Thierry Baudet and Richard Heart discuss Hex, Bitcoin, and CryptoCurrency

Published: Oct 08, 2021 Duration: 00:42:53 Category: Science & Technology

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Introduction how's it going richard hart here you may know me from richard hart official on instagram or richard hartwin on twitter or richard hart on youtube we're here today in sunny amsterdam with terry how do you say your last name beauday all right it's french i'm scared to say french words i'm not that good at it he is the founder of his own political party here and what i don't know the difference between holland and netherlands what is the difference well technically uh holland is a is a prop it's a part it's a province netherlands but it's used as a synonym okay and so i should say netherlands technically yeah well okay both works for me okay and he's here with his blockchain advisor shai linda these names man shaiden yes all right that's your first name is shai and your last name is lin no it's even more complicated his name is your first name shailen and my last name is lim and your last name is lim lim it's not that bad so it's not that bad thank you where are you from cambodia cambodia all right neat uh so so we met a couple of months ago actually not so long ago i'm i'm the Thierry Baudet's Party um i founded a political party actually in this very room five years ago good luck and it was we have a different system from the system in america we have a system of proportional representation in the netherlands thank you very much we're getting drinks here which is wonderful but um this means that we have lots of small or relatively small political parts it's relatively easy to set up a new party and to enter the system but my party grew very very rapidly and we we topped the polls only three years after we were founded so in 2019 my party turned out to be the largest party in the country so we had significant success but we also discovered that the establishment the deep state as it were has means to exclude one becomes a real threat how do they well first how big are you like in numbers i don't know uh we well when we are we're at our largest we had uh 15 to 20 of the electorate wow and those were the senate elections right um and now we're uh uh we're smaller we're about eight percent because we had all kinds of internal infighting and you get the demonization campaigns right but what what it really meant to me would really what it really taught me all these adventures is that it's going to be exceedingly difficult to change the system from within and that's when i started to become interested in blockchain and cryptocurrencies because they seem to be building a way to work around the current system and create something new yeah as if it's sort of a parallel system sure that's when we we started talking and i started following you and i started following lots of other people and i really think that something fantastically interesting is happening globally well i gotta say there's only there's a very finite number of innovations which can truly change man's What Is Money? relationship with government and man's relationship with labor and man's relationship with other people i mean money is what everybody sacrifices all of their time for right and really all it is is an accounting trick to try and represent goods and services because goods and services are the only things that actually matter the money is just accounting but somehow we live in a world that's been slightly perverted in that you know Rent Seeking In The Finance Industry if you look at who makes all the money people in the financial game tend to make the most money so wall street makes the most money but what does wall street produce they don't make cars they don't make houses they just are in the game so to speak and they add a lot of friction a lot of rent seeking rent seeking is a fancy word for you guys watching of someone that has a position of control makes it so that you can't get around them and they just get you know a portion of the money so for instance vsan mastercard rent seek you cannot do retail without supporting the eastern mastercard i was on the highway on the way here from uh paris used a toll road tried these uh american express didn't work all right i guess i'm gonna try the next one visa worked but here i am on you know a vital piece of infrastructure for the nation and i'm having to play the oh which one of these rent-seeking companies will let me actually travel on this thing right so it's not good that the entire gdp of the world at retail is taxed one to two percent by visa and mastercard slightly more by amex which is why many people don't take it because they charge higher fees um there should be a better way it's just accounting it's just math we have you know every currency is digital now the only difference is who gets to Unelected Federal Reserve Has Undue Power print it for free so in bitcoin bitcoin miners get to print it for free and hacks stakers get to print it for free and in the legacy financial markets guys that you don't elect get to print it for free so the the fed in the united states is not an elected agency you don't choose who's in it the a bunch of uh banks decide who's in that board and then those private bankers with private interests decide whether the interest rates are high or low when you have artificially low interest rates you get misinvestment Fed's Artificially Low Interest Rates Create Misallocation of Capitol and Inflation and mall investment hunting for yield to try and stay alive in the face of inflation where everything is more expensive every single day so right now we're at all-time high prices and cryptocurrency nearly hex yes bitcoin and ethereum they had their highs about six months ago um cars houses luxury goods luxury golds are sold out everywhere you know if you go i was invited to a special client event because i spent like a couple hundred grand a year at louis vuitton for a laugh they invented me at a special