The Survivor 47 Cast Is Horrible

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:17:35 Category: Gaming

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everyone after waiting for 9 years we finally have the Survivor 47 cast and it is one of the worst things my eyeballs have ever bestowed and now I'm going to curse you and share the cast with you the adjectives that I used to describe myself or other people used to describe me gay Indian and gay I'm just going to say it adorable bro just broke his entire spine after saying adorable and this is kashan Patel I think part of being an ER doctor is strategizing and prioritizing is part of being an ER doctor wearing that stupid shirt because I'm pretty sure it's not kashan so why are you wearing it nights to days gunshot wounds to stat wounds kashan here seemed a little bit too happy to say gunshot wounds and stab wounds are we sure he's not the one doing them I was very strategic about when I came out my parents bro really just uttered the words I was very strategic when I came out of my parents what nation's everybody wants to find an idol but Idols are like curses now that can't be a real accent I refuse to believe so also we said Idols are curses so I'm pretty sure he's only seen the last season of Survivor so individual immunity works just fine for me that one I don't have to overthink this guy is using the caveman logic me no like Idol idol bad me good me strong me win challenge Sam a felon wait this guy's a felon it's me and my brother sitting cross-legged as Jeff is reading the votes in Survivor Cook Islands we're just chanting azy a tell me you're a racist without telling me you're racist this guy didn't want an agent person to win what the heck Buster Jeff reveals the last vote youu tears I'm going to break into Preston play's house here and steal all of his kidneys for saying this about you old what the flip Sports and Survivor were like two of my things growing up and I hit the age where you kind of realize okay not going to be a professional athlete for a Liv of all you're not going to be a professional athlete because you look like a standup comedian mixed with a YouTuber and second of all what was that dionic whispering what was that I think in sports reporting you have to know how to stroke an ego oh thank goodness I thought that sentence was going to end very differently I've always been a little bit more than just the sports guy I did musical theater I did drama I I wrote poetry did crack cocaine robbed a few Banks poured the milk in before the cereal I have the ability to charm and disar oh yeah buddy well I have the ability to make any female walking alone at night extremely scared just from my presence Andy rud day Computer Learning natural language it's the science of language the science of language so if I say like hi would that be hydrogen get it I was really really close with my cousin Ashley she named me The Godfather to her firstborn I'm not going to lie bro I don't think Ashley is old enough to have kids whose kid is that a year later we lost Ashley to domestic violence well now I feel like a jerk but also why have this in your one minute intro to Survivor people are looking at me and thinking that I am another Austin solid Dependable But ultimately beatable Austin was two seasons ago and he played the exact same game woo played why didn't you just say woo see that in me I can capitalize on that and just play like a snake I would just like to say that Austin also said yeah everyone's going to think I'm a woo but I'm going to play like Tony but then he just played like woo so I'm assuming that's what this guy's going to do too SW a bug are you kidding me you disgusting freak that bug probably had a wife and kids it had a life of its own and you're laughing about killing it I would be cry for 3 weeks if I were you pal this is Kyle Oswald aka the bug muncher I like to do this thing called the bump and run derby there's lefts and rights there's humps and bumps of course this absolute goober likes to do destruction deres goal of the game is to cross the finish line and if that means putting somebody into the wall along the way so be it oh I get it he's saying that destruction deres are like Survivor cuz like in Survivor if you need to push someone's head in the sand so they can't breathe and they die of Suffocation then like so be it you know cuz you got to win the game it's been preparing me for Survivor because there's a bunch of different strategies that you could take but there's only one of us that are going to cross that line you could just tell the production asked him to make a comparison between destruction der's and Survivor and that's the best you could come up with I grew up kind of rough lived in a house that didn't have electricity it was just just a little bit of a fumble this this guy just said not living with electricity was a fumble yes parents really fumbled the ball with that one not going to not going to lie inspired me to want to do more with myself so the home where I did a lot of my growing up I've demolished that [Laughter] home yeah she she really inspired me to do more with my life so I freaking blew up my parents house f a growth inside of me hey yo pause to infinity and beyond my brother what are you talking about oh my moose that's my girl moose is my daughter I is this guy on all of the drugs known to mankind I want to be remembered as the oldest woman to ever win Survivor you're going to be remembered as the first lady to give me nightmares in my sleep Mrs Trump now her name says sume but I think they mean Sue Trump cuz she looks just like Donald Trump into the aviation industry I'd have such a push back from the men I felt like they almost laughed at me yeah I would be scared too you seen what females do with cars imagine if they own a freaking PL oh I'm going to keep pushing forward and none of them mattered immediately cuts to a shot of all men that is that is funny everyone in the