I Won MONEY CATFISHING!! (Twisted Cats Mississippi River)

oh he smacked it wow that's the best hit I've had all day that's the best bite I've had in several days River ATS it is a slow cloudy sleepy morning but we're out here pre-fishing we got one more day to figure it out before the big Twisted cats tournament and I pretty much finished almost dead last last year and we're trying to do better than that so let's go yeah we're like 30 or 40 miles from where we put in for the tournament um it's kind of a weird feeling I almost don't want this to be really good cuz I don't want a reason don't want to be tempted to come all the way down here but want to check it out you know it's a balance like do you want to fish around a bunch of people or do you want to drive a long ways and burn a bunch of gas that's kind of where I'm at right now and it could go either way and you could run a long ways burn a bunch of gas and still be fishing around a bunch of people seen that happen before too a little bit calmer water we're going to run off one yeah there ain't much current over here but it'll pick up when we get a little bit further down going to be right under the boat pretty much for a little bit I got a cup holder here I suppose I might as well use it and we do have seats here so I guess we might as well use them even better yeah although we're under the boat enough where I might wait a minute are we at least in line with our tree oh yeah we're going to get there make these bumping rods they're nice to hang on to yeah I just wish the handle was a little bit longer this one's actually not so bad yeah they're pretty well you have the T-Rex arm so well I like the looks of this pool this is a neat one ah we just got to either have it give us a reason not to come here or to come here yeah it's going to take a lot to make me want to come down here what's going to happen is it'll be just enough to make you really think hard about it or regret it at the end of the turn right should have went down there yeah the main reason we're down here other than just to check out some new places cuz checking out new places is schools we've caught fish we've been finding fish um but we haven't found any the right fish like the winning fish or an area where I feel like yeah we're we got a real good shot at you know hitting a 60 70 lb bag cuz if you want to win you need a flathead like you really do um you can do well with just Channel Cats and there's no blue cats in these pools um so that's not really an option but if you if you want to win you need that 20 to 40 lb Flathead kicker or you know a couple 20 Pounders or something like that so we're down here seeing if we can find some habitat that we feel good about catching one I feel good about putting together 30 lbs 30 to 40 lbs but yeah that don't that don't put you in the money probably you never know you know like with the weather changing although it's not crazy changes although the water dropping that's something to factor into water's dropping like half a foot a day right now when we get back there is when we get that hard ledge right mm yeah we're just about to it there's a lot of life down there mhm a lot of carp down there mhm gosh there's so many Shad not big Shad but Shad yeah with this current we get to that tree might just park right in front of that tree for a minute be a bad deal I I didn't bring my whipping sticks for nothing right 500 ft from our tree with our big fish on it you know my little Channel cat Bud didn't come back little disappointed all right you there pretty consistent all right come on fish yep it's been four minutes I don't know or maybe the fish that we're seeing just aren't cats I find that hard to believe all yeah and we're only 50 ft away from it I hit it at 80 and now we're at 50 so I don't know whatever throw an anchor Rod out whipping yep I was hoping we'd just catch them on the bump then we' just keep going I got eight out work oh hey okay yeah that'll work I just heard drag going well that's I think that's him really you have your drag set a little light now he's not coming okay the old spot lock on structure strategy yeah he's not a small one I don't know how big yet which makes sense cuz he's underwater you know we can't see him this a pretty good fish here yeah we saw him on that log it's so cool to just pull up and catch a fish you see I like that I haven't heard much of that this week Fork tail that's probably not the fish we saw but a bad man you milked him a he ain't bad he's not what I hoped he'd be but me either he's he's not terrible wow that's defin definitely a tournament fish wow that's so [Laughter] funny I hate messing with you do it a lot he's got little thin wispy lips you knock it off slime and everything heck yeah that's a good way to get the started there good morning Micah that is a good way to get this started golly you fought way harder than he should have there you go skunk's off the boat ain't nothing we catching after that it's the beginning the beginning of the decision making God do just I had a feeling had a feeling were you hooked on it potentially Hooked on a Feeling hey oh yeah that you laid it over pretty darn good I was like what's that noise right I think he probably about 9 I would say 7 to 10 some in that range so call them nine good enough for me but you know Micah it's your fish story I'm not you can tell how you want to it's not necessarily a story you got witnesses