A Day with MBA Student at World's Best Entrepreneurship College! Ft. Babson Student!

best is the best entrepreneurship in the entire Globe I do not regret my decision one second this is world number one for entrepreneurship I'm at the perfect place here this is world's best entrepreneurship [Music] College so hello everyone bson college with an MBA student so this is world's best entrepreneurship College especially for underground and also for business school and and get to know why you should choose baps in college for your business degree so hi thank you so much for having me HS HBS India conference because this is so close to Howard business school that students can attend Howard business school events so first of all can you please introduce yourself yeah so my name is kesser I am a first year MBA student at bapson yeah and uh where are you from I'm from lakau uh India oh very nice now let's start with the center of Entrepreneurship so this is Center of Entrepreneurship which has its own co-working space so found Arthur Blank that's why it's called Arthur Blank right right right so found what was the inspiration I mean uh so he he he was fired from his job uh I think in 1961 and then he started like a company called heot and then after that he uh got into philanthropy and then he he started uh this blank family business and then so AR you know Arthur and blank centered is is actually uh B on uh Arthur uh blank who was an entrepreneur and a philanthropist right yeah so after after my classes are over I I come here or you know there and I start my work here only so this is like a private space for people for entrepreneurs who you know who want to work after classes or or are starting or for alums as in uh they have graduated and they are studying uh you know they want a co-working space because Boston is very costly so you can have a free working space out here wow this is incredible you know you can work though it's it's all scattered because I mean yesterday was BS on Monday so off so that is why you can't see people everywhere you can you know long exactly so you can work and then there's a conference uh room as well suppose uh you have a meeting with an outside client so so you can invite that client and you know have have a h inside by the way this is like a flagship uh program which bapson has right so summer Venture program is a 10 we uh intensive uh program where bapson helps you to connect with uh outside advisers mentors gives you a living space plus uh a co-working space in downtown Boston oh very nice where you can connect with entrepreneurs business people right so I mean bson gives you everything uh if you have to start a business by the way wow so so bson gives you some option to you know starting from ,000 or $500 up to$ 5,000 uh dollar if you have an idea and if you can present idea as I am trying to start this so Bon will most probably help you very nice Boston is very cool at this time for MBA so he MBA student here so now why right I mean uh I I I graduated in uh 2018 uh I I worked for a consulting firm which was working with the government of India so I was working with uh for the government of India for for like one year and then after that I started a tech consulting firm where we help uh startups to build software to you know to to help them with digital marketing so I was running that for the Last 5 Years and after that I thought you know I should uh see what exactly is in the States you know I mean right so I just wanted to explore that and see if I can expand my business here right or you know maybe learn from her and then Implement back in India right absolutely so so gradu so I graduated from Bangalore Institute of Technology in Bangalore oh wow which is in the startup Hub yeah right so you wanted to learn more here to expand your startup so what was your startup about and how Bangalore helped you or you innovated it right so uh Bangalore was a crazy Journey because so I I mean but uh I was very uh you know into building startups so I I I started a startup in Bangalore called Mall Square uh in 2014 I launched Cupid app uhhuh Cupid app was an app for couples oh OK Cupid I mean not OK CID it's a yeah it's it's it starts with Q okay the same uh initials which m name starts with okay right so I mean it was started as Asia's top six apps in 20 16 by Tech in Asia by the way oh wow so I mean the problem was I was in uh engineering college or pressure I wasn't able to take it forward so I had an exit uh from that a positive one yeah and then I started Mall Square Mall Square Mall Square was something which brought malls in your pocket so suppose mall and if you want to browse you would you can see from the phone right but but I mean that was a business which was a very Capital extensive business and uh it it comes around hyper local and students without Capital so yeah so that feel pretty bad so with these two starts Pro that you were already in the world of Entrepreneurship consulting or to you know switch into product management or some other field so now what do you think how bapson is going to help you in the world of Entrepreneurship bson I think uh I mean gives you a lot of opportunity in terms of connecting you with mentors uh venture capitalist as well oh by the way this is stock market well 9:30 a.m. right uh so so uh and bson has like different different programs so we're having a summer adventure program as we as we you know saw in the blanks right and then we're having a flagship program called the beta challenge bet challenge so beta challenge