Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series | 2024 Emmy Nominees | Conversations

Published: Aug 06, 2024 Duration: 00:45:49 Category: Entertainment

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as actors you know even if you're not given multiple episodes or you know the longest gigantic arc when you do have an opportunity fill it with all of the things all the knowing sort of what Leslie was saying all the watching all of the documentaries all the actual experience that you have I I'll just start with you Karen what that was like not only to know that your work was being honored but also Nicole's and Holland's and Greta's and already I think a very impressive uh few seasons of Television that you guys were going up against this year well I mean the ladies at the crown know how this feels because they've been getting so many nominations Awards over time for their their incredible work on that series which I I watch a lot um but yeah it was it was amazing I mean what's better than being nominated than being nominated with all of your peers on the show your cooh horts that you respect and admire their work so much it's a a woman l a woman Centric uh story um so extraordinary to just be in the position to share all of the joy uh with um uh with my my colleagues on the show I texted Greta and Nicole and was like wow so excited and Holland you're not on that thread but you're welcome to join it it was but we talked about you we talked about we did say Holland Taylor too so um that's so incredible um you're right the ladies from the crown Elizabeth and Leslie this is this is no stranger for either one of you um Elizabeth I do want to start with you though because I think all of you had heavy tasks this year that you had to sort of tackle but I appreciated what was happening this final season with the with Diana was the episodes after the crash where you were existing as a ghost because I think that was the way you played it I I found it to be not the Diana we'd seen over the past two seasons that you were bringing us or even earlier iterations it was the Diana that lived in these folks Minds it was the Diana that was reflected through Charles or the Diana that was reflected through the queen and I think that's a very interesting task for an actor um to tackle yes it was um it was and uh well I didn't really know how to do it at all and neither did Dom and uh also hello everybody it's so nice I feel quite nervous to be talking to you I know know good good um so yeah so we actually shot that scene the day after the the premiere for season 5 and I remember Dom and I we were quite tired and I think Dom may have been a little hung over and we came to work and um we sort of sat in this like plain set and uh we really hadn't had any rehearsal we didn't talk about it and I came to that day and I said to the our lovely director Christian um you know how how how do I play this and and he said well well actually the thing is none of us knew and we didn't rehearse it and we so we just played it like as simply as we could it became clear to me very quickly that the ghost or you know the the vision version of Dina couldn't be sadder than the man imagining her you know so it was very very painful that scene for me but I couldn't um it's like I had to sort of cont it was like an interesting modulation so so was actually breaking my heart shooting that scene and there's a lot that you never see that you know that didn't make it into the cup but we would sort of do a take I was trying to sort of pull it all back because in a way like what Peter allowed me to do was say the very thing I'd never been able to say because I was not a real person and so we'd sort of shoot it and it was so physically painful we'd sort of end up on like the plane table like exhausted and then we'd sort of scoop ourselves up and do it again and then I think the version that they use in the show is like the first or second take I mean the thing that I loved about the scene was that a lot of people were sort of saying is it a ghost does she hover is she seethrough I always just thought it's just you know when you lose a person in your life the first thing you want is to speak to them and you do sometimes you know so honest to me so that's how we tried to play it yeah and it's no wonder that that was one of the many scenes that fol resonated um Miss Christine um bransky ma'am the the work that you do in the Gilded Age I really appreciate that in season 2 folks are cluing in because listen I've been down with Julian fellow since Gosford Park and your character is one that he often writes which is this woman she's she's she's of a certain age she is going to be the smartest person in the room and she's never going to let you think that you can get over on her and then watching what happens with Agnes throughout this season with just such a different turn starting with the wedding episode when AA gets married I'd love for you to talk about that one because even though that was her happy ending it was sort of the beginning of your character's nightmares in a lot of ways and she still faced it with that same sort of zeal we saw her do everything else yeah losing my sister was um you know that that was the beginning of uh season two that she she fell in love she fell deeply in love and I was losing her to a to a man and she was moving and so that was very interesting to play the loss of a person who was