Kalispell Renews Rivalry vs Hawaii | NCAA Football 14 Dynasty - Ep.239

welcome back everybody to the Kalispel Warhawk dynasty here in season 14 we are on to game 2 today as Kalispell meets another Mountain West rival from way early in the series as we take on Hawaii these two teams are want to know and have played in some real classics here in the dynasty we've played in a couple of conference championship games in the past but having played Hawaii and I believe five years back in year nine we met them when we were still in the pac-12 and won that game 41 29 and out today we renew this rivalry on the road trying to get off to a to a no start as we get underway and the war hawks will open at the 25 last week we saw a ton of offense against Wyoming in Jim Jackson had three rushing touchdowns he is currently ranked in the top five and the Heisman watch will of course be checking on that after games and we'll start here Jim Jackson gets the carry headed outside with it's and is across the 30 with a gain of six Luke Irvin was also spectacular back in a weak one he threw for three touchdowns from the pocket here on third down Craig booth gets crushed and that is incomplete as Hawaii forces a three and out here are the Rainbow Warriors they have good field position but a backup quarterback in the game here Eric bast is going down he sacked immediately by Patton Applewhite's Hawaii won their opener but quarterback Jared Butler did get hurt in the process bass to the air finds Brown on second down he'll break a tackle and move the chains week one was tough on this Kalispell defense they allowed over 500 yards in the air and never looked comfortable here's Brown again on the of six the story coming into the year was how the offense would play but I think today a lot of us really want to see how the defense responds and so far Hawaii is driving here's 11 - Ashton Thompson Rainbow Warriors inside the 25 a lot of time here for Eric bass as he throws toward the sideline that is the catch for Melvin Ferguson Hawaii goal to go in the hurry up as they put the pressure on this defense here's a run to Tony maze inside the 5 and he picks up 5 still in the no huddle second down bass gives this one the maze and he'll find the endzone Hawaii right down the field as they score first we could have some real problems this year with the Warhawk defense 7 to nothing as the Warhawks take over 3 receivers in the game Derrick Jackson is the slot receiver and here's Sherrod Edwards on the reception getting 18 Edwards had 2 touchdowns back in the opener now they'll run this one this is Jim Jackson he'll go up the middle for about 3 out of the eye now on second down another one Jackson following his fullback up the middle and that's five more Jackson also had 182 rushing yards in week 1 gets this one and there's plenty of room on the outside it's a big block from chambers and it's down to the 20 racking up 34 more fast start for Jim Jackson this season now play action and this is Davis on the reception he'll take this inside the 15 gain of 7 Kalispell looking for the answer to tight ends on the field pressure getting through Irving just dumps it off to Jackson and he been better off dropping that past it's a loss of seven so Hawaii can sit back here and just protect the goal-line third and 14 they bring the pressure and urban barely got it away but had nothing on the pass that'll bring out Brandon Hammond and he almost missed this barely got that inside the right uprights so at 7 3 Hawaii and next week the schedule picks up we take on our first ring to pull into the year Wisconsin they are now 2 and O Hawaii up for bass off the fake misses the throw and is now 5 for 7 Alice bells defense just trying to get something to go their way third and short rainbow to the outside and Williams is there with the interception true freshman to Marcus Williams that's now 2 on the season he picked up one late last week and the Warhawks will take over going back to Jackson but he gets stuffed at the line of scrimmage two receivers out to the right side 3rd and 10 6 and to protect and Ervin still didn't get time he is drilled I have a lot of concerns about this offensive line if they struggle in matchups like this it's going to change the entire direction of the offense Dominique data kicked this one here Kalispell won't try the long field goal and that is a pretty good punt for Dominique de Hawaii now inside their own 10 as they begin still leading here in the first quarter bass from the one to the sideline Robert Williams gain of four short yardage situation here again Hawaii needs to pressure sent picked up and there's Williams on the reception of seven and it looks like Williams is hurt on the play he'll come off the field first in ten Tony Mays on the draw up the middle for about four but this has been a very pass heavy approach for Hawaii in there no huddle offense but going back to me he's on second down he'll pick up the first down here on a