Category: Entertainment
Sommaire crypto : bitcoin (btc) ethereum (eth) & altcoin ankr bonjour à tous j'espère que vous allez bien on se retrouve pour le brief du mercredi 4 septembre 2024 on se for un petit point bitcoin ethereum vous avez choisi en commentaire d'analyser ankr aujourd'hui je remets en jeu cass contre ape casse... Read more
Category: Entertainment
On est le 4 septembre et le bitcoin a atteint la zone de prix dont on avait parlé qui était la zone des 55969 dollars c'était une zone de sel stop intéressante c'était un plus bas weekly qu'on devait probablement aller chercher pour déclencher un maximum de stop acheteur cette zone a été atteinte pendant... Read more
Category: Entertainment
On est le 29 août ce que tu as sous les yeux c'est le graphique du nasdaq et tu as également les news echo à venir aujourd'hui 14h30 he de france on a les premiers chiffres du pib pour le trimestre précédent et on aura également les inscriptions au chômage ce qu'il faut comprendre c'est que les inscriptions... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Bonjour à tous j'espère que vous allez bien on se retrouve pour le brief du jeudi 28 29 août 2024 on se for un petit point en bitcoin ethereum vous avez choisi en commentaire d'analyser n je remets en jeu render contre ape c'est à vous de décider le commentaire qui viendra le plus gagnera l'analyse... Read more
Category: Education
Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur crypto signal alors aujourd'hui on va parler du débat entre cala haris et donald trump qui a eu lieu cette nuit et puis on va parler du cpi bien sûr qui est sorti il y a de ça à peu près une quarantaine de minutes allez [musique] intro alors deux grosses news depuis la... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hello xdc family and welcome back to crypto ready if you want to be ready for crypto then you are in the right place today we have got an explosive video about xdc and its connections how institutional adoption of crypto has already been happening in the background why jp morgan is ahead of the game... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey everyone and thanks for jumping back into the cryptoverse today we're going to talk about bitcoin dubious speculation if you guys like the content make sure you subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and also check out the sale on into the cryptoverse premium at intothe cryptoverse... Read more
Category: Gaming
Bê bối youtube apple team cúc giả mạo lừa đảo tiền ảo trước sự kiện iphone 16 trước sự kiện ra mắt iphone 16 vào ngày mùng 9 tháng 9 năm 2024 kênh youtube chính thức của apple đã bị hack và phát sóng video giả mạo team cook ceo của apple quảng bá một trò lừa đảo tiền điện tử video yêu cầu người xem... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Top five daily crypto news by clever robot bitcoin has bounced back up to 59,000 usd per bitcoin but is hovering in a support zone awaiting the next push upwards ethereum is currently prices at 2,500 usd per eth and some of the meme coins are starting to break out against the main two crypto currencies... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey everyone and thanks for jumping back into the macroverse today we're going to talk about the most recent cpi report if you guys like the content make sure you subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and check out the sale on intothe cryptoverse premium at intothe cryptoverse docomo to... Read more
Category: Education
Pepe coin another fallen hero when are we going to see the revival areem coins dead is another question that is just popping into people's minds more and more more so than ever really um because let's face it we can see so many coins are down massive amounts pepe 60% dog with hat 70% bonk 64% flaky... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This video is sponsored by caleb and brown they help their clients buy sell and swap cryptocurrencies with a 247 personal broker service sign up today first one being a fake apple ceo tim draper that popped up on h during their apple iphone 16 release so yeah this one's coming from coin telegraph and... Read more