🚨WATCH PARTY: Kamala Harris First Interview as Presidential Nominee

testing one two 3 one two3 let me know if you can hear me um so we are still on vacation the ManUp show and this is a watch party so it's very casual tonight and I invited the new party back on the panda that I had last night for Dana with the DAT podcast it was fun right it was fun it was good conversation and um so we're gonna watch the Camala Harris first interview since she's been the Presidential nominee and this is the CNN edited interview so the complete interview is supposed to drop at 9:00 P PM so we got about 30 minutes so I invited the new party I also invited Larry Larry is in Florida and I think Larry is going to I think Larry is a Democrat so gray who is part of the new party podcast probably gonna have a little bit support on the panel tonight so you know um Larry should be coming up shortly I'mma bring the panel up right now Trump is doing a town hall so when I bring everybody up I'mma go to the town hall and then at 9: we'll go to the interview so I just want to say hello to everybody on X please like and repost hello to everybody on YouTube Share like comment and if you want to send in a Super Chat question comment please do so just hit the dollar sign so everybody please hit the like button please share on your social media outlets and um let's start no uh Nora hi Hi how are you good how are you this evening good um gray he he was here early a couple of minutes early so where's D is he coming he he he's running a little late because tonight his he coaches his uh the little league for his uh son's football team he's a coach and involved so he apologizes but he he will be a few minutes late unfortunately Wednesdays Wednesdays and Fridays are the nights he's fully available okay yes back to school honey and um damn he got them kids in my activities early that's good though um all right so right now actually let me um let me get let me share this okay so Trump is doing a town hall and before cuz you know Camala Harris that doesn't drop to 900 p.m. so I figure we could listen in a little bit on on Trump's um town hall with tussy gabard okay oh do you want some huh what' you say I was say oh yeah okay sounds good oh okay let me all right let me good thank you you guys hear that it's probably the question I get most you know they say you're going to vote with your stomach I don't know if you've heard it but it's a little bit true and groceries food has gone up at levels that nobody's ever seen before we've never seen anything like it 50 60 70% you take a look at bacon and some of these products and some people don't eat bacon anymore and uh we are going to get the energy prices down when we get energy done you know this was caused by their horrible energy I've had to press mute for a minute um I want to bring Larry hi Larry hey how you doing good Larry's in floridaa where you at in Florida Okala Okala okay so this is the new party gray and Nora D white is he's in Florida too right yeah yes he lives in Jacksonville okay oh okay so this is a podcast called the new party I had them on the show last night so I fig I invite you now Larry are you a Democrat or Republican me um basically neither but I am I rather go for some some that's going to help this country grow and get better um Camala Harris say she has a plan in the agenda and I don't know what the plans are she's like just throwing stuff out there my opinion okay so you're not GNA be voting for Harris Waltz no I'm not okay I well I thought that you know gray would have had some support cuz he is pro Camala all day he is he loves being on a Democrat Plantation um but you do do you vote Democrat locally Larry Democrat locally but on that level no because the Democrats are been the Democrats been fooling us for years okay and they're continuing to fool us all right so wait hold that thought cuz I want to I want to go back to Trump and we'll talk about it more once we get into the Camala interview okay I just want to swing back and somebody said it was low it is kind of lowow and your and then you're GNA go out you're gonna buy a beautiful house okay you're gonna buy a beautiful house that's called The American Dream the American dream thank you Mr President I I want to ask you a question about National Security but first I think it's important to point out what Luke is talking about the cost of groceries the cost of gas the cost of housing mortgages rent everything has gone up kamla Harris's plan that she has announced is government price controls and I think it's important to touch on you just laid out your plan what's going to happen if KLA Harris institutes price controls so that's a communist plan it went off the screen I know I'm um I found another one I think it's louder right here we go it has never worked it's called control they want control I don't the you know it just it's been so often and everybody that comes in they say it sort of sounds great we're going to go price control actually when she announced it she got absolutely slaughtered by even Democrats because it doesn't work it's it's a known loser so now she doesn't talk about it you notice she doesn't talk about climate change anymore she's not talking about it you know why because people don't want to hear it they want to find they want to live a good life they want to live a life they don't want to stop your industry with climate change they used to call it different things Global warm remember that wasn't working because it was getting a little bit cooler so they said what are we going to do we'll call it global cooling no so they came up with the word words climate change because that takes care of everything it climate change so climate's changing but according to them we're all going to be gone at about what do we have three years left they had 12 years remember so in about three years let me tell you we do have a problem though it's climate change but a different kind of climate change it's called nuclear global warming we can say that's global warming and if we don't have a smart president you know you have five nations now with pretty massive nuclear power some have very massive including us and Russia China's behind way behind but within four or five years they'll catch up and we don't want them to catch up look we the biggest problem in my opinion the biggest problem our country has the biggest problem the world has is nuclear weapons they are a destructive force the likes of which nobody has ever seen before and we have to make sure they're never used we have to make sure it's not going to happen you're you're exactly right you brought up Ronald Reagan already Ronald Reagan famously said a nuclear war can never be won and should never be fought I think it's interesting you talked about climate change Mr President the Democrats and K haris they were quick to talk about how climate change is an existential threat but what they're not talking about is the existential threat of nuclear war and World War III which is exactly where we sit today because of the warmongers and their puppets Joe Biden and kamla Harris and they don't want to talk about it because the the consequence of where they have taken all of us as the American people in the world is economic hardship around the world a destruction of our economic well-being and an annihilation of humanity our families our kids our communities around the world there was a recent poll that uh yugov did that that pointed out over 60% of Americans feel e I'm sorry give me a second no problem let me know if you can hear this President of the United States can you hear that way better that's way better and I could do it with telephone calls by being smart but literally he said you have to bring Trump back now he used the term I wouldn't use he said everybody was afraid of trump you know who was afraid of trump they said China was afraid of trump Russia was afraid of trump they were all and I don't want to say that I will say this they respected me and they respected our nation they don't respect our nation anymore they don't respect our nation anymore think of it what would the world be like if Russia didn't do what they did and they would have never done it I used to speak to Putin about it I very good relationship uh no chance you know what happened I think uh Afghanistan when he saw the horrible leadership that we were displayed that we displayed in Afghanistan I think he said wow this is a time to to go in because I wasn't there he would have never done it if I was President then Israel would have never been attacked think of it what would this world be like you wouldn't have had that disaster and it wasn't leaving Afghanistan and they should have kept buam that's the Big Air Base it's one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons they didn't keep it you know who occupies it now telsey China occupies it so we have uh if you have the right president and we don't right now right now do we even have a president he just came in think of it he just came in from wherever the hell he went you know there was a coup he just it yet but there was a coup how about that he got 14 I'm not a fan of his he was the worst president but you're not but think of this he got 14 million votes she was the first one to leave you know kamla was the first one to quit she never made it to the first state in the primaries which was IA never even came close other people did but never even came close and all of a sudden she was picked and she's now running for president and look it just started really the it just really started the polls have us up here we're up in this we're up in stat but it's close it's close it's it's close and you know they cheat like hell so we don't want to have it too close but we have because we have to get we have to win this we're not going to have a country but with him I was so far up we had a thing called how did he do in the debate did you think he did well not no they they wanted to have a debate I said okay it's a little bit early isn't it I was like I was trying to talk to them out I said well it's a little early for a debate right and they said well well I think we'd like to do it and that was not a good debate for them that was not a good debate so that was the beginning of the end for him and they started looking but they picked a woman that had absolutely no votes she got no votes and now she's running so when you say threat to democracy they are a threat to democracy I'm not a threat to democracy I'm not a threat thank you Mr President crime and the rise of crime is on the minds of a lot of people I want to call on Danielle here um who has a question for you hi [Music] [Applause] Daniel so every time he does well you need yeah and you get a lot of those questions from Minnesota but you get a lot of those questions because Minnesota I mean they picked this guy he is weird he's I'm not weird [Applause] he's no he's a weird guy weird dude you know see they come up with sound bites every they always have sound bites and one of the things is that JD and I are weird what that guy is so straight JD is so he's is doing a great job smart pop student great guy and he's not weird and I'm not weird I mean where a lot of things were not weird I will tell you but that guy is weird don't you think you know he called he