ATHENA! EPIC: The Musical 'The Wisdom Saga' Reaction

Intro hey everybody my name is l and welcome to the channel so we're doing some more epic the musical this is going to be the wisdom Saga so I was just going to do the same that we normally do the videos that we've been doing but however everybody keeps telling me I should do the live stream version of this Saga so that's what we're going to do today something a little bit different so the songs are going to be legendary Little Wolf will be fine love and Paradise and God games let's jump in and let's have a look at this one so let's jump into this one you can see jge on the left Video Review obviously the the gentleman that made the the songs so let's jump in and do the wisdom Saga let's do this [Music] one okay so we're already starting off I kind of know where we're going so the seven years okay um all right legendary oh we got visuals as well okay okay [Music] it's just me myself and I stuck in my bedroom living in this world you left behind dreaming of all these monsters that I'll never get to fight boy I wish I could so I could bring the world some light cuz I'm stuck with your okay so we're going right back to the start of um The Saga uh obviously he's talking about his dad here disas you know so uh don't forget here was a one maybe maybe one he's been gone for what 20 years by the time he gets home uh the the way the Odyssey works it's not in chronological order there is a Chron chronological order but then it's all mixed up it's just the way sagas are so gives you some background before you start reading and whatever else get into it so okay okay so we know who we're talking about [Music] okay I love J on the on the side there okay he's getting into it too all right [Music] okay okay I fight those monsters is it you all find if so then give me S in a cyclops give me Giants in a Hydra I know life in fate or scary but I want to be legendary I'll fight the haries and Comm the minutes are even Ser I know life F or scary but I to Beary there are Str in our trying to win the okay so he's obviously talking about all the suiters what is there 108 of them or something like that um I mean he had been gone for 20 years you know but I think the the suitos were around for three or four years of that time at the end uh obviously trying to hold out and say Penelope you need to marry somebody you know so uh you can imagine one Stranger in your house is bad enough but 108 that's pushing it that's pushing it a little bit you know come on [Music] is The Men Who call me small they keep taking space and it's not much longer we can St cuz they're getting impatient dangerous too and I would fight them if I was as so Penelope for three years she's kind of been putting these guys off what she said is uh she she does um uh looming you know she makes stuffff uh wonderful stuff apparent so she says when I finish this cloak this This Magnificent cloak I'm making then I will marry somebody but what she does is she does her looming during the day and at night she unpicks it so she has to do all that work again so three years she's kind of been doing it uh and the guys are going come on man we know what you're doing what are you doing let's you know you got to pick somebody and she's like no I got to finish this cloak and it's like no come on we know what you're doing come on so that's why they're getting a little bit impatient a little bit dangerous they're trying to push and push and push um and they're not too not too crash hot on the sun sticking around I mean he is 2021 so he's a man um and they kind of want to push him out basically they want to kill him but anyway [Music] anyway obviously we know who answers this call so I do whatever it takes keep my mom safe if so then give me sovereigns in a cyclops give me Giants in a hyra I know life in fate or scary but I want to be legendary fight the heartbeat and commas the minutes are even S I know life in Fain RIS but I want to be legendary where is he where is the man who have you to life oh wo wo where is he where is the man with whom you spend your life cuz it's been 20 years and we still have no give me a chance a single opportunity and I'll overcome these obstacles and scrutin boy when your [ __ ] of a mother going to choose a new husband why don't you open her room so we can have fun with her whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down son calm down so this character is considered the leader of um the suitors you know so one of the first ones there um I'm one of the first ones to uh yeah we'll get to that sticky end at the end um yeah that's uh that's coming off a bit kind of yikes you know open the door let's have some fun it's like nah n no no no no dare call my mother he's calling her more than that I just did what you going to do about it champ somebody tell me come and give me a sign if I fight this monster is it you all find so oh what's this oh okay that's the next song okay let's um so in the in the original one um it kind of starts off halfway in the actual Saga you know uh telemus is there and he gets visited by Athena who kind of gives him the inspiration to to address the sudas you know to say look it's been so long you've eaten us kind of out of house and home