👉IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR THE NEXT 24H! 💌⏳💫 | Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Intro hello everyone welcome back to my channel I'm so so happy to have you back today for a new reading I hope that all of you are doing amazing today and having a wonderful day so for today's pickle card reading we have a message for your upcoming 24 hours so we'll be looking into anything that you need to hear regarding the upcoming 24 hours this reading is timeless so it's meant for the time when you come across the video and we have three piles to choose CH from we have p number one with abundance pile number two with happiness and pile number three with sweetness please feel free to choose any pile that you feel most drawn to and then you can skip to the time stamps which are in the description box and I will see you guys at your reading hello my beautiful pile number one if you guys Pile 1 chose this pile then this is going to be your reading for today about your message that you guys need to receive regarding your upcoming 2 2 4 hours again this reading is timeless and is meant for the upcoming 24 hours when you come across the video so pile number one let's begin with your reading and let's see what is your guys's message today you guys felt drawn to the beautiful abundance card here as well as the green hearstone okay so this is your pile for today let's put them right here and let's get into your message let's see what do you guys need to hear for your upcoming 24 hours so I'm going to start with your oracle cards and then we'll get also your tarot cards okay let's start with this one right here okay so you have the expression open up your heart and connect with others express your creative self interesting so for your upcoming 24 hours it feels like Spirit wants you to express yourself maybe uh focus a lot on your creativity okay let's see this card as well and you have the dog Spirit would be loyal to what you love okay I like this message and I like what I'm picking up already I feel like for your upcoming 24 hours p number one Spirit wants you to focus on what you love and creatively express yourself through it so we have here be loyal to what your love so maybe you guys you know how I'm seeing this is like maybe you have a hobby or like a skill that you love doing and perhaps maybe it's creative or you know I feel like every hobby is creative though cuz it's if it's our hobby I feel like it's it's mostly there to sort of help us express ourselves in some kind of way so maybe you have a skill or a hobby that you love doing you know it brings you a lot of Joy a lot of happiness and the message that I'm seeing for you is like do that in the next 24 hours or focus on that in the next 24 hours Focus maybe on that project that is like something that you feel really loyal to or this this hobby this skill that you just feel loyal to it brings you so much joy and happiness focus on that in the next 24 hours and focus on expressing yourself especially creatively because you feeling drawn to the abundance card is kind of showing me that it's kind of like your skill or your hobby has a lot of potential in the next 24 hours so like something really successful might come out of it maybe you're going to succeed in it maybe you're going to think of a really good idea in terms of it so spirit is saying for your next 24 hours your focus and your attention should be towards what you love okay that one expression creative expression maybe for some of you that you love doing be loyal to it in the next 24 hours and do it actively engage with it because again you might think of a really good idea you might like U I don't know if you maybe felt like you were at a creative block in some kind of way maybe you'll be able to get past that so I feel like it's a really abundant time for you to work on what you love in the next 24 hours if there is something that you guys love doing be loyal to it in the next 24 hours because you will see great progress success and abundance from this area of your life I feel like that is the the general thing that your guides want to say here you also have again open up your heart and connect with others maybe even work with other people on this but mainly I'm seeing that like your attention and your focus for the next 24 hours should be like put towards what you love mainly maybe like a hobby a skill or a talent that you have that just brings you so much joy so much happiness I feel like it's an abundant time for you to focus in this area of your life in the next 24 hours all right so let's get your tarot cards to clarify more we'll leave the for the end cuz I kind of intended them to be like a guidance or advice for your upcoming 24 hours but let's see your tarot cards what else do you guys want to tell you maybe in regards to this skill or this hobby or you know what is the meaning of all of this let's see for pile number one Spirit what is their message for the next 24 hours I mean we're already having the filmmaker here so that's interesting right oh and you love oh my God look at this be loyal to what you love and then the lovers showing up yeah I like this energy for you p number one I really do feel like you're being advised to just like work on things that make you happy you have the prince of Cups here with the filmmaker okay maybe some of you are a filmmaker maybe you're a director you also have the hant you have the nine of Wands yeah nine of Wands with fortitude fortitude so