F1 24 Online Races & 100% Fan Vote Grand Prix Vs Viewers! | LIVE ๐Ÿ”ด

anymore he's in the lobby what perfect timing that was all right get back on the track and don't block anyone oh there's two more spins I'm already up to P1 another one's gone P1 oh why are you going so [ย __ย ] slow damage my wing all right all right well that's good that's good uh Hayden remember to turn on repair Repair Front Wing is on we're going to meet tires sorry really sorry for this te I've got a penalty and the front Wing changed so all right good luck boys [Music] [Music] [Music] free positions good [Music] job oh Alex that wasn't very [Music] kind good stuff T perfect pressure nice come on boy let's get through this field together we got this good defense good job all right profy is on seven level soft should the light work just take it cautiously a lot of cars here it's chaos oh one's gone all [Music] right go wide [Music] tjd nice p7 what a restart this is me good job blinking what he's gone free position for you t the rest of the car ahead lovely and car ahead is on eight laap hold hards Mercedes spun oh that was close I'm going to get down here you will have exactly you will have exactly 60 66% of where on the Finish Line P4 oh spin brow's gone okay all right H don't remember um think of the long season ahead yeah yeah oh no I no no Durk is around 20% yeah they're fighting using [Music] IRS didn't mean to do that the hidden overtake ASAP yeah yep copy you can you have to pace we Gap him [Music] all right good job sir now get him stuff purple seor one haen thank you and PB for [Music] youo oh safety car uh stay out I'm just worried that everyone's going to go soft welcome to Ferrari strats tires are already orange like 60% on the rear left this is going to be difficult yeah I'm hearing squid has a possible penalty through the fact that he killed [Music] somebody come on come on come on come on come on come man oh good race there good race I didn't take the win I was literally so close oh we'll see what happens with penalties but you know what GG though you know what six from missing qu starting at the back rejoining having a crash going back to the back and getting P2 and only really getting screwed over by the the the safety car at the end I'll take that I'll take that well it's no longer any welcome welcome we're here we are live we're cooking shout out to everyone on the stream everyone who hates Matty D which should be nobody cuz we do not spread hate around here so whilst Matty was a naughty boy last week we do not hate Matty okay but he is on the ban list and he will not be taking part today which I did tell him yesterday he was like oh what time are you racing I was like 12 um oh let me join I can join this some I like no cuz you lied to us last time and you have done four races in a row where you've not even made it to half disted so Matty D will uh will not be taking part today unplug this uh you can see the ban list I can't see the ban list but Matty is banned Matty is banned um because we just know it we know Matty is banned uh right go that's fine there fine fine cool cool cool cool let's grab my wheel I haven't got my heart rate monitor on we'll turn it on in a sec so matti's broken we we on reduce damage shout out to that indeed right let's uh quickly before we do anything else let's get over to starting up the Tik Tok stream um I'll do it a little bit later just because um my pre-recorded starting screen it doesn't like it we going to go are we going to start oh I do this every time I always forget the blim in okay hang on hang onang on let me copy that hang on hang on hang on let me all right let's uh try and get it I just need to change this maybe this is all I need to change maybe that will work that work oh it does work oh it does there we go cool is my hair really clapped today I feel like it's really clapped I feel like it's not even like that bad it's just I did my skin care last night and then when I clean my face top part of my hair gets wet and then I go to bed and then that part of my hair is just we're going to put a hat on today let's put on a hat we need a hat we need to cover up the clap of the hair the dead trim um right oh that thing on that way don't know what that was okay I was a bit joking about hating Matty but honestly he just likes to Ste seats yeah he's not racing today he's an naughty boy he's been put on an nauy boy uh step today and uh he will not be racing with us yo welcome in hon welcome everyone to the stream by the way we've got Reese Watkins nukes bro cheating line Joe Miller um if you're as I've said before like AAS I can see I can just about make out your name but I won't be able to reply to your messages during a race um because your name's in dark blue I can't see it you need to be like orange orange is the best color orange is the best color name because then I can see it if you make it a dark color like a dark blue even purple for robs Bo I can just about make that out but dark blue the worst one I I do not have a clue what your name is uh on on Twitch because I just can't see it it just Blends in cuz I have dark mode on on my uh on my OBS turns my name to dark blue that that would be that would be uh good doctor have to reply to you ever again uh right let's get our goals on always get your goals on kids okay that's better robs boy that's better I can see that uh green on top yep I can see green um at least I got blue everywhere yeah AAS I only know it's you cuz you're the only one in in dark blue at the moment my country is not 9:41 p.m. it's going to be late for the 100% race later hello Ronald welcome in let's start the race Joe Miller you just be a little bit patient all right sir you just be a little bit patient dark mode better than light mode on everything somebody was in light mode in the Discord if you're not in the Discord xas mod Discord get in um but someone was in on on light mode and we and we ridiculed them for it uh welcome Lily hello hello wait it's 9:41 for you no it's 10 10:30 for me or 10 10:42 for me never mind twitch is laggy for me only uh I'm going back to YouTube my license went down because someone took me out yesterday and it went down a bit no well you better get back up to a C license otherwise you can't race uh right Lobby is open chat the first lobby of the day we're going to do races till about 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. what's news 12 noon we're going to race till noon so we got an hour and 15 minute of races and then that's 20 uh give me an F1 car don't take my car what we racing in today let's race in the RB Let's Race in the RB today um okay right let's set the lobby so full setup no fixed only minimum license level off these races will affect your license level so if you're naughty you're going to get told off we get to tracks in a moment uh short we'll do random first of all clear weather should we do let's do Dynamic weather let's do Dynamic realistic start time approximate on the forecast strip Corner cutting effects license level yes and we're going to turn off ghosting no ghosting right let's get some tracks selection from you we're going to grab six total so I need two from Tik Tok two from twitch and two from the YouTube chat let me know what tracks you would like to see in your respective chats and we will get them in Ethan first one in we're going to spar straight away now we're going to look to YouTube YouTube is saying Brazil for Jeffy boy now we go to Twitch and they are saying H Jo saying Las Vegas let's do Las Vegas back to Tik Tok Silverstone from Cameron uh back to YouTube who is saying Portugal for Royal storm uh and the final track over on Twitch is going to be China who who said China Buzz teat and an yam as well they said China pretty much at the same time so let's go to China okay those are our six tracks Belgium Brazil Las Vegas Britain Portugal and China which is the best one to end on I might change these about a little bit let's do what's a good track I feel like Britain's a good track to end on um now let's do Las Vegas as a track to end on and we're do like we used to do full reverse grid on the championship so we put china here and we'll put Las Vegas here as the finale I think that'll cause a bit of chaos right I think we are good to go I think we're happy we happy chat are we happy are we happy with the this right feel free to ready up I'm just going to grab my heart rate monitor and um get that on and then we be good found I got it I got it the hair will survive just in case it doesn't I have got a hat down there ready right any gloves we're going to wear the red ones today wear these the headphones in the glass is on who's ready for cause hey love your content plus commentary you give so fun to listen to thank you very much ankes appreciate you make sure you stay hydrated Hayden we got a full glass here and when we empty it um um ref for me oh look at that we're starting P2 what a place to be I did not mean to do that that is completely random um I need my heart rate moniter on give it to me scan for that cool ah uh race Labs give me a heart rate give me my heart my achy breaky heart oh it's not going to get started up in time we're going to go to the back is there oh my God no we're not moving we're not moving hang on hang on hang on oh my God sorry sorry sorry I've crashed into everybody I wasn't ready I wasn't ready oh my God big crashes big crashes I'm going to go to the outside I'm going to go to the outside I'm going to get out of the way of everyone just why I sort the heart rate monitor and then we'll be back uh where's my scenes where's my sources I need my sources that is here uh a heart rate monitor yeah copy you copy that copy delete okay ban ban Hayden G dirty driving is that working now that's working now we got the heart we have a heart rate chat we are alive stop panicking everyone stop panicking we are alive ow get my gloves on I shouldn't I should have told you to ready up because I wasn't ready right okay we're back we're going to go down to a d license we're not last no we are last never mind no never mind now we're not last they are last now right okay what can we do chat look how far away we are from the train where do you reckon we can finish in this race I followed you thank you much uh L I can see that yes you did thank you very much thank you Blair Bas and lh44 Fon goat all for the follows for the [Applause] whose family Tom's Family yo welcome to Tom's Family he is an absolute Legend LOL andoba how are you doing my good sir how did the surgery go right okay we are we need to go hot lap mode and just push and not drive onto the grass as well that' be ideal and we're going to push we're going to catch up cheating line has a 2C time penalty so so don't have to worry about them I think first low bit realistically uh top 10 you imagine we win this race I don't think we're going to win this race but could you imagine kick first place he is laggy as hell who is he who are they who's in first oh that was naughty don't want to get a pen how's cheating line got 4 seconds of penalties already great thumbnail yeah we tried we attempted to jump I was actually open a fly more than that but um a yellow flag ahead we couldn't yellow flag ahead but still not allowing me to close in on anybody oh maybe here okay clear I've closed in not quite yet in DRS range or ready to make an overtake oh it's D Amal of course it is the Amal just gets absolutely bodied in all these races did we start from 19th no we actually started from second but I wasn't ready and I was uh doing other things what is eating lion doing how are you on 10 seconds of penalties and you're slower what are you doing our ties get how are you that bad G Li's retired they've gone they've been exposed too much cheating Li what was that no rules record I I don't know about that you should have done it properly you should have jumped that last Corner uh it's open it's an open uh race but the this setups are fixed if that's what you're asking quy ruin M race always query's fault right okay we're finally onto the back of the pack let's make some moves then on outside DM G going to be difficult going to be difficult but we're going to try it damal still there oh damal tags and we get the acceleration off the corner bye-bye we're not last anymore we're now p theal oh still there okay we're going to do this we're going to do this I'll leave the room you leave the room see that's respect that is respectful racing right let's just burn the battery and get it get him or maybe not maybe not Jam going to be boxed in teammate I'm going for it oh oh my God I'm scared oh no no Ean that was never going to work that was never going to work what are we thinking oh goes defensive oh and then just moves right into my path under breaking thanks [Music] Ethan oh let me B hit the curve a little bit there uh yeah 100% race will start at uh 12 do you play Live Career Mode yes we do on the weekdays uh we are live weekdays uh always a Tuesday and a Thursday doing career mode from 10 oh big crash here do them uh from 10:30 in the morning or 10: in the morning uh we do career mode thank you much for the followers by the way Noam e Keen uh Mazza Zen Mr Dinosaur appreciate you all welcoming uh top 16 maybe says ree yeah it's looking more like the top 16 there is a little bit of a cluster here as we're just trying to regen a bit of battery and they're fighting up ahead oh we got somebody who's disconnected that's a free position as Ethan's trying to switch it back on them you got to be careful with AI cars because they're not very intelligent and they're also super duper aggressive as uh Fabio found out last night in Creative series F1 oh my God patience get out of the [Music] way I want DRS off them I want DRS okay now we push now we push now we push now we get past them right come here Ethan Moore give me back that DRS good job good good good okay I had to burn a little bit just to get past we're up to p7 I just got to give everyone a chance chat that's all it is giving everybody a chance want me to set up the track vote in Discord uh yes please oh Collision up ahead you know the tracks right come come on come on come on come on come on we can get some positions here we go into none just because they're slow ahead of me they're in none as well oh it's getting aggressive it's getting aggressive how many cars can Hayden overtake in one sweeping move we got to be patient we got to wait for it just keep waiting chat you're not doing a massive amount of laps how come uh we're just doing warm-up races at the moment Sam and then we're going to be doing the big big RAC the big big race later on at 12 oh oh my God oh my God darting all over the place there oh thank you oh oh get off my car don't drive into me even teammates do not kiss he got me out the inside fin of the but I have battery he does not and we're going to go will to oou r on whoa okay and there we go we're passed we're up into p15 now we get DRS on the cars ahead so that's p15 that's an improvement on what someone said p12 from Reese now we focus on p12 okay I'm going to try that we will See's up ahead Maybe maybe just maybe or very deep from the Mercedes there didn't quite get the exit to to blast past them though and that is wide from me Ethan's getting close but we get close enough to go for a look down in towards this corner where is p12 there two plac ahead maybe they got penalties who knows we drive John Drive ah gravel right now we go battery battery what does everyone got have they all got enough I've got like pretty much a full battery here we're sneaking on the inside of John if we can oh he left me room how have I not g enough battery hey end not big enough a John go go oh my God oh my God oh my God P9 how do we do that oh my days how do we get P9 out of that race we did not deserve P9 out of that race Oh my days let's go I sent you P1 very good for the family um we're a little bit far off but but we did get P9 and I'll take [Music] it why no custom setups cuz then it's even for everybody your car may not turn but so does everyone else's there's uh probably plenty of people here who don't have custom setups so um if you want to if you want to prove that you are fast you can do it without custom setups VM n or vmk no thank you very much for the prime gaming sub appreciate you coming in and dropping that uh God it is hot in here open this window let me open this window going to help it's already hot it's what 11: in the morning [Applause] gr Oh my days okay okay the window was I just kicked my steam wheel the window is wide open why is it so clammy and hot in here next round top five next round we will get top five cuz we'll be serious we will be paying attention and we will be most importantly ready okay we will be ready that's all that matters that is all that matters hey yo are we on Twitch now for you to stream on YouTube I stream everywhere I stream on all platforms Jack twitch YouTube Tik Tok we everywhere good battle Ethan that was a good battle we always have good battles Ethan right let me uh put Jeffy match and Marco and myself all to the back me Marco Jeffy boy who's the other one