WWE Superstar "The Miz" Grills "The Guru" John Hansen For Fantasy Football Sleepers

Intro I feel like I want to find the newcomer the new tight end the tight end that's like but the problem is these new tight ends are The Darlings is n joku an option I liked nooku last year but and he came through I feel like I got lucky from Joe flacko though I I'm I'm worried about the Sean for your brown sorry Miz U thanks his his arms a little sore right now I'm like I mean it's been a while Winston jamus is good jamus throw the ball he will he will um he might throw it to the other team a bunch of times but he's going to get it to he's he's going to have the same amount of interceptions he has touchdowns you know what I mean like so I mean he's going to be targeting I just don't know like I'm I'm looking for that tight end man I'm looking for that you know I got the guy got round that like that nobody else is like talking about it's like I got this guy I got the guy you ready yeah ready what what why you shaking your head you're [Music] welcome I just want the people to know Introducing The Miz and I I've always said this about you you know you you you have your your professional career and all that but I I've always been impressed by your integrity and your I mean you're a very honorable guy again I hate to you know kiss your ass a little bit here but you you are the man you are one of the nicest guys I've ever met because you know you're in a position where you could be a real a-hole but you're you're you're a real you're a real one Mike you're I play a good one on television I play a real good uh yeah I play a really good egotistical arrogant person on on TV but now like people seem to love it so I get cheered for it before I used to get booed uh every single week of the of the of the year but you know what now uh I'm starting to get appraised for it I'm 1.01 In Fantasy Drafts starting to love it but you know what's one thing about fantasy radio that like I'm like you know you know what we need we need less talk about The Miz and wrestling and all stuff we need more talk about fantasy football because let's face it I'm in six leagues this year I've got celebrity leagues I've got you know uh charity leagues I got a lot of different ones that are PPR Half Point PPR regular I need to dive into this like I have I have a specific amount of time that I have with you right now Guru and I have questions I'm a number one pick in a PPR and I know in a PPR in America you don't have mcaffrey as your number one right so I'm thinking and by the way he's not even your number one running back like ree Hall is your number one running back so I'm curious at this number one spot what are you doing like are you going wide receiver or do you go running back because I feel lately I've been hearing a lot like last year you don't touch a running back in the first two right this year I've been hearing people going hey I might go running back running back because there's a lot of later you know three four five where I can get a Michael Pitman I can get a Mike Evans I can get a neighbors you know and I can get all these guys what am I doing at the number one spot look I'm GNA default to going with the running back I I don't want to Waffle here because I do like lamb and and Tyreek and you know Chase as well the problem with taking those guys and I think this is part of knowing your league too Mike uh I mean you're in a bunch of them but you you know you probably don't know all of them but will you have a crack at Derk Henry in round two because I do like Derrik Henry quite a bit I don't like round two in general uh if you think H maybe not I might have a crack at him so do I go Tyreek and if I can get Derrick Henry on the back end do you really like Derek now like a lot of people are like saying he's old and you're a person that usually I don't go with the old guys I'm in with the new right that's true there there no doubt but you know everyone evolves a little bit as I always say I just want to get the answer to the question right so every once in a while I mean I'll certainly deviate from some of my core principles like you know an older running back like derck Henry but I really just it's just such a beautiful situation and they're going to be so impossible to defend they'll move the ball they'll they'll control the games that they're in most of the time and he'll he'll get the Rock and I I think he's going to deliver but you know at the end of the day like total like you got to make a call I'm in on the stud running backs this year so you so but you say on there that CD Lambs you're number one so if you're at number one and you're a PPR in America what are you doing what is Guru doing right well can we say it CD is a safe choice and pray that Henry's there if you worry about Henry being there I mean maybe one or two people love Derk Henry in your league and they're going to take him an 18 overall not going to make it all the way back to you then I would in fact go with the uh running back now are we talking PPR okay Kaplan Invitational you're in a Kaplan Invitational or the FBI whatever it is what what are you doing at number one probably going to go with the running back just just you're gonna go even though you're even though you're 200 says you're going CD it does it does uh but hey I mean I just do the best that I can to rank the players what I do with that is I take where they're going and when I think they're they should be going so I try to marry you know being logical and taking these guys around when they're going and and maybe when I think they should be going but no you bring