ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Raggedy pack the time has finally come what two years after the rings of power season one when Cojo agreed to edit all of the Lord of the Rings on his own oh is that still on the table the the time has finally come that we get into the Lord of the Rings disclaimer Corey and I have seen all three movies Cory's seen them once I've seen them several times but not in like the last 10 years and we went through what we both remembered um it's not a whole lot it's not a whole lot which is very surprising for me not necessarily for Corey since he has a bank of information I'm just stupid um but it's going to be very there's going to be a lot of stuff that we don't remember so it's going to be a blast iggly and Cojo have not seen it I have a disclaimer okay I played the Lord of the Rings game it was like the Rings Conquest I don't I don't know it was like 20 years ago with one of my best on the 360 I brought four like main yeah or four or five I don't know but yeah that game was amazing I don't remember anything that happened in it besides actually I won't say anything I won't say anything I love that game it wasn't it wasn't anything important I just remember like a monster in it or whatever you want to call them an enemy perfect um so this is obviously based off tolken uh shout out Steph monster Stephanie in our Discord she's been wanting us she was our first Patron she's been wanting us to watch the Rings for 4 years so almost four years so big shout out to her she's the goat don't say we don't deliver on God we just don't have that Prime shipping so these movies are fantastic um other like is there anything you uh Co Cory Cojo or igly that you guys want to talk about that like you know about the films or anything like that other than played on in the game Orlando Bloom dub what a stud what a stud this is prime too it also has Christopher Lee oh yeah rest in peace what I mean the whole C you know there's nothing I can say that's G to like accurately prepare you guys for the film just buckle up okay Cory made a comparison earlier that it's very uh he finished Game of Thrones and then was like what can I watch as similar to Game of Thrones watch Lord of the Rings it's that good so it's actually funny uh I know very little about Lord of the Rings i' have heard some names and back when I didn't know anything about Game of Thrones I used to think like the Winter's coming meme was from Lord of the Rings that's understandable I think like there's there's like a character I think there's a character that looks similar cuz like the one similar yeah yeah just a bit so we'll see I think we might have that conversation just shut up and watch the movie dude you're spoiling it bro okay oh all right you guys have anything else you want to say that isn't spoilery um I remember these movies they were amazing excited to watch them again I don't remember if I watched the extended editions the first time so we'll see how much I remember I think I owned the extended editions I used to have them all on DVD and would watch them like on road trips so I think I have seen that but anywh who anything else that's it be before we get into this reaction hit that like button subscribe hit that notification Bell so you don't miss when episodes episodes when the two towers and the return of the Kings drop on patreon or on YouTube but they are available right now over on patreon Early Access check that out link for that in the description below you also find Early Access to other movies and shows over there there's plenty going on the full lengths as well if you want to sit down and watch this with us for three and a half hours Be Our Guest just join the patreon there's also link join our free Discord you can come chat it up with us and join all of our socials and without further Ado two and a half three years in the making let's get it baby yeah let do it I'm terrified God I'm so excited to finally watch this again I've like been avoiding watching this for two years so I could be on this reaction you're a damn hero I've been avoiding watching you for 28 you're old dude the world is changed I feel it in in the water I feel it in the earth now you guys will finally understand the plot of rings of power yeah great that once was is lost for none now live who remember it y this is where I'd clap I'd clap in the theaters so hype at the title screen yeah yeah man oh I guess people like this movie or something the forging of the great Rings three were given to the elves Immortal wisest and fairest of all beings seven to the dwarf Lords great Miners and Craftsmen of the mountain okay they get seven the dwarfs got a lot nine Rings were gifted to the race of men who Above All Else desire power that seems like a mistake but they were all of them deceived for another ring was made in the land of Mordor in the fires of M D the dark lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring and into this ring he poured his cruelty his malice and his will to dominate all life what a Chad one ring over armor is crazy them all I have heard that oh man so his is more powerful than all the other ones yeah okay a last Alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mor just power walking towards people charging at you is crazy energy yeah where are the dwarves oh no you got to look hard to see them my god dude this is so sick Hold the Line God that's cool twin blades dude that's sick as [ __ ] Victory oh he liked he liked that but the power of a ring could not be undone that's a problem who's going to solo him elen ring boss just pulled up he's so tall he's got the drick armor on bro oh oh my God oh my God he's the main character in Skyrim his mace is like sending out oh he's dead he's got the F roon all hope had faded that isor son of the king took up his father's sword oh weak [ __ ] oh fies get the ring why is it why is it steamy bro it's made from hatred oh he's dead what dude this is really cool this man he Domino affected everyone the enemy of the free peoples of Middle Earth Was Defeated so he essentially connected his life into that ring I'm assuming yeah your finger being your weakness is crazy the ring passed to isor who had this one chance to destroy evil forever but the hearts of men are easily corrupted and the ring of power has a will of its own oh oh my [Music] gosh he's going to put it on what what just happened he's invisible oh that's cool you could do that I didn't know you could do that he just dipped with it oh don't lose it betrayed his what it wasn't his side eyes God damn it tragic you get that fitted so it's still at the bottom of the lake it ens snared a new Bearer I do know about this guy yeah I do know about this guy came to the creature Golem oh the ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life for 500 years years it poisoned his mind it abandoned Gollum oh but something happened then it's like that Chef Boyd commercial it was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable what's this a hobbit baggin of the sh heard about this character I wouldn't put that one on oh he's looking for it precious is loost precious is lost will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all H are they like a more minor species then got to be right what do you mean by that I don't know elf dwarfs and humies what do you mean they would be they wouldn't be Fighters right they're Hobbits I don't means nothing to me I don't know what that means they're small listen yeah so that's oh oh clapping again the theme the theme I know the theme me saying Miner was not a short JK brother there short JK back [Music] again a hobbit by Bilbo beins concerning Hobbits oh we're going to Le Hobbits have been living and farming in the forefather for many hundreds of years years being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very [Music] wise who did the music uh but where our hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet I like this sure Earth for all Hobbits share a love of things that grow cool so yeah they're kind of like traitor SL earthy Nomads kind of I want to say Nomads nomad's good okay it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life oh happy birthday it's a birthday party fro the door you got to get yourself where is that boy do you guys recognize this at all with the extended I'm curious how cuz a huge extended edition this all this all looks like what I all in the normal okay just got the dogs out I oh they all have dogs out I was about to say I didn't see a pair of shoes yet the dogs live free in this land makes sense hey I recognize the Hat uh going recognize the actor too is that oh you're late a WI is never late fro bagg okay nor is he he arrives precisely when he means to it's wonderful to see you gandal a okay me to igly your uncle's he's got the whole place in an up well that should him dud that pipe is doing work they all smoke around this man I like the theme I feel like we've heard it for things are made to endure in the sh not shoes from one generation to the next there's always been a Baggins living here under the hill gosh I really need