event which you know wanted to sell me forty 000 pool stick 100 000 pool table 50 000 box to hold like a flask of whiskey it's pretty funny i bought some of this crap like i bought i bought the what did i buy i bought an 18 000 euro color changing bag it's like up fiber optic lights in it about like a 2500 year speaker i don't know that i bought any of that other stuff maybe i'll buy their sixty thousand dollar food that's all that's homemade someone actually just offered me a home Netherlands Guy Tries To Sell House To RH For HEX in amsterdam for uh for hex i don't know i don't like selling x so i'm probably gonna say no but someone literally messaged me last night and said i'll give you my two million euro house in uh the netherlands it wasn't an amsterdam it was another part you know if you give me a hex i'm like i don't want to sell hacks you know um but it was funny like Insane Credit Card Fees you know i used to book it for for fintech company and this is a real story we once had a guy who wanted to buy an airplane from brazil and he wanted to buy an airplane that was worth 800 000 euros and he wanted to pay by buying credit cards i think by mastercard and let's drop my drink we wanted to set them up for five percent in the transaction yeah five percent of eight hundred thousand euros forty thousand it's crazy he could have done it with a cryptocurrency no bitcoin for just a few usd well the thing the thing is when you pay somebody with visa Crypto Finality VS Legacy Chargebacks or mastercard the retailer doesn't actually get that money it's it's the retailer can lose the money yeah so you can be paid it and then you can get a charge back up to six months later and then lose the money yeah and so this this idea you know finality is a concept in uh consensus networks and in payment networks if someone pays you in crypto it's your money usually there's some fake cryptos out there but in real cryptocurrency hex there in bitcoin when someone pays you it's yours and there's no take backs but in credit cards there's take backs and wire transfers there's take backs so you know so like ach has the worst take backs and then wires has the least and then credit cards actually credit cards are even worse than ach well after six months with credit card you're good but with ach apparently you can debate it for years later apparently not expert on it but yeah and this this time component of uh i know that it takes three to five birthdays before the money actually ends the bank account of the merchant at three to five good days in the weekend it doesn't work right you don't have to wait seven full days yeah it's very archaic of course well yeah there's a better way i mean cryptocurrency Crypto Is The Solution (Volatility) cryptocurrency solves all this except for the volatility but if the volatility is mostly upside and the price usually goes up more than it goes down that's just extra yield it's just extra profit for you so you never take you would never want to take out a loan in cryptocurrency like you borrow bitcoin and you have to pay it back in bitcoin you get annihilated because the price of bitcoin goes up and then your loan in effect was a lot more expensive than you thought it'd be um but there's there's certain innovations which solve even the volatility component so now that stable coins exist you get the instant you know irreversible settlement but most stable coins actually have counterparty risk like they can invalidate your coins at will so the stable point company can just turn your coins off and be like yeah they don't work anymore some stable coins don't have that like dai doesn't have that but usdc and usdt do have that so you have to be careful so uh can i ask you a question discussion How To Change Politics With Cryptocurrency about politics and cryptocurrency um do you see a strategy for politics to embrace cryptocurrencies sure what's the best way to go forward well it's there's a couple answers to it first a lot of politicians are for sale now you say well are they you're like yeah they need money to win elections literally and so the people that give them that money tend to get what they want more than the people that didn't give them that money so if you become wealthy with cryptocurrency then you can pay lobbyists or directly fund election campaigns to either influence those that are running and will be in power or create new entrants that can become in power to that have a similar political mindset to what you have the problem the problem with that is that every dollar that you put into someone else's political campaign is a dollar you didn't put into coins and coins tend to do very well so unless you already have more money than you know what to do with it could cost you a multiple of what you thought it would you know to to participate in these type of lobbying campaigns there are other ways where you could just do good messaging you know so align yourself with the goals do you want america to be competitive or do you want all this innovation to go to another country because if you make very harsh draconian laws in the united states you're going to see all this fintech innovation go somewhere else and that's going to hurt america and do you want to hurt america so you can do your you can do your messaging away you can do your messaging in a way that matches with the belief systems of the people that you're you're trying to influence yeah because really what does cryptocurrency do it removes middlemen it increases efficiency it's it's just better right and the only thing that it has as a downside is volatility but as long as it's mostly to the upside that's a good thing so you know i think the other way that you could do this so one is you fund uh campaigns directly two is you pay lobbyists three is oh man what was it you can you can skip the three and go to four yeah i hate when i this like never happens i blame my cold no there's like uh you can pay the lobbyists you can fund their campaigns directly or you can uh you can get them to