signed for uh and this is who would think that this is even happening in our country with men playing and women sports and all of this but he has it he has it at a level that nobody can believe a bill that every boy's bathroom will have tampons okay hence his name tampon Tim but but think of it think of it and you know on the question of abortion he is the one abortion in the ninth month and if the baby in Minnesota and I'd love to win Minnesota because those people aren't digging this guy they're not digging this guy but think of this Six States Six States Minnesota is one of them if the baby is born you're allowed to execute the baby after think of that after birth in Minnesota you're allowed to execute and you remember the former Governor not the current governor who's terrific Glen yunan we're going to win maybe Virginia we could do that but the former Governor and he said uh you sit the you said sit the mother down and the father down you sit them down and you talk and the baby is born and you make a decision what to do he meant do you execute the baby after birth and according to what they have passed at legislation in Minnesota they're allowed to execute the baby after birth and this guy is a participant and that's why she picked him because she is in fact a Marxist SLC communist remember i' say all the time our country will never be socialist right we will not have a socialist well I was right we skipped socialism we went to Communism this woman has to be stopped Mr President we have time for one final question I don't know if we can get a mic to Bernardo uh he's got an important question given very soon we will be honoring the anniversary of September 11th and all of the lives that were lost on that tragic day in that tragic attack where we were attacked by radical islamist terrorists and Bernardo wanted to to share his thoughts and had a question for you on this thank you Mr President my name is Bernardo I'm a voter here in Wisconsin live in the wonderful Lacrosse County here [Music] and I'm also a father of eight I have seven here with [Applause] me and uh it's the anniversary of 911 is coming up I'm concerned that we're more vulnerable now than ever and we have a Democrat nominee who doesn't even want to say the words says we shouldn't say the words radical Islam Terror how are we going to protect America from a terrorist attack uh first of all it's a great question and you know we have radical islamist pouring into our country along with everybody else right now they're coming in at levels that nobody's ever seen before we kept them out we had one year where border patrol put down it was I believe 2019 where they and I don't believe this I don't believe it's right but uh I'll take it they said zero came in in 20 that was my term zero now we have thousands I'd like to say that was true it's probably not because I can't imagine that but we we were very tough in that now they have thousands and thousands coming in along with the prisoners and along with the crime and remember a lot of these countries like Venezuela their crime is way down because they moved their criminals into our country it's not even believable but your question on islamists and all of the Jihad and all of the things that they talk about they have to respect your country they have to respect your leader you know I had no radical Islam crime for four years and I didn't want to talk about it I wanted to I I talked about it after but I didn't want to talk about it to I don't want to say like I had absolutely in the next day you get hit but we had none four years of it because they respected your president they respected your country and they have to we have to bring back that level of respect and we're going to do it we're going to do it and we're not letting the wrong people into our country okay thank you very much great question thank you Mr President I know you have run out of time here but thank you for having this conversation with the people of Wisconsin and people across the country who are watching and concerned about these very same issues thank you Mr President thank you everyone for being here thank you everybody vote vote thank you [Music] everybody turn um that music off yeah so um what did you guys think I'll go first because um it's just so much disinformation that was said I mean basically there are no babies being killed after they're being born there's nobody being saying that or asking parents where hey can we kill the baby somebody will go straight to prison or something like that happened um I remember exactly where I was on September 11th I was in seventh grade my my teacher came in crying and it's a day that will stay in infamy for everyone and uh what's funny is that Donald Trump is very similar to AMA Bin Laden and the fact that ama Bin Laden's Family actually was a big construction magnet in Saud Arabia and then he got radicalized uh once he got got around more PE more extreme people in Islam so basically I mean it's just the same rhetoric Trump is just spilling lies of misinformation but I'll be here all day just correcting every single lie listen the the the abortion after they're born is a bit strong but the fact of the matter is they had an abortion bus at the DNC okay so the radical left is supporting killing our black babies that's the real that's the truth there's facts millions and millions so for that reason I understand what he's saying he's also trying to make sure we get the birth rate up I don't know if you guys heard but he announced today that he is supporting IVF that is a big huge thing that he said he's also trying to give balance and he's saying you know I think six weeks is too strong for example in our state of Florida I I'm supporting giving more time so I don't think it was misinformation I think we need strong leadership again and one last thing I want to talk about 911 I remember where I was at I was in seventh grade myself and as somebody um with a half Arabic background my father's Moroccan I felt the hate walking around with my family growing up at the time in South Florida but at the same time I never felt prouder to be an American and my father who's actually was a citizen at that point supported us going into Iraq and those places because he truly believed there is Islamic terrorism okay and so that is not I mean Islamic rad radicalist that word so I don't think it's it's offensive it's the truth it's the reality and and we need to get rid of these war that we're trying to councel out because this is destroying America from the truth Larry did you want to comment um can you hear me let me yeah let me say this real quick because I this is this mik is just for a prop C y'all both was in seventh grade honey I was working in corporate but and I'm and I'm not laughing at 911 I'm just laughing at you know where you were at and where I was at however where I was working um Blue Cross Blue Shi in Downtown North and we had the skyline of Manhattan more so of downtown manhatt with the twin tows and we saw the buildings collapse it was horrific and people crying they told everyone just leave for the day it was even in downtown nework with the cops everything was just chaotic with the traffic cops were telling trucks get out of here it it was a mess because no one didn't know what was happening you know is this an attack so yeah and then for many years when they would have the memorial when people come up and say the names each family member say the name of the person that like I will always cry watching that to the point I had to stop watching it but um so yeah I just wanted to add that and a lot of people signed up for the military after that too but yeah but go ahead Larry yeah and I was working I was not in school when 911 happened so I had a job at the time but I was all that day and when it came across TV I was like what in the world and I'm looking at it like this can't be real and this can't be America CZ where will we live in America where and I'm going call it for what it face value is terrorists be able to hijack an American plane into aiming at a building but that goes to the point of fact of our borders um our airplanes letting foreigners in our country and that's why this type of stuff happens and to prevent it from happening we have to be a strong nation and if we're not a strong Nation we'll allow to let something worse happens true Larry have you ever voted or do you vote Democrat down ballot like locally I vote Democratic down ballot locally I do it locally I used to vote Democrat but then after I seen what Democrats are capable of doing because I have friends that have lost jobs because of foreigners um they'll be doing lawn service for years and then they'll lose accounts because of the foreigners come in and lowball them and my home boy been cutting lawn since 86 in the past year and a half he has lost half of his business because of them lowballing and that's how I feel it's like all these people coming over here in this country and taking jobs from people that are born here in America and they're letting it happen and giving them these grants and stuff like that and then later on they're going to be the ones that going to vote them in and to keep them in a lot of people don't realize what Democrats do they really don't and I'm not knocking the Democrats or nothing like that I'm just telling what face value is like my family is very rooted in politics very rooted in politics that I know the ins and out myself and know that that's a game that's why my dad came up with a terminology when he was alive he don't call it politics call it Pol tricks cuz that's what it is and that's what the Democrats are doing this woman is going around getting everybody black that she can pull in to get that black vote and that was the first time in my 51 years of living seeing a national Democratic Convention twerking twerking and it's I people that's doing it well go ahead gray because I know you want to defend honey you're muted yeah so I mean Megan St is an artist she has her own dance routine she can't tell her hey you know what you come up here you don't know twerk she probably know that she was going to do that I feel very you know sad for your homie that you know that his law Service is like business is falling but basically that's economics with anybody that owns a business so basically your homie should have been the one hiring the michigans before they went and got I mean sorry I don't want to say specifically Mexicans but whoever you're referring to to like try to wait so you're so you're blaming the American citizen business owner so you're saying that he should have just hired the illegals so that his business won't get undercut by the other business that were hiring the illegals here's when you want to talk about money and what people pay for if I own a house and I can go to this person and get my grass cut for a cheaper price I'm going to go get my grass cut for a cheaper price because I I'm trying to save a buck I mean times are going to change you know even with technology it's all types of businesses that are going to uh not no longer be in service because technology is going to come along and then they're no longer going to need that service like so you have to adjust with the market and I understand that you might feel like okay she's trying to