to watch rings of power again I've forgotten like everything it's debatable which part belo's been a bit OD lately wait it was been odd more than usual we got some big feet for real har too he lost the ring no it was in your shirt pack it was in your shirt pocket right yeah those there you go that's relatable like with your car keys crisis where' I put him or your phone yeah he's up to something all right then keep your secrets I know you love that Meme know before you came were very well thought of never had any Adventures or did anything unexpected if you're referring to the incident with the dragon I was barely involved Dragon I doubt that all I did was give your uncle A little nudge out of the door you've been officially labeled a disturber of the peace oh don't snear at him a we're popular dude the soundtrack has been gas pedal bro just for the entire time the the movie is gas pedal the whole time [Music] okay oh excuse [Applause] me peace I'd like to think that that's just one of Gandalf's farts oh yeah happens every time did I catch you having fun I love wizard characters oh old is he here do we know old in this movie yeah it's probably like in his 70s oh I want to say he's like mid 90s now so he's got like a human lifespan oh oh oh I mean the character g off not the yes he he's like a million years old no he does not have a got we don't want any more visitors well wishes or distant relations and what about very old friends how old Bill m dear G good to see you 111 years old who would believe it wow you haven't hey looks good oh the ring m m your welcome welcome I love the house just thank you watch out okay yeah he could hear you aw oh what's this map being nosy feel like he's only nosy Dragon I can make you some eggs if you look G I'm not at home it's the saful bages they're after the house they've never forgiven me for living this long I want to see mountains again mountains Gandalf and then somewhere quiet where I can finish my book 111 years is unusual then for Hobbits seems like it okay it's got to be the ring he said it kept Gollum alive for like 500 F something yeah of course he does I'm old gandal I know I don't look it but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart [Music] M I feel gosh he's so smart I need a holiday a very long holiday and I don't expect I should return in fact I mean not to very ominous M finest weed in the sou falling [Music] wow this trick blos blundering to roll them all oh I imagine this one's going to be the one to rule them all oh oh my God that seems insane the boat this would be a night to remember oh my God that is a huge K God damn oh this [ __ ] what wait who are you talking about you'll learn okay [Music] oh dude best wingman of all [Music] time oh my whoa the gend off's fun at parties bro man's casting spells out here they spent so much time arguing the Gand hitting the dogey holy moly ah hey hey hey w oh I don't know if you can handle all that that's a dragon it's about to be the second dragon Gand off releases on this city or sh good nice to see [Music] you back quickly hide she see his ear twitch yeah I don't know why I took you in after your mother and father died but it wasn't out of Charity think it was because of all my numerous relations you were the one b that showed real Spirit Gaff home brew no well yes but that's point the point is Frodo you'll be all right okay supposed to stick it in the ground it is in the ground outside are you inside oh there goes it yeah that's cool oh my gosh yeah B's going to see it get PTSD oh my gosh all the animals over there are just blind now crazy how that's all practical get another one Brandy and perigrine toque my dear bagin and buffing TOs and Brandy bussers Brown foots Brown foots QT today is my 111th birthday I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve wait what that's a that's a tongue twister there keep filling poet wait minute what are you doing I have things to do it's compelling him I put this off for far too long are you about to Nuke this Village I regret to announce this s the end I'm going now I bid you all a very fond farewell goodbye oh he put it on he put it on remember that's what happened with the last guy he knows he really just Obi-Wan Kenobi right there I forgot how like pretty Frodo looks every single time dudes on screen he was a very like hand it's just like his complexion is just so clean I'm trying to be built like that on God you know the goatee listen brother I need good skin first got a good walking stick you think that was terribly cover oh another one gandal I'm leaving everything to him what about this ring of yours is that staying too yes yes stay in an envelope over there on the mantle piece no wait it's huh here in my pocket there's some weirdness going on is that old now oh is this the why shouldn't I keep it it is you should leave the ring behind now it comes to it don't feel like parting with it it's mine pre to me there's n need to get angry s like it's your fault real golm hours it's mine my precious oh precious it's been called that before but not by you what business isn't of yours when I do with my own things I think you've had that ring quite long enough you want it for yourself me for some of cheap tricks Di not trying to rob you good g off scary that was really cool trying to help you a the ring must go to [Music] Frodo give give it to gandf the road is long did you not give it to the ring is still in your pocket keep trying to flee him they won't let him part with they willingly H it has a mind of its [Music] own I've thought of an ending for my book and he lived happily ever after it's good ending to the end of his days and I'm sure you will my dear friend goodbye [Music] Gand goodbye dear [Music] [Music] B didn't think he'd give it up that easily yeah out of everyone we've seen so far I would assume G gandal knows what this is oh yeah definitely he said it's been called that before but not by you or or something like that I would assume he would have been more concerned if he knows the truth of what well what was that we saw an eye it's a little concerning now it's mine my own my precious Bilbo Bilbo he's already gone wait Gandalf is like Trans in a trance or something has I think he's just lost in thought he just keeps saying my precious B ring he's gone to stay with the elves he's left you be along with all his posss the ring is yours now okay what what do you do with it of sight where are you going there are some things that I must see to what things questions I don't understand neither do I it's a cool shot oh my God this is really close you're really close to me right now keep it secret keep it safe is that what he said yeah people are going to want that ring oh Bu The Towers out here back to the origin of the ring you are my brother Anakin [Music] oh it's it's much bigger than I [Applause] thought who's yelling torturing what the hell um we got the party it doesn't look like a party I want to be invited to oh man it's a bad Omen is this the human City the year 3434 of the second age here follows the account of still it has come to me the one ring it shall be an heirloom of my kingdom all those who follow in my bloodline should be bound to its fate for I will risk no hurt to the ring it is precious to me though there's that word again great pain they just change oh how did he lose this thing then the writing which at first was as clear as red flame has all disappeared a secret now that only fire can tell we got dogs in this universe who is this exactly oh it's the hor oh they got here fast wow was that blood on his hops bag bagg is around here how do they know dogs on the table why are they so hairy War Brewing the mountains are fair teaming with goblins far off tales and children's stories that's all that is keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble will come to you you're simple folk sticking to what they knew no sweet of the golden mind who you're sweet talking here do something about it Sam you didn't say anything brother you walk fast you do a stare it's not good do we have a visitor whose POV is this got a breeze in there who left the window open yo can someone turn on a light you end off can oh is it secret what is it safe he's concerned what are you doing trying to burn the ring that ain't going to that ain't going to no oh it's going to reveal the lettering he wants to confirm it's quite cool yeah oh that's that's cool LLY see wait oh there were markings oh boy it's some form of Elvish oh it's glowing on his face that's cool there are a few who can the language is that of Mordor which I will not utter here in the common tongue it says one ring to rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness find them it's heard its Master's Call but he was destroyed Sauron was destroyed he talking they say a Sor no fr the spirit of Saron endured his life force is bound to the ring and the ring survive he must never find it all right we put it away we keep it hidden we never speak you going to put it I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum but the enemy found him first oh no you were right that's what