the closest person in my life since since childhood and yet you know it was so hard for Agnes to let go I had a wonderful fitting for a dress that I said oh that dress has to be because the costumes are so beautiful you know that has to be a full figure dress we've got to show that dress somehow cuz often costumes get buried underneath tables or you're just sitting in them and the designer Kasha said oh what about for the wedding which meant that I had almost a Runway going down the runway and I said um to Cynthia I whispered to her you know I think Agnes told you that that's her favorite dress and it's her and it's going to be a dress that she'll save for a special occasion I'm just say that and so it was just a secret between um Cynthia and I so when I opened the door and I walked down the the aisle that was our connection which is just a little story about how I think actors they they tell these little little pieces of information to each other they share secrets that it could be a tiny thing like that but it can just enliven the moment in a in a way that you needed to be not General but very specific those big moments in life they feel like broad strokes but they're actually made up of tiny little particles of feeling and memory and emotion so uh I loved that yes I loved that scene and I loved the whole Arc of season two because it was it was the loss of my sister and then getting to comfort my sister and let's face it you don't see that side of Agnes it's one of the wonderful things about playing such a Dary character is when she finally unfolds and and and moistens up it's like oh wow there's a this person underneath who feels just the way people feel in in uh times of Crisis and emotion so I I loved it I loved it for that reason yes um starchy that's a great way to describe her too I think that moed up I know I love that you know it's it's a one more thing you you talk about this particular kind of character it's it's Julian fellows you know oh is that him that's him yeah met him yeah I could see that she so often turns out that Agnes for all her high-minded opinions and she's such a snob and all it turns out that she's actually right about a lot of these bad choices other people are making so the producer said to me well you know it's Julie he he is very that he's like that person at the party that says the like The Cutting thing under the tongue sort of like just um um Leslie ma'am your performance in the crown uh this season in particular we have to talk about Ritz because um I I it was when I was reading up on this it was so surprising to me to say how you felt that you where you had to go in this episode you know three Strokes in an hour also the flashbacks that opening scene with you um across uh with with Margaret and the queen across from each other there was so much you had to do in that episode how how refreshing was that because I think you even said you would have liked to have had more time with Margaret this season but having episodes like that to really dive into the character is what makes the show great like having that Hero episode what was that what was that whole I guess filming schedule like for you well it was amazing because um you know I mean obviously you KN you know when you go into the crown it's you know every every um cast does two seasons so you know I knew it wasn't going to be 20 episodes about Princess Margaret um but um it it was amazing to have this gorgeous episode um and I'm very happy that um Peter Morgan and Mariel shyan CLA have been uh Emmy nominated for the writing of that episode as well because um I think that it could really take the series apart from anything into another Direction it was less um royalty um and more personal and what Christine was saying about sisters you know this was a an episode that was holy about two women who were for that episode not a queen and a princess they were sisters and it was and I think what a lot of the audience took away from it which was absolutely correct was that here this was a relationship that had uh had been deep and they loved each other very very profoundly and so this beautiful episode where they are in essence saying goodbye to each other um you can the writing was so was so specific and and inelda I think was very um was very happy to have some really emotional stuff to play that wasn't just you know another uh audience with the uh prime minister you know it was it was just it was just gorgeous stuff um and obviously you know the backdrop of it was poor Margaret uh having having a lot of strokes and the reality of that was that those Strokes happened over two two years but um you know we had to we had to condense that and I you know I did my due diligence as you would doing a sensitive thing like playing a person who has three progressively worsening Strokes you you know I went and met people and it's uh it was informative and revealing and you know upsetting well watching people um struggling to be who they are and to communicate you know people who normally would communicate really well anyway I mean of course for Margaret the whole thing was complete um completely frustrating and I tip my hat to Alex gassi who directed that episode because um he he really it really was a collaboration and uh he did steer me through the um the levels of it all and but you know amalda has been a a friend of mine for a very very very long time and we are very close so in a way some we didn't