gain of seven back to the no-huddle once again it now to make sure you're in the right personnel sliding baskets time takes a shot tennis nearly picked by Townsend very tight coverage down the field third down now for pass pressure on the way as he sails one for Ferguson and he'll get the first down again Kalispell just not able to get off the field and they're not really getting any kind of pass rush they've tried the Blitz and it's still not working now fast on the keeper he moves the chains himself that's 11 again this defense looks completely overmatched first and ten for Hawaii bass throws underneath Brown meant and the ball came out Kalispell falls on it man Armstrong has it and it's Warhawk football anthony pain came in to jar it loose and that's the second takeaway hey if you're not gonna force stops you gotta at least take the football you gotta help your offense somehow still seven three here first quarter winding down tough play action here a lot of time there's the shot from urban but it's Chambers 4:35 way down field diving for it and Kalispell gets the big play we are on to the second quarter here in Hawaii as Jackson sweeps outside and makes a move picking up the first down he completely froze the defender out in space 65 yards now on the day for Jackson time for Irvin on first down again the deep shot at the sideline yes it's chambers again 24 yards and we're seeing just how good chambers can be phenomenal start to the and Ervin's making some ridiculous throws Kalispell at the one and there's jackson in for the touchdown his fourth washing score on the season Warhawks take the lead but can this defense protect it they've now forced a couple turnovers and that's obviously great I'd like to see us though get some better third down stops and start to get some punts you're gonna have to get those from time to time but Hawaii's moved the football pretty effortlessly pressure now on this and he's intercepted again third takeaway and this is Lance Davis returning inside the 30 trying to cut back and he's out of room three takeaways perhaps that's all the defense is going to do this year just try to take away the football so far they're doing that Kalispell set up in the red zone again trying to extend this lead deep tight ends Irvin off the fake fires across the middle and he threw it right back to Hawaii intercepted try to get it overheats head and obviously that didn't work out too well first interception of the year for Luke Irvin we've already seen four total take aways in this game Hawaii just trying to protect the ball now as fast sails wood and red almost had another pass is taking some chances and here's the pressure on third down it'll go up top again it's bubbled and incomplete but we forced the fourth down there we go Kalispell football ten seven here in the second quarter there's booth open this time and that's close to a first down Warhawks to a five on third down now left side Jackson hit Shire the marker he didn't get it Josh Heath had the pic and now the stop the Kalispel is going for it now they'll try the right side Jackson bounces it wide and moves the chains first and tan just outside of the red zone here Irvin from the pocket there's Merville on the reception he'll get close to the stick st. does move the chains Hawaii stacking the box on second down Jackson outside again powers his way inside the five seven more it's goal to go in their goal line personnel Jackson gets it again there's a touchdown he's second today Warhawks go up 17 7 after a tough start Kalispell getting better as the game goes along and now a tackle in the backfield it's Trey Walker when he's playing well it's certainly a different defense third and long again and Hawaii goes to the screen Tony Mays on the outside met by Anthony pain in that is it for this possession that's another point good field position again here for Kalispell and they'll go right back to Jackson a busy first half as he spins his way through getting 12 more that's already 16 carries for Jackson no pressure cents here on first down they couldn't get to Irvin as he finds the line open man first down Craig booth on the move once again running left this time breaking tackles and falling forward eight more for Jim Jackson it's a 100 yard half and there's still time deep drop on second down and urban is unable to connect with Edwards as he gets crushed third and short up coming out of the eye once again just two receivers Irving chambers nice adjustments 11 yards and a first down looking for that threescore lead play action now for urban here's the pressure trying to escape it breaks a tackle and then sacked back at the 16 yard line by Brian lacy how aggressive do they get now its third and goal from way back and Urban's gonna go down before even getting the screen pass off so Hawaii keeping this somewhat close but after a great start the offense has been a complete mess first down bringing the pressure there's Armstrong they are getting