Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Detroit Lions | 2024 NFL Preseason Week 3 | Predictions Madden NFL 25

today from Ford Field in Detroit this is the National Football League [Applause] we'll see Jared Goff and the Detroit Lions taking on Russell Wilson and the Pittsburgh Steelers the seating capacity is 65,000 at Ford Field and we are right around that number today a good crowd on hand and seemingly ready to go in the Motor City alongside Charles Davis I'm Brandon and Charles kickoff moments away quickly what are you watching in this one the offensive line for both teams because both teams have a terrific pass rush they've got to keep their passers upright if they have a chance to do that they can both thrive on offense and move the ball down field on to get us started now the kicker Chris Boswell and we are underway from Ford Field taken at the goal line and makes it across the 20 as his guys will set up shop at the 23 yd line [Applause] that didn't take long to see our first penalty of the game did it we always talked about everyone wanting to get into the game in a hurry the officials did as [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well on first down gone and that'll be caught by St Brown and just not much be had there one yard out to the 10 I think defensively you're okay with that you're in the first quarter he's going to get some catches but they rallied to him quickly and that's what you count on and I like what you just said first quarter can you do it all game long they catch it you tackle them they go down on the spot because when you're able to do that you don't give up big chunks of yardage after the catch now you put the offense in a position where every series they have to work hard to pick up first downs and you tend to stall them out when you do that and oh incomplete great coverage there he was in the perfect position defensively to make a play on the football and it'll bring up third down they'll come to the line here needing nine yds to pick up the first throwing on third G oh he had him he was open but he couldn't get it to him it's incomplete that was their first third down try of the game and clearly something was off in the execution of that play good news they've got a whole game left to clean that up and start clicking on those key third down [Music] [Applause] throws here comes the Lions punter now as his first punt will come from inside his own End Zone gets around him found good room to run there return turns at 14 yds and the Steeler offense they're set up nicely as they take over so the new looke Steelers offense headed out for their first drive led by a man in his 13th NFL season now first is a Steeler Russell Wilson after a tough couple of years in Denver Wilson finally gets his fresh start and he's certainly hoping to make the most of it truthfully though it's been tough sledding ever since being trade from Seattle a few years back but he still has the talent and tools to make this next chapter a positive one a first Carry for Naji Harris and he'll power ahead but only for about three yds second down coming up that's just a pile of bodies there and that's when you kind of find out who's a tough guy right who can stand up and make a play it was only a three- yd run but for both sides they had to walk away from that feeling like okay I can stand up when the going gets tough in here from the 38 now here's a second and seven they stay on the ground again it's Harris and they're going to be set up down around the 15 yd line that for 22 and a first down and that was a familiar carry there by Harris who broke off a nice bit of yardage and he's been a productive back throughout his young career eclipse in the Thousand yd Mark in each of his three seasons as a [Applause] pro line of scrimmage the 15 it's first and 10 here's Wilson and he's not able to get away sacked back at the 22 flying in for that sack Aiden Hutchinson no surprise to any of us who watched this young guy a forceful move there by the Michigan man Aiden Hutchinson one of the most talented young Defenders that we have in our game now following the sack they'll look to make amends on a second down and 17 Wilson he finds Austin complete they'll wind up getting seven on the play and that brings up third and a full 10 yds right where this set of downs started they need a full 10 here to pick up the first down and move the chains on third down Wilson and that is incomplete a that's going to hurt a bit because they needed to come through with a completion there now a drive that started with great field position is facing fourth down so on fourth down the Steelers call on the number of Chris Boswell for the field goal try this just 32 yds officially from the right hash Boswell's kick is good and the Steelers will jump out to a three zip lead so they are able to end that drive with three points and this one possession ball game and ideally you want to end every drive with points most quarterbacks would tell you let's end it with a kick right a pat that's number one field goal you'll take punts you really don't want to do that in this case they'll take the field goal and get prepared for the rest of the [Music] game after the successful field goal try here's Boswell to send it away and he'll be tackled just shy of the [Applause] 25 back onto the field come the Lions for their second overall drive and a three and out on that first drive we'll see if they can do better here they should have a better opportunity because the nerve should be settled now that first series everybody goes out a little extra emotion so now they get a chance to go back out and say okay okay now we're into the game let's go play and