so triggering that she almost killed herself will I'm going just give you a space you know it's true still the same street Thug that walk through those Beller Gates a convict waiting to happen like your shitty dad say go on man do [Music] it what's up YouTube it's your boy Mark Dart and I'm back with another video if you're new if you love Bel a go ahead and hit that subscribe button like the video and leave your theories comments everything down below now today we're gonna be talking about Belair season 3 episode 9 this is the recap I'm going to try my best to focus on all the key points in this episode if I miss anything you guys let me know down below and man what a very emotional episode for a lot of the characters of this show will and Carlton they was going through it Lisa was going through it I mean Jazz and of course Hillary they was going through a lot of emotions because we know when it's all said and done they love each other and this whole thing at this weton y'all know it's about to be some mess at least that's what I am thinking right now now I have not watched episode 10 I'm going to knock this recap out first and then I'm going to watch episode 10 definitely cannot wait to see what's going to happen but what y'all think about Penelope and that whole thing trying to set up Jeffrey I'm like really like you got to go you got to get dropped off you trying to set me up you know what I'm I'm saying I understand she wants to protect Frederick but still ain't no way in the hell you about to try to hit me with the okey do trying to act like everything go good but you trying to set me up like really luckily Jeffrey play you know he played it cool talking about he can figure it out but man I would have been pissed off and I'm glad that your boy Carlton did not go back to his old ways because for a moment I thought we was about to get the return of CED out Carlton but he fought through it and that's a good thing I'm still proud of him hopefully he can continue you know his journey but man Amira I knew she was lying about that sister I mean finally cosson was able to find out the details about what she's really going through and he was shocked like really he couldn't believe it at all but let's begin this recap let's get into it what did we see in episode 9 titled family matters now the episode starts out very emotional everybody's just recovering from the aftermath of amir's Overdose and they're just going through the emotions now will he is trying to hit up Lisa and Carlton trying to see how they're feeling at the same time he also has a lot of pressure because of the black cess you know business and it's a lot of investors that's very interested so he is trying to make this move but unfortunately this may not be the best time for Carlton to make that move now Carlton and Will they have a conversation and Carlton he pissed off talking about look it's your fault air did what she did it's your fault that my dad's business is messed up basically he just is blaming everything on Wheel talking about you ain't nothing but a thug a convict just like your shitty dad and I'm like damn so he going to go there if I was will I would have smacked the taste out of Carlton's mouth I don't care what the hell he going through now that's just me understand he going through what he going through but still to be honest with you guys in my opinion I know will he's made a lot of mistakes this season but to be 100% honest he's actually kept his temper under control and I'm talking about as far as really going off on Crossing for real even with the mirror you know he finally checked her in the last episode but y'all can tell Will was kind of holding back he really could go off for real and when he kind of turned up a little bit we know that airor she did what she did I mean it is what it is at the end of the day we know Carlton and a mirror should have never been in a serious relationship at this stage of recovery they was warned multiple times so these are just the consequences but as I told you guys if I was will I would have definitely smacked Carlton dead in his face smacked the coke residue off his nose running this enough about me and my pops but hey that's just me now of course Will's about to put those hands on Carlton and then Uncle Phil unv they brought him downstairs and they talked to him next thing we know your boy Carlton he's snitching out will about that fire I'm like damn so you going to snitch now and Carlton he was just pissed off that his parents they seemed like they was more concerned about his actions or whatever because they've been you know checking him and they've been talking to him about Amira because they felt like that was not the best move but Carlon so pissed off he's like look y'all all on me asking me all these questions what about will so he decided to go ahead and become a snitch now we get to Frederick he's out there playing you know dice having a good old time I mean I guess he did not learn his lesson from the street racing stuff but after he ends up playing dice next thing we know he getting jumped by these guys in the back of an alley I'm thinking like dude you got to be one of the stupidest characters that I've ever seen on the show you just don't get it you lucky they did not drop you off right there but of course they were just sending a warning this is the old gang that's been you know on jeffy's neck and we learn later on in the episode that they did not