Michelle let Mista (Shannon Sharpe) do his Bidness: Was it Staged?

hello you guys are probably like why is she sitting right there why is she sitting right there because that's what they always open the door for me but I don't think they're going to open the door for me cuz I think yeah you normally sit in the middle but today you're on the side I know weird neighbor you know so crazy I live in like a neighborhood people don't even talk to each other that's one thing that's interesting about Texas these neighbors do not people do not fool each other they you know you going to get a hide and they going to go about their business like people in neighborhoods and stuff they just not every once in a while she sees me they cut their grass they not going to cut they going they going they going to get used a razor blade to make sure that they don't uh go past their little area their their property line what's a razor blade that's like a a really sharp like knife type of thing like sharp they not going to go P they not going to go past their property line they not going to uhuh we last last of Mo we is running late but you know we the last of the ones that's just about right before they close the door and I woke up early too I woke up she she grabbed me she wiggled me and then I was about I was about to go to the restro and he Chang into my clothes but then what I noticed I just I could you see my clothes in the bathroom so so so I actually where my clothes hey hey Jackie okay say hi to Jackie hi man hurry up you got to go they about to close the door [Music] it's so crazy how every morning a hair is a fuss every morning we went to school dropping off all set to school there she goes she's made it okay got to take now I got to wait on Aura you know every morning we got to wait on aura yeah same routine every morning get up take them to school but yeah uh man this week had some wild stuff going on y'all I couldn't talk about why all set was in the car but man so you got uh so sh Shay I should have been talked about I should have got up early and talked about that yesterday but man that's funny that whole explanation that explanation into why he he you know first he say oh oh no my my phone was hacked bro he sounded like Mister on a Color Purple Child why he sound like Mister on color purple or how Mister should have sounded how like if miss you know what I'm saying that was that was crazy and then everybody looking for Michelle everybody trying to find out who Michelle is bro and then he say people contacting them people up there contacting uh contacting him they they interested people trying to figure out what it was what's up you know what I'm [Music] saying okay now that beeping can stop y'all honey they trying to find out what's up with the what the secret sauce is for Club Shay you know what I'm saying what's up with Club sh Shay they trying to find out who Michelle is they want to get the scoop honey they trying to find out they trying to get more details y'all black Twitter was was hilarious they was whing man so I lately I've been on Twitter I you know I feel like I just discovered something new with Twitter did I tell y'all a cat came and and killed our chicken I'm so tired of these dang on every time we get a chicken something happened to it so it survives you know but us with animals I think I'm done with trying to uh trying to do pets and stuff the dang on chicken yes the honey we found the chicken found the feathers damn cat and then I saw the cat when I was going to get the mail I saw a little black cat creeping around the house and it was like like I said that [ __ ] cat that's who did that cuz I'm like who I just saw feathers on the ground we didn't see our little chicken blue ocean no more and it was a little cute little hen you know she was so small and cute and petite it was she was so cute and and a cat came and got it all these little feral ass cats running around his neighborhood and I told y I had that weird uh Bobcat or something like coming to my window to something hello it was some kind of cat on hello so now that cat was hating hating on uh the chicken cuz I guess the chick it wanted to be a part of the family and when it saw the chicken it killed the chicken or something it was being jealous and killed the chicken y'all left and then left the uh feathers of by my side door to like you know let me know you know you can't be having no pets if I if I can't have you no one will honey the cat the cat uh left ex left a damn uh um reminder left a reminder ain't no ain't no other pets before me th shalt not have no other pets before me if I can't come up in there and be y'all pet then I'm I'm I'm I'm I'mma mess up I'mma mess up y'all pet so so the cat the cat was creeping around I'm not sure if it was the black cat or the wild bobc cat looking cat that be around the house but it it surely and I thought that because I had the gates kind of like real um secure but but you know cats can jump up you know and I'm sure I heard the chicken up there uh H you know making hen chicken noises and stuff but we would bring it inside every night but honey that that must have happened during the day because that chicken disappeared and we couldn't find it and next thing you know so it's almost like the feathers it brought the feathers as a as a as a warning or something and put it beside the door it was weird it was so weird like no you no ain't no ain't no ain't no chickens up in here ain't no chickens up in this neighborhood you know what I'm saying so guess we now we're out of the chicken I I I I I you know we didn't had fish we didn't had all kind of different uh pets it's us and pets is just not not