area knows who we are yes we get it lady you're Donald Trump's mother no one cares we need more women in the aviation industry only 6% as women man can we get that down to like zero please and I was totally under estimated coming here I feel it's going to be very similar but being underestimated is one of the best things you can be in Survivor why are you mad about it by introducing myself I would say this is John LoveIt he is a former presidential speech writer and TV writer he is now a podcast host and he's best in small doses this is literally the nerd Emoji as a human being this is John love it but I don't love it so his name's a lie being a speech writer is about figuring out the best way to convince a bunch of people this is the face of someone who is about to be executed for giving Obama a bad speech you or agree with you or support you what the freak is Joe Biden doing in this picture biting air what is happening I think that's a lot of what survivor is final trial it's a political campaign it's an election it would be really funny if this guy and Donald Trump lady were at the final trumple Council together it'll be okay once I get Talking you'll see it's it's worse for me than it is for you I'm just an odd person brother anyone that looks like they're Shadow Boxing in a picture with Joe Biden eating air is a weird person but the problem is I'm a terrible liar so that's why I went on a game where you have to lie your little booty butt off so I don't know I'm going to be really really Greatful if I'm here on like day four why did you even apply to the show you stinky little dinkle this is jie masul a war crime of a name I am a corporate lawyer um what how are you a corporate lawyer but a bad liar aren't those like the polar opposite things which means my phone is going off all the time those buttons on the elevator look like a microwave it's not that I have a passion for the law I really don't well that clip's going to be used against you in every single case you go against now I will absolutely not be telling people that I am a lawyer but you just said that you're a bad liar so how are you going to V what is wrong with this lady I'm going to win and win but like unanimously with no one ever voting for me the whole game oh I think she's schizophrenic cliche and now it's not anymore I I want to make this a cliche again I'm not here to make friends this guy looks like the caveman version of Argyle from stranger things this is Gabe Ortiz growing up I had two older brothers so obviously my dad treated me like the family pet and put a leash on me and walked me around the park and whatnot can cut Corners lie cheat and steal to get ahead dude I don't think you're supposed to say that about real life that's for surviv get little advantages that Stack Up throughout life yeah I got this one cool Advantage one time but all I said want it was restraining order like what does that mean so I think being a talk show host is one of the perfect jobs to have coming into Survivor now I don't know how to say this nicely but um that is a stupid opinion I don't care about these people they don't mean anything to me before this game and if they don't mean anything to me after this game it's not going to change my life at all this guy is definitely going to be crying on episode 3 said I didn't know I would get that know these people so well this is green and vibrant and wonderful as it is on TV I was thinking you guys had a little bit of a filter it wasn't going to actually be this gorgeous I never thought the Survivor used a filter to make the grass seem Greener but now I 100% do this is Carolyn vidmar more like midmar water polo is like a game of viciousness wa you're not sing Under the Water that's what the real war is kicking you underw and like trying to drag on your bathing suit bro what they do want at Water Polo also how was Taylor Swift mentioned in Survivor before water polo I approached business school was I basically craft my own Survivor major oh that's a good idea just make your own majors in college so then you can give yourself an A and pass logic I don't think I come across as smart as I appear what I don't think I come across as smart as I appear that makes absolutely no sense I'm strategic I'm cunning I'm ruthless no you're not you get Starbucks every morning because if you don't you get tired a lot of times when I'm around people are laughing are they laughing at you or with you I like to call myself a hoot okay thanks for answering my question and also your name is c a right I am actually a surgical nurse what is up with all of the surgical people this season is the final challenge going to be first one to give Jeff propes the brain surgery wins so really I end up being a lot of time the therapist if you were my therapist I would no longer need a therapist cuz I would be pides can turn to and be like hey I'm feeling down I feel like I can bring that to them people look at me and just see a little tiara on my head there's so much more to Sierra than just pageants I mean I had no idea you were in pageants so I'm sure your cast wouldn't unless you bring it up which I'm sure you will 24/7 being like a Phillies ball girl playing softball my entire life if you've been playing softball for your entire life how are you on Survivor isn't that a part of your life I think I just caught you in a lie it's not very Miss Delaware of you to be lying right now God why am I crying so much right now because Survivor is a notoriously racist show and I'm sure they threw racist potions at you before they started this interview I don't do this I don't like talking this that was a goofy noise do it again for my amusement this is Solomon Soul ye help people with neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease I'm just bro is wearing a shower lofa on top of his head that has got to go into Style just the rep a neurosurgeon's plant electrodes in the part of the brain that affect your movement they're tremoring