paler it is a huge day for paler paler CEO Alex karp just went on CNBC a few hours ago thank you Arie for uploading this to your ex uh we're going to go ahead and react to this 9 minute video here looking forward to getting into that and then I want to react to a few other things that are going on with palen action pack paler day here today folks appreciate youall joining me thank you so much for being here thank you for smashing that Thumbs Up Button we're going to go ahead and jump into this also just so you guys know pin comment down there free new video I released for you guys it's a workshop stocks to buy now for 2025 and how to position your portfolio that's free to access that will be pinned comment down they talk about working with your software AIP that's going to include BP a new customer also AT&T a longtime customer talking for the first time so a big day and also a big month you're joining the S&P uh your company previously kind of mysterious private for about 17 years now you're going to be in the S&P you're going to be added to millions of 401ks how does that feel for you as a Founder what does that mean for the company um well yeah it's been a long ride I've been at this uh together with other paler for almost 20 years and you know we believed that we could build a company that would make America and its allly stronger better hey I I it just it just happened to be I had a rock the white tea today man uh more intelligent more agile uh wealthier um and we took a lot of positions that looked outside the norm some people said bat crazy uh like America is good the West is good we should fight for meritocracy we can make indust in America dominant not apologize for being the best and greatest country in the world our allies around the world uh actually the most radical thing we ever did was build software that actually was fully aligned with our customers with our partners whether it be military or commercial the way you buil you were told to build a software company was stay away from government at all costs CU that might help somebody build software that makes customers feel like they're being pleasured while they're being screwed we never did that and we stood by our values and I'm really proud of pans and our supporters and um and it's it's an incredible ride let's dig into the software so we're here AIP conon for your software AIP um you've been on the record that right now only two things matter chips and ontology all right so you don't make chips what's ontology engine are by the way by the way oh my gosh guys talk about talk about an epic lineup here today right the World Bank Cleveland Clinic Morgan Stanley Marc Tyson Foods BP I mean what an epic lineup paler has I mean that's just phenomenal and I still don't know paler must give these guys some sort of discount for you know speaking publicly about their product and getting more customers and things like that but I'm like it's amazing it's amazing that P has that sort of power that they could get these massive institutions to come out and talk about paler product and how it's helping their business and I love it because at the end of the day that's the best salesperson you could ever have is other companies right other execu ERS and um and it's it's an incredible ride let's take into the software so we're here AIP conon for your software AIP um you've been on the record that right now only two things matter chips and ontology all right so you don't make chips what's ontology you've been out talking about ontology kind of preaching about it how does it relate to Enterprise customers and the use of AI so there's AI is a mysterious Revolution people basically have it wrong they think all the values in the large language models large language models are like is like hydrocarbons in the ground they need to be processed if you're going to do something Beyond chat something that is crucial for the business like bringing hydrocarbons out of the ground or actually in the government contest monitoring troops figuring out how to kill your adversary while staying alive that raw knowledge has to be processed and put into your system in the logic of your system and in the security model of your system at the cost your system wants to pay for a particular kind of model so long story short that hydrocarbon like llm is essentially worthless to your business without the processing capabilities both in the antology and in Foundry and we believe this 5 years ago we figured this out by the way by doing work for the US government some of that work is going to be presented today so if you want to really kill your adversary on the battlefield or change the economics of your business you need a way of proc accessing the raw resources so commercial customers that's the growth engine of the company it's doubl entally launched AIP but you're talking about your military business uh presidential debate this week two very different candidates you've been on the record saying it doesn't matter who the president is but during the debate we saw president Trump he he didn't seem committed to the war in Ukraine you previously worked with uh Ice uh we could see changes in Immigration policy does this election actually matter for the company now well look it matters for America we are a company that embodies people that support both president Trump and vice president Harris I'm kind of a historically been an unhappy kind of radical Democrat I still am I support having a tough border I support inflicting pain I mainly support by the way something that seems to be escaping both parties which is if you touch an American we will inflict pain on you for Generations that should be the US policy whether that happens in Gaza whether that happens in Ukraine wherever that happens you cannot touch from a business perspective we've done well under both parties our products are superior We Stand by their superiority and both parties recognize that we have the best products all right