Film Breakdown: Gavin Hardison is a SUPER Talented Developmental QB for the Miami Dolphins

Published: May 08, 2024 Duration: 00:14:11 Category: Sports

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we're back people and today we're breaking on film on Gavin Hardison UTEP quarterback Miami Dolphins brought him in as an undrafted free agent and he is a super talented like developmental type that I actually really like as a candidate for them to develop usually when it comes to like these undrafted or lat round QBs most of the time it's like ah it's very tough to watch I don't see too much to work with there but Hardison has a lot of talent especially arm Talent you can see it it just pops off the screen right away very natural effortless of the football it's uh very very fun to watch him go to work and I think you know he make throws with um good awkward arm angles he can throw off script really well off platform he can throw well on the move those are the things you know that really excite me about his game you know he's mobile enough not like super mobile um he also does a decent job in the RPO game and the quick game which I like that's something I think that goes underrated with a lot of these big talented guys uh like this that need development but and then the key for him is consistency I think you know he is just inconsistent when it comes to like the accuracy the decision- making processing I think sometimes his uh pocket awareness can be inconsistent too it's just becoming a little bit higher level at that but usually when it comes to those guys I don't feel like it's like 95% of the time those things are bad I would say Harden is a little or harderson is a little more split so like I could see the the potential there to develop I think the biggest question mark when it comes to Hardison is his ability as uh is his like or is his ability with like the health thing cuz he has a Tommy John surgery he had Tommy John surgery during season last year and I don't know what the timetable looks like for him and I really want to see him play in the preseason cuz on the Dolphins roster right away he has the most arm strength out of everyone in that room and I would like you know see them keep him around like I wouldn't be surprised if he does play in the preseason that he really stands out especially in the McDaniel system cuz when he was able to play on timing and Rhythm which you know wasn't always the thing that's what like his decision making in accuracy looked worse as when he was off timing but you know dolphin system all about timing when he was able to do that stuff the Dolphins make it easy for him I could see him really standing out because he is very very talented and there's I think he I honestly think if he didn't have the Tommy John surgery he probably would have got drafted uh cuz to me I like his film much more than like a Joe Milton who went late round who was also a talented type like a you know physical talented type but I see a lot more potential here with Hardison that actually has a chance to work out now we'll see you know how it ends up playing out probably you know unlikely still but for most of these guys I'm like 100% no chance they become anything more you know than a than a practice squad guy I could see Hardison developing into a quality backup and there's you know a lot of talented here Talent here to work with here in Oklahoma 2022 boom pretty well balanced decent in the pocket and then you can see the arm Talent here to hit this whole shot you know the whole shot when you have the the flat Corner the Deep PA safety and you throw the ball he I would like to see him throw with more anticipation but he has enough arm talent to make up for it for him to make this throw to to the sideline that is about you know as toughest throw you know QBs have to make and he makes those plays look very effortless here in the play action looking comfortable within the pocket he's ready to get rid of it right away which I like but uh they haven't really got into their routes yet so he's you know uh you know punch on the gun a little bit earlier then able to stay Square keep his eyes down the field slide in the pocket good job here I think sometimes he gets Happy Feet in the pocket so he definitely has to be a little more consistent with that but when he doesn't boom nice layered throw over the middle of the field natural while sliding to his left he looks very very natural in a lot of situations it just uh basically comes down to that decision making but I've seen QB's with his type of skill set get drafted much much you know actually get drafted and get drafted pretty high uh who you're like but getting this type of player as the udfa love it man he's I think it's got to be that Tommy John surgery and I know that usually knocks out it's more of a baseball injury that usually and it usually knocks you out but you definitely looks like he played baseball with some of the arm angles that he throws at um but yeah so we'll see how it ends up working out for him if he is does haveo they can put him on an injury list and at least keep him for another season and then they roll with him into the next you know offseason how you know however it plays out but I do like the potential that is here I would say out of the udfas he probably has one of the higher potential ceilings uh realistically he might have the