SHOW DAY | 5 Months of Prep for 5 Minutes of Glory

5 months of grueling bodybuilding prep hundreds of hours of cardio and over a 100 weight training sessions over 1 million daily steps taken restless nights tossing and turning due to hunger a culmination of s years training in the gym so why do we do it all for 5 minutes of Glory on stage hopefully you'll be able to understand by the end of the video This is shogan [Applause] well if this is any determinant of how the weekend is going it's not good we just got here we're in Atlanta Georgia it is August 2nd it's a Friday we got our show tomorrow we are coming back for Revenge but if this is any sort of indication of how the weekend's going I don't want to do this weekend but it's not welcome to the show Day video everyone we going to have a lot of fun this weekend I got to get this inside it's 4:40 right now we got to get to the tan and then change and do everything so let's start moving so that we can get to the town and we're also joined by my beautiful girlfriend McKenzie and Tucker once more look at that we're going to have an absolutely fantastic weekend ain't that right ladies and gentlemen in Tucker uh I'm going to go change we going to get our show day fit on our tanning fit and then we're heading over to athlete registration and to get the tan then we're going to catch up with you while we're doing everything else come along for the ride all righty ladies and gentlemen this is what you are going to see in for the next approximately 48 hours this is the only thing I'm wearing I don't get to shower don't get to do none of that don't get to wear underwear nothing like that we got our junk sock check it out if you know you know if you know bodybuilding you know uh forgot one so we're using one that I packed to wear but don't want the old Johnny getting bronze let's head out so that we can start getting the show Day festivities on welcome to Georgia Atlanta [Music] Mya I am I saw him he's competing I am competing yes I hope they were saying nice things abouty I'm scared of him scared of me 34 is the lucky number yeah what up yeah absolutely best of Lu brother watching all your Tik Tok I appreciate you're my cardio entertainment oh I appreciate that's actually appr oh yeah that was an absolute [ __ ] show like just would not dry over and over again stuff's rubbing off look at that that shouldn't be happening right now and it's humid outside so I'm just worried about this tan this is what I look like right now same [Music] color now at this point I was stressing Big Time tanning took over an hour and a half and due to the heat and humidity in Atlanta it wasn't allowing the three coats of tan to stick to my skin the way that they should if you know anything about bodybuilding you know tan is one of the most important parts to bringing a Polish package on stage and looking your best the only thing I could do now is cross my fingers and hope the color set up nicely over night and get it touched up in the morning before we hit the stage Mackenzie has reassured me everything's okay and I got to get three more meals in today so uh we got to eat another beef and rice meal today what here what's up buddy how you guys doing Mr Tan Boy by the way Guys these are my brothers from the last show that's Brandon that's Dyan they came out to support I appreciate them coming really means a lot thanks guys of course table in front of it so got to combine meals cuz we're so late so we're having five of these how many sleeves of those have you eaten in the last week uh three four threw the posing trunks on to see how we look uh just ate a meal so we're not going to look super super tight but I think it looks pretty good check it out in the mirror definitely not looking too bad pretty happy with how that looks actually uh we might go outside and do a little bit of posing yeah not feeling too bad the tan actually is setting in a little bit definitely going to have to get touched up everywhere else but um yeah let's do some posing and then I'm going to tell you guys about pretty much the entirety of my prep because I want you guys to see that that show day is a culmination of not just the day not just the weeks leading up to it it's literally your entire lifting Journey give you guys a little bit of a reason of why I would put myself through 5 months of grueling work for literally 5 minutes of stage Time 5 minutes of Glory things like that because it's so special and I just want to share a piece of that with you guys so we're going to do a little bit of posing and then catch up with you when we're talking about that Mackenzie is over there doesn't want to get bit by mosquitoes and she is going to be calling out all my poses she is the judge begin front double bicep side [Music] chest back double [Music] by have [Music] some favorite classic [Music] that's it baby there's the boen let's get to talking I just wanted to take some time to talk to y'all a little bit about the entirety of prep what I'm feeling and just everything like that because the night before a show there are so many emotions that just go through your mind like you are feeling every emotion at once you're excited for the show day cuz that's what you've been working for for five 4 6 months however long you've been on prep you're you're nervous because you don't know what tomorrow is going to hold like you've worked this hard and the outcome could be something that you're not Desiring but for me mostly I just look back on everything that happened and I have all these memories that are going through my head vividly and it's like all the times of pulling myself off of the treadmill sitting there before my cardio saying how am I going to do an hour of cardio today all of the training sessions where I literally wanted to give up give up midet go home during the workout just think of all the