shout out Y is that how we say it y Jeffy boy much as well for future reference how do I join these races these ones are completely open just search for my name in the uh Lobby menu if you can't see it's cuz the lobby is full uh but as soon as it's open get in as quickly as you can and uh you will get yourself a seat for the lobby uh for the 100% races uh same again it's completely open for everybody but uh if you want to guarantee yourself a seat um become a supporter of the channel either being a twitch sub a Tik Tok sub or YouTube uh Midfield member and you will get um access to the race check-in Discord it's a shame I license is D because of others I'm a good racer hey what you doing your free time I don't know you could just be really clean in these races because I'm watching but then as soon as you race outside you you're a little bit dirty so you know you got to just be clean in these next few races and get that back up like no collisions no Corner Cuts get the license level back up uh are you going to stream tomorrow um yes I think I am going to do Kore mod tomorrow uh because I missed out yesterday so I'm going to make up for it tomorrow right let's ready up we got the grid let's ready up chat ready ready ready 100% track vote is live so get that up oh Mara thank you very much for the tier one sub let's go let's go what absolute Legend uh how do you mute yourself I think you just go like this and um uh I don't know oh number one see un mute all M all my screen oh my God I nearly near had everyone unmuted then for that race that would have been bad news that would have been bad bad news uh Bin is bossing the vote right now no barin's boring like Bin's such a boring track what the track selections chat I'm going to let you know track selections and you guys let me know in the chat what you would pick uh you can go pick for them it's currently in the announcements uh I am going to pick uh I I want Portugal I like Portugal no Saudi Saudi for chaos we want Saudi Saudi for chaos um bin so boring come on you can pick better tracks come on come on everyone go vote Saudi don't vote Bahrain it's raining in Brazil this is going to be fun um yeah the tracks currently are Australia Japan Bahrain Miami Saudi Portugal those are the tracks Sur there's more right we haven't done China surely China was a choice oh China's just not being voted on uh so China is another Voice vote but it's not being voted on those are the tracks so get yourself in the Discord if you haven't already done so and get voting on what we will do later on right let's get into it from last on the grid lights are on engine is revving and we go racing let's see what we can do nice and easy on the wheel spin Do Not Crash off the start and we've got it okay right let's see how all these drivers fair in the wet conditions oh oh oh okay I'll take it I'll take it open the door for me I will step through and we are past oh my God keep that back in on control red bullt oh oh oh car wide and car on the inside we good uh do I want to go inside No we're going to go outside oh my God that has sketchy oh I'm pinned right on the outside as there's a kick Alber has got a fantastic run on the inside everybody's so close together I'm just trying to leave as much room as I possibly can I have a look at the inside of the the Red Bull oh no oh my God we squeezed through there somehow on the inside on the inside on the inside H just turned for the corner that's completely fine I was just trying to stick my nose in there to get away from everybody else and I think we're good we're up to P1 this is huge let's go let's go nice and easy we'll do it again we're up the inside H will get a better line out of the corner we'll get a better line through this left hander though oh it's so slippery so much drift s come on come on we can get the H right SS on now let's go let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on come on where do we go inside can we go inside we're going to go inside let's do it on the H car on the inside let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh my God okay you're in the oh my God they moved under breaking to go up the inside of the other house and oh my God that scared the heie majes out of me woo that's P9 let's go let's go what a start last on the grid P9 one lap that's how we do it and now we try and see if we can pick off any of these more competent drivers for over up the field but we do know that akaz does struggle in those wet conditions try to get come here a come here I know that you're weak and vulnerable in the wet and I'm going to come and get you as Daniel Ricardo said we like him vulnerable yeah I'm on akas no's also looking a little bit vulnerable in these work conditions so could potentially be looking at a p7 here oh good overtake from akaz if he can get it done no now has the inside line oh they're going to shoot each other wide akas with the switch back I've got it all out of shape here and I'm going to slide up the inside of null and move up into p8 now in this race right aaz come here brilliant come here mate come here I don't have a clue where to break for this corner cuz I thought I broke at the right point I don't know if it was just the moving and the braking that caught me out or I broke too late I think it was fine I think it just the has just moved on The Brak and scared the hell out of [Music] me who said that they wanted a top five out of me cuz it might actually just happen today no issues it might happen taking of I think we can definitely get akas but akas you know could be a great defender be great on the [Music] defense let's see what we can do here can't got the inside here just yet got to wait got to be patient wait for a mistake maybe we don't want to wait too long cuz there's an opportunity maybe to get Ethan and the drivers ahead of him as well who I feel like I am quicker than we got to be we got to be smart about this come here akas come here come here let's go let's go that was a really good exit really good exit let's go inside yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes there we go there we go bye-bye AAS goodbye mate it's been [Music] fun hold the inside line and there we go up to p7 teammates next and then it's damal damal is good in the W so maybe it's just his setup is uh set up more for wet conditions and that's why he's struggling a bit more now and then think is Mercedes holding him up two laps to go two laps to go the potential top four here in this race come on that Mercedes is holding up who is it it Jack it's John John held us up last time John's going to defending John is very good at [Music] defending come here Ethan come here I want you oh again really good exit off the corner and that's going to get me the position again it's all about the exit oh my God But Here Comes Marco Marco looks like he's got some good Pace Marco look like he's got some really decent pace and will to eth at the moment lap I'll be inside little bit of contact with Ethan little bit too deep but we're through that's P6 now what can we do on the two ahead can we look at P4 John and damal scrapping away oh that's wide for me as risky puts me puts me vulnerable to the cars behind I think we could though one again wide so allows them to have a look oh my God snapping all over the place on those two that's good though that's good come on come on John is slow and that's allowing Marco to have a look on [Music] me can we na the exit again like we have done so far today we can we get damal can we get JN can we get JN to the line how much battery has John got left I don't think it's going to be enough there's a car stopped on the line are we going to get them too yes we are it's P4 in the race just missed out on getting John but a good overtake on damal right at the last corner just City mistake from damal going wide of the corner don't know what happened to them in the end to drop down to 12th uh but unlucky is my stream tomorrow at 10 yes I wouldn't call pushing me into a wall good defending where did he puts you into the wall on the left um running down into one lost P1 ah unlucky unlucky uh Rory shamak and supr thank you much for the follow Jack as well Lucas Daniel uh Mara and R thank you much for the follows and US 818 293 brownie as well Jared K thank you much for the share uh chust Thunder donno thank you very much for the follow as well uh I got lifted into the air into turn one that is a rip uh hi eight Bobby denish thank you for the follows uh Brazil and reain are never a good comp on this game I actually enjoyed it that was quite fun I mean I enjoyed it cuz I did well I cut through the field that was good 20th to Fourth very decent lap time wise massively off the pace compared to uh melwin 69 go on you two go on that's rapid that is rapid right who's in the top three melwin Jeffy boy and Marco you all go to the back do I stream every day not every day lily um I stream usually Tuesday Thursday Friday Creator series and then I try to do Saturday and Sunday but it all depends on whether something comes up on the weekend but I try and do in the mornings and they're all usually in the mornings bar creative series on a Friday Finley thank you very much for the GG appreciate you thank you very much uh to this person for the rose what's your name your name is uh panen bo uh thank you very much for the uh for the road as well hey I beat Hydro by 6,000 it was that close nice you and streams thank you for the follow uh Jack and flan thank you for the follow as well um how am I still here Jeffy boy because you are rapid that is why sa should go to the back four points off of P1 is he actually okay put them to the back as well uh camon six roses had to one up everybody else you're like ah nice Ros everybody but look at my roses okay for the vote at the moment Saudi is currently winning the vote and somebody's finally voted for China uh wait so are they open lobes right now yes they are open lobbies uh right so let's go and put melwin Jeffy Marco and Staples to the back we go to the back Jeffy would have been on pole what going to happen Marco's there melin's there jeffy's there oh want Staples is up there and Jeffy is still P1 right Jeffy still P1 can you vote via YouTube it's on the Discord uh Discord should be linked in the description of the YouTube stream so uh just go join that go join the Discord and uh yeah you can you can let us know um Jeffy boy what position is he in what position is Jeffy boy in Jeffy P2 okay so it's melwin Jeffy Marco Staples cool let's ready up chat let's do this China for round three China for round three let's go right let's go China I sub to you on YouTube too thank you much L I can't see the YouTube Subs really annoyingly um I wish that they would show them I can see twitch I can see YouTube I just can't see it my twitch is so buggy anyone else too uh it looks all good on my end after this race we get check-ins uh what do we reckon we'll go one more no two races we do we do check in with two races to go we do checking with two races to go yeah yeah uh copy copy right Quinton uh Finley and Rob thank you much for the follows can I check in and if I'm not C licensed then I'll drop out uh sure [Music] sure right where do you reckon we're going to finish chat from the back of the grid this time can we do one better than P4 uh ARF 1 and pjamas thank you much for the follow what do you reckon we can finish here we go lights on engines revving let's go racing here in China and we're underway and it's going to be a very decent start for me again no rain to help me this time around no rain to help me out as JN drops to the back this time I don't know if that's punishment for taking out gamga or or what a little bit of contact there as JN has a look on my inside Oh my days that was a bit of a send there from John nearly took us all out oh we're glued we're glued we're glued sorry johnp it was a it was a white Arrow then and we just got glued together my bad big send from John again I'll go for a big send right around the outside and the outside worked cuz there was a hefty crash on the inside I don't know if that was John's big send or what but that's up to p16 haven't been making the ground as quickly as maybe we did in Brazil but we can easily pick some of these positions off one by one just as they start to get held up with each other find the gaps find the mistakes from the drivers just like big buff man here forward he's going very very defensive we'll find the Gap around the outside though and there we go into P5 now big buff oh they've all drifted off into the left goodbye those three and uh we're up in a p12 now right pick up the toe off Royal storm and now we're going to have to go and find a gap on the outside here on the grass Royal storm gives me a bit of room there thank you and I think now we're four wide going into this corner we leave the room oh my God the H what was that what was that from big buff man that was insane just absolutely kamakazi their own teammate okay okay okay how do I get license not done any lob lobbies yet if you've not done any lobbies your license should be C license uh you have to be a bad driver to get your license down to d right we got to get back past big buff man after they absolutely killed us if I knew that he was coming in too I would have just switched them all back even the track and gain an advantage what Advantage I lost positions right Royal Storm's ahead I love you Royal storm but your pace just ain't it so I'm going to have to dispatch of you as soon as I can maybe here oh I scared him did you see how much I scared Ro storm oh I stuck my nose up the inside and I saw that he was closing the gap which rightfully he could have done to be fair and I just absolutely freaked him out big big scariness do I get DRS on big buff man might do so just drop in races yeah yeah yeah exactly I mean license level goes up fairly quickly on on anything regardless as long as you avoid incidents and you're clean but if you start crashing into people you're very quickly going to go down to a d license so that's why we don't let D license people do cu you've clearly done something naughty to get your license down to a d and uh you shouldn't be doing that right that's a warning is it a warning will it be a warning no it was a clean lap okay cool uh right save the battery and I'm going to try and pick them off sadly I don't think we're going to be getting a top four in this race oh what has gone on here a big buff man where where are you going oh do you know what Fair play I think maybe they just tried to avoid somebody going slow and then uh and then they didn't actually drive into my car so you know what fair play maybe we've just got PTSD from their big send earlier on oh my God they're they're they're aggressive with their defending but I also do feel like they're not they're not doing it on purpose they they do also know how to leave just about enough room well Jeffy boy one of the championship contenders back here thanks your nose in like that Jeffy it will get cut off it will get cut off right save that battery yeah yeah this is what John I just told somebody else not to stick their nose in what do you do you stick your nose where it's not wanted all right go go go go go battery use it all burn it all no problem Lily have a good rest of your day right um we don't actually have that much battery compared to everybody else I think everybody else had full battery as well I run outside oh my God I'm going to get sent again aren't I oh oh oh hang on a minute how's JN come out on top of that how has JN come out of that np1 what the hell come back here John give me back that position you will come back here switch to the inside here we go oh my days was a lot of initial Rim there for John H why while we understood wide oh Alpine no please say you took somebody else out Alpine yes Alpine he got John that's what you get for be Jammy John that's what you get you're lucky son of a gun right hello aaz welcome back oh my God big send from John what is John doing John's crazy John is a lunatic right we can get back on akas get their DRS and big buff man's retired oh rest in peace big buff man sometimes aggressive defending doesn't always work [Music] out right John's still there but we're still there in the DRS of AAS and that's what we need we need to remain in the DRS of the cars ahead to give me any chance of a points finish in this race come on we got P9 in the first round we could do it again welcome in Dale how are you sir I assume your mental well-being uh is very good after missing out on that race at Vegas last night and just laughing watching Matty D get caught up in incident after inant oh my God you are a terrible terrible driver you are a terrible terrible driver John now you've taken us both out of DRS what sort of intelligent move was that okay this is your final lap final lap of the race come on last lap of the race [Music] yeah see it's not nice is it when you get pinned on the inside when you get given no [Music] room going to hold it from John so all we're going to do defend defend still my high out of the weekend was your reaction to bry's move honestly