this the yelling was fagin this place isn't safe it's time to go oh they're already here oh Bud you're done take it g take it no don't T me photo I dare not take it not even keep it safe I will use this ring from a desire to do good but through me it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine H but it cannot stay in the sh so like corrupts yeah people's minds I guess or the thought process on things what must I do except he seems okay for now I guess now where do I go get out of the sh make for the V I think eventually like w for you sauron's will is connected to the ring so yeah it's got to affect him somehow be safe there I mean Gandalf literally couldn't even pick it up he was worried he's afraid of it I see the head of my order he is both wise and Powerful trust me voto there's one above you you'll know what to do you'll have to leave behind you my dear fro Hobbits really are amazing creatures oh no this be his this I don't know man that was like five Horsemen oh that's not a Horsemen Sam wise gji you me Eaves dropping I ain't been dropping no Eaves sir honest I was just cut of the grass under the window there if you follow me yeah that is I heard a good deal about a ring and a dark lord and something about the end of the world but my boy you heard everything don't hurt me the information isn't safe for him Sam is gonna fold he was dropping none of eaves yeah you got everything better use for you oh never put it on for the Agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to its power I was oh remember fro the ring is trying to get back to it's master so as soon as wants bbo put it on it wants to be found yeah it's like a beacon as soon as it's put on I was wondering why he didn't tell him to put it on or not to put it on the first time you met he just stuck it in the envelope said here you go keep it safe MH actually he may not have known it was the ring cuz he confirmed it through the fire this is it yeah that's that's right if I take one more step it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been you better make it a joke way point in his head look they all do been there their whole life he just counted his steps how do it feel buddy you're a free man now remember what Billo used to say it's a dangerous business froto going out your door you step onto the road and if you don't keep your feet there's no knowing where you might be swept off to I like I really like this oh what's that I'm singing someone throwing a ra Shores in the forest cooking up another [Music] Masterpiece excuse me what is this this has got to be elves beyond the white towers they're leaving Middle Earth never to return ow that's crazy looking everywhere I lie there's a dirty great root sticking into my back just shut your eyes and imagine you're back in your own bed thought he was about to say shut your mouth it's not working Mr Frodo Mr Frodo you Glazer sleep out here M night's s where did he say those elves were going never to return we saw it in rings of power that's kind of what I was thinking yeah what they die watch that show again I think so where they go out into the the ocean that's TR sour okay Oblivion it does sound a little Oblivion oh 2 I know what you me but the the music sounds Oblivion that's CGI right GF the gray rides to Eisen guard seeking my counsel for that is why you have come it's my old friend my old friend does he say my old friend in Star Wars mhm that's great Your Love Of the halflings Leaf has clearly slowed your mind Leaf still have time concealed within his Fortress the Lord of Mordor sees all his gaze pierces Cloud Shadow Earth and flesh you know of what I speak Gand of a great eye lidless breathed in in flame very soon he will have summoned an army great enough to launch an assault upon Middle Earth you know this huh I have seen it why is he looking at me a pantia is a dangerous tool Salon he sees you fear to use it oh fear to use are they not supposed to be using this oh we're going to ponder the orb we do not know who else may be watching oh oh oh the hour later than you think sauron's forces are already moving wow that's a chair nine have left Minas Mor they will find the ring and kill the one who carries it what you what you doing is Kuku evil in this movie too you did not seriously think that a hobbit could contend with the will of oh my gosh who can you're being controlled against the power of Mortor was his name again s MH okay I don't want to call him countu must join with him I love he's such a bad he's such a good bad guy oh old guy fight he using the force I got to stop well they're oh sweep as Bea [ __ ] each oh no they're just force pushing each other this is crazy oh oh he's oh the squeaks me that's crazy the way of there there's like a lot of Duality between Dooku and sarmon so I don't think it's that bad you call yeah good guy turned bad right it's kind of Count Dooku dude what the hell was that Magic I was expecting Fireballs not likeo controlling your body Force yeah break dancing what you talking [Music] about brother you don't want to be cob that it's only a couple of carrots and some cavities and and those you ain't catching these guys this is their this is their MO they're so good at hiding my point is oh brother like a yeah it's like a 5ot drop oh I was capping [Music] well 5et my ass dude close mushrooms no wait a minute those better be safe to where's the ring do we start he's hearing the voices before he even eats the mushrooms that's crazy what I think we should get off the road I was implying they're psychedelics I I it was Blake doesn't get that stuff he's a man of yeah innocence a sh existence quick H bro you can smell them toes oh lost don't worry about that oh die oh what he's locking in no it's going to call him oh maybe it's I mean you got to get out the situation don't you is it forcing him to do this I yeah I think he's getting compelled to do it yeah cuz it said he said the ring wants to be found yeah cuz that was that was a dumb move right yeah I mean he was right in front of him that's the only reason it's cuz the ring wanted him to do that yeah you must okay that's totally what's happened cuz he's looking at it like oh there's something special about in now how do you get out of this no idea I mean maybe it can only go after one I mean if you split up yeah but someone's going to die oh there's water I don't know if that boat can hold four people hopefully jump that's a big jump for that's a big that's a big jump he's got it he's got big feet not going to jump that on your horse coward oh what is [Music] that open up oh the world Green Goblin got to check the other door you are heading for the promising Pony oh yes I remember elderly chap how you beard pointy hat not seen him for six months it's not here he's busy getting put in the walls of [Laughter] Jericho SKU of Jericho oh is that a fet oh got thrown he'll be here he'll come it's a p bud I don't know if that's going to be good for you you got a whole half already it's probably just going to be like a couple sips that mess them up L I'm sure they can handle it that I don't know about that this movie is making my 5-day sobriety trip pretty hard hey who's that never heard but around here he's known as Strider Strider you up for higher Strider that's so cool run don't you dare careful it's like what the heck here's a trans just put it in your pocket man over there he's no you on his mother's and don't tell the whole life story that was a ster moving oh no it wasn't never mind no oh no oh dude he's ready good catch but oh you just summoned I think okay yeah that confirms it that's crazy whoa they're already here [Music] oh no no way the man just became bro oh wow there look at that this whole bar look how they're moving it's like they're like it's all in unon are they floating I don't know [Music] oh they're thorough H that's just not that's they didn't die there's no way okay they another building sucks oh listen that's crazy they sound like that like shrieking to the house of el did you hear that we're going to see the elves ooh you might remember that from rings of power Elon yeah I do remember [Music] Elon how's he attached to the elves he doesn't look like not stop till Nightfall he looks like he's well traveled already had it yeah we've had one yes what about second breakfast second breakfast Mar and pip bro don't think he knows about second breakfast Pip's lunching afternoon tea dinner supper he knows about then doesn't he I wouldn't count on it was like six meals he said an apple an apple oh if it's they're flying whoa this is cool it's like giant bushes yeah oh man poor horse oh dude this is terrible yeah this is Florida right here neverglades yeah Everglades may be worse than that actually the power of Eisen guard is at your command our Dark Side lord of the earth he's pondering oh what the whole tree damn that's crazy he's alive where is he on the top yeah how'd he go through the Wich he just confined now God damn oh man you get a good view of what's Happening down there R them all down what do we do with all that wood or you just doing it for another reason I guess would be