working out y'all it just I mean I don't know what what could we have done if a you know you can't stop a cat cuz cats can jump up high you know and jump down and and attack like some kind of a wild animal and see a lot of animals like to come and and and and you know my little personman tree over here oh it like it's getting better we put we gave it a lot of water the other day my person tree they like to come and eat the fruit off the tree so I don't know whether or not they you know they normally they they they know that it's ripe now and then they coming over all the wild animals are coming over and they saw that chicken them cats and stuff but I don't know y'all cuz I know that they was drinking I had my little altar in the back for my uh ancestors and they was drinking the damn the water out the altar I can't even have an altar y'all for my you know I can't even do my little honey drinking the water out the altar y'all the the animals coming into the backyard yeah y'all yeah I do have a fret yes we do have a fet the ferret does not come outside which is I don't you know I was going to let it come outside but now after what happened to the chicken now we're being like overly protective of the Fret the feret's got its own bedroom it's got its own little room I but I think it might be depressed we don't really let it out that much cuz it stinks and I don't want sticking up the house that ferrets are still I don't know I think I'm going to let the feret go to a farm because I don't know your kids killed the the the the cat oh my God speaking of speaking of uh speaking of uh Jackie Jack Jackie is our moderator Jackie um is going to be doing a show with us uh coming up this Saturday at 400 p.m. tonight we have Fundy fee we have a we have we have a inter a a cool weekend is it tonight or is it tomorrow tonight or tomorrow today is Thursday say Friday I think today's Friday I done lost track of days y'all I don't I don't even know what what day it is y'all is it Friday tonight okay yeah tonight man am I what is going on do I have Dementia or something I just took some ashwaganda y'all like I I lost track of what day it was y'all I'm getting old oh my God yeah so tonight we have Foody feed tomorrow we have Jackie so we have a action-packed weekend of interviews I've been uh you know first you know I was doing a lot of stuff almost every single day but you know I would rather do Quality quality over quantity you understand like just just getting on every single day every night just just like kind of just talking blah blah blah blah it just I don't I don't like to do that you know I want to make sure that when I do have the show when we bring the show to you it's it's something you know what I'm saying it's like wow okay you know to look forward to you know um and people come tune in because it's quality it's a quality content I don't want to just be just bombarding every day people's time just blabbing about [ __ ] you know what I'm saying just to make money off the algorithm you know I'd rather really have something and bring something to y'all when I do come on that's valuable in a in a you know that people could use uh you know the Kevin Wesley interview he talked about how he was a former a pastor and converted I think now he's an atheist and why he left the church I think that was a good interview that's a good good content you know I think a lot of times people are just like wanting to like just create something just to like make a few coin and I I really don't like that's not my style that's not the style of this channel this channel is about like telling stories that's going to create an impact you know um so uh next week uh we have Joseph Baba epha another babaa so we so we've been getting deep into like African spirituality you're getting to talk you're getting to see interviews with people that normally a lot of these people do not um these practices are closed so you don't get to hear like them talk you know a lot of the babala are from Africa you'll hear and nobody a lot of people don't really have time or the interest to actually try to like get past the accent you know what I'm saying of the Africans when they hear those things they might like turn off of an energy like that so we got some American babala that are coming that are you know going to uh that that I have been um bringing to the table that's like introducing and showing you guys about you know these closed practices that we have out here it's pretty more you have more um priests that are coming out on Tik Tok and things like that like from the Santo uh the the regosa side but I'm but I'm trying to bring bring like also the is side which is very you know kind of like you don't really get to hear a lot of interviews with people that are the priest like the Baba LS first of all most Baba are too busy to do interviews you know what I'm saying they're too busy actually doing work and helping people and doing this and doing that so so um that's going to be coming up next Saturday um what else uh next Thursday I think it is the 21st is it next Saturday I also am doing a debate on saneta African E5 versus the Torah where I'm where I'm going to be interviewing with a guy named Davon who's a Hebrew Israelite I'm going to be doing a a debate with him on saneta TV so you guys go check out that I'm going to like post that uh after I get done taking order to school I'll post that in the uh I'll post in the uh on my the message board so you guys could you know uh check out that it'd be great to have some people uh you know to come support um yeah and I got some surprises I got some surprises coming up uh I'm going to be you know you're going to