play as best we can you almost get a mle again then on that first drive sometimes it absolutely serves that way you get a second opportunity nothing big happened but then again you didn't commit any mistakes either off you go and nothing much materializing there on the first down run he'll get a couple and that's it certainly a nice job there by the defense rallying to the football and getting him on the ground but I think the play gets made by the defensive front because if they can't up field their job is to go ahead and get low almost get into a ball sometimes stack things up and make it difficult for the runner to find a hole this is second and eight now G got St Brown running the quick slant here and they get him down but not before he takes it across the 40 yd line Second catch for him today and will wind up a first down and that's a more than acceptable read right there because it's Zone coverage so timing is everything this time he waits for his man to come open puts it right on him and they pick up a first down they'll fake the give now G he's airing it out for Williams and it'll be incomplete good job staying with him defensively and it'll bring up second down a that's some good closing speed there defensively because that looked open for a minute but that's great work with the ball in the air never gave up converged on his man and broke the play up second and [Applause] 10 here's G St Brown has it near the sideline and he goes out of bounds it looks like right at the 50 now I think we're going to get a timeout here yes a timeout here as it looks like we've got a lion that's shaken up well now they're going to come out and take a look at this injury and we'll be back in a moment [Applause] third and two playaction it's G pressure comes and the Steelers take him down Alex heith making the nice play and getting the sack even keeping the back end for Extra Protection on third down they still couldn't prevent the sack now it's Fourth and long thanks to a terrific individual effort on defense [Applause] Jack fox out to punt here on fourth [Applause] down 35 yds that time on the punt and the Steelers will go on offense here first and 10 [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Pittsburgh offense at the line to start their next Drive they've got a three nothing lead and the football as they start first and 10 and not much doing there maybe a yard up to the 23 three nothing after one on EA [Applause] Sports Steeler football here to begin quarter number two as as they're looking at a second down and nine to go Harris running straight ahead and he'll get about three up past the 25 just not a whole lot of room to operate there on that carry no not at all they did a really nice job staying in their proper places and not allowing any lanes to open up here comes third down at seven now Wilson that is caught and they're able to get this one across the 35 second catch for him today and it'll wind up a first down that's a play that'll likely be forgotten when you talk about big moments in this game but plays like this are critical to keep drives going and if points result we'll call this play [Applause] significant so from the 36 now first and 10 they'll try the right side with Harris and that play is blown up losing yardage back at the 35 officially it's a one yd loss that's going to bring up second and 11 I like the strategy extra tight ends extra beef they want to run the football but that means they probably want to run it inside if you get strung out on the perimeter you're in Peril yeah we saw the result negative yardage [Applause] looking at a second and 11 now after the loss Wilson and this one incomplete too much contact to hold on to that one and it's third down and partner to me that one was all about timing if he's there too early it's going to be a pass interference call if he's too to late it's a completed pass he was Johnny on the spot on that one an incomplete pass on that last play and that means they'll need to come up with something here on third down now Wilson a short one there to FR only able to gain a couple there and that's going to bring up a fourth down yeah that one was covered pretty well because they were trying to leak the tight end out into the flat I think they were hoping he could catch and turn up field and pick up the first down on fourth down out is the putter Cameron Johnston to boot it away taken in at the 22 call that a punt of 38 yds officially and the lions will take over here's the Detroit offense now as they head back out onto the field they've shown precious here offensively thus far as they try again with a first down [Applause] now they'll start on the ground with Montgomery and not a lot of daylight not really any daylight inside as he's going to be stopped right at the line of scrimmage brings up second down as usual the Hallmark of a good run defense linebackers making plays near the line of scrimmage absolutely nowhere to run there here's second and [Applause] 10 Again they'll go ground with Montgomery call it a gain of five that time and they'll be left with a third and about four I think we can safely say that those types of players are the backbone of this offense we know not every Run's going to be a big hitter but you know they'll take that type of result on each and every attempt second quarter two minutes remain three nothing our [Applause] score in search of four y s here to pick up the first down G pass taken in by his big tight end and he'll be out of bounds after getting this one across the 40 give him seven yds on the play and they do pick up the conversion on third down that's a big conversion there on third down because they did not want to give