Madden NFL 25 ULTIMATE TEAM LIVE | College OT House Rules #2

[Music] EA Sports It's in the game [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go we are live we are live once again here in Madden Joe hopefully you guys enjoyed today's live stream of mad NFL 25 today today we going continue playing some overtime from college overtime um and the last time we played we actually ended up winning like around seven games or so after like an hour and 30 minutes pretty fun to be honest um gets me to to learn more about the end zone you know how to approach it and know what caution I should take and you know what place should I call and all that fun stuff so I'm learning I am really learning um I mean some of the placs that I'm calling is the usual place that I would call in the middle of the field and most of them do work for short range you know pretty well so let me show you guys what I've done over the past last 36 hours 48 hours not sure how long it's been since the last live stream but uh there's been some changes along the way um at quarterback of course I'm trying to test out Tim too but it doesn't seem to be working for me to be honest like he is a little bit I don't know man I feel like he's lacking of throw power he's throwing weird really really weird he actually has this throw power compared to David Carr David Carr Derek Carr CU he has 84 throw power if you compare it to um Derek car I believe he has 85 yeah he has 855 throw power so once I max out Tim TBO he should have the same amount of throw power but more speed uh thing about Derek car is that he does have more accuracy but the problem with the r car he cannot throw crossbody he under throws it I noticed it a lot and uh you know his throw power goes under for some odd reason so it gets a little bit bad with this guy so um I kind of want to test out both of them right now it's between Derek Carr and tinbo now it is currently season 2 not my season 2 but the game's season 2 so um they added a whole new cards and they actually gave me an option to pick some certain cards here and there so here's the new um the new packs they're trying to give us for free so if I pick any of these players right now I should be able to upgrade one of them to up to like 86 overall or 87 overall by the time uh season 2 ends so it's another like season one ticket top a deal I was able to upgrade Christen mcaffrey hin Ward to its Max so it's a similar thing but with these types of players now so what I'm thinking of getting is Brian Burns so I can sell the current Brian Burns that I have and make some coins out of it because if I remember correctly I actually bought off Brian Burns very expensively right now he's not going to be very expensive but I can at least I can get some coins out of him or complete some sets so that's what I'm going to do right now and I'm just going to get Brian Burns I know I need a corner I desperately need a corner but I can get him later and I'll show you guys how I can get him later so I'm going get Brian Burns as the first try and uh they also gave me a free upgrade Brian bird is actually not that bad you guys saw my season one live streams you should know that he was doing a hell of a job sacking some people out there there you go he's kently 82 so he goes all the way up to 89 which is not bad so that means I don't have to worry about a pass rusher for a while he does come in with two abilities too so that will be interesting to see how I can get him all the way through he can play middle linebacker and ala linebacker that's crazy he can play middle linebacker how much Zone covers does he have it'll be crazy because he is actually 6' five so um let me see how much Zone I don't think he has a lot of Zone he's a pass rusher in and out so yeah 50 Zone coverage that not going to cut it for me at all you you'll have to use your him the entire way in order for you to play as middle linebacker as Brian Burns but if you do upgrade him to the max he does have 86 86 speed and 88 acceleration but if you do have the New York Giants Camp he will have 87 right yeah 87 speed and 889 acceleration so you'll be one of the fastest speed rushers he can have so um good investment it's kind of a good investment I know some of you guys would disagree and get Michael penx Jr and some of these other guys but like I said you can get some of these players later if you do follow the season 2 field pass so there is where's the next one the next one is like right up here 81 overall being the season 2 player fantasy pack so this is where you can get them you know as long as you keep leveling up you should able to get the rest of the guys and they'll be able to join your team so the second time if I do get to level six I should be able to unlock the corner instead since I do need a corner I need a corner bad so I don't I only have to buy one corner for my team instead of two and that will be my biggest expense for season two and um it'll probably be Richard Sherman or Asante Samuels depending so but yeah like there's a lot of free players are going to give me along the way and uh milestones and stuff like it's going to be pretty interesting to see how I pull it off but yeah let me see if I can switch out this guy already cuz I do have the Brian