start seeing a little like seeing me more on some like some bigger platforms you know um I'm I'm really trying to uh to reinvent myself you know what I'm saying because I think that people uh people just they have the they had the wrong idea of me you know what I'm saying but really I think more and more people are beginning to see that I got like a lot more substance to me than what people really have given me credit for you know um a lot of the stuff that where I was on these different channels or whatever uh you know a lot of people got frustrated like why are you on the channel why would you even get up there they would get mad you know because like why why why' you do that you know um but it's like you know that I guess that was my humiliation ritual you know what I'm saying uh being on these people's platforms and having them kind of Ambush me Made Me Stronger to be able to you know deal with uh deal with um what's the word to deal with humiliation to be able to like sit in a situation like that and still be able to like not not let it affect me you know it takes a strong person to be ridiculed at that level or to be challenged at that level and still be able to like you know what I'm saying get past that and just move forward when you go when you're under so much scrutiny and you got people that are like kind of like lying on you and you know it's like when you have a when you have a whole group of people even when it's like a bully situation and to for you to be able you got to it takes a lot of strength to sit in that situation as it is and and and be able to like you know move past it you know and still be resilient and be like y you know what whatever and F y'all and so what I'm keep going keep moving you have to be able to get let go of the old to get to to to to bring on the new exactly um and you know and I and I'm glad that I I finally got to talk to to Shaka and get some closure you know even though we just agreed to disagree in the end that moment of closure was needed cuz I needed to be able to show listen this guy got my stuff you know what I'm saying I'm not playing with this with this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying he's got before like you know I never we he they left you know they Geminis too and the cut off game of a Gemini is off the chain you know what I'm saying we just can just disappear you know what I'm saying and so and there will be no closure you know what I'm saying that's one thing about us is that you you know think we we will cut a situation and Just Bounce and it will be nothing there's nothing left to say you know what I'm saying ain't no closure ain't no talking about it it is what it is whatever you know so in that situation I I needed to address him at some point and I'm glad I got to I I glad I I'm glad I even even though I even cried a little bit and people just oh get out of here you're the victim blah blah blah blah blah it first of all it's stupid to say somebody's a victim and and to downplay how they feel about their stuff being taken that they worked hard for and and say that that that their feelings are un un un whatever the word is you know what I'm saying so and and I and as I speak about this I don't have any emotions towards it you know just so you know um but but then I you know I did I still was angry about it you know so I'm glad I got to like get on that panel say what I had to say I don't I don't really care about people trying to call me a victim or whatever cuz anybody with two eyes can see that that that whole situation was just a bunch of bullying you know what I'm saying it's almost like they once they found out they a lot of people and then this is this is one thing about people about what I learned is a lot of people like to get me mad they like to like kind of poke at me until I start to go off because it's kind of funny when I finally do go off it's so it's so um unexpected and probably maybe what I be saying is funny or whatever it kind of like is amusing to people that when I be starting to get mad and stuff maybe when I start getting mad and I really like it's almost like that Grandma that cusses everybody out you know what I'm saying so I think lot a lot of time they like to po poke my button so I could raise hell so that they can have something to laugh cuz it's it's funny you know what I'm saying you got to you get that person that you get to like [ __ ] uh piss off and and like laugh at when they get mad they they they hilarious you know what I'm saying I think that's what it is people like to see me kind of go off on people you know including themselves they kind of like to like I don't know they get off on that and I've noticed that too even in my real life like when I be going off on certain people it's almost like they're enjoying it it's like what cuz I will be going in on somebody and they'll be like and then I think cuz they know I'm raising hell I'm just doing it but I'm not you know I'm not really going to [ __ ] do nothing you know what I'm saying but I'm just going but you GNA get cussed out you know what I'm saying unless you really piss me off and then you then it's like okay hold on now uh oh you know what I'm saying unless I really really get pissed off but i' I've been in situations where like somebody have like kind of poked at me and said some [ __ ] and I [ __ ] snap at they ass and it's almost like they kind of like are feeding off of it it's really weird I I don't know I don't understand that part they're feeding off of feeding off of somebody's um anger that's weird or like like like to get somebody upset with them and kind of like that is weird what is that what is that when