well you're you're implying a story could would be false I'm just saying a story is a story there we go hey uh if you're not busy you want to grab that r hey that's a that's a fish let him pull it all the way down I think you got it get him oh yeah not a bad one off get this I want you to quit missing fish on mine well hey you go get that one that's another quick nibble pull it down okay for the moment he's not terrible I it right back I saw that I liked it stay on there buddy what are you he's staying down he got a little squirly for a minute but there's weight um I mean yeah today it's not as big of a deal he's staying down I mean no big run so but there's plenty of weight what are we working with here I love catching fish on the rods it's flad it's nice to know what these things look like we've been looking for them for a while he don't weigh M any more than the one you just caught I don't think but he's the right color nonetheless been looking for you for days that is awesome I feel it right back in his face I would say I wonder if it was the same fish both times I don't know we got other baits out there that we can figure that part out mhm heck yeah nice looking flat here y we are 4 minutes in you're like it sure nice to be catch fish right now and we just land on a bunch of them okay across this area we look good I agree yeah looking for the the big ugly ones we found a little ugly one that's awesome Yep here you go for the the mic viewers yeah that's awesome finally finally got one yep just for future reference with those hles that are so soft you got to let them bottom it out like bend it to the rod butt it's like accelerating the process well the more more fish we catch the more practice you get yeah absolutely mean I mean give another 10 15 minutes let's give it another I mean we caught the fish on the tree that was fish you think it was I mean maybe I guess he looked pretty big and that fish wasn't pretty big it was okay that's the bummer I feel like flat head should get extra points yeah like an 8B Flathead should have more value than an 8B Channel but they weigh the same I'll throw another one out just cuz we got that piece of bait sitting right here it's right by that tree I might be hanging over the tree so I'm down I'm down to party down for that no I'm okay I like I like the old drag peelers mhm yeah you snobby blue cat fisherman look down on the lowly Channel cat but it's basically they hit harder as harder harder than a blue so far out of here they they fight pretty good too yeah you just got to catch them on the right tackle you can't catch them on blue cat tackle mhm usually all my fishing rods match and we have this hodg Podge here I kind of like it just a little bit of chaos yep let's uh let's reel these up and keep moving what do you got going there Micah yeah that would be a fish that was like it got squishy but it's not a FL no it he quivered it but he's not a flat yet no that's three reasonably quick fish down here he not a bad one no you want me a net him or you got him not a bad one one quit it Micah we would have a quick what 22 lbs and three yeah the problem is y'all we're trying to find a reason not to come down that's literally what an hour we figured we would waste I say waste it really wouldn't be a waste it'd be more at the back end or yeah the at the end of the day cuz we can get down get going early we're just trying to find a reason not to come down here so far it's not working out he's only like six or seven he's not 15 okay but compared to what we were catching we caught a lot like that not like that not the three we just caught we didn't catch like we caught a lot of two Pounders to go along with them but we could piece a five fish limit together of those in 30 minutes no probably not 30 minutes that's that about how long we've been here ain't it yeah probably I'm still not sold yet well I mean right right like we could catch five of those and we're not cashing a check 58 Pounders 40 lbs you're not cashing a check we need 10 10 to 15s you know one convenient part about fishing with you in tournaments is you don't take up much room like when you walk around the boat it it moves a little bit and that's what made me think of it but you you don't rock the boat much Micah try not literally or figuratively I try not to in life in general yeah just kind of withow yeah oo yep that a boy uh not and I repeat not a monster okay then I will keep bumping in this current like can mov him that easy well he came over to try Wing Dy tip I'm kind of proud I announced him foreshadowing say I don't think I had the camera on I was like man if we're going to get bit it's going to happen quick and then Bonk this monster that Mike is reeling in little Flathead called it that's a no what the heck look at this thing wow that is a what do you call those pie bals I don't I don't know or no there's there's a different term for these that is the coolest Channel cat I've ever seen yeah I don't I don't think they called them a pie Ball but man look at the colors on this thing there's a a term for it I don't remember what it is we have to look it up and figure it out but that is so cool man barely [Music] sense that's probably the coolest 2B catfish you've ever caught my Lord when you get a picture of this absolutely good thought just like it paint splatter yeah looks like a 2-year-old started throwing paint in a wall yeah let's get a picture of this see if