Burns right here it's not a BM D it's actually someone that I bought off the auction so I'm going to remove this guy from a lineup there we go and then I can put his other Brian Burns they don't have a single difference so they're both the same thing but I can keep this one permanently for a long time maybe like by the end of October he's going to be gone um but for right now I think he's going to be the best option as defensive lineman right now Michael Parson is starting over Brian Burns but once I get his next card I mean he going to be Mel Parson's going to be gone by the end of it he's not bad to be honest he's not a bad rusher either but um I mean over time he's just going to cuz he doesn't have chemistry either so yeah now Brian burn is going to be way better more speed more acceleration more strength so so there's that I do need to replace Bobo crei by the way I am looking towards options here and my best option right now is actually Ray Lewis he's just going to beat him by one speed though so the way I'm going to get ray Lew all the way maxed out is by um getting rid of prison mcaffrey he's going to have 83 so he's almost the same thing but at least he will be taller and smarter though does have a lot of play recognition Zone cover somewhat I think I prefer rer lacquer at this point I don't even want to upgrade Ray Lewis at all I think I just rather have Mike alot as maxed out instead of uh Ray Lewis and then give Ray Lewis all to 83 I would just need it's cuz on defense right now on offense I'm good I think a minor upgrade on the receiver number two is much needed and then on defense I need a m middle linebacker and two new corners so it's a lot of like bigger changes on defense because I need to upgrade them now and by the way I got Jeremy chin for free so I replace my strong safe DET turn Matthew cuz he's tiny I mean he's like 5'9 and there was a situation on the last game that I played on season one where he could have picked up the ball but he's too tiny to go up against a 6'3 guy so I need I need to replace him man I really do so um I recently got a free Jeremy chin a BN D Jeremy chin so if I ever got to to get rid of JY chin it would just be for training points sadly so uh so yeah that's pretty much my defense here looking pretty good now let me put uh Brian Burns is he actually better than Michael Parson's right now no Michael Parson has more power moves the block [ __ ] is higher on Brian Burns though I think I rather have Bri briann Burns to be honest cuz just the block [ __ ] itself it makes a big difference you'll have more pass rush going through so I'll have Brian burs as number one and he'll be always subing for that position at the right end and then B jari will still be there I need to replace this guy with Divine Diablo and my three three odd so um I still need some work on that still need some work on some of these other guys too so on the running back position the way I'm going to get rid of christen mcaffrey is by getting a new guy they recently introduced and I think most of you guys are familiar with this guy pretty well and I'm very familiar with him over the same over the years with uh you know playing Madden they recently added Marshall Lynch I can't wait to get him to be honest I can't wait to get him one of my favorite running backs to have here in mad Ultimate Team all right so um let me check my items real quick CU I need to see like if I can sell Brian Burns the 82 either sell them or save him to further notice where is Bri Birds there you go how much does he quick so for oh right here you can see like the uh head-to-head um stats he had two sacks two tackles for a loss three four solo tackles he played 22 games 166 Downs 22 games oh it's because the um house rules counts too so yeah to tackles of four when he was a starter so can I auction off this guy what's going on how can I 40,000 coins no wonder I can't auction oh there he goes the menu wasn't loading on time there you go 40,000 coins he's going for 43,000 so if I quick sell him I think it'll be the better option at least I'll I'll go off with um not extra coinage but like with at least solid 40 flat you know I will not undersell them so I'll quick sell them instead 40,000 coins man there you go I replace Brian Burns with Brian Burns basically okay um what else Joe burrow is also not needed only for 25 training I'll keep him just in case at one point I end up with too many Bengals players deont Smith gave me a lot of training points Daniel Hardy I think it was the right thing to do to sell Brian Burns instead of put him in the sets cuz in the sets he would not actually this guy he needs to get downgraded if I remember correctly he was actually the he's actually a packer and he wasn't a B&D was he oh he was a BN I'll keep him there just in case I might actually put him as Corner though I I might actually put most of my safety side corner because right now I have no corners whatsoever sucks man he's tiny wait he's actually auctionable okay oh he actually like set it up on sets oh yeah I can redeem this one season 2 XP [Music] token for the first time ever actually reach the XP token okay completion percentage 880 overall team of the week 79 AK player team Builder pack what who who can I