somebody like gets you upset but then you kind of see some enjoyment in that you going in on them and they're kind of enjoying you yelling at them or going off on them what is that that is like that said masiss I don't know what that is but anyways like and it's almost like they purposely do stuff just to get you mad so you can yell at I don't know what that [ __ ] is that's there's some weird ass grown ass people out here that do some weird weird [ __ ] okay anyways back to Club sh Shay so yeah um you had m m was climbing up on the girl trying to you know let letting um she let M climb up on her and do her do his business and it sounded like like a old um like a like they was in the slave quarters back in the um 1850s and stuff like that and Massa was on you know we got to come home before mastera find us oh yeah you could tell when he was about to climax [ __ ] them them them them growls started to get a little short didn't they that [ __ ] said [Laughter] Shannon sharp child then then he only it it was so it was a short like time he like no no no I was at least up in it for at least 20 45 45 to 20 [Laughter] minutes that man bro what if y'all what man if was what if y'all was doing it to a dude and he was doing [Laughter] it bro that was hilarious oh yeah oh that's my Michelle that's my Michelle bro he had he had a running oh yeah man that is hilarious bro and whoever Michelle is just disappeared into like she done disappeared honey honey Michelle is mortified she don't she ain't coming out and going to admit [ __ ] with that situation man man imagine his how his family is bro imagine his family man his son his man his kids got to go to school they GNA be like man they gonna be at school making fun of the father for growling I don't know why he was trying why he was growling that was wow that's my Michelle and you know he How You Gonna uh be doing all that in the tell about something yeah I just the phone on the bed and I didn't have no idea I'm like sir come on it take you have to press certain buttons to go live sir you know what I'm saying you know he was trying to prove that he wasn't gay and that don't really prove that you're not gay you could still be bisexual sir so I don't you know come on now and then he behind the dude like man but I'm glad oo cinko was there to make light of it and kind of you know chill everybody out cuz that you know it it I mean it is what it is I mean of course people do it I would not want to be ever seen in that position like that on on live internet that's kind of wild that's why I don't even get I don't all that when guys be asking me for pictures of my boobs and stuff like that like hell no I'm not sending you no damn picture my why what are you going to do with that what are you going to do with a picture of my boobs oh that's weird dude and I've been seeing some weird stuff like Twitter is strange y'all Twitter is getting more and more weird I don't I think I'm going to stay on YouTube because Twitter has they I see the video of a a guy going to a a a a Alleyway with a um he had a toy if you know what I mean right and he he put it in between a cars like Fender like bumper thing and was sitting on it if you know if you understand what I'm saying out in the alley like out in the back parking lot and I'm like bro oh my God what is going on what is up with Twitter what like there is just no holds bar you can put anything up on Twitter like they I don't know what Elon Musk what is he doing you know what I'm saying why what is going on with this Twitter he just said no I want people to just put any damn thing up on Twitter I I don't it it no hold B and can't and you know what if Camala become president I think that's going to be the first thing she do is do some kind of social media censorship act cuz she's so tired of them putting up pictures of her looking like they got pictures of her looking like a clown with like a a clown face on honey I mean they didn't did some wild stuff with uh Trump too that that eat the cat song is interesting that eat the cat eat the cat they're eating dogs they're eating cats cat cat eat the cat eat the C come on now I I also think that from what I understood that there's not I don't know if they're actually uh eating cats now from what I understood cats could be a delicacy I I don't know about eating a cat though that is wild poor cat you don't eat cats come on now so but I mean I from what I understood is so is so poor in Haiti that they probably would eat a cat you know what I'm saying they probably is hunting the Ducks out there you know they don't they probably don't understand it you know in this culture you just you know no there certain animals you don't uh do that cuz these people think of these things are their pets but hell I mean if this they talking about bringing down the population of the um stray animals on the street you know hell if you go on next door they all they talk about is dogs and stuff like that running through the neighborhood and cats and stuff so if the Haitians are taking them stray animals off the street why they complaining I'm just saying it's then there less straight cats on the um thing they just grabbing and rounding up all the cats that they want to make a whole cat stew out of it hell you know theyy everybody dude if you go into certain um cultures they put they ain't it is especially go into China honey that that them markets out there it ain't nothing snakes rhinoceros it don't matter what it is they they got that for sale they fixing to eat whatever you know what I'm saying so we can't get mad cuz the Haitians eat a little cat every once in a while okay I'm sorry I was so sleep I can tell you know