Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 2x1 Reaction!! "Elven Kings Under the Sky"

Intro ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Raggedy pack rings of power is back after what feels like forever season 1 not the greatest piece of Television ever made very much uh a little bit of a slow burn iggly and Jake just finished it and unsurprisingly their consensus was the same as ours the first batch of episodes very slow the last three episodes the mount Dune episode very very cool entertaining fun um really what you expect out of these movies and they are lowering season 2 down to six episodes I believe the first season was eight oh is that right or am I making this [ __ ] up again I think I did this the last time there might be Eight Episodes I don't know regardless a clean slate three episodes are dropped we're only watching one today so we will be dropping these as soon as we finish editing them we try to watch them Thursdays um because this is the worst release schedule in streaming uh when it comes to Amazon and dropping in at midnight and we're in a bunch of different time zones that's just not doable so notification Bell will be your best friend um and yeah definitely check Reaction out our Lord of the Rings movies reactions that were coincidentally dropping right now it was totally planned wink and without further Ado hit that like button subscribe like I said notification Bell check out our patreon where you can watch Early Access to The Hobbit to as of right now the two Lord of the Rings movies and then the two hobbit movies uh the third one will be up there eventually so check that out link for that's in the description below there's also join our free Discord links to all of our social medias check all those out and let's get back into Middle Earth let's go let's do it all right hang on I need to watch this actually been too long you forget what Happ remember this like it was yesterday probably cuz it was midle who's this handsome you dirty bastard you remember I guess he was truthful with us yeah un Ben I do not believe you sauron's just a a nice humble little guy my responsibility landed you don't like the stranger isn't a man I don't like the hobbits the like not Hobbits are they Hobbits or are they like I think they're like a subspecies orace this is how we yeah they're Hobbits they're Hobbits before they decided to like Farm they're still very much like you nomadic and my best friend this show was crazy this was like the best part of SE season I was going to say this is the best part of the show I had no clue that they were going to do that yeah this shot was awesome I did love that but he's so happy yeah it is I I really don't know how I feel about seeing Sauron as this pretty boy dude yeah like the the Anakin Skywalker effect he really let himself go nice helmet oh [ __ ] oh oh the crown befitting a king your new master oh excuse me who's that what dawn of the second age no longer will we be hunted as the broke Middle Earth as the same who finally healed him so when he said he killed together he was a as one Sauron as he was Blondie Sauron has no Aura dude me disgust twiddling those hands together Noble race were the only toed and slaughtered oh oh not today through the Y all going take this Step Up Step Up Adar I think that's his name unless they recast him no thought they could have recast him what do you mean that's not Uncle benjin I'm your only future that's definitely Ador that's not Uncle benjin Dude I I don't know what you're harping about about benjin Stark the actor for benjin Stark is at our I never I never knew that yeah that's true okay that's not benjin Stark looks like him he's just a Glazer oh yeah don't miss kind of sharp you can stab him with that yeah you could yeah looks H oh we're so smart hey Blake what were you saying dude they would have had to have recast him that's not the same guy oh my God he's getting jumped he's getting Caesar oh my God Cesar oh oh [ __ ] okay oh he's got some fight left in him whoa oh he's done what oh oh he's he pulled him into the wait oh get his ass get his blonde ass pretty boy always got like symbiot veins dude h oh yeah damn he was not going down without a fight he's done yum y make sure hey who waa what oh my God what the hell his soul has escaped The Vessel bro that was like some [ __ ] is this I was going to say it looked like he was shooting a topic breath or something I understand now you understand now this is the place we see at the beginning of season 1 so this is like in the past he's gone to now sail the seven seas uh more more so like raft hey man playing hit game survive they did recast atar okay thank you it's like I watched this like this one I mean but not the same guy it's not the same guy it's I could tell it's it's the character still so I would like apolog o you didn't even know there was a different character bro cuz it looked enough like him so like oh yeah this it does not look anything like him oh my god dude you mean the outfit and the aura I don't know benjin Stark has his own Aura Rose blood is seeping What that blue right there he's a symbiote no literally like he kind of is Tick's died so many times that by the time we get to