NRL Round 27 Preview - SpoonBowl is HERE! Debunking the Broncos Headlines & How Does The 8 Finish?

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 01:09:56 Category: Sports

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WHERE HAS THE SEASON GONE? this is the levels Network I'm Justin H joined by the triple OG wiu Mason OG the last round of the season is here we're about to get into the finals time there are some finals type games this week though I'm there about three that just that'll work out the eight that's crazy it's going to go all the way down to Sunday the very last game last day I love it you couldn't you couldn't have written the script any better what about uh like if you all just say for instance I was looking at the draw before you got the camber Raiders and the St George allora dragons who will playing on the Saturday um and they points differential right so yeah it's crazy so if the dragons or Raiders and the Raiders need a win by more than six to jump the dragons too by the way so not only do they need to beat the dragons they need to jump they need to beat them by six they will then have the opportunity to get into eighth position and then only if the Dolphins and knights draw all the way through extra time and that's only happened once this year and that was the manly game versus the Warriors God can this happen can it happen this is going to be unreal I'm going to watch every single [ __ ] game and I love it because I just think like this is how it should play out so good it's so like no other sports like this only rugby league can just dish this out when it comes to the last game there's six teams out there trying to fight for bloody the eigh spot it's just it's crazy Cowboys and bulldogs fighting for a home semi yeah man I said that like the the Bulldogs have been probably arguably one of the most consistent teams yep greated and you know what if we get beat by the Cowboys and then Manley beat crenella we finish seventh and guess what then we play against Manley at Brookie so we lose that home semi so there's a lot riding on all these games it's funny I agree with you I fully agree with you that it feels like the Bulldogs have been the more consistent team yeah but they're on 34 points the same as the doesn't matter yeah exactly no one cares that's just me and my op and everyone else's opinion and Bulldog opinions but like you think Cowboys give a [ __ ] you know why it's because of the expectations that we had of the both of the teams so to see them sit in here I guess on with the roster that we expected at the start of the year we probably expect the Cowboys well I did anyway expected them to jump into the top eight and be a contender with the Stars that they've got and the Bulldogs we didn't have that expectation so although they're sitting both on 34 points it's not the way we viewed them at the start of the year which again this is why rugby league's so great mate unbelievable it's been a great season I'm looking forward to the can you believe it's the last round I can't this year's gone it just goes too quick M because the weeks the weeks go better quicker than the years mate yeah because now we do content every week and we do the podcast sometimes it does feel long but again like just as a fan no I honestly don't think it goes long ever like I don't think I don't it's not a day where I go oh I got to do a podcast oh like I'm like [ __ ] is it again again you know what I mean Monday cuz we spread it out so well right yeah Monday morning Thursday morning we're not doing Monday Wednesday you know if Monday Wednesday I sort of be like ah [ __ ] it's happening again you know what I mean but Monday Thursday and then Monday Thursday you it just spread out really good and we all got things to do as well and we're always involved in the game coaching you're doing commentating all this kind of stuff so when we do come in here we love it right but there are times when I watch a game against per vers West tigers and go normally normally I'd be like cuz we're watching every minute of games that's the thing and there's and I'll be honest there's been a couple last week or two when I'm like K how many per round you know what I mean I'm just like it's about one or two last week when there's no meaningful game yeah and it's not a game that's like you know people just out there playing for different reasons I get it but it's like it's not really going to we can't talk about it on the Monday because we just flick past it yeah well there's some teams that they just you know they haven't got um I guess the recognition on the potty because the story lines just haven't been really worthy and that's just that's up to that's up to the players be better play better I'm only kidding um only kidding and mucking around off the back of uh the show um it was the fan reaction from us talking about the Vlogs oh really and it's almost like you know what I was thinking U we've had a couple of times where we've gone either on a a tangent or um I reckon we have a segment and I've got it down here Wily nilly where we just go all over the shop and uh like you know for the beauty of this whole thing for Monday's show it was about the Vlogs and uh let just on my mind for a little bit I think you know having conversations with the great reny mature and a few old school guys and we're like Ark would you do that like would you here we go so again this is I get it's pretty split but there was a RENI DIALS IN FOR HILARIOUS YOUTUBE COMMENT REACTION whole heap of people that were just loving your little rant here we go I got renie reny wants to jump in 61 R mat speaking 61 all right hey I I got one um we had Ryan B who text in cuz uh me and you were having a laugh at the training session about um if o4 uh renie and mace were doing a vlog together someone someone did a a a a a vlog for mace right now and it's Ma's pod podcast day Vlog you Ready's go 5 a.m. wake up treadmill does PB while watching 04 Grand Final replay tck 6:30 call Channel 7 to renegotiate contract due to Spike stick 659 kisses Clive Churchill medal before leaving home he's never taking it off 7 a.m. drive to Belmore to give next week's game plan to Calo 8:00 a.m. Forge training with Bulldogs Harold mat squad has to end early as Ma has dusted them all 8:30 passes on words of wisdom to Bulldog's office staff several move to tears here's here's the best one this is a doozy 8:45 prank cter Tyson [Laughter] gamble oh and you're in this and this is why I called you 9:00 a.m. coffee with renie at the hobbits Village Cafe the [ __ ] are this and 9:30 a.m. arrived to re arrive to record levels podcast breaking Australia's podcast ratings record morning morning done Vlog done that's that's bang on who's been following me around oh who whoever whoever whoever that is that's accurate I thought it might have even been your burner account messaging in for the you know reckon if it was 2004 you know I know who'd be doing Vlogs Ry mature all right Ren daddy thanks for the call brother love you mate we'll speak soon see you tonight for dinner uh that was from Ryan B that was so good mate that is mace if he did a V for sure uh thank you to everyone who leaves comments like that who has been subscribing us Instagram Tik Tok that is the sort of show we are I love interactions like that that's why I love doing it with send him a hat or something man yeah we got to we got to get something cuz that that is the comment of the year on YouTube that was so good uh shout out to Tyson gamble love you Tyson love you Tyson um all right let's move on to the new uh let's move on to the replies sorry he slept on this one coffee at Ry at Hobbits Village Cafe yeah so do oh yeah Hobbits got it [ __ ] that one went over my head I thought that was a Hobbits cuz he's short that went over my head how did I miss that that's what I was laugh until you made me double down on it that is so good um yeah that's the best um this is a uh now there's a lot the other one that we had a lot of chat around was um the basically the OT YOUTUBE REPLIES FROM MONDAYS SHOW Whitehead and Trent Rob interaction uh this one's from IL an doing boys great job on the podcast by the way it's mad that you guys don't always agree with each other it's hectic seeing the OG's opinions of what the players like nowadays widu team would run right if socials were where they are right now but they were the best of their era that's yeah look again like we disagree on the Vlog stuff we disagree we disagreed on this um but your team with socials and if like in this day would be fun to watch thank God would be would it would be fun yeah we had we had we had a bunch of like I mean there are so many negatives of social media but the access that people that could that the access that people could have got watching you guys yeah um would have been fun to see soci would have been awesome man like just it's a it's a double-edged sword isn't it yeah for sure depends how you use it and these players use it to a to a good thing I mean I might be taking the piss out of like Ricky and a few of the guys but I'm like I just don't agree with doing that all that sort of [ __ ] when you're just not winning right when you're not killing it and everything like that I mean I know what social media is like