you just jumped up and just get this put kind of get that little more organized right there that that's that's looking kind of like a you know you can take it out and okay or do braid it or put I don't know wrap it around or oh no oh Lord I don't know it's not it's even worse here try to get it together but you can W wrap it back around or something or say hi hello everybody she she don't want to be on camera cuz her ponytail looking kind of crazy put my say hello to the people say hello hello no I was talking about uh the Haitians and how they're eating uh animals and stuff but I say if there's an overflow of a cat population on the street hey you that that make the job for the ASPCA easier you know what I'm saying that the Haitians want to hunt down cats hell do you understand how hard it is to get a cat I shoot it's hard to get a cat so if they if they're skilled enough to hunt down a cat and capture it eat it that that that's one uh animal that uh that's that's one worthwhile uh thing that you you you you uh you earned that cat that you ate cuz a cat is hard to to get oh dog even dogs yeah dog oh God a dog Ain ain't fixing to come up to you that dog fixing a run hell our own dogs didn't escaped and ran it was hard to get uh control over right you think dos are like no they be like uh no good Y no uhuh they going to run they going to they they actually think it's a game they' be like yeah you trying to chase me okay come on let's go let's play game like 1,000 miles hour right so if they if they was skilled enough to catch them cats in the neighborhoods that's some skilled hunting that they deserve to eat whatever animal and I was talking about how when you go into certain um cultures that's what they eat they be eating bats cats rats mice M roaches everything right how y'all catch a a bat a whole B man I don't know how they call the bat that's wild they might I don't they went a they they went to to a cave for for for the for the for that that's a China that's what they be doing in China they be getting eating snakes and stuff and rattlesnakes and they went cave D cobras and all kind of wild uh animal that's and then you go into Africa they be having them markets where it's a bunch of weird stuff they be eating right so you so you can't just make fun of them uh American culture is so weird that we don't understand it these there people they hungry they going to figure out something you get hungry enough you going to eat whatever the hell it is you can find people be eating snakes buffalos uh Wolverines uh Wolverine yeah yeah Wolverines blindes bamboon everything yeah yeah it's kind of crazy though when you think about it who who killed the the Baba you know what I'm saying right so and and hell you got to be a skilled well no they probably just shot it you know what I'm saying but I'm just saying that what it takes to kill a monkey or whatever it is to eat it come on now but at some point they didn't have guns and stuff they had to physically actually go out there and hunt them things down they need to like like make like a a stick or a spear or like like yeah something like you you you you killed like a whole line with like a a a rock tied together to a stick right well them honey them slingshots can be lethal right exactly but yeah so uh you know we we can't be making fun of the Haitians cuz they if they if they eating that's their that's their uh thing that they eat and them people getting mad and then they go inside the house and eat some P pork chops you know what I'm saying they out here eating up all the cats and stuff in the neighborhood hey you finish making that bacon I'm say in the background I'm about to go on here and eat me some chitlings so y'all can't be making fun of them stop it CH got old they got like weird older and and yeah and they um and they uh are are filled with poo you know what I'm saying exactly so we can't be making fun of the Haitians I'm tired of them only focusing on the black uh uh immigrants when they got the the other ones that's coming into town and taking over and doing stuff too you don't hear about the other ones cuz they hell there's a whole influx of them coming in and I'm not talking about the Venezuelans there's other one from from China coming in through them borders and they here too you know what I'm saying I'm just the only thing I'm just a little bit irritated is I'm tired of door Dash sending people they can't speak English to deliver my food and I got to show them how to use the app to like do the you know to when they get up to the door you know what I'm saying and they can't speak English you know so they taking over all the door Das jobs the migrants you know and they can't speak English so I guess we going to have to learn Spanish y'all just take up some up some Spanish or get that AI app so you can communicate with these people out here cuz pretty soon English is not going to be the primary language I don't know whether it's going to be Spanish or French or Chinese or whatever but it's fixing I think America is going to be the second language cuz they out here um they out here deep in heavy and they and it don't sound like they they came uh prepared you know at least learning a little bit of English you know what I'm saying so get ready y'all all I know is me know English that's three words mean no English that's all they know yes mean no English mean no mean no no no poies of English no okay then you got to do like your sign language so I want like dude they they can't they can hear they just can't speak the language I'll be over here using sign over there what you say to me you I'm just doing the most trying to get them to understand what