times where I was hungry licking the bowl you do 5 months of grueling work for 5 minutes on stage but those 5 minutes on stage could be some of the five best minutes of your life you're up there showcasing all of your hard work when you get on stage it's literally like nothing else because you know that you worked your ass off every single day every waking hour because prep does not end you're either hungry you're tired you don't want to train you don't want to do anything you don't have the energy for anything your hormones take a hit when you're natural bodybuilder like I am I just got my blood work done man my testosterone went even lower to 88 now per deciliter it's like you got this Whirlwind of emotion and then on show day it could be one of the best days of your life because you know you worked so hard for that and you have to be so grateful for that cuz if you didn't go through this struggle of prep if you didn't go through all of that hard [ __ ] that went on then it would make show day what it is show day is a culmination of the entire last s years of me training you guys saw my last show some people agreed with the judging some people didn't that's out of my control what's in my control is that I can get up on stage and I can smile because you can't control who shows up to the show you can't control who judges the show and the only thing that you can do is bring your best and I can confidently say this year this show I'm bringing my best we're 2 and 1/2 lbs leaner than we were at my last show Just 2 weeks ago we're going to bring it we're going to win that natural Pro card and we're going to do everything we can we're going to hit the poses we're going to bring that stage presence and you guys are going to be along for the ride with me so I love you guys for sticking around for the entirety of prep seeing all of those grueling moments they're grueling 5 months for 5 minutes of Glory I'm going to get one more meal in today and then it's going to be show day baby let's freaking close this thing out we got all the flavors might as well get started on it right here these are so good have you ever eaten a sleeve of rice cakes in a city can't say I have the crunch right literally right in front you it is incredible youe like when you're you ate a whole sleep the day in all honesty before bed nerves were high and I was not feeling too hopeful about show day there was still so much that I had to get in order and so many questions that were running through my head before I felt ready to step on stage was my tan even going to look right in the morning was I carving up the right way was I going to look super flat or spilled over in the morning who would I be competing against all of these things were running through my head so the only thing that I could do was hope and pray that I get a good night's sleep and that I woke up on the right side of the bed on show Day morning ladies and gentlemen it's show day baby first order of conduct today is actually to take checkins because we got to see what we're going to do with food water sodium all that so we got to see how we're looking we woke up at 161 lb on the dot so I'm thinking we're a little bit flat in the mirror we looked a little bit flat I I think that's going to be a fluid issue because of how many carbs I ate yesterday so we're going to take these check-ins compare them to the past few days see how we're looking and then we'll be able to see what we're doing definitely going to need a coffee cuz wouldn't you know haven't pooped this morning but I feel it in my system so uh let's go outside and take these check-ins so I'm honestly liking the way I look but somehow I'm still flat I think that's a fluid issue so uh going to get some fluid in me definitely some coffee definitely some water but if you see there you guys just saw that but I think we're looking pretty snazzy I'm actually going to call Q Q couldn't make it to the show cuz he had uh other conflicts so uh friend and Coach Q is uh going to help me out I'm just going to call him and uh see what he thinks so Q says I'm pooping and I am extremely jealous of him but I believe we're going to be able to poop before the stage day please Lord help me out right now let me poop before I hit the stage I don't have confidence but maybe that prayer will help what up Sir uh what up you're going to look at me make sure you got your glasses on I got them on I knew what I was doing here uh I think I need a little bit of water and some salt I woke up at 161 which is2 lb heavier than yesterday which doesn't make much sense huh yeah we'll see what What it looking like quader oh yeah bro that looks good that's like one of the most shredded I've seen your leg right there on especially on that should be I should be the most shredded I've ever been in my [ __ ] life right now I should be I hope so 158 lbs all right all right uh let's see it all right whatever you want to do good oh yeah the side of your legs looking super grainy right there o PE looking good oh yeah look you look really good have you eaten any food yet no nothing I would eat a first meal I would salt it I drink a little water I think you I think you're a little a little flat so I think a little carbs a little salt and a little water is going to help you all right I appreciate you as always love you bro beans good luck to you love you too we'll talk to you later all right he confirmed what I said need a little bit more carbs a little bit of water a little bit of salt and uh then we going to get going it's show day Baby Let's Get Hype yeah let's get Hy oh let's do coffee first actually Kirk Lin signature they don't have much so I'm going with a glass just a little bit of almond butter cuz we're not going to be on stage for another 3 hours so I want it to digest slower I'll pour the whole thing but we're only going to go in with