great I use you know we all use it on here and it's a great platform but like it's it's and this is all tongue and cheat we're not [ __ ] fully against the Vlogs I'm not don't get it what don't get it twisted not we haven't used don't get it twisted not I used it on channel 7 don't get it twisted um you know I'm I'm just look at it and just going oh come on guys I just want you to lock in for a little bit right actually that reminds me uh this is this is so much of like and again this is tongue and cheek like a bit of haterade with you know the the bucknasty ball so renie was saying the other day uh when we'll train you guys this is how much of a hater mace is he hates it when people repost birthday shout outs look at you so he go he knows it too because like my birthday I would never put i' ran into little [ __ ] so my when it's my birthday like I would never put anything on social media and like R like and Tong and that when it's their birthday they'll just repost repost repost and have about [ __ ] 20 people saying happy birthday someone says anything I will never post anything Rie goes happy birthday mate I'm like yeah thanks he gets nervous about reposting the happy birthdays cuz he knows you're going to message him eventually and I'm like what do you get so much like if ma is hating on that for cuz he but it's funny cuz we had this conversation ages ago it's fun right but he just knows that I'm like with [ __ ] lad I'm like don't [ __ ] ever wish me happy birthday rink it's never going to get posted and it's never going to be like oh happy birthday will like [ __ ] 20 times right what about a mad team shot where like you you're ping through someone going no never gets anything never gets reposted and then like I'll ring Ren and go happy birthday bro love you mate all my mates will get a call message all that sort that's it I don't need to be on social media I don't want anyone to know [ __ ] my and I don't need that I don't need that [ __ ] fake love you know what I mean it's could be otherwise I could have a [ __ ] thousand of them up yeah of of course right but it's not fake love for the way the way you no no it's not fake cuz guys who go happy birthday M sweet that's it that's all I need that's all I need yeah I'm a call but I'm like yeah yeah we had this conversation a couple years ago with me [ __ ] it made me laugh and Tong we were doing the the gym I think we might have just started the gym session and then reny brought it up and I just [ __ ] couldn't stop laughing the whole session um this one is from the fraud Legend have to agree with scope and disagree with mace on this one jwh continues to hit people high where whether he plays the game aggressive or not hip drops unintentional sometimes as well you lose grip and fall down on the legs Rober out of line for that reaction to Elliot when his players are worse in the comp but Buzzard agrees with you Buzzard 451 aggressive tackle and a hip drop not even in the same ballpark please all right let's just dissect this a little bit more I obviously agree with fraud Legend and my point is pretty similar to his where I don't think people go into even some of the most rious probably hip drops or no I guess the other one is Crusher tackles people don't like it's just the nature of some times how a tackle goes I would say the worst tackle in in terms of intention is Cannonball yep I would say cannibal no one intends to hit high and get someone around the chops yeah they try to be aggressive and hit him in the chess I don't think for the most I Reon 99% of them um are probably the one bad example was our man psycho um max PL a couple of years ago was it last year that was a really bad example CES repeat offender yeah yeah I've seen him a couple times just losing losing his hips and like not yeah just a couple of those like Max PL has never even been near a hip drop again yeah um it's sort of getting out of the game but when it comes to like Jay dub he's not intentionally trying to hit someone's head and no one's intentionally trying to do a hip drop they're totally different things right totally different things like he's aggressing like wants to hit you as hard as he can and then the only reason why like jdb sees to slip up a fair bit is cuz he's coming in at 100 mph and when you you think where your target is and then they get lowered a little bit and he's already committed and he commits and he he doesn't pull back you know and that's what that's been to the detriment of his like his suspensions right you know like when he hit verls [ __ ] that was solid man but he hit verel on the shoulder you know what I mean so you can see where his Target is's taret on the chest so you're talking about like this much in a matter of when he's running and might slip a little bit or he comes off his right foot you dip when you step right you don't stand you don't at the same height when you a little bit of footwork that little bit of a little bit of late footwork you go from here just to hear that means the shoulder go straight to your head swinging arms and the way that he tackles he can't he can't pull out I mean it's obviously he's been doing it for years and like the thing is he come through the 2010s where you could get away of that [ __ ] and he can't change technique cuz that it's it's only been really bad in the last four years you know no well he's been doing those tackles for a lot longer but they've been uh clamping down on them the Last 5 Years they've really been clamping down I think and he just hasn't changed his technique he's tried to but when a when a big guys's like committed when big guys commit like that and he's going Full Tilt at you trying to hurt you he's trying to set standards you know what I mean like he's trying to do that and it's just it goes wrong sometimes when you play a fight like that where where hard grav like that yeah it's [ __ ] hard agree yeah cuz he's a he's a arm swinger he's not a Setter and Dipper and a hitter like that he's [ __ ] full ball boom arms shoulder chesty and then you're [ __ ] going down so if he gets it wrong he gets it way wrong exactly right so my point is 300 gamer experience been around the game long enough the game has changed yeah he's an OG but the part around the hypoc hypocrisy that I still agree with is Trent Robinson has had him as a coach now for a while the rules have changed and the rules have changed for the hip drop the hip drop wasn't the same and viewed the same as it was for if you go back and watch the game five years ago some of the tackles that players are doing specifically now like the Elliott Whitehead I went back and watched it was that bad it was he ended up in a bad position but like a tackle like that maybe five years ago wouldn't have been uh penalized to the to the level of it is sucks he so my point is with it is the game has changed with both the hip drop and the line of contact so therefore if you do have repeat offenders like Elliot Whitehead like Jared R HR I just found that a little bit Rich you know I love Robo as a coach I highly respect Rob I mean just must go a little bit deeper than that that's all it is well look see then that's my point like why because might have been watching like I so now like to to like summarize my point of it is I think he he was out of line on this even though he didn't go over the top I seen The Exchange I've seen the words after my thing is if a guy comes over and he's clearly got a version of the hip drop wrong I think Robbo he was caught up in the emotion of the game for sure and I think if he had his time over again I think he would accept that L things I want to hear the next time that he has a interview or conversation about that maybe he'll change his um maybe change his thought process but at the heat at the at that moment in time you got to feel for robo right I know he's very calculated methodical human and it just would have taken a lot for him to [ __ ] you know clearly rattled yeah clearly rattled clear emotional [ __ ] it would have been too early like for for Elliot whad to go in there Elliot whad is a stand up man he's [ __ ] obviously very sorry didn't intent the intent wasn't there to do an ACL you know and then all those thoughts should have been going through robo's head right but he's just like [ __ ] my season could be potentially over I think that's what it is it's accumulation of a lot of thoughts and maybe he's been watching Elliott do that cuz CU his first ini initial thing reaction was like that's too many you do it too many times something like that I'm like oh [ __ ] where did that come from you know how we're talking about there's a committee for a rule change I think it was the NYC where I believe Robo is on I could be wrong on this Robo is is on a board that um discuss a lot of the issues in the game I know he's like every time I hear Robo talk on majority of the things I'm like yeah I probably agree with a lot a lot of what he says right but believe he's on a board I think he may this is just a gut feeling the hip drop has been clamped down on in the last couple years him understanding Elliot Whitehead's techniques has me thinking that he was a big part of the the clamp down on the on theop he might have well I I I believe there's like maybe a board of maybe 10 to 15 uh coaches