move forward there's energy of like persist on your path we have the lovers again showing up oh and the ace of cups wow beautiful so what is this trying to say to you palum one again with the prince of Cups you know let's start here I feel like with the prince of Cups and the filmmaker this to me is indicating that there are going to be I feel like you're going to be able to make really great progress in this area of your life in the next 24 hours in in the area where it's like you feel passionate towards again a certain skill or a certain hobby maybe even a certain project for some of you right is that kind of energy like you have been putting if there is something that you love in your life and you feel like it's your alignment you feel like it's your purpose you feel like it's your passion and you love it so much your guides are saying if you focus your attention here in the next 24 hours you will be able to achieve some kind of progress some kind of movement forward some kind of pushing past a certain boundary cuz again with the filmmaker it's it's you know it's it's Creative Energy it's creative expression and the prince of Cups it's it's all about moving forward right it's it's moving forward in a really good Pace in a really steady pace and a really healthy pace and the hierophant I feel like this is almost like um a sign right I'm seeing this reading is being like a sign for you cuz maybe you were even thinking about doing this or maybe you were thinking about picking up some kind of hobby tomorrow right and I'm seeing this as like a sign from the universe a sign maybe from God if you believe right or whatever you choose to be your spiritual Source it doesn't matter but see this reading as a sign right and I feel like this P has been seeing a lot of synchronicities maybe leading up to this moment but but see this as a sign or maybe if you prayed like you needed confirmation or something like that I feel like this is the the confirmation that you're meant to receive because with the nine of Wands and fortitude I feel like there is this energy where you maybe feel tired in regards to this hobby or this skill or whatever this is for you right maybe you're starting to feel tired you're starting to feel a bit burned out and this is why you need the sign I feel this is why you need this message to encourage you to keep going and pursue it tomorrow as well because uh do you know what it what just popped in my mind is like if you try every day you will never miss your lucky day you know cuz cuz sometimes there are those days where like we don't even expect anything to happen but something just happens right something just happens we think of it it comes our way you know it doesn't matter in which way it shows up but yeah that just popped in my mind for you like if you try every day in your craft you will not miss your lucky day you will not miss that day where you just think about that perfect idea or you know you're in the right place where the right opportunity shows up so I am kind of feeling like maybe you need to hear this like maybe you need some strength to push you forward and try tomorrow as well focus on it tomorrow as well cuz maybe you're starting to feel a bit tired right maybe you feel like things have been taking longer than you expected them to um and maybe you feel a bit burnt out right but spirit is saying you're one step away from something when the nine nine of Wands shows up it's indicating that you're one step away from something and this is like the last push that you need to make this is the last time you need to like persuade persuade I hope that's how you say it right so we have four too your guides want you to keep going to keep going because again if you try every day you will not miss your lucky day like that's what I keep hearing for you and we have the lovers and ace of cups so this is saying right this is saying I feel like tomorrow you might really see something good happen in terms of this area of your life and that's why you maybe tomorrow is your lucky day to be honest that is the kind of energy I'm getting is like tomorrow tomorrow is your lucky day so try tomorrow again focus on what you love tomorrow again because I do feel like you will be able to sort of push past a certain point or push past maybe if you felt creatively blocked if you felt like there is no results right if you haven't experiencing this kind of energy this is your sign to try tomorrow as well because I feel like you will be able to push past the point where you're currently at okay so I feel like it it seems like tomorrow is a good day for you to create something really good especially if it has to do in terms of like projects or talents or Hobbies because you are in alignment with your purpose and it feels like with the lovers and the ace of cups something really good something really abundant will come out of this out of tomorrow like um you will feel I I see do you know how I feel like you're you're will end like you will be able to you know put your your head on your pillow and be like wow today was such a fulfilling day today I I was really happy I was genuinely happy I felt really aligned I felt like what I did was right and I felt like things are finally moving things are finally progressing and I'm I'm feeling it right it's like you're you're feeling it you will go to bed after these 24 hours feeling like fulfilled feeling happy feeling at peace so that is what I'm feeling for you for your next 24 hours your guides want