aggressive today there's a sack and now they can back off a bit second down and 18 bass is gonna take a shot down the field and Williams oboes comes away with another pick he is really impressing me as a true freshman third and 18 they'll just run it and Mays gets about six and that'll force another Hawaii punch overall a pretty good first half actually for this Kalispell defense Irvin now a shot downfield burr Edwards he's got this one another deep laser for Luke Irving 37 seconds to go Irving cut by Edwards turns it up to the end zone touchdown Warhawks 27 to 7 now as a team we're seeing them look a bit more comfortable here this is what we wanted to see time for maybe one more play for Hawaii but the pressure is senton Down Goes Eric bass he is SEC 2 in the first half great job by the Kalispel defense they may have struggled right away but they adapted and they're playing some solid football right now [Music] how about these numbers for Kalispell two interceptions a forced fumble three sacks and only seven points allowed I expect a lot of passing here in the second half and hopefully we can be ready for it as Ferguson made the caption that was almost picked by Stan Carter he jumped it and just came away with nothing first and ten for Hawaii May's gets drilled and lost the football in the process Kalispell with another takeaway they've taken two fumbles now and this time it's Mark Hill Ingram well done Warhawks take over and they're going to split out Tye Navarro he's a mismatch on the outside and here's the shot knocked away from Navarro I love seeing this offense continued to attack down the field third and 12 Irvin buying time fires on the move there's Derek Jackson plenty of space he's inside the 10 and tries to go over the top okay that didn't work but it's still a gain of 37 Gold to go for Kalispell and they'll run it to the outside touchdown Matthew McNair the true freshman after a busy first half Jackson not on the field on that possession as Kalispell extends their lead 34 to 7 another deep ball intercepted by Jeffries five takeaways for Kalispell they are attacking the football every possession and it's working 34 7 play-action Ervin won't get the time to try to take the shot he's sacked by McFadden Hawaii has got a chance now to get off the field third and 13 Ervin sees the pressure gets outside again has some time and will run with it cutting back him diving across midfield he's still shy of the sticks that's a stop for Hawaii and they'll take over still down 34 to 7 and somehow they've got to try protecting the football because Kalispell is coming after it's fast has time on first down and connects with Thompson on this floater it's caught for a gain of 19 yards Hawaii at the 44-yard line here's bass quick throw Brown breaks the tackle and it'll be very close to the first down before he stops in plus territory again second down and four pressure getting through bass connects with Schmitz on the one-handed reception nicely done now Hawaii driving inside the 25 bass outside the numbers for brown with the over-the-shoulder grabbed gold to go for the first time in a while just Hawaii's second red zone trip fast giving time no one's open steps up fires touchdown Tyler Schmitz good job in the pocket that time by Eric bass and Hawaii has their second score of the day now let's not see this become competitive 34 14 here's a quick throw when Phoenix chambers makes another reception there's 13 more 83 yards on the day Jim Jackson back in the game on this Drive but here's an open look Craig booth breaks a tackle and rumbles forward a gain of 11 3 grabs now for booth fake to Jackson on first down Ervin he's gonna take a shot into double coverage and it's intercepted that's Leslie Anderson returning to the 30 in setting up Hawaii trying to get some momentum on their side not sure that was a very good chance to take down feel but Kalispell likes the take him 34:14 Eric bast rolls complete here's Ferguson to the 45 as Hawaii gets a quick gain of 13 yards some motion right to left bass under pressure fires to Ferguson and that went right through his hands should have been an easy first down loading the box again 4 on the FASS gets it away outside for thompson and that's another first 16 yards this time and Hawaii is almost back in the red zone off the fake bass flying time able to get this one away and he's intercepted again Jeffery stayed inbounds it's a footrace and he will take this one the fourth interception that is a touchdown for Kalispell to hunt a jet Brees with the first two picks of his season and Kalispell opens this lead up 41 14 it's been all about the turnovers for the Kalispel defense now six of them in just over two and a half quarters now Payne's gonna get some yardage and I imagine Hawaii's going to rack up a lot of passing yards in this one the main thing to look at is yards per attempt and if that's getting out of hand outside again and almost intercepted that's Shawn Muirfield playing