I can videotape bump run a trolley motor and take a photo all at the same time hang on buddy we'll get you back here minut I'm hung up but whatever yeah that's sweet I mean even his eyes look the top of his eyes well they're more exaggerated he's missing one yeah he's definitely missing one that is cool agreed thank you buddy I'm proud to caught you yeah that's really neat you get there you go so you got to let go only way that works out man that was cool yeah definitely the coolest catfish I've ever seen usually you'll get them like fish that have black spots on them like blobs I guess yeah the little babies the juvenile spots but that wasn't the case with that one I got to be tangled up or something it should be right over the top of right now we're past it if you see the boils we're we're past it yeah skip I don't understand how that can be comfortable whatever is it lucis no that's not the word for it no right that sounds kind of close right got another one oh got another one just killed a fly H the catfish fin get serious with it yeah I think I'm just going to spot lock right here for you he ain't bad the Chan man all right yeah he's he was he hit it good too easy there chief it is a pretty one yeah that's what you say about fish that aren't that big look at the colors although yours yours is definitely worth looking at the colors yep yep got him yep yeah I don't know he's nice though he hit it like a ton of bricks now he's running at me he's a channel but yeah he ain't that big but he was madad yeah well think you went the right way all right not a bad one yeah we're right on I was bumping Rock oh dang little one oh little guy got him though he's growing a little bit he is the Chan man right on that point yeah old Jackie Chan there was just a little slip of drag so that was kind of nice barge bite yeah he's spirited he's all right yeah easy clones catching clones oh glad I didn't hit you with that but the average size is definitely better yeah yeah we're not getting any dinkers but we could catch five of these up River too no not at allig 7B 6 to8 probably needd have a sweet 37 lb limit a we'd probably we'd be over 40 I bet still ain't paying for the gas down here yet well we're going to lose some RS in here and I'm okay with it we going to Anchor up anywhere down here you think yeah I think we like some of that brush that we saw fish on we should spot lock in front of it anchor whatever you want to call it say we're should be good if you want to deploy get them M get them skip if we walk baits through this and spot lock and stuff and don't catch anything over 10 lbs we're not coming back I'll get behind that okay preferably two over 10 lb and as soon as we hit two over 10 lb we're done we're out of here oh there we oh is he just going going all right we'll go I'm cutting the trolling motor is he off to the left I think so not that big he's not that bad he looks Brown and ugly from here good now the sound effect wasn't necessary but it felt right [Music] thanks sure wanted it that's a fact I like it when they hit it straighten the boat out here watch you can come to this side he's going to be on that side do you need the net oh big Chan nice PB we'll have to put him on the I bet he's close oh get him over the boat turn out a boy yeah there's some weight there not as fat as I thought he but he's a good one he's long I bet he figgered myb I bet he is too we got a the blue cat guy could stop the channel cat had to come off come off the trolling motor look at that oh get out of the way good oh they're not nice fish they not here go ahead we'll get a weight on him he don't feel feel 12 lb we'll get a weight on him see easy trigger he's not 12 lb he's I I bet he's 20 lb doing that yeah he's right at about 10 nice one that'll work the Unstoppable 10lb Channel cat it's good in there though that boy glad to have you me too he fought hard he fought way harder than of course we do got a little bit more current here though too yeah excuses yeah thank you well right at the wing Dy tip yeah I'm tempted to say let's bug out of here and try to do that next pool up let's go finish going to that next one okay and we'll do that okay it's tempting it suddenly became more tempting only thing I'm see yeah we'd have 4 * 7 28 + 10 38 we probably better than a we probably have an 8 PB average other than that so 32 plus 10 we're looking at 42 lbs right now but what I'm saying is what we've got plenty of time we have coal in time right yeah yeah we'll see what happens down here and then I like I like that idea just go up there hit one one or I mean just see how how many it takes to catch some fish mhm yeah let's go uh scan the the shoot and get out of here maybe fish it if we see something we really like but sounds like a wiener okay yeah I couldn't help myself there's this big water inflow thingy and I have to throw an inline in it just to see if there's some white bass swimming around which we're pretty positive there are considering we've seen them busting bump bump got hit just five times right there again oh that was he almost met business oh I missed him there must just be a pile of little ones too pile of a variety of sizes yeah they're they're shattered right there bump those ones didn't look tiny maybe I'm just reeling it a little too fast yes we are burning pre fishing time but hey we're out here to have fun and uh this is fun oh he ain't bad at all do you want to take turns Micah