is you know is is like a bapson flagship uh event where you know startups pitch their ideas in front of uh people uhhuh and then yeah there's a good prise money involved so this year it's it's around $100,000 oh wow in cash by the way right so uh that is something which they do and then there's this club called bson acation Club where so I'm I'm a part of the of the club so I'm plugging it I'm the head of fundraising there so what we do at bson action Club is we we we uh you know select uh startups so this year we have selected 14 startups and yeah BS acation club and bet challenge is different so bson so you know as I besides this bson acation club be a Pitch competition K which is on the 26th of March uhhuh and it will F you know it will feature 14 startups uh where they'll pitch to you know to the customers to investors to to to the people in bapson and you know because this gives you a platform to validate your idea right or and it helps you further in your startup Journey because let's say if you pitch it wrong or you know you can craft your story finish your story right give a give your story a direction right I don't know how you're surviving likeus 7us 7 wow it is very cold in terms of weather as well and also terms of people as well I don't know man I I genuinely so how do you think about the people here are they cold here in BS very friendly very friendly and very helpful as well I mean uh I haven't personally faced any situation uh like that I think everyone comes from a very diverse background so I mean want make to connect right right right and by the way HBS majority questions at India conference about startups question they were from bson they asked amazing questions so I personally think the energy level of bson is amazing Howard right I mean uh I think Focus entrepreneur so I think that is why we haven't marketed it like Howard but yes uh I mean we have more than competitive students here entrepreneurs here uh so ring tank and uh ring was and the founder of ring was a Shar I mean from a contestant to being a judge so he became a judge so he sold his company for a billion dollars to Amazon wow it was called ring right and bson alums capital G first ofch I mean I think it's an event and so we are everywhere it's just that and I think I think we creating impact on the world and we're creating something which people want as paulam says so so wow about bson because MBA average fees is like 100k a year Howard 200k that is around like you know 6 right so uh I think bson ke MBA fees is around $114,000 2 years key yeah yeah right and uh mostly I think 100% people get scholarships oh wow yeah but I mean it varies I mean I would say 99.5% or 99.9% and the scholarship ranges from $5,000 to full scholarship as well wow I have a couple of friends who have got like presential uh I mean scholarships with full scholarship wow yeah that is something which is good and then so if you calculate the housing in k p it's around $1,500 a month $1,500 a month that is like 1 lakh rupes a month H lak 12,000 R month so I think 15 16 so average scholar and what background is needed for scholarship I think how you tell your story in the SOP and how you how you talk to the interviewer I think that depends on a lot on the scholarship and yes obviously the background is also very important if if you have a solid background and if you have been in multiple companies and have done a good job before yeah so chances of getting a good scholarship is is even more so multiple companies help what multiple companies as in suppose you you working Goldman Sachs right so your chances of getting a full scholarship would be more so yeah I mean so yeah that kind of thing and you know if you have a good startup experience uh established startup before then you also have a chance to get a good scholarship got it and what they so what is the definition of it so so friend Kaku he's from Nigeria so Kaku has like 100% scholarship wow Kaku was a ccfa back in Nigeria he was working as a managing director of a company and Kaku has like 100% scholarship I have a couple of friends my friend at Brazil his name is V he I think he is also on like 89% scholarship 100 exactly but huh he's also on that and he also has a similar background he was working for the government of Brazil startup uh I mean he was working something related with startup off lifting startups he have his you know startup policies so yeah that plays a important role plus I think people coming from China also have an edge because they very you know studious they work in like hedge funds and all so I think they also get like full scholarship and if you have a full scholarship you you also get a TA job as well instantly so fully funded right that is amazing right check out all the templates for statement of purpose plus emailing your professor for scholarships and research interships at fly with SN now we have another MBA student here meet suan so can you please share what background you come here come from and why webset absolutely uh so I am from India from a city called Pune uh I've spent around 5 and a half years in marketing prior to that I had my own startup so did that in India uh lived in a couple of cities in Bombay and in Bangalore and as I'm from Pune there as well and then yeah which experience you came with like entrepreneurial or marketing or so initially entrepreneurship was what I did so around two for 2 years I I ran my own startup out of college itself wow and once that was done uh took all of those those learnings and went to work for a big