you to focus on your expression and be loyal to what you love because maybe tomorrow is your lucky day right you never know right we never know we can never know when when to expect this kind of thing to happen so if you try every day you will never miss it I feel like that is kind of what I'm picking up for this palette it's really interesting let's see your guidance cards here if if there's any advice for you so you have embrace uncertainty wow Embrace uncertainty I like this energy you know always this card is like always reminding me of like enjoy the uncertainty of life and the success right U enjoy the uncertainty of success because as I was saying you never know when it's going to happen you never know right you never know what each day can bring for you what greatness each day can bring for you so if you try every day you will never miss said and just it also like I feel with the nine of Wands it's also there to encourage you like it's not that the journey is slow right it's not that the journey is is taking too long or there's no results it's just that the journey is uncertain and we just want to know the results right that is that that's all that there is and spirit is saying like if you just enjoy the uncertainty of everything and you be you are loyal to what you love there's no way that you're going to miss it there's no way that it's going to miss you because it's what you're aligned to so your guides are saying embrace the uncertainty that comes with creating this dream of yours because I feel like you guys chose a dream that is maybe more creative and that is I feel always maybe the more uncertain way right so this dream that you chose you chose this yourself right there might be some uncertainty to it but that is the fun of it that is the excitement of it and your guides are saying Embrace this feeling Embrace this feeling and just approach every day as a new day approach every day as what greatness can I create today what is today going to bring because you never know what is your lucky day right you never know so embrace the uncertainty of all of this it's what makes it even more rewarding at the end of the day right and for your last card you have you guys have discovering truth you stand in the light of Truth okay so you guys want to say that you are in the light of Truth so you're not lost right you're not lost that is something that you need to hear it's like what you're currently aligned to is what you love is your passion you know it's your success you're aligned to it so you're not lost you're just maybe feeling uncertain maybe you need to hear this as well for your upcoming 24 hours if some of you feel a bit lost and you're like what am I doing with my life I don't feel like this p is lost but sometimes s we can feel uncertain about our journey and there's a difference right it's with when you're feeling uncertain you're you're on the right track but you're just uncertain and that's all and and we just need to embrace that feeling because it what it comes with maybe this kind of pursuit or this kind of dream that you guys are aligned towards but I feel in regards tomorrow just focus on what you love you know do what you love be loyal to it because I feel you will be able to sort of push past a certain boundary and be able to expand in this area of your life so pile number one I feel like that was your message for your upcoming 24 hours very interesting and I hope that you guys enjoyed your reading thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video bye-bye hello my beautiful pile number two if you guys chose this pile then Pile 2 this is going to be a reading for today about the message that you guys are meant to receive for your upcoming 24 hours again this is a Timeless reading so it's meant to reach you whenever it finds you and it's meant for your upcoming 24 hours so p number two for your card today you guys feel drawn to the beautiful happiness card as well as the red hearstone okay so let's put your card here and let's get right into your message pile number two let's see what do you you guys need to hear in regards to your upcoming 24 hours so I'm going to start with your oracle cards and let's see oh wow right away you guys have success here choosing the right direction and actively overcoming difficulties you are on the right track I'm sure many of you are happy to see this right so we have success for your upcoming 24 hours let's see this one as well you have the whale spirit trust the great mystery oh ooh this is so nice you know trust the great mystery and then you have choosing the right direction and actively overcoming difficulties you're on the right track okay what can this be about I feel in regards to your next 24 hours I'm hearing this message for you of like first of all trust that you're on the right path like you you need to he this and get this through your mind polymer 2 I feel trust that you're on the right path trust the mystery also of how success happens because I feel like a lot of the times you know success is something that we need to intent for and we need to expect in our life but the way that it shows up it really does show up in the in mysterious way especially like when we achieve great success when we achieve something that's you know it feels a a miracle it always comes in unexpected ways in mysterious ways so I feel for your upcoming 24 hours what you need to hear is trust that you're in alignment with this success trust that you're in alignment with this success