Intro yo welcome back to another video today we are going to be taking a look at the top 10 most critical players to the Penn State football 2024 season now these players aren't necessarily going to be the best players on the team but I think the players that are the most critical and important for Penn State to have a championship run coming in at number 10 Kobe King I have middle linebacker Kobe King and originally I actually had Tony Roos uh at number 10 but I was I was watching some tape and I was looking at stat sheet numbers and I'm like I have to have Kobe King on this list because he is at the top of every single stat sheet it's like he was just always making plays and when I'm watching film he's always making tackles Aline around the line of scrimmage and helping out his team just to give you a stat of how dominant Kobe really is especially in that tackle category he led the team in tackles in seven out of the 13 games and if he wasn't leading in those other games he was either second or third for the most part so he has really really came on these past couple years when he first got here a lot of people were kind of skeptical of Kobe and they didn't really know who was going to follow up uh that middle linebacker position after Ellis Brooks left back in 2021 but Kobe King has really settled in and I think has become one of the most underrated players on this entire Penn State football defense coming in at my number nine SL Abdul Carter is Abdul Carter and I think Abdul honestly flat out has the potential to be the best Edge rusher in college football I think a lot of people have seen that he has the athletic ability uh that's why GMS are raving over him and Coach Franklin even said recently he told him back back when Abdul Carter committed that he said to his dad Abdul's probably going to end up playing defensive line here and Abdul and his dad you know would kind of laugh and said all you know we'll see he's going to play linebacker sure enough Here Comes Abdul Carter in his third year playing defensive end now I said he he definitely has the potential to be one of the best I I do think there are some things he does need to work on his hands being the biggest thing your hands are so important as a defensive lineman getting that offensive lineman hands off of you and being able to bend that edge Abdul already has that insane burst and that insane ability to bend that edge now he needs to work on his hands and defining his pass rush moves because now he has to line up over an offensive tackle for 40 50 60 snaps a game he doesn't get to bounce around five six yards off of the line of scrimmage so it's a dog fight down in there and I think Abdul Carter is ready but we need that Presence at defensive end you think back to that Michigan game and I know it didn't go the way that all the fans wanted it to go but at the beginning Michigan came out and tried to pass they didn't come into the game trying to run the ball 30 times in a row like they ended up doing but they had to switch that game plan because chop Robinson deny Dennis Sutton Adis Isaac were just wreaking havoc on their pass game they couldn't do anything that's the type of disruption we need from Abdul Carter this coming season coming in at my number eight spot Drew Shelton I got Drew Shelton tackle uh and Drew Shelton he got his first playing time back in 2022 when Olu fashanu got hurt against Ohio State Drew came in as a true freshman played the last five games that left tackle uh and including that Rose Bowl game really keeping Shawn Clifford and Drew Aller protected uh so he he's really showed a lot of Promise up to this point didn't get to play as much his sophomore year coming into his third year Olu fashanu and Kaden Wallace both left for the draft this past year that's only happened one other time where both tackles left for the draft in Penn State history back in 1996 Keith goon Conlin a friend of the show and Andre Johnson both went in that 96 draft going first round and sixth round respectively uh but look guys I mean Olu fashion and Ken Wallace were absolutely locked down between the two of them they only let up one sack uh and that was only on Kaden Wallace Olu fasion who never let up a sack in his career that is the shoes that Drew Fel that Drew Shelton has to fail so it's not going to be easy at all and I think we also need to lower our expectations a little bit for the beginning of the Season that Drew Aller he's going to be under a little bit of duress the Run game isn't going to be just as good I feel like that hasn't really been talked about I want the fans to kind of be ready for that we lost NORAD we lost Kaden Wallace we lost Olu fashanu that offensive line these young guys are going to have to step up and it's going to start with Drew Shelton at left tackle protecting Drew all's Blindside moving on to my number seven Deni Dennis Sutton most critical player for the Penn State football 2024 season I got Deni Dennis Sutton defensive end I think Deni has really high expectations for this year and this is kind of a theme I feel across especially the defense uh but the whole team there's a lot of guys going in to either that second year or that third year where it's like a okay you know you did really well you got to play in garbage time you know you weren't really a big name no teams were game planning for you uh but now you are the guy Deni Dennis Sutton Falls right in that category last year teams were planning for Chop Robinson Adisa Isaac he got to be that third guy he's the dude now he is the number one Edge rusher he got some help with Abdul Carter coming down from linebacker to the defensive end so they're not really able to put all of their attention on deny but he's going to be the main focus of a lot of offenses game planning away from him uh and honestly rightfully so because his motor is unmatched I think he is has the talent to go top 10 I'll just tell you like you don't hear it up in the stands but Deni Dennis Sutton when he is a rushing tackle he screams and grunts mid rush you just hear the whole way it's the scariest thing when you just I hear him coming like I'll be blocking the guard I look I hear Deni coming out of the corner of my eye I'm like what is happening right now so you know he he has that Elite mindset