this is what he said about food prices last week when you go into the grocery store and you're buying your groceries you're spending more than ever before and you're leaving with less than ever before again that is after two years of jagmeet singh joining the liberal government everyone has an opinion about canadian federal politics oh yeah hey gang what's up just aaron right here at canadian looney so we have this hot off the press's press conference with pierre polyeth and he slams trudeau and his corrupt cabinet but after that he really slams jagmeade sing this is worth a look let's take a peek let's take a listen pierre polliev they say he's going to be the next prime minister i don't know if i'd mind that one bit not compared to the way it is right now let's take a look welcome back everybody happy end of summer but really what's there to be happy about after justin trudeau's recent cabinet retreat what changed remember at the beginning of the summer after the people of st paul's voted against justin trudeau's proposed 61 cent a liter carbon tax voted against him doubling housing costs and driving two million people to the food bank voted against the crime and chaos he has caused all the pmo staffers called you in the media and said there would be heads rolling that they would fire ministers they called the globe and mail and said incompetent and discredited christian freeland would lose her job to mark carney or at least to someone who knew how to work a calculator and then that there would be other changes maybe even the prime minister would step aside to make way and to try and bury the disastrous ndp liberal record and put a fresh coat of paint on the broken down liberal car well what did we learn at this expensive liberal retreat in halifax we learned that nothing will change that christia freeland who's been canada's worst ever finance minister helping to double our national debt and drive inflation to its worst in four decades will stay in her job sean frazier who destroyed what was the best immigration system in the world will stay in his job the crazy carbon tax minister stefan gilbo who wants to ban trucks roads and plastic straws while liberals legalized crack and heroin he's gonna keep his job as well the disastrous justice minister who's helped give give canada a fifty percent increase in violent crime and a one hundred and twenty percent increase in gun crime he will keep his job but most important of all justin trudeau the man who is not worth the cost announced that he will too will keep his job canadians cannot afford another painful costly chaotic and corrupt year of justin trudeau he will not quit he must be fired his ego arrogance and incompetence will always have him putting himself ahead of canadians he would rather he would justin trudeau would rather force an entire generation to go without homes million people to go to food banks twenty five percent of kids to go to school hungry that he would rather that continue to be the case than to give up power he will not quit he must be fired and the person to do it is jag meet sing sing sold out workers to sign on to this costly coalition he has voted to hike the carbon tax to 61 cents a liter for policies to double housing costs and attacks food now why did he do it he told us that if he became part of the government he'd bring down food prices that was one of his promises did he succeed well you don't actually have to ask me if he succeeded ask him this is what he said about food prices last week when you go into the grocery store and you're buying your groceries you're spending more than ever before and you're leaving with less than ever before again that is after two years jagmeet singh joining the liberal government so what's clear is that singh did not join to bring down grocery prices or housing costs both of which have skyrocketed since he joined this coalition he joined to keep trudeau in power so that he could get his pension jagmeet singh is trying to delay the election until after february of next year so that he can qualify for a 2.2 million dollar taxpayer funded pension that's why canadians are calling him sell out sing my message to sell out sing is this put the people ahead of your pension break the costly coalition with trudeau to trigger a carbon tax election where canadians can choose between the costly coalition of the ndp liberals that tax your food punish your work take your money double your housing cost and unleash crime and chaos in your community or common sense conservatives who will ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime acts the tax build the homes fix the budget stop the crime to bring it home for our country we'll bring home lower prices by getting rid of the carbon tax which will not only lower the cost for farmers and truckers to bring us food or for canadians to heat their homes or gas their cars but will unleash 25 billion dollars more of gdp every single year according to finance department publications from this liberal government we'll enact a bring it home tax cut to make our taxes simpler lower and fairer the goal is to bring home more powerful paychecks and production to this country we'll get rid of the government gatekeepers to allow us to produce our in clean canadian natural gas our vital minerals our oil our forestry products and to bring home production to this country we'll get rid of the gatekeepers by allowing our immigrant our brilliant immigrants to take a blue seal exam and get working in their profession so we have more doctors and nurses we will get rid of the government gatekeepers to build the homes we will require local municipalities speed up permits free up land and cut development taxes as a condition of getting federal funds to build fifteen percent more homes per year we'll sell off six thousand federal buildings and thousands of acres of federal land to build build build build will cut taxes on home building will back the trades because we need the boots and snot suits in order to build those homes we will build those homes in safe neighborhoods with jail and not bail for repeat violent offenders with treatment not decriminalized and subsidized hard drugs and by securing our borders