Lord of the Rings he's just an eye yeah like there's no not enough blood yet like left you're like oh the I sour on it that's like a magical thing that's like a a projection or something no that's just all he is at that point cuz he keeps can we put his blood in a jar going through all these bodies in a jar I love to have Sauron in a jar he put put himself so high up so people wouldn't stab him anymore there one true that's why he's the eye so he can keep an eye on him from all directions and make sure nobody's going to come up and stab him yep rat rat s don't drink that he's going to drink the juice oh my God does he like reincarnate as a rat he like he becomes the black [Music] plague it's like a temporary host it will do oh oh my God little ref I'm sorry oh no God oh I don't like the tendrils you're going to hate the movie Venom oh God not the desert oh oh oh see oh yeah it's a Hungry Caterpillar dude inor there's going to be a sack of bu this is pretty gross this is what I would imagine Sauron being like this true St yeah the light I hope Sauron in true Venom fashion possesses somebody becomes like a voice in their head oh he's sliding there he goes he's just going to freeze up there oh can we hitch hike all right e dude now now I just feel bad for him I don't if you if you look over to your left and you see black tendrils on the ground just running over oh you're done well spilling little Sauron juices everywhere oh oh he feeds H he consuming he is feasting right now oh it's blood dripping from that little canteen we're in human okay now hey hello H Brad Brad how Brad so I guess it's not a possession thing though cuz that's that's definitely not the person that was no no no driving Carriage it's just maybe influenced by what he eats the human body is is but his canvas to to create the form that he desires most which is pretty boy the previous version was an elf maybe he ate an elf he looks [Music] happy so happy he just got betrayed doesn't look evil at [Music] all the look that Blake and igy give each other when they start calling each other Wing nuts at the start of every Lord of the Rings movie that way I know you suffered I can see it in your eyes is that what you see there's another life waiting for you but Fortune's can turn for even the most powerful you're so wise Grim reminder some place good nice your mut chops cross the sea a man can escape himself across the sea you said path damn they're close choice is yours friend choice is his which way you heading boys I mean if I'm on I got to go meet up with the Orcs those are my guys guys all right they're just going to stab you again he's got like Stockholm syndrome he keeps going back come on guy maybe this time no way is he going to sink the boat bro he's going to summon the sea serpent what if s at that [ __ ] now that I would love to see I don't think we'd make it to the movie nightmares again and the next day and the next day okay Mr Krabs until it becomes a of no just going to yep just wants the deck yo oh I don't think there's much helping him well that was quick did you expect it to be slow that shit's like twice the size of the boat three times maybe oh yeah is it cold up my op my queen damn now it just feels obvious it was all there the wuning was on the wall [Music] yeah I will say though I I think one of my favorite things of the first season was the music mhm yeah be mccu Cooks be mccu constantly Cooks he is I love him so much the whole show has yeah has everything it needs to succeed it's just lacking like the direction that's needed yeah like I I think overall the show looks very nice and stuff um it just was a shame that the first season felt like it had nothing to do essentially right hi King snitch Harold El three rings now who is this man he's no man s he is no man oh I should write this show askar reading as one appearing in Fair form to hide his true self he was so handsome hide the the Venom that lies underneath he so is that a curse how could you yeah he she knew of all our kind he deceived me I was deceived no gadriel you were blind blinded by your own Pride it's the same thing the Rings show the a free spot his finger he never touched themm for weeks the Rings Elon cast Into the Fire Oh Sees him now we jumping cast it into the water oh my God He Lives cast the Rings into the Waters of Mount Flume [Laughter] that [ __ ] is gushing D Man Undercover Boss yeah secret Chopper over here or mystery shopper welcome to Mordor work is land well fed well work such a bumer and you'll feed the soil should put that on the welcome sign you swear to least to ad my God lord father of the that sword oh okay he missed the Quick Time Event that's messed up you didn't give him like 5 Seconds you swear alance to oh my God is this guy he got put in charge the dude who put put it in the Dam drain the dam the Glazer oh oh you know it seems weird that you stab the person in front of them so that everyone knows that they just have to bow down I guess you you just need to set one example yeah how does Adar got the SKR X do the king of the Southlands turned himself in Lord father says he wants to negotiate he wants that Revenge dude let my people go o Moses that was a Moses quote yours will die