George RR Martin Post Deleted Surrounding House of the Dragon Criticism & Rants & MORE! (TSN70)

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:21:20 Category: People & Blogs

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Intro hello and welcome back to shelf Center this is Bryce thanks so much for stopping by Thanks for liking and subscribing if this is something you end up enjoying you never know it could happen hey this is my news for the week I've kind of changed it to a Thursday news day it just seems to make sense uh Tuesday seems to be taken and I didn't want to like crowd that up for news I'll do my own day which is probably a day that everybody else does it too so who knows uh but I've kind of switched it up this is my news as it relates to fan science fiction sometimes horror mostly as it relates to books but also media today we've got a healthy Media news day uh I we've got some news today so we got to jump right into it but just so you know the George R Martin stuff he did releas some information and then it got taken down by presumably HBO but I don't think anybody actually knows that uh so we'll talk about that though in the in the Medias which will happen later on in the video first off wind and truth oh my The Books gosh we have an actual cover last week I did announce that the cover was imminent uh for the the fifth book in The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson himself the book is coming out this December we got this like teaser forever uh and it just kind of was a blurred copy of the cover and then we just didn't get anything for a while so you know presumably it was a they're just messing with us but it was an actual uh the artist himself Michael whan kind of pulled back and said I need to fix some things but but literally the timing was just perfect and this is this the the the problem with having a news show is that as soon as I uploaded literally like it was like in minutes it probably came out right before I actually uploaded but I had literally just been looking just to make sure and it wasn't there before I like finally got things put together and edited and everything and we hadn't had a cover but now we do so it's literally like the moment that I posted the video last week so I'm sorry I am super late now with this news but luckily it wasn't the whole video but it was just kind of funny to me man I am bad at this sometimes so I apologize but the wind and tree cover I really actually really like it I like the vibrancy of it the colors look really cool the clouds and everything I think especially when you take a look back at like the whole cover looks really cool I heard people saying it was like their least favorite but these are like of the top tier very good covers in a series like Michael Wayan doesn't really do bad covers uh but uh in May I'm sure someone could find something I'm sure but uh for the most part I usually enjoy them still think oathbringer my least favorite and honestly rhythm of War I like less than this one too so I like I really like this I like the I don't know like I said the color is really I like that kind of vibrancy I like Words of Radiance has a really good cover kind of like this so it really it speaks to me so anyway super late now on that news thank you very much all right then we've got J Kristoff news uh Empire the vampire that's kind of been his latest series uh it's been a very popular series especially on the book tubes uh and I have not read it yet I hear good things but Empire the vampire number three apparently is finished the author himself on X Twitter uh was announcing this and he did say it's the best book he's ever written which uh you know is pretty good that's that sounds good I do feel like authors have this like tendency to think whatever they've recently done is the best because it's like new and shiny and all that anyway it but it probably is and and I don't mean to like throw shade on him I'm sure it's great uh but anyway that's pretty good news especially when someone's saying it's the best book they've ever written at least someone thinks that then we've got a Kickstarter news Kickstarter unavowed the anthology by Sean Speakman is looks like uh it's got some good authors in it Sarah sha I know is one of them uh who I follow uh anyway go check that out speakman's done some really good anthologies the ineter I think three of them usually has some very very high high tier authors related to it so it's pretty cool um and anyway so go check that out then we got a couple of cover news uh cover bits of news this is John scaly when the moon hits your eye uh it's an interesting cover like not my favorite of all time uh but it's apparently a pretty satire type book the Moon turning into cheese I I feel like even just announcing this news that I like have to fact check it and go is are we just it's like is you have to check the date is April 1 is this a joke am I being played is he trolling I don't know but it does seem real unless I edit this out so we'll see another covered news uh Luke tarzian has got a new book coming out and I apologize if I mispronounced your name I've been friends with Luke for a while on Twitter SLX and then I realized right now that I don't know how to pronounce his name so I apologize for that but House of mure uh looks like it's uh not only got a cover and it looks great and he does his own covers that's what I think is so cool authors that do their own covers and make them look good you know you kind of have to have both I think these look absolutely Splendid I the first book I definitely will be buying House of mure so anyway check that out he says uh the author himself says it's for fans of like Ericson I think that's pretty cool news so anyway go check that out all right then my last bit of uh kind of writing related news I kind of I'm sticking it on the book section before we get to the Medias which is kind of healthy uh and packed in uh nanor rimo I just again learned of this I'm just reporting the news here okay if you you don't know what nanor rimo is it's the November book competition where you write a ton so you're essentially trying to write a whole novel in the space of a month I believe it's like 50,000 words or something you're trying to get in one month I could be wrong on that but that's what sticks in my mind for some reason but they have an announcement related to Ai and it says essentially and I might get this wrong and I'm trying I'm trying to report as best I can I'll probably pop up what they actually said AI is okay to use for nanoro um because to categorically condemn AI would be to ignore the classist and ablest issues I I'll be honest I don't feel like it's classist or ablest to be against plagiarism to uh AI as it relates to the Arts I just don't love and I