Published: Aug 15, 2024 Duration: 00:31:44 Category: Sports

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Intro this video is brought to you by bet us sports book and casino Eagles preseason week 2 is finally in the books between the Eagles the Patriots the Eagles winning 14 to 13 there is a lot to discuss regarding this roster and it's going to be a long video and it's going to be nuts because I do not want to miss I I have notes in front of me because I want to make sure I'm not missing anything and trust me I probably will miss something along the way but the good the bad the ugly the horrible the just what am I watching that's what we're going to go over so let's get straight into it [Music] all a killer buried but not dead Darren we better turn around because I've seen enough horror movies to know any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly Y what is going on guys I hope everyone's having a fantastic day today I hope everyone's enjoying you know the start of their weekend you know things to be excited for week two of preseason is over one more week closer to the regular season but this was a game where you know players really had the step up this is you know the second week is the second week and guys are getting their chances once again to really showcase themselves not in just in front of the Eagles but in front of other teams as well okay now really the start of everything going to this morning it looked like Johnny Wilson had a concussion which he was out which really Wilson out! Steen Injury! sucked because I really wanted Johnny Wilson to play in this game so not having him there uh you would think that some of these other receivers were to get opportunities or the ones that are actually trying to compete for the position to have more steps that took a turn which we'll talk about in a second Tyler Steen had the ankle injury I know EJ Jenkins was down got back up so he was fine so we'll see what happens with Tyler Steen maai beckon I don't even know if he played today I like I said this is from the naked eye right after the game so I don't even know if he even played or even started uh today but should be interesting now okay we're going to go over the quarterbacks Tanner Mckee Wins JOB! because you know I saw a really good mcke that played in the second half shared staps with Will Greer remember Will Greer looked Fant he looked great you know this is a guy that's been around Kell Moore since really being with the Cowboys as the offensive cordinator so he knows the system he was the third quarterback for the Cowboys for a few years I don't know if he was actually the quarter backup quarterback or at least the third string quarterback for the Chargers I kind of want to check that out but knows the system he is a disciple of this kellmore system so we know Will Greer will play well and he did um Tanner mcke man just looking confident looking calm just he was just very good I mean we had some drops from receivers too like you know last week was worse because I thought you know the receivers were making him tight ends were making making him look really bad but this game you know were a few drops but I think he really capitalized on a lot and I got to say he looks I I could say I could trust this guy if Jaylen Herz needs to take you know one game off or something like that right what I just Kenny Pickett RANT! watched with Kenny pick it I I'm really trying to understand because we SW we literally switch third fourth round picks with the we SWA third fourth round picks with the Steelers but I even it just that though I mean in 21 they took Tenny picket out the Eagles front office took Tenny picket out the dinner had some Lobster I mean I don't know what they thought of this guy but even after this game that he had okay the reports are out that Nick says oh oh yeah this is our guy I figured Kenny picket was getting snaps in the first half because they need to see more from him but it seems like the complete opposite if you don't think why didn't why doesn't Tanner mcke start a game in the first half with the better talent I I still don't get this whole thing why Kenny picking starting first over these other two quarterbacks at least at least let let mcke and Greer share the first half and then put Kenny in the second half what is the problem with that okay watching Kenny pick it as much as I want to throw up watching the Patriot side of the game which I couldn't watch the Philadelphia side I want the jam uh a rusted nail in my neck bleed all over the place pass out and never wake up okay for weeks to come after watching what I watched with Kenny pick it the one play that really look I gotta say this Kenny pick it like the guy can't throw over 10 yards his awareness is sloppy his pocket movement is sloppy he's just he's just he's just not calm at all I feel like he's always you know he's just freaking out in the pocket when there's just a little bit of pressure okay guy has no athleticism I think we know this but at least like you have mcke that's not really athletic but he could throw at least he could he could just like he's like I swear to God mck is like a like a marine like he's so calm in that pocket like a damn marine and and makes his shot and and that's all that matters canny pick it the one play that really just made me laugh out loud like what are you doing was when he was getting pressure from The Edge he had a clean pocket in front of him he runs up to scramble middle of the field he runs into one of our offensive linemen he