ex coaches um players of significance past players that get together cuz I've got something a little bit later on about um a bit of a they call it a summit at the end of the year where they catch up and go over the rules robo's take on it has me believing that maybe Elliot Whitehead was an example that they used during that time what do you think about that yeah I think so like that's what I mean like even though it wasn't illegal how the [ __ ] can he have he must have so much footage on him doing a lot of those things for him to go that's you've been doing it what whatever the comment was it's like what' he say like that's too many times too many times to many times you know to many times 360 had a pretty comprehensive oh yeah what did they what 360 put on they just had it in the background they really it yeah and it just all the tackles but was there a lot of hip drops Elliot was it evident from Elliott yeah okay and did he get suspended not necessarily these are just these are just all right so L is saying that 360 haded in the background I missed this part of it um where ell Whitehead and look this is what I said on Monday as well when I think of Elliot Whitehead um he's not an out andout hitter he's not a guy that you know he gets good technique every now and again but he's a bit of a he reminds me like how I used to tackle sometimes get good contact under hooks under hooks try to wait for someone else to come in but sometimes being an edge back row if the middle doesn't come or or your half doesn't get in there sometimes I used to just drop my weight and try to bring someone down now that never used to be a hip drop and there's certain techniques where you can lose it and and and there would would have been cases for sure where I would have done it because I would have been doing everything I can to get a guy like you down Maz and if it's one-onone or or maybe my middle slipped off and I've got in there then I'd just go like hang on to the back hang on to the back of you so you would you know obviously um feel my body weight and then maybe give away a little bit so that's the way down lose your legs um so I can I can understand Edge back rolls and and halves doing it a fair bit which which is quite common so that's basically um my take on it the last oh the last one off the back of this mate this is from dot dash hey Lads Love the potty L1 from Dayan just a quick one with all the send offs happening lately I was wondering when players get sent off do they get a spray from the coaches or players after the game or in the video sessions in the following week or is it left on the field love your work never change it's on the field it's on the field I mean because everyone knows you know just say with hard Graves and with all these guys who played at a they they tow the line right it's just [ __ ] you that sucks as much as Jared's a repeat offender he he has had a career of spacing the M I reckon Victor Radley went through it about a year and a half ago where I I reckon mentally Victor was struggling with it yeah he he started playing good football this year he was struggling with um the changing of the rules and there were a couple occasions where he was made an example of in my opinion and I think he was unfairly done and I think that was rattling Victor I reckon he was like starting to really because his whole like his whole game is predicated on [ __ ] hitting as hard as he can yeah he just had to he had to lower it a little bit his CU his technique is great but he just like he's a real aggressive human when he's out there he wants to hit and hurt just stays on the field like what can you do like if you win y you like no one gives a [ __ ] but like if you lose if you lose like and you're like [ __ ] you know like and you're still not going to say anything especially to a guy like Jay dub and Victor Radley and guys that sort of tow the line a little bit like it's just like [ __ ] this is the way they play did you see the Elliot oh you're not on socials at the moment Elliot head put up a post oh that's [ __ ] hilarious that's that's from the that's the audio from have you seen that that famous footage it's like it's like a cast game haven't you seen that oh it's hilarious that's that's audio over the top of Elliot from a Super League game and it was a cast game that's [ __ ] unbelievable I got to show you the OG it's so good and he dubbed it and put it overp he hasn't been suspended he's done three games season over yeah season's over he one game left he was always going to that sucks way he's been he's been great for camber in the NL yeah yeah shout out to Ellie he's [ __ ] a legend he's funny I think yeah I I I think uh after just letting it settle again I didn't I didn't really think either was super disrespectful as well like in the sense where Elliot Whitehead brought it up in the in the in the Press because obviously he Elliot seemed a little bit more disappointed that Robo didn't accept the apology and Robo and Robo wasn't over the top either he was just like mate it's to many times it's too many times and you can see the interaction Ali walks away he's obviously um you know trying to I think maybe Brendan wouldn't have been on the field but it was they were on the field after the game so uh it's quite a unique situation but um I think if in my opinion I think if Rob had his time again considering everything um and having a look at it and taking the emotion of losing three plays in that game yeah that's that's what it is I think he handles that better he just rattled because his season just probably nearly in front of him just like [ __ ] it's over speaking of season's over here we go getting into one of our hour ones from day one absolutely loves it Jimmy Reed pay har now getting surgery on his PAYNE HAAS SURGERY Liz Frank mace why the [ __ ] did they play him 76 minutes on it last week Kev is rattled that's [ __ ] I said it last week he shouldn't have played it wouldn't have mattered even if like like they're never going to make a run for it they wouldn't have never even if they had to won that game I just don't think they could have even won the comp at all cuz they've had so many players out and they're not playing good but like to play him that many minutes and just you you're potentially [ __ ] around with his career I said that like he's if he's he's semi- ruptured he's Liz Frank that could have turned into a [ __ ] proper rupture and that's six to n months out yeah W I just wouldn't have Dance with the Devil like that mate because like obviously he's not playing this week is he like it just say if they had to won this game surgery yeah if they had if they had to won the game was he still going to get surgery well yeah ores he does he keep playing and then just [ __ ] really en rupture his thing that's the [ __ ] most stupidest thing I've ever seen so here's what we got to take in consideration right was this surgery coming no matter what now they're officially eliminated is done I lent toward towards the side of all right I understood what you saying because you've been through the injury I would have given pain that game because you're looking at where the Dolphins are right now the Dolphins and the Knights are playing to make the finals once the game was done at about the 50 minute mark it was evident that they weren't going to win that game I think should have taken him off whenever Kevy gave him a spell I think well he has obviously gave him a spell for four minutes here when they gave him a spell he shouldn't have gone back out there when Herby scored that try coming off off an inside ball and him and Willison couldn't you and that's the thing you can't stop on a dime like that so when he's got when he was going to Crossfield Willison went first he went second hips to the side that was about the 505th 60 Minutes that was game over that was game over because he can't he doesn't ever [ __ ] up like that pain house so you're out you're out there putting him in all these like different situations when he gets fatigued and everything like that and they're on the back foot and he can't stop like he can't there's things like where your foot just stops you you come that way and you bang you you can flip your hips he couldn't even do that cuz he's got to plant his feet like little things like that could have [ __ ] ruptured his least frame well you know the toughness of the player as well I reckon pay hass's pain hass's last four runs were his best runs of the game as well that's how tough he is I remember watching at the back end I was like oh Pain's actually getting better as this game's going on but the thing is he have defenses aren't as like look what happened in his first 50 minutes he made 45 M yeah he the last couple of runs because the the Dolphins weren't like trying to kill anyone you know what I mean like that their line speed was off you know you're going to let pay har get his 10 or 15 every no I'm just speaking of the character of the player so tough for own he's so tough and I like you could not do that to a player Nam called Payne har who's the best forward in the [ __ ] world who's got a 10 career ahead of him and you want to jeopardize that and it's important how you start the year next year too yes you know what I mean he's going to