DTC brand in India so did that for a couple of years and again went into another industry but stayed in marketing marketing is what I've done in the last 5 six years and then just in general I thought that just trajectory life I thought MBA would just help me a lot and just getting a global MBA and international MBA would just be perfect at that time right so just came here uh to get that holistic view of business and of Entrepreneurship and I always wanted to get into entrepreneurship and this is world number one for entrepreneurship right I'm at a perfect place here so which is why I applied last year and and I got in like this is like the perfect opportunity perfect time so I should just jump on right so what resources are most helpful for you to enter the world of Entrepreneurship they don't like bson because cfee students they go into corporate sector even after coming to the world's best entrepreneurship that's the thing I mean everybody has their priorities but uh again if you have any sort of experience prior experience into entrepreneurship coming here is amazing because everything that they teach here has an entrepr I think that's like a big big thing here inene so in general like so there two different things when you when you MBA normally right here the aspect that they give you is you're not just a manager you're also a leader and entrepreneur so bapson has this thing called entrepreneurial thought and action this is a very bapson thing so what it basically means is entrepreneur even if you get into jobs right how would this etn is what we call how would that help you it's just becoming uh a more a better Problem Solver having the entrepreneu thought in your mind it's about the mindset entreprene mindset that helps you a lot that helps you whether it's problem solving whether it's just meeting people whether it's just being self motivated self-starting all of those things so getting that Vision that's what they teach you because for big startup you need two things one is the vision and one is the energy to build it up so like you find the best Engineers as well as the vision yes 100% I would 100% agree with that bson in general I think what I've seen ISS more corporate more strategy more all of those things bson is a little bit different the experience is different the people that come here they're all either prior entrepreneurs or they want to get into entrepreneur all the things that you're learning those also change because you have a totally different aspect to it you have a different Vision to it right so I would say that's a big POS wonderful thank you so much can you please share which background you come from and why bsin yeah absolutely hi everyone my name is Barbara Pinto I'm a co-founder and CEO at Nessa uji which a hell Tech uh company in Brazil uh we essentially make the connection between patient provider more efficient by using strategies in AI machine learning and preventive care strategies in preventive medicine um why I chose Babson uh this is a great question so so uh when I was considering Forum a master's degree I was between the University of Cambridge in the UK and Babson and the University of Cambridge is amazing is the second best in the world and she I chose Babson because Babson is the best entrepreneurship in the entire Globe I do not regret my decision one second this place has been amazing for myself and for also for my company uh Boston is the center of healthcare innovation in the world and this place has been amazing getting to know people like you and all of my classmates and the professors and the mentors this is an amazing place for Innovation amazing and those who don't know her startup and her accelerator is biggest one biggest accelerator of Massachusetts yeah thank you so much that's very humble of so this is called Han Library Han Library this is one of the most famous library of bson it's it's like a Puri city bson right bson is very big we covered like a 5% of bson oh but it's back side as well front side as well oh wow coffee shop New York Stock Exchange out of the library so can you please share more about the teaching style here Howard is famous for its case study method Stanford is famous for its key startups and funding because they have the maximum number of funded startups in stford what is the style of teaching here yeah you know stud interactive so so I'll give you an example so in our entrepreneurship class you know we are separated into groups and then we we you know discuss ideas and discuss topics right right it's very interactive right so I'm taking this class called negotiations right negotiate a proper like real world example right so interactive right it does not feel like a class just say I mean it's very easy as compared to back in India the education here right I think if you're from India if you have that antical background it is not very much stuff for you EAS I would say I mean 3.5 oh and this is also called a stem degree right yes so it's an MBA even though you don't take any like science engineering class it's a stem degree n so if if you are from India or if you're if you're not from the states you have to take a stem degree to stay in the states for next years and non you to get a job to get the H1B sponsorship BML which is like business analytics right so business analytics may there's machine learning uh there's SQL programming for business analytics right marketing Analytics coures where you learn it is not exactly ining you learn the tools that we use in the business world so suppose if you're a