invest so if they have a big bag of crypto they're going to do what is in their own best interest anyway so if they already have uh bought into something then they're going to defend that so if so getting them to buy into cryptocurrency isn't in their own investment portfolio is probably actually the best of those three because they will act in their own self-interests even better than they'll act in somebody else's i i with you on that as well and the other party we actually have an idea that matches the first uh the first Baudet Is Creating A Party Token thing would you like to explain that with the forum land yeah so we are considering the options to release our own social token or perhaps even cryptocurrency our own blockchain system where those who support our party can pay each other in our parties cryptocurrency and so build a social network that actually connects people and that adds value to being a member of the party and you can also we're still thinking about this but in theory there should be all kinds of possibilities to acquire coins by supporting the party by doing things for the party by sharing messages on social media by by by attending demonstrations whatever all kinds of things so you we're thinking of a way because forum is the largest the single largest member party in the netherlands we've got 50 000 members whereas the governing party has only 25 000 members so we have a very significant group of people why is it like how so why do they get the government why do they get to govern with so a few members because well the voters is different thing than the members of course okay so so uh a lot of people i i think this is true for every country every democratic country are rather complacent about the political process they follow it very shallowly and then they they got a vote and they sort of vote for a mainstream party that is advertised in the mainstream media and then they follow this and i'm sure you've experienced this as well that people they they create they form a judgment on the basis of two or three slogans they've heard somewhere they don't actually dig into the reality of things right they don't really follow debate so they don't really read all the stuff that's there so we've got a a very dedicated group of followers um and then there's the social media group of people that follow us but it's it may not be the thing that's advertised by the mass media and that's why we're not the largest party in terms of elections but still we we're looking for a way to weaponize is maybe too aggressive but to to to to to monetize maybe or to to to to actionize the this this potential and then maybe even go international by it all of these things that are happening across the western world there's so many similarities between the things that are happening in france in the u.s and all over the place so maybe we can we can develop a political currency yeah RH Provides Real-World Examples of Affinity Programs That Can Be Modeled it's just hard like so in business you don't want to alienate half of your customer base and because politics divides in half that's smart you can't precisely one of the issues we're thinking about you're you're a quick thinker that's precisely one of the questions yeah but on the other hand if if you're a farmer let's say and 10 or 15 of your yield from the land is distributed among the follower base and you get a certain currency with euros or whatever as as a as an extra and then you can with that you can go to a garage and get your car fixed which is there's there's precedent for these things so i mean i can give you a lot of examples of similar things that have existed and do work to some degree frequent flyer miles as an affinity program for airlines it seems to be successful yeah air mouse yeah and karma on reddit and other social media sites where you get upvotes and down votes you can't really spend it but because people care about our identities we have ego you know that tends to modify people's behavior to be more in line with what the community wants because then you get more up votes less down votes you get more points so social credit scores karma frequent flyer miles infinity program affinity programs in general they are successful trying to attach an economic component it is a little bit harder because it depends on where the negative externality is where's the inflation who's minting it at what rate yeah and does the rate at which you only have new users exceed that inflation and then if it ever dips then it's hard like you know so i would i would start with the easy stuff first blockchain is hard affinity program is easy i would start there and then if that's successful then you could transition into adding more stuff to it but there'd be no reason to delay what could be a successful project with you know karma right like points for doing the right stuff for your program because you could just do that very easily you know so uh right now Onboarding Users and Gaining Followers Is Hard we're building an application called forumland it's like a social media application where people can they can join join the app and then they can create posts they can chat with each other they can uh create events and crowdfund each other and i think that this is a very nice way to eventually draw people into the crypto space because if people want if they once have have an app and that they like like to use then we later on we add an extra functionality so that everyone who has the app receives a wallet and within this wallet they can hold this forum token and they can also hold other crypticals like bitcoin health and many other different ones i think this is this is a very nice and non-violent way of drawing people into the world and once they are drawn into the world they finally have um it's just like things get in the game it's just like people like people will say what if we made a game with like a crypto token involved look how popular games are you're like yeah yeah true but go and try and make a successful