get all the black boats and this with the Democratic party but I don't necessarily see where you would think that the Republican Party would serve you better as a black man in America economically less government masculinity so I know okay we got one minute let me see and I wanted to play this clip this is Trump being interviewed by The Daily Mail let me know let me know if you guys can hear this I want to do is say why isn't it can you hear that y can hear it yes okay first thing I want to do is say why isn't it live it's not a live interview it's an interview that's going to be taped and then edited and then put out so that's not even an interview then she's doing it with her vice president sitting there so she's not very smart when they ask her a question that she can't answer she'll just look at him you answer it I can't imagine everyone's waiting for her to do an interview because she's been a very big failure on interviews before as you know a tremendous failure and she brings in the vice president who by the way isn't so good himself he's been a disaster this guy he has been a disaster his his state is in a State of Shock from his governorship he's been a horrible Governor you look at employment numbers you look at the people that are leaving you look at all of the problems Minneapolis is a burned down they never built it back it was terrible um he's been a terrible Governor it was a crazy pick but he's sitting with her to help her out so this is not the kind of a person we need as president well he's right about that um I will say that um what I'm doing here okay yeah all right so let me see if it's up this is too much you know they GNA drop it at nine like Drop It where all right let's see where is this damn Camala interview um so supposed to be CNN they said yeah I went to CNN on YouTube maybe they didn't dropping on YouTube I guess I gotta go to the website but the comment on the one you just played uh he was referring to the George Floyd uh riots and there actually a phone call where Trump said that Tim W did a great job that he handled it perfectly uh after the George Floyd rights so now he say that Tim W did a horrible job with Minesota you saying he praised him at one point yeah so on the uh on my on our YouTube the new party you can go on there uh Tim W and there's a a recorded phone call on one of the shorts where Trump is saying how great of a job Tim was did uh during the George Floyd Rights was that before after it came out that he didn't allow the um the National Guard to come in to protect the businesses go ahead Larry I didn't mean to no what I wanted to say was that Dana me and you done had this conversation before and me and you done talk with judge O Brown I deal with the news media a lot a whole lot because of I'm a community activist I fight against gun violence in the black community here in Florida uh and my dad's life story is well documented and I know for a fact sending in news Studio Studios they have this thing in there like a little teleprompter they show everything that's going on in the world and they had something pop up where six kids and got killed and then 12 more of the kids got killed in the foreign country got shot and the reporter that was working on my story had another story to running asked the news director so we're going to put this on the story before Larry the news director said no we're not going to talk about that we're gonna talk about something else then we're gonna talk about Larry so the news media they dictate what goes on television to go to the American public and sometimes you got to take that's why when they do stories and I'm attached to it I always go to their Studios when they edit it because I don't want them to change nothing put something I didn't say I always go it can be in Orlando I'll go to West Channel 2 news in Orlando and sit in a studio tell my stuff is ched up and ready to go and that's what a lot of people got to understand and realize the news media will put out stuff that's not even really important wait one second Larry one second um Freedom it says pay for a comment Dana and it was never shown Trump 24 what do you mean pay for a comment and it was never shown you mean here you you you put in a Super Chat govern w thank you so much for sitting down with me and bringing the bus bus door is well underway here in right you have less time to make your case to voters than any candidate in modern American history the voters are really eager to hear what your plans are if you are elected what would you do on day one in the white house well there are a number of things I will tell you first and foremost one of my highest priorities is to do what we can to support and strengthen the middle class um when I look at the aspirations the goals the Ambitions of the American people I think that um people are ready for a new way forward um in a way that generations of Americans have been fueled by by hope and by optimism I think sadly in the last decade um we have had in the former president someone who has really been pushing an agenda and an environment that is about diminishing um the character and the strength of who we are as Americans uh really dividing our nation and I think people are ready to turn the page on that so what would you do day one day one it's going to be about one implementing my plan for what I call an opportunity economy I've already laid out a number of um proposals in that regard which include what we're going to do to bring down um the cost of everyday Goods what we're going to do to invest in America's small businesses what we're going to do to invest in families for example extending the child tax credit to $6,000 for families for the first year of their child's life to help them buy a car seat to help them buy baby clothes a crib um there's the work that we're going to do that is about investing in the American family around affordable housing a big issue in our country right now so so there are a number of things on day one what about you well I'm excited about this agenda too as I said the idea of uh inspiring America to what can be and I think many of these things that the vice president's proposing are are uh are things that we share in values and the child tax credit is one we know that reduces childhood poverty by a third we did it in Minnesota to have a federal partner in this um unbelievable I think in the impact that we can make you talked about you call it the opportunity uh economy you are well aware that right now many Americans are struggling there's a crisis of affordability one of your campaign themes is we're not going back but I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when it comes to the economy specifically because their groceries were less expensive housing was more affordable When Donald Trump was President well let's start with the fact that when Joe Biden and I came in office during the height of a pandemic we saw uh over 10 million jobs were lost uh people I mean literally we were all tracking the numbers hundreds of people a day were dying because of covid um the economy had crashed in large part all of that because of mismanagement by Donald Trump of that crisis when we came in our highest priority was to do what we could to rescue America and today we know that we have inflation at under 3% a lot of our policies have led to the reality that America recovered faster than any wealthy Nation around the world but you are right prices in particular for groceries are still too high the American people know it I know it which is why my agenda includes what we need to do to bring down the price of groceries for example dealing with an issue like price gouging what we need to do to extend the child tax credit to help young families be able to take care of their children in their most formative years what we need to do to bring down the cost of housing my proposal includes what would be a tax credit of $25,000 for firsttime home buyers so they can just have enough to put a down payment on a home which is part of the American dream and their aspiration but do it in a way that allows them to actually get on the path to achieving that goal and that dream so you have been vice president for three and a half years the steps that you're talking about now why haven't you done them already well first of all we have had to recover as an economy and we have done that I'm very proud of the work that we have done that has brought inflation down to less than 3% the work that we have done to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors Donald Trump said he was going to do a number of things including allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices never happened we did it so now and I as I travel in the state of Georgia and around our country the number of seniors that have benefited I've met I was in Nevada recently a a a grandmother who showed me her receipts and before we kept the cost of insulin for seniors at $35 a month she was playing hundreds of dollars up to thousands of dollars a month for her insulin she's not doing that any you maintain biomics is a success I maintain that when we do the work of bringing down prescription medication for the American people including capping the cost of the annual cost of prescription medication for seniors at $22,000 when we do what we did in the first year of being in office to extend the child tax credit so that we cut child poverty in America by over 50% when we do what we have done to invest in the American people and bringing manufacturing back to the United States so that we created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs bringing business back to America what we have done to improve the supply chain so we're not relying on foreign governments to supply American families with their basic needs I'll say that that's good work there's more to do but that's good work I want to get some clarity on where you stand on some key policy issues uh energy is a big one when you were in Congress you supported the green New Deal and in 2019 you said quote there is no question I'm in favor of banning fracking fracking as you know is a pretty big issue particularly in your must-win state of Pennsylvania do you still want to ban fracking no and I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that I would not ban fracking as vice president I did not ban fracking as president I will not ban fracking in 2019 I believe uh in a town hall you said you were asked would you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking on your first day in office and you said there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking so yes so it changed in the in that campaign in 2020 I made very clear where I stand we are in 2024 and I've not changed that position nor will I going forward I kept my word and I will keep my word what made you change that position at the time well let's be clear my values have not changed I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to what the hell what is this I know what is going on oh my God because all the lies oh do I have to um you probably gotta restart it like start it over what let me see let me back some [ __ ] CA it's it's still on my TV right now playing yeah I gotta sign in that's why I got my TV on mute are you thank you for what you're doing in the