I've heard that you can catch a white bass out of utility wow look at him go there's got to be some giant he ain't bad oh that one was big I saw him he's sprinting at me oh oh yeah that's a Porky Pig this is my guilty pleasure fish oh he scarfed it too this is where the 20 lb lers handy you can just reach down holy cow he might have it's in this Gill plate or this Gill rakers we'll get it out of there it's just hooked around one of his his Gil rakers got to get swimming gosh feel like I'm making it worse not better yep just made it way worse well he's not swimming away ow ow yep I don't know if I have enough stuff for a second round of fish we'll find out should go get taco stuff yeah we're not fishing we're catching I think three should be plenty shouldn't it he's a little small Michel we have to remember we're in a catfishing tournament I understand it was my idea it was your I'll take I'll take full responsibility just one more just one more okay we this yeah he ain't too bad it was a welcome interruption [Music] we did a bunch of looking around did a little fishing around too caught a one drum and a cat I guess but uh let that out go over the side of the boat cuz I didn't want the boat next to us to see exactly what we're reeling in I'm sure I fooled them and everything you know but fried up some fish and now we're getting rigging done for tomorrow we uh we haven't found the big fish like the consistent big fish that we need we found fish and hopefully we continue to find fish tomorrow but hopefully we get lucky lock on to five big bites and get them in the boat we got the captains meeting coming up here shortly and then it's then it's go time it's go time can't think of any more cliche than saying maybe game time game time so was it heads were locking Tails were not heads were locking Tails were not okay you ready I'm ready okay so I'm going to start it on head you want to start on tail do whatever all right I'm going let Hit the Floor okay okay you ready yep oh oh we got the dramatic spin all right we're staying staying guess we're staying on the home pool we called it yeah we uh I guess you could say we're undecided what we're doing but now we're not we're side now we we're we're going to go south or go or stay north we're stay in nor yep stay one flat tire later uh we are at the ramp um ended the line pretty far back but what can you do is what it is also discovered the one of those catfish that I fed a couple days ago cut its tail off to bleed it out and threw it in the live well and it's was like I need to remember to take that out I didn't remember to take it out and uh our Live Well smells terrible so when they do live well checks they'll have a a little bit of a surprise I don't know if I'm going to tell the tournament director about it before or just let him open the lid but yeah we're here uh and uh I don't know I'm excited to get going wish this line to move faster just cuz I want to get to where we're going and get fishing but it'll all be what it is hopefully we'll get lucky and land on a [Music] few we made it no boats we got the whole area to ourselves at the moment um boat could pop in here at any moment but uh no flat tires on the way down so we had that going for us but we got 40 minutes till Lin's in and then we'll have everything ready Rock bait cut up and that log didn't hit us lots of good things happening right now Micah I'm ready to fish though we've been waiting 42 minutes is the longest 42 minutes of my life it's like dangling a dog treat in front of a dog and making them wait 42 minutes to eat it we got bait cut cutting board side rods ready bumping rods ready we're actually fishing nothing like what we really fished all week uh mainly CU we didn't catch any like big flatheads so we're going to try this hopefully stumble across like a 35 lb Flathead that would be ideal and uh and if we don't then we'll just keep plugging away at stuff we might Reish some things we might explore some new water we're going to have fun cuz we get to go fishing so at least that's a guarantee and I'm going to outfish mic today I've been I've been holding back all week for today made sure you got plenty of opportunities like I sense that fish was down there and I'd hop over them so you could practice hooking them I wasn't going to say different but I'm kind of up on you when it comes to these Channel I don't think so I think we're pretty much spot on think so pretty you got me on Flathead for sure it's pretty close yeah you definitely got in flat that's pretty close too two minutes two minutes I'm going take my sweatshirt off my warmup gear yeah we'll give her a try yeah things like that just need to kind of play with them but we are it's six okay let's go suppose we should fish now check your drags uh no okay good there oh yeah we're good there tight was oh glad we got that taken care of what's up break the ice early oh yeah just hit a 20 right off the bat double on 20s right off the bat if them side rods become a pain like we can always reel them up yeah it's not like we cast them very far I'm pretty happy that the tire wasn't like a big deal well it was a much bigger deal than it needed to be with them people driving by that's true that just irritates me God it's just like I mean no no courtesy done at all I mean at least slow down yeah one of them slowed down one out of three yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh little fell that's all