game it's very hard yeah like making a successful game is very hard and a lot of people that have successful games now they had 20 unsuccessful games first there's a lot of loss of money and a lot of years it took to make a successful one so yeah your idea might work but getting users to use an app in the first place regardless of the add-on features it's like the core the core thing you're trying to sell them on it's hard to do you know like i'm out here still 100 000 followers on youtube it's not many it's like nothing you know just so like you only have only 100 000 on youtube it's crazy yeah i got like 120 000 on twitter but it's hard to get people to interact i don't know i think it's because i talk about smart people stuff and smart people stuff's harder like if i did reaction i knew you would say something like that it's yeah it's vintage richard hart if i were doing reaction videos or keyboard reviews i'd have more more followers like yeah but you're currently uh on a tour through europe yeah we did estonia riga RH's Tour of Europe uh prague paris liechtenstein zurich uh you stayed in uh in a hotel in stein where i also uh have stayed all the rich people go this is a very nice nice hotel we have this round place where you can have dinner and you have the africa room and it's cool yeah the food is a nice hotel the lady that like owns it or runs it always stops by she's like 70. she comes and checks on down there you're like yeah everything's good you know it's cool i don't know it's crazy you know not too often is like you know the hotel manager managed like super duper owner person and then so but what's the pr is there a particular purpose of this tour of europe or not really just fun they were shooting a documentary about me and hex in estonia and we didn't have anything to shoot for content on a rainy day another thing we could think of was shoot guns and buy a car so now i got a car and i'm like oh well might as well use it it's a grand touring car grand tour started driving around but you know as summer comes to an end i'm thinking don't need the car anymore probably we'll see yeah yeah so you're leaving the car to uh i think it's a party as a gift yeah you wish he's pre he's presupposing i like it always be closing yeah and then so this is the final stop of the trip or no i'm probably going to go to hamburg or what said scandinavian country just slightly north denmark hamburg denmark something like that maybe do sweden i don't know i i don't have it figured out we're just kind of playing it by ear you know Incentivizing Good Politicians (Paying Them More VS Less) i have some interesting political ideas for you guys want some interesting political ideas yeah sure i don't think you'll be able to use any of these but you might be able to i don't know so i think if you want good elected officials and those elected officials are chosen from a pool of people that are running if better people run then you get better electorate how do you get better people to run you pay them more so i think most people that want to be really wealthy they're not going to go into politics because the pay is bad it's not good it also restricts how much fun you can have in your life you start to do anything spicy you get blown out you know so i think that paying elected officials more would be a way to get better candidates and then you might get better people in office either pay them more or pay them less yeah maybe now it's just it's it's precisely the wrong intermediate yeah maybe yeah because if you pay them less then you get people who are already you just carry a yeah they're already successful yeah yeah and i agree this is this is precisely wrong i agree because it it stimulates kind of career politician yep so then the other problem that you have is so now you've you're even if you have the dumbest voters possible at least they're more likely to choose someone good because a better quality person's running for office now how so let's say there are better Growing Political Divide, But Politicians Keep Selling Out and worse systems of voting so the united states we use the worst voting system called first past the post which means that extremists are elected so whoever gets 51 percent they're going to win so if it you know if 50 elec democracy is served properly if 51 vote to gouge out the eyes of the other 49 obviously a bad idea but by the rules of democracy that's what you get but i don't think that that leads to more extreme voices i i think it leads to the common denominator the largest common denominator because everyone moves to the center this is what we've seen with the republicans and the democrats there's no difference at all between between bill clinton george bush obama it's all the same i mean trump was different but then biden restores it again yeah i think it's just it's the same it's like one party i know what you mean yes we have a very non-personal you have new ideas yeah it's like a free market well this would be an example so proportional representation is an example of getting my more diverse stuff yeah so so what i'm saying is if you instead used a ranked list voting system which we do not use in the united states so if you want to get the least amount of data from a voter you just say give me one name and that's what we get currently but could we get more data from the voter yes we could get a list okay if you can't get this guy who do you want second that guy okay if you can't get him who do you want this guy yeah and you get everybody's list and you combine those lists and you can end up with somebody that's not everybody's favorite but everyone likes enough that you can get consensus behind instead of the guy winning half the people like a lot and half people hate violently and then it's very hard to get consensus because he needs to work with other people to get things passed like you know in congress you need two thirds to get things passed sometimes or in the senate at least i'm not an expert on these things but so in in governance you