accept that money offer that Jeffrey you know gave Roman a few episodes back now we get to un Vib and will and she pissed off especially about learning about that fire talking about that's something that you could be in jail for she's very disappointed in him telling him like look your mom was already upset with me because she feels like I'm too easy on you all the stuff that you do it comes back on me and she's not having it right and she tells him look pick up your phone because you going to tell her about all the stuff that you've been up to so unv definitely was not playing around in that scene now we get to Frederick look at him all busted up and beat up and Jeffrey wants to know what happened he is not trying to really give them all the details of what really happened and you can tell dwn aside that Jeffrey understands that this could be serious and that the old gang they could still have their eyes on them now we get to Hillary Ivy and Jade and you guys may know Jade all my power fans remember she played in power book for Force as Adrien she was the reporter she was the one that was getting her cheeks clapped by your boy Diamond but now she's in belir right and she's a wedding planner she's trying to help out Hillary seems like Hillary she just wants to keep you know bare minimum not too much Ivy she wants to go all out whatever and on top of that we can tell iy is kind of upset that Ashley is the maid of honor but she's like look where's Ashley at you know what I'm saying I'm doing all the work so you already know it's some tension in the air with that but Hillary she got the text from will that jazz was locked up so of course she went down there with the will to help Bell him out and man you can feel the tension in the air you can tell Hillary she felt that Chemistry Between Yolanda supporter in jazz and she was kind of pissed off right you can tell deep down the side she had a little bit of jealousy in her heart now we know yolana Porter was kind of upset because Hillary is the daughter of Philip Banks and she's not feeling Uncle Phil right now at least until the end of the episode but she does end up taking Jazz home and Hillary had that look on her face like man I got to make my move I gota at least you know kick it with jazz one last time now we get to Jeffrey and Penelope and of course Jeffrey was kind of upset with Frederick talking about he brought him here and he's you know keep getting into all this trouble he does not understand now Penelope is like look how about we all just leave the three of us you know what I'm saying have a fresh start somewhere else you know no distractions sad part is all she is doing is trying to set Jeffrey up for the oky do letting the old gang know exactly where they're going to be at now we get to will he's getting a text from quitting the pressure is on the investors are in and they have to make a move but we know Carlton is not in the of mind so will has to figure out somehow some way in order to make these moves and he tells Quinton that he is in but he does plan on having another conversation with Carlton to see where his head is at now we get to Carlton he goes over Ram's house he's trying to check up on her her mom comes to the door telling him look she is recovering and she needs her peace next thing we know Carlton is telling her like look I understand this is a very you know bad time for your family with the anniversary of her sister's death and she tells Carlton like look that's not true Amir does not have a sister at all so Carlon he was shook he couldn not believe that air lied to him and he ends up telling Lisa the story about how Amir was in a very bad car accident and the other driver end up dying and you know ever since that accident air has not been the same she got addicted to pain killers and all that stuff so her mentality has been completely off and he's just so upset now will he walks up he apologizes to Carlton letting him know that he's sorry about how everything happened he should have told him about a mirror and all this stuff and then he's like look I know it's not the best time but we need to make this move with Black cess and Carlton got pissed off he's like really like screw black cess like all you care about is yourself and all this stuff and he storms off next thing we know your girl Lisa she going off on will as well this was the argument that I was telling you guys about I knew eventually it was going to be at least one more argument between Lisa and Will and Lisa is upset she's like man all I see is Air's body and all that stuff we know she don't even feel no good about going swimming she's thinking about dropping out the Nationals and all this stuff so Lisa her mindset is all screwed up because of this Samir stuff and she just wants will to take accountability and will he wishes that he can fix things Lisa tells him you cannot fix everything how about you just own it so y'all know will was in his feelings I mean at the end of the day we know Amir she told you know Lisa or at least she got caught by Lisa and then Lisa so will and then the mirror she kept running her mouth so will went off on her I mean I believe everything could have been handled way better just like Amir you know standing up going off on will a few episodes back I understand she was pissed off about some of the things that will was doing but it's a certain way that you talk to people right so of course Will's going to go off on her the