business analyst right so you would use a tool like Tableau right or use r or python to to form those graphs correct correct what it's I mean it also helps so yes so basically the stem courses you have to take to live here for 3 years they they help you you right right I have a I know someone who is I mean who is not taking stem at all risky right longterm Vision like by taking BS and degree how you how you think about your career in the next 5 years I mean I am I I was a a future guy but I like to live in the moment now so I would say he you know building something or creating something which impacts at least million people so that is the vision till now right awesome now School of bus right right thanks toer I also got to attend a Consulting class problem so this is so amazing experience how to get into Consulting World exactly uh so I plug the client time spoon Chef if someone wants a personal chef please so so tin spoon Chef personal chef provide right so objective to to increase their revenue and to expand their locations like to give them you know strategies or problems problems you know analysis so it's everything which a consultant does in a real world consult so no no it's it's just advice and strategies that we give them but yeah what strategies on point now it's up to the client if they want to exe execute or not but uh you know uh they have executed a lot because these companies come to wson to you know to ask the help and these villain you know students and you know they they identify the problem and they solve the problem yes wow and now can you tell me what is the biggest Pro of the location because 30 4 minutes mitn so like what's the biggest benefit of being in the student Hub biggest all over the world I think Boston culture Dynamic right people from all the parts of the world are here plus as you said Howard MIT uh uh so youb plus uh Boston is one of the Cities VC firms compies right so you you always get an advantage my father was very afraid absolutely and coffee which is British coffee and this is MBA classroom and what's the class size here uh so 130 batch and it's divided into 38 38 40 so that is very small and because classes so you get to interact with 140 business students I mean till the end very nice okay and now because that's a hub of Entrepreneurship inad for under for under and how students keep motivated beyond the shortage of opportunities I think inter and people are applying for it and because the uh I think responsibilities they want to maintain the Dynamics of a company right culture so I think apply I have friends who applied for like 400 internships right and they've got like two interviews 400 two interviews so it's about keep trying and trying until you get one what is the difference between someone in this internship he very happy or she's very happy I mean he or she is sad so I mean so I believe so you get it anyways so that that is what I feel internship you apply in the right direction strategize right uh think about what exactly you want position apply right you you you get that opportunity you can take that right and that's I don't think so it moves but I think the it it revolves around a lot so this is like the Roger bson so he's the founder of bson Campus Center we'll have lunch after this oh sure yeah so we'll see games we can play a lot I mean pool and then video games uh so I mean I am not a party person to be very honest but yeah I me party on Friday and Saturday networking party right I mean I mean it depends on the person as well so I mean uh I would not say introvert cool now we are in wisan found I think seed fund is the starting Capital if you have an idea of something and and if you want to start something so wisman Foundry is uh basically if you have a project related to Hardware or maybe software right and uh if you want to start something at a very small scale and if you have an idea you know you know try it experiment it so you know they give you the that stage to experiment the those idea with the funds as well now we are in etower where majority of startups work here so can you please share more about it yeah so ET Tower is a living learning community on campus filled with 21 undergrads that all run their own company wow so what's the biggest advantage of studying at B bson if you want to be an entrepreneur what are the resources which are your favorite that has helped you the most good question I would say first it's the community like being surrounded by so many different entrepreneurs doing so many different things like it's super startup focused so everybody has different experiences backgrounds you can pull from different things like I just had a kid text me about sales tax and how to remit that and all that so it's like you know people come to me for that stuff when I get a lot of help on different items like you know we have someone that is really great at building great team culture so I take a lot of tips from her so there's like really just it's the community and then second the blank Center for entrepreneurship is amazing they do U pitch competitions there's a pitch competition for undergrads you can win up to $28,000 a year for your Venture they have seed funding where you can get up to I think it's $1,500 um a semester or something like that um for your company and the Alumni network is just amazing it's filled with so many Founders that just want to help you um so like that's the value it's the community and the blank Center to kind of foster that for entrepreneurship amazing I think you pretty much