Aussie Sports Fan Reacts to "BIG 10 COLLEGE FOOTBALL STADIUMS"

yeah everybody my name is Lyle and welcome to  the channel so we're continuing our discovery   of college football somebody sent me this link  for Big 10 college football stadium so I know   a lot of people have been saying comments  in the in the comment section uh of video   saying about the capacity of stadiums etc etc  so I thought we'd check this one out so let's   jump in let's do big 10 college football stadiums  uh let's go up until now had been going through   the FBS conferences in a complete is that is a  straight okay somebody's speaking my language   literally speaking my language random order  but due to overwhelming demand I've had to   make the executive decision that allows a big  10 to jump the Q okay actually I don't think   you say Q in America so to cut the line I guess  combined the Big 10 stadiums have a capacity of   around 1 million but that doesn't mean that the  average capacity is 100 ,000 no because there are   of course 14 teams as you'd expect with a name  like big 10 anyway here are the big 10 college   football stadiums Beaver Stadium home of the Penn  State NY Lions the stadium is named after James a   beaver who built the stadium most James a beaver  it's Jame okay I see what you done there okay um   that's what Penn State's called okay beavers build  dams but in this area of Pennsylvania they're a   little more sophisticated that might not actually  be true it's got that dry straying uh comedic W   okay that is a big Stadium holy look at the car  park the thing I love most about this stadium is   that the expansions that have occurred over the  years are very conspicuous you can basically see   how every section has been expanded oh yeah  okay and you've got a bit of everything being   sprinkled in I particularly like the design  of each end zone in the north you have this   big curved upper deck that hovers above the  lower bowl which is a fairly uncommon design   and the South End Zone seating is similar  to that of LSU's Tiger Stadium looks great   the stadium is set for a major renovation that  will bring it into the 21st century oh because   although it looks good on the outside there are  some aspects where it's lacking on the inside okay Camp Rand St so 106,000 that's a lot of  that's a lot of people uh Penn State okay now   there is one I will look at Penn State a little  bit closer too because of the what do they call   that white out I think that's what they call it  we're going to have a look at that a little bit   later as well too home of the Wisconsin Badgers  it's the oldest stadium in the Big 10 in fact   it's named after the Union Army training camp  that occupied the site during the Civil War oh   I'm not usually a big fan of Wars but at least  they kept it civil this one oh my God come on   man do we really need that kind of humor is  another stadium that has a lot going on well   most of the capacity comes from the main it kind  of the end of it with this building here um it   looks very Roman looks very Roman uh okay okay  uming ball once again which is fairly plain and   simple but then you have this sizable upper deck  on the western side that curves its way around   match with the skyox equivalent on the East  the exterior is also completely different on   each side of the stadium and it's not something  I usually mention but they have a very fancy   looking Fieldhouse as well yeah that's what I  was think car park is much smaller than Penn   State well I mean it is what almost 30,000 or  less people but much much smaller okay Maryland   stadium home of the Maryland terrains if like  me you were wondering what a Terrain is y it's   a turtle they chose that name of course because  Turtles are known for their speed strength and Agility I'm not even going to I'm not even going  to say anything man if you're from Maryland I do   apologize um okay now but turtles are cool  this one is a lot simpler than the last two   it's a fairly typical horseshoe design with the  addition of very tall Triple Decker seating on   one of the sides oh yeah and on the other side  they've got this combination of outdoor seating   and luxury suits it looks pretty cool actually I  often very open compared to the last couple that   we've seen very very open now there's more  than 14 teams isn't there does he mean the   top 14 see that that's where it starts to get  confusing in my mind it's like how many teams   what are we talking about it must be the top tier  let me know I know there is another um video I'm   going to do as well which has the three divisions  I think it is um but we'll get to that in at   another stage so okay note how some stadiums have  an exterior that's reminiscent of a parking garage   but this one literally has a parking garage as the  exterior behind the West End Zone which is very convenient kinck Stadium home of the Iowa hawy  69 it's named after Nile kinck I believe it's   the only College Stadium named after a Heisman  Trophy winner which is very surprising and yet   they've got one that's named after a beaver  called James this sort of design is somewhat   uncommon in college football given that it's made  up of four individual stands that aren't connected   oh but those stands do have quite a traditional  look to them with a red brick facade for the   most part but what the stadium is most well known  for can't be seen from the outside the V is this   the one with the Children's Hospital visitor's  locker room is completely pink which is done to   put the away team in a passive mood I mean how  fired up can you get when you're surrounded by   Pink it also has been known to increase their  concern for having their Nails broken it even   extends to the bathroom which might not be in  the spirit of sportsmanship but it is kind of   funny I wonder what would be crossing the line  could you constantly have K-pop music playing   in the rooms that's like the audio equivalent  