next time they have know conversation especially when he finds out that she's been lying and she's not being you know true for herself so it is what it is everybody's going to have to to deal with those consequences of their actions but at the end of the day things can be handled way better everybody can just sit down and talk about these different issues and you know yelling at people going off that's not going to fix nothing you know what I'm saying and it's easier said than done but if you watch the episode you notice every time everybody just sat down or whatever and you know they listen to the other person that was calm they were able to get out what they needed to get out and of course work on those different issues that they've been dealing with with which is why that therapy session is very vital because it helps get out a lot of different stuff and you know it can fix a lot of different things in my opinion now we get the Jazz and Hillary they feel like they need to kick it one last time know what I'm saying Hillary about to get married she's like look I need to get you out my system in the back of my head I'm like man this ain't going to end well they about to get it on and popping they about to have a crazy night now we get to Connor and Carlton and shout out to your boy Connor finally we can give him his props because he understands that Carlton he's been clean for what 72 days and even though he misses the old times the party and the drugs you know what I'm saying he understands that it's not worth it he understands that what Carlton is doing he shouldn't be doing so he's like nah I'm good I'm not going to give you any drugs and Carlton was pissed off and that's a big move for Conor because I just knew this man is going to give Carlson some drugs but he's like nah man I can't do it he knows deep down ins side that Carlon shouldn't be on no damn drugs and it's entirely too much he needs to continue to be clean and continue his journey now Carlton he still is able to get drugs or whatever and this man was about to make a crazy mistake and it really did seem like will was knocking out the window but it was this lady right here your boy Carlton he done dropped his wallet he needed somebody to knock on the window knock him upside his head let him don't slip up leave those drugs leave them alone now will does knock on somebody's window but it's Freddy Fred's he wants to talk to him about what happened he tells him he was there with jazz and the whole fire thing and Jazz was not the one that did it and he's going over all these details because he wants all the pressure off his boy he's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that you know jazz is good now Freddy Fred understands that what will is doing is admissible because he does not have apparent with him or whatever now Uncle Phil and unv they do show up and Fred he goes outside to talk to Vib and will he's talking to Uncle Phil and he's like look how much time am I going to get for this and feels like look you ain't going to get no time you know especially behind bars but it will be some consequences for your actions right and he tells him look regardless of what happened he's still proud of him because y'all know will he's like look it's all my fault about what happened to Amir I mean all the stuff that's going on with jazz he feel like it's a lot of blame that's on him and he wants to fix things he does not want to be you know who people think he is and that is a street Thug and all that stuff he wants to basically say look I came out here for a reason and he wants to continue to prove that but he feels like he's not doing enough Uncle Phil tells him look you're good you know what I'm saying you already done came out here you're doing way better you're thriving um you know started a business you doing great and you know they kind of just you know go back and forth they make up very emotional scene but Uncle Phil just wants to let him know that he is proud of him which was something that will needed to hear now we get to unv and Freddy Fred and Fred he has came correct in this episode he know he slipped up in the last episode running his mouth with his crusty lips but now he is back of course you know he feels bad about what happened to Lisa and he's telling Vib look you try to warn me or whatever I was not listening and Lisa she thinking about quitting swimming and all this stuff but he just wants you know un's help talking about I know you know some and all that that can help out with Angela because we know she's going through postpartum which unvid warned him about as well so I'm glad that your boy Fred stepped up to the plate this episode and was actually supportive now we get to Jazz and Hillary and man they having a good old time they smoking eating ice cream catching up I mean they really do have great chemistry um in my opinion you know what I'm saying and Hillary she knows this she's gonna miss this so she's like look I need to kick it with him one last time they do talk about the different things that they've been going through Hillary says look I do run away from things Jazz talks about some of the things that he does wrong as well but de on the side you can tell they want to be together I don't care what Hillary talking about as far as her loving Lamarcus and all that stuff she has those connections in my opinion a little bit easier with jazz but that's just me Now jazz had me cracking up he's