just that intensity so I know that's there he just needs to make that transition from a very good defensive end to be an elite guy where he is a top 10 draft pick headed in the next season and honestly Deni it kind of has a feel I'd say Deni and Abdul has a really similar feel to chop Robinson and Adisa Denai is that kind of bigger uh Stronger a little bit better in the run defense uh you know similar to Adisa Isaac and then chop Robinson Abdul Carter they look really similar they're the Twitchy guy they're a little bit smaller they have Great Bend uh but they're not as Stout in the Run game so I think we're GNA see a lot of the same stuff we saw last year but I am really excited to see how Deni Dennis Sutton is going to progress heading into this third year and what could really easily be a big time NFL year for him coming in my KJ Winston number six spot I got KJ Winston safety KJ did something last year that no other safety in college football did I don't normally listen to PFF grades but PFF came out and said KJ Winston was the only safety with an 85 Run game grade and a 85 pass game grade meaning that he was the most well-rounded safety in the country uh and you can see why NFL GMS are so excited about this guy uh he did lead the team with 60 tackles this past year uh but you kind of just turn on the tape and he is just a playmaker uh he is constantly in the flats tackling running backs wide receiver screens he is disrupting offenses and he is someone that you have to game plan for now KJ this is most likely uh his last year in Penn State uniform he is going to be headed to the NFL but talking about the expectations for KJ in 2024 I would like to see him have a little bit more Splash plays meaning those turnovers if you look back to Jer Brown who I know was a turnover machine but in 2021 Jer Brown had seven turnovers and then in 2022 came back and had six more turnovers I'd like to see a little bit more of that from KJ Winston and I think that'll really help his help his draft stock too if he's able to make a couple of those Splash plays but if he can get the ball to the offense a couple extra times this coming season he can really help out Drew Aller in the bunch moving on to my Nick Singleton number five spot I got Nick Singleton running back and spoiler alert I do not have KRON Allen on this list because I feel like I know what we're going to get with KRON Allen he is going to be a hard Runner who is going to get those six seven eight yard runs a pop uh and really energize an offense and demoralize a defense uh you know Nick Singleton is a little bit more of that question mark where last year it was kind of like okay we haven't seen that explosiveness he didn't get to break off a huge run and the year before his freshman year you know he was the Freshman Phenom he was coming in it was week two week three and he was breaking off the 7080 yard runs that the fans love to see so very quickly you get accustomed to that you see a guy do that as a freshman and you say you know do it in the Rose Bowl at the highest level you're say okay he's going to come back and do that again and so he struggled a little bit more last year uh and you know I don't think he's all the way to blame for that there is a ton of other factors but I I'm excited for this year you know he has Andy coton Nikki and Andy coton Nikki is one of the most creative minds in all of college football he needs to get Nick Singleton in space and get him the ball I think that needs to be his number one priority because you're looking at the looking at the stats Nick Singleton in 2022 he averaged 6.8 yards per carry fast forward to 23 down to 4.4 yards per carry guys that's pretty significant difference uh so there there's obviously there needs to be you know there's some reason for that I don't think it's all just you know you can't point to one thing but I I think the biggest thing is Andy koton Nikki getting Nick Singleton in a fresh offense having him be excited and be ready to create those explosive plays coming in at the number four spot Tyler Warren on this list I have Tyler Warren tight end and to me Tyler Warren is the most underrated player on this team I don't think he's talked about enough and that's mainly because two years ago overshadowed overshadowed by Britain strange and Theo Johnson and then last year still had to share the lobe with Theo Johnson uh and they they both had seven touchdowns respectively and I you know I think Tyler had the option to leave he could have went in the draft but he decided to come back for one more year and say hey I'm going to be the guy this year and I'm be honest if I have to give one prediction this video my my main prediction is that Tyler Warren will have 10 touchdowns this season I think he's breaking into the double digits and he is going to be Drew all's safety blanket which Drew you know really needs he's you know it's it's been hard in the passing game to really get going and he's always had those tight ends to rely on so I think it it's so vital that Tyler Warren decided to come back that is really going to help this offense out and give Drew Aller that guy to you know say hey I need to Chuck this up I need someone to go make a play for me I trust that Tyler Warren's gonna go do it um we call him Psycho T that is his nickname on the field because he is one of the nicest guys you'll ever see really down to earth I'll put in a photo he is at media day right now as as I record this we got Devon and Jay Reed next to him you know in these really nice outfits and then my man Tyler Warren is in team issued gear and flipflops on the private jet so uh it kind of tells you a little bit about the guy he is he's not high maintenance but I I am really excited to see him get that opportunity to be the guy in this offense I think he's going to thrive and Drew Aller is going to love it coming in Trey Wallace at number three on the list I have Tre Wallace wide receiver and I think the fact of the matter is that Drew alla has to have a number one wide receiver this year uh he can't go another year of not really having too much output from his wide receivers you look at other people around the Big 10 Kyle McCord last year JJ McCarthy they both had number one wide receivers that could bail them out felt like Roman