of the color pink well to be honest I don't   even know what it sounds like but just look  at that yes that [Music] is I'm I'm sure it's   Iowa that let me know man we just did that in  the video I cannot remember that wave to the   the children's hospital I'm pretty sure Memorial  Stadium home of the Illinois fighting illan this   one's a little different it has a very elegant  Neo classical design particularly the exterior   oh yeah it looks like something you'd see in  the ivy league in fact it kind of looks like a   combination of Harvard stadium and Franklin Field  oh my God they look like the I've never SE in the   outside of that lookss like the Coliseum actually  the Coliseum something that's quite fascinating   about this stadium is that during construction  way back in the 20s heavy rain caused one of   the bulldozers to sink into the field they decided  that it wasn't feasible to remove it so it remains   there to this day wait is that right is that  true let me know I so many jokes this guy's   got who knows what he's like telling the truth  what the heck ill ill is that what it's called   fighting illan that doesn't sound right yes it's  tragic but at least the bulldozer driver was able   to memorize the owner's manual in English French  and Spanish before he died from asfixiation here's   a quick learner although he did have a bit of  trouble with the Japanese section it almost   looks fake cuz it's so pristine the the field  and everything and that's impressive field I am   of course joking nobody was buried alive  with the bulldozer but I do really like this Stadium Memorial Stadium home of the Indiana  husers first impressions are that this Stadium   isn't anything out of the ordinary and then you  look behind each of the end zones to the South   there's a miniature version of the field and to  the north you notice a spectacular Cathedral or   castle like building what stunning although as  with many college stadiums The Southern End Zone   was recently expanded so now it looks like this  sadly the little baby field was crushed yes it's   tragic but it was able to memorize what concrete  smells like before it died from asphixiation the   interesting thing about this stadium is that  those huge stands to the East and particularly   to the West they've been here since the stadium  was built except there was literally nothing   else it was just grass behind each Endzone wow  that is definitely changed wow kind of like that   okay Memorial Stadium home of the Nebraska Corn  Huskers for being just humble Corn Husker folk   they've done quite well for themselves they've  built themselves a magnificent stadium with   grand facades on each side very impressive on the  inside it looks just as good and the Eastern stand   technically has five tiers of seating which you  certainly don't see every day that's talk about   the nose bleed wow that's pretty high behind each  end zone you have these huge stands which look   pretty cool and I suppose I should mention that  on game day the stadium itself becomes the third   biggest city in the great state of Nebraska now  a couple of people did say that um that happens   that's that's crazy that is crazy isn't it I mean  it just looks amazing and I keep hoing on it's   College I still trying to get that that fact you  know in my brain and wrap around and whatever else   we have nothing like this here it's crazy it is  crazy although it's it's not a city it's a stadium   within a City Nebraska doesn't have many sizable  cities I think is the main point because as the   legendary Nebraskan poet Douglas McNugget once  said you can't grow corn in a concrete jungle so true okay Michigan Stadium now this is where we  saw um them doing Mr bright side um okay it's kind   of okay it's not very tall this day greens let  me start out by mentioning that it's the third   biggest stadium in the world and the biggest  outside of Asia so that's fairly impressive   in itself but the Stadium's sunken design  means that from the outside you'd hardly   notice anywhere near that size it really  does look like a sunken bow doesn't it   okay the design although it looks pretty good  is very very simple it's just a single tiered   bolt with Sky boxes on either side of I mean  if it works it works you get a 107,000 um and   to see everybody in there it's fantastic sight  field in fact the most unusual thing about it   is that it's almost perfectly symmetrical  an anomaly in college football the stadium   holds numerous attendance records as you  might expect including the largest college   football crowd that wasn't held in a NASCAR  track which was a little over 115,000 wow 115,000 Jesus that's crazy Ohio stadium home  of the Ohio State Buckey you see I know that   a sunken field design is more cost effective and  I guess it would be safer if an earthquake were   to occur but you've just got to love an imposing  exterior like that yeah just look at it I mean I   like that sunken Bowl that's unique in itself  but when you drive up to it and you see this   thing you know towering above you that's a  different feel as well it's a fortress I'm   surprised there isn't a drawbridge that would  be pretty cool actually this little section   was inspired by the pantheon in Rome but the  entire Stadium itself was clearly inspired by   something less opulent that being the shoe of a  horse oh yeah yeah it definitely does look like   one well it did did say there was a horseshoe  design um okay again the field looks you know   perfect shape in fact before the southern end was  filled in it was the king of all horseshoes now   it technically isn't a horseshoe Stadium even  if it is its nickname but one thing that isn't   in doubt is that it's a very impressive Stadium  I really do like it it is a fortress look at it   Ross Aid Stadium home of the Purdue boiler makers  okay that is a very specific nickname but I like   it you've got to be tough to make a boiler well  perhaps not these