put there I mean even if I do get a team Builder pack I don't think it'll be fine who am I going to get at this point at 82 overall nobody besides a corner though I do need a corner but I can do better I don't know I'm going save those 80 overalls for now I think I should be able to get someone else in stad like at this guy or somebody else but uh but yeah so uh so that's my plan basically try to get Marsh on Lynch I have 177,000 coins I got to see who goes down tonight on price so I can replace some of these other guys I need to buy a corner I already replaced Brian Burns we'll see we will see so let's test out Timo hopefully he throws good he doesn't throw good if I feel like he's throwing a little bit too weak like he did in Sol challenges then I'll just bench him to be honest cuz I don't feel like he's going to be any good this year last year he was good this year he doesn't seem like he's any good I miss RG3 though RG3 is the one that I used last year okay let's play who I have wait hold on when did I get this 72 70 70 nah lame pack bro that's just for the sets which is all right and I don't have no problems with that all right let's play some house rules let's see how it goes and uh how close are we from getting the next one we have eight wins so we need yeah we need a little bit more all right College overtime let me shut off the music I don't want it to play like during the game all right today we're just going to live stream for like at least 30 more minutes or so and then I'll be off because I'm not going to live stream too long tonight nothing [ __ ] I thought he fumbled Bunch tight ends that Pulse R is going to be wide open pistol trcks nice Max Crosby is all over him bro who does he have he has Lamar Jackson oh he has Michael Vic oh crap Jesus I hate when to do crosses like that man both the um yeah the running the linebacker that have on quarterback spy and the yellow zone stay with the running back for some reason and forgot totally forgot about that slam rout [Music] hoping Olsson can be wi open in this one oh no way bro it's like he forgot about him or something I don't know I was supposed to the triangle not freaking Square bro but he got it done the thing cover twoo Kobe it's fine this play is still playing cover too I want to see if he actually leaves it open though I have a feeling the yellow zone down the middle is going to follow the tight end if I do throw a streak so I'm going throw a post right there ah come on let see one yard so got it yeah I Noti that he switched freaking defenses bro he was he was playing Blitz and then he just switched it out [Music] touchdown send all out Blitz holy [ __ ] touchdown nice and clean goson nice and clean going on to defense now all right just play simple cover three Sky bro he's just sending a bunch of BS on defense pick that I'm not sure what he was thinking about that I don't know that was that was just pretty dumb and you have a Michael Vic bro [ __ ] I wish I had Michael Vic all right that's my ninth win right there unbelievable what do we get with that I think we get another sticker oh we didn't get nothing I thought we just leveled up what did we get I don't know what we got but we got something out of Campus Heroes we leveled up recently oh we only got coins 10,000 coins we're about to finish some of these though it's good after that we should be able to get the last helmet sticker for Tim TBO and Max him out so all right let's see what we got for oh my god really there's still a double pass in this game I thought they took it off all honestly I thought they took it off though nope yeah he has to play that defense bro let's see if we can play a little bit heavy just run it again no God damn it got it come on man that was on Jeff Saturday the here we go here we go damn it [ __ ] linan dude didn't get him the linman fell me down the middle what the [ __ ] man all of them did Senter and the guards couldn't get the safeties like it's kind of weird oh well on to the next one that gives me like a sign that I should upgrade all my L again [ __ ] a dude my all my all line is literally like done for man again and I spent a lot of freaking coins on it an earlier like like two weeks ago that's how long it's been like since I last been for the L line but now it's been outdated again because they're releasing a lot of defensive players I need this one to be [Music] here sending an overload Blitz touchdown boy It Wide Open on the [Music] middle I don't know man just spread the defensive line he's playing so aggressive on defense it's fine though nope I couldn't switch on time the nothing damn random over everybody nothing not sure what he was thinking there but okay I'll take the win I don't think I left a quarterback spy on this one I don't know what the hell happened there 2500 coins wait that was it only coins yeah thought they're going to give me more than that but no it's just a bunch of scrap okay I really got to level up my account man I need that corner I swear it sucks playing with like 80 overall 82 overall Corners man when these guys have like freaking 85s and 87s it gets frustrating because I know my Corners cannot move that fast take it take it there we go second inches boys let me see if I can run this double tight