have to say much to each other we just got to re you know take that material and um and do do your best with it and and I I I mean it was it was joyous so it was it was well as all of you sitting here now we we what what do we want we want wonderful scripts that are rich pickings and we we want to be challenged and stretched and also I want to pay tribute to the hair and makeup Department in that yeah because they were um they were phenomenally clever um Nicole and Holland I almost feel like I have to do yall kind of combo I'm not but um on I'll start with you on this one because do you know how many millions of Impressions that that scene between the two three really of you including Karen has made it's like I found one Tik Tok that was like 25 million I found another like screen that had like hundred million views there was something very true and real about that scene Nicole that really transcended because it became bigger than season 3 that was the the the scene that people knew about before watch the show I'd be curious for you as an actor if you even though obviously when the show came out it was the strikes did you feel that reaction and what was that like because I've had so many people like say watching that scene they felt like they were reliving aspects or want it was like wish fulfillment like we would all want to a moment like that look at you like I think there is probably some element of catharsis right that's happening like you know we've all felt like an underling are that there someone's pulling the strings and we can only take our questioning so far so perhaps that's a part of it I don't know uh was I aware of it I I don't know Holland if you can speak to this but we had like the gnarliest day shooting so this is the furthest thing than I I mean we haven't really had an opportunity to speak you and I um we had a good time working together but it was a gnarly day it was a very strange when you think about it we were dealing with themes that were current in our culture highly Sparky highly dangerous highly highly Diversified in points of view I was incredibly intimidated by that facing that level by The Meta nature of our scene too and I I know that you you had some history in Show Business were I think absolutely where you were very much wronged and absolutely and and I and you know and I am an elderly white woman by Holland I'm a freaking elderly white woman so h i I don't think I share a lot with my character but I share that so I thought what what are we gonna how are we gonna balance this and stay and ni I don't know how you felt when you implied the same I was clinging to you I was clinging to every new us we were I think we were doing that to yeah I think I think what's strange is that people people are seeing an antagonistic relationship but underneath it we were extremely intimate as actors together which was which was very interesting that we had a lot because there was just a meta thing but it was but we we are actors and we were profoundly connected I will never forget doing that scene how very hard it was and it's funny seeing the scene I mean I was on the edge of my seat I was I I was as an audience with that just oh my God okay I I think we should give some context though hard also because logistically our our director had covid he was outside in Van so there was like he was looking on on like a on a very small viewfinder so I don't think he was actually seeing what was happening all the time and then it was sort of we were getting direction um with a little bit of a delay if that makes sense the the whole thing was a mess that and I know y'all didn't get that much rehearsal either this is like the the difficulty side of the clip no I just want to say when I saw the scene Karen you were so it was though it's as though you were there with us because Karen was the producer who was choosing these shots and directing the cameraman to move in for this and get this and get that and counting it down to make the switch and at my heart was in my throat watching the whole scene from your point of view too and I felt you were doing your job and you were also Karen thank you Holland yeah I mean I was gonna bring it she already knows how I feel about the quote um zoom in until you can see her pores that is a go ahead actually um I actually got some video of you Holland as you were preparing for that scene because I just wanted to I'm such a fan of Holland Taylor um and I have to use both of her names because that's how I refer to her in my dreams so I'm such a fan aoll and Taylor I saw her in an a one person place she did many many years ago and or did you bring it back for a bit this past the this theater I did it I did Pasadena last year I retired my own performance I won't play it again you won't play it again but it's brilliant and so I I you know there are so many actors on the morning show that you just you know you kind of want to see what their processes Nicole being one of those people and um Greta also being one of those people you just want to sneak and take some some notes you know and um I remember Holland preparing for it and the Stillness that uh the Stillness and the space that you were starting to create in yourself and around you as uh the M the the M the lawyer was coming in and the makeup person was doing your makeup I don't know if you remember this but it was uh it was stunning for me to see those moments that we before we go into