shared everything yeah anything else you want to share what happens here in this room uh honestly a lot of co-working a lot of great memories like these will be my lifelong friends just you know I can look at this section in the comment room and think of so many different amazing things we've been able to do or or that over there and it's just like I don't know just flooded with amazing memories and I'm so proud to have gone to bson I I didn't like it my first two years here and I was going to transfer out um but it wasn't until I understood that you have to be a fit for the college you go to um for it to make sense I wanted to you know if I wasn't working on a startup I probably wouldn't be here but because I'm working on a startup I this is the best spot to work on a startup can you pleas share about your startup as well yeah definitely so I've run a full service uh brand growth agency we help companies drive more customer loyalty and more regular customers in the door um so it's been going great I have an amazing team three two full-time employees three part-time and I could not be doing doing this without them um we're working with over 13 different baps and startups which is really cool so it's been like a little hub for client engagement um and yeah so we're actually working with two other people in ET Tower Khloe saho who runs Bond it's a um Team culture app where it asks you a question quiz or challenge every single um to your team and so it's a great way to you know if you're working in remote space to learn about um who you're working with and get to know them outside the work area and then you know another one is Anastasia who runs a line of Home Care cleaning products um that are like toxin free and sustainable so it's like luxurious uh refillable soap that Foams there's dish soap and hand soap and she's actually in Nashville right now um pitching to win $50,000 in the um United States like National pitch competition that is amazing so you all start adds loyalty to existing firms so let's say they want to you know give customer points and like a way to bring them back exactly what you it's building Community a community of fans for your company it started as like a marketing and sales agency but then I found getting quick sales doesn't attribute to long-term success so I thought how can I restructure the agency to to really focus on longterm success for your business and brand and so I thought about it's better to have a community than just get a bunch of people to buy product up front because you want to Foster that Customer Loyalty get them to be champions of your brand and really push Word of Mouth marketing because at the end of the day that's the highest converting marketing wonderful and for a startup two most important things are vision and best engineering team that's what I think and like yeah so do you think you get both in bapson like the people with vision right vision and best engineering skills or you had to find Engineers outside I hope I hope BS is not watching no um I would say it's a mix I think you're going to get more of those Visionaries more those people that have the ideas and are like here's what I want to do and a lot of bapers are trying to find the engineer co-founders those CTO people that can help bring that Vision to life um and honestly like you know we definitely do a lot of work with Olan who's like right around the corner they definitely have people that help us out and there's so many events in Boston um startup Boston for example runs a co-founder matching event where it's like literally CT like potential CTO or engineering Tech and you know meets business and idea Visionaries and that's an awesome event so I would say there's probably more Visionaries here but it's not impossible to find technical co-founder wonderful awesome thank you so much it was wonderful talking to you now K what advice would you have for students coming in startch and they want to enter in the world of entrepreneur and what advice you give them uh so I would say if you if you want to launch a startup I would say Service Company start start a service business or start a side Hustle make it your cash cow and then work on that big business IDE that you have because then you can keep putting it as a student or as a professional because I've seen people uh like leave everything I myself have you know in the past I left a couple of things just to start my business but first have a cash cow in place service business and then start what you want because it will help you in the long run as well absolutely a service space as well as consultancy right right so it's a tech cons consulting firm it's running back in India handling still managing now yes yes I mean I take some calls I mean a day a week so yeah wow so inspiring part about ker is that he's funding his MBA on his own back options true true true I mean yes that was the case because to be very honest I've taken a small loan but I'll I'll I'll you know I'll get it done in a very short span of time and yes so I mean I would say to anyone who listening at this time world geographical just take the right decision think about it like a like at least 100 times and then plan it well and then I think absolutely wonderfully I'm very nice talking to you and thank you so much for your valuable information and time thank you than you so and bson has one of the best food I've seen cooked vegetables usually raw vegetabl salad cooked vegetables plus chicken and [Music] chicken

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