to keep criminals terrorists drugs and guns out while we bring and at the same times we will ensure that our stolen cars do not leave our ports as they do right now we will get that money by canceling the ridiculous gun grab and respecting the rights of our law abiding licensed trained and tested hunters and sports shooters we will also secure our borders to make sure that never again do accused isis terrorists get into our country and become citizens of canada even after the existence of a video apparently showing that same terrorist mutilating a human body on a crucifix during the isis war over a decade ago these are the kinds of disastrous mistakes radical approaches of the liberal government that must end so that we can replace their costly incompetence with our common sense and the result will be a country where hard work again earns a powerful paycheck and pension buys affordable food gas and homes in safe neighborhoods under a proud canadian flag in the country we know and love canada let's bring it home well i wouldn't have had to do that in this case the reason that we have these strikes is because of inflation we had last year the largest number of days lost to strike since 1986 what do we have in 1986 inflation inflation leads to strikes because workers and unions have to fight to get back what they lost in purchasing power but how did the inflation happen the government doubled the debt justin trudeau printed 700 billion dollars of cash he increased the money supply by 40 percent while the real economy grew by 4 percent when you add money ten times faster than you add the stuff that money buys then you get inflation and that screws over workers because they live off wages if you're a billionaire like the people trudeau vacations with then you don't have to worry about inflation because your assets are inflation proof or even inflation positive you get richer it's a transfer of wealth from the have nots to the have yachts and you know what it's ironic it's all done with jagmeet singh's support he can huff and puff all he wants but he supported the inflationary policies that destroyed the wages of working class people and he supports what justin trudeau did on the rail strike do you know how we know do you know how we know that do you know how we know that no do you know how we know that jagmeat supports it because he's still in a coalition with them and if jagmeat didn't support it he would respond to my letter this afternoon and say he's pulling out of the costly coalition and he's going to vote to bring down trudeau and cause a carbon tax election and that's what i'm calling for him to do today drag me saying stop selling out the workers stop being sellout saying put the people ahead of your pension vote for a carbon tax election now be accepted into canada next year first of all we have to acknowledge that justin trudeau has destroyed our immigration system we had a multi generational consensus in immigration for literally decades before trudeau came along immigration was not even a controversial issue prior to trudeau we brought in hardworking law abiding citizens in numbers that our housing market our job market and our health care system could absorb what has since happened trudeau and frazier destroyed the temporary foreign worker program by telling their bureaucrats to overlook fraud by getting rid of the rule that required that you couldn't bring in temporary foreign workers for low wage jobs in places where there was over six percent unemployment in other words where there were lots of people looking for work they destroyed the international student program by allowing rampant fraud and abuse and increasing the numbers to levels we could not afford and they grew the population almost three times as fast as the housing stock that is entirely a decision of justin trudeau and the ndp liberals when i'm prime minister the temporary foreign worker program will be used exclusively to fill jobs that canadians cannot or do not fill like in agriculture sectors but never to replace canadians or drive down wages we will only admit international students to if they have a way to pay their bills a house to live in and a real admission letter to a real educational institution and population growth will be below the growth in jobs housing and health care that is a common sense plan now let's bring it home sort of to see a reduction in the number of permit residents that are pitting the candidate over the next two years it's at 500 000 we have to have fewer we have to have a smaller population growth there's no question about it we cannot grow the population at three times the rate of the housing stock as trudeau has been doing we need to have a growth rate that is below the growth in housing health care and employment if you want to look at if you want an idea of how i would run the immigration system overall it's the way it was run for the 30 years prior to trudeau being prime minister we had a common sense consensus between liberals and conservatives for three decades that screened people to make sure they were safe only brought in the numbers that we could absorb into our housing health care and job market and block temporary foreign workers where they were taking jobs from canadians that was a common sense consensus that existed before justin trudeau and the radical and out of control ndp liberal government destroyed our system thank you very much merci beaucoup everyone has an opinion about CANADIAN federal politics oh yeah this is canadian looney my name is aaron things are crazy in this country is that guy going to be our next prime minister looks like that's what the polls say anyhow like subscribe share get notified all those fun things leave a comment i love the comments what do you think about pierre polliev what do you think about the state of canada these days it's wild anyway like i say get notified share subscribe all those fun things we do live videos here all the time so come and check out one of the live shows you'll enjoy that that's why you need to get notified anyhow i'm aaron kennedy and looney we'll check the next video thank you for watching this one

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