like Oh no just be Charming it's okay you don't have to like fully be like a snake yeah it's it's a little to if he could be more subtle with it then maybe it would work out but I feel like him medially telling us that makes me feel like he's not going to be very subtle and they're going to get kind of the I from it and so yeah I think he might be the first not the ick yeah the ick oh that's the worst dude oh my gosh if anybody ever said the ick about me I would immediately Retreat and shut down all my social medias and call the the uh the the psychiatrist from Survivor and be like it's because I was on Survivor that someone called me the ick and now I can't function it hurts it's not cool it does hurt okay so I wanted to play Devil's Advocate and say blue but I'm looking at the tribes and I also think it has to be yellow I think yell going Tri canel yeah they're gonna win that was the other thing we I wanted to hedge our bets as a podcast but I'm looking at here and I'm like they have you know just based on it two and a half three uh people who look like physically you know dominan is whereas the other tribes have you know three and a half or four people that are in that same category so I'm thinking like yellow tribe as well uh and I also you know honestly I think anakah is going to rub people the wrong way but I think Rachel if she doesn't have that anchor and she needs that anchor she could spiral real quick here we've seen that happen before the first episode we've seen people beloved one of them is a guest next week on our podcast uh that spiraled early and and we did not predict that at all and so I think that could be Rachel this season like maybe she finds that strength and discovers herself and was like I don't even need my husband and does her own thing and like ends up like you know exceeding people's expectations on in that regard but I think she's going to you know they're going to lose the challenge if it's because of her she's going to come back and spiral even more and be like I'm sorry it was my fault which is like one of the worst things you can do and so that is my prediction uh so yellow we're sorry it's not that we don't love you that we just are going based on what we have and if we're right we're Geniuses and if we're wrong we didn't have all the information we had almost nothing we're going basically nothing don't blame us man we read some sentences and watched some short video clips uh Riley yeah who's your winner pick this season yeah I have a have a great track record here that I gotta hold up uh I'm gonna go with Tey I think that okay I was looking them up I was trying to figure out what pronouns tiny uses and actually all of them are listed on they her his Instagram I'm gonna go with a them for for tiny uh but uh it it's it's impressive te is like a true chameleon you know they got photos with frat Ros they got photos with the like sorority types uh someone who I think just has something for everybody and that that is rare and different and so I'm excited to watch them um and I think it's just it's just a different type of player than I feel like we normally have and so that's my pick okay yeah I don't hate it uh Ashley um at first I was gonna say teeny so you kind of stole we're all in agreement on everything actually should ask should I ask you first and you can like Swip Swap the uh order editing well I think like Tiny's at least going to make top five that's what I think um they could get voted out for being a threat at that five stage that's what I'm thinking people are start to notice they're gonna notice that T is like you said yep um I think for me I'm gonna pick Kyle from a blue team um okay I thought he just kind of was very different from everyone else like super calm and Collective and like not like oh yeah Survivor wo which yeah you know and it makes me feel like he would be a a surprise competitor for a lot of of everyone they're not going to really notice when he comes out of nowhere and just kind of steals it from from everyone so I'm gonna say Kyle okay okay um I like it he's one of those ones where I looked at his picture I read his bio I was like eh but then when I watched him talk and stuff I was like okay this okay could could do some damage uh I'm going to go with TK I think if TK can remain positive when chips are down that's going to be powerful I think he's going to uh blend in well well and be able to you know bounce around a little bit between different uh groups and uh you know uh what would you say different clicks I think he's going to be able to bounce around a a little bit between different clicks there so I'm going to say TK and uh I am going to ride or die with TK until he wins or is voted out and that's unlike me because I like to bounce around as people's games uh are exposed uh but I'm GNA really try my best I mean now that I'm looking into the future I'm like ah should I do that I I'm gonna ride as long as I can with TK I might change before he gets voted out but it's only because I think he's going to get voted out M MH so uh TK you're my guy uh let's get out there and crush it um anything else before we shut this uh this thing down no no nothing okay no uh no closing words I'm excited next week we have a very exciting guest uh been in the works for months and months and uh I think we're gonna have a great time week after that also fantastic guest I'm super excited to be back I'm excited to get the team back together and uh I'm excited that Survivor is still on we will be here each and every week remember to like And subscribe at the YouTube channel always like And subscribe on Spotify or whatever podcast uh catcher you're listening to um till next week everyone what do I say see you yeah you say see you okay I almost said bye and then somebody's going to get on and be mad of till next week everyone see you [Applause] [Music]

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