that is move of the race from broy now good to see John found his break for that hairpin that mer came from Japan there really did really really did right I don't think I'm going to get DRS back on akas it went too wide there Proby open up the corner got I get DRS on him it's 1.4 unless we absolutely nail this breaking Zone which I locked up so that is not nailing the breaking Zone it's going to be tough here now oh the battery in use it all back to racing speed oh the heartbeat always goes up when DS in chat that is one sexy myo um okay right here comes John Here Comes John I locked up I shimmed him and it worked it worked that's what you get John that's what you get next one no you don't John no you do not how was that an illegal overtake then we were ahead no that is that is that is Despicable behavior that is Despicable behavior all I was doing was avoiding getting murdered how am I going to get a penalty for getting murdered illegal no way hey I took out John for you good boy Jeffy good boy good boy uh I come back to see Hayden getting a pen all I was doing was avoiding getting murder why do people like I don't know why people like bahin who what's winning actually let's look at the vote uh but Bahrain can't think of a more boring track to do don't pick barain oh it's completely gone it's back it's not gone oh dear oh dear I don't know what to do with this cuz the internet's just said bye-bye I think it's back I think it's back should be back chat we should be back refresh the stream um is it is it still good on YouTube and and Tik Tok it's not been ended there that's good um and it's not been ended on Tik Tok has it no we're still good there okay okay apologies for that um I live in the UK and if anybody else lives in the UK you know that our internet over here is terrible absolutely terrible uh or fem just uploaded a post yeah it was fem for we all blame for him uh okay right John you're getting one more chance if he's still in this race Z guu is here the Z guu uh right who do who who needs to go to the back Marco damal and melwin and Jeffy boy now we just do top three Marco damal melwin right I will go to the back as well melin's there yamal was supposed to be on pole unlucky there me Marco melwin the am fake Joe is here they're here to stay uh right okay cool I think we are happy with that let's do this chat let's go into the race and let's go uh Tik Tok is back hyen BMW uh two races in a row being dirty please we'll keep an eye we'll keep an eye uh Jeffy thank you very much for the follow Camy as well yeah apologies for the stream uh being a little bit crap um yeah just my's terrible that's literally nothing I can do it's so Random uh thankfully it doesn't happen all the time it's like maybe once once every 3 weeks it has a big sort of like oh I've ped myself sort of moment so yeah check in after this race yeah correct uh yeah BMW was dirty when I raced them too I don't think BMW broke at all into The Hairpin okay well we'll keep an eye on it we'll keep an eye on it Tik Tok never notifies me well here you are Zach it's all right you haven't missed too much you are here now and that's all that matters Zach that's all that matters they use other cars as brakes I'm sure of it okay we'll keep we'll keeping I told you R storm I've already said we're keeping eye on it and if it's if you haven't heard me say that yet refresh the stream cuz you might be a little bit behind if you want to be up to date and not behind after that laggy issue refresh your stream uh yeah check in is after this race just joined what's going on uh we are doing some open lobes and then we are doing some uh a 100% race later that is what we're doing that is what we're doing Fabio is going to probably be joining us later for the 100% race so uh everybody has to take him out like everybody has to at least pun int once okay lights on engines revving let's go racing in Silverstone let's see what we can do from the back of the grid and let's go okay bad start but that's fine cuz we just like to watch the chaos that happens in front of us always some reason at Silverstone people crash and they've actually survived so never mind oh never mind never mind there we go there we go you just knew that was going to happen nice and easy through the loop and we're good we're okay we have survived that's all that matters bit late on that oh my God what's going on [Music] there please don't take each other out not in front of me please we fruit we survived we survived oh my God we see a car paying off in your direction that that that stuff's scary we're good though we are good right okay just chilling watching the battles unfold ahead of us watching the takeouts that are definitely going to happen and then uh we get involved when we can think get nice and chill through here oh oh oh hello hello Marco around the outside don't mind if I do thank you very much Marco I will say I will take that right me up next on outside of melwin oh oh oh he's not going to give me a lot of room didn't have to but there we go we're still hold position that's [Music] okay looking nice and easy somebody shunting into the back of me thank you for that whoever that was oh my God what's going on here what's gone on what's gone on what has gone on Oh my days we are okay we've survived it I think damal just gained about 20 positions through like one up so fair play oh my God what is going on there oh stop driving into me oh McLaren we're through we're through we're through no actually dmal didn't gain 20 positions he's he's retired never mind never mind oh we go with three wide leave the space cool right we're somehow in all of that we didn't gain any positions or lose any positions TR to get past why why you sticking your nose in there Staples that's never going to work out for you dive it from Miles back he's tripping that he gets no spot does Fabio need to sign up or no yes it just makes it easier so I know who's uh getting in and it makes it less complicated so just race check in he should be able to see it in my Discord right come on come on come on catch back up unleash the demon query still here hello quy good to have you back who's Fabio uh no idea no idea some young fan who wants to get involved uh Fabio is in ftic right come on come on come on come on come on Mercedes right ahead of me I'm going to burn too much battery we going none though whether that's the smarter thing to do we have a look no okay Mercedes defensive oh moves on braking thank you we'll get this move done oh don't don't drive into my car Mercedes cuz it's just going to end badly for both of us do you not know about gluing on this game there we go and we are we're through now [Music] surely I left him enough room they were still on the track and I think then they hit my car again right okay that's P10 that's into the points can I I need to remain in DRS here I need to [Music] push I need to push to stay in DRS range otherwise I'm going to get swamped by everyone behind right and then I I know that we could through this part little correction but it was actually okay and look how much time he gained on the car behind nailed it oh but it's big buff man ahead they are scary they are scary they know how to defend very aggressively green flag we're going to go right around the outside though if we can and we can there we go couldn't defend that one could you and now it's my boy Mr Jo Gru ahead of me let's see if we can get him flap through here here flat through here oh I went to surprise him Joe went very late on the brakes [Music] though oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that who on Earth was that who on Earth was that there's no checking it's not it's not there yet mate let open after the race I mean the check-in channel should be there if you if you link your Twitch and your Discord you should be able to see it you should be able to see the check-in Channel but there's no check-in yet as long as you can see the check-in Channel that's fine checking will be after this race right well that race is gone because somebody can't drive uh so thank you whoever that was okay cool Fabio I will be uh at 12 at 12:00 noon we'll be doing the racing so uh you're more than more going to come join these five lapers if you want there will be someone getting kicked if I find out who it was I don't think it was I don't it was Max for saen right if I gain any positions out of this race you suck I'm going to go hot lap mode and try and see if we can catch up on the last [Music] lap try and see if we can catch up one lap there's definitely going to be [Music] chaos oh my God you see how Airborne we got there over the curb that was a warning M gets fastest lap okay final lap let's go we do if there's a space there should be a space uh after this race cuz someone will get kicked by I don't know who took me out though I think it was uh big buff man who has been on my watch list [Music] anyway oh there we go there we go we're not last okay clear beautiful oh and some more okay that is a terrible terrible rejoin one of the worst rejoins I think I've ever ever seen in my life and we watch razin in the creater [Music] series how have I got up to p14 then hey how's that happened why am I starting last because you're leading the championship it's the rules man in these races you've got to be good at overtaking as well as just being fast and P3 yeah top three go to the back then then the rules bro then the rules oh we're actually gaining on the car ahead of MCH MCH you suck mate yellow flag yellow flag come on come on come on big crash here big crash here FL come [Music] on can I over take cuz everyone's so dirty that's just what you got to deal with this this isn't psgl mate isn't about super clean racing you know what you're signing up for oh thanks much appreciate the position oh it's P1 I missed out by 610 on the points 610 on the points I'm Sor I didn't mean to take out vmk n who took me out who took me out who's getting Z boot somebody just absolutely kamakazi it down into the uh down into the loop [Applause] and we all died right what's the race saying who's voting for what what tracks getting voted for how is Bahrain on 22 votes honestly if you're voting Bahrain get out of the chat now get out of the chat now go home bin is a boring track why I'm taking off the vote I'm taking off the vote bin sucks get rid of barin why someone explain to me in chat why you want Bing sadly I couldn't see which one it was it was either the H or or yeah the Merc uh baku's not on a vote because we'll be doing Baku uh in a few weeks time Doc's about to be on overtime with reports right why are you voted barain though why' you want barain it's such a boring track someone sent it to MC uh and they got bounced into who said was it was it this person I imagine it was okay they're not here anymore no they are still here they're last what a surprise um okay so who's in the top three Hydro Marco and Ethan and because melwin really doesn't like it we're going to put him to the back as well melwin I'm joking I'm joking melwin melwin look look you're starting P4 there time P4 it's all going to be okay meln it's so it's it's going to be okay melwin it's going to be fine don't worry about it uh right who's in the top who is it Hydro ohos are coming out this race leave a car's wh for I'm sending you to Spain uh Hydro Marco Ethan okay Ethan all right hello somebody's somebody's climbing up there Hydro Marco Ethan as uh as Fabio joined or was he doing his own thing until 12 I'm going to be Ferrari later then if Fabio's joining I'm going to be Ferrari we can be both be teammates kick some people that are dirty I think the dirty driver when cuz it definitely uh BMW we've also had John on our list but John's gone and I don't know who took me out I I I have a suspect it was this person but I also suspect it was this person hitting into this person and uh that's why that happened how do you join the 100% r r later uh if you want to guarantee yourself a seat uh become a uh a twitch subscriber Tik Tok subscriber or a Midfield member on um on YouTube and you'll be a to link your Twitch and your Discord and you'll be able to see the race checkin and you just sign up there uh otherwise you have to wait for it to open which there may only be a handful of seats a very small amount of number if any um so be on the lookout for that right uh read my comment sorry what was your comment comment uh Hayden I accidentally took you out because a Merc sent it into me I'm big buff man please forgive me I'm watching you big buff man you've had some horrendous sends today I'm the better teammate Hayden you're killing it at the moment but you're not starting at the back and now you are so let's see how you do from the back of the grid I was on the Clean Air Saw Hayden off when I arrived I just got absolutely rammed off check the ban list one name stands out is it by any matalia D oh by the way race checking is now open um if you don't already know we've got 15 out of 19 people already in there uh whose name is in there whose name stands out oh yeah Matty D yeah good I think everyone's good there uh it's just whether Ethan's a d license or a C license how naughty has Ethan been uh watch this send from a from half a second match watch out much wild catch uh thank you much for the follow 16 the cler jumpy painter thank you all right let's get into this lights coming on engines revving let's go racing and I was not paying attention here at Portugal before we go into Vegas for the last round which is going to be absolute chaos as it always should be before we probably go into the most boring 100% race we've done in Bahrain right where's everyone going oh we got a sideways car find the Gap find the Gap find the Gap find the Gap find the Gap I'm going to push you Ethan go go go go go go go go Ethan oh why are you going slow all right just take the inside line take it nice and Cas on the inside y yep cuz then they get glued and I get a free position damal hello hello damal we're going to go will to wheel oh that was a big send from damal and they made it stick I mean that's the advantage of having that inside line there he goes oh bye-bye oh Dam girl it was going so well for you but the pressure of me all right all right fake Joe why are you driving into the back of me as no's being disqualified good good good race from n right okay that's been a good start for me I'm up to p12 made up a good amount of positions and now becomes the hard part picking them off one by one picking them all off one by one and see if we can get past is it going to be the straight is it going to be the wiggly bits in the middle Nows who knows who knows there rvk going very defensive on the inside there oh don't H that yellow curb don't hit that yellow curb Ethan rvk on the inside hello hello we're will to will they're will to Wi got a lift on the outside there now push push push push battery BRS inside line experience steer now that you're in the wake of the car ahead try this ahead y yep knew that was going to happen big send come here rvk damn it yellow flag okay okay again outside line I just can't do anything there but will he do a DM gout no they do not spin there's a lot of smokey I'm scared we're all good we're all good that was a blind corner I was expecting fully to be murdered oh just like someone was there Marco with I think an aggressive maneuver to get themselves up a position oh yellow sausage curb we good we're good we good okay this is difficult to overtake around here you just got one long straight the other one doesn't do too much we've got to utilize battery well around this circuit and I'm going to burn it now we get to run in on uh on rvk can we get the overtake as well here we go down in towards turn one maybe have a little look on my teammate to there flashing work on the inside don't touch the yellow sausage curb rvk still there lovely wheel to wheel still on the inside come on Marco's trying to get that position too come on come on come on come on come on yes yes line on the outside always better through [Music] there Marco right around the outside can't quite find the grip though I'm going use B cuz I do not want to have the outside line for the third lap in a row around here and we're good finally we're good through there right now we need to try and save battery they burn a lot then imagine surely Marco's also down oh there goes the house you're running low ons reminder that you can play around withs modes in the MFD or sometimes and ease what has Marco got Marco's just finding the gri all over the place somebody disconnect his USB take away the files all right Marco give me that slipstream give me that succulent slip stream there's a battle going on up ahead the leaders are Miles clear it's much and and somebody else there goes on my inside rvk big send oh the other Red Bull's off so that's back into the top 10 and now out the inside oh my God this is not going to end well for those guys they're going to get glued I don't want to get glued I'm so scared I'm leaving as much room as I possibly can I don't want to get glued we're okay we're okay tornado's there big send from tornado R outside