I'm doing get let me see probably I'm like just let me see the app so I can you know scan my own damn ID pull out your phone Google translate like say it again say that again right look at the phone say it say it okay so what I was saying was it's like a Rob voice okay so what [Laughter] I what she what I was saying was serious speaking did you want some something on your sandwich whatever it is right oh my goodness all right see you guys later have a good day at school me too man I said always putting the dang on back light in my uh car you see that light right there why' she do that I said be doing some weird stuff like why did she put that back light on and then run my damn battery down every time I start the car I'm like why is the why is the battery Whata call and it's because that back light is on and I didn't know it was on and forgot to turn it off about to run my whole battery down these kids you know it's you know it's so it's so cool and they're little babies and they just sit in that chair you put them in that chair and they just sit there that whole time and you could just deal with it you know P play with it pull it out and hug hug the baby and snuggle with it and then they start to have their own mind to start going out and doing stuff like turning lights off in trucks and stuff leaving leaving their shoes on the floor when they come in the house and stuff asking you for half of your food you know can I have some oh no here here here God you know what I'm saying you be trying to eat and they looking at you they they they up there with they eyes all all big and and looking like a little dough all doughy eyed and you you up there starving you man you just got finish making a sandwich you are starving and here come this baby looking at you and you got to give your food a little bit of it to the Baby Woo drives me insane y'all I be so hungry and then I look I and then I full around eat half your food and Hell they'll eat the whole thing if you let them they they'll eat your whole thing honey they my daughter got so used to it she just come up and just start eating she just she see me grabbing a plate she'll just go grab a fork and just start eating on the other side of it and I'm like oh oh okay I guess I'm going to starve to death just grab a fork and start eating half my plate like these children I'm like you know what but I'm I'm know it's like I allow it cuz hell pretty soon they'll be old and they'll have children that'll that'll like eat half their food and make them Stars so it's like hey it's it's a it's a it's a whole cycle going on cuz I know I know that one day I will be redeemed I will be redeemed everything that you've done to me child all this time that you've starved me out when your children come they will starve you in the same manner you will pay anyways so yeah tonight is FY fee uh I'm going to I'm going to post a link to the debate that I did the precursor to the debate on saneter cuz we I mean it was a long it was a long video though it's long but uh it's it's long it was long so I'm going to um post that and then put that uh post that put that on my uh my my wall so if you guys get a chance go check out the wall I have not been posting on the wall like I should cuz I have I have not really been on uh on uh you know on YouTube that much YouTube is isn't YouTube kind of boring lately is it just me is YouTube kind of boring you know I've been on Twitter and sometimes Tik Tok I've not have not been really on YouTube so much because uh and oh yeah also join me on Tik Tok I'm going to start me a little page over there too I'm going to start me a little Tik Tock page like I have a page already but I need to like get all my social medias together so you guys can see uh follow me on all my different social medias so that when I go live on those different things you could like actually see me you know going live and doing different stuff I said she she done took over my Tik Tok I I don't I don't even get on Tik Tok no more she didn't took it over she she tried to take over my YouTube you know what I'm saying she tried she was going viral and everything on on on my little shorts she was doing the most she she did this uh veggie dance honey they made they made it um um so only adults can see it I don't know why because she had stuffed some um some stuff she was trying to show that you know she was fat and then she ate the veggies and she got skinny but I guess people saw it like like she was making a Bo you know making herself like she got boobs and a booty and stuff but I'm like well that's how kids play it anyway I remember when I was a kid I put shirts and stuff in my thing make my make me make me like I had boobs and stuff but it's like okay whatever everybody I think that uh the internet makes everybody so sensitive you know what I'm saying everybody get so bent out of [ __ ] and then secretly be on some wild [ __ ] in the background really you know what I'm saying they'll they'll get up on the thing on these U chat rooms oh my God be I'm outraged and then really be living like a life it be so foul it be crazy it'll it'll it'll it'll make your head spin man you know I'd be so mad if I would appear in this damn check cuz I they they supposed to have been sent me this check it never came and I'll be really pissed off if that check is in the mail right now honey I can't read my damn glasses I got to get me some a new prescription that's a damn shame I got to get me some glasses y'all hold on one second I got go to the optometrist oh my God you do not want to know I hate mail I hate mail I can't stand mail I can't stay in mail I'm just waiting on n as roofers man these uh said G have