the ball up here late in the half they'd love to take the clock all the way down and score this will definitely help the [Music] cause now G on first down and that is incomplete he couldn't hold on through the contct brings up second down this Ste is not going to make it easy for you they're physical group and we just saw it there on that play they came in made the contact just as he's trying to haul it in now a second and 10 back to throw g a little short pass here taken in by leapa nine yds not quite enough and they'll be left now with third and one I know sometimes we can get fooled when we watch him make catches as we just saw him do there because he really looks like a wide receiver the way he goes about his business yeah 230 240 range yeah not not super huge maybe not counted on to be that inline point of attack blocker that we used to have in the good old days but you can Flex him out you can all rifles one and that's going to be intercepted picked off by Patrick Queen he's to the 15 and he brings this one back it's a pick six for a Steeler touchdown an excellent play there CD on the pick six and I I think they were they a nickel did they have an extra DB out there yeah brand I I think they were in standard nickel not the uh Buffalo as teams like to call it meaning three safeties for Big Nickel they just wanted to take away the quarterback's throwing lanes and that's exactly what they did and came through with a big time pick six Chris Boswell now for the extra point it's up and good and that'll increase their lead to 10 zip so the defense creating some points not only getting the interception but then returning it to the end zone for the pick six [Applause] [Applause] so they throw the pick six they'll get another shot at it now as this one's in the air Here Comes khif Raymond from his in zone and he brings this out past the 20 to the 24 take over first and Detroit's offense ready to take over Charles we'll see what they can do here not a ton of time left but enough certainly to get points out of this drive and they need him right now CU they're trailing yeah and this is exactly why you practice a two-minute drill all through camp and at least one practice each week before a game a minute left more than enough time to string a few completions together reach the end zone and then make that walk back to the locker room just a little more animated and sech a Redemption from the pick six gof and that's hauled in by St Brown over the middle and they'll get it all the way up about five yds shy of Midfield the Lions will use the first of their timeouts as they'll stop it with just over a minute to go before halftime certainly no settling into the drive there they came right out on the first play attack the middle of the field for a big Gainer and a first down [Applause] first and 10 here you know if they could just get three out of this something about whittling it to a one- score game at half that might provide a psychological boost and that'll be off the mark too far out in front and it's incomplete this is a half for not just the coverage but the entire defense is setting the tone in this game [Music] an incomplete pass on first down that leads to a second and 10 now G open man right side is St Brown and he's able to get this one out closer to Midfield across the 45 four yds the gain and it'll bring up a third down what think you're hoping for when you run drag routes you're able to hit a receiver in stride and he can pick up a lot of yardage after the catch but in this situation the defense was effective able to stop him before he could get a good head of steam going they are in need of six yards here if they hope to move the chains here's G setting up the screen this is Gibbs and he is out of bounds but not before he's inside the 30 23 yds on the play that was a beautifully executed screen pass let the rushers get up field the blocking forms in front lofted it to the runner and now not only does he have open space in front of him he's got an escort as well and they pick up big yardage this offense finding its legs now here's another first and 10 here's G throwing right and that's good complete and he'll be out of bounds just inside the 25 yd line so give him five yds there on the pitch and catch and that'll make it second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] down again G he gets this out wide to Gibbs and he'll go out of bounds in the red Zone just inside the 20 six yds the pickup and that's a first down another catch for him there on this drive Brandon it looks like they're going to utilize him out of the back field any way they can and that time they pick up a first down so now on defense do you assign a man to him and try and cover him before he gets going so from inside the 20 here's first and 10 at the 18 from the red zone now off that's complete to the porter the Lions now going to use the second of their timeouts as the clock will stop with 33 seconds to go in the first [Music] half second down and six now to the there again G and he's not able to get away sacked back at the 22 there's your co- NFL record holder TJ Watt doing what he does best terrorizing quarterbacks all about the offense so far this drive putting something sustained together but the defense they responded on that play second and managable became third and long the drive marching to the end zone is one play from stalling out throw to St Brown complete on the left side and with just 1 second remaining in the first half they'll call the [Applause] timeout so with 1 second left in the half on is the field goal unit from the left hash it's a 36 yd attempt Badgley able to knock this one through and that will do it for this first