oh oh since galadriel's defeat she's sought out a new ally an ancient sorcerer to instruct the elves in forging a new weapon H you will tell me everything you think you know of this sorcerer now or I will spell the words from your throat if I die all that I know dies with me and then I come back to life in time you will beg me to [Music] oh Noe your majesty I hate this guy dude I hate him so much father this time's coming saon could never return could he oh they're scared Sauron is dead The Stranger where we going Gandalf he's in Arizon is it really that's the theory but I I was getting that to's IP is n free they have to call him the stranger I got that vibe from the first season okay that was I mean in a in a weird way it's like that feels like the most obvious answer which in turn because the way that everything works nowadays with TV shows it feels like there's going to be some bait and switch but I really is that a sta the hell is this oh oh it's kind of dancing around is it between worlds it's like oh oh what is thaton yeah it was sodon that's cool okay well we might have our answer here okay he's the stranger bro it's not g The Stranger got that look in your eye oh God you don't like NY I don't like the hobbits it doesn't like the hobbitses my Golem's not too good today that was pretty good what is this PV I think are Mages still following oh who's this who's this mask oh is that like their real form I think it looked like that I was going to say that the mask looks familiar when the three witches got like blasted back we saw like skull forms I think we would be wiser to sop on patience we haven't spped on anything since we run out of snails there's nothing to eat out here we got three trees here it's like a puzzle I play games oh no oh no well come on you try further he really looks like Jim Henson who Nori further Nori no the probably Gandalf probably Gand just just call him Gandalf he's Gandalf not Gandalf wish Gandalf Gandalf the strange gandf from Big Lot this is pretty cool yeah I really liked all the mysticism mysticism sorcery mysticism a good try mysticisms a little dirty oh okay inside the tree I wonder secret fruits inside why don't we eat the olives in nory's hair I was about to say that like I don't think we can Sur excuse me oh beetles the critters can't mat oh yeah oh Cory oh don't let you're letting him get away I don't like it it's a good start crawling them I I would rather just die of starvation I think I'd rather starve too yeah cuz ugly ass beetles with like pincers and stuff that's protein though it's all you dog you're going to be the most jacked of all of [Laughter] us brother you're munching on snails this is no different I can feel the legs in the throat the shell they're dancing no don't say that we used to sing little boogie songs they'd have music to dance to when they it is quite all right for a half foot to miss home you could be getting sentimental when you're talking about be it's just him weird Little Critter what do you see no appears we're being followed control it is mine befriend it oh CH up we can break those chants we can eat this guy break these cuffs come on you tell old wre everything you know about saon oh you're the interrogator walri little jumpy pain must be something you enjoy after Lord father releases me I'm going to kill you I how doesn't deep remember you're here took that like a champ I think he knows can you reach it it's a huge drumstick meet's back on the menu boys it's like taming a wolf in Minecraft yeah will he feed he's looking those chops give it to him be a good guy saon for the dogs you don't need to eat we've seen what you have inside you I mean those are the parts of the chicken that you don't want anyway uh yeah oh I don't think that's a chicken oh my God okay close enough big ass chicken down boy okay so next time whatever his name comes in he's he's he's toast yeah we're making a boat ah we're leaving Perfection Perfection exists in Valor thank you master G thanks spooky that sound by the music switch I just love how beautiful this show is man you needn't hide any longer just like you Bui take your pity compliments and shove them oh okay yeah we almost got a good thing going there you are the oldest and wisest of our kind and the elves are facing our greatest test in an age I perceive you carry something in your charge something louder than the sea what have you brought here expand the search set a watch at every Crossing he must not Escape I'm R got the five star wanted level is not his plan meaning he's under our spoke of destroying the Rings Elon would seek out someone he can trust someone oldy wiser the oldest and wisest of Our Kind yeah nothing from you someone who could turn the tides his way I've have seen calor's work before but this is different good [ __ ] he is I remember he used to speak of one objects such power they could change the heart of any who beheld them wounds of the continent still now at the spot where our Bay meets the sea there remains on the seabed a scar so deep its end none but manway himself knows if you the trench cast these Rings into its depths they oh oh they found you out found out yeah [Music] oh we got a helicopter I was going to say it's