he might have a full ruption now like he could have done it from that and then it could be the whole thing that he's got screws in his foot and everything I've been through this [ __ ] that's why I was so [ __ ] like against it at the start selfish from the Broncos it's awful all right this one is from Henry James mango question times shout RULE CHANGE QUESTIONS out triple OG in the manly Legend wanted to send love and thanks for all the work you put in for the show become a huge fan this year and the Potty is the best NL content out there appreciate if you can please give a shout out to the next part to our Lobster tipping comp the comp is 10 of us mat in a tipping comp this year and last place has to shout all the boys a lobster lunch that's going to be expensive expensive question is what do you think is the next innovation in the game any more big rule changes eg6 again or do you think the future changes will only be marginal and I'll back this up with k kopa k kopa kop uh CH Uncle OG and the kzy h first of all the mean potty uh the mean potty boys I was thinking the NL needs to have a weekl long round table for him with ref's coaches administrations rlpa X and current players and even a few podcasters like yourself to watch controversial footage and pick the game apart with an attempt to come to at least a m a majority decision on the rules to tweak bring in or scrap then these people can go back to the clubs referees and lay down the laws and interpretation so everyone is on the same page the NRL could even make a doco kind of thing on the free to Air to explain everything could be a two to three-part thing I think a one part episode would be um beneficial for not only the fans but also um the teams as well like at least they've got some footage to watch and see why certain decisions are made um I don't know about podcasters being in there I've just left that in there because I thought that was a giggle but like when you when you talk about some guys in the podcast like yourself for as a prime example where you've been around I guess you cover the X and current players and fully engaged in the game that'd be a part of having a guy like you there um but yeah I like that idea where the rest actually I'd imagine there is a committee it's just we don't see it I just think like what he said there if everybody in administrators coaches RPA ex players all that kind of stuff refs blah blah blah blah like everyone needs to be the main thing is everyone to get on the same page in sync no gray area everybody like you want to know interpretations from how the refs are thinking I want to hear it from like anle I want to hear it from referees I want to hear that if I'm I'm a coach I want to hear all that sort of stuff yeah that's all I want I want to I want a clear clear like vision for the game and where we're going to go to next year I think they should do that every like couple of years I a great thing every every year just sit back and just do you think it happens now and we just I'm not sure it just doesn't come it doesn't have all these guys um including because they don't care about X players and all that kind of stuff and current players current players aren't involved but I think they should get all the captains along they should get everyone there just say one day and just sit in there no cameras no [ __ ] and just get it out and get on the same page okay I think that'd be only It could only benefit the game I reckon for sure um if we if if we break it down just say if we had a table with 20 I I love a lot of the representation that he's got here so obviously refs I'd like to have uh obviously gr manle would have to be there senior referee Ashley Klein and then an up and cominging young ref as well represent representation of three refs um coaches I want to I want to I want to see some young guys I want to see s in there I want to see Rober want to see Webby I want to see wayne belly I think it would be be important to have an OG so Bellamy Wayne Bennett or Robo I think one of those representation of one of them then someone from the middle pack get Benji as well like get a Benji like get a young kid I'm getting to that the bottom the bottom teams need it more than anything you know like Benji is a prime example he's a young coach coming through his team's been sing the most out of any any team and you got to have Webby in there mate for the Warriors because the interpretation of some of the the the Warriors fans go why you [ __ ] me over well I think it's important to have like a Webby or or or Camerado one of the those those the new the new age coach they need to be in there you know and then Wayne you know Wayne and a and a belly coming in there and a couple CEOs whatever you want CEOs can all come in there like everybody everyone should just be in there just [ __ ] feeding off each other trying to innovate the game and and go back to the first question that's when the changes can come in that's when you'll have ideas and everything like that so the interpret shout out to the Lobster tipping comp yep boys um but like yeah that's what I think if you have a big [ __ ] Summit like that get everybody in there once a year one day get it sorted [ __ ] get out there and you very clear on the rules no gray area interpretations this this and this where are we heading with the game blah blah blah blah blah go yeah I want even break it down a little bit more as we keep going so obviously I want ABDO and pit of landies in there too it's important CU they're the guys that set the tone for what comp they're the ones that That Could set this up yeah so then you got like two to three from every sort of part of what what he mentioned here so rlpa Clint Newton and a guy that's probably a little bit more connected to the game in terms like Neo's one of the ogs now he's he's from your era so you get a younger guy like Jamie Bure in there um who's not far like only three or four years removed and then next players get you in there get Jammer in there um and then get some like a representation Joey or Freddy or something like that Billy Billy Bill still engaged for sure Billy's be great Bill M cam Smith like get all the brains man try and make this game just like game's at its peak like that now with money and everything like that and Views and blah but we just want to keep getting better and better we can't change it that much right we're not going to change it that much it's not about changing anything it's just about the interpretation where we're head where we're heading what the vision is and blah blah blah blah and everyone on the same page yeah we all go from there and we can't just have any ogs too cuz some ogs aren't engag in one I'm watching so yourself Jammer and Billy is a great example cuz they're actually watching every game we love the game man I want to see the game be at its best the best product you know we're getting the best product out there and if you are going to Chu a podcaster in there [ __ ] it I'll do it all right [ __ ] I'll be there um let's get on to what's BRONCOS IN THE MEDIA happening up at the Broncos mate we talked a little bit about um pain Hass I'm I'm I'm interested to hear your take on this so the brisban Broncos have been lab labeled a fractur fractured Club pardon me for a number of reasons uh this week there's been a lot of chat early on the week uh the Adam Reynolds SL Gordon Tellis um thing has come up again at the start of the week but off the back of that I was watching 360 on I think it was Tuesday or one of the segments last week teammate of Adam Reynolds Billy Walters sensationally quit his regular guest spot on Triple M doing breakfast radio off the back of all the criticism uh Kevy had been coping on that show or on the on the network Reynolds stepped in to replace Walters with the daily telegraphs your man Buzz Rothfield he's calling it disappointing decision by the Broncos captain um what's your thoughts on that why why is it disappointing well I guess the take is that well disappointing because like Billy said no because Billy's backing his dad that's all it is he loves his dad I'd expect my [ __ ] son to back me agreed step back Reynolds gets a gets a chance to be like you know Reynolds is is probably trying to maneuver his way into the media a little bit so that's like have a look at it from the different perspective Reynolds is not trying to disrespect [ __ ] uh Kevy walers or Billy walers or anything like that he's just trying to maneuver way through the media world and he's got a spot on Triple M and he's not going to get on there and bag the [ __ ] Broncos no he got nothing else but he all if anything he's very diplomatic and he'll just praise the Broncos he's not on there bagging anyone is he no he's not well then that's what that's a great person to have on there yeah Adam Reynolds has always been really good at I've always enjoyed watching Ren talk about the game because he smart mate he does give you enough without giving too much as well Reynolds is a [ __ ] guy who's been around for 12 13 years he around the block he was at South Sydney when they were [ __ ] he come through he won a Premiership he's come to the Broncos bees dig off a Premiership he's got stories he's got perspective from Triple M I'd sort of want Reynolds