why don't you you know politely bugger off um go back to your own house uh and we'll sort it out I'll take a ship I'm going to go away and I'm going to find word of my father and I'll come back and if he's dead then we'll marry the mother off and if he's not you know then look out kind of thing so um okay so he's already kind of in there story he's already kind of met Athena who he knows straight away he kind of figures it out he's pretty smart like his dad um so she is the one that kind of so that kind of little bird in your ear to kind of give you that inspiration you know to get that bravado to be able to address these guys that are you know hanging around your house so uh they basically have a meeting and they kind of pick on them a little bit but he kind of stands his ground a little bit but um yeah they're not real nice that's for sure they basically you know um plan to to kill him so let's move on to the next one that's a good one okay so we' got a little bit more story of tmus there so what's going on back at home so we kind of touched on it in other sagas you know so um all right let's let's let's continue why don't you open her room so we can have fun with her don't dare call Mother [ __ ] I just did what you going to do about it champ such a gring what are you going to do about it champ sign if I fight this monster is it you I'll fine so if I fight this monster is it you I'll find will he become his father's son that's interesting he's fighting his own monsters you know the might not be cyclopses and whatever else but he's got his own monsters to fight here at home okay okay fight fight to entertain me fight let's see how you take this strike little strike want to be a man then fight little fight little fight you've made your worst mistake here might be your last one too you'll have I've run out of Bones to break when you and I are through I'll teach you all the daddy Cru world doesn't out just for being good so fight little fight want to entertain me fight little fight let's see how you take this strike Little Wolf strike want to be a man then fight little wolf fight little WF fight what die little WF die don't you know it's fight or fly little WF fly all because you had to damn need some [Music] helpa yeah yeah what's going on here is your plan to stand around cuz I suggest you find back I don't know uppercut him now so obviously in the in the Saga it's it's fighting with words it's not physically fighting somebody uh it doesn't come to that but um this is Athena given that you know that inspiration about you know fighting back you know with what you can with your words against these suitors so obviously played out here in uh Mortal Kombat style fighting which is fantastic fantastic so it's that not physically fighting but fighting back in his own way so and obviously with the help of um a Athena there so this time now moving slow no I just made your thoughts quick that is so sick all right now let's try this again i' no respect for police those who that will i' see plenty enough to truly understand this kind of field let's teach this dog a lesson in front of all his kind [Music] one [Music] all Little Wolf they they keep telling obviously in the other Saga um ad dises and these men were called the wolf pack you know fighting against the sharks so obviously Little Wolf is um connection to that so um I'm loving this loving it the visuals obviously add an impact as well but trying to listen to it as well too so um I'm really liking it I'm liking it uh obviously Athena's coming to to uh to see him because obviously she still cares about adus you know as I said this is the middle of the Saga at the start of the Saga which makes total sense obviously um so that's why she's there you know so she's trying to protect adicus and his house so to give his son you know that little bit of you know uh both Boyer his um confidence so to [Music] speak got some fight little wolf fight take advantage now and strike Little Wolf strike don't go down with that I fight little wolf fight Little Wolf get up [Music] ENT oh maybe I pushed you a bit too hard ow go back and cry in your corner make sure your mother he if she won't choose a man to Adorn her will bring Blood and Tears M that's a [Music] threat tell me aena why you came to [Music] my okay so great song great song so obviously we got that um a little bit more backstory there about the struggle that he's been going through too so even though Athena's not been visiting odys is you know she is working for him basically uh back at home you know so all right let's do this one this will be fine okay I had a friend before I must say I must say the vocals in this fantastic f fantastic uh the guy that's doing Telus fantastic vocals I love the piano in it as well too so fantastic and he was a lot like you I helped him fight through War but he had his demons too and then we grew up obviously we know who who she's talking about so and so I F maybe if I made a different call maybe if I hadn't missed it all maybe he'd be fine maybe we' [Music] unwind that's interesting maybe if I made a different call okay approach it a different way okay maybe she didn't miss so much of his adventures [Music] okay I help another Soul maybe if I helped you