need consensus to make progress and if you have a voting system which tends towards choosing extremists over people that are same now this is one of these things about nuance what you're saying is true most people tend to have the same beliefs and yes the the left and the right are really just like corporate light and corporate strong there's no labor there's no green there's really corporate and corporate in the united states there's only two parties we really have and they're both doing the same things they're both blown up people in afghanistan they're both stepping on your rights they're both doing warrantless wiretaps like they're they're doing almost the same stuff so i get that but that's that's not a particular function of the the system of voting so i know rank list is better and there are a lot of countries that use it they probably use it here i wouldn't be surprised but um what what the danger of that is is that you get the most boring guy i don't think you get the most points this is what happens in the netherlands if you look at our previous prime ministers they're all among the boring people the most outstandingly boring person we've had that across the board for for decades uh and um i think it's typical for for lots of you might be right i don't know i mean i would need to look a little bit more into this because my view is that the Baudet Argues For Referendums only sensible way to speak of democracy is to talk about referendums and direct democracy oh no no to put a single specific question to the people RH Says Only Experts Should Vote like do you want this or do you want it not this comes to my third point so my third my triumph we're the first one was we're going to pay more to get better people running for office the second was we're going to use a better voting system the third one is voting tests most people don't deserve to vote and this one's the exciting one yeah most people make poor decisions and actually choosing between actually choosing who is not only capable but will do a job better is a very hard skill set and so you know there are most people shouldn't be voting on who gets to be in charge because they'll make the wrong decision they vote against their own interests you see this all the time is that if we would design such a test in the netherlands we would most probably exclude my voters so the weird thing is that i've i've come to discover that the higher people "Educated" People Are More Susceptible To Group Think and Propaganda (2 Modern Examples) are educated the more susceptible they are to propaganda it's very weird it's it's a very weird paradox that i haven't discovered to to to why why it exists but if people have an academic degree yeah they're very likely to believe literally everything that the government and the mainstream media tell them yeah whereas if they are relatively uneducated they're much more likely to think for themselves so they perhaps they won't pass the test that you i don't know exactly what kind of test you you would design but that's a typical kind of it's super dangerous right right well i'm i'm all for it if i can design the test right that used to be my typical answer to that but the weird thing is and i i haven't that that i haven't come around to this but if people have been following can we go do you have an idea of something that just everybody got wrong recently so we could look at like this okay climate change thing it's uh or a covet it's the same thing um it's uh it seems to be that all all across the world the the elites are in agreement about these two things right that climate change exists that is dangerous that is caused by man and we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions to to fix it and all steps of these are are ill-informed irrational stupid they're they're not backed by facts and so on uh the same with corona the covet virus that it's super dangerous which is not that the lockdowns work to prevent it from spreading which they do not that vaccines work against it which they do not and that qr codes are sort of going to save us from from that whereas that's the beginning of a mass surveillance system that we've seen in china and and but all of the elites and all of the newspaper readers and the highly educated academic people they all go along with these two massive mysticist ideas yeah it's it's one of these things where like if your young covet presents very little risk to you if you're old it presents risk but so do all the other diseases we have out there like flus and colds and things and then the only the counterpoint for the covet stuff is i see people present like stats from icu like who's in who's in the hospital and then who's in the emergency room and then who's on a ventilator and then i haven't had a chance to analyze whether these particular stats are accurate or not but then they show that like the people that are like if you get the vaccine then you are less likely to be annihilated and be in the icu or on a ventilator and maybe it's true maybe it's true but i know that if you neither get the spike protein from a vaccine or from the virus that's the best outcome you're not going to have any side effects you're not going to have any chance of death at all from that because you never got it but if you force everyone to be exposed to it then the people that had risk they're gonna some of them are gonna get bit by it like if you if you if you're the kind of person that was gonna die from covid or from the jab and you're forced to get the jab well then you die like it's it's not it's not free so you run into this like what is the minimum amount of risk that you have to expose people to in order to get hurt immunity and then the problem is i don't think that this vaccine gets you hurt immunity at all because it's not effective against other variants in which case it's not really a vaccine it's like uh and and herd immunity doesn't exist with zoonogic uh diseases this is something that's also carried by animals so you're never going to kill