really tough scenes as actors what that feels like and what that looks like what that preparation looks like it's fascinating for me as an actor to watch wow yeah I would have loved to been there that day again I know it was a tough day so you don't want a journalist there but I I've played it too many times I've played the scene I've played the episode I've played the whole leadup and the aftermath because I I truly did enjoy everything that y'all were doing in that scene and it did resonate um it starts with the writing I think everyone here um you all have been so praised have praised all the writers on on um your works and how they've made these characters and then you take it and make it something even more real and authentic but since you all are here and you've had some pretty great lines in the past I i' I've said this about Karen's the zoom in so you see your por if you have a line that you're like put this one make sure it makes into the obit because I really love delivering it I always thought it was fire like what is your Kendrick Lamar bar that you've gotten to say either in this piece or in something that you've done before because so many you have done so much work in the past where I would do the line also Nicole I love yours um we will take a break from systemic racism also good put it on put it on a t-shirt um anybody want to jump in and then I'll I'll kind of go around don't don't be scared ladies come on one of my young one of my young colleagues came to um the set he plays John it's been hours and he had a t-shirt with my face on it three versions of my faces aun Agnes and underneath the my face said heads have rolled for Less yes which is what I see to my butler when he crosses over to the Russell house to help them with their big dinner and I just it's such a Julian fellow's line but I thought man if you make it onto a T-shirt and some young actors wearing it and apparently was worn at the a gay pride parade I thought okay and she's arrived she's arrived oh yes that is that is very mother I love that um Leslie you you've had a few Leslie I mean I can think of a couple from Phantom thread what is the one oh I thought we were only talking about the the or your current one or previous like current or previous it can be current or previous because my my daughter-in-law loves um coming here and slouching on my sofa and saying that line that Princess Margaret says in that episode when she's having a she's having a sleep and she opens her eyes and her her staff are there waiting to see if she's all right and she opens her eyes and she goes I'm still alive that is such a great l so my daughter-in-law does that for me now She lays on my sofa and says I'm still alive a good one um Elizabeth Nicole Holland you got a quote either from your current work or before that you're like this one I particularly loved Holland go ahead if you know first of all I'm gonna steal that I'd like that to be in my open I'm still alive it's always hard to think of it's hard to think of a good line I know I know a line that a lot of people like is if if you're going to W let one stupid prick ruin your life you're not the girl I thought you one that is a great one I love that one um Karen or Elizabeth or Nicole oh my gosh I know I'm putting y'all on the spot it's easier after this I promise I I want to say something while I say it you can think of a line I want to say something lady uh you know about Awards I've been thinking about Awards a lot lately and I don't know what we can do about them it's become so hard in so many ways and so not really what's the best for everybody in terms of you know I think there's nothing more awful than think of think of races for awards and I have no solutions for the problem but I I wanted to say that in the theater there's an award every year called um it's from the the the um theater Le league and it is the distinguished performance award and there's one given one performance of a Broadway season one actor actress is given the distinguished performance award it means it is the finest performance of that season it can go to a young person a man or a woman it doesn't matter and that actor can never win that award again once in your life you might win the drama League award and it's simply announced is not voted on not public and I just sort of love that anyway who votes for it Holland who votes for that I think there's about I'm not sure how many members but the theater league is a large organization drama League yeah drama and it's substantial people it's not it's you know people who are really accomplished in the industry just as with the Tony they are voted they are nominated by about 28 people who are disting distinguished players so that they know something so I just I just I'm just looking at you all and my experience both as audience member and as partners of all of you you women I'm looking at right now the exception of Elizabeth but I I mean and Lesly I think we have meds but it's just it's just um we we do enjoy one another very much yeah yeah yeah I want yeah I wanted to just on that because I shout out to these women on the crown I've been watching this series and I am so sad that it's yeah but this I mean lesie I would like rewind to be like how is she half more stroked out this time than the LA I'm like how did she stroked out how did she I mean it's you guys are just of course Elizabeth we you know incredible so I I just want to shout