community with the gun activist and I would love to know you in your father's story at some point yeah you can um go to Google and you can type in R Leroy Johnson o Kell Florida and all his stuff will pop up you heard yeah for sure see this is why and this is why I don't [ __ ] with CNN and these liberal news outlets cuz it's like don't try to give people a taste like you doing somebody a favor we doing you a favor by tuning in that's true but you see when the lady tricked her up and then she said and then all of a sudden this little thing just popped up and it got blocked yes do you notice how she gets Bluster she she's horrible interviewer you know your channel is being watched um the number of uh immigrants coming from that region has actually reduced um since we began that work but I will say this that Joe Biden and our Administration without Banning fracking in fact Dana Dana excuse me um I cast the tiebreaking vote that actually increased leases for fracking as vice president so I'm very clear about where I stand and was there some policy uh or scientific data that you saw that you said oh okay I get it now what I have seen is that we can we can grow and we can increase a thriving clean energy economy without Banning tracking okay um another issue big one is immigration as vice president you were tasked with addressing the root causes of migration uh uh in southern countries and northern part of Central America the northern part of of Central America that deals with that affects the southern border of the US during the Biden Harris Administration there were record numbers of illegal border crossings why did the Biden Harris Administration wait three and a half years to implement sweeping Asylum restrictions well first of all uh the root causes work that I did as vice president that I was asked to do by the president has actually resulted in a number of benefits including historic Investments by American businesses in that region um the number of uh immigrants coming from that region has actually reduced um since we began that work but I will say this that Joe Biden and I and our Administration worked with members of the United States Congress on an immigration uh issue that is very significant to the American people and to our security which is the border and through bipartisan work including some of the most conservative members of the United States Congress a bill was crafted which we supported which I support and Donald Trump got word of this bill that would have it contributed to securing our border and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically he told his folks in Congress Don't Put It Forward he killed the bill a border security bill that would have put 1,500 more agents on the border and let me tell you something the border patrol endorsed the bill and I'm sure and I'm sure in large part because they knew they were working around the clock and 1,500 more agents would help them that bill would have allowed us to increase seizures of fentanyl ask any community in America that has been devastated by fentanyl what passing that bill would have done to address their concern and a pain that they've experienced so you would push that legislation again I just want not only push it I will make sure that it comes to my desk and I would sign it just one other question about uh something that you said in 2019 when you first ran there was a debate you raised your hand when asked whether or not not uh the Border should be decriminalized do you still believe that I believe there should be consequence we have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally and there should be consequence and let's be clear in this race I'm the only person who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations who trafficking guns drugs and human beings I'm the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws and I would enforce our laws as president going forward I recognize the problem generally speaking how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that you explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward Dana I think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed you mentioned the green New Deal I have always believed and I have worked on it that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding our ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by extension the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed my value around what we need to do to secure our border that value has not changed I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California Prosecuting transnational criminal organizations viol ations of American laws regarding the passage illegal passage of guns drugs and human beings across our border my values have not changed so that is the reality of it and four years of being vice president I'll tell you one of the the the aspects to your point is traveling the country extensively I mean I'm here in Georgia I think somebody told me 17 times since I've been vice president in Georgia alone I believe it is important to build consensus and it is important to to to find a common place of understanding of where we can actually solve problems on that note you had a lot of Republican speakers at the convention will you appoint a republican to your cabinet yes I would anyone in mind yes I would no no one in particular in mine I got a got 68 days to go with this election so I'm not putting the cart before the horse but I would I think I think it's really important I I have spent my career inviting diversity of opinion I think it's important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views different experiences and I think um it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my cabinet who was a republican that was just the start of our wide ranging conversation and we have some never-before shared details about the phone call that changed everything between President Joe Biden and vice president kamla Harris I'm just curious staying on President Biden when he called you and said he was pulling out of the race what was that like and did he offer to endorse you right away or did you ask for it it was um it was a Sunday so here I'll I'll give you a little too much information go for it there's no such thing Adam vice president and her running mate I asked him about some of the controversies that have sprung up since Harris put him on the ticket Governor walls the uh country is just starting to get to know you I want to ask uh you question about how you described your service in the National Guard but you said that you carried weapons in War but you have never deployed actually in a war zone a campaign official said that you misspoke did [Music] you Hy but the gains are pumping all right uh of course they have commercials because this is regular TV so when they come back from commercials uh you know we will resume let me say this real quick I pinned I did pin the new party YouTube link in the chat so guys click it and subscribe to their Channel and I've been dropping it in the chat as well and of course I would pin it in the description and in the comment section below also I keep forgetting and and this is why I need to get used to having um sponsors the highest paid Dot online guys you get 30% off for the month of August so you have until when Sunday um yeah because I think September the 1st is Monday so you have until the 31st of this month to get 30% off learn how to trade stock honey and make money the highest paid. online has partnered with the real Dana to bring you this special sale for the month of August you will receive 30% off any of the options trading courses we provide use code dana3 to access the sale go to highest paid. online and get started today all right so that link is in the description so click it save 30% and honey they have um the payment plan oh honey I love a firm I love afterpay I love um how you pronounce it don't when I start with a k k yeah colana so they have payment plan option so learn a trade because they no tell them what's going to happen with this economy next year depending on who's president has you know whatever but you need to learn an extra skill to make more money and particularly black Americans 70% of black adults earn 37,000 K or less a year so you need to make more money because your jobs are being replaced by the illegals and I'm sorry if when Trump is elected he he can't just click a wand and all the illegals are flying back over the border so a lot of is here to stay so go and sign up to the highest pay honey and learn his skill and make more money but what do you guys think so far because I first of all she keeps saying her name is Dana the long a and that was pissing me off that's why I don't get that's why I say Cala I don't say camela but go ahead guys what are your thoughts um even though I'm a Democrat I do feel like Cala Harris is a horrible interviewer uh she just like I think this is with highly intelligent people like that are like lawyers and things like this I W worked in software for a long time my boss went to yell and I feel like she talks down to some of the people that she talks to and but if she had better like social interaction she could have easily been say we're going to run the new green deal in tandem as well as with all so that all companies can go and we can also fight climate change technology we have self-driving cars more companies are creating EVS Tesla and all of these companies so we're going to be able to drop greenhouse gases as far as like the price of affordability I mean I don't feel that's something she could really argue against all right let me get back to this uh what I'm doing here okay when I say meat I mean literally meat would you believe they have never talked face to face the only time they've even been in the same room was when Harris was a Senator watching Trump's State of the Union Address now it's Trump watching Harris on the campaign trail with money and momentum behind her and making her case directly to voters and guys hit the like button I want to get to a th as voters are getting to know kamla Harris they want answers on how she will make their lives better she heard that here at Sandfly barbecue in Savannah we going to do to increase access to capital for small businesses I'll be rolling out next week part of what we're going to be doing in terms of a tax credit on the trail she talks about her experience years in the courtroom as a district attorney and eventually California's attorney general she wants to reframe the contest as the prosecutor versus the Felon I know Donald Trump's type I've been dealing with them my whole career the former president is turning to A well-defined playbook of personal attacks I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black and did just 12 days the nominees will meet face to face for the first time she's not a good debater she's not a smart person she doesn't want to debate if you got something to say say it to my face I want to ask you about your opponent Donald Trump um I was a little bit surprised people might be surprised to hear that you have never interacted with him met him face to face that's going to change soon but what I want to ask you about is what he said last month he suggested that you happened to turn black recently for political