so we mentioned so that that's huge right there right because you might be thinking okay if this President wins or this President wins like if this person wins the election is is paler more screwed or they going to be in a better position listen paler set up well regardless of who wins this election regardless of who that wins the election bottom line in regards to incredible stock growth looks like you're get another Boost from joining the& P what contracts do you think that paler needs whether it's government work or commercial work what contracts are you still out there looking to to obtain to kind of prove that AIP your software is the best in the world which I know we talked a year ago you said you were setting interested we're we're not interested in in we we show we don't tell we we believe I our customers we have 111 111 Partners presenting who believe our products are are are valuable to them in some cases transformative to them we are very focused on product inov Innovation part of what AI does is allows you to innovate quicker and if you have distribution distribute that Innovation quicker so our main goal is to accelerate product development in all areas military manufacturing government AI backed targeting AI backed uh ways of running your business and then we'll see where we are in a year I my firm belief is paler will be 10 times bigger in the future you know you've had all these critiques of pal whoa 10 times bigger in the future right so he sees he ultimately that means he sees paler being a company that's going to be doing revenue of let's say 20 to $30 billion a year 20 to $30 billion a year company right can paler get there can paler become a 20 to $30 billion Revenue company which then could mean paler could be bringing in let's call it 10 billion plus a year on the bottom line in regards to net income right which then if they're bringing in 10 billion plus let's just say it's 10 billion right let's say they're doing 30 billion of Revenue you're doing 1010 billion on on the bottom line right you would be able to command a p you would be able to command a market cap excuse me of somewhere around $350 billion for the company assuming it had not it had single-digit growth at that particular time it was no longer a double- digigit growing company right which maybe that's a situation that that plays out which you know right now paler less than A1 billion market cap so if you go to become a $350 billion market cap cuz that' be a 35p on now let's say you know they they're one of the very very special companies let's say they can get to like a 50% net margin right and they're doing $30 billion of of uh Revenue a year that's $15 billion $15 billion you know then you're talking about a market capitalization of $450 billion if not $500 billion plus for paler at that particular time and right now the market Cap's less than 100 billion right so that's a very exciting opportunity if paler can grow into that and honestly I think they probably can with looking at their product Suite they have right now never mind what they're going to be coming out with over the next year next 3 years next 5 years you know there's going to be a lot of exciting things launched remember paler 5 10 years ago was a fraction of the size it is now they had not nearly as many products in the market as they do now right so they're a growing company they're a company that has an very impressive Workforce from what I hear it's one of the best workforces out there and so they're going to continue to keep the pedal to the metal especially as long as Alex karp here and does it look like Alex carp's ready to go anywhere anytime soon look like he's ready to go float around on a yacht all day I don't think so I think he's pretty committed to running this this show for the next at least probably decade to be honest right we're the Frankenstein monster it can't be a product it's never going to be be free cash flow positive it's never going to be Gap profitable it could never get on the S&P it's clearly very valuable but it can't be 10 times Val more valuable and you know our our job is to show and not tell and we are going to show that we can be 10 times bigger than we are now and that reminds me of a lot of another company do you know what company I'm thinking of thinking of Tesla reminds me a lot of Tesla Tesla's always been one of those companies they can't do this they can't do that they can't do this and then they accomplish it and they do it and people are like oh my gosh and then it's like the next thing it's like they can't do this there's always a lot of haters in regards to Tesla there's always a lot of haters in regards to paler just to be honest Alex Sarah Eisen has a question for you back at the New York Stock Exchange yeah thank you and and hi Alex it's it's on the corporate story which is clearly very exciting for Wall Street and I know you've announced some new customers like AT&T and I believe now a billion dollars worth of contracts with the oil and gas industry so Alex my question is I think of paler and I think of AI Warfare and being able to Target your enemies what are you doing for an AT&T what are you doing for a gas company that that is built on the strength and and the business that you have in the federal government well the the the the products are different but the basine way in which you build software meaning building software that is fully aligned for a complic ated customer so if you take oil and gas or you take &t these are companies with massive investments in architecture you have to build on top of that and you have to be able to use algorithms for example in the in the in the Telecommunications where do you put the wires what is the most efficient way of having the customer connect to you how do you do preventive maintenance on the wires how do you do preventive maintenance on the on the infrastructure You're Building how do you do the capital allocation so that you can maximize it these are all