end one cuz this one's actually pretty good can beat Cover three a little bit that's the play right there he was playing man coverage I don't know about calling this play this close to the end zone call this see how it rolls it's even even even there you go I'm not sure he was doing that going towards the IDE but okay I think he was trying to cover the the ten and in that was going on in the background yeah he was trying to go up there but it will be the last guy that I will have to worry about because the safety has it up there so regardless leave [Music] take that bro are you kidding me I think he forgot to like kind of switch the um to switch the route length he didn't switch it that more lower to beat that corner some people do that crap and it's annoying but but it's part of the game all right I need another 10 wins Bros by the end of this I should be able to have another Corner oh no never mind it's not until the next one we got to have 30 wins we have 11 wins so far it's going to be a long ass Road Bros uh I need to unlock the next sticker for Tempo man I think after a while we should able to have enough like Milestones completed I don't know how far we are in right now I know interceptions was part of him nothing MTN Mercy were swing he was the screen take that job jayen Mills let's play it simple and easy simple and easy boys oh he's going to Blitz everybody and their mom's here get off of him boy [ __ ] hin Ward what the hell he just ran over a damn Corner that was hilarious he ran over a freaking corner I think his defense was weak man he just brought it the house down like nah well there we go I think we got the last sticker for Tim Evo why don't they show us the rewards man didn't show it to me I think we got it I just need to double check on that the level up only got points leveled up yeah we got the helmet sticker I don't know why he didn't show we completed the interception once I believe where is it where is it where is it well it doesn't show anymore but it was the interception once we just need to do this one do the offensive yards and the passing touchdowns we need 40 passing touchdowns and then we should be able to get the final award which is a 83 bndd or 80 overall Fantasy Pack more than likely I'll settle with 80 overall just to get more sets done because uh with that I should be able to get more better cards along the way let me just upgrade Tim TBO right now I feel like iffy about Timo I don't know I don't feel comfortable really playing with him right now but just for now I don't know maybe right now like now that I maxed him out he'll be throwing better cuz his attributes go up by one yeah 85 throw power now so his Med accuracy is horrible though I mean I'll settle for him for now now he has the same amount of throw power as uh Derek Carr because I was going to use Derek Carr for season two but you know they gave us a free Tim T might as well use him you can kind of I can kind of compare Derek Carr right now let me see so this is Derek Carr right here um the throw power it say 84 but he's actually 85 also if you put him as a starter um throw accuracy yeah he's oh [ __ ] timo's actually better than all those categories well we'll see we'll see if it's actually true he's throwing all right right now I feel like his throwing motions a little bit too slow though that's what I noticed cuz Derek Carr throws it like a little flick he does a little flick doesn't take too long he doesn't like wind up all the way back and then forward Tim TBO does so I feel like his throwing motions a little bit too slow on Tim table but the the ball is thrown with power like it's kind of weird to explain with a slow motion you can actually have more power with Derek car he has like a little like a little like a little flick but the ball floats like it's no good sometimes this is why I miss RG3 man with RG3 I was doing pretty well last year that's what they released uh around this time nope I thought he was going to go like freaking in or something no those double moves bro SOS nothing this going to throw in a streak of to Mark Andrews or what what the hell set was that Brian Burns oh boy we nah pick yeah no chance have Divine Diablo in there let's see if I can run it with mik all perfect a come on man my own guy are you serious my own guy tipped me man even better let's see if I can work this play out bro cuz I feel like sometimes it can work and then sometimes it can't ready there you go it's a nice little screen like if people do play a lot of Zone covers up that place going to be wide open I can run through different place out of that formation actually Four I know four good plays out of that formation what time is it 9 in the morning I me 9 in the morning 9:00 p.m. all right let me play like two more and that's it I was going I wasn't going to live stream too long today it's going to be for a short time okay run the 01 trap that's going to be perfect what is you doing cover four even better now he's playing a three n that's pck [ __ ] I [ __ ] up on that one damn it that was a big scroll by me I saw him open in the beginning but I pressed the wrong button that's why I pump faked I don't just kick the field goal boy or not all right d do your thing I have the same play the thing