right start sliding to the right or starboard keep it nautical man that was quick bite yeah I like it was ideal been even better hooked up it's going to happen a lot today a lot of nibblers that's interesting that 6:00 and suddenly we see boats popping up you think they would have been set up where they're going to set up right they've already been fishing yeah they already got a limit somebody will get polygraphed at this tournament I would think a ter it this big yeah you'd have to have a handful of people get polygraphed yeah I I don't I don't know I've never been polygraphed but you got they don't care about last place too much yeah jealous you got a bite already I want a bite oh I saw that sweet I'm going to keep walking till he gets close talk to me goose what's up that's a Chan we are not going to go back with nothing hopefully we don't have you at the end of the day that L all right y'all fish number one not a monster but it's a start that's the biggest thing I thought the live well was starting to smell better not a lot better we'll get him some more real estate all right good turn okay we haven't went by any fla heads yet that's why I haven't caught anything well they're little I didn't want to waste my time with them oh I had one too lot of little fellas out here Roman mhm the uh now the the K heill style hook you got some of them right that's what I want to put on there yeah there's five o in there oh that's a fish decent I mean I think he's going to look a lot like yours that's so I love that holding on to the Fisher onod and just w dogging me a little bit he might be a slight upgrade slight here he comes yeah he ain't bad he's quite a I told you I was holding out for the better ones yeah good sorry got you get oh you're good nope we're good heck yeah I'll mess with him you get back to fishing that'll work yep that'll work right there b yep I'm curious what he weighs although I want to get a bait back in the water too worry about all that oh he swallowed it cut the line see how he does oh he's bleeding like crazy son of well I ain't going to hold him up very long cuz he bleeding he'll get him in the box and hopefully he makes it yeah purple purple has the hook in the throat and the other bummer part is I got to pick up a hook I lost my knife somewhere have you seen it it oh it's right there you see it under your seat under your driver seat sweet touching Rock yet oh touching that's all right check your bait he yeah I saw that trying to stop him with my thumb but I will say if he does die play him up yeah does it count six fish in your boat if one's filets I should call Alex yeah cuz if one dies you know what I mean I don't want to waste him yeah I don't want to waste him going back do that yeah he's persistent you should stop doing that he just sitting there I know I'm picking on it it's going to happen a lot y hello hey I got a quick question for you yes sir we got a a fish in the box that swallowed a hook um if he goes belly up and I Fay him out does he count as our six fish I don't want to waste him if he dies uh yeah had that come I mean or throw him like what should we do if he goes Belly Up throw him back F him yeah I have no problem fling you know I mean just don't have six fish in your boat six live fish if that makes sense yep yep I just wanted to make sure that a dead one didn't count to yeah no I'd rather f it and keep it then throw it back and it die so okay but just don't have it don't have it don't have a six floating upside down you know what I'm saying so yeah yep I do right hopefully hopefully he's fine cuz he's he's decent but uh if not then he'll be lunch yep all right sounds good all right see you later right see you bye that's an interesting problem yeah he's like ah never really had that give up before nobody ever asked they probably just throw them back yeah and I hate when they do that too [Music] yeah yeah [Music] there we go oh he's in some fast stuff behind on top of that Wing bck though I'll just hang on to them and try not to horse him too much yeah you're probably in it he's okay he's just in that fast water at the top yeah I was trying to work the face of it he just needs to dive down run at me stay on there bud yeah all right you had a lot of line out there yeah he's coming now all right he's going to be right here yeah he's decent he can walk him back can he yep we got him cool sit him in the boat and I'll mess with him there you go cool all right hey the Hook's in the corner of the mouth to Sweet right watch your foot well he's still swimming around let do he ain't as big as the gut hooked one but he's decent yeah we're uh we're still going the direction we want to go yeah he was behind it in that little pocket and he hit it and raning at me had to reel and catch up to him all right progress they catched me one to get rid of your little squeaker oh hey that was a skunk Buster it was I like him now that he has friends in there I like him less there's one we're having a little adversity today you know the tire fish gut hooked fish yeah it's not life or death by any means but it's not not smooth sailing right that's all right yeah here we go he a bad yeah he ain't bad it'll work yeah he a bad I totally was in the zone so much I forgot to turn my camera on too Bubba shut up you did all over the place what are you doing I don't know the big ones are swallowing it I don't want to use circles but yeah a even going to mess with