if we can nice there we go good good up to p8 okay Marco Ethan these two are fighting for the championship 're both in that top three so both fighting for the championship there's a huge gap to the leaders we've lost out so much ground for those let's see if we can pick anything off see what we can do here caution Mar's got him there's a yellow flag up ahead oh my God they all they all come together the leaves have come together but I think they've got enough a gap that that McLaren's going to get away with it go go go go go oh my God Ethan use some Battery Man Ethan okay good good good let's go let's go let's go I don't feel I'm going to get Marco just want to get Ethan it oh my God Ethan's going to come back at me outside oh I've skated off the end there we still have the inside line here though we still have the inside line can we hold it deep from Ethan probably too deep and it is there we go okay that's p7 that is p7 I don't think E's going to have anything left to get me to get me back here so we should be okay let's keep the car pointing in the right direction here don't think we're going to have anything to get Marco Marco's got good [Music] Pace come on come on half a second sadly I just wish the start Finish Line was at the end of the straight and not near the beginning of it it's all going to be down a batter Tre and I think Marco will have enough here he's got 610 on me too we definitely have enough to Ethan Ethan won't have enough down here to the line and it is going to be Marco but P6 we're going to come home p7 that's not too bad it was obviously a lot more difficult there trying to keep up with everyone Ulan thank you very much for the race winner member on YouTube have I pronounced that name right is it Ulan Julian thank you very much you're absolute Legend uh make sure you link your Discord and your and your YouTube and then get yourself in checkin we've currently got 15 out of 19 names at the moment so um quite a lot so only going to be what three spots four what's remaining right over there [Applause] struggling oh no from the back today was a nice battle Ronald was a nice battle uh yeah was dirty from you much being dirty are we surprised hydrate on Monday is 34 degrees is it actually all my days I am I am now because I didn't stream yesterday yeah oh rip uh same it just snaps left and right on Silverstone yeah don't take the the big sausage curbs avoid them at all costs right last race Las Vegas um let's quickly get the top five six drivers seven drivers I think they've all got a chance so Hydro Marco Staples much Hydro down there me I'm going to the back March is down there where's Marco there he is uh what's the rest of them what's the rest of them hydro Marco Marco Staples much uh then I'm pretty sure uh Mel win's down there in that fight Jeffy boy in that fight akaz akaz March akaz Mel and Jeffy boy is that correct oh Ethan as well what position is everyone please do Sims Sim damage no this wet not today right I'll have to quickly look um yeah you still you still have a chance akaz Ethan melwin Jeffy boy aaz Ethan Mel and Jeffy boy yeah that's fine aaz for Mel and Jeffy boy okay cool right ready up chat ready up ready up last race of the day before we get into our 100% race at uh Vegas and then you can go and get those people who I've already checked in with 16 out of 19 at the moment Julian is Julian isn't it is an i it is it is julan they have checked in wow it seems to be warm there it is warm I'm sweating I'm CL at the moment it's dirty uh right P6 I'm in contention for P6 I don't even know what I'm in contention for other than having fun having fun what I'm in contention for having lots of fun where can you sign in to play the 100% race uh so you're on Tik Tok so become a Tik Tok subscriber uh link your Tik Tok and your Discord and then you can find the race check in in my Discord um it's a little bit of a thing you have to go through but that's how you get get priority into these races uh close that back Tik Tok chat back enjoy the 100% I'll be off uh and out and about soon so can't make it long time since I've been here my bad all good Ean I hope you're well we're on equal points okay it's on it's on Ronald it's on mate bring it bring it last on the grid in Vegas let's do this let's do this let's see what we can do lights on engines revving we go racing around the corner don't lose the rear don't lose the rear we're all good okay right I'm ready to put that into a hot lap if I need to try and find a gap hopefully people don't crash with each other or they reset to track that's a got out jail free card I'm scared I'm on the outside on the inside then switch it back great switch back there we go there we go there's Mr Z Gru as well where's the inside line here about here oh my God what why okay mate okay okay you scared the hell out of me you made the corner we got past that driver okay we're good how is that illegal overtake he was crashed what on Earth is that okay we've done a we've done a Fabio made an overtake there didn't get taken out cuz that driver knew how to give R oh my God how am I going to get pen how do I get 3 second penalty for a driver getting taken out in the race that absurd third all but third [Music] right right around the outside avoid the chaos and that's fine we did that we did just that that's good oh my days that's a joke what a joke aka's using all of his battery here as is Ethan okay we're just we just have no battery to play with then chat we'll have no battery to play with nobody wants battery today take it nice and easy on the entry there we go there's an opening we'll take that thank you back to medium there we go on the other Ferrari do we get a legal overtake no we do not thank you I will take that I need to make up as many positions as I can here with this 3C time penalty now enabled enabled problem is I break where the F2 breaking lines are which is uh slightly unfortunate but that's fine there we go found the room and we're flat through there perfect DRS wide open hopefully we don't get sent by a Ferrari this time on the inside of this corner we should be okay you're in the top 10 oh close to the Williams can we surprise him I tried it but it was never going to have pay off there Williams was wise to it come on then come on in come on then tornado's close behind we're not close enough in the of get we take it easy through this corner focus on the exit I don't know how much of that curb you can take I saw last night they were taking a lot of that curb uh circuit this is Las Vegas just with the announcement I'm D since I got the game last week uh that's not an excuse because you start off with a C license uh the only way you get to D license is taking people out uh online so um that's not because of uh because you just got the game that's because you've been naughty you can't fool me yeah you start with D C license so if you if you haven't done any online racing you should be C licensed it's fine then I'm maybe see okay good that's good then that's good yeah you don't start off with a d license get the motor for being naughty oh that's a big send from the Ferrari okay tornado Came In Like a Torpedo instead oh my God Pablo piging a little bit we got through though should we go for it let's go for it good Pablo they're not held up here I try and look out for that breaking point which is there do what I did to chz in the playoffs a few seasons ago and that's up to p8 but this penalty remember is going to remove me a lot of positions oh my God there's so many cars here so many cars here just trying to find a gap find an opening maybe get FB is he sweating what's he sweating he doesn't know what track is going to be buff man's retired as if he's sweating for this race all my days uh I guess we're going to have to use a bit of battery just to get away I'm not sweating yeah yeah yeah sweating this race you are a joke you are a joke that's you f uh right okay they've absolutely blitzed it past me but they've also used up all their battery oh there's l a big pile up there and we just get them back thank you there you go thank you AAS I'll take that position back I'm on the inside which is the best place to be and I've got a warning for that cuz I'm an idiot on the inside you can take the inside line now go go go go go can we get Jeffy boy here we be right up against the wall I cannot see any any break marker boards there could not see any break marker boards oh that's the wall Jesus oh my God that is Ascend um no thank you the shop is not open today oh go go go go go go go reposition on much they've also got a 3 second so basically my my race is with much here oh my God oh my God oh my God we're all so close [Music] together go go go go go I've got a full battery go go go go go go go use as much of it as I dare they're already out oh my God where do I go where do I go I'm going here then I'm going here then and I'm going here oh my God use it all use it all use it [Music] all oh Freedom no no no we made it we made it we made it we made it oh my God oh my God oh my God again let's go okay okay okay we survived right M has got a penalty mn's got a penalty we're all racing here with each other okay mate final lap keep your concentration and let's bring it home how much battery can we get back here oh that's the wall match that's the wall teammate in the Box oh Ethan is he going fast as lap or [Music] what I don't think anyone's pushing on on this [Music] lap I don't think anyone's pushing on this lap have enough of the Gap there okay we got melwin pushing a little bit oh where are they going where are they going what are you doing what are you doing DRS chickening you idiots okay all right welcome to it bro welcome to it I guess I've got all the battery let's see if we can hold this on at the end they're going to have DRS they'll make it more [Music] difficult Freedom yes this what you get for being an idiot that's what you get for being an idiot he's going to try it he's going to try it one we can still hold it [Music] yes P four on track did I just say freedom it was Freedom there that Red Bull was shocking I'm pretty sure it was C to not rbk um I don't know what that break check in was there that's silly but uh I'm glad that they did not benefit from it no they finished be 2 how they finished P2 still so they didn't even need to breake check everyone that was silly that was silly we finished p8 though how many people dnfed at the end of that race right quick to menu I'm going to start the lobby now the start up the lobby now Fabio get in that Ferrari let's be teammates baby let's be teammates uh yes Alex Zoro I am on Twitch uh just under the same name I'm on Twitch and YouTube and for those of you who are on Twitch and YouTube currently I'm on Tik Tok as well live I am on X as well but you know who's really using that hang on I just got to yeah give me these yeah give me these fan Zone points how many have signed up 17 but uh I don't know if Ethan is a uh is a is is a C license yet are you a C license Ethan right I'm putting on friends only so if you are already a friend of mine on Steam feel free to join off me uh Fabio you can do that as well um or Melanie if you're watching tell Fabio to join off me um leave the Ferraris free please everyone cuz those cars will be mine and fabos uh I'm going to set up the lobby and then what track are we doing you've picked barin you are honestly the worst individuals ever and it is yes it's let's go let's have some chaos come on chat come on we can't be boring here uh minimum license level is license C all that's fine all that's fine that's fine we're going to Saudi we're doing um 100% race one shot qualifying practice session uh weather will be clear Dynamic very wet overcast might dry up it might not dry up realistic approximate strict increased immersive off off turn that off as well uh that's will fine damage is reduced and ghosting off you are the goat Lily you are the goat um is it extreme rain it will be extreme rain at some point yes Fabio's in ul's in uh CD's in and damal okay cool let's go add everybody else who needs an invite and then we'll get going as soon as possible uh there's still time for you guys to check in if you haven't done so already there's two more spots so akaz there you go there's your invite um oh I've invited Aman Suki I don't think he signed up if he joins uh I will remove him but he's away anyway so it's fine uh K already in you're in Lando there you go definitely seen your name fa's already in much you're racing quy yeah uh since you voted Sai you lost your privilege to whine about five safety CS exactly but that's what we like that's what we like um Kur already in Daniel rocks you're not allowed too bad Ethan moonsky he's de licensed sorry Ethan you cannot race um Mando's there Hydro Hydra hasn't checked in Jeffy boy has there is a joke I've done 15 clean laps and it doesn't go up go do offline racing honestly go and do races offline and make sure you make sure you say you know effects license level and build it back up but I I can't let you in as a as a d license um okay okay okay Hydro Jeffy Kano rvk yep Ethan other Ethan nope Pablo yep I haven't accidentally added somebody who's de licens as well no ride a bomb okay who am I missing anybody else d Sky's a d license what's he been doing anybody who needs an invite I've currently got 13 I should have oh flipping it get online flipping it get online also if um some of you guys have each other added feel free to add those who have checked in uh flipping it can you make sure you come online ASAP please uh I'll try and find you over here I know there's some people that I have issue on adding like uh if we storm as Mara and no if you haven't got me as a friend let me know now and I'll add you as a friend um who who who is that who's okay no do I have you as a friend no oh and I don't have you as a friend Bon date where are you're not online or I can't find you again I don't know what this this glitch is where I can't find people online but um yeah if you can add Baba tund uh I don't have add you as a friend okay uh if you've added me let me me know and I'll get you in I friend requested you okay cool uh what's your name Owen what's your name oh n fc18 okay cool see if you're here first of all okay I've got you maybe you're on this side there you go got you you're a d LIC you won't be able to race Owen you won't be able to race if you're a d license mate you need to get that license level up uh babaon day's in Marco Marco are you are you a subscriber what's your name in this uh in Discord Marco what's your name in Discord uh Mar your C license that's fine flipping it in that's good um you super license you're an a are you an a hidden uh know how to get better offline races uh and make sure it says effects license level and just do lots of those um and drive cleanly get it up uh that way uh right so Marco where are you in chat I don't know who Marco is everybody else is fine I'm missing Royal storm I think who needs to get an invite of somebody cuz I can never see royal storm um also needs an invite is null I believe R Storm's in good uh and that's it so it's just null and I need to know where Marco is Marco's not Mara Mara's this person Marco's this person Marco doesn't type in chat I'm going to get rid of them um no have you added me on anything no do you have me added on EA what's your what's your game name on EA cuz I'm not seeing you if you're not appearing online friend requests okay uh let me have a look let's see if you're on the right first yeah I got you okay uh perfect I'll add you in now no uh Marco I'm not seeing Marco so I'm going to get rid of Marco uh I don't know who they are uh Marco you have the option to leave and then rejoin when we get going and open it up or I kick you and you can't race Marco isn't in isn't in here we've got flipping we got Kur we got Julian we got Baba tund Ethan's not racing because he's Del licens um no I'm pretty sure was not delc they're a um Mara rvk y y Koo yeah MCH yes Jeffy yeah so Marco's not here I'm getting rid of Marco or Mar's got rid of themselves that's fine okay we're at 18 right let's open it up Lobby is open you can now join if you're C license in oh I should probably quickly uh do that cool cool right so we got Hydra in we got Dave Raptors the code monster thank you very much for becoming a rookie member on YouTube thank you very much right everybody in chat we're going into a practice session all I need you to do for this practice session is just put your setup on and retire uh please don't go past turn four otherwise you will not come back uh let's just double check these license levels oh no they should have got in cuz it's uh restricted to see okay cool we got 20 out of 20 we're all good uh let's turn it back up so um does it have to be B no it has to be C or above I'm going to turn that off now so that you guys can get back back in a lot easier and I think we're good to go going double check the settings I think we're good to go four if 24 y yep y That's all good that's all good uh yeah yeah and yeah cool cool did Hayden know Marco was here in chat Marco didn't say anything in chat and also