reach your goal life could be that [Music] right just goes to show how much aysia's plight is affecting her you know so she's trying to help another Soul just happens to be his his son um and maybe I could sleep at night that's that's pretty that's pretty rough for her um okay so she's obviously feeling it quite a lot as well okay that's interesting interesting aena I don't know who your friend is I don't know what he's like but my time with you been splended wait wait wait wait wait wait wait rewind did I miss that hang on a minute hang on a minute um not Little Wolf did she say friend this way she did too that's interesting that she called him a friend and not that mentorship that she was going on about you know interesting he had his demons to and then we grew aart then his went dark and so I thought maybe if I made a different call maybe if I hadn't missed it all maybe he'd be fine maybe we' [Music] unwind maybe if I help another Soul maybe if I helped you reach your goal life could be that right I sleep at night Athena I don't know who your friend is I don't know what he's like but my time with you been Splendid the best day of my life cuz I got in a fight and I didn't die I've never felt strong before you're my friend I couldn't ask for more and so I think maybe if life wasn't spent as planned Maybe it's time thater hand I don't think you might if not his friend than mine maybe to fall is to learn one way may it's all going to turn out great I know we'll be fine I know it's Ah that's such a good passage isn't it you know yeah sometimes when we make mistakes you got to get up and you got to continue on um as he said you know I don't know who your friend is obviously doesn't know you know she's talking about aysus but um you can be my friend and we can do it together you'll find that light that you're looking for a that's so good so you're a good kid thanks well sorry that's obviously not in the in the song but just that oh my God just that love in Paradise okay so this is where the the seven years come in obviously we know who we're talking about so um okay it's been 10 years since I last saw you remember me I am the infamous [Music] oy upon Rance I see I have to see her but we die I know odius where did you go to hear all those bits put together oh my God that hit me emotionally oh my oh my lordo that last a little bit oh my God but will'll die I know that still hits me still hits me oh my godo [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay morning sleepy head you've been resting for a while I swore that you were dead when you washed up on my aisle did you know you talk in your sleep tell me though who's P she's my wife anyways I've got all you could want here all you could need here just you and me my dear My Love For Life soon into bed we'll climb and spend our time I'm not your man you so it is seven years that c so keeps um adicus on this island under her spell you know at night they lay in bed together and during the day he sits on a stone basically looking out at the water at the Horizon you know he knows he where he needs to go but he can't do it he can't get off the island uh so he's obviously miserable the whole time so um and as they said you know it is he is impr prisoned on this island you know he is [Music] doc hell no I could kill you where you stand I'm no pet I'm a married man oh handsome you may try but last I checked goddesses can't die goddess you're adorable bow down now to the immortal Calypso here to entertain but fear not I bring no pain cuz we got all we could want here all we could need here my spell what is that instrument what is that instrument for for Calypso odys where did you go what is that instrument that [Music] one what the hell is [Music] that I think it's um what do they call that drum and they just is that a hand drum pan drum something like that I'm thinking that's what it is sleepy head You' been for a while I you were dead you washed up on my aisle did you know you in your sleep tell me though who's pel she's my wife I think that's what anyways I've got all you could want here all you could need here just you and me my dear My Love For Life tune into bed we'll climb and spend our time I'm not your I'm what you want here I'm what you need here just you and me my love in Paradise now till the end of time from here on out your mind all I could kill you where you stand I'm no pet I'm a married man oh handsome you make they try but last I checked goddesses can't die goddess you're adorable bow down now to the immortal Calypso here to entertain but fear not I bring no pain cuz we got all we could [Music] want God this song is so bloody catchy too exactly like Calypso you know she is known for her singing It's almost like it's uh could be under your spell uh very catchy song no no I don't belong here there's something wrong here I won't be drawn to Love In Paradise not till the end of time there is no way you're mine all [Music] mine years's kept you trapped out of your control time can take a heavy to [Music] Odus I love with um with Athena there's that ticking clock as well it's either going faster or it's going slower depending on what she wants to do with time all I hear our screams Odie get away from the ledge you don't