that I'm going cut it what the hell is going on here a had a gut hooked fish well I guess we had one purple's gut hooked purple yellow how's that first one doing he looks okay we get some fresh water huh I'm not above using what works I want you to use what works do I switch to a circle I haven't used a circle I don't feel great about a circle you missed a fish on a circle missed a couple I don't know I don't different on that I'd say stick with what catching up but all right I don't know what you can do different on that cuz the other hook them gut hooking it makes sense but usually with them KES they kind of operate like a circle a little bit he wasn't hooked in the throat but he's hooked in the the back of the mouth if not we eating good tonight right yeah we're going to keep it up we're going to have a freaking fish fry for everybody yeah we had 50 lbs of fish but they all died they are y now they're 21 lbs of filets yeah screw that are they call me Captain Butt hook I can't even talk trash about out fishing you because they keep getting gut hooked this is me subconsciously talking like subliminally talking trash I mean you're you're guaranteeing the hook the hook up right I really hope we don't need them barge bite in coming y oh y he smacked it wow that's the best hit I've had all day oh he ain't bad [Music] that's the best bite I've had in several [Music] days he's squirly he's a Chan but he ain't bad and this is fish number five most yep yeah there's some weight there you just dog there he is yeah he's nice yep I'm going to kill the trolling motor actually yep he's about to be right here yeah big fish no nope y get over here you got him hey tell me you can see that hook yeah I see it okay one thing about current you know you almost got to get him from the back of the boat yep yep heck yeah that's the one we need we need four more just like him he's a brute God he whacked the crap out of that thing too yeah Hook is out get that out of your mouth buddy ow he's vice grip okay that's ouch yeah those are the ones we need yeah those y that's that's a Bruiser easy champ get this out of the way get that out of the way there stuff getting caught on everything thing nope stop stop stop stop oh we got one belly up yeah I think so too he's he's not dead but he ain't looking so hot we'll just keep running fresh water on I was so happy to see that hook tell you what those two that did swallow they're going to be tough to get rid of mhm the one is looking all right yeah and that was the first one yeah second one yeah hopefully a lot of headless moai in here yeah the tail of kabad crane and the headless moai man I don't turn wrenches no more how do I get so damn dirty your hands yeah my hands get real gross when I'm using a bunch of skips no I'm talking that's just from the tire oh yeah oh yeah I already forgot about it I'll remember it when I have to buy myself a spare but oh all right got him he ain't terrible either spot lock I think he's going to replace our little fella maybe we might be weighing him you can move that side Rod up and clear yourself some room all right you should be able to walking back to me yep no no way that sucks yeah here let's let's can we leave the net extended yeah do whatever you need okay I should go from gut hooking fish to not hooking fish well you hooked him not well he didn't bite real good either but he would have replaced one on the Live Well M that's all right he definitely bigger than that one that I got yeah there's one he's little I ain't worried about him sometimes you don't really have to be so barbaric when you try to you know hook some fish take it little little finesse finesse has never been my name of the game Bowl in a china shop oh oh we're in squeaker yeah but there's always some good to hang out with it oh yeah firm believer in that 12 pounder could Slam at any moment well I'm thinking about it too think of a spot you want to stop at so we can throw some anchor rods out and Flay that fish to get that theonia out of the Live Well if uh if he's going to die is he dead I he was if he is let's just sto him in the B yeah he's he's dead let's just throw him in the bait cooler okay he's on his way out had a limit that's a good one too yeah he's got to be fed before we before we take the boat out yeah that's fine we can do that you know after 3:00 yeah fill our limit up again you know I can't help but think so we had a limit now we don't have a limit it reminds me of when uh EMT Smith broke the rushing yards record mhm cuz he got like a five or six yard run and he was ahead by one and then the next play they handed it off again and he got tackled five yards in the back field oh wow so he went back but lost yardage and then the next time he ran the ball he busted off like a 25 yard run so he cemented it there but not that we're breaking any records but there's layers oh there's one you get nib too just a pack of little little dogs down there that's not a terrible idea you say we spot lock right right nibble Face McGee all one pound of him right now we could use him it's true we got a SP spot open in the starting lineup and a weak Short Stop we need to get out of there exactly tell me what you need I mean as far as like trolling motor and stuff you're fine okay yeah don't feel bad but I mean he's better than the fifth fish that's in there right yeah oh yeah come on he's ours don't tell me he swallowed it that's a circle hook too that's