they're not in the checkin so they're not in the race checking so they don't get to come in uh as a priority member I don't know how they got themselves in cuz I don't think I have them as a friend right let's go let's go chat everybody's in we definitely got Fabio right he's not being removed no Fabio's there good good good okay okay Fabio it's always Fabio uh can I take his place it's already full we've already filled it up get in for next week uh but also you have to be a Midfield member of the code Monster not a rookie rookie just gets you access to emotes Midfield member gets you access to um to everything else my stream keeps lagging the hell that I believe is on your side cuz it looks all fine on my side this time I don't have a setup what Wings would you recommend well if you want a setup uh xation Mark coaching in chat and uh you'll be able to find one um from SIM racing Center hi RNC Man City Welcome in welcome in this race will be chaos oh I hope so uh someone tell Fabio he has to start the back as well by the way good start to the season for the boys at frat Park yeah we take draw you know against leads one of the top teams in the league so you know we'll see how it goes do you have a har monitor on stream uh I do that's what you can see down here this is my heart currently beating this is what it is at right now this is where it's Peak today my team top of the league to top of the league to what team is that why are you be him in in here he's not going to I just read someone go to his chat right okay CL set up let's get this setup on fio is already retired he already has his setup saved what a sweat what a sweat um okay I'm going to put mine on yeah please just retire from the session and then we'll get into racing as soon as possible there's a twitch prediction in chat predict where you think we're going to finish in this race uh or or no who will finish ahead me or [Music] Fabio who will finish out of the other and I want a prediction from everyone in chat what position you think we're going to finish this race in what position do you think we will finish this race uh that and then I'm going to go for probably that is best safety my team plays last palas at 5:00 P p.m. IP switch next week who's last palas P6 from Josh p21 from the code monster I'll be very very surprised we get p21 um okay uh wings are fine I think on that so I'm going to retire from session and let's see if anyone's been naughty anyone where they shouldn't be let's have a little look have a little look chat oh oh where's Jeffy boy is that turn four one two three oh he got lucky right flipping It Roll storm and home Lando get yourselves retired you lovely people and we will get into this one shot qualifying session get ourselves into one shot qualifying oh that's turn one home Lando don't do it don't do it don't go to turn four get yourself retired good boy good good good okay cool right let's do it one shot qual let's go wishing you all the best of luck here at one shot qu uh what football team do I support I'm a porta fan is Homeland stuck in the pits or am I lagging um I don't think so was he past turn four I think that was turn three right this is going to be painful to drive unlucky AAS z00 plus stiffy suspension is a good Baseline setup um okay enjoy sector one with z00 wings enjoy sector one and then one on Friday night on Sky away at Bary nice nice uh thank you very much heyen Collision cyclone and rayan for the follows SJ I didn't even notice that that was a subscription thank you very much for the tier one sub um for the good start to the season for the framp part boys really really sorry I didn't say thank you for that but thank you very much SJ uh right check the uh fuel that's all good and we're going to go soft tires on the car one shot qual see what we can do let's see what we can do here where are we going to qualify chat where will we qualify F where we qualify in this qualifying session huh F said last she doesn't back me that's really really mean really mean can you believe that chat can you believe that right let's see what we can do down into the first Corner let's see what we can do here chat right beautiful line through turn one and two so much time gained oh we are rapid don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash flat round here flat round here Perfect Look at that insane [Music] insane absolute insanity this is beautiful from us fastest lap you've ever seen around Saudi oh wo we're good we're good we're good we saved it oh flat round here flat round here we can even just go as close to walls as possible all right this isn't flat round here though we can't skip that PO yes let's go could you imagine if we haven't got the fastest lap here could you imagine something is very wrong with us that we don't have the fastest lap oh that was painful that was painfully slow take intentional front wi damage lose the end plate get more straight line speed after that's perfect so the line is a 127.5 58 will that be good enough for first Fabio's being disqualified he knows the rules he knows the rules join us Fabio join us at the back right 289 29 27 Oh C how have you got how have you done that then despicable Behavior despicable Behavior CD yeah not sure about this setup it's over I don't know who said that I think that's much as I say if you've got a dark blue name I don't know who you are I think it might be much based on the badge okay right race Strat rain's coming actually really late in the race um but there's just going to be safety cars so I think let's just go we could just go softs at the start or we can go mediums till the rain but I don't know take all the fuel out we don't need fuel we do not need fuel in this race take it all out uh soft tires what do you reckon chat softs or mediums softs or mediums at at the start don't want hards I think I think we go aggressive we go aggressive we go aggressive we have fun let's see what we can do what if there is no safety cars I will be shocked if there's not a single safety car we're going to get safety cars Galore the lights are coming on the engine's revving let's go racing here in Saudi Arabia oh and I've got off to a terrible terrible start oh no oh dear right there we go now I'm lost that's what you get for stealing my thunder hydro and babaon date now let's see what we can do oh there's already a huge crash Jeffy boy's already out and we've already got a virtual safety car there we go that lasted long didn't ITC deployed the virtual you let me through no you need go what you doing what you doing Hydro what are you doing Hydro I don't know what you're doing mate I don't know what Hydro is doing there okay I'm just going to drive I've been allowed that position I don't know what they were doing we're up in a p15 let's catch back up on this virtual safety C they clearly wanted a huge gap we got a warning for that idiot okay catch back up to the back of Royal storm virtual safety is ending maintain your pace until we get the green flags VC ending wait for the GRE go go go go go go we got the better run on Royal where's he going where oh my God Royal storm was he trying to warm up his hard tires I don't know but we got him we got him and that's us up into p14 now in this race put that into hot lap mode put that into hot lap mode try and catch up no DRS activated yet Fabio stuck behind NL at the moment he's going to go right on the outside NL on mediums Fabi on soft see what we can do here hopefully my Ferrari teammates are nice today you know he's going to open the door for me and then let me just slide on through let's take all as well they're on mediums I'm on softs I want to get this done the yellow flag behind get it done if in case there's a saf is coming and there we go that's p13 it's p13 right Fabio you know what to do open that door let me follow don't pick up penalties green flag don't pick up penalties Fabio oh my God they're so close they are so close to each other right now this is good for me hold each other up I'll get involved CD's there flashing I'm going to assume he's out of battery and he's not harvesting kurd loves to use all their battery on the first lap oh my God look at this battle going on I've just got front row seat to whatever Carnage is about to about to a result of this battle going on through here oh a bit of a snap there but it's okay Fabio want to get through as well and I think he's going to do it through here and he's going to get both of them he's going to get both for them that's beautiful now going will to whe not what we need oh God okay I got lucky no damage y oh hello um McLaren how much space do you want don't see my car there jeez okay okay right we go do that all over again oh thank you very much n I'll take that leave the door open Don't Mind If I Do Right DRS wide open ask Mark about vehicle condition made it look so easy okay is going to go defensive we're going to shoot right around the outside here easy easy no vehicle condition so that's fine right hopefully hot lab's going to work for me now don't get a warning we didn't good medium actually go none through [Music] here not F through this section okay cool here will come Koo we utilize the [Music] batterry put it close I'm not leaving any room there I was leaving him just enough room on the inside but that was it no more I did not want to fight through that corner he's got a fre second as well he wants to go for it he's very very close I'm going to let him go we don't keep on losing time this is just silly I think he's got front wing damage on the right side pretty sure he's got front wing damage chat how many bits to breake check in uh you will have to put a million gazillion bits and it still won't happen right okay we're through there we get DRS back on me I'm still struggling to catch up in danger of running out of fuel before the end I need I need this guy to stop oh my God we just through there you're not faster than me you've got broken front Wing let me lead and follow me look at how much time we're losing to the cars ahead just because I keep on trying to battle we're on lap four bro what are we doing what are we doing use your brain fella I'm going to to save yours then cuz they've got broken front Wing which means they're going to be hurting through this section Char okay py charg is light let's do it Fabio p8 yeah that's fine is he p8 yeah he must be that's all good that's all good they left the session I don't think they were racing anyway sadly I've just got to wait I've got to lose more time cuz kano's slow because I can't overtake actually I will overtake going do it here I'm going to do it now KO hopefully he doesn't fight me through the corners I think he he didn't give up on it again and watch he'll go back for me he'll get me back again just wants to fight through the corners and it's like come on man what are we doing here if he overtakes me again now he's the dumbest driver we've ever come across you can easily sit behind tow off me and I can drag you along cuz I'm much faster than you right now and he's finally he's finally clocked on finally clocked on okay right well we've lost 3 seconds because of Kano and now we go hot lap and we try oh God don't get pen don't get pen don't a pin I made a mistake I still gained [Music] 2/10 okay cool now he can slip stream back off me okay Gap ahead 4.1 seconds and we can try and catch up to kurd who's 4.2 but the problem with them lot is they all have DRS off each other be nice if I had a driver who was fast I could work with but I don't have that sadly don't have that luxury who's that ason Martin is so far back D am are we gaining I don't know if we're really [Music] gaining uh cuz we did custom we and we always do heavy rain on 100 races exactly exactly there was always rain oh we're really not catching up at the moment are we 4.5 they're all in DRS of each other now Fabio leads that train will they be able to catch back [Music] up will they be able to catch back up to the next tra or are now they going to struggle that's my chance to try and break away from Kan here okay clear yellow head behind looks like it's behind looks like it's a h and he son of a safety car don't think so not yet don't think so okay cool uh slice bread thank you for the follow Callum as well right can we catch up to the cars ahead one in chat if you think we can two if you don't one in chat if you think we can catch up to the cars ahead on Pace too if you don't Po's just about holding on at the moment in this [Music] race just about holding on to me you'll need a safety car a safety car will definitely help us catch up well I feel like I am gaining on the back of Pablo and slightly on kurd we're driving away from Kano he's just got DRS on me that's all he's got I'm not too worried about the car behind Pablo's dropping off Gap to the teammate ahead of us 5. seconds oh all because rvk why did you have to slide rvk why we're all doing so well it's right there will be a safety car oh get off the curb you dirty little 2.8 we are gaining okay to the car maybe then we can get DRS on Pablo that's going to help me close up slightly to the cars ahead hopefully then Pablo doesn't fight us too much cuz he should be able to realize that he is slower as well have I recovered from CS last night I didn't race last night what do you mean or is somebody else in the chat Fabio is pulling away from the train yeah and he is closing in Fair doesn't matter where you are though on lap 7 it matters where you are on lap 49 cuz everything can change in these races everything can change we're finally catching up to Pablo up ahead put it back in a hot lap Mode come back here 1.7 we'll get DRS on him next lap we might even break clear of Kano who has finally come into the box to uh get rid of that front wing damage come here Pablo problem is I'm not really getting too much on kurd here again just a little bit too wide on that corner pushing my [Music] limits my Lu come on Pablo come to me give me that DRS give me that DRS look that toe we've got it we got DRS now that's the wall that's okay oh the rear tires on these car on this car starting to drop off now getting to 20% St to feel it if you think you can get past make use of the overtake button and seey copy I do think I can get past got a flag it is ahead yellow flag Oh my days I was completely and utterly blind there what are we doing box box box box right rvk can you go imately or going to get I know why you're coming to a stop but can you go oh my God I nearly lost a tire I just held my breath then because I just knew we were going to die all right what's we saying no r expected no rain expected for the definitely seem like the fastest tire at the moment oh my God how how did we survive that how did we survive that so so lucky9 lap of fuel 39 laps so so lucky they fix my front Wing from absolute pillocks Ferrari why are they so stupid okay one why are they so stupid I got front wing damage and they look at my front wing and say nah bro that's fine don't worry about it they were buff out you are the worst team in the world right fine I'll say yes I want front wing damage like that being yellow was not clear enough Oh my days right what do we do what do we do we can go we got another new set of mediums we just go to those oh my God mediums or we just go softs and go aggressive what do you reckon this is our true position they've ped as well so warm up your tires we've gained so many positions on the pit stop main because we didn't have to change the front Wing we get change the front Wing I would have only lost two places who crashed I think it was rvk no he how have you retired under safety car Kan what have you done what what is Koo D how have they retired under their safety car then eh this is our position on the same strategy they've ped as well as what have they done right okay I got a box again I'm going to go to the back um we can either go aggressive go softs or we can go mediums oh my God it is really affecting us we can't stay out uh yeah it's yellow we do have to change our front wi um softs or mediums I know I had it on auto but you would kind of expect that it's yellow to be broken fact it was actually broken kind of expect them to go you know what actually maybe we should fix that mediums okay seem like the best tire for now new mediums going on the car I've got it on yes this time Ferrari please don't be stupid please change the front wing was it minor it was it was yellow and it was like a dark yellow it wasn't even like a line green it was definitely like over 30 to 40% damage like I'd say 40% damage TI I thought they looked at that and went n that's fine don't worry about it shock right damal is behind damal is finally going to get back in this race we're going to go on the aggressive then I don't know when there's any sign of r but a glitch or realism a glitch or realism uh wish you all the best of luck uh whoever that is in chat I can't say can't tell who name it is cuz again I to say if your name start blue I have no idea who you are but um wish you all the best hope hopefully you get well soon right saf guard will be in this lap we go aggressive we go on the attack and we get this