purposes questioning a core part of your identity yeah any same old tired Playbook next question please that's it that's it okay um let's talk about some foreign policy uh issues that would be on your plate if you become commander-in-chief uh President Biden has tried unsuccessfully uh to end the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza he's been doing it for months and months along with you would you do anything differently for example would you withhold some Us weapons shipments to Israel that's what a lot of people on the Progressive left want you to do let me be very clear I'm unequivocal and and un wavering in my commitment to Israel's defense and its ability to defend itself and that's not going to change but let's take a step back October 7 1,200 people were massacred many young people who were simply attending a music festival women were horribly raped as I said then I say today Israel had a right has a right to defend itself we would and how it does so matters far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed and we have got to get a deal done we we were in Doha we have to get a deal done this war must end and we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out I've met with the families of the American hostages let's get the hostages out let's get the ceasefire done but no change in policy in terms of arms and and so forth no I we have to get a deal done D Dana we have to get a deal done when you look at the significance of this to the families to the people who are living in that region um it a deal is not only the right thing to do to end this war but will unlock so much of what must happen next I remain committed since I've been on October 8 to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution where Israel is secure and in equal measure the pal Palestinians have security and self-determination and and dignity Governor wals the uh country is just starting to get to know you I want to ask uh you a question about how you've described your service in the National Guard you said that you carried weapons in War but you have never deployed actually in a war zone a campaign official said that you misspoke did you well first of all I'm incredibly proud I've done 24 years of wearing uniform of this country equally proud of my service in a public school classroom whether it's Congress or uh or the governor uh my record speaks for itself but I think uh people are coming yet to know me I I speak like they do um I speak candidly I wear my emotions on my sleeves and uh I speak especially passionately about uh about our children being shot in schools and around around guns so uh I think people know me they know who I am they know where uh where my heart is and again my record has been out there for over 40 years to to speak for itself and the the idea that you said that you were in war did you missp as the campaign has said yeah I said we were talking about in this case this was after school shooting the ideas of carrying these weapons of war and uh my wife the English you told my grammar is not always correct but again if it's not this it's an attack on my children for showing love for me or it's an attack on my dog uh I'm not going to do that and the one thing I'll never do is I'll never demean another member's service in any way I never have uh and I never will I just one other question because again this is all new yeah mean this was not he many days ago this was not either of your bingo cards Especially Yours um you had to clarify uh that you had said that you and your wife used IVF but it turned out you used a different kind of fertility in order to have children and then when you ran for congress in 2006 your campaign repeatedly made false statements about a 1995 arrest for drunk and reckless driving what do you say to voters who aren't sure whether they can take you at your word well I've been very public I think they can see uh my students come out uh former folks I've served with and and they do they vouch for me I certainly own my mistakes when I make them the one thing I'll tell you is of um I wished in this country wouldn't have to do this I spoke about our infertility issues because it's hell and families know this and I I spoke about the treatments that were available to us that that had those beautiful children there um that's quite a contrast in folks that are trying to uh to take those rights away from us and so uh I uh I think people know who I am they know that record they've seen that I've taught thousands of students I've been out there and um I I won't apologize for piing passionately whether it's guns in schools or protecting of Reproductive Rights uh the contrast could not be clear between what we're running against the vice president's position on this has been clear and um I think most Americans get it if you've been through that um I don't think they're cutting hairs on IVF or IUI I think what they're cutting hairs on is an abortion ban and the ability to be able to deny families the chance to have a beautiful child up next the moment that changed everything when kamla Harris got a phone call from President Biden that he was dropping out of the race it was um it was a Sunday so here I'll I'll give you a little too much information go for it there's no such thing mam vice president um my family was staying with us and um including my baby nieces speaking of those baby nieces the Vice President also opens up about a viral picture from the convention that meant so much to so many and Tim Walls talks about that convention moment with his son that brought many viewers to tears you were speaking the camera caught him so incredibly proud of you so emotional saying that's my dad yeah I uh I don't know as a father I could have ever imagined that always been active my all right listen oh y' to give y thoughts um should painful like there's so many lies well who lies about ibf that's a dumb Li that's a dumb lie the only thing they're telling the truth about folks is communism and joy they're gonna bring us lots of Joy while we're living in communism that's all I have to say because and he can't say well you know I'm a man I don't know this stuff no that's your wife y'all you know IVF you do it to together you're educated on that process together so how do you get the different reproductive thing confused so he really he really don't know did she really even get it done but go ahead gray and defend well what I would say is um I mean like they're talking about their personal stuff her race and like I I'm a veteran and so I mean I've seen guys I've know older guys that lie about um just going overseas or going to war like you were saying before that you know a lot of people join the military after 911 for me I came home um my ex-wife was pregnant at time and I watch Obama's inauguration and I knew at that moment that I was going to be joining the US Military and I ended up going to Iraq and so a lot of people want they call it stolen valy A lot of people want that image that they went over there and they did these things so I understand I understand why he lied but now the spotlights on him and so as far as IVF I'm not sure I mean I don't know if I would typically ask the woman what exactly is going on if I'm not going to the appointments but you will be going to the appointments your that's your wife that's true but he he didn't know he didn't know and the thing about her race there's an article online you can Google it where she won the Senate and it came from the LA Times or something like that in California and it says Camala Harris the first Indian to win the Senate it didn't say black it said Indian and that was in a news article from the LA Times so like I said before I don't like it that she's trying to portray something to the American public that she's not and she's fooling everybody like I said before just to get these votes and somebody said oh if she wasn't black why would she at those fraternities in college um anybody can join those fraternities right right let me go to um some super chats um key Phil Camala Harris knows that if she slips even one time during interview she is toast this is why she is hiding by the way she nor Biden can hide from Venezuelan migrant stuff like the San Diego School Bus yes honey how you hijacking school buses and I think kids were on the school bus and the Venezuelan gangs taking over Colorado did you guys see that right okay they're back let's see to Governor Tim Walls it's hard to believe it was just 39 days ago President Biden shocked the world via tweet that's how we found out he was dropping his reelection bid but before he tweeted the news Biden called his vice president and for the first time we are hearing about that phone call and exactly what kamla Harris was doing when she answered but we started this discussion with the moment that set all of this in motion CNN 's presidential debate and whether President Biden was strong enough to lead this nation again vice president Harris you were a very staunch defender of President Biden's capacity to serve another four years right after the debate you insisted that President Biden is extraordinarily strong given where we are now do you have any regrets about what you told the American people no not at all not at all I have um served with President Biden um for almost four years now and I'll tell you it's one of the greatest honors of my career truly um he cares so deeply about the American people he is so smart and um and loyal to the American people and I have spent hours upon hours with him be it in the Oval Office or The Situation Room he has the intelligence the commitment and the Judgment um and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president by contrast the former president has none of that and so um one I I I am so proud to have served as vice president to Joe Biden and two I am so proud to be running with Tim Walls for president of the United States and to bring America what I believe the American people deserve which is a new Way Forward and turn the page on the last decade of what I believe has been um contrary to where the spirit of our country really lies but the last decade of course the last three and a half years has been part of your Administration I'm talking about an era that started about a decade ago where there is some suggestion warped I believe it to be that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down instead of where I believe most Americans are which is to believe that the true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up that's what's at stake as much as any other detail that we could discuss in this election um because we haven't had a chance to to talk I'm just curious staying on President Biden when he called you and said he was pulling out of the race what was that like and did he offer to endorse you right away or did you ask for it it was um it was a Sunday so here I'll I'll give you a little too much information go for it there's no such thing Adam vice president um my family was staying with us and um including my baby nieces and we had just had pancakes and you know Auntie can I have more bacon yes I'll make you more bacon and then we were going to S we were sitting down to to do do a puzzle and the phone rang and it was Joe Biden and um and he told me what he had