these are these are actually life and death uh issues for the Enterprise because if you mess that up you mess up your margins you mess up the quality of your revenue and you get to man Arie you might take more screenshots than me holy smokers this is no dang jok disrupted by other competitors and what pounder will allow you to do by the way I think it's great that she has that question cuz it shows how many people are still confused about what paler actually does and how they can help companies and those sorts of things right and the more I've understood paler the more I'm like it's actually fairly simple to understand it sounds complicated if you don't really know it but once you know it like they're going to at the end of the day like I've always explained paler that the cross-sections data and artificial intelligence and having you as a business make much better decisions using your data using all the information feeding it all together and then understanding through all that what is the best route to go here with my business right oh we need to order more of this part oh we're going to have a problem with this line that's going to need to be replaced over there right and being able to keep up to all and you got to understand these these global companies are massive I mean could you imagine what it's like to run a multi-billion dollar company that's doing business all over the United States and dare I say even all over the world like could you imagine how complicated that really is like my gosh and that's where a product like paler really comes in and really helps massively transform that in in in in a in in a quarter what would have taken you three five years to do and that's why we have these very loyal very deep contracts with customers and by the way us commercial especially but also including uh you know BP in the UK and other places in the world is just extraordinarily strong we've been growing year on-ear roughly 70% for 34s so it's like we are famous for what we've done to help the US and its allies I'm very proud of that but you know the unknown somewhat public secret of peners we're just crushing it in US commercial and that's really important it's important for America it's important for paler so Alex you and I we actually said down in DC just about a year ago to the day you were just coming off that Senate AI form you were joined by S Nella Senator Pai Elon Musk a lot of AI Heavy Hitters like yourself um a lot of talk in there uh about guard rails regulation concrete legislation we haven't heard that much since then we even have a uh AI leaders at the White House today you said you know you're aware of it but you're not even sure if you're really a part of it what's going on when it comes to AI in our nation um are we properly prepared for the election for critical infrastructure I mean what's look the thing about AI Innovation broadly defined so it's really chips andology and large language models is the people are innovating are going so much faster than the people who are trying to regulate America does need regulation I think you will see leader Schumer uh gathering together to get that legislation my view of it is it should be tailored to the development of large language models and ontology so the more developed it becomes the more guard rails we have not just to protect us against civil liberties violations and election violations but also quite frankly as it gets more and more advanced to deter our adversaries from getting the getting what we know how to do the models and the way we manage them models in civilian and in war fighting contexts for as long as possible you can't stop our adversaries forever but every month every week makes a huge difference because of the way in which development is going and I'm pretty confident that's going to happen and AI for one of the things you talked about was election security so we do have an election coming up also we've seen threats to critical infrastructure when it comes to Ai and our ability to protect our nation's critical infrastructure and also the Integrity of our election in your mind Where Do We Stand well there's really look of course I would have it my there's two parts to defense iny one is you defend the perimeter and then you understand what's happening inside the perimeter that's classic way of doing AI defense there are huge limits to that because you're kind of behind but in that context you have to use AI to fight AI the most important way we can defend ourselves in this country is just to make it clear to our adversaries there'll be a price for attacking us the central weakness we have is you get a free ride you kidnap our people you kill our people you murder our people nothing happens if you want to stop interference either kinetic or physical you have to impose a price and that price has to be significant and clear you know just in general in foreign policy we need to talk less and act more I all righty so I want to go ahead and react to AR's been posting a ton of stuff here um if you're interested in penter you might be worth definitely a follow because he he always keeps up to date with a lot of different stuff here so here he's uh pointing out paler in Tampa hospitals zero use case in six weeks when an alternative uh provider announced the discontinuation of their whatever monitoring solution uh paler identified an opportunity to make things better the entire process from initial scoping to user onboarding and deployment in production worklow flows was completed within 6 weeks paler transforms the efficiency of Legacy companies Blue Line since paler okay palente tier does what we had in had in our mind it works I don't know who said that quote there because once again today there's a bunch of these big companies and folks basically speaking about how paler transformed their their organization paler AIP helps Mount Si New York City evaluate patients in real time this generated $2 million in annual return on investment