back I just can't believe we survived if we had a dnf there oh my days this cuz this a really good opportunity to drive away from Teemo in the in the standings teo's not here today that was Kano Hayden okay get well soon Kano I don't know if you left cuz you were ill though I'm sure doctor will find out more um I hope you didn't I hope you just crashed and you like well I'm Ill anyway so that's probably done me done me a bit of good kurd has zero Race Craft well we knew that he likes to use all his battery on the first lap fuel safety car in this lap come on damal car in yeah there we go there we go our tires are up to temperature compared to some of the others who have driven slowly under the safety car the safety car in this lap okay we're back we're back we're back right that would do St to hot out mode saf car restart when's it going to come in when are we going to go racy again sorry dmal that was bad for me that was a bad restart for me I'm sorry but you know what stay back there don't think about it Dam focus on the big crash here into turn one again let hope not we the outside of the HC car beautifully done can we get it can we get it can we get it yes we can there we go that's up into p16 who is next who's next on the radar oh don't tell me Dam spun again or been taken out again oh my God that is that is sketchy but fair play to all these drivers for getting through that okay RAR we're going to push you go go go go go go go go go thank you and now I'm going to go on the inside R storm thank you mate oh my God that was scary but we're through we're through and we're up into B4 now P4 DM go is having the best race of their life being spun around as soon as they get back in this race oh my God the Mercedes half spun we need to get p time Lando ASAP go go go go go go go use battery okay we're good now they're using battery uhoh I'm going to back out here cuz that would be stupid to go will towi and on the outside there okay they're using no battery now let's get home Lando maybe they're all out I just need to get past these drivers ASAP on the inside here they've gone deep or have they going to hold the inside Line damn it h just got a great drive on the corner and has battery I don't I don't have any battery left getting a little bit too busy with those overtakes online switch it back oh it's beautiful let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go fre wide come on come on come on come on two wide now oh lovely stuff Hydro lovely double overtake that was that was that was beautiful stuff let's go both got through there we're happy with that both me and Hydra out of position at the moment looking to get back in this up to p13 now still just cutting through the field cut cut cut let's go you should probably go get some lunch what are you going to get for lunch the code oh babon dayu the tank that's a big tank slapper and Hydra would be very thankful that you gave him DRS I'm also very thankful that you're not in my way anymore right Hydra you know what to do catch back up I'll follow not going to attack you you're going to catch back up to their DRS we can cut through these lot together what's everyone had for lunch if you you've had lunch what do everyone had well that was that was deep these mediums don't have the grip that I had early on the softs use some battery let's to stay with is Hydra going to go for some moves we've really lost the rest of the train if we can get back into the top 10 there a good recovery after what happened earlier oh Hydro watch what I did earlier he tried to do it as well this time in the middle can't find any room there's no way he's going to get through there can those two go side by side though rvk and akas hydro trying to get involved oh my God don't take each other out please please not in front of me yeah knew that was coming knew that was coming oh my God we got through we got through oh please please stop throwing cars at me I don't want it I just want to live right we're all good we are all good we're in this recovery and we're still on our way to the front it's coming we've got a lot of we got a lot of spare energy it's all good all good M all good don't worry about it Fab's close to him though who's that much quiety oh that's a tank slapper oh oh my God oh my God that's not really what I wanted to happen there let's get AAS let's get AAS let's move up into the points there we go right hyro we're going to work together here mate we're going to work together I'm going to burn everything I've got I'm going to get ahead and then you're going to follow me and then you're going to overtake me we're going to try and catch up to the rest of them they are 3 seconds up the road 3 seconds up the road see what we can do here CH what do we reckon can we catch up me and hydrate you Reon we can catch up we've already dropped AAS and it's 2.8 now to flipping it to the car ahead 2.9 seconds come on 2.3 now 2.3 one in chat if you think we can catch up together two if you don't on a ring okay expect to see some rain about 10 to 15 minutes from now 10 to 15 minutes from now copy the fastest tire at the moment 2 seconds right feel free to go for me if you want I'm I'm going to put on none go go [Music] go he's not going to go for it he's not going for it okay copy copy you want next straight that's fine okay now you go for it now you go for it now you go for it I'll talk back in behind you copy maybe we went a little bit too early maybe we didn't need to go to none i' been a bit too drastic [Music] we can do this though oh there's yellow oh what are they doing they are making love in the corner and we have moved up into p8 that are how that's how F2 cars are made CH whatever Kur and querty were doing in the corner well there we go that's pag still got to try catch up to them though 2.3 now is the gap then that's the leaders we can catch up to this that's the lead pack come [Music] on oh we're doing it we're nearly there yes Hydro this has been great from us this has been great from us Hydro how do you put times on the screen what you mean oh don't run wide there Hydro don't run wide all good good you going to harvest let me overtake okay I'll overtake it and then we can get DRS on them I can try and see if I can get into DRS range I've got far too deep but it might still be fine didn't do it didn't do it but now you go now you go now you go now you go he's not going okay that oh hold it fastest lap of the race as well let's go ahead 1.6 seconds he's just there isn't he Fabio it's always Fabio he's right there he's right there let's see what we can do did they box what tires is Fab on right the Gap to the teammate ahead of us seconds they're on FR Medi they're on fresh as well okay Co mine are like one lap better cuz I had to do that extra pit stop oh they're all so close together just please I beg don't throw a car at me I don't want to have to dodge again they're so slow here get a move on Flipping it get a move on yellow flag CS retired safety car virtual safety car reduce speed immediately and keep a safety guard safety guards deployed stay positive on rain we think we might see some rain ETA about 15 minutes 15 minutes no no no need to go to dri right let's go interent rain's on its way let's do it let's go inter box box box box intermediate tires box box intermediate tires chat box box rain is on its way y rain is forec in just over 10 minutes time rain in no one fell for it you're all very smart aren't you all very smart I don't have quy fell for it quty please don't tell me you box for for wet tires I mean Dango is a long way away but I don't think I don't think we're going to get to intermediate tires anytime soon okay great teamwork Hydro great teamwork that was good stuff we caught back up to this train and we're in the fight for the win now after being shafted so many times also we went three wide out of turn one two that was a great move from you on the inside really really good stuff and a good good respect from Miu and whoever the other car that was involved that was nice I said to pit for softs you know we could have boxed to be fair we're lost out what two places soft tires killed a wet rent running i' done some good uh right um safety car I'm going use safety car to go for a PE I need a PE we need a wheat don't box me whatever you do don't box me [Music] AI e all back are we still running we haven't boxed this is good this is good we did a Wii and we haven't come into the pits chair what do you mean [Music] chair ha I'm finding any excuse to want ties I need a Wii all right allow me allow me my Wii right race director uh so I've done two stops already in this race so who hasn't boxed yet Dave you julan flipping it they're on all tires and then Mi Hydro null all on new tires they're all on SAU they should be quick so we do have to watch out for those drivers behind um yeah they're going to be quick in this race so uh something to look out for make sure we keep them lot in check yeah make sure we keep them all in check otherwise we're going to be in trouble going to be in trouble right where are we on track how's our tires still not quite there on fuel yet that's fine what safety car is this by the way chat going go lean just in case okay we got 31 I'm back and now it's time for the question when you finish eating a magnum and are left with the stick do you go full be moment no who eats the stick F's looking okay 1.3 uh down the rain will definitely save some uh safety car two safety Cars one vfc okay so that's three out of six saf car in this lap let's make sure those tires are up to temperature where is everyone on the race director so yeah Dave Raptors he's currently be one uh right one in chat if you think we can get the lead of this race before the rain comes down chat one in chat if you think we can get the lead two if you don't one in chat if you think we can take the lead we had some really good Pace with Hydro there and some of those drivers are on old uh medium so I'm going to get a move on on this race I'm going to get a move on for sure and see what we can do here hope I get a good safy car restart this time I'm not super duper slow I'm watching that car ahead 5 minutes until rainfall expected 5 go go go 5 minutes till rain he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone some time to the car behind a good restart okay clear oh that's a silly warning to pick up but I had to avoid the back of flipping it it was being a bit slow there one away from a pen now [Music] one away from a penalty 5 minutes till rain chat 5 minutes till rain oh my God flipping it you're so slow let's use overtake and burn off some of this energy that's a back off big time there just to give him space so I didn't run into the back of [Music] him see what we can do though and we got some soft top Runners behind us foring chb go go [Music] go for him to use B [Music] Tre oh my God we just basally pushing him through the corners [Music] could to got the inside I got the drive off the corner but now we're about same speed I've got battery and I've probably got more than him I think we got it DRS has been enabled DRS is now enabled and there we go that's good that's good that's good hello Fabio hello all right we're going to work together Ferrari boysu we're going to work together oh my God what's going on here oh oh that's got to been illegal for Fabio surely is he going to just take the pen I'm going to take the position on March there we go up to P5 we're making moves we are making moves here goes Fabi on julan he's going to have DRS and Julian's got the older tires who's going to be using the bat the most though who's going to pull it off oh that's that's close but fabi's going to get it now we're going to get the drive off the corner compared to julen [Music] now let's use a little bit of battery here just to get on the inside we got it we've got it let's go Ferrari boys let's go huge huge behavior let's go let's go let's go okay who's next Dave he's on all tires as well F's on 6 seconds was that from the from the incident it's up from cutting the corner and getting the illegal [Music] overtake that's all right then that's all right let's go first has a penal as well this is good I don't think we're going to see a Ferrari one two look how many how much seconds Fab got penalties oh that's wide for me I wasn't concentrating Aiden Focus don't worry about his penalties Focus all right come on come on come [Music] on let's see what we can do here thank you very much Swifty thank you 37 on Italian Beach hot oh my days enjoy enjoy oh my God fabul and Dave are getting close a bit too close [Music] maybe nice little switch back here to try and set up the maneuver if he can he is going to try it he's he's harvesting battery they're both harvesting battery they're both getting very close going to three wide here on the outside goes Dave Fab's going to try and switch it back now they're going to be be three wide once again I'm just watching I'm just watching this battle unfold don't mind me I'm just enjoying it I'm just enjoying this oh I tagged him a little bit there oh I forced him just to have a little look maybe catch his uh his front Wing oh he's going to go for it here is he come on Fabby I'll give you a push mate help you round woo let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's [Music] go oh there we go and I got DS as well that's why I did that so we got 27 laps of fuel remaining just to get DRS when is the rain coming [Music] down oh God there's so many of us here it's raining it's raining chat there probably on my inside oh my God we all so close it's raining it's important lap now that's querty surely going to be intermediates on this lap surely going to be intermediates [Music] and we're still happy that we're on the yeah it's going to be going to be inter by the time we get back around it'll be inters everyone say box box box box people are slipping and sliding intermediates ready no change on the wing I'm happy with that green flag a flag somewhere who's at an incident at least it's not my teammate let's get Dave hereit or do we need to DA's going to hold it that's fine that's fine we're going to push too much then let's go let's go let's go surely it's box box surely we all box oh battle to the pit Lane Battle to the pit Lane oh my God Fabio in the Box Fabio is in the Box oh that's a shame isn't it Fabo oh I turned in late didn't I just going to have a big big [Laughter] stretch well we're both to the back now oh how many positions did he lose from is heing oh that's the only reason I pushed so hard to get him cuz I was knew I was going to do that all right we're back in the race I thought we're under the virtual safety car or something I completely forgot we're still actually racing here let's race all right Dave Dave's oh my God Dave went to softs Dave went to soft tires Dave what an hell what an L from Dave best teammate you can wish that was brutal oh I love you Fabio I love you come on then come on see what we can do here's in 15 oh he didn't lose out too much to be fair all right bye Dave be careful on the rejoin thank you okay right push push push don't forget you got more control than ever over your mod your let's go hot laap mode then try and break away I know AAS isn't fast in the W we're going to be fine there unless he's s it out no I think stayed out the extra lap definitely wasn't worth it we're going to jump them he said he hates you that's all right I love him too I got yellow flag could that be a safety car we have to give Fabio the treatment on the first time joining the community races of fuel 25 lap Mark keeps yapping about having more IRS than ever when we literally just have a medium mode oh medium mode that's the greatest thing ever invented right lots of cars in the pit Lane and we're going to jump all of them and move ourselves up to P6 Fabio's got some work to do now Tire condition still looking good Fabio should have stayed ahead then y exactly exactly the thing is the thing is now if he gets past me at any point in this race I have to expect that he's going to do it back to me so I maybe maybe it wasn't a good idea time to uze some of this energy come on all right flipping it now past akas as we said a has not the greatest in these conditions how is flipping at coping we're not the greatest either we struggle quite a lot in the wet don't have a lot of pace we're good in the we're good in the dry though thing is how much of this race is going to be wet Fabio has floor no you got no no he can't get floor damage Matt Matty tried to do that last week okay here's the Gap that we're trailing the car ahead by 4.0 Seconds come on come on come on come on 1.3 so we're staying ahead of flipping it I don't if hotlaps just going to absolutely destroy my tires or whe we're going to gain Pace I don't know let's just see missing apexes all over the shop Fabio's in that lovely little train had three blocks of rain two light one heavy okay yeah and it was literally overcast for the last block wasn't it .4 seconds Julian 3.8 are we gaining are we gaining fa did the first to last challenge go on boy let's go huge come on come on come on come on Flipping it 2.3 so