gets all like dizzy and then he just like falls to the ground after one of the Patriots got to him I mean it just looked horrible and I hope these reports are just like false reports on Kenny picket that the Eagles like him that much cuz I'm telling you right now if if he is the backup for Jaylen Herz I it's over like we're losing that game I don't care if you have AJ Brown I don't care if we it does not matter to me I I doesn't matter how many weapons are there so this quarterback room better be set straight with Will Will Greer and obviously mcke is the backup mcke deserves it because he just shows better progression better quality calmness toughness you name it he's there okay sorry I forgot to put up the slideshow sorry but I'm just so fired up right now so better see what we want to see by when they make these Cuts because mcke deserves it will Greer deserves it okay and that's so the new rule for quarterbacks in these games this year is you can actually dress three quarterbacks for games you can dress a third quarterback forur games every single week as many times as you want which is a good thing but I don't want to be Kenny picket okay now okay by the way Tanner mcke he was 15 for 19 140 yards he had a fantastic day okay I don't want I don't even know what Tanner I don't even know what Kenny pickets thing I don't even know what his stats are but I'm not reading them I don't even want to read them at this point now I want to talk about the receivers okay so it was an interesting day Britain cvy Covey Snap Count why is he not you know Johnny Wilson's not even I mean Johnny Wilson not in this game Paris Campbell obviously shout out because he was limited a couple days ago few days ago so you know he just got the pads back on why is Britain cvy not getting more snaps why is he only getting a series like I understand we had joint practices I get all that but seriously if this wide receiver three position is so wide open why in the hell is he not getting more snaps like what like what are you trying to do here Paris Campbell's already out now you're taking out Briton cvy and now you know what I mean like you're you're out like three receivers you you're pretty much making it out to be you're out three receivers with cvy barely even having one series I mean that's all you have so we had to go to other receivers I don't know how you expect to find out who your wi receiver 3 is when they're barely even getting snaps in these preseason games in front of us Eagle fans I don't know what to expect at this point Joseph nagada wow Joseph Ngata! what a day five catches 88 yards fantastic I mean using his body just some of these catches just really good there was actually a clip of Joseph ngat making a catch on the sideline on the eagle sideline and it's just funny like literally AJ Brown Paris Campbell Devonte Smith were really like yeah like they were the veterans just going up to him and just congratulating him on catching that ball it was just a great support system I absolutely love that it actually touched my heart a little bit I got to say Joseph ngot a fantastic day Austin Watkins haven't heard his name at all even throughout the camp few C he had a few catches that looked pretty good um you know so I I receiver wise it you know it was a small sample we got some we got some obviously production from some of the other guys but with Caris Paris Campbell not playing Johnny Wilson with the concussion and honestly Britain cvy not giving an opport I mean how what what did he do in joint practice did you did you hear much of anything from Britain cvy and Joint practices play the man in this preseason game what why are they so you know like you want to find out what your wide receiver three is but yet you you're pulling this move I just don't get it um going to the running backs oh my God I RunningBacks! mean it just gets better and better every week obviously Kenneth G had a few reps we which he's fine but I got to talk about Davis price dude price Davis price now I'm going to say this D Davis price is not much of a receiving back but my God this man goes up to the line patient and then he hits the gas I mean he made a guy Miss on the right sideline I mean his runs are tough reminds me of Le'Veon Bell a lot when he goes up to the line and then as soon as he gets that vertical boom he runs right through it and he is powerful I love Davis price a lot and whether they're keeping four on the active roster one on practice squad I don't know what they're doing but Davis price was probably the be I I would say I would say he was pretty pretty damn good I mean I wouldn't say the best because you know will Shipley obviously you know showing him what he's doing in the passing game I mean some of his runs were really good will Shipley just looking they threw a a screen to will Shipley on the left side oh it looks so good man like we didn't do that last year with DeAndre Swift no screen passes to running backs why just wide receivers why tight ends why why why why we never do running back screens and with K Moore system now it looks like that's where we're going in that direction so I am very very excited about the running back Court Kendall Milton had some good runs man it's tough I love all these guys I'm going to cry when one of them leaves cuz man I want them back I want them on practice squad I don't want them to go anywhere I want to produce more running backs why not so this way since saquon's in the building you have a bunch of other backs you could just produce for the