decided to do and [Music] um I asked him are you sure and he said yes and um and that's how I learned about it and what about the endorsement did you ask for it and he was very clear that he was going to support me so when he called to tell you he said I'm pulling out of the race and I'm going to support you well my first thought was not about me to be honest with you my first thought was about him to be honest um I think history is going to show a number of things about Joe Biden's presidency I think history is going to show that in so many ways it was transformative be it on what we have accomplished around finally investing in America's infrastructure investing new economies in new Industries what we have done to bring our allies back together and have confidence in who we are as America and grow that Alliance what we have done to stand true to our principles um including the the one of the most important International rules and Norms which is the importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity and I think history is going to show not only has Joe Biden LED an Administration that has achieved those extraordinary successes but the character of the man is one that he has been in his life and career including as a president quite selfless and puts the American people first a passionate defense of the man who chose her to be his running mate four years ago four years later Harris made a choice of her own and with Governor Wall's rise to National prominence a star was born at the convention Gus walls we'll hear about that moment between Father and Son and the woman who could make history in the Oval Office on this iconic photo Madam vice president the photograph that has gone viral you were speaking one of your grand nieces that you were just talking about was watching you accept the nomination you didn't explicitly talk about gender or race in your speech but it obviously means a lot to a lot of people and that Viral picture really says it what does it mean to you best food real a hot mess what I can unmute actually let me let me get to the super chats wait a minute all right um paid for com okay so freedom I don't see a $10 another comment I see two but I don't you said you sent it in tonight only saw you was the second Super Chat and the one before you was Kei fils um you okay you do have a supporter Mr E in the chat he says Camala with the hearts thank you Mr E thank you wal talcum powder Tim that's funny um yeah Diamond Dave Diamond Dave um you have about two days left on the sale use code Dana 30 for 30% off check out the link in the description absolutely Diamond Dave he is the creator of highest pay.on online go to highest pay. online get 30% off with promo code Dana 30 you have two days left is for the month of August and you could purchase a payment plan you can purchase it with a payment plan love a payment plan um key sta bash would drop a bomb on Camala haris Harris if she is asked about all those Venezuelan gangster scen on a video and the San Diego school bus incident yeah I didn't didn't she ask her about the illegal migrants or she did she and she glazed no she didn't she didn't she didn't okay barely um can you drop the link to the new party please I pinned the new Party YouTube Link in the chat I'm going to put it in the description and in the comment section when the when this show is over um so if you guys want to subscribe the link is pinned in the chat thank you but Dana I got to leave because I got to do something else oh I'm sorry what did you want to say something before you go yeah I just want to just you know I enjoy being on here I thank you Dana for inviting me thank you guys meeting y'all to tonight I ain't never met y'all till tonight but it's a good conversation it was short but it was a good conversation but like I said before I'mma go for what people if they doing right by the people I'm with them but if they not I'm not with them at all and like I said if you want to find out more stuff about myself and my dad you can just Google rly R Johnson oala Florida o c a l a Florida or you can type in Larry Johnson oela Florida and everything will pop up on Google okay thank you Larry appreciate you all right thank you all right peace all right all right so we have um I am DPP discipline prioritize and purpose um actually let me do this if you take a step back and look at the signs from outside the box every signs are pointing to Trump for president yes so if he doesn't win then we know that um cheating conniving all types of stuff was going on um because y guys in Florida so I don't know if you are old enough to remember Bush versus Gore Absol remember okay and Florida was the state that determined who was president and her running mate who was supposed to be if you listened to some experts a big name a prominent leader from a swing state Pennsylvania or Arizona but it is a little known guy outside of his home state where Minnesota nice is a source of Pride but behind all of that folky humor and flannel Tim Walls is far from just being Mr Nice Guy when it comes to needling Donald Trump Governor you obviously have spoken to voters all over your state for years what are you learning in a place like Georgia we're seeing explosion in small business growth the one thing is is Workforce and child care because workers have to have child care campaigning with Tim Walls don't do finding his role in this historic campaign would you be my running mate and let's get this thing on the road I would be honored Madam vice president after bursting onto the national stage with this word these guys are just weird known as a fxy father of two from rural America now a running mate who is not holding back listen to the guy he's talking about Hannibal Lecter and shocking sharks and just whatever crazy thing pops into his mind and finding his own rhythm with his new boss what did you order brisket and greens and mac and cheese what about you I had the brisket and cold saw on this and what about the spice situation the Tabasco what's happening with that I'm gonna let him speak for himself the vice president's growing peppers at her residence so she's trying to like bring me along on this you know Minnesotan uh it's okay I'm getting who gives this [ __ ] I just have to ask you both about two standout moments aside of course from the addresses that you both gave but standout moments that were perhaps unexpected during the convention you mentioned one of them Governor uh a moment that you shared that the world shared with your son Gus you were speaking the camera caught him so incredibly proud of you so emotional saying that's my dad yeah I uh I don't know as a father I could have ever imagined that I grateful for so many reasons to be on this ticket but that moment um to understand what was really important to to have my son uh feel a sense of pride in me that I was trying to do the right thing and uh it was um you know you try and protect your kids you know it brings it brings notoriety in things but it was just such a uh a visceral emotional moment that I'm I'm just I'm grateful I got to experience it and I'm uh I'm so proud of him I'm proud of him I'm proud of hope I'm proud of Gwen she's a wonderful mother and these are great kids and I think the one thing is talking about the era we're in is our politics can be better it can be different we can we can show some of these things and we can have families involved in this and I I hope that there was a I hope people felt that out there and I hope they hugg their kids a little tighter because you just never know and life can be kind of hard and last question Madame vice president the photograph that has gone viral you were speaking one of your grand nieces that you were just talking about was watching you accept the nomination you didn't explicitly talk about gender or race in your speech but it obviously means a lot to a lot of people and that Viral picture really says it what does it mean to you you know I listen I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment um for all Americans regardless of race and gender um but I did see that photograph and I was deeply touched by it and you're right she's it's the back of her head her two little braids and um and then I'm in the front of the photograph obviously speaking and um it's very humbling it's very humbling in many way did she talk to you about it afterwards oh she had a lot to talk about she had a lot she listened to everything and she listens to everything give you your hot C oh yeah definitely uh Madam vice president governor walls thank you so much for your time appreciate it for thank youna thank you this was vice president Harris's first real unscripted setting where voters could see and hear her explain some of her policy positions now and how they differ from before she became vice president and why and this was the first we heard those details about an extraordinary phone call from a president dropping out of the race and endorsing his vice president something that will certainly go down in history CNN has also invited both president Trump and Senator JD Vance to sit down with us we hope to bring that interview to you as well we have plenty of CNN Special coverage ahead I want to go to my friend and colleague Abby philli who is standing by with some of the best political Minds in the business Abby we have them all here Dana you've given us a lot to chew on our hats off to you thank you very much stick around though we will make sure to come back to you throughout the next hour I want to get in the room here to get some initial reactions with our great panel David Ox Rod let's start with you what did you make of how vice president all right I'm not playing that um so what do you guys think before I go back to the to the super chats what what um I think both of those moments were pretty touching um and an culture she went on Twitter and called the Tim walon's son weird and she got a lot of backlash on Twitter because um he has a mental issue um and then I haven't seen the photo with the niece watching her but I think for black women and women in this country it would be a powerful statement for them to look and be like oh I can be the uh president of this country as well as uh any other government position they may now feel like they can do all right so real quick before I go to you nor correct me if I'm wrong guys up here the panel people in the chat did she ask about the migrants the Border I don't think she did I promise you I was I was taking notes that's why I kept looking down she she the only thing she really tried to hit on was the economy and the one question I wanted to hear tonight Who's truly running this country she gave her a softball on his cognitive she could have really hit her on that this this was a joke this was a waste of our time she did say the Venezuela migrant crime she said uh how can people trust you on a border where y'all been there for three years while I didn't take three years and then that's what Cala said uh vice president Harris said um that Donald Trump tried to the whole executive order thing with that way Joe Biden she did go into details about that she actually okay she went into worse solid details got it right The Unbecoming of what's becoming to becoming so we can be becoming that's all she does B yes oh Freedom