about probably 8 oz of water bone a petit rice almond butter and black coffee this is going to sound crazy but this is going to taste good the plan for right now we're going to eat eat this meal it's about 8:18 in the morning and then we are going to head over to the venue and get there by 9:00 uh to do the tan touch-ups cuz if you can see my tan actually it it did pretty good overnight and it looks so much better than it did yesterday if you saw that but uh we're going to eat this then we're heading over to the venue we should be on stage around 11:00 the show starts at 10:30 so uh we're going to eat this and uh then I'll catch you guys along the way I'm excited man we're looking good we're feeling good we're optimistic for today and again whatever happens I put in the [ __ ] work sorry for the language I put in the [ __ ] work the work is done this is the best I have ever looked in my entire life so whatever the outcome I know that I'm going to be pleased with it because there is nothing more that I could have done and with that yep it tastes just as good as I thought it tastes really good grateful for today maam thankful for McKenzie and my brothers for coming they didn't have to drive to Atlanta with me 4 hours but they did cuz they're they're the goat and uh you got to be thankful for the people around you man because I've said it before I'll say it again without them there's not really a point I told Mackenzie last night in bed this wouldn't even be fun if you weren't around like doing all the show day camaraderie there would like it it would be cool but there wouldn't feel like a point of it and uh feel blessed like even she when we had to rush around and get everywhere yesterday she came she unpacked all my stuff she did everything another McKenzie shout out in this video uh my brother's shout out cuz last night I was a little on edge I wasn't being super nice to them they even Jackson behind the camera um but you got to be thankful for the people around you and uh we're going to go [ __ ] smash it today so uh I'm going to finish eating this and then uh we're going to get going and we're going to show out on stage today guys I'm doing it I'm one for three on show day poops now let's go that's exactly what I wanted you guys have been hearing me for the past three shows say I couldn't do it we did it today we're going to get that final touchup and we're going look good what else do I need posing trunks rice cakes almond butter rice cakes honey shirt young La shirt you guys know it's code Casey again thanks for young La for sponsoring this I love you guys uh for supporting me so that they can support me as well uh make sure you're using COI fits pretty Fire Man fits pretty fire morning gentlemen are we ready to win the day and win the show yes baby go flex those muscles chivalry is not dead even on show day let's go off to the touchup they [Music] you still waiting to uh get tanned over here touched up we had four apple cinnamon rice cakes with some almond butter and a little bit of salt and a little bit of water cuz we should be on stage in about 30 minutes here it might be a little bit later only because it seems to be running slightly late uh but we're just waiting now that's in my system we might have a little bit of something like a Rice Krispy treat before we pump up it's exciting just chilling here uh relaxing no nerves nothing like that we're going to go up there kill it have fun and uh catch you guys when we're uh we're all tanned up and looking good I got a little of stuff on my shirt but that showed it [Music] man I posted the Border events here and I posted them in that room we will run by that order of events that is all men all women pre judging we will take a quick lunch we'll come back for individual routines and awards again we can have everybody out here by 3 3:30 so you can have a good dinner I congratulate everybody you are a winner by showing up today [Music] [Music] w cor Turn 3 [Music] four face [Music] front fromont double Visa w [Applause] shasy 34 and 36 trade places different lighting so let going see that back of a bicep please yes and relax all right guys this is the non- cont sport give yourself some room space out little bit 34 and 32 trade places and see a side chest there can's overhead abdominals and thigh all right your favorite classic [Applause] and relax all right guys final pose of your choice front or side guys this is for Facebook let's give it up for [Applause] the great job guys back here how do we look we got another division going on we got uh open open division then we got a lunch break then it'll go to finals we get to do our routine again I Chang it up a little bit so you guys get to see that do you think so I appreciate you man how we look let me know in the comments right now comment if I look good or [Music] bad double Bice I'm purly [Applause] white GL come on please yes [Applause] casy 32 and 34 trade places please all right let's see that of a wi side chest T front hands overhead abdominals and thigh and relax 32 and 34 TR places 33 and 16 trade places your favorite classic [Music] pose get a vac in case your second favorite classic pose [Applause] yes all right guys final your choice front or side I think I said front or side let's give it off for the classtic physique [Applause] open great job guys thank you [Music] it's time for the routine the awards everything like that we've done everything we can let's go have some fun and uh see what happens your guess is as good as mine [Music] runner up goes to number 32 Calvin and your winner is 34 Casey go is going to go head tohe with Shannon okay let's go right this determined who the overall novice winner [Applause] [Applause] is come onab yeah work let's go work [Applause] yeah hold me up [Applause] switch plac please side chest can hold that all day this is yours [Applause] all right guys you're going to give you 5 Seconds of free posing stand where you are go five seconds do whatever POS you like ra T go tired gas h a hard one right w break down you guys let's do that for after a hardfought battle on stage and an incredibly fun pose down the judges decided to award the novice overall title to the other competitor who won novice Class A although I lost novice overall I could still win my open class to add another dub to the repertoire but sadly I fell short of the win by an extremely close call and your winner is number 16 Garrison Williams have a great battle here after the show I had found out that I had lost my Open Class by one mirror point which means two out of the five judges had me winning the class and three out of the five judges had the other guy in first place but you win some and you lose some and that's just life it obviously would have been nice to win but in all honesty the likelihood of me beating the Open Class A Winner and earning my Pro card was very slim because he was a 40-year-old who was already a decorated Pro bodybuilder in a different Federation who had won many pro shows and the likelihood of me beating him was very slim at the end of the day I showed up and I brought my best and that's all that really matters [Music] and you do all that work and then you come in second place and you don't get your pro card but that is exactly what I was saying last night you can't decide who shows up to the shows but um I brought it holy [ __ ] seeing that stage video I'm going to give myself a little I brought the conditioning quads were feathered every I'm so proud of the package that I brought and that's that is what bodybuilding is all about there is nothing to be ashamed about we obviously need to add some size uh that is the overarching uh synopsis of what went down uh two weekends ago and this weekend but I'm fine with that man we get to eat we get to have a lot of fun we get to bulk and uh have a good time but the content is not going anywhere make sure you guys subscribe so that you're not missing anything because we got a lot of good content this is only the beginning of my bodybuilding journey I can assure you that thank you all for watching uh and supporting along the way it makes it so fun for me seeing your comments I met so many people backstage like hey I watch your last show Day video hey I watch your prep it helped me get through cardio that was one of the things everyone was saying it help me get through my cardio that means more to me than any bodybuilding wi could because you know you're impacting so many people and like it it really it means so much to me so uh I love you guys so much we're going to go grub on some sushi ain't that right McKenzie right and Dylan and brand new we going grub baby it's time to eat you saw me absolutely starving all the prep we about to go grub first thing appetizer we got rice blueberry muffin protein that I'm dry scooping this is how down bad I was in prep it actually tastes absolutely incredible rice STS code casy if you want any delicious let's go get some sushi now I got to clean myself up first cuz uh I'm not going out in public looking like this oh my goodness it feels absolutely fantastic to be clean check out the fit we looking fly of course young LA but let's go get some sushi baby [Music] right this way everyone let's see I'm going to see you guys with the sushi here poo Sushi going to put this oh my goodness I could like 50 of these thank you thank you cheese bag huh what he getting crazy [Music] vascular that's my we'll be back tomorrow morning in the end show day is a celebration and the Pinnacle of showcasing years of hard work and physical Excellence no matter what the outcome of your placing it should be one of the best days of your life and for me I can confidently say it was my stomach is full I am feeling very grateful for all the people around me all the people supporting me sending me nice messages everything like that and just being able to do this having the body the physical body to be able to walk to be able to lift do all the cardio that it did there's a whole bunch of emotions on that front I'm just feeling extremely grateful for everything right now you might be like Casey what is next first off no there is not another show this season that is off the table we did the two and we enjoyed our time on stage but it is now time to get out of prep and enjoy life like just enjoy everything that life has to offer cuz I have hunkered down for 18 weeks almost 19 weeks straight and just on prep I owe a lot of people a lot of time I owe McKenzie time I owe her dates I owe Tucker a bunch of attention I owe him playing I owe my friends and family just time to hang out and spend time cuz those are the really important things in life bodybuilding is a hobby that I just absolutely love it also happens to be part of my job creating content around Fitness and bodybuilding the content is not going anywhere make sure you guys are subscribing for that uh because this is only the beginning as I said before we're having so much fun I'm grateful for today obviously we didn't get the pro card that we set out for 18 weeks ago but uh that doesn't mean anything because we're still working we're going to work hard and we got so much more life to live so much more bodybuilding to do again stomach is full I love you guys I appreciate you guys remember I'm not special I'm just consistent and that is what is going to take me way further in life than anything else I'm going to be consistent I will get that Pro card one day probably one day soon I'm going to say that right now but I love you guys I appreciate you guys and I will see you in the next YouTube video thank you for sticking around for the whole show day I love you guys peace

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