on there anyway apart from Bill that's fair like got he's a bigger draw card so they're like okay well no thanks Bill we respect what you're doing whatever but yeah we go with Reynolds and rynolds was like you know what get a Payday get some money Med get a platform he's probably got one year left in Max or maybe he might call it do you know what I'm saying so he might want to maneuver his way in there what do you think guys like [ __ ] Aaron Woods and all these guys are doing they're trying to get in there before they [ __ ] retire y you know so it's like a smart move so like you can't hate on him you cannot hate on Adam Reynolds this is [ __ ] this is what happens when your [ __ ] club is all over the shop well here's my thing and this is this is from jeno as well hey boys just a thought about the bronos season other than the obvious things like injuries impacting them this year I feel like people also are forgetting that before the year a lot of them had not even played footy in September right like a lot of the young team cuz they had been in finals for a while so um let alone first grade and then they go all the way to the GF then many of them get their first crack at International footy off the back of that GF loss then they roll into the year and they start by flying over to Vegas for round one not making excuses but I think there is something to be said for how much last year has emptied the gas tank for this year also just shows how amazing penrith are for doing it for so long cheers for the content that is a lot of excuses that you're making up mate you know like they just it is what these guys have played red football half that team's play Red football origin everything like that it's not that [ __ ] far into going into a grand final run right you're playing semi-finals but six or what eight of those BLS have played origin I thought that was quite balanced from him though origin is the Pinnacle it's the hardest it's the most Amplified game in the world they got to a grand final they [ __ ] couple of plays off you know it's not a big deal then they all went into the rep scene they come back here a few things happen with these guys mate few injuries guys out of form we always talk about it when the Broncos were on fire they all had [ __ ] six people in the the finals of the Del M for being the best in their position same as the Warriors look what happened this year [ __ ] none of them are there none of there none of them none of them are there Broncos none of them are there apart from pay house that's about it maybe pain H has gone down the down the order as well paty car would be Patty carrian yeah but that's about it no Reese Walsh no cobos no Kon Stacks no ezan no heres no fgas the only person who's going to be in the delm lock of the Year race is our boy carrian that's it compared to last year they probably had about six or seven yeah that's fair and this is what happens they go down in form it is what it is this is where our [ __ ] the Sal the the salary Cap's [ __ ] the comp is so tight and sometimes [ __ ] like this happens Reynolds out for most a year you know what I mean like in and out of the team no continuity players not playing to their best and this is what happens you lose flegler you lose Herby you lose some key players you lose a bit of depth and it just like Ezra M didn't have his best year he had [ __ ] lights out year last year same as Katon there was a center Center in the last test they've all had Dan years you can't afford to do that brought the Warriors you brought up the Warriors halfway through that right and it's very similar the warri about it down year they [ __ ] one game off the Grand Final the Warriors yeah that's my point right they get get the one game off the Grand Final now the look they were humbled by both the Brisbane Broncos and the penth Panthers in those finals games but in saying that they were so close um and when we think about the Warriors and the drop off they've had when they're sitting I think they're very similar like they're exact same they're 26 and 23 so three points away it's like the expectations for the Broncos were higher still despite everything that happened they always are cuz you're the bronos You've Won six premierships yeah you know like the the I think it's to do with the six premierships and more to do with the roster that they had this yeah okay I'm just saying but there comes a lot of pressure when you put that Broncos jersey on you do like you got you got all these great players like Wendell and Gordy and [ __ ] Kevy and all the great one of some of the greatest players that ever play the game have all played for the Broncos and there comes a level [ __ ] very high level when you become a Bronco and when you don't win when you don't win this is what happens and this is and and it wouldn't happen to any other team really apart from the Broncos especially what they did last year compared to this year now they're going to cop everything they just need to hold the for galvanized together don't let this [ __ ] break up the playing group lock in get through everything L gin yeah just L and Galvin in and then you just got to and then you got to get through all this [ __ ] because people are just going to keep coming at you and coming at you and that's up to the coach it's up to the CEO the GM to get every body galvanized and just to stick together otherwise they're going to try and break this team apart like they are the bronos chatter is now getting like the rest chat I think I've had get over it like d you had a [ __ ] year get over get get busy next year after we'll finish talking about this I want to get in in the next couple of weeks we're going to start talking about the good teams and that's more enjoyable to talk about uh this one is from Latrell Mitchell he was trying to get his one match suspension they must have been SOUTHS FAIL TO HAVE SUSPENSION listening to the potty mace for the infamous uh photo that was taken in the rabbit clash with the roosters this week much to the dismay of the NRL 360 they weren't happy with it so Mitchell received a one match suspension a 20,000 F from the N over the leaked image of the uh leaked image the Rabbid o also finded him 100,000 with 80,000 of that suspended so got 20 grand basically there's been question marks over the ban and the NRL officially knocked it back so I believe it is going to be either that hasn't been confirmed yet the indigenous game now next next year or week one do you think they make the the right decision on that I mean if he's ready to play this week like why why have they got a beef with that yeah that's I I agree he's if he's ready to play if he's done all the all the training he's fit clear from pH if he's cleared which they I know what I know what it's like cleared you know what I mean so it's just like the NRL aren't just they're just not taking this [ __ ] but you got to take their word for it right yeah if he's if he's if he thinks he's ready to go and you you're trying to question his Integrity well it's less about the individuals integ well it is but also it's the clubs it's everyone everyone's on board for him to play if you know you I'm I'm sweet I'm sweet I'm sweet yeah well have you got something is there precedence not really there not I mean I only said it last week because I that's what I'd do yeah you just it's it's a loophole the game I do it as well I want Mitchell playing next year I want him wear one I don't want any [ __ ] cuz as I said like although kept keep talking about is bringing up this [ __ ] that happened and it's like all all preseason everything like so if he can get rid of the if he doesn't play in the Indigenous game that's it whether it's Latrell Mitchell or it's I'm looking at some of the rosters now here in front of me whether it's dra bird Trey money some of the names I'm just looking on the list I would be doing this as well if there was an opportunity where I was suspended and I was out injured at the same time and it meant that I was able to play you for sure of course people aren't happy 360 is not happy all this sort of [ __ ] because they want him to like they want him to suffer you know like he [ __ ] already has public humiliation these are all allegations and he suffered enough yep all right so like just [ __ ] let him let's get on to the positives then a this is the last month for the rlpa player of the month in your August nominees are your man Herby farnworth RLPA AUGUST NOMINEES from the weekend mace Jerome Hughes [ __ ] ponga Tom travic and Isaiah yo Herby played five games four tries three Tri assists 29 tackle breaks I feel like they all in that Broncos game averaging 70 post contact meters per game with an average of 185 of the best in the centers in the centers jome Hughes four games one try five trius four line breaks 24 tackle breaks and an average of 141 running meters and he missed that crucial game against the Cowboys too so um even better that's thatat line with him missing that game kin pong are five game two tries three tric 27 tackle breaks an average of 166 Tommy travic four games seven tries three tric that's [ __ ] ridiculous an average of 212 run meters and Isaiah yo five games a try three Tri assist 17 tackle breaks an average of 39 tackles per game and 174 he