next few years which is amazing so I all the running backs were fantastic did well at Davis price I I put put some respect on that kid's name holy crap um Offensive Line now offensive line wise wasn't the best day uh mck had it you know mcke was getting pressured on a little bit it seems like seems like the offensive line really wanted to protect mcke more than um you know canny pick it honestly canny pick it man there's I mean there was times he had no time to throw and there were times where he had time but I mean how is I think I think one of the biggest I think the the offensive lineman I know Trevor Keegan had a penalty one of the offensive lineman Max sharping I think he was the left tackle I mean that guy was bad that guy gave up two sacks horrible that guy's not going to make it on this team I don't even think he'll hit hit even the practice squad we'll even see if he even makes practice squad at this point but Max sharping was just bad um and other than that you know we just I think protection was was okay was solid obviously when he get gets towards the end of the game it starts to break down a lot more which we definitely notice uh but that was really one of my really biggest things I don't know if beckon even Tyler Stein left with the uh ankle injury so he's really just technically you know he's hurting himself right now no punt intended but that's just what's happening um Makai beckon is surely going to be the starter here I mean no doubt I mean there's other offensive lineman I really do like on this team like Trevor Keegan I think is great dyl McMahon shows a lot Brett Toth is show is pretty good at as the backup center at times Nick Gates is is okay but you have a Savvy vet right there um you know so I I uh Canard is probably one of my favorite probably one of my favorite I have to say rotational guys that is really showing a lot at guard he's played next to Lane Johnson so Lane has said some good things about him so canar look looks really good so I I like this offensive line it started to break down at times you know quarterbacks did make plays but you know it is what it is this is where you're going to get in a preseason game when a lot of rotations are going on um now going into the tight end position uh look you're out you're out you know Dallas goddard's not playing okay Grant calcatera is still not back I mean it's almost embarrassing Albert o still not back from injury CJ USA had one of the worst blocks I ever seen in this game CJ USA hasn't been a good player since he was with the Bengals honestly a few years ago he was with the Jets last year I think he had an injury he's 31 years old not that I care about his age I'm just saying that he's 31 but I mean at the same time T tight tight end is one of the biggest knees for next year and it's one of the weakest positions this year I'd probably have to say and really EJ Jenkins he had an injury he went down but he got back up so I don't think the injury was serious which is great I'm I'm hoping hearing that tomorrow because he got back up and he jogged off the field and I heard that because I was watching the Patriots side and watching the Patriots side like somebody can get hurt and the Patriots are like oh let's let's talk to Christian Gonzalez on the sideline while somebody is literally trying to is getting their you know their leg amputated from a big hit like and they didn't even care I mean I I want the throw up just watching it it was so annoying they didn't even know any Eagles players or the roster it was the most annoying stuff I ever seen in my life um so we get through that and EJ Jenkins was you know caught a few balls I mean contested I mean there was some oh man he looked really PR EJ Jenkins he's like 66 232 240 I mean he's in the range between 230 240 EJ Jenkins looks really good really good I was calling him EJ Biggers for a while and I was like wait that's the wrong EJ I think EJ Biggers was a totally different player so I corrected myself on that uh earlier uh so EJ Jenkins was was really great um Ringo! & Corners! I thought uh the cornerbacks you know quin's on the inside you have Keeley you had Isaiah Rogers on opposite sides there obviously slay wasn't playing Ringo was a little up and down I thought a little up and down there was a play where there was a drop in front of him he got beat by one of those receivers I forgot who it was um good good coverage I think there was one where he got beat I think he just got a hand on his right shoulder when he did get beat when the ball came down and it probably should have been a catch but it ended up being a drop but when I see a corner touching uh you know a receiver right before he catches it like just by an inch it could be the lightest touch possible sometimes those that little moment could could cause uh a deflection and and a big play being made and I thought he did that I thought key Ringo key Ringo has showed and I think he has shown more than Isaiah Rogers in this Camp I really do I think key Ringo has had more practices with no pads before they put the pads on and and obviously Isaiah Rogers was catching up to him with pads on but I think what I've seen from games and Personnel I think Ringo has been more shut down than Isaiah Rogers Isaiah Rogers has done well against our own team but Ringo has really done well against the opponents whether it's joint practice with the Patriots whether it's these preseason games he has been fantastic cannot um really can't complain about it at all looked really good um so and acquired