out to the women of of the crown thank you thank you and I'd like to shout out to the all of you on the morning show as well because um and and Christine you're not you're You're The Loner Christine of course I just show how fire she is she's like I had to come to represent of course Christine I love that show you know you know when you're away from home and you're in a an apartment and it's not home and you're filming every day that was that what that's when the morning show kicked in for me and I was just watching it and it was my it was my reset button every night when you you know just get back and you Lear in your lines for the next day and all of that stuff little glass of wine and morning show it was great just it was so good it was really yeah it was great um there's many shows now that are Ensemble oriented which I so appreciate I mean we're you know we we we're lucky to to be part of a you know a group a troop of actors I mean Gilded Age is like a a theater reparatory company for having sake and all of all of our shows that we are involved in are are group efforts so to be singled out is well okay but you know we're we're we're part of a team definitely that's why I loved that gilded was was nominated because it's it's such a team effort um yes and and look I'll go ahead and say even for the morning show you guys have had previous nominations but like I love that in later Seasons there's still honoring shows that are continuing in the crown you guys y'all just have never missed a beat y'all just been here a whole time but you know what I mean but that the shows are continuing to stay at such I think a high level is a testament to the work that you all put in there the audience for this conversation is mostly sag after members and I know with all of you they would like to have heard a little bit about what you think is maybe the best advice because this is uh it's a difficult moment in our industry as we all kind of know that we're still coming back from covid coming back from uh the strike if you could give any advice out there to your fellow thesbian who are looking for not only what you do on the screen is inspiration but things that they can do off the screen I'd love for you all um to impart it um Leslie I'll start with you and then ask a couple more of you gosh I mean our job isn't it is to depict other people's lives and that can be their pain and their their or their Joy what so I suppose one of the things I think's important is to just never never stop having your antenna on the go and looking at the world around you and um you know try not to have too rarified in existence so that you can't be in the corner watching people and um just I mean I I've I've never tired of um people watching um but I mean and sometimes uh you know you might think well how how do you how do you watch a princess you can't really but um yeah I I mean the thing about just go that statement though is that what was beautiful about that episode is that you saw that yes they're royalty they're a queen and a princess but they they're still in pain their their grief is the same as any of our grief it's it grief is grief a broken heart is a broken heart fear of death is fear of death and so all around us it it is uh it is the source of everything we need to do in our job love that Nicole do you have any advice to anyone sort of watching this in this moment as far as any other actors or folks right now oh man um I guess I guess what I would say you know having had a sort of a smaller Arc and a smaller journey is to really lose yourself and explore um even if what you're handed is is is considered uh small to other people to really value and turn it over and chew it um I'm thinking about you mentioned that that that scene in um episode three thinking about some of the research and some of the work that I was doing uh thinking about uh Chris I watched there's a documentary called um um King in the wilderness it's about Dr King it's about him it's sort of a different take on him and you see him with anxiety he his hands are shaking he has a twitch and there're just moments interviews things that like I do a lot of um observation and there are a lot of things that you can digest that you can play and use in these tiny little moments so that as as as actors you know even if you're not given multiple episodes or you know the longest gigantic arc when you do have an opportunity fill it with all of the things all the knowing sort of what Leslie was saying all the watching all of the documentaries all the actual experience that you have um and like don't necessarily play it the way that um it's that that that it's sort of intended I think that's another thing too there's like an expectation on the page of like this is what this person is going to be like I think um I've had the experience of uh feeling like you know as as like sort of a black actress you you have to be like the strong the character could have been like a very on the nose but there's a lot of um trepidation there's a lot of um uncertainty that you know I think I can play because I have a lot of that myself so I understand I understand it um but yeah just sort of using using all the things that you can even if you only have a little bit of time if you're playing for a day or to somewhere uh it's a gift to do this thing so when when you have the opportunity really like step up and and and sort of show up because we don't always get the