does it all for that team I honestly can't go past Herby I don't give a [ __ ] about his last game but like to average 185 m per game for the last five games at Right Center like that's amazing he was a left Center left center right center but he plays both you know what I mean so you're not getting the line share of the ball it's what he's doing with the ball is unbelievable four tries three try assists tackle breaks post contact and him I can't tomm was pretty him and Toby that's it all these other guys no no I think Yo's been great but like that's just the penous system man that's just what he he just what he does he's just he's desensitized everyone that's what he does this is this is yoy for [ __ ] 27 games yeah you know what I mean he's not really going to go down much but and he's in the middle so he gets the line share of the ball when he wants so he should be a averaging 174 me he plays 80 minutes a game so I'm not really surprised at yoi Stats but where Herby just rips out a five gamer like that and I just I still can't go past that boy chich right but he's fullback so 212 that's all right I expect that 212 from fullback but when you're not bringing the ball back like that like Herby is her's getting the ball one1 Shak and BLS breaks and everything like 70 minut post contact I'm going with [ __ ] Herby man yeah it's not a bad shout I think it's going to be very hard to find out who the winner is we'll announce that on Monday at the next show it's time to get on to the team list for round 27 and we'll get our plays I'm going to go back BRISBANE V MELBOURNE here and get the odds up with from our partners at the tab uh kicking it off we have Brisbane at home to the storm Thursday 7:50 p.m. at Sun Corp Stadium uh the Broncos no Kony Stags he's nursing that quad injury sellon Cobo mov to the centers and Cory oats comes in onto the wing Fletcher Baker joins the front row with pay har out Brandon Pier quarter is also missing with jadden hunt returning and the one game ban for your man zavier Wilson brings in Kobe heatherington on the bench that's for the storm s far Longo takes over at fullback papy is going to miss this week Jerome Hughes is back will wrick is back Nick meany all back in the after being rested last week also the the return of Xavier coats on the wing uh his is from injury and then all the forwards are back through the middle that missed the game and were arrested last week as well big na Harry Josh King Shawn bla aliatar and Trent Leo this is going to be a bad week flogging to be a Brisbane Bronco I think an absolute touchup Melbourne ain't going to marck around this is this is all guns blazing okay with the tub Brisbane Broncos are $480 underdogs at Home Melbourne are $18 and the line is 15 and a half by the sounds of it makes you think it's going to be more than that God yuck I'm with you yeah I mean like why why the [ __ ] would um Melbourne let up in this you only get the Broncos sometimes when the Broncos are down if foot on throat and you just want to kick the hell out of them because they're the Broncos and you know what like knowing sort of and understand Bellamy been around for so long um you get injured in games where you take it easy yeah you can't can't Samy you can't semy take it easy there's no way so I and they're going to go full ball in this one yeah Full Tilt Full Tilt Full Tilt we need to get they they'll go that imagine what they thinking Melbourne they're like you know what get this Min of Premier ship beat the [ __ ] out of first [ __ ] semi literally three games for the Grand Final that's what it is yeah bang bang bang bang that's the mindset for sure we should ask money when he called in on Monday but I'm with you mate on this one we agree straight off the bat normally we uh disagree on a couple not when it's like this first first [ __ ] fourth SPOONBOWL! TIGERS VS EELS last all right I think we're going to disagree on this one then the spoon ball West Tigers versus The Eels Friday 6 p.m. at Campbell Town Sports you are not going the Tigers Josh Fetti comes into the centers for his second game of the season so Junior tupo goes to the wing and Solomon alalo is out under the concussion protocols as for the ills they welcome back Ki he's back in the side after being a late withdrawal last week so sha Lane reverts the prop off of hicky Ogden goes to the bench Shan Russell uh Returns on the wing therefore making way for uh Jake tungle will make way um the tab have this game $25 favorites underdogs at home sorry the West Tigers param a165 the line is three and a half is this SE toown or lock SE doesn't matter par going to pump him pump him yeah be another 13 plus I thought you were going to so the reason I thought we're going to disagree because I thought you want to see param get the this the spoon and I'm on no I I don't think they deserve it either tigers do they've been very bad all year very bad consistently bad all year so if they can jump and let parah get this spoon that's [ __ ] awful for again going back to the point we said before bulldogs and Cowboys on the same point you're saying one being more consistent and they're on the same points mate so you can't I don't know they just I just think because they just got a better team they had what probably in in hindsight right not hindsight but like par probably had a par M has probably had a worst year the [ __ ] roster definitely yeah I'm going to go the tigers are you going oh yeah yeah I want par to get the spoon see that's shout out to my account Pier yeah he [ __ ] loves parah and I got a lot of diard parah [ __ ] supporters I mean parah mates that love him and I'm like I just want to kick them because you know what even if they go oh yeah we didn't get the spoon now you're going to get it now you're getting it you're getting it boys you just got real evil then when talking about that you only CU I really I just like arguing with my mat just go for power yeah gotta you know how bad is that when you you got the spoon m shut up there's no argument until the end of next year like when birdie got the SPM when we yeah birdie shut up I can't even understand you RABBITOHS V ROOSTERS anyway rabitos versus roosters this is going to be despite where they are on the L this is going to be a very very hard he's still tough this is going to be a tough game cuz uh roosters are going to be trying some new combinations now and rabitos would love to spoil and just kick the roosters why they're down even though they've got a whole bunch of outs themselves so this is at a COR Stadium Cody Walker he shifts to 58 Hawkins is the halfback cuz Jack whiton is out with the CF Richie Kenna has been record to the game record to the team and takes over from Fletcher Meers who drops to the reserves I thought I like Fletcher M um The Roosters sandon Smith takes over at halfback for Sammy Walker Conor Watson he's the obvious choice for Brandon Smith naul white is the new lock in for Nat butcher CTI tuo for Victor Bradley Joseph auso swali he comes back in in the centers so Jen Michael Jennings goes back to 18th man and then you guys SE Wong Zack do clay and deput deel VA well done kid well done uh they the new faces on the bench Junior pong PGA also comes in on the wing for Daniel tupo who has been rested the OG Yeah well considering South have half their team out as well yeah and they will put up a fight because it's a it's a rivalry game but the roosters will be too good man and they'll be like you know what yeah we lost some good players but we got Conor Watson we got sand Smith we can make do pretty good replacements AR it's pretty good replacements man cuz you know Conor Watson and Brandon Smith are quite similar yeah quite similar they just use a little bit of depth but then you got Zack doer clay who's outstanding did the running club at the start of the year and just grinding and grinding and grinding because he he can play he really adds a little bit um Matty Jones tossed up having playing more of a direct St of footy put in Joseph Manu at six Luke k at seven and either like sandon Smith or do clay at Hooker did you find and then you can keep Conor Watson coming off as that 14 rold that he does work did you find that like um what's her name [ __ ] Joey Manu just got the ball so many times yeah I liked it but I didn't like it because it was like it just he was just everywhere he was just trying to win the game trying to win the game when he got to 5'8 which I loved but I mean I can sometimes you can do that like just say hey get in get at 5'8 for like 10 minutes and then go back out do you know what I mean like can the problem is when you play a guy like Joey man who's so good [ __ ] he's good you just compress the line as a defensive line because they're not going to strip yeah because like him holding the pine yeah makes the defense spread out correct right so when he's in in there you just compress and that's the difference right and that's what they did that's what camber did cuz he was in there he was getting the ball two two times a set and just running so they just compress compress compress cuz you weren't going to throw it right he didn't he doesn't have that Cris ball over the top it's more of a like a floater so you got enough time to to reass and go that's the I just want J as a center