we're breaking away from him and I think we're matching or slightly gaining on julan ahead so that's good we can just get the car turned in there he is Mr Speedy fastest lap into [Music] P9 yellow flag is behind I think we're all good though [Music] all right this is the chance hopefully to save some fuel surprised we haven't had a safety C in these wet conditions especially in the crossover phase when some drivers were on the dry still he's so far back if you stretched a bit more G would have been in front of him uh I did I didn't even say go the the team kicked me out they pushed my car [Music] away I took too long I am catching up to julen by about two temps a lap oh I've got no arrest got a little tap and he's acting like he's been fully taken out that is so [Music] Fabio that is so Fabo a julan had a good run there through the start finish dra and down into turn [Music] one 7 Seconds the Gap he's also got 6 seconds of depends there are 22 laps of fuel remaining and quy's just got a 3 second as well that's good that be good oh we gain to no no Julian broke away to 4 seconds I thought he was more than 4 seconds for a moment there all right we're just in no man's land in the wet which is pretty much our usual wet s uh yes this is Nascar this is NASCAR [Music] indeed come on come on chat we just need this weather to go away and then we've got a chance to fight for the win we know that safety car is going to bring it all back closer the safety car will bring it all closer together what they saying about the weather though seem to be the fastest tire for now that's not what I need I need to know whether it's going to be lightning up the best TI for no not what I need Fabio matching me Julian's gained so much Pace on that last lap damn gain about six to 8 T on me and even Fabio okay here comes my usual wet pce then aen guys wet weather driving Master Class there's no master get ready with the wet tires when it goes to full [Music] wet oh slide him okay okay okay Fabio gaining a lot I wonder you say that much he was 7 seconds behind he gained a bit there to be fair but we did run wide this weather we're watching the amount of standing water on the road and for now we think it's safe to stay with the yeah I think it's safe to stay with the in as well I think Fabio's got better front end I've got better straight line speed right he might have changed his front Wing in the pit Lane though I didn't 510 in one corner yeah but now it's just shot back up so I think we I think we he's maybe like a 10 quicker maybe two t I'm not too worried about [Music] that come on julen make some [Music] moves don't know if there's anybody in the top end of the field but I am quicker than in these work [Music] conditions now back to 7.1 so yeah faster in the straights and I think he's fast in the corners flipping it dropping away from me going back to him soap seconds Hayden held him up in the pit stain I did none of the sort okay I was just stretching I was just uh just relaxing saying hello to my mechanics I didn't know he was behind me on about [Music] can't wait to watch his reaction back though nearly got a pen nearly got a pen br br just breathe breathe what time did this race start by the way doc exactly I I couldn't find the clutch I stalled I was having an absolute M we're good there we're good we're good 20 laps of fuel left 20 laps of fuel left it's slowly coming back to me not a lot though I need a safety car really to uh to bring it back there will be another one I'm sure of it there will be another safety car surely got 1 hour 10 to go okay copy copy is this 100 met Sprint yes we're running is this golfing maybe depends how relaxed we are depends on the heart R I don't think it's that relaxed to be honest where's these safety cars we uh promised they what position are we fighting for always the win anything can change very quickly catching the car ahead I don't think I am's getting away from me as well you're pulling out a second lap on the car behind okay he's found some good Pace there okay never mind okay hang on he's back he's back got a flag it is ahead of me let's be careful oh no it's behind it's behind it's flipping [Music] it he's been released tire situation is an interesting one but we' got for now so what they're saying is basically it's time for the wet weather tires look at the rain look at the rain it's definitely time for the wets what's the weather doing the rain looks like it's going to be getting much lighter over the next 10 to 15 minutes it should be more grip 10 to 15 minutes of full wet rain and wet W very similar Pace at the moment got to go [Music] wets box box box box wet tires box box okay so Gap to the car ahead 61 running wide and that's why I need to go wet tires cuz we ain't got the grip so he's flying Now isn't he he is flying [Music] now forast suggest the rain going to be lightening up the 15 minutes or so and Mar into the box they're going wet they fell for the for the dummy they fell for the bait I wonder whether having particles off actually makes the track drier because look how much he is gaining and I experienced this in Vegas where I was really struggling with the wets and punju Adam didn't seem to have as much of an issue if it was just isue I don't know like it's getting wetter now and it feels like it's getting wetter for me but for Fabio he's getting what like 2 seconds a lap have we maybe clocked on to something here I don't know I'm conspiracy theuring it cuz look he is gaining he wasn't gaining that much time when we were both intermediate conditions on inter time we change tires it's a bit of a crossover period for sure but the longer we stay the worse it's going to get oh P W's next lap no I don't think it needs it I don't think it needs it the rain looks it's going to be getting much lighter over the next 10 to 15 10 to 15 so that could be at any point though dry track here okay full wet seem to be the fastest tire for now could be at any point and with other people staying out on intermediates all catching up to each other yellow flags on track could become safety cars I don't think that kiit car's moving [Music] there are 18 laps of fuel remaining now I'm confused I'm confused hey Matty having particles off makes the track look dry and it's stupid but it's still wet yeah I know but I'm now theorizing that it actually you're quicker for having particles off and it's not as wet like in terms of the physics you know kind of how going on 60 frames a second is quicker virtual saf I kind of want a One someone else stop on the track bring out a hey there we go there we go there we go right um don't know what to do here that wouldn't surprise me to be honest cuz every time RIS every time we go to like the heavier rain I drop off so much Pace compared to everybody else it could just be skill issue that's fair but what if it's not what if it's not because Vegas Slow Down slow down as soon as it went started raining I dropped off a lot more Pace than everybody else and I was on better tires than other people so it didn't make any sense to me let's go let's go lean oh slow it down slow it down slow it down okay a few fullet tires we might need to change I'm tempted how long is it going to be full wet conditions full wet seem like the best yeah that's I need to know okay full wet seem to be the fastest tire for now race director um where's where's D intermediates behind so I can't really see what they're going to be doing cuz they're my indicator they kind let me know what I need to go on [Music] push just push just push push Delta Shar think it'll sa [Music] fuel Bo [Music] box I think a new s inter the right call new s inter I don't tell he's behind me again he's left enough of a gap this time he's left enough of a gap I don't think if even if I hold him off I'm going to do anything big stretch I'm just stretching chat I'm just stretching I don't think he's going to lose any places please tell me he loses one he lose the place he didn't he didn't he's going to be like Aiden you are a massive dick he didn't lose a place it's fine he didn't lose a place uh do you want a drink or paper to read what you're right mate okay so that's 17 laps of fuel remaining okay right intermediates intermediates for most drivers around he wants to show you absolutely no mercy he said it he'll be quicker than me now if he's got particles off he's quicker than me so I turn parles off it just looks terrible though let's have a look let's have a look I'm going to turn parles off Graphics particles off right now the rain doesn't look as bad or does it not work for me will it not work for me cuz I haven't restart started my game we have to restart the game for that to [Music] work I feel more comfortable with Ines in wet conditions than in in in conditions I'm just struggling a lot what what do you have for particles no the rain looks better than it was La off has he got the USB plugged in where's the USB give it to me watch out mate he's sending you I know I know I know I can't wait it's always [Music] Fabio oh scared wait is is boxing no he's not surely oh he is boxing what's he boxing to what he into I'm going to go back to how I wanted it uh graphic settings go back to having them on high oh game try box me for wets did Fabio did Fabio keep it in II mode did Fabio keep it in AI mode his AI fitted yes oh my God that's so good that's so good I'm just going to read chat now um Okay so we've got Ryder thank you for the follow Bobby boy J rob uh Libo Sanchez Thunderbolt costaria say uh de hungry for food Heatwave thank you for the follows he's in p12 oh my God that's so funny we're P6 so he's not too he's not too far behind um did he change it to intermediates then after he box he's gone inters so I don't know if he just went for box R is getting lighter I got told yeah it's getting lighter there's for wets um they might be better on this restart but they won't be that that great uh can still win this oh we can always win these races as long as we don't get penalties that's got to be our main focus do not get a penalty um Lando Norris how much is f124 you should know Lando like just just just drop him a drop him a little call send a cheeky care package my way by the way CH I don't I don't I don't think it's the real luris um just just for those that are saying hello I mean if it is then damn Fair but I I'm I'm skeptical uh right so we're still under safety car we've been under safety car conditions for a while CU this driver is quite a fair bit back uh we're going to just take it easy we're in lean we're saving the fuel I am the real Joe no you are not Jack no you are not the rain's getting lighter now getting lighter for the track to dry out will we go to dry conditions at the end that's the question chat that is the question question will there be enough laps of dry running at the end catch up to the field a bit we're dropping too remember we need to Stayin 10 car L of the next car will we have that four on wets Mark julan aaz and flipping it I think flipping it fair play if you're at the back fair play Go wet take the gamble you will be quicker at the restart but you will lose out Mark going to inter will go to the back but WEA Pace fa has Fabio done it again has he no don't tell me AI is boxed him again don't tell me it's boxed him again he bitted to get a pen off okay that's fair that's fair enough he's he's having an absolute do you know what the thing is though he can still easily win this race because aaz right I always use AAS uh we were doing Brazil on f122 I think it was was a lap down with about for basically the whole race and then with about 10 laps ago we get a safety C we let him unlap himself he comes back he finishes P5 in that race oh my God look at all those incidents um okay right so julen and ahead will be quick but once we get to in we'll be fine funny thing is I probably would have retired by now whether would it been you know on track or would it have been uh in the pit Lane which one M uh who else do follow thank you much Josh um we have Oscar and Lando uh he's going for wets no he's not it might be worth thinking about putting a set of four he's going into yeah don't don't don't try and for me rain is ass for grip yeah but I just lose so much compared to everybody else I'm so confused the rain definitely looks heavy like this yeah he's on inter let's go back in the pause menu try and get a little bit of heat into the tires uh we've got Dave Raptors has had a big fall off after making that mistake going on to softs Who are the big players then much he gets a result today puts himself back in a championship fight for sure um we're certainly up there though we're certainly up there remember top 15 get points my AI box for no effing reason but don't no it boxes for wets don't go AI mode it's full wet conditions all right don't go to AI mode sa to car in this lap oh my God okay just slam on the brakes don't don't worry about anybody else right let's go in Stam mix we got a lap of fuel which should be fine we're Sav a little bit here oh my God that kit car needs to catch up I think it might be flipping it they need to catch up now right let's go to medium let's get ready for this let's get ready for this common sense not to go AI under safety car in wet conditions exactly right why are we leaving a big gap to the leader Mar can just drive on it if he's come to a stop I'm going to cry okay now we're good we're good we're good good good saf car restart from much he saw a gap and he was just like okay co go for it then the fair play flag green flag Something's Happened somewhere or is that just cuz we're back under normal conditions probably yeah it's probably that right here we go we're going to struggle for a little bit now going to hot lap mode trying to get temperature into the tires now look at them just drifting around here look at them just drifting BND closer Pablo plays there a bit of a gap and then there's a bit of a gap to the Aston Martin that I believe is uh damal back in this race behind after being sent around about a gazillion times today woohoo hello come back to me c come back to me okay we're still holding on to the wet Runners that's fine the longer we can stay with the leaders the better the longer we can save these leaders the [Music] better come on come on come on come on come on go go go only2 B cuz we got on a hot lap already obviously we don't need to push for Drs right it's probably going to go dries let's get ready to go dries go soft tires at the end of the race oh my God they're all getting close to each other here a battle could unfold just get ready just get ready with tires I think it's only going to be dry for like a handful of laps come on come on how long is julan going to be quick on those wets how long till they start to [Music] overheat oh my God we're all just sliding it's so much fun through here oh that's over the curb and that's a 3 second yes who's got penalties chat R Storm's holding up Fabio let's go royal let's go defense Royal you're part of the an academy oh julan we're going to go we're going to go we're going to go going to get him great maneuver you made it look so easy there we go those at TIR is not working for him anymore let's go let's go let's [Music] go hopefully he doesn't come back at me now and we try and catch back up to quy okay pit in this lap and remember the speed limit we'll be ined keep that in as you appro it's not time for wet tires Get In fairness is actually lighting up the rain now Hydro is now being kicked from the session get back in get back in Hydro oh he's in the lead as well oh my God okay don't get in yet don't get in yet oh no it's AI is going to box him no hyro oh I likey thanks for the free position I appreciate you mate you done us an absolute solid that right quy you're next no I'm joking I I feel bad for you Hydra I feel bad for you we did so well working together you didn't deserve that fa into B10 okay okay okay he's cooking he's cooking he has still got six seconds of penalties at least though so I'm not too worried about him Mar's got penalties and quy right all you got to do is keep it clean then all we got to do is keep it clean we got one more safety car left in this race one more safety [Music] car and and we've used it up there we go there it is there it is there's the safety car immediately go here just get away cuz of the Delta I think that might be the last one we might get one more I think you get seven if it's [Music] raining highw saying is fine no need to box for new set of inter okay P3 hello I like that wet seem like the best tire for now they don't they're not the best tire right now do we save fuel how much fuel came back we're actually G yeah we were gaining a little bit of fuel there not too much that's in wet conditions as well no wet to start cooking when dries up exactly exactly that's what we're focused on got the lobby is for if you're spectating please can you leave the lobby chat if you are spectating currently please can you leave the lobby Hydro needs to get back in please can you leave okay slow down slow down chat please whoever's spectating now there you go NS thank you very much thank you