the thing it's always going to come back like the flu like mineral disease so the whole thing but the weird thing is that when i give a speech in parliament about this and you see all these people with their academic degrees and their lifelong of reading newspapers and being in conversation with ambassadors and blah blah blah and they they they just just hit him with israel i'd be like yeah israel had three vaccines and now yeah on their fourth it doesn't get through that 95 vaccine rate and they're still in lockdown because yeah yeah exactly australia many examples and this is terrible and the same is yesterday was the news that china has reopened its coal factories so we had a we did a little bit of calculation in three hours every three hours china admits as much carbon dioxide as the netherlands is trying to save for the coming eight years before 2013 we're going to try to save and this is going to cost us 1 000 billion euros it's completely ridiculous that is ridiculous even if you believe that we do have a responsibility for the player and we do have to this is just the path that we're walking but these people they are they're incapable of of breaking out of this this path that they're walking through and that's particularly very obvious math you're like here's a number another number yeah like and and and um but it's tragic it's really and it's it's um it's probably more there's much more understanding to be found in psychology or mass psychology or sociology than in political science or political philosophy because this is really this phenomenon of of group think that exists particularly among the elites right is weird it's did you see the g7 the the opening of the g7 the the i didn't boris johnson was the host it was in britain and they were doing all these phony greetings with their elbow super dangerous and then five minutes later when they thought the cameras were off they were like hugging and having a drink and so on what what what are these people thinking are they even thinking or is it just they're just machined i feel kind of bad that i caught a cold because it could have been something worse like i try and have that so i can show on camera and i'm not afraid of the chinese flu yeah i don't know i mean i wish i wish that all this uh this stuff worked because i don't like colds or flus i never have and i'd be happy if the world were free of them but even with all the lockdowns still got a cold so you know my advice is typically dutch but you should have a heineken you should just have a heineken and everything i never got in a beer i didn't start drinking until i was 30 and then i just never got into it like it always just tastes weird to me still like beer alcohol just unless i'm trying to feel down now you know where you get the flu occasionally it could be it could be so so as far as crypto and government Buying The Media To Win Elections goes i mean i think that the rich people get to decide what happens because they get to decide what ads get shown and the ads that get shown gets to choose who gets elected it's really that easy at least the united states the united states whoever has the biggest marketing budget wins the election usually Using Outrage To Get Free Press trump was an exception because it gave him so much free press for being what was considered outrageous um which you might be able to use as well because if you need free press you just need to do i mean it's like the virgin atlantic or the virgin galactic whatever the dude is the virgin dude just founded that company richard branson that guy yeah he used outrage to get a free press you know he's going to go around the world in the balloon he's going to do this he's going to do that it works people will give free press the stupidest things i mean the uk they'll get pressed on anything you see them like uh tom cruise lands this helicopter in some ladies yard news some guy was a curry news like wow i hate these things so why don't you do those things well i probably will do this right like i'm spending i got a couple million dollars of watches i'm like just blowing money left and right uh i probably will do those things because i mean it's either that or you can either you can get more free press by doing outrageous things or you can get less paid press by just paying sucks you know like they should cover you for free but then yeah you got to pay him it's a little gross my opinion but whatever uh whatever whatever it takes to on-ramp new users you know because you want to make the world people got to hear the message and if they're not hearing it you got to keep rotating your uh your tactics until they do and they were doing pretty good i mean uh so far we're the world's best performing HEX Outperforms asset to have ever existed on roughly only a quarter million people maybe maybe a third of a million people so if you look at these numbers tend to go up exponentially they're not linear so as we add more users we had another third of a million people it should be really really chart breaking you saw the jaws movie where he's like we need a bigger boat basically with hacks we need a bigger charter like it's it's really i designed something and then it works that's quite trumpian to say you're you're rather trumpian in your hey it works you know Trump's Mistakes poor trump though if he would have just taken the money his dad gave him a stuck in the s p 500 he would have made more than doing all that work but he didn't build buildings like he does he just like he just hands his name out to other people that build the buildings he's more of a brand than he is he should have commuted the sentences of several people and he didn't sure and he should have um for example russ obrecht and he also he should have he should really have interviewed interfered with the election counting because there were so many options for him to do a recount and to check things and he didn't you know it's weird Big Tech Canceling People / Needs Regulation he no longer exists they deleted him i haven't