know what I've gone through you don't know what I've sacrificed every comrade I long knew every my friend I saw them die and all I hear are scream to [Music] [Music] I'll see even that even that the song of the godess couldn't take away all this uh pdsd really uh of what he's been through you know so all he hears is screams is coming back to him all the time as he said you know 600 men all gone he watched them all die and and that's not including the the the actual War as well uh 10 years of that as well too so he he's seen some stuff he's seen some stuff that's for sure [Music] oh no not his mother as [Music] well he needs my help oh my god oh oh my God that cry at the end oh my [Music] god father God kely do I ask for favors now I'm knocking on your with hopes to save a friendship with one who's a prisoner far from home so obviously this is you know so this is the I think this is the second God Council in the in the Odyssey uh where she's basically begging for you know Zeus to you know um tell Calypso to let him go you know it's been seven years enough is enough come on that's enough time um so she's obviously going to plead her in the original one she just asks him and he goes well haven't you already planed this out you know sends Hermes to go and you know tell Clips look enough's enough to let him go uh okay let's see how they kind of play out in in uh in this one loving it loving the Saga so far oh my God it has been an emotional right I tell you those little Snippets of you know those voices coming back H H that's haunting haunting Odus divine intervention is that what you seek to untie apprehensions that were placed on that Greek you are playing with thunder for a manful of shame but if he's worth the risk of going under why not make it a game convince each of them that he ought to be released and I'll release him yeah Zeus loves playing a few games here and there that's for sure who's them Apollo H okay follow obviously the the god of archery and uh uh dance and music as well okayest oh no afrodite okay Aries oh the God of War of course it is okay and Hera nice what do you say great very well all right bring it did she just say groovy [Music] okay I love how everybody just starts using his nickname Odie you know it's like okay like they know him or something you know uh okay whatever OD will go with uh obviously the first line there from you know Apollo was you know uh you know I like catchy songs obviously dance and music he is the the the god of as well and obviously the sirens with their their [Music] songs reim them now they'll tread with caution first to live another day and sing another if that's true release them okay so that was pretty easy you know just you know he hurt a couple of the the sirens but they're fine they'll Live Another Day they might be a little bit more careful who they mess with but they'll be fine they'll be fine aest TR is not so aestus is uh the god of fire and blacksmithing obviously with the the the forge there um and volcanoes as well okay and it says there okay the first line all right let's go back a little [Music] bit trust is not given his for why should I given my support his sacrifice don't go H did you forget well okay that's not that's not you know that's not you know uh it's interesting obviously Forge because he is the the god of blacksmithing um but trust trust is earned you know in its Force okay obviously going even deeper with these men as well you know sacrifice those men okay okay kind of broke that that Bond well okay okay sorry we're missing God I got there's so much going on there is so much going on there's so much in this it's like it's ridiculous but fantastic at the same time I should I give my he sacrificed his own go did you forget so obviously you know they actually failed to listen to him a couple of times with the bag of wind and then obviously the cows and sheep remember don't touch the cows and sheep what they do oh yeah we killed a couple of cows yikes um okay and then obviously he imprisoned after that at Calypso which is at the start and but it's in you know you get it you get it it's all over the place but if you make the right decision he can still build a future with those who miss him oh a f reallyis with his wife and son a can still build a life it's not too late 20 years I mean he might be middle age but it's not too [Music] late mother now come on now come on that is low that is okay true but he was you know it was away fighting a war it wasn't his fault oh my God yikes Aphrodite goes for the heart literally P the pun [Music] damn [Music] cyclop wait oh whoa who y I know gods don't really care about me men you know we play things and whatever else but damn that's cold that is cold please consider this really Athena these all tricks is that [Music] Aries yeah cuz don't forget Athena is also goddess of war as well too born from the forehead of uh Zeus fully formed what kind of sick coward holds back his power while his friends get devoured he so that's interesting cuz Aries is also the god of Courage and the first line was uh what kind of uh coward okay so they're all going for the right for the throat and obviously uh what their god and goddesses of okay that's very interesting well done very