some of the some of the the depth there I didn't really see Eli Ricks or some of the other guys too much now now beginning of the game Maddo Pic! TrashBerry! we were getting gashed pretty bad against the run I mean pretty damn bad um and you know by the end of it you know Maddox Avante Maddox was at safety he got a pick ran a field so it was really nice to see um that I know that at Maddox is probably going to be the backup nickel to maybe being the dep piece at safety for what it sounds like with chony being out right now Reed probably being out you know Reed you know I guess they're just not playing him um giving other guys an opportunity madx has a lot to prove because he's been very injury-prone and we know what he is when he is fully healthy um madx hasn't really played Safety since he's been drafted really because remember when McLoud Rodney McLoud went down a long time ago he they just threw him there because of the injury but realistically now he's playing two positions so why not hopefully he could play safety really well and please stay healthy Healy cuz safety is one of the biggest needs after losing you know losing out on Justin Simmons and really finding out they had very little interest in that department Jaylen Mills rumors of him returning to the Philadelphia Eagles you know that he's played he's played Safety the last couple years he could play Corner safety so for depth reasons they could go after other moves but Avante madx makes a big play now I want to talk about now I want to talk about James Bradberry oh man this is going to be fun did this why is Vic fangio because I honestly have no idea I honestly have no clue why Vic fangio is like he's transitioning so well you know like he they're just throwing him a bone or they're just telling other teams like oh he's playing really good let's just tell them that he's playing really good so we can get some value from him and really trade him he looked horrible he made like one good tackle but holy crap he whiffed tackles today and he wasn't the only one so trust me I'm not taking sides okay that remember that play to the right side I don't know if it was a running back or a receiver I think it was a run play or it was it was a pass he comes down and flopped so bad he whiffed that tackle so bad I didn't know what to do when Drake May ran in for that touchdown in the end zone guess what he did and he was right there he just gave up on the play didn't even try popping the ball out he didn't hit the end zone he literally walked towards may he literally stopped running and just started to you know walk steadily I mean dude where what is he doing for what he's getting paid right now seriously as like the number four three safety I don't even know what he is right now okay it's looking like he is the number three if the whole roster is together that's where he is okay they need to do something with him okay and on top of everything else he gets burned by a tight end that ball by Drake may it might have it might have been the other quarterback it was underthrown to the tight end the tight end had to stop for a second and put his hands down to the ground if that pass was perfect he would have been burnt on that play I give no credit to Bradberry on that play that play should have been a big completion it was underthrown it was a really bad ball it was jacobe brassette I think that threw that and it was horrible okay so he didn't play well not at all okay McCollum had a couple tackles I thought he played really how about how Andre Sam! about Andre Sam that one rep he had I don't know if it was the end of the third or the fourth quarter Andre Sam 15 16 Picks small schools uh in two years you know took off a lot of college because his mother was sick didn't really play much football and then you know finally the Eagles get him he is rangy he's got this attitude towards him he made this AGG aggressive tackle coming down and he was talking all this garbage I mean Andre Sam like brings a little bit of fire to that safety group we thought chony had a mouth on him we thought you know Reed brings some intensity you know of what he does as an in thebox type guy but Andre Sam is crazy watch Andre Sam seriously like it was one tackle I'm not going to Hype him up over one tackle but it was just cool just to see him tackle somebody hard and then just talk all this crap as he's walking away looking at the guy staring at the guy as he got up and like walked over oh I I loved it Andre Sam was absolutely amazing in this game definitely check him out if you guys Haven it or look at that rep if you guys haven't uh from the game because I'm definitely going to be rewatching this game and and that's where you really that's where we really were at safety today so nothing crazy now defensive Bryce Huff! line okay I thought Bryce Huff obviously thank God we actually see some things going on BR every time we hit a practice a joint practice he had a sack he had a sack this happened hu had a couple good tackles um he did get messed up on a run play he got blocked out of it couldn't couldn't you know go down and be physical enough but I got to say there was two plays where he made a couple tackles and great thank God $17 million a year I got to see that money you know do some you know productivity here let's let's get some productivity out of this guy um jayx hunt had a couple good tackles on the edge I gotta say jayx Jalyx Hunt! hunt I mean I've wanted to see more of a pass rush today and I felt like we got a little bit better I felt