maybe will it will even come tomorrow for you right maybe tomorrow is going to be a very successful day for you maybe tomorrow you're going to see great results and you're finally something is going to show its its fruits right there is a big possibility for you for to expect that tomorrow right but also I'm seeing a message of like trust that you're in alignment with your success trust that you're in the right direction and tomorrow wake up and and do things and and know that you're in alignment with success and trust a great mystery of how everything unfolds with this message of like trust a great mystery it's it's saying like you don't need to know everything right away you don't need to know how everything is going to happen right all you need to know is what are you going to do today in regards to it what are you going to do and then tomorrow what are you going to do that day in regards to it that is taking one step at a time and I feel like you guys are here to remind you take one step out of time and tomorrow approach it again as a new day as a great day as a day that's meant for success choosing the right direction and actively overcoming difficulties so it's also reminding you keep making the right decisions in regards to your dream whenever you need to make a decision whenever you need to do something ask yourself is this going to support my dream or not and you choose the obvious answer because it's always obvious right it's when you ask yourself in that way right what choice does or what can I do today to support my my dream do the obvious and then you trust the great mystery then you trust the all of these daily things that you do to compound and to lead to great success and I feel like this is what you need to here for your upcoming 24 hours like from Tomorrow start to ask yourself is this thing that I'm going to do today going to support my dream it's this decision that I'm going to make today going to to support my dream and if it does you're on the right track and I feel like this is also like a a way for you to make sure that you're on the right track every day do something that supports your dream and of course you're going to be on the right track right and again trust the great mystery like don't um just go with the floor right be happy be happy with how things are happening be happy with how your dream is unfolding be satisfied with it acknowledge the small winds I feel like this is what you need to hear because I mean I definitely feel like tomorrow has great potential to be very successful or just be like really happy for you in terms of like your dreams and your goals you have tomorrow has like a lot of potential for you I feel as well let's get your tarot cards p number two and let's see what else do you guys need to hear in regards to your upcoming 24 hours for you pile number two Spirit what do you want to tell to p number two for their upcoming 24 hours let's get one more what do you need to hear all right let's start here so you guys have the four of Swords with truce you have the prince of Swords with the hacker you also have okay the high priest you know when the four of Swords came out I heard this message of like tomorrow maybe can you can even rest a little bit like tomorrow maybe focus more like on yourself internally or maybe like just be more at home focus on the things that you love focus on yourself like I'm seeing this kind of message showing up you also have Justice and your last card is the six of Swords with science okay I definitely want to say like your guides want to tell you right now you're in alignment with moving towards the better and towards bettering your life so I feel like this p is is aligned with bettering their life and is on the path of success okay so that's what you need to hear you're in alignment with with success in terms of tomorrow I feel like for you there is this message of like focus on yourself uh if if you guys feel like you need a bit of rest you can take a rest tomorrow maybe you can take time to recharge with the high priestess you know we see this woman here is taking a bath so maybe you need a nice bath maybe you need to um take a you know long a nice and long bath or or do something for yourself that you love doing something that you know brings that happiness in you to recharge your energy maybe for some of you it's even working on a certain skill that you love I see like maybe there is a hobby or like a certain skill that you feel really passionate about it about learning it or practicing it or working on it I more so feel like tomorrow your guys want you to dedicate your day to yourself okay that I feel like that's what you need to do tomorrow it's like dedicate your day to yourself and to your goals to your dreams um maybe you don't want to see anyone tomorrow maybe you just want to spend it by yourself but honestly I'm getting like that kind of energy just like tomorrow I feel like it's going to be such like a selfcare day for you where you just like work on your goals you work on your dreams you work on yourself you do self-care you take care of your mind you take care of your body um because you know that days are like this are needed for Success right days where you just focus on yourself that is something that you guys want to remind you you need a lot of days like this when you have big goals and you're aiming for the Big Dreams and also hearing just like tune into yourself tomorrow cuz with the high priestess showing up it does indicate like