up a good point here right at the top it it is a very very very tough call because Tyreek is so damn good lamb is going to get another 175 damn targets big- time Target percentage and Chase is an absolute stud who has not yet had his Top of Drafts best season is it mon ra over Chase right now or no oh no no I I mean fairly You could argue it what's that is it it's an argument though like ban okay let's say let's say You're Number Two and someone's listening right now goes man if Guru is going Bree Hall then guess what I'm I'm gonna take I'm gonna take uh then number two do you go ban or do you go do you go tyriq and and CI and Chase and then you go ban yeah I think if you make a decision I'm going running back here I I based on a variety of factors again maybe you think Derk Henry won't last to your late second round pick um then I think you just commit to running back uh because this year and again I'm I'm trying my best not to Waffle uh I know I have lamb and and Chase and by the way I'm updating it I might change it up uh and and by the way also it's still been a little fluid here I was pretty much all in the running backs then like about two weeks ago I started finding that Derk Henry was going before that last pick of round two so at one I was like oh wow I better get that running back now so I you know it's a little fluid but the bottom line is I see this year not as many you know clear stud wide receivers at the top uh so I I think we're looking at those three guys lamb Hill and Chase then I see a drop off and then I'm I'm going running backs over all other comers and that includes Justin Jefferson obviously we've got a problem there Aman ra is very good but I do think this is the year to go with running backs and one of the reason do you do you if you're number three then and and Maan and and Bree are gone do you go mcaffrey or would you go hey n we're going to go with these Tyreek Chase and then then it's mcaffrey because it seems like mcaffrey you you you seem to think that there's a there's a fallof right yeah I do I do I'm very I'm very concerned I'm making sure I'm I'm behind his ADP I I don't I don't want to go there uh in part because we unlike last year Bree was coming off an ACL bejon was playing for Arthur Smith the rookie hadn't hadn't really done anything same with jir Gibbs and Taylor Jonathan Taylor was embroiled in a contract dispute big time holding out so completely different ball game this year it's like okay last year I'm like all right I'm not gonna take mcaffrey but I get it I understand it now we're a year older and now we have these four really pristine running back prospects they're young they're durable generally and they're very versatile like the question is why would I risk it with a 29-year-old mcaffrey free he had the calf sprain in the calf issue here uh in the summer and that is very concerning to me because that was the injury that he suffered last year in week what was it 16 the fantasy champ 17 the fantasy championship week and he didn't play again for three weeks granted he was good in the playoffs maybe not as good but what if he had that injury in week four or what if he does this year he aggravates it in week three now you're in for a long Road here potentially worrying about mcaffrey why do it when you have viable very viable Alternatives who are on average like five years Drake London younger all right so these are my cream of the crops I'm curious on this one too so I have Drake London in the fourth as a keeper if I want like why are people so high on on London right now when he hasn't really shown anything now granted he has a quarterback this time oh since he has a quarterback now all of a sudden Pitts and uh and uh and and London are like all of a sudden the bell of the ball but wait a second like they haven't really shown anything so why are they going so much higher now than they were before like I get that it's Kurt Cousins is it really that significant of a difference Brian you can chime in here man Dez Ritter he's bad I mean he's really really bad and Marcus Mariota is worse so now we don't know if Kirk Cousins is going to be ready for week one I I think that still might be something of an issue but at least we do have Michael pennx um I'm not in love with London but you know I think he's pretty good I wasn't a big London person originally when he came out I did have a long conversation with my boy Rody white who was at practice and he he studied him uh closely go his rookie year and he was like no he's going to be good he's he's he's separating on outside against good Corners in man coverage which is a good Miss test and you know he's been pretty good um just really held back by the quarterback uh Brian where are you with London are you with the masses that are giving him more love these days I'm a little pulled back on Drake London I used to do a segment on my SiriusXM show on Sunday nights called hate the Drake it was players who let you down that day and Drake London appeared on that list an awful lot but again to your point a lot of its quarterback play you look at what he did last year really the games that he produced and he only had two weeks where he scored over 20 PPR points it's because he was force-fed targets he had weeks of 11 and 12 targets to get there if I'm drafting a guy you know in one of those top four rounds I want to make sure he's got that kind of weak-- winning upside I'm not necessarily sure that Drake London does and also by the way we're gonna feed the ball to to bejan we're going to give the ball to Kyle pittz finally and you know Darnell Mooney really nice player on