Nils right get back in Hydro hydro's in cool good good good thank you very much Nels where are completely useless no grip at all yeah they're not a good Tire they never use wet tires fa in the Box no he decides for once not to come into the pits finally no Pit Stop Fabio post all and pass quy okay let's go get him let's get him let's get him let's get him here we go oh oh switch it switch it oh oh on the inside oh oh oh good defense quity good defense right let's see how everybody Stacks up after that uh short little running on inter so much leads quy second uh we're in third place babatunde has got up into fourth hi ah hyro that is a rip that is a rip uh Pablo plays is in fifth MAA is in sixth DM seventh hom Lando eighth infatic is in ninth uh doing almost the most piss stop that award goes to damal who has nearly used every single compound D I think you should box for wets and then box for softs at the end uh this safy car could help us get to that dried uh running as Hydro is now sadly out this race in p7 you certainly could have did you have any penalties Hydro did you have any penalties but yeah you certainly had a really good chance of of getting that win uh is anybody a lap down by the way CH have a good day on you Hayden thank you much Lily thank you very much last the first challenge when you doing your last change uh we're on inter now to the end unless it dries up which it is supposed to 10 minutes in 10 minutes that's going to be right to the end so we'll have to see what is the right choice hot lap and medium means um when we use it uh I always use hotlap if I'm you know I've got a lot of free air and I'm trying to catch up I use a bit of hot lap um but if not if I'm in a train I'll use medium and then save battery when I can and use overtake to try and get past drivers Jam crashed in front of me and hydro's AI pit yeah hydro's out Hydra retired just waiting on this kick car to catch up once the kit car's caught up then we go back I think last three laps may be dry maybe maybe quite possibly don't know if we're going to get any more safety CS here we got 10 more laps of running Fabio is where what P9 now p8 got a good chance getting back in this Race's AI mode we going to look at race director as well um yeah so night position some good drivers ahead of him but also I think some people are going to be a bit of trains are safy cars automatic and not due to actual incidence they are due to instance there were a few instance on track sa to go three to four laps time I'm a pit for softs it could be worth it it also might not be ETA on this rain clearing up is about 10 minutes just keep your 10es as always a difficult one probably have very similar Pace at the moment it could actually be 14 minutes left or it could actually be 6 minutes left you don't know you don't know Homeland I think just took out DM G are they all in the same position position has Fabio gain from that no they're seventh and eighth I don't know what's happened there but Fabio be happy who's that kick car at the back then they're not on dries are they no I was going to say anyone who's on dries now is just silly apart from these guys but they are out of the race so that's fair 40 minutes left copy copy 40 minutes till we go racing again what is that what is that kick car doing they're just holding off trying to make this safety car as long as possible and I don't mind that I'm in P3 and everyone's got pens I don't mind it but I think as soon as they get into sector 3 S car will be in right S car could come in very very late here could come in any moment now yeah there we go there we go knew it knew it it came in right at the last moment here we go go eyes on safety car in this lap eyes on MAR when's he going to go he's gone not a good traction off the of the restart from me we have good batter usage there and that's going to keep us ahead of Baba tnd big send from Baba tnd ETA on this rain clearing up is about inside line through turn two they got great traction though hello look at a traction off the corner that was insane and a Williams and RB sandwich was an ideal but it's still fine we were quicker than Baba tund earlier on so we'll be quicker again let give us a lap give us a lap to get back into it we'll be quick again okay clear yeah where's he going where where's Bud going where's Bud going oh where am I going yeah you don't want to go for an overtake there Mara come on Hayden come on come on come on don't worry about the pressure behind Mar's got brand new tires yes that is true don't worry about [Music] it from day is spending most of his life sideways at the moment and it is rather sketchy come on in coming in coming [Music] in I get good exit off here BND is definitely running traction look at the drive he gets off the Corner he's got the Matty D special we've got some good straight line speed here good job nice overtake and again traction from both of these Michaela I don't know about traction control just has better tires we're actually going to let him go he got 6 seconds of pens oh sorry Michaela sorry that's fully me losing the leaders too much here they got pens because BND and his traction control got past us and lost us out on query cuz we know we're quicker than him we were so much quicker around the lap there he goes little little [Music] wobble slams into the barrier y go go go go go I want to keep up with Mara here want to utilize Mara to pull me along slightly no DRS but Le slip stream there we go there we go that's good that's good puts a little bit of space and Mela can hopefully help me be dragged back up to uh to the leaders and their penalties [Music] now we drive away from BND see it's just traction control that's all he's got all he had was traction control Mar's got much better tires than us cuz they boxed on the last safet car we boxed on the one before that so Mar's good good Pace good tires and catch back up to their penalty window and also has 6 seconds of penalty so I don't have to worry about them we're going to get away from BND here for the corners yellow flag Fabio's out Fabio's out and I think there's no more safety cars that's Dave what has happened to Fabio oh Fabio no no who took out Fabio yeah I think he left cuz he got taken out oh he Rage Quit oh Fabio it's always Fabio come on then come on these last few laps I don't know if I'm going to get it Rage Quit behind damal he didn't get taken out he just Rage Quit [Music] why why' he Rage Quit [Music] come on come on come on come on come on come on okay no worries then that's his own race done then we're going to focus on our own Dave I think is on much better tires than us too also has penalties can I catch up to those leaders they got three seconds I need to stay with them and GAP to the car in front 1.9 seconds not going to try out before the end is it it will not dry up before the end not driving away from BND well that was close to the [Music] wall woo he's to dry up in the next two lap p d yeah [Music] agreed wo come on car stay with me they're just driving away I don't have the pace for quy or much in this race don't know what it is I just don't have the pace for them tires aren't warm 9% not terrible experienced worse before break away from Mr Dave Raptors a little bit come on query have a battle catch him up have a battle with him know you want [Music] to focus on Hayden now let's do it yeah exactly Fabian can do what he wants to do we got a race on our hands here we're fighting for a potential [Music] lead come on go on come on go on we get so close to that barrier it's risky it is risky ke every time through that we still we've still got good Pace we're still quick we're just not quick enough the track's going to be drying out quite soon be careful you don't burn out your tires yeah track's going to be dry at the end but I think it's not going to be enough for soft unless there's like a late safety car now unless safety car comes out now no need for soft tires I don't think we can get another safety car we use them all up [Music] come on come on come on we're finding a little bit of pace here what's the what's the penalty the m has got by the way chat is it only 3 [Music] seconds is only 3 seconds by the way come on come on come on Daniel Anderson thank you very much for the Super Chat you're my favorite F1 streamer I really appreciate it I'll try and read that message one sec I'm going for a corner uh you're my favorite consuma I am n noos in the race and I've just joined can we do Bar's next track sadly this is the last race of the day uh cuz I've got to go after this uh we can't do two 100% races in a day sadly uh but next week next weekend we'll be doing open lobbies again come join us next week oh that was close up in 4.4 come on chat chat can we get a podium in this race can we get P2 in this race we are catching quy one in chat if you think we can get that P2 two in chat if you think it's just going to be a little bit too late what do you reckon chat 1.3 seconds I've got to catch up to quy 2. seconds too much turning not enough traction maybe we're better on tires now sorry n noos thank you very much for the dropping in though yeah get give out those points we are victorious Mar could do me a solid in this race how is it still raining that was nice for there look at the time gained oh my God we're coming for him oh my God but where is M as well MCH is in that fight too oh my God come on come on maybe our tires are just so much better maybe our TIR is just so much better now it's 3.8 oh my God chat we could win this race we can win this race chat one in chat if you think we can win two in chat if you don't come on come on come on come on we can do this believe chat we got to believe that was a little bit little bit sketchy but we're right on the back of query's penalty now we only a handful of laps left to go okay no issues with time for now keep taking care of them it pinned in get the car back out wide get on the traction come on come on 3.5 yes this is good this is good this is good 3.3 what is the gap to much though can Mara get involved Mar's got 6 seconds remember it's now completely dry okay Gap to the car in front 3.0 seconds now dry now time for softs so it's all going to be about who doesn't overheat their tires who doesn't overheat the tires at the end worth the risk no no for me no for others maybe but for me I'm not going to do it and it looks like they're not either 14 now 3.3 hold on to the oh my God he's right there they are right there they're fighting for [Music] it come on come on but they're going to get DRS of each other this might get close but then go away from me all about tie attempts here quy I've got [Music] him oh that was nice through there March is about 3 to 4 seconds now [Music] ahead we can do this chat we can do this we can take this Victory we can take this Victory chat got flag is behind it's too late for a safety car that's the wall Mara now 3 seconds ahead what is much what is his time oh my God he's 3.3 oh my God chat oh my God oh my God oh my [Music] God 3.0 oh my God chat oh my God we got to believe we can do this two laps to go two four laps to go to take this Victory the now enabled DRS that could be an issue though online that could be an issue for us oh my God what time usually start races from 10: in the morning 10:30 on a weekend oh my God they're so close with each other but they've got DRS now car behind start to drop back there's a gap beginning to fall let's make the most of it I'm pushing the track limits here because I don't want to settle for P3 I want that win I want that win we're not settling for the podium chat there's a win on the cars and we're going for it we are so so close to it we are so so close to that win come on come on come on yellow flag that's behind it's all good so all get that's behind come on come on come on come on come on chat this is where they get DS of each other this is where they drive away thank you very much for the super chats [Music] Daniel 1.8 2.1 oh my God come on come on come on come on one lap to go this is where they get DRS of each other though this is where they drive away what's TI attemp saying they're scorching they are scorching right now come on last lap of this race it's 1.5 it's less than 3 seconds we've just got to keep it clean we've just got to keep it [Music] clean no penalties no mistakes come on come on but still got to be quick because they're not going to lift off we have to be on it still that's a slight tap of the wall throws us off a little bit but we're still good what about Michaela remember they've got six seconds but they are breaking away from the other two there no intermediates working better than ours at the moment but will it be enough will it be enough chat come on come on come on come on little wiggle it's okay it's okay now we push now we push 2 seconds to March come on come on come on come on come on he's breaking away cuz he's got DRS I think on the car ahead this is all going to be down so these last few corners but MCH and query are fighting for P2 if we get the win so they're going to be busy fighting each other as well and they're going to go willto whe this is going to hand Victory potentially back into my hands round the final turn one more Corner left to go what is the penalty gap on Mara we should have enough on much we should have enough on querty have we done it yes what a try at the end let's go let's go yes how did we do that how did we do that at the end we were just so much better on those tires that was insane insane let's go what a drive what a drive Jam gets a 10-sec Time penalty for not serving that they're going to drop down the order it's P1 Fab on a race ban yeah ban him ban him that was an insane race chat if that's not a means to hit that follow button I don't know what it is hit the follow button chat hit that follow button queros is that querty on Tik Tok I don't know user thank you very much what make can had a 2011 replay uh in this moment that was insane knew you had it bro that was insane who calls the yellow Royal storm maybe it cause a safety car out on track oh that goes there goes his rear wing Matty yes let's go let's go so glad that it was uh Saudi that was a lot of fun and again I don't know I don't know what we prefer whether it goes to dries right at the end whether it's that like crossover I actually quite like the crossover whether you have to stay out on in on dries or whether you take that risk did anyone take the risk did anyone take the [Applause] risk okay flipping it took the risk akas and homel Lando and did you gain any positions from it I think you got faster laps you will get that extra point but uh let's go my internet didn't fail me GG's was one I was having you all day don't you worry about that Hydro MCH didn't finish or did he M did finish I think he just just left the lobby uh when you leave the lobby you just get uh you get dnfed but March finished I think in P2 P3 driver the day from the back of the grid to uh Fabio's AI after retiring ruined my entire race oh no no that is insane guys hit that follow button thank you very much Mars Jake uh pavl uh thank you to Abby Boy Bobby Knight uh finny J Li Bob funderbolt C thank you all for the follows hit that follow button if you're on Tik Tok as well someone for the follow James this deiss Jensen Buton regen let's go Qatar next week uh no because Qatar will be coming up later in the season uh next week I think we should do Portugal um yeah next week I think I think we do Portugal I'm already followed that's why we love cf1 racing uh Joe Moody thank you for the follow and i' C well mat you can return but if you do then retire next week you then get a two race ban why Portugal just cuz we won't be doing it in the calendar so it's a guaranteed track that we that we haven't done um that we won't be doing on f124 Zan vort would be the week after I think cuz f1's not back next week is back the week after oh I forgot to save the race replay and get all the standings so I hope somebody else got the standings I'm sure aaz or query did love it Hayden thank you very much please do another sadly not I am now going to go out for lunch um so thank you very much everyone for watching end that recording right there that's going to make for a very very good few videos um and I'll upgrade my membership so I can actually take part yes next Saturday or Sunday uh look out for the shedule that'll go up during the week uh on the Discord I'll be live again tomorrow tomorrow morning I know I know we did Portugal I know we did do Portugal uh but we haven't done Portugal on this game we did it on f123 I believe um but yeah we we'll be live again tomorrow from 10: in the morning doing career mode season 2 uh I think we're going to China um and Japan I think we're definitely going to be doing those two races so make sure you get yourself involved thank you for everyone for joining uh we're going to end here on YouTube first and on uh Tik Tok so thank you to those two platforms thank you YouTube have a good rest of your day see you tomorrow for F1 career mode and Tik Tok as well uh thank you all 182

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