says the liberal radical left always saying everything Trump is disinformation and they know if Trump wins in November he will expose all their lies yeah exactly um Freedom again Donald Trump Donald J Trump is the one of the best presidents in my lifetime is one of okay for all Races and I'm 70 years old see a lot of my listeners they are seniors love my seniors the illegals alone is a national security risk Trump or we are done as a nation I gotta agree that that is that's a security risk so uh Freedom basically U I'm a history buff I love history um and all the historians have said that Donald Trump is since you love history you know the Democrats that that that you know their history the Democrats history here in America yes uh we the black Americans were for the Republican Party Up Until FDR came with the New Deal and um WD boys um came and told all blacks in the NAACP that it's time for us to switch parties it's time for us to give the Democrats because we were getting new jobs boy did not say that actually black people started voting Democrat under FDR the New Deal and then that's when 90% of the Americans under President Johnson because of the Civil Rights Acts were passed definitely voted Democrat and stayed there WD deis was a republican he had nothing to do with the Democrat Party actually I don't think he was even aligned with any party so he never encouraged black people to be Democrats I I I don't have the exact quote but he did say something guarding FDR um and I know the uh Candace always uh punch line when she said Lyon Johnson said we'll have these nword vote for me for the next 50 years but I mean they have been the party that have championed civil rights and um historians have said that President Trump is going to be one of the worst Presidents that's not me saying that that's historians yeah but they were wrong but they were wrong the historians um what's the next one thank you just my two sents two Liars trying to out lie each other exactly ask Willie Brown ask Willie Brown about her past W you know I have a theory y'all want to hear my theory about Willie Brown yeah I think Mr mhof is her beard I don't think that they're really married and I think her and Willie still kick it I think that's the love of her life he got her where she's at and I I I just don't believe it I I think it's very forced with them so do you think uh Obama was really with a white woman and not Michelle I do but I think more in love than they are what did you say Dan I said I think he was with boys too with men oh with men not boys he was with men he was with men no that's true it's a man came out and said that right before he was nominated they had spent a night in a hotel room I'm not making this up people this is what they I'm sorry and that black Chef who ended up dying something ain't right with that exactly and that could have been his level because he was the chef when they was at the White House true wow so all right thank you IMD PP uh why all of a sudden her PO policies is closely related to Trump policy she is lying Trump already has plans for the middle class exactly um love USA Trump said in the town hall right before this stage cringe interview that he will mandate insurance companies to cover IVF treatments all Camala Harris Tim Walts did here is lie through their teeth actually he said he will support IVF treatments for all women in January of this year and when he was president he was for it so that was a lie that they said during the DNC and saying now I am again that $25,000 will go to immigrants buying houses actually I think it's 150,000 something like that I think it's more than 25,000 they have been reshaping the immigration policy to allow and bring in more Indian from India that has been going on already and that was really a lot of the HB visas especially when it comes to like corporations and Tech the problem is because even Trump supports that if you're coming here for education but the problem is you look at that border it it is South Americans but it's a lot of Chinese a lot of Asians like Chinese and Koreans coming here illegally as well and a lot of um people from different countries in Africa the Indians they're flying in with their HB visas no matter who is it's gonna be an Indian in the White House JD V's wife okay gr yeah man right um TB thank you so much for the super sticker Wes number one IVF you will know multiple shots and surgeries and 30k Bill number two Harris's own father says in his own books says he's Irish and Indian descent yep he do not claim nothing black and you notice she has not uttered black or she staying away from Indian just a little only when she talk about her mom she's staying away from race um um Freedom again nursing home Joe worst president in my lifetime hands down and he is 70 honey so he done live to a lot of presidents true her neck is non FBA thank you so um FBA women don't age like that well first of all it don't got nothing to do with her black or not it has to do with her ass she's not even president yet drinking yeah I was going to bring that up hold that thought Nora she's not even president yet so if you look at Obama before and after before he was president and after all presidents she's not even president yet the vp's never aged because they don't do no work she's only been nominated for what three weeks a month she's yeah and she's aged she I saw it on her she looked rough today very stress looking and she has on makeup camera makeup and they couldn't cover all that up that's crazy and I that go ahead yeah I don't think she's attractive at all she's attractive yeah but she look old she look crazy she don't look 50 something she looked 60 something today she looked rough I'm I'm not gonna lie and I think she's beautiful is I thought she I thought she was 60 yeah she 50 something oh um um I am DPP with office of personnel management approval agencies are permitted to hire non-citizens when there are no qualified citizens available there are non-citizen Indians working for the US government the new immigration for them I gotta look into that thank you so much for that IM DPP yeah definitely gota look into that but probably even more so now because of Camala um on the low um helel um this is less than an hour CNN build it live what a Croc it was 18 minutes without commercials it it feel shorter than that because all the fluff yeah cause remember before she to the interview she and will you just be heard talking about okay this segment or whatever that was two minutes right there but the whole interview was 18 minutes um salty it says no put that I candy Abby back on she's a trative that's her right there yeah she's pretty but she's annoying sometimes B may have passed and it's about India policies thank you SM that girl Sean they are both weak characters and Liars we need strong leaders to handle foreign leaders which is true and notice she didn't say I am a proud black woman no but you got all these black women running around here call Black all the sororities fraternities a you know raising all that money she not even claiming nor she not even claiming Jamaican no she's not going to right think her AKA is gonna help her they are helping her okay like the all the sororities and fraternities and I'm like well where were you at throughout the decades cuz they're forming all these political organizations y should have been doing this um boosted this interview is what we all expected theater September 10th can't come fast enough oh child yes Kim Field keyfield again Nora might be on to something Camala Harris and douge faking a funk for political what's this expedience expedience oh Willie be probably still up in them guts on oh my wow thank you Aaron for becoming a member and that girl Sean why neither candidate is asked about Ukrainian refugees receiving damn Social Security checks while Americans are fighting to getting theirs H that's true she didn't ask her did she ask her anything about that nothing and that was such a softball answer about Israel she dodged that answer she named the 1200 israelian but notice she couldn't name the 30 plus thousand Palestinians that have been killed and I'm not a Advocate either way for that I'm advocate for putting America First and us stop sending our money over there that's my biggest thing okay I'll agree with you on this it they seem very rigid and very controlled but do you feel like across the board all politicians kind of like are very controlled they're not very vulnerable they try to like stick to certain answers I feel like that's just a politician regardless no well that's the problem she is a lifelong politician she all of her whole career has been working in government you look at Trump he is a breath of fresh air he's not going to give you a politician answer he has not worked in government at all he has been an entrepreneur successful he's been on TV so he knows about marketing so you know listen his father they were upper class wealthy people not as wealthy as Donald Trump ended up being but the values that his father did instill in him because listen I think his father gave a million dollar loan which is a lot of money but that's even if I gave my kids $10,000 to invest or to start with and you do good by that and he had to pay his father back so so you talking about the appreciation of a dollar earned you see what I'm saying as opposed to being a SPO you rich kid Absolut Trump definitely has more Charisma than her and Optics matter um because like even the simplest things that people want to see that you're relatable and that they want to go have a drink with you or hang out with you I know D I think you about to say something about that because that's something D had tried tell us that Camala Harris has some type of drinking problem that I don't know if you guys have heard that that was going around um I alleged but if if I was asked a question do I think do I think that what I be surprised if if why be surprised if it came out that she was a drunk no I would not you know so and then you start looking at her the way she answered questions her parents um even when you know you try to answer a question casually that's people who drink a lot they answer things a certain way like I don't know two c i i don't it's just hard to describe but it's just a thing um real quick thank you rap cat Mal Sasha Obama looks just like the real parents of Martin nesbet and Dr Anita um blank blanchart oh those two black married couple oh I don't know who they are now those are two wealthy kids who cannot relate to the average American at all nor your mic is muted no I said nope and and I I've heard the there's allegedly a rumor that those are not their kids that the those are kids of the people that they named out and remember Michelle Obama admitted that she had to have IVF in order to get pregnant yeah but one just like her one of those girls look just like Michelle OB I don't know which one it is but one the oldest one yeah she looks just like her to me yeah either way when she said she did a IVF well [ __ ] why didn't you say this when you were first lady to support women going through this maternal health care you're a black so you could you know black maternal she ain't utter none of that when she was first lady two terms how do you feel about people calling her a man Dana