Pirates Of The Cybertronian | #transformers Legacy Star Raiders Collection

this video is made for adult collectors because Pirates royalty free time oh Road Pig fell [Music] off so this round of Walmart exclusives is the star Raiders line a group of uh Pirates and that that's like so cool though Pirates and Transformers combine that's that's awesome get yourself a Title Wave and then you have like the whole set if you want to spend the 300 Canadian on a title whip this is the star Raiders group a band of characters plucked from multiple sections of the Transformers community and it's a really cool and diverse selection we got night strike calron Road Pig lockdown filch Cannonball farak and thundertron the way they releaseed this this time is four deluxes on shelf one Voyager and then the rest all in one big box and this might be the exclusive line where I keep everything I didn't buy much of G2 even though I liked a lot of it and I didn't keep half of the velocitron line this though I want to keep them all their Oddball this makes them fit pretty well together and I just dig that and seeing all of marks behind the scenes on this line and all the different story things they want to convey through toy not to mention Aaron Archer's original plans for thundertron he talked about on his podcast and thundertron and his crew from the books it's another thing that's helping me keep all of these after this video is done I'm skipping most of their articulation and Transformations cuz I've done videos on all the molds before other than Road Pig cuz I haven't talked about this mold yet so the first figure I got from this line was filch I found her in a store and there are more at my stores so she does exist like here's a picture of a Walmart close by and there she is on the shelf right there so she's everywhere here surprisingly she was the one to sell out consistently but she's like the best use of the air Razer mold the detachable wings that mount on the arms and the new colors work so well and her articulation cuz it's the air Razer mold is on par transformation doesn't change other than having to like Peg the wings in when you took them off but you don't have to take them off so if you don't like Parts forming they can stay on her back and the bird mode works a lot better here cuz of the mechanical bird she turns into in robots in Disguise it's so solid I had azer and she was fine I had terrasaur twice cuz I bought both deos and I didn't like him very much and then I had the rise of the Beast air Razer and she was okay but this is like a step up from all those then lockdown and Cannonball showed up from Hasbro pulse lockdown is an interesting figure I really like it it's not meant to be animated lockdown it's just lock down and they gave him the Revenge of the Fallen head so technically could this be the first Bayers Legacy toy h h h okay I'll stop now this is the axle grease tooling of the scrap hook mold and I think a lot of people called that when we saw her come out and we're like yeah that that that's going to be locked down the hook is a bit eh though getting it on can be strange and it just always looks wonky it works okay I guess he's also modular I just noticed there are three modular figures in this wave so that's pretty cool I quite dig the shade of green and red they used and the little bits of yellow on the hook hand and the head the head I love the head sculpt it's it's Revenge of the Fallen it's fantastic and they made the bicep swivel smoother so the arms don't pull apart at the elbow when you go to rotate them thank you his transformation hasn't changed and the car mode I I love the colors here they look super cool I wish the hook had a bit more of a graceful way to store other than just being a dingleberry at the back but eh I I just think of it as the car has a trailer hitch now I do think it could have used spikes on the rims but there are 5mm ports on all sides so I could just figure something out then we get to Cannonball bro this is so good this mold just fits so well and there are little subtle improvements to this version of the tooling of the skids tooling of the mold you get it the head is on point the shape of the bumper is real nice the doors on the shoulders are present I love the bronzy gold and they actually fill in the gaps in his legs with weapon storage so not only do you not of the gaps anymore you have the original toys weapon storage that's so cool and he also has cannons on the shoulders and a cyberplanet key like that's all really cool for a Cybertron toy they nailed pretty much everything I wanted just like every other Cybertron toy they've made so far the car mode is a winner I love how the details are both painted and sculpted in on the hood and the front like it's not boring to look at the front of this thing the green really stands out too with the Ghost Rider looking design on the side and the pirate logo on the key slot that's epic though the doors on mine like to untab every once in a while if I go to squeeze them they don't like tabbing into place I might just have to shave some of the peg down to make it fix then we get to Road Pig who was a toy I wasn't expecting to like as much as I do I've always found the crash bar legs to be a bit of a mess but The Deco on this makes them visually work a lot better than on Crash bar I also like the clear back guns and the head though the head has light piping but they painted the eyes over it's probably cuz in person it didn't look as good as it did on the cad so they removed it I also love the gold guns they actually use like a nice shade of gold it's just a much better Deco overall his posing is a bit awkward but he does have his nails painted with his badge on his on his feet that's kind of funny so crash bar is this is not crash bar this is Crash Bar Road pigs articulation is okay not the greatest uh so the head is on a ball joint so you know wiggle waggle left and right you look up but then once you start looking up the the plate moves doesn't really clip in as securely as I'd like it to shoulders can do a full 360 they can go in and out bicep rotation single elbow that goes all the way you have wrist rotation the arms can also come off cuz he's modular you have a waist joint which is very stiff on this hips can go forward back in and out thigh rotation because they are 5 mm pegs knees both knees can only really Bend like 45° then you can move the wheels to get more but then like it can sometimes move the feet out of the way or like you have this massive thing sticking out of of the back now it can it can look a bit visually strange he can do 90° it's just it starts looking weird and then this foot the toe can move down and up and he has a little bit of pivot this foot cannot go back but it can go forward and he has a full range of ankle tilt so you have that he's fine just a bit awkward when it comes to his posing I like this so much more than crash bar like it elevates that pretty