tune into your inner self tune into your inner guidance in terms of this and sometimes we in order to tune into our intuition we just need to like right be in quietness be in peace maybe you need to sleep more as well like I feel with the four of Swords maybe some of you need to like sleep more or just like take a nap tomorrow or something like that like I'm I'm getting this energy like tomorrow focus on taking care of yourself and also like practicing something that you love doing I feel like that should be like your priority for tomorrow because this is what's going to lead to your great success and it's also what's going to make you feel really happy right I see like tomorrow you're going to feel really happy really fulfilled and you're just going to have this feeling of like I feel like you know life is taking a turn for the better for me I feel like I'm finally going to receive my Justice out of this and and it's like the more you take care of yourself the more Justice you start to experience the more rewards you start to feel because you're you know you're fueling yourself you're taking care of yourself and that's something that your guides want to tell you as well is like the more you take care of yourself and the more you Choose Yourself the more Justice you will feel in your life the more you will feel like like your life is taking a turn for the better because you're taking care of yourself right it makes a lot of sense so let's see your last two cards I kind of intended these to be sort of as a guidance for you guys you have the cleansing card so yeah also with the high priestess here again this person is taking a bath right maybe you do need a long bath tomorrow or you just need like a a good shower you know how they're those showers that just like or baths that just like cleanse us completely so maybe you need that maybe you feel like you energetically need that maybe you want to spend you know some some time just relaxing I feel you need this right you need this we all need days where we just relax where we let our mind our body reset tune in again work together right don't make them work separate don't exhaust yourself there's plenty of time in our life to you know take out one day in each week or in each couple of days where we just reset we just relax and this doesn't have to mean doing nothing all day right and in fact I feel like these days that are like reset days it's like these are the days where you should do everything that you love right it's not about doing nothing it's not about being in bed all day it's about like doing what you love going to this park that makes you feel happy maybe walking your dog maybe focusing this on this skill Maybe watching this TV show that is going to bring you happiness eating your favorite foods I feel like we need those days every once in every couple of days to you know reset us to make us feel happy because that's what happiness is right it's those small things that really add up and make us genuinely feel happy so you need a day of cleansing use this tomorrow as your day of cleansing I feel like that you you know it's important because with success I see like you have really big goals and dreams and sometimes when when we are aligned towards this kind of path we feel like we need to make every single day you know about making it the most productive making it you know the most out of it but I feel like it's it's healthier to approach it in a way of like we're not in a rush tomorrow it can be a day for just pure happiness right and you can also like Implement your goals in this day as well it doesn't mean that you have to stop completely but just focus primarily on what makes you happy tomorrow and for your last card you guys have protected by Angels you're cherished by the Angels so you guys are safe you know your angels are showing up in your reading I feel like this p is probably really connected with their angels with their Spirit guides and they're just showing up today to let you know that you guys are safe you are protected you are okay to take a day off you're okay to rest tomorrow to you know do the things that make you feel happy don't feel guilty for this right don't feel guilty for this is what you guys want to say just use tomorrow to you know recharge replenish do the things that make you feel happy and then you're going to have so much more energy to get right back on track the next day so I feel like that is your message for your upcoming 24 hours pile number two I hope that this reading resonated for you guys thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video bye-bye Pile 3 hello my beautiful pile number three if you guys chose this pile then this is going to be your reading for today about your upcoming 24 hours and what message do you guys need to receive again this reading is timeless so it's meant to find you whenever you come across the video and it's meant for your upcoming 24 hours so pile number three for your card today you guys felt drawn to the sweetness card as well as the white hearstone here okay so this is your pile for today now let's put your card here let's get right into your message to see what do you guys need to hear for these upcoming 24 hours so I'm going to start with your oracle card here and then we'll get your tarot cards o you guys have the gift card wow you will discover new talents that will lead to New Opportunities use opportunities that arise wow and I feel like this is this is like really direct and straightforward