half so we've reached halftime here with the visiting Steelers out in front as we send you down to Orlando where Jonathan Coachman has our EA Sports halime report coach all right Brandon back to you too in just a bit but first welcome everyone to downtown Orlando and our EA Sports halime report all right coach thanks yeah both teams likely to make some changes in what's been a closely fought battle to this point [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so time for the second half as the Steelers have the lead and they will also be receiving the football here to start the third quarter that's going to be taken at the goal line and he'll return it and he's up past the 20 to the 22 yd [Applause] line the Steeler offense now with a football first here to begin the third quarter this game it has obviously been all about the defense on both sides of the football which offense is going to break through here we'll see if they can do it on this [Applause] drive they'll start on the ground with Harris and he's taken down but able to slip across the 35 43 yds rushing for him now on just six carries to this point sometimes it's hard to believe but there are times this game is about patience isn't it has had the game he expected but that run there that may get him going I was just going to say maybe that gives him a little juice cuz you're right he struggled especially in that first half yeah and I know the great ones always think to themselves just hang in there I'm just one big carry away from busting this open that's a good start for him one play has him to the 37 here for first and 10 they go playaction now Wilson got his man it's Warren and he'll go out of bounds it looks like right at the 40 so the completion good for just three and it'll be second down all defenses worry that whenever anyone catches the ball and has a head of steam come out of the back field it could turn into a big play with missed tackles or he runs through people but they were right there waiting and they stopped him for a minimum game from the shotgun Wilson dancing to his left and he'll be stopped right at Midfield the rushing numbers for Wilson maybe down from earlier in his career but he's still a threat to go showing it there picking up the first down he's been patient this entire game waiting for the perfect moment to surprise him with a quarterback keeper there he catches him off guard and converts his first Rush of the game into a first down got to love that efficiency [Applause] from Midfield now here's Wilson and the Lions pressure too strong down he goes Aiden Hutchinson picks up his second sack of the afternoon and that's his second sack in this one and you just can't ask a defensive man or an edge rusher to play any better than what we're seeing right now and partner it's still just the third quarter I'm thinking he's not done yet even if he's not getting the sack he's bringing a lot of pressure to the pocket work to be done here on second and 16 after the sack now it's Wilson throw left side complete that's Warren and it's going to be another first down as they'll get him to the ground at the Lions 38 yd line the Steelers able to pick up 18 yds there it's taking a while for this offense to get going a little creaky at the start but they're oiled up now a nice throw there and they're really putting together a good drive [Applause] so the ball moves into lion territory now here's first and 10 at the 38 off the play fake here's Wilson pass complete George picking with it and he's brought down here just outside of the 20 he was held without a catch in the first half but he's got one here and he also picks up a first down this is all about finding the open space in the middle of the field how do you do that one wayer play action that's going to freeze those linebackers for just a split second and sometimes that's all you need they run a deep in route behind them and it works to [Applause] Perfection they'll throw on first down with Wilson he's got his tight end frier MTH over the middle they'll give him four yards there and it'll be second down he's been been quiet today in the passing game just his second catch yeah and people have to come up with schemes to limit him and and what a lot of teams do they'll double him you know use a linebacker underneath a safety over the top sometimes they'll just take a corner maybe their third Corner if he's a bigger guy and put him on a manto man to try and limit his touches just keep mixing it up give him different angles different looks like a good boxer does second and six throwing again here Wilson oh he tries to force it in and it's intercepted Jack Campbell with a pick and the lions are going to get the football here as he gets this up past the 20 yd line so it was a drive that had real promise here to begin the third quarter but ultimately derailed by the int and that was the position you wanted to be in coming out to start this third quarter get a nice drive going looking for the End Zone possibly got a little bit too greedy right there so we got to look at the Lions offense as they get ready for their first possession of the second half and they just got a Little Help from their defense forcing the turnover now can they make that payoff in points they need to partner they're down on the scoreboard need to take advantage of those opportunities and this is a good one right in front of them GF in this Lions offense set for a first and 10 at their own 21 they'll try and start this drive in the air across the middle he's got it complete to St Brown and he's taken down but able to slip across the 35 15 yds is the pickup there and the drive starting very nicely first down and partner they're