the other side that they brought in from Chicago so I I'm pulling back a little bit on him you know he's a big contested catch guy I don't know how much he's going to get up and down the field I'd rather see who else is around that ballpark like you know Guru I'm looking at your rankings right here I've got your top 200 cheat sheet from fantasy points.com you know Marvin Harrison Jr you've got ranked just around him I'd rather have him over him pukan noua absolutely give me pukaa over Drake London but if you're gonna keep Mike in the fourth round uh do you have any other options who else could you maybe keep from this team I mean Taj Spears in like the 10th I have uh Joe burrow in the eighth I have e eten at in the 15th which I'm keeping but I have one more that I'm allowed to keep and so obviously I'm keeping etn but I was like ah Drake in the fourth I guess that's a value and then I'm like but it's not really a value you're kind of can get them there and then I was thinking burrow in the eth is kind of a value it's not a great value and then Tyjae Spears Taj I thought Taj was going to be the guy in in Tennessee like the way that that you built him up Guru last year I thought this is this is going to be a steal next year I'm gonna have the best Keepers out of everybody I'm have an 11th round he's gonna be a first rounder and now everyone's like yeah he's 10 11th round no one's really talking about him yeah but did you watch him play at all because he's good I know he's good but why isn't everyone being like get him you got to get Taj Spears you're not hearing that a lot where I look they paid Tony Pard obviously he's coming off a bad year but he's looking a little bit better these days that it's a it's a dual backfield like it's a shared backfield and I think if if they didn't sign Tony Pard and Taj Spears was the starter I mean he'd probably be a fourth round pick but why would you sign why would you sign um Tony Pard if you know you have a Taj Spears and what we thought Taj Spears was right we thought he was like an exceptional running back you wouldn't you wouldn't need a Tony Pard and to pay a Tony Pard when you have Taj Spears so what something's going on right yeah I mean well Spears is a little smaller he's not you know he doesn't have the greatest frame to be a true Bell cow he also has this long-term lingering thing with like he doesn't have an ACL uh you know I I talked with him at the combine he was awesome really great interview unbelievable guy uh didn't didn't mention any issues whatsoever uh long-term Health but you know you can't ignore it they are transitioning a little bit they've got a A Young quarterback in will Levis they don't want to put too much on his plate kind of build the offense around these two guys again they'll be interchangeable but I I do love Taj Spears uh I think he's gonna still be very good and deliver but he's not a value I'm going to go Drake London there Miz uh cu beers you could probably get right around that slot 10th round and then Burl you'll probably get him right around that spot too be honest I really don't want Drake London I I'm almost thinking of like I might not do two keepers I might just do one keeper but I know Drake is probably going in what the third round second it's second round I mean I got a two round value and in the first in the first you know I'm the sixth pick so I imagine everyone's gonna follow the rules so I'll probably get Bree or get Bon so I'm like okay so now I have my two running backs now the second round I could probably come around in that six spot and get I don't think Garrett Wilson will fall to me but I I also Malik Nabers think like I don't know if I want Devonte Adams like I I do like do I want Devonte Adams no because yeah like I know the talent I just don't know the quarterback right um I don't know if the quarterback can get him the ball and then I'm trying to also think all right what am I what am I looking for in that that that round I want I want a wide receiver one I don't think I can get one Malik neighbors that's the guy you think in the second round that early by the end of ADP season here when all these drafts are said and done I think we're going to see Malik neighbors sneak up into the third round Guru I think we talked about this last night on the show he's going like fourth right now I think you're going to see him like early third late 2 the hype on him is going to get out of control I saw Jordan renan Giants beat reporter talking to him up that he could lead the league in targets uh you know and he's just he's the offense they don't have saquin anymore you know are you really going to put the ball in single T's hands you know 30 times a game absolutely not they're going to find any way they can to get neighbors the ball so if you're looking at guys like that you know end of the second round you're looking for wide receiver Deebo Samuel the world's your oyster I mean what do you think of Cooper cup you like do you think he can bounce back I know you know Guru you're an aist but if Cooper Cup's healthy you know he's a Target Monster the football nerd is here to win but what about puga deua would that would that I mean a lot of people had him higher than than Cooper cup isn't that correct yeah that's correct I have a name for you here here's a name now Mike you I remember one year I loved this guy and you weren't feeling it he did blow up how about a little Debo Samuel antio huh yeah I'm back what what if what if auk stays well then now you're still dealing with a guy who's fine you know maybe you you met fine I don't want fine okay nobody wants fine okay I want