a lighthouse I thought it was a search helicopter five star wanted level yeah summon the Eagles to reason with my friend you did what you must gadriel and so it Li oh Jake you're such a good writer all the all I'mma head out there he goes oh man he is zooming he's got the he's got the wind someone played cfp he knows how to he yeah watch out for the sea serpents yeah back to mosing back to Tatooine oh G Callum this early the man transcends time and [Music] space huh oh wait no no way is that the other favorite character yeah puy where's the skull mask at oh bloody poppy seed found a way out here only biscuits never been happier in my life than right now I trade all I've known for the unknown ahead I was about to say wow that's a bar and then I'm like oh wait it's a the song that's the point yeah [Music] yeah map I like that transition to the lands of that is Si Co I like that what are you waiting for I don't know is it just one you may you may know the answer to this but it's like they're following to follow him to where he's going not following him to catch him was that true or do you not know either of you so he got ambushed by three people who thought he was sardon but they said oh [ __ ] we were mistaken then they got Force blasted turn into butterflies yeah so I mean that's easy Theory it feels like to say that it's just those guys I think I I I would know who oh not know who else it could be yeah also the sea rejected the Rings oh let's take a little look okay corrupted I think he's going to be Bewitched Boo the wisest he offered me wine on that dark and nameless Peak I drank it I drank it all drink the Symbio juice that wine corrupted him your people have been set free oh now tell me what you know of Sauron I am him of course I know him he's me Sauron has returned in a new form and I'll go to them and seek him out so you can Marshall Your Allegiance to destroy him going to make him fight each other that was the yeah I think so little little Palpatine sewing the seeds of mhm big war I out to serve a lot of more do to the end of my days you didn't say Adar and see that's Sauron he's a truthful little guy yeah the Lord of Mordor that little smirk himself do atar have remaining no I'm going to kill you mhm you're done is that right your majesty all oh fun fact the actor actually broke his toe during this scene oh that was like the collar H oh the dog yeah the smile smile got his ass I told that's what sauron's just a mischievous little man yeah diminish forever into endless night and so it has come to pass our days in Middle Earth are ended oh is that what you think I object he comes bearing the Rings Perfection does not exist only in valyo hiking it is here oh my God put that sh on bmore has brought it to Middle Earth h Huh good this guy loves his Rings no a fine addition to my collection oh be careful grab it of oh yeah I was thinking that one was hers suits sir yeah pound sand Elon it's your size it's perfect put it on [Music] it's a Spider-Man 2 ass theme song bear it does sound like that why you cooking he's following along let's both flip El Rond off with our new ring [Music] yeah oh the might is coming back it reflects off the gemstone so excellently can the leaves stop falling [Music] now oh we are so back oh they're sprouting see all more you about bro for real repercussions bird tree purified hm spoilers he doesn't know it's been a year and he doesn't know still the disappointment Nicki's voice like subscribe follow for more they're comparing okay listen to the track [Music] it's so [Music] hard are you all just going to look at them like merma Man and Barnacle Boy you night oh Sauron going to beat the messenger back to Kell [Music] bmore we're making more the one to rule them all brother rev up those [Music] furnaces word from Lindon to the contrary my Lord this messenger is from the Southlands to negotiate I'm so smart why maybe you should write this show BL I sh maybe you leaked the script to me dog [Music] hello friend well my Lord we Grant him entry he gave you the crafting [Music] recipe a gift he said okay okay I think this was a good first episode what is this oh is this a preview or go trailer yeah it's a yeah Outro it's a preview I'll find out next yeah we'll find out so I like the beginning I like the the background we got on Sauron him getting yeah effing merked freaking merked by his people and Blake gaslighting me about I di for like five minutes why do you twist [ __ ] that obviously is not Adar the Adar from season one it's obvious the character not the actor right to not get confused and I literally said I'm like that's not Adar unless they recasted it and you're like no no this is same guy and I'm making Game of Thrones references like that isn't your favorite show of all time and you're sitting there like I have no idea what you're talking about I did for one I if anyone was gaslighting anyone it was me or I'm it was me getting gasl by you it okay okay I didn't know it was Benin and two the the makeup and basically how the character was presented it it looked like the same charact dude to me oh yeah I mean the fit was almost identical but it it was like I can see in the face it was a different dude but like I I get and