like crazy and then all of a sudden in an instant those tremors are gone yeah but where do they go though do they get like a paid vacation sleeve or do you just fire them cuz that's kind of rude I've won over 200,000 this guy went from I cured Parkinson toop yeah pin it all on black baby obviously there aren't many Koreans in Oklahoma so I stood out right away you're going to be Korean this season on your back get like like carry carrying K yeah yeah you get it why did I cast a Lun tun's character in Survivor this is tyena hulls when you hear Hawaii you think Vibe go with the flow when I think of Hawaii I think of that one monster in Moana that was a giant volcano creature but in reality I'm going to be cutting throat everyone says that but I actually believe her but like with a real knife though I'm constantly seeing where I can grow and evolve as a human being that's easy just to grow some wings and start flying around I was a division one college athlete got my masters in educational leadership and you also turned into a flower what is going on here Missy I was in alternate for season 45 I was obviously pissed Hannah Rose is still getting dunked on and I love that however looking back on it I'm so grateful that Hannah stuck it out for those two extra days why all she did was cry about it being hard huh we will be deeping shortly AKA Jeff your torch as you proceed out of the aircraft go ahead and shocka back to us because it was not personal we still love you anyway that was one of the most cringe things I have ever heard in my entire life I love people I love games I love like challenging myself I love money so like what is there not to love about Survivor Mike scoopin and Dan SPO this is Rachel Lamont I design user interfaces when you're using an app you don't necessarily notice the color yes I do you stupid idiot I know that YouTube is blue and Twitter is orange you freaking [ __ ] no one's really like actually paying attention to the fact that I'm there all the time me when I am literally anywhere ever and just like a little neurotic and a little too much at times and I think my husband is that Hunter McNugget from season 46 Hunter what are you doing brother I hope that I can find somebody out here that has similar characteristics and is able to keep me in check don't worry you're not the only clinically insane person on the here and I see like ants and bugs crawling I'm just I mean that is kind of how the outdoor works ain't it this is TK Foster AKA TK Swagger so when I was 14 I was diagnosed with fsgs it's a pretty rare kidney disease you have got to be kidding me Jeff propest is so racist that he went to TK's 14th birthday party and jump kicked into his kidneys and I was told by three different doctors that I wasn't going to make it it was just Jeff probes dressed up as three different doctors nothing's going to be as bad as dying right I don't know I might choose death over sitting through an Amy Schumer Comedy Special I am exuberant curious and calculated calculated being my favorite word you are atrocious crap and cringe cringe be my favorite word this is anuka Dar the daughter of Dar man dating act one of my prompts is I'm convinced that I can win Survivor and I've been collecting all the different responses of all these different men you're not going to win if I'm on the show I mean they're not wrong though like if they're on the show they're going to be like yo I know that girl she made this like entire thing about how she's going to win Survivor like we need to get out of the game or you really think you're going to win if you doubt my skill set red flat um if you're a stranger and you don't immediately believe that I'm going to win Survivor and don't have unconditional faith in me um WR a flag buddy cuz I did grow up in a predominantly white area I did change things about myself in order to fit in did you use the bottle of mayo all over your skid ma'am cuz I seen that trick done before it was like at 15 second narration of a challenge going on all right so we've got two teams right two squads this man went on Survivor used the term team and then corrected it to squads what are you doing here buddy we got Rome Co what the freak do in Esports is what Jeff does on Survivor Jeff does all the shot calling and that's exactly what I do in the video games I've been traveling all around the world I've been all the way to Saudi Arabia casting $2 million fortnite tournaments well now fortnite has been mentioned in Survivor and not only is my day ruined not only is my week ruined but my entire year is ruined as of this moment I truly believe I'm by far one of the biggest threats out here to win this game I don't know how to put this but if like your arm was a chicken leg I would be very mad with a severe lack of meat on the bone my bucket list consists of everything from day 1 to Day 26 that could possibly happen even dying of dehydration that's kind of a weird bucket list I'm not going to lie and her name is Tiny which is kind of a ironic name I've been developing my social game in life since I was about this big I grew up dressing like a boy wait dressing like a boy means you're up in your social game I have been up in my social game since I've been in diapers bro wanted no attention for it so had to distract them from wait a minute Buster is that Kinsey Petty from Sur 46 well guys that's going to be the end of this video If you guys did enjoy make sure to hit that like button and subscribe and let me know down in the comments who is your favorite person from this cast reveal I honestly don't really like anyone not going to lie but yeah um bye hey everybody this is Bruce here for season 45 Survivor now I Bruce the greatest survivor player to ever exist am man that all of you subscribe to me and view uh that's M me view um and hit the like button or if you don't you end up like me on season 4 four all right you don't want that do you peace

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