cleverly done nice what kind of sick coward holds back his power while his friends get devoured he didn't even fight didn't even try to kill her hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done never handles things up front pathetic and weak like his son oh hold your now myoken so his lover is aphrodite um so obviously broken heart commend but damn that's cold Aphrodite that's still cold that is still cold um so obviously he's saying all those things that you know he's done throughout the war you know hiding in the horse and everything else you know uh not up front not in the battle not in the the heart of it so uh interest broken you want more blooded then set him free to get back to his Homestead you'll make everybody bed he's going to make everybody bleed for sure back to the homestead that's it let him go he's got work to do at home yikes love [Music] it hey [Music] baby wait wait wait wait what it's that a disco what the hell what a disco ball why is there a disco why is the disco [Music] [Applause] [Music] music why is it disco music is that why would you have disco music is that because maybe older music it's not modern it's not kind of maybe cuz she is an older God don't forget Hara is the sister and wife of Zeus don't ask don't go there it's complicated uh okay maybe maybe cuz she's one of the the first Gods okay he's pretty skill you can do better than that he's kind of funny never once has you cheated on his why oh damn well I guess technically in this he hasn't technically he did in the original but against his will you know I mean for one with Kyo is under a spell with uh Cersei I mean I guess he did it because Hermes told him and he kind of against his will again and we all know Z if you know anything about Zeus he kind of likes to play the field you know I mean he wants to disguise himself as a bull that's why we have Taurus uh to to uh impress a lady so yikes that's kind of kind of good I kind of I kind of like that okay fighting below the belt the other one's did okay relas him release him yep y I played your game and won release him you dare to Define me he shame no one beats me no one wins my game yeah Zeus doesn't like to get beaten nobody beats Zeus her through the ringer show her I'm the Judgment oh my God is she dead [Music] [Music] damn [Music] what's that that's from an earlier Saga I can't remember which one it is but I know it is I know that music okay somebody let me know they'll obviously you guys will know better than I will [Music] okay let him [Music] go oh damn damn I tell you what oh my God pardon the pun but man that was Final Thoughts a that was a saga and a half that was a s all over the place uh just like the original you know the starts the middle and the ending and you know beginning whatever um a little bit more backstory of their home life what's going on when this is is trying to find his way back home you know they're struggling at home as well too so but he's got a good a good son in his son you know even though he doesn't really know his dad at all like he said you know I have no clue who you are you know just through stories and everything uh but in my heart I feel feel I know who you are you know I feel it um you know and as we learned you know he's pretty clever and he's doesn't you know the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree but uh with that Hut and help from Athena just like aysia's got uh you know he finds that courage that inner courage to to you know repel these suitors so uh and then obviously Athena is working her butt off uh in this Saga you know um looking out for the sun looking out forsus going up against Zeus and the other gods you know to fight for aysia's place in this world uh man that was that was good that was tough those little Snippets of those voices coming back in um in his mind very well done you know invoke that emotional response um just like pdsd you know exactly how it would be so that was an emotional ride emotional ride even though you know living in Paradise with uh lipo you know even through her magical song He's still he's still feeling this he still wants to get home he still needs to see his wife and child that's a strong connection that's a strong bond that you know you can't break so um this one was fantastic this Saga was amazing amazing so um absolutely fantastic man the work they've done is and that that game of gods that last little bit with each God coming up but then kind of the first line is what they're they're the god of you know so uh very clever very cleverly done that was very well done so um that was an amazing Saga an amazing Saga so man the last two sagas have just been actual sagas it's just been oh my God there is so much going on there is so much going if we watched it another five times would pick up some more stuff as well uh but you know a quick going over we kind of got most of the story out there uh but it was fantastic I can't wait for the next one can't wait for the next one so let me know what you guys thought of that thank you very much for joining us today make sure you stay safe and I will definitely see in the next reaction video did you enjoy that video why not watch another one

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