is with that one it's better if you throw the the wheel route towards the outside which is I don't have it instead I send the gandan so I can still Flats all right I didn't get nothing out of that that's my first loss by the way I think I played like around six games so far and that's my First lost good rating so far I just got to work better on this cover 3es and do it faster because right now I'm a little bit slow on adjusting I'm just trying to remember the buttons not mess up it's hard cuz like feel like it's like stuttering on the screen but whatever I'll take care of it what the [ __ ] was that I messed up by using wam [Music] crossby out of nowhere bro he been doing good he won't be able to keep up with uh Evan Ingram at all fourth and 21 yes Jaden Daniels the hell come on 22 bro that was on you Jesus Christ man that one at least like a c for be work dude you're on Flats you're literally on Flats what else did you want there he was on Flats good good [Music] come on man [ __ ] a man probably need to stop messing around with a flat thing um yeah five yards does not stop the goal line stand like that but [ __ ] man sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but you need like more better Corners to make it react I mean St Flats I literally like heart flat the entire cover too I don't know what the hell happened there I hate when them pick him up it's a hard flat hard flat all right let's see what we got next come on man drop the [ __ ] ball if this is true should be a good one he almost fell in come on [ __ ] lman are you kidding me the nman is messing up badly man [ __ ] a man I hate when you freaking stall like that got it lucky but got it it's not open at all man he was not open at all on the screen the first [Music] nothing see I can run the cover two on this one it's going to be a bad freaking time here that's game damn it man to be honest that oine is like under underwhelming right now it's underperforming badly that's what's worrying me a lot right now I'll play one more that's it h for nothing God damn it he got caught up with Josh Allen [ __ ] man it's all good first down boys nope I messed up in the beginning but I still got it 7 zero [ __ ] ever man nope rejected that's why I play cover two on the end zone and that one was with the plus five I don't know why the hell the last time he didn't react to it it's like a 50 or 30% thing there you'll actually get the Zone done all right that's enough for me um I'm not sure if I unlocked anything else cu the game is refusing to show me what awards I'm getting along the way so I don't know I'm not sure if I'm close to anything at all there you see I already got some season tickets I got 60 out of nowhere I don't know sure when I got those oh that was with a 70 plus bundle 150 option pack zero or 3 3,000 what it don't count out for what I just did right now that's weird I literally just did all of that like well not all of it but like at least I did some offensive yards and tackles and that's kind of weird that it didn't count it at all let's just buy a pack come on be lucky be lucky Joe Green well it's better than whatever the hell I have back there right now I think the only is having a lot of trouble they really are 82 90 did they lower the count oh yeah they did they lowered this count all right that counted as one and I have to record for SE see it actually recorded for these two but it did not record for the milestones for some reason that one I guess has to be head tohe head yeah head tohe head solo season solo battles okay so that's the reason why not enough I'm see if I'm close to anything on this thing team of the weak elite team Builders nah not really close to anything 8 881 this for the tokens yeah I'm hoping I get Marshall Lynch pretty soon but the problem is right now is the o line again man it's insane all right ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching today's live stream hopefully new card dude you finally showed up you showed up towards the end of the stream man let me show you what I got I don't think you've been here for a while but I changed a lot of things man I changed a lot of things right now my QB is Tim TBO again I think it's been like a year since I last played with TBO but he's not doing good dude I feel like it's pretty mid like the that throw power is not all there compared to last year he's like underperforming I think I kind of prefer d car but the problem with d car he cannot throw to the left side I feel like he under throws it like he throws it to the ground for some reason so it's kind of weird tin TBO can actually throw it but the throwing motion is a little bit too slow um I got some other guys like who have you seen think I don't think you seen Christian Watson or no maybe you did on the last live stream I don't remember um I got Greg Olsen I got a new offensive lineman but I need to replace them again because they're not blocking correct correctly on the Run especially these guys are struggling a lot especially Jeff Saturday so it's going to be a pain bro just replacing them again on defense I changed a lot of things jul Peppers is now starting for free safety Jeremy chin is my strong safety uh starting mid linebackers is Bobby okiri and also Divine Diablo from