this is amazing this is this is what gonna win me the league I want picks like that fine maybe I go King Henry why wouldn't I go Derrick Henry there and have etn and I have King Henry in the flex I mean th this is a year if you want to be sneaky yeah yeah because the depth at wide receiver in these middle rounds you mentioned a couple of names not even middle earlier rounds three four five six Michael Pitman DJ Moore I mean there are a lot of names here but let's take a look at Debo uh number one Debo last year was right there if you recall I love dauk last year I'm like this guy just get him uh and he was great but guess what Debo had more points per game last year last year with auk was he a was he a wide receiver one or two though last year he was uh a high-end two okay so that would be so then that would mean I would have two great running backs and then a high-end wide receiver to who could blow up to be number one yeah because we know that we know that and then I'll have the Drake London which is will hopefully be a wide receiver to maybe yeah and then I'd have Tight End Landscape to look for a tight end now a lot of people are blowing smoke up the uh the the McBride and the and the King Cade are we in the same realm as that uh like are we getting them over you know say Mark Andrews Kelsey are these like yeah we're always targeting for someone right yeah you might not like if you're like thinking like I mean I love Kelsey I think he's amazing I think he's incredible I always last year I got him in the first round uh just because that's how much I believed and no matter what you could always have trade bait because it's like ah well I got this um but I'm wondering do am I gonna start going towards these guys because leapor is going to be gone in my leagues I know that he's going to be overdrafted like early and I don't think I want any of that I don't want that smoke right I feel like I want to find the newcomer the new tight end the tight end that's like but the problem is these new tight ends are The Darlings is nooku an option I liked nooku last year but and he came through I feel like I got lucky from Joe flacko though I I'm I'm worried about the Sha for your brown sorry is um thanks his his arms a little sore right now I'm like I mean it's been a while Winston jamus is good jamus can throw the ball he will he will um he might throw it to the other team a bunch of times but he's gonna get it to he's G he's gonna have the same amount of interceptions he has touchdowns you know what I mean like so I mean he's gonna be targeting I just don't know like I'm I'm looking for that tight end man I'm looking for that you know I got the guy I got the guy that like that nobody else is like talking about it's like I got this guy I got the guy you ready yeah ready Jake Jake Ferguson Ferguson Dallas Cowboys oh really you don't think people are looking at him you know he's the 11th tight end off the board I've got him at eight so it's a little buying opportunity do you think he's a he's a 12th rounder what where do you think he's going to fall in a 12-man 12 team League you know eighth or ninth round I mean it's like okay so I'm looking eighth or ninth round people are on him but you know he's really only done it for like let's call it two-thirds of a season if you recall Miz you listen to the show two years ago I love Jake Ferguson I told everyone to pick him up in Dynasty and boom I mean we haven't even peaked yet he's a great dude I chopped it up with him in Indie at the combine uh he plays fantasy so you love that he's Barry Alvarez grandson okay he played for Wisconsin his grandfather's a freaking Legend and no you know no entitlement whatsoever good guy and here's the key he he's sneaky athletic he's not like a freak by any stretch but he's very smart and very Savvy and Dak Prescott is what we call like a see it and throw it quarterback and oftentimes if the first second read isn't there he defaults to checking it down or looking over the middle for his tight end as I call him his blankie you know when Dak came out I did predict that summer that he was going to be good and the Cowboys nailed a pick and all that and what the first thing I saw was oh wow he's really looking for Jason Whitten you can look up Jason wht's numbers very big numbers late in his career too playing with Dak so they're a little limited receiver you know Brandon Cooks and lamb and then they've got a lot of unknowns running back they doing there what's that what are they doing at running back Rico Dowdle uncle rico baby yeah you think Uncle Rico is it well they could bring in a guy they probably will are you are you gonna are you gonna be picking Rico I look I have you can get him Brian you can get him in like the 16th round what he's a starting running back though it doesn't matter I just had I was out your neck of the woods in Canton Ohio about two two weeks ago at the fantasy football Expo 14 team Kings classic draft my in that draft I took Bean Robinson at the 102 because I knew coming back to me wide running back was going to be blown up and it was so I ended up taking DK or excuse me DJ Moore and Debo Samuel as my wide receivers there still end up with Ken Walker Raheem moer a little later but yeah you're talking about Rico D people are taking like shots on backups they're like oh give me Ray Davis and give me Blake Korum and guys who don't have roles at this point before they're taking Uncle Rico who if the season started today is the starting running back for the Dallas Cowboys is Ezekiel Elliot there though he's there but I mean he'll probably maybe get a little goal line work