guidance coming in for you p number three so tomorrow tomorrow I want to say be alert right be alert because opportunities will arise and I feel this might show up in the way of you discovering a new talent that will lead to great opportunities that is what your card is saying so tomorrow you will discover maybe like a gift that you have a talent you might come across something that you you Sparks you join like and you're like wow I I I can actually do that like maybe that can be my new right uh I'm seeing that for you and you also have the womad spirit with be at home makes a lot of sense okay be at home so tomorrow you guys are saying be at home because it feels like you will discover a great talent of yours you know it's like do you know what I'm getting is like that energy where you just like sometimes you just stay at home and you're so bored and you're like oh my God what am I going to do today like there's nothing really happening and maybe you just suddenly you think of like oh maybe I can like learn this language or maybe I can start playing this instrument right it's it's giving me that kind of energy where you're like at home and suddenly you think of something really Maybe random that you can do and then when then you do it and it just becomes your thing all of a sudden I'm seeing like tomorrow you're going to be you're going to discover a really great talent of yours so maybe you're also being advised to spend more time at home tomorrow don't exhaust yourself so it's like maybe the way that you're going to discover this opportunity is by you staying at home I don't know like it's an interesting message right it doesn't mean lock yourself in your house the entire day of course it just means like maybe primarily spend most of your time at home if you don't have any plans for tomorrow particularly maybe just you know spend a chill day at home because again some some great opportunity might arise for you tomorrow most likely it will show up in the way of again like a new Talent or a new hobby or skill that you can pick up and who knows what this can lead to right this can lead to potentially maybe will become your job maybe potentially you will be known for this right you don't know the extent of it so I feel like your guides are just saying for tomorrow and for your upcoming 24 hours you know maybe spend a lot of your most of your day at home or maybe just spend the day you know the home energy of course like if you have a job where you need to be somewhere tomorrow it doesn't me like drop everything just be at home um it can be something just like spend tomorrow feeling grounded right spend tomorrow feeling at peace ground your energy for tomorrow and just be in the present moment that is what this can also mean and I feel like it's going to what's going to relate to most people right because it's General reading I feel like tomorrow you should just spend it feeling really grounded and living in the present moment living in the present moment is how we ground ourselves and and why do you need to be in the present moment tomorrow because the universe will send you signs will send you ideas in the present moment and you need to be in the present moment to see them and acknowledge them okay if you're living in the future if you're living in the past Universe going to is going to try to show you signs it's going to try to show you ideas but because you're completely somewhere else with your mind you're going to ignore them and that's why tomorrow you just need to be grounded okay it doesn't mean staying at home all day locking yourself inside it means like staying grounded staying present in the present moment so that when you think of an idea you are aware of it and you're like okay let's try that let's get your tarot cards pile number three to see what is your message for your upcoming 24 hours what more do your guides want to tell you here for pile number three what do you need to hear oh my God look at all these cards that are coming up for you guys you have the three of cups here we have the universe which is the world card three of cups with abundance right and then we have the world card for you I feel like you're ready to start something new tomorrow again yeah or like you're ready for the next step right what is the next step I feel like you're ready for that you also have the four of Wands with completion and the universe it represents like an ending of a chapter so it feels like a chapter of your life is coming to an end it's like tomorrow tomorrow you're going to start something new I definitely feel like that is the energy for your day tomorrow it's like you're tomorrow you're going to start something new something that has so much potential with abundance here to turn into your success you also have the devil okay interesting Ace of Wands wow you know the Ace of Wands to me is like this it's what I think of like um a new idea I think of the Ace of Wands because to me it represents like something like a really creative genius idea Lio moment that just comes out of nowhere it just comes from the sky literally you just think of it and sometimes in our life we have those moments we just think of an idea and it like completely changes our life and we're like that happened so out of nowhere I did not expect that to happen today and it always happens right when we feel so grounded when we just feel relaxed we feel present that's why it's important to live our life in the present moment and your guys are saying like focus on