to get her own phone because her little friend be calling I'm like girl that's annoying these little they like they these little friendships and everything they be really calling each other a lot y'all oh my God chill chill out all that don't you got school like you know what I'm saying why are you calling at this time I I don't know I feel the older I get the more antisocial I am I'll be like man what what do you want like people be calling me I I be mad like ain't like I I think think I'm going to be cranky like my grandfather was when I like get start getting older people just calling me I'm like what what what what what what mad for no reason don't want to be bothered cranky my phone be ringing somebody be running the line I'm like d what what who is it who is it what what what you want I'm just mad just cranky and and bitter and stuff man people this is a this is crazy I hate it when you like have a house and then other people are in the house and come on now like how do how do you how do you keep looking at the same thing and then don't fix it I don't know never mind that's why it's I can't it's hard to date y'all I don't know if I'm going be able to do the dating thing cuz it's I've been so like by myself I don't even think I can put up with somebody else you know what I'm saying I'm so used to being but alone that have going on and dating somebody and having to deal with them and all that whatever the hell they got going on is like it's like dude do I really feel like dealing with that do I really want to be bothered like that do I really want to have to deal with that I don't know anyway y'all and and and people be like oh so what you know you're what you're not dating by choice or you're or is it by choice or it's by choice bro it's by choice cuz having having to I'm so I'm so used to and so comfortable just being by myself it's hard to just imagine being around and having someone constantly around needing [ __ ] needing you to do can you do this can you do that I'm like no I don't man listen I would not have to do that if I didn't have you around sir you interrupting what I got to you know what I'm saying I don't know man I got to get used to it again then I got to get used to dating and being around people I I I'm I'm not going to lie I kind of like enjoy my isolation I'm not going to lie it's kind of sad I don't think it's healthy to be isolated all the time that's one thing that the year and white get you used to and what people didn't realize people saying well people were thinking oh you had all people around you because you don't want to be alone and you know what I'm saying you lonely and this that the honey I enjoy being alone ain't nothing wrong I like my L my my solid I like to be able to just do whatever the [ __ ] I want to do I ain't got to worry about nobody asking me to do [ __ ] I ain't got wor about nobody else and whatever they [ __ ] you know or whatever talking to people when I don't feel like it you know what I'm saying cuz then because you you know if you you you got other people around you got to talk to them and whatever the hell they're talking about whatever the or whatever you I could be it could be a time somebody call my name like what what what and then okay you got to listen to what they're gon to say okay all right even though you don't care you know what I'm saying like you got like pretend like you're interest like I mean and I and and that's when you're like around people and people don't understand is that I I'm not like [ __ ] jumping in line to be like that I I I'd like to just to do [ __ ] do what I got to do get in there and get out hell even like going out sometimes you know what I'm saying I find myself able to like wiggle my way in VIP a lot easier if I ain't got somebody else with me I'm able to get into a lot more doors alone than I'm able to get when I'm got somebody else I'm I guess they would call that a lone wolf a lone wolf you know that's what I'm say when people were like well you you got all the people in your house because you feel lonely it's like bro you you only knew I'm in a religion that's very individualistic I mean the whole year in white is about isolating yourself from the world and kind of focusing on your Arisha and whenever you get out your year in white you you kind of maintain that isolation you kind of still have that isolation you still kind of are just like H you know what I'm saying that's kind of why even when I had all the people in my house at the time I wasn't really in a like back in the day I probably would have been in the center of the the party you know what I'm saying with them people there you know well but I I'm I got to get ready to go my battery about to die anyway y'all but yeah the more the more uh you know but I have to I have to but now I'm being told to come out of isolation to come out of it I can't stay in isolation I got to like actually start uh dealing with people y'all going to start actually like interacting [Laughter] hi when I really don't feel like it you know what I'm saying all that [ __ ] oh man oh my God yeah all that you know you got to pretend like you're interested you know anyways guys I know y'all thinking I'm crazy as hell all I want y'all to have a great day I'll see y'all later on um FY feed tonight I think it's like six o'clock good to um um um uh shouts out uh to Jackie I can't wait till our interview tomorrow I gotta get your picture send me your picture bro so I can put no I'm not calling you bro my bad send me your picture so I can like you know create your thumbnail much love guys subscribe if you haven't already peace

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