best writing we we don't always get a ton to do we also don't always get these fantastic platforms but every time you do um have an opportunity just go for it even if no one sees it or you don't think anyone will see it you know um go ahead tce say again that was some great advice colen I just love you I'm done with you I I love this woman so much um in fear of breaking up uh This Love Fest a little bit I love to tell this to actors you're inveterate Liars all of you you could all me out at any moment with your skills which also means whenever you're trying to get a job I know what actors do what is the one skill that you either picked up on an acting job or maybe had to embellish before you got the job and then you had to deal with it because I I know some people put horse ridings on there like I can ride a horse and then they don't so Christine I'll start with you what is a what is either a skill that you picked up or one that maybe you fudged a bit um to get a role oh uh God a skill that I picked up I have to say I came to working in front of a camera rather late I I did a little bit of acting and front of a camera in my 20s and 30s but it was all all all theater so I would say you know to anyone who then has the privilege of do being in front of a a camera is to just watch the the people with the experience and learning the technical aspects of film acting is um a really good idea because you waste a lot of time like not hitting your mark or not understanding a particular shot what what a particular shot can do in terms of communicating if it's a two shot if it's a closeup or where you know this particular moment can play into a certain camera angle and the more Savvy you are the more that you know the camera is your stage and I understood because I did so much theater I would just set foot on a stage and my instincts with my jeuli art training and all would just kick in and I knew how to do it but the um film acting um I had to um refine those skills later in life and it's just good to be super aware on a set of every little detail and and and the technical aspects of it as well uh as you're as you're feeling for the character and wanting to convey truth because it is a technical art and uh it you know the camera is your best friend so understand what it's doing that is great and practical advice God I know um Holland I'm gonna come to you a skill that you've picked up in your time acting or one that maybe you had to embellish a bit well paying attention to whatever Christine says is one and and and and going deep into understanding what Nicole is I mean I just you know I get everything from everybody around me I mean I really am a sponge and um and I I uh I'm I'm an appreciator I I I really I really you know just inhale performances that I like and I am as Nicole says I mean you watch if we're talking to Young People to People starting out is is just absorb and learn to relish what you're seeing in the human behavior around you and yes it's the small details it's that ineffable thing that's one that really is will be both nourishing and interesting but um yeah I I think observing and also knowing that you are observing that like I'm working I'm I'm I'm being an actor I'm being an artist I I I don't like the word craft myself I'm trying to I'm trying to be I'm trying to be an artist trying to be an artist think like and work like an artist and Stella Adler who was my great teacher and not and I didn't really have a teacher to speak of that I that I completely clung to until I was uh you know I was about 37 so I already had a good bit of professional experience so that everything she said just was like oh my God the penny is dropping you know every every moment whereas young people in the same classes I'm not sure they could really understand but she would say you know every moment you you have to just in eat the world and culturally be culturally educated educate yourself culturally um go to museums hear M go listen to great music look at and take it listen to not so great music all it what what I said not so great music all of it yes not so great music really taking take in the world take in everything and think of it as work in the best sense like you're doing you're doing acting when you do all of that because you have to have it in you for it to come out wow that's very well said I know you all have elevated my I was like hoping y'all would say yeah I lied about yodelling on a thing but y'all have elevated this to something so much higher don't know if I can't if any Nicole do you have anything um that that I lied about well maybe like or that you just learned it doesn't have to be the LIE maybe didn't lie about it to get a job although I know that y'all have maybe want to tell the casting directors that'll watch you didn't really know how to do that but I know that you'll have to because everybody wants the job no not necessarily I mean I'm not the most confident singer I love singing but not necessarily the most so you know someone was like hey do you have a a demo or something and then I just made something quickly with a friend and sent it in and then got a job and now I now I actually love to sing after doing that after doing that project like publicly yeah so I guess that's the closest thing but not quite a lie just hey I'll take that also you made the demo so you're um Elizabeth do you have anything either picked up did you already know how to dive before