like look am I'm clapping those cheeks or what you know what I'm saying I know we talking a good old time but he's trying to get up in that right might as well I mean if this is going to be the last time you might as well try now Hillary wakes up in the morning and jazz is like look I'm not waking you up I don't blame him at all he was trying to keep her there as long as possible but Hillary she has to go back to her normal life with Lamarcus and they had to say the goodbyes y'all and you can tell that she did not want to leave Jazz he did not want her to leave as well man I cannot wait to see this next episode to see the conclusion of this storyline now Freddy Fred decides to show up to the group therapy section with Lisa we know will was there Aunt Vib and of course Uncle Phil they showed up and they're waiting for Carlton to show up they end up talking about all the different things that they're going through because of what happened to Amira we know Lisa she spoke her piece about Amir and how she was a good friend and helped her get through things will he talked about Amir and how she always called him out or whatever and made him basically step up to the plate Carlton decides to show up and man for a minute it did not seem like he was going to show up he shows up he's talking about a mirror and all the stuff they went through and then they show us what he did with those drugs he was able to beat it y'all he was able to just get rid of them because for a moment it seems like he's about to relapse right and we end up seeing everybody give you know Carlton a hug and they all show their support and we get the true definition of Family Matters now we get to Jeffrey and Penelope they're out walking and Jeffrey understands that it's a G wagon that's following them and Jeffrey he is not going right so he calls Penelope out on this next thing we know they're able to get away and she tells him look that gang they're back and they told her to lead Jeffrey to them or basically they're going to take out Frederick and I'm thinking like really so you about to give up your boy Jeffrey for Frederick which I understand it is her son but why didn't you just tell him from the jump right you didn't tell this man talking about they just want to talk like really they just want to talk and it seems like that money that he gave Roman a few episodes back did not work at all I had a feeling it was going to be like a backlash from that and apparently it is but Jeffrey is telling her like look trust me I can fix this you just got to come with me and we're going to figure it out now Jeffrey they end up going back home and they meet up with your boy Frederick and they let him know like look we got to go you want to know about my past well we need to have this conversation because it's about to get real serious and look at Frederick he looking All Shook well boy ain't this the life that you wanted to live you know I'm saying you want to be around this gang stuff this street stuff well we about to see what you all about now we get to Uncle Phil in Yolanda Porter and now it's time to have a conversation he tells her that he's not working with Omar kampbell anymore she tells him she heard that from Will and he tells her look we got the same goal you know what I'm saying we want to empower black and brown businesses in South La and she's like man if we fight in the same battle why are we not on the same team and you I know feels like look well he needs you know some support or whatever we need some people and she's like look I got you so I'm thinking like really y'all could have been had this conversation but every time y'all was trying to talk the protesters was out there protesting you know what I'm saying y'all should have been sat down behind closed doors and figured this out so hopefully things can end well for your boy Uncle Phil in the last episode and he can get the people back on his side now we get to the end of the episode Quinton he sends a text to Carlton and Will letting them know that things are blowing up with that investor in Black cess it's about to go to a whole new level now will tells Carson like look I end up picking an investor I know your you know your head was not in the right state of mind and things were good but apparently the investor is your boy Drew and Will was like man ain't no way is you we supposed to be meeting up with a guy named Trent Cunningham not you and y'all know Drew was like look well that's my pops or whatever so we about to be doing business together and man the look on will and Carlson's face it was priceless they could not believe this is about to happen man I already know it's about to be a lot of tension cuz y'all know they don't like Drew but hopefully Drew you know made some changes or whatever you know what I'm saying hopefully he's a little bit more mature and they can work things out but I got that funny feeling that it's gonna be some tension and things may not you know work out the way they thinking it is going to work out based on who this investor is now I'm about to watch episode 10 I'm going to try my best to get that recap out for episode 10 to you guys as soon as possible so I want y'all to be on the lookout for that but I want to thank you guys once again for all the love all the support and I'll catch you on the next one but let me get up on out of here man it's your Bo Mark Dart I'm out peace for

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