it was a different sour on and I'm just like I was I thought I thought you were just confused I was trying to help you out I'll be honest with you I was not confused I knew it was one of two things but you're just argumentative type Booky it's okay you know what I'm G let a slide I'm a nice guy oh yeah yeah it didn't necessarily fix anything that I had distaste for from season 1 um but at the same time it was a great first episode like you said mhm like the the opening scene going back to that little uh Throne Room Sanctuary whatever you want to call it that's up north um was good the Sauron backstory was good the acting the the only issue has ever been the writing with this show and I think episode one there was no problem with it it didn't move the needle but there was no problem with it so I'm pleased it it's made me feel a little more confident about this season if it's able to yes optimistic if it keeps this up and can improve on this then I think it'll be a much more enjoyable time than season one which I'm I'm excited for I mean this one already felt like okay there's like we know what the stakes are we know who all the players are which I guess part of that is because we established like the slow bur at the beginning yeah um I I think I think the main issue for me was having payoff which we didn't get until like halfway through season one yeah I think now that we have like um Stakes to actually fight for it becomes much more interesting of a show mhm yeah yeah I like what the setup is of saon just playing both sides he is just being a master manipulator mhh um Cory did you have any thoughts I mean it's just an echo chamber of everything you guys are saying um first episode it came in hot like they weren't messing around with uh this howon back story I had no idea what was going on I was like who is this guy I thought he was just a phony claiming to Sauron and then I I thought how was going to show up and be like no I'm Sauron I I thought that too I I had a brief thought yeah it turns out he's Venom so it's cool because I had no idea he was like that because in Lord of the Rings you just see him as like this I don't know what you want to call his armor it looks like something out of fortnite um yeah but yeah yeah that oh no you go ahead I I had a different thought I was just going to say that and the things going on with the stranger or uh Gandalf as we like to call him we don't know exactly who is watching him in Arizona but I'm sure we'll figure that out soon and um I'm glad that uh poppy tagged Al it's always nice to have you know at least a Party of Three yeah when you're on your journey or when you get into a pickle um sure and then then the guy the old wise elf uh I don't recall his name poy the one that didn't throw the Rings away yeah um I don't remember his name either I think it's sedic let me confirm uh let me confirm for well I like that um because I I didn't know if he was going to be able to destroy them but I do like that he turned around and made the play of hey you know I'm going to put one of these rings on myself because I'm the goat I'm like the oldest and wisest so obviously I get one elron doesn't get one because he's a hater uh and then gigal lad or gilgalad whatever his name is and then uh gadriel I I really like her ring it's elegant just like her crown yeah course she deserves one I I do think it's going to come back to bite them in the ass somehow especially now that Sauron has pulled up and he's gonna be like hey man we need some more Rings the guy's name is sirun seun yeah seun if you want to do without accent it's Sean Sean yeah I'm I'm not very good at accenting things I got you all right I mean yeah I'm well I was going to say earlier I I am it's interesting to see sauron's like backstory and part of me is like it is it's cool to see but I'm also kind of what you were saying Cory it's like yeah in in the original Lord of the Rings all we know him is this like mysterious thing in armor essentially mhm it's like I I can't tell if I like knowing what he is now which is weird weird T tendril hent looking monster hentai or what can we say that I think so that's fine um it does yeah because it takes away a little bit of the the Mystique but I think they they are doing something interesting with it which I do appreciate I agree it because it's not playing it safe like we could have just had nothing happen uh at the beginning we we could have not seen that form they're actually you know going out of the comfort zone introducing new Sauron lore he is a you know he's a Sy he he he's he's the the creature that manifests himself in different forms and so like we always had that illusion in our head without an actual like Foundation to base it on you know what I mean so that I don't mind it it's kind of gross but I don't mind it all right we good good mhm yeah yeah all right well stay tuned for the next reaction hit that like button subscribe notification Bell check out our Lord of the Rings reaction Fellowship of the Ring on the channel right now and the other ones available on patreon right now so check those out we'll see you guys in the next one see you see see you

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