[CELEBS] Adele and Rich Paul with predictions @ Synastry Expert

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:24:38 Category: People & Blogs

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hello everyone hi love lovers bour so today we are talking about ad and a rich poor all right we know that they engaged they have um finally announced it officially that they are engaged so let's see the vibe right [Music] [Applause] so adal was born um in the UK actually so that makes her a foreigner to her man right a rich Paul because Rich Paul was born in the US right so Adel was born on the 5th of May 1988 well um Rich Paul was born on the 16th of December 1981 right so I was just thinking that uh yesterday when I was talking about bigan I had a bit of uh chuckle because in my head I just thought of you know nikaj song where where niik says Big Sean how big is your uh so that came you know that popped up in in my head and I had that chuckle when I was uh describing uh Big Sean and you know yeah anyway Adele Adele Adele We Know Adele right she's like the goddess of music all right she sings beautifully she carries her self in a beautiful manner like I like that she doesn't need to do a lot of stuff for us to give her our attention like she's just so talented and just incredible like just incredible incredible incredible and Rich pool is a sponsor manager director agent you know um so he's into sports and I can see why he's in in in in sports because his mass is actually conjunct with his certain certain is of profession but in Viro Viro of work right so every time when Mars as I told you guys previously every time when Mars is conjunct with Saturn it actually professes into something physical that is done physically right and okay so that was just like a just an astrology thing but you know it doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about so let's get into the ju but before we get into the juice right I would like you know um to yeah to just you know ask for your patience ask for your I don't know what right but for your understanding because I'm going to be uploading I think one video every day I will try um to upload a video a day because I was just looking at you know our journey on this channel I started this channel when I was pregnant with my son so I was you know making all of those videos pregnant and you know continuing of course after uh the delivery and now my son is uh you know uh 15 months right so so it's like I'm H I'm I'm growing two babies you know my son and this Channel at the same time and they you know they they were produced at the same time as well so I would like to like grow the channel even more like to have many videos so that by the time I send my son off to school because in France uh all children my start school at 3 years old like we don't have a choice it's a rule it's um it's the law that at 3 years old all the children must be at school so I I would like you know by that time I have at least over 1,000 videos right so yeah so just bear with me now I'm just going to put up videos so regularly like um because now I have this new goal of you know uh by the time I send off my son to school you know this channel should have you know uh grown in in in um production or in the you know products that I'm doing right so yeah anyway let's get into the juice very first thing that you know I see here and you guys can see is that um you know a or girl is a Gemini right a Gemini with Venus on her ascendant just like a benle right and what we see here is that opposition to uh Rich Paul's Neptune there right there's a Neptune Vibe but then the the Neptune that he comes with in her seventh house by the way it's coming with sun it's coming with merury at the same time right so it means that anytime when you have um Neptune coming to Overlay in the seventh house then the partner like you you start to not see your partner they in the truest form that they are there's a lot of coverage um that is happening does you know I always say like there's a fog it's like a fog so it's like a fog that is covering who Rich pole is in terms of how Adele sees him right so Adele could be having you know a different view of who he really is and then it turns out that he's actually somebody else you know but there's um there's a a nice uh oh or nice or a positive thing right which is that sun that he also comes with here so the sun because it's conjunct with Neptune you know in the same degrees and all of that it's also giving you know some ability to um shine to like Shine the Light into his personality all right which is okay so it means that sometimes um yeah so there would be times when she he can you know see some qualities about him real qualities about him of who he really is and then at times you know um that goes away right depending obviously on the transit as well so I'm also saying that because mercur is conjunct with Neptune and uh Sun like he's NE he's Neptune and Sun a conjunct with his Mercury also in the seventh house there could be some exaggerations or some lies spoken you know and uh yeah because Neptune like I said yesterday when Neptune is conjunct with Mercury there are lies or miscommunications or misunderstanding um in communication so one person says somebody else I mean say something else and the other person hears another thing or the other person deliberately uh say something that is not true so as to convince you know the other the partner of this thing right so this is what it means and it's in the seventh House of