days the state is it off season   cuz the field looks completely different  to the other ones maybe it is maybe they're   resurfacing it or whatever they do with field  as you can see is that rudimentary single tier   horseshoe style that you see here and there it's  probably the simplest stadium in this conference   but for some people that's ideal but the stadium  south end zone is a little unusual this section   used to have bleaches but I guess it's just  this guy's private parking space now oh damn okay Ryan Field home of the Northwestern  wild okay now this one's got a bit more   going on it's another one with a fortress just  like grand entrance with two big white towers   that can be seen from inside the stadium it's  the smallest Big 10 stadium in terms of seating   capacity and some of that seating is a little  strange the main stands Upper Deck curves both   from the bird's eye view and the side on view  which is quite uncommon uhoh and what's with   this section it seems like they should have  just continued with the Curve H don't know   weird angle like it should be kind of Twisted  a little bit that's a weird angle for that   end what the hell I don't know if you've ever  sat there let me know what the viewing Point's   like kind of looks like it's kind of off but I'm  sure there's a reason it's definitely a unique   Stadium you've got to give it that wild cats  she Stadium home of the r Scarlet nights 52,000   no obvious medieval inspired architecture with  this one it's all fairly normal on the outside   but it does have a cannon however so that's good  it's fired when the Scarlet Knights score but I   presume it also comes in handy when a drunken  spectator runs onto the field that actually   sounds like fun something else that's a little  unique is the red tin roof section that wraps its   way around the North End Zone seating as well as  this little section of the South End Zone that's   actually the recruit recruiting Lounge other  than that fairly straight recruiting Lounge for   what for the football ruas I'm sure I've heard of  rutkus before probably for movie but a good one I know Spartan Stadium home of the Michigan State  Spartans 75 this stadium has a very clean design   it would even be perfectly symmetrical just  like the other stadium in Michigan if it was   wasn't for this builtup side over on the  west that was added in 2005 I like it it's   modern yet traditional and it's the only side  of the stadium with a particularly goodlooking   exterior the rest is a bit me it may come  as a bit of a shock but due to this section   the stadium is actually the tallest building  in the city provided you exclude those Smoke   Stacks over there and to be fair the city has a  smaller population than the Stadium's capacity   so it's not much of wait what  how does that work out okay brag and finally TCF Bank Stadium home of the  Minnesota Gophers it's the newest stadium in   the conference although you might not be able  to tell just by looking at it they have tried   to stick with a traditional college football  aesthetic kind of I mean there weren't really   any designs quite like this in the 1920s but the  exterior is still fairly classical looking with   the extensive use of one actually you also get a  decent view of the Minneapolis Skyline from some   Vantage points which is always good the stadium  is designed to be able to seamlessly expand in   the future if need be and you can just tell by  looking at it where the additional seating might   be added yeah it's a great Stadium to end with  and that's all for today's video If you enjoyed   please consider subscribing thanks for watching  have a good one some of those obviously some of   those uh stadiums are huge um but again  obviously it comes down to the the Big 10   I'm assuming that's the um the actual football  teams not the the stadiums cuz I know there's   a few more stadiums bigger than those ones so  uh obviously Michigan is the the biggest one   so third largest in the world that's crazy that's  great I mean I keep I know I keep hopping on and   everybody keeps hopping on it as well you know  college and whatever but just to kind of get my   brain around that you know there that you know  step behind the what you call the professionals   um but it's probably bigger than the NFL uh I  know people keep saying you know oh we you know   we like our college football better than the NFL  uh and I could probably see why as well too so   um especially if you ever go to any of these  colleges as well you know you've got to have   that that loyalty to that to that college so  man that was very interesting some of the jokes   a little weird but um I mean here's Australian  what can you expect um but um good information   and that good aerial view footage of some of  those stadiums as well uh it's amazing how   you can take something like a stadium where  in theory they're all the same you know sit   people so you can see the the game that's going on  but they always have their little you know their   little quirks and their little charms and you  know even just the the way that they shape the   actual Stadium as well changes slightly as well  um man that was very interesting very interesting   so obviously there's a lot more stadiums to see  than that as I said we do have some more videos   coming in with the the divisions explained which  I don't understand at the moment but um I'm sure   we'll get to the end of that as well or to so  um and I do have other videos coming out as   well if you have suggestions uh for my college  football Discovery Journey let me know down in   in the comment section there uh I'd definitely  love to have a look at them so let me know if   you enjoy this one guys thank you very much for  joining us today make sure you stay safe and I   will definitely see you in the next reaction video  did you enjoy that video why not watch another one

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