get it's this cheap I guess way to do a cover or to do I guess some part of your writing which just is crazy to me but I I I don't get how it's like yeah it's easy because it's taking from other people it's not necessarily writing its own thing that's how AI Works AI isn't at least to the levels of Science Fiction that we read and love like actually creating things on its own it's stealing from things uh anyway so I just I thought it was interesting that they again kind of take this like high and mighty approach to this writing is as like I feel like as classless as you can get you can take a pencil and paper you could take all kinds of things and write I mean most people do have computers but we have libraries now with computers like you have the ability to get to something to be able to write and I feel like you can even track down things to be able to write on or with uh quite inexpensively and if not free and I get this there's this whole push for AI in my line of work I kind of actually understand using I AI I mean you might be appalled at the sheer amount of lawyer work that's copy and paste because frankly we do a lot of similar motions when it comes down to it or just I mean if I'm doing a notice of hearing I'm going to use the same form that I've used a hundred times to do the new notice of hearing change the date change the judge maybe a couple other changes obviously the header and stuff but you're basically using the same form over and over and over again AI kind of makes sense in some of these like in my line of work nobody's caring if one it's not very creative for the most part uh and no one cares because you're again you're making law like law arguments legal arguments that kind of makes sense but in art where we're I just like pushing back boundaries all these things like I just I don't know I just don't love it it it's it's icky to me at this point and I don't and I I I feel like mostly it's because of the plagiarism aspect uh but I feel like there's even more to it that I haven't even been able to explore in my own mind so anyway I'm getting to a better opinion but the more you get challenged on something honestly the better your opinion becomes about it so I anyway challenge me on it please tell me how I'm wrong if I'm wrong there but I I anyway I just can't that especially related to the Arts that that AI or as I read somewhere that's why I took that plagiarism machine really like makes any sense all right let's get into The Medias the media news we got a lot here and especially that George R Martin bit I I sorry I've saved it to last it's in my notes I'll miss something if I don't follow my notes okay uh so anyway first things first Gandalf uh played by Ian McKellen as we all know and love uh apparently he's reprising role in The Hunt for Gollum I think I read somewhere that he was like you know he's he's getting up there he had a spill apparently recently and and got injured and took some time off and so he's like am I even up to this I I hope he is because he's just he's Gandalf like nobody else is Gandalf also though does do we need more Lord of the Rings at this point I we're gonna beat this dead horse apparently like Star Wars so here we are anyone that has a big thing just keep beating the dead horse because apparently we keep throwing money at it all right Josh Brolin apparently has been offered and this is as much of the news as I have so it's not probably the best news uh offered the role of H Jordan in an HBO TV series following the Green Lantern how Jordan is a lot of people's favorite Green Lantern um I only really know him so he's my favorite by that technicality um but anyway I think that's cool I think Josh broland make sense for it he's got that kind of like Gruff like I don't know like I don't know just like impatient kind of like let's get this crap done kind of mentality I don't know he just seems perfect for it but again it's the the the news that I read was was offered so again I'm like how many times do you see like such and such movie could have gone to so and so because they offered it but they turned it down that's where we're at right now great news thank you all right apparently this is the fun news uh twice because we don't ever have enough Twilight uh it's has an animated series coming to Netflix uh following Midnight Sun the book that came out in 2020 which apparently follows Edward's perspective of like the whole thing so it's like a 800 page book or something of like Edward's perspective I mean some people might enjoy that I don't know I thought the movies were fine I didn't read the books but uh some of them were kind of silly some parts of it were Silly um uh it did make me read uh Draculas which if you haven't you should read Draculas uh Blake Crouch and a bunch of other great authors uh went were kind of like took Twilight and we're like we need real real actual vampires again and it's just awesome and nuts speaking of because it's like that time of the year I guess it's getting there fall is coming all this stuff Beetle Juice Beetle Juice has come out you know um I thought it was funny that the original Beetle Juice really only has Beetle Juice in it I've said Beetle Juice so many times so I'm amazed he hasn't appeared but he has Michael Keaton in it for all of like 17 minutes of like the 90-minute movie which is kind of funny I remember rewatching it with our kids like recently and being like so Beetle Juice like isn't even in this at all anyway funny enough the reviews seem decent it's kind of like the Ghostbuster ones like where it's like it's fine we're all going to forget it and very soon which I'm like is that what we're doing I I know I've complained about this so many times now on the channel I'm sorry if you are sick of hearing this but like again it just felt like we are just remaking it because of money and that's the only reason and it just frustrates me I get it too because of course but could we have better reasons for things or come up with new creative things to do that's what I prefer all right speaking of kind of on the same not really Beetlejuice is doing fine Beetle Juice beetle juu is doing fine um it's uh my Minecraft the movie trailer came out and there's a lot of disappointment it seems like people are not very happy with it uh kind of like wow what are you trying to feed to us here uh I think it was uh John Douglas I saw on Twitter was like his kids watched it back black says hey I'm Steve and they were like no you're not which is kind of funny because like Steve in Minecraft and I had to look this up I'll be honest is kind of iconic and like Jack Black didn't even like shave his like bushy Gray beard to do this they didn't even like try it seems like they're just like it's Jack Black um which again typically makes things fun I do love