the Raiders um who also have on the dline I got Dexter Lawrence 83 overall and then I got Max Crosby Max Crosby all maxed out so we have a whole different box here but the problem is right now on my defense is that I need new corners come on Timbo hold on I can't read it pretty clean I don't know come on bro Timo I know I know I mean it's between him or Derek Carr and I have no other option right now since I went full budget the thing is this season uh there's a new season pass right now this season pass actually gives me Michael pen Jr so I can get rid of Derek Carr and get Michael penx Jr if I get to this point right here the 81 overall B andd season 2 player Fantasy Pack they gave me a free quarterback on this one either kurk cousins or Michael penx Jr uh they gave you two option and quarterback so um the thing is I need a corner I need a freaking Corner man I have no corners it's a pain cuz they don't know how to Zone man they don't know how to flat zone so I've been struggling with the corners recently um I mean if I get another quarterback and try to level them up it's going to take a while so there's been a lot of new players released also by the way like the last week there's been a lot of new players bro so um my budget can get me so much I'm trying to get um a free Marshall Lynch also Marshall Lynch came out recently so um where can I show you Marshall Lynch well you can see in the solo challenges his pictures not going to show up but here on campus Heroes uh right here no that's not it that's not it um where is it on the aka's this one on week three they released beast mode and I'm not sure who the hell the other guy was but um they released uh Marshall Lynch so I'm trying to get him for free on the tokens they're going to give me for free also on the tiers but the thing is I didn't reach it so I don't know when they're going to release the next part of the solo challenges um so I'm trying to get a lot of new CS but man I need to run like I need to I need to rank coin methods over the next few days man if I'm going to buy anything good I need to run coin run coin methods cuz it's it's struggling right now the defense and offense um but yeah I know I don't want to run Tim Teo man I really don't I prefer ay to be honest but what do you think man I know I should get rid of TBO but they gave it to him they gave it to us for free by the way he's a free card but he's not good I don't recommend them using them but it's all I got right now man and then my offensive lineman is struggling right now so that's a big concern my defense is doing okayish but I need to get rid of Bobby hiri because he's done like he's not fast enough to keep up with most of the receivers out there this guy is fast enough the problem this guy's too slow and then also the corners I mean 82 and 80 overall I mean Jesus this guy can only do so much with height so um I know they can't throw over Tariq woen but if he needs to react fast he's not going to react fast so that's the problem with him and then this guy he's just not going to react at all sometimes when he comes down to deep passes oneon-one he gets beat so I need a really solid corner so um right now Max Crosby is doing a hell of a job containing and actually getting some sacks out there but it's not good not not enough I need to replace a lot of players bro let's still have Deon Hester back there so right now this entire week I'm just running house rules that's all I'm doing I'm not going to play season 2 until next week uh when I have more time because right now I'm I'm I'm working a lot I have a lot of overtime so this week I'm going to be very busy but I'm going to be able to live stream at least the house rules for an hour or so and you'll be able to see me play I'm just playing a bunch of house rules that's all I'm doing uh the colle overtime house rules just like last year the previous years I've been playing house rules that's all I've been doing right now um just to get a free corner so but yeah man right now I need a lot of help on offense and defense and I don't want to waste all my coins right now because I'm trying to I'm trying to find coin methods to make more coins and um buy the right guys and I might do it tonight actually I'm I'm going call my brother up and see if he knows a coin method I can do right now so I can like raise like around 500 ,000 coins and get more players cuz right now I'm struggling on the o line but yeah so I won't be able to live stream until Thursday so you'll see me online on Thursday because tomorrow I work in the afternoon so that's overtime for me so so yeah today I actually won like around six or seven games and uh I lost like around three so it was fun house rules is pretty fun to do really is it shows you what's your weakness and and the strengths are when it comes down to like the 40 yards you know to score and stuff so so yeah well man I'm I'mma go already I'm G get offline already but yeah um on on Thursday you'll see me online bro you'll see me live all right all right well Brothers thank you all for watching leave a like on the video and tell me what's up and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out Brothers have a nice Tuesday right today is Tuesday today is Tuesday later guys [Music]