uh plus 354 beds for new admissions annually plus 400% admissions per month to hospital at home so basically making the hospital a lot more uh efficient paler Maven Maven smart system screenshot he took there uh Maven smart system AI targeting before 2.5 hours after Maven 30 minutes yeah it's like a 5x right that's pretty good and good Maven still showing Maven presentation here paler a leading a leader in spotting the bad guys using paler to help find and eliminate Trinity's bad guys no surprise there so optimizing our supply chain operations with AIP agents Advanced shipping notification AI supply chain agents a lot of this stuff's a great you know and you you guys might want to watch all of AI peon uh you know if you have time tonight or tomorrow or this weekend and the reason being is there's just a uh there's an immense amount of customers that speak about obviously paler products and services and and how it's helping their business uh government entity things like that uh AIP 5 full of Nike shoes what are they telling us is it really all Nike shoes though I don't know what the heck some of these things are maybe those are Nikes as well obviously these are heavy Nikes here which you know I don't know where AR is going here maybe he's talking about a potential relationship partnership with Nike which I don't think if I recall I don't believe Nike uses paler as of yet but I don't know it could be could be a sign that maybe maybe that we're going to hear about some major partnership coming uh with Nike that could be interesting peler help Trinity Rail uh build a product life management oh they're doing business now with Trinity is that Trinity Industries because Trinity Industries is a company they say Trinity Rail here maybe Trinity Industries that's a company I used to own many many years ago and they made me so much money that stock was so phenomenal back in the day cuz the oil and gas Boom Out nor Dakota and you had to transport it all somewhere and the only way you could really do it was through real cars and there was really only there's like two companies that kind of had a monopoly there's trendy Industries which was the big dog and then there was a company named Greenbrier Industries they were kind of a much smaller company so I bought Trinity Industries understanding there was going to be this massive kind of oil and gas like super cycle coming out of North Dakota and my gosh was that stock phenomenal I like made some crazy money on it and that was like early early in my investing Journey cuz I was like back in I don't know that would have been 2010 11 11 12 sometime back in there and what a what an opportunity that was pener generated $30 million in Savings in 3 years with only 3 months 3 months of deployment wow paler to man steel inventory and that's why I always tell you guys like paler some a customer might spend $5 million a year on pal ander's product right and it seems like gez that's such a big number all that matters is that paler brings that company back more than $5 million right and either increase sales or in cost savings things like that that's all matters like you could be a large organization and spend a $100 million with paler a year which is a crazy number but as long as paler helps save you $100 million worth of problems it was a great Roi right if it helped save you 200 million you spend 100 Mil you won you won and remember the 100 Mil is a write-off at the end of the day it's a business expense right so just a little food for thought in regards there it's the size of our product that matters that's kind of hilarious he said there um we have the leader of our retail movement here proudy that's awesome so AIT is there nice nice this is exciting the most radical thing we ever did was build software fully aligned with our customers the way you are told to build a software company is to build software that makes customers feel like they are getting that was obviously the quote from the interview there which was a pretty hilarious one but um yeah obviously very very exciting day very very exciting time period for paler and uh in terms of paler stock price I'm kind of taking a little breather here the Stock's kind of a little flattish today right um but the Stock's up 123% in the past year which is phenomenal we are now only a little over a week we're we're like six trading days away from paler getting into the S&P 500 which don't be surprised if you see more momentum coming paler stock next week am I going to be placing any bets on that like shortterm call options no plus you're already having a pay very big premiums for those so not interested right but I will say it does kind of set up pretty well for paler next week because it's a week that's going to go into the S&P 500 it's not going in in until I believe Friday so do keep that in mind but there's going to probably be a lot of excitement next week around paler stock Additionally you know we're about to go into rate Cuts next week as well so there could be a lot of excitement around that usually if anything you have to worry more about the market after the rate Cuts start to happen not kind of going into it usually there's just kind of like a risk on like Good Feeling out there so peler is definitely setting up well but main thing I love is on the daylight today all the long-term talk about how it's helping customers and things like that so definitely you know if you guys get a chance definitely you know try to check out some of the AIP con as well I think it's going to be phenomenal even understand the company on a deeper level all right guys appreciate you joining me as always thanks so much for being here got a brand new workshop for you that will be pinned comment down there if you want to access that you can email it over or can text it over stocks to buy now for 2025 how to position your portfolio should help you out immensely much love and have a great day

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