that is a stretch however I used to watch that show Scandal with Carrie Washington and the character she played is actual Woman in real life who a fixer and then I love the show House of Cards so anything is possible I'm not saying that's a lie but I'm not I don't have proof that is the truth but it's politics and they're dirty and it's a lot of little secrets that we would never know and if we did know we probably wouldn't believe it so true just like what's going on in France allegedly about the First Lady allegedly I think that's I think she is a [ __ ] okay and I don't I didn't read up on the story but why did they lock up was it the telegram CEO guy what was that about I don't fully know much about it we did a story on Andrew Tate um we've been so busy this week we might have done a story on um this but I don't really know what's going on so I don't want to miss be gray you heard about the tele guy I saw that he was arrested I didn't really go into all the details of what exactly happened but I know that they're trying to say that he's uh innocent all right well listen this was fun yeah watch party um September 10 I invite you guys back because I think that's on the Thursday too so that would be part of the ManUp show and um yeah I invite you guys back to come on for that is anything else supposed to happen any town halls or um well Trump he's going to be doing rallies and interviews so I guess Kamala is going to use these two weeks to prep for the debate because she's not going to do another interview um do you think she's gonna show up I mean they basically told her no more changes and they they were pretty upset at her it was about a muted microphone he wanted Trump's mic un muted and he wants to muted and um I think they did come to agreement and they was like no I thought they said no the agreement is no they said no I thought they came agre they said no the rules are not changing I mean we've agreed on this right um thank you so much Sean um he says the weakest softest interview I ever seen the most unserious and most unprepared candidates for president in my lifetime and I was born under Carter yeah I was born in 76 and even though I wouldn't you know know anything that went on around that time but when you go back and you look at president's you know election Seasons even even as recent as Hillary you know um when Trump beat Hillary after that it's like you know I don't know it's totally different is that whole cat is that that was mine that's why I was I was put the mut on like yeah who did they call the cat lady oh wow jie jie I have two kids by the way but yeah that's their cat it stays with me they visited on weekends that was their cat but he won't interrupt me again it was JD V trying to call Camala Harris a cat lady no he said he said that many years ago and they're just now bringing it back up he he said that like over five years ago oh so I thought that was recent remarks no that's see tuer Carson was on Fox News That's so petty it's a t of interview oh well guys thank you to the new party podcast guys I pinned for having us yes I pinned their link to their YouTube Channel and you told me gray that y'all got some hits um some comments so I want people to go to their go to their YouTube channel and get at gray and support um I definitely want to have you guys come back for September 10th um you know if I do something in between and I need you guys to come on I'll definitely reach out but definitely when you come back for September 10th the debate so we got another watch party and um one second let me get this um cool daddy smooth wasting an hour of ads and World solid and no policy explained why stage black reporters after the interview but next question the identity of Pol uh politics yeah she wouldn't understand what you just said anyway cool daddy like I don't know but I want to give you guys um the last word your clo your thoughts closing remarks on what we just witnessed I want to thank first I want to thank Dana she has exploded our YouTube channel I know some people in the comments were upset somebody said don't bring the op on the show anymore Dana has helped us out a lot we're giv a different perspec coming back so I want to thank Dana first but like I said I think I'm still voting for Kamala um I'm GNA say that this interview was the greatest and I mean on you yoube Channel when Joe Biden uh did a horrible the debate I just told the truth I didn't try to pretend and try to be like oh you know like he didn't do a good job or he did a good job because it wasn't the truth so you know we come on here we have good U conversation I really appreciate Dana and everything she's doing for us oh no listen see they they don't mind Nora coming back I want Nora to come back it was like no no more gray no gray will be back gray Nora and D I guess D was like I'm too tired with these kids oh go ahead Nora give us your your thoughts your final thoughts and remarks I just want to thank Dana um I'm so glad that she reached out I I've been watching her her videos and this is really great stuff that she has this is a great unique perspective um from a beautiful black woman um that's giving a different perspective than what's being shoved in our faces this election season so shouts out to Dana and her network shouts out to the fans thank you guys so much for um allowing us to come on her space and supporting us um please please please if you haven't yet go to the new party we have a video coming out tomorrow um it's going to be about uh us comparing Donald Trump to uh the Black Panther leader which one for H really so email me when you drop it email me the video and I'll put it in my community section so people you know could go and that'll like help it you know hopefully it'll help it push it out there with the views and then the algorithm so yeah um so I think that's it guys thank you guys so much definitely want to have you back on September 10th and if anything come up between and you know um I'll hit you up and let you know but I appreciate you and look forward to doing another show with you guys absolutely and D will be here next time for sure September 10th he'll definitely be here okay cool all right and then the judge will be on too so we go all be on can't wait to meet him I grew up yes let him know he is hilarious he's really giving Kamala a run for her money and I think I think he has people scared about the things he's saying so good that he's coming on and not shutting up yeah he's um he's out of town this week and you know just we on a little Hiatus but we're going back to the man up regular schedule next week Thursday starting next week Thursday that's right it's Labor Day weekend this weekend well thank you guys the new party I'll definitely keep a contact and have you back on soon for sure always vote good night always vote good night good night thank you guys for tuning in this was good this is fun um I'm glad I did a watch party so this wasn't a ManUp show we'll be back to regular programming next week Thursday my hair is not really really done so it's a casual night you know just to watch that little sad interview everybody that sent in a donation thank you guys so much love you shout out to everybody on X please like and repost um everybody here K tell you my Ator um love you please like share and comment in the comment section and um yeah that's it I am taking a break from YouTube It's Labor Day weekend because I need to take this online class and I need to interview some people behind the scenes so you guys will not see me live you'll see me Saturday live with Steve the dean but you're not going to see me do a Dana with the data podcast you'll see me live next week Thursday I may do my regular one on Wednesday it depends on much trending but you see me live next week Thursday uploads I probably do one upload so this is going to be a break break break because there's some other things I have to do that's not YouTube related and my dog pooped in the house tonight and I got to go clean it up he pooped in the basement again um before I started the show probably like 40 minutes before the show or an hour before he does like he'll grab his collar because he wants me to walk him but then I'm like I walked him not too long ago before that and he did a really good poop and when he grabbed it again I said okay he just want to go out but no he's really telling me [ __ ] I got to go to the bathroom and I a feel like taking him out for third time but now I know even after I take him out for the second time today and he do a really good poop when he grabs his collar again at night that I need to take him out because he's telling me [ __ ] I gotta go to the bathroom so now I gotta go in the basement and clean up his poop this is the second time he pooped I just wanted to share that I love him he went to the groomers he did very well I adopted him two weeks ago I adopted him from the adoption agency yes and he was there since February he's a pit bull and no one didn't want him and it's like I want him my Kingston love him um can I you can make a comment but I'm about to um leave Dana dog uh let's see let me see something with uh Dana dogs need to walk to poop so take him out yes yes but it's like how many I think he you know I think his stomach was a little messed up from yesterday or whatever but he be grabbing his collar and he go back and forth so now I know he wants to go out again that's not no I want to go out and and play [ __ ] I want to go out and piss and poop so now I gotta go clean up his [ __ ] in the house all right um oh eron I'm about to close out the show um next time I go live I'll send you the link uh all right guys oh those were gunshots the [ __ ] yeah honey did you H honey they they have open carry out here and I live in the BS honey it's nice the [ __ ] I hope that was the cop shooting somebody that I don't mind and then sometimes they firecrackers cuz you could like have like the big firecrackers it sound like it and then some and then this is the thing either it's criminals or is somebody in their backyard target practice because that happens or is the cop shooting somebody it's one of those three things oh no the fourth thing is firecrackers I'm not in Chicago I'm not even in the hood this is a nice neighborhood so in five minutes I'm most likely going to be hearing some sirens y say Mig it did sound a little close oh God she on O block all [Laughter] right I'm like oh honey yeah maybe it's firecrackers that's why I do not get smart with people out here like if I CU they can't drive out here but if I drive I don't cuss them out I don't yell I don't do none of that because it's carry it's open carry and I don't have my gun yet and even if I did I'm not trying to be in the shootout all right agent said we are so is where most cops get shot oh my God y'all GNA think I live in a ghetto and I don't yeah I called the police too well I did when I was in Jersey but I don't know what the [ __ ] that was listen they people really do target practice in their [Laughter] backyard all right everybody have a wonderful Labor Day weekend I will see you guys Sunday night with Steve the dean if we do a show movie should be doing it show all right everybody good [Music] night oh honey my hair is a hot mess bye

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