Siege weapons I could be wrong we've seen similar to this in rings of power you're right I've seen that I that Wii wasn't including you oh my fault and and you knew that hm I like instigate this was the great Watchtower oh man this looks sick shot yeah that's some Elden ring actually that makes a laugh oh wait Elden ring is Lord of the Rings don't disrespect us like that you're actually not wrong we can get into that I mean what's C like this movie is 20 years old yeah and it does not play like it what are you yeah tomatoes is nice crispy bacon we save some for you Mr Frodo put it out you fools put it out nice oh no it's like a beacon yeah that's crazy oh we alerted the hoorde oh no don't even just hide that ain't your thing where's Strider at you got this legit legit when you make a character of Dark Souls level one they just throw a boss at you oh man training area boss this the equivalent of the tree Sentinel yeah than you oh [ __ ] oh that's Blake is Sam dead just got backhanded okay they don't want him this dude has to stop reaching for the ring anytime he's in trouble they beckin is call I mean they're already here you might as well yeah yeah if we can use it to get away there's no way oh he goes invisible oh they're still there he goes invisible you say oh it's the G oh wow they're spirits oh why do they look like that they look like aliens a little bit withered away I think uh I think they still know you're there yeah oh [Applause] god oh wow oh they they went for a hug let me put you out that's two for one stop there's no way they can actually die I mean being that old and decrepit makes you flammable also the torch eat that I don't think that these things can actually die though yeah but that's going to incapacitate them well we got Siege weapons okay the goat track this sounds this is this is yeah this is good are you we're building mines I don't know underground standing in the line put in that work a mo oh my gosh moths look so ugly what I might catch flag you know what they look unique that thing look cute what the hell send them some Mo art say wow this movie is doing a lot of promotion for [Music] moths the boys are getting to work man yeah they are hard workers this is crazy I want an Army Of Orcs this like us when we hop on Arc or Minecraft for a day or something this is yall in Premier [Music] Alim cranking out videos coryon he's like cut down the trees boys I was I was going to make that I was going to make that joke when the three Orcs walked in there oh what is that it's a baby how cute he doesn't look like a baby welcome oh my goodness this this is what Tywin says Tyrion was like coming into the world that baby just killed its dad exactly some herbs oh hello hey what's this a ranger caught off his guard that's a fancy blade elf yeah that's what I'm thinking oh yeah it's got to be an elf the glowing ones we saw oh mhm holy moly she's so [Music] bright okay the full party wow theme goes oh he's like leaking uh oh that was Majestic they are not she's not losing them oh they fear water come on guys water it's shallow really they can't go in that huh just grab a handful of it and throw it at him they said bet oh wait oh no okay you shouldn't have said that it's a bait oh it is a bait we going to freeze oh no oh wow she's powerful oh what y'all are done y'all are so washed oh what that's cool there's horses oh they're huge oh my go y'all are getting just destroyed every time okay this magic is sick I love it what happened gandal why didn't you meet us oh I am sorry fro it's a little busy getting my ass whipped I was delayed the friendship of s oh let's relive it lightly thrown side insane what is that it's an eagle or something or a hawk oh yeah thing's huge you have chosen death another line Y it's [Music] treason hey huh I believe it is that it's caught up with him finally caught up with me yeah no ring Rog get's off the perk for two days and that's what he looks like he looks great for withraw does a number on you man wow look at his eyes man my own turned out to be quite that's crazy got to keep the ring far away from him now where my I think I think he's good yeah I mean I don't know man you think he's going to relapse he wanted to see the he's he's aged like 30 years in two days he's going to want that thing back y who's that hey what [Laughter] who's winter nice middle they must now how to we got this new Squad The Time Of The Elves is over my people are leaving these Shores I cannot believe he's in this cool that's that uh shattered sword that he hit yeah is it cuz they're they're both humans here yeah okay I think it's safe to say I've officially typ casted sha Bean whoa they have it that's cool shot looks like they might fit you oh oh careful Bud still Shar it's 3,000 years old what do you think it's going to be like ice don't cut yourself with random swords man we saw what happened with the last cut more than a broken brother sir why so clumsy yo chill dude I used I used to have a replica one of these I got it from my uncle had not had not watched the movie but he gave it to me wow still got it um no this was when I was like 10 gave me a full broadsword so does that just mean she loses it he doesn't get it right I I think so I do not remember this part she gave up her immortality yeah the concept for like a a long living race to live like normal lifespan is insane you've been summoned here to answer the I can't not see Mr Smith Middle Earth stands upon the brink of Destruction none can escape it you will unite or you will fall sorry each race is bound to this fate this stop him off oh my God bro he's just got the dim setting on the whole world God damn gandal T here in Imad Aragon this is's air and air to the throne of Gondor oh dang have a d i will settle down he doesn't want it Gondor has no King yet Condor needs no King wow this guy's an [ __ ] big old [ __ ] right there and what are we waiting for your Hammer ain't going to do [ __ ] brother did he just break his axe yeah it's shattered the ring cannot be destroyed gimly son of glin line should have came in quicker possess Well the ring was made in the fires it's a good demonstration only there it's probably the best Axe you can buy too it's dwars taken deep into Mordor and cast he made Chasm it came one of you must do this a party perhaps Elon may be immortal but that hairline is not M relatable are guarded by more than just a watchful it is a Barren Wasteland doesn't know it's an actual thing he just keeps seeing it what happens when Sauron takes back what is his the world is doomed be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an elf okay we're going a little bit racy here oh brother you have no idea I know like the beat between eles and dwarfs can you have no idea oh wow the symbolism is insane mhm the chaos from the other races off of the reflection of it it's cool I doing that actually louder what's your chest how did they do that shot I know I was really sick I do not know the way I will help you bear this burden fors who else if by my life or death I can protect you let's go Aragon I will wait what did you just say is hasna's name I thought they said it Aragorn Aragorn son of arthorn okay I was think of the Dragon book my fa I know don't give that man the ring if this is indeed the will of the counsil Gondor will see it done why did you make that noise anywhere without me it is hardly possible to separate to you even when he is summoned to a secret Council how many people are EES droing or dropping e you need people of Intelligence on [Music] disgusting his face he looked horrified Bo group's looking good be the fellow of the Ring where are we going oh budop hard enough yeah you're done you didn't drop enough Eaves did legalis volunteer to go yeah okay I almost called him Will Turner for a second I do not want that power I have never wanted it it's why it's best sit in your hands my old sword sting here take it take it o sting ooh oh sick yes made by the elves you I could see you oh glows blue gilded Orcs Orcs okay BL blue in orc's approach me thrill bro what and as hard as dragon scale only time I've heard of that is in like RuneScape oh no no no no no no no noing to hold it again last time no thanks oh chill scar me that withdrawal is going hard man yeah I'm sorry I brought this upon you my boy he just needs a quick fix I'm sorry no 30 years in 2 days man I'm sorry for least visually oh [Music] man the drip I feel good about this party oh this is a awesome party they'll make video games about this party m gandal is it left or right left it goes right bro legalist is just kidding look at him yeah you got to return here oh I would die for her he just might you would die for him [Music] I would also die for him his name is like vgo or something oh look at this this is insane that's somebody's wallpaper right there this is somebody's wallpaper this somebody's wallpaper too yeah oh it's so Elder ring bro no it's crazy how you can look at a piece of media and see like how integral the inspiration is like so for so many other different series they would have the fan on blowing his hair that's just a wind brother yeah