seen anything from him in a long time social media removed him a president a president they can do that to the president they did anybody so that's why i believe that these publicly i believe that these utilities should be regulated as utilities so on the one hand that's it i mean absolutely these are more important to people's lives than the telephone ever was public services yes and private things so allow data portability allow a base layer that people can value add on to just like dsl when dsl came out that's how it got spread when they broke up my balance stuff so like we need that in social media because it's only getting worse if you talk about uh the c word why don't i say actually why don't i say the word youtube and penalize me which what's the secret covet oh yes of course yeah they literally have a filter yes they have a filter conservatism conspiracy you can talk about other things they won't ban you but if you talk about this thing they'll they'll analyze you yeah and so how many i mean yeah i i've been videos of mine have been removed how are you gonna have public discourse and and a political innovation debate progress yeah if you can't speak about things and who are these scumbags to censor me these maggots to censor me like i don't know about anybody else but i'm the best person in my industry i raised 27 million for charity i deserve designed the world's best forming asset with 100 uptime since launch for some somebody in some far-off place to censor my speech is disgusting so it's but you you live in california don't you nobody knows where i live it's like a secret Big Tech Founders In California i'm like a double agent secret agent double a seven guy well because i thought if you live in california then you might run into those people occasionally it would be nice i speak to them i look forward to it i met mark zuckerberg for example or no or any of that i don't even know if eric schmidt works for google anymore i think he quit what's his name jack dorsey runs twitter Importance of Getting Politicians To Buy Crypto (ex. Jack Dorsey) yeah he's a he's a bitcoin guy he's like he's on team crypto that's what i mean is like once you get guys to buy in they're going to support their investment so jack dorsey bought a lot of bitcoin now there's going to be bitcoin tipping and you know great and then if if you can get the political class to buy in which they should you guys like money you like money you should buy some of this stuff then these things will this particular issue of crypto will just get solved on its own like they'll do the right thing for crypto once they own enough of it um and if they don't well here's the funny thing as so you've seen el salvador support it as Governments Adopting Crypto, Effect On Power a payment method like it's currency in their country now and as you see other countries tend to do that you could get to a point where the rest of the world just figures out like yep we you have to play catch-up now because they they adopted it it's working better over there you know but it will make the government less powerful not sure about that because the country will be richer that's what you mean well you know the government has other ways of extracting resources so like in general successful business in the united states made it the the hegemon like the largest political actor the largest military actor so the united states was able to do that because of the effectiveness of its its business infrastructure and so if a country becomes more powerful economically through any industry whether it be cryptocurrency blockchain etc then that does eventually boil down into a more a more powerful government it does the concept of a less powerful government is like unless you have a revolution i don't i can't really think of a government that has become less powerful i mean right now we've lost so many Citizens Losing Their Rights rights that we used to have we used to have you know if you read somebody's mail it's a federal crime but now everybody reads your mail gmail reads your mail the isp reads your mail there's ads based on your mail well what happened i thought this was a federal crime nope and then you had the right against unlawful search and seizure which was your fourth amendment right but in the eu there's literally a law called the data retentions act that keeps a copy of every single sms and email that you send for years to [ __ ] you up later when they want so they don't know when they need it but when they do come to [ __ ] you up there's a copy there by law well what happened to like unlawful search and seizure so you're pre-pre-seizing my [ __ ] for later to [ __ ] me up is that what's going on here yes that's what's going on so we lost we lost our fourth amendment rights you know now with kovid we've lost our right to association so when i have a meet up and i want to you know invite some hexacans show us your papers that's where we're at and then you have to have government permission and then a lot of these places the idea that you have the superior health class which is no spike protein whatsoever which is like a test that shows your negative isn't as good as the fake one which is the the jab right the vaccine which you could still be a carrier you'd be carrying delta all over the place and but that one you get a lot of credit for so the stupid one that's less powerful you get more credit for but the best one you don't get much credit for it and then here like we got we got a test here that was good for travel but not good for getting into restaurants it was a [ __ ] why would you give me that one stupid nurse like i want to go to the [ __ ] restaurant so well it's a great pleasure talking to you yeah my pleasure next time you're in the netherlands we'll have another sit down Conclusion yep sounds good and um yeah good luck with everything good luck man you're the first person i've ever met to start their own political party a pleasure don't try it at home

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