locked in man coverage out left and end up running a Crossing route rounded it a little bit more than a slant he's just going to angle himself towards the right side of the field and that's very difficult for a Defender to Shadow him across all that ground so from the 36 now first and 10 they'll try the Middle with Montgomery and the result here a pick up of eight leaves him with two to go on second Down K had a ton of success here so far but you get the feeling that he might be on the verge of popping one yeah even on that one there was a little bit of a hole but it closed there quickly at the end now a second and [Applause] two now a play fake and it's G that'll be caught it's St Brown and they're going to have themselves another first down as the tackle made at the Steelers 33 23 yds the pickup there first3 Y and as they come to the line they will not be able to get off another play as time has run out on this third quarter we'll return with more after this break you're watching the NFL on EA Sports [Applause] the drive continues as they search for a tying touchdown here's first and 10 up the middle it's Montgomery and that play went nowhere losing yardage it'll be back at the 36 Alex heith simply would not be stopped on that play this linebacking core they've done a good job of keeping that running game in check haven't they they certainly have and what they'll also do when this game is over is thank the guys up front the big defensive line cuz they've kept them clean so to speak not letting blockers get to them allowing them to run to the football and keep that running game bottled up after the loss they'll come up second and 13 gof now to [Music] throw and his throw is incomplete right now the story of this game continuing to be the defenses because the offenses they're finding it difficult to establish any rhythm whatsoever I like how you come to us in Praise of Defense Brandon because that's exactly right that was an incompletion Force there but we've seen it throughout this game both of these defense coordinators they're a step ahead of their offensive counterparts able to find the open man that's complete and he doesn't quite make it taking it with in an eyelash dropped at the one they're able to convert on third down and that sets up a first and goal well that was a pretty good time for his first catch of the ball game and it turned into a huge play as well he's certainly not been a central part of this passing game so far in this one but he made his presence felt there a big pick up on third down a looming decision to make on the conversion down seven but first things first they need to score as they come up on first and goal Montgomery he is going nowhere in a hurry as he is going to lose yardage here in a big way call it a full three yards in the wrong direction there brings up second down that's a really alert defense there because they saw the heavy look come in from the offense countered it with extra linebackers who brought a little bit of speed and heft and able to really make a big time play for their defense so they're backed up to the three yd line second and goal to throw is G he's got his man it's caught for a lion touchdown khif Raymond from three yds out and the lions are an extra point away from tying this game here in the fourth we are set up for a fantastic finish now a fourth quarter touchdown here we're an extra point away from a tie football game and I know they're thinking about possibly going for two but I'd go ahead and kick this one and just get it back to level Michael Badgley on for the extra point and we are tied here in the fourth quarter so that drive taks him down the field in eight plays and the end result a Detroit touchdown [Music] this one setting up for a great finish all tied in the fourth as the kicks away and able to get this out to the [Applause] [Music] 25 and Pittsburgh getting set to take the field they no longer have the lead after that last touchdown all tied up in the fourth quarter and a chance for this offense to mount a potential game-winning drive right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] try to shake off the interception he'll look to throw he finds his man complete it's Warren and he's able to get this one up to his 30 before he's out of bounds and we see another pitch and catch there to the running back this position just continues to evolve they become just as critical to the passing attack as a lot of receivers tight ends because their ability to make people missing the open field can really generate big plays for an offense on second now this is Harris and he'll be brought down shy of the 40 at the 38 yd line 51 yds now on the ground on just seven carries well partner I know this type of running back I mean this size this intensity usually gets better as the game goes on I can just tell you from experience the first few quarters oh you're eager you come running up there a I'm going to tackle this guy by the fourth quarter you're coming up and thinking about it and dline wearing down fourth quarter yeah that's not a guy they want to see consistently so here's a first and 10 at the 38 now run straight ahead with Warren and he'll manage to pick up about four it's second down and that was a quality play to start a new set of downs that was simply an offensive line winning the battle up front and winning in a big way and giving their guy in the back field a nice Lane to hit second and Six coming up now whistles here before the snap but it looks like one of the Steelers may have [Music] moved the crowd's not doing that o line any favors home field advantage is really kicking in making it very difficult for them to hear the snap count [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they'll come up now this is second and long throwing is Wilson and his throw is going to be incomplete that was well defended they clamped down on every available receiver just got to give the win to the defense on that [Applause] snap this crowd turning up the decible level it's third and long to throw as Wilson he's got his Target that's complete and he will have a Steelers first down as they're able to get the third down conversion a gain of 17 y first down St [Applause] getting down to the good stuff all tied with two minutes remaining on EA Sports so the Steelers with a football as we get you reset they've got it first and 10 as they search for a go-ahead score plenty of time all three timeouts still remained here's first and 10 now here's Wilson complet off here over the middle and he is tackled inside the 40 not quite to the 35 but they picked up a little bit of yardage there and now in this situation should be in no hurry to run a play really fast let the clock wind down they'll come up first and 10 here on the give this is Harris he'll be brought down on the 30 yd line after a gain of six the Lions will use the first of their timeouts as they'll talk things over prior to this upcoming second down play now here's another carry for Harris and he'll be a little shy of the 25 here at the 26 yd line the Lions now going to use the second of their timeouts and they'll be disappointed to have to burn one there after giving up the first down they hand this off to Harris oh no he lost the football and this is scooped up by the Lions and his guys are going to take over at the 21 yd line wow so they were already in field goal range now this and a completely new story to tell and frankly what they're going to say when they review this game and go over it they're going to tell the off you had one job all right you knew what you had to get done you knew where we wanted to kick the field goal from you know you know our range just take care of the football and we win the game and now as with every potential turnover they're going to take a second look at this just to make [Applause] [Music] sure and the question was the knee in fact down before this ball comes loose and is the video convincing enough to overturn it a lot of factors here remember you also need clear possession of the football afterwards this is a tough one to overturn the Lions quickly now going to use the last of their timeouts as they'll talk things over prior to this upcoming second down play [Applause] on the ground it's Harris and he'll take it down here just shy of the 15 at the 16 yd line another carry for their leader and a good one it's crunch time they'll need him to continue to be productive in both the run and passing game in order for them to try and snatch a victory here's first and 10 Harris and after the broken tackle couldn't get free for much space taken down right at the 10 now what's the thinking here cuz a touchdown would be nice but you've ured yourself a chance at three in the lead so how worried are you about the six you're not very worried about if you're confident in your kicker and if you got a kicker put it through the post you feel really good about trying to bleed that clock down and in ideal scenario your kicker puts it through the post as the clock hit zeros they'll keep it on the ground Harris again and he'll be brought down this time at the 5 yd line now the Steelers use the first of their three timeouts as they get it with just 19 seconds left on the clock here's first and goal here's Harris and he's in for the touchdown and in the final seconds forget overtime they've just likely won this thing in regulation well any thoughts about overtime have ended at this juncture that touchdown puts him up six I would imagine they'll kick the extra point now and rely on their defense yeah rely on their defense so a little bit of time left on the clock here in the fourth but they got to feel good now Boswell for the extra point and it would appear they're going to get out of here with a come from behind Victory so that drive spans 13 plays and it was Nai Harris who finished it off with a touchdown run [Applause] Boswell now to kick it away after the touchdown solid return pretty good field position they'll start at the 32 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Detroit offense ready to begin their drive as this offense comes back out here Charles they're trailing in this ball game and they've been on the sideline for a while they did score their last timeout but they just had to watch that long sustained drive so we'll see if they can shake the rust off yeah and that's always a a question that you have when you have to come off the bench after having sat there for a long time are you ready to go are you loosened up but even more so are you mentally alert and ready to put your best product out there they'll try again here second and 10 one last throw here for GF he's going to let it fly and it's incomplete so their final drive comes up empty and with that the ball game is over and a fun close ball game comes to an end on that last play Charles they were on the wrong side of Midfield they needed something near a miracle and they couldn't get it done yeah the effort that was good very good in fact they were just a little too far out to get a decent look at the end zone for that last opportunity couldn't get it done but a nice game overall [Applause] that'll do it for us for Charles Davis and all our hardworking crew I'm Brandon Gard you've been watching the NFL on EA Sports for more find us on Twitter at EA Madden NFL with that we say so long everyone from fordfield [Applause]