Jack Black he's the greatest part of many movies and um and hopefully it'll still be great you know you got the other guy who's like super good-looking or something or whatever um it just and it's the weird part about this I thought was it's called a Minecraft movie instead of the Minecraft movie which is interesting it's almost like we're already like kind of distancing ourselves from this like it may or may not be like official even I thought that was interesting a Minecraft movie all right finally I've been teasing this I just it boggles my mind so some of these things anyway House of the Dragon George AR Martin finally like he he's kind of been hinting he said at one point I don't look forward to this but talk talking about everything that's gone wrong with House of the Dragon he kind of hinted that couple posts ago on his not a Blog he finally posted his thoughts on the problems with season 2 which have come to I know there's been like kind of mixed reactions I've I've like felt like Mike of Mike's book reviews I thought he said he he liked it a lot of people said eh it just it it seemed not do quite as well and disappointed a lot of people but George kind of went off and and he went off in a very polite way but the funny part is it immediately got taken down uh you can assume HBO I think that's probably a fair assumption but it is just an assumption nobody actually knows maybe George took it down immediately and felt bad uh but because the internet always remembers especially with someone like George AR Martin it was immediately internet archived I think uh there might have been other places I think I've read it on a couple different sources but essentially I George kind of posts his thoughts about like you make changes to the source material well all these things that I've Now foreshadowed you kind of cut off and so his whole point is and I didn't get too deep into it I have read the book which I uh famously uh didn't love uh because it's so much show and almost zero tell which is just hard to read it's just a history book um which some people like again your mileage May veryy whatever George is just like going look you like you cut off this whole like part that is like seems like it is at first like you know doesn't matter but eventually it matters that's how George writes that's why he's a genius that's why he's amazing in what he does and why he's done so well for so long because he's so good at the foreshadowing that you like don't even notice and sudden you're like oh my gosh that random thing that he mentioned way over here is like become a major thing and so he kind of goes into like well I don't know how we're going to get if we've cut off this thing to over here where you kind of have this important event how do we get there now maybe they'll get there and he he kind of mentions the butterfly effect again I'm not trying to get into Super spoilers on this I just thought it's interesting he's railed against this before and I I had I looked it up uh just about these like TV creators that are like I'm going to make this my own and you're like can you not though can you just stick with the source material and I'm not saying you have to do word for word exact copy that would also be bad I think a lot of times because they're different different milu you know they're it's like there's there's writing and there's film and they're two different things and you got to portray things in different ways I I like a lot of like what Peter Jackson did to change the Lord of the Rings because he had to make it for film I know the the tokens didn't love that but I think it's great uh but in in here so I get where they have to change things but it's like when you make major changes and to like hey and he kind of mentions ah cuz it was like for reasons regarding like oh we didn't want to hire another child actor or something that would have been and it slows production to do that and got all these budgetary constraints but it's like but you still like you might cut something now that creates a bigger budgetary constraint later on right like so like do it right and and he's railed so he's railed against that before and and I I I know how much he like it's it sticks with him like people just try to make it their own and it's like can you not you're you're not the famous author and I'm going and I don't feel like Hollywood's hiring like the best of the best to do writers to to be writers on the shows I I guess you just don't hear about them really and they're not like the ones becoming famous unless they're bad at it so uh you know it just it's so frustrating and I get George's frustration and then for this to immediately be like hidden again the internet remembers that's probably a bad move on HBO's part again if they're doing it maybe they're not uh so you got to be careful with that because people will uh find uh ways to be against you uh and and find that offputting uh as they say and uh anyway I thought I'd just make that clear I I love I love George AR Martin and I think he needs to finish his crap already but hey it's a a fair assessment and I love like I felt like he he kind of defended the original Game of Thrones show like too much and I felt like maybe he's he's like okay I'm I'm just GNA speak my mind now because the original show he like even the last season where we all generally like I think overall hated I think you can kind of almost even put an objective number to that it was generally disdained and hated not everyone but generally uh and he kind of I never really heard like a bad thing that he said about it he kind of stayed true and maybe that's because he had some kind of a contract that he didn't sign for this next one CU he's like I need to be able to distance myself but here we are he's again pointing out the flaws sanderson's done this in The Wheel of Time I love how sanderson's been pretty open about like uh hey this wasn't my fault on barin right like so it's like but why do people who are nothing I'm sorry compared to these amazing authors like think that they can do better it's such huous like why do you think you can do better that's insane to me what are you some like online reviewer so anyway thank you so much for stopping by let me know your thoughts in the comments below I know I had I had opinions this time and I couldn't stop myself please uh if you want there are links down below for Kindle book deals I do it does support the channel so anything you can uh go link there it's not like a lot because they're deals they're great deals frankly on really good books that's I that's all I do is I curate this list and they're fun so anyway let me know your thoughts though and thank you so much for stopping by and we'll catch you next time bye

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