just a wind okay no one is riding the horse you don't want to wear out the horse he's got Storage storage why why did they only have one horse it's for storage it's listen get two ride it oh oh he's training him these guys ain't doing nothing I'm be honest no I might be a hater being close to the ground has advantage that's true oh he's agile oh yeah pose that's so funny sorry yeah get beat his ass beat his ass tickle him you too oh dude they're like kings I'm be real those birds are definitely see the dude hiding in the bush yeah they started circling one Circle I feel like that's how they get their food is things that hide in bushes we must take the pass of can huh okay wow they got up are we just for this yeah H whatever man that horse don't you do that I feel like if Gandalf has to scream that we should suffer so much fear and doubt can just call him Lord edart if you'd like such a little thing how the M looking what the boys doing this is such an accurate representation of you guys in Premiere yeah this is us trying to get the video up next th will you risk more dangerous why doesn't um damn why doesn't gandf summon the hawk look at legalist dude actually there's you can't you can't fly up there there's too much wind oh oh what he can do that he's try to bring down oh God that's your Avalanche these Wizards are too powerful oh man he's cting just use your voice to bring down a mountain is insane insane lightning dude these guys are so powerful all right Gand we really need you to level up a little bit this guy keeps kicking your butt listen Gandalf doesn't have a tower he can be on top on the mountain we're fine buddy where where are we like I don't see anyone we don't look fine we let us go under it the mind let us go through the minds of the mindes I mean it seems like you have no other choice you fear to go into those Shadow and Flame oh what huh that looks that looks bad we will go through the mines okay so come and help an old man I just can't believe the scenery changes in this movie it's amazing walls of Mor let's see these walls oh that's a wall okay just like the page in the book feel like he ain't going to be grinning for long doors what are you going to do then knock your head against these doors Perrin toque and if that does not sh and I am allow a little piece from foolish questions I tried to find the opening words I like to think that was improvised what's the elvish word for friend ah big brain fero why was it aish yeah off why don't we try that why would it have been Elish [Music] Dwarven true now get out get out I don't I think we're oh tentacles oh tentacles how deep is this water oh nice move let's go Sam the good old gji oh no oh no this place sucks oh what is that oh there some Lovecraft right here it's a sarlac pit he can't fit wow okay we're we yeah we're trapped no more door got to go through him now unless gandal knows a spell probably not just a candle I have but one choice there it is face the long wa this is a cool lighting effect yeah G has chain Mill underneath there got to say strapped that's cool oh wow they are so you said there's Mythril down here yeah that's the chain mail's made out of mhm I see but it worth was greater than the value of the sh you should oh my gosh probably a good thing you didn't tell him that what about myth yeah I was going to say myth like a lot of fantasy settings tends to be pretty high-end [ __ ] except in uh run escape which kind of kind of [ __ ] when you get lost it's a concerned look I have no memory of this place o what so many quotable lines is that the friend it's col you know is the friend he's been following us for three days really he escaped The Dungeons of barad oh you see like the cones of his eyes that was cool before this is over that's crazy looking mhm the pity of elow I wish the ring had never come to me coward I wish none of this had happened what so do all live to see such stuck in like a mile underneath the ground right now cuz that damn ring what to do with the time that is given to us God damn huh oh wow supp like it goes in different directions mhm oh this looks like a [Music] tomb gravestone why oh no oh loud ass chain okay you might as well just go under yourself dude oh the goddamn hord first oh my gosh it goes deep you guys ever intentionally shoot the car and left for dead yeah that's what he just did what have you done my fault fool of a p throw yourself in next time and iggly you're cooking yo me and G off on the same wavelength oh what's that drums like the book said oh no man they have those drums on standby they just ready to bang him again oh oh it's Orcs oh oh they got Shooters are the Orcs using the mines to transport they've just taken up residence ah excuse me oh that's sick we're using the axis I think because of this video game I know what the cave troll is oh okay let them come okay I don't know about that bro did the N Stark sword twirl nice oh my gosh nice I know now I know for a fact legless can fire more than one Arrow oh my God cave troll cave troll oh yep oh they're pulling his chain oh oh dead nice I G oh oh my gosh there it is let's go my God bro D he swings so fast usually things they're like that big swing slow I know but that chain oh that hurt that just break off his head I think it did yeah he got the pin I think I'm getting the hang of I mean if it's working use [Music] it uh step it time the old yeah give him the old poke oh you lost him he's confused the best eyesight give him the Poke but you have your sword right no way nice o oh nice right under the rib cage [ __ ] ah oh again is right he's got the he's got the armor he's got the armor oh true I don't know man mithil mithil bro [Music] mithil I mean I don't know if that mithil is really stopping that maybe it is you don't know mythal brother it's mythol yeah I mean it's chain mail it's it doesn't really do good with thrusts cave troll getting killed by Mary and pip oh Mary go around we go around oh Gandalf got in there look at him go wow please fall [Music] forward he's all right myth yeah he's probably all right it didn't Pierce knock out of him yeah let's be able to secure the one I think there's more to this hit than meets the eye yeah my you melen you can't be in Transformers to Guy come on it's not even dented it's toughest Dragon ni you are full of surprises Master baggin time to go wave to oh zoom in expeditiously [Music] fast okay let's get out cave the entrance oh my God like Castle Miner Z oh nice pull Cory excuse me what dude they reproduce like freaking rodents we're never coming back here yeah this is terrible this yeah this is so bad how do they have enough Armor All right everybody gather around in a circle e look at goblins all right g off the shadow creature oh this is not good that noise we're going to see what the dwarves woke up by being too greedy oh they really switched up the soundtrack for this thing Boss music oh listen to the sound of that a demon of the ancient world oh okay great okay this F is beyond any of you run the way can off runs is so funny he really said this this ain't our fight guys yeah we lose I mean yeah we just need to get away what in the wor no pushing lead them on no you're going to stay back the bridge is near no way oh oh this is it this is it I don't know what you talking about you you'll figure it out you will you're going to know this looks like it inspired the Elden ring like underworld area like all the you know what I'm talking about yeah the architecture from It spoilers you've seen it cik hops okay what the give that orc race that was crazy well he ain't missing oh oh through his head Stormtrooper ass aim oh my gosh a DW okay I don't think you could that man's dense as hell oh oh no the beard do the beard oh y'all yo we got to start talking about the code dwarves really need to be building things better it's it's not to oosha just wait till you see just wait you know what just wait oh we'll wait okay oh my good we got any floating magic levitation please creative mode please fall forward oh nice it's falling for oh it's going to slide oh yeah lean forward let's go you guys should uh probably back up yeah you are so lucky that one didn't go this movie would have blown my mind as a six-year-old yeah your mind is a 28-year-old yeah honestly yeah oh see it oh oh that's more than a dragon oh maybe this is it how are they doing that there's no drones in the early 2000s how are they doing that they used Hawks brother going be just CGI this is it you cannot pass oh okay yo that's crazy to the secret fire oh my God he's got the whip dude this thing's awesome shall not pass there it is that was it that's it okay I have heard that oh you're going down brother back to the shadow real wow fited the fir whip is sick of [ __ ] though it is no not my boy come on dude you should have been training arms Gandalf fly you fools a brother we should have trained back oh man no way knock and off dude those Orcs get so close yeah dude F those Orcs haters we're we're dealing with the character death over here come on he duck that [ __ ] he really did told you they got Stormtrooper aim we lost our wise man