like because you don't have Jaylen Carter Jordan Davis and some of these other guys we have have to relax no Brandon Graham no Josh W we have to relax because you're missing all those guys so your defensive line takes a major hit when it your your defensive line takes a major hit when it comes to you know the starters not being out and the rest of the guys on this roster so I really liked jayx hunt a lot there shown a lot of athleticism and just his movements and his toughness that man doesn't get moved off the line too often um watch some watch some of his Senior Bowl stuff trust me like you see and even last week how he was using all of his energy to catch up to running backs and TI I mean just fantastic I thought both of them did really well Nolan Smith BOOM! okay Nolan Smith I thought had a really solid day noan Smith has one problem his bull rush sucks Nolan Smith is probably the worst at Bull rushing Nolan Smith needs to be more technical okay technique is where he's going to thrive and when he doesn't use it a straight up bull rush isn't going to do anything noan Smith I thought had a solid day now he had obviously the penalty the helmet to helmet he got pressure I mean he ran up on he ran up on on the quarterback and bumped his head in into his helmet and got a penalty for it which was really stupid you live and you learn it's not a big deal and then Nolan Smith had a sack later on which he got past the left tackle the running back chipped him and he still got the sack here is what the strength of noan Smith is when Nolan Smith finds that crease he does a really good job like using his technique he can skinny that crease he skinnies it and he gets pressure like boom I'm I'm saying the ceiling for noan Smith is up there early in the game I was like man he's he can't get pressure or anything like he's just bull rushing he's hugging the guy doing this the whole entire time but realistically guys realistically if there is if he could find that little crease and skinny through it with his body with technique and move I mean that's the only way use that Ben use that athleticism Nolan Smith is gifted with that he gets sacks quick fantastic so I thought he was very good very very very very good I I know what I I'm finally realizing what the issue now I understand Vic Fano said he's not physical enough on the edge as an edge rusher I and that's the reason why he's not like I said he's got to be more Technical and be smarter and if there's a guy that's bigger than him he he can't just bull rush it's just a straight up bull rush is not going to do anything Nolan Smith's got all the talent I just saw today I just saw a glimpse of what he's doing right what he's doing wrong and wow ceiling is up there way up there so can't wait to see more from Nolan Smith now um troter Jr okay now we're Trotter Jr Swarm! we're going to go into obviously some of the linebackers trer Jr missed a few tackles he whiffed a few tackles today okay I get it but like I I think what what I really did like from him is that he's getting he's he's got a nose for the football he's always always involved where the football is okay now he could have had a three a three yard tackle for loss okay that negative3 turn to a negative one because Nolan Smith is D sorry because troter Jr can be become d Ive in the back field it's going to mess up the timing of that play for the offense so it's going to give the Eagles time for another player on that defensive line or from the defense in general whether it's the secondary or whatever to make a play on the ball at that moment and I thought you know that was really good I thought that was fantastic had a lot of fun watching him uh do that but obviously the whiff tackles yeah it's a problem I mean James Bradberry missed that tackle on the same guy oh well Trotter's next he runs up to the same guy with that tackle and then the Kobe Dean had to tackle him which Zach Baun leaves us coming to Zack Bon okay which Zack Bon I thought had a couple tackles I mean he's another guy that's not getting a lot of snaps I mean seriously like Zach Bon had a couple good tackles but I mean is it enough for me with this linebacker court is just is it enough is Zach Bon showing me enough I think trod or Jr is showing a lot more because he has had more snaps and that's unfair to say that that I guess maybe but Zack Bon from the time he was in he made a couple plays he got off some blocks um there was like a a throw to the flat and he ran to the guy and blew him up it was great I just want to see more it's just to me it's just not enough like these not seeing just only hearing about stuff is annoying to me I want to see this with my own two eyes so Zack Bon apparently had a good day I guess a solid day from where he was in um this video is sponsored by bet Us by the way and uh here's a word from our sponsors if I'm the betting man than I am and you're rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles this is the Sponsor Redemption year for Jaylen Herz this is the year we get the bad taste out of our mouths from last season if I'm going all in ride or die with a Super Bowl and bringing that Lombardi trophy back to Philadelphia for a second time you need to go to bet us and I'm not wasting any time with it I'm putting 500 Downs the risk and getting 7,000 back at the end of the year because this offense is going to be explosive this defense by Vic faggio is going to be dynamic new customers for bet us get 125% deposits bonus on your first three deposits up to $2,000 you can't pass