neat mold to even higher for me motorcycle time so to start with we're going to take the weapons off the back cuz I'm going to take those off and put them off to the side stay all right what do we do we push the head in rotate the fists and then fold the elbows up and then bring these back and they will peg in to the back of the figure because these are painted shoulders sometimes they don't like fitting they're also playing hell on my autofocus so now we're going to bring this wheel down and bring this wheel down you're going to fold out the handlebars flip the front of the bike forward and then we are going to rotate the waist this way then this section is going to collapse and peg into the elbows this can be a bit annoying to line up on both this figure and on Crash bar there we go we got it yep hey we did it and then just bring all that out and then this side you're going to compress as well and just sort of have it sit there and then you bring the wheel down now we're going to take the guns the guns are going to Peg in to here to hold everything in place which I think is neat I like this I like how they're like oh here it is it's stable but if you want it more stable plug the guns in then you take these and these will peg into the hands and then slide into little oops wrong side peg into the hands and then slide into little slots boom boom motorcycle I love how G2 this is the black Deco rocks here being way more on display than in the robot mode and the clear exhausts and the gold trim just works so well and it stands pretty well for a bike former with this kickstand being the entire exhaust oh and I forgot to mention his back wheel comes off and can become a throwing star of sorts now the last Deluxe actually comes packed with thundertron I think that's so that they could sell the rock guy thundertron is a massive 82 Canadian doll three pack that comes with an entire Voyager Deluxe and a mic master and it's pretty good but the deluxe he comes with yeah this is my favorite Deco of the mold I have the others and as they've come out I've liked them more and more the blue and other more lighter blue whatever works so well with the gradient they put on the head is also super cool and it's tied for my favorite with nucleus his head and just like lock down and Road Pig he's modular and the the plastic is nice and rugged cuz they've textured it his transformation is pretty basic but the chest thing is neat to do like I like flipping it back and forth I love the car mode the light blue gradi works so well here but the front end on mine wobbles a bit and can be a tad annoying to handle then we got on to the bigger boys farak and thundertron farak was one I wanted cuz I want to like this mold more than I do I remember when cyclonus came everyone was raving about it and I think that's one of the reasons why I didn't end up liking it as much as everyone else and I found it a bit boring cuz it was very hyped up for me and then when I bought it I went this all right this though even though it's gray I find this a lot less boring and more fun like I did with metal Hawk man I can't wait for that new Deco I got to see it at person at Fan Expo it was really cool the wings The Deco the new head with actual expression on it this also won't yellow yay his knees are still weird cuz they don't really have a natural stopping point but his articulation is still great and the new guns can come off the wings and be held so that's epic transformation is really smooth I I love the nose cone transformation and the way the arms form the back of the jet it's just satisfying and the Jet with those new Wings reminds me of a Star Wars ship it's it's just a large Jet and it's great I I don't know what else to say about other than it looks great it feels great thundertron now this release kind of boggled my mind at first when they showed it off I was expecting it to be an entirely new Deco like the green and black of go prime or the golden red hell even the alpha Trier Deco but this is just a nicer shade of blue a better more metallic gold brand new 5mm hook hand God I wish lockdown had that he then he also has a brand new head which looks more like the original and gives him an eye patch that's cool I much prefer this Deco and the new parts to the original the original is nice and it's it's it's nice that there are two of them on the shelves so you can pick which one you want though it's going to be hard if some kid goes mom I want thundertron for my birthday and then Mom goes and buys the wrong one he also comes with night strike who turns into their flag that's pretty sick and it also mounts on Thunder tron's shoulder to be his bird perched and ready to go that's epic kind of wish he could also perch on the arm but the shoulder's pretty cool his posing is fine it still has the limitations of the original mold but it's serviceable transformation is still really cool with how the arms fold away and how the front legs come out and the alt mode is is is epic still though the sword I wish I wish it stored better like I wish it became the tail that'd be cool altogether they look like a rag tag Bunch you got two aerial units four ground units Allon and a out ofd storage device but it's a neat little team and I dig all the new toolings and deal they've got here like at least it's everywhere every figure has something new about it now I went to school for marketing bear with me I did 3 years of that and graduated so naturally I look at things with the market brain and one of the things I found most enjoyable was market research that was like my favorite thing to do in school and market research is something that I I I kind of just do subconsciously when I look at stuff at on store shelves I got to watch the first inore shipment of this at Walmart sell out in real time and it was kind of nuts I went on the day it was stocked and I bought filch like they had the boxes out they the Shelf was full they had multiple copies of everyone on shelves like a lot I go back at the end of the week to do groceries and I went to check the Shel shelf because I'm like oh let's see how much sold and all that was left was two Thunder trons and a farak everything was gone even the new Transformers one stuff they had a couple of the Prime Changers left and that was it I I I recommend all of them honestly Thunder tron's price is a bit eh but you're getting a hell of a lot of stuff in the box so it's worth it it's just an expensive price my favorite is still filch but the standouts to me are also Cannonball and Road Pig like this this whole wave I don't think there's a bad toy in this wave or a bad Deco I think this is probably the exclusive line that they've nailed through and through for Walmart it just works but that's my look at the pirat subline follow me on Twitter and Instagram and I'll see you next time bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music]

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