it's toally the first movie What the hell I can't believe that so one of my favorite things from the first season of rings of power was getting to see Kaza Doom in the minds of Moria like pre this I remember that it's so cool everyone's like mourning something like everyone's mourning gandal gim's like oh my God half of my friends are dead yeah dude soundtrack's so good dude mhm G Gandalf might have been like 50% of our party that's actually a huge L give a moment prob more get them out don't even time to G we have to keep moving you never wanted this lost basically a father figure where are we now we're in the woods the locations we've seen are it's insane so cool CL your oh look at these trees sorceress lives in these Woods sorceress an elf witch elf which of ter power can you bring gendal back please all fall under hell facts that's not a good sign he wants the ring I hate Sam he's just checking on his boy Mr the ears of a fox oh elves multiple elves mhm dude why why do we have to Barrel stuff with arrows the wol breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark oh that's [Laughter] crazy speak words we can all understand and you know what this dwarf says to that is yo you bring great evil with you you can go no further what do you mean put on the ring I mean honestly that might be the play yeah a threat is it ever explained or maybe I missed it why Frodo is not tempted by the ring they said he has like a resistance to it right but is there like a actual reason he has a pure heart okay you carry a heavy burden Frodo don't carry the weight of the dead it's good line SP follow me facts car scalon the heart of elom on Earth Realm of the Lord kbor and of gadriel Lady of Light gadriel recognize that [Music] name oh my God [Music] what this remind you of igly uh Dragon's Dogma oh okay I don't know that that's what Cojo was going for nope oh the hel tree probably [Music] yes yeah I can see it would die that actually no that actually makes a lot of sense yeah [Music] are the elves so goddamn bright dude they got that aura that's how I feel right now the enemy knows you have entered here eight there are here yet nine there were set out from rivener tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him Gandalf the greaty did not cross the borders of this land he was taken by both Shadow and Flame a balro of Moro for we went needlessly into the net of Moria do not let the great emptiness of kazad Doom fill your heart for the world has grown full of peril hit him hard what now Becomes of this Fellowship the quest stands upon the edge of a knife stray but a little and it will fail yet hope remains while the company is true tonight you will sleep welcome Frodo of the sh that's crazy one who has seen me what do you I EV eye I don't know he's able to talk in telepath yeah like yeah that's insane unless that was another voice but no that was her her eyes like changed though mhm what do they say about him I have not the hard to tell you for me the grief is still too near me too but they don't mention his fireworks should be mention his fireworks that's so yeah that's that's such facts the finest Rockets ever seen they burst in stars of blue and green oh he rman take some rest I will find no rest here I heard her voice inside my head she spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor my father is a noble man but his rule is failing he looks to me to make things right and I I would do it have you ever seen his Aragon the White Town of Alan glimmering like a spike of Pearl and silver one day our paths will lead us there the Lords of Gondor have returned doesn't seem so sure yeah you have a visitor in the night I don't think it's that kind of visit brother no it's not I didn't mean it that way will you look into the mirror what will I see I don't know if you should do that the mirror shows many things things that were things that are and some things that have not yet come to pass gosh she looks so ominous mhm she could tell me to jump off a bridge and I would maybe that's what the the mirror will say oh man hey this is a good meme format dude sh oh oh oh no oh aha no wow burn down man oh wow holy cow wow those there Stakes that's what you're fighting for to prevent that [ __ ] it is what will come to pass if you should fail the fellowship is breaking he will try to take the ring he you know of whom I speak one by one it will destroy them all I'm assuming uh Ned orir you offer it to me freely can't do that no way it's your destiny not deny that my heart has greatly desired this oh then no you're not the one then in place of a dark lord you would have a queen but beautiful ter hey maybe she's not the one to take that one this the SE woman Blake yep Blake Blake loves Evil Woman dude she has nice eyes though well sorry about that Temptation Temptation incarnate right there I canot do this alone but you have a ring bearer Frodo to Bear a ring of power is to be alone he has a ring too the Ring of adamant wow and I am its keeper and if you do not find a way no one will then I know what I must do go alone to Mount Doom even the smallest person can change change the course of the future you got this oh my God they are working fast oh man they were elves once he really did turn into the chief now perfected my fighting whom do you serve saruma okay oh got the war pain all right this is actually man I'd be fighting for the ycs too if this was my soundtrack holy moly give me a sword one of the halflings carries something of Great Value halflings kill the others the hobbits I guess maybe it's like the maybe it's a slur for Hobbits I don't know sarmon doesn't seem like the nicest never before have we clad strangers in the Garb of our own people oh new drip I'd be wearing that thing 24/7 lers one small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man I need that oh for real wow how many did you eat four no [Music] many calories sh later how many calories strange creatures bearing the mark of the white hand have been seen on our borders seld them the walks journey in the open Under the Sun yet these have done so o Elvin Steed does the party know that or was it just uh Gandalf and Frodo that I mean the elves figured it out well yeah but like just the I'm okay I'm just going to assume the rest of the party knows as well yeah probably of the Gad o new bow of theill this is sick they didn't have to do this but I'm glad they did this is awesome I love this staggers of they have already seen service in war and for you Sam wi gamji Elven rope Heath line thank you my lady yourself it was waiting for you to say that I'm sure the Rope will come be very for oh give him an axe oh no he already has an axe what gift would a dwarf Ask Of The Elves nothing except to look upon the lady of the G one last time oh he he really FLIR he's just like me oh shucks there was one thing no no no no I'm talking nonsense it's quite impossible should have asked man you could be dted I have nothing greater to give than the gift you already bear yep a that choice is yet before her mhm and let this man be king he's unite [Music] everyone froin I give you the light of Arend oh Sam got a rope beloved star he got the light and bito damn I need to see him chirp about this rope I need to hear him chirp about it look can make colasso the SP new sorry what was her gift I asked her for one hair from her golden head oh man been a kiss give me three oh let's go dude jar that jar that you weirdo every location we hit it's so good I know I've heard they've done like a lot of shooting like in New Zealand I'm pretty sure they're shooting rings of power in like Ireland and Australia but I could be wrong I believe New Zealand was was where they shot Lord of the Rings oh man they are coming hopefully they can't swim good point it it would wash their face paint off if they just got it done you're kind of in Ambush territory right here yeah this gu's got the conditionings of a Greek god oh well oh I thought it was happening side by side okay that go yeah I love that you can see the reflection in his eyes Mania andth is a safer Road from there we can regroup there is no strength in Gondor that can Avail us you were quick enough to trust the elves faith in your own people you were afraid all your life you have it in in the shadows there's one who betray us what you are I will not lead the ring within 100 leagues of your city feel like they're making it too obvious that it's going to be uh or mirr mhm whoa oh God damn oh Naruto I I was thinking the same thing some fire battles have happened [Music] here oh always the feat sh sh QT it's a great tantino Monument that's really cool dude early 2000s this would blow my mind I mean start it already still does like insane oh do we see do we see the waterfall do we go down it do go down I love that meme oh [ __ ] oh man hopefully they get that something draws near I can feel it I would trust him Str where's froto Sam's like huh oh what's going on here this is some sort of shrine none of us should wander alone you uh these two should not be alone together I want to trust them but we've seen no we've seen his faults I know why you