up on this for the most important season for the Philadelphia Eagles check the link in the description below and I want to thank bet us for sponsoring this video now I think the one we've all been waiting for at this point is yeah it's Nakobe Dean! niobe Dean I thought Dean played really good I I have to say um did I see him much in coverage no but I got to say like he had a couple aggressive tackles up the right sideline had an aggressive tackle obviously the two whiff tackles and he threw him to the ground there was another one where you know he pursued it perfectly for an angle tackle grabbed him and threw him down like there it was great it was fantastic there was another play that I really liked about ncoe Dean okay he fangio loves blitzing Dean okay I've seen that a lot in these preseason games even they've said that that practice a few times um when it comes to fans you believing in the blitz I think like I think Dean is like the number one guy he likes to Blitz at times okay ncoe Dean got after the quarterback got pressure on the quarterback and and got right in his face before he threw it he throws the ball he dumps off I think to the receiver or the running back noobe Dean runs all the way to the sideline from where the quarterback is and makes theack so his hustle what he's doing um he had a solid day I thought the two Georgia Boys had a really solid day today the only thing with ncoe Dean is I think they should only use him in a specific format which is blitzing whether it's making quarterbacks nervous put him on the edge put just let him let him just walk around the line find that weak spot and just engage I mean that's how I think they should really use him I'm not giving up on the Kobe Dean because I did see a lot of things the you know the last couple games like I did see a couple things and obviously practice he has been getting better uh but you know the health is there which is good but really it's just his coverage is the only thing I'm really in question of if the man has to backpedal backwards or run east and west at times I get a little nervous and I think we're we're all kind of thinking the same way at times when it comes to this game um you know that we did see and I thought his tackling was way better in this game um and a lot better than a lot of the players so I I was really uh I was really happy with the linebacker core and the few players we did talk about here you know we had uh I thought you know uh some of the other guys did well I thought Jake Elliot was good with the kicking that we had so I thought we were good there but other than that I think really that's all I have to talk about Conclusion & Outro! when it comes to this team because you know the Eagles win 1413 it was a good win I don't care if they win or lose preseason games I'm looking for analysis the the Eagles are just throwing plays out of their ass to just get guys to and that's it we're not scheming against the patriots the patriots were't scheming against us I thought there was a lot of good things to take from this game like I said um so really I think there's a lot of I mean your your starters haven't played like in a preseason game at all so it's a lot on these guys to really go out there and really showcase what they can do so I was happy at receiver for a couple guys I obviously have questions regarding this roster and why they're not playing guys a little bit longer at times and I think we can all sit and say Hey you know because they're getting a lot of reps during these joint practices they don't they feel as if they got their work put in for the week you know but the supporting cast for some of these young guys the veterans out there helping them I think it's fantastic I think it's awesome um I thought it was uh you know we didn't have a jaw dropping play that made us feel like he's the guy but you know it's I think there were was good production you don't need to have jaw-dropping stuff the little things really build up to those big moments later on especially in the regular season so the Eagles probably won't practice today most likely there's a you know and then we'll go through our last week of preseason we're down the 20s something days for the regular season um and if you guys enjoyed this review of the Philadelphia Eagles make sure you subscribe to the channel and make sure you like the video because it helps the channel out tremendously um I try to go in depth as much as possible I'm not the biggest ex's and owns type guy I'm not the biggest guy on you know just certain things that are professional but I definitely get straight to the point on things um and I hope you guys enjoy let me know what you guys thought about this game what was your favorite play who was your favorite player and who is the big sleeper and I'm going to tell you the big sleeper for me is Davis price I'm just gonna I'm just going to throw it out there make sure you check the link in the description below and sign up for bet us to get 100 125% deposit bonus on your first three deposits up to $22,000 Link in the description below want to thank bet us for sponsoring this video and um that's it guys you guys enjoy the rest of your day enjoy your weekend enjoy it because we have one more week and then the nightmare is over and then we have to start cutting people and it's going to be a very stressful time you guys enjoy the rest of your day and I'll see you guys in the next one shake some up fall side peace out guys peace

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