highest potential ceiling out of the the udfas uh just his arm Talent alone is like super super special it just becomes about consistency for him you can see him throwing on the Move throw after to throwing a back across his body into this window here and it's just very very uh easy for him and then you know the quick game I think he's a good timing thrower not he's not a good timing thrower overall a consistency but when he is on timing it's better here he is Boom hitting his back foot I think he can get the ball out a little bit earlier here but even for him like now the break's happening he's beginning his throw he's he's reading like The Leverage of the Defenders here so he sees this flat Defender with some inside leverage here he sees this corner open his hips and he's ready to throw it this corner kind of ends up baiting him getting his eyes back to the QB as Hardison's ready to deliver this ball and you know if this guy you know baits that and it becomes more like a two read situation he breaks downhill which a lot of Times Corners would pick this off or get a huge hit on the receiver just based on this situation right here Hardon has such good arm strength that ball comes out it is still delivered with that DB being far away and still gives the receiver enough time to break the tackle and get up field on a third and long like that is a very very crazy level of arm strength just Zips out of his hand uh that type of stuff is nice here is the RPO game gets the ball out pretty quickly here he makes a solid read he see he just pre- snaps understands the situation you know reading this guy he sees the hard inside leverage gu expecting that slant sees this no one goes out to like uh you know this guy doesn't drop to take away that throwing Lane this guy doesn't get out so he's just sitting down in the Box sees that he has his oneon-one so he takes it throws the ball with good and timing anticipation ball go you know he throws it so hard he goes through the receiver's hands but you know that's just how some things roll sometimes another RPO example se's 23 coming downhill guy gets in his throwing Lane he hesitates a little bit boom uh reset look at that you know sidearm style throw fit it into a tight window and still make a nice accurate throw around it too and it's a very quick release once he decides to go sidearm uh definitely can tell he has that baseball background which usually honestly I like in a quarterback you know like Mahomes has that baseball background and you can see uh that level of talent the things you know that stand out with that arm that arm talent to make multiple throws work off script and if you his pocket awareness is solid enough with enough Mobility I think those traits are very very important at the next level uh that can you know make up for you know maybe uh not having the greatest processing or like timing on his throws yet those things can be worked on especially within the dolphin system it's just there's so much talent here man really really impressive for him to make this throw is crazy like he's ready to deliver this he doesn't end up you know uh trying to make this tight window throw because he wants to go here um he's trying to read this Defender but he sees him coming down uh boom now this guy gets in his throwing line I do like that he pulls it down here then Step Up reset in the pocket stay on the move and then being on the move to then re-release it back into this window between this triangle of Defenders is very very difficult so like you want to see him you know he could have if he had the great timing anticipation he could have hit this window a little bit earlier but then he has the the physical talent to make the playoff script and then get the job done it's just you got to become a little more you know aware um at the next level now he does do a good job of finding this quick game just feeling the space seeing the space pre- snap understanding the situation him and his receiver being on the same page boo boom ball comes out this guy opens up out here this guy doesn't get hard on the flat so he just makes that quick read takes it he also does knows a good job of when he's hot like I noticed the one time that Oklahoma really blitzed hard to one side and then he also delivered like a you know quick hitting glance slant type rout just like that so it's nice to see him understand like where to go with the ball pre- snap he just needs to have some better post Snap uh processing like on longer developing plays but he makes some crazy throws like here he is you know working across getting back out to this comeback he gets out back out to it late he doesn't even really step into this throw because his pocket's collapsing in his face and for him to you know step away from this throw and still hit a comeback you know outside the numbers near the sideline and you throw it you know over the flat Defender and then you know still able to get it with enough velocity there so that the Deep third Defender doesn't have a chance to make a play is really really a difficult throw for most quarterbacks in the NFL and Hardon is able to do that and then also just do some nice work Off Script I would just want to see the timing and anticipation stuff be better all the onscript stuff be better which you know a lot of times these QB coming of college aren't very good at that anyway so finding a guy that