stupid your scissors that's unreal man yeah that makes me feel a little bit better about the kale I mean that is just that's unreal to have them do that right stuck all man yeah what do we he you got hook him on a circle hook yeah let's put him in the Box see what happens let me let me wash him off D kind of H I don't know we got one yellow buoy yeah we were joking about the fish fry earlier that is man I tell you what some that's what you call bad luck terrible I'm going to slide your hole over and double check that water level now upside down yeah out there b we woke [Music] up there we go yep no doubt he was just there so I don't know I mean it's going to be what it is we'll keep trying to do our best it's one you know I hate doing that to a fish two I only we got to worry about fish dying you know right i' be to call him so what if we have two F what if we just have a you want to just go buy the Crisco right now yeah he ain't bad gone did you just break off nope come on okay this is dumb you know what this reminds me you what the river tournament that what the river tournament yeah maybe we're just bad luck together what we're not I know I mean we catch fish you know but I just think that that's why I keep saying we press too hard during tournaments maybe no I don't think that I just think we just we got a my rattle broke off got to get karma figured out here yeah that was a nice fish well that's the thing about my videos I'll show you the good I'll show you the bad there's some bad going on today I don't know if it's cuz I'm jittery or excited or what my drag is the lightest had it the whole time well I promise you one thing that fish was not g hook I love the the positivity there yeah he swam away just [Music] fine yep stayed well we're netting them all [Music] so hope we don't need you but we got him not gut hooked not you got him in there anyway you how many we got in there do we have five or four we got five now well we got five because I caught that last one so will he be the six fish and okay that's what I couldn't remember God that's a nice one too I know man we don't need to put a tag on no well we can't forget about him he is definitely the next one it has to go first one has to yeah he's smaller than first yeah well when they're that small it's tough to gut hook them so we got that going for us got him yeah [ __ ] G hook he was on there the whole time we'll see a little bit better I see the bait flopping around that's a good sign I see the sweet get that little squeaker out of there okay he's okay three or four it's going to be an upgrade somewhere oh yeah yeah you will where's the hook I see it yes heck yeah yeah that's a nice one bud stop you dummy I'm just hopping over the top of the real real hungry ones so they don't swallow it okay and then you clean them up with a circle hook it's a team it's teamwork M no I I get you yeah Mah was a remarking in how we are now tied on the day for the most fish and I lost count so I mean I might still be leading and you could be lying to me just saying it's a possibility you'll never know until you watch the footage no even then like whatever I'll still L count watching the footage just happy we got a a limit of decent ones yeah they're not bad yeah he's okay hooked in the mouth come on now go make that determination in the boat yep I don't know I don't think he'll help I don't either but little this quick quick hit on the body chunk and I'm back in the lead two very important things we're fishing another spot we haven't fished yet um kind of got flatheads on my mind and they're scattered Timber out here and uh a bunch of life but down river there's that point that sticks out there's a bunch of Timber piled on the front of that and we might even spot lock on the front of that one for 5 10 minutes give her a go yeah Mah you haven't caught a flathead yet so I'd love for you to get the the opportunity that's how you lured me in to come down or come up here there are a lot of flat heads in this pool I promise I've had days where I've caught more flatheads than channels yeah the channels are just extra excited to lately which is a good thing for us right at least we're not sitting with no fish right oh that'll work stop I'm behind you I'll go behind you okay ain't going to help okay you down there Chan man talk to me what do you need me to do nothing just did he's hell a half mile back there uh probably reeling that Rod if you would yep he's going across can he beat five okay current you know what I mean yeah AB good he was way out there on the edge of that yep well we'll end up bumping through that once we get them all weighed and whatnot said I don't know what he looks like it'll help yeah maybe I'd like to weigh him and find out than K help what the hell you barely or good like oh yeah we'll take that you get to Fish him I'll worry about him all right we wait them righty enough water in there for now keep pumping fresh water cuz it's hot and uh two slight upgrades out of that we've went on a little dry spill since uh those last few um but we're also fishing different stuff looking for a big bite which sometimes if you're looking for a big bite you don't get lots of bites sometimes you do Micah I'm almost always good for a flathead we don't have a flat head yet you go want to get on that we could sure use one right we are trying different kind of habitat ran across some gar Mikey had a drag Ripper that I don't think