he the best strike Center in the game yeah agreed I think s Smith he's you're going to look at him job man he can do a job he's going to be the partner for Sammy Walker next year once kez moves on so you got to see what you got in him right yeah and Zack do clar in this world in which Zach starts and they bring Conor Off the Bench as that 14 role I think um I think Zach hits better he's a better defensive player Conor Watson still still [ __ ] goes hard in defense but like I really want to waste him that much in that first 15 minutes where it's not really it's not going to open up it will not open up you want them at the 25 I'm talking into the semi-finals as well this might open up early against sou but like just going okay in you know what I'm saying in a week one final do clay go out there and give me 15 20 minutes of just tackling fan like just fck and he's got tackle Tech he gets underneath he's a low center of gravity so that's the way I'd use him cuz I think Conor Watson can still be off the bench and just [ __ ] go nuts uh the tub has Sal $420 underdogs at home again uh the Sydney Roost is $123 and the line is 132 so I'm I'm predicting I'm predicting Roost is 13 plus I think they going to be a lot of 13 still too much quality in that team uh the dragons versus The Raid is Saturday 3 P.M at Estrada Jubilee Stadium uh the dragons welcome back DRAGONS V CANBERRA Moses Sully uh he will partner Jack bird in the centers with youngster Len King Tonga sliding in at 58 mafang goes to the wing Michael re has been admitted uh Jacob little returns after missing round 26 for personal reason so Connor mu goes to the bench Blake Lorry has been added to the bench after being 18th man last week as for the Raiders they get back Jamal foggy for the last game um with a hamstring and 58 Ethan strangers also back on Deck after wearing the six last week KO weeks goes to fullback for Jordan rer who was injured early in that game as well Elliot wiad suspended so Simi sui joins the pack and Trey money is add to the bench yeah the tab have St george7 favorites at home cber $5 jez that is probably the best price of the round I reckon CRA yeah I'm going Cambra I just think the dragons haven't been the same since uh Nica scored that try Y and they showed that they showed a little bit of fight last week that game was [ __ ] over that was over that's a surprise I thought probably Raiders would have been favorites considering uh they're not favorites I thought they would have been favor yeah I would I would have thought the other way around I would have thought it's up in syney that's why juile they're pretty hard to beat there um and maybe they've taken into account the tab that it's not a meaningful game because both these teams unless the the the crazy happens and there's a draw that either of these teams are yeah be aitt game to get up for right you just got to win somehow and I think I think cam yeah I think cam they should have they should have the talent to get through would it would would [ __ ] be hard one imagine trying to get trying to play this game now that like there's no ah got to win would it surprise you in any way if Camry going and beat penth and the roosters and then lose to the dragons yeah no no I wouldn't know no it wouldn't cuz I think the dragons can beat anyone on their day but it's just this is a real um it's a meaningful game but it's not so it's hard to get up so you got these young kids the six is a young kid they got some um yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know I'm going to back the Raiders I think the Raiders have been more consistent and they have more of a crack they have the odd blowout like the dragons as well but last couple of weeks been pretty impressive from the Raiders so yeah I think they're just going to take that heat good to they T they they're playing some good football I think they're going to beat the it'll be good for a young BULLDOGS V NTH QLD team to finish on a high two right three wins in a row to finish the season for six AR can he be stoked um the Bulldogs versus Cowboy Saturday 5:30 at a COR Stadium Bulldogs welcome back Skipper Steven cryon so therefore Jacob Carz will partner him in the centers as Bronson Sherry is serving in one game ban 58 Matt Burton is also missing after hi last week so Drew Hutchinson comes into the six just the one change for the Cowboys who down the storm Thomas MCA back from Hing injuries so Jackson Peru makes way big game man it's a big game it's a big game for us and I think uh you if you're going to take anything out of last week right um they're a big side mainly right so I think for about 35 minutes 30 about 30 minutes of that game they had 70% of the ball yeah you cannot we cannot afford to give big aggressive sides more than 55% of the ball because that's what happens right so we're a sort of team that needs to be at least 55% of the ball high completions and then run teams off their feet yeah right so when you do your best work late do your best work late grind grind grind kick to Corners we're going to miss Berto because he we can make 30 m out of a set and he can kick it and put it on their 10 meter line so that's and Cherry's been and Cherry's been really good and then Carz Moves In from the wing where he makes 20 50 M plus a game to go into the centers where he'll probably get about 100 yeah so we lose we lose that and we SK Skelton needs to come and take that take the work the workload that Carz has been doing y um but we need to complete sets get over 50% of the ball keep turning these Big Boys around because if you think Manley's Big T Malo mlan luky Nan Cotter I think in the bench I think this is the reason this is a bad match up do you know what I mean so it's like we need to complete High sets kick grind getting high speed grinds six seven minutes where the balls in play and just keep [ __ ] running play football at them and defend our [ __ ] asses off that's the that's been the ingredient all year for the Bulldogs we don't want to go and give big teams which most teams are bigger than us we can't give them 60% of the ball because it's front door it's front door it's front door material right they just want to come through the front door they don't probably respect our middles like they should right so when you got guys like T Malo and all these sort of BLS they'll be going one out we need to move those Big Boys around complete at a high level kick Chase work hustle grind and [ __ ] get them I [ __ ] we win by two points in the last second Cowboys are the same team as M for me so I think this is a bad match up again yeah I'm with you on no Burton no Cherry yeah I think this is a bad match up for the Bulldogs I like the Cowboys in this one we just got to we just got to we just got to get back on the get back on the horse get back to way the way that the Bulldogs play yep done uh the Bulldogs are $1.74 the Cowboys are $210 the line is two and a half so very hard to split these last two games but give me the two underdogs uh playing away in camber and North Queensland back to back on Super PENRITH V GOLD COAST Saturday uh the the last one of Super Saturday I will not be going the underdog in this one we have the penth Panthers against the Gold Coast Titans at penth Park so the return of Scott senson from a hamstring injury sees moov back to the bench and Eisen who slides to 18th man as for the Titans they get Kean Kenny back Dave FAA is out though and C har will mve in the starting side so on the Ben did he get a hi last week did he I don't know remember we're talking about that do you want to play last round he was the example how [ __ ] we Jinxed the [ __ ] out of David feder anyway it's an ankle he's going to get surgery so it's not H [ __ ] sorry we Jinxed the [ __ ] out of him anyway let's talk about is is Camp going to get the first try scorer yeah he's got it and who's got the Who Am do I have CA or do I have Val Holmes for the highest point scorer I have a you want to get it up now oh yeah should we do that after at the end of the episode have we got enough time do it on Monday all right yeah we'll do it on Monday cuz it'll all be done yeah yeah I I I've got all the data I'm close yeah you've got you've got it you got K Perera yeah I just it's either Val homes or Kwa that I've got for the highest point scorer aako you mean not Kwa yeah but then I but it mustn't be him because I was death riding him because I must have mixed it up must be Val what if you were death riding the guy that you had cuz you forgot I swear I've got Val and he just scored [ __ ] 20 points last week I think so NOA did aho whatever Soo [ __ ] forget his name same team whatever UMES yeah their mates C ask where are we on the bench young back rower AR Adar ho will make his interal debut congratulations brother um so let's go to the tab and as You' expect do 11 about the penth Panthers 650 about the Gold Coast Titans 19 a half uh this is a game where penth want to go firing into the I think they've been limping limping limping bit so bit banged up I think this is the best version of the penth Panthers we're going to see going week one I can they want to send a statement not to the go Coast Titans to their week one opponent for for the playoffs Dy Edward had four back from an injury um Fisher Harris