defense we're seeing all kinds of substitutions everybody was tired from the long drive and then the Pick six third and ten Mays won't get much on the screen so now it's fourth down Hawaii's gonna try a field goal and it's a long one about 54 yards out and it's pulled wide left no good Warhawks take over in the backfield Matthew McNair the true freshman gets this call and makes a move to the left and picks up seven yards I was very excited about McNair coming into this year and wanted to see him get a role on offense and it looks like here we're going back to the Flex bone this week we tried it back in week one and it really didn't work out we'll see if our second tries a bit better McNair gets the toss ultron's the first defender makes a move and he's inside the 30 before he's tripped off that's 19 he just choked out three players with one well we're moving the football Redick breaks a tackle spin from McNair first down again breaks a tackle and has 19 more I like this Sean Merville motions out to the slot Redick Sethe roll this one to the back of the end zone touchdown Sean Marvell well that was a pretty fun possession flexbone 2.0 is a lot better than the first version 48 14 we'll see if Hawaii can put any more on the board as Walker gets the pressure and bass just avoids the sack 3rd and 7 they're not done bringing pressure fast floats it in Thompson makes a great catch but as nowhere to go with it it's a gain of 1 Kalispell takes over again it appears we'll see even more of the flexbone as Redick is spun down that one's got to go to Jim Jackson still working out some things here at the flexbone offense now out to the right-hand side Redick picks up the first and then flips it to Matthew McNair as he picks up 16 more nice little breakout game here for McNair well toss it to him now trying to get outside and he six this time under two minutes that go and a quick sweep here Merville cuts up the middle and picks up 14 not too bad so we're seeing some successful plays here out of this flexbone package and they'll just go for it here on fourth down McNair sweeps riped and doesn't get it but not much time for Hawaii anyway under a minute to go 45 seconds to go in the football game past second and 20 pressured by Applewhite T sect again big day for the Kalispel defense all-in-all I gotta be pretty happy with this performance fast in trouble again now it's Walker almost gets sacked again that's the ball game everybody big win here in week two for Kalispell as they open to a No but we know that this was the easier portion of the schedule we'll see how they handle what's next two games in I feel better about the offense that I did in the preseason but we haven't really seen a high level front seven against us and that could change everything as offensively I'm not really sold yet I know we had some struggles but we got a lot of interceptions today and overall we played well and we allowed 300-plus yards again but it ended up being 6.1 in the temps so I'm not really worried about that Hawaii just didn't run the ball very much we were pretty inconsistent with our pass rush I'd like to see us be able to generate more pressure without blitzing we did late in a game but we have to do it throughout still we got six takeaways and four sacks so a major step forward after the game against Wyoming as we check out the high has been watched this week Jim Jackson did go down a little bit despite two touchdowns and 100 yards rushing I gave him so many carries in the first half I decided to not play him as much in the second half but against better teams I probably won't do too much he's still going to get paid a lot of volume in these games we have some good competition though for the Heisman race and we will be checking that throughout the season but next week first ranked opponent of the year it is the Wisconsin Badgers as we travel to Madison these two to enou teams will meet for the very first time and it should be a lot of fun I think for sure we're going to learn a lot about our team and hopefully we can build upon the things we have done well in these first couple of games Wisconsin has a really solid roster as you would expect and I think that the thing I want to see most is just how do we handle their front four do we have the time to attack downfield how much as a passing game have to change and will Jackson be able to run successfully up the middle obviously I think our defense is not as talented as they once were so it's gonna be all about can we just cause disruption that leads to mistakes I think our defense is really going to need those big plays a lot this season and we'll see if we can continue to get them thank you all for watching today's episode I hope you enjoy the action please leave a like if you did don't forget to subscribe and leave your feedback below and Warhawk football will continue against Wisconsin next time have a great day everybody

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