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And good evening on what is a perfect night for football the flood lights shining down on the players as we speak i'm derek ray and keeping me company here on the commentary gantry is stuart robson and it's match day one in the 2024 uefa european championship it's serbia and they take on spain well... Read more

WWE Bad Blood 2024 Damian Priest vs. Finn Balor Predictions WWE 2K24 thumbnail
WWE Bad Blood 2024 Damian Priest vs. Finn Balor Predictions WWE 2K24

Category: Gaming

[applause] [music] damien priest has arrived a man who will bring judgment to all of wwe the following is scheduled for one fall making his way to the ring from new york city weighing in in at 249 lbs damien priest the size of damien priest his intensity he is easily one of the most imposing superstars... Read more

WWE Bad Blood 2024 Women’s World Championship Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley Predictions WWE 2K24 thumbnail
WWE Bad Blood 2024 Women’s World Championship Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley Predictions WWE 2K24

Category: Gaming

The following contest is scheduled for one and is for the wwe women's world championship [applause] oh yeah come on this is it guys the title is up for grabs here and this might be the most highly anticipated title defense in recent memory well i really hope this woman is ready to go the distance because... Read more

Madden NFL 19 -  Los Angeles Rams vs. Detroit Lions | 2024 NFL Kickoff Week 1 thumbnail
Madden NFL 19 - Los Angeles Rams vs. Detroit Lions | 2024 NFL Kickoff Week 1

Category: Gaming

Straight ahead we've got what should be an interesting matchup between the los angeles rams and the detroit lions with that let's head inside the ford field in detroit where standing by are the two men who will bring you this one brandon goden and charles davis first open in 2002 there's a look inside... Read more

Kristin Juszczyk Dazzles in DIY Pearl Dress While Celebrating Husband Kyle's NFL Milestone thumbnail
Kristin Juszczyk Dazzles in DIY Pearl Dress While Celebrating Husband Kyle's NFL Milestone

Category: People & Blogs

Kristen jik dazzles in diy pearl dress while celebrating husband kyle's nfl milestone on monday kristen jik showcased her remarkable fashion sense and design skills as she celebrated her husband kyle jusik for reaching an impressive milestone his 12th year in the nfl the 30-year-old fashionista who... Read more

Tyreek Hill is the MVP of this Lightning-Fast TD Drive! thumbnail
Tyreek Hill is the MVP of this Lightning-Fast TD Drive!

Category: Sports

[applause] he'll throw it pull him down twice and then down the sideline hits his man and out of bounds inside the 40-yard line is tyreek hill holmes down the middle of the field wide open in a touchdown tyreek hill [applause] over on the sidelines but you've got mahomes he's just gonna work right down... Read more

Darius Slay & Matt Patricia Beef Over?! Now on Same Team Again & 'Cordial' But Do You Believe That?! thumbnail
Darius Slay & Matt Patricia Beef Over?! Now on Same Team Again & 'Cordial' But Do You Believe That?!

Category: Sports

Let's get into this conversation right now where darius slayer matt patricia used to act that way right somebody was acting different in this conversation but they're on the same team again and quote unquote cordial but do we really believe that all right so the beef was personal during their days with... Read more

Lions vs. Cowboys vs. Chargers Madden 25 Preseason | Dallas vs. L.A. thumbnail
Lions vs. Cowboys vs. Chargers Madden 25 Preseason | Dallas vs. L.A.

Category: Gaming

Will stand in awe at the size of this place we're at at&t stadium welcome to arlington texas i'm kate scot joined by brock y up here in the booth and here we are brock final week of the pre-season one last tuneup for stars and starters and of course the game where a lot of these great camp stories will... Read more