seek Solitude you suffer I see it day by day there are other ways foro what other path that we might take I know what you would say we all afraid fro but to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have don't you see that his Madness for here I ask only for the strength to defend my people if you would but lend me the ring no no just lend it why do you recoil I am no Thief you are not yourself it compels you they will take the ring and you will beg for death before the end don't run after him no is not your save by unhappy chance it couldn't be mine no don't do this man to me oh my I see they're coming you will betray us you go to your death and the death of us all who's talking you yeah there a he's projecting oh Dr well I think you just got to knock some sens to him yeah please oh man don't go It Alone man he going into the shrine oh oh oh it's like the sun God damn poke it poke it oh wait where the ring do you take it off yeah he took it off what in the world this is not the same sh it is taken B man where is the ring stay [Music] awayo it's gr paranoid everyone I swore to protect you can you protect me from yourself oh let's see it would you destroy it that's the biggest doubt he has about himself close his hand wow [Music] nice oh run run oh what how' you guys sneak up on us oh no that's a problem the one v50 no way I'm going first yeah no way I'm going [Music] first yes The High Ground I want to be an Orc in one of these movies well they speak oh you think they're stupid no I'm kind of yeah oh chicks oh kill with the throwing accent B ofir where are you hide here quick wait a minute on he's leaving can't do this alone no me no no no no no oh you can't leave up now hey you here oh they're going to lead him away over here this way that's all right I think they can outrun these guys oh they were very close now wait a minute it's working oh oh my God legist just du arrows is crazy uh-oh for me war you there he is Sor L to the party boys oh oh oh no [Music] nice I love leg so much dring bodies dude it's insane got him while he tripping he got him while he was tripping okay where's the big guy the hor of Gondor what don't me you saw that horn that bourier was carrying yeah let's go let's go we got to regroup that's actually smart I want that horn now oh that's a sh dude everyone's getting one oh my how many of these things are there they've been breeding for weeks now I don't know that the leader came out like that the only thing they added was face paint that's it those rocks are effective he's he's a bow oh [Music] no oh man oh it's a big Arrow too he's done oh yeah you're done that's [Applause] heart oh shoot still cor this is sick another one oh man I didn't expect him to be using a boat those are huge arrows geez mhm it's like an entire tree is in you he's still going this guy's awesome how many can you take down with [Music] you oh God damn it's over redeemed yeah oh my God no not them too divisions of them in Chains oh my goodness they're not even bothering with him oh is that the big dude he's coming up to finish him at least he's got respect oh look the bodies around him bro yeah oh [Music] what okay oh what oh my that is a crazy combo kick his ass ooh oh I'm surprised his arm didn't break right there dude this guy is built different we need you one more time brother what okay oh that's so cool my man just came out the womb that ain't going to yeah that ain't going to do nothing he said come closer little man crazy he really pulled that thing towards him they took the little ones oh he's so he's so pale Frodo where is Frodo I tried to take the ring from him I have failed you all no you fought bravely you have kept your honor it is over the world of men will fall I do not know what strength is in my blood but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall it's promise people fail you can count on this man people he's your king D with a sword in your hand uh pledging is Allegiance as well I think that's what he's doing I would have followed you my brother my captain my king my king have you seen this movie before that's awesome because they first started out with him just like totally trashing him said Gondor has no King peace son of gond [Music] even he's sad we look do we really got to do this alone I miss Gandalf man I miss Gandalf too Sam don't get oh Sam's coming with I wish the ring had never come to me I wish none of this had happened so do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide is it g all you have to decide we get them back for a little bit with the time that is given to you they had the conversation they had earlier [Music] uh-huh yeah book it better start swimming Sam froo I'm going to Mordor alone of course you are and I'm coming with you not Al Works brother why would you do this I guess this forces his hand yeah you wouldn't let a friend drown would you sure is taking his time just kill himself accidentally bro you should have H your breath you should H your breath come on I thought those big ass feet could kick oh they're probably such good swimmers obviously white are you not Sam he's the exception the Rope Where's the Rope there's the Rope when you need it probably such good swimmer says Sam is just sinking he didn't even hold his breath well it's just Sam Sam his breath I promise don't you leave him Sam gamji and I don't mean to God G I hate Sam's a real one Sam is such a Glazer bro such a Glazer out here damn near killing himself to try to ride in the canoe no Sam Sam's a real one stop hanging on Sam I've hated Sam ever since I saw this movie for the first time I don't understand the hate I I forgot him almost killing himself though I did forget that that was crazy oh rip goat he red himself he did redeem himself down sick ass burial yeah that's cool oh that was a cool shot of gibli M gimly or gibli gim gimly gimly okay you guys could totally catch them not to follow them Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands that's got to be such a real Le that it has all been in vain no the fellowship has failed start up the alliance again yeah human elf dwarf right here all Representatives What If We Hold true to each other we will not abandon Mar and Pippen to torment and death oh true we need to get them back too I totally forgot about those guys could you for behind travel light let us hands some orc yeah [Music] [ __ ] they're just they're like let's get the kill count up while they go do their main [Music] mission whatever Direction shall we go H that would lowkey hurt like a [ __ ] to walk Barefoot yeah but you got to have the hobbit feet they got the calluses of gods TR look yes they do Sam the only one that still calls him Strider see them again oh yeah what the heck no one told him his name we may Sam I'm glad you're with me all right power of friendship oh it's got to have your Duo I was going to say something about I don't want to ruin the moment good [Music] job nice I'm assuming that's where they end this yes that was great so take it you enjoy the exposition of The Lord of the Rings yes it was good that was good do you guys uh what did you guys notice versus the extended versus the normal or have you seen the normal I don't remember uh what version I watched the first time I I feel like like nothing looked unfamiliar I probably watched the extended nothing looked out of place to me either mhm okay so they did a good job job in the extended then it just meshes really well I would imag like there were some things that I had a guess on um like the spider scene um when the spider and centipede started crawling like to me that was just like extra footage that might have been thrown in there um okay I I'm Googling it while you guys talk I felt like it was paced really well like really really well for a that's what I was worried about for a 4 Hour movie or 3 hours and 30 minutes I was like oh man there's no way they get there's no way they keep decent pace and not only that but they kept at least yeah I'm sure they kept you as well igly enthralled with the scenery changes and like the they even gave people new armor new weapons like they just kept throwing yeah yeah like it it felt like a journey it was great there was like so many little things like little tension to details it were great there was foreshadowing like the bow Rog you hear about it and then they see it I mean this was really good was really really good really good man I can't what I can't wait to watch the other ones yeah so I've always heard like how much Lord of the Rings just as a series um um has inspired fantasy um just the whole fantasy genre and I can I can definitely see it uh Blake I'm not sure if you knew this but uh oblivian was actually like heavily inspired from Lord of the Rings I think uh I think cuz like it was initially intended to be a bit more grungy but then Todd Howard saw that [ __ ] say you know what we're just gonna switch it up a little bit and it's like Todd Howard had a good idea Tod Howard used to be the goat I mean to Todd Howard has good ideas from time to time but he's a bit of a bit of a Salesman at times and go ahead no no no no go ahead