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Category: Gaming

Will stand in awe at the size of this place we're at at&t stadium welcome to arlington texas i'm kate scot joined by brock y up here in the booth and here we are brock final week of the pre-season one last tuneup for stars and starters and of course the game where a lot of these great camp stories will... Read more

Lions vs. Rams MADDEN 25 on PS5 - EPIC Week 1 SHOWDOWN thumbnail
Lions vs. Rams MADDEN 25 on PS5 - EPIC Week 1 SHOWDOWN

Category: Gaming

Rewarded for it during the off season as detroit has certainly made sure everyone knows he's their quarterback for the future it's clear that they believe in him and he's done nothing to sway them from that belief from the 32 now here's first and 10 and g going to look to throw right away and that's... Read more


Category: Gaming

[applause] all right single high we might go up top leg it we might go up top yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir i called it let's [music] go and he's out of there coach he's out of there coach what's good good people it's your boy sney and now we are on this madden 25 madden 25 for what the second... Read more


Category: Gaming

[music] what your boy sh from and here we go with the new video and today make sure you guys subscribe and hit the notification button because we're going to teach you exactly what the pro don't want you to know other than that guys make sure you guys check out our offensive defensive guides... Read more

SECRET Glitch!  ROSTER DEPTH CHART CHIEFS !!! Madden 25 thumbnail

Category: Gaming

[music] what it's your boy sh from and here we go with the new video and today make sure you guys subscribe and hit the notification button because we're going to teach you exactly what the pro don't want you to know other than that guys make sure you guys check out our offensive defensive guides... Read more

Green Bay Packers vs Philadelphia Eagles Madden NFL 25 thumbnail
Green Bay Packers vs Philadelphia Eagles Madden NFL 25

Category: Gaming

It's the nfl on ea sports where we'll see two of the nfl's oldest and most stored franchises it's the green bay packers and the philadelphia eagles and it's coming up next ea sports coverage of the national football league welcomes you to south america and one of the world's most populous cities vibrant... Read more

"CAMPUS HEROES" KEON COLEMAN IS UNGUARDABLE!! Buffalo Bills Theme Team thumbnail

Category: Entertainment

So ken colan has just dropped in madden 25 and he is taking the bill steam team to new heights just take a look at his stats 87 speed 87 jump 91 catch 86 catch in traffic 88 spe catch 87 short rout running 87 medium rout running and 85 deep rout running he's be one of the best players in the game especially... Read more