Wilson could make any catch for JJ McCarthy and then we know what Marvin Harrison uh was doing for for Kyle McCord up there uh in Ohio State so he has to help Drew Aller out he needs Trey to have a great year and I think he can do that Trey was supposed to kind of have that year last year he got hurt two different times it didn't really pan out he finally got to play again uh in that Peach Bowl and had a touchdown so definitely showing some promise and you know from the people I've talked to from NFL agents to people inside the facility they're really excited about this kid and the opportunity he presents to get this passing game going uh because it really has been lacking and it's been lacking for years now I want to give you guys the stat Penn State has only had two 1,000 yard receivers in the past 10 years go back to the 2014 season and on uh they have only had two one of those guys was Jan doson in 2021 and pause the video right now and take a guess who you think that other guy was a little bit earlier the only other receiver in the past 10 years to have a th000 yards was Chris Godwin back in 2015 so needless to say it has been a while since we have had you know a true uh number one wide receiver outside of Jan doson uh and we we need to get back to these explosive plays we have to have an explosive offense and just to give I I'm sure you guys have heard coach Franklin use the term explosive plays and I just want to Define what that what that is for you guys an explosive play is a passing play that's over 15 yards or a run play that is over 10 yards so anytime you hear him say explosive plays that is what he means uh and maybe Trey can be that guy where we just Chuck it deep quoting a friend Corey guer uh who this past season asked coach Franklin why don't you just Chuck it deep hopefully we can do that with Trey Wallis this season I'm excited to see what he presents for Drew Aller and Company into my number two spot I got Drew Aller Drew Aller and Drew all to me has not been helped out enough I think some fans have the mindset hey you know I want to move on from him he's not the guy Etc I don't have that mindset I think that he has not been helped out enough from his offensive coordinator and he has not been helped out enough from his wide receiver group uh he has every intangible to be a top three quarterback in all of college football I just don't think he's been put in the right position to do that so far um I've watched the Michigan game I've watched the Ohio State game five six times over and the theme that kind of keeps popping up to me is nobody helping him out it seems like he was just wide receivers were running the wrong routes if he threw a jump ball nobody was making a play for him uh and it just it just felt like he was kind of trying to have to do everything on his own and speaking on his own fast forward to Ohio State when we went to Ohio State tough crowd Drew is in his first year starting and it's really his first big game and he has to sling the ball 42 times against Ohio State at Ohio State you don't ask a first year starting quarterback to do that especially when you have a run game in an offensive line like we had uh and just to put that in perspective Drew Aller has never he's never even thrown for 40 passes in any other game besides that Ohio State game so they really went in there and made him sling it I don't know you know how much you can expect from a quarterback when you put him at a deficit like that uh but you know really it's on Indie Cotto Nikki he has to help J out he has to make him feel comfortable give him reads where you know he is ready to go he is confident in his game I think that's the biggest thing with Andy koton Nikki is making Drew Aller confident uh but at the end of the day this team will only go as far as Drew Aller takes them and I hope that is to a national championship so we will see coming in at the number one spot for Andy Clayton Nikki the most critical player for Penn State football in 2024 is not a player it's Andy coton Nikki uh there is a lot of pressure on Andy coton Nikki to perform this season and perform early on I you know and I think and rightfully so the offense has been a little lackluster these P past couple years I think I'm allowed to say that because I was a part of it the last couple years uh and you know and especially really the passing game The Run game has kind of really started to get going but you know Penn State has only had a QB go over 3,000 yards once since 2018 that was Shan Clifford in the year 2021 uh so you know just giving that fact to say we have not been super explosive in the passing game over the past five six seven years we need to get back to that and I do think Andy koton Nikki can be the guy to get us back to that Joe Morehead realm where it felt like we were popping off a 70 yard pass play uh once a game because of his gadgets because of his ability to put the defense at a deficit uh and you know confuse them with that pre-nap motion and you have guys like Quinton Martin you guys have you know Mari Evans that are speedsters that can really help you out so please use them get them the ball in space Andy coton Nikki uh and you know speaking of Joe Morehead the stat I gave about only having you know one 3,000 yard passer in the since 2018 just want to State this trace murle the years 2016 and 2017 was well over 3,000 yards both years with Joe Morehead so shout out to my guy Joe uh still got a lot of love for him he kind of recruited me here to Penn State but you know I'm just just putting that out there to show you know our offense really hasn't been doing a great job in the passing game we need to get that going and then and then that that plays right off of the Run game if you are successful in the Run game it will open up the pass game uh Andy coton Nikki has to have a balanced successful offense this year that puts the defense at a disadvantage as much as possible to let Drew Aller do what he needs to do and that was my top 10 most critical play ERS for this upcoming Penn State 2024 football season please like comment subscribe below let me know what you guys think of this list give me your own list below any critiques I'm excited to hear it see you next time

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