that tomorrow tomorrow leave in the present moment because you guys are going to think of an idea that can completely change your life and can really kick start a new chapter of your life it's like again you're ready for the next level you're ready to go into the next thing I feel like where you are curly it feels like quite stable it feels good but you want to go on the next level you want to grow more you want to grow bigger and I feel like you guys are going to discover one of your major gifts and talents in the next 24 hours so your guys want you to be present when you think of the the idea don't dismiss it right be alert the devil do you know how I'm seeing this is like don't be lazy tomorrow I don't know like don't be don't procrastinate I want to say don't be lazy don't procrastinate this idea like when you think of it when this idea comes to my to your mind don't be like oh maybe I will start it tomorrow or maybe I will start it next week or I don't really have time for that like don't find excuses for it don't sabotage yourself right don't maybe you have a habit of of doing this and that's why this reading is showing up some of you maybe have a habit of procrastinating your goals your ideas not pursuing them immediately and when I say immediately right it doesn't always have to mean this the second you think of it sometimes it does sometimes we really feel inspired and we should just do it right away but I'm seeing like has there maybe been a skill that you happen putting off for for months for days for years maybe or something I I feel like your guides want to say don't procrastinate this idea don't procrastinate this light bulb moment because it can really change your life and it can open new doors for you it can expand your life it can help you level up reach new goals reach new new levels of success so when this idea comes to your mind embrace it start working on it start start paying attention to it right don't procrastinate it so I have these two cards that are going to be like guidance for you guys so let's take a look at them yeah self-regulation wow with the devil and what I was saying this makes a lot of sense makes a lot of sense cuz self-regulation is about you know keeping yourself in check keeping yourself disciplined you know we have to understand that an idea is just an idea until it's until it's executed and an idea can have so much potential for success but if you don't if you're not proactive towards it if you don't execute it nothing is going to come out of it right so this is where the self- discipline comes in this is where the self-regulation comes in every day you know keeping yourself in check and making sure that you are still working towards that idea you're still pursuing that idea that you're going to get this Talent will will you know when you think of your Talent maybe you're really not going to be good at it in the beginning right it's like maybe you have this idea of like today let's start playing the guitar right and when you pick up the guitar it's going to feel so foreign you're not going to know what to do with it you're going to feel so lost and don't let your immediate thought be like I am not talented I'm just not going to do it no this is where the self- regulation comes in this is where that energy of I will practice every day and I will improve comes in I feel like this is why the devil showed up in your reading to you know remind you that maybe when you find this Talent within you when you find this gift within you it's not going to be in your fullest form or in its fullest form it's going to need a lot of work perhaps it's maybe going to need years of work it's maybe going to need years of practice maybe months for some of you right it doesn't matter but your guides are saying you might find this gift within yourself in the beginning stages of it and this is where you need to be patient proactive again disciplined to work on it and develop it don't be lazy don't procrastinate about it okay so I feel like that is why the devil showed up here to remind you that even though this gift is very special it still needs a lot of work and when you start doing it you might not be very good at it but the more you do it you'll get better okay so you this is where you need to have that self-belief and just believe that this is your power and for your last card you have far away places get ready for New Horizons I feel like you guys are saying you know get ready for a change get ready for the next level get ready for New Horizons maybe you're even traveling somewhere in the next 24 hours or something like that but your guys are saying you know get ready to go far away with this gift get ready to go to far away places with this skill with this gift it's going to help you guys to expand your horizons and expand your level of success so get ready for all of this but again I feel like a big reminder for you that you need to keep in mind not just in the next 24 hours but this entire time when you're going to develop your skill is that you're going to have to regulate yourself and discipline yourself into you know doing it every day and just showing up for it every day because it's how you're going to get most out of it it's how you're going to get it to be successful so I feel like that is what I have for you today pile number three I hope that this reading resonated for you guys thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video bye-bye

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