tenant and then like you just did that I'm not doing that dive that's oh you're not okay you I literally was so fooled by that I like of course she did it no that amazing woman was like a world champion diver then I just me no I did a dive off that you know there's like the the little boats that take us to the big boat yeah and I did one dive off that which didn't make it into the film because Chris said it wasn't in the script that I had to dive off that and he said would can you dive well he said just just I don't know just dive and I was like now he said yeah I don't know you're Australian I was like okay and then I did bomb of a dive and it but no God no that wasn't me that no I was just thinking that I haven't I guess you don't really do that many tricks I haven't done that many tricky things like and then the things that are really difficult like I don't know like the I know I was this is gonna sound really dark but I've died a lot of ways on screen like you don't get really rehearsal for that or training you know probably said I could swim better than I could swim and and and Diana does swim in season five because real Princess Di wasn't amazingly strong swimmer but again I don't think they used me they used my double in a wig so that's fair you had me fooled you not on the crown I I knew that wasn't you on the crown but on the tenant you had me fooled uh Leslie no I don't I I I've been wrecking my brain trying to think what what I don't think I've ever sort of pretended I could do anything but I want I just want to endorse what Christine said because I love I love being on the set listening to the director and the dop and talking the shots and what they're going to do and you know they they watch the run through of a scene and and then you know that that that they're trying through the shots to convey the spirit the emotion of the scene and I I just love listening to all of that because it's it's fascinating and why wouldn't you do that why would you just go off and look at your messages on your phone just just absorb the room that you're in and listen to the people that you're working with because it's it's a privilege and we're very very lucky all of us to do the work at the level that that we that we're doing it so um I I I really like being on set and just watching all sorts of Department doing their thing can I say one one thing about advice because I I'm not very good at giving it but I do think you know what Holland was saying about the awards and the race and it's taken me a really long time to not I just think actors are the most I'm I'm biased but I think they're really wonderful people and in my life felt really lost or kind of like I'm going a bit mad waiting for someone to give me permission to do my job and go to work because you can't act alone you can't you can't do your job in a bubble you have someone has to give you this golden ticket of a job or an audition or something so you can practice what you do but whenever I felt really like suspended or just lost and I'm and then I'm surrounded by actors again or directors or people I just feel sort of like found again I don't you know it's like it just totally recenters me and I think you know I still have to remind myself to sort of seek out my acting friends when I feel like that but just be near people who want to talk about it and and care and want to go to class and you know and then remember that yeah it's just like this the sense of division and that someone's right behind you you're not you know like what you do is what you can do and that's that and that's beautiful and that's enough you know so find find people be near them and love them it back is a really um Karen if you have one go ahead but if not I can go to my last question I have you know I I I'm just I love what Elizabeth just said she said um what Christine said and and Holland said and I I think that it reminds me of something that August Wilson play right that I love would say often would talk about which was the the kilna the artist IS F in and and you know killing is rather hot um and I think that there is this sense that um as an actor as an as an artist it you know I want to hurry up and get there I want to hurry up and get there but it's been my experience as a journey of an actor that um it's best to experience um achievement or accomplishment slowly to do it slowly is something that I don't think that we um really prize and I I do I I prize a slow gratification especially when it comes to this career so um spend a lot of time auditioning and not focusing on what Christine talked about which is what is the experience on set how do you imbue your community with integrity and and trust and Grace and all of those things and so um yeah I'm just thinking so much about about that idea of advice which is to which is just to uh to stay in it and don't give up and and uh like what Elizabeth say look out seek out people who are around you and and um yeah just let yourself get nice and hot in that fil you know that is what being an artist is so much about thank you um sadly Greta Lee couldn't join us today if we are one down but I want to thank um all of you for taking the time out on a Saturday to chat with us today and to you know chat about your performance your process Artistry and craft it was really an incredible morning and thank you ladies very much thank you than you [Music]

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