you know at least has the the stuff you really can't teach is nice uh he really comes in is is talented than more than the the backup quarterbacks on Miami well you know see how health he is and if he actually gets a chance to prove himself but it wouldn't surprise me if he is healthy to say you know Skyler and Mike White they fight for the qb2 job and then they give you know then they say like Skyler wins the qb2 job then they don't want to pay Mike White to be the qb3 and then they decide to keep hard round that wouldn't shock me wouldn't say it's likely but it wouldn't shock me if that ended up happening I do think there's scenario for him to make the team well there's not you know a lot of scenarios for some of the other udfas they're more like practice squad guys but also I don't know what his health is looking like so we'll see but here another situation to escape Off Script deliver a nice throw on the Run look at that natural arm Talent this guy comes downhill and this ball comes out so fast he's not even able to react to like get his hand up too late it just zooms past him and good accurate throw he was good with his accuracy in this Oklahoma game and it's nice to see that this is 2022 film by the way uh so didn't get to see too much 2023 stuff on him just some clips here and there so we I don't know how he played too much in that season plus his season did come to an end very shortly because of the Tommy John stuff uh but you can see that ability and you know going into Oklahoma is nice because this is you know much better competition to what he usually plays and this uh type of play happens I'd like to see him rolling to the left here uh step up in the pocket feel you know the pressure coming off that side he feels all the space to work with and then he starts to work off script and he delivers a throw you can see him put the torque into it this is pretty good Mechanics for throwing to your left right here and he puts his whole body to get into that and he has to make an impressive throw get it over this Defender but it has to have enough velocity to get there before this guy gets there and he probably could have put it like the guy drops it it's a very tough catch to make but he puts it basically in the only spot he could he might have been able to put it slightly more to the inside but that arm strength there and the ability to layer it over the top is very very very crazy you don't see many guys with that kind of ability and here's you know another example of it versus Northwestern rolling to the left this time with a little more touch which I like other one had those a bullet this one is more touch silent he puts it over this Defender drops it perfectly for his guy to make a play that's that's the type of play you see this is the type of play you see like Caleb Williams making and there's not too many people in that draft class that I think even have the possibility of making this play uh other than you know maybe a couple of guys and I think Hardison is one of them and you got him as a udfa so that's a type of talent I think they see a quarterback and they try to keep him around whether it's on the practice squad most likely practice squad or whatever even if you know it's an injury list with that injury that he has to really try to develop that and I think you know that's a nice thing to have here he is nice pocket movement like to see him feel this feels the these guys both working right here he slides the left and then see him kind of like throwing this ball off his back foot too this is something you see a lot of the good young QBs doing in the NFL like a Jordan love he very looks this play looks pretty Jordan lovees to me I was a big Jordan love fan coming out he needed development uh just you know sliding to his left throw off his back foot pure arm Talent it's touch it's you know enough velocity get it over the top and then his guy is going to go into the end zone I mean that stuff is super super impressive for Hardison so to me this guy's Ultra talented developmental with that potential to really unlock him and I hope he could potentially be a guy that sticks around on this team as you know qb2 or three or whatever it is uh down the line but yeah there's there's definitely some stuff there to work with and I think they're I think they probably watched him and were like dang this guy is coming to us as a udfa he has crazy amount of potential he's on you know has that injury but uh they clearly like him if they're going to get him coming off that Tommy John surgery and you know a lot of these things with the udfas most the time they don't end up working out they don't even end up sticking with the team right away you know you'll probably see about half of them stick around as like practice squad guys not even half well I mean they didn't bring in that many guys this time around so could be about half maybe one or two make the squad maybe zero I've looked at this the the roster it will be tough for some of these guys to end up you know making the squad this year I don't think it's as open in the past they would have to make some tough Cuts uh but you also never know with injuries how things play out there's so many other factors that end up you know playing into this stuff so if you guys make like com subscribe and I'll see you next time peace

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