but I don't know they they let him go they they didn't want him after a while and from all the stuff I've seen in Camp all they say is Rico's getting the first touches every time they're doing drills and he looks good there just nobody's talking about it because he is very replaceable I don't know if if you know khil Herbert gets cut maybe they sign him or my sanders finds his way out of Carolina but it's Sleepers has been a blast Mike we really appreciate it but any other questions here we've been going for an hour uh we can keep going uh I don't know do we answer all your questions I really felt bad when you reached out and said I can't hear radio what is your sleeper what's your what's your number what's the guy that you're not leaving a draft without well it's a boring one because it's Tyler Conlin and that's a guy you get a 200 but uh that's not boring that's honestly when I'm looking at these names and I'm going there's no one here and I usually just take a name there's usually I just take a name that like I know of like ah I could probably get something out of this person right right okay all right well let me give you a few more here hold on a second let me call it on up here because you know you're you're on the website I assume and you know by the way you you you said hey you know if you if you want a comp like I don't like your comps no I don't get I I support people that I believe in and that give that that literally I feel like are going to give me the information so I invest not invest I guess I just I do what everyone else does I go to Fantasy points.com and I literally just get my package oh uh khil Khalil Shakir Shakir love it whoa I literally was just listening to Fantasy uh on XM right fantasy sports on XM yeah and literally someone said I that is someone I'm avoiding I would not get him even if like I got paid a thousand dollar like who was it it was uh who was it it wasn't between seven and N Eastern today because that was me and Broly yeah no it's Fantasy Life who's does Fantasy Life oh it's right it's Kendall and Adam ronus no there was it was just one guy may may before it either way this guy said the person who avoid was that why would you say that and why do you like him uh I mean he is going to be I think their top outside receiver uh I mean he could play inside of course but you know he averaged like 16 yards a catch last year he had like an 84% catch rate like the data on him was pretty ridiculous they lost everyone the only receiver wide receiver on the damn team now who's caught a pass from Josh Allen khil Shakir you know you've got the rookie Keon Coleman when are you getting him that's what that's what they said go get Keon Coleman because he's going to be the guy I I don't think so I mean he's flashy he could I like you Guru you're different you're different you go against the grain and that's how you win your league yeah khil Shakir is a more of a lunch pale guy but they're going to need someone to move the sticks move the chains remember what Josh Allen was peppering Cole Beasley with targets like it's somewhat similar and shakir's better though and he can do more outside uh he's good he's very good player when targeting him when uh you know he's a guy you get him as like your fifth receiver oh yeah his ADP is in the middle of nowhere I'm looking at his sleeper ADP I mean this can't even be right anymore it says he's like a 12th round pick that's got to be gotta be wrong I mean in a home League I'd say 10th 11th round probably yeah I like Josh Palmer a lot for the Chargers yep me it Josh Palmer Josh Palmer yeah yeah I mean you know I I know you I know you is you're looking for the big upside Christian Watson well then then take Christian Watson that's who I'm in on this year Christian Watson you love Jordan love exactly exactly okay last year I if you recall I did love Jaden Reed last year he was good I mean he was good I just think he's a little expensive this year and Watson's flying around running like a deer I've saw him practice for a week he's uncoverable um let's see here uh what's been stopping him from being an elite wide receiver it's hamstring yeah is that what it is yeah is he okay now he had some sort of weird imbalance thing and apparently it's been addressed and yeah so far so good uh I do like Ray Davis late you're looking I know uh Brian brought him up earlier uh yeah I don't know if I'll take him over Rico dle because Rico dle is gonna have a role but I do really really really like Ray Davis I do like your boy our boy Taj Spears redraft get him get him 100 picks in Miz I love him Outro you know where to reach me Mike thanks again for the time I had a really good time catching up with you I'll probably do that draft with you in a couple weeks though for uh the Allison change League let's do it didn't I win did I win last year or two years ago I'm not sure yeah I don't know I don't know I forgot to ask you what how it might have been last year or it might have been two years ago either way I think it was last year I win a lot of leagues I think it was last year now I'm just finding this out that's awesome I I win a lot of leagues it's what I do I listen to you and then I go out there and I win we could talk some [ __ ] in a couple weeks for the broadcast right game on go that's the commercial that's all we need is I read your stuff I win leagues boom there you go all right folks well thanks to the guru thanks Thomas for keeping us on the air Mike The Miz fantastic spot right here we'll see you guys next week for the fantasy points podcast [Music] oh

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