it was a gar I don't think it was either I think it was a flathead but he just the hook pulled so just going to what you're just going to idle back up there yeah we're going to run back to the top cuz I think that's our best bet at catching a big old Flathead so that's what we're going to try to do we are in the final hour trying lots of different stuff getting lots of different nibbles lots of nibbles no big bites yeah it's been fun might as well uh let her rip the last last hour and just ice it let catch 50 all right 41 minutes probably 40 minutes now we're just going to put baits in the water and just go for 40 minutes so it's time to go yep you can lines out at three but we got to be back to the rant by 4:30 which shouldn't be a problem you got him whatever see a helper I don't think so is it a turtle not a turtle the break is he lulling you into a false sense of security yeah you might help come on stop doing that he can do it all he wants now yeah he might help we got five in in there just throw them in we'll deal with him later get bait and water he's got it's close enough where I say just throw him in a Live Well out a boy M right we're making a last Stitch effort we're going down to our last spot another Wing Dy that we're going to try to set up on real quick we got well probably 14 minutes now and then uh hopefully cast a couple rods out maybe maybe score something at the last second I don't know baits in the water [Music] Micah yep well it was fun Bud yeah I'd rather enjoyed it we caught a lot of fish yep say the tournament went about like pre- fishing caught a lot of fish caught some good fish not a lot of good fish or at least not a lot of big fish they're all good fish um we're going to head back and see where we ended up after we get done weighing a few fish oh they just put a wrap on this seark easy cat 26t easy cat well I don't think that event could have been any different than last year a lot of teams struggled um and then we actually caught some fish which last year it seems like nobody struggled and I didn't hardly catch anything but I'm a small water guy you know grew up fishing creeks about as wide as the boat we were fishing out of and uh doing more and more of this big water stuff it's just cool to learn more and more and more and cool to see like the results of learning more and more and more we uh ended up squeaking out a six Place finish out of it's either 48 or 50 boats good enough to uh cash a check you know not life-changing money by any means but enough to pay for the entry fee and and a little bit of boat gas so all that stuff's cool uh one of the the coolest things of this whole experience other than you know make making progress is you know overcoming a little bit of adversity those gut hooked fish and a flat tire to start the day off and you know just keep chipping away at it and figuring out something that was uh you know at least somewhat successful that's pretty cool I guess a little other little bit of adversity I'll share with you I'm not big on sharing like a ton of my personal personal life stuff and I'm not going to get emotional on camera or anything but uh people asked how is Woody how is Woody doing because uh you know you see skip in the boat and everything like that well the truth of the matter is Woody's more Ella's dog so anytime I took him it I pretty much just kidnapped him uh cuz he is such a good dog and uh he'd been doing great but he had a lump on his throat we got it tested the week before Ella called me like the second day we were out there to let me know that it was cancer so he's got cancer we're going to try to treat it um without spending crazy amounts of money which you can absolutely spend crazy amounts of money on uh treating cancer and dogs but it's pretty aggressive so we have an idea and we're going to go you know have them checked out again by a specialist or whatever and see what our options are from there so that kind of sucks and that's kind of in the back of your head the whole time but you know that's that's reality I talked to a buddy and he said there's two kinds of people people who are going through something and people who are about to and that's about the truth of the matter and I love Woody and all but you know there I guess there are worst things that that could absolutely happen so I got to keep that in perspective too but uh he really is the best dog like loyal caring listens really good and he's just you know good-looking dog but uh so that kind of sucked you know nothing's perfect but uh yeah I'm rambling now it's crazy that I don't know I've always wanted to make a video this long uh a lot of work a lot of time went into this one but I I think it turned out okay and hopefully you did too uh you want to support me I guess really in all of it check out my sponsor stuff uh PC fun you know bang for your buck reels can't beat them for the price and then Waterland sunglasses make ugly guys like me look presentable and then uh Striker brand stuff like they keep you you know it's apparel that keeps you cool when it's hot keeps you warm when it's cold keeps you dry when it's wet like it's just good stuff and I got promo codes to all of it in the description so feel free to check them out or not that's cool I just think it's awesome you took the time to watch the entire video and I appre appreciate the heck out of it hope you catch a giant

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