said three or four weeks back y sa's back that pack looks like it's it's fully stacked so Titans will be coming down to penrith for their last game and [ __ ] wins this over yeah great could be could be messy ah all right uh yeah we both agree on that one I think that's pretty straightforward it's Titans I don't know T Titans one of those weird teams could they could throw something out at us for sure no they can't uh is going to be doozy the last two games seagull this is finals footy seagull vers sharks Sunday MANLY V SHARKS 2 p.m. at four Pines and we know manly a different team at home to K gets a not at fullback to take over from Tommy for this week but he is hopeful of returning next week Clayton f l comes in on the wing for Jason sa Ben trovich has been added to the bench after his 18th man last week but the sharks get some troops back Jesse Raman suspension back ronal Moralo knee back So Daniel ainson goes to the bench Sam Street o Sam Stone Street he goes to the reserves oh that sucks he's had a good couple of weeks he was playing well mate I like him Braden Hamlin U drops off the bench nickin back to halfback as per CIF teli is listed amongst [ __ ] you got to get cifer on there he'll play come on bro so some huge Raman mulalo and teleki they set the tone physically for this team uh it's going to be a hard game to pick for this one I'm obviously biased biased as Manley 80 two konala sharks but it's another Underdog away that um if I wasn't Manley I'd really be thinking about the really impressed with with with Kella and when they um when they're on they play a little bit of football in the middle Rudolph's develop a pass hazelton's got a little bit of a pass so their middles are really working together because that's what you need to do they're big bodies and it's just not one up one out with those guys they they really play a little bit of football so they need to get on the same page I think they can cause a little bit of um little bit an upset here cuz I think it would be an upset if they beat M over there for sure would be I think I think kral's got that team where they they're very good defensively I'm not even going to [ __ ] care about what happened last week with um with the Warriors that was just a beautiful a be beautiful moment for SJ and the Warriors and what a way to what a way to bow out but I think I think um yeah I think konala get him I honestly do I just think they play a brand of football which is Smashmouth and they they got a little bit of skill in their fall pack where they're really starting to get some combinations between the midd little tip on around about round C and they're really starting to get the fourman turning in they might you know they can really add on to those little plays um they they live in the middle part of the field but they're tipping on a little bit now but that's what I mean even with the nice little short passes that you're talking about their outside backs they want the ball through the middle as well like when you think of Koo and Jesse Raman they come through the middle and they want to blast through the I think kral's I think krala get him that's just mine yeah they're a scary team to play in the last round everything I'll take this [ __ ] personal cuz everyone's L pumped he's got a bigger smile on his face what do you got for us mate you ready for the next game next game for what yeah KNIGHTS V DOLPHINS 22 yeah he scored [ __ ] 20 points last week he did two yeah got so wa wait so let me say this I'm [ __ ] conflicted so ly is saying V is on how much and sorry he's my man Val's my man oh have you gone back and checked it okay all right so s is on 2 2 and what's C on what's on I'm already kidding um what's he on tries he's SC he a tries no oh man yeah okay it's going to come down this round yep and this game this game it'll come down to this game if we win 36 to 20 and Val scores 20 we're sweet so you want say say that again so he gets so just say if if we beat just say it's a 36 to Val you know gets 12 points scores a try scores two tries kick KS three or four goals I'm happy with that go Val go Val you're legit going to be going for for V to score points in this but Bulldog I have to you'll see it on the group text oh that's funny all right let's get to Newcastle versus the Dolphins this is going to be a doozy this is the game of the round for sure so the knights welcome back Tyson friselle sopr Jones Goes to the bench your man Tyson gamble was also set to return after missing missing a couple of games with a hand hand injury will price and Thomas k k are the men to make way and Kai piss Paul is listed amongst the reserves as he comes back from that laceration that he suffered in the the yuck laceration that he got from the rabbito game um The Return of Skipper Jesse bromich and Cody nicara sees Mark Nichols revert to the bench and Isaiah CA dropped to the reserves Kenny bromich moves into the starting side at lock and Lan H hubner goes to 18th man Fel KUSI got off that charge so he is good to go yeah the juice finally they got one wrong got one right in the bunker SL Match review finally got one right old boys day up in Newcastle oh I can't be there I got invited I just can't get up there have you been to one yet yeah I have I love it I love it I just I just can't get up there I've just been busy as [ __ ] so um and obviously if I go up on Sunday we got the pod on Monday and I know what old boys is like I won't be doing the potty yeah you need you need an old boys on satday yeah I can't do it and I spoke to gids about it and I felt bad but um it uh they they barely lose they do they barely lose on Old Boys no they don't really I can't remember that's the only thing that I is against me tipping the Dolphins okay so I'm going to go the knights y does that mean if they win do they get in the eight kns the winner of this the winner of this game gets in the eight that's it like they there's no ifs or BS or whatever so if Dolphins win they're in the eight if Newcastle win they're in the eight if they draw they can potentially be jumped by the dragons KP KP puts a [ __ ] clinic on it has to happen he's the only guy if if there was no KP they don't win but because he's that good and he can dictate terms and he can he can create so much he's got to I'm just it's all predicated on KP I reckon um only because it's old boys day otherwise I'm go on dolphins all right yeah I'm on the kns to finish off it's a tough one really it's a coin flip but at home old boys day you got me old boy stay um that's that's got me over the line um the tab have Newcastle or1 70 favorites Dolphins to$ 15 and the line is two and a half [ __ ] it I'm going Dolphins why because I just think they they're on a bit of a roll mate and I just think they got it they got their best team their best 17 and I just don't trust what do you re it's happened with Isaiah catar at the back end of the season there he was [ __ ] playing so well I don't know it happened last year too I don't know I I think um he's very young I think Wayne's still young very uh aware of that and just to be week in week out um is hard for young kids man like it's he third or second year in first grade second year second year full year and it's just sort of taken its toll on him few bangs here and there and um you know he's got a 10 15 year career ahead of so yeah that's that's the beauty of a guy like Wayne but um yeah it's weird I thought that he was injured yeah no he's on the bench last week come on about 15es 15 minutes ago yeah so and um yeah he's in the reserves this week yeah I like the way the Dolphin's playing I like Jeremy Marshall King back in the fold I like how I like hammer in there I like him in the yeah her's been playing lights out newcastle's pretty good but I just don't trust their halves what are you the switching oh yeah I was going to ask you jack Cog and Phoenix Crossland late switch late switch last week for the dolphins that suited a Broncos Ambush does he Ambush the knes and switch it up again yeah and don't don't don't worry about that you think Wayne Wayne doesn't want to go up there because he played up there coached up there that he wasn't want to ruin their season how good's that I didn't even think of that Wayne's ruin the Broncos season um that's what he does so so so here we go actually so Wayne ruined the Broncos last week if he wins this game he ruins the Dragon season by knocking them out and he could potentially knock out Newcastle all in within two weeks that's what he does thank you Uncle Wayne OG triple quadruple OG my levels bets friend special for this week is mly to win I've LPC MULTI been on fire with this I hit last week too by the way mly to win against the Bulldogs last week with Tom travic scoring he's out so we've gone with Leo HOA to score in the first 60 minutes for $350 absolutely love him from the Traders with a Max bet of $25 as always we want everyone to be playing safe during this footy season so please keep front of mine what are you really gambling with for free and confidential support call 1 1800 85885 or visit gambling help most huge games of uh huge weekend of games coming up I'm pump for it mate ready to go we'll see you review on Monday Joy footy Gam responsibly

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