go ahead I'll was say quickly and further because I don't want to go on too long and even further Oblivion is a major like a reason that the souls franchise exists so any like all the from software Dark Souls games Demon Souls came out of um Sony essentially wanting a comp a competitor to Oblivion they they did they did not get it uh that is another story I can tell you guys more off recording but um it's just cool to see uh so many I guess game series or pieces of media that I enjoy a lot kind of have like uh not necessarily A source like a major or like origin P point that helped uh guide their development or played a part of its creation it is crazy to think that there was nothing now I I could I'm speaking completely out of ignorance here I don't think there was anything like this before Lord of the Rings like in terms of media like this maybe in the books obviously everything's inspired off of books but I feel like this was the first one that really did the D the travel through Fantasy Land you know um at least to the to this extent I mean from what I hear um Lord of the Rings really was groundbreaking in terms of it the scope of it and the huge battles and stuff for its time like early 2000s uh before that I I don't think anything had been done to this scale mhm and ages it's really impossible to tell it's like the orig like it it ages so well like there's so many ideas like every sing every scene is a good idea in this it's like crazy and it's like diff it's like that much different like they go up in the mountains it doesn't work because the Wizards are battling then they go on the mines there's some other trouble it's like just so good it's there's like no boring Parts even in the the 4our extended edition it's so good well and the crazy thing is too is like everything you guys have said like this is the first one and no one has been able to approach the greatness of this series since that's why there's no sequel well that and the fact that tolken died and uh his family refuses to give out the IP which rightfully so but no keep that sh um it it's really just fantastic like when you look at the scope the influence that comes from this yeah yeah three uh movie trilogy that's just incredible yeah uh New Zealand is where it was shot oh yeah yeah um they were shot simultaneously which you also don't see very much of anymore unfortunately well it's seemed like we got a little bit of the future clips from probably the second movie in the mirror in the elf like puddle or whatever it's called like there was some fire The Villages were on fire you know yeah I feel like that is going to happen in the second movie or third movie so that's probably the the parallel shooting benefits or they just shot that and saying like hey this is what you're stopping and then they stop it I don't know about that though I'm pretty sure it's a Trilogy so I'm pretty sure that they're going to fail at some point and have to fight the big bad guy yeah yeah I'm like I'm a really big fan of bourier as a character oh yeah because in you know two hours worth of screen time he gets a complete storyline and you understand every single element of it of him being angry at Aragorn to him calling him his King yeah it's really cool it's just like you guys were hating on bro I think bro's really misunderstood like his Greed for the ring is gued differently it's to people yeah what he's seen himself yeah and so cool man I like I like his characters a a lot even though like he he's extremely flaw flawed got got I got it I got it thank you thank you for believing in me uh he's extremely flawed but that's that's not bad thing well it's it's not even mean his character is the most relatable yeah his character is the most relatable it's it's the he is the embodiment of the human greed basically yeah we have these faults we have like this ESS it's very real he is he is very human he is the most human out of anyone in here um and then Aragorn is probably the second most human actually I I won't even say that it's probably one of the hobbits but Aragorn is the is rightfully King he acts like a superhero in in this he's the only one that can like he's he doesn't get tempted by the ring easily he's kind of overcome this he doesn't even want to be king that's a sign of a great king that's come from like a p place like of fear because of knowing history and fearing that he himself like when the time comes would fail uh I guess everybody so it's like he's it's caused him to like distance himself I guess just meditate a lot over the yeah his feelings so he's very much more developed and well put together as a character I I loved him I want I I uh yeah that was fantastic I want to watch the next one rip right now doing that tonight no I kind of want to too bad you Googl run time right now oh dude dude all like one be one minute I'm not doing it one one session no chance okay uh also rip Gandalf uh I know there are going to be bodies this this in this series at this point I just didn't expect it to be I didn't yeah I didn't expect this be the the you shall not pass SC to be the first goddamn movie I didn't expect I mean he at least he took down basically a spawn of Satan no that man took down took down crazy ass demon the was crazy man dude it was funny you were hyping up the whip grabbed G yeah that was like perfect timing so good I want to see more cool magic was cool though oh my God oh my God my favorite character is dead so I'm almost positive in the rings of power which spoilers if you haven't watched it ig's going to have to watch it anyway um you get to see that ball Rock it's like it's like a small little like um Easter egg but it's so cool because it's uh there's so much that I've forgotten because I hadn't watched the movie that's tied into uh the rings of power that I can actually appreciate now like don't get me wrong it has this Series has its flaws but you know the duality of Kad doom and The Duality of the the mind in general is so cool um I guess the parallels is what I'd be looking for there not Duality but I remember watching that show and even if you absolutely hate the show the scene I'm a photographer the scenery in that show you could tell it's the most expensive show ever made or one of I think it still is the most expensive show ever made it is like it's insane it's so good like the shots that they pull off in that show but you you know you could be you know have your I'm excited for season two genuinely yeah like if it's complete horeshit that's fine I remember excited when we watched it I remember saying it was the most beautiful show I've ever seen yeah yeah FS FS I can't contribute to anything will what you're talking about you will be able to soon enough okay but that was awesome I can't wait to watch the next two yeah it's going to be really fun not tonight not tonight ah it was so good it was so worth dang do you have any thoughts Cory uh not really anything you guys haven't covered I was just happy to watch it with you again to go through all the scenes that coacho and igly had knew of but you know didn't have the context behind like the the keep your secrets fro tell that the Gandalf memes you shall not pass um I think as well Bor air like his meme where igly thought he was [Applause] [Laughter] Ned uh that's funny yeah the the soundtrack is going crazy as always from four hours is amazing you know the battle themes to like the softer light-hearted really tugs at the heartstrings um and yeah cinematically you just go to so many different locations really cool to see and they get creative with the camera shots like when the overhead in the uh Forest I don't even know how they did that if they would have used a drone back then or if they used like a zip line CGI it just had to be CGI they use a chicken I it was cool I mean I know there's a lot of CGI like when you're looking at um San's Tower or they have those crazy pan shots or like at the be I forgot about the very beginning of the movie the huge battle um that was insane yeah seeing Sauron get his fies chopped off I wonder if that was no that would they wouldn't put that in extended edition no that's definitely part of the theatrical sweet but yeah that's all I got that was amazing I can't wait to watch it the the next ones no seriously I have no complaints it was so good mhm sweet well 4our recording session in the bag one of the longest of all time definitely worth if you guys enjoyed it hit that like button subscribe hit that notification Bell so you don't miss when our two towers reaction drops again both the two towers and the Return of the King are available on patreon Early Access as long as you're watching this on YouTube that'll be available next week or you can get it now so go check that out and Link for that in the description below you'll also find the full links to this and early access to other shows and movies over there as well there's a link join our free Discord with patreon link in the description as well as links to join our socials check all those out see you guys in the next one see you see you see you

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