spouse and businesses and public in all of that right what is clear though is that uh she has experienced some sort of transformation you know in her career through this relationship you know because of um her Venus you know U making that aspect to that square aspect to the to his own Venus right so lots of Transformations definitely and these have uh given her both the losses and gains as well at the same time right but because his own K uh Venus is conjunct with ketu so she's um she would have likely s suffered some losses as well through you know being in a relationship with him one way or the other right they do have a beautiful shine between you know their moons and this is very nice because it it uh gives a flowing emotional understanding a flowing emotional um um a care nurturing type of a Vibe you know all of that care that we we we look for in relationships so they give that to each other with understanding and acceptance and warmth so this is beautiful this is a beautiful Trine and I love it however I do see that sometimes he could be experiencing some sort of um psychosis at you know at times due to his Moon being conjunct with heru and Lilith so meaning that at times he could be experiencing some uh um traumatic like a shock in know to his either emotions or mind because of that get like like he would get hurt so much that you know he can't uh believe it but because of the China going to the Moon also get soothed at the same time all right so I do see that um her certain is conjuncted with you know um his son again in that seventh house and now I'm going to give you a secret forage today guys so please don't tell anyone it's just for us okay so guys every time when certain is conjunct with the sun in sinistry it tell it tells us that one of the partners is going to feel um a bit uh small you know in their identity and the other one is going to feel pumped up right and because you know most of the time the certain partner which is Adele at this point could feel uh a sense of you know okay I should bow to son you know I should respect this my son partner right this would happen a lot but in this case it's not really her main focus why because her certain is actually retrograde meaning that her certain in the seventh house is not really affecting her 7eventh house but it's looking backwards it's focusing on the work it's focusing on the sixth house things it's focusing on her work her daily routines you know the people that she works with her diet her health all of that all right so she doesn't have time to feel uh uh small or she feel like she must bow to him in a such a sense like where I see this happening a lot so because of her retrograde certain her focus is always facing you know uh backwards and not really in this uh conjunction with the Sun so that's a secret for today guys I'm just going to give you some of the secrets here and there and as I said yesterday and the other ones I live for the premium subscribers I feel like I do a lot of marketing but I'm a German I so love with me so now let's get into the predictions all right now I'm I'm going because they are not seen or in the same age she's 36 and he's 42 turning 43 soon um at the end of this year so I'm going to make like a uh a what you call it like a uh from age 35 and up to age 44 so that I can look at both of their uh lives in terms of this relationship and age right so when I look at from age 35 because I don't want to start you know 34 33 whenever they met because they met in 2019 and they went public in 20121 so now what was happening when she was 35 years old her progressing Venus was conjunct with her natal Venus right so meaning that at this time you know she could have been at the peak of her uh feelings in terms of this relationship because remember her natal Venus is on her ascendant right so she could have been feeling all of the love she feeling in love as well and uh feeling healed in the relationship itself right and at this time enforcing um it may be the need to uh be married because it's looking at her own certain right there right but at the same time because you know of all of that uh Vibes of Neptune uh being here it could have also been like a a a rose colored situation at this time right but what I see is that the progressing um getu and progressing certain of reach right at this time we're going over um her sixth house okay meaning that his work like the need to work profession on all of that was focusing on her own work so it's like maybe you know um uh pushing their their work you know pushing their focus on work so that was what is going on in his own mind at this time right all about work and all of that right whilst she's feeling love and in love and you know and uh um with the Rose Colored Glasses like you know seeing what she wants to see basically right in the words of beyon she was drunk in love anyway so at the age of 36 I see that her Progressive Venus at at this time got conjunct with rahu actually she is 36 so her progress Venus is right now conjuncted with his rahu and every time when a Venus is with rahu there could be some you know as I said you know some uh foreign influences in the relationship there could be some foreign Vibes like um and in some instances it could be citation and in some inst instances it could literally be you know uh experiencing the love but in a foreign environment maybe going to visit a foreign country a foreign place whereby you guys you know you you uh um you up up your love you experience your love to the maximum but you know there's a foreign uh foreign vibe that is going to be experienced uh this time because of her progressing Venus conjunct with his rahu right but what is very very important is that her progressing Venus right now as you speak is going opposite he's Venus right and remember His Venus is conjunct with ketu so again giving that space again of a third party a foreign in think um or you know them experiencing a foreign influence in the relationship right because I mean it's it's science it has to science right and now I see that uh age 37 next year her progress Ching Venus is going to be um attaching itself to her own getu and her own L right so at this time it's also going to be conjunct to his Moon okay every time when Venus and Moon are together they enforce you know some sort of Good Vibes as I said they both have the same uh mentality they want to give love they want to give nurturing they want to give uh affection but from the verdict point of view thanks to ks right Capal Moon has a tendency to cheat so when moon is attached to Venus again citation is highly possible here right and because it's going to be with her own kid to again some sort of uh distance some sort of uh space but again if they are going into a foreign environment experiencing the for like enforcing the foreign part into their relationship then these trations don't happen so that's another solution that I can I could give you guys like if you see that you are going to experience um like your Venus is going to your progressing Venus is going to attach to your rahu or to your ketu be deliberate about it align yourself with her with the planets with your chart find something foreign that is going to satisfy the rahu in your relationship so find something foreign that is going to tell rahu okay here's the foreign element that is going to happen I already give to you okay so don't take away my relationship don't give me cheet don't give me that I'm already giving you something uh foreign okay so maybe you and your partner you could go out to a different uh region together stay there for a week or whatever look at your degrees to see how long you should stay so you stay there for you know and experience that foreign Vibe or you know stuff stuff like that so that then you both don't feel like you have to cheat or you have to bring a you know a weird vibe to the relationship so that's a solution that I'm also giving you today but um of course look at your chart look at your degrees and see how long you should do something before you do it okay because this is a generalized uh solution that I give and I don't know your personal charts you can you know book a session to know your situation so that you are uh uh confident in the solutions that you apply okay anyway for him right now um just after he turns 4 to3 in December he's progressing Venus is going to be conjuncted with his own Mars and curn remember Mar I mean remember curn with Venus they want when they together they want commitment so at this time he could be you know wanting to be married like let's get married now now is the right time we've been engaged for a long time I want to get married now this year please let's get married right and at this time when she turned uh 38 you know when she he turns 38 so so possibly when they do get married they could you know go um uh and have the marriage you know in a foreign country like Italy like you know like a foreign uh place and if they do this is going to be beautiful because then it's going to match the foreign uh the foreign vibe that I see coming in into the relationship right and then when she turns 38 her progress Venus is going to be conjunct with his Mars and curn at this time it's telling me that they are buying property they will buy property at this time together for sure and uh yeah and if they don't buy the property because MOS has got the lower degree MOS could give an argument here about also maybe property about stuff like this right or about work related stuff right right and uh at 39 when she turns 39 I see here from both from both charts from his chart and from hers that when she turns 39 and when he turns 34 they could have a child at this time they could decide to fall pregnant or fall or you know have a child and but I do see that he is going to not be so involved in the in the bringing up of the child there's going to be like some distance but they would have a child when uh she turned 39 and she turned 44 right so I think I just want to stop here because I mean I did I don't know want I don't want to go beyond 44 yeah because around 45 you know things could be a bit tough in their marriage uh you there could be like some problems happening at this time but you know it's far off so we don't look at it we we can revisit you know as the years go we can revisit um all these uh charts that we've done so yeah but around 45 I see some big problem but you know it's far off we'll just revisit at sometime and I do like to focus um more on you know the downsides or the shortcomings of relationships because these are mostly